Closely Connected with the Raw Material

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Closely Connected with the Raw Material The Triangle Region Food Food 3,700 Food firms in Closely connected with the Triangle Region the raw material Food is a globally recognised Danish processed to a great extent at the position of strength in Denmark and companies in the Triangle Region. In the the demand among other things food Triangle Region we are closely connec- security, sustainability and advanced ted with the raw material, and we have food products and food technology great food firms who lead the way in are increasing steadily. Denmark has proportion to the processing, and they a strong reputation regarding healthy form the basis of Denmark’s image as 26,000 high-quality food, and these healthy an exporter of safe and healthy food. food products are manufactured and jobs within the food sector in the Triangle Region The Triangle Region Food The Triangle Region has a strong capability within the field of food products In the Triangle Region the ecosystem are registered in the Triangle Region. for food products is conspicuous. In The area indeed counts several large Vejen Municipality there is a national and globally-oriented food firms such position of strength within food pro- as Carlsberg, Easy Foods, Skare Meat duction and safety. In Vejle Municipali- Packers K/S, Danæg, Arla Danish ty they are adding another layer to the Crown, Tulip, Danpo and others. The Triangle skilled business talent within the field Eurofin’s European headquarters for of food products with the new Food lab tests/food safety is also located Region is an Innovation House which is a position in Vejen Municipality and is one of the important factor of strength here. Both in Fredericia and largest companies in the area with 700 Haderslev there are breweries which employees. Furthermore, it is a sub- in the region’s supply the entire world with beer. In structure of a closely related occupati- strong position Kolding, Billund and Fredericia there on, where different forces are mutually are transport and distribution capaci- supportive. within the food ties which support the export of the industry multitude of food products. Finally, the In 2013 the food firms in the Triangle educational institutions EUC Lillebælt Region had total sales of 76 billion and the Design School in Kolding have DKK. The export amounted to 15,8 bil- education and training for growth in lion DKK, which on the one hand bears the food industry. In overall terms, witness to an occupation with strong wherever we look in the Triangle Regi- international competitiveness, but at Region for logistical reasons. More- on, it constitutes a basis for collabora- the same time, it also bears witness over, there is also a very exciting layer tion and further growth within the food to an occupation subject to strong of large companies which are a little industry. international competition. smaller and that are highly specialised and operates globally on the markets The Triangle Region is an important The Triangle Region is characterised in progress. In general, the compani- factor in the region’s strong position by large production units within the es provide a great value creation per within the food industry. In 2014 more areas of slaughterhouses, dairies, employee and have a very significant than 26,000 people were employed in breweries and bakeries. Units which export. one of the total 3,700 food firms that are exactly located in the Triangle The Triangle Region Food Clusters of food products sprouts and grow Apart from the strong food industry, works - for example, the Madvaerket the Region of Southern Denmark has with more than 50 members and the also experienced some emerging Fødevareklubben with more than 350 cluster initiatives and other emerging members arrangements. Particularly in the Tri- Ecology also plays a major role in the In the Triangle angle Region, there is a long tradition Triangle Region with several organic Region, there is of collaboration and organisation within food networks, and more and more ac- a long tradition the food industry that gives this area tive producers of organic food appear a special position. The area counters on the scene. of collaboration several well-established food net- and organisation within the food in- dustry that gives this area a special position. International mindset A condition that stands out is that global base of knowledge which is an and mindset, making the Triangle food firms in the Triangle Region are in obvious strength when the companies Region interesting as the location for general very international and globally must commit themselves to a market international food firms. oriented. Many of the companies are that is increasingly global. Many of large and operate on global markets, the companies also have strategic Finally, we must never forget that the and therefore they also have immedi- and financial resources to operate Triangle Region has a central geographic ate access to knowledge of the global and execute on large, remote and location in Denmark, where a large mar- market development and the oppor- multiple markets, which both reduces ket (including Hamburg) can be reached tunities that it opens, as well as the their vulnerability and open growth within a few hours, which makes the area conditions that can weaken their com- opportunities. The presence of such interesting. petitive situation. For this reason, the companies also means that there is a Triangle Region is an area with a high pool of employees with global insight The Triangle Region Food A short way to the supply chain Even the access and proximity to The Triangle Region attracts large ingredients of the highest quality as production units (slaughterhouses, well as the proximity to the leading dairies, bakeries, breweries), because packaging suppliers on the market — the raw materials from the primary such as Smurfit Kappa in Kolding has production are here, or because it made the Triangle Region the obvious gives easy access to the market. choice for many companies when choosing a place to establish their food firm. 22.2% of all ndustrial workers are employed in the food industry 2 hours 1 hour Aarhus Vejle Billund Copenhagen Fredericia For further information regarding Vejen Food in the Triangle Region, Kolding Middelfart Odense please contact: Haderslev Mikkel Johansen Senior Consultant, Business Development T +45 7979 7945 M +45 2158 0866 E [email protected] Hamburg The Triangle Region is a region located in the middle of Denmark and consists of 7 municipalities, Billund, Frede- ricia, Haderslev, Kolding, Middelfart, Vejen and Vejle. Within 1-2 hours you can reach major cities as Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense.
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