Buddhist Vihares - Their Temporalities, Modes of Succession to the Office of Viharadhipathi: a Review of Buddhist Ecclesiastical Law
Vidyodaya (..) Golden Jubilee Issue pp 69 - 88 Buddhist Vihares - Their Temporalities, Modes of Succession to the Office of Viharadhipathi: A Review of Buddhist Ecclesiastical Law. S. Saratlt Mathilal de Silva Dept. ofConunerce, University ofSri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Abstract This study examines the Buddhist Ecclesiastical Law in its historical perspective and the current law in relation to Buddhist Vihares and the mode of succession 10 the of lice of Viharadhipathi. In this exercise relevant legislation and the case law are analvzed. Buddhist Ecclesiastical /a11' in Sri Lanka has evolved through the pas: centuries /() nccotnc 0 i 1\'/I1i!. force. 11'/7ich reveals through examination th: inextricabte link between Sinhalese .iure and Buddhism and the role playet: by the relisnon in the growth or/he taws and customs of/he countrv. On account ofthe enormous service rendered bv the Buddhist monks towar: the vtooititv ana nrogress of the countrv. the e ducat ional and 1)11;' eniivntenmen. r,i'j,',epeoulc prosncritv ana hanniness otthe societv 1<1'" T;-l I/;1i"'(} <'.\" '/11.\/1.'" ..' P·:"('i.,' {'J land: on the temnlcs ior U1(,fr q7({(}:rCi-l,:tP,~'C 7'!/.''" 'P-' \1' i (',~?(l f/,'e ; ti,l1.n· '? t ,"',}" 'I.' :~/ ~·hi!.~l,.,and 1"", }:,'!.'..; ofte: pl »: "'I'\\·,S j prcrogutiv: .'(1':< ( "'", "11 Kingdon: In fe!.!e')I"g -vith the ancient tradition. UCCO: !)i" 'ii the F...Cll1i1},:1I1 '~ onventton !SO! 5, (he British R01'C1'l1meJ1( un.tcrto Jti t ] maintain and protect Buddhism and Buddhist temples. However, tater file withdrawal ofthe British Governmentirom tcmplcs affairsplunged tnc Iiuddn.st temples into a deep crisis, There appeared on the scene, during 'ill' j Y ccnturv.
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