W m I Jf jWS " r1 nmfiTfcli W Fair , high northwest winds.

Ia VOL LXVI.-- KO. 28. NEW YORK. "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1898. -C- OPYRIGHT. 1898. BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICE TWO CENTS. effect that the audience was not keyed up to bart Krum of Schoharie nnd Senator Nevada N. York," there was another burst ot applause. annul defeat, the same strong nnd faithful man. Immortal declaration, made at a time when stanr BKMOIT. cheers, but rather was expectant tor a fight, Stranahan of Oswego. Th young statesman Th names of Dewey, Hobson, Miles and the samo unswerving Republican and devoted to make It insured his detent by Douglas ROOSEVELT WINS. patriot that you havo always known him to be." for the United States Senate, (hat 'a house The Pisiform Reported anil Adopt believing that there was to be a great rumpus from Syracuse reeelvo.l a great welcome. He Wheeler, and the mention of their deeds divided against Itself stand. I be- DEr-VA- c.innot the Ticket Completed. between the followers of Gov. Black snd the Is a fellow. He has been spoken greatly stirred the audience. Whon Senator Mtt. OP AMERICA. lieve this Government cannot endure per- Republicans who nf Col. of Albany He White snoko of the " Immortal heroism of Then oame the time for the Hon. Chauncey manently half slave and half free," em- Haraiooa. Sept. '27 The evening session ' desire the nomination at as the dude Senator. acted bodied tho doctrine. Grant, with evi- y a M. Depew speech for was not called to order by Chairman White Roosevelt. There was not the HgMet as If he was xnod deal of a dude, the the rough riders," the convention broke to make the nomination Appomattox and the iwirolcot honor totlioCon-federat- e dence of a battle this morning. In fact there samp as Col. Theodr.e Roosevelt a dude with loose entirely, rose as ouo man and one Col. . Senator White Intro- Army behind nlni. stood for the per- untllft:4fl o'clock. Hn at once calld for th astotes-manllk- e Depew " petuity of union and liberty. McKlnley. by his (hn Com mil tee on Resolutions and th Nominated Governor was no opportunity for one. Still the Ameri- a lot of brains and determination and woman, waved hats and handkerchiefs, duced Mr. to the audience us Mr. long rciiortiif for ty a and able advocacy of Its principles, is the pint was by L. Wood- can public are usually two or three hours way of telling the vast audience what chairs and canes, and the two bands In unison Depew of America." There were cheers and leading spirit lor thn protection of American form read Gen. Stewart ahead ot lime where a row is on hand. Super- he had to say. Senator White's utterances broke out with "The Star Spangled Banner." laughter at this. Dr. Depew hns made seven Industries. For this year, for this crisis, for ford, the Chairman of the committee. I'ayn In Rev. M. stirred audience from ths first moment. Benator White was Interrupted nearly four thousand speeches where the young statesman tho voters of the Empire State, for the young The platform was reported from the commit- Tote of 753 to 218. intendent came while the the men of the country and the upward, onward i, Deloe Jump of the Methodist Episcopal Church They brought out all of the fine national and minutes by this outburst. The spereh was a from Syracuse has made seven. Dr. Depew's tee without a dissenting vote and was adopted and outward (renil of thn United States, thn of Saratoga was exhorting Divine Providence patriotic feeling that was In that gathering of red, white and blue affair from beginning to speech evoked I he greatest applause. candidate of enndldotes is the hero of Suntlngo, unanimously by the convention. The conven- White was It wo just But, some of the idol of the rough riders Col. Theodore tion expressed Its full commendation of the to protect and guide the convention. nearly 4.000 persons. Senator end. and what that audience liked. novertheloas. tho Roosou'M " was was t lint If kept on war plank, especially the statement that the THE CONVENTION CALLED TO 0BDBB. cheered from the beginning of his speech to When it ended, it made known said thnt Senator White Its end. His speech In every war was the Clen. Stewart L. Woodford. Chairman of the he would in time make as good a speech as Dr. ROOnEVELIS IIIRinAtT BORNE TO THE FLAT' Untied Slates must not return oontrol of any Chairman Odeli banged to convention to IT IS MADE UNANIMOUS. the equal nf delivered In the lost few preced- Committee on Resolutions, had been delayed Depew. If Senator White's speech wns a red. roRM. of the conquered Mauds to Spain. This is the come to few Be- that order a minutes afternoon. ing years by other young Republican states- somewhat In framing tho platform, and Per- white and blue affair. Dr. Depew's speech wns lust about In the middle of Dr. Depew's platform: side him were the men who were to be the THE PLATFORM. men, and It will long be remembered. He said : manent Chairman White announced that the red. white and blue also, with bunting and Sixteen B great canvas hearing the portrait ot Secretaries of the body record Its doings and convention would bo In reeoss until Gen. banners and guns and rockets nnd shells Oil. ilooscvi It In tho Tnll uniform of Colonel of The Republicans of New York. In convention for benefit of generation of Repub- CHAIRMAN WHITE'S SPEECH. assembled, congruliilute country upon the the future Woodford arrived. thrown In. It wns a speech that tickled Ihe the rough riders was rushed down the aisle the licans. They H. Kenyon, L. "We are assembled here to promote the true conclusion ol the wur with Spain. It was not f Gov. Black's Friends Pledge Ear were John Reuben ends of government. The Republican party, a President (Juigg ot tho New Y'ork County statesmen, politicians, ladies, and all hands. and borne upon the platform. This proceeding undertaken for conquest, ,," sacred A. Lafayette B. Gleason. '"" '"r Fox. Charles Ball and sure Instrument for that purpose, now turns Committee demurred to this nnd offered a reso- Dr. Depew said: Interrupted Dr. Depew's speech for several cause ot humanity and for thn just protection When quiet Odell merely an- from the conduct of u successful war to the of American It In nest Support to the Ticket. came Chairman lution that the convention proceed at once to minutes, end when he resumed he pointed interests. has resulted the nounced Mr. Jump would open the con- sober consideration of ulvlc ulTnlrs. The annals OKIT.W'S srEF.CII NOMINATING ROOSEVKLT. complete triumph oi Americuit urms on land that of Its life abound in durable achievements. nominations. Tho delegates accepted Presi- to the mammoth I'SHVO. and said: "That and sea. nnd we meet, with resolute faith, all vention with prayer, tind he asked for order so " Genti.kmkn i Not since has the Re- Created bv Lincoln at an ominous time, reared dent Qulgg'srosolul Ion amid a volley of cheers, publican purty met in when the is the entrance into this convention the real onslblliiles which our victories impose. that Mr. Jump might he heard. Dr. Jump in by Seward. Orant. and Illaiue, with the aid of a convention We congratulate the country upon the iieople, maturity unwilling and former Judge J. Rider Cudy ol Hudson. conditions of the country Were so Interesting of n rough rider." There nun a howl of joy courugn I Ilnrt.-ioT- . Woodruff Henomlnaled his prayer said: mighty its sees the or so critical. Then the emancipation proo. pntrlotle wisdom, the patient nnd the Black nations of Europe recognise the United States who named Gov. Black in the convention in over thn sentiment Dr. Depew was cheered lu nil humanity which dislinguishnd ihe oon-du- Out of the ennarinuaueea ofour need WB romr to as a power. latitat ion of President Lincoln, giving free- an-- i' foremost this village two years ago. mounted the plat- in his speech when he told how Col. Roose- of President during the critical Jete M Votes from the Borough of M The In prayer We pray that all our works Republican party's first mission ended dom and citizenship to four millions of slaves, periods of diplomatic negotiation battle, "The form and began a similar task for the Governor brought about a revolution In the internal velt's famous rohm hud effect of and lift mai be Is ami carried forward and ended In when Iron chain fell forever from the limbs of round the und which now guide him In the restoration of hattaa and from the Boroogh f ami next duty year. All of Gov. Black's friends in the Policy of our Government which seemed to bringing troops yellow peace. every every Thee and aeeor ing to that perfect and bleaaed will. the innocent on this continent. Its this multitudes of patriotic men full of the gravest the homo from tho CltlEeni of State nnd party -- Th r nnnlnn.ua Nomination was completed with the reconstruction of the convention shouted with joy over Judge Caily's dangers fever districts of Cuba to of the fought and won under his command. All Jkj' We thank Thee for the new Itiatru whlrh h.a Union. Its thin task was finished when educa- to the republic The ollcot of the the fresh air lingering sectionalism wns burned out inthe to Iheao grasp of high eulogy ot tho Governor, and Judge Cudy situation was the sudden and violent sunder- North and the bright sunshine of beautiful of Col. Roosevelt (irrrtnl with Thundrr-- I been added the American nation in tion came within the all mankind: ing of the ties winch bound the past to heat of buttle, nnd with tho war ended later daya liy the great atateamanahip of when nn opportunity to earn by honest toll wa frequently Interrupted in his speech. Long Island. and pence ussurcd. all our people give honor financial independence was no longer the priv- tho present anil the futuie. New prob- nnd to who so bravely on Apiilnmr lir. Depew Makes the our n K BLACK. Judge Charles T. Snxton of Wayno came to praise the President and leadera and by the ap'.endid valor of ilege of the few, but the birthright of the In. CADY NOMINATES lems were precipitated iipui our statesmen to so wisely enforis'iltlio nutloiiul will and upheld our e 1 Hera and sailors on laud and ee. Itle.s by am- Two years solve, which were not to be found In tho text, thn platform to second thn nomination of Gov. Nomination Speech for 11homt.ii and many: when the suffrage, surrounded "Mn. Chairman and Gentlemen: schools, ill tra- the n.'ii louni arms. the President of these United fltntea give Inn ple safeguards, parsed us heritage to each ago, upon this platform mid in the presence of bonks of ihe nor the manuals or Black. The statesman from tho peppermint Weeonttstulate our nnd navy upon th onsilile -- epreHontntlves ditions of Cotigiess. Tlie one coin ago nils, con- amir lad Cady Speak for Gov. Black and hla counsellors great wladoni In the difficult American citizen: when material wealth and the resi und accredited which polities has district made an excellent address. Before splendid victories nf the wur, nnd wn wnlcom commerclnl prosperity, freed from Inflation. of the Republican party. I presented the name structive party our known home our brave soldiers ami sailors, who. by and delicate tasks Imposed noon thrni. We come to S. ns a for liulf a century solved those problems so going any further It should be snid right hero The Platrnrm Meets tha Democrat on teemed throughout the land. Its latest charge of Frank Black candidate for Governor. disen- their courage and sacrifices, huve added a new ask Thy Messina upon the chief inagiritriite of tbia hu- To-da- y I so in no successfully that tho regenerated and was heroically performed and the cause of do again, firm assurance that un- that the speeches in (his convendon were ot an dignity to American citizenship nnd given new Issues Rtato today, upon in manity Immeasurably when despot- other name can be put before you that will thralled republic has grown und prospered to National and Slate and lieclarea all who are associated with him advanced der this new birth of liberty beyond all prece- unusually high order. Thn speeches in n State power and menuing our fine. authority: upon our legislator, that they mar ism and cruelty were suppressed Inthe Antilles more thoroughly command your confldnnoe Wo have abiding confidence thut the Presi- Oar Flag Remain of Spain was perma- ami respect. Then he was us from dent und every prediction. Convention, Republican or Democratic, are upon That Hull Forerar wiae laws, we pray they will to and when the rule driven named " Now, dent will conclude this peace terms that enact snd thst nently from the sight of our fostering shores. Rensselaer. To-da- y I name him as of New as then, the unexpected has happened. usually dull and stupid affairs. wus will sutlsfy the conscience, the judgment, nnd To-da- imagina- There In the Antilles and tha Philippines. us all the apirlt of a true cttUenah p to keep in- " In a word, such Is the history nnd such are Y'ork. Then he stood for a county. y he The wildest dream ever horn of tho the high purpose of the American people. We you tion of the most optimistic believer in our des- nothing of this kind Every man who violate the laws that are enacted. the deeds of the Republican party. In the Held stands for a sovereign State. Then had not McKinley realise that when the m ssittes of war com' s, Col. nooezvyLT hns it guided measured his strength and greatness: you took tiny could not foresee when was spoke was well received and gave expression For Governor Th rononr of Oyster of national affairs not alone the two yeurs ngo torrent polled our nation to destroy Spanish authority By direction of Chnirman Odell. Co). Konyon Government with wisdom. energy, niidsklll.for him on faith, and your faith has been justified. elected tho to his uttorances with fervor and In strong, In tlie Antilles and In the Philippines we as- Bsr. management of vast interests of the Now he hus become an integral part of the of events of the past three months. We are obligations began the roll call of the convention i y As- its the either to lie submerged by this break in the clear, and excellent language sumed solemn duties and alike For Lieutenant Uovernnr Timothy L. Woodscst State since the fall of the Democracy has been Vital forces of tho Commonwealth. He, stands to the people of the islands we conquered and sembly districts. A substitute vrvi named for force, bv a you a strong virile ilgure, pregnant. dykes erected by Washington about our Gov- Judge Saxton spoke of Gov. Black in the We characterised by an enlightened before and ernment, we to find by wise utiliza- to the civilized world. caiiuot turn these f Brooklyn. William L. Strong of , statesmanship, which have turned n masterful, commanding ; one of the great char- or are the highest terms as a courageous, honest and able Islands back to Spain. We en nnot leave them. ot history York ; in tion of the conditions loreod upon us how to be For 8rretary nf State Joan T. HcDosmoi of alt along would come backward period Into an era of development acters the of New abundant Executive of of New York. He unarmed tor defence nnd untried In statecraft, who has declared that he and progress. Until the leturnof Republican-Ism- . ripened powers, yet full of vigorous growth: safer and stronger within our old boundaries, the State said to the horrors of domestic strife or to partition Albany. here and vote for Black. His substitute is to having good capable of greater and to add incalculably to American enterprise he had no rellections to make on Col. Roose- New York was fast losing gtound done great and by becoming of among European powers. Wn have assumed vote for Roosevelt. among the States of the Union not in good; keen. Intellectual, eloquent with tongue and opportunity masters the velt and nothing unkind to say of anybody: the responsibilities of victory, and wherever For Comptroller Col. WrLt.TAit i. Mnao.s of wealth, not in trade, not In population, for and pen respecting the rights of others and his sea, and entering with the surplus of our flag has gone there the liberty, the human- When the Tioga delegation was reached. own, in public private morals, our manufactures the markets of the but he wanted to remind the great audience flag Buffalo. these were reasonably secure, but in the care unstained and We We ity aiidthocivlllzntinn which that embod- Senator Piatt arose to make a substitution long : with lofty conceptions of world. cannot retreat or hide. that if Col. Roosevelt had performed his duty for- of thp suffrage, which had been neglected and noble duty: waves storm.' ies and represents must remain and abide Fir Attorney General Jons C. Havifs of Camden, A. Mead William A. Smythe, who In the conduct of the primary elections, which ardent, well balanced and sincere. It might must 'ride the and direct the faithfully in the late war, so also Gov. ever. Thn Republican party has been the party Howard for In ISfHI A war ha been fought and won, and vast pos- had Oneida comity. Owego by had been utterly ignored: in the regulation ot have been cogently arguod that nls away, performed duty faithfully loyally of brave conservatism, of wise progress, and of was called home to this morning the tho liquor traffic, which hud been prostituted nomination would commit the party to the In- sessions, new und fur have been acquired. Black his and triumphant faith lu the nationality ot this peo- For But Treasurer F. death of his father, one of the best known Re- In of a mere political and personal ex- In the short space of 113 days politicians and in his dealings with President McKinley and all Joan Jabcebi. of Auburn. to partisan purposes: the character of the dorsement parties have been forced new questions ple, and we know that the President and states- publicans in the tier. Senator Piatt judiciary, which had been flngrantly de- periment. That cannot be done in lrSict. The to meet others Interested In bringing the war to a swift man nnd voters of the Republican party will For Ptatc Rncineer and Bnrveyor Eowabo A. Bond southern of Gov. Black two years ago was and to take sides upon startling issues. The bravely greeting. When bauched: in the dignity of law and order, ambition face of tho world has changed. maps and victorious close. meet these issues of the future aa and Of Watertown. received another kind the which had been outraged by the theft of the legitimate and honorable. Conscious of the been The triumphantly as we have met the issues of th roll call was completed Chairman Odell an- Legislature. While our sister States attained posessinn of great powers. he had the right that of yesterday are obsolete Columbus, looking Assemblyman YVallace of Hempstead sec- past. York, every man enjoys to secure preferment from for the Orient and its fabled treasures, sailed Wo of Sabatooa. Sept. '21. Col. Theodore Roose- nounced that bv the direction of the State lehor levels. New under Democratic land-locke- d onded Col. Roosevelt's nomination. He spoke commend tho snnexstion Hawaii in le, wallowed In stagnation wrong. his Iriends, and his exercise of it was no cause 400 years ago into the harbor of of commerce, of security Representative E. Payne of ri and y bone of Col. Roosevelt In neighborly told the Interest national velt was nominated for Oovernor by the He-- i Committee Serena The Democratic iarty has little claim upon of offence. He prevailed and became Governor. Santiago, and his spirit sees his fashion and and national development. Auburn had been selected to be temporary good people He now frankly seeks the renomttiation that resting under the Hug ot a new and great coun- how the people of Long Island looked upon allegiance publican State Convention by a vote the confidence and will of the of try which has found the way and conquered We renew our to tha doctrine of r Chairman of the convention. Chairman Odell the State. It has obstructed every great re- d men candidly concede he has the gallant Colonel as a fine, wise, good and the St. Louis platform. We continue to con- yet You to pass upon within the out posts, and is knocking at the door of the policies de- of 753 to '218 received by Gov. Frank 8. Blaok Mr. In form; it tia denounced trusts, connived at earned. are his fate neighbor. demn snd resist the Democratic named two of Payne's associates their enrichment: it hnsw.th ridiculous hypoc- the hour. You are about to commend him as farthest East. honorable clared at Chicago. The organised Demoeratlo for renomination. Former County Judge J. the House of Representatives at Washing- Its to the confidence and suffrages of tho "The times require constructive statesmen. Then came Col. Abraham Gruber's time to Chicago risy attacked corporations and declared entitled As in 177(1 and iHtiri, we need architects and party of the nation adheres to these ton to escort him to the platform, .fumes S. friendship for the laboring man. and yet it la people or to banish him from opportunity for make his speech for Gov. Black. Col. Gruber, policies of free silver and free trade, and denies rp. Rider Cady of Hudson, who had put Gov. been, thofr consideration. builders. A protective tariff, sound money of Sherman of Oneida and Israel Flscherot Kings. and long has subservient to the the gold standard, the retirement of the Gov- along with Edward Lauterbnch of New York the right of tlie courts and the Government .Blaok in nomination. Immediately moved to domination of corporate power. Its devotion "There are scores of men In the scats of to protect persons and property from violence. Representative Payne delivered his speech in wage enrner Is exhausted by harangues delegates In this hull whom I have known for ernment from tho banking business and State city, had been among Gov. Black's most ardent On coming Sth of November we are to :.Y" to the just important ever. the make the nomination of Col. Roosevelt unani good style, It well all wny in the halls of legislative bodies nnd by utter- many years as upright, sincere and con- Issues are as as Until supporters. Col. brought elect not only our State officers, but also Rep- and was received the loving justice, by high three months ago to succeed we would have Gruber the conven- many passages ances for political effect. It has violated the scientious, animated hod satiety down a resentatives in Congress and members of our mous, and Senator Hobart Krum of Sohoharie. through, licit c greeted with spirit of the charter of New Y'ork by the principles, possessed of deep and profound to the voters of the soundness and tion with laugh. His speech was State Legislature, That Legislature in Its applause. When to bravery of I do not think I err when I wisdom of our position on these questions. marked by a few Indelicate flings at Hon. suc- who has been one of Gov. lilack'a chief ad- he referred the of the notorious Devery; it has convictions. that The cardinal principles ot Republican policy the term will elect a United States Senator to the rough riders Instantly the Roosevelt ban- st niggled against a pure ballot: it has sneered express the belief that to many of them this is Timothy L. Woodruff. At least was the ceed the present Democratic Senator from this re- of the gravest of lives, will be the platform of this canvass that visers and spokesmen, assured the convention as- at the honest caucus law: it has fought to one moments their and junc- State. Democratic leaders declare thst they ner was shot into the air and the cheers politics: it upheld ad- that the sense of their responsibility weighs and of future ones. But at this criticism heard of Col. Gruber's speech. It was conduct campaign upon fol- tain the saloon in has the people put every- will tills State issues ot entire harmony in the party when he cended, the band played, and everybody seemed vocate of a debased currency and of national heavily upon them. You will be asked in adroit ture the have temporarily remarked that they were for the alone. But it is known that if tlie Democratie polished phrase. In words of eloquence thing else aside and are applying their whole will re- lowed Judge Cady with this speech : to be happy. There was not even a smug look repudiation. Under its present leadership It is and that thought it conse- reason that Gov. Black and Mr. Woodruff had party secures the State Legislature it insincere to the core, and seeks spoils and in- I cannot command, to reject him. You will be to the war with Spain and elect to the United States Senate that On behalf of Gov. Frank B. Blaok and on on the faces of the men who followed the for- dividual gain. told that expediency demands his retirement to quences. We believe that they think and will come to a complete understanding a to Mr. Democrat who now represents hla party " be urged the oaptlvat-n- g vote that our war with Spain waa just and Woodruff's Lieutenant-Governo- r. tunes of Gov. Black. Who arc these men In control of the Demo- life. It will that righteous. We yet say renomination for ther and misrepresents the State. That of every delegate who voted tor him in cratic party, who assail the Republican party brill lunoy ot a military record will blind the cannot that American Senator supported the cause of free silver: I'OMIREHS.MAN PAYNE'S SPEECH. to eyes of the people of New York to the more constituencies have settled convictions on ter- Chicago Conven- this convention. I say they will stand by the nnd its representatives, and who seek imperii ritorial expansion and the government of dis- COL. GRUBEB'S SPEECH. supported the uomlneesof the Mr. Payne recounted the recent triumphs of the safety of the nation and State by the over- sober merits of duties well performed in civic tion in the last Presidential election ; gave his B"nomination of Col. Roosevelt a Col. Roosevelt Republican party at this critical place; that th smoke of battle from that far tant Islands and alien races. We can say that Mr. Gruber said: In the Senate for the heresies of throw of the vote that the Republican party, culminating in the elec- veiled Republican opinion glories In our victories and con- time? First and foremost we find Mr. Croker Cuban hill has so far and obscured the follows flag. "To do that which is prompted bv the heart Chicago platfotm. and must. If reelected, has stood by the country. We will not be in the tion ot William MoKinley as President, and of New York, graphically described by Mr. noble qualities of Gov. Black that they eo hn the and commended by the head is indeed u grate- to support those heresies. Democrats -- " logic all tinue Nolan of Rochester as "the whole thing.' and of no further use to th State. Are you pre- The resistless of events overcomes ful task, and that is mine now. If I make a mis- may try to deceive tha people by Ignoring the reserve forces, bat wo. will be at the front and then ssld: of other considerations and Impels me to present Nolan ought to know. Where was Mr. Croker pared to admit the soundness and wisdom you - take of the heart I expect to b forgiven anarchistic doctrine of that Instrument in we will stand shoulder to shoulder with the " Two yearn of hi administration have when pntriotle men. regardless of party ties, all this? Are you persuaded that suoh argu- the name of, as it will persuade to noml- In heaven. Laughter.) If I moke a mistake of their State platform, but their members of history, we soon fae buttling Altgoldism, just? Are you convinced such a nate us our candidate for Governor of the Stat expect forgiven Congress if they suo-cee- d yon passed Into snd are to were with Bryanlsin. with ment that of New York. Col. Roosevelt. the head I to be by the and their Senator, shall best of and push Col. Theodore Roosevelt another election. Now our friends, the one . and with Anarchistic doctrines, or when, for course is best calculated to enlist the service of Theodore If he organization, as I have forgiven him in the In reflecting him. cannot and will not they April good men In public careers ? Are you were only the hero of a brilliant charge on the prayed s. Into the Executive ohalr by a tremendous ma tell us that have lost all intern' in humanity's sake, th nation last rushed and able wa nothing past when I have for him. I come ignore those doctrines at Washington. national affairs. They propose to make. am-pal- to arms? Was he running his horses snd aping ready to say, with all the great prestlgo of this battlefield, and there else which before you as an organization man who We are ready to meet the Democrats on all jority. More we will Execu- upon solely. They evidently convention, is no bar of justice fitted him for this high place, I would not put many political In a cam- than that, take the State issues the Prince In old England, or was he basking vast that there In But Col. Roosevelt bears scars In fighting State Issues, but larger sense this Col. fear to face the people on their national record. amid the homage of numerous little ohiettains in polities at whloh the deserving oan receive him nomination. has for the organization, but it is not paign Is a national campaign, and our people tive chair for Roosevelt as he took as Having of Will you shown conspicuous ability In the oubllo ser- necessary consequences. no recent record on State affairs, they at Lnkewood or Saratoga' the fair rewards their merits? years. He wa always for me to undergo cannot escape Its national The a rough rider the height of San Joan." are willing to go before the people on that Is- " Then there is Mr. Hill of Albany, whom his deem it prudent to announce such doctrine to vice for ten a soldier three an operation when the organisation has ap- - election of Republican members of Congress was cheering at this, party Is never so happy as mournfully youth of tho part and of the State ? months It is not time which tells with an Prolonged laughter a Republican Legislature will There tremendous and sue. The Democratic former pohtioal friends picture as the executive mind and restless energy like Roose- and cheering.) and of State the nomination of Col. Roosevelt was made when It can escape looking Into its own past. Y'lctor Hugo pictured Napoleon, 'Mighty "Look at the situation fairly, gentlemen. To expeot that I will agree again with the organi- mean that New York shall stand Tor the main- on if they de- trust, great or small, has Gov. Black velt's, but opportunity. Give him the chance I gold for a re- We will meet them State issues eoiiiiiiimbulist of a vanished dream.' but who what and victory. He posi- zation, but know now that the organization tenance of the standard und such unanimous with thunderous applause. sire. We shirk no responsibility. If mistakes In plain language might be termed a 'has proved faithless ? What Interest of the people he leads to has held two agrees with me In the conclusion that there is vision of the currency laws as will guaranteeto a Republican will party neglected ? In what respect tions which generally ruin the holder of them good country every Gov. Blaok received 20 votes out of the 188 have been msde Executive been.' Where was he during these epochs? or the has he with politicians and the unthinking. One was not one reason for the refusal of a the labor of the that paper borough of 38 be swilt to correct them. But we wiil not per- Was he hanging around, issuing prolonged in- has his administration been other than praise- nomination to Frank S. Black (pro- promise to pay a dollar. Issued under the from the and votes para- worthy? Has not prospered he Civil Service Commissioner and the other Police be of abso- 132 mit these matters to overshadow the terviews, or wa he in solitary state roosting at the State since for New York city. So long as longed cheering), based entirely upon his authority of the United States.shall out of the from the borough of Brooklyn. mount national questions that are before us. Wolfert's Roost ? became its chief magistrate ? Order has been Commissioner the record as a Republican and as a Governor lute and equal value with a gold dollar always In New Blaok as follows: They say Issues. No na- Troy, have been enforced. public did not understand him there was of New The vote York for was there are no national "Next we meet Mr. Murphy of the maintained. The laws plenty of language gnashing of f the State York. If the hero of and everywhere. Twenty-sev- Why. we Where was Wise measures of government have been In- lurid and teeth. a delegate In party is fulfilling the pledges Twentieth district. 3; Twenty-firs- t. 8; tional Issues are to electa United apostle of clean elections. he all people iu an Juan were this conven- The Republican States Senator and thirty-fou- r Representa- this time ? Does anybody know ? Suffice it to spired and promoted by him. Bod schemes The are always just the end. Let tion he would, it true to all of his political we made at St. Louis. We have enacted a con- enth, 3; Twenty-nint- h. 3. and Thlrty- - tives in Congress, who will deal with questions say that only last winter he cast his vote In the have perished beneath his hands. The tax rate them know everything that can lie said teachings and belief, sav, as I now say. that servative protective tariff, so wisely devised 9. Kings fol- Important any ever at- 40-re- reduced, and the burdens of the people about a man and see all that the searchlight of B. by tho to pay the fifth. The vote in for Black was as as as that received the Senate for free silver and for a dollar, has been will reveal and their verdict is the Frank Blaok. all rules of right, and that revenue is amply sufficient lows: First district, 4: Second. 2; Fifth. 1; tention of the national Congress I" after the electors of the State had declared lessened. The Capitol has been completed and away polltlos. Is entitled to a renomlnstlon. Pro- ordinary expenses of the Government in times their will in favor of sound money by upward lifted into the honest sunlight. Th sudden ruth. When the smoke had cleared from longed cheers. We have been told thst times of pence, while capital Is encouraged to seek tf Bixth. 5; Eighth. 1; Ninth. 3; Eleventh. 7; He then referred to the prosperity which has 800.000 and difficult emergencies of war have been the batteries of abuse they saw the untouched changed, but Frank S. Black has employment and tho wages of labor are main- of majority. public-spirite- have not 1; Fifteenth. 3. and election of McKlnley. saying: Is of met and disposed ot by him. wisely and well, and unharmed figure of a changed. Cheers.) The Republican high standard which experience Twelfth. 6; Thirteenth. followed the "What there ln'the lives or characters broad-minde- courageous un- party has tained at that these men to lead the people to believe that under a system of military administration and and officer, who not changed in ninety days, and political has proved to be nceessnry to the welfare of Seventeenth. 5. "We have emerged from the darkness and only peace for a derstood official responsibility to mean the per- people. exports largely our they would make fewer mistakes, would be equipment that had known favor ot honesty has not become political dishonesty our Our exceed (, After the unanimous nomination of Col. gloom of the Democratic night Into the bright more conscientious, would be more patriotic. generation. Honest primaries and honest elec- formance without fear or the work he lii ninety days. The gentlemen who advocate imports. The gold of the world comes steadily Roosevelt the convention adjourned for a night sunrise of Republican prosperity. Our Demo- than than those whom they traduce. If they or tions have been insured, so far as good laws can had promised to do and obedience to the laws the nomination ot Theodore Roosevelt unite in to our shores, and with a continuance of Re- de- he had sworn to support. The missiles from The convention had been in friends say that Providence is responsi- their proteges were Intrusted with the reins ot make them sure. The public bureaus and commending his course as Governor. They publican policy and Republican national ad- session. session cratic no partments administered prudently those batteries flew by him as innocuously as say a the prosperous future of the na- o'clock You will government? We need have fear. An have been from Spanish Mausers on all that his record is splendid one. and! ministration since 3 in the afternoon. It was a little ble for this. observe, however, that abiding faith may lead us on. safe In the ma- and honestly. He has appointed Justices of the did the bullets the apprehend that the platform to be adopted tion Is assured. . 9 before 8 o'olock when Col. Roosevelt was nomi- Providence and the supremacy and power of ture judgment of the people." Supreme Court und local judicial and minis- the hill of San Juan. here will commend Gov. Black's administration. In the interests of American labor and com- whose " When ho became Assistant Secretary of produots nated. The convention was pretty well tired the Republican party have always moved simul- Speaking of the war and its results, he said: terial officers all over the State selection Navy Are we to say to tlie man who made the reoord: merce, wn believe that American States emerges from the war has met with warm professional and popular the he was in u sphero more congenial ' Not well done good, and faithful servant ?' should be carr'ed In Amerleun ships, and we out. had listened to some mighty good taneously along the same lines." He then re- "The United to his genius and abilities. He Is a better ' It with Spain strengthened, magnanimous, tri- approval. There is no better, cleaner or more policeman. But rather Good and faithful servant, we will favor the upbuilding of an American merchant speeches and had heard an exhaustive state- ferred to the war and the Issues growing out umphant. The Republican party Is conducting efficient administration than his in the Union, soldier than he Is a Life on the see that you are well done.' IGreat laughter). marine which will give us our shore In the car- I been. plains had broadened his vision and invigor- In- world in of peace from Elihu Root as to eligi- of in conclusion said: this conflict with that surpassing ability which and there never has lam not here to I did not know Frank S. Black until I was rying trade of the time and ment tbs it. and every details. You know them, and you ated his youth. Successful excursions Into by my an effective naval militia lu time of bility and availability ot Col. Roosevelt has characterized its efforts in emer- discuss its the literature of the ranch and the hunting for troduced to him esteemed friend, constitute "The question before the people is simply gency In it history. President McKlnley has know that you approve them. big a man that 1 love personally evor so war. a tor William McKlnley to " Gov. Black shall not be renominated game had opened up for him tlie present my C. Wo the administration of Gov. as candidate Governor. Edward this: 'Is stand alone at exhibited throughout the entire ordeal the If resources and boundless possibilities of the much, friend Thomas Piatt of commend Lautorbaeh replied to this, snd before one end of the avenue with a hostile House and qualities of a great man. Aware of the horrors here It will not be because his service hus not Tioga. I took Blaok on faith from Senator Black. It hus been wise, statesmanlike, oar, a we stay forti- dignified, but for some other United States He was fortunately under the economical, and has resulted In hostile Senate at the other, or are to and responsibilities of war, with patient, been useful and generous, Indul- Piatt prolonged eheers and laughter), and fill and the the rollcall on the nomination was had It was up the arms ot that brave, gallant, wise, patri- tude, with moral courage, ho exhausted every reason. Let us not delude ourselves. Let us most accomplished, able, and if for the tune being I am seduced from lowest legitimate tax rate which the State baa plain that there was to be no trouble in the Re- otic President, and give him at the other and menus to allay the popular Indignation, to not shut our eyes to the truth, or turn our faces gent chief in Secretary Long, A small man my allegiance to the gentleman from Tioga had since infill. only of Represen- look as they would have been jealous of this dynamitic work of Legislature of publican party, and that the folks who had fol- of the avenue not a House avo 1 an appeal to arms. When peace waa from the light. us at facts are. of brains, energy, It is only because the man to whom he We commend the the tatives, but a Senate that will help him to solve no longer possible fores was employed with und call things byIttheir right names. The ad- bundle nerves, and initia- Introduced me was such a bully good fellow in enacting laws looking to the better- lowed Gov. Black, and had said many sharp problems?' of Gov. Black for all tive, but our distinguished Secretary gave full t of t hu t hrough a proper these This can't be done, gentle- incomparable results. In the midst of the ministration stands the scope (prolonged cheers What do the Republicans ment of he roads State things during the controversy, had no inten- men, by losing a Senator here and an Assem- struggle in the line of his duties, while some Republican party represents. If that party Is to his brilliant assistant. The count: i In a Governor? What are your constit- local supervision by Boards of Supervisors: in owns much to him for the ifflclency and splen- want of tion of remaining out, but would be. as always. blyman there In the Htato of New Y'ork.. We must men in high places sulked, while others not fit to lio trusted with the Government navy. uents asking you for? They donotexpect that completing, thiough Ihe direct agency the see to It that our Democratic Senator retires to preached doctrines fatal to the successful con- of tho State, then he is not. If it de- did condition of our thn Executive Mansion is going to he turned Governor, the Capitol building at Albany; In useful and valuable members of the Republi- ol Troy: longer a grant of power from "The wife of a Cabinet officer told me that for of the second class a uni- the shades that he no occupies. duct of the war, while others voted for ruinous serves fresh when Secretary Roosevelt into a shooting gallery. 'Great laughter. adopting cities can party. seat in the United States Senate. We must heresies, It never be forgotten that in this the elector", then he deserves renomlna-tlou- . Assistant announced they do expect, rather. Is the form charter : In throttling all attempts to let that he had determined to resign ami raise a What that upon have a Republican in his place. We must have crisis there came to the aid of the Administra- Are patient years of arduous and faith- regiment Governor of New York state shall possess place socialistic taxes the fruits u Republican House. We must see to it thst tion, in full measure, the sterling talents and ful toil in the service of the commonwealth to lor tho war. some of the ladies in the ability and honesty and that he shall safe- of Industry and economy; in meet- Republican Ignored people Administration circle thought It their duty to every required by the war; we have a Executive In the Empire immense Influence of the Republican Senator be lightly and set aside? The 'Mr.Roose-velt- . guard the best interests of all the people, and ing demand State. We must stand by the Administration from New York. are keen and They recognise merit remonstrate wtthhlm. Theysnld: so help me God. Frank S. Black has doue in beg. nning the abolition of dangerous grade to Overflowing In perilous to come, guar- " when they find It. They are not readily de- you have six children, ths youngest a few Is my on ruilmuds: in securing for the these times that are The amazing rapidity and force with which old, yet In nil that. It said that good friend cross iigs Organisation. anteeing to these islands a stable, navy army ceived. Ninety-nin- e out of every hundred citi- months and the eldest not the toens. Is in the 1 ederai service tliolr right to vote I just and our and initiated and maintained While the country Is full nf young men who Timothy L. Woodruff the nominee for sailors Everybody who could equitable Government that will give to Cuba a effective operations, including brilliant vic- zens will attest the blameless Integrity and eager Lieutenant-Governo- r. I know he Is going to in passing a primary election law to aid in place among the nations of the earth and give tories and an adequate blockade, the unrivalled the great talents of the Governor They be- have no such responsibilities and are to be nominated, because my delegation is pui 'living the franchise and to enable all oor turned out to attend They he is of simple enlist, von have no right to leave the burden in honest and effective to Porto Rico a chance beneath the American skill and heroic valor with which our soldiers lieve in him. know that upon bring- going to vote for him. 'Laughter.) How can people to participate the flag to up American life, unostentatious, willing to work, your wife of the care, support and ? of caucus and thn primary, and In Republican State march toward civilization and seamen carried forward this righteous ing upof that family.' Roosevelt's answer was you nominate Woodruff and turn down Black work the was there a brighter and become a part of the American people." cause, have been at once the admiration and and energetic. They like hist rank How are yon going to do if. and square transacting the public business of the Leglla I wonder of the civilised world. Illustrious as ness, his direct, plain, terse, epigrammatic man- a Roosevelt answer: 'I have done as much as yourselves with your constituent, leaving ture and adjourning In a shorter period than ladles present at a COMMUTES NAMED EXCESS. of speech. They know that he Is not rich In any one tobringon this war. because I believed con- uny Legislature since 1K1- -. were the deeds of Drake, of Van Trump, ot ner it out of consideration altogether your other or Nelson, of Jones, of Farragut, su- this world's goods, but they are sure that he is must conic, and the sooner the better, and Now I had my say. I Slate taxation of the liquor traffic has stead- Democratic. The naming of the various committees Paul th now Is deelurod 1 right science? have may In saving common sense, and in all those that wur have no to I n ily grown in popular favor. There have been Is one of the best in to a preme award in naval combat be accorded rich stay concluded that would come here brought their feet in turn bunch of young to Dewey at Manila and to the American virtues that make the homes of the land good ask others to do the fighting and at homo and look my friends in th face and collected under this law. during its brief period It Is large enough Republicans William A- the sons of the land strong in triumph and niyselt.' good I of existence, more than f.l.'t.(KH).(8K). which like Barnes. Jr.. of squadron at Santiago. and regiment of rough ciders was an origi- say a good word for a mun. have done a national lbany. Speaker James M. E. O'Urady of Roches- The greatness of the United States In war. in adversity, and that he does not seek to evade "The my duty In this tight as I havo felt it. I do not huve been applied to the reduction of Stat and peace, Is to any of his duties of citizenship. They know nal American suggestion to demonstrate that it cent, tight. not local taxation, and have thu relieved the earn- to the ceiling ter, Representative E. as In established for generations indomitable courage com- mske s I'.l p"r I did deliver Lemuel Ouigg ot New come. As In Webster's Impressive llgureof the that his cleur gaze enn pierce and transfix patriotism and are mvself and sav the rest of my delegutlon could ings ami savings of all the srople of the Stat. began to arrive. The Put- delusions. They have found him to mon to all conditions of American life The ap- York foremost among the States Y'ork. and Hamilton Fish of British drum beat, th" Stars and Stripes now shams and same great qualities arc not be controlled by me. Laughter and New stands flowers and nam, they all were mighty well by encircle the earth, 'following the sun and keep- bo radically conservative and consurvatlvely found under the plause. of the Uulou in caring foilhe interests of labor. snd received company radical. They know that he holds to the faith sloucliTuit of the cowboy and the elegant im- Almost everv law thai has declared, upheld, and 4 was a large painting ing with the hours. The splendor and I ROOSEVELT NOMINATED. the convention. fruit of conquest are attended by grave trials of the fathers, and does not follow strange ported lie of New York's gilded youth. Their preserved the rlghls of labor has been passed platform, but no picture When Gen. Stewart L. Woodford arose to and responsibilities. Problems and policies gods: that he stands on the safe and ancient niajinerlsms arc the veneers of the West and Representative George N. Southwlck of A- by the Republican party. Tim Republican wen until the delegates of must be promptly way, and does not wander Into jungles and the East ; their manhood Is the same. took platform to speak arid lKliS were occupied largely moveforthe appointment of a Commltteeon Importance " d lbany then the for met and affirmatively determined. The wis- morasses of populism or socialism, or the Bry- In that hot and climate of sum- with such legislation. Factory Inspection began to arrive. The l Mr. ono of Resolutions he was greeted with such resound- dom and the energy which have so successively anlsin that signifies but mer Cubu officers had oiiiortunltles for protec- Col. Roosevelt. Southwlck made has been extended. The prevailing rat in a banner bearing the ing cheers the in played guided destiny In past may be safely "Muke no mistake, my friends. The popular tion from miasma and fever which were not thn best speeches In his career. His tones of wages lias been enfotced upon all pub- thst band turned and our the possible for the men. But tho rough riders In his uniform as a "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Chairman Odell upon In tho future. We have outgrown strength of this man lu greater and mure were resonant and Hn wo lic works, railroad corporations havo been deeply many of you seem to endured no hardships nordungers which were compelled to adopt a ten-ho- law. The law service ot the ormer conditions. We must prepare for sub- seated than think. in He did not seem to appre- named the committee, and J. Sloat sequent event. The career of this republic If lie shall bo nominated here, that strength not shared bv their Colonel, lie helped them greatly euniost. securing thn weekly payment of wages has of Chemung was on feet. was confined is will augment with xvcrv hour to the election dig the ditches; be stood beside them In the ciate some of Col. Umber's flippant remarks, beeu extended to Include all joint stock assooi-uHiu- is Fassett his He cannot be to this continent. It not deadly dampness of the trenches. No lloored a this banner the band greeted with hearty cheers, and moved recess looking in territorial space, it is not wanting In Willi liiiii there are no surprises, no ambus- for hn started In on a high plane of eloquence, snd its violation has been made crime. a resources, Is naturally for cades in store lor the party. You all know the tent for him If his comrades must sleep on the The right to use labor labels has been seemed airs anybody abundant it endowed world-fume- d to lie was interrupted thst of the Convention until 3:30 P. M. The motion the development of a great and free people, but worst that can be sail about him. Y'ou have ground and under the sky. In that and from start finish to labor organizations. Eluliorata provision fifty years. Th large seen all he on In charge of the rough riders through the will: applause. security of employeee " was carried. the sturdy enterprise, the restless energy of the the enemies has the bills and hull up of have been enacted forthe patrlotio oae. Americans, are now alive to the opportunities the open. They are not In the valleys and the of shut and the hill San Juan their Senator Clarence Lexow of Rockland made in factories and "tores and for their better beyond the seas. A carrying trade auch as can woods, ready to spring forth lu unknown num- Colonel was a hundred fent In advance. treatment. The Mechanics' Lien aw has been "The AMHtNUOX MKH.HIOX. as adjourn. The bullets whistling by him ure rapldl the final speech for Gov. Black. Then came so prefer all labor for dally be acquired, a commercial intercourse which bers as soon this convention shall desperate fighters. amended as to rose to its feet. will surely follow, our distant possessions al- It is not my duty nor my purpose to insti- thinning the ranks ot these the address of thn Hon. Elihu Hoot and the re- and weekly wages before all other claim- was White Mad ready Nicaragua, tute comparisons between him and any other The Colonel trips unit fulls und lie- line wavers, ants, without reference to the time when banner brought in Senator Fermaneat Chairman obtained, a canal in our vast a up waving Ins ply of Edward I,autorbuch. which will be found Nominated-Th- e line of unprotected coast, all mean a strong and capable Republican that may be but iu moment he is again, such laborers file their notices of lien. IMOKSisaBattle Cry of Freedom" Platform. formidable sword, climbing and shouting He bears a lu another column. been absolutely toovlt placed ill nominal ion here Between Subletting of contracts has armament. This is sure to come. Let Itfu. Tramp. Tramp, the Sabatooa. Sept. 27. No convention of the us strive for it powerful growth. Wo them you will decide, not I. Gov. Black's loy-ult- y charmed lie clips the barbed wire fence The roll wus then called and resulted In 75,'i forbidden without the written consent of the 111 plunges through, yelling: on. boys: The audlenoe burst Into Republican party In the State of New York have had a significant warning. An ex- to his purty. his confidence Its purposes and 'Come votes for Col Roosevelt and "IS for Gov. Black. responsible awarders. (Qualified engineers are tensive navy will require coaling sta- of right, his conception of the great work It has come oti. and we wilt lick licit cut of them.1 now alone permuted to run stationary engines ladles wsvsd American has been so jammed with visitor as the ses- tions, harbor, strategic points. Snipping wrought and of the lottv mission still before li. The moral force of that daring cowed and awed Col. Roosevelt's voto wus as follow: in New York city. Tlmse are examples ot what sion this afternoon. The galleries ware packed snd commercial Interests will lead our people are part pi tho very essence and fibre of his tlie Spaniards, and they tied from their fortified Albany courts, 28; Alleghany, S: Broome. II: the Republican parly has done for labor in our wide globe. Is being. He has dovoted years of toll, in season heights and Suuilago was ours legislation. As we have been the true that while this first to the windows and the floor of th convention far and over the The die caat. It citizen-soldi- OaUreuglU, I'Jl I ayuga, II. Chslauuiis, H: Cheruing, State Is not bred In the American people to shrink and out of season, to its upheaving. He loves "Col. Roosevelt Is the typical and consistent friends of labor in the past, we was exceedingly hall waa choked to the doors. wore two sanitary of army In Cuba M; 7: Clluton, I ; Cortland. 6: Delaware. There from possible dangers, to neglect glowing op- the great names enshrined in its vallialla. He The condition our Obsntngo, pledge ourselves tube the true and consistent I that bora upon lively and vociferous bands, in lofty in reverence before the splendor of It might not have been known for weeks through u: Hutch. ... 4; Kris, .',.'!: C; Franklin. 8; frh ndi. of in the lilt snd the ladies portunities, or to forsake the humani- bends of inspection Kci. labor inc. the lssttewmonths.it the galleries. In the colors of the gowns and tarian principles for which the war was waged history and the promises of the future. He is the regular channels und report Fttlton and Hamilton, li. (leiieaaue, 8; flraene, 8; The Republican party of New York has always of all Republicans, un- to the various liepnrfmenls. Hern Ihe citizen been of and economical ad- In reception ot by abandoning the unfortunate people of the the friend and rknuer, Mi Jellersmi, 14; KlUgfi 04) Lewis, o: Liv- the party honest its bonnets, looked like so many batches of tulip islands to anarchy. Alaska. Hawaii, selfish lu his appreciation and praise of in the Colonel overcame the official routine und lb ministration. Wn pledge ihe candidate this the f His graphic to H. Madison, : Ne York, 183: Niagara, the last dosen years or bads. The convention woke up in the after- Philippine, th West Indie, all stretch forth their good works. He recognizes the canons reticent the soldier. letter ingston. II: day iionilnuted to a resiilute and thorough con- - i .' to us for of party rule and government. HI faith the Government and tlie round-robi- ha initi- ill; Uiinndags, Ontario, M; Orange. 18; Or- tlniiiinee ,. tlie investigation, so fearlessly be- convention have gone noon. There was enthusiasm for everybody. their arm, appealing protection and to at- On.ld. 2: I in wisdom of th majority, believe ated brought suddenly and sharply our Olaego' U; :i; gun by Gov Black, into all alleged mismanage- have entered the Even th statement of the Chairman of th civilization, offering to the United States new the lis frightful dungers of und leans. 8; Oswego, 14: Piitusui. gaeelia. markets for Its wares and products, chan- that the great political organisation to which tention the disease 7; 1S" ment of the canals. II there am error lu the y. fresh boy being 20, Kichoioud, ltuoklaod. 1. St. iAwrence, so When Committee on Credentials, that the Republican nels for Its labor and trade, and with it all an he and the rest of us belong I the most eff- death and resulted in our brought system and the law, we will correct them. If before Inspiring imperial icient instrumentality of good government the immediately home. He may havo been sub- Haratuga. 4; Schuyler, 4; Haueca. Bi HUubrn. 18; there has been fraud, we will detect and punish just noon, arty was so harmonious in the Bute that the and future." court-marti- republic ha ever known. Ho recognizes the ject to for violating the articles Suffolk, II; Sullivan, 8; Tioga, il: Toinpkiua, 8; the wrongdoers jfg)J When Lieut oaxuio.lt tee had no contests to settle, was SENATOR WHITE'S SPEECH OHEEBED. of war. but the Immune impulses of the people Divine Providence that saved us from Hryan Warren. 4. Washington, 7; Wayae, S: Weatcbeiter, Proud of the imperial position of New York down ths aisle to obeexsd. Everything wo gave to us McKinley In of gave him gratitude and applause. g Union, con- and everybody Senator White's references to Gov. Black and this era the " 11. Wyoming, il; 4 -- total. anion the States of the and flrst-ra- triumph of It is seldom in political conflicts, when new Yt. of sot a t When men- signal national and International de- scious of all the responsibilities the futur cherd. were received with oheers. he morality justice on land sea. When and unexpected issues have to be met end The voto for Qov. Black was: I we present candi- said of Dr. Depew, Hon. and and per- in ihe .state an nation, our ie Tha Hamilton Fish icported that the tioned President MeKinley's name, there was you shall have worked your will upon him and cided, thut a candidate can be found who Albany, :t. Broome. I: C llgs. 1; Chautauqua. 8; dates lor the voles of the people, asking their Aldridge. Commlttes on Permanent Organization had uproar. When to disposed of him and his Interests in this con- sonifies the popular and progressive side of Clil ton 0. l.'.ilniubla. 8; lliltcheaa. Ill; Kre '.'; support, und calmly confident ol then approv- another he referred "ths Issues. Representative men move the 1. 1; Kings, as. New York County (.'one recommended the selection of Senator Horace Republican vention as your conscience and judgment shall those Fruualiu, licrkni.er. Monroe. 2t; ing verdict in November. United States Senator from New dictate, he will be, in personal victory or per- - musses to enthusiasm and are morn easily un- U.iiil. ,o s. New York. iiSi Oneida. 1. Onondaga. but it was re- - White of Syracuse for permanent Chairman. derstood than ineusiues Lincoln, with his 1 vim.' in., i KeneMilaer. SO; Uofkland, 4 Saratoga. 7 The name ot Lieut.-Oo- Timothy L. Wooej- - ' to of Pot Your Fnrnao la Order Sow! eulirnai'.uuty, 8; Schoharie ."., Sudulk. 1 Mater. 18; 'State convention and two Senator White' colleague in the and luxuriously the "Royal Limited" Waehlugton, 2; Wayne, 1; ruff ot Brooklyn was then presented tothatotv Before lha ruahl Cbeapar. quicker. Bast work. Washington, via BslUuiorr and Ohio II. K., Worth Meelug. Waireu.a. Wutchastw, of other days ware Sonata at Albany were requested to escort him U.-Tu- tal, 118. m A. Low nn... Mmuuda Fur.: Co., so ells, street. IhwlfUj Laatta Saw York l:Ou P. at., arrivra Simpson's new loaxi uttive sad safe deposit resits. ventlon for renomination by Wllllard fend) f statements to the to tile platform. Ths escort was Senator Ho VelepAtisv. 43. 6.0 F. M. Wailuugloua.OOF. ti. -- .. M West 434 at., usar Broadway. At. Th convention then took a rejig. met if Brooklyn, ti plaeed Ux. WtsfdrttC la !