Budget Calls for $217 Increase BOE Hopes School Odor Stays Away
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Echo Serving Springfield and Mountainside Budget calls for $217 increase Let's $1 Book About ByRlcfcKHttkb Police and Fire Headquarters within said that the iiicrcn.se in the budget Staff Writer the building. With the Fire Department reflects a need to maintain mVstme The preliminary 2005 municipal already constructed, Poltrock said that level of services in the past, making budget total in the township of Spring- he still does not see an additional increases out of necessity, not luxury. field is set at $20,875,673. a 5.07 per- building to be necessary. There is dearly a need to eon- cent increase over last year. Last "1 agree the department needs to be struct a Police Department,*' Harelik year's budget was $20,819,762. centralized," said Poltrock, "but I said, inviting ridents.to look/for The tax impact would mean an would like to see it within the existing themselves at me dispatch office, for estimated municipal tax increase of structure." example, or the detective bureau, $217 for the average homeowner with Poltrock said that with the school which is located in the old Girl Scout a hctne assessed at $158,000. budget up and the county budget guar- meeting house, ^torrentty, I Mayor Sy Mullman stressed that anteed to be increased, he couldn't all under one roof, not using' this number is subject to change, as help but think where cutbacks need to the-art equipment, and they're i the budget ts gtitt being studied and take shape. to have a satisfactory work could be adjusted prior to the public Mayor Sy Mullman said that this ment The current Police HeadquaKefrs meeting that will be conducted on year's budget is much like any other is inadequate.** May 24. year, where 90 percent of it is mandat- HareKk noted that the entfaVIb**. When approval for the budget was ed by the state. sbip Committee, inctadwg POHniekv voted on Jt last week's Township "We take a look at all the expens- previously voted Unanimously to outfd Committee meeting. Republican es," Mullman said, "and we start Harold Pottrock was the sole commit- chopping." Harelik said that while she under- tee member to vote "no." Though hesitant to comment on the stands coata ate an issue, putting off The main reason why he voted current budget figures, as be main- me project would be a mistake. against the proposed budget, Poltrock tained that they are not final, Mullman With the cost of buftfifuj rising said, was because of the $3.5 million said that it may not be advantageous to every year; and interest rates currently cost included as an expenditure for the renovate the Police Department this low, Harelik said, she doesn't dee why Police Department/Town Hall expan- year. the project should wait. sion and renovation project Waiting until next year, Mullman Still, Harelik had her own thoughts Poltrock said that tbi« amount is said, could loosen some money up for on how the budget oould be. adjusted.; "tar in excess of what we need." the township. Grants, for example, are "I'm in ftvor of phased projects,*** Td like to provide a headquarters currently lacking, and holding off may she said. for the police that is what they need allow time for funding to develop in In her opinion, the Police p and what we can afford," Poltrock that form. ment could be renovated rbjhi year, FlMta By JMpyii A. SftttAplta* said. Mullman said that the budget is necessitating about haff of <ne 'J8J&. Springfield resident Joseph Yee reads 'A Book About Me' to student Isaiah Pierre at Poltrock said mat the perfect sce- still being discussed by the entire million estimated for the entire proj- Edward V. Walton School in Springfield as part of a special program that introduces nario would have included plans to Township Committee. ect, and Town Hall cottld be don* over young students to the importance of reading. revamp Town Hall and include both Conunitteewoman Clara Harelik next year. ' f WorrallWeb site BOE hopes school odor stays away ByJoaalvLDetlla This is ongoing, and he will be'letting us know." be wet insulation. The odor was aggravated by the successful Staff Writes* * Perrirt alld noted mat during the few hot days operation of the air conditioning units in the school. of visttots to www.tacalaource.com from Match 31 to During the Mountainside Bond of Education recently, aid sir conditioning had been turned on at As the newly elected board president, Perrin can- April 7 to April 13, 12,627; from April 14 to meetipj on Aprils, new Board Prttidcnt John Pcr- Boechwood Softool, and he was informed mat the not also be on the committee investigating this, and *fl 21 to April 27,45.585. rin gave his final committee report on the research system seems tp be running as it should be. "And it the new committee personnel has not been created nsaovation^atid update of the site last being done at Beechwood School to make sure the is odorless, I might add," said Perrin. yet '" ode* plaguing the schoef up unfit several The tear hailbeete that even after the problem Bad He asked u> other board members to be thinking ier and can use r tforio*. a*well forms > finally gone. ^ 5#^M&Si onc* *** *"" conditioning was about what interested them the most, so they could ^ atsalihaWkadlSBBBa^BAB>j put o^||gp|yU' accept committee assignments at the next board tit i Web site to gJ y closely, especially ReUly, said As of now, since huge amounts of soaking wet rerun. •„• • • t . »*..r«. *•,' •*. j insulation wove removed, the smell has totally dis- jy, The odor first appeared to May 2004 and confln- •ppetred in tf#aew school building. 14 to has not seen afly evidence of water stama," said Per- ued for several months with acttool officials unoer-' The Board $f education |s hoping to make sure it April} rin. "He if currently testicg at] of the Samples for tain about the source of the odor. stays' that way and Pectin said they would be doing bacteria." After numerous tests, the source was revealed to more testing as soon «a4he weather warrants it. ,-• -,•*'•..'' search narrows By Rick KUttfch downtown renovations, Poltrock Sheola became Springfield's first • Staff Writer noted. township administrator in 1999 when x months after beginning the "We're in the last round of inter- the position was created by the Town- ttbr a new Spring&M.Tbwnship views," Committeewoniaa* CUum ship Committee. Until then, the posi- fkiitrator, it appears certain that Harelik said, "tad somebody should tion o< administrator/clerk had been will be chesen, wania the be chosen very shortly. r weeks. ,, For now, receptionist and Deputy ,„,. this weeji. the lownilnp within foh* ^HWffik* |tgj Loretta Werner, Administra- Comnritte* met with the final four added MuUman. , V tive AMts^am; Linda Donnelly and Idates, out of a toW of seven MuUmab said that while the Municipal CUurk Kathleen Wisniewski , who are in the httming for "strain." is being felf in the i have oointalaedl to handle Sheola's (should be no mote idvertis- Hall has been putting in the said, references loTlhTcurrent t,.~ who heads the selection WWit**municfpal1iudgetairri?mV course, a salary as chairman of the pBpart- ly beinff developed, Mullman said that ofAdministratioii die absenoe .Of a township administra- complete, ;k and Mayor (§§r. tor didn't make too much of a differ- Township Com- conducting' ai a whole and ;year. ; " :*' -;-«|- FortnerHownihip Adminlrtrator lo be made. process, the other approved a res- fweek, went very well. year term was completed^at rfie and of~ qualifications for 1 three candidates, he said, were 2004. t change to widen f experienced and qualified for Ac According to Harelik, Sheola had created a preliminary budget outline to had previously of the three, Poltrock Mid, work from before he left, helping fbr- once before, it held township administrator mat die budget for this year. advertisement. , while thethW has been an Sheola'sannual salary was roughly _. ^ -position^ called for a _> JpfHtant. ' , - $103,000 in Ms sixm and final year as masterVdegree m public administra- -QmQne of the three candidates is very township administrator. tion and at least fhree years of munic- in downtown redevelop* Poltrock said that the best estimate said Poltrock. Be can give right dow In regards 68 ffi£ L^Of; JKC advertisement, of Wettfield n andher horse, Chance, mine o candidate, a female, would new township y^*" ' *ffrator*s **ifwial boweyej; detnaaded ft comparable & Science Cen- salary is , between $50,000 and tor fn Mountainside on Sunday; to Chance Is Monica. appear to be a great fit for Springfield, post-graduate degree and two years of whish is looking to undergo dramatic $105,000. experience. II Commiwity Newspapers as ad A ' ' News of Rockland, Esaex and Union counties and the fact called something like, fiomeswept* for Suburban News in WonaU »weekly newspapers. paper is in a growth pattern to bome.conj,wiUfeanjresteilarliitiB||i Clark. Be was men moved to a week- ; been involved in other adyertismg." for Esgeit or Union county for f API tbe Independent Snidia hesc two de|«8?* ExpSmeii Bofeer, ividence, made a BoheriaodJoaef* these darctorie* add value to the a radio show called Jukebox responsible foir 1b* retail saksrnanager for three weekly on WJUX FM, a local radio sta- and the To*n newspapefik tn Passaic County and After attending MontcUUr State. in Bergen County. - r calendar for 21 minnctpsJUea finally became the retail advertising y fa College, where he majored in bmtnes* iixpiim—Sa^- three Bergen County and his wife, Unda.