Pocket Field Guide Ngr - Slender Naiad - Najas Gracillima 2

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Pocket Field Guide Ngr - Slender Naiad - Najas Gracillima 2 SAV species list eak ap e - Hornwort - Ceratophyllum demersum - Southern naiad - Najas guadalupensis es Ba Cd Ngd h y - - Callitriche sp. - - Najas minor C Cal Water starwort Nm Spiny naiad Egd - Brazilian waterweed - Egeria densa Px - Unknown pondweed - Potamogeton sp. Ex - Unknown waterweed - Elodea sp. Pc - Curly pondweed - Potamogeton crispus Ec - Common waterweed - Elodea canadensis Pe - Leafy pondweed - Potamogeton epihydrus En - Western waterweed - Elodea nuttallii Pi - Illinois pondweed - Potamogeton illinoensis SAV Hd - Water stargrass - Heteranthera dubia Pn - American pondweed - Potamogeton nodosus Hv - Hydrilla - Hydrilla verticillata Ppf - Redhead grass - Potamogeton perfoliatus Watchershe Mx - Unknown milfoil - Myriophyllum sp. Ppu - Slender pondweed - Potamogeton pusillus Mh - Low watermilfoil - Myriophyllum humile Rm - Widgeongrass - Ruppia maritima Ma - Parrot feather milfoil - Myriophyllum Sp - Sago pondweed - Stuckenia pectinata brasiliense/aquaticum Ut - Bladderwort - Utricularia Ms - Eurasian watermilfoil - Myriophyllum Va - Wild celery - Vallisneria americana spicatum Zm - Eelgrass - Zostera marina Nx - Unknown naiad - Najas sp. Zp - Horned pondweed - Zannichellia palustris 0ƃ - Northern naiad - >>ÃyiÝà U - Unknown species Pocket Field Guide Ngr - Slender naiad - Najas gracillima 2 Tier 1 monitoring parameters Hornwort Cd Ceratophyllum demersum Location: Freshwater tributaries Basic observer and site information General ID: Lacks true roots, but stems can grow up to 3 m long. Photo required (if present) Brittle, stiff leaves grow in whorls of SAV species 9 or 10. Whorls are denser toward the end of the stem. Leaves fork into i>À]y>ÌÃi}iÌðiÌiiÌ }ÀÜ on one side of the leaf margin. Similar morphology: Eurasian watermilfoil Fun facts: • Neither a dicot nor a eudicot, but is closely related to eudicots • Found in all 50 states • Most often found in slow-moving waters Oligohaline Order Ceratophyllales • Family Ceratophyllaceae 4 6 Sampling in the Chesapeake Bay Field packing list WV Tier 1 Tier 2 Salinity Zones MD & On-site reporting • Datasheets • Pencils Sampling Guidelines • Smartphone equipped with the • Dry erase marker Water Reporter app DC • Clipboard Oligohaline DE • SAV species guide • SAV species guide & • *ViÌwi`}Õ`i August and September Off-site reporting • Watch or clock • Paper • Camera VA • Pencil • GPS-enabled device Mesohaline • Watch or Clock • 8” Secchi disk with attached & • Camera Mid-July to mid-August • GPS-enabled device measuring tape • SAV species guide • Device to classify sediment • First aid kit Polyhaline Optional items 080Km & • Binoculars • Dry bag • Mask and snorkel • Life jacket May • Hand lens • Waterproof camera • Boat • Trash bag 080Mimap adapted from CBP 3 1 Hornwort Cd Tier 2 monitoring parameters Ceratophyllum demersum Basic observer and site information Sampling ranges Secchi depth Water depth Total SAV density Epiphytes SAV at surface 3 m Bottom sediment (10 ft) Photo Required (if present) SAV species Other macrophytes -Ƃ6yÜiÀÃ>`Ãii`à Long-range data Shoreline type 200 m Visible shoreline erosion (660 ft) Marine debris Oligohaline Other human impact Order Ceratophyllales • Family Ceratophyllaceae 7 5 Water starwort Cal Brazilian waterweed Egd Callitriche sp. Egeria densa Location: Fresh waters throughout Bay Location: Not common in the Bay; found in fresh waters General ID: Egg-shaped leaves are bright green and about 2 cm long and General ID: Forms thick mats at the up to 8 mm wide. Each joint of the stem surface of the water. Stems are highly >ÃÌÜi>ÛiÃ]Ü V >Þy>ÌÀ branched. Leaves form in whorls of four emerge above surface of the water. and are densest near the top of the stem. Leaves are dark or bright green, serrated, Similar morphology: Common long, and narrow (up to 2.5 cm long and waterweed ä°ÇxVÜ`i®°->Ü ÌiyÜiÀÃvÀ Fun facts: the spring and the fall. • Multiple species occur in the Bay; Similar morphology: Hydrilla, common C. stagnalis is shown at the left waterweed • Provides habitat for insects Fun facts: • Food source for ducks • Native to South America • Introduced to U.S. waters by aquarium owners emptying their aquaria in rivers and ponds Oligohaline Oligohaline Eudicot • Order Callitrichales • Family Callichtrichaceae Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae 8 10 Common waterweed Ec Western waterweed En Elodea canadensis Elodea nuttallii Location: Freshwater tributaries; Location: Fresh waters and upper occasionally in saltier waters where reaches of Bay tributaries freshwater springs are found General ID: Long, slender, branched General ID: Oval leaves grow directly stems grow up to 1 m long. Whorled on thin, branched stems (no leaf stalks). leaves grow directly on stems (in threes Leaves grow in whorls, with 3 per node. or fours) and are evenly spaced along Tips of leaves are blunt and margins stem. Leaves are short (up to 16 mm) >ÛiwiÌiiÌ °i>ÛiÃ>Ài`iÃiÃÌ and narrow. Leaves are pale green in toward stem tip. color. Flowers are white. Similar morphology: Hydrilla, western Similar morphology: Hydrilla, common and Brazilian waterweeds waterweed Fun facts: Fun facts: • Food source for beavers, muskrats, • Native to North America and ducks • Invasive in Europe and Asia • Can grow in deep or shallow waters • Habitat for invertebrates, small wà iÃ]>`>« L>à Oligohaline Oligohaline Monocot • Order Alistamatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae 12 14 Brazilian waterweed Egd Water starwort Cal Egeria densa Callitriche sp. Oligohaline Oligohaline Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae Eudicot • Order Callitrichales • Family Callichtrichaceae 11 9 Western waterweed En Common waterweed Ec Elodea nuttallii Elodea canadensis Oligohaline Oligohaline Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae Monocot • Order Alistamatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae 15 13 Water stargrass Hd Hydrilla Hv Heteranthera dubia Hydrilla verticillata Location: Freshwater tributaries Location: Fresh and brackish waters of General ID: Tall, somewhat bushy the Bay, in areas with muddy substrate plant with grass-like leaves that grow General ID: Stems are long and on branching stems. The bottom of branching. Leaves grow in whorls of each leaf wraps around the stem like a 3-5, and can be straight, lance shaped, sheath. Leaves are arranged alternately. or very small. Leaves are linear and 9iÜ]È«iÌ>i`yÜiÀÃ>Þ}ÀÜ serrated. Flowers are white and very above water in the summer. small. Similar morphology: Naiads Similar morphology: Common waterweed Fun facts: Fun facts: • Flowers only open above the surface of the water • Non-native in the Chesapeake Bay • There is also a terrestrial form of this • Can live in lower light conditions species than other SAV species • Food source for migratory birds Oligohaline Oligohaline Monocot • Order Commelinales • Family Pontederiaceae Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae 16 18 Low watermilfoil Mh Parrot feather milfoil Ma Myriophyllum humile Myriophyllum brasiliense (or aquaticum) Location: Freshwater coastal ponds, Location: Fresh waters of the Bay lakes, and reservoirs along shoreline General ID: Stems are stout, with General ID: Morphology is extremely i>ÛiÃVVÕÀÀ}Ü ÀÃvwÛi° >V variable depending on water level. side of the leaf has up to 25 hair-like i>ÛiÃ>ÀiÛiÀÞwi>`}ÀÜÃÕL protrusions that give it a feather-like oppositely or scattered along stems. appearance. Stems sometimes appear Each leaf has up to 20 hair-like reddish. segments (up to 10 per side) that Similar morphology: Eurasian make this plant appear fuzzy. watermilfoil Similar morphology: Eurasian Fun facts: watermilfoil • Can grow out of water and onto land Fun facts: • No male plants exist outside of South • Not common in Chesapeake Bay America • Native to the Amazon • Introduced to the U.S. in Washington, D.C. Oligohaline Oligohaline Eudicot • Order Saxifragales • Family Haloragaceae Eudicot • Order Saxifragales • Family Haloragaceae 20 22 Hydrilla Hv Water stargrass Hd Hydrilla verticillata Heteranthera dubia Oligohaline Oligohaline Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae Monocot • Order Commelinales • Family Pontederiaceae 19 17 Parrot feather milfoil Ma Low watermilfoil Myriophyllum brasiliense (or aquaticum) Myriophyllum humile Oligohaline Oligohaline Eudicot • Order Saxifragales • Family Haloragaceae Eudicot • Order Saxifragales • Family Haloragaceae 23 21 Eurasian watermilfoil Ms Northern naiad 0ƃ Myriophyllum spicatum >>ÃyiÝà Location: Widely distributed in fresh Location: Rivers and fresh and brackish and brackish waters of the Bay and its Bay waters, in areas with sandy tributaries substrate General ID: Delicate leaves resemble General ID: Narrow leaves are slightly feathers and grow in whorls of 4 broader at the base and grow up to (usually) or 5. Leaves are pinnate and 6 mm long. Leaves are opposite or in lose their shape when removed from whorls, and curve out from the stem. the water. In the summer, reddish Stem is slender and branching. yÜiÀÃ}ÀÜëiÃ>LÛiÌ iÜ>ÌiÀ° Similar morphology: Slender, Similar morphology: Parrot feather Mesohaline southern, and spiny naiads milfoil, hornwort Fun facts: Fun facts: • Also known as the “nodding • Is an introduced species in the Bay waternymph” • Provides habitat for insects and • Sensitive to pollution aquatic species • Food source for water birds Oligohaline Oligohaline Eudicot • Order Saxifragales • Family Haloragaceae Monocot • Order Alismatales • Family Hydrocharitaceae 24 26 Slender naiad Ngr Southern naiad Ngd Najas gracillima Najas
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