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Preuzmite Časopis U PDF Formatu ISSN: 1821- 4851 ISSN: 1821- 4851 UDK: 069(06) UDC: 069(06) AFRIKA – STUDIJE UMETNOSTI I KULTURE AFRIKA – STUDIES IN ART AND CULTURE Časopis Muzeja afričke umetnosti Journal of the Museum of African Art Broj 1, 2009 Number 1, 2009 Glavni i odgovorni urednik: dr Miroslava Lukić Krstanović, Etnografski institut SANU, Beograd Editor in Chief: Miroslava Lukić Krstanović PhD, Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade Sekretar: Marija Ličina, Muzej afričke umetnosti, Beograd Assistant to Editor: Marija Ličina, Museum of African Art, Belgrade Uređivački odbor: Editorial Board: Prof. dr Aleksandar Bošković, Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd, Prof. Aleksandar Bošković PhD, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, dr Ljiljana Gavrilović, Etnografski institut SANU, Beograd, Ljiljana Gavrilović PhD, Institute of Ethnography SASA, Belgrade, prof. dr Senka Kovač, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Prof. Senka Kovač PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, dr Miloš Milenković, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Miloš Milenković PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Aleksandra Prodanović-Bojović, Muzej afričke umetnosti, Beograd Aleksandra Prodanović-Bojović, Museum of African Art, Belgrade Međunarodni uređivački odbor: International Editorial Board: Prof. dr Petr Skalnik, Univerzitet Pardubice, Odeljenje za društvene nauke, Prof. Petr Skalnik PhD, University Pardubice, Department for Social Sciences, dr Marko Šolce, Gete Univerzitet u Frankfurtu, Institut za etnologiju, Marko Scholze PhD, Goethe University in Frankfurt, Institute for Ethnology, dr Isak Niehaus, Brunel Univerzitet, Odeljenje za antropologiju, Prof. Isak Niehaus PhD, Brunel University, Department for Anthropology, dr Sarah Lunaček, Univerzitet u Ljubljani – Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju Sarah Lunaček PhD, University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Predsednik izdavačkog saveta: Prof. dr Jelena Đorđević, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka Chair of the Advisory Board: Prof. Jelena Đorđević PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences Izdavački savet: Advisory Board: Prof. dr Aleksandar Palavestra, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za arheologiju, Prof. Aleksandar Palavestra PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, dr Jelena Erdeljan, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za istoriju umetnosti, Jelena Erdeljan PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Art History, dr Simona Čupić, Univerzitet u Beogradu– Filozofski fakultet, Odeljenje za istoriju umetnosti Simona Čupić PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Art History Primljeno na sednici Uređivačkog odbora Časopisa Afrika – studije umetnosti i kulture održanoj 30. decembra 2009. godine. Approved at the session of Afrika – Studies in Art and Culture's on December 30, 2009 Izdavač: Muzej afričke umetnosti- Zbirka Vede i dr Zdravka Pečara, Beograd Published by: Museum of African Art - Collection of Veda and dr Zdravko Pečar, Belgrade Za izdavača: Narcisa Knežević-Šijan, direktor Publisher: Narcisa Knežević-Šijan, director Lektura i korektura: Biljana Milenković-Vuković Proofreading: Biljana Milenković Vuković Stručna redaktura: Aleksandra Prodanović- Bojović, Marija Ličina Expert review: Aleksandra Prodanović- Bojović, Marija Ličina Prevod na engleski: Ivan Epštajn Traslated into English by Ivan Epštajn Prevod sa francuskog: Una Mirković Traslated from French by Una Mirković Prevod sa slovenačkog: Marta Stojić Translated from Slovenian by Marta Stojić Izbor vizuelnog materijala: Narcisa Knežević-Šijan Selection of graphic content: Narcisa Knežević-Šijan Dizajn: Ivana Bunuševac Design: Ivana Bunuševac Štampa: GreenLeaf d.o.o., Beograd, 2010. Printing: GreenLeaf Ltd., Belgrade, 2010 Tiraž: 300 primeraka Prints: 300 primeraka Časopis izlazi dvogodišnje. This journal is a biannual editioin Štampanje publikacije finansirano je iz sredstava Sekretarijata za kulturu Skupštine Grada Beograda This edition was granted by the City of Belgrade's Secretariat for Culture Adresa redakcije: Contact and Editorial Office; Muzej afričke umetnosti Museum of African Art Andre Nikolića 14, 11 000 Beograd Andre Nikolića 14, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia 011/2651-654 (tel) +381-11-2651-654 (tel) 011/2651-269 (faks) +381-11-2651-269 (faks) [email protected] [email protected] Naslovna strana: Bartelemi Togo, savremeni kamerunski umetnik. Snimio: M. Todorović. Cover: Barthelemy Toguo, contemporary artist from Cameroon. Photo by M. Todorović. SADRŽAJ CONTENTS Prikazi Reviews Str101 xx, AuB Str101 xx, AinB Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Str102 xx, Mvana Hiti: više od lutke, iz zbirke Str102 xx, Mwana Hiti: More than Just a Doll, from the Gibera Ersona Guibert Hairson Collection Marija Ličina Marija Ličina Str105 xx, Kava kava i betel Str105 xx, Kava kava and betel Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Str106 xx, Pogled na umetnosti naroda Kuba (DR Kongo), Str106 xx, A view at Kuba Art (DR Congo), from the Guibert iz zbirke Gibera Hersona Hairson Collection Uvod Introduction Aleksandra Prodanović Bojović Aleksandra Prodanović Bojović Strane (xx-yy) Afrički svetovi u fokusu istraživanja Strane (xx-yy) African Worlds in Focus of Interpretation 1-10 1-10 Str109 xx, Tranzit(i) i Omaž Zdravku Pečaru Str109 xx, Transit(s) and Homage to Zdravko Pečar Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Miroslava Lukić Krstanović Izložba i instalacija umetnika Bartelemija Togoa Exhibition and Installation by Barthelemy Toguo, Emilia Epštajn Emilia Epštajn Str112 xx, Crno, crveno i belo Str112 xx, Black, Red and White Naučni članci Articles Instalacija umetnika Zorana Naskovskog Installation by Zoran Naskovski, artist Strane11-28 (xx -yy) Živi eksponati afro muz/ej/ike Strane11-28 (xx -yy) Living Exhibits of Afro Mus/eum/ic Nataša Njegovanović Ristić Nataša Njegovanović Ristić Ana Kotevska Ana Kotevska Str113 xx, Umetnost moći, moć umetnosti: bronzana Str113 xx, The Art of Power – Power of Art: Bronze Sculpture of Strane29-40 (xx -yy) Holandska književnost Kariba Strane29-40 (xx -yy) Literature of the Dutch West Indies skulptura zapadne Afrike West Africa Jelica Novaković-Lopušina Jelica Novaković-Lopušina Senka Kovač Senka Kovač Strane41-56 (xx-yy) Osvrt na prisustvo adinkra simbola Strane41-56 (xx-yy) Reviewing the Presence of the Adinkra Symbols Str115 xx, Senka Kovač, Marsel Griol i naučna Str114 xx, Senka Kovač, Marcel Griaule and Scientific u Gani in Ghana preispitivanja na kraju XX veka Reexamination at the end of the Twentieth Century Ana Sladojević Ana Sladojević Aleksandra Prodanović Bojović Aleksandra Prodanović Bojović Strane57-76 (xx-yy) Razvoj kinematografija u zapadnoj Africi Strane57-76 (xx-yy) The Advance of Cinematography in West Africa Str117 xx, Nataša Njegovanović Ristić, Primarna umetnost: Str117 xx, Nataša Njegovanović Ristić, Primal Art: Paintings on Sarah Lunaček Sarah Lunaček slike na stenama, slike na telu Rocks, Paintings on Bodies Senka Kovač Senka Kovač Predavanje Conférence 77Str xx Koncepcija Muzeja Kej Branli, Pariz 77Str xx La conception du musée du quai Branly, Paris Hronika Currents (transkript) (la transcription) Iv Le Fir Yves Le Fur Str xx, Panafrički festival kulture (2009) Str xx, Panafrican Culture Festival (2009) Narcisa Knežević-Šijan Narcisa Knežević-Šijan Str xx, Konferencija ECAS, AEGIS (2009) Str xx, Conference ECAS, AEGIS (2009) Intervju Interview Aleksandra Prodanović-Bojović Aleksandra Prodanović-Bojović 95Str xx Problem u raju 95Str xx Trouble in Paradise Str xx, Konferencija EASA (2008) Str xx, The EASA Conference (2008) Razgovor sa karipskim umetnikom: Lenon Žno-Batist Interview with Caribbean artist Lennon Jno-Baptiste Emilia Epštajn, Marija Ličina Emilia Epštajn, Marija Ličina Mihael Milunović Mihael Milunović Str xx, Hronika Muzeja afričke umetnosti, 2004-2009 Str xx, Timeline of the Museum of African Art, 2004-2009 Reč redakcije Editorial Afrika – studije umetnosti i kulture, časopis Muzeja afričke Afrika – Studies in Art and Culture, journal of the Museum of umetnosti u Beogradu, predstavlja prvu i jedinstvenu African Art in Belgrade, is the first and only periodical periodičnu publikaciju ne samo u Srbiji, već i na internacio- publication in Serbia, but also on an international level. The nalnom nivou. Časopis otvara do sada malo znanu oblast journal opens the generally neglected subjects of art and cultural afrikanologije, afrikanistike i afričkih studija iz oblasti umetnosti studies in the field of Africanology, Africanist and African studies i kulturoloških nauka. Koncept časopisa zasniva se na in the region. The journal is based on the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim pristupima i tumače- multidisciplinary approach and interpretation of African njima afričkih civilizacija, kao i njihovog prožimanja sa evrop- civilisations and their mergence with European and other non- skim i drugim neevropskim društvima. Doprinos ovog časopisa European societies. The journal contributes to promoting the jeste promovisanje kulture tolerancije i razvijanja senzibiliteta za culture of tolerance and cultivating a sense of understanding for razumevanje
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