WATERWAY STRATEGY 2014-2022 Contents
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Glenelg Hopkins WATERWAY STRATEGY 2014-2022 CONTENTS ConTEnts Chair’S Foreword 6 4 PART D - REGIONAL WORK PROGRAM 69 ABOUT THE STRATEGY 7 4.1 Regional work program 2014-2022 72 4.2 Coastal Waterway Management Area 73 4.3 Lower Glenelg Waterway Management Area 105 1 PART A - REGIONAL OVERVIEW AND STRATEGIC CONTEXT 9 4.4 Upper Glenelg Waterway Management Area 132 1.1 Regional overview 11 4.5 Upper Hopkins Waterway Management Area 149 4.6 Volcanic Plain Waterway Management Area 159 1.2 Glenelg Hopkins waterways 12 4.7 Wannon Waterway Management Area 169 1.3 Community participation 18 4.8 Estimated eight-year work program budget 189 1.4 Indigenous people’s knowledge and involvement 20 4.9 Delivering the strategy 190 4.10 Monitoring reporting and evaluation 197 1.5 Strategic and legislative context 22 1.6 Review of previous river health strategy and addendum 24 5 ACRONYMS 200 6 APPENDICES 201 2 PART B - MANAGEMENT RESPONSES 7 ENDNOTES 253 TO REGION-WIDE THREATS 31 2.1 Pest plants and animals 34 FIGURES 2.2 Water management 37 Figure 1. Major river basins and Waterway Management Areas in the Glenelg Hopkins 2.3 Climate change 42 region .......................................................................... 11 2.4 Extreme events 43 Figure 2. The drivers of environmental condition 2.5 Estuary management 44 that support the values of waterways ................. 12 2.6 Water quality 45 Figure 3. Condition of reaches in Glenelg, Portland and Hopkins basins based on the third 2.7 Wetlands 46 ISC report .........................................................16 2.8 River channel 48 Figure 4. Key legislation, strategies and plans and 2.9 Riparian land 49 their relationship with the Glenelg Hopkins 2.10 Recreational use of waterways 50 Waterway Strategy ...........................................23 Figure 5. Key waterway project achievements in the Glenelg Hopkins region ....................................28 3 PART C - THE APPROACH USED IN WATERWAY PRIORITISATION 51 Figure 6. Generalised invasion curve showing actions appropriate to each stage ................................34 3.1 Vision 53 Figure 7. The Victorian Environmental Water Holder 3.2 Goals and overarching principles 53 planning framework for decisions in 3.3 Asset-based approach 55 environmental water management in Victoria ..........................................................40 3.4 High value waterways 58 Figure 8. AVIRA conceptual framework. Wetlands 3.5 Priority waterways 59 are provided as an example. Groundwater 3.6 Program logic 67 and marine asset classes are not part of this strategy. ............................................................56 Figure 9. Filtering waterway assets to identify priority waterways ............................................59 Front cover: Dunkeld Arboretum, James Pevitt. cover: Dunkeld Arboretum, Front 2 I GLENELG HOPKINS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY CONTENTS Figure 10. Locations of seasonally herbaceous wetlands Figure 30. The eight-year adaptive management cycle and wetland clusters within the Glenelg of the Victorian Waterway Management Hopkins region .................................................64 Program and regional waterway strategies .....197 Figure 11. Priority waterways and seasonal Figure 31. Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) and herbaceous wetland priority areas within RAP applicants in the Glenelg Hopkins CMA Waterway Management Areas .........................65 area ............................................................................202 Figure 12. Priority areas for intervention identified in the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment TABLES Strategy 2013-2019 ..........................................66 Table 1. Wetland condition of selected wetlands based on 2009 IWC scores .................................... 17 Figure 13. Glenelg Hopkins CMA sub-catchments overlaid with Waterway Management Areas ....66 Table 2. Flagship species in Glenelg Hopkins waterways .........................................................19 Figure 14. Simplified program logic for the Glenelg Table 3. Summary of achievements of implementation Hopkins Waterway Strategy .............................67 targets in RRHS & Addendum 2004-2011 ........24 Figure 15. Example of the three levels of targets set Table 4. Example using AVIRA to score waterway for vegetation resource condition ....................68 asset values and scores .....................................57 Figure 16. Coastal Waterway Management Area Table 5. Priority river reaches in each Waterway indicating priority rivers and estuaries .............74 Management Area ............................................60 Figure 17. Wetland complexes in the Coastal Table 6. Priority wetlands in each Waterway Waterway Management Area ...........................92 Management Area ............................................61 Table 7. Priority estuaries in the coastal waterway Figure 18. Lower Glenelg Waterway Management management area. ............................................62 Area showing priority reaches ........................106 Table 8. Brucknell Creek (reach 36-13) work program ...75 Figure 19. Wetland complexes in the Lower Glenelg Table 9. Merri River (reach 36-38) work program ..........76 Waterway Management Area .........................114 Table 10. Surry River (reaches 37-03, 37-04 and 37-05) Figure 20. Upper Glenelg Waterway Management work program ...................................................77 Area indicating priority rivers reaches ............132 Table 11. Fitzroy River (reach 37-07) work program ........80 Figure 21. Wetland complexes in the Upper Glenelg Table 12. Darlot Creek (reach 37-09) work program ........81 Waterway Management Area .........................142 Table 13. Eumeralla River (reach 37-11) work program ...82 Figure 22. Upper Hopkins Waterway Management Table 14. Moyne River (reach 37-16) work program ........83 Area showing priority reaches ........................149 Table 15. Moleside Creek (reach 38-14) work program ...83 Figure 23. Priority wetlands in the Upper Hopkins Table 16. Hopkins River estuary (reach 36-201) Management Area ..........................................152 work program ...................................................84 Figure 24. Volcanic Plain Waterway Management Table 17. Merri River estuary (reach 36-238) Area showing priority reaches ........................159 work program ...................................................85 Figure 25. Priority wetlands in the Volcanic Plain Table 18. Wattle Hill Creek estuary (reach 37-201) Management Area ..........................................161 work program ...................................................86 Table 19. Surry River estuary (reach 37-203) Figure 26. Wannon Waterway Management Area work program ...................................................87 showing priority reaches. ................................169 Table 20. Fitzroy River estuary (reach 37-206) Figure 27. Wetlands in the Wannon Waterway work program ...................................................88 Management Area ..........................................180 Table 21. Lake Yambuk (reach 37-211) work program .....89 Figure 28. Waterway Management District Table 22. Moyne River estuary (reach 37-216) boundaries in the Glenelg Hopkins region.....194 work program ...................................................90 Figure 29. Designated drainage schemes within Table 23. Glenelg River estuary (reach 38-201) the Glenelg Hopkins region ...........................196 work program............................................................ 91 WATERWAY STRATEGY 2014-2022 I 3 CONTENTS Table 24. Long Swamp wetland complex ........................93 Table 46. Wando River (reach 44) work program ...........141 Table 25. Long Swamp Wetland complex Table 47. Dergholm (Youpayang) wetland complex ......143 (inc. wetlands 20501, 20502, 20613 Table 48. Dergholm wetlands complex (inc. wetlands and 20614) work program ................................94 22985, 22994, 23000, and 23003) Table 26. Bridgewater Lakes wetland complex ...............97 work program .................................................146 Table 27. Bridgewater Lakes wetland complex Table 49. Beniagh Swamp (wetland 23078) (inc. wetlands 20561, 20562, 20563 work program .................................................136 and 20565) work program ................................98 Table 50. Victoria Lagoon (wetland 27624) Table 28. Tower Hill wetland complex ...........................100 work program .................................................147 Table 29. Tower Hill wetland complex (inc. Wetlands Table 51. Moora Moora Reservoir (wetland 27669) 25630, 25632 and 25638) work program .......101 work program .................................................147 Table 30. Lake Condah wetland complex ......................103 Table 52. Rocklands Reservoir (wetland 27675) Table 31. Lake Condah wetland complex work program .................................................148 (wetland 23598) work program ......................104 Table 53. Summary of key works and outputs for Upper Table 32. Summary of key works and outputs for the Glenelg Waterway Management Area ...........148 Coastal Waterway Management Area ............104 Table 54. Mt Emu Creek (reach 36-22) Table 33. Glenelg River (reaches 38-02, 38-03, 38-04, work program .................................................150 38-05, 38-06) work program ...........................107 Table 55. Trawalla Creek (reach 36-23) work program ...151 Table 34. Crawford River