Population genetic structure and phylogeography of invasive aquatic weed, canadensis () and comparative analyses with E. nuttallii

Tea Huotari

Department of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

University of Helsinki Finland

academic dissertation

To be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Helsinki, for public criticism in Auditorium 1041, Biocenter 2 (Viikinkaari 5, Helsinki), on October 5th, 2012, at 12 noon. helsinki 2012 Supervised by: Dr Helena Korpelainen Department of Agricultural Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr Elina Leskinen Department of Environmental Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Reviewed by: Dr Jouni Aspi Department of Biology University of Oulu, Finland

Dr Alain Vanderpoorten Department of Life Sciences University of Liége, Belgium

Examined by: Prof. Katri Kärkkäinen The Finnish Forest Research Institute Oulu, Finland

Custos: Prof. Teemu Teeri Department of Agricultural Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

© Wiley (Chapter I) © Springer (Chapter II) © Elsevier (Chapter III) © Authors (Chapter IV)

© Hanne Huotari (Layout)

isbn 978-952-10-8258-0 (paperback) isbn 978-952-10-8259-7 (pdf)

Yliopistopaino Helsinki, Finland 2012 Äidille List of original publications

this thesis is based on the following publications and a manuscript, which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals:

I Huotari, T., Korpelainen, H. and Kostamo, K. 2010. Development of microsatellite markers for the clonal water weed (Hydrocharitaceae) using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. – Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 576–579.

II Huotari, T., Korpelainen, H., Leskinen, E. and Kostamo, K. 2011. Population genetics of invasive water weed Elodea canadensis in Finnish waterways. – Systematics and Evolution 294: 27–37.

III Huotari, T. and Korpelainen, H. 2012. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Elodea canadensis and comparative analyses with other monocot genomes. – Gene 508: 96–105.

IV Huotari, T. and Korpelainen, H. 2012. Comparative analyses of plastid sequences between native and introduced populations of aquatic weeds Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii. – Submitted.


the following table shows the major contributions of authors to the original articles or manuscripts.

I II III IV Original idea HK, KK HK, KK TH, HK TH, HK Field work TH, KK TH,KK TH TH Molecular data TH TH TH TH Data analyses TH TH TH TH Manuscript preparation TH, HK, KK TH, HK, KK, EL TH, HK TH, HK

TH = Tea Huotari, HK = Helena Korpelainen, KK = Kirsi Kostamo, EL = Elina Leskinen Contents

Abstract 6 1 Introduction 7 1.1 From non-indigenous to invasive 7 1.2 invasions to fresh water environments 9 1.3 Genetics of invasive species 9 1.4 Genus Elodea 11 1.5 Aims of the study 12 2 Material and methods 14 2.1 Sampling and populations studied 14 2.2 Microsatellite marker development and analyses of population 14 genetic structure 2.3 Chloroplast genome organization and phylogeographic analyses 17 3 Main results and discussion 19 3.1 Genetic structure of the introduced Elodea canadensis populations 19 in Finland 3.2 Chloroplast genome organization of Elodea canadensis and 21 other monocots 3.3 Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii 24 3.3.1 Level of chloroplast DNA variation between native and 24 introduced Elodea canadensis populations 3.3.2 Level of chloroplast DNA variation between Elodea canadensis 24 and E.nuttallii 3.3.3 Geographical distribution of cpDNA haplotypes 24 4 Conclusions and future perspectives 26 5 Acknowledgements 28 6 References 29

Substudy I 37 Substudy II 45 Substudy III 59 Substudy IV 75 Abstract

the introductions of invasive species are one of E. nuttallii in order to reconstruct the spreading the most important threats to global biodiversity histories of these species. Only a single haplotype and ecosystem function. In addition to severe en- was found in the introduced range in both spe- vironmental impacts, invasive species often cause cies and these haplotypes were widespread also large economical and social consequences. Genet- in the native range. Therefore, I was not able to ic characteristics of introduced populations have identify either the geographic origin of the intro- an impact on their capacity of range expansion duced populations or test the hypothesis of single in the non-native areas. Therefore, understand- versus multiple introductions. Moreover, the low ing the evolutionary consequences of invasions level of cpDNA variation detected in the intro- will provide knowledge for the design of appro- duced range further supports one introduction priate methods for managing introduced popula- event to Finland. tions. In addition, detailed genetic data enables I sequenced the complete cp genome sequence the design of molecular genetic markers useful in of E. canadensis, characterized the cp genome or- monitoring risky species and in early detection of ganization of this basal monocot, and evaluated new invasions. the level of similarity among monocot cp genom- In this thesis, I developed novel genetic mark- es. The results showed that the cp genome of E. ers to investigate population genetic structure and canadensis has gone through less rearrangements phylogeography of two invasive aquatic weeds, or gene losses when compared to assumed ances- Elodea canadensis Michx and E. nuttallii (Planch.) tral species than have the other monocots studied. St. John (Hydrocharitaceae). Furthermore, these The inverted repeat region (IR) ofE. canadensis markers offer a valuable tool in species identifica- has a unique structure among the monocot spe- tion, as both E. canadensis and E. nuttallii show a cies studied so far. Only few cp genomes repre- wide range of morphological variation and, there- senting early lineages of monocots have been fore, are difficult to discriminate. sequenced and, therefore, this thesis provides I investigated the genetic population struc- valuable information about the course of evolu- ture of introduced Finnish E. canadensis popu- tion in the divergence of monocot lineages. lations using microsatellite markers. The results This thesis addresses key issues in the biology revealed a moderate level of variation within and of invasive species and gives novel information among Finnish populations analysed. This re- on the population genetics of Elodea species, and sult indicates that E. canadensis could have been on the genetic patterns at native and introduced introduced to Finland more than once, consid- ranges of E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. It also ering the asexual reproduction mode and recent provides a source of genetic markers for future introduction of this species. However, the pos- investigations of the population genetics of in- sibility of only one introduction followed by vasive species. The results highlight the need for post-establishment evolution cannot be rejected further investigation of the Elodea species, as well based on the results in this thesis. Furthermore, as studies on other invasive plant species. Future I surveyed the geographical distribution of the research should focus on predictive analyses of chloroplast (cp) DNA haplotypes within the na- potential future invaders and other preventive tive and introduced ranges of E. canadensis and methods to minimize new introductions.

6 1 Introduction

non-indigenous species (NIS) are species distrib- they must survive and reproduce within the non- uted outside their historic and native range. Dis- native range in order to establish. 3) Once es- persal of NIS may occur either intentionally or tablished, the species must increase in number accidentally, both being promoted by many hu- and expand its geographic range. In the follow- man activities, such as agriculture, aquaculture, ing chapter, I will demonstrate these phases more recreation and transportation (Kolar & Lodge thoroughly. 2001). Currently, the rate of invasions by and other organisms is accelerating (Mack et al. 1.1 From non-indigenous to invasive 2000; Levine & D´Antonio 2003; Lockwood et al. One of the most important life history processes 2008), and warming climate will further increase for invasive species is dispersal. All species pos- the probability of invasions, especially in boreal sess a life history stage adapted to dispersal, such regions, where the northern range limit is typi- as spore, , egg, larva or mature organism. cally determined by minimum winter tempera- Furthermore, the most successful invaders com- tures (Heino et al. 2009). Only a small fraction bine effective mechanisms of natural and human- of NIS is able to spread widely and become in- assisted dispersal (Cox 2004). Successful invaders vasive (Williamson & Fitter 1996). Nevertheless, often share characteristics, which help them to together with habitat loss and fragmentation, the overcome several barriers they face in order to introductions of invasive species are one of the disperse into new areas, such as geographical bar- most important threats to global biodiversity and riers, severe abiotic conditions, biotic interactions ecosystem function (Walker & Steffen 1997; Wil- and landscape factors (Prentis et al. 2008; Heik- cove et al. 1998; Sala et al. 2000). In addition to kinen et al. 2009). These characteristics include, severe environmental impacts (Vitousek 1990; e.g., long lasting life cycle stages, wide tolerance Vitousek et al. 1997), invasive species often cause capability, and active and passive transportation large economical and social consequences (Sakai ability (Heikkinen et al. 2009). et al. 2001; Cox 2004). Invasive species are, no In addition to effective dispersal ability, suc- doubt, a threat, but they also offer significant op- cessful invaders must be adapted to rapid estab- portunities to study basic processes in population lishment in new environments, as only 10% of biology. The consequences of biological invasions NIS is able to establish, survive and reproduce in allow studies of basic evolutionary processes, as the invaded ecosystem (Kolar & Lodge 2001). For invaders often evolve rapidly in response to novel this purpose, they need to possess mechanisms abiotic and biotic conditions, and native species for quickly capturing the resources required for evolve in response to the invasion (Sakai et al. growth and reproduction (Cox 2004). One ad- 2001). vantage for an exotic species in a novel environ- In order to become invasive, a species must ment is clonality, as one sex can start to reproduce go through three phases (Fig 1.) (Heger & Trepl and spread immediately after the introduction 2003; Williamson 2006; Lockwood et al. 2008). (Pyšek 1997). In fact, there is evidence of a posi- 1) Individuals of the species must have dispersed tive relationship between plant invasiveness and naturally or human-assisted from their native the occurrence of vegetative reproduction (Kolar range to a new area. 2) After the introduction, & Lodge 2001). There are several examples of

7 Figure 1 Steps and stages a non-indigenous species passes in order to become invasive. a) One haplotype may be more invasive than others or arrive earlier into a novel environment, thus having an advantage in the competition at the introduced area. b) One haplotype may have larger propagule pressure due to multiple introductions or higher number of individuals released and, therefore, become more successful at the introduced area. Each colour represents one haplotype of the same species.

mainly asexually reproducing aquatic plant spe- Once established, a species must increase in cies, in which only one sex has been introduced, number and spread in order to become invasive. yet the species has managed to spread success- A species can be considered invasive in one loca- fully (Philbrick & Les 1996; Sakai et al. 2001). tion but not in another (Lockwood et al. 2008). In general, the probability of establishment in- Therefore, in order to minimise new introduc- creases with increasing propagule pressure. Prop- tions of invasive species, the most effective man- agule pressure is a combination of the number agement efforts are the predictive and preventive of individuals released at a release event (prop- actions (Ricciardi & Rasmussen 1998). It has been agule size) and the number of discrete release suggested that effects of many invasive species events (propagule number) in a non-native region have an acute phase, right after the introduction, (Lockwood et al. 2005; Simberloff 2009). followed by a chronic phase after ecological and

8 evolutionary processes have passed, which repre- tionary phenomena, such as founder effect, ge- sents the eventual outcome of the invasion. How- netic drift, hybridization and adaptation to new ever, even the acute phase might last long enough environments (Lee 2002; Frankham et al. 2003). to have serious ecological and economic conse- These factors may result in rapid genetic chang- quences (Strayer et al. 2006). es causing genetic differentiation between native and introduced populations (Lee 2002; Müller- 1.2 Aquatic plant invasions to Schärer et al. 2004; Bossdorf et al. 2005). fresh water environment Genetic characteristics of introduced popula- Among all habitat types, freshwater systems are tions have an impact on their capacity of range particularly sensitive to invasions (Shea & Ches- expansion in the non-native areas (Tsutsui et al. son 2002). Reasons for this are that aquatic en- 2000; Lee 2002). Genetic diversity of introduced vironments are homogeneous on a large spatial populations may be reduced due to founder ef- scale, which makes it possible for aquatic plants fect, which is the loss of genetic variation that oc- to survive and establish more easily outside their curs when a new population is established by a native geographic range. Aquatic environments small number of individuals from a larger popu- are also difficult to monitor, and an early detec- lation (Nei et al. 1975; Lee 2002; Frankham et al. tion of introduction of a submerged species is 2003). Lower genetic diversity may further reduce seldom possible. In addition, water is a very ef- the capacity to adapt to novel conditions (Sakai fective vector of propagules, and and veg- 2001; Lee 2002). Reduced genetic diversity can etative fragments are easily dispersed over long have additional consequences, such as inbreed- distances (Barrett et al. 1993; Santamaria 2002; ing depression, which may limit the production Larson 2007). Over all, aquatic environment is of propagules and population growth (Ellstrand & complex, several factors influence at different lev- Elam 1993). In small populations, also stochastic els and times and, therefore, predicting possible processes, such as genetic drift, take place more invaders and their impacts is difficult. easily. On the other hand, genetic diversity may Among aquatic plant species, the main trans- increase by multiple introductions providing new port vectors are shipping, including ballast water genotypes (Frankham 2005), which may create transport, transport of ornamental plants, fish- additional variation by recombination in sexually ing gear and aquaculture (aquarium trade), and reproducing populations (Ellstrand & Schieren- unintentional release or escapes (Lockwood et beck 2006). al. 2008). Most aquatic plant species introduced After introduction, differentiation among in- from outside their native range do not become troduced populations may be caused by somatic invasive. Those that are able to establish and mutations. The level of molecular divergence due spread, have a potential to cause large changes in to novel mutations may differ among popula- aquatic ecosystems at both ecosystem and popu- tions, partly because novel mutations may occur lation level. Mass occurrences of aquatic weeds in response to stressful environmental conditions may affect native plant species by competition or (McClintock 1983; Gill et al. 1995). Invasion may habitat alteration as well as block waterways, alter also lead to spatial sorting, where alleles that fa- hydrological cycling, and change such basic fresh cilitate the highest rate of dispersal accumulate at water ecosystem functions like nutrient cycling the expanding range edge even in the absence of (Gordon 1998; Cox 2004; Strayer et al. 2006). conventional natural selection (Shine et al. 2011). Genetic variability in non-indigenous popula- 1.3 Genetic consequences tions is also affected by the breeding system of the of invasions species (Sakai et al. 2001; Silvertown & Charles- Plant invasions may involve a number of evolu- worth 2001). Furthermore, asexual reproduction

9 can complicate interpretations of genetic diversity such as non-amplifying alleles, problems in allele estimates because multiple plants derived from scoring and DNA sample quality, may introduce asexual reproduction have identical genotypes bias to the inferences based on the SSR markers (Barret et al. 1993). (Bonin et al. 2004; Pompanon et al. 2005). In order to control the dispersal and effects of Several studies have successfully utilized invasive species, it is important to know the ori- chloroplast (cp) DNA diversity when reveal- gin of invasive taxa, the size of the introduction, ing spreading routes and possible sources of in- the level of genetic variation compared to the na- troductions on invasive species (e.g. McIvor et tive range, and whether multiple introductions al. 2001; Saltonstall 2002; Trewick et al. 2004; have occurred. These questions can be answered Gaskin et al. 2005; Williams et al. 2005; Huf- by using molecular genetic techniques (Schaal et bauer & Sforza 2008; Pock Tsy et al. 2009). The al. 2003; Bossdorf et al. 2005; Hufbauer & Sforza gene order and content of cp genomes are gener- 2008; Ward et al. 2008). Molecular genetic mark- ally highly conserved and the substitution rate in ers provide a simple way to estimate allele fre- cpDNA is much lower than that in nuclear DNA quencies, genetic diversity and genetic distances in plants (Wolfe et al. 1987; Korpelainen 2004). between populations (Avise 2004). Molecular Chloroplasts are usually inherited maternally methods can provide important information for and transmitted only through seeds, and hence, predicting population responses to management cpDNA has less potential for gene flow than nu- and preventing new invasions, for tracking intro- clear genes, which are spread also by pollen dis- duction routes and solving the mechanisms of lo- persal. Also, the effective population size Ne of cal dispersal and adaptation (Ward et al. 2008). In plastids is only one quarter of the value for nucle- recent years, the number of genetic markers avail- ar genes (Charlesworth 2009). Consequently, the able for evolutionary studies has increased due to genetic variation of the cp genome is often more improvements in the efficiency, cost and accuracy geographically structured than that of the nuclear of high-throughput sequencing technologies. In genome, making chloroplasts valuable sources of the following, I introduce the properties of the genetic markers for intraspecific phylogeograph- genetic markers used in this thesis. ic analyses (Soltis et al. 1997; Provan et al. 2001; Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats Raubeson et al. 2007; Ravi et al. 2008). (SSRs) are DNA sequences consisting of short On the other hand, the lack of informative (1–6 bp) tandemly repeated motifs assumed to loci has been limiting the use of cpDNA in phy- be randomly distributed throughout the nucle- logenetic and phylogoegraphic analyses (Schaal ar, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA (Gold- et al. 1998; Thiebaut & Di Nino 2009). Although stein & Schlötterer 1999; Zane et al. 2002). They several informative cpDNA loci have been dis- usually represent selectively neutral markers, covered and exploited since the pioneering work which often show high levels of length poly- in 1991 (Taberlet et al. 1991), many variable loci morphism, thus enabling fine-scale popula- remain undetected. Shaw et al. (2005; 2007) sug- tion genetic studies (Goldstein & Schlötterer gested that the widely used non-coding areas of 1999; Hedrick 1999; Ellegren 2004). SSRs have cp genome might actually be among the least vari- been successfully used to analyse the genetic able, while the most variable regions are rarely diversity of native and introduced populations, to exploited. The number of completely sequenced detect recent bottlenecks (Meimberg et al. 2006) cp genomes is growing rapidly (Ravi et al. 2008), and to reveal the introduction history of many and lower sequencing costs enable genome-wide invasive plant species, (e.g. Walker et al. 2003; intraspecific comparative studies, which aid in Durka et al. 2005; Williams et al. 2005; Besnard detecting the most informative genomic regions et al. 2007). As a downside, technical problems, for further analyses. There are also risks in rely-

10 ing exclusively on organelle DNA, considering the dispersal (Cook & Urmi-König 1985; Galera & frequency of chloroplast capture, where the cyto- Sudnik-Wójcikowska 2010). plasm of one species is replaced by that of another Elodea canadensis was introduced to Finland species through hybridization or introgression, in 1884 to be displayed at the Botanical Garden and which has been reported to occur in natural of the University of Helsinki (Hintikka 1917). Af- ecosystems (Riesenberg & Soltis 1991; Fehrer et ter the introduction some individuals were inten- al. 2007). On the other hand, cpDNA markers are tionally planted and some escaped into the envi- required in order to understand the evolution- ronment, after which they rapidly spread across ary history of the uniparental organelles and to the country. At present, E. canadensis is common distinguish maternal and paternal lineages in hy- in the Southern and Central Finland and has late- bridizations (Yuan & Olmstead 2008). ly invaded many lakes in the Kuusamo district in the Northeastern Finland. Since the first intro- 1.4 Genus Elodea duction, it has been argued whether the whole Elodea (Hydrocharitaceae) is a New World ge- Finnish population originates from this first in- nus with at least five submerged aquatic angio- troduction event. sperm species living in fresh water environments. Both Elodea species have attracted great at- Elodea canadensis Michx, E. nuttallii (Planch.) tention due to their invasive nature in the non- St. John and E. bifoliata are native to temperate native range (Cook & Urmi-König 1985; Bowmer , while E. and E. cal- et al. 1995). They form dense stands, which may litrichoides are native to South America (Cook & change the balance of lake and river ecosystems Urmi-König 1985). Of the species native to North by outcompeting native species and by chang- America, E. canadensis and E. nuttallii have been ing the pH and nutrient levels, as well as by re- introduced to several other continents (Cook & ducing the oxygen concentration of the water Urmi-König 1985; Bowmer et al. 1995). Elodea column. In addition, mass occurrences of Elo- canadensis was brought to in 1836, first dea can make the recreational use of lakes diffi- to the United Kingdom (Sculthorpe 1967), and cult (Simpson 1984; Bowmer et al. 1995; Sarvala at present it is widespread in the whole Europe. It 2005). After rapid dispersal in Europe, there was was introduced to New Zealand in 1868 (Chap- a subsequent decline of E. canadensis in several man 1970), to Australia in 1931 (Aston 1973), locations, but new invasions are occurring at least and it has been considered a noxious weed also in its northern distribution limit (Heikkinen et al. in many regions of and (Bowmer et 2009; S. Hellsten 2012, pers. comm., 31 Sep.). In al. 1995). was first reported in several European locations, E. nuttallii has been Europe in 1939, in Belgium (Simpson 1984). It reported to displace already well-established E. has not yet been found in the northernmost Eu- canadensis populations by its faster growth rate rope, but it is likely to spread to new areas with a (Simpson 1990; Barrat-Segretain & Arnaud 2004). high risk of being invasive (Simpson 1984; Larson In both native and introduced Elodea popula- 2007). Elodea nuttallii was introduced to Japan in tions, males and females are rarely found in the 1961 (Kadono 2004) and to China in 1980 (Xu et same population (Cook & Urmi-König 1985), and al. 2007), while it has not yet been found in Aus- the dominating mode of reproduction is vegeta- tralia or New Zealand. Both Elodea species were tive by way of fragmentation or specialized buds reputedly brought to Europe as aquarium plants (Bowmer et al. 1984; Les 1988). Both E. canaden- or with timber (Cook & Urmi-König 1985). Once sis and E. nuttallii have a branching stem up to in Europe, water currents and birds have spread three meters long. Both species have oblong these plants locally, while botanists and botanic stalk-less in whorls of three. The leaves of gardens were responsible for their long distance E. nuttallii are often strongly recurved and typi-

11 cally narrow with sharp tips (Fig. 2), whereas the structure and spreading history of two invasive leaves of E. canadensis are typically broader with water weeds, Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii, blunt tips (Fig. 3) (Cook & Urmi-König 1985). as well as to contribute to the general understand- Both species show a wide range of morphologi- ing of evolutionary consequences of invasions. cal variation, which makes the species identifi- Introductions of invasive species have occurred cation difficult (Simpson 1984; 1988; Vander- recurrently throughout the history, but still the poorten et al. 2000; Thiébaut & Di Nino 2009). genetic consequences of range expansions have No specific molecular markers have been former- been little investigated (Excoffier et al. 2009). This ly available for Elodea which has impeded popula- knowledge is needed for the design of appropriate tion level analyses. Previously, introduced popu- methods for managing introduced populations as lations of E. canadensis have been surveyed using well as for preventing new invasions and tracking AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) introduction routes. A further aim is to develop markers (Vanderpoorten 2000; Lambertini et al. novel molecular markers for population level, 2010). phylogeographic and phylogenetic research, and reliable tools for species identification between 1.5 Aims of the study Elodea species. The research is composed of four The general objective of this study is to increase interlinked substudies, hereafter referred to by knowledge of the genetic diversity, population their Roman numerals I–IV.

Figure 2 Fragments of Elodea nuttallii. The leaves are in whorls of three, often strongly recurved and typically narrow with sharp tips.

12 Figure 3 Fragments of Elodea canadensis. The leaves are in whorls of three, typically slightly boarder than in E. nuttallii with blunt tips.

In the substudy I, I developed and tested ten roplast genome organization of this basal mono- polymorphic and presumably neutral microsatel- cot, and evaluated the level of similarity among lite markers (SSR) for Elodea canadensis. The ob- monocot chloroplast genomes. The aim of the jectives of the substudy II were to clarify the dis- substudy IV was to examine the level of variation persal history of E. canadensis to Finland and to in the plastid sequence in native and introduced analyze the genetic population structure of Finn- populations of E. canadensis and E. nuttallii, and ish E. canadensis populations using the SSR mark- to survey the geographical distribution of cpDNA ers developed in the substudy I. In the substudy haplotypes in order to reconstruct the spreading III, I sequenced the complete chloroplast genome histories of E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. sequence of E. canadensis, characterized the chlo-

13 2 Material and methods

2.1. Sampling and sis in Finland (II). Primer design, PCR reactions populations studied and genotyping are described in more detail in The plant material collected covers widely the na- papers I and II. tive and introduced distributions of E. canadensis The genetic characteristics estimated of the and E. nuttallii. Samples for population genetic introduced Finnish E. canadensis populations in- analyses (II) were collected from seven intro- clude the observed (HO) and expected (HE) het- duced E. canadensis populations in Finland (n = erozygosities, the mean number of alleles (A) and

183) (Fig. 4). Plant materials for the cp genome the level of inbreeding (FIS, Weir & Cockerham sequencing (III) were collected from native popu- 1984) (II). Genetic differentiation was calculated lation in Sucker Creek in Minnesota United States using an allele frequency estimator (FST) and an of America, and from introduced population in estimator taking into account the contribution of

Ditch Nurmijärvenoja in Southern Finland (Fig. stepwise mutations (RST). In addition, the mean

5). Samples for the phylogeographic analyses (IV) genetic diversity (HS, Nei et al. 1975) over loci was were collected from seven native and 17 intro- calculated in the Finnish populations (II). I iden- duced E. canadensis populations (n = 61), and 10 tified all specimens sharing an identical multilo- native and three introduced E. nuttallii popula- cus genotype (MLG), and calculated the PSEX val- tions (n = 13) (Fig. 5). In addition, herbarium ues (probability that two individuals would share specimens representing nine E. canadensis (n = the same MLG by chance) for all MLGs found 9) and 12 E. nuttallii (n = 12) populations from more than once in each population (II). One copy

North America were obtained from herbarium of each MLG with a significant PSEX value was re- collections (Fig. 5). Sampling of all populations is tained for further analyses. If duplicated MLGs described in more detail in papers II, III and IV. are simply removed from the analyses of clonal populations, rare alleles may be overrepresented 2.1. Microsatellite marker and common alleles underrepresented in the data, development and analyses of population genetic structure as common alleles may occur by chance and form identical genotypes (Ivey & Richards 2001). I developed ten polymorphic microsatellite mark- The distribution of genetic variation in intro- ers for E. canadensis. The microsatellite loci were duced populations was examined using the analysis discovered using genomic screening with inter- of molecular variance (AMOVA) (II). In order simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers (Kor- to determine the number and distribution of pelainen et al. 2007) to locate genomic areas with genetic clusters in the Finnish data set, and to a high microsatellite frequency. Specific primers reveal the number of distinct introductions of were designed for both sides of the microsatellites E. canadensis to Finland, a Bayesian analysis detected within the sequenced ISSR amplification of population structure was performed using products (I). These markers were used to analyze STRUCTURE 2.2 (Pritchard et al. 2000) (II). samples collected from the Finnish E. canadensis Levels of differentiation among introducedE. populations (Fig. 4), in order to investigate the canadensis populations were studied with an as- genetic characteristics of introduced populations signment test with a Bayesian-based approach and to clarify the dispersal history of E. canaden- (Rannala & Mountain 1997) using GENECLASS2

14 Figure 4 The main distribution area of Elodea canadensis in Finland, and the sampling locations for the population genetic analyses. Pies represent the Bayesian estimates of population structure in these introduced populations based on ten microsatellite markers. Two colours represents the two clusters (A and B) formed in the analysis (K = 2).

(Piry et al. 2004) (II). formed geographical distances (km) between all To reveal if the amount of genetic differenc- introduced populations and separately between es increases with geographic distance, we tested the five populations located Southern Finland. the isolation by distance by regressing pairwise Significances were tested by a Mantel test with

FST / (1-FST) (Rousset 1997) against the log-trans- 10000 randomizations conducted using Isolation

15 Figure 5 Sampling locations for the phylogeographic analysis and geographical distribution of cpDNA haplotypes of Elodea canadensis (circles) and E. nuttallii (triangles). Arrows indicate populations where the plant materials for the chloroplast DNA extraction were collected. a) Sampled populations in the native range in the North America. b) Sampled populations in the introduced range in Europe, New Zealand and Australia. c) Haplotype network showing the relationships among chloroplast DNA haplotypes in E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. (For details, see Fig. 4 in IV)

16 by Distance web service (Jensen et al. 2005). es of 81 chloroplast genes from 17 monocot taxa with Amborella trichopoda as an outgroup. Sep- 2.2. Chloroplast genome organization arate analyses were performed for the unparti- and phylogeographic analyses tioned data set of 81 genes and for the data set I sequenced the whole cp genome of E. canaden- divided into 81 partitions (III). sis from plant material collected from the intro- In order to detect variable sites between na- duced range (hereafter FIN) (Fig. 6). I was also tive and introduced E. canadensis individuals, the able to sequence the majority (86.1%) of the cp contigs of USA and FIN cp genome sequencings genome of plant material collected from the na- were compared using Gap4 (Staden et al. 2003). tive range (hereafter USA). Both cp genomes were Altogether, 29 specific primer pairs were devel- sequenced with 454 FLX pyrosequencer (Roche oped for the flanking sequence outside the most Applied Science). Extraction of cpDNA and the variable regions between these plastid sequences sequencing of cp genomes are described in more (Fig. 6). These cpDNA markers comprised 11,464 detail in paper III. Chloroplast-related contigs bp and contained 78 SNPs, 24 indels and two in- obtained from both of the pyrosequencings were versions (IV). All these primers were found to identified by performing a database search using work well for amplifying the cpDNA of E. nuttal- the BLAST algorithm at the National Center for lii as well. These markers were used to compare Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and by align- the level of variation in plastid sequence within E. ing with reference cp genomes of other species. canadensis and between E. canadensis and E. nut- Both cp genomes were annotated using DOGMA tallii. PCR reactions are described in more detail (Dual Organellar GenoMe Annotator, Wyman et in paper IV. al. 2004) (III, IV). Nine potentially highly variable cpDNA mark- The organization of E. canadensis FIN cp ge- ers comprising 4072 bp (Fig. 6) were used for phy- nome was compared with other monocot chloro- logeographic analyses. These regions were cho- plasts using Advanced PipMaker (Schwartz et al. sen to represent both coding and non-coding cp 2000). Monocot cp genomes were also screened genome regions, and to contain SNP-, SSR- and for the SSR content using Msatcommader 0.8.2 indel-variation based on the initial comparison (Faircloth 2008) and for the number of repeats between the two E. canadensis plastid sequenc- using REPuter (Kurtz et al. 2001) (III). In order to es USA and FIN. The geographical distributions estimate the phylogenetic relationships of early- of the cpDNA haplotypes were analyzed in na- diverging monocots, two phylogenetic analyses tive and introduced ranges of E. canadensis and were performed by Bayesian inference (BI) using E.nuttallii. Haplotype networks from the se- MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003). quence data were constructed using the network These analyses were based on the DNA sequenc- building software TCS 1.2.1 (Clement et al. 2000).

17 Figure 6 Gene organization of the Elodea canadensis chloroplast genome. Genes shown inside the circle are transcribed clockwise, while those located outside are transcribed counterclockwise. The 29 cpDNA markers developed for variable regions are indicated with red and green colours. The nine markers used in the phylogeographic analysis are indicated with green colour.

18 3 Main results and discussion

3.1 Genetic characteristics of the (p < 0.05), indicating a common clonal ancestry. introduced Elodea canadensis populations in Finland The high genotypic diversity detected indicates surprisingly high levels of genetic variation with- Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers devel- in introduced populations of E. canadensis, albeit oped (I) in order to explore the genetic charac- it is known that the fast mutation rate in micro- teristics of native and introduced populations of satellite markers may even compromise their ap- E. canadensis revealed adequate levels of poly- plication in evolutionary studies (Paetkau et al. morphism to study the genetic structure of intro- 1997). duced E. canadensis populations. However, only Aquatic vascular plants, in general, show low four out of ten markers amplified reliably in sam- levels of genetic variation, especially variation ples collected from the native range. This result within populations has been found to be rather could indicate that these microsatellite sequences low (Lesica et al. 1988; Barrett et al. 1993; Way- contain highly variable regions showing sequence cott et al. 1995). On the other hand, microsatellite variation also within the primer-binding regions. markers have revealed considerable levels of ge- Other option for the misamplification could be netic variation even in aquatic plants reproducing the poor quality of the native plant material. The mainly vegetatively. For example in Zostera ma- same DNA extracted from the native specimens rina, ten alleles were found at one microsatellite was, however, used also in the phylogeographic locus in a population (Reusch et al. 2000). In my analyses using cpDNA markers without any prob- study, the microsatellite markers amplified from lems in amplification. In order to reveal the actual two to five alleles per locus, and the mean num- reason for the failure in amplification, a new set ber of alleles per population varied between 1.6 of primers should be developed located outside and 2.4 in seven Finnish populations surveyed. the current primer sequences. Alternatively, new The allele numbers as well as the levels of genetic microsatellite markers could be developed using diversity were rather low (HE 0.19–0.37) but in native E. canadensis plant material. agreement with results from other highly clonal Ten microsatellite markers were used to an- aquatic plant populations, such as Posidonia oce- alyse samples from seven Finnish E. canadensis anica (Procaccini & Mazzella 1998), Phragmites populations (Fig. 4) in order to reveal the intro- australis (Saltonstall 2003; Engloner et al. 2010) duction history of E. canadensis in Finland (II). If and the mainly selfing Typha sp. (Tsyusko et al. there was only one introduction of E. canadensis 2005). to Finland, a very low level of genetic variation Wrights F-statistics is a common tool for de- could be expected. On the other hand, multiple scribing deviations from random mating (Wright introductions could raise the level of genetic vari- 1951; Balloux et al. 2003). Negative FIS values in- ation to the level of the source population or even dicating an excess of heterozygosity relative to higher. random mating were found in three E. canaden-

All studied populations were found to be sis populations. Negative FIS values are also sug- multiclonal. Eleven multilocus genotypes (MLG) gested to indicate clonality in diploid populations were shared by more than one sample. Only one (Balloux et al. 2003; Halkett et al. 2005). In this of these MLGs possessed a significantP SEX value study, ca. 24% (based on FST) of the genetic varia-

19 tion present in introduced populations was found A and its further division into two clusters (Table among populations. This result is in agreement 6 in II). with those in the clonal Zostera marina (30%) However, it has been suggested that isolation (Reusch et al. 2000) and the mainly selfingTypha by distance (IBD) in a data set could cause the angustifolia and T. latifolia (ca. 25%) (Tsyusko et Bayesian methods to overestimate genetic struc- al. 2005). Clonal populations are able to differen- ture, especially in irregularly collected samples tiate from each other if gene flow between popu- (Frantz et al. 2009; Schwartz & McKelvey 2009). lations is restricted, for example due to restricted In our data set, genetic differences between pop- water connection between aquatic plant popula- ulations increased significantly with geographic tions (Schoen & Brown 1991; Barrett et al. 1993). distance (r = 0.446, p < 0.05) when all the Finnish In addition, novel mutations remain in the ge- populations were included in the analysis. How- nome of clonal plants with long lifespans living in ever, when only the five populations in Southern isolated populations (deWitte & Stöcklin 2010). Finland were included, no isolation by distance It is therefore likely that the asexual reproduction was detected. Therefore, part of the genetic struc- of isolated freshwater populations of E. canaden- ture detected in Finnish E. canadensis popula- sis has resulted in the substantial divergence in tions could be caused by the IBD. On the other microsatellite allele frequencies. The moderate hand, E. canadensis was introduced to Finland level of population differentiation detected also only recently, and, therefore, there has not been correlates with the moderate to high pairwise FST much time for evolutionary changes. However, values (0.007–0.516, average 0.222) discovered some of the microsatellite loci developed are evi- between the Finnish populations, as well as with dently located in genomic areas with very high significant overall FST (0.241) and RST (0.217) val- levels of variation. Moreover, absence of sexual ues over all Finnish populations (p < 0.001). reproduction after a single introduction event A Bayesian analysis of population structure does not necessarily prevent long-term persis- was performed to determine the number and dis- tence or the development of significant microsat- tribution of genetic clusters in the Finnish data ellite genetic diversity (Johnson et al. 2011; Karlin set, and to demonstrate the number of distinct et al. 2011a; 2011b). introductions of E. canadensis to Finland. In the The results of this study revealed that the Bayesian analysis, most of the existing regional level, structure and distribution of genetic vari- population structure in the Finnish populations ation both within and among Finnish popula- were captured with two clusters (K = 2). This divi- tions were higher than expected, considering sion clustered the two northern populations with the species’ asexual mode of reproduction. This one of the southern populations, Lake Littoisten- pattern of genetic variation may implicate that järvi (cluster A), and combined the rest of the E. canadensis has been introduced to Finland southern populations to another cluster (B) (Fig. more than once. On the other hand, unique 4). Cluster A could be further divided into two alleles were found only from three populations, clusters, suggesting that the two northern popula- and the differences between the allele lengths de- tions are at some level distinct from all southern tected were rather small. These results support populations, and the Lake Littoistenjärvi popu- the possibility that at least part of the variation lation is distinct from the rest of the southern detected may have occurred after the introduction. populations. The FST values further confirm this Also, the genetic structure detected in Finnish regional structuring, since populations within E. canadensis populations may be overestimated cluster B were more similar to each other than due to the IBD detected. Therefore, the possibility to other populations. Also the results from the of only one introduction followed by post-estab- assignment test support the formation of cluster lishment evolution cannot be rejected based on

20 the results of this thesis. have the only published monocot cp genomes with the same gene content with E. canadensis. 3.2 Chloroplast genome organization of I identified the number of SSRs in 14 mono- Elodea canadensis and other monocots cot cp genomes. The total number of SSRs varied Despite of the high number of cp genome se- from 106 in Oryza sativa to 209 in Phoenix dac- quences available, only few monocot cp genomes tylifera, being 127 in the E. canadensis cp genome. representing early lineages of monocots have been The ratio of genome size and the total number sequenced so far. I report the complete cp genome of SSRs was 1234 in E. canadensis. This was the sequence of E. canadensis (III), which represents second highest value after Oryza, indicating that a taxonomically basal monocot. This is the first cp E. canadensis cp genome contains a low number genome belonging to the family Hydrocharitaceae of SSRs relative to the mean genome size among sequenced to date. The cp genome of E. canaden- monocots. E. canadensis also had the lowest num- sis is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule, ber of mononucleotide SSRs among monocot cp 156,700 bp in length, and has a typical structure genomes studied. with large (LSC 86,194 bp) and small (SSC 17,810 The two IRs in cp genome contain four junc- bp) single-copy regions separated by a pair of tions, JLB, JLA (between the two IRs and the LSC inverted repeat regions (IRs 26,348 bp each). The region), JSB and JSA (between the two IRs and the E. canadensis cp genome contains 113 unique SSC region) (Shinozaki et al. 1986). Size variation genes and 16 duplicated genes in the IR regions by extensions or contractions within IR sequences (Fig. 6). is the main reason for size variation between cp Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was the first genomes of different taxa (Goulding et al. 1996; angiosperm cp genome sequenced completely Chang et al. 2006; Raubeson et al. 2007; Wang et (Shinozaki et al. 1986) and, therefore, it has of- al. 2008; Yang et al. 2010), together with loss of ten been used as a reference genome in terms of genes and differences, such as indels in the in- the gene content and organization. A compara- tergenic regions (Ravi et al. 2008). At the same tive analysis showed that the gene order and or- time, IRs are the most conserved regions in the ganization of the E. canadensis cp genome is al- cp genome, as the rate of neutral nucleotide sub- most identical to those of tobacco (Shinozaki et stitutions is lower within IRs than in single-copy al. 1986) and a basal angiosperm Amborella tri- regions (Wolfe et al. 1987). chopoda (Goremykin et al. 2003). The ancestral I discovered that the structure of IRs in E. gene content and organization of the cp genome canadensis cp genome is unique among mono- have been modified by structural rearrangements cot species with the whole cp genome sequenced. and gene loss and gain events in several monocot In most monocots, JLA is located downstream of lineages (Chang et al. 2006; Guisinger et al. 2010). the psbA gene and IRs have expanded to include However, in comparison with other monocots, E. trnH-GUG-rps19 gene cluster (Wang et al. 2008). canadensis cp genome has gone through less rear- However, in E. canadensis and in other monocot rangements or gene losses when compared to as- Lemna minor, both of these genes are included sumed ancestral species. The percent identity plot in LSC and are not duplicated (Fig. 8). This type generated by Advanced PipMaker (Schwartz et al. of organization is similar to that of most eud- 2000) shows that intergenic spacers are the most icots and basal angiosperms, such as Amborella. divergent regions (shown in gray or white in Fig. However, there is variation in the extent of du- 7), while the rest of the divergent regions repre- plications among other monocots as well (Fig. 8). sent intron and gene losses among monocots (see Variation in the extent of duplications has also arrows in Fig. 7). Phoenix dactylifera (Yang et al. been detected at IR/SSC boundaries of monocot

2010) and Typha latifolia (Guisinger et al. 2010) cp genomes. The structure of SAJ in E. canaden-

21 Figure 7 A percent identity plot showing the overall sequence similarity of chloroplast genomes of nine monocots using Elodea canadensis as the reference genome. Levels of sequence similarity are indicated by black (75–100%), gray (50–75%) and white (<50%).

sis, Typha latifolia and Acorus is similar to that of also been proposed that IR contractions at IR/ Amborella, where only a part of the ycf1 gene is LSC junctions of most (Elodea and duplicated in IR (Fig. 8). Lemna) and Dioscoreales (Dioscorea) might have The fluxes in the IR boundaries have been happened separately and independently (Wang et suggested to implicate taxonomic relationships al. 2008). The flanking sequences at the IR/LSC among angiosperms, and the existence of trnH- boundaries in Alismatales have been found to rps19 gene cluster in IR of most monocots has be more similar to other monocots than to non- been proposed to be an evidence of a duplication monocot angiosperms. This result indicates that event prior to the divergence of monocot lineages the IR contraction is likely due to an early ter- (Chang et al. 2006). There are, however, contra- mination of the repair-extension reaction or a dictory opinions on whether the IR expansions contraction after the expansion of IR in monocot correlate with the divergence pattern of monocot lineage. The sequence flanking IR/LSC junctions phylogeny (Wang et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2010). are also found to be typically A-rich and there is Genus Acorus has been suggested as the earli- much more variation in this sequence in mono- est splitting lineage in monocots (Chase 2004), cots than in (Wang et al. 2008). This kind and, therefore, the IR/LSC junction of Acorales of polyA tract sequences might be recombination has been suggested to represent a primitive state hotspots (Goulding et al. 1996), which supports compared to other monocot lineages (Wang et al. the hypothesis suggesting several independent

2008). In Acorus, the rps19 sequence of IRA is in- contraction events in the IR evolution of mono- complete, and, therefore, it has been speculated cots (Wang et al. 2008). that the expansion of IR to include trnH-rps19 Elodea canadensis is the only monocot spe- cluster has happened early in monocot lineage, cies studied so far with all IR junctions similar while the contraction of IR in Acorales is second- to those of basal angiosperm Amborella (Fig. 8). ary and happened only after the expansion. It has This result supports the position of E. canadensis

22 Figure 8 Comparison of the junction positions (JLB, JLA, JSB and JSA) between a) inverted region (IR) and large single-copy (LSC) region and b) IR and small single-copy (SSC) region in eight representative monocot taxa and Amborella trichopoda, a basal angiosper.

23 as a basal monocot and gives valuable informa- frequency of SNPs between E. canadensis plastid tion about the course of evolution and divergence sequences is slightly higher than in average. In the in monocot lineages. Phylogenetic analyses per- E. canadensis plastid sequences, SNPs occurred at formed using 81 chloroplast genes from 17 se- a rate of 16.6 in 10,000 bp, giving the intraspecific quenced monocot plastid genomes further sup- polymorphism rate for SNPs 0.16%, which is high port the placement of E. canadensis as a basal in comparison to rates previously reported for an- monocot. In Bayesian tree, E. canadensis was lo- giosperm cp genomes (0.05% for rice (Tang et al. cated together with Lemna, as the next diverg- 2004) and 0.07% for Panicum (Young et al. 2011)). ing lineage of monocots after Acorales (Fig. 4 in Over all, the level of variation between the two III). It may be speculated that contractions of IR E. canadensis plastid sequences was constantly at JLB in basal monocots and also the expansions higher than that discovered in earlier intraspecif- of IR to include rps15 (Lemna and Poaceae) and ic comparisons in angiosperms (Tang et al. 2004; ycf1 (Lemna) at JSA have happened separately and Diekmann et al. 2009; Young et al. 2011). Possi- independently, and that the signals of the course ble reasons for this phenomenon are discussed in of evolution given by both ends of IR interpreted chapter 3.3.3. simultaneously could be misleading. 3.3.2. Level of chloroplast DNA variation 3.3 Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of between Elodea canadensis and Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii E. nuttallii

3.3.1. Level of chloroplast DNA variation The 29 cpDNA primer pairs flanking the most between native and introduced Elodea canadensis populations variable genomic areas between the USA and FIN plastid sequences, comprising 11,464 bp (Fig. 6), Most intraspecific studies of cpDNA variation were used to compare the level and pattern of in- have utilized a limited number of markers from a traspecific cpDNA variation within E. canadensis few selected gene regions. Only few studies have and interspecific variation between E. canadensis examined intraspecific variation in the whole cp and E. nuttallii (IV). I discovered on average 61% genome sequence (Tang et al. 2004; Diekmann et more SNPs between the two Elodea species than al. 2009; Young et al. 2011). I was able to investi- between the native and introduced E. canaden- gate variation in an 112,193 bp (86.1%, only one sis cp genomes, while the number of indels was IR included) region of two E. canadensis plastid 10% larger in the within-species comparison of sequences (USA and FIN) and found a total of E. canadensis. On the whole, the level of variation 235 variable sites (186 SNPs, 47 indels and two between the two Elodea species was 53% higher inversions) (IV). than that within E. canadensis. The mutation rate of SNPs (often about 10-8–10-9) is low compared to SSRs (about 3.3.3. Geographical distribution of cpDNA haplotypes 10-4). On average, one SNP can be expected every 500–1000 bp in coding regions and every 200–500 The number of haplotypes in an invasive range is bp in non-coding regions (Brumfield et al. 2003). a function of many factors, including the number The evolution rate of cpDNA is only half of that of introductions, the size of each introduction, in nuclear DNA in plants (Wolfe et al. 1987) and, the population structuring in the native range, therefore, also the incidence of SNPs in cp ge- and subsequent drift and selection pressures that nome is expected to be lower. I found on average occur after the introduction (Gaskin et al. 2005). one SNP every 863 bp in coding and every 420 bp In the phylogeographic analysis, only a single in non-coding regions. The total frequency was haplotype was found in the introduced range in one SNP every 603 bp. Based on these figures, the both species. These haplotypes H1 (E. canadensis)

24 and A (E. nuttallii) were also widespread in the behind this phenomenon. native range, covering the majority of native pop- The divergent haplotypes could be explained ulations analysed (Fig. 5). Therefore, I was not by chloroplast capture, where the cytoplasm of able to identify either the geographic origin of one species is replaced by that of another species the introduced populations or test the hypoth- through hybridization or introgression, as report- esis of single versus multiple introductions. The ed to occur in natural ecosystems (Riesenberg & result could indicate one introduction event, but Soltis 1991; Fehrer et al. 2007). Chloroplast cap- multiple introductions of the same haplotype are ture can occur between species with sympatric just as possible. distribution and reproductive compatibility, and Despite the limited variation, the data pre- the process is facilitated by weak reproductive sented here provides interesting information barriers between species (Acosta & Premoli 2010). of the genetic patterns in the native and intro- In Elodea, males and females are rarely found in duced ranges of E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. The the same population (Cook & Urmi-König 1985), cpDNA haplotype homogeneities at introduced indicating strong reproductive barrier between range are most likely attributed to bottleneck fol- populations within species. However, this kind of lowed by a single introduction event or few in- a situation might lead to a weak reproduction bar- troductions of similar haplotypes. This pattern rier between species, if the appearance of another is further supported by the vegetative regenera- sex, even representing another Elodea species, tion, combined to the relatively recent and fast would allow sexual reproduction between species. expansions of both species in their introduced There is some support for naturally occur- ranges. Several studies have explored whether ring hybrids between E. canadensis and E. nut- certain genotypes within an invading population tallii (Cook & Urmi-König 1985). However, most are more succesfull and explain or predict inva- of the variable sites found between E. canadensis sive behaviour across species (reviewed by Boss- cp genomes FIN and USA were not detected in dorf et al. 2005). Saltonstall (2002) found one E. nuttallii, indicating that hybridization between haplotype of Phragmites australis dominating the these species does not explain the large divergence Atlantic Coast tidal marshes and replacing native between E. canadensis haplotypes. Interestingly, haplotypes. Certain haplotype may also be intro- the distributions of E. canadensis and E. bifoliata duced to a novel environment earlier than others, would enable a hybrid zone allowing the cp cap- or have larger propagule pressure due to multiple ture event involving the parapatric E. bifoliata introductions or higher number of individuals re- (Fig. 5 in IV). However, an extensive survey of ge- leased and, therefore, become more successful at netic characteristics of E. bifoliata would be need- the introduced area. These factors may result in ed to firmly retrace the possibility of cp capture. the situation where one haplotype dominates over I found several variable sites between E. nut- the others (Fig. 1). tallii haplotypes as well, and the level of varia- The haplotype network constructed indicates tion between E. canadensis and E. nuttallii cp ge- that E. canadensis haplotype H1 is very divergent nomes was still 53% higher than that between the from haplotypes H2 and H3, as it could not be two E. canadensis plastid sequences. In addition, connected within the limits of parsimony (95%) while the ITS sequences in E. nuttallii have been (Fig. 5). The diverged haplotypes were also geo- found highly homologous, those of E. canaden- graphically clustered in both species, although, sis include several polymorphic sites (Gross et al. a more detailed sampling would be necessary to 2003). Therefore, based on our results, the possi- get more support for the results presented here. bility of high level of naturally occurring variation The large divergence between E. canadensis hap- in both nuclear and cp genomes of E. canadensis lotypes lets us hypothesize the evolutionary event cannot be ruled out.

25 4 Conclusions and future perspectives

in this thesis, I examined essential aspects of the introduction in Europe, which makes it more dif- biology of invasive species using Elodea as a mod- ficult to interpret the results according to one or el. Elodea is one of the key genuses of invasion multiple introductions. The results of this study biology and provides a perfect model for study- indicate that Finnish populations are more simi- ing the evolutionary consequences of invasion, lar to each other than to native populations, and since the timing of the first introduction events the native populations studied have probably not are well known. The studies of this thesis gave new been the direct source of the Finnish populations. information on the genetic diversity, population In order to further estimate the number of in- structure and distribution history in two invasive troductions to Finland, genetic variation should aquatic weeds, Elodea canadensis and E. nuttal- be analysed more widely within both native and lii. The results also revealed the unique structure introduced range of E. canadensis. The micros- of chloroplast genome of E. canadensis and gave atellite markers were originally developed using new information on the course of evolution and introduced E. canadensis material collected from divergence in monocot lineages. This thesis pro- Finland (I), and most of them proved not to be vide great source of novel molecular markers that suitable for analysing native populations of E. will be useful in future studies on Elodea species. canadensis. Those loci that did not amplify in na- The results highlight the need for further investi- tive samples may be located in genome areas with gations in the Elodea species, as well as in other a high evolutionary rate, while the amplifying invasive plant species. loci may be located in more conservative areas. The results of the substudy II revealed a mod- Therefore, a new set of microsatellite markers de- erate level of microsatellite variation within and veloped using native E. canadensis material could among seven introduced E. canadensis popula- give valuable information on the level of variation tions. The results indicate that E. canadensis could in native E. canadensis populations. Also, a de- have been introduced to Finland more than once, tailed study of Elodea’s mating system using sex- considering the asexual reproduction mode and linked genetic markers would be valuable in order recent introduction. On the other hand, the ge- to reveal the actual level of clonality in both native netic structure detected in Finnish E. canadensis and introduced ranges. populations may be overestimated due to the iso- Substudy III showed that the cp genome of lation by distance detected. Moreover, some of the E. canadensis has gone through less rearrange- microsatellite loci developed are evidently located ments or gene losses when compared to assumed in genomic areas with very high levels of varia- ancestral species than other monocots. The IR of tion, and the low level of cpDNA variation detect- E. canadensis has a unique structure among the ed in substudy IV further suggest one introduc- monocot species studied so far, as its structure is tion event followed by effective range expansion. similar to that of Amborella, a basal angiosperm. Therefore, the possibility of only one introduction The position ofElodea as a basal monocot was followed by post-establishment evolution cannot further supported by the phylogenetic analyses. be rejected based on the results of this thesis. Fur- Only few cp genomes representing early lineages thermore, Finnish populations of E. canadensis of monocots have been sequenced and, therefore, are assumedly derived from the primary areas of this study provides valuable information on the

26 course of evolution and divergence in monocot populations. This method may, however, give only lineages. short-time effects, and eventually even increase The results of the substudyIV revealed inter- the rate of spread. After mechanical clipping, the esting results in the phylogeography of cpDNA cut-off fragments need to be removed carefully. haplotypes in E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. Only If the fragments are not collected, they can either three E. canadensis haplotypes and four E. nuttal- be transported by water currents to new areas, lii haplotypes were found. In both species, only where they may establish new colonies, or they a single haplotype was found in the introduced may start to grow vigorously in the original wa- range. These dominant haplotypes covered most ter system and magnify their population density populations analysed in the native range as well. in short time. Mechanically pulled rope seines, Therefore, we were not able to identify either the facilitating the removal of submerged aquatic geographic origin of the introduced populations vegetation without leaving fragments, have been or test the hypothesis of single versus multiple in- the most effective method to remove Elodea from troductions. More samples from the native and water systems so far (Laita et al. 2007). Howev- introduced ranges of both species would be valu- er, a more comprehensive control or eradication able for making inferences about the area of in- programme should be adopted. With the warm- troduction. ing climate, new species will have the potential Over all, the levels of variation between the na- to establish if introduced, and possibly become tive and introduced E. canadensis plastid sequenc- invasive. Therefore, future research should focus es and between the most diverged E. canadensis on predictive analyses of potential future invaders cpDNA haplotypes were constantly higher than and other preventive methods to minimize new those discovered in earlier intraspecific compari- introductions. In several countries, national strat- sons in angiosperms (Tang et al. 2004; Diekmann egies on invasive alien species have already been et al. 2009; Young et al. 2011). The diverged hap- prepared and put into practice. lotypes were also geographically clustered. The In Finland, relatively few non-indigenous divergent haplotypes could be explained by chlo- freshwater plant species have succeeded in all in- roplast capture event involving the parapatric E. vasion phases (Pienimäki & Leppäkoski 2004). bifoliata. However, the possibility of a higher lev- At present, E. canadensis is the most harmful in- el of naturally occurring variation in the nuclear vasive aquatic weed in Finland and its mass oc- and cp genome sequence of E. canadensis cannot currences have proved to be difficult to manage be ruled out based on this thesis and, therefore, (Laita et al. 2007), whereas E. nuttallii has not yet an extensive survey of genetic characteristics of established within Finnish borders but has a high E. bifoliata would be needed to firmly retrace the probability to arrive to Finland. Both, E. canaden- possibility of chloroplast capture. Other issues sis and E. nuttallii are still expanding their range that require further study are the possible differ- and new invasions are occurring at least in their ences in morphology, habitat requirements and northern distribution limit (Heikkinen et al. invasiveness between the diverged haplotypes of 2009). Both species are, therefore, included in the E. canadensis and E. nuttallii. Finnish national strategy on invasive alien species This thesis helps to fill in some gaps in the (www.mmm.fi/vieraslajit). Due to the difficulties knowledge of population genetics of Elodea spe- in the discrimination between E. canadensis and cies. Unfortunately, biological research can only E. nuttallii, the molecular markers developed in solve a small fraction of the problems required this thesis will offer a valuable tool in monitor- in managing invasive species and practical ef- ing purposes and in early detection of E. nuttallii forts are needed. Repeated cutting is one of the in Finland and other locations with high risk of most common methods used to control Elodea invasion.

27 5 Acknowledgements

first of all, I would like to thank my supervisors Marias, I loved to come to work every day because Helena Korpelainen and Elina Leskinen. Helena’s of you! I thank Inka for the friendship and many positive attitude helped me accomplish what ever interesting conversations. I also thank Tuula for was needed, even if I otherwise might have given sharing the office and piece of your interesting life up. I’m very grateful for your support and amaz- with me. I am forever grateful for Maria for shar- ingly fast comments to my work. Elina, I truly ing the office as well as all the joys and sorrows in enjoyed our discussions. Thank you for a great life. I learned from you that life does not need to inspiration and support. I also owe my gratitude be that serious. to Kirsi Kostamo, who basically formed my unof- I wish to acknowledge the Academy of Fin- ficial advisory group. I am especially grateful for land, the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Emil Aal- your patience when teaching me my first steps in tonen Foundation, Oskar Öflund Foundation and the laboratory and your help in the field when col- University of Helsinki for financial support. lecting Elodeas. I am most grateful for Jouni Aspi I am grateful for all my friends for company and Alain Vanderpoorten for the valuable review- and good times during these years. Jenni, you ing work of this thesis. have been one of my most important inspirations A number of people have provided Elo- during this work. I feel I can always count on your dea samples for my work. Special thanks to Il- support and your endless optimism is just amaz- kka Sammalkorpi, Ari Mäkelä, Seppo Hellsten, ing! Anna Väisänen, Riku Paavola and the Oulanka Thank you Iskä for always supporting my deci- Research Station for co-operation and help in sions and letting me do my own mistakes in life. the sample collection. I owe my sincere thanks Hanne, my dear sister, you have made my day so to David Biesboer, Ray Newman and Mark Ger- many times by just being there and listening. You nes for your invaluable help during the collection are the person with whom I can simply be myself, of native Elodea samples. I am grateful for Jouko always. Jussi, thank you for your support and pa- Sarvala for important advices in the beginning of tience during this project. You have seen the good my work. I want to acknowledge The Finnish Mu- days and the bad, and always reminded me of the seum of Natural History, Oregon State University things that really matter. Mosku, I am fortunate in Herbarium and New York Botanical Garden Her- having you in my life. I thank you for taking my barium for providing the herbarium specimens of thoughts away from the work. Finally, this thesis Elodea for my research. is dedicated to my Mom, who had a big influence I thank all the researchers and technicians on me to become brave enough to start this work at the Department of Agricultural Sciences who and to believe in myself enough to complete this gave me methodological advice. Thank you Marjo project. Mom, I wish I made you proud. for answering all the questions and for making me laugh countless times in the lab during discus- sions often far away from the science. I thank members of our special research group for the good times spent during these years. Jo- hanna, Kirsi, Hanna, Sakina, Sanna, and both

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