our CATHOLIC community Volume 3 No. 11 September 2014 Issue A publication of the Diocese of , $2.00 Professing Vows

Feast Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Hike With Your Clergy Sts. John & Lewis Parish Bazaar A Virgin Mary Success Inside Editor’s Pen Bishop’s Message: The Catholic Educator In An Evolving Environment - Part II 03 OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND Greater Recognition and Respect LAY ASSOCIATES for Teachers Hike With Your Clergy 04 he Summer holidays have come Journey To The Priesthood: Interview With to an end and the new school Brs. Garvey Blanc & Calvin Auguiste 05 Tyear is upon us. It is hoped that the respite the summer vacation New Appointments In The Diocese Of Roseau 05 has provided has been relaxing, Missionary Sisters Of The Immaculate Heart Of rejuvenating and recreational. Mary, (ICM) Celebrate 100 Years Of Presence As professionals, many teachers In The -Part V 06 may have taken some time during their vacation to reflect on their contribution OUR DIOCESE to the education process during the Know Your Faith: past year, identified areas that need improvement and examined ways of Liturgy Update: The Homily - Part V 07 enhancing their performance during I Believe In The Holy - the coming year. The Church In The Plan of God 07 Each new year, teachers at all levels Tell Fr. Ben 08 of education are faced with numerous Celebrating The Feast Of Sts. Anne & Joachim 08 challenges and are required to make Our Catholic Heritage - The History Of Our Lady Of adjustments to meet those challenges; pressures of the classroom and Lourdes National Shrine In Soufriere 09 classroom management; maintaining Hail Alphonsus 10 currency with the Information Age and 2014 CSEC Examination Results In 11 the technology required to manage Personal Rosary Crusade 11 this information; deciding on the most Feast Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 12 effective methodology to deliver the Redemptorists Professing Their Vows 13 content of the target subject; demands from school administration and the Sts. John & Lewis Visit Twinning Parish 14 Ministry of education; preparing term Gregorian Mass For The Feast Of The Assumption 15 and weekly lesson plans; curriculum Sts. John & Lewis Parish Bazaar A Success 16 requirements; completing the syllabus; Events & Notice Board 17 setting up marking schemes for tests Prayer Corner 17 and examinations- the list goes on. Teachers are entrusted with OUR CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN the education of the nation’s most 23rd Biennial Conference Of CACT 19 valuable resource. Without their efforts in developing this resource OUR CATHOLIC WORLD no other resource necessary for the growth and development of the nation Pope Francis Reveals Top 10 Secrets To Happiness 20 would be possible. It is through the intelligence, knowledge, skills, talents KID’S CORNER 21 and experiences of a nation’s human resource that a nation develops. And OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, this is achieved in great measure RECREATION AND FAITH through the hard work and diligence Interview With Catholic Teachers & Students 22 and dedication of teachers. Farewell Fr. Brancker John 23 When one considers the formidable task that teachers face The Social Communications Office in delivering quality education to the Diocese of Roseau, Turkey Lane, P.O. Box 790 nation’s most valuable resource, it Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica behoves the powers that be, and all Tel: (767) 448-2837 - (767) 448-8717 stakeholders, to take cognizance of this Fax: 1(767) 448-3404 fact and give teachers the recognition Email: [email protected] and respect they so richly deserve. .

02 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE Bishop’s Message The Catholic Educator in an Evolving Environment - Part II

of this progress in our daily lives, benefits 1. In referring to the role of the Catholic on which we are becoming increasingly School in the new evangelization, the dependent. As a result, science and gospel must be announced in such a technology are in danger of becoming fashion as to assure the relationship today’s new idols. In a digitalized and between faith and life of the individual globalized world, science can easily be person and in the socio-cultural considered a new religion, to which we setting in which people live, act and turn with questions concerning truth interrelate. and meaning, even though we know that 2. Secondly, the Catholic School the responses provided are only partial personnel should be grounded in a and not totally satisfying. New forms of faith-based Catholic culture, and by “gnosis” are emerging where technology witness to the faith in both words and itself becomes a kind of philosophy actions. The formation of personnel in which knowledge and meaning are will allow the Gospel message and the derived from an unreal structuring of living presence of Jesus to penetrate life. New cults are increasing each day the entire life of the school community and they ultimately end up by turning and thus be faithful to the school’s religious practice into a form of seeking evangelizing mission (AEC PL, pp. 13- prosperity and instant gratification. 14). This is the basis of the contemporary The Bishops further emphasized success-oriented philosophy, which has that “Catholic educators are called become so commonplace today. It does to do much more than share religious not correspond to the principles of the knowledge. Professionalism should be Gospel preached by Jesus. marked by, and raised to, a supernatural n an address to a group of new The Catholic Teacher as Agent of Christian vocation. It is the personal ambassadors to the Holy See in May Change in the Caribbean witness and holiness of the teacher that I2013, Pope Francis called on world In his Apostolic Exhortation: will have the greatest impact on the leaders to end the “cult of money” and to Evangelii Nuntiandi Pope Paul VI states: students. Catholic educators therefore do more for the poor. He told the diplomats “Modern man listens more willingly to should model collaboration, love that free market economy has created a witnesses than to teachers, and if he for the faith, communion with the tyranny, in which people were valued does listen to teachers, it is because they Church and concern for the poor and only by their ability to consume. “Money,” are witnesses” (EN. 41). Here the Pontiff marginalized. They must be committed he said, “has to serve, not to rule,” thus makes it clear that it is primarily by the to leading the students to encounter Jesus urging ethical financial reforms. The conduct of his/her life that the teacher and develop a relationship with Him that Vatican Bank has launched a website will evangelize the world, that is, the expresses itself in witness and service” and will publish its annual report in an local situation in which he/she lives and (AEC PL, pp. 26). effort to increase transparency. works. No matter what the proposal in Again the Bishops stressed Pope Francis said life had become the “new evangelization” and no matter that, as a religious and moral leader worse for people in both rich and poor what the pastoral project of proclamation of the classroom, the teacher has a countries. He said the “worship of the and transmission of the faith, there is no responsibility to demonstrate a Catholic golden calf” of old had found a new and escaping the fact that people’s lives give lifestyle and implement the Diocesan heartless image in the current cult of force to their efforts at evangelization. education programme that reflects money. Reforms were urgently needed Precisely in this manner, their life has Catholic Christian values: as poverty was becoming more and more an exemplary character, confirming the a.Foster and maintain classroom prayer; evident. People struggle to live, and authenticity of their selfless dedication b.Internalize the “servant” model of frequently in an undignified way, under and of the truth of what they teach and Christian service; the dictatorship of an economy which call upon others to live. c.Assist students to use religious lacked any real human goal. He said that Today’s “educational emergency” education classes to understand and the Church has a special duty to defend as it is referred to by Pope Benedict XVI, internalize a sense of God’s plan for the poor. calls upon educators to know how to be humankind, the mystery of Jesus Christ, Finally, the fifth sector which credible witnesses to this reality and of the Church, and our spirituality (cf. AEC. challenges the work of the new the values which can serve as the basis PL on Ed. p. 39). evangelization is scientific and for personal existence and the shared Such is the challenge of the new technological research. We are living projects of living together in society. In evangelization in an evolving environment at a time when people still marvel at its agenda for Catholic Education in the and to which our teachers are called to the wonders resulting from continual 21st Century the Bishops of the Antilles be prime agents, especially in the context advances in scientific and technological emphasized in their recent Pastoral of the Catholic schools. . research. All of us experience the benefit Letter that:

“IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 03 Hike With Your Clergy By Fr. Herman Sharplis

ver 70 clergy and lay people participated in the annual O‘Hike With Your Clergy’ for 2014. Frs. Herman Sharplis - president of the Association of Diocesan Clergy, Nigel Karam, OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, Branker John, and Deacon Curtis Victor, accompanied by 40 lay persons, began the ‘Hike With Your Clergy’ at 8:00 a.m. on 3rd August in the heights of Colihaut which begins segment 10. Frs. John Mark and Conan Shillingford later joined the hike with their parishioners. The ‘Hike with your Clergy’ organized by the Association of Diocesan Clergy of the Diocese of Roseau took place on August Monday on Segment 10 and half of segment 11, ending on Ross Castle in Picard, Portsmouth. The hike was for two purposes. It was a fundraiser for the Archdiocese of Castries Annual Clergy Conference to be held in January 2015, in Antigua, and to promote healthy lifestyle as we discover the beauty of the island. The first group of hikers arrived at the end of the hike at Ross Castle at 11:30 a.m., making the trail in 3½ hours. Others arrived later. Hikers were motivated to continue the hike right to the end of segment 11. However, this was not the plan. At the end of the walk, some hikers went for a sea bath at Coconut Beach. .

04 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE JOURNEY TO THE PRIESTHOOD: Interview with Brs. Garvey Blanc & Calvin Auguiste ur Catholic Community interviewed Brs. Garvey option of taking final vows which is what I did. It is the Blanc & Calvin Auguiste on August 18th 2014 after same vows of chastity, poverty and obedience but for final Oprofessing their vows on August 6th 2014. Br. Garvey vows you take an oath of perseverance which means that Blanc professed his first vows and Br. Calvin Auguiste you will die in the congregation, that you will persevere till professed his final vows together with Ako Trevor Walker the end. I am currently finishing my last year of Theology. I from Trinidad and Tobago who also professed first vows. will be ordained a deacon on October 11th in Boston at the Can you tell us who you are? University and then I will be in Dominica in June for my Garvey Blanc: I am Garvey Blanc. I am 25 years old. I am ordination to the priesthood. from the community of St. Joseph, Dominica. I am the last What made you choose the Redemptorist of four children of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Congregation? Blanc. I was born and raised in a Calvin Auguiste: I grew up in St. Catholic home. I went to the Isaiah Joseph and our church was run Thomas Secondary school and by the Redemptorists. It was a the Dominica State College before Redemptorist who called me to be working as a teacher at St. Mary’s an altar server at the age of 7 when Primary for a year. And then I the gown could barely fit me. So all entered the seminary in September I ever knew was the Redemptorists. 2009. You met other priests but the Tell us what happened recently? priests I really had contact with and Garvey Blanc: Just recently From Left: Br. Calvin Auguiste, Br. Garvey Blanc, Fr. Mark, worked with were Redemptorists. I professed my first vows as a C.Ss.R and Br. Ako Trevor Walker I remember when our church was

Redemptorist: the vows of chastity, under construction and some of the ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, poverty and obedience in the Congregation of the Most priests were in shorts like regular guys painting, working Holy Redeemer founded by St. Alphonsus. So basically, and cleaning the church! You know that they live together that cements my involvement and my willingness to be a as opposed to living on their own. Coming from a large part of the congregation for one year. We then renew those family with seven kids in the house, it just made sense to vows every year after that. As of August 19th, I have been in me. It was the next step. It was more practical. seminary for 5 years and I have about 3 more years to go. cont’d on page 18 Why did you choose to become a member of the Redemptorists? New Appointments in Garvey Blanc: I guess, honestly, the Redemptorists chose me. We are both from St. Joseph which has been a the Diocese of Roseau st Redemptorist parish for years. And it is so funny, on the rom September 1 , 2014, the following new front of the church there is a placard and it says “Fr. so and appointments was made in the Diocese of Roseau: so, C.Ss.R” and as a kid you never know what that really F means or you just took it for granted that all priests had 1. The Parish of St. Andrew in Vieille Case got two new those letters behind their name. So just growing up and parish priests of the Missionaries of St. Francis de seeing them minister, I was kind of drawn to it because, it Sales, MSFS (from India). is all I have known and what I see myself doing is to be like 2. The Parish of St. Mark in Soufriere got a new parish those guys. priest, Fr. Godfrey Tarimo, who was the parish Tell us who are you? priest of St. Andrew for 4 years. Calvin Auguiste: I am Calvin Auguiste from St. Joseph. I am 3. The Parish of St. Patrick in Grand Bay got a new 26 years old. I am the fourth of seven children. I do not have parish priest, Fr. Brancker John, who was the the middle child complex. I was born in St. Joseph. I was assistant parish priest of Our Lady of Fair Haven educated in St. Joseph’s Primary and Secondary school. My Cathedral for 1 year. family still live in St. Joseph. I went to Isaiah Thomas until His Eminence, Kelvin Cardinal Felix was relieved the age of 17 and then I left for the Blessed Peter Douglas of parish responsibilities in the parish of St. Mark to residence in St. Croix which was a discernment house. Most be free for his regional engagements. However, he will of us, who were there, still were not sure if we wanted to still reside at the Soufriere presbytery. The new Parish become a priest, a brother or even sure if we had a vocation. So it was more like testing the waters: Is it warm? Is it cold? priest will reside at the former DJ Convent, designated So I did 1½ years there and during that time I was also as the House of Discernment. going to University of the Virgin Islands. After St. Croix, I Msgr. William John-Lewis was relieved of parish had made up my mind. Then I went to major seminary to responsibilities in the parish of St. Patrick and will study Philosophy in New York. Then I did 1 year with the return to work at the Diocesan Pastoral Center. Redemptorists in Toronto. And at the end of that year I took However, he will assist Fr. Brancker John on weekends. my first religious vows in Grenada in 2011. At the commencement of the new academic year As Garvey says we renew the vows every year, for Mrs. Glenda Peter of Portsmouth will be the new three consecutive years. At the end of that you have the Principal of St. John’s Primary School. . LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 05 Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, (ICM) Celebrate 100 Years of Presence in the Caribbean - Part V July 9, 1914 -- July 9, 2014 “One Heart, One Mind on Our Way to God” Frederiksted. Refreshments, he week of June 23rd we gathered in St. Croix, our prepared by the Centennial Mother Island, where it all began a hundred years committee, were served Tago. In the spirit of our Centennial theme “One afterwards. Heart, One Mind on Our Way to God,” we gathered in Our Centennial thanksgiving to celebrate one hundred years in God’s celebration reached mission in the Caribbean. Representatives from ICM in its climax in the grand Brazil, Guatemala, United States, Sister Lieve Stragier, a celebration of the Eucharist member of our General Leadership Council from Rome, on Saturday July 12th. and also a great grand niece of Mother Foundress, It was also a triple jubilee celebration of Religious Miriam De Meester, joined us in celebration. The Profession. Sister Claina Letang, missioned in St. Croix, highlights of the celebration were celebrated her Golden Jubilee of an eight-day retreat, a candle- Religious Profession and Sisters light procession commemorating Lendila Moreno and Hermina the day of Mother Foundress’ Aballe, both missioned in Haiti, arrival on July 9th, and the grand celebrated their Silver Jubilee OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, Eucharistic celebration on July of Religious Profession. Bishop 12th. Herbert A. Bevard, Bishop of St. The eight-day retreat was Thomas in the Virgin Islands, facilitated by Sister Marie Chin, a celebrated our Feast Day, “The Religious Sister of Mercy (RSM), Immaculate Heart of Mary” with Jamaica. Creatively, she helped us, but in his absence at the us delve deeper into the mystery Eucharistic celebration, due to of God’s love for us – God’s love a prior engagement which could for each one of us personally, and not be cancelled, Fr. Patrick God’s love for us as a community. Some of the sisters with Ann Abramson (L), a great benefactor of Lynch C.SS.R. presided at the It was a much welcome time of our sisters in St. Croix Eucharistic celebration. Diocesan quiet and prayerful reflection that we all needed to calm Fr. John Mark, parish priest of St. Joseph, delivered our spirits from the hustle and bustle of ministry. The the homily. Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, unable to attend, retreat was also a time of grateful remembrance of all delegated Msgr. William John-Lewis to represent our God’s blessings these past hundred years. Diocese of Roseau. Miss Valencia Webb, a cousin of July 9th, the day of Mother Foundress’ arrival Sister Claina, attended the celebration. With her artistic one hundred years ago was commemorated with a skills she gave the Church and reception hall a beautiful candlelight procession from the harbor in Frederiksted Dominican flavour. where Mother Foundress and Sister Marie Adrienne After the celebration, we proceeded to the little stepped ashore to the first convent in that town where cemetery in the Church yard to pay our respects to they and our pioneering sisters lived. The candlelight Sister Joseph Marie. As a young woman whose name procession was interspersed with singing and the praying was Helen Golden, Sister Joseph Marie and Father De of the rosary. At the arrival at the first convent, words Ridder C.SS.R. had welcomed Mother Foundress and of Mother Foundress were spoken and four persons Sister Marie Adrienne when they stepped ashore in gave testimonies of their experience of the sisters whom Frederiksted. There at Sister Joseph Marie’s tomb we they knew and how the sisters impacted their lives, prayed and recalled Mother Foundress’ words to her: “I helping to mold them into the persons they are today. am so happy to be here with you.” The procession then proceeded to St. Patrick’s Church In the reception hall, the Centennial Luncheon where more testimonies were shared. Msgr. Michael followed. Besides enjoying the food we also enjoyed Kosak, Pastor of St. Ann’s Church, Barrenspot shared listening to the many tributes and remarks, musical his experience of the sisters whom he encountered and song renditions, and witnessed the giving of gifts forty years ago, especially those with whom he worked. and presentations to our three jubilarians – a very fitting That aspect of the centennial celebration ended with conclusion to our celebration. Yes, indeed! “For the past, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament led by Fr. gratefulness… For the future, a challenge …” . Patrick Lynch, C.Ss.R., Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, By Sister Lorraine Royer, ICM

06 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE Know Your Faith Liturgy Update: The I Believe In The Holy Catholic Church Homily - Part V The Church In The Plan of God Reverence for Truth What does the word Church mean? 147. First of all, we need to The word Church refers to the people whom God calls be sure that we understand and gathers together from every part of the earth. They the meaning of the words we form the assembly of those who through faith and read. I want to insist here on Baptism have become children of God, members of something which may seem Christ, and temples of the Holy Spirit. (751-752, 777, obvious, but which is not 804*) always taken into account: Are there other names and images with which the the biblical text which we Bible speaks about the Church? study is two or three thousand In Sacred Scripture we find many images which bring years old; its language is very out various complementary aspects of the mystery different from that which we of the Church. The Old Testament favors those speak today. Even if we think images that are bound to the people of God. The New we understand the words Testament offers images that are linked to Christ as the translated into our own language, this does not mean that Head of this people which is his Body. Other images we correctly understand what the sacred author wished are drawn from pastoral life (sheepfold, flock, sheep), to say. The different tools provided by literary analysis from agriculture (field, olive grove, vineyard), from are well known; attention to words which are repeated ASSOCIATES RELIGIOUS AND LAY OUR CLERGY, construction (dwelling place, stone, temple), and from or emphasized, recognition of the structure and specific family life (spouse, mother, family). (753-757) movement of a text, consideration of the role played by What is the origin and the fulfillment of the Church? the different characters, and so forth. But our own aim The Church finds her origin and fulfillment in the is not to understand every little detail of a text; our most eternal plan of God. She was prepared for in the Old important goal is to discover its principal message, the message which gives structure and unity to the text. If Covenant with the election of Israel, the sign of the future the preacher does not make this effort, his preaching will gathering of all the nations. Founded by the words and quite likely have neither unity nor order; what he has to actions of Jesus Christ, fulfilled by his redeeming death say will be a mere accumulation of various disjointed and Resurrection, the Church has been manifested as ideas incapable of inspiring others. The central message the mystery of salvation by the outpouring of the Holy is what the author primarily wanted to communicate; this Spirit at Pentecost. She will be perfected in the glory calls for recognizing not only the author’s ideas but the of heaven as the assembly of all the redeemed of the effect which he wanted to produce. If a text was written earth. (758-766, 778) to console, it should not be used to correct errors; if it What is the mission of the Church? was written as an exhortation, it should not be employed The mission of the Church is to proclaim and establish to teach doctrine; if it was written to teach something the Kingdom of God begun by Jesus Christ among all about God, it should not be used to expound various peoples. The Church constitutes on earth the seed and theological opinions; if it was written as a summons to beginning of this salvific Kingdom. (767-769) praise or missionary outreach, let us not talk about the In what way is the Church a mystery? latest news. The Church is a mystery in as much as in her visible 148. Certainly, to understand properly the meaning of reality there is present and active a divine spiritual the central message of a text we need to relate it to the reality which can only be seen with the eyes of faith. teaching of the entire Bible as handed on by the Church. (770-773, 779) This is an important principle of biblical interpretation What does it mean to say that the Church is the which recognizes that the Holy Spirit has inspired not universal sacrament of salvation? just a part of the Bible, but the Bible as a whole, and that This means that she is the sign and instrument both in some areas people have grown in their understanding of the reconciliation and communion of all of humanity of God’s will on the basis of their personal experience. It with God and of the unity of the entire human race. also prevents erroneous or partial interpretations which (774-776, 780) . would contradict other teachings of the same Scriptures. *Excerpt from the Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church, But it does not mean that we can weaken the distinct and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops specific emphasis of a text which we are called to preach. One of the defects of a tedious and ineffectual preaching *Excerpt from the apostolic exhortation evangelii gaudium (the joy of is precisely its inability to transmit the intrinsic power of the gospel) of the holy father francis to the bishops, clergy, consecrated the text which has been proclaimed. . persons and the lay faithful on the proclamation of the gospel in today’s world

“IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 07 Tell Fr. Ben Celebrating the Feast of Sts. Anne & Joachim Dear Fr. Ben: By Narlie Bertrand “Nine Nights” of prayer at the death of someone was Not even torrential rain could keep them away… a very common practice. What is the significance eartfelt praise, soulful preaching and fervent OUR DIOCESE of that practice to the Bereaved and Community? praying filled the small chapel of Laudat as the Is this still popular anywhere in the Diocese of community celebrated their Feast of St. Anne Roseau? H and Joachim. Villagers and supporters gathered, despite Bereaved heavy rainfall, windy conditions and lightning and thunder to pay tribute to Saints Anne and Joachim, who Dear Bereaved, raised the mother of our most precious Jesus. My recollections of the nine nights of prayer for July 23rd - 25th should have been the three days set the dead go back to my early childhood. It was the aside for the Tridium in preparation of the village feast of custom that when someone died in the community St Anne and Joachim. However only two nights of service there was the requisite prayer for the deceased, in actually took place as the Wednesday night session was Kwéyol called “la véyé” (from the French, la veillée). cancelled due to a power outage. Thursday and Friday This prayer was done by certain well-known prayer celebrations were met with much enthusiasm by the leaders in the community, and they continued for villages and supporters as not even pouring rain could nine consecutive nights. keep these devout Christians away. There are various opinions as to the origin of this The speaker for the evenings’ services fittingly focused novena of prayers for the dead. Some believe that it on the importance and role of the family within the has roots in African tradition; others that there was a church and society. Deacon Curtis Victor, under the custom among the Romans and the Greeks to honour theme ‘Reclaiming Families for God’ impressed on the their dead for nine days; a practice which was adapted ardent congregation the relevance of having stable and to the Christian faith. Whatever the origin, the idea of God-centered families. “Family life is very important to a wake service has always been and continues to be the Church,” he stressed. As his voice rang out in the part of the celebration of rites of Christian burial. quiet church, he beckoned the parishioners to give their The nine nights of prayer for the deceased has families to God for healing. He reminded them that God a two-fold purpose; obviously, to pray for the repose initiated family from the beginning of time, when he joined of the soul of the deceased but also to offer comfort Adam and Eve together. “Marriage is a vocation not a job”, and consolation to the bereaved family. The prayers now very passionate, he continued, “It is not something would normally begin with the blessing with holy we can just walk out of when things are not going well.” water, followed by hymns and the recitation of the Deacon Victor called the church to keep marriage sacred rosary with special prayers for the deceased. On the as the church and the community are built on families. ninth night, light refreshments (usually prepared Infidelity, lack of commitment and unfulfilled roles, were by the community) would be served and singing highlighted by Deacon Victor as some of the problems was prolonged sometimes to the early hours of the afflicting marriages today. morning. An even larger crowd turned out for the final night During this time of mourning the family of the of the week’s activities, where the speaker, Deacon Victor deceased was allowed to grieve while the community not only encouraged the congregation to build their attended to their material needs while supporting families but suggested tips on having more successful them by their prayers. Thus, the nine nights or units. Using his own family as example, he outlined, prayer was, and continues to be, an expression of the proper communication, love, living by example and ministry and participation of the community. As is behaving unselfishly as ways to maintain good family stated in the Order of Christian Funerals, “Members relationships. “Never leave God out of it” he reminded of the community should console the mourners with the parishioners. Clean recreation, evangelizing and words of faith and support and with acts of kindness, spending quality time together were just some ways he for example, assisting them with some of the routine noted, could enhance the family union. Deacon also highlighted right family types as he tasks of daily living. (OCF #10). frowned upon unions that were displeasing to God such Over the years, the practice has continued in as gay marriage. “We need to pray more as there is an many communities of the diocese, but unfortunately attack on families today. Divorce rates are high because it has become optional in others. The format of the people do not include God in their relationship” He prayer may have also been updated making greater questioned the reasons why people forget their promise use of Scripture Readings and sometimes the Divine for better or for worse. He concluded by underscoring the Office of the Dead in addition to the traditional prayers. vital role that all Christians are to play in restoring the Yours in Christ families for God. “I believe we must go out and evangelize Fr. Ben and reclaim families for God.” cont’d on page 11 08 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE Our Catholic Heritage Art * Music * Culture Celebrating our many talents The History of Our Lady of Lourdes OUR DIOCESE National Shrine in Soufriere By Bernard Lauwyck ne of our oldest and most beautiful churches in the Diocese of Roseau is the church in Soufriere. OThis small church is worth visiting as it is a real treasure. Over the last 10 years a huge amount of work was done by several priests to preserve and beautify this church and I am honoured to have been part of every met astonishing success every year since, up to this day. phase of restoration and renovation. In 1995, hurricane Luis removed part of the roof, which The Parish Church of the St. Mark’s Parish was was promply repaired by Fr. Clement Jolly, C.Ss.R. built by Rev. Fr. Antoine Auguste VERGNE of the FMI In 2004 Msgr. William John-Lewis, with the congregation (Pères de Chavagnes, France). He became assistance of DJ sister Jeannette Pelletier, started the Parish Priest of Soufriere on the 21st of December 1876 renovation of the roof and the ceiling of the Soufriere and remained at Soufriere till his death, 30 years later, church. These works done by a local team were conducted on 31st July 1906. His dedication and tremendous by foremen Peltier and Etienne. Electrical and painting efforts in this parish were works followed, the latter recognized in a memorial done by Diocesan workers. plaque in the church. On his The next phase of the arrival in the parish in 1876, renovation works was the he met a dilapidated church tiling of the floor with marble building, which in his own tiles, donated by Food For words was “unworthy of the the Poor (USA). I prepared God of Tabernacles”. He first a beautiful layout with the extended the sanctuary and diverse tiles. Francis Daisy constructed a new sacristy did the tiling in July 2008. behind it. Then the existing New pews were Marian chapel, “Chapelle de constructed in the SMA la Vierge” was enlarged. To workshop as funding make the church cruciform, became available. another side-chapel was Since hurricane erected on the opposite David, the once beautiful side. All the walls of the old stained glass windows were church building and the roof in deplorable and damaged were raised to their proper condition. height. Fr. Vergne did not In May 2014, Kelvin stop there: a choir loft was Cardinal Felix, Parish priest added and a magnificent belfry with winding staircases, of St. Mark’s, installed three new stained glass windows, all in concrete. He finally imported from France, three designed and produced by Vison Art Glass in Canada. It beautiful marble altars and a baptismal font to match is the cardinal’s hope to continue the replacement of all them. The installation of brand new church pews the 18 windows. and “artistically “ wrought-iron communion railings Take some time off and visit this most beautiful completed the beautiful church. church in Soufriere. . Some of his works, especially the exquisite tabernacle and baptismal font and part of the communion rails can still be admired today. Sadly the high Altar was Check out The Roseau Cathedral Treasures series on this broken up in pieces after Vatican II to create the present website: http://www.avirtualdominica.com/roseau-cathedral. altar and the tabernacle stand. cfm The yearly pilgrimage of Our Lady of Lourdes was and the Diocese on this blog: dioceser.wordpress.com and the initiated by Fr. Henry Lorieau on February 11, 1914, History of Dominica on http://bernardlauw.wordpress.com/. with the approval of Bishop Philip Schelfhaut C.Ss.R, Please Donate to the Cause! fifth Bishop of Roseau (1902–1921). This pilgrimage has TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 09

Photos by Hymar Henry & Wendell Lawrence Hail Alphonsus By Lucille Blackman he Feast of our Patron Saint is and be healed as we gave our burdens celebrated on August 1st, and to Jesus. Tso we the parishioners of St. This year, our Feast Day Mass Alphonsus, Goodwill, look forward was postponed to August 5th, due to every year, to having a solid novena of tropical storm Bertha. However, our OUR DIOCESE prayer and reflection on the Word of enthusiasm was not dampened. The God. celebration was great, with the choir A very powerful and encouraging and musicians doing their utmost Word for us at this time is: “I know to enliven our spirits with their well- the plans I have in mind for you – it is selected hymns. Fr. Rodney, Our Yahweh who speaks- plans of peace, Retreat Master officiated, while Msgr. not disaster, reserving a future full of Eustace Thomas, our Parish Priest, hope for you….. When you seek me, concelebrated with him. The Eucharist you will find me, and when you seek – A Physical & Spiritual Experience me with all your heart, I will let myself of God, was the sub-theme. There is be found by you - It is Yahweh who power in the Eucharist, Father noted, speaks.” (Jer.29:11-14) It is with this for it is there as Catholic Christians thought in mind, and to help us break we can touch God, while allowing Him through the Word of God, as we sought to touch us spiritually and physically answers for our lives, that our Retreat Master this year in return. A Praise Chant too, that Father noted we was, Fr. Rodney Olive C.Ss.R. should never forget was: “God is Great,” –“All the Time!” The main Theme was: “Experiencing the and “All the Time,”-- Transforming Power of Redemption”, and several sub– “God is Great!” And themes were: Anointed by God—(Our Baptism); Jesus because of this, he Christ--Lord & Redeemer-(Faith); Maintaining Peace and insisted, we can all Harmony in our lives (Hope); I Believe--The Declaration of be, “Good!” Lord, the Cross; Knowing and Using the Power of Prayer; Our may we continue Lady of Perpetual Help (Charity –Love); being Reconciled— to trust you in all Healing & Healed; Living a Moral Life—Honour of things. Indeed, Christian Men & Women; and Gospel Love in a Christian there was lots of Community. food for thought In all of his during this year’s homilies, Rev. novena. Thank you, Fr. Rodney Olive and Msgr. Eustace Thomas Father Rodney Fr. Rodney! Olive journeyed During the Eucharistic celebration, nine with us along the parishioners were honoured for their years of dedicated road, as Jesus did, service to the Church; four of our long serving Altar explaining with Servers: Kevin and Chevon Julien, Cameron Ulysses, various personal and Tishon Gumbs; Mr. Sammy Whyke as Scout Leader; testimonies, what Mrs. Elizabeth White as a Catechist and Member of it meant to be the Liturgical Committee; Ms. Annette Austrie, a Lay anointed by God; Associate in Pastoral Care, Ms. Clementine Josephs, to experience as a Senior Choir member, and Ms. Diane Lockhart, the transforming who served in the Junior Choir for twenty-seven years. power of Jesus in A joyful occasion indeed for all of our honourees! The our lives; to have Feast climaxed the attitude of God Ms. Annette Austrie with her certificate with a Treat as we grew in Faith, Hope and love of Him and our - snacks and neighbour; to be a true disciple of Christ, taking up our drinks- at The cross daily and following him; while not forgetting the St. Alphonsus power of prayer and the Eucharist. We were exhorted Parish Hall. This then, to approach Our Heavenly Father with utmost was A Happy reverence, humility, confidence, and perseverance, Feast! pondering His Word: “Ask and you will receive; seek and To God be The you will find; knock and the door will be opened!” (Mt.7:7) Glory, Great The example of Our Mother Mary, her intercession at Things He Has Cana, and her total surrender to God in her “Magnificat” Done! . was also emphasized; and what it really meant to forgive Parishioners enjoying snacks and drinks

10 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE A. Pray your Rosary daily for “Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life” B. To pray a complete Rosary of Rosaries (53 Rosaries), commence your Rosary Crusade on 28th August 2014. C. To record your progress colour one Hail Mary bead OUR DIOCESE on the design of the Rosary on the front cover of the Personal Rosary Crusade Sheet for every five (5) decades prayed. D. No matter how many decades you have prayed for the Crusade (how many Hail Mary beads you have coloured on your Personal Rosary Crusade Sheet), take part in the Living Rosary at the Cathedral Chapel on Sunday 19th October, commencing at 4:00 p.m., and present your Personal Rosary Crusade Sheet, your Spiritual Bouquet of Roses to our Blessed Mother, the Queen ur Catholic Community congratulates all of Peace. Remember that every students, parents, and teachers for their hard Rosary prayed is like a Spiritual work and for their success at this year’s CSEC Bouquet offered to our Blessed O Mother. examination. As the students progress to another level of their academic tenure, we wish them well and pray that Remember to pray with your heart. Say what you they persevere till the end. mean and mean what you say. Imagine each Mystery From Convent High School as an event taking place NOW with you as a part of Kaele Benjamin, Tiffany Johnson and Tojya Vital it. Focus on Jesus and His Loving Mother. Unite with obtained 10 Grade ones; Kadisha Culpepper, Munirih them in love and courage others to join you in praying Marie and Paloma St Jean obtained 9 Grade ones; the Rosary. Khanisha James and Kelley Shipley obtained 8 Grade Ministry ones; Curdijah Baptiste, Kerdell Cuffy, Ronelle Delsol, Praying the Rosary is the contemplative dimension Tiajuana Green, Rohini James, Nakisha Pinard and Joan of our prayer life. A contemplative prayer without active Wood obtained 7 Grade ones; Kayama George, Adena prayer is like trying to clap with one hand. To encourage Green, Nickacey Jno Finn, Josie-Ann Le Blanc, Larelle an active contemplative prayer life, we suggest that each Richards and Tia Watty obtained 6 Grade ones; Tara Jno person choose one event from one of these mysteries Jules, Starsher Joseph, Yomaira Joseph, Brittney Lee, and create a ministry to reflect the event. You can Destiny Pascal, Nakisa Severin and Marie-Elissa Tonge create your own ministry based on the event of any obtained 5 Grade ones. of the Mysteries. We suggest that while you pray the From St. Mary’s Academy Rosary during the months of August, September and Al Parillon obtained 11 Grade Ones and 2 Grade October, that you also execute your Ministry. It is also twos; Austin Bell obtained 7 Grade ones and 3 Grade recommended that each person bring with him/ her twos; Cheo Bannis obtained 6 Grade ones and 5 Grade to the Living Rosary those persons whom he/ she has twos; Gylles Mitchel obtained 5 Grade ones and 3 Grade been ministering to. This would help our Living Rosary twos; Nathan Didier obtained 5 Grade ones, 2 Grade to be a truly “Living Rosary”. twos and 1 Grade threes; Jordon Royer obtained 4 Grade You can collect your Personal Rosary Crusade ones and 6 Grade twos. sheets at the Roseau Presbytery. . From St. Martin’s Secondary Britney Augustine obtained 4 Grade ones, 2 Grade Celebrating the Feast of Sts. Anne & Joachim twos and 1 Grade threes; Jamila Edwards and Ayannah Cont’d from page 08 George obtained 4 Grade ones and 3 Grade threes; Dean of the Cathedral, Father Charles Martin, Jonelle Honore obtained 3 Grade ones and 4 Grade twos; Brother Murdock, Brother Tony LeBlanc and family, Fyne Forde obtained 3 Grade ones, 3 Grade twos and along with the wife of Deacon Curtis Victor were just a 1 Greade threes; Abigail Bellot, Clemence Gabory and few of the persons who joined in celebration of the Feast Juliette Morris obtained 3 Grade ones, 2 Grade twos of Sts. Anne and Joachim in Laudat. and 2 Grade threes; Kendra Jean Jacques obtained 2 Although the actual feast day was Satuday 28th July, Grade ones, 5 Grade twos and 1 Grade threes; Christal 2014, the Feast was celebrated on Sunday 29th July, Dangleben obtained 2 Grade ones, 2 Grade twos and 3 presided over by assistant Parish Priest Father Brancker Grade threes. . John. . “IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 11 Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary OUR DIOCESE

he parish of Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sunday August 17th. T th The feast day was on August 15 . The faithful gathered at Pagoda or Riverbank close to the E.C Loblack bridge and after the welcome and prayer processed along Independence Street and unto Turkey Lane to the Chapel. The altar servers led the procession, followed by the statue of Virgin of the Valley, which was carried by members of the Venezuelan Navy which was donated to the Cathedral by the Venezuelan Embassy in Dominica several years ago. The choir members followed and then the rest of the faithful. His Excellency the Venezuelan Ambassador Hayden Pirela also joined the procession and attended Mass with many other members of the Venezuelan diplomatic staff. The main celebrant was Fr. Brancker John along with Fr. Charles Martin. In his homily Fr. John spoke about the queenship of Mary. The fact that Mary said yes to the Lord and that Mary surrendered to God’s will in carrying His son. .

12 Photos by Angie Depooter Photos by Fr. Olive, Rodney C.Ss.R Professing Vows Brother Calvin Auguiste Brother Blanc Garvey

Brother Ako TrevorBrother Walker 13

OUR DIOCESE Sts. John & Lewis Visit Twinning Parish By Fr. Herman Sharplis he reality of twinning came to the Diocese of five members of the St. Anthony’s Church in Cincinnati Roseau through the presence of the Good News visited Our Lady of Health parish, Castle Bruce, from TProject. While Parish Priest of Castle Bruce, Father April 17th - 27th, 2004. The group was led by Parish Herman Sharplis invited the Good News to build houses Priest Fr. Len. During their visit they met with various

OUR DIOCESE in the parish and groups, the parish in the process council, had cultural encountered Pat Plas events, youth night and Matty Kostoff and countless who were members of activities and events. St. Anthony’s Parish The twinning was in Cincinnati, Ohio. formalized and today On their return the process continues to the United States in the parish of of America in April Our Lady of Health, 2003, they formed a Twinning Group Linton and Mark Castle Bruce and St. small committee of Anthony’s Church in three persons and Cincinnati, Ohio. extended an invitation In 2013, a to me to explore a similar invitation twinning relationship was extended to Fr. between their parish Herman Sharplis and ours. In that as Parish Priest of letter, Pat Plas said Portsmouth by Dr. they are examining Mike Gable, Director the feasibility of of the mission office developing a twinning St. John’s School Visit Final Prayer at Cabrites of the archdiocese relationship between of Cincinnati. their parish and This time it was a another country. She twinning between added that she had the parishes of St. provided information Mary & St. Boniface about Dominica in Piqua, Ohio and to the group and St. John & St. Lewis explained that to her in Portsmouth, pastor who was Fr. Dominica. Fr. Len at the time. “In Shaplis welcomed the spirit of global Cultural Dance Night Head Pieces the opportunity and solidarity, we are very began the process interested in forming with the parish council. a relationship with Meetings were held and your parish.” She via emails, communication added that they hoped began between both parishes. that both parishes The first proposal was a visit can share continuing of parishioners of St. Mary & information about St. Boniface parish. each other with the It was decided that goal of binding people eight parishioners of the from our parishes BBQ said parish would visit St. together spiritually and culturally. She concluded that Emerald Pool Visit John & St. Lewis parish in we would hope to visit each other, learn about your Portsmouth between January 10th - 18th, 2014. They culture and share resources. visited, and what an experience it was for both parishes. Father Sharplis embraced that invitation and set a The testimony of some members of the St. Mary & St. committee in place as letters went back and forth between Boniface parishes speaks for itself: “What an awesome both parishes. In October 2003, Fr. Herman Sharplis experience we had in Dominica! The memories are so and parish Youth Coordinator Johnson Drigo visited numerous! We will try to put our thoughts into words to tell St. Anthony’s Church in Cincinnati to further discuss you how much we love each of you. The many pictures we the relationship and explore how the process could be took will be great reminders for us. With these pictures, done. Following the visit of Fr. Sharplis and Mr. Drigo, we will be able to share the joyful cont’d on page 15 14 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE Brenda: bigger Church. TheCatholicChurchis biggerthanPiqua. Cewo. Ican’twaittoopen theeyesofmystudentsto the ledges). He was so patient and kind to us. God bless watched outfor us whenever wewent (the stores near a quietpresence.Hewas ourprotection and guide.He special. What a friendly person filled with love! Cewo has the Bishop(BishopGabriel) as thecelebrant was certainly were present inthe liturgy and throughoutourvisit. Having Alice: Mary Sr. hours. Itwaswonderful. serious open conversation. We sat and talked for two saw us as friends. We sat down with them and had a immediately. Latifa andPearlisaweresowelcoming. They youth groupcameovertothemandstartedtalking tothem conversation. Thepeoplereallycare!Twogirls from the her dadcouldsit down with anyone andhaveanopen Greg: & Cameron genuine Christianlove. came upandgavemeakissonthecheek.It made mefeel from their hearts. ADominican woman whomI never met, of themselvestous.Itisevidentthattheirlovecomes John: him, hisresponsewas,“Asecondchance.” We askedayoungmanwhytheCALLSwassospecial to facility. The CALLScenter was another great experience. it. This isnotonlyhisjob, but heputshisheartintothis was very impressive because he saw the need and fulfilled Bob: that areality. ONE body.Goingsomewhereelseandseeingit, makes understanding thatweareall the Mystical Body. We are Mark: our stories” Your smiles and friendliness will jump outaswe share spirit ofthepeopleDominicawithourparishesinPiqua. T the faithfultotakeMaryasanexampleinfollowing the electronic keyboard.Fr.Tarimoinhishomilycalledupon Mr theMagnificat. James Royergavemusicalaccompanimentonthe was hymn Latin final The season. Mei DeusforGod’sprotectionduringthehurricane at the Offertory and before the final blessing, the Miserere entrance. (A GreatSignAppearedintheHeavens)weresungas beginning ofMassastheAspergesandSignumMagnum concelebrated withFr.Tarimo. Choir leadingthesinging.ParishPriestFrBartholomew the main celebrant and members of the Gregorian in LatinwithFr.TarimooftheSt.AndrewParishas unique way.TheMasswasalmostentirely celebrated The impact that Augustus has in the CARE facility has intheCARE The impactthatAugustus The AveMarisStella(Hail star ofthesea)wassung The faithfulwereblessedwithholywateratthe The peopleactedout their love by serving and giving hursday 15 hursday Salisbury ChurchinSt.Theresaaspecially of the Feast of the Assumption was celebrated at The people of Dominica put into flesh the flesh into put Dominica of people The h frt od ht oe t mindis to comes that word first The Gregorian for Mass theFeast oftheAssumption Fr. Sharplis’ enthusiastic spirit and joy th Cameron wasimpressed that she and Sts. John&Lewis Visit Twinning Parish August at 6.30pm,thegreatsolemnity August thankful. “IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OFCHRIST” OFSCRIPTURES ISIGNORANCE “IGNORANCE By JoanPrevostBy choir forcontinuity. ordination ofFr.LinusClovis. During the September15 St. Jeanwill Augustus pay areturnvisittotheparishes. with Mrs.BethudeAzille, Sr. Grace Ramlakhan,andMr. island-wide tours. cultural events,visits to CALLS,HomefortheAged, and several activities were held includingParishMass,hikes, the twinning relationship has begun.During their stay, sisters ofSt.Mary&Bonifaceparish,itisclear that Thanks foryourgenuineloveandhospitality! Dominican people!Wearethrilledtobecalledyour friends! all thrilled forthepeopleofDominica. May Godbless the were We territory! Caribbean the from Cardinal first The announced that Arch BishopFelix was named a Cardinal. was excitingtobepresentatthebeachwhenFr.Sharplis and hugweresogenuine.It warm smile, handshake response, afterashortpausewas,“IsupposeIam.”His man. WhenaskedbyMarleneifhewasthebishop,his Thoughts from all of us: sharing God’sjoywithus. Gable: Dr. Our hikewasarealexperience.Whatgiftshetous! Gilles shared her love for the earth with us for 7 hours. after waitingtwohours,gaveussuchawarmhug.Miss their hearts. Josephine from the Capuchincommunity, However, in Dominica the peoplelive their faithandshare Marlene: excited toshareminewiththem. people. I love that they shared their culture with me. I’m I am thankfulto God for the scenery,food, and the the beautyof twinning. visit. Parishioners areexcited asthetwoparishesexplore in variouseventsandactivities planned tomarktheir formalize the relationship. Theywill represent theParish also sang in St. Lucia at the 25 Joseph churchfortheFeastofQuasimodo.Thechoir Christmas cantatas. The choir recently sang at St. James Royer. and Cuffy, Cecil Severin,GlovelloToussant Cuffy, John members areCleveTavernier,McIntyreDouglas,Mark as well as Maurice JosephandJamesRoyer.Present St. Hilaire, Sylvester Joseph,CuthbertGeorge,Reynold by thelateDr.T.H.Henderson,StanislausCuffy, 1997 introduced thegroup’shistory.Thegroupwasformedin forgetting wrongs. in him,beobedientandrespectfulforgiving be humbleandself-effacing, be dependentonGod,trust Lord. Heexhortedustobelikelittle children. Wemust A call was made for younger persons to join the On September15 From thesetestimonies of our brothersand The choir has sung at variousMasses,funerals, The choirhassung Before Mass, Mr. James Royerof the Gregorian Choir We often hear of various Catholic communities. Thank you, Fr.Sharplisandparishionersfor Thank Cont’d from page14 . th . , Fr. Herman Sharplis, along Bishop Gabriel is such ahumble th - 25 th th visit, they hope to anniversary of the


OUR DIOCESE Sts. John & Lewis Parish Bazaar a Success By Fr. Herman Sharplis OUR DIOCESE

unday August 3rd, lived up to be a great and bazaar was a great day and has brought additional glorious one for the parish of Sts. John & Lewis as funds towards the construction of our Church. After the Sthey hosted closure of the project in May 2013, work resumed on the their annual grand building on Monday parish bazaar. The 11th August, 2014. bazaar which was The contractors preceded by a parish are Mr. Hubert Mass was attended Carrette, Mr. Patrick by parishioners Jno. Baptiste and from all the chapel Mr. Sebastian Royer. communities. Work began with Following the Mass, Parish Priest, Father Herman blessings of the site Sharplis blessed the stalls and the buying began. and workers by Fr. Herman Sharplis, Parish Priest. . The stalls were many and the crowds supported by patronizing all the stalls. The Men’s Fellowship Domino- orama was a very effective addition to the bazaar, as men came from all over to participate and support the domino competition. The four teams who participated in the domino orama were Glanvillia Team, Wake-up Stars, Wreck Them of Cottage and the Zicack Strikers. The competed Bishop Trophy was won by the Wreck Them team of Cottage. The day ended with a cultural show featuring Dominica Lady Sensation Michele Henderson, Mighty Omi, Asher Thomas, Irish Kid, Catholic Youth Dancers and winner of the St. John Calypso Monarch Loic Maronie. The 2014

16 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE EVENTS SEPTEMBER NOTICE BOARD • 21st: National Day of Prayer • 28th: World Rivers Day • 28th-Oct 5th: World Teacher’s Day Theme: It starts with the Teachers OCTOBER • 4th:

12th Anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Most OUR DIOCESE Reverend Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau Br. James A. DePiro, C.F.C th • 5 : Missionary Childhood Day Consecration of the Chrildren Mass at the Cathedral Chapel from 4:00 p.m. is now with Brother Philogene and will be • 6th - 17th: Biblical Animation of all Pastoral Life in Panama teaching at St. Mary’s Academy. • 19th: 87th World Mission Sunday th • 25 : Session on the Gospel of Mark at the Pastoral Center Br. De Piro worked at the Archbishop Feasts & solemnities Curley Notre Dame SEPTEMBER High School in • 15th: Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows - Patron of Mahaut River Miami Florida in • 19th: Memorial of Our Lady of La Salette - National Shrine in the United States Pointe Michel of America as the • 21st: Feast of St. Matthew - Patron of Paix Bouche Mathematics and • 27th: Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul - Patron of Tete Morne Religion teacher OCTOBER from 2000 - 2014 • 1st: Memorial of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus - Patron of Morne Jaune and Salisbury • 2nd: Memorial of the Guardian Angels • 4th: Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi - Patron of Boetica and Capuchin • 5th: Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael - Patron of Petite Savanne • 7th: Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary • 13th: Our Lady of Fatima - Patron of Newtown • 16th: Memorial of St. Gerard Majella - Patron of Bellevue Chopin and 2nd patron of St. Joseph • 18th: Feast of St. Luke - Patron of Pointe Michel • 28th: Feast of Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles

Prayer Corner Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows Hallowed Mother, do this favour: Those Wounds that gored my Saviour, deeply on my heart engraved. Mine it be, Christ’s throes in sharing. Mine it be, his anguish bearing. These, his wounds, to keep in mind. From the flame of hell unending, be thou, Virgin, me defending, in that dreadful reckoning day! When in death my eyes are closing, open them, Lord, to see reposing, Victory’s crown in Mary’s hand. When my frame by death is broken, and my doom by thee is spoken, be it, Lord, the better land. I beseech you, O Lord Jesus Christ, that the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose most holy soul was pierced in the hour of your Passion by the sword of sorrow, may intercede for us with Your mercy now and at the hour of our death. Send us your parish events & notices Amen. Call us at 448 2837 or http://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=1310 email us at [email protected] LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO SAT CHANNEL 7 & 112 17 Journey to the Priesthood: Interview with Brs. Garvey Blanc & Calvin Auguiste Cont’d from page 05 Tell us about life in the Seminary Why a priest and not a brother? Garvey Blanc: Calvin and I had this debate about the Garvey Blanc: From our understanding, not to take anything terminology “melting pot”. And Calvin was saying he does away from the brothers, but we are doing and moving so far not really like that term, it is more like a mosaic. Really that ahead in the church where we have the services of lay people. It is what it is, a mosaic. Our congregation is global. So you is a benefit to the brothers that they have worked so hard and OUR DIOCESE have some people from every part of the world and almost paved the way, but there is something about the priesthood every culture is represented in our houses of formation. So that is unlike any other. It says something especially to the you have men from Nigeria, Vietnam, United States, Mexico, young people; we are still aspiring and so many people are Philippines, and all over. Sometimes there could be tension, just kind of in awe of what the priesthood means. For me, but for the most part it is really an eye opener. It is really a it is seeing how the priest lives, works, ministers and the way of breaking down walls and barriers and really seeing how miracle that happen every Sunday on the altar. That had an different people live. Since you are going to minister to those impact on my life and that my life wants to take that path people, you actually get a taste of who you are ministering and that journey. That is how I see my vocation towards the to, because you live with them. It is interesting and there is priesthood. Other people may see it different because we have never a dull moment. That is the Redemptorist life style: living a few brothers but basically that is my vocation - where I see OUR CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN OUR CHURCH IN together, living in community, getting along, just putting your myself and where I saw myself. hands to the plough and just working with what you have. Calvin Auguiste: To be blunt I had no knowledge or Do you both live in the same seminary? understanding of what it meant to be a Brother until I Garvey Blanc: I am in New York presently. Like Calvin said, entered the Redemptorists. And I began to live in a house he is more advanced than I am. I am in my first vows and he with one of the brothers – Br. Leonard Samuel who was my is just finishing up. formation director at the time. And it was only then I began to Explain to us a little bit of the process of becoming a understand. I did not have the fortune of going to St. Mary’s Redemptorist. Academy so I had no idea what the Brothers’ vocation was Calvin Auguiste: There is different stages of formation and about. What I knew was priesthood and that is what I was different stages of the seminary process. When I first entered, attracted to. we were in the discernment house in St. Croix, where you Another young man comes up to you and says “I want to basically want to discover and get a better sense of the become a priest - what must I do?” Redemptorists, develop a prayer life and receive a better Garvey Blanc: Ask your family and your friends. Sometimes sense of what community is about, and living together in people say that they see things in you that you do not see in community. Then you move to Postulancy. At that time you yourself. So really when I heard the call, I asked my friends, are already beginning to make sense of what you want to do. my parents and some people that I hold dear as mentors and You begin the choosing process. You start studying philosophy spiritual advisors which were priests and Redemptorists if I which is one of the requirements for priestly ordination. You could do it. Some people were saying “of course it is about need to have some sort of degree or have to study for a certain time”. Basically you know yourself better than anyone and number of credits in philosophy. This helps the priest because there are so many opportunities and so many people here philosophy really helps you with thinking. A lot of theology is willing to help you to walk with you on your discernment. So based on the philosophical understanding of God and nature, I would say try it out and see what it is because if you have for instance. So philosophy is very important because even that feeling it does not hurt to discover it and tap into it. And when you study theology you see some of the things keep if it is not really a vocation for the priesthood or the religious coming back like Plato and Aristotle. life it is still a vocation worth finding out. That might be a Then you do a Novitiate year in Canada. It is a year of vocation to delve deeper into your faith, the church or even intensive prayer and basically it is to prepare you for your a married or single life. Whatever that inclination would be “yes”. You profess your vows and become an official member ,God willing, it might be for the priesthood or religious life but of the Redemptorist congregation. Everything is done in the I would say don’t just cast it off. Explore it a little more and house. You have sessions but it is more on the life and the see what fruits it might bear. constitution of the Redemptorist, and what the vows mean. Calvin Auguiste: I think I will fall right in line with Garvey. All religious profess those three vows of chastity, poverty and Just recently I was having a conversation with a priest who obedience but every congregation has a different understanding was ordained for about 60 years, basically all his life, and he of them. So you will understand the Redemptorist way of it. said to me “Calvin, God does not call priests, God calls We live together for the sake of the mission. At the end of that men, but then makes them priests.” And I think that year you profess your vows. Then, like Garvey if you still have would be the advice that I would give to that young man. I to finish your philosophy you go back to studying philosophy, am beginning to see that in my life. The longer I stay in the but you are no longer a postulate. seminary, it seems that my understanding of priesthood and Once you are done with philosophy and your novitiate my vision was constantly changing. And that makes sense. year, you begin to study theology which is another requirement God calls a man first and in the end he makes you a priest. for ordination. Theology is the study of God. So you have The challenge is to be open to that call, whatever that call is. I scripture, dogmatic theology, systematic theology, canon law, think many times people go into the seminary saying ok I am how to celebrate the Mass, etc. Next semester I have a class on going to become a priest. But I think the fundamental thing confession which I am looking forward to. Most of the study is to be open to hear the voice and to respond in prayer. I do usually helps to complement the others. Discernment helps not know what this call is. None of it makes sense to me but to prepare you for making that “yes”, developing your prayer I am listening. And that is the advice I would give. Be open, if life. Philosophy starts to help you for theology and theology you feel that you are being called. . prepares you for ordination. 18 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE 23rd Biennial Conference of CACT By Egbert G Jno-Baptiste, President of DACT Catholic Educators as agents of the exchange of knowledge, he asked change in the Caribbean Catholic educators to cultivate social rom July 26th - August 2nd 2014 representatives consciousness according to Micah 6:8 “Justice, love and from the Dominica Association of Catholic Teachers humility”. He pointed to three things necessary for social (DACT) attended the 23rd Biennial Conference of the change; discipline, resources and qualified staff. F th Caribbean Association of Catholic Teachers (CACT) held On July 30 2014 we were treated to another at the St. Paul’s Retreat Center in Vryheid’s Lust, East day of informative workshops. The first workshop was Coast Demarara, Guyana. conducted by Rev. Loris Heywood on the topic “Teacher The conference was a combination of spiritual, the Second (other) Parent” and the second one was educational, social and cultural activities. The sessions done by Mr. G.H.K. Lall on the topic “The Changing began each day with morning Mass celebrated by Bishop Teaching Environment through the eyes of Educators; Gabriel Malzaire and the day ended with evening devotions Challenges, Expectations and Preparation”. Rev. led by different countries. There were five informative Heywood discussed three components of education: and educational workshops led by different facilitators. knowledge, skills and values (head, hand and heart; Participants came from eight territories namely; Antigua mind, muscle and morality; skills, strength and spirit; and Barbuda, Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, brain, brawn and behaviour). He highlighted the universal

Grenada, Martinique, Dominica and host country Guyana. needs: love, affection, meaning and purpose (LAMP) and THE CARIBBEAN OUR CHURCH IN We were also treated to a day of adventure at Arrow Point the disciplines needed for success by Scott Peck; delayed Nature Reserve. gratification, responsibility, pursuing truth and balance. The conference began, on July 26th, 2014, with a He ended by giving the vowels for successful parenting. meeting with the executives Mr. Lall examined the challenges of the Caribbean Association faced by educators; technology, of Catholic Teachers (CACT) lack of student interest and and the Guyana Association of parents, to name a few. He also Catholic Teachers (GACT). pointed out the expectations of On July 27th 2014 we different stake holders: parents, attended Mass at the Cathedral administrators, church, and of the Immaculate Conception society. He ended by pointing in Georgetown. The Mass was out that educators should celebrated by Bishop Francis prepare by knowing themselves, Alleyne, Bishop of Guyana. their students, their subject, After Mass we were treated to their environment and their breakfast at the bishop’s house. constituency. After breakfast we returned to On July 31st 2014 we had the conference center and we our fifth and final workshop. It heard reports from four different DACT representatives: From Left: was facilitated by Bishop Gabriel associations; Archdiocese of Sr. Mary Gallagher, SC, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, Constance Norris, Malzaire Bishop of Roseau, Kingston Catholic Educators Josette Morancie, Egbert Jno-Baptiste and Gabriel Cesar on the topic “The Catholic Association (AECA), Manderville Association of Catholic Educator in an Evolving Environment – for the New Educators (MACE) and Catholic Association of Montego Evangelization”. After examining the environment in Bay Educators (CAME) and Antigua and Barbuda which catholic educators function, the cultural, social, Association of Catholic Teachers. The day ended with economical and technological challenges, Bishop called bonding activities. on educators to be living examples and role models July 28th 2014 began with the continuation of for their students. Catholic educators’ lives must be territory reports from Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, examples of what Jesus Christ would want us to be. Dominica, Bahamas, Martinique and Guyana. After lunch Catholic educators must muster the courage to stand up the official opening ceremony was held at the Marian for our Lord Jesus Christ. After Bishop’s presentation Academy (the only Catholic school in Guyana). there were nominations for the executive of CACT. As it On July 29th 2014, the first two workshops were turned out, nominations became elections, as one person held. In the morning we had a workshop by Mrs. Shelda was nominated for each position. Emanuel on the topic “The Support Role of Educators On August1st 2014 we went to Arrow Point Nature in Light of Changing Family Structures”. Mrs. Reserve for a day of fun and Adventure. August 2nd Emanuel asked teachers to consider the students’ need 2014 we celebrated the closing Mass and witnessed the and their emotional development. She also emphasized commissioning of the new CACT executive. that Catholic Educators must be willing and prepared to I would like to thank all those (spiritual director, conduct supporting roles as parents, counselors, social sponsors, executive members, friends and family) who workers, caregivers and homework helpers. After lunch made our participation in the conference possible we had our second workshop by Fr. Malcolm Rodrigues and meaningful. May God continue to bless you, your on the topic “Education as a Means of Social Change institution and your family. . in the Caribbean”. Fr. Rodrigues defined Education as “IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 19 Pope Francis Reveals Top 10 Secrets to Happiness By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) lowing down, being generous and fighting for 8. Stop being negative. “Needing to talk badly about peace are part of Pope Francis’ secret recipe for others indicates low self-esteem. That means, ‘I feel so Shappiness. In an interview published in part in the low that instead of picking myself up I have to cut others Argentine weekly “Viva” July 27, the pope listed his Top down,’” the pope said. “Letting go of negative things 10 tips for bringing greater joy to one’s life: quickly is healthy.” 1. “Live and let live.” Everyone should be guided by this 9. Don’t proselytize; respect others’ beliefs. “We can principle, he said, which has a similar expression in inspire others through witness so that one grows together Rome with the saying, “Move forward and let others do in communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious the same.” proselytism, which paralyzes: ‘I am talking with you 2. “Be giving of yourself to others.” People need to be in order to persuade you,’ No. Each person dialogues,

OUR CATHOLIC WORLD OUR CATHOLIC open and generous toward others, he said, because “if starting with his and her own identity. The church grows you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming by attraction, not proselytizing,” the pope said. egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid.” 10. Work for peace. “We are living in a time of many 3. “Proceed calmly” in life. wars,” he said, and “the call The pope, who used to teach for peace must be shouted. high school literature, used an Peace sometimes gives the image from an Argentine novel impression of being quiet, but it by Ricardo Guiraldes, in which is never quiet, peace is always the protagonist -- gaucho Don proactive” and dynamic. Segundo Sombra -- looks back Pope Francis also talked on how he lived his life. “He about the importance of helping says that in his youth he was immigrants, praising Sweden’s a stream full of rocks that he generosity in opening its doors carried with him; as an adult, to so many people, while noting a rushing river; and in old age, anti-immigration policies show he was still moving, but slowly, the rest of Europe “is afraid.” like a pool” of water, the pope He also fondly recalled the said. He said he likes this woman who helped his mother latter image of a pool of water with the housework when he -- to have “the ability to move was growing up in Buenos Aires. with kindness and humility, a Pope Francis greets the crowd as he arrives to lead a general audience Concepcion Maria Minuto was calmness in life.” in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican a Sicilian immigrant, a widow 4. “A healthy sense of leisure.” The pleasures of art, and mother of two boys, who went three times a week literature and playing together with children have been to help the pope’s mother do laundry, since in those lost, he said. “Consumerism has brought us anxiety” and days it was all done by hand. He said this hard-working, stress, causing people to lose a “healthy culture of leisure.” dignified woman made a big impression on the 10-year- Their time is “swallowed up” so people can’t share it with old future pope, as she would talk to him about World anyone. Even though many parents work long hours, War II in Italy and how they farmed in Sicily. “She was they must set aside time to play with their children; work as clever as a fox, she had every penny accounted for, schedules make it “complicated, but you must do it,” he she wouldn’t be cheated. She had many great qualities,” said. Families must also turn off the TV when they sit he said. Even though his family lost touch with her when down to eat because, even though television is useful for they moved, the then-Jesuit Father Jorge Bergoglio later keeping up with the news, having it on during mealtime sought her out and visited her for the last 10 years of “doesn’t let you communicate” with each other, the pope her life. “A few days before she died, she took this small said. medal out of her pocket, gave it to me and said: ‘I want 5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have you to have it!’ So every night, when I take it off and kiss Sundays off because “Sunday is for family,” he said. it, and every morning when I put it back on, this woman 6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young comes to my mind.” “She died happy, with a smile on her people. “We need to be creative with young people. If they face and with the dignity of someone who worked. For have no opportunities they will get into drugs” and be that reason I am very sympathetic toward housecleaners more vulnerable to suicide, he said. “It’s not enough to and domestic workers, whose rights, all of them, should give them food,” he said. “Dignity is given to you when be recognized” and protected, he said. “They must never you can bring food home” from one’s own labor. be exploited or mistreated.” 7. Respect and take care of nature. Environmental Pope Francis’ concern was underlined in his @ degradation “is one of the biggest challenges we have,” he Pontifex Twitter feed just a few days later, July 29, said. “I think a question that we’re not asking ourselves is: with the message: “May we be always more grateful for ‘Isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate the help of domestic workers and caregivers; theirs is a and tyrannical use of nature?’” precious service.” . 20 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE God wants us to show our faith through our actions. Use Action Faith the action wheel to find something you can do to show your faith in God. Wheel KID’S CORNER Start with the word in the space marked and go around the wheel clockwise. Write every third word onto the blanks in the order you find them.





Question of the Flower Scramble Month Answers What river was Jesus baptized Blessed is the man

in? who trusts in the Lord. Answer: Jordan River

Reading Section This is the continuation of a little book called Our Lady of Fatima by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D The Promise of a Miracle N August 13, the mayor of the town came in his carriage and took the children away as they were leaving for the Cova. OAfter asking them many questions, he put them in jail. He tried to make them change their story. Since they would not do so, they were released from the jail. Although the children were not at the Cova, over 15,000 people were on hand and said the rosary. At noon there was a flash of lightening and a clap of thunder; then a glowing cloud settled over the little tree where the Lady usually appeared. On September 13, more than 30,000 people gathered at the Cova. The Lady appeared again and asked the children to pray for peace. Lucia asked for a miracle that would prove what the children had seen. The Lady promised a miracle that would happen on October 13. During the vision, the whole crowd saw a shower of white petals fall from the sky, only to melt a few inches from the ground. .

LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 21 Interview with Catholic Teachers & Students ur Catholic Community interviewed some teachers Miss Jessica Jno. Baptiste and students prior to the resumption of the new a class teacher at the St. Mary’s Primary School school year to find out what were their expectations O She expects her students to be for the new school year. This is what we found out: co-operative, prepare for hard Mr. Jeffers Paul work, and be dedicated to the the religion teacher at the St. Mary’s Academy completion of assignments. She He expects that his students, also wants a strong teacher/ besides learning the course student bond with her students content, would be respectable, and recognizes that prayer is the disciplined, grow in their foundation for one’s success, relationships, especially in their and therefore, prayer always relationship with Jesus Christ. comes first. She is the class He teaches courses in morality teacher for Grade 4-Gold and teaches her students and encountering Jesus in the Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science, Science New Testament. For the school, and H.F.L.E. religious studies is not simply Mrs. Brinette Moreau about academics, it is about Christian formation. For him, the principal of the St. Martin’s Primary School the most important thing is that their students grow in their relationship and have an encounter with Jesus. He She expects her students also expressed the school’s ideas for the new school year to be diligent, hardworking, in terms of the religious department. He stated that the attentive to their homework, school is hoping to have a gospel fest, and there is also the and focus on co-curricular possibility of a local pilgrimage, which would entail visiting activities as well as academics. some of the churches beginning at Soufriere. With every She also expects them to learn the Christian values that the

OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH RECREATION EDUCATION, YOUTH: OUR Church visit, the students would be given a brief history of the church and parish, and spend some time in prayer. He teachers instil in them and be teaches the third and fourth forms. good social persons and develop a sense of caring for each other. Mrs. Ursula Severin She always looks forward to her one of the Grade K teachers at the Convent Preparatory students excelling in all subject areas. Mrs. Moreau She expects her students to form good encourages her teachers to do ongoing learning in all partnership and positive friendships forms. If the students want to learn the guitar, get a with each other, work together, and better grade in music or want to do something new, follow a disciplined pattern in the she encourages them to do it. classroom whether it is during break time, group time, individual study Mr. Jovan Peter or class work. She wants them to be a subject teacher at the Convent High School able to follow simple instructions, He expects his students to be to learn different songs and poems cooperative. He stated that once that will help them to be attentive the students are cooperative and to learn. She wants to form good one can achieve anything with partnerships between her students and herself so they will them in all aspects of their life: be able to develop trust based on mutual respect. She would in their behaviour, academics, be able to respect them as students and they would be able personal life, and how they to return that respect. She stated that most importantly conduct themselves in public. she wants them to be able to respect each other. She stated As long as the students are able that today’s children seem to be deficient in their ability to to understand what the teacher respect another’s property, private space and feelings. So is saying and can connect with she really wants her students to learn that basic discipline him, then he should be able to have an impact on that can be a good foundation for other areas of their lives. their lives. He expressed that in the field of science In terms of keeping her students attentive in class because he wants to be more experimental with his students. of their age, she expressed that students their age learn a He stated that the way the world is going everything great deal through song and play. She also wants to take is on the computer but the students can be doing them on class outings and field trips. Normally, there are something that is practical later on in life but they were two teachers to a classroom but sometimes the classes are only exposed to learning it as theory. He thinks that big and the students get fidgety especially it is a hot day. incorporating the practical aspects will better equip To curb those distractions she wants to incorporate many the students for life. He is the Chemistry, Physics and outdoors activities. Religion teacher for the second to fifth forms.

22 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SEPTEMBER 2014 ISSUE Farewell Fr. Brancker John Calypsonian/ Politician turned an Evangelist and year as a man of the cloth. Youth Minister A young man coming from the dusts of Colihaut, eep the candles, keep the candles burning. This is rising to the pulpit and preaching the word of God may be what we would want to wish Father Brancker John a too bland a description of this impeccable man of God. Kformerly known as the Brakes, as he ventures into During his one year stay in the parish he has touched the a new chapter of his pastoral life. Our lives of many, particularly those of the Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral Parish youth. Fr John has an unwavering feels greatly honored to have had him love for the youth and many of the for the past year and now that he is parish feels like they are truly his moving on to the St Patrick’s Parish, children. He organized the first ever we wish him continued grace on his “Rap session” for the parish which journey. was held in Wotten Waven and it was When we received news that indeed a great success. The evening Father Brancker John would be was filled with interaction about the coming to Our Lady of Fair Haven faith of our catholic church where Cathedral Parish after his ordination Some of the youth members with Fr. John on his last Fr John effectively answered all on July 1, the parishioners were Sunday in the parish questions. This eventually led to a bubbling with eager anticipation to sit and listen to this much anticipated follow up. calypsonian turned priest. How often do you hear of a man Apart from being a great influence to the youth, Fr who was once a calypsonian, a politician becoming a priest? John also reached out to every member of the congregation. Not as often as the many times Father John delivered one of With every homily he delivered, there was a guaranteed his mind boggling and soul provoking homilies. word for the downtrodden, the confused, the rejected and At his ordination last year, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire the neglected. Every word he spoke left you aching for more. urged Fr John to let the community view him as a man on All in all, Fr John has been, and remains, a man of fire for the Lord, a man of sacrifice and his feet planted on the people and as he moves on to his new parish, we pray the ground so as to properly respond to the needs of the for him. While Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral Parish will people. “Make Jesus a special friend so you can properly miss him dearly, we all know that he must go and preach share him with God’s people…And for the love of God’s the Gospel wherever he is sent. Thank you, Fr. John, and AND FAITH RECREATION EDUCATION, YOUTH: OUR people, keep the candles burning,” Bishop Malzaire advised God bless you. Be assured of our prayers. . him. And that is exactly what Fr John has done in his first By Marisol and Shanon John

Miss Dahlila Lee Krystal Charter a subject teacher at the St. Martin’s Secondary School a third former at the Convent High School She expects her She hopes to get good grades students to arrive and continue working very well. with an attitude and During her summer holidays mindset for learning. she enjoyed the rest away from She expects them to be school but she also used that self-motivated with a time to catch up on some work, desire to excel through reading and other entertainment consistent hard work. such as travelling. She tried She expressed that to limit herself in watching one of the challenges at the school is critical thinking. The television two hours per day but school tends to get the students who may not necessarily it was not very successful. She have topped the National Assessment list. Her efforts this is quite looking forward to going back to school and year would be concentrating on developing their critical seeing her friends again. She hopes that in this school thinking and really working conscientiously on using more year she can participate in some more co-curricular student-centred techniques. So less talk-and-chalk and activities and clubs such as choir, music and band. more student-centred techniques using the technology that is currently available at the school. She is the English Christianna Paul and Social Studies teacher for t the third to fifth forms. a grade six student at the St. Martin’s Primary School Her favourite subject is Joshua Paul Mathematics because it promotes a grade one student at the St. Mary’s Primary School learning in general. Her favourite On entering St. Mary’s teacher is her grade five teacher, Primary School, Joshua Mrs Guye, because she explains and encourages her to do well. For plans to do whatever his the new school year Christianna teacher says, to be attentive plans to excel in Common during class and do well in Entrance since she will be in her his subjects. final year of primary education. “IGNORANCE OF SCRIPTURES IS IGNORANCE OF CHRIST” 23