WK: 208-354-0245 Teton County Engineer 150 Courthouse Drive : 208-313-0245 MEMO Driggs, ID 83422

January 22, 2014 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Jay T. Mazalewski, PE SUBJECT: 1-27-2014 - Road Summit

BoCC, On the evening of Monday, January 27, I will review the 5-year road work project list that was presented in April of 2013. Prior to reviewing the project list, I will give a short presentation on the history of our roads, maintenance, and funding. I will not be revisiting the background information provided last April. That information has been updated and is attached for your review. PROJECT LIST: Please review the attached project list. You will see 6 columns on the left hand side of the sheet. These columns are used to help decide which projects are scheduled each year. Location: Corresponds with the 2010 Transportation Update Map Crew Priority: Each R&B crew member identified project on their roads and ranked them ADT: Average Daily Traffic Road Classification: This is the designation of each road 2010 Update Year: When the project was scheduled in the 2010 Transportation Update 2013 Revised Year: The current year the project is scheduled. This information is used along with our budget and available crew to create an achievable schedule of work for each of the first 3 years (see 2014 work schedule). The final year (2017 & future projects) is a list of all other projects that have been identified. Some of these projects are small and may be used as “filler” projects if we have extra time in a construction year. Per the meeting last April, I recommend this project list be revisited every three years, updated, and re-prioritized. This is meant to be a flexible list and projects may be completed sooner or than scheduled based on funding, time, conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Attached are pages from the Comprehensive Plan that reference road/transportation. I believe we are following closely the guidelines and have already accomplished some of the identified goals.

AGRICULTURAL ROADS: The BoCC requested ways meet the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and ensure that we are maintaining and improving roads that serve agriculture. The attached Ag Exemption/Road Project map show properties classified as agricultural properties receiving the Ag Exemption Tax status and our road projects. Based on the map appears that the majority of completed and proposed, serves agricultural needs. OTHER ITEMS: How to get more work done: Allocate additional funding for more staff or private contractors. Options: 1) We have approximately a $200K surplus of levy funds that have been compiled since the 1st levy. I recommend we increase the levy budget to include these funds for the purpose of improving our gravel roads. (the surplus is due to a higher collection % than anticipated). 2) Increase the Special Rd Levy (note this levy is up for renewal in the spring of 2014) 3) BoCC petition the state for increased revenues Special Projects/BoCC Requests: The BoCC & public appear to focus on certain roads/areas. Options: 1) Dedicate 6% ($45K) of the county portion of the levy to BoCC Special Projects and have each BoCC member direct the funding of 2% of the levy to a project to be completed by private contractors. 2) Dedicate 6% of the county portion of the levy community identified project and hold a lottery to determine which project is funded (need to check w/attorney)

SUMMARY: Teton County has seen its population almost double and a construction boom. This increased traffic, on roads not designed to handle these traffic loads, has accelerated the deterioration. As we progress with our projects, less road mileage may get work on some years, due to need for full reconstruction not just overlays or chip seals. My goal is upgrade all of our roads and create a solid foundation under the roads which future generations can build on. Teton County has a significant backlog of road work due to over a decade of underfunding. We have had three construction years with levy funding to begin to make a dent in the backlog but still have a long, long ways to go. To get all of our roads upgraded and maintainable will be a long, slow, but steady process at our current funding level. Patience will be required by all in order to get our transportation network to the level everybody wants.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Gravel Stabilization (dust control):

What: Gravel roads are treated with a 30%-35% solution of magnesium chloride to stabilize the gravel and prevent it from migrating off the surface.

Why: Mag attracts moisture which prevents the fines (aka binder) from disappearing and helps lock in the larger aggregate and maintains the travel surface. A stabilized surface loses 1.5 tons of material per year per vehicle trip. An un-stabilized surface loses 2.6 tons of material per year per vehicle trip. This is why we use Mag, dust control is a secondary benefit. Once the traffic count goes below 140, the replacement cost for gravel is cheaper than the cost of the mag.

How: A residual amount of mag remains in the gravel each year. Therefore the application rate can be reduced after the first year. We typically apply 0.5 gal/sqyd the first year, 0.4 gal/sqyd year 2, and 0.3 gal/sqyd thereafter.

How Much: The Special Road levy pays about $70,000, The SW Budget pays $2,000 for a total of about $$72,000 available for gravel stabilization. This should stabilize approximately 25-27 miles of road in 2014.

Where: Attached is a map showing the roads which are proposed to receive mag in 2014. This is the only road treatment which locations are determined solely by road counts, as this is where the taxpayer money is most efficiently used. Additionally, roads to receive Mag should have a good gravel surface or receive a gravel overlay prior to the first application of Mag.


Pavement Maintenance (Seal Coat)

What: Teton County maintains 76 miles of paved/sealed roads and 7 miles of a paved pathway. Only 26 miles of this are actually pavement. The remaining 46 miles are multiple layers of chip seal on a gravel surface. Asphalt pavement adds structural integrity to the road, a chip seal does not. Here are three typical pavement treatments: Crack Seal: Seal all cracks less than 1/8”, done prior to any other surface treatment Fog/Rejuventor Seal: A light coat of oil which seals smaller cracks and prevents further decay Chip Seal: A coat of oil followed by a cover coat of aggregate to provide traction. Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay: A thin layer of hot asphalt over the existing degraded pavement.

Why: All paved/sealed surfaces need regular treatment to maintain the surface. The oils in pavement degrade over time which causes the road to deteriorate. Fog seal last 2-3 years, chip seals last 5-7 years.

How: Treatments depend on the road condition and use. Teton County contracts for crack sealing, oil spreading, and hauling of aggregate. We have our own chip spreader to spread the cover aggregate. We offer 1-mile of chip spreading to each of the city’s (at cost).

How Much: The Special Road levy budgets about $270,000 for Seal Coats. This will coat between 10-15 miles of road. Estimated costs are: Crack Seal =$ 25K Oil Cost =$150K Aggregate Cost =$ 45K Private Trucking =$ 30K Misc =$ 20K

Where: Only roads that are in decent condition that have good bases are chip sealed. Every three years the condition of paved/sealed roads are assessed to determined the next treatment and the remaining service life (last done in summer of 2012). Roads to be seal coated are determined by the ranking the Remaining Service Life, Road Type, and ADT. It is much cheaper to maintain and existing surface than having to replace it. The 2014 sealcoat project have not been determined.

Think of the road surface like siding on your house; it is cheaper to paint it every three years than to replace the siding every seven years!


Road Reconstruction

What: This is full depth excavation and rebuild of a road from the subgrade. Any reconstruction project must be designed for the anticipated traffic loading for the next 20-years and consider the existing sub-grade condition. This is the most expensive and time consuming of road projects. The City of Victor paid approximately $250K to rebuild 0.5 miles of 9500S in 2012 (to gravel surface).

Why: A road that was not properly maintained, was not built to handle the traffic loads, or does not have adequate drainage will deteriorate quickly. Many of our roads were not built to handle the current traffic loadings (5000S, 4000N, 500W), additionally a lack of regular maintenance accelerated this deterioration.

How: The R&B Department can rebuild roads however larger projects may take away from other project and regular maintenance. Larger projects should be contracted out.

How Much: Approximately $135,000 was allocated to reconstruction this year. R&B takes about 4 weeks to rebuild 1 mile of a gravel rebuild, we can rebuild approximately 1 mile a year with our current schedule and staffing levels.

Where: E5000S is slated in 2014 rebuild/expansion project for a currently oiled road. The project will be funded through impact fees, grant, and Special Rd Levy.

A gravel road rebuild list is attached. Rammell Mountain Rd will be completed this spring and either W6000S or N3000W is slated for summer of 2014.


Gravel Overlays

What: This is placing a 4” compacted lift of gravel on an existing road with a good base. Typically the roadside ditches are re-shaped at this time and minor drainage issues are corrected. A modified overlay may include a lift of 2” rock prior to placing the surface gravel.

Why: Each vehicle trip on a road sheds gravel from the surface and reduces the wearing surface of a gravel road (see Gravel Stabilization above). This gravel must be replaced to allow a safe traveling surface and maintenance activities.

How: The R&B Department can place about 1 mile of gravel per week. Our current schedule/workloads allow us to gravel about 5 miles of road a year.

How Much: Gravel is crushed every other year. We crush enough gravel to overlay 10 miles of road (2-years worth).

Where: Roads proposed for gravel overlays are shown on the Project List attached. Roads were inventoried by our operators and the prioritized by the supervisor and the engineer based on the condition, classification, previous ranking, ADT, and available time.



What: The replacement of a failing or undersized bridge or culverts. ITD classifies a bridge as being over a 20’ span otherwise it is considered a culvert. ITD annually inspect our bridges (about 18).

Why: An undersized bridge can cause flooding and erosion issues (see Badger Cr) that can damage roads and private property. A failing bridge becomes a safety hazard to the public.

How: All bridges must be engineered and permitted. This is typically contracted out along with the construction of the bridge. All culverts must be properly sized (10-yr storm/flooding event) and may need to be permitted. The design and installation may be contracted or done in-house.

How Much: The N3000W bridge replacement project cost about $240,000 (including design). Teton County received a grant for $119,000 towards this project.

Where: S2000E/Darby is under design and slated to be replaced in the fall of 2014 (FY2015). Additionally an analysis of the Fox Creek Pathway/Frontage Rd culvert is underway. A grant application was submitted to fund the repair of the Cache Bridge ($450,000). I would like to budget for one design & bridge replacement each year from the special levy.


2014 & FUTURE PROJECTS: Gravel Stabilization: Average daily traffic is the only method used I have found to determine which roads receive gravel stabilization. ADT is directly related to gravel loss. I recommend we do not add any additional roads to the gravel stabilization list, unless the traffic count is greater than 150 ADT. If the BoCC wishes to add additional roads which are under the 140-150 ADT, I recommend creating a network of connected, stabilized roads. This will reduce mobilization costs and increase the efficiency of our grading operations. Examples: (E5500S>S1000E>E1000S) or (E10,000N>N3000W>Hwy 33)

Chip Seal/Seal Coat: See the attached map for a list of proposed/possible projects. Completing the 7000W & Old Horseshoe Rd would stabilize this access and ½ (2.2 miles) may be funded through grant. The 7000S/5000S projects each require a double Otta Seal and could be timed to minimize mobilization costs. The 4000N requires additional investigation and may require extensive in place reclamation (zipping).

Road Rebuild: E5000S - reconstructing the west 1/3 mile , reconstructing the east section, widening the middle 3rd, and placing a double Otta Seal (BST) treatment on the surface (Levy Funds and ITD Grant). The reconstruct would be done by a contractor and the seal coats by Teton County. This project is scheduled for summer 2014. N4000W, N3000W, and W6000S are gravel roads in need of complete reconstruction and are a high priority. R&B has enough time to rebuild about 1 mile of road in addition to completing Rammell Mountain Rd.

Gravel Overlay: R&B should have enough time to overlay 5-miles of roads. The highest priority roads are shown on the attached project list.

Bridges: The Spring Creek/Stateline bridge will be purchased by the county and installed by private contractors spring 2014. S2000E/Darby is under design and scheduled for replacement fall of 2014.

Please note that the 2013 and Future project list attached is a guideline document and should be updated every 3 years. Although specific projects are identified on the list, they may change based on funding, timing, and other unforeseen circumstances.


2010 2013 Update Rev Updated: 1/21/2014 Crew Road Project Estimated Material Estimate R&B Location Priority ADT Classsification Year Year Name DPRT Type Levy Designed By Bid By Installed by Description Cost Cost Estimated Cost 2013 2013 CONSTRUCTION YEAR $ 1,137,000 1H High MN Col 2011 2013 250N/Stateline RB Culvert no JTM n/a Contractor Install new larger culvert $ 30,000 2A High Local 2012 2013 Badger Creek Bridge‐3000W RB Bridge yes Consultant JTM/Consultant Contactor Fall 2013 Construction $ 220,000 4D High Local 2014 2013 Frontage RD RB Culvert no JTM TBD RB 4000S Intersection ‐ replace culvert $ 7,000 fall 2013 2I Low n/a Local 2012 2013 S2000W Smith Canyon RB Road no JTM JTM Contractor New turnaround or rd re‐alignment at end $ 25,000 Low MJ Col 2013 5000S/500W Parking Lot RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor ITD Grant to Build Parking Lot $ 30,000 *shift 2014 High 145 Local 2013 S2000E 3000‐5000 RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 2 mile gravel overlay (need prior to MgCl) 13000 27000 $ 40,000 High 124 Local 2013 S1000E RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 1 Mile Gravel Overlay (2000‐4000) 6000 14000 $ 20,000 High 128 Local 2013 W4000S RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 1.25 Miles gravel overlay (to Teton Valley Lodge) 7000 17000 $ 24,000 High 56 Local 2013 S750E RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 0.75 Mile Gravel Overlay (6000‐5250) 4000 11000 $ 15,000 High 130 Local 2013 Rammel Mountain Rd RB Road yes JTM TBD RB 1.5 Mile Full Rebuild $ 72,000.00 $ 94,000.00 $ 166,000 High 55 2013 Victor‐Driggs Pathway RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 7 Mile Crack & Fog Seal‐Bridge Repair $ 60,000 High 1063 MJ Col 2013 E5000S RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 0.5 Mile Rebuild w/triple Chip Seal (Levy & Impact Fee Funded)$ 120,000 *shift 2014 High 2013 Chip Seal RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Chip Seal 10‐15 Miles of Road $ 300,000 High 2013 Gravel Stabilization/Dust Contol RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Stabilize 25‐27 Miles of Gravel $ 80,000 2014 2014 CONSTRUCTION YEAR $ 1,430,000 High 130 Local 2013 Rammel Mountain Rd RB Road yes JTM TBD RB 0.5 Mile Full Rebuild$ 10,500.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 55,500 High 1063 MJ Col 2014 E5000S RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 1.5 Mile Rebuild w/triple Chip Seal (Grant & Levy Funded) $ 250,000 2G High 107 Local 2012 2014 5750 S RB Road no Consultant TBD RB or Contractor 2.6 Mile Swamp Road ‐ Rebuild with new culverts‐Design 2013 95000 245000$ 340,000 2D High 139 Local 2012 2014 3000W at Badger Creek RB Road no JTM TBD RB 2.5 mile rebuild with new culverts$ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 150,000 2B High Local 2012 2014 2000E Bridge Darby RB Bridge yes Consultant TBD Contractor 2013 Design & 2014 Construction Darby Creek $ 175,000 2C High Local 2012 2014 N6000W (PP Rd‐Lower) RB Culvert no JTM TBD RB New culverts at 1200N & 6000W $ 10,000 4E High Local 2014 2014 Frontage RD RB Culvert no JTM TBD RB 3500S Intersection ‐ replace culvert $ 7,000 6C High MJ Col 2016 2014 1000E/5000S RB Culvert no JTM TBD JTM Install new culvert ‐ Part of Road Rebuild Project $ 7,000 High n/a Local 2014 Moose Creek Rd RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB 1 Mile Gravel Overlay 6000 14000$ 20,000 Med 112 Local 2014 E4000S RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 1.5 Mile Gravel Overlay 8000 21000$ 29,000 Med 35 MN Col 2014 N4500W RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 3 Mile Gravel Overlay (Minor Collector) 20000 42000$ 62,000 High 2014 Chip Seal RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Chip Seal 10‐15 Miles of Road $ 300,000 High 2014 Gravel Stabilization/Dust Contol RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Stabilize 25‐27 Miles of Gravel $ 80,000 2015 2015 CONSTRUCTION YEAR $ 2,315,000 High 179 MJ Col 2015 W4000N to the River RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 3 Mile Rebuild+ Widening w/triple Chip Seal $ 900,000 High 100 MN Col 2015 W4000N River ‐ 9000W RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 3.5 Mile Rebuild+ Widening w/triple Chip Seal or revert to gravel?$ 600,000 4A Low Local 2014 2015 Bridge 6000N and 1000E RB Bridge no Consultant TBD Contractor 2014 Design & 2015 Construction Design & Install new bridge M. Leigh Creek$ 175,000 2E High Local 2012 2015 1000E/3400S RB Culvert no TBD TBD TBD Darby Creek ‐ replace culverts #TBD (4+) $ 100,000 Med 96 Local 2015 E7000N RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 0.6 Mile Gravel Overlay 4000 10000$ 14,000 2L Med n/a Local 2012 2015 6000N/2000E & N. Leigh RB Maint no JTM TBD RB 1.3 Mile N.Leigh ‐Gravel Overlay with culverts 1000 17000$ 18,000 Med n/a Local 2015 S1750E (1000‐2000s) RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 1 Mile Gravel Overlay 6000 14000$ 20,000 Med n/a Local 2015 Little Pine Lane RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 0.6 Mile Gravel Overlay 4000 10000$ 14,000 Med n/a Local 2015 Reece Rd RB Maint yes n/a TBD RB 4.75 Miles gravel overlay 27000 67000$ 94,000 High 2015 Chip Seal RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Chip Seal 10‐15 Miles of Road $ 300,000 High 2015 Gravel Stabilization/Dust Contol RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Stabilize 25‐27 Miles of Gravel $ 80,000

2016 2016 CONSTRUCTION YEAR $ 3,239,000 2H High n/a Local 2012 2016 S4000 W (1250 to 2000 S) RB Road no TBD TBD TBD Rebuild 0.75 mile 25000 32000$ 57,000 High 203 MJ Col 2016 N500W (Val View) RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 2.5 Mile Rebuild with Asphalt $ 2,000,000 High 122 Local 2016 W7000S RB Road yes JTM TBD Contractor 2 mile widen and overlay $ 180,000 4B Low Local 2014 2016 Badger Cr Bridge‐PP Rd RB Bridge no Consultant TBD Contractor 2015 Design & 2016 Construction $ 175,000 2F Low Local 2012 2016 5500s/1000w RB Culvert no TBD TBD TBD Resize and replace $ 7,000 1G Med MJ Col 2011 2016 2500N/1000W RB Culvert no n/a n/a RB Extend culvert $ 7,500 5A Low MN Col 2015 2016 N. Stateline Bridge RB Bridge no TBD TBD TBD Widen bridge $ 175,000 5B Low MN Col 2015 2016 S. Stateline Bridge RB Bridge no TBD TBD TBD Widen & pave ‐ Targhee Hills Estates to pay for paving $ 175,000 5C ? Local 2015 2016 Egbert Rd Drainage Issues RB Culvert no TBD TBD TBD Replace 2 box culverts, 2 pipe culverts & replace bridge decking $ ‐ 6A Med Local 2016 2016 Swanner Creek Culvert 14000n RB Culvert no TBD TBD TBD Replace culvert &Rebuild 1400N/3400W (0.4 mile) 23000 25000$ 48,000 6B Low MN Col 2016 2016 7500/3000N RB Culvert no TBD TBD TBD Install new culvert $ 7,500 4F Low 4 Local 2016 2016 14000N RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Harshberger RD‐1 mile of 3/4" crushed 6000 14000$ 20,000 5D Med n/a Local 2015 2016 W5250S RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 0.30 Gravel Overlay + Turn around Upgrade 2000 5000$ 7,000 High 2016 Chip Seal RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Chip Seal 10‐15 Miles of Road $ 300,000 High 2016 Gravel Stabilization/Dust Contol RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Stabilize 25‐27 Miles of Gravel

$ 80,000

F:\Town Hall Meeting ‐ Road Work\2013 and Future Project List.xls 1 of 2 ROAD BRIDGE PROPOSED CAPTIAL IMPROVEMENT/MAINTENANCE PROJECTS‐APRIL 2013, Updated 1/22/14

2017 2017 and FUTURE CONSTRUCTION YEARS $ 1,717,000 2K Med 155 Local 2012 2017 3000S/WHwy33 RB Road no TBD TBD TBD widen & regrade ‐ full reconstruction for 1 mile 13000 56000$ 69,000 3C High 106 MN Col 2013 2017 4000 W (Bevins Road) RB Road no TBD TBD TBD 1.5 Rebuild ‐ (by links golf course/wetland permits) 35000 105000$ 140,000 3D High 68 Local 2013 2017 Frontage RD 2000S‐3000S RB Road no TBD TBD TBD Place 2" pit run & 3/4" crushed 11000 25000$ 36,000 4C High 25 Local 2014 2017 3000W/3500N RB Culvert/RD no TBD TBD TBD Swamp ditch ‐ extend culvert & Gravel overlay w/pit run 27000 32000$ 59,000 3A Low 287 Local 2013 2017 5000N Bridge RB Bridge/Road no TBD TBD TBD Design & Install new bridge on 5000N, realign road $ 30,000 4G High n/a Local 2014 2017 6500W and 8000N RB Road no TBD TBD TBD Place 2" of 3/4" gravel (Pitrun placed in 2008‐almost completed in 2012) 4000 5000 $ 9,000 4H Low n/a Local 2014 2017 1000E RB Road no TBD TBD TBD 7000N‐8000N: Rebuild road for 1 mile 20000 55000$ 75,000 5E Low 153 MN Col 2015 2017 3000S/ EHwy 33 RB Road no TBD TBD TBD S. Darby‐north side repairs 2000 13000$ 15,000 High 178 Local 2017 Henderson Canyon RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 2" Pit Run and Gravel (0.5 miles) 6000 13000$ 19,000 High n/a Local 2017 W7000S RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 2" Pit Run and Gravel (0.5 miles) 7000 14000$ 21,000 Med n/a Local 2017 N13500W (Linderman Rd) RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD Rebuild & Gravel (0.5 miles) 6000 29000$ 35,000 Med n/a Local 2017 N10000W (33‐11000) RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD Spot Rebuild(2" pit) & Gravel (1 miles) 10000 28000$ 38,000 Low 90 Local 2017 W10000N (Badger Cr) RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 2.9 Mile Gravel Overlay 16000 40000$ 56,000 Med n/a Local 2017 Packsaddle Estates RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 3.5 Mile Rebuild 45000 190000$ 235,000 3E Low 66 MN Col 2013 2017 7500W/3000N RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Horseshoe Canyon area ‐ build up corners $ ‐ Med n/a Local 2017 N1750W RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 1 Mile 2" pit + gravel overlay 10000 28000$ 38,000 Med n/a Local 2017 Game Creek RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 0.3 Mile 2" pit + gravel overlay 3000 8000$ 11,000 3F Low 66 MN Col 2013 2017 8000W/3000N RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Horseshoe Canyon area ‐ build up corners $ ‐ Low 49 Local 2017 W12000N RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 1 Mile Gravel Overlay 6000 14000$ 20,000 Med 406 Local 2017 N1500E RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 0.25 Mile Rebuild & Culvert (Teewinot) 2500 23000$ 25,500 Low 31 Local 2017 S1750W (6500S‐7000S) RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 0.5 Mile Gravel Overlay 3000 8000$ 11,000 Low 180 Local 2017 E6000S RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 0.3 Mile Gravel Overlay 2000 5000$ 7,000 Low 74 Local 2017 N6000W RB Maint yes n/a TBD TBD 2.5 Mile Gravel Overlay 15000 38000$ 53,000 Low 78 MN Col 2017 N5000W RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 1.75 Mile Gravel Overlay & Spot 2" Pit 13000 38000$ 51,000 5F Local 2015 2017 E7750S(Buddy King Rd) RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Gravel & Regrade ‐ check ownership (Victor?) $ ‐ 5G Low 73 Local 2015 2017 14000N/3500E RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Build up Hill by Lily Pad House 3500 19000$ 22,500 3G Low 245 MN Col 2013 2017 Stateline Road/Ski Hill Rd RB Maint no TBD TBD TBD Gravel & Regrade ‐ In OK Condition due to Stabilized Gravel $ ‐ Med 107 Local 2017 W3000N‐N2000W RB Road yes n/a TBD TBD 3.5 Mile Rebuild 66000 195000$ 261,000 High 2017 Chip Seal RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Chip Seal 10‐15 Miles of Road $ 300,000 High 2017 Gravel Stabilization/Dust Contol RB Maint yes JTM TBD RB Stabilize 25‐27 Miles of Gravel $ 80,000

5 year Total $ 9,838,000

F:\Town Hall Meeting ‐ Road Work\2013 and Future Project List.xls 2 of 2 TETON COUNTY, IDAHO Project: 2014 GRAVEL ROAD COUNTS & STABILIZATION COSTS ENGINEERING By: JTM 150 Courthouse Drive, Driggs ID 83422 Date: 1/23/2014

Road Counted Road_Address NOTES MAX COUNT MAX MILES WIDTH 2011 TREATMENT 2012 TREATMENT 2013 TREATMENT 2014 APP. RATE GALLON REQ'D COST/GAL COST ESTIMATED 250 N 250 N 1250 E / 250 N 522 1.75 28 Y Y Y 0.3 8624 0.65$ 5,606 Cemetery Road & Transfer Station 6000 N 6000 N 250 E / 6000 N 465 2.5 23 N Y Y 0.3 10120 0.65$ 6,578 2550 N Grand Teton Rd Grand Teton Rd / 2550 N 406 1.5 21 Y Y Y 0.3 5544 0.65$ 3,604 Through Teewinot Subdivision 4000 S 4000 S 750 W / 4000 S 398 0.5 22.5 Y Y Y 0.3 1980 0.65$ 1,287 4500 S 4500 S 250 W / 4500 S 358 0.5 23 Y Y Y 0.3 2024 0.65$ 1,316 5500 S 5500 S 250 W / 5500 S 336 1.25 20.5 Y Y Y 0.3 4510 0.65$ 2,932 5000 N 5000 N 250 W / 5000 N 287 3253.25 22 Y Y Y 030.3 12584 0650.65 $ 8, 180 5150 S 500 W 500 W / 5150 S 247 0.5 24 Y Y Y 0.3 2112 0.65$ 1,373 750 N 750 N 250 W / 750 N 247 0 0 N N N 0 0 0.65 $ - AIRPORT ROAD. CITY OF DRIGGS. 1750 N Stateline Rd Stateline Rd / 1750 N 245 1.75 25 Y Y Y 0.3 7700 0.65$ 5,005 4000 N 4000 N 250 W / 4000 N 199 2 23 Y Y Y 0.3 8096 0.65$ 5,262 10000 N 10000 N 850 W / 10000 N 195 1.3 22 N Y Y 0.3 5034 0.65$ 3,272 5750 S 5750 S 4750 W / 5750 S 178 0.6 20 N N N $ - Hendserson Canyon - Needs Work Prior to Stabilization 9600 S 2000 W 2000 W / 9600 S 174 1.4 22.5 N Y Y 0.3 5544 0.65$ 3,604 SMITH CANYON FROM Highway to 10350S (added 0.5 mile Victor De-annexation) 4750 S 1000 E 1000 E / 4750 S 168 1 21 N Y Y 0.3 3696 0.65$ 2,402 1000E BETWEEN 4000S & 5000s 7900 S 1000 W 1000 W / 7900 S 164 0 0 N N N 0 0 0.65 $ - CITY OF VICTOR. 3500 S 3500 S 500 W / 3500 S 156 0.9 21 N Y Y 0.3 3326 0.65$ 2,162 3000 S 3000 S 550 W / 3000 S 155 0.50 19 N Y Y 0.3 1672 0.65$ 1,087 2000 N 2000 N 5500 W / 2000 N 154 0.78 18 N N N $ - Rainey Access - Gravel Treated with Bentonite Clay 3000 S 3000 S 2500 E / 3000 S 153 0.25 18.5 N Y Y 0.3 814 0.65$ 529 End of Oil to Stateline on 3000S 1000 W 1000 W 1000 W / 5650S 153 0.50 20 N Y Y 0.3 1760 0.65$ 1,144 1000W Between 5500S & 6000S 9000 S 9000 S 4000 W / 9000 S 146 0.70 20 N N Y 0.4 3285 0.65$ 2,135 Hwy 33 to 4500W. Indian Sunset Dr Indian Sunset Dr Indian Sunset Dr / 750 W 146 0.50 23 N N Y 0.4 2699 0.65$ 1,754 4900 S 2000 E 4900 S / 2000 E 145 205 2.0517 17.5 5 N N Y 0.404 8419 0.65065 $ 5,4725 472 5000S to t 3000S. 3000S 8990 S Baseline Rd Baseline Rd / 8990 S 140 0 20 N N N 0 0 0.65 $ - CITY OF VICTOR. 10000 N 10000 N 4250 W / 10000 N 96 1 25 Y Y Y 0.3 4400 0.65$ 2,860 Only dust control in river bottom for safety issues. Total= 26.98 Total= 103942.67 TOTAL COST= $ 67,562.73 Teton Vis A B C D E F G H I

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p e a D 16 17 W 14000 N y p e r A rl o rs T n R g t e

b e

n S m

r p w o

e a s

t o

t s E Harper Ave F A W 13750 N o C

o g r


n Easy St

C in L

h m

k i

r a

e r

i r d u s ) P Q ad u R ro L s s s s

i e t n cc 19 20 t E Howard Ave w a 24 e W 13500 N ( 23

Pintail Ave S Dusty Trl o 22 S 24 21

L 22 23

t t 20

t d 21 19

n t

i a 23 S S 22

S 21 24

n e




h h o

M ) t

ve t r A s ton M Bux d

W n

4 5

1 F



N r p o





W E Ashley Ave 19 0

S A k s t


a o 5 s) 7

e ve S e g o es A v

c h A Moun r 3 c 13000 N k N nc Par e t ac c i d a b st B W 13000 N F w N e

3 r

a r i i N w W 13000 N o r o ( c n (f 7

h 3 o o d

l 5 R B l 2 d e e urth V i l o 0 h

N r o E r C n D c

u y i o Wallace Ave W W t E B s epot S r W D s D d n

0 i r e t P

0 a 0



D 0

y 0

t 0

D 1

r w



o 1

d N R o N sh d d ru 3 Cemetery R d Little Ave E Little Ave o d W D

Bates R Wo t

t 29

r 26 25 30 S

S 27 E 25 28

( 26 27 29

29 28 a 30 d

h 30 Hil 0 27 26 25 c land ls R d

t 28

n d

t c

t 5 o

4 e 2

7 S

S o


S t

S s

W S h

s Fremont Ave t ro 12250 N 1 a W


d ) S

S 000 N 1 2 W 12000 N 12000 N W W 12000 N

E Teton Ave W 12000 N W 12000 N




i a

l W 11650 N

M r E Gemstone Ave






S d y

0 R W 11500 N

t 6 34 0

d e 33 35 32

0 36 31 n 0 32 g W

n 0 t d

1 36 i 0 u 34 35 0 31 R 0

o 1

S 33

50 S E Garnet Ave E 3 o 32 0 W e 34 35 36 31 c 1

33 N

d m y C e State of Idaho e N a

R b R i Rd

u y in D W 11250 N ta


R n l e Wy

u n W i r d) r roa o ve a M l E s E Opal Ave 0 ces y R ll o W c Rub e

B a i 0 ( d m d

g m W v 0 0 a l

oad) e R B r 5 B (access 0 e

av r

R e N

5 W 11000 N T 07 N

N 3 S d E 480 4

1 W 11000 N rl

t T E Johnson Ave W 11000 N 5 Hiat


W 500 S N


W T 06 N W 10750 N 33 way n r h L ig H t D W h 4 n e M g v oonli 3 a 3 W 10500 N 3 4 2 H Cutler Ave 5 1 6 5 y e 6 y

a 2 1 W Clubmoss Ln rs Teague Ave 1 5 4 3 ights S n w o 4 3 2 6 K Wells Ave n h d) H ess oa o g c r c w

i a ( W


W y





0 d No e r L

E 750 S 0 th End a 0

t S w 5 o n 00

T r 0 E K 10 0 s 1 N S Bates Rd i E

r s

a 5 s



l 0 s r

C m W S e


0 0 N R lo N c Sheridan Lp W 1000 10000 N t a 0 10000 N u 0 W c d s W 0 a

v 1 ( 0

e e i y l l


C S g t vd N Bl a m R Town River Ri a Buck

E n d c E 860 S h R s r ow A R D W W 9700 N s ad v d y Me 0 0 k k side e 0 c c

k i ee 0 n

Cr 1 u G L R L Driggs

N h i

l c

W 9500 N r W e n o

0 8 v t 7 a W 11 d 12 A 0 10 y 8 9 7 C R R w 0 0 12 10 11 r

o 9 r

e L 4 12 5 d 9 10 11 8 e 7 e a t g 0 S 1 7 unn e n E 100 y M S p s d 8 i d

N p u L R R N W U t y s 0 T r e

0 a m D N 0 a W 9100 N s r ld

5 a w ck O ro 1 C R T im V rl N i R llage is 9000 N Rd W 9000 N in g N W 9000 N S a ge 1 5 W Rd 0 0

0 5

W 2 W W 8750 N

1 W

0 d N 0 0

R 2

W 0 5 W

6 s 1

0 0 e

0 N 0

p N

0 0


3 4




17 H d18 N 14 13 d N 17 16 15 14 13 18 R R

15 2 15 14 13 17 16 w un 16 18 3 R e e i ous y r

W V G a

y 0 W 8250 N w e 0 break l

h Wind l 0

g a

W i 3 V



0 N

5 N S

W 6 d S 8000 N a R e p N W 8000 N n e s i r d g t i c d t i W 6600 S R r R H a i y o n P r m e L as n D Lp r n t oral L n W s i k W P Bucks e W 7750 N E 7750 N l 0 T i 0 l r

6 W d



M 0 u

N N 7600 W 5

r s 7 t a 3

D ek Rd C 1 re n

3 C

Peacock Flts use

a W o

e g r

S 20 t y 19

0 24 g 23 G t 21 22

a 20 l T 5 24 19 e D d 22 23


i r 20 21 o w 21 22 23 24 19 l C 5

R g h r

Victor N

g g W

e E 7250 N e i i

r e e E 7000 S W 0 i 7250 N H k W 7000 S 0 L

h n 5

R S d 3 S A R d d rro ea N w h Autumn Glen Cir


d W 7000 N E 7000 N 7000 N

Pond Dr w W 7000 N R



e de Ln

d u W

m t

i d Rd i li Ree n 0 s o R L

e 5 e S

W Wapiti Dr li 2

n y k d 2 r o W e R 0 C ek

a t h

n g t

0 i

e N

L e


T 5 ite W n L t


a as C R e r i n n

0 Lp N i Corra u S ze l n n 5 G 6 a C n i la 7 o C i lter

n E B Ln

p M 1 d W 6500 N


i H u R 0 r Ards

l W N orse Tr 6500 N N 30 29 26 25 0 L e 29 t 28 27 t el 30 0 S h W 25 e r

S a 26

27 1 d D 28 25 30 29 27 26 t 0 Dr 28 s Sagebrush N n E 63 0 00 N 1 L


N 1 s n hone L Tetonia w r hos i S

W S o Leigh Ave C d

0 a d

0 Letham A e n Ave ve 5 Larksp a

W M l E 6000 N

N 6000 N 0 N Egbert Ave W 6000 N h h 0 W 600 g s

0 i Dr W 6000 N e r 0 B a E 7750 S e Wy L d d itty 5 o

S M la y M R u g D n N e n d Ln 3 la o r e ear k n B L o D 8 Big e R i

d l S M r S 5 W Highway 33 W 5750 N

D p e

W 5750 N N

s 5 2 E 2 o e 0

W E a 0 0


2 T e P



6 0 o r e S n dge Trl i

0 5 y C N D E R 2 B s 0 re a 8 ear D 0 ek s W r o 7 u r 0 R o 8 d al W 5500 N 5 S o E p p W 5500 N d) 32 0 Ce Aspen St A s roa 31 W 8000 S dron Rd H 32 33 s 34 35 36

R 31 e d W W 35 d 36 32 33 34 R c

31 a

W 36 S R e 35 e c



33 E g n C d o a

v i

e r 0 Ln s

0 u n ( c

u 0

W e

0 e



A k 5


t 5 c r


5 W 5250 N t


t e h


e 2


2 r c h Ranch Ln 4 F




r G n 2 y

S - L

l A r Birch St 0

E o

e 0

St R L h r c i

S ir W B N e W 5160 N


t n

9 1 Wild Horse Dr N s

n i n

e a

t g r

i e L t a a n Fischer Ln 1

g S

G e

l P

L N d s i o h

B D a i t

g u s



p R N c V

r C r o L n r o

n A ut B d M k

N o p f W e

r w r R

n E 5000 N e s W 5000 N

a e r W 5000 N h T L

0 c e i T 06 N N F N e

n c s

0 t b Center St k t E

0 St d E er e Rd e t D W Cen dams a R L rachute A Brooktrout Dr W Pa e 7

r c E E

agana Trl 0

g n L r V

W 4850 N d r r i i 0 0 a f


m 0 R y 0

0 t D

0 l

t 0

a 0 idge Rd (alley) t l Eagle R 0 R D

l e s Trouts 1 T 05 N

R e 5 an 5 t ch Rd

S e

3 y a


l d r

W 4750 N 1



y r




n N o

e N i T od St d E Dogwo

A d

n R

l a a s d d b ack d le Lake R e Vista Em r Mahoganny Dun Dr h m n a ac i D

b R P C D e ay D 7 M

L dr m a Indian Ridge Rd

e r n e y E 8500 S I a n x Elm St e g T Sandhill Rd lin

L S R id o p n ge R

i d R l 1 6 5 e 2 nch P n 3 a D r e L 5 4 r Bryan Dr S 8600 W Fir St s 1 id 6 R

a 2 s Leigh Creek Estates Rd t D 3 a 4 c 5 s A 1 6 ry 350 N r e b t 2 k D r

B 3 t t 4 n C S 4 N r i k s n o

g oc n u r gh ow l i a D m Dr E a n S o d Creek t ads Up Crooke 7

e l e W B S a ressler Ln H R C e S d g H R E



F d l d u t d P s i n 0

e E 0 5

W l Sadd o o s L e s l S

e 0

r n R L 2 e s E Av k in e B

Just d t t

0 0

l t i a S u

n D N


W f 2 0 C

f a

r T A r f

l r

f 5

D L h N

T r D


n i o a E 4000 N 4000 N l

e i

k W 4000 N D

S t l

t M

r eunion Rd e y R r e e

y S



B w

e e D

r v

d n Trail Rd 0 i e E n a lea Dr t

Ky s n

5 i C o t

W e a

8 0

s W



r t r


8 0 e 0 E

0 S


W r W

a 0

J 1

5 t D N 0




7 y 0


T w

8 0 S d 6 R R Victor Cemetery

0 t e W W 9000 S i 5

0 r W Highway 31 v ss oad)

N 1

0 Butler Ln N

S 0 e 0 e d

O c

0 2 n 5 N c


y a a

2 i 2 ( l L r

l d i

S o

4 b W


E 3500 N

l n G N


g R Rigb

0 y e e N

r s

t L R t

e 8 5 d 7 h n 12 a r D Wild Ca

s t

7 11 S


S O 10 9


5 S T u 8 B

y 7 R im B l 12

d n d 11

y t e o

e 10 d n 9

y l

b N a r


e 8 A l S

S 7 r a W 3300 N o

l e a S 12 s Dr

a 11 G w s C

r c 10 o e

n Tomahawk Trl g 9

n k

p V

y l d r e g

i s e e

B e

e n e W a o 32 L Ch k b r 50 N d oran i g e M R

l s i t e S n n d d a



M H a t M R

e H R

R o L s H D ry

S D C G d re p w ek Trl d h p

i 3 e r n k g y Ed e r a l e h l 3 lweiss Ln S l h




i e w h i

n r l D n Lodge Pole r St Hig y

a e


a r

e r y W 3000 N Teto t 3000 N

D r d n w

y a T Sk D i 3 R le R R W 3000 N ntain Lp t asure Mou rn 3 h d e N e e

th C W 3000 r id d z S

u E w M g

d t


S i t T io e o

0 i N


H u


R 0 V s


W 0

s N R

E 9500 S E 9500 S e n y 1

F W 9500 S 0 c o d c r w 0 y a N

5 n D k n e a t 3 L 8 P e a C v r

N i s i T Ma r jor h g Ln p y ( s

T z ey L n 2500 N l d E a n a i l s r W 2500 N

r L

r o

g 17 a p 18

W 13 G D e r 14 gs D S h 17 16 15 0 R 13 18 K n a ti m e 15 14 0 s 16 a m e 18 17

0 H 13 E 14

e 15

T 1 16


l r 0 n

l S n ) lton L 0 d u R W s L o R 5 s d


0 M cc y n

a o

0 S a

t w c

5 l s a t W role Dr 2 a a e Beesley Ln h m 0 2000 N r F Teton Vis u ig

S o 0 Sag alc f W 2000 N ebr F on eek D R 0 u W r F sh C r ( Indian Sunset Dr Rd

d 1

l i Fall Line Dr


O d N



Casper Dr o


w a

r l e r O W g T sp h r r h e re it n e y e W Pio t Ln ta e C i e oraine G l D y M o r sh R

a a

W wk Ln


0 W

c 20 iew

5 19 D Dr h r 0 23 Mustang 24 V 2 22 21 W 19 0 20 k 1 D

400 24 5 (access road)

22 23 N 0 e

21 r e 4

20 N r 24 19 rseshoe Ln

22 23 o Rodeo Dr C N 21 W H 0 e Hill 0 Wa Iroquois Wy he Dr 5 r W 11 bird Lp rg 7 70 L Rd R l a N n Pawnee a r T inb ow k T N ar em el ings Dr LeGrand Pierre Ave M T 1000 N W 1000 N Huntsman Spr iller Ranch Rd Trl W 1000 N t N S m

0 5 to 7 y t

a o W k B w d

t R ree h

s C E

e H s P r

o rl 0 r r o se T c

a s s 0

h w o

o o D e 0 d l e a l M i

e B r

s 2

W b

d 9 a

a b t

0 R W o N


l 0

S C l t

e 0 ss Ave i

0 E Ro

S d 0

e R d H 6

T ho W 500 N 29 s 0 i 30

n d e

e 25 r t 26 t k

s 5 N

27 a

r l R t


s t

o 30 29 B l S S H 25 S

26 o

Easy St s


N d d 27 S i

l r

28 O V r h

29 0 N d w o W 35 t

30 a t t

c n 25 l r o

26 l i

m s

27 e o

4 S 3

28 i d

r h


y E 250 N 1 ok D E r a r

o W W 0 D B h r

N e N


t 0



e r b

0 M 0 s e 5 1


0 N 0 w r D n w w y

o 5

5 e N l N e e D d l

p 7 5 i r i

l Depot St o s

1 V


N o rmilk Dr n

e e Driggs d N R 1 tt l w Cemetery u W 00 7

t y o B Bates Rd d a 5 0



5 B t

Fremont Ave g

2 e

i s E t

1 n 1

B i







n S

t i nger Rd

pli a a ip h

s Centre Dr t

R t Drigg


S 5


S S tes S E 350 S Sp u E Opal Ave r

R W ve E 480 S W 500 S E Johnson A

d 0 W 500 S 31 32 0 35 36 0 36 31 32 33 34 35 6

34 32 33 e

n gue Av 35 36 31 S Clubmoss Ln Tea 33 34 L

E 750 S



r l

i E 860 S G

y t E 1000 S

W S s Rd

S Bate T 05 N

W 1000 S l n

w i


W a




5 oad) d 7 s r T 04 N

(acces n N



W 1250 S E


S rse a n 0 L 10 S 0

0 L 0 5 n

2 1 Elderberry Ave 1 W S E 1500 S 5 5 4 3 2 1 6 4 3 2 1 6 Aspen View Trl 3 2 1 6 5 4 P Jackson Ave i q E 1750 S E 1750 S t u

S e t L

h n

t 5 P E 2000 S N a N n W 2000 S 2000 S io W 2000 S I

S r

t l o 7 o Wy n o W

W o

t 5



h d 7

Teton Ave 0

S d 5






5 n



s 0 3





0 t

1 0 S

0 5

S 0 W 2250 S



2 r


h d d

t o

W r

o E



3 r

0 0 e

0 p N

p 5

N 0 o 7

5 C

W 2500 S 1

Central Ave 7 8

S 12 11 S 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 t 11 12 7 8 9

S 9 10

t t


S s



1 n S


S i




a a 6

l n




e M


h s


Perry Ave W


E 3000 S S S 3000 S


n W 3000 S

0 W 5

W r

t S e W 3000

t 0


t S 5

0 W 0 S S

g l

D 2 6


S r 4 n



5 L

d g


o W o S

d e S d

7 S

n n


r r

0 e Cow boy

2 C

3 0 S



S 250 S S 5 W 3

L S 0 S eig 330 W h W


W v e W L 0 eigh A ve 5

0 11


5 0

8 5

5 2








W 3500 S S





S 18 15 S 14 13 17 16 E 14 13 18 18 17 16 15 0 16 15 14 13 0

y Ln 0 2

ercott Ln

Neth m S

W 3750 S A Letham Ave n Cher rove S t L ry G So se L mer Forest Service allhead Dr 2 n B 0 d 0 R Granite Rd 0 4000 S W 4000 S E 4000 S

s Dr W 4000 S W ndall a

m r



a B


N d 0

a 0

A 0 0 0 r l 0 7 r

6 T r

0 V W H e y Egbert Ave igh 6 S z w S ay 3 S La

W 6000 N 3 W 4250 W l S W R 3 0 Sweet Home ol

7 l n 0 D T Carson Dr


0 L

r r


1 l

pe Wy Jackalo


w S

e W 4500 S E 4500 S




v 19 20 0 t 24 23 D S

22 6 h s 20 21 ir 24 19 E 4625 S e 24 23 b D e 23 22 r

20 21 S u r 19 Pi l nn

21 22 a


C c

yon C l res

S n y P W 4750 S e t 0 a D W 4750 S r r


t C

0 e 1 r Avalanch C T

a n 5 i 0 r d Peak View Estates Rd r


u l 3

i L W

0 o s o p H e o

0 L i

C N g E s

L 0 t y h

F e a W l 5000 S p 5 E 5000 S a


d k o r n M W 5000 S 2 o x b o d ah R l M o Thistle Creek D r Dr g o a n S w e W o C v y s e

e o w O n y E L r

L n C

R o n e V i

l r

0 e l e W m i P e

stle Dr e Elk Thi 0 a k k

o s s 0 Dry H w 5 l i e 0 S d H E 525

D n 0 a

e d W 5250 S T S B e 4 L r 5 k S W 52 0 n r r

s S e

S o l W


n e r

7 0

R 5 0 T a r g h e e N a t i o n a l C


0 12

d r 0 x


4 W

D d W 5500 S o E 5500 S E 5500 S

8 S Tetonia en F l 0 B Tr er 30 29 0 v Fox Ln 25 an i 28 27 26 29 S 30 R 26 25 m W h 28 27 ff ad 27 o o w Ln 28 H E nders He 0 on Ca n Rd W 5750 S C S 5 o 7 ny S h 2 5 a

0 1 S 3


0 7

W 3

29 i 5 n W

0 0 y

5 a L W y 2 E 6000 S 6000 S n Ln S w 26 25 30 F W 6000 Fox S rt F o r e s t W ese h D o S

y g

r d i

e r a i s H n e

D t g a erve

H i s ry S e D R a C R r t i d D ge Rd r rF o Bison Dr W 6250 S D x gs M in e pr a S d ows D r

W x

5 o

7 F 32 3 35 36 31 6 33 34 36 31 32 W 34 35 W 6600 S 32 33 S 35 36 31 0

33 34 5

7 1


W 6750 S S D

d T Trl e D Diamon g

o d g i

g R

i W e E 7000 S

e W 7000 S T 04 N r

W 7000 S 0 L d n i


h d






Road Index e r nd D

Po 0

e e





LabelName, Cell i 5 Blue Ridge Ln, D-7 Columbine Trl, I-6 E 10000 N, H-4 Enclave Ln, H-15 Henley St, H-14 Lone Cowboy Rd, H-11 N 1375 W, G-5 Nez Perce Rd, I-8 Rainbow Lp, I-9 S 2750 W, G-10/13/15 Scott Dr, H-14 Sweetwater Ln, H-7 W 11250 N, F-4 W 8000 N, E-5, E-6 T T 03 N

s 3

n e

C e


n S k

i o

Abby Ln, H-14 r a Booshway St, H-9 Comanche Wy, H-9 E 10800 S, I-15 Eva Ln, H-14 Herron Cir, G-14 Long Branch Lp, H-14 N 14000 W, A-4, A-5 North End Trl, F-4 Rammell Mountain Rd, H-4 S 2nd St, F-6 Settlement Dr, G-14 Swordfern Ln, I-9 W 11500 N, H-4 W 8000 S, F-13, G-13 r R e P a u n L l n 13 C nin i Abby Lp, H-14 ir g Horse Trl p

Bouquet Springs Ln, E-13 Coneflower Cir, F-14 E 1500 S, I-10 Evan Ridge Rd, D-7 Hiatt Trl, H-4 Long Ln, H-14 N 1500 E, I6,I-7,I-8 Northern Nook Rd, I-7 Rammell Rd, H-15 S 3250 W, F-11 Shadow Brook Ln, H-9 Syringa Dr, E-12, E-13 W 11650 N, C-4 W 8150 N, F-5 u

L Abigale Ln, G-14 Boyer Dr, H-7 Connor Dr, G-14 E 1750 S, I-10 Fairfield Ln, H-12 Hiddenwaters Ln, F-14 Loose Moose Ln, F-12 N 1500 W, G-5 Nuthatch Dr, H-12 Ranch House Rd, F-7 S 3500 W, F-11 Shadow Ln, G-12 TC Dr, I-15 W 1170 N, E-9 W 8250 N, D-5, E-5 2 1 6 5 4 3 W 2 6 5

1 0 Ave 800 0 S 0 r Adams Rd, F-11, F-12 Larkspu d E

Breckenridge Rd, E-7 Copperwood Dr, H-11 E 190 N, H-9 Falcon Creek Dr, I-9 Highland Meadows Dr, G-8 Los Pinos Dr, G-7 N 15000 W, A-4, A-5 Obsidian Dr, H-6 Rancheros Lp, I-7 S 360 E, H-12 Shadowmoon Ln, I-9 Tabby Trl, G-15 W 12000 N, B3,E3,G3 W 8450 N, H-5 0 R 0 1 S e 0 S E 7750 S k 7

S a 7 W 7750 S 3 l Aerie Cir, I-9 Bressler Ln, H-14 Corbets Dr, H-6 E 1920 S, I-10 Falcon Ln, H-9 Highland Wy, I-12 Louise Ave, F-4 N 1750 E, I-9 Old Dry Ridge Rd, H-5 Rapid Creek Rd, I-9 S 3750 W, F-12 Shaelyn Ln, I-10 Table Rock Dr, I-9 W 12250 N, H-3 W 8675 S, G-14 ar Ln d e D Big B 8 M u 5 W e

e E

Airport Rd, H-9 Bri Dr, G-14 Cornerstone Ln, E-9 E 2000 S, H-11, I-10 Fall Line Dr, I-9 Hoback Ln, H-6 Lucky Dr, H-5 N 1750 W, G-6 Old Horseshoe Rd, D-9 Red Birch Dr, I-14, I-15 S 385 E, H-13 Shamrock Ln, H-5 Tails Down Rd, F-7 W 1250 S, E-10, F-10 W 8750 N, G-5, H-5 d r R ek D Cre Cedro Aspen St r 8000 S ve W W 8000 S n Rd Alderwood Rd, H-11 Bridger Ln, I-6 Cornice Ct, I-9 E 250 N, I-9 Farmers Trl, H-9 Hoffman Trl, E-12 Lupine Ln, H-13 N 1st St, F-6, H-9 Old Jackson Hwy, H-14 Red Fox Rd, I-9 S 3rd St, F-6 Sharp Tail Ct, H-9 Talon Cir, I-9 W 13000 N, C3 - F3 W 9000 N, A-5, E-5 Gro

0 Arrow Root Ln 0 Alpine Trl, H-14 5 Broken Arrow Rd, I-7 Corral Cir, G-13 E 2500 N, H-8, I-8 Fawn Ridge Ln, D-7 Homestead Rd, H-13 Luster Ct, H-5 N 2000 E, I-7, I-9 Old Post Ln, F-14 Red Hawk Trl, G-14 S 400 W, H-12 Shasta Daisy Ct, G-9 Tamarack Trl, G-5 W 13500 N, B-3 W 9000 S, F14 - H14 2 Birch St Birch St E Birch St

W W S Alta Vista Dr, I-8 Brome Dr, H-14 Cottongrass Rd, H-9 E 3000 N, I-8 Finch Ave, H-9 Honeybee Ln, H-9 Madeline Rd, I-7 N 2000 W, G-2, G-7 Old Railroad Wy, H-9 Red Mountain Wy, H-14 S 4000 W, F-10 Shelby St, H-14 Tanager Ct, H-9 W 13750 N, G-3 W 9100 N, H-5

Brooktrout Dr E Center St

d R Amy Ln, H-11 Eagle Ridge Rd (alley)

Brookes Lp, I-9 Cottonwood Shadow, G-12 E 3000 S, H-11, I-11 Fir St, H-14 Honeysuckle Lp, H-9 Mahoganny Dr, H-7 N 2250 E, I-7 Old Rightaway Rd, E-8, E-9 Reece Rd, G-2,G-3,F4 S 4500 W, F12 - F14 Sheridan Lp, G-5, H-5 Targhee Hill Dr, I-9 W 1400 N, E-9 W 9300 S, F-14 e n

Victor E Dogwood St i l

Angler Point , D-5 Brooktrout Dr, G-14 Cottonwood Wy, I-8 E 350 S, H-10 Fischer Ln, G-7 Hoopes Rd, C-5 Mahoganny Dun Dr, H-7 N 2250 W, G-6 Oliver Rd, H-14 Reece Ridge Rd, F-4 S 4750 W, F-12 Shire Dr, I-12 Targhee Ranch Dr, I-9 W 14000 N, F-2, G-2 W 9500 N, F-5 11 St e E 8500 S Elm s

a 8 r 12 7 9 an Dr 10 S 860 11 B 8 Bry 0 W Anna Ct, H-7 7 D

Brown Drake Cir, H-7 Couloir Ct, I-9 E 3500 N, I-8 Flint Dr, H-14 Horse Haven Dr, H-10 Mahogany View Trl, E-12 N 250 E, H-7 Osprey Ln, H-9 Reed Rd, H-13 S 4800 W, F-12 Shire Ridge Dr, G-13 Targhee Ridge Dr, I-9 W 14250 N, G-2 W 9500 S, F14 - H14

A S 12 b t

ig Bressle n r Ln i

a S l l r Antelope Ln, H-14 r e Brown Trout Bnd, G-14 Country Club Dr, H-12 E 4000 N, H-8, I-8 Flint Ridge Cir, H-15 Horseshoe Ln, D-9 Major Ln, H-14 N 2nd St, F-6 Overlook Wy, I-12 Rendezvous Dr, H-11 S 4th St, H-10 Shoshone Ln, I-6 Targhee Trl, H-14, H-15 W 14500 N, D2, E2, G2 W 9600 S, F-14 A F

L D r D g n a

t D


t W

i e r n e Appaloosa Ridge Trl, D-7 Bryan Dr, G-14 Countryside Ln, F-7 E 4000 S, H-12 Flintlock Ln, F-7 Horseshoe Meadows Trl, E-9 Mariposa Ct, I-9 N 3000 W, G-5, G-6 Packhorse Trl, C-8 Renegade Dr, H-7 S 500 E, H12 - H14 Silver Fox Ln, H-13 Taylor Mountain Dr, I-15 W 15000 N, G-2 W 9700 N, F-5 r A


e 0 D v

r B 0 e



C 5



l Appaloosa Trl, H-9 l

Buck Town Blvd, G-5, H-5 County Trl, I-10 E 4500 S, H-12 Forest Ridge Rd, E-13 House Top Ln, H-13 Marshland Cir, H-6 N 3250 W, F-7 Packsaddle Lake Rd, C-7 Reserve Dr, H-13 S 500 W, H10 - H14 Silver Pine Trl, D-9 Taylor Ridge Ln, H-14 W 2000 N, E-9 W 9700 S, F-14 i t t e S etery Rd t Cem O r 9000 S a Victo J S W 9000 S

31 r W Highway W 9000 S e


T y S i Applewood Dr, H-14 S Buckrail Dr, H-9 Courthouse Dr, H-9 E 4625 S, I-12 Forest View Dr, H-10 Howards End Ln, H-4 Mayfly Trl, F-14 N 330 W, H-7 Packsaddle Rd, C-7 Reunion Rd, I-8 S 5000 W, F-10, F-11 Ski Hill Rd, I-9 Teague Ave, H-10 W 2000 S, E10 - H10 W Birch St, H-14 v

t b H e l i O

S g

W e l r d



y w J Apsaroke Trl, I-6 0 R a B.L.M.

e a Buckskin Lp, G-13 Cowboy Trl, H-9 E 480 S, H-10 Foutz Dr, G-14 Huckleberry Dr, F-13 McReynolds Ave, F-4 N 3500 W, F-6 Paintbrush Cir, I-9 Ricks Rd, G-5 S 5400 W, E-11 Ski Meister Trl, H-12 Teal Trace, H-9 W 2250 S, E-11 W Buxton Ave, H-9 S c 0 d l y k

0 s n Christ 3 o Lit 2 3 tle P e o n Ards Rd, D-6, E-6 W in ph H Buffalo Junction Lp, H-9 Coyote Ln, H-13 E 5000 N, H-7, I-7 Fox Creek Dr, H-12 Hummingbird Ln, G-2 Meadow Lark Rd, H-9 N 3750 W, F-3 Painted Pony Dr, H-7 Rigby Rd, H-8 S 5415 W, E-11 Skunk Springs Ln, G-13 Teal Trl, G-14 W 2500 N, G-8, H-8 W Center St, H-14 930 H 0 S S e e Pole Dr er w Lodg St y 14 L Dr 14 y n n Sk Arrow Root Ln, H-14 1 Buffalo Trl, H-9 Coyote Ridge Rd, G-6 E 5000 S, H-12, I-12 Fox Creek Hollow Rd, H-12 Huntsman Springs Dr, H-9 Meandering Moose Dr, I-12 N 3rd St, F-6 Painted Sky Wy, G-5 Rim Village Rd, D-5 S 5635 W, E-11 Sky View Dr, F-6 Teewinot St, H-8 W 2500 S, F-11, H-11 W Dogwood St, H-14 uther 3 So S y 0 W 9500 S E 9500 S 950 Arrowhead Plaza Way, H-9 a E Bugaboo Cir, H-6 Crandall Dr, I-12 E 5250 S, H-12, I-12 Fox Creek Village Dr, H-12 Indian Paintbrush Ct, G-9 Megan St, H-14 N 4000 W, F-8, F-9 Paiute St, H-9 Riparian Dr, H-15 S 565 W, H-11 Skyline Lp, I-12 Telemark Trl, I-9 W 2500 S, H-11 W Front St, H-9 W n 17 9 w 18 600 S L 15 14 13 h 17 t 16 18 s g Arrowhead Rd, H-6 13 i o Bunchberry Ct, G-9 Crane Cir, H-13 E 5500 S, H-12, I-12 Fox Ln, H-12 Indian Ridge Rd, I-7 Memory Ln, H-7 N 410 W, H-7 Pale Morning Dr, H-7 Ripplinger Rd, D-10 S 5750 W, E-11 Slinger Ct, H-11 Teton Ave, F-6, G-6 W 3000 N, D8 - H8 W Highway 31, F-14, G-14 97 00 S P H W ld



Arrowleaf Ln, E-12

Business Centre Cir, I-10 Crazy Horse Rd, H-6 E 6000 N, H-6, I-6 Fox Meadows Dr, G-13 Indian Sunset Dr, H-9 Mickelson St, F-7 N 4250 W, F-7, F-8 Palisade Trl, H-9 Rising Sage Rd, G-5 S 5885 W, E-11 Snake River Rd, H-6 Teton Rim Pkwy, C-6 W 3000 S, E-11, H-11 W Highway 33, A4 - H7 E



0 W

y 0


1 0

Ashenvale Cir, H-13 y 5

l w

Butler Ln, H-8 Creek Bottom Trl, I-9 E 6000 S, H-13, I-12 Fox Springs Dr, G-13 Infanger Ln, I-6 Middle St, H-8 N 4500 W, F-4,F-6,F7 Palomino Wy, G-13 Riteway Rd, H-9 S 5th St, G-6, H-10 Snow Crest Ranch Dr, I-7 Teton Saddleback Vista Dr, H-11 W 3250 N, F-8 W Little Ave, H-9 f T 0

y r k R

l e Dr S

a l S 5

M P o a

2 r

m a Ln Aspen Dr, C-8 Buttermilk Dr, D-9 Creek Resort Cir, I-9 E 6300 N, I-6 Foxtail Dr, I-9 Inglin Ridge Rd, D-7 Middle Teton Rd, I-8 N 4th St, H-9 Paniolo Wy, E-11 River Bend Dr, F-12 S 60 E, H-12 Snow Goose Cir, H-13 Teton Vis, H-9 W 3250 S, F-11 Wade Ranch Dr, F-7 s eer 10000 S W 10000 S S um T D F g m C le r Mu i n ( e i for D C r e r Aspen Meadows Rd, H-9 l s n Cache Vista Dr, F-7 Creek View Dr, I-9 E 7000 N, H-6, I-6 Fremont Ave, H-10 Iron Wood Dr, H-11 Miller Ranch Rd, I-9 N 500 E, H-7 Parachute Adams Rd, H-7 River Cir, G-12 S 600 W, H-11, H-12 Snowberry Ln, E-13 Tetonia Highlands Ln, H-5 W 3300 N, H-8 Walton Ln, H-15 H l t L r p a a R c k n e s c L t S e e i S re Bird og g n d s C Aspen St, H-13 D n g p s e Cahuilla Rd, H-9 Creekside Ln, I-12 E 7000 S, H-13 Frontier Trl, G-13 Iroquois Wy, H-9 Moffatt St, F-7 N 500 W, H-5, H-6 Paradise Lp, F-12 River Dogwood St, H-9 S 6000 W, E-10 Snowshoe Ln, I-9 Thistle Creek Dr, H-12 W 3300 S, E-11 Wapiti Dr, H-13 P i s - i W 1025 Dr r p am n 0 i riv G e S W n ate Aspen View Trl, I-10 Cre S g ) Caldwell Dr, C-8 Creekside Meadows Ave, H-10 E 7250 N, I-6 Fumarole Dr, G-14, G-15 Jackalope Wy, H-12 Mojave Ln, I-12 N 5000 W, F-5,F-7,F9 Paradise Springs Rd, F-12 River Meadows Dr, G-12 S 620 W, H-11 Snowy Ln, H-4 Thomason Ave, G-14 W 350 N, E-9 Warbird Ln, H-9 ek 50 s 3 n D 10 W L P r k Aurora Dr, G-14 n w Canoe Lp, G-12 Crestview Ln, G-7 E 750 S, H-10 Game Creek Ln, I-15 Jackrabbit Ln, I-9 Moonglade Dr, C-7 N 5250 W, E-9 Park Ave, H-9 River Rim Pond Ln, D-5 S 6375 W, E-13 Soaring Flight Cir, I-9 Timberline Lp, H-14 W 3500 N, F-8 Warm Creek Ln, H-15 o ( t y f l o

a r Bla e 19 20 Autumn Glen Cir, G-13 ckf 24 s Canyon Crest Dr, I-12 Crevasse Ct, I-9 E 7750 N, H-6 Gilroy Ln, H-10 Jackson Ave, F-6 Moonlight Ln, H-4 N 5500 W, E-9 Pastoral Ln, H-6 River Rim Ranch Rd, C-5, D-5 S 650 W, H-11 Solitude Ln, H-6 Timberline Ranch Pkwy, H-14 W 3500 S, H-11 Waterleaf Ave, H-9 22 W 23 oo 19 20 21 t Trl t 24 a c Avalanche Cir, H-12 c Canyon Sunrise , I-8 Crooked Creek Dr, G-7 E 7750 S, H-13 Gleneagle Dr, G-8 Janas Lp, I-9 Moonset Rdg, D-7 N 565 E, H-7 Pawnee Rd, H-9 Robin Dr, G-14 S 6th St, G-6 Somerset Ln, H-11 Todds Lp, I-9 W 3750 S, F-11 Waters Edge Dr, F-7 (for e est acce s ss) (f s or ) Avery Dr, G-14 Canyon View Rd, I-8 Crows Nest Rd, H-5, I-5 E 8000 S, H-13, I-13 Glory Wy, I-8 Jasmine Ave, H-9 Moose Haven Ct, H-14 N 5750 W, E-6, E-8 Peacock Flts, F-6 Rock Garden Rd, H-6 S 70 E, H-12 Sorensen Creek Dr, I-12 Tomahawk Trl, G-14 W 4000 N, C7 - H7 Wells Ave, F-4 es t a E 10800 S cc Bagley Cir, H-14 es Carson Dr, I-12 Crystal Ct, H-14 E 8500 S, H-14 Golden Eagle Ave, H-13 Jess Dr, G-14 Moose Ln, I-15 N 5th St, G-6. H-9 Peak View Estates Rd, H-12 Rockefeller Rd, E-11 S 70 W, H-12 South Leigh Creek Ln, G-7 Tonya Rd, H-11 W 4000 S, F11 - H11 West Ridge Rd, D-7 s) 11000 S Bainbridge Dr, C-8 Casper Dr, H-9 Crystal Run Rd, H-14 E 860 S, H-10 Golden Thread Ct, H-9 Jorgensen St, G-6 Moose Path Wy, G-5 N 6000 W, E-4,E-8,E9 Peaked Ln, H-6 Rockin S Ln, F-12 S 700 W, H-12 South Leigh Ranch Rd, H-7 Trail Creek Dr, H-14 W 4250 S, F-12 West Rim Pl, C-5, C-6 Bald Eagle Dr, H-13 Cattail Rd, H-13 Curtis Cir, H-14 E 9500 S, H-14 Goldenrod St, H-9 Justin Ave, G-14 Moraine Ct, H-9 N 620 W, H-5 Penny Ln, H-14 Rocky Road Industrial Lp, H-11 S 750 E, H-10, H-12 South St, H-8 Trail Rd, H-14 W 4350 N, H-7 West Valley Estates Rd, F-11 Baldy Mountain Dr, H-13 Cattle Creek Rd, G-13 Cutler Ave, F-4 E Ashley Ave, H-9 Goldshire Dr, I-8 Karma Wy, C-5 Moran View Dr, I-9 N 6500 W, E-5 Peppertree Ln, F-15 Rodeo Dr, H-9 S 750 W, H-14 Southern Sky Dr, G-14 Tranquility Wy, H-6 W 4500 S, G-12, H-12 White Owl Wy, G-14 Ballhead Dr, E-11 Cedron Rd, H-14 Cutthroat Ln, G-14 E Birch St, H-14 Gooseberry Rd, G-7 Kayak Lp, G-12 Moss Ln, I-9 N 6600 W, E-6 Peregrine Dr, H-13 Rose Ridge Ln, D-7 S 820 W, H-11 Spearhead Ln, H-6 Treasure Mountain Lp, H-8 W 4750 N, G-7, H-7 Whiteout Wy, G-12 15 Balsam Ln, I-12 Cemetery Rd, H-10, I-9 D Lazy T Ln, H-8 E Center St, H-14 Goshawk Ln, H-9 Kearsley Ln, H-14 Moulton Ln, H-14, H-15 N 665 E, H-7 Perfect Drift Dr, I-7 Rosen Acres Rd, H-7 S 840 W, - Spirit Horse Trl, G-6 Trout Bnd, G-14 W 4750 S, G-12 Whitetail Dr, I-9 27 26 25 30 29 Bancroft St, F-4 Centennial Mountain St, H-10 DC Ln, I-10 E Dogwood St, H-14 Grand St, H-8 Kelson Ln, H-12 Mountain Ash Pl, H-9 N 6750 W, E-8 Perry Ave, G-6, H-6 Rowboat Lp, G-12 S 840 W, H-12 Spoon Creek Dr, G-13 Trout Creek Rd, F-12 W 4850 N, F-7 Whitney Dr, H-8 25 30 29 28 Bannock Cir, H-15 Central Ave, F-6, G-6 Dairy Ct, G-13 E Garnet Ave, H-10 Grand Teton Rd, I-8 Kestrel Hill Rd, I-15 Mountain Bluebird Ct, G-9, H-9 N 6th St, G-6 Pheasant Dr, G-2 Roxanne St, I-7 S 850 E, H-12 Spring Creek Dr, I-9 Trouts Ranch Rd, H-7 W 4900 N, G-7 Wild Cat Canyon Lp, H-8, I-8 Barley Rd, C-4 Chapin Ln, F-12 Daisy Wy, G-7 E Gemstone Ave, H-10 Grandview Dr, C-8 Kit Ln, I-12 Mountain Dr, E-12 N 7000 W, D-3,E-8,E9 Pine Creek Dr, F-15 Royal Dr, H-7 S 850 W, H-13 Spring Hollow Ranch Rd, G-5, G-6 Trumpet Swan Cir, H-13 W 500 N, E-9 Wild Horse Dr, H-7 Barrel Roll Trl, H-12 Chatham Wy, H-13 Darby Flats Dr, H-11 E Harper Ave, H-9 Granite Basin Lp, H-6 Knights Wy, H-4 Mountain Laurel Dr, H-13 N 750 E, H-7 Pine Dr, H-12 Royal Elk Cir, H-13 S 8600 W, H-14 Springs Pkwy, H-14, H-15 Tuckers Wy, H-5 W 500 S, E-10, H-10 Wild Mustang Trl, G-13 12000 S Bates Rd, D10 - H10 Cherry Grove Ln, I-11 Daydream Dr, G-7 E Howard Ave, H-9 Granite Rd, H-11 Kristen St, H-14 Mountain Meadows Dr, H-11 N 7500 W, - Pine Mountain View Rd, G-13 Royal Wulff Rd, F-11 S 870 W, H-11 Spruce Hollow, I-8 Turning Leaf Ln, F-14 W 5000 N, H-7 Wild Rose Dr, G-13 Bates Spur Rd, D-10 Chickadee Ln, G-2 Deer Dr, H-13 E Johnson Ave, H-10 Green Ln, H-14 Kylea Dr, G-14 Mountain Shadows Wy, H-13 N 7600 W, E-6 Pine Ridge Ranch Rd, F-14 Ruby Ridge Rd, H-4 S Agate Ave, H-14 Spruce Rd, H-11 Turtle Walk, H-12 W 5000 S, F12 - H12 Wildflower Wy, I-9 33 Baywood Dr, H-9 Chilly Water Wy, I-8 Deer Ridge Trl, H-12 E Little Ave, H-9 Greene Dr, E-9 Lagana Trl, G-7 Mountain View Dr, G-5 N 7th St, G-6 Pine Tree Rd, F-13 Ruffed Grouse Rd, I-6 S Baseline Rd, H-13, H-14 Staghorn Dr, I-7 Twin Creek Ln, E-10, E-11 W 5160 N, H-7 Willow Creek Rd, G-14 36 32 Bear Creek Rd, H-8 Chris Ln, H-9 Deer Springs Rd, I-8 E Opal Ave, H-10 Grizzly Ln, H-9 Lakeside Rd, G-13 Mountain Vista Dr, H-9 N 8000 W, E-6,E-7,E8 Pine View Ln, H-10 Running Horse Trl, G-13 S Bates Rd, H-10 Stallion Ct, D-7 Upper Ranch Ln, D-5 W 5250 N, H-7 Willowbend Dr, F-12 31 Bear Dr, H-13 Ct, G-7 Depot St, H-9 E Ross Ave, H-9 Grizzly Ridge Dr, G-5 Lakewood Rd, H-13 Mountainside Blvd, H-14 N 875 W, H-5 Pinnacle Trl, H-12 Ruskin Ln, E-7 S Chatham Lp, H-13 Star Flower Dr, H-9 Ursus Trl, H-4 W 5250 S, F-12, G-12 Willowbrook Dr, H-9 34 35 36 31 32 Beard Ln, F-6 Christofferson St, F-7 Depot Wy, H-14 E Ruby St, H-10 Gros Ventre Trl, H-11 Larkspur Ave, H-13 Mourning Dove Ct, G-9 N 8750 W, D-4, D-5 Pintail Ave, H-9 S 100 E, H-14 S Highway 31 , F-14 Steelhead Dr, I-6 Valley Centre Dr, H-9 W 5500 N, D-7, G-7 Wind River Trl, H-9 Beaver Blvd, H-4 Christopher St, H-14 Desert Fox Ln, H-13 E Short St, H-10 Grouse Creek Rd, H-6 Larkspur Meadows Dr, H-12 Mt Davidson Dr, I-9 N 8850 W, D-8 Pioneer Trl, I-9 S 1000 E, I-10 S Highway 33, H-10 Stellar End, G-12 Valley Dr, C-8 W 5500 S, F12 - H12 Windbreak, H-5 Beaver Dick Ln, I-12 Chukar Ave, H-9 Diamond St, H-10 E Teton Ave, H-10 Grouse Run Rd, I-5 Larsen Ln, I-10 Mt Moran Rd, I-8 N 9000 W, C-7 Piquet Ln, F-10 S 1000 W, G-11 S Main St, F-6, G-6 Stephanie St, I-7 Valley Jewel Ln, F-9 W 5750 N, E-7,F-7,H7 Windermere Ln, I-12 Beesley Ln, H-14 Cinder Cone Dr, G-12 Diamond T Trl, G-13 E Wallace Ave, H-9 Grove Creek Rd, F-13 Lazy V Trl, H-12 Mt Oliver St, H-14 N Agate Ave, H-13, H-14 Pitchfork Dr, F-12 S 1100 E, I-14 S Main St, H-10 Stewart St, F-4 Valley View Rd, I-5 W 5750 S, F-12 Windy Owl Wy, H-10 T 03 N Berger Rd, H-15 Cirque Ct, I-9 Ditty Wy, D-7 Eagle Ridge Rd, G-14 Guardian Peaks Ln, H-9 LeGrand Pierre Ave, H-9 Mt Owen Rd, I-8 N Baseline Rd, H-6, H-7 Pond Dr, H-13 S 1190 W, G-11 S Main St, H-14 Stillwater Lp, I-7 Victor Cemetery Rd, H-14 W 6000 N, D-6,F-6,G6 Winger Cir, H-15 Travelways 2 T 02 N Big Bear Ln, H-13 Clearview, I-9 Doggie Ln, G-13 Eagles Rest Dr, H-10 Gunsight Cir, I-7 Leafcutter Ln, H-5 Mt Washburn Dr, I-9 N Beryl Ave, H-14 Pony Creek Rd, A-7 S 1250 W, G-10 S Stateline Rd, I9 - I11 Storm View Lp, H-12 Victor Meadows Dr, H-12 W 6000 S, F12 - H12 Wintergreen Ct, H-10 16 Big Game View Rd, C-6 Cloudveil Ct, H-10 Double Rainbow Dr, I-9 Easy St, H-9 Harper St, H-9 Leah Dr, G-14 Mudlake Rd, H-13, I-13 N Chatham Lp, H-13 Porcupine Pkwy , H-4 S 130 W, H-12 Sacajawea Cir, I-7 Stranglethorn Ln, H-9 Village Wy, H-12, H-14 W 6250 S, F-13 Wolverine Wy, H-4 5 4 Big Hole Views Dr, E-9 Clover Ln, G-5, H-5 Dove Ln, G-2 Edelweiss Ln, I-8 Harris Hawk Dr, H-13 Leigh Ave, F-6, G-6 Mule Deer Ln, I-15 N Highway 32 , F-2 Powder Valley Rd, H-9 S 1315 W, G-11 Saddle Bluff Trl, F-7 Streamside St, H-10 Visalia Ct, H-11 W 6500 N, B-6 Wood Rd, H-11 1 6 Birch Berry Dr, H-9 Club Ln, H-13 Dreamcatcher Dr, I-7 Edge Braid Ct, H-11 Harvest Ln, I-10 Leigh Creek Estates Rd, G-7 Mustang Dr, H-9 N Highway 33 , H-7 Prairie Dog Wy, I-9 S 1500 E, I-10 Saddle Horn Trl, F-7 Summer Breeze Trl, F-6 Vista Ln, H-7 W 6600 S, H-13 Woodland Hills Rd, H-3 Birch Cir, H-14 Clubmoss Ln, H-10 Driggs Centre Dr, I-10 Edge Cul De Sac, H-14 Hastings Dr, H-14, H-15 Leigh Meadows Ln, H-6, H-7 N 1000 E, H-6,H9,I8 N Leigh Creek Rd, I-6 Primrose St, H-9 S 1530 E, I-12 Sage Creek Dr, G-8 Summit View Dr, I-7 W 1000 N, D-9, E-9 W 6750 S, F-13, G-13 Woodland Star Dr, H-9 State Highway Unimproved/Two-Track 14000 S Bird Dog Ln, G-15 Cluff Ln, H-15 Dry Creek Trl, H-8 Edgewood Ln, H-14 Hawkins Rd, F-14 Leisure Ln, H-9 N 1000 W, H-8,H5,G4 N Main St, F-6 Proudfoot Ln, G-13 S 1750 E, I9 - I12 Sage Grouse Rd, E-8 Sunflower Ave, H-9 W 1000 S, E-10, D-10 W 7000 N, F6 - H6 Woodland Wy, H-10 12 12 7 Bison Dr, H-13 Clydes Turn, G-7 Dry Henderson Rd, E-12 Egbert Ave, F-7 Hawks View St, H-10 Leopard Lily Ct, H-9 N 10000 W, C-3,C-4,C5 N Main St, H-14 Purple Aster Cir, I-15 S 1750 W, G-13 Sage Rd, I-8 Sunlight Cir, H-4 W 10000 N, F4, G5, H4 W 7000 S, F13 - H13 Woodpecker Trl, H-4 Bitterroot Ct, G-9 Cobble Creek Ln, H-9 Dry Ridge Rd, I-6 Egret Cir, H-13 Head Wy, G-13 Letham Ave, F-6 N 1100 E, I-7 N Main St, H-9 Quail Dr, G-2 S 1st St, F-6, H-10 Sagebrush Dr, H-13 Sunny Meadow Ave, H-10 W 10000 S, F-15, G-15 W 7250 N, E-6 Woodrush Rd, F-3 Black Bear Dr, I-8 Cobblecrest Rd, H-9 Dustin Rd, I-15 Elderberry Ave, G-6 Heads Up Rd, F-7 Lewis St, F-4 N 11000 W, B-3, B-4 N Stateline Rd, I-8 Quaking Aspen Dr, H-9 S 2000 E, I-11, I-12 Sagebrush Rd, I-9 Sunrise Dr, I-8 W 10250 S, G-15 W 750 N, H-9 Woolstenhulme Wy, I-15 Improved Roads Bike Paths 8 Black Swan Cir, H-13 Cold Springs Rd, H-14 Dusty Diamond Wy, G-7 Elk Ridge Rd, H-8 Headwall Lp, I-9 Lila Ln, I-8 N 11500 W, B-4,B-5,B6 Native Sons Trl, H-4 Quartz Dr, G-7 S 2000 W, G11/12/14 Sagewood Dr, H-9 Surprise Valley Rd, I-7 W 10350 S, - W 7700 S, F-13 Wydaho Ranch Trl, I-7 9 Blackfoot Trl, H-15 Colonial Ct, H-12 Dusty Maiden Ct, G-9 Elk Thistle Dr, H-12 Headwaters Dr, H-15 Little Pine Ln, F-14 N 1250 W, G-5 Needle Leaf Ln, E-13 R-G Ranch Ln, F-7 S 2260 W, G-13 Sandcrane Ln, H-5, H-6 Swallowtail Dr, H-13 W 10500 N, E-4 W 7750 N, H-6 Wylie Ln, D-6 Ct, I-6 Colter Ln, I-6 Dusty Trl, H-9 Elm St, H-14 Hemlock St, H-14 Lodge Pole Dr, G-14 N 13000 W, A-5 Nesting Eagles Lp, H-14 Rabbit Dr, H-12 S 250 W, H-12 Sandhill Rd, G-14 Sweet Home Dr, H-12 W 10750 N, F-4 W 7750 S, F-13 Blue Bird Way, G-14 Colters Run Trl, I-15 E 1000 S, H-10, I-10 Emmie Ln, G-7 Henderson Canyon Rd, E-12 Lois Ln, H-14 N 13500 W, A-3, A-4 Nethercott Ln, H-11 Rachel Rd, H-11 S 2500 W, G-12, G-14 Sarah Ln, I-9 Sweetgrass Rd, I-9 W 11000 N, A4 - F4 W 7800 S, H-13 15000 S 17 0 0.5 1 2 16 Miles 0 1 2 4 TETON COUNTY, IDAHO TRANSPORTATION MAP Kilometers µ Printed: September 21, 2010 Teton County, Idaho Roads & Rights-of-Way



W 14000 N

W 13500 N W 2000 N

W 13000 N W 13000 N

Woodrush Rd

(access road)

N10000 W

W 12000 N N 6000 W W 12000 N W 12000 N W 12000 N

Reece Rd N 13500 13500 N W

(access road) W 11000 N W 11000 N Rammell Mountain Rd N 11000 W 11000 N W 10750 N W Highway 33 W 10500 N Karma Way Wells Ave


N 7000 W 7000 N E 10000 N

N 8750 W W 10000 N W 10000 N N15000 W

W 9500 N

N 14000 W 14000 N N 10000 W

W 9000 N W 11500 N W 9000 N

N 14000W

SandcraneCrows Ln Nest Rd N 13000 W 13000 N

W 8000 N

N 3000 W 3000 N N Highway32 N Dry Ridge Rd (access road) A E 7250 N

N6600 W

W Highway 33 W 7000 N E 7000 N Valley Dr Valley

Wylie Ln 500 N W N Leigh Creek Rd Aspen Dr Tetonia W 6500 N

W 6500 N Ards Rd N1000 E

N 1750N W N Main St Main N Pony Creek Rd Grandview Dr W 6000 N W 6000 N W 6000 N E 6000 N

W Highway 33 W 5750 N

N 5000N W

Bainbridge Bainbridge Dr N 4500 W 4500 N W 5000 N E 5000 N

N2250 E

Hoopes Rd Hoopes

N Stateline Rd Stateline N N 9000NW Packsaddle Rd

N 2000 W 2000N N 1500 E Packsaddle Creek Estates W 4000 N E 4000 N Forest Access W 8000 N

N3000 W

N 4250 W 4250 N N 5750 W 5750 N W 3000 N W 3000 N

B B.L.M Rd Stateline N

A W 2500 N E 2500 N

N 7000 W 7000 N N 3500 W 3500 N

W 2000 N

Victor 33 Highway N

Old Rightaway Rd W 1000 N Old Jackson Hwy W 7500 N

Edgewood Ln N 4000 W 4000 N

Ski Hill Rd N 5250 W 5250 N

W 1000 N W 6000 N E 9500 S Driggs

S Highway 33

(access road) (forest access) E 250 N

Old Horseshoe Rd W 5000 N Bates Rd

N 1000 E S 500 E 500 S

Edgewood Estates MainSt S S Stateline Rd Stateline S B.L.M. Access

W 1000 S S Bates Rd E 1000 S S 6000 S W W 1250 S

Piquet Ln W 1250 S E 1000 S E 1750 S

S 5750 W W 2000 S W 2000 S E 2000 S

Twin Creek Ln

S 1750 E 1750 S S 5000 W 5000 S

W 3000 S W 3000 S E 3000 S

W 3300 S 4000S W W 3500 S W 3750 S CARIBOU-TARGHEE Ballhead Dr W 4000 S W 4000 S E 4000 S E 2000 S NATIONAL FOREST

W 4750 S S Highway 33Highway S

W 5000 S W 1000 S E 5000 S W 5250 S W 5250 S E 5250 S W 5500 S E 5500 S

Chapin Ln

W 5750 S 750 S E

W 6000 S E 6000 S

S 4500W S

S 1000 W 1000 S S 500 500 W S

W 6750 S B.L.M

W 7000 S W 7000 S E 7000 S

S 1750 W 1750 S S 3500 W 3500 S W 7750 S

W 8000 S W 8000 S S 500 E 500 S Victor W Center St E 8500 S B

W 9000 S W Highway 31 S 1000 W 1000 S

W 9500 S

S 2000 W S Highway 33 W 10000 S S Highway 31

Little Pine Ln

S 2000 W 2000 S

Targhee Trl Targhee S 1000 W 1000 S

E 10800 S


Teton County Road / Right-of-way B.L.M. State Highway Forest Service Non-County Road State of Idaho

Public Lands Access (year-round) City Limits

Rail-to-Trail Pathway

Printed: June 22, 2012 Source: L:\Maps\Road & Bridge\CommissionerRoadMap2012.mxd

This map was reviewed and approved by the Teton County, Idaho Commissioners Attested By:

______Chairman County Clerk 00.5 1 2 3 4

Date: ______Date: ______Miles 1:80,000 º ID 0, '14 Apr 6, '14 Apr 13, '14 Apr 20, '14 Apr 27, '14 May 4, '14 May 11, '14 May 18, '14 May 25, '14 Jun 1, '14 Jun 8, '14 Jun 15, '14 Jun 22, '14 Jun 29, '14 Jul 6, '14 Jul 13, '14 Jul 20, '14 Jul 27, '14 Aug 3, '14 Aug 10, '14 Aug 17, '14 Aug 24, '14 Aug 31, '14 Sep 7, '14 Sep 14, '14 Sep 21, '14 Sep 28, '14 Oct 5, '14 Oct 12, '14 Oct 19, '14 Oct 26, '14 Nov W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M 1 Crew 1,Temp 3,Temp 4 2 Rammell Mountain Rebuild

3 Full Reconstruction

4 Asphalt Zipper

5 Mobilize & Zip

6 Dust Abatement

7 Prep Roads for Dust Abatement

8 Grade & Water for Dust Abatement

9 Patch Road w/chips

10 Grade Patches

11 Chip Seal Patches

12 Grade/Prep for 4th of JUly

13 Grade road for July 4

14 E 4000S 1.5 Mile Gravel Overlay

15 Gravel Overlay

16 Chip Seal ‐

17 Mobilize

18 Chip Sealing

19 Sweeping

20 Moose Creek‐ 1 Mile Gravel Overlay

21 Gravel/Grade Rd

22 N4500W‐ 3 Mile Gravel Overlay

23 Gravel/Grade Rd

24 Chip Seal

25 Mobilize

26 Chip Sealing

27 Sweeping

28 N3000W ‐ 2.5 Mile Recostruction

29 Full Reconstruction

Project: 2011 Project Schedule Re Task Milestone Project Summary External Milestone Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start‐only Deadline Date: Thu 1/16/14 Split Summary External Tasks Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration‐only Manual Summary Finish‐only Progress

Page 1 transportation

To Ashton Targhee National Forest

To Rexburg, Felt Idaho Falls

Teton River Tetonia Grand Targhee Ski Resort Airport


Targhee National Forest Transportation Hub Victor Pedestrian Improvements To Idaho Falls/ Palisades Reservoir Regional Transit Route Local Transit Route To Jackson Pathways Key Destinations Priority Road Improvements

4-6 economic development

Goal ED 1: Develop a coordinated and collaborative economic development strategy that encourages, promotes and supports locally-owned businesses and creates a hospitable and attractive environment for businesses and tourists.

Policies of Commerce, Teton Valley Business Development Center, and other municipalities to create a coordinated and collaborative economic development strategy for Teton County.


- $

. $ that are important for agriculture operations, businesses and visitors.

/ '= post-secondary education via the internet, telecommuting and extension sites.

0 $`

1 /=`` the visitor experience and boost economic development.

2 /

Goal ED 2: Preserve our rural character and heritage and promote local agricultural industries.

Policies $ character and heritage. 1 - 1 = communities and directing development towards them. . $` stewardship and accountability in business. / $ 0 $ Chapter 5. The Framework Plan 5-11 transportation

Goal T 1: Provide well-maintained transportation infrastructure including roads, paved pathways and sidewalks.

Policies '`= infrastructure, especially roads important for agriculture.

'Q improvements.

- 46


/ 12 S8 1 9 motorized and non-motorized vehicles.

0 $`Qb and maintenance; and plowing schedules and policies.

1 <``` occurring events, including deterioration due to age and use, it should be replaced within as short a timeframe as feasible to avoid disruption of service to the public.

5-14 transportation

Policies '!$ transportation.


- $=`

. / /!@!` !@1!` 99!@4/` 9=` A ! 9 / privately funded transportation providers.

/ /]

0 / sources.

1 F2G/QT

*Multimodal transportation includes pedestrian programs and vehicle types and programs for air, bike, bus, call-and- ride, materials transport and public transit

Chapter 5. The Framework Plan 5-15 transportation

Goal T 3: Provide a well-connected transportation network within Teton Valley and within the region.

Policies - 'Q!"

- G adjacent communities, recreation areas and amenities.

-- /`

-. 18

-/ ' / =  ` them for future needs.

-0 '8

-1 /

-2 S`` regional organizations to develop a contiguous and interconnected transportation and pathways system.

-3 / ! tourist destinations such as Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Jackson, Wyoming.

-* '2!"

- '` transportation infrastructure should be evaluated with consideration to the feasibility of providing residential and commercial properties with a secondary route for access and egress to facilitate timely and safe evacuations in the event of a natural disaster.

- < /`=S/ SS as a result of an uncoordinated failure to take timely action.

5-16 transportation

Goal T 4: Develop transportation appropriate for a rural community, respectful of the unique character of Teton Valley.

Policies . $

. $

.- they mutually support overall community goals.

.- ! RS

4.4 Develop access management policies for future development (for both state highways and rural 

Goal T 5: Support continued improvements to the Driggs Memorial Airport to support Teton County’s aviation needs.

Policies / /*GSS1`` to ensure that the airport can meet projected needs.

Chapter 5. The Framework Plan 5-17 natural resources + outdoor recreation

Goal NROR 3: Provide and promote exceptional recreational opportunities for all types of users (including but not limited to biking, skiing, !" #!$]& for economic development and enhanced quality of life.

Policies - $8`= protect areas from environmental degradation, negative impact to wildlife habitat, or to protect public safety.

- @SR and resource damage.

-- / of diverse lifestyles.

-. R`/`8 opportunities.

-/ $Fa

-/ @G`/` funded through such sources as user fees, program fees, lodging taxes, grants, donations, voter-approved levies, household fees and other methods;

-/ Ab

-/- !

Chapter 5. The Framework Plan 5-21 agriculture + rural heritage

Goal ARH 3: Support and enhance agriculture and ranching.

Policies - @@R

- '

-- /RS production.

Goal ARH 4: Respect cultural heritage sites.

Policies . //4@]1'] /'']/' development project.

. < registry adopted by the County.

5-32 transportation

Key Actions Participants Timing

 //  County Planning; Engineering Ordinance and develop access management policies for future  _!S1  County Planning; Engineering 5 Key Develop Actions and enforce design standards for all transportation  Participants County Engineering; Road and Timing Bridge Timing: O=Ongoing; I=Immediate; 2 = Within 2 Years; 3 = Within 3 Years; 5 = Within 5 Years; 5+ = 5 or More Years  _'1  County Planning; Engineering; O 1!S1 Road and Bridge

 '  County Road and Bridge O and allocate funding for roads that are important for agriculture  1  County Road and Bridge O  S  County Road and Bridge O

 _!1R/  County Engineer; Planning -

 1`8@!/R$!$8  1b48Q O 9_` < 9  ''!G  $b' ' ]--- Transportation Department; Cities  !1S1  1]}b 5 desired pathway improvements, maintenance schedule and Engineering; Road and bb48Q b/G 401  R!1  1]}b 5+ and continually advise the development of a Transportation Engineering; Road and Bridge; S1 b/G.* !S1 Timing: O=Ongoing; I=Immediate; 2 = Within 2 Years; 3 = Within 3 Years; 5 = Within 5 Years; 5+ = 5 or More Years

Chapter 6. Implementation 6-17 Teton County Road Projects and Tax-exempt Agricultural Lands

Legend Completed Road Projects Proposed Road Projects Irrigated Agricuture[01] Non-irrigated Agriculture [03] Meadow Agriculture [04] Dry Grazing Agriculture [05]

Note: Many depicted lands have been assigned multiple agricultural categories by the Teton County Assessor's Office.

Source: GIS\Projects\Teton\Roads & Bridge\ 0 1.5 3 6 AgParcels_Road_Projects.mxd I Miles Revision: 0 TETON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS (ROAD & BRIDGE) ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES Date: 4/23/12 PW Private Work on Original Issue Date: 4/23/12 Number of Pages: 1 Public Roads Approved: BOCC

Objectives. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for allowing private contractors to maintain or construct improvements on County Maintained roads.

Background. Teton County maintains approximately 265 miles of County Roads during the winter and 307 miles during the summer. The cost of maintaining these roads are primarily born by the County. Due to our limited resources, time, and budgets the level of maintenance on some roads do not meet the expectations of some citizen. Citizens occasionally offer to provide materials or labor to improve or maintain certain roads before their scheduled maintenance time. This policy establishes the protocol for a citizen to improve a road prior to its scheduled maintenance time.

Permit. A permit to work in the right-of-way shall be completed for all proposed projects. The permit shall identify all proposed work (in writing), and estimate of the costs, and the associated fee shall be included. A security deposit, bond, or letter of credit may be required to ensure the can be completed if the applicant refuses to the complete the work once started. No work shall begin until the permit is approved by the County Engineer or Board of County Commissioners. The applicant will be responsible for obtaining any State, Federal or other permits required. These permits shall be obtained prior to issuance of the county permit.

Design Standards. All improvements and work performed must adhere to Teton County Standards. Teton County utilizes the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction and the Teton County Highway & Street Design Guidelines. All designs must be approved by the County Engineer prior to construction.

Labor & Equipment. The applicant shall supply all labor associated with the proposed project. Teton County will not provide equipment or labor for these projects.

Materials. Teton County may provide the materials for the project if available and use of said materials will not hinder the county’s ability to work on scheduled for maintenance or improvements. The applicant may supply the materials for the project. All materials used must meet the Teton County specifications. All proposed materials must be indentified and data sheets, shop drawings or laboratory analysis of the materials must be submitted to the county engineer for approval prior to construction.

Inspection. The Teton County Engineer (or appointed county representative) shall be onsite during the construction and/or periodically inspect the project. The Engineer shall have the right to stop work at any time. The applicant shall notify the County Engineer once the project is complete. The County Engineer shall inspect the work and any deficiencies identified shall be corrected. Any security deposit, bond or letter or credit shall be released once the County Engineer has inspected the project and is satisfied it is complete.

Summary. This Policy has been developed to provide general guidelines for County personnel and citizens of the county. This Policy intends to cover the majority of situations normally encountered in the maintenance and improvements of our road system. If certain situations arise that are not part of the above Policy, the Teton County Engineer and/or Road and Bridge Supervisor will deal with them on a case-by-case basis.