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#292984 in Books 2013-06-17Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .72 x 6.00l, .94 #File Name: 1490439455286 pages | File size: 53.Mb

Norman Spinrad : The Iron Dream before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Iron Dream:

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Meta all the way down.By Peter S. BradleyThis is an odd book. The meta-ironies piles up on meta-ironies as icon of the 1960s, Norman Spinrad, takes a turn toward the weird…or the tasteless.This book purports to be classic science fiction novel written by Adolph Hitler in a world where Hitler immigrated to the United States and became embedded in the science fiction world of the early 20th century. Nursing his dreams, Hitler eventually produced a science fiction masterpiece called "The Lord of the Swastika." The Iron Dream is itself divided into three parts. In the first, we are treated to a biographical sketch of Hitler’s life, including his stint as an editor of a fanzine before writing his masterpiece. The third is an extended scholarly treatment of Hitler’s epic which considers the meaning of the book and Hitler’s psychology in writing The Iron Dream.The greater part of the book is Hitler’s masterpiece. It involves Feric Jagger, a man who marches out of a wilderness genetically blighted by a nuclear war to the pure human state of Heldon. In Heldon he finds both corruption and inimical and secret power of the Doms – a mutant race with the ability to power to subvert human into “patterns of dominance.” Jagger leads a rebellion, discovers that he is the heir to the power of the Great Truncheon of Held and leads a true Human campaign to cleanse the world of racial mongrels and subhuman mutants.In other words, it is a thinly veiled roman a clef of Hitler’s actual life.The book is the Mary Sue book that Hitler would have written if he had been a frustrated fanzine editor in Milwaukee. The writing is good, but the storyline is ponderous and obvious. There are no subtleties in the story and absolutely no nuance or subtext. The story is as wooden and dense and obvious as many other science fiction book written during the Golden Age of Pulp. The best part of the book for a history buff is mapping the story onto actual history and figuring out who in the book represents what in history.It is hard to recommend this book. It is certainly a classic in its way, but the point of the joke is not to be an entertaining read, but, rather, a long, drawn out joke. That said, however, I thought it was eerie how much sense the Hitlerian world view made in the context of a science fiction novel. There have been numerous stories about pure humans striving to maintain humanity in the face of mutations, where the mutants are the bad guys whose eventual extinction is kind of a good thing. I found myself a little chagrined at thinking how I had rooted for “our side” in those stories when that storyline was grafted on to .So, this might be a worthy read simply for the sake of saying you’ve read it. This book was never going to win any awards and it will never be on anyone’s list of the 50 best books of anything.9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. A brilliant piece of , but the Kindle edition is terribleBy MN GardenerI feel conflicted about giving this book a one star review, because it is a brilliant piece of satire, not only of early science fiction, but also of the Third Reich. The book achieves this by Spinrad's in which Hitler immigrates to the United States rather than seizing power in Germany, and becomes an illustrator for science fiction stories, eventually writing his own science fiction work: The Iron Dream (It has a different name within the book itself, oddly enough.) It follows in a bizarre manner the rise of the Third Reich, except it focuses on an 'enemy' everyone loves to hate, mutants in a nuclear wasteland, oppressing the 'true men,' who remained genetically unaltered by the . The afterword is especially brilliant, in which an invented academic deconstructs the work and states how such an event (Hitler's rise to power) could never take place in the 'real world.' It is very gory and over the top, but at the same time, the ending ties it all together brilliantly. I'd give the book about a 4.5/5, although I admit I was growing tired of the blood and gore near the end. (It was justified, however, by the afterword, which boosted the score back up.)This being said, the Kindle version, especially at its current price point, is riddled with blatant errors. I saw a review warning about such things, but since the review in question was two years old, I naively assumed these errors had been rectified. This is not the case. There is at least one typographical error on every page, from a missing space, to a crudely misspelled word, to an embarrassing abundance of misspellings of the name of the MAIN CHARACTER. "Feric" is often incorrectly spelled as "Peric" or "Ferie," almost as if the book had been crudely scanned and slapped into a PDF format. Other characters names are also frequently misspelled. There is also a curious collection of 3 keystrokes which appears an infuriating amount of times in the text:( '" ), usually at a point where there is supposed to be some sort of punctuation mark. This odd collection of characters appears at least 50 times in the text, often mid sentence. This clearly shows that whoever created this Kindle edition either did not care, or did not bother to proofread this at all. If the book were 99 cents, I would really not have paid it much heed, but since it was an eight dollar book, I found this to be a major frustration.I hope this is not the beginning of a trend of laxity when it comes to proofreading electronic formats of books.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. If it does you might end with a better understanding of how people were influenced in real lifeBy iDaveThis is very different from anything else I've read. Even after I'd finished it I wasn't sure what I thought. I suggest you read it for yourself and make up your own mind.Pay attention to how you feel as you read. You might find it interesting on a personal level as to whether or not the book induces you to sympathize with the main character and his cause. If it does you might end with a better understanding of how people were influenced in real life. Or not.But in any event it is certainly an entertaining read.

"IF WAGNER WROTE SCIENCE FICTION THIS IS THE WAY HE WOULD DO IT." — Harry Harrison Renowned science fiction writer 's winning novel! Ferric Jaggar mounted the platform. A swastika of flame twenty feet high stood out in glory against the night sky behind him, bathing him in heroic firelight, flashing highlights off the brightwork of his gleaming black leather uniform, setting his powerful eyes ablaze. "I hold in my hand the Great Truncheon of Held. I dedicate myself to the repurification of all Heldon with blood and iron, and to the extension of the dominion of True Humanity over the face of the entire Earth! Never will we rest until the last mutant gene is swept from the face of the planet!"

About the AuthorNorman Spinrad is the author of over twenty novels, including the acclaimed BUG JACK BARRON. He is a multiple nominee for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards for science fiction achievement, an American Book Award Nominee writer, and winner of the Prix Apollo. He has written scripts for Star Trek and produced two feature films. He has also published over 60 short stories collected in half a dozen volumes, and his novels and stories have been published in over a dozen languages. He has been President of Science Fiction Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA) three times. He is a tireless campaigner for authors' rights and is the creator of the "model contract" now in use by several writers' organizations. He's been a literary agent, President of World SF, briefly a radio phone show host, has appeared as a vocal artist on three albums, and occasionally performs live. He is a long time literary critic, sometime film critic, perpetual political analyst, and sometime songwriter. He grew up in New York, has lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Paris, and travelled widely in Europe and rather less so in Latin America, Asia, and Oceania.

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