Gibraltar As a Naval Base and Dockyard Index References To
1 Transactions of the Naval Dockyards Society, volume 2: Gibraltar as a Naval Base and Dockyard Index References to illustrations are in italics. A Admiralty Labour Section 74, 75 Adventure, HMS 23, 24 Aetna (bomb), HMS 83 Agamemnon (64), HMS 83 agents victualler and victualling agents instructions for 56 responsibilities of 56–7 salary of 60 victuallers to the fleet 63 Victualling Board, see Victualling Board see also Bolton, Thomas; Brown, Nicholas; Cutforth, James; Ford, Richard; Heatley, David; St Michel, Balthazar; Vaughan, ?; Wilkie, Patrick; Wills, William; Yeo, James Alexandria Dockyard 73 working party of final year apprentices (1941) 74 Algeçiras, Bay of 10 British attack on (1727) 36 hospitals at (1726) 32 magazine at (1726) 32 Algiers: Barbary regency 11, 12 Allin, Sir Thomas 23 Ann transport (1800) 62 Antigua: water collection at 84 Aranjuez, Convention of 52 army, British —regiments Bissett’s regiment 32 25th Foot 42 2 29th Foot 42 72nd Foot 39 73rd Foot 38 —battalions Clayton’s 35 Guards 35 Artois, Charles Philippe, Comte d’ 41 Assistance transport (1800) 61 Atkins, Samuel 27 describes Gibraltar (1682) 23 Ayde, General Sir John 67 Aylmer, Matthew 20 B Bacon, Admiral Sir Reginald 67 Baden-Powell, George 67 Baker, John, commands Sallee squadron 13 Baltimore (Co. Cork): attacked by Barbary corsairs 9 Barbary Coast: relations with Britain after the Treaty of Utrecht 32 Barlow, Robert 59 Beckman, Martin, Tangier Master Engineer: on the advantages of Gibraltar 24 Belleisle (74), HMS 83 Bellerophon (74), HMS 83 Bellona (74), HMS
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