Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union Lamka Shaolin Disciples’ Union ASSISTANCE INSTRUCTOR COURSE INFO

Introducing Assistance Instructor Course Curriculum



Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Role Description: Interested Association members who meet the requirements may apply to be an instructor for the organization. This is an application package for all instructor levels of Shaolin Wushu program of Lamka Shaolin Disciple's.

New applicants for assistance instructor must begin at the organization Instructor level regardless of previous experience or background. The organizations instructor levels are sequential and applicants may not skip any instructor levels.

All the requirements listed in these instructions of the instructor level of the application must be met for the applicant to be successful. The requirements include an assessment of the applicant’s teaching skills and the applicant’s commitment and adherence to the Lamka Shaolin Disciple's Union Morals and Commandments. Applicants should be very complete in providing the information requested on this application. Please sign the application before mailing it to the address provided on the application form.

To assist the Chief Instructor of Shaolin Wushu in achieving student learning objectives that promotes student success within and outside the training center under the direct supervision of Chief Instructor, the Learning Assistant (LA) will support the Instructor in achieving student learning that promotes student success in and out of the classroom environment.

General Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Assist the teachers in student learning their courses 2. Assist with supervision of students within the training center: individual students, small or large groups 3. Assist with supervision in other school activities such as workouts, techniques, drills, forms, weapons and others 4. Provide support to the training program 5. Assist with the organization/management of all curricular areas as directed by the Instructor 6. Provide support in compiling and preparing instructional materials 7. Perform duties as assigned 8. Develop rapport with students 9. Provide positive self-concept/ role model for students 10. Participate in grade level when appropriate 11. Substitute teaching when needed 12. Be of good moral character. 13. Have a history of dedication to the arts.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

TRADITIONAL KUNG FU STYLE TRAINING PROGRAM 傳 統 拳 藝 班 1) Core Training The first step to be a good martial arts fighter is to strength your body. Therefore, everyday fitness training and increase flexibility is absolutely necessary.

2) Martial Arts Basics Martial Arts Basic training focuses on stance training for balance, kicks, boxing, repetition of movements for control and speed; and series of movements for coordination and overall fitness.

3) Marts Arts Electives YOU decide, which styles, forms or weapons (depending on your skill) you would like to learn. The standard training forms are the following, but if you wish to learn other or more advanced styles, this is possible too.

Standard Forms 1. Xiao Hong Quan (Small Red Fist) 2. Tong Bei Quan (Straight Complete Arm) 3. Shaolin Quan (Shaolin Form 4. Shaolin (Shaolin Sword) 5. Shaolin (Shaolin Stick) 6. Shaolin Qian (Shaolin Spear) 7. San Jie Gun (3-section Staff) 8. Jiu Jie Bian (9-section whip) 9. Shaolin Combat Technique 10. Shaolin Boxing 11. Combination of attacking and defending 12. Special animal forms are possible too, like Praying Mantis, Tiger, Dragon, Monkey, Drunken Boxing, Drunken Stick and more.

From Northern Shaolin 1. All 10 empty-handsets from the Northern Shaolin system 2. Full array of single-person and multiple-opponent weapons forms 3. Emphasis on Northern striking, blocking and applications 4. Drills to enhance kicking effectiveness 5. Focus on speed and fluidity 6. Six levels of progressive training

From Southern Shaolin 1. Hung Gar Curriculum Includes: 2. Complete, traditional forms from the Canton Hung Gar systems 3. Full array of single-person and multiple-opponent weapons forms 4. Emphasis on in-close striking, blocking and applications 5. Development of concentrated root and power 6. Six levels of progressive training


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Qin Na (Seize & Control) 1. Development of over 300 self-defense techniques 2. Extensive training in joint locking, muscle separation, sealing the veins and arteries, sealing the breath, and cavity press 3. Full understanding of applications and counter moves 4. Personalized, hands-on instruction 5. Six levels of progressive training

Iron Shirt/Body Iron Body work is an option that many students choose to supplement their ongoing internal and external training. Instruction is done one-on-one with Shifu Zhao Hui, and includes: 1. Introduction to internal energy and Qi Gong 2. Complete understanding of required workout components: diet, time commitment, use of natural liniment, and proper warm-up and cool-down routines 3. Progression from striking mung beans through steel shot 4. Training for head, chest, back, throat, shins, forearms and palms 5. Critical technique development for safe and effective breaks

Novice Kung Fu Warm up  30 minutes Shaolin stretching based on yoga techniques  Ankle, knee, waist, wrist, elbow, shoulder rotations.  Body slaps - horse stance, arrow stance  Arm swings - one direction & two directions  Leg swing - left and right  Stretches - front leg, side to side, flat, center split, sitting & bow stance

15 minutes • Basic Drills (Punches & Kicks) • 12 Step Chang Quan

15 minutes Shaolin starting exercises including: - Yi Jin Jing - Flexibility Building - Stance Training and Strength Building

30 minutes • Form Training • Applications

15 minutes  Qin Na - Grappling Drills - 2 Man Exercises - Theory


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

15 minutes • Weapons Training and / or + Xing Yi

Stance training • Horse stance - Ma Bu • Sitting stance - Zuo Pan • Forty Sixty stance - Si Liu • Arrow stance - Gon Bu • Single leg stance - Du Li • Empty leg stance - Xi Shi • Thirty Seventy stance - San Chi • Stretching stance - Pu Tuei

Basic punches and kicks • Horse stance punch - Ma Bu Tsuei • Arrow stance punch - Gon Bu Tsuei • Moving punch - Tuo Bu Tsuei • Moving palm strike - Tuo Bu Jang • Forty sixty punch - Si Liu Bu Fa Jing • Direction punches

ALL MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES ARE HELD OUTDOORS. Open Fist Forms Shaolin Da Hong Quan, Xiao Hong Quan, Wu Bu Quan, Lian Huan Quan, Shao Lin Quan, Lian Bu Quan Weapons staff, sword, straight sword, spear Core Training Xing Yi Pi Quan, Beng Quan, Zuan Quan, Pao Quan, Heng Quan, Wu Xing Quan Forms Wu Xing Lian Huan Quan, Wu Xing Xiang Sheng, Wu Xing Xiang Ke, Jin Tui Wu Xing Lian Huan Quan Animal Styles Hu Xing (Tiger): Hu Pu, Hu Tuo, Hu Zhua, Hu Xiao, Zhuan Shen Hu, Hu Xing Ba Shi. Long Xing (Dragon): Du Long Sheng Tian, Long Xing Da Zou, Lan Long Wo Dao, Lan Long Wo Zhen, Long Xing Ba Shi. Ma Xing (Horse): Ma Zhuang, Ma Xing Da Zou, Ma Xing Ben Po, Ma Xing Dou Mao, Bai Ma Fan Ti, Ma Xing Ba Shi. Xing (Chicken): Ji Xing, Ji Xing Ba Shi. Yan Xing (Sparrow): Yan Xing, Yan Xing Ba Shi Forms Bagua You Long Bagua Forms Tai Chi Tai Chi, Tai Chi Dao

A student’s progression is determined by individual ability rather than an instructor’s time frame. The demonstration of techniques must show flow and adaptability. All brick and blocks breaks for that grade must be completed before progressing further.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Minimum Requirements: • At least reaching up to level 6 [Purple Belt or Traditionally Intermediate Level] • At least 1 Years + 6 Months training under the Chief Instructor, no other instructors.

1. Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu has been widely practiced and studied for many centuries. It is an undeniable unique and extremely traditional style of Wushu (Martial Arts), and serves to both enhance health / fitness and fulfill performance purposes. Lamka Shaolin Disciples' Union is pleased to present what we believe is our ideal training plan, after 20+ years of training and experience.

Basic Training Has Been Classified into Four Stages: Basics generally refer to the very essence of Wushu studies; every part of the body is challenged and forced to its maximum capabilities. Basics include: handwork and legwork, footwork, bodywork and eye work, complimented by kicking, striking, throwing, seizing, and stabbing, smoothly integrated as series or forms.

Form Studies Are Classified Into 16 Stages: I believe in the concept of building a strong basic foundation for my students before advancing to more difficult techniques. Although training may be difficult or challenging to students, the key to success is perseverance. Your mindset determines your potential.

I teach a variety of forms including open hand, weapons, sparring and animal imitations. As students improve on their technique and master each level, they will learn increasingly challenging hand and weapon forms.

BEGINNER /WHITE Wu Bu Quan Shaolin Lian Huan Quan Qin Na: Single Hand - 4 Actions Five Stance Form Shaolin Interlinking Fist Ma Bu: 2 Minutes LEVEL 1 [YELLOW] Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Shaolin Tong Bi Quan Qin Na: Double Hand - 4 Actions Shaolin Small Flood Form Shaolin Connecting Arm Ma Bu: 3 Minutes Form LEVEL 2 [ORANGE] Shaolin Chao Yang Quan Shaolin Yi Lu Dan Dao Qin Na: Single Shoulder - 5 Actions Shaolin Facing Sun Form Shaolin 1st Level Single Ma Bu: 4 Minutes Sword LEVEL 3 [GREEN] Shaolin Mei Hua Quan Shaolin Yin Shou Gun Qin Na: Double Shoulder - 3 Actions Shaolin Plum Blossom Form Shaolin Yin Hand Staff Ma Bu: 5 Minutes LEVEL 4 [RED] Shaolin Lao Jia Xiao Hong Quan Shaolin Qin Na: Single Hand Throw - 3 Shaolin Old Small Flood Form Shaolin Spear Actions Ma Bu: 6 Minutes LEVEL 5 [BLUE] Shaolin Da Hong Quan Shaolin Er Lu Dan Dao Qin Na: Front, back, & Neck - 3 Shaolin Great Flood Form Shaolin 2nd Level Single Actions Sword Ma Bu: 7 Minutes


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

LEVEL 6 [PURPLE] Shaolin Luohan Quan Shaolin Zhen Shan Gun Qin Na: Finger & Hand - 4 Actions Shaolin Arhat Fist Shaolin Guarding Ma Bu: 8 Minutes Mountain Staff LEVEL 7 [BROWN] Shaolin Zu Chang Quan Shaolin He Quan Qin Na: Advanced Techniques - 3 Shaolin Great Ancestor Long Shaolin Crane Form Actions Fist Ma Bu: 9 Minutes LEVE 8 [BLACK] Shaolin Pao Quan Shaolin Qi Xing Quan Shaolin Jiu Jie Bian Shaolin Cannon Fist Shaolin 7 Star Fist Shaolin 9 Segment Whip Ma Bu: 10 Minutes Qin Na: Legs - 4 Actions

3 Years Black Belt Course You don’t have to be a master to begin, but you have to begin to become a master. My 3-year Black Course is split into 3 levels to ensure a rapid progression with an in-depth understanding. Students train with others at their own level though out the course.

Foundation – 6 Months [8 Week Modules] Foundation Level - 3 Belts - 6 months - No previous experience or fitness level required - Train with people at your level - Professionally developed curriculum, structured to ensure rapid and continuous progress - Cover primary combat techniques - Develop power through momentum - Create speed with fluidity - Increase reactions and reflexes to overcome inertia

Intermediate – 10 Months [8 Week Modules] Intermediate Level - 5 Belts - 10 Months - Mid-level combat techniques - Rapid kick combinations - More complex striking techniques and their application - Begin to understand the more subtle principles underpinning Tao Te Kung Fu - Personal development through understanding of self

Advance – 20 Months - 16 Week Modules Advanced Level - 5 Belts - 20 Months - Sophisticated, tactical & targeted strike combinations - Advanced combat techniques to deal with skilled opponents - Develop a more complex understanding of one’s own psychological framework - Learn to incorporate the elemental principles into movement, attitude & lifestyle


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

TEACHING PLAN 1. UP TO ONE MONTH: Shaolin Basics (Kicks, Steps, Stances, Sweeps, Punches, Palms, Hand Shape, Flexibility), Basic Movements Of Shaolin Fist And Staff, One Traditional Introductory Fist Form (Wu Bu Quan Or Five Step Fist), One Staff Form (Yin Shou Gun Or Shaolin Staff). You Will Learn Sanda (Basic Kicks And Punches, Take Downs, Sparring), Qin Na (Grappling Basic Movements And Introduction To One Form), Tai Ji Quan ( 24 Step Yang Tai Ji Or Any Preferred Form), Qi Gong (Ba Duan Jin), Hard Qi Gong, Meditation, Acrobatics (Basics, Flips, Cartwheel, Jumps), Endurance.

2. UP TO THREE MONTHS: In addition, you will be introduced to Shaolin Kung Fu theory and traditions. You will learn more fist forms (Tong Bei Quan, Qi Xing Quan and Xiao Hong Quan), two traditional weapons forms, Tai Ji forms and their applications. You will develop your skills in Sanda (introducing wrestling techniques, full contact sparring and developing your speed and your reaction). You will continue to study the additional styles: Hard Qi Gong, Qin Na and Tai Ji. You will improve your Acrobatics (flips and back flips, butterfly kicks so on), flexibility and Endurance.

3. UP TO SIX MONTHS: You will have a higher understanding of Shaolin Kung Fu theory and traditions. You will improve a lot your flexibility, balance, endurance and stamina. You will learn about Medical Qi Gong in more depth such as Ba Duan Jin and Yi Jin Jing and you will learn more forms and their applications. You will learn Iron palm and you will be able to break, an iron bar or to condition your throat using a spear. You will be introduced to two people forms. The forms your will learn will be decided by you together with the Shifu recommendation.

4. UP TO ONE YEAR: You will achieve great flexibility, balance, endurance and stamina. You will learn advanced forms which belong to the Shaolin 18 weapons and you will learn some skills which belong to the 72 secret skills. You will be able to learn animal forms, paired fighting, advanced weapons forms (spear, double spear, two-section staff, three-section staff, double sticks, double chains, whip, straight sword or broadsword, Damo & Fengmo staff, Shaolin 13 spear, fighting techniques and their application on street fighting, 12 sets of sparring, 24 sets of grappling, kickboxing practice one against many. All the skills above will be at advanced level and you will be able to participate in the formal Shaolin Duanwei grading. Please visit our page for Shaolin Kung Fu to see the forms we teach in the Academy.

5. MORE THAN ONE YEAR: In addition of the above you will increase your Qi level (break an iron bar over your head, heal your injuries and illnesses, Fire gong, advanced iron and sand palms),

Learn more than

20 Shaolin forms with applications (Big Luo Han Quan, Pao Quan, Shaolin cross attack Quan, Free chosen art Quan, Shaolin Tai Zhu long routine Quan, Gong Li Quan, Shaolin Luo Han 18 hands, Taizu long fist and so on),

Animal forms (tiger, monkey. snake, crane, mantis, eagle, leopard and drunken style),


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Weapons (double broadsword, double hooks, bull whip, double chain whip, southern staff including sword, Shaolin 3 section cudgel, Damo sword routine, Damo straight sword, Shaolin Spring & Autumn saber routine, 9 section whip routine. pair practice, Drunken staff, Drunken straight sword, double broad sword, 7-star broadsword, Shaolin palm blossom sword, Shaolin 21 spear, Shaolin flying daggers, Shaolin , double whips and so on),

Hitting vital points, Advanced breathing techniques, higher skilled routines of Quan (forms) and weapons, the essence of Shaolin Martial Arts (you will subdue your enemy with one hand), Mei Hua Quan ( 26 sets for sparring, 72 sets for grappling, usual weapons (such as Mei Hua halberd, Mei Hua big axe, Tigers head double hook, Mei Hua double straight sword, Mei Hua double hammer), unusual weapons (such as: double hook, hand-held halberd, body armor, big and small Luozi spear, big Nun Chaku, oil bottle spear, 3-section staff, small crutch), sparring with bare hands, you will achieve the Three Internal Coordination (neisanhe).

These are coordination between mind and intention (Xin & Yi), intention and internal energy (Yi & Qi), internal energy and strength (qi and li). It is the higher stage of Mei Hua Quan in practical fight and will make your fist and footwork move too fast to be clearly seen in the fight.

Constant advanced training will bring out all-around development of the Waidan and the Neidan and the practitioners of martial arts have reached the profound stage where internal energy and mind are unified. You will fight one to more than eight sparring with bare hands. One against group sparring with weapons such as falchion against three spears, staff against a group of staffs, Five-tiger ben against a group of long spears. This is the advanced level of Mei Hua Quan and will make you reach the most profound stage of theory and skills of Mei Hua Quan which is the more traditional Kung Fu in China.

The Ten Commandments of Kung Fu These are the regulations and commandments prescribed by the monk Chueh Yuan, a priest of the Shaolin Temple who lived and taught in the early part of the 16th century during the Ming dynasty. Although Commandments Nos. 7 and 8 is more a product of Chueh’s Buddhist beliefs than of his concern to develop the discipline of novice monks, they are reproduced here for the sake of accuracy.

1st Commandment: A student must practice without interruption. 2nd Commandment: Boxing must be used only for legitimate self –defense. 3rd Commandment: Courtesy and prudence must be shown to all teachers and elders. 4th Commandment: A student must be forever kind, honey and friendly to all his colleagues. 5th Commandment: In travelling, a boxer should refrain from showing his art to the common people, even to the extent of refusing challenges. 6th Commandment: A boxer must never be bellicose. 7th Commandment: Wine and meat must never be tasted. 8th Commandment: Sexual desire cannot be permitted. 9th Commandment: Boxing should not be taught rashly to non-Buddhists lest it produce harm. It can only be transmitted to one who is gentle and merciful. 10th Commandment: A boxer must eschew aggressiveness, greed, pride and boasting.

What about the Training Methods and Fees? For Regular or Group Class Training Fee’s Structures: 1 White 2500 INR per month Duration: (2 Months) 2 Yellow 3000 INR per month Duration: (2 Months) 3 Orange 4000 INR per month Duration: (2 Months) 4 Green 4500 INR per month Duration: (2 Months)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

5 Red 5000 INR per month Duration: (2 Months) 6 Blue 5500 INR per month Duration: (2 Months) 7 Purple 6000 INR per month Duration: (3 Months) 8 Brown 6500 INR per month Duration: (3 Months) 9 Black 9000 INR per month Duration: (6 Months) Training Duration: 2 Years