RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON & Explorers Catalogue 184 2016 THIS IS THE SECOND OF A SERIES OF CATALOGUES that are topically “Orientalia” inclusive of all Asia, with special emphasis on the Middle East, and in particular the history, literature, culture, exploration, history, art, achievement, and accounts of the peoples that are Persian, or today, Iranian. This catalogue contains a private collection of Burton, widely famous for his accounts of travel, his mastery of a myriad of languages, and his themes of Sufism, religion, myths, sexology, and anthropology, etc. Highlighted are such books as his Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah, or Doughty’s Arabia Deserta, both excellent copies of the first editions in original cloth bindings. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF OUR NEW ADDRESS AS WE HAVE MOVED in 2015. On-line are more than 10,000 antiquarian books in the fields of science, medicine, Americana, classics, books on books and fore-edge paintings. The books in current catalogues are not listed on-line until mail- order clients have priority. Our inventory is available for viewing by appointment. Terms are as usual. Shipping extra. RECENT CATALOGUES: 179: Jeff’s Fables (127 items) 180: The Physician’s Pulse-Watch (138 items) 181: Bookseller’s Cabinet (87 items) 182: Orientalia (48 items) 183: Early Opticks, Microscopy (35 items) COVER: #24 BURTON. THE LAKE REGIONS OF CENTRAL AFRICA. Jeff Weber & Mahshid Essalat-Weber J E F F W E B E R R A R E B O O K S 1815 Oak Ave Carlsbad, California 92008-1103 TELEPHONES: cell: 323 333-4140 e-mail:
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