Marketing to Children

Did You Know? • 30% of children ages 6 to 11 are overweight. 15.3% of children ages 6 to 11 are obese. • The eating habits children develop carry on into adulthood. • McDonald’s marketing goal is 20 visits per customer per month. • McDonald’s has an extensive marketing strategy aimed at children as well as tweens and teens. • 90% of children visit McDonald’s once a month. • Only 1 option meets calorie guidelines for children.

Today, parents are becoming more and more concerned with the foods that their children are eating. Because of the nutri- tion concern, parents are beginning to look at what foods are marketed to children. Experts are becoming increasingly aware of the ways that fast food is advertised to children. This newsletter will help explain the ways that the fast food industry markets to children and provide suggestions for par- ents to help their children stop making un- healthy food choices based on persuasive .

Do You Think This is Advertising? This coloring page was downloaded from It is listed on the website as a coloring fun page. Notice how less than half the page is actually for coloring with an emphasis on collecting the Happy Meal toys displayed in color. The colors are vibrant and artistically displayed. This is one of the many examples of advertising used by the fast food industry. Public Health Communication Volume 1 August 2007 Advertising: Part of a Bigger Picture

Marketing is the plan developed information about a product. Part of secure an emotional bond between the by a company to convince people to the reason for that view is the character and the child. buy their particular good. One part themes that are used in advertising. The fast food industry also uses of marketing is advertis- The most common con- movie and television characters which ing. cepts in marketing focus children already have an emotional Companies spend hun- on specific themes. For bond to in the hopes that the bond McDonald’s spent dreds of millions of dol- example, fast food mar- will transfer to a specific brand. $528.8 million in lars on marketing. They keting works hard to asso- The fast food industry uses cra- research who to sell a marketing to ciate food with fun support $24.4 dle to the grave marketing. The product to, how to sell through premiums. goal is to specifically tailor a market- billion in sales. the product and are con- Marketers constantly ing plan which will reach customers stantly using research to work to create an emo- throughout their life to have a life make marketing more tional attachment be- long loyal consumer. persuasive to kids and parents alike. tween children and a particular brand. Many children view advertising as The use of characters such as Ronald being objective and simply providing McDonald and the Trix Rabbit help

The website is required to state that it is advertising. You can see the disclaimer at the top in white, “Hey Kids, This is advertising.” Note the use of bright colors which are used for association with fun and games. McDonald’s actively uses bright colors throughout their marketing campaign and in their restaurant. In addition, the prominence of the toys is a major part of McDonald’s marketing.

Page 2 Fast to Children Smarter Than You Think

By the age of three, children are become a more aware consumer. able to understand the difference Any type of instruction and edu- FUN!! between television programs and com- cation on marketing and advertising mercials. By the age of 10, most chil- will help children become more aware dren are able to understand the per- consumers. However, the best strat- suasive nature of advertising and that egy for and fast not all advertisements tell the truth. food consumption is for parents to However, being able to understand lead by example and constantly dis- the persuasive nature of marketing is cuss the effects of marketing and another story entirely. advertising. Several experts believe that the only way to protect children is to con- stantly control their exposure to commercialism including TV, internet access, and other areas where chil- dren are exposed to marketing and advertising. Restrictions and con- stant surveillance are the most ex- By having tie-ins relating to treme measures. popular movies or TV shows the Other experts feel that simply Talk to your children about the fast food industry creates a talking to your child about the ef- effects of advertising; they connections between the feelings fects of advertising and marketing. will understand. that children have for the toys Also, discussing the nature of mar- with a brand. keting is a good way to help your child

Approaches To Teach Children about Marketing

Problem 1st Approach 2nd Approach Results Children assume advertising Ask kids what they think Allow children to purchase Children will become more is objective information in- about commercials or the toys and realize that what aware of advertising and not stead of persuasion. toy premiums they receive in they saw on the ads is not see it as objective informa- Happy Meals. applicable in real life. tion

Children do not understand Discuss and look together Demonstrate that brands By understanding the meth- the different methods of for the common themes of and specific products do not ods, children will better un- marketing. marketing on TV, bags, and guarantee happiness. derstand advertisements in restaurants.

Constant exposure to mar- Restrict children’s access to Monitor what children are Children will not be as con- keting and advertising television and internet looking at online and when tinuously exposed to and watching television persuaded by marketing

Advertising in schools — Explain to children that Become involved with your Children will have an area children consider this an school’s are not endorsing child’s school to see what where they are not exposed endorsement from the the brand advertised level of advertising is occur- to advertising. school ring and work to decrease that level.

Volume 1 Page 3 Methods of Marketing: The Subtle Influences

Fast food is marketed to children brand. and Happy Meals when marketing to in a variety of ways. The strategies An emotional attachment between children. McDonald’s has created a of that marketing address how to children and a brand considered a notion of ‘learning’ among parents and best engage the customer and see negative influence. Food becomes a children by offering educational mate- that they purchase the product and time for play which may have a nega- rials to teachers and schools, sponsor- then return at a later date for more. tive impact on how children view eat- ing fundraising events, and having a The Happy Meal is a form of ad- ing traditional meals. Also, the food link called ‘Learn’ on their website. vertising. The toy is often tied in that McDonald’s serves does not con- McDonald’s, through their appearance with movies or TV shows which act as tain all the parts of a balanced diet. with the notion of learning, is often viewed by children as being acceptable a transition for children to transfer The website is another form of to schools, and actually a good company their feelings about the movie char- advertising. The only place that la- to buy from. acters or TV shows to McDonald’s. bels the website as advertising is on The idea that eating should be fun the homepage. The website is highly As children age, they become more influences children in regards to their interactive and works to promote the aware of the intent of advertising; food choices. toys as well as engage children however, many children are not aware The Happy Meal bag contains through games, puzzles, coloring what marketing is and how it effects games and pictures for children to pages, and other interaction. On the way that the fast food industry occupy them while they are eating. It every page, McDonald’s is mentioned has set up kids’ meals to keep them also blends movie characters with in an attempt to have children associ- coming back and preventing any nega- Ronald McDonald to further emo- ate McDonald’s with fun. tive views about the company. tional attachments to the McDonald’s McDonald’s does not stop at toys

Objects Used In Marketing

• Happy Meal Bags • Toys • Ronald McDonald • McDonald’s Arches • Website • McDonald’s Safety Shows • Educational Materials • PlayPlaces

Objects used in marketing are meant to reinforce brand identification and positive feelings for a particular company so consumers will continue to purchase that product.