Temple Emanuel
VOLUME 44 NUMBER 10 • JUNE 1994 PAGETWO I am writing this mesSage relationship is so gratify- • President's Message the tpoming after ply 20th ing and represents the true . Anniversary celebration rewards that can be PAGE FOUR and in a word it was fabu- attained by a Rabbi and • Sisterhood News lous. I was truly over- congregation. I have tried • Youth Group News whelmed by the outponr- to be there iri'your time of ing of frie,nds and affec- need and you have been • Contributions tion. The evening w;tS like there for me and my family the Bar Mitzvah party I as well. - INSERTS never had, and much more. Now after 20 years, I'm ready to • June Calendar It was just "electric" and I loved continue to share those special mo .FunFacts every,minute. From the photo collage,.. ments of joy,' as well as the difficult " capturing memorable ~ents sparining times that try and test ' us. I run in my 20 years at Temple Emanuel, to spired by the words of an anonymous the children's display, from being car: author, who wrote that, "the purpose ried high on a chair, to the humoro~ , of life is ... to be useful, responsible, Important Higb Holy touching and "spicy" speeches, the honorable, .compassionate - ahore evening will be one I will cherish and all ...:.. to matter, to count, to stand for Day Information remember al~ys . something, to make a difference.': You will soon be receiving your High Holy Ifa Rabbi is fortunate enough to be .These are words I try to live by.
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