Tahmoor Colliery - Longwalls 28 to 30
REPORT: BUILT HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN GLENCORE: Tahmoor Colliery - Longwalls 28 to 30 Management Plan for Potential Impacts to Built Heritage © MSEC MARCH 2014 | REPORT NUMBER: MSEC646-13 | REVISION A AUTHORISATION OF MANAGEMENT PLAN Authorised on behalf of Tahmoor Colliery: Name: Signature: Position: Date: DOCUMENT REGISTER Date Report No. Rev Comments Dec-10 MSEC446-13 A Draft for review Feb-11 MSEC446-13 B Final plan Dec-12 MSEC567-13 A Updated for Longwall 27 to include Tahmoor House Feb-14 MSEC646-13 A Updated for Longwalls 28 to 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Management Plan was prepared with the assistance of Tahmoor Colliery, Niche Environment and Heritage, Biosis Research and John Matheson & Associates. References:- Biosis, (2009). Tahmoor Colliery – Longwalls 27-30, Impacts of Subsidence on Cultural Heritage. Biosis Research, May 2009. JMA, (2012). 27 Remembrance Drive, Tahmoor Structural Inspection Report, John Matheson & Associates, Report No. 0194, Rev. 1, July 2012. MSEC, (2009). Tahmoor Colliery Longwalls 27 to 30 - The Prediction of Subsidence Parameters and the Assessment of Mine Subsidence Impacts on Natural Features and Items of Surface Infrastructure due to mining Longwalls 27 to 30 at Tahmoor Colliery in support of the SMP Application. Mine Subsidence Engineering Consultants, Report No. MSEC355, Revision B, July 2009. MSEC, (2013). Tahmoor Colliery Longwalls 29 and 30 – The Effects of the Proposed Modified Commencing Ends of Longwalls 29 and 30 at Tahmoor Colliery on the Subsidence Predictions and Impact Assessments. Mine Subsidence Engineering Consultants, Report No. MSEC645, 2013. MSEC, (2013b). Tahmoor House Monitoring Reports during the mining of Longwall 27, Report Series MSEC620. Niche, (2012). Heritage Assessment of Tahmoor House, Niche Environment and Heritage, Project No.
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