Volume 11.1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HISTORY TEACHING LEARNING AND RESEARCH November 2012 www.history.org.uk International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research EDITORS Hilary Cooper, University of Cumbria Jon Nichol, The Historical Association Robert Guyver, Univesity College Plymouth, St. Mark and St. John, UK ASSOCIATE EDITORS Terry Epstein, City University, New York, USA Katherine Burn, Institute of Education, London, UK Arthur Chapman, Edge Hill University, UK EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD The revised membership of the Editorial Advisory Board will be published in the next edition, IJHLTR, 11.2. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research is subject to a peer review process and is published twice a year: May/June and October/December. Editorial correspondence should be addressed to:
[email protected] and
[email protected] Submission of articles Full details of the form, layout and referencing conventions for articles to be submitted are included at the end of this edition. Advertising Full page/half page: enquiries to - telephone: [+44] 020 7820 5985 Annual Institutional subscription This will be for individual institutions. In 2013 the Historical Association will publish details of institutional membership for its on-line educational journals and related resources, including IJHLTR. Annual personal subscription Personal subscription to the Historical Association includes access to IJHLTR current and previous editions. To join the Historical Association please go to: http://www.history.org.uk/member/register.php Back issues These are posted on the Historical Association website www.history.ork.uk and are downloadable for Historical Association members. Delegates to the History Educators International Research Network [HEIRNET] annual conference receive a complimentary downloadable copy of the journal.