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The BG News April 18, 1988

Bowling Green State University

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Toledo Zoo 4.

Pandamonfam 5.

Baseball fever 6.

Fame, fortune, 6.

Hot dogs and more 7. STAFF.

Editors Jadl Kopp and Ron Fritz Copy editors Dennis Hocrtg, Jickl! Jackson, Carol Karbowlak, Jadl Kopp, and Stephanie Warner. Photographer Paul Vernon Writers ... Jeff Batdorf, Deborah Kennedy, Tim Maloney, and Jallc Wal- lace. rs, One Price! Buy a pair of regular prescription eyeglasses and a pair of COVER prescription sunglasses all at one km price! Choose from our wide variety of selected plastic frames with glass or scratch coated plastic lenses, round or flat top 25mm bifocals or tinted lenses. Oversize, high power, photochromatic and specialty bifocals and trifocals are priced slightly higher. Please note that eye examinations are priced separately and insurance prograVns cover Cover photo by Paul Vernon only one pair of glasses. $7988Single vision $H988Bifocals Special Thanks To: For Both Pairs For Both Pairs One day service for most prescriptions with experienced Opticians at your service. Bob Bortel, Jan Stabbs and the advertising staff, Hancy Kelson and the You must be comnietey satisfied or we wttJ return your money. production staff and especially PanI Vernon, Hark Thalman and Rob Up- ton. Panda graphic courtesy of the Toledo Zoo. Burlington Optical

1955 S. Reynolds 3153 W. Syrvania stSSS&ffiSL 382-2020 472-1113 -2533 ■ m Monday, April 18

New management reviews Portsidc By Jo He Wallace sen for both operations. The Webb Companies holds Its Although a new company will be main office In Lexington, Ky., but managing Portslde. no Immediate maintains a Toledo branch, Martin changes for the marketplace are said. planned, a company representative No company has been chosen yet to said. manage Hotel Sofltel, a Trustcorp Shari Martin, cooperate retail mar- official said. keting director of the Webb Com- Martin said before any changes are panies, the new management of Port- planned for Portslde, the marketplace side, said the marketplace Is being will be examined from many carefully studied before any changes different angles. are Implemented. "We have to look at all aspects of "We have Just taken over (at Port- the marketplace." she said. "Leasing, side), so we are evaluating and re- marketing and the management are viewing Portslde's systems. some examples." "It will be 20 to 30 days before a One Important feature that will be development program will be carefully studied, she said, Is the ten- created." Martin said. ant mix of the marketplace. A development program, Martin Tenant mix, she explained, Is the said, would spell out plans the com- types of stores In the marketplace. A pany has for Improving the opera- good tenant mix Is one that reaches tions of the marketplace. all types of customers, she said. Two weeks ago, George Halgh, Lois Welch, marketing director of president and chief executive officer Portslde, said the Portslde currently of Trustcorp, Inc., a Toledo firm that offers a "specialized" retail market. was the main flnancer of the market- "Our clientele want quality Items Photo by Pa*l Verson place, announced that both Portslde with that special touch," Welch said. Portslde. under new management, hopes to maintain the same variety of and Hotel Sofltel were suffering from "Our specialty merchants are defi- shops It has In the past. financial problems. nitely attempting to address a specific At a press conference, Halgh said market." formance of the current management make any changes, but we need to because of the problems, new man- To decide on possible changes for staff will also be evaluated. look at what Is being done and what agement companies were being cho- the marketplace, Martin said per- "If s not to say we are going to needs to be done," Martin said.

WEDNESDAY The Midweek "Gel over the Hump" Party 8:00 doors open — 2:30 closing Rush Hour till 9:00

THURSDAY "Ladies Night Out" ALL MALE REVIEW Doors open 7:00 for Ladies Only Show starts 8:00 — $3.00 admission. Men admitted alter 9:30 lor only $1 00 Ladies alter 9:00 admitted free! FRIDAY "Hot Shot Friday Night" Open til 4:00 a.m. Doors open 8:00 — Rush Hours Til 9:00

SATURDAY "The Electric Weekend" Open til 4:00am Doors Open 8:00 — Rush Hour til 9:00

SUNDAY College Relief Pitcher Night With Relief Pitchers Doors Open 8:00 and Close at 2:30

Dancing — Entertainment — Contests — Fun —"Prizes 1532 S. BYRNE The rundrinkery 382-1876 $w

Toledo catches 'Pandamanium'

By Deborah Kennedy the Chinese officials go as planned. Crowd* gather around to see a moun- TOLEDO — No one would "The rumors of the Michigan tain lion at the Toledo Zoo (above) have ever believed so much ex- State Fair having an agreement and the sea otter (left). With wanner citement could be had over two with the Chinese for pandas weather approaching, many student* black and white balls of fur, but with the same names as ours may trek to the zoo to aee the various for Toledoans the expected May are just that — rumors," Clark exhibits and displays. The long- arrival of two great pandas from said. "We really aren't too wor- awaited panda bears are expected to China has brought about a touch ried about the competition for arrive May 1S and stay for about 100 of "Pandamanium." visitors If Michigan receives days. One of the best zoos In the pandas as well. We believe our nation, the Toledo Zoo Is open year- This "Pandamanium" has visitors are from a different round except Christmas, Thanksgiv- workers at the Toledo Zoo busy geographic area and will stop ing and New Year's Day. building a new enclosure for the here before driving all the way bears and new entrance gates to to Detroit. Besides, we offer gor- provide for the expected In- illas and elephants and hippos crease in visitors during the as well." pandas 100-day stay at the zoo. An extra $2 for adults and $1 Photos by Paul The average number of visi- for children ages 2 to 11 will be tors to the zoo Is expected to In- charged to see the pandas. The Vernon crease from about 6,000 to money collected will fund panda 8,000 a day to 10,000 during conservation efforts in China. the panda exhibit. Zoo officials also plan to open Betsy Warner Clark. Toledo the park on Thursday evenings Zoo spokesperson, said the from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tor pandas are expected to arrive groups of 20 or more to view the May 15 if all negotiations with pandas. Monday. April 18 far.

Mud Hens have high '88 hopes

By Tim Maloaey

MAUMEE - The fleld at Lucas County Stadium was underwater two Thursdays ago, unplayable from a full day of rain. The stands and press box were empty —a lone field main- tenance worker was pushing a wheelbarrow out behind the left- centerfleld wall. The Mud Hens were In New York, Pasta fey Pas! Veraoa playing their season opener against Syracuse. Eric King, the 1986 rookie The seats at the Toledo Mud Hen's stadium are empty here, but with the advent of Mud Hen's season they wffl soon be of the year for the and filling. The stadium Is part of the Lucas County Recreation Center, which provides entertainment to baseball fans of all ages. now the Hens' ace, was the starting pitcher. The new manager has also been In King or one of his teammates took the major leagues. He Is Pat Corrales. the mound In Lucas County Stadium who started last season as the man- Baseball hall amuses cheaply last Thursday when the Hens played ager of the . He was By Thn Maloaey the Tidewater Tides In their home- fired when the Tribes' high hopes for opener. a pennant were dashed by a last- MAUMEE — Thomas Eakln has spent years adding uniforms, autogra- The team Is opening what Assistant place start. phed balls, bats and other baseball memorabilia to his personal collec- General Manager Jim Rohr thinks Is "When they (the Indians) let him tion. going to be a very good year. go, he said down at the winter meet- For one dollar, a visitor to the Baseball Hall of Fame can check out "We have experience, power, ings that he wanted to manage," Rohr what Eakln has accumulated. speed and pitching. Seven of our said. The Hall of Fame Is located adjacent to the front gate at the Lucas ballplayers have played in the major County Stadium, home of the Toledo Mud Hens. One might walk In be- leagues." See MUDHENS, page 7. fore or after a Hens' game and see the hat wore when the Big Red machine won the World Series or sit In an original bleacher seat from Cleveland Municipal Stadium. The Hall of Fame and Lucas County Stadium are about a 20-mlnute drive from Bowling Green. An easy route to take Is north on Route 25 to Food for thought. the Intersection with Route 24 In Maumee, where you should turn right. Trral yuumelf In ii M-rumptioun, (Irlighirul mral. Then turn left on Key Street and the stadium will be to the right. and all al aflordaldr prices. Real Seafood Company Toledo's SrafiMMl Ki-i.iiii.ini The Hottest Tim* in Bowling Green Portsidc Festival Murkt-iplarr II)H Y Summit. Tolrdo if in Toledo, Ohio (419) at Tony Packo's Cafe SPRING-SUMMER On Toledo's East Side. For the convenience ol the Bowling Green resident. IS HERE Open till midnight on weekdays, till 2:30 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. For the convenience ol those in Bowling Green. SWEATERS Serving Hungarian hot dogs and lots of other good things to eat and drink. SWEATS d .^■H RAVSAI K^sVtt ^MH W Live music on weekends. For the convenience ol our friends in Bowling Green. SLACKS 1 SKKTS ' KaP'ff**' SHORTS DRESSES

ACCESSOMES TOLEDO. OHIO and MUCH MORE Frank*, Part. Mai .'. . POftSMM Front & Consaul Streets Toledo, Ohio 43605 Monday, April 18

MUDHBMS Packo's 'dog'-gone fun Continued from p. 6 The Mud Hens will play 15 home games before the end of B JeffBatdorf Horvath said the recipe for the food T Into the restaurant to have hot dogs finals week Tickets are S4 for came from her mother and father and Stroh's beer,"she said. bos seats, S3 for reserved and "Where Man Bites Dog." Is the slo- who became Interested In the restau- Celebrity visitors have also made $2.50 for general admission. gan of the world-famous Tony Pack- rant business because of her grand- the restaurant famous across the Parking ts free. o's Cafe where athletes, movie stars, parents who were "excellent cooks" country. Burl Reynolds, Zsa Zsa Ga- Lucas County Stadium la and politicians have come to enjoy and who cooked a lot for their church bor, former President Jimmy Carter, about a 20-minute drive from the food; especially the hot dogs. functions. Walter Mondale. and boxer, Ray Bowling Green. You can get The business was started In 1932 Besides food, Tony Packo's offers "Boom Boom" Manclnl have all had a there by going north on Route by Tony and Rose Packo and has entertainment on Friday and Satur- bite of Tony Packo's cuisine. 25 unto you reach Route 24 in passed down through the family, ac- day nights by the Cakewalkln' Jazz Many celebrities have autographed Matrmre, where you should turn cording to Nancy Packo Horvath, Band who will be celebrating 20 hot dog buns which are displayed right. Then turn left on Key daughter of Tony Packo. years of performing at Tony Packo's along the walls of the restaurant. Street end the stadium win be on July 4, according to Horvath. Horvath said that they used to use on your right Home games start "It's a fun place to be." Horvath real hot dog buns, but (the buns) star- at 7 p.m. said. ted falling apart. Now the restaurant The Mud Hens offer promo- uses replicas of hot dog buns, made tions such as 25-cent night on A 1976 episode of M.A.S.H. spar- out of foam and paint. Reynolds was April 22. when hot dogs, Pepsi, ked immediate Interest in the restau- the first star to sign a bun back In rant when actor Jamie Fair talked pop corn and cotton candy all go 1972. for a quarter. about It and the hot dogs as the show was being broadcasted nationwide, A family run business, the Packo's "So the students could come according to Horvath. take care of all the marketing and up and get In for $2.50 and "(The reference) made us instantly, sales, public relations, cooking and bring another $2.50 and stuff nationally famous," she said. advertising, she said. Eventually the themselves," Rohr said. "It's a The name of the restaurant was family hopes to expand into national good evening's entertainment written Into six other scripts, Includ- supermarket and restaurant chains, and If s dose." ing the final episode. Horvath said but "I'll leave that decision up to my The Mud Hens play In the this helped to Increase business. son and brother," Horvath said. International Division of the Farr used the name of the restau- There are two places In the North- Triple-A Alliance League. rant In the first place because his west Ohio area where "Packoman- character. Maxwell Kllnger, was sup- lacs" can get their favorite food. One 'Triple-A Is the next step to posedly from Toledo. Farr simply In- location Is the original Tony Packo's the big leagues." Rohr said. "Ta- Photo by Paol Vcrnon corporated his experiences of grow- located In East Toledo. 1902 Front St. lent-wise, ft Is very close. Seven The world-famous Tony Packo's Cafe, ing up In Toledo Into the character. The second opened a few years ago In of our players have big-league located In Toledo, is known for Its hot Horvath said. the Toledo suburb of Sylvanla, and Is experience." dogs and other gourmet Items. "He and his friends would come located at 5827 Monroe St. THE ttllDUDESTS PRE1MERE ITALIAII RESTAURANT

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