

Till Lindemann | 148 pages | 09 Jun 2015 | Raw Dog Screaming Press | 9781935738718 | English | United States Till Lindemann - On Quiet Nights | Till lindemann, Night book, Hardcover book

By Till Lindemann. There's a On Quiet Nights inside us that is cloaked in darkness, rubbed raw with silence. It's a shadow wrapped in a shadow and it screams, but it screams in harsh whispers. This collection explores the blackness within, the gritty underground that hides inside memories and cowers just outside fear. The poems, paired with illustrations from Matthias Matthies work in sync to On Quiet Nights a collage of blunt sexuality, masochistic, and sometimes sadistic recollections of love, reflection, and self-exploration. Lindemann paints pictures with his poems, a slave to the vulnerability and sexuality that drives mankind. His words themselves are body modifications that settle on readers, piercing then slowly penetrating and pumping his audience full with a mix of pleasure and pain. A combination of longing, emotional depth, and bestial intuition, these pieces evoke an innate nature to seek pleasure, to ask for forgiveness, On Quiet Nights instill blame. On Quiet Nights pulls back the curtains at night and asks readers to think about who they are. Lindemann holds a mirror to soul, capturing desire and need, with the courage to answer some of life's biggest questions: Who am I? What am I? Why am I? This translation of his poetry into English by Ehren Fordyce, who did a masterful job of making English words rhyme the On Quiet Nights the German ones did is a unique publishing event, and something worth taking stock of. I once read an interview where Lindemann said that, basically, his band was writing the equivalent of fairy tale stories for a world that has given up on fairy tales. And even in songs as wacky and insane as Amerika I can see the truth in that explanation. punches through the bullshit, and gives us an avenue into archetypal longings and desires. Which is another way of saying: one of the most impressive achievements of Rammstein is that On Quiet Nights music has caught on among Americans, despite the language barrier. The American music scene has always been somewhat isolationist—if not downright self-centered—in its affinity for English-only lyrics, despite its multicultural population. But once an American is lucky enough to discover Rammstein, they are floored. You have to respect a band which can get Americans banging their heads while chanting in unison with languages they cannot normally speak and probably do not really understand. There is no stronger proof that there must be more to their words than simply their meanings …and there is: Rammstein is a good band because they get the sound right. And Till Lindemann, the unmistakable voice of Rammstein and creator of so many of their lyrics, is mostly responsible for this success…because he is, at root, a great poet. Poetry is about sound as much as it is about sense. In some songs, Rammstein sneaks a little English into the mix, maybe to throw Americans a bone—as in Amerika or Pussy —songs that are hilarious in their mockery of nationalistic. Upload Sign In Join. Find your next favorite book On Quiet Nights a member On Quiet Nights and read free for 30 days Start your free 30 days. Create a List. Download to App. Length: On Quiet Nights 36 minutes. Description There's a place inside us that is cloaked in darkness, rubbed raw with silence. Start On Quiet Nights free trial. Page 1 of 1. ON QUIET NIGHTS – Rammstein

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview On Quiet Nights a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. On Quiet Nights by Till Lindemann. On Quiet Nights collection explores the blackness within, the gritty underground that hides inside memories and cowers just outside fear. The poems, paired with illustrations from Matthias Matthies work in sync to create a collage of blunt sexuality, masochistic, and sometimes sadistic recollections of love, reflection, and self-exploration. Lindemann paints pictures with his poems, a slave to the vulnerability and sexuality that drives mankind. His words themselves are body modifications that settle on readers, piercing then On Quiet Nights penetrating and pumping his On Quiet Nights full with a mix of pleasure and pain. A combination of longing, emotional depth, and bestial intuition, these pieces evoke an innate nature to seek pleasure, to ask for forgiveness, to instill blame. On Quiet Nights pulls On Quiet Nights the curtains at night and asks readers to think about who they are. What am I? Why am On Quiet Nights Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what On Quiet Nights friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers On Quiet Nights about On Quiet Nights On Quiet Nights, please sign up. I want to read this book, because I love these themes involved about self-exploration, life's biggest questions as "Who am I? Particularly, I like so much existential themes. See 2 questions about On Quiet Nights…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of On Quiet On Quiet Nights. Jun 18, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: raw-dog-screaming-press. Note: I was involved in publishing this book After hearing that Till Lindemann frontman of the German band Rammstein has published a book of poetry many people assume that it is essentially a collection of lyrics. This is not the case at all. Lindemann's poetry encompasses the themes that are expressed by his music but also much more and in a more artistic fashion. It is still bold, powerful, raw and revealing. Lindemann does not shy from ugly images or heartbreaking truths. But there are also Note: I was involved in publishing this book After hearing that Till Lindemann frontman of the On Quiet Nights band Rammstein has published a book of poetry many people assume that it is essentially a collection of lyrics. But there are also thoughtful moments of quiet beauty alongside bawdy exclamations. Like any good poetry collection On Quiet Nights forces us to On Quiet Nights about the human condition, about the world and our place in it. There is a depth and range of feeling On Quiet Nights that is probably only possible to express through poetry. This is an English translation of the original poems written in German and the translator, Ehren Fordyce, has done much to preserve the feel of the poems including meter and rhyme. If you lack experience in reading poetry Michael Arnzen has done a great job of setting the stage with his foreword so even novices will have a place to start and a few signposts to look for. View all 3 comments. Jan 11, Cinthya rated it it was amazing. This book screams Till Lindemann. So, if you know Till you already know what kind of poems you're going to find here, but trust me you will be surprised. I personally recommend the short poems, they On Quiet Nights my favorite ones! Cudowna mieszanka erotyki, perwersji, strachu i refleksji nad przemijaniem. Wszystko to, co najlepsze u Tilla Lindemanna. Apr 23, Daniela rated it really liked it. I am not a big fan of poetry, but I am a big fan of Rammstein so I might be a bit biased. However, this On Quiet Nights of poems stands on its own in all its twisted glory. The writing is hard to judge since I don't speak German and have to rely on translations, but from what I gather it's pretty good. Very much in line with Rammstein lyrics and similar topics, too. I enjoyed it a lot, some made me think, some made me laugh and all of them entertained me so I have nothing but praise for this book. Great read, highly recommended, especially for people who are already familiar with Till Lindemann. Apr 28, Dave On Quiet Nights rated it really liked it. As the foreward rightly predicts, I came to this collection as a fan of Rammstein, and with fluent knowledge of Till's lyrics. Having such understanding is a great help in deciphering his poetry, which is of such amazing flavour. Mostly dark, often funny, yet always emotional on some level, this is an excellent compilation. I'm not sure how much is On Quiet Nights in the translation, although greater authority than my own assures of its faithfulness; I wish I knew German to read these poems as they were wr As On Quiet Nights foreward rightly predicts, I came to this collection as a fan of Rammstein, and with fluent knowledge of Till's lyrics. I'm not sure how much is lost in the translation, although greater authority than my own assures of its faithfulness; I wish I knew German to read these poems as they were On Quiet Nights. Oct 08, Francis rated it it was amazing Shelves: poetry, translated-into-english. Many of the poems are dark and disturbing, but he still had moments of light. The illustrations by Matthias Matthies certainly add to the dreariness of the poems. As a huge Till and Rammstein fan, I was glad to have been able to have read this book. Now I have to learn German so that I can read the original! Apr 04, Wilhelm Goldstein rated it it was amazing. Reads magically, like the perfect nacht stroll. I'm a fan of Rammstein's music but I'm not sure how I feel about this poetry collection. Certain lines have that darkness that hides under the sheets and rolls around at your feet. Then other parts just a simple verse or rhyme from what would be recognised from one of Rammstein tunes. The illustrations from Matthias Matthies are disturbingly pleasant and would love to hang them inside bathroom stalls around the world. I recommend "On Quiet Nights" because it captures Lindemanns thoughts On Quiet Nights desi I'm a fan of Rammstein's music but I'm not sure how I feel about this poetry collection. I On Quiet Nights "On Quiet Nights" because it captures Lindemanns thoughts and desires within a small glance of darkness, rhyme and On Quiet Nights. Man kann Till Lindemann viel unterstellen On Quiet Nights aber sicher keine mangelnde Phantasie. Zweizeiler in Prosa. Viele Zeilen in beinahe gereimter Form. Denn selbst, wenn man nicht sofort On Quiet Nights an diesem B Man kann Till Lindemann viel unterstellen - aber sicher keine mangelnde Phantasie. Denn selbst, wenn man nicht sofort Gefallen an diesem Buch findet, man liest es doch beinahe in einem durch. Jul 17, Paige rated it really liked it. My first On Quiet Nights book, I found it too be pretty cool but was by Till Lindemann and he is awesome so I might be slightly bias. It is very adult in content and the illustrations also are some of the weirdest I have seen. I found it an excellent introduction to poetry and am glad I gave it a go. Dec 30, Janice rated it it was amazing Shelves: owned-booksfavorites. While I am certain the original German version of this book has better meter and rhyme, the English translation is still magnificent poetry. As a hard-core Rammstein fan, I was not disappointed in the slighted. Till Lindemann is an artist who creates thought-provoking pieces every time. Verrassend en vaak grappig of een beetje beangstigend. Anyone here read Till's Poetry collection "On Quiet Nights"? : Rammstein

I just got it today and I love the poems! Amazing examples of dark beauty! Has anyone else here read and it what did you think? I liked them. I think sooome poems could have been longer, but the typical twisted nature to them pretty much delivered to my expectations. Not a book I'd show to everyone, it kinda requires a special type On Quiet Nights reader to like it. Good quality. I'm loving it! It's definitely very dark but great for anyone who love Till and Rammstein or just loves really dark literature. I belong to both those categories. Shows the band working out on the show and behind the stage, I never really looked behind the curtain, to be honest, I can only guess what Till has On Quiet Nights lift back On Quiet Nights to cope with all the shit he had to take. But i like his poems! It really helps give an understanding of his darker side. Most of the pictures in the book are unusual and sexual On Quiet Nights a way, but i mostly read his text. Its pretty unique overall. And that's awesome, i assume you must enjoy volkerball then. I love his poems, too, but I always had to have them through music, preferably to make me as numb as I could with very hard alcohol and coke, the latter in liquid form, surely Till had a lot of it through the nose, as in pain and suffering, you know? I tried to heal my pain through understanding his. An Olympic Swimmer of Germany in the 80s. You know what that meant? I can only assume. Russians strong, DDR. He hates Germany, he hates it so much he wanted to escape. Through his words and eyes and the looks he received in the end, he did that. This is just what I am assuming, yeah. I have not lived his very life, but I am picturing something very close in my mind, unfortunately, too often I have. The finishing touch is this: Till hasn't had it easy. They took off his wings so much untiLL he didn't want to be an angel anymore. I haven't read them, but if Till publishes them in a book instead of songs, they must be very dark and deep, that's for sure :. All of them are pretty brutal, but with a few touching ones as well that show a softer side to Till. Are they? And then he writes those poems, I am assuming. Puts them away for a while, let's a friend publish them for him, so he can be free again, of every little sin he had and On Quiet Nights the pleasure along with it. He goes fishing by shiny night, that's for goddamn sure. Doesn't matter, if it's black or blonde, if you catch my drift :D. Every poem has an origin of language. Then it gets translated to whatever the people want. Popular in Russia, he is, our Tilly, for instance :. I read it. Some are On Quiet Nights verbatim Sautod is basically the lyrics to Waidmanns Heil with the chorus missing. While some use a few lines only "Nele" starts with "Tu das nicht. Fass das nicht an. I love his poetry. I love his poems also. I got Die Getichte, which features both Messer and on In stille On Quiet Nights hence sorry if I refer to ones absent from that book. When it arrived I was just so super excited so flicked through and read the first poem the book opened on, On Quiet Nights Kenn Ich. I finished it and I was like "wow, that's heavy" - that's very inarticulate I know, but that's the point, I'm told I have a tendency towards Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness, yet that was so affecting I was at a loss for words. Brilliantly On Quiet Nights, able to create such a mood with just three images. I am quite cold-hearted, and poetry is not my most favorite preferred art form so I was really impressed and hooked. That poem is one of my favorites ,also adore Was Ich Liebe, if it is autobiographical my heart really goes out to him, really hope "dass ich froh bin darf nicht sein" turns out to be incorrect. Simultaneously, it makes me think even On Quiet Nights highly of him, that he is so strong that he can share such harrowing personal thoughts, and in such an beautifully phrased manner - he continues to be living up to his quote "art doesn't On Quiet Nights without pain; art also exists On Quiet Nights compensating pain" and I so much hope it does compensate his pain somewhat. The poetry also makes me relate to him very much - not to be presumptuous, but I mean the parental dynamic he describes throughout the book, resonating strongly say in Meine Mutter Ist Blind sounds very similar to my On Quiet Nights youth. It makes his song Home Sweet Home on all the more touching, that he wrote such a poignant song given how fraught the relationship with his father must have been. In short, On Quiet Nights poems certainly increased my already immense esteem of Mr Lindemann as an artist and as a complex, sensitive, amazing soul. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All On Quiet Nights reserved. Rammstein comments. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. If you have any questions, be sure to check out our FAQ! We also have a Discord server! Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. Rammstein submitted 3 years ago by Blue-eyed-lightning. Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account. How much do you like his poems, Kate? I should check that out as well. On Quiet Nights that's awesome, i assume you must enjoy volkerball then And true! Love the band as well, ill be going to a concert next week cant wait :. That's why he writes like he does, I believe. You On Quiet Nights going to a concert next week, hm? I want to, too :D Tom. Maybe Till feels this On Quiet Nights after his tours, wherever they go. And he looks like one badass poet in that picture!