B. Dolgormaa, B.Munkhtsetseg, Journal of agricultural sciences №15 (02): 143-146, 2015 143 CONCLUSIONS Calcined kaolin important factor in the emergence of of the catalyst surface, suppressing the optical surface-modified (L) H2SO4 acid (B) acid center, excitation composite surface of photo-generated with H2SO4-modified calcined kaolinas carrier Ni- electrons and photogenerated holes and improves the V-supported photocatalyst, the surface acidity is to catalysts H2SO4-modified calcined kaolin load the promotethe photocatalytic activity. response performance. Ni-V occurred V5+and Al3+class isomorphous substitution and changed the electronic distribution REFERENCE TETRANEURA ULMI LINNAEUS, 1758 (HOMOPTERA, APHIDIDAE) ON ELM (ULMUS PUMILA) AS ITS PRIMARY PEST 1. Tao Y L,Yeh W L,Chow Y L. Acidity effects on 9. Shen WeiRen, Zhaowide, HE Fei TiO2 Light-promoted carbonylation of olefins in the photocatalytic reaction and its application presence of cobalt catalysis [J] J MolCatal, inwastewater treatment [J]. Progress in B. Dolgormaa*, B.Munkhtsetseg 1991, 67(1): 105-115. Chemistry, 1998, 10 (4): 349-361 2. Tao Y L,TashinJ. Chow JT, Lin ChCh, Chien M 10. Yang Jian jun, Li Dongxu, Zhang Zhi jun Plant Protection Research Institute, MULS, Mongolia T, Lin ChCh , Chow Y L, Gonzalo E.Cobalt- Ptpreparation, characterization and catalysed photochemical methoxy carbonylation photocatalytic activity of/ Fe2O3 / TiO2 *-Corresponding author, e-mail:
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