Applied Ethics
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APPLIED ETHICS APPLIED ISBN978-4-9904046-4-2 C3012 APPLIED in New Bottles? Wine Old ETHICS Old Wine in New Bottles? Edited by by Edited Edited by Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy and Ethics for Applied Center Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hokkaido AppliedEthics2011_cover_3.indd 1 2011/06/17 19:04:49 Copyright © 2011 by Authors Published by Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy Hokkaido University N10 W7, Kitaku Sapporo 060-0810 Japan Edited by Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan ISBN978-4-9904046-4-2 Contents Introduction iii Contributors iv Moral Disagreement, Moral Realism, and Vagueness --------------------------------------1 Thomas ADAJIAN Well-being, Desire, and the Problem of ‘Miswanting’: Rethinking the Philosophical Theories of Well-being and the Practice of Informed Consent in View of Psychological Studies ---------------- 13 Makoto SUZUKI Moral Realism and Moral Disagreement: An Alternative Account -------------------- 23 Laura SPECKER Responsible Research? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33 Carwyn Rhys HOOPER Human Enhancement and Human Nature ----------------------------------------------- 40 Takesh SATO The Relationship between Neuro-Intervention of Memory and Moral Responsibility ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Wanlng CHOU Biocentrism and Synthetic Biology -------------------------------------------------------- 62 Sune HOLM “Society in Science”: the DePGx Project and the Democratization of Health Policy Strategies through Public Deliberation --------------------------------- 75 Claudo CORRADETTI, Gllan BARTLETT-ESQUILANT Moral Obligations of States ----------------------------------------------------------------- 86 Anne SCHWENKENBECHER Honor in the Military and the Possible Implication for the Traditional Separation of Jus Ad Bellum and Jus In Bello ------------------------ 94 Jacob BLAIR Race-Based Welfare and Multiracialism --------------------------------------------------103 James GARRISON How to Evaluate Justice Using Nussbaum’s Capabilities List? ------------------------ 113 Lyda de TIENDA PALOP Pragmatism, Participation and Powersliding: On the Reciprocal Relationship between Environmental Ethics Thinking and Practice ---------------123 Lesle MABON An Oriental Perspective on the Ethical Issue of Physician-Assisted Suicide from Taiwanese Point of View ---------------------------139 Su-Chen LEE Reaching and Engaging Employees through Business Ethics Training : A Study of Two Organizations to Enumerate Various Practices and Innovations in Business Ethics Training ------------------------------------------------148 Namrata JAJOO, Ranjeet KAKKAD, Rhshkesh DATAR Manga, Virtual Child Pornography, and Censorship in Japan -----------------------165 Chrs MATHEWS A Study of Defensive Medicine in Japan -------------------------------------------------175 Sakura YAHATA Revision of Organ Transplantation Law in Japan: Brain Death, Presumed Consent, and Donation of Children’s Organs -----------------------------186 Keko YASUOKA Parental Involvement and Children’s Perception of Competence: From Gender Perspectives ----------------------------------------------------------------199 Takayo SASAKI Introduction This collection of essays is the final summation of the Fifth International Conference on Applied Ethics held at Hokkaido University on November 5-7, 2010. The conference was organised by the Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan). The purpose of this collection is to bring together the wide-ranging papers on various fields of applied ethics presented at the conference. It is our hope that this collection will contribute to further developments in research on applied ethics and promote our Center’s mission, which is ‘to bridge the gap between theory and practice’. May 2011 Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan v Contributors Thomas ADAJIAN is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at James Madison University. His research concerns the nature of art and the philosophy of C. S. Peirce. He is the author of the “The Definition of Art”, in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = http://plato.stanford. edu/archives/fall2008/entries/art-definition/. Makoto SUZUKI, PhD is a research fellow at Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics, Japan. He received his BA and MA in letters from Kyoto University, Japan, and his PhD in philosophy from The Ohio State University, USA. His research interests include moral philosophy, philosophy of psychology and history of modern western philosophy. Laura SPECKER is a PhD student in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Her research interests are moral disagreement, especially in terms of the metaethical foundation for cross-cultural bioethics, as well as specific bioethical debates between the United States and Japan. Dr Carwyn Rhys HOOPER is a lecturer in medical ethics and law at St George’s, University of London. He is a medical doctor and a philosopher. He is currently undertaking a PhD at King’s College London and is researching the issue of personal responsibility for health. Takeshi SATO is a PhD, completed his doctoral degree (a thesis on the moral philosophy of R.M. Hare) at Hokkaido University, and is Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He specializes in metaethics and utilitarianism, and is interested in a study of human enhancement. Wanling CHOU is a PhD student of the Department of Philosophy of National Central University,Taiwan, ROC. Her main research interests are Confucianism, bioethics, ethics of science and technology including genetic and neuroethics. Her publications include ‘Liberalism and Confucianism on Genetic Justice’, ‘Confucian Family Consent vs. Western Individual Consent: An Ethical Analy- sis’, ‘Parfit’s Analysis of Personal Identity: The Challenge of Neuroscience’ and others. Sune HOLM is a postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, University of Copenhagen. His current research focuses on philosophical aspects of synthetic biology, in particular the ontology and functions of organisms and artifacts, and the moral significance of the natural- artificial and the animate-inanimate distinctions. Claudio CORRADETTI is a senior researcher in bioethics and political theory at the European Academy, Bolzano. He teaches also political philosophy at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Among his publications: Relativism and Human Rights. A Theory of Pluralistic Universalism, Springer, Dordrecht, 2009. v Gillian BARTLETT-ESQUILLANT is associate professor, department of family medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Anne SCHWENKENBECHER is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Australian National University, Canberra. Her current project is on collective obligations arising from climate change. She holds a PhD in Philosophy from Humboldt University, Berlin. Anne’s main research areas are applied ethics and political philosophy. Jacob BLAIR received a PhD in philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests are primarily in the ethics of warfare and self-defense. He is a faculty member (part-time) at California State University, Northridge and the City College of San Francisco. James GARRISON is a philosophy PhD candidate at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa where he studies comparative philosophy, aesthetics, social & political philosophy, and classical Chinese thought. He has presented at the American Society for Aesthetics, the International Congress of Aesthetics, the International Kant Congress, and the East-West Philosophers’ Conference. Lydia de TIENDA PALOP is doctor in Philosophy at the University of Valencia, Spain. Research interests are the Capabilities Approach, operationalization is- sues and especially vulnerable groups. Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics. Other publications: “La noción plural de Sujeto de Justicia. Un nuevo reto para la filosofía”, Daimon, 3, 2010; “Ethical, religious and legal arguments in the current debate over euthanasia in Spain”, Human Affairs, 18, 2, 2008; “Análisis del concepto de cooperación al desarrollo desde la perspectiva del enfoque de las capacidades de Amartya Sen”, Ética, ciudadanía y desarrollo, UPV, 2008. Leslie MABON is a postgraduate research student in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. His doctoral research looks at how ideas from environmental ethics might play out with stakeholders perhaps more hostile towards engagement in deliberation over environmental issues. Su-Chen LEE is a PhD candidate, graduate institute of philosophy, University of National Central, Taiwan. She is currently lecturing medical and nursing ethics at Department of Nursing , HungKuang University as a full time lecturer. Her current research focuses on philosophical aspects of medical bioethics, in particular the end of life decisions of terminal ill patients, and the moral issues about the dignity of life of dementia patients. Namrata JAJOO is Deputy Director at MGM Institute of Health Sciences (Management Studies) at Aurangabad, India. She has 8 years of experience in the Industry and 3 years in imparting Education. She has a keen interest in the areas of Marketing & Business