Week 1 • Sept. 8/9, 2012 • One Another (Bob Merritt) INTRODUCTION People are flawed; we’re flawed, our friends are flawed, our family and co-workers are flawed. What’s crazy is that it’s better to live with these flawed people than to live without them. We’re not created to live alone; we’re created to live with one another. In fact, the phrase one another occurs 59 times in the New Testament. And one of the ways the Bible calls us to live with one another is to love one another. But what does that mean? What does it mean to love the flawed people who often drive us nuts? Below are some questions that will help you discuss this past week- end’s message about loving others.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. In Genesis 2 God said, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” Do you believe that? Why do you think God said that? Have you ever felt alone? Explain. 2. Can you think of a few people who drive you nuts? Is it easy or hard to love them? Explain. 3. There are three different Greek words for love: , Phileo, and . Eros refers to erotic or romantic love. Phileo refers to brotherly love. And agape is the word the Bible uses most often and refers to a type of love that’s not a feeling but a behavior. When you think of love which word do you most associate with? Which one is easier to do? Harder? Why? Give some examples of time when you’ve needed to agape love someone that you didn’t really like. 4. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-5. Take time to reflect and talk about each example of what agape love is and isn’t in that verse. From those examples what action is easy for you to live out? What action is more difficult to live out? Do you ever feel like doing those things? Why do you think those things are important to do in relationships? 5. Jesus was devoted to only a few people. He had his home team. Who is on your home team? Take a few minutes and make a list. Order that list. Are the top 3 people on that list getting agape love from you? The love they deserve from you? Are people not on that list taking away love from those who are on that list? 6. Read Ephesians 4:25. Is speaking the truth easy or hard for you? Why do you think it’s important to speak truth to those you love? Why do you think it’s harmful to not speak truth to those you love? Read Ephesians 4:15. What’s the difference between speaking truth in love from just speaking the truth with no love? Give some examples. 7. Read Ephesians 4:2. What does that verse mean? What’s the difference between speaking truth in love when it comes to harmful behavior and overlooking each other’s faults? What are some faults that your home team people have that you need to look over?

THINK ABOUT IT COMMIT TO MEMORY We’re created to live in relationship with others. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or These others, including ourselves, have flaws and boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand faults. Despite that, we’re still called to agape love its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no them—whether we feel like it or not. Agape love is record of wrong.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 an action. Let’s all commit to growing in agape love for one another! [email protected]