Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-18-1988 The BG News April 18, 1988 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 18, 1988" (1988). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4794. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4794 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Toledo INSIDE Portside ....page 3. Toledo Zoo ....page 4. Pandamonfam ....page 5. Baseball fever ....page 6. Fame, fortune, baseball ....page 6. Hot dogs and more ....page 7. STAFF. Editors Jadl Kopp and Ron Fritz Copy editors Dennis Hocrtg, Jickl! Jackson, Carol Karbowlak, Jadl Kopp, and Stephanie Warner. Photographer Paul Vernon Writers ... Jeff Batdorf, Deborah Kennedy, Tim Maloney, and Jallc Wal- lace. rs, One Price! Buy a pair of regular prescription eyeglasses and a pair of COVER prescription sunglasses all at one km price! Choose from our wide variety of selected plastic frames with glass or scratch coated plastic lenses, round or flat top 25mm bifocals or tinted lenses. Oversize, high power, photochromatic and specialty bifocals and trifocals are priced slightly higher. Please note that eye examinations are priced separately and insurance prograVns cover Cover photo by Paul Vernon only one pair of glasses. $7988Single vision $H988Bifocals Special Thanks To: For Both Pairs For Both Pairs One day service for most prescriptions with experienced Opticians at your service. Bob Bortel, Jan Stabbs and the advertising staff, Hancy Kelson and the You must be comnietey satisfied or we wttJ return your money. production staff and especially PanI Vernon, Hark Thalman and Rob Up- ton. Panda graphic courtesy of the Toledo Zoo. Burlington Optical 1955 S. Reynolds 3153 W. Syrvania stSSS&ffiSL 382-2020 472-1113 -2533 ■ m Monday, April 18 New management reviews Portsidc By Jo He Wallace sen for both operations. The Webb Companies holds Its Although a new company will be main office In Lexington, Ky., but managing Portslde. no Immediate maintains a Toledo branch, Martin changes for the marketplace are said. planned, a company representative No company has been chosen yet to said. manage Hotel Sofltel, a Trustcorp Shari Martin, cooperate retail mar- official said. keting director of the Webb Com- Martin said before any changes are panies, the new management of Port- planned for Portslde, the marketplace side, said the marketplace Is being will be examined from many carefully studied before any changes different angles. are Implemented. "We have to look at all aspects of "We have Just taken over (at Port- the marketplace." she said. "Leasing, side), so we are evaluating and re- marketing and the management are viewing Portslde's systems. some examples." "It will be 20 to 30 days before a One Important feature that will be development program will be carefully studied, she said, Is the ten- created." Martin said. ant mix of the marketplace. A development program, Martin Tenant mix, she explained, Is the said, would spell out plans the com- types of stores In the marketplace. A pany has for Improving the opera- good tenant mix Is one that reaches tions of the marketplace. all types of customers, she said. Two weeks ago, George Halgh, Lois Welch, marketing director of president and chief executive officer Portslde, said the Portslde currently of Trustcorp, Inc., a Toledo firm that offers a "specialized" retail market. was the main flnancer of the market- "Our clientele want quality Items Photo by Pa*l Verson place, announced that both Portslde with that special touch," Welch said. Portslde. under new management, hopes to maintain the same variety of and Hotel Sofltel were suffering from "Our specialty merchants are defi- shops It has In the past. financial problems. nitely attempting to address a specific At a press conference, Halgh said market." formance of the current management make any changes, but we need to because of the problems, new man- To decide on possible changes for staff will also be evaluated. look at what Is being done and what agement companies were being cho- the marketplace, Martin said per- "If s not to say we are going to needs to be done," Martin said. WEDNESDAY The Midweek "Gel over the Hump" Party 8:00 doors open — 2:30 closing Rush Hour till 9:00 THURSDAY "Ladies Night Out" ALL MALE REVIEW Doors open 7:00 for Ladies Only Show starts 8:00 — $3.00 admission. Men admitted alter 9:30 lor only $1 00 Ladies alter 9:00 admitted free! FRIDAY "Hot Shot Friday Night" Open til 4:00 a.m. Doors open 8:00 — Rush Hours Til 9:00 SATURDAY "The Electric Weekend" Open til 4:00am Doors Open 8:00 — Rush Hour til 9:00 SUNDAY College Relief Pitcher Night With Relief Pitchers Doors Open 8:00 and Close at 2:30 Dancing — Entertainment — Contests — Fun —"Prizes 1532 S. BYRNE The rundrinkery 382-1876 $w <fo,\« '88 *&~m*fc* Variety is spice of Toledo Zoo By Deborah Keaaedy first Panda exhibit in the Midwest hlbli has proven to be Just as success- since 1950. ful. The display Is designed to en- Lions and tigers and bean. Oh mf! A fairly recent addition to the Zoo, courage Interaction through sight and Lions and tigers and bean. Oh my! the African Savanna provides a real- touch using microscopes, oscillos- TOLEDO — And seals, and ele- istic African setting In which to view copes, living animal displays and phants, and hippos, and monkeys... elephants, giraffes, rhinos and other animal skeletons. are Just a few of the animals to be animals from the continent. Both Though most of the Zoo's 750,000 seen at the Toledo Zoo. predators and prey share the savanna yearly visitors are families and school Spring Is here and the weather Is and are separated by hidden barriers children, Clark feels there Is a lot for perfect for a quick trip up the road to but appear to roam freely. college students to see and do at the one of the nation's best zoos. The "Hlppoquarium" Is the only park. The Zoo, which began as one one of It's kind In the United States. "It seems that no matter what a woodchuck In a cage In Wallbrldge person's age there Is something to In- Park, has grown to Include nearly 30 "It stems that no matter terest them at the Zoo. Everyone al- acres, 12 major buildings, and 2,000 what a person's age Is ways loves to come and see their animals of 400 different species. favorite animals," Clark explained. Betsy Warner Clark, spokesperson there to something to "The Zoo Is a great place to come for the Zoo, said the Interest created Interest them at the zoo. when to escape the dorms." by the one woodchuck convinced the Other attractions that University city to develop a park strictly for the Everyone always loves students may appreciate are the food, exhibition of wild animals. The city to come and see their botanical gardens and the summer retained ownership and operation of concert series In the amphitheatre. the Zoo until 1982 when the Toledo favorite animals." Concerts scheduled for this sum- Betsey Warner Clark, spoke- Zoological Society took over proprie- mer are Howie Mandell on June 4, torship. sperson, Toledo Zoo • Dan Fogelberg on July 20, and Gor- "Though (the zoo Is) considered one The exhibit allows visitors to observe don Lightfoot on Aug. 19. Clark said of the best In the nation I can't say the hippos underwater — an Impor- previous concerts at the Zoo have where we are ranked. Comparing tant feature since hippos spend most been a tremendous success. Chicago zoos Is a little like comparing apples of their days underwater. sold out last summer and Anne Mur- and oranges," Clark explained. "It The museum of natural sciences In- ray performed to a near capacity Just can't be done, there are too many cludes exhibits of Quetzelcoatalus crowd. Admission price Is $2.50 for factors to be considered." (the largest flying reptile), a pho- adults and $ 1 for children ages 2 to Some of the features the Toledo Zoo tographic history of the Zoo, and a 11. The Zoo Is open year round from offers are an African Savanna, "Hip- Health-Science display. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. except for Christmas, poquarium," museum of natural sci- Participatory exhibits have become New Year's and Thanksgiving days. ences, the Diversity of Life participa- Increasingly popular In the last cou- The park Is 30 minutes from Bowling tory exhibit, and coming soon, the ple years and the Diversity of Life ex- Green on Route 25. rll 18 e ^ Toledo catches 'Pandamanium' By Deborah Kennedy the Chinese officials go as planned. Crowd* gather around to see a moun- TOLEDO — No one would "The rumors of the Michigan tain lion at the Toledo Zoo (above) have ever believed so much ex- State Fair having an agreement and the sea otter (left). With wanner citement could be had over two with the Chinese for pandas weather approaching, many student* black and white balls of fur, but with the same names as ours may trek to the zoo to aee the various for Toledoans the expected May are just that — rumors," Clark exhibits and displays. The long- arrival of two great pandas from said.
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