22nd Issue, February 2017

Lionel Messi : “I have touched ’s greatness”

1 Table Of Contents


Efforts for overcoming climate change enhanced

Egypt, Kenya agree to hold 7th joint committee meeting in 2017

Sisi has absolute confidence in ’ abilities

Egyptian-Irish Relations Promoted

Messi in to promote Tour n’ Cure program for Hepatitis C

Six million visitors as Cairo International Book Fair 2017 opens

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Sisi has absolute confidence in Egyptians’

abilities In This Issue

Sisi to Egyptian football team: You’ve made us happy Chairman of SIS Ambassador Salah A Elsadek Museum of Islamic Art defeats terror

Editor-in-Chief Abdel Mo’ti Abu Zeid Messi in Cairo to promote Tour n’ Cure program for Hepatitis C

Executive Editor Nashwa Abdel Hamid

Editor Mostafa Ahmady

Layout Shimaa Abd El-Sabour

Rami Ahmed Contact us Letter from Cairo

Cover State Information Service (SIS) A bi-monthly periodical on the Foreign Information Sector current political, economic, Rami Ahmed and cultural developments in Address: 3 Al Estad Al Bahary St. - Nasr Egypt. City, Cairo.

Tel: 22617304 - 22617308 - 22617358 Issued by: Web Site :www.sis.gov.eg Foreign Information Sector E-mail :[email protected] State Information Service Arab Republic of Egypt

4 Editorial Egypt and Africa … Harmony of Goals

Egyptian-African relations witnessed a remarkable breakthrough since President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi assumed office three years ago as evidenced by the President’s effective participation in the African Union summits and bilateral meetings with African heads of state as well. President Sisi spared no effort in defending the interests of African nations in international fora through Egypt’s non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council. In this line came the President’s participation in the 28th African Union Summit which took place from 22 to 31 January 2017 under the theme “Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in the youth”. The current issue of “Letter from Cairo” covers the activities the monthly Youth Conference which was held in the idyllic city of Aswan during which the President pointed out to the State’s keenness on achieving progress to meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people, especially youth. Barcelona star Lionel Messi’s visit to Cairo to participate in the country’s “Tour n’ Cure” medical campaign aiming to promote medical tourism in Egypt features high in the issue at hand. Following a tour in the Pyramids area, Messi said “I have touched Egypt’s greatness and knew how the ancients have lived, it’s a brilliant moment to watch the history closely”. The current issue of “Letter from Cairo” also includes a wide array of positive developments in Egyptian economy, culture, arts and sports.

5 Efforts for Overcoming Climate Change Enhanced

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi (center) hands over leadership of AU climate change committee to Gabon’s president. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi while striking a balance between said that he was honored to chair efforts to cope with this phenomenon the Committee of African Heads of and the right of developing countries State and Government on Climate to achieve their development plans, Change over the past two years where said the President. coordination at the regional level President Sisi noted in his speech was maintained over issues related at the African Summit that Africa is to climate change. Addressing the the least party responsible for the African Summit in his capacity as escalation of climate change. Even the chairman of the committee, though it is the most harmed from the President Sisi added that several effects of this phenomenon. Africa, international meetings were held added the President, is paying the over that period atop of which was highest price due to the adverse the Paris Conference in December impact of climate change such as 2015 which resulted in outlining the spells of drought and desertification bases for international collective along with the increase of the sea handling of the challenge of climate level, let alone floods that are change in the coming phase. plaguing southern and eastern The outcome of the conference African countries. was meant to enhance efforts for The President highlighted the overcoming climate change and importance of pooling all efforts contribute to minimizing its effects together and coordinating stances 6 for achieving the African interests Chairing the meeting of the during the process of international Committee of African Heads of State negotiations, adding that he was on Climate Change (CAHOSCC), keen during his chairmanship of the Sisi said Egypt is ready also to offer committee to enhance frameworks of all needed technical support for the coordination at the various African initiative with an aim to bolster levels and guarantee massive development in Africa. participation in consultations on The President said this stance issues related to climate change. conforms with Egypt’s vision on Sisi chairs meeting of African leaders realizing sustainable development committee on climate change and promoting cooperation and President Abdel Fattah El- integration among African states. Sisi chaired the African leaders Sisi highlighted the importance of committee concerned with climate the meeting in view of the outcome change. Sisi presented Egypt’s of the Marrakech Climate Change report during its presidency of the Conference, Presidential Spokesman committee on efforts exerted on the Alaa Youssef said. He underlined regional and international arenas the importance of ongoing efforts to over the past two years. During confront climate change challenges Egypt’s presidency of the committee, in Africa, adding that Egypt as the Egypt launched an initiative to committee’s coordinator launched collect necessary funds to stand up to the Africa Renewable Energy challenges of climate change. Egypt Initiative (AREI) and the Africa also launched another initiative Adaptation Initiative (AAI). to increase the African countries’ He added that Egypt hosted allocations for the e-economy. meetings of the technical working Egypt, in its capacity as head of groups of the two initiatives over the African leaders committee, the past two years. President Sisi took part at Paris Conference and stressed that Egypt would continue Marrakesh conference as part of its supporting the committee despite efforts to garner support for climate the end of its chairmanship term. change funds. During the meeting, He wished success for the Sisi handed over the committee’s Gabonese president who will chair presidency to Gabonese President the committee. Ali Bongo. African agreement on combating Egypt ready to host AREI meetings corruption signed until 2020 President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi th President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi signed during the 28 Ordinary said Egypt is ready to host meetings Session of the African Union in of the Africa Renewable Energy Addis Ababa the African agreement Initiative (AREI) board until 2020. on combating corruption. The move reflects Egypt’s keenness on attaining 7 tangible progress in combating the African Union’s Agenda 2063, progress and abiding by regional and Sisi said. intentional criteria in this respect. Sisi also hailed a preliminary President Sisi also attended the report on the AU reform presented opening session of the summit, which by Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. saw the election of a new commission He added that Egypt attaches great chairperson to replace outgoing importance to the issue of structural leader Chad’s President Idriss and administrative reform of the Deby. The President also attended African Union, its institutions and the celebration to honor Egyptian its commission for its direct impact scientist at the National Research on the AU’s ability to achieve the Center Ali Hebeish, who received common interests of the African Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award. countries. Egypt full support for African economic Sisi, Desalegn stress utmost importance integration efforts affirmed of boosting ties between Egypt, President Abdel Fattah El- Ethiopia Sisi affirmed Egypt’s full support President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to efforts exerted to achieve and Ethiopian Prime Minister African economic integration and Hailemariam Desalegn asserted accelerate negotiations on launching the utmost importance of enhancing a continental free trade zone in bilateral relations between Egypt accordance with the decision of and Ethiopia and boosting the mutual the 2015 Johannesburg Summit. confidence. The assertion came in a Addressing a closed session of the joint statement issued following talks African Summit, Sisi said Egypt was between Sisi and Desalegn in Addis keen to host the summit of the three Ababa on the sidelines of the African economic groupings in Sharm El- Union summit. Both leaders stressed Sheikh in June 2015, which launched the importance of widening and a trilateral free trade zone to serve deepening the scope of cooperation as a fundamental pillar that can be in all fields of bilateral and regional built upon in the effort to establish relations, including the political, a continental free trade zone. security, and economic fields. They He called for maximizing the use of agreed to continue to work together outstanding economic opportunities to enhance relations and prevent available to the African continent any situation that could undermine by increasing the domestic their brotherly and strategic nature. investment and improving the intra- The two leaders indicated that African trade rates. Establishing a they are closely following up the continental free trade zone will be a trilateral technical talks regarding pivotal step on the way to promoting the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and intra-African trade and pushing reaffirmed their commitment to forward the development process the prevailing cooperative spirit in in Africa to achieve objectives set in 8 President Sisi met Ethiopian PM on sidelines of AU summit in Addis. this regard. They stressed the need relations emanating from the unity to enhance closer communication of their fate and a common resolve to and continuous consultations at the enhance stability, development and leadership and institutional levels, prosperity for their countries. This regarding all aspects of bilateral came in a joint statement following relations, as well as on regional summit talks between Egyptian and international issues of mutual President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and concern. They also highlighted the his Sudanese counterpart Omar need to boost people-to-people Al-Bashir on the fringe of the 28th relations in order to enhance mutual African Summit. public confidence. They emphasized The two leaders asserted that the important role played by the the two Nile River peoples have media and public opinion institutions the same objectives of achieving in this regard. national security and they have stood Ethiopian Prime Minister united in the face of many challenges Desalegn accepted an invitation facing the Arab region, Africa and from President Sisi to visit Egypt the Middle East. The two leaders in the near future. also renewed their commitment Egypt, Sudan agree on launching new to bolster the Egyptian-Sudanese phase of sisterly relations relations in the economic, trade, Egypt and Sudan agreed on cultural and political fields. launching a new phase of sisterly 9 African Heads of State pose for a group photo during the 28th African Union summit. They voiced their aspirations cooperation in several domains, said for launching a new phase of the top diplomat, adding that Sisi coordination and cooperation and Bashir held that cooperation is between the two countries at all the only avenue for protecting the levels. They also asserted the depth of interests of both countries in the the Egyptian-Sudanese relations at face of current challenges besetting the official and popular levels which both nations. promotes their keenness on constant Egypt keen on promoting Cairo- consultation and coordination on Brazzaville ties issues of common interest at the regional and international levels. President Abdel Fattah El- Sisi, Bashir discuss relations on sidelines Sisi stressed Egypt’s keenness of AU Summit on promoting ties with Congo- Brazzaville in all fields. Sisi made Foreign Minister the remarks at a meeting with said that President Abdel Fattah Congo-Brazzaville’s President Denis El-Sisi held talks with his Sudanese Sassou Nguesso, on the sidelines of counterpart Omar Bashir on the the 28th African Summit. During the sidelines of the Africa Union Summit. meeting, Sisi hailed the distinguished The talks took up means of promoting relations between Cairo and bilateral relations and coordinating Brazzaville, Presidential Spokesman stances at the bilateral level and also Alaa Youssef said. He stressed that at the trilateral level with Ethiopia. Egypt is keen on providing technical The two leaders also discussed joint and developmental support to the 10 African country, the spokesman Egypt at all levels, the spokesman noted. Nguesso, for his part, praised further said. Egypt has restored its the Egyptian leadership and people leading role in Africa, the Tanzanian as well as the country’s role in the president was quoted as having told Middle East and Africa. The latest Sisi. Magufuli voiced appreciation developments in the continent, for Egypt’s technical support for mainly the situation in Libya were Tanzania, Youssef said. He said he discussed in the meeting, Youssef is looking forward to visiting Egypt noted. soon to continue the talks with Sisi, Egypt looking forward to increasing the spokesman added. volume of trade exchange with Tanzania Sisi meets Zambian president in Addis President Abdel Fattah El- Ababa Sisi hailed as good and historical President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi relations with Tanzania. Egypt met with his Zambian counterpart is looking forward to boosting Edgar Lungu on the sidelines of the cooperation with Tanzania in all African summit in Addis Ababa. fields and increasing the volume Sisi congratulated Lungu on his of trade exchange with the African reelection as president of Zambia, country, Sisi said in a meeting with Presidency Spokesman Alaa Youssef his Tanzanian counterpart John said. Sisi said Egypt was looking Magufuli on the sidelines of the 28th forward to upgrading relations African Summit. binding the two countries in various A number of Egyptian companies fields, especially the economic and have shown interest in operating in trade cooperation ones. He invited Tanzania, presidential spokesman the Zambian president to visit Alaa Youssef quoted Sisi as having Cairo during the coming period to said. Sisi invited Magufuli to visit complete consultations on means of Egypt in the near future to complete boosting bilateral ties. talks on enhancing bilateral ties, The President asserted the Youssef added. It is important importance of intensifying that Cairo and Dodoma intensify coordination and consultation consultations in light of the common between both countries on African challenges, atop of which terrorism, issues in light of their membership of Sisi was quoted as having stressed. the AU Peace and Security Council. Sisi was pleased with efforts of For his part, the Zambian Magufuli in fighting corruption, president voiced his appreciation of the spokesman said, adding that the his country’s distinguished relations meeting also focused on steps taken with Egypt. Zambia is looking by control bodies in Egypt to crack forward to Egypt’s support for its down on corruption in a way that development issues and increasing would support economic reform. Egyptian companies working in the Magufuli also expressed keenness country, Lungu said. on boosting historical relations with 11 Egyptian scientist Ali Hebeish honored at EU Summit.

Egyptian scientist honored at EU Summit AUC lauds Egypt’s establishment of high- speed railway network between Alex., The AU Summit honored former Aswan president of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Ali Chairperson of the AU Commission Hebeish for his contributions to science, Dlamini Zuma praised Egypt as the technology and innovations. Sisi shook first African country to establish a hands with Hebeish and handed him high-speed 900-kilometer railway a bouquet of flowers in recognition of line linking Alexandria and Aswan cities. Speaking at the opening session his venerable scientific contributions th for Egypt and the African continent. of the 28 African Summit, Zuma Hebeish received a $100,000 AU said the network will help promote Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award, development and beef up trade given to top African scientists for their exchange among African countries. scientific achievements and valuable Sisi, Kenyan counterpart meet in Addis discoveries and findings. The award Ababa on boosting relations is named after Ghana’s first President President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and celebrated Pan-Africanist, Dr. night met with his Kenyan counterpart Kwame Nkrumah. Uhuru Kenyatta in Addis Ababa on

12 the sidelines of the 28th edition of Egypt played key role in environment the African Summit. Sisi hailed the field, climate change historic and distinguished relations Environment Minister Khaled binding Egypt and Kenya, affirming Fahmy asserted that Egypt has played Egypt’s keenness on boosting them a key role in the field of environment at all levels, Presidential Spokesman and confronting impact of climate Alaa Youssef said. Egypt aims to boost change. In statements on the fringe its ties with all African countries, of his participation in the 28th African especially the states of the Nile basin, Summit, Environment Minister Khaled the President added. Fahmy said Egypt has shouldered its Egypt’s foreign policy is based responsibilities in the management of on non-interference in the internal tough negotiations during the 2015 affairs of other countries, as well Paris Conference and succeeded in as promoting cooperation and uniting the African voice, taking into development, Sisi said. He affirmed consideration the African interests. the need to enhance trade exchange He pointed out that President Sisi and economic cooperation between has launched two initiatives; the first the two countries and maximize one is the new and renewable energy, the benefit of their membership in while the second is the adjustment to COMESA. Sisi added that common climate change in Africa. The minister challenges facing the African made it clear that the renewable continent, including terrorism as well energy initiative was widely welcomed as developmental requirements, made by international funding institutions, it imperative to intensify cooperation noting that Africa has been pledged a among African countries to serve the fund of $5 billion as a first batch for the best interests of the African peoples. implementation of new and renewable For his part, Kenyatta hailed close energy sources. and historic ties between his country Meanwhile, the minister said he and Egypt, as well as Egypt’s support met during his visit to Washington to the struggle of the Kenyan people with French Environment Minister to gain independence. He also invited Segolene Royal who assured that Egypt Sisi to pay a visit to Kenya as a good would get 43 percent of the French opportunity to activate the existing funds to Africa in the field of solar cooperation frameworks and follow energy projects, in addition to 53 up efforts to enhance cooperation in percent of the power generation from many areas. The meeting also dealt wind energy projects. with ways to boost bilateral relations, The minister also praised Egypt’s as well as regional issues of common efforts in the field of rationalization of concern, the presidential spokesman energy, water recycling in the power said. Sisi, who accepted the invitation, generation stations. He further said also invited Kenyatta to visit Egypt, Egypt will review its plans with other the spokesman concluded. world countries ahead of 2020 climate change conference. 13 Ambassador Mona Omar panelist Dr. Amani Abu Zeid, AU Commissioner at African Union APRM for Infrastructure & Energy Egyptian former renowned Egyptian Dr.Amani Abu Zeid ambassador Mona Omar joined was elected as the African Union the Panel of Eminent Persons of Commissioner for Infrastructure and the African Union’s African Peer Energy in a closed session during the Review Mechanism. The APRM is a proceedings of the 28th African Union specialized agency of the AU, which Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was established in 2003 by the African January 22- 31, 2017. Abu Zeid was the Union within the implementation Resident Representative of the African of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Bank in Morocco before Development (NEPAD). Ambassador the Egyptian Foreign Ministry asked Mona Omar, who was the Assistant her to compete for the AU high position. to the Foreign Minister for African Dr. Abu Zeid took over from another Affairs, was also elected a member Egyptian woman Dr. Elham Ibrahim at the Advisory Committee of the who held the powerful position for two UN Human Rights Council based in terms. Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid is an Mona Omar is a public figure in the international development expert with field of women rights and a regionally extensive knowledge of Africa at both renowned career diplomat, with the strategic and operational levels. extensive experience representing For more than 30 years, she has served and coordinating issues of strategic in leadership roles at international interest on the international, regional organizations, such as the African and national levels. Lecturer and Development Bank (AfDB), UNDP and regular speaker at international USAID, with a focus on infrastructure and regional conferences and on all and energy programs. She was the forms of media, she is a founder and OIC Director of the African Natural active board member of a number of Resources Center at the AfDB, an organizations aimed at addressing innovative non-lending organ of the key socio-economic issues affecting Bank, which assists African governments Egyptian and African development. in the good governance and effective and inclusive management of natural resources – both renewable and non- renewable. 14 Egypt, Kenya Agree to Hold 7th joint Committee Meeting in 2017

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi welcomed by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta with an official ceremony at Government Palace in Nairobi, Kenya on February 18, 2017.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his Kenyan counterpart Uhuru Kenyatta agreed to hold the seventh session of the Egyptian-Kenyan joint committee meetings, under the two countries’ foreign ministers in 2017. Meeting in Nairobi, the two presidents discussed ways to boost economic relations between the two countries, particularly in light of their membership in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The two presidents held a session of bilateral talks before taking part in an expanded meeting attended by the delegations of the two countries. Kenyatta said Sisi’s visit to Kenya crowns distinguished relations between the two countries and the two peoples, hailing the Egyptian role in supporting the liberation movement in his country and various African states. He added that the visit also reflects Egypt’s keenness on promoting relations with the African countries and restoring its leading status in the continent.

15 President Sisi affirmed keenness to continue providing technical on boosting relations with Kenya in assistance for capacity building and various fields, and working together training in Kenya, and welcomed a to achieve the common interests Kenyan request to provide medical of the two countries. He invited equipment and doctors to the Kenyatta to pay an official visit to military hospital, currently being Egypt to continue consultation and built in Nairobi. He ordered to send coordination between the two sides, a delegation of experts to visit the an invitation that was welcomed by hospital and stand on its needs at the Kenyan president, who voiced the earliest opportunity. his aspiration to visit Cairo soon. The Egyptian and Kenyan sides The two presidents also discussed also stressed the importance of ways to increase trade exchange, activating the security cooperation which stood at about $451 million between the two countries in light in 2016. They also reviewed the of their joint war against terrorism, outcome of the first meeting of the and challenges they face as a result Egyptian-Kenyan Business Council, of the growing threat of extremist recently held in Nairobi, during and terrorist groups. Sisi affirmed which the two countries agreed to the importance of Al-Azhar’s role increase bilateral trade to one billion in spreading the true teachings of dollars over two years through a Islam and countering the extremist number of joint projects in various ideology. He welcomed a Kenyan fields. request to receive more imams to The two leaders also stressed be trained by Al-Azhar. the importance of activating the The talks also touched upon agreements already signed between supporting development efforts in the two sides, and the preparation the Nile Basin countries. The two for the new agreements, particularly presidents stressed the importance in the area of prevention of of continuing to make the best use double taxation and protection of of the Nile water for all Nile Basin investment, in order to provide the countries, through joint projects of necessary climate for increasing mutual benefit, and without harm to cooperation in the fields of economy the rights and uses of these countries and investment. of the Nile water. The talks dealt Kenyatta praised the technical with regional issues of common assistance provided by Egypt to concern, especially the situations support and build Kenyan capacity in South Sudan and Somalia. The in various fields, as well as a two president stressed the need for positive contribution in a number continued coordination between of development projects in health, them in order to work toward agriculture and irrigation areas. achieving peace and stability in the Sisi affirmed Egypt’s keenness region. 16 Egypt keen on promoting trade, economic relations with Kenya President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi Egyptian and Kenyan governments stressed Egypt’s keenness on promoting agreed to take needed measures to trade and economic relations with encourage trade exchange and establish Kenya. At a press conference with joint projects. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Sisi underlined that Egypt would Sisi highlighted the historic ties binding spare no effort to further strategic the Egyptian and Kenyan peoples. ties with Kenya in various domains, Sisi said Egypt and Kenya share a long history of fruitful cooperation. He added that the two countries seek to realize development and economic prosperity, noting that economic cooperation is vital for attaining these goals. He further noted that the talks focused on means of cementing trade and economic cooperation between both countries for the best interests of both sides. The President hailed developing cooperation between the private sectors of both sides over the past few years. He also noted that the first joint business council convened in Nairobi few days prior to his visit and agreed on fostering trade cooperation in various domains. He added that the 17 particularly realizing development, referring to the Egyptian initiative for developing Nile Basin countries. He said Egypt is keen on holding continued consultations with Kenya to promote stability, security and peace in Africa, adding that Egypt is also interested in continued coordination with Kenya vis-à-vis regional and international issues of mutual concern. Sisi said Kenyatta posted him on the latest developments in eastern African and the Horn of Africa region. Sisi noted that he agreed with Kenyatta on drumming up efforts to restore stability in such important part of Africa. He added that he agreed with his Kenyan counterpart on boosting development efforts in Nile Basin countries, emphasizing full support for Kenya for facing the danger of terror – such phenomenon that plagued the world. Sisi highlighted the key role played by Al-Azhar as beacon of moderate Islam in the face of extremist religious thought. Sisi visits UN center in Nairobi President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi visited the United Nations center in Africa in Nairobi. The center’s director and top officials posted Sisi on the departments of the center, including United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Sisi visits tomb of Kenya’s founding president President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi visited the tomb of Kenya’s founding president Jomo Kenyatta. Sisi laid down a wreath on the tomb of Kenyatta. He then headed to the presidential palace and was received by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

18 Sisi has Absolute Confidence in Egyptians' Abilities

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during the second follow-up youth meeting in Aswan. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi asserted his absolute confidence in the abilities of Egyptians, topped by Upper Egypt’s residents, to establish their country. Sisi’s remarks were made on the sidelines of the closing session of the monthly Youth Conference held in Aswan. “I appreciate the amount of sacrifices and the steadfastness of Egyptians to achieve development, particularly in Upper Egypt,” Sisi said. The President also noted that he directed the government to improve the conditions of Upper Egypt’s residents. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that strenuous efforts have been exerted in Upper Egypt since he took office 30 months ago, which is a real start toward achieving development in the south. In the field of social

19 security and curbing poverty, we In the field of electricity and have started since 2014 a project energy, a power station with a capacity to alleviate poverty and raise the of 4,000 megawatts was built in living standards in the governorates Beni Suef with total investments of Assiut, Sohag and Qena through of 2 billion euros, he said. Another granting loans to the low-income power plant was built in western families to carry out small and micro Assiut with a capacity of 1,000 projects worth 147 million pounds. megawatts with total investments “More than 1,700 villages in of 746 million dollars, he added. A Upper Egypt have been covered number of mobile units to generate by Takaful and Karama program, power in Sohag and Assiut were built which directs 82% of its financial and entered the service in May 2015, allocations to the Upper Egypt he noted. governorates with a total number President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of 1.1 million families,” Sisi said said that 105,000 social housing at the closing session of the second units were built in Upper Egypt at national youth conference held in a total cost of 14 billion pounds. Aswan. “The financial allocations for “We were keen to allocate lands a school feeding program in Upper for Upper Egypt governorates from Egypt have been raised to cover more a project to cultivate 1.5 million than 9,400 schools at a total cost of feddans,” Sisi told the closing session 850 million pounds in the school year of a national youth conference in 2016-2017,” he added. Aswan. “More than 193,000 feddans In the field of infrastructure were earmarked for Aswan, 370,000 of the educational facilities in feddans for Minya, 43,000 feddans Upper Egypt, the replacement and for Qena and 43,000 feddans for renovation of 3,258 classrooms western Marashda and 280,000 have been completed, the President feddans for New Valley,” the said, adding that 179 classrooms President pointed out. Sisi added are being built under an Egyptian- that a refining laboratory in Assiut Japanese project. A total of 380 is being upgraded at a total cost of million pounds were disbursed from 1.6 billion pounds to meet the needs a fund for supporting and financing of fuel in the Upper Egypt. the education projects in Upper In the field of transport and roads Egypt during the past 30 months, in Upper Egypt, the President noted he pointed out. As many as 172,000 that 4.2 billion pounds have been teachers have received training, he spent to develop and build roads and noted. About 1.950 billion pounds bridges in Upper Egypt cities. Three have been spent to develop the billion pounds have been earmarked schools of the technical education to develop the railway system, he in Upper Egypt during the past two said. years, he added.

20 President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that he decided to establish the “higher authority for the development of Southern Egypt”. “The body is meant to upgrade public services and care for the Nubian antiquities at a total cost of 5 billion pounds during the coming five years,” he said at the closing of the national youth conference in also present on the second day of the Aswan. He also decided to allocate event. Speaking to the gathering, 320 million pounds to complete Sisi said the real value of services all development projects in Nasr should be paid for the government Nubia area and Wadi Karkar by the to be able to continue offering those end of 2018. “A national project to services. He made it clear that establish integrated industrial zones services cost the State about four for small and micro enterprises will billion dollars. Citizens should know be launched,” he said. that one important reason behind poor services is when States do not The President added that the receive the proper payment for these implementation of the “golden services, Sisi noted. triangle” of Qena-Safaga-Qussair will be accelerated through five Sisi said the railway sector in Egypt successive stages. The project needs some 180 billion pounds to be is aimed at establishing mining able to stand back up on its feet. industries and international tourist Renovation of the sector is necessary sites, he pointed out. Sisi also decided at a time when the government cannot to turn Aswan into a capital for the even increase the price of tickets, the economy and culture of Africa. President told the conference. Sisi attends activities of youth conference The President also talked about tourism, saying that tourists visit President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi places where they feel safe. Investors attended activities of the second day concerned with tourism will secure of the national youth conference. funds needed to keep it going without Prime Minister and interference by the government, a number of ministers and MPs, as Sisi said. This, he added, should be well as senior State officials were 21 done through establishing power Upper Egyptian governorates on plants, ports, airports and cities. The the sidelines of the second national President also tackled the threat youth conference in Aswan. At the of terrorism, which, he stressed, meeting, the President asserted stands in the way of progress. Sisi that youth will build the future of called terrorism “an evil that does Egypt as they constitute 60% of the not want good for Egypt and does not country’s population. He pointed out have mercy on the limited income to the state’s keenness on achieving brackets.” Truly, Egypt has the progress to meet the aspirations biggest number of tourist attractions of the Egyptian people, especially in the world, “but terrorism does not youth. want us to progress,” the President The President said that the said. increasing number of population President Sisi urged society to consumes a big part of the achieved counter terrorism, stressing it is not growth, which is a major challenge the job of the State alone. The State that should be dealt with seriously, is firm on fighting all challenges Presidential Spokesman Alaa Yousef for the sake of a better future for said. Egyptians, Sisi told the conference. The cost of developing the The second session of the event electricity sector across Egypt has then started. President Abdel Fattah reached 450 billion pounds and we El-Sisi voiced readiness to review need 60 billion pounds to increase all the proposals submitted by the the capacity of the distribution grids, participants during the national the President said. He pointed out to youth conference. “We want the ongoing projects to build new cities, junior investors to have a real including four in Upper Egypt to opportunity for success when we put an end to the unplanned urban submit ideas to them,” he further growth. He reiterated that the State said. is committed to fulfill all applications President Sisi, meanwhile, urged for social housing units for those who investors to submit and propose are eligible and meet the criteria. a number of activities and ideas. Sis asserted that the State is Egypt is ready to implement all ideas seeking to develop the business and projects that are submitted, he sector companies working in said, adding that “we are ready to pharmaceutical industry in order to implement the idea of establishing meet the market needs of medicines. 12 entities for small investors in “Efforts to develop the business Egypt’s governorates”. sector companies working in various Egypt will have better tomorrow, State fields are underway,” he added. keen on achieving development As for efforts to empower President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi women, the President asserted his held a meeting with 150 youths from appreciation of the Egyptian women and the sacrifices they offer in order 22 to advance the society. On the foreign policy, the President “Egypt’s population is growing asserted that the Egyptian people’s but the utilities are not growing at worry over the Ethiopian renaissance the same rate,” Sisi said, pointing dam is legitimate. “It is our life. out that the population reached 92 Egypt has been dependent on the million in 2016 against 20 million 50 Nile for 7,000 years and we do not years ago. By mid-2018, sanitation have any other source,” he said. “No projects for nearly 40 percent one can tamper with the Nile water. It of 4,500 villages will have been is a matter of death or life,” he said. completed, he added, pointing out “Cooperation with the Ethiopian side to remarks by Housing Minister in this regard is going on smoothly” Moustafa Madbouly in which he he added. The President stressed said that the cost of the sanitation that Egypt is exerting great efforts network in Egypt; in villages and to communicate with all parties some cities, is estimated at 180 concerned with the peace process billion pounds. in the Middle East to reach a just On the industrial wastewater, the solution to the Palestinian cause. President said that several studies Youth are future of Egypt are supposed to have been conducted The youth are the future of Egypt, for many factories that were recently President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said. operated to get rid of the waste in “Youths constitute 60% of Egypt’s a safe way. population and they create the Closing session of 2nd monthly youth future,” Sisi told a session with a conference group of young people from Upper President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi Egypt, on the sidelines of the second participated in the closing session national youth conference. “Egypt of the second monthly national is going through a stage of a major youth conference in Aswan. Also, change, which will take some time,” the Egyptian leader has honored he said, adding that any country eight young men who proved their needs tens of years to feel the change. excellence in a number of fields. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said Furthermore, President Sisi that all sectors in Egypt, including the announced that the Long Live Egypt electricity and the railway, face major (Tahya Misr) Fund will contribute to challenges. Speaking at a session 20 incubators in a project established with a group of young people from by a charity association run by one Upper Egypt, on the sidelines of the of the honored youth. Sisi has urged second national youth conference, he the young man who talked about the called on Egypt’s youths to stay alert sanitation services in Kima area to such major challenges that were in Aswan, to stand next to him on accumulated and lasted for many the stage to reassure him that the years. renovations work at Kima (1, 2) sanitation stations will be finished by March. 23 This attests to the keenness of the Egypt capable of confronting attempts President to get acquainted with the to incite sedition among Egyptians progress of work on the ground and President Abdel Fattah El- assure Aswan residents that the State Sisi stressed Egypt is capable of is doing its best to improve facilities confronting attempts to instigate and services offered to all citizens. sedition among Egyptians. Sisi made President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi the remark during a session on an watched a documentary film showing initiative on small and medium-sized young people of Upper Egypt who enterprises in Upper Egypt that was proved their excellence in various held within the framework of the fields. The President honored those monthly Youth Conference. Several talented young people, before urging ministers, including the ministers of the attendees to observe a minute of trade and international cooperation, silence in mourning of the martyrs attended the session alongside the of the Egyptian army, police, and governors of Minya and Aswan and a people. Sisi also warned of spreading number of Upper Egypt youths. The rumors on the Nile water pollution session tackled the challenges facing with no evidence, adding that such small and medium-sized enterprises rumors leave a wrong impression to as well as means of developing the Egyptian people. industry, shrinking imports and creating jobs. The talks also reviewed 24 ongoing efforts to amend legislations express the demands and aspirations to improve the investment climate. of the Egyptian youth and citizens. The President underlined the Young members of the new importance of examining all local councils would represent a proposals tendered and putting them sign of hope in improving public into effect if proved to be successful. services and solving problems of He added that the government is the citizens, the house speaker open for all ideas and is ready for said. He added that the previous implementing them. He said a list experience of the local councils of imported products was prepared failed over citizens’ reluctance to to decide the items that could be participate in the elections. In most replaced by home-made products of developed countries in Europe, to create jobs and cut hard currency officials started their political spending. The nation will move careers in municipalities, Abdel- forward by the efforts of all its Aal expounded. A new draft law on people, the President underlined. local elections lowered the age of As for the sanitation problem in candidacy to 21 years, and allocates the area adjacent to Kima factory 25 percent of local council seats for in Aswan, the President ordered young people, along with additional solving the problem as soon as 25 percent for women, he added. possible. The President said Nubia For his part, Youth and Sports is a key part of Egypt, hailing the Minister Khalid Abdel-Aziz said the sacrifices made by its people for the constitution will bestow on the new march of building the nation. He local councils the power to follow said the State is deeply interested in up and monitor the government’s developing Nubia and upgrading the executive bodies in all governorates. services offered to its people, noting He expected that young people would that his adviser was win at least 14,000 local council following up ongoing development seats. Within the coming 15 years, efforts in Nubia. the youth would have the largest Parliament speaker urges youth to widely share of leadership positions, he participate in local elections added. Speaker of the House of Also, Local Development Minister Representatives Ali Abdel-Aal urged Ahmed Zaki Badr expressed the hope youth to promote their political youth participation in the new local participation by widely running councils would open the floodgates for the upcoming local elections. for solving problems of the citizens. Taking part in a session of the second Government gives priority to medium, monthly national youth conference micro enterprises in Aswan, Abdel-Aal added that International Cooperation young candidates would have big Minister Sahar Nasr underlined chances to win in the elections and that the government gives priority to 25 the medium and micro enterprises, adding that growth cannot be achieved except via the participation of all the brackets of the society. This remark came on the sidelines of the activities of day two of the second monthly national youth conference. The Ministry carried out an adding that reform programs accurate survey with the Central aim at maintaining sustainable Agency for Public Mobilization comprehensive growth which means and Statistics (CAPMAS) to get that all brackets of the society can acquainted with the challenges reap the fruits of reform. The minister facing each governorate and to affirmed that the government focused support these enterprises via in 2016 on the infrastructure projects associations and banks, she stressed. such as roads, sanitation, electricity Nasr also said that the ministry grids and social housing ventures backs the enterprises through the because the cabinet targets offering international financial associations an environment that can attract and encouraged investors to support investors and the private sector. The them. government will focus in 2017 on The Ministry posted the improving the livelihood of youth in international financial institutions the Upper Egyptian governorates by on Egyptian success stories, the paying attention to education, health minister underscored, noting that and social security networks. the cabinet aims at improving the Providing job opportunities for livelihood of the Egyptian citizen. youth is one of the main aims of the She further highlighted the approval reform program, Nasr said, thus of the Parliament a few days ago the cabinet supports the micro, to develop Upper Egypt with 500 small and medium enterprises and million dollars. targets honing the skills of youth The success axes include the who constitute about 40 percent economic reform program which of the society. Such enterprises is carried out along with the social represent a main source for providing reform program, Nasr reiterated, job opportunities, the minister 26 mentioned, noting that it offers 80 Mahlab’s proposals on settling Nubia percent of job opportunities in the issues immediately endorsed non-agricultural private sector and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said 40 percent of the total opportunities. proposals tendered by his adviser Aiming at overcoming the Ibrahim Mahlab for settling Nubia obstacles facing the small and issues were immediately endorsed. medium enterprises in Egypt, the During the second session of the International Cooperation Ministry monthly Youth Conference in Aswan, saved no effort to provide funding Sisi said “we give due attention to all for the enterprises in partnership Egyptians, including the Nubians.” with donor entities such as the Former prime minister Ibrahim World Bank which offered 600 Mahlab said he raises a weekly report million dollars, the US Agency for to the President on the outcome of International Development as well the work of a committee comprising as the Saudi Fund For Development, General Ahmed Gamal Eddin, ex- Nasr affirmed. minister Fayza Abul-Naga and the Investment Ministry has plans to boost Aswan governor. investment in Upper Egypt Mahlab said the President Minister of Investment Dalia approved establishing an industrial Khorshid said the ministry has plans zone in the village of El-Geneina to develop investments in Upper and El-Shabak and coordinated Egypt, based on institutional and with the premier to allocate EGP legislative axes. Khorshid’s remarks 44 million for utilities. Mahlab were made on the sidelines of her added the President approved the participation in the second session establishment of the South Valley of the monthly Youth Conference development agency. held in Aswan under the auspices Sisi honors distinguished youth in closing of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. session of monthly youth conf. The institutional axis is concerned with the presence of centers for President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi investment services in Upper Egypt, honored a number of excellent young she said, noting that there is a center men during the closing session of in Assuit and another one to be the second monthly national youth opened soon in Sohag, the Ministry conference in Aswan. The list of Investment said in a statement. included Mohamed Hisham, aged At the legislative level, Khorshid 20, who won the title of the golden added, the new investment law voice for 2016 nationwide. Mostafa currently being discussed by the Herzallah, from Luxor, was honored House of Representatives would for his contribution in providing enable investors to get lands for incubators for premature babies and free in Upper Egypt as part of the helping the poorest villages. Jessica investment projects targeted by the Magdy, aged 15, was also honored government. 27 First Kafr El-Sheikh Youth Conference kicks off by the President for inventing a device for producing electricity from water. Islam Fathi, a graduate The first Kafr El-Sheikh Youth from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Conference kicked off in Kafr El- Sohag University, was honored for Sheikh Governorate on February his contribution in establishing a 3, 2017. It was attended by number of development projects several ministers and governors. in the governorate. Ayman Abdel The Conference took up over three Rahman, from Aswan, has won days important topics including the first place in Cairo Innovates the future of investment in the TV Program of the Academy of governorate, upgrading its health Scientific Research & Technology care and educational services, for making a special wheelchair improving the agricultural system for the disabled people. and livestock and activating youth Sisi, youth attending Aswan conf. go political participation along with on Nile cruise empowering women and the renewal President Abdel Fatah El- of religious discourse. Attending Sisi accompanied a group of the Conference were the ministers young men on a Nile cruise to of local development, investment, the headquarters of the two- irrigation and water resources and day National Youth Conference higher education along with the in Aswan. As many as 1,300 governors of Alexandria, Beheira, young people are taking part in Sharqiya, Ismailia and Gharbiya the Conference’s eight sessions together with the chairman of Al- that discussed ways to achieve Wafd political party. social, health and educational The Conference adopted a number development in the Upper Egypt. of recommendations including the Sisi meets several tourists in Aswan establishment of international President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi shipyard in old Borollos port. met with a number of tourists at The project will provide up to Helnan Aswan Hotel. The tourists 15,000 job opportunities. Also, the were keen to take souvenir photos Conference urged establishing a with President Sisi. Aswan hosted tourist investment zone in northern the monthly youth conference Kafr El-Sheikh. It will provide 250 to discuss issues related to the jobs. The participants called for development of Upper Egypt developing Borollos Lake and fish cities. farms and setting up a hotel and tourist resort in the governorate. 28 Egypt Determined to Continue Efforts to Fight Terrorism

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received a phone call from US President Donald Trump who stressed the strength of the Egyptian-US relations and his keenness on pushing the cooperation ahead in all fields during the coming period. During the call, President Sisi congratulated trump on his inauguration as US President, wishing him and the US people more progress and prosperity. Egypt is looking forward to seeing a new push for bilateral relations with the US under the administration of Trump, Sisi said. The two Presidents discussed a number of topics, topped by fighting terrorism and extremism, with Trump appreciating Egypt’s efforts exerted on this regard. Egypt is determined to continue its efforts to fight and uproot terrorism and extremism despite burdens incurred by the Egyptian economy and the dear sacrifices offered by its people, Sisi Sisi met Trump on the sidelines of the 71st session of UN General Assembly reaffirmed. Trump told Sisi he appreciates the difficulties Egypt faces in its “war on terror” and affirmed his administration’s commitment to supporting the country. He also expressed his looking forward to meeting Sisi during his awaited visit to Washington which is being prepared for through diplomatic channels. Sisi-Trump contacts assert US support for Egypt in fighting terrorism The Observatory of Extremist Fatwa (religious opinion) said that continued contacts between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and US President Donald Trump assert that the new US administration is aware of the burdens shouldered by Egypt in fighting terrorism and extremism. In a comment on a phone call by the US president to Sisi, the Observatory pointed out that it attests to the fact that the new US administration is seeking to fight terrorism and extremism and support Egypt in this regard. If the new US administration is sincere in fighting terrorism, it should translate this stance into material and moral support on the ground, added the Observatory. 29 Egyptian-Irish Relations Promoted

President Sisi with the Irish delegation on 11 January 2016. President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi economic relations with Ireland. hailed Egypt’s relations with Ireland. With the volume of trade exchange The President made the remarks at a standing at about 350 million euros, meeting with an Irish parliamentary Egypt and Ireland have a good chance delegation, in which Parliament to increase inter-trade counting Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal was present. on a government plan to lure new During the meeting, Sisi said the investments, a statement by the Trade Egyptian people look forward to and Industry Ministry said. building a modern civil country that Meeting with a delegation of the respects democracy and the rule of Irish Parliament, Qabil discussed law and rejects extremist ideologies, cooperation with Dublin to develop presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef the different industrial sectors and said. attract businesses. The minister The Irish Parliament speaker, told the Irish MPs that Egypt has for his part, stressed Ireland’s taken serious steps toward achieving appreciation for the Egyptian people political and economic stability with and government. He said the Irish the aim to regain its position on the Parliament is also looking forward global economic map. He touched to promoting relations with the upon mega projects implemented Egyptian Parliament, according to by the government, such as the New the presidential spokesman. Suez Canal and the administrative Egypt keen on boosting economic ties capital, with the aim to achieve with Ireland comprehensive development. Trade and Industry Minister Tareq Parliament speaker praises Ireland’s Qabil said it is important to boost stances towards Egypt 30 Speaker of the House of Representatives Ali Abdel-Aal praised the stances of development concerning the situation Ireland towards Egypt after June in Syria, Libya and Palestine. During 30 Revolution. During his meeting the meeting, Abul Gheit was keen to with his Irish counterpart Seán Ó hail Ireland’s support to the Palestinian Fearghaíl and his accompanying cause. delegation, Abdel-Aal stressed the Meanwhile, Fearghaíl asserted importance of boosting the trade Ireland’s support to Palestine and and investment cooperation between urged Arab countries to support the two countries, especially in the Ireland’s bid to be a member of the fields of scientific research and United Nations Security Council in pharmaceutical industries. He also 2020-2021. highlighted the strong ties binding Egypt, Ireland discuss air transport the two countries, and urged Dublin to accelerate the pace of endorsing cooperation the air services deal, signed in 2014. Civil Aviation Minister Sherif Abdel-Aal also reiterated his support Fathy met with Irish Parliament to form an Egyptian-Irish friendship Speaker Seán Ó Fearghaíl and his association to boost cooperation accompanying delegation. In a press between Cairo and Dublin. release, the Civil Aviation Ministry said Parliament Speaker Ali Abdel- Seán Ó Fearghaíl voiced his Aal, Irish Ambassador to Egypt appreciation for the warm reception Damien Cole and head of the Tourism he received in Egypt, and extended an and Civil Aviation Committee Sahar invitation to his Egyptian counterpart Talaat also attended the meeting. They to visit Ireland. He also stressed the agreed on activating air transport importance of launching direct flights agreements to promote tourism and between Egypt and Ireland to boost aviation between the two countries. tourism and trade cooperation. During the meeting, Fearghaíl hailed AL chief hails Ireland for supporting Abdel-Aal over his warm reception Arab countries and invited him to visit Ireland along Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed with a Parliamentary delegation. Abul Gheit received Irish Parliament Speaker Seán Ó Fearghaíl and his accompanying delegation in Cairo. In a press release, AL Spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said that the meeting discussed means of fostering relations between the AL, Arab Parliament and the Irish Parliament. They also tackled the latest 31 Canadian parliamentary delegation affirms support for Egypt development efforts

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met a Canadian parliamentary delegation gathering members of the of Canada and the House of Commons. The delegation was led by Chairman of the Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Robert Oliphant. Canadian Ambassador in Cairo Troy Lulashnyk took part in the meeting. President Sisi with Canadian MPs President Sisi affirmed Egypt’s keenness on boosting bilateral relations with Canada in the various fields. The President also hailed positive developments with regard to the two countries’ relations during the last period, and Canada’s understanding of regional and international challenges faced by Egypt and the region, which require enhancing consultation and coordination between the two countries, the spokesman added. Sisi described the Canadian parliamentary delegation’s visit to Cairo as a good opportunity for developing parliamentary relations between the two countries, intensifying communication between Egyptian and Canadian lawmakers, and boosting cooperation at the official and popular levels. He called for promoting cultural and scientific relations between the two countries, especially in light of a large and active Egyptian community in the Canadian society, as well as hundreds of Egyptian students studying at Canadian universities. The Canadian delegation hailed the great friendship linking Egypt and their country, affirming their keenness on boosting relations at all levels. The delegation also affirmed Canada’s full support for development efforts exerted by the Egyptian government to achieve the aspirations of the Egyptian people for a better future. The Canadian lawmakers affirmed their keenness to closely follow up efforts made in terms of democratic transformation, as well as the process of economic reform. President Sisi briefed the delegation on political and economic developments in Egypt, and efforts made by the Egyptian state over the past years to lay the foundations of democracy and institutional state, in addition to measures taken to apply an economic reform program aiming at addressing structural 32 imbalances suffered by the national economy for decades, in parallel with the implementation of national projects to raise growth rates and create new jobs, along with creating a suitable climate to attract foreign investment. He also reviewed Egypt’s efforts in the fight against terrorism and extremism, which come according to a comprehensive strategy that includes cultural, intellectual and economic dimensions, as well as security and military aspects, stressing the importance of concerted international efforts to combat terrorism. Parliament speaker urges Canada to take decisive step against MB Parliament Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal urged Canada to take a firm stance against the Muslim Brotherhood group, noting that many members of the terrorist group were leaving on its soil. Addressing members of a visiting parliamentary delegation from Canada, Abdel-Aal highlighted the issue of terrorism as a danger for all world countries. He also asserted the necessity to boost Egyptian-Canadian relations in the various domains.

Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal with Chairman of the Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security FM meets Canadian parliamentary delegation Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry affirmed Egypt’s keenness on promoting Egyptian-Canadian ties in the various spheres. During his meeting with the Canadian parliamentary delegation, Shoukry said that Canada is home to a large Egyptian community abroad along with its crucial role in promoting peace and security in the region. The foreign minister also affirmed keenness on promoting economic, political and social developments in Egypt along with challenges related to combating terrorism efforts in Egypt and the region. He further reviewed Egypt’s viewpoint toward the various crises in the Middle East, topped by the situation in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen. 33 The Canadian delegation pointed out to Egypt’s crucial role in the Middle East, saying that Egypt is a main pillar for peace and stability in the Middle East. They also listened to the Egyptian viewpoint on the latest developments in the region along with ongoing efforts to reach political solutions. Pope Tawadros II meets Canadian parliamentary delegation Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Diocese met with a delegation of the Canadian Parliament. The meeting took up the current situation in Egypt and in the region. The situation in Egypt is constantly improving, Pope Tawadros told the visiting delegation. The meeting was held at Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Abbasiya, Cairo. Dutch parliamentary committee briefed on Egypt’s developments

A 12-member Dutch parliamentary delegation was informed of Egypt’s internal developments in two separate meetings with President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and parliament speaker Ali Abdel-Aal. The delegation, led by chairwoman of the Dutch Parliament’s foreign affairs committee Angelien Eijsink, met with President Sisi where they discussed Egyptian-Dutch bilateral relations. The President also discussed with the Dutch parliamentarians the possible ways of benefitting from Dutch experience in several fields including education and agriculture. The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.

34 President Sisi with Dutch parliamentary delegation The delegation was also briefed on a number of issues including terrorism, the construction of churches in Egypt, the new NGO law and the country’s economic reforms, according to a statement issued by the House speaker’s office. “As the Middle East has become a hotbed of civil wars and sectarian strife, the role of Egypt in fighting terrorism has become more important and vital,” the statement quoted Abdel-Aal as saying. Abdel-Aal also pointed out to two important laws were passed by the Parliament in 2016. “The first aims at fighting illegal migration by stiffening penalties on gangs [involved] in trafficking human beings,” said Abdel- Aal, adding that a new NGO law was also passed to achieve two objectives; tightening control on foreign money so it is not used fund terrorist acts, and obliging NGOs to be transparent in revealing their sources of funding. “Egypt’s new NGO law is also a European-style legislation that allows NGOs to act freely while making sure that they do not play a role in funding terrorist activities,” said Abdel-Aal. Abdel-Aal also praised the Parliament’s approval of a new church building law as a great step towards strengthening the principle of citizenship. “This law, for which Egyptian Coptic Christians have waited 160 years, helps better facilitate the building of churches, not to mention that it shows that the Egyptian state is serious about reinforcing the values of citizenship and national unity,” said Abdel-Aal. Abdel-Aal also spoke highly of Egypt’s recent IMF-inspired economic reforms. “We hope that these reforms, which the Parliament supports, will put Egypt’s economy on a sound track,” said Abdel-Aal. Abdel-Aal recommended that the Dutch parliamentary delegation exert pressure on the government of the Netherlands to change its guidelines on travel and tourism in Egypt. “Egypt has become more secure, and as a result these guidelines should change to reflect the stability in the country and not prevent Dutch citizens from visiting Egyptian tourist destinations,” said Abdel-Aal. In response, the Dutch ambassador in Egypt told Abdel-Aal that the Dutch government has never issued a ban on tourism to Egypt. “We admit that security conditions in Egypt have largely improved in the last two years,” said the ambassador. However, he added that “from time to time, the government of the Netherlands opts to advise its citizens not to travel to certain areas which are far from tourism centers in Egypt.” The chairwoman of the Dutch parliament’s foreign affairs committee thanked Abdel-Aal for “the warm reception” she and her fellow MPs received in Egypt’s Parliament.

35 Egypt, Belarus Build Strong Basis for Dialogue

(L-R) Presidents Alexander Lukashenko and Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Egypt and Belarus succeeded over the past 25 years in building a strong basis for dialogue, affirmed Belarus’ Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei. In a message sent to Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on the occasion marking the 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties between the two countries, Makei said that the meetings which were held last month between the two countries’ presidents showed commitment to boosting bilateral cooperation. “We managed over the past 25 years to build a strong basis for active dialogue, said Makei. He also voiced confidence that the two countries will work to promote ties and maintain cooperation in trade and economy. Egypt, Belarus sign coop. deal on heavy vehicles manufacturing Minister of Military Production Major General Mohamed El-Assar witnessed inking a cooperation protocol between the National Organization for Military Production (NOMP) and the Belarus company Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) on heavy vehicles manufacturing. The protocol is meant to establish a factory 36 for heavy-duty transport vehicles possible to follow up talks on means in cooperation with companies to promote relations between the two affiliated with the Ministry of Military countries and discuss cooperation in Production, given their technological the fields of industry, farming and capabilities in manufacturing trucks irrigation technology, solid waste and their equipment. Under the recycling, sanitary drainage and deal, the NOMP and MAZ will join drinking water. hands to manufacture heavy-duty President Sisi added the two transport vehicles, with 70.6 percent governments seek more efforts to local components. The NOMP will provide an economic and investment fund and supply the factory with all atmosphere encouraging businessmen production requirements and lines, from the two countries to make in light of utilizing the expertise of use of investment opportunities to the Belarus automotive manufacturer achieve growth and reach a free trade MAZ, Minister Assar said. The minister agreement between Egypt and the added that an international company Eurasian Economic Union. for industries and projects will promote The President said Egypt’s economy the production of the new factory in faced a number of challenges and Egypt and abroad as well. problems following the January 25 Industrialization cornerstone of revolution but he said the State started to development, tops cooperation with carry out many mega projects providing Belarus promising investment atmosphere in various domains including the Suez President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi Canal corridor project, roads and the asserted that industrialization is the new administrative capital. President cornerstone of development and that Sisi noted the growth rate which reached it tops cooperation fields with Belarus. 4 percent last year is considered a huge During the inauguration of Egypt- economic opportunity for development. Belarus Business Forum, President Sisi He called on the business sector in the called on the working group, which has two countries to make use of investment been formed within the Egypt-Belarus opportunities and promote trade. joint committee, to exert more efforts Sisi, Lukashenko open Egyptian-Belarus to develop cooperation between the two countries in the industrial domain to Business Forum include various development ventures. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and The President praised cooperation his Belarus counterpart Alexander between the two countries, saying it Lukashenko opened the second Egypt- witnessed a major growth thanks to Belarus Business Forum, which is the two countries’ desire to continue organized by the Federation of Egyptian cooperation. President Sisi said he Chambers of Commerce. The Forum agreed with President Alexander was attended by Prime Minister Sherif Lukashenko to hold a new session of Ismail, a host of ministers and senior the joint committee in Minsk as soon state officials. The Belarus deputy 37 prime minister along with 10 Belarus the second Egypt-Belarus Business ministers also attended the Forum, as Forum. President Sisi’s participation well as a delegation grouping 40 mega in the Forum reflects the strategic Belarus companies, who are keen on importance for the biggest Business doing business in Egypt. Forum in the history of relations President of the Federation of between the two countries, he Egyptian Chambers of Commerce added. Ulakhovich also thanked (FEDCOC) Ahmed El-Wakeel members of the Federation of Egyptian delivered a speech during which he Chambers of Commerce over efforts to said that Egypt regained its growth and organize this gathering. promising opportunities, adding that He, meanwhile, said that his country investing in Egypt today is considered is considered a main source for investment in a promising future. He industrial automation, equipment and also pointed out to the mega projects, agricultural machinery. Cooperation which are currently being implemented between Egypt and Belarus will be in in Egypt, adding that these projects will the interest of Egypt’s economy, he put Egypt in the path of development affirmed. The Forum aims to determine and progress. the right path to promote economic He further said that the second and commercial ties between the two Egypt-Belarus Business Forum has countries, he further noted. placed a roadmap for a better future Egypt, Belarus sign agreement for rational towards economic development, noting use of water resources that several world countries were keen Water Resources Minister Mohamed on supporting Egypt. He added that Abdel-Aati and Belarus Natural the government adopted legislative Resources and Environment Protection and economic reforms, stressing Minister Andrei A. Ravkov signed a that Egypt is now exerting strenuous memo of understanding for the rational efforts to create a climate conducive use of water resources and protection. to investment. The signing took place on the sidelines Egypt has taken serious steps in the of the two-day visit of Belarus President path of economic reform, he said, adding Alexander Lukashenko to Egypt that there are several promising mega and his talks with President Abdel projects in the country. He, meanwhile, Fattah El-Sisi over boosting bilateral pointed out to the economic reforms, cooperation. The memo includes 13 which include liberalizing exchange spheres of cooperation to benefit from rate and the agreement with the the Belarus expertise, especially in International Monetary Fund (IMF). the flooding, early warning, drainage Chairman of Belarus Chamber of treatment and other domains. The Commerce and Industry Vladimir Belarus side promised to grant several Ulakhovich, on behalf of the Belarus scholarships to young engineers of delegation, extended thanks to the Water Resources Ministry in the President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for various domains. taking part in the proceedings of 38 Sisi, Lukashenko tour Belarus products exhibition President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his Belarus counterpart Alexander Lukashenko toured a Belarus products and machineries exhibition. The two leaders inspected the exhibition after their participation in the second Speaking to reporters, Lukashenko Egyptian-Belarus Business Forum. The stressed his country’s full support for Forum was attended by the Belarus the political approach of the Egyptian deputy premier, ten ministers in leadership meant to enhance stability addition to a delegation representing in the Middle East. Minsk is interested 40 Belarus companies. in promoting relations with Egypt in Egypt keen on boosting ties with Belarus all fields, he said. He added that his President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said talks with Sisi tackled ways to increase Egypt is keen on boosting friendship the volume of trade exchange and joint relations with Belarus. Cairo very production. Lukashenko noted he much appreciates supportive and Sisi discussed exporting Belarus stances of Minsk during the critical products and technology to Egypt. stage of Egypt’s history, Sisi said Belarus supports the establishment in a joint press conference with his of a free trade zone between Egypt Belarusian counterpart Alexander and the Eurasian Union, Lukashenko Lukashenko. President Sisi was told reporters, adding Belarus and pleased to have Lukashenko in Cairo Egypt share the same views regarding as the two countries mark 25 years international issues. Minsk supports of diplomatic relations. He said his Egyptian stances at international talks with Lukashenko took up tangible gatherings and will continue to do so, steps to be taken to push forward Lukashenko stressed. bilateral relations. Egypt pays great He told reporters he and Sisi attention to establishing a free trade agreed on organizing a meeting of zone with the Eurasian Union with the the joint government committee in aim to increase the volume of trade Minsk to outline a plan of action to exchange, the President said, adding boost bilateral cooperation in the that the meeting with Lukashenko also short run. Lukashenko invited Sisi to focused on the fight against terrorism visit Belarus at the time he decides and extremism. Sisi said they agreed for further talks. Egypt is now led on the need to reach radical solutions by a strong person, Lukashenko told to crises in the Middle East in a way reporters, urging the Egyptian people that would guarantee unity, security to keep this leadership to be able to and stability of countries in the region. achieve their aspirations. 39 Sisi signs with Belarus president joint and cooperation in the fields of declaration environment preservation, use of President Abdel Abdel Fattah natural resources, rationalization of El-Sisi and Belarus President water and climate change. South Sinai Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the Governor Khaled Fouda signed with joint declaration between the two the foreign minister of Belarus a joint countries and attended the signing program of action of 2017-2018 to put of joint agreements and memos of into force a memo of understanding understanding between the two in the fields of trade, economic, social countries. Minister of Defense and and cultural cooperation, which was Military Production Sedki Sobhi signed in South Sinai governorate and and head of the Belarus government Minsk region in November 2016. committee on military industries Egypt, Belarus sign cooperation deal on Sergei Gurulev signed a memo scientific research of understanding in the fields of Egypt’s Academy of Scientific technical cooperation and defense Research and Technology (ASRT) industries. Minister of Culture signed a cooperation deal with the Helmi Namnam signed with Belarus National Academy of Sciences of Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei a Belarus (NASB), said Minister of memo of understanding in the field Higher Education and Scientific of culture. Also, Minister of Justice Research Ashraf El-Sheihy. The inking counselor Hossam Abdel Rahim of the agreement, which took place on signed with his Belarus counterpart the sidelines of the Egyptian-Belarus Oleg L. Slizhevsky a legal assistance Business Forum, crowns efforts of the agreement and another agreement ASRT over the past period in utilizing to extradite criminals between the international cooperation in achieving two countries. Minister of Youth development goals, minister Sheihy and Sport Khaled Abdel Aziz signed added. with Belarus Minister of Sports and Meanwhile, ASRT president Tourism Alexander I. Shamko a Mahmoud Sakr said the deal focuses cooperation agreement in the fields on implementing projects of research, of sport training. innovation, technology transfer and Minister of Agriculture and Land exchange of know-how. Joint events Reclamation Esam Fayed signed in the fields of agriculture, food, with Belarus Minister of Agriculture environment as well as manufacturing and Food Leonid K. Zayats a memo are scheduled to be held under the of understanding in the field of deal. During their meeting, Sakr agriculture. Minister of Water and the head of NASB agreed on the Resources and Irrigation Mohamed outlines of the deal executive plan and Abdel-Ati signed with Belarus the necessity of capitalizing on the Minister of Natural Resources and friendly relations binding President Environmental Protection Andrej ŭ Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his Belarus Ka chuta a memo of understanding counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. 40 Sisi, Macedonian President Hold Talks on Ties, Investments

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov who arrived in Egypt to attend an international conference on security and democracy. The meeting took up means to boost ties and investments, Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef said. President Sisi highlighted strong relations linking the two countries, saying he eyes closer ties and cooperation in many fields. Sisi also underlined the important role played by Macedonia in promoting values of dialogue and cross culture communication, the spokesman said. The two leaders agreed on maximizing benefit from investments in both countries, the spokesman added.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi with Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov. Macedonian president visits Religious Complex area in Old Cairo Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov voiced his happiness for visiting the Religious Complex area in Old Cairo. During the visit, the Macedonian President lauded the archeological sites and the greatness and historical value of the area, head of the Islamic and Coptic antiquities sector at the 41 Antiquities Ministry Saeed Helmy said. President Gjorge Ivanov visited Amr Ibn El-Aas Mosque, the Hanging Church, the Jewish Synagogue and Mar Girgis Church, Helmy added. Combating terrorism is a global responsibility President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that countering terrorism is the responsibility of all member states of the international community given that terror is an international threat that targets the security and safety of innocents all over the world without discrimination. Sisi made the remarks during his meeting with the Macedonian president and a number of former heads of state and government taking part in a conference titled “Democratic Security in the Time of Extremism and Violence”. The President asserted that defeating terrorism needs a comprehensive strategy that is not limited to the security and military solutions, but extents to fighting its intellectual foundations, boosting the values of democracy, correcting the religious discourse to promote the tolerant values of religions and reinforcing the values of coexistence and respect for others, Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef said. Sisi also stressed the importance of supporting the concept of the “national state”, reinforcing the role of its institutions to shoulder their responsibilities for maintaining the territorial integrity and strongly combating the extremist and terrorist thoughts. The meeting also took up the latest regional and international developments, with the attendees asserting their appreciation for Egypt’s efforts to achieve stability and development in the Middle East. They also called for intensifying international efforts to combat terrorism and settling the current crises in the region.

42 Renovated Safaga Port, Arqin Crossing Inaugurated

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi attended the inauguration ceremony of the renovated Safaga Port. The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, Defense Minister Sedqi Sobhi and a host of ministers and state officials. The renovation process cost 520 million pounds including the establishing of a car park that accommodates 30,000 vehicles a year. Following his arrival, President Sisi was President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi opens the Port of Safaga briefed on the development Development Project. works at Safaga port by Transportation Minister Galal El-Saeed. Afterwards, head of the Red Sea Ports Authority Hesham Abu-Sena gave a detailed explanation on the project, citing the finalization of the passengers’ terminal at Safaga port in March 2015. The passengers’ terminal at the port went into service in June 2015, Abu-Sena added. Also, he pointed to the beginning of the second and third phases of the project including a station that depends on the trip-ticket system as well as a truck station. The Armed Forces have granted a 30,000 square-meter plot of land to be used for expanding main streets and entrances and linking the port to the internal stop for trucks and external parking lots, Abu-Sena stressed. The parking area and sea pavement have already come into operation, according to Abu-Sena. All facilities at the port were also finished, Abu-Sena said, pointing to the establishment of a water desalination station at a total capacity of 500 cubic meters and a solar- powered plant with a production capacity of four megawatts. Delivering a speech at the ceremony, Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority (ACA) Mohamed Erfan said that Egypt pays great attention to the development of sea ports and waterways to strengthen the navigation movement. In a related context, Erfan pointed out that Egypt possess 15 commercial harbors and 25 special ports in the fields of petroleum, mining, tourism and fishing. The Safaga development project, which serves Upper Egyptian governorates, 43 will achieve a great leap in modern the ministry is planning to develop means of transportation for passengers, Sharm El-Sheikh port. He added that commodities and trucks, Erfan added. the ministry is currently developing Also, it will play a key role in developing the Egyptian Authority for Maritime projects and fostering investments in Safety including its headquarters and Upper Egypt, Erfan noted. operating system. The minister further The development works included said that projects aiming to develop renovating the port infrastructure on ports include deepening waterways, an area of 440,000 square meters, developing docks and networks, enhancing the efficiency of the existing establishing logistic centers, cargo and buildings, establishing a terminal for goods stations and linking ports with passengers and developing the trucks roads. He added that the development station, as well as expanding cargo of Red Sea ports included developing storage areas, Erfan stressed. The Safaga and Nuweiba ports as well as passenger terminal was expanded to establishing Dahab port for speedboats. accommodate 1.3 million passengers Transportation Minister added that and parking lots for trucks were the mega projects currently prepared doubled in size to hold 40,000 trucks to be implemented in the Egyptian annually in addition to increasing the ports include commercial containers movement of goods to hit 4.5 million and general goods station in Alexandria tons annually, he said. port at cost EGP 12 billion and other Transportation Minister Galal El- two stations at a total cost of EGP 4 Said said that 90 percent of the volume billion. Meanwhile, the minister said of Egypt’s trade with other countries that the new developments in Safaga goes through the Egyptian ports and that port and roads network that links the requires developing maritime transport port with Upper Egypt is considered system with a view to attracting more the cornerstone of the golden triangle national and international investments. project. He further said that the process The minister added that the ministry’s of deepening the waterway in Damietta development plan includes developing port was finalized at a cost of EGP 185 infrastructure, attracting national and million, adding that developments in international investments, maritime, Safaga port led to an increase in the human resources, loading and unloading number of ships by 12 percent, cargo system, implementation of maritime by 15 percent and total revenues by safety and security procedures. 40 percent. He added that 60 percent of the Projects of establishing roads in south volume of trade with other countries valley well planned goes through Alexandria port and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi that a new terminal in the port will asserted that the establishment of roads be inaugurated soon. Meanwhile, the especially in south valley region and minister said that the ministry is studying border governorates helps in serving the establishment of an economic zone developmental projects in these areas as in Nuweiba port, pointing out that well as boosting trade with neighboring 44 and African countries. This came during President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi via Sisi’s speech in the inauguration of video conference, is the first “launch Safaga port after developing it. The pad” to Alexandria/Cape town road, President added that the country is especially that it links the biggest allocating sums of money to build such African bloc from the Mediterranean projects and roads in order to make Sea to the Pacific Ocean and serves the optimal use of the development trade volume with 15 African countries. projects, adding that such projects were Nasr said her ministry has finalized well prepared and planned. the establishment of all buildings and Sisi asserted that such projects aim facilities of Arqin land crossing from to prepare the country for a better the Egyptian and Sudanese sides in future. A documentary showing the light of the ministry’s presidency of development of Safaga port and other the committee in charge of border ports and crossings was screened after crossings between Egypt and Sudan. the President’s speech. Arqin crossing is now ready for Sisi inspects helicopter carrier in Safaga operation to serve the movement of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi goods and passengers between the two inspected the Mistral-class helicopter countries and double joint integration carrier . President and cooperation in different fields, Sisi raised Egypt’s flag over the landing she said. helicopter vessel as well as the missile Nasr hailed Egypt-Sudan relations boat R-32 Ahmed Fadel. and bilateral cooperation between Arqin crossing first ‘launch pad’ to Alex./ the two countries. She said that Arqin Cape town road crossing will contribute to developing the surrounding area, adding it is a big International Cooperation Minister project and an important investment Sahar Nasr said Arqin border crossing, which will have large economic and which was officially inaugurated by social revenues.

Mistral-class helicopter carrier Gamal Abdel Nasser. 45 Egyptian Economy Expected to Grow by 6%

Charles Robertson, Renaissance decision that helped boost the Capital’s Global Chief Economist, Egyptian Stock Market and led expected that the Egyptian to foreign purchase of government economy will grow by 6% within bonds worthy of USD 4 billion. three years. Robertson made a Founded in 1995, Renaissance visit to Egypt to assess investment Capital is a leading investment opportunities and expected a bank focused on Russia, the CIS, 3% growth rate for the Egyptian Central and Eastern Europe and economy in the Fiscal Year 2017- Africa, and other high-opportunity 2018. The Central Bank of Egypt emerging markets. floated the local currency, the pound, in November 2016, a

46 47 Messi in Cairo to promote Tour n’ Cure program for Hepatitis C

Barcelona star Lionel Messi visited Cairo to participate in the country’s Tour n’ Cure medical campaign that aims to promote medical tourism in Egypt. Messi’s several-hour visit to Egypt included a tour of the Giza Pyramids area, during which the five-time Ballon D’or winner posted a tweet on his Twitter account. Messi was accompanied by famous archaeologist Zahi Hawass in a tour of the Great Pyramid, who offered him a detailed explanation about the Messi touring the Pyramids. history and purpose of the pyramid construction in the ancient Egyptian civilization. The Argentinian mega star said he is happy to visit the land of the Pharaohs and their great civilization. He took many photos to upload them on his social media accounts, followed by more than one billion people.

Messi being honored during a special ceremony. 48 Leo Messi visits Egypt to campaign against Hepatitis C.

A ceremony was held for the time, Messi is the only football Tour n’ Cure campaign which player in history to win the FIFA invites foreigners suffering from World Player of the Year/FIFA Hepatitis C to visit Egypt for Ballon d’Or five times, four of treatment. The ceremony was which he won consecutively, Messi touring the Pyramids. attended by a host of ministers, and the first player to win lawmakers, sportsmen, artists, three European Golden Shoes. businessmen in addition to With Barcelona he has won seven public figures. “La Liga” titles and four UEFA Lionel Andrés “Leo” Champions League titles, as well Messi Cuccittini, born 24 as three “Copa del Rey” titles. June 1987, is an Argentine Messi hails Egyptian civilization, hopes professional footballer who plays for world free from Hepatitis C as a forward for Spanish club “FC Barcelona” and is the captain Barcelona star Lionel Messi for the Argentina national team. expressed his happiness to visit Often considered the best player Egypt and tour archaeological in the world and rated by many sites of the great civilization and in the sport as the greatest of all history featuring the Egyptian

49 people. In a televised interview, the Argentinian mega star added that his short visit to the country aims to promote a campaign to support Hepatitis C treatment in Egypt and the world. He called on footballers worldwide to provide assistance to those in need by all available means. During the ceremony which was held at the Mena House Hotel in Giza, the organizers thanked the Argentinian mega star for his visit to Egypt and participation in this event. Egypt has become number 1 in fighting Hepatitis C and the State is keen on doing more to eradicate this fatal disease. Messi said he visited Egypt for the first time in 2007 as part of Barcelona team, adding he would pay another visit to the country to learn more about Egypt and its great civilization. An advertisement for Messi under the rubric “Stop the Wait” was run at the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, Messi was honored as an ambassador for the global fight against Hepatitis C. “It’s great to be at the Pyramids. It was a great moment when I entered the Pyramid and touched its stones,” Messi told TV channel “ON E”. “I have touched Egypt’s greatness and knew how the ancients have lived, it’s a brilliant moment to watch the history closely. In school I learned about Egypt and I know how great it is”.

50 51 Museum of Islamic Art Defeats Terror

After a car bomb hit Cairo Security Directorate in 2014, Egypt’s Museum of Islamic Art was severely damaged. But the country did not lose faith in getting the Museum back to life again. On January 18, 2017, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated the Museum after renovation works were completed. Minister of Antiquities Khaled El- Enani said the inauguration of the Museum was a new victory for the country against terror, which tried to undermine its heritage. After the blast, Egypt received donations from The UAE (EGP 50 million), the UNESCO, which donated USD 100.000 for the restoration of the Museum’s laboratories, the US and the Swiss government, both donated (EGP 1 million) for the restoration of the Museum’s façade, while the Italian government contributed USD 850.000 to purchase new showcases and provide training courses to the Museum’s curators. Out of 179 pieces that sustained severe damage, 169 were completely restored. The Museum of Islamic Art is one of the most specialized museums in the world, as it houses artifacts from different Islamic eras and countries, from India, China, and Iran to the Arab Peninsula, Syria and Iraq, Egypt, North Africa and Spain. The idea of establishing the Museum dates back to 1869 under the rein of Khedive Ismail, but it was put into effect in 1880 under Khedive Tawfiq when Islamic masterpieces and artifacts were collected in a small building named “The Arab Museum”. The current Museum was inaugurated on December 28, 1903 under Khedive Abbas Helmy II; and then in 1951, the name changed into “Museum of Islamic Art”. In 1984, the Museum was enlarged and number of gallery halls increased to 25. In 2003, the Museum of Islamic Art underwent a complete development process; the right side of the Museum was dedicated to the Islamic artifacts dating

52 The First Visit Of The General Director Of UNESCO To The Museum Of Islamic Art After The Re-Opening back to the Umayyad Caliphate until the end of the Ottoman Era; the left side housed Islamic arts from Turkey, India and Iran. The Museum of Islamic Art is home to an exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster artifacts, as well as Islamic era metal, ceramic, glass, textile and crystal pieces. Currently, the Museum showcases 4400 artifacts from different eras: the Umayyad Caliphate, the Abbasid Caliphate, the Ayyubid Dynasty, the Memlukes, the Ottoman Era and Mohamed Ali Pasha. A hall displaying Islamic coins and weapons has been added, along with a hall for Islamic manuscripts. One hall showcases the daily life of Egyptians throughout the Islamic age.

Museum of Islamic Art collections.

53 Egypt, one of Top 20 Tourist Destinations in 2017

Egypt has been chosen as one of the world’s top 20 tourist destinations for 2017. Bloomberg and CNN have cited Geoffrey Kent, founder of luxury tour operator Abercrombie & Kent, saying “Travelers will find the country offers a more rewarding experience than ever before.” Bloomberg noted that “in addition to heightened safety, many brand-name hospitality firms have started recommitting to Egypt.” “In 2015, Ritz-Carlton opened on the Nile, and more recently, Oberoi launched a luxury river cruise between Luxor and Aswan. In April 2017, St. Regis will open a 39-story hotel, also overlooking the Nile. In addition, the government is opening the lush tombs of both Queen Nefertari and Pharaoh Seti I, after years of closed-door restorations,” the US news agency added. Moreover, the German tourist website (Check 24) said Egypt topped the ranking of the tourist bookings list for 2017. According to the website, the number of tourists who booked their trips to Egypt increased by 84% in the first six weeks of the current season compared to the same period last year.

54 Six Million Visitors as Cairo International Book Fair 2017 Opens

Since 1969, Cairo International Book Fair has been a symbol of Egypt’s continued cultural enlightenment in the region. Being one of the largest book fairs in the world, the event attracts publishers, writers, and audiences from everywhere in the globe. No wonder, it was chosen in 2006 as the second largest in the world after Frankfort International Book Fair. Prime Minister Sherif Ismail opened the 48th session of the Cairo International Book Fair on January 26, 2017 held under the theme “The Youth and Culture of the Future”. The Fair gathered 850 publishers from 35 countries, including 22 African and Arabs. The Kingdom of Morocco was chosen as the guest of honor for this year’s session, and it participates with more than 60 intellectuals, poets and writers in the activities of the event. Poet Salah Abdel Sabour (1931- 1981), one of Egypt’s prominent contemporary poets, was chosen as the fair’s Person of the Year, thanks to the great part he played in cultural and literary life in Egypt and his contributions to the development of modern poetry and literature. Activities of the Cairo International Book Fair included holding seminars on such topics as the role of the youth in promoting culture, the role of the media in confronting terror, the impact of the social media on the circulation of the printed book among others.

55 Hussein Bicar, Egypt’s Gifted Artist Commemorated

Hussein Bicar’s words “to understand is to appreciate” better describe one of Egypt’s prominent artists in the 20th Century. Bicar (January 3, 1913-November 16, 2002) graduated from Egypt’s School of Higher Arts in 1933, and then in 1943, he became the chairman of Painting Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts, . Like his teacher, Mahmoud Moukhtar, Egypt’s great sculptor, Bicar believed Egyptian art must be based on Egypt’s roots and Morning time by Hussein Bicar. culture, particularly rural areas. His paintings carry, therefore, a poetic message reflecting the nobility of the Egyptian character. Given that the essence of Egyptian art is spiritual, compared to the physical nature of the Greek and Roman arts, the spirituality of subjects is apparent in Bicar’s paintings. His portraits depict the life of Egyptian peasants, Nubian scenes, ancient Egyptian themes and nature. He mastered a unique simple and innovative painting style, using different mediums such as oil, water color and tempera. Moreover, he was introduced to the art of illustration thanks to his professor Ahmed Sabry when both were working at the Faculty of Fine Arts. Hence, he was asked to prepare drawings for the first illustrated book “The 56 A Nubian Dance by Hussein Bicar. Days”, by Egypt’s great intellect Taha monuments. Bicar’s paintings Hussein. Bicar’s outstanding talent in demonstrate his mastery of the art, as illustration empowered him to produce he depended mostly on his imagination the first ever children’s magazine in and books of history to reinvigorate Egypt “Sinbad” in 1952. life into that era of Egypt’s history. Apart from painting, Hussein Bicar was also a poet and musician. He used to write Rubaiyyat, a form of four –line verses, published weekly on Akhbar El-Youm, one of the leading newspapers in Egypt. He was also a talented lute player. He could play the lute at the age of eight, though he did not study how to read musical note, he depended only on listening to music to play a melody. In recognition of his outstanding talent, Bicar received a number of awards, including Medal of Science and Arts (Egypt 1972), the State Merit Award (Egypt 1978), Honorary Award of the Supreme Council of Culture (Egypt 1980), and Medal of Pride from the Kingdom of Morocco in 1942, where he lived for four year at the early stage of his life. Recently, in recognition of his artistic Cover of first issue of Sindbad magazine. heritage, Google has commemorated One of the most magnificent works Hussein Bicar, marking on January 3, of Hussein Bicar is the set of paintings 2017, what would have been his 104 made for a documentary named “The birthday. Eighth Wonder”, telling the story of Egypt’s famous Ramses II Temple in Abu Simbel, Aswan, in southern Egypt. Bicar was asked to depict in paintings the early stages of constructing the Temple. Hence, he drew illustrations based on historical and geometrical information on the construction of one of Egypt’s most valuable

57 58 Sisi to Egyptian Football Team: You’ve Made us Happy

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received the Egyptian national football team, upon their arrival from Gabon, at the Cairo International airport. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received the Egyptian national football team, upon their arrival from Gabon, at the Cairo International airport. The pharaohs lost the final to Cameroon 2/1 after they were leading the game for over an hour, before a dramatic end that favored the lions. President El-Sisi voiced his deep appreciation for the Egyptian team for their outstanding and heroic performance at the 31st edition of the AFCON that was hosted in Gabon from January 14 to February 5, 2017. Egyptian national team’s participation in the AFCON 2017 came after seven years of absence since the team lifted the trophy in AFCON 2010 hosted in Angola. President El-Sisi thanked the Egyptian team, saying that they made all Egyptians happy, thanks to their great performance during the tournament. 59 History of Egypt’s football team in AFCON Egypt boasts a bright history in the AFCON, being the record holder of the continent thanks to seven trophies the pharaohs have lifted in different times. In 1957, Egypt beat Ethiopia 4/0 in the final to clinch their first ever AFCON title; and in 1959, Egypt secured its second title, beating Sudan 2/1. Then, Egypt hosted the competitions in 1986 and defeated Cameroon 5/4 in the shootout. But it took the country 12 years to lift the trophy again after beating South Africa 2/0 in the AFCON hosted in Burkina Faso in 1998. From 2006 to 2010, the Egyptians set a new record, as they won the trophy three times in a row. In 2006, Egypt hosted the AFCON and made its way to the final, beating Cote d’Ivoire in the shootout 4/2. Again, the country clinched the trophy in 2008 defeating Cameroon (in Ghana) 1/0, and in AFCON 2010 (hosted in Angola), the pharaohs set the record, lifting the seventh cup in their history after defeating Ghana 1/0. During Egypt’s national football team’s participation in the AFCON, the pharaohs won 55 games versus 26 losses with 16 games ending in a tie.

60 Egypt’s Volleyball Team Qualifies for World Championship

Egypt’s U-20 women volleyball team won the African Volleyball Championship hosted in Cairo, in January 2017. The young ladies snatched the seventh title for Egypt, defeating Tunisia in the final 3/0 and qualified for the World Championship due in Mexico from 7 to 16 July 2017. Sixteen teams will compete in the 19th edition of the tournament organized by the sport’s governing body, the International Federation of Volleyball (FIVB).

Egyptian volleyball women’s team playing in the final match.