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The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 14 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections VOL. IX, No. 42 CARTERET PRESS CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1931 PRICE THREE CENTS Governor Names Commission To Fire Discovered Medwick In Big Young Democrats Show In 2 Years Says Fire Sweeps Wing Of Celebrate Washington Anniversary In Business Block N. Y. Sun Scribe Meet Monday Night Larson Urg«» That Every Town In State Appoint A Local Com- Writing in tbe New York Several Stores Threatened For Sun not to long ag°. Sam Mur- | Senator Quinn To Be The Prin- Big Carteret Plant mittee To Co-operate In Marking The Bicentennial Of A Tim* In Chrome Section '• phy, "Tha Old Scout", who I cipal Speaker At Meeting In Washington's Birth A Great State-Wide and Nation- knows baubmll from A to Z, Sunday Morninr BUie At Warner Chemical Company De- Fire was discovered yesterday •poke of three younftten from Firehouse. stroys One tJnft — Firemen Save Othw Structures Aided wide Event — Keim Heads State Commission. afternoon in a frame shed in the Houiton who are practically rear of the Carteret Live Poultry certain of aicending to the ma- An important meeting of the By Favorable Wmd — Loss Heavy But No Men Thrown he Commission on Historic Sites, Robert Walker, Trenton; Hon Wil- market at 152 Pershing avenue. The jort next ••••on. One ii "Dii- Young Men's Democratic Club of Out Of Work. ,,uilcd in accordance with the liam S. Gummnre, Newark; Hon. blaze ia believed to have been started «y" Dean, the moil talkative Ciirtoret will be held Monday night enacted by the last New Jersey Ihomas N. MnCarter, iRumson: Hon. by two boys playing with matches twirler in buebill whoie hob- in FirchnuRo No. 2. The meeting A fire that m^y h»v« been caused gave the streams such forcr that thry « 7) "J" Hammonfl, Bernardsville; nnd two boys are being questioned by it ii to bout about himielf; will bogin soon after R o'clock. The by spontaneous combustion swept i-lature, under that law was Wig feature nf the meeting will be could be thrown far into the flrt HJIMI with the duty of making Mr. Merritt G. Perkins, Newark; Mr. by the police. The scene of the fire Paul Carey, lenutional iihort- one wing of the^tant of the Warner gradually slowing it down. It ap- Edward D. Duffield, Newark; Mr. is in the heart Of a closely built up itop, and Joieph Medwick, a lo- nn address by Senator Arthur Quinn, Chemical Company early Sunday peared that there was inflamftble ,- and arranging lor appropriate cal product. In deicribing Med- nf Spwaren. Th<?Te will be speak- iniitions of important historical •Julius S. Rippel, Newark; Mr. Rob-business section. The fire had (rain- and did damage estimated at $76,- material on fire and it resisted stub- crt Monro Boyd, Jr., Montclair; ed considerable headway before it wick, Murphy laid lie wai a ing alao by local leaders and candi- 000. How the fire started has not bornly. ,jt» That Commission, upon con- powerful right-handed hitter, a dates It is announced that during .iinc the importance of the cele- Hon. Richard Hartshorne, Newark- was discovered. f been determined. It was reported The blase was discovered «bout Majoj r W. I.. LncolLincoln Adams, Mont When an alarm was sounded, the • treak on the incki and a play- the meeting the secretary will en- that a small explosion was heard just 4 a. m. Sunday. By 5 o'clock th« non of the 200th Anniversary of lr;; Mr chBr1<ch1 s M er without K weakneu. He went ioil new member!). w lr; M,,r-.. chBr1<<s M ' kumk , NNewark;Newark; two fire companies responded, Num- before the blase was noticed. The firemen had checked it and in an- Itirth of George Washington to M Will ber 2 Company arriving on the scene on to lay that Joe may be only i The clul) was orgnnized a few Blarm was given by a government Mr. William Clark, Newarkk ; HonH . two yean away from the ma- other hour it was well under control. held next year, is desirous of Franklin W.'Fort, East Orange; Mr. before the alarm was through blow- j weeks ago and has had a marvelous dredger and other hoat.i in the sound. Once there was a sharp explosion nig a special committee appoint- ing. Great clouds of smoke were jon, with ponibly a campaign I growth. The membership at pres- A chorus of siren blasts aroused the Basil M. Stevens, Montclair; Mr. C. of seasoning at Rochester next ent is more than 100. When n ques- that scattered burning pieces of I 'l(P co-operate with it in making R. Lindback, Ventnor; Hon. Robert rolling out of the building and there town. A few minutes later the two wood near the water front. It w«s such celebration. Upon was a pungent smell of burning year. Medwick will be twenty 'ion as to the aims of the club was local fire alarms sounded. |,|iin- for H. Ingersoll, Atlantic City; Mr. Dan- in November. thought to have been an oil drum , quest of the Commission on iel E. Pomoroy, Englewood; Mr. feathers. Some chickens wore de- raised recently at a moetjng of one Ry the time the alarm was sound- exploded by the heat. vie Sites, therefore, I take Theodore Boettger, Lodi; Mr. stroyed,. \ot the A. Harry Moore Clubs it was eil the lire had gained great head- The building was used principally urc in announcing the appoint- stated that the primary purpose of way. It was in a unit that wna built Ihomas W. Lamont, Englewood; The firemen were handicapped for! the young men's organization is to as a store room and was filled with mint <>f : _ The George Washington Hon. Cornelius Doremus, Ridgewood- a ffew minutes by,the dense smoke about six or soven years ago. The material which was totally destroy- Committee for New Mrs. Edward Byrd Grubb, Burling- but they soon had the fire under Many Carteret Boys interest and educate young men in structure extended to the Round ed. When the fire was discovered Hnrntcnniai the Honorable George Democratic politics nnd to enable from the main buildings of the big ton; Mrs. William D. Sherrerd, Had- control. In twenty minutes it was them to carry on the work o£ the there was much apprehension in the |rl,rv, with donfield; Mr. Eldridgc R. Johnson, out. plant. borough as the plant is one that em- a, |i, nneville Keim as chairman. Moorestown; Mr, Arthur C. Dor- The loss is estimatemated at about At Keepwell Camp party as the older members drop nut Chief Dennis Fitzgerald of the ployes local labor almost exclusively. •flic State of New Jersey is more of active political life. The club is rance, Camden; Miss Mabel Clay, $300. ThTh e iinterior of the building not affiliated with or influenced by Fire Department directed the efforts The unit that was destroyed by the ,|n-,.|y associated with the activities beesley's Point; General Wm. C. ia charred and a quantity of crates of his men to saving the rest of the blaze will not effect the employment „;• iii-'nrge Washington as Command- Nineteen Youngsters From any other political club or any in- Heppenheimer, Jersey City; Mrs C and other things stored in the shed dividual in the borough, it vCas stated plant. The unit that was on fire was situation. ,.,-in-Chief than any other State in Edward Murray, Trenton; Brigadier were burned. The building belongs Borough To Spend Six doomed. As in the case of the fire at The structure at the time it was II, Tnion except Virginia. It was hut the members will support the General Frederick Gilkyson, Tren- to Alec Lebowitss. When the blaze Weeks Building Up. candidates on the Democratic ticket. the Shell Oil plant in Sewaren a few built was used for experimental ni',,,11 the soil of our State that some ton ; Mrs. Thomafe J. Preston, Prince- was at its height the Roosevelt Fur- weeks ago the wind favored the fire- work. Special machinery wsa im- ,,(• iho most important battles of the All young men planning to join ton; Hon. Edward L. Katzenbach, niture house and several other busi- Twenty boys from Carteret the organization are urged to bp men. Ft blew steadily off shore and ported from Germany and installed. l;,.M>hitionary War was fought, and Trenton; Dr. Carlos E. Godfrey, while it fanned the flames, it writ Il was destroyed in the fire Sunday n «iis across our State that General ness concerns were threatened. spending the month of July at the present Monday night and enroll. State House, Trenton; Dr. John Kiddie Keep Well Camp in Metueh- the heat, and the showers of sparks morning. W.i-liington and his troops marched Oricr Hibbcn, Princeton; Mrs. Wil- iwanl the water. and again during the long, dark en, the Middlesex County camp for Firemen remained at the plant ,1;,-,.. df the War. Scores of historic liam Libbey, Princeton; Rt. Rev. undernourished children which is The firemen carried on their fight throughout Sunday playing a stream identified with the great Paul Matthews, D.D., (Bishop of Heil Urges Aid operated by the Middlesex County from the rear, checking the advance on tho ruins to prevent ta fresh out- i niiiinander-in-Chief are within our New Jersey Episcopal), Princeton; Recreation Council. Carteret Post of the flames toward the main plant.