• p a g e TWENTY-EIGHT — MANCHEISTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 10. 1974 ROCKVILLE I ■ T w T r • Laws Criticism Backed I 2 3 HOSPITAL NOTES < 5 s ; a 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS IS i; II 19 20 21 22 23 24 By Charter Commission 2S 26 22 2» 29 30 ALMANAC iHattrl|e0ter lEuemng Meralb : Admitted Wednesday: McKean, Old Stone Rd., Ver­ BOLTON Laws’ letter was followed by A citizen attending non; Mary Scherwitzky, Wednesday night’s meeting, Margaret Arnold, Woodland St., DONNA HOLLAND a statement from Town Counsel Tolland; Linda Diaz, W. Main Prospect St., Rockville; Mary Marshall Taylor that Laws and Virginia Butterfield, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1974 - VOL. XCIV, No. 10 Manchester A City of Village Charm t w e n t y -e ig h t p a g e s — t w o s e c t io n s Bolton’s Charter Commission PRICEf FII«rEEN c e n t s St., Rockville; Karen Dumeer, Skewes, Chestnut St., other commission members challenged Laws’ right to sub­ United Press International Wednesday night issued a state-' In 1911, Chinese revolutionaries Mt. Spring Rd., Vernon; John Manchester; Mrs. Candace owed selectmen an apology. mit the commission’s report to ment supporting actions of overthrew the Manchu Dynasty. Gessay Jr., Snipsic St., Starr and daughter, Enfield. Taylor said selectmen had selectmen before the commis­ Today is Thursday, Oct. 10, the 283rd its chairman and criticizing the day of 1974 with 82 to follow. In 1963 a dam burst in northern Italy, Rockville; Thomas Havens, reviewed the proposed charter sion conducts a public hearing. drowning an estimated 3,000 persons. In Machine Gun Mishap Births Wednesday: A son to Board of Selectmen for a delay The moon is between its last quarter and Enfield; Janet Lafforthun, and were not obligated to com­ Mrs. Butterfield pointed out In 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Richard Della in commenting on the proposed new phase. RFD 1, Tolland; Deborah ment on it until the commission that if a hearing wasn’t held by resigned under an agreement with the Penna, South St., Rockville; a charter. Nov. 5 the commission would The. morning stars are Venus and Hesse, Stein Rd., Ellington; conducted a public hearing. Justice Department to plead no contest to son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; At the same time, the com­ Saturn. Carolyn Nelson, Vernon Garden Laws said Wednesday night automatically be dissolved. income tax evasion charges. He was fined Apts., Vernon; Manuel Simons, Stafford Springs. mission was criticized for he felt he owes no one an The Charter Commission was The evening stars are Mercury, Mars failure to conduct a $10,000 and put on three years’ probation. Oliviera, Tolland Ave., apology. appointed by selectmen Nov. 5, and Jupiter. Kissinger Narrowly public hearing on its proposals, Rockville; Wayne Pisciotta, “I wrote a letter to the 1973, and Connecticut’s Home ’Those born on this date are under the and a public hearing was Stafford Springs; Beatrice and selectmen as a shock treatment Rule Law specifies that charter sign of Libra. sheduled Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. at the Gustave Schlichting, Broad and it got results,” he said, commissions must complete American actress Helen Hayes was bom A thought for the day: American writer town hall. Brook; Henry Warfield, Broad explaining, “ We finally their assignments within one Oct. 10, 1900. and philosopher Henry David Thoreau Mrs. Jean Low Dies The Charter Commission Brook; Carol Warner, Enfield; received their comments.” year or be dissolved. On this day in history: said, “Go where we will on the surface of HARTFORD (UPI) - Mrs. prepared its statement support­ Sum Yuen, New York, N.Y. The commission’s statement Before a charter commission In 1845, the U.S. Naval Academy was things, men have been there before us.” Jean S. Low, manager of the ing Chairman Harold Laws’ submits its report, the law formally opened at Ft. Severn, Annapolis, Escapes Injury issued Wednesday night said: Discharged Wednesday: Hartford Symphony Orchestra actions in a lengthy session “The members of the Charter states, it must hold at least one Md. since 1970, died Wednesday in Wednesday night. Gregory Berger, Highland Commission express their con­ public hearing. Hartford Hospital. She was 53. DAMASCUS (UPI) — Secretary of State He was wounded in the right arm and Ave., Rockville; C. Perry Laws’ actions involved a fidence in Chairman Laws and The Charter Commission Newsmen aboard the plane believed at A spokesman for the symphony Henry A. Kissinger narrowly escaped in­ bullets grazed his forehead. Chilberg, Reed St., Rockville; letter sent to selectmen overwhelmingly approve of his spent little time discussing least two shots were discharged in the ac­ said the season’s opening per­ jury today when an Israeli-made Uzi Bothe was treated aboard the plane. David Connor, RFD 2, charging that creation of the action. They also appreciate the selectmen’s comments cident. machine gun fell from a rack inside his Departure was delayed 30 minutes while Rockville, Patricia Fournier, formance of the orhestra Charter Commission was a comments of the selectmen and Wednesday night, and Read Herald Advertisements Kissinger told newsmen later: "I Wednesday night at Bushnell political move and selectmen plane and discharged shots that wounded a agents checked the aircraft. They found learned about the accident only one Cook Rd., Tolland; Mary S. town counsel on the proposed scheduled a review session next Secret Service agent. Griswold, Highridge Rd., Memorial Hall, featuring apparently had no intention of Tuesday. one small bullet hole in the ceiling and minute before I was taken back to my charter and will give them Kissinger was only 20 feet away \yhen fixed it. Rockville; Grace 111, Franklin pianist Van Cliburn, was held. acting on the matter. cabin. 'They pulled all the shades in my serious consideration. The com­ the incident occurred as his plane was Kissinger later came back to check per­ Park, Rockville; Charles Laws said he drew those con­ mission deplores the delay in cabin shut, because at first they thought it clusions from what he called taxiing for jakeoff from to sonally on the condition of Bothe, who is might have come from the outside. It is receiving the comments. The Damascus. He was not hurt, but was his senior security guard. He told him: the selectmen’s unnecessary charter was submitted to the certain now it came from the inside of the rushed to his forward cabin by agents. “You are lucky.” plane.” delay in commenting on com­ selectmen and town counsel for mission proposals. He said the their comments on July 28. We Agent Grazed by Bullet Able to Continue Trip A U.S. Embassy security official in deiays precluded completion of asked to have the comments The Secret Service agent, Walter Bothe, Bothe was able to continue the trip to Cairo describing the incident had told charter work and selectmen returned by Aug. 15. The com­ yO U R S Ijiyi a fell to the floor in the galley of the plane. Damascus and told newsmen he hoped to newsmen originally that an American PINEHURST hdd effectively executed a ments were returned Oct. 8.” stay with the party for the remainder of security agent accidentally shot himself. 302 MAIN ST. pocket veto. the Middle East tour. Labor Party Wins Bothe was permitted to speak to his Goes On to Damascus Narrow Mandate family in Arlington,, Va., over the plane’s Kissinger took off half an hour behind Change Unlikely radio to assure theni he was only slightly schedule for talks in Damascus with LONDON (UPI) — Prime Minister hurt. Syrian officials about the future direction OPEN SUNDAY Harold Wilson’s Labor party, promising to “You are all lucky,” Kissinger told of Middle East peace negotiations. In Band Policy use tough Socialist measures to deal with newsmen aboard the plane. The secretary of state said he was en­ Bridge Construction on Schedule Britain’s economic crisis, today won a The submachine gun is a rapid-fire couraged by his talks with Egyptian Manchester’s Board of Direc­ that the hierarchy at the school ^ e c i a l M t/ M , new general election mandate, but only by weapon that security officials said they keep on hand in case large crowds get out (See Page Fourteen) 8 AM to 2 PM tors was told Tuesday night it wouldn’t permit them to go out The new $60,000 structure at the concrete units on footings poured late a hairsbreadth margin. bridge St. is still scheduled to re-open of control. should consider allowing the and play,” Morgester said. Bigelow Brook on Woodbridge St. is last month. The box culvert structure Political commentators said all in­ Manchester School Supt. in mid-November. The old culvert dications were that the Labor party’s high school band to perform at taking shape. This week, work is on schedule. Town Engineer commercial functions, but it James Kennedy said an un­ was washed out by torrential rains overall majority in the new parliament progressed to installation of pre-cast Walter Senkow reports, and Wood- appears school policy written, eight-year-old high * July 5. (Herald photo by Dunn) would be by three to five seats out of the THURS. & FRI. till 9 prohibiting such ventures isn’t school policy, based on 1.19 635-member congress. likely to change. guidelines of the state Music After three hours of sleep, Wilson flew Bandleader Ken Morgester Educators Association, back to London from the Liverpool suburb Executive Session Issue SAT. till 6 PM Tuesday night advocated a new prohibits school musical group of Huy ton where he won re-election. He policy which would allow the participation in commerciai or has represented the district in parliament Labeled Grandstand Play Manchester High Schooi band political enterprises. Campaign Reform Bill for more than 24 years. WHOLE PORK LOINS to play for profit because stu­ Kennedy noted that the policy Aides said Wilson will rest during the CUT TO ORDER dent musicians need more grew out of a number of in­ weekend and start forming his new ad­ Charges that executive sessions of Thompson and Prignano claimed that 12 to 14 Lb. Avg. exposure and the band could cidents severai years ago which ministration Monday. Manchester’s Board of Directors are im­ Gallagher and Zinsser were simply always use financial assistance. prompted complaints to. the “I would have liked to have seen better proper and probably illegal were termed seeking publicity by their opposition to Morgester told directors that school board. Sent to the President results,” Wilson said as he stepped aboard pure political grandstanding and in poor executive sessions. Because it’s an old policy it TULIP RULRS his plane. “ But I remain optimistic.” taste by two Democratic directors today. “It’s the same old story,” the two high school administration had CROCUS RULRS a s s o r t e should be re-examined, Extra Larga ■ 25 tor Only , The Democrats, Mayor John Thompson Democrats said, “of political expediency *1.18 recently denied a request from DAFFODILS' , A/ao; Hyacinth, Madonna, Llllat King’s Department Store, Kennedy admitted, adding, ONLv10*a4Kll Scllltia, Dutch lrt9, etc. and Deputy Mayor Pascal Prignano, said giving way to a rational review of the •1.59 ONLY 15‘ aach WASHINGTON (UPI) - Congress has We Have Old Fashioned Dried Reef which sought a band perfor­ however, that the policy government would match that and every 000; a Senate candidate $35,000, and a charges by Republican directors Hillery issue. PANSY SPECIAL passed a far-reaching campaign reform donation of $250 or less. House candidate $25,000. NEWS Gallagher and Carl Zinsser were “pure “Our entire Board of Directors would Sliced to Order mance in conjunction with the probably wouldn’t change Plm tlM much. HANGINB POTS, reg. $9.95, Indorrs or Out bill and sent it to President Ford. political grandstanding and in poor taste welcome a reasoned argument from store’s anniversary celebra­ For color this fall, and naxt sumnier; _ Thu Week*. Special. The most revolutionary chahges under Conventions Financed Incumbents Favored? CAPSULES “There have to be some all coloril Extra Large Size NOW ONLY 88.48 OREENFIELO UW N FOOD when Gallagher is seeking elective of­ anyone on the subject of executive STANLEY'S NUTMEG tion. King’s was willing to JEN N in J-16 ORIVEWAT SEALER the measure passed by a 364-24 voje in the The federal fund would also provide $2 The third and possibly most contoversial lim its,’’ Kennedy said SO plants, tnij $1.89 10,000 sq.ft...... * 9 , 9 5 fice.’’ sessions," they said, “but apparently we donate $200 to the band fund, Pratarva Your DrNaway ORTHO OROW UW N FOOO House of Representatives Thursday would million to finance the GOP and change would place spending ceilings on Thursday, “because there are Wo Faatura Tha FInaxI In 8 ganora 88 JO Want [Nixon Testimony Gallagher, who is running for judge of will not be satisfied during an election KIELBASA Morgester said. UNDSCAPE MATERIALS Covers 12,000 sq. ft. be in the financing of political campaigns Democratic national conventions, now Senate and House candidates. This provi­ real pitfalls with involvement Gyptum, Lima A Grandular Lim . Peg. $10.95 _ _ probate, said Thursday the town charter campaign.” Servo with our Importod Gorman Wine Sauerkraut “I was quite disappointed • Cotonntar Special 3 ft. high for federal office, especially the 1976 primarily funded by advertisements in sion has led to charges the bill favors in­ NEW YORK (UPI) - The Louis Harris NOW O N LY ...... * 9 . 9 5 prohibits closed meetings of the Board of Thompson and Prignano said they were in commercial functions.” • iapioesa Holy • Japanata laari FORSTTHIA 13.39 (3 (gr 99 091 presidential campaign. program books. cumbents because it takes huge spending poll has found that a majority of • taipan h u r iar d -h a u UWN Directors and that a Tuesday night satisfied with Moses’ verbal ruling • Ei4 b li and SPECIU ON Md PUNT FOOD Under current practices, candidates A second major change is intended to to knock off an office-holder. Americans surveyed believe former Aaaifcan IMy • Miadadandfan NAROT PERENNIALS executive session was apparently illegal. Tuesday night. The Democrats said they’ll • Mnaiada For flowers, vegetables, raise privately ail the money they can and get the "fat cat” contributor out of the The bill allows Senate candidates to President Richard Nixon should be asked •Mud. Kie 20 p itn tt...... 31.39 shrubs; feed them now - Zinsser said Thursday he’ll ask for a continue their policy of open and respon­ • dialaai spend ail they get. political scene. spend 8 cents times the voting-age popula­ about the Watergate cover-up even if he is McInto sh a p p l e s • Stiada and Hounmem, ncusi mises, tMuiiii the test time ^ writte opinion from town counsel on the sive government. Fhaerind Trata • HLUaral pw CNMinis, swtn rnuuits, rrt At present, there are no limits to the tion or $100,00 in the primary and 12 cents too ill to travel to Washington for the trial • Flomtini SaiAa ...... * Spending Limit 3 lb . Bag • Groiaid Cavar 4.88 amount an individual can give a candidate. times the voting-age population or $150,000 of his former aides. issue. Asst. Town Counsel Victor Moses VicKS But the campaign reform bill would said preliminary reading of the charter FOR LOWEST Chicago financier W. Clement Stone said in the general election. An additional 20 The survey also said a majority believes 49< allow the Democratic and Republican Tuesday night convinced him executive FORMUU he contributed $2.1 million to the re- per cent could be used for fund raising. the cover-up trial should go ahead despite FHD TOUR UWNI presidential candidates to receive no more election of former President Nixon. sessions are allowed. I For Freezer Hinds, Chucks, Legs, Loins...Call Frank Toros,! - PRICES NOWS THE REST TIME than $20 million each and spend no more to As an example of the difference the bill the pardon granted Nixon by President 44 Under the bill,, an individual contributor Ford. Thompson and Prignano said today, 1643-4151. Come to Pinehurst for SWORD FISH, F IL L E T sI (jdoodliXiuL GARDENS Save on Scoff Products get elected — wiping out the traditional would make. Sen. George S. McGovern, D- mktuhe would be limited to donating $25„000 to all “Gallagher is simply seeking publicity to I BLOCK ISLAND BLUE FISH and FRESH OYSTERS. COUGH Also: GraanllsId, Ortho,] S.D., has already spent $1.3 million to win BRAND NAMES Hubbard-Hall and GOP advantage of bigger war chests. candidates in a single year and no more Tornado Hits Village advance his own political aspiriations. INSIDE re-election. Let Us Help You WlHi Your Lawn and Plant Problems Mllorganita Similarly, candidates seeking their par­ than $3,000 to one candidate— $1,000 in the CANONCITO, N.M. (UPI) - A rare “If Gallagher and Zinsser are sincere SHOP ty nomination in the primaries could If the bill were in effect, McGovern SEE LEON, PHIL or JOHN primaries, $1,000 in a runoff, and $1,000 in autumn tornado cut a 200-yard swath about their concerns they would, at the TODAY PINEHURST GROCERY INC. spend no more than $12 million, and $2 would be limited to a maximum of $340,- the general election. through a small Indian village Thursday, very least, prepare a justification of their 302 Main St., Manchestof, Conn. J 6 8 W O O D L A N D ST., M A N C H EST ER million of that must be used solely for fund 000, and $40,000 of that would have to come M 3 - 8 4 7 4 killing an infant girl, demolishing house opposition to an executive session for our raising. from national and state committee spend­ town counsel to consider,” Prignano said. Contributions Limited trailers and unroofing houses. Eight per­ Gardening with Atwood____Page 12 ARTHUR DRUG Candidates Have Option ing on his behalf. Gallagher and Zinsser were the only op­ Organizations and groups could give up sons were injured. Old Codger ...... Page 3 Presidential candidates in the general ponents when directors voted 6r2 Tuesday to $5,000 each in the primary, runoff, and Bookmobile...... Page 2 election may either raise their $20 million night to exclude the press and public from general election to a candidate although discussion about police investigations in­ High School World...... Page 20 from small contributions or by taking the there is no lid on what they can contribute $20 million from the Treasury, which is volving vandalism at Case Mountain. Area Profile ...... Pages 6, 7 to the national and state party com­ After the board vote to close the )9i expected to have a $76 million kitty by mittees. Inflation Rate MCC hooters w in ...... Page 16 1976, made up from the $1 checkoff on in­ meeting, Gallagher and Zinsser walked But the bill would check these pass­ out in protest. Zanlungo N.E. bass champ . Page 16 come tax returns. There can be no mix. through gifts. The national committee for Up to $5 million in taxpayer funds would Thompson said today the Democratic East runners lose ...:...... Page 17 example, could spend no more than about majority on the board has conducted also be available for primary candidates. $3 million on behalf of a presidential can­ Schoolboy football ...... Page 17 A contender would first have to raise Drop Forecast executive sessions only twice in three didate. years. The first session was to review per­ $100,000 with $5,,000 from each of 20 Nor are candidates themselves exempt In Saturday's Herald states. formance of the town manager, Thompson from contribution strictures. A presiden­ Once the first $100, 000 is raised, the WASHINGTON (UPI) - President saying Ford favors decontrol of domestic said, and the second was a report from tial candidate can give himself only $50,- Ford’s chief economist says the country oil prices. Police Chief James Reardon Tuesday National Newspaper Week can look for the rate of inflation — now 12 “The President feels that oil should be night. per cent — to decline 2 or 3 percentage sold on a free market basis,” the state­ points by springtime. ment said. SAVE MONEY NOW! Alan Greenspan, chairman of Ford’s The White House said decontrol would Little Farm Likely Site Council of Economic Advisers, raise the price of a gallon of gasoline by Mills Gives Version This week only, you can place a classified volunteered that figure when asked to only 5 cents. But Senate Interior Com­ {FREEDOM’S . supply a number for the President’s mittee economists estimated the impact For Housing for Elderly Tuesday prediction of “a meaningful as a 12 to 15 cent per gallon increase. Of Party Incident iGUARAfiTEE! reduction” in the rate of inflation by early Controlled oil — 60 per cent of domestic 1975. In June, however, MHA members ad­ production — can sell for only $5.25 a NEWSPAPER WEEK 197U By DOUG BEVINS Meantime, much of the economic news WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Wilbur election. Mills' fight for re-election is one mitted that the cost of the Little property barrel. The remaining 40 per cent of oil — OCTOBER 6 1 2 pointed toward higher — not lower — Mills, D-Ark., sent word to Congress today of the toughest of his career. — estimated at more than $200,000 — was from wells opened since 1972 — sells for Members of the Manchester Housing prices. that he was ill and would not be able to price much too high. The MHA has only a $640,- about $10.75 a barrel. days! Authority (MHA) won’t admit they’re con­ On the political front. Ford’s program make his first public appearance since a While in seclusion Thursday, his office The Agriculture Department said the centrating their efforts on any one site for 000 state grant to work with, and just $25,- issued a three-page statement in which early frost would yield a corn crop 16 per came under continued attack. woman jumped out of his car Monday into a propos^ 40-unit elderly housing project, 000 of that figure is allocated to site Mills apologized for the "discomfort'' he cent below last year’s — pointing to still Surtax Opposed the backwater of the Potomac River. but there are indications a site has been acquisition. had caused his friends, and apologized to higher meat prices in 1975 and 1976. The Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., of “The whole family came down with the selected. his family, especially his wife Polly, The MHA may have more funds to work soybean crop was disappointing too. the House Ways and Means Committee an­ bug his grandson had yesterday,” Mills’ The MHA has filed application with the whom he said could not be along and now with, though. This year’s town budget in­ The Labor Department said wholesale nounced his opposition to Ford’s proposed administrative assistant Eugene Goss told Call Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon. town’s Zoning Board of Appeals for a “is blaming herself for not accompanying cludes a $50,000 item for elderly housing, prices, which recently had been rising at 5 per cent surtax on middle and upper- reporters awaiting Mills’ arrival. zoning variance to allow construction of 40 us that night even with her broken foot." and MHA Chairman Pascal Mastrangelo an annual rate of 35 per cent, had virtually income taxpayers and on corporations. In a statement issued Thursday, Mills units of municipal housing on a five-acre said the MHA hopes to receive some of the Piece as many ads as you wish, whenever you wish, but aii ads for this leveled off in September. The rise The surtax “would be a cruel burden im­ said he was “ embarrassed and The statement said the original denial Residence AA Zone tract at 195 Spencer money expected to be given Manchester humiliated” by the Monday incident in St. reported Thursday was one-tenth of 1 per posed on working people that cannot have came because of a misunderstanding. under recently enacted federal legislation cent. any significant impact in the fight to con­ which Park Police stopped his car. The A zoning variance is required because of Mills said he had told Goss press reports (the Better Communities Act). Dropoff Temporary trol inflation today,” Mills said. police said he and his companions were in­ speciai must be piaced this week! Non-commerciai advertisers oniy. the high density of housing proposed in the Mastrpgelo said the MHA has been of the incident were inaccurate, and Goss But Arthur F. Burns, chairman of the He said a surtax was ineffective against toxicated and Mills had scratches on his interpreted that to mean that Mills was state-funded MHA project, according to negotiating with Little for some time in an Federal Reserve System, said the dropoff inflation when President Lyndon B. John­ face. not there. Town Planner J. Eric Potter. effort to arrive an an agreeable price for was only temporary. “I don’t consider son used it in 1968-70. Despite the variance application, MHA the site. Mastrangelo emphasized, though, that more than one of the ripples on a Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gii!«)4 .Siiy lie Misiimlerslood officials maintain they haven’t reached that several other sites are still under con­ Wumuii Jumps into Pool wave,” he told a congressional hearing. Mansfield said Ford’s program reminded Goss issued his own statement Thursday any decision about a site for the 40-unit sideration. A woman — who Mills called a family Burns suggested Congress might want to him of the “inadequate” economic saying he had misunderstood. project although they are talking price He said the zoning application is merely friend and was reported to be a former go beyond Ford’s anti-inflation program. policies of the Nixon administration. "I. of course, deeply regret any em­ with Wilber Little, who owns the five-acre an attempt to take care of some red tape in stripper at a Washington nightclub— left a Disputing the President on another barrassment that it may have caus^ him PHONE 643-2711 Spencer St. tract. case the Little property is purchased. car and jumped into a body of water near issue, Burns said the country was now in a and his family, and any inconvenience it The Little farm was first mentioned Favorable approval of a zoning variance the Jefferson Memorial. Mills said they recession. He said he did not expect it to LOTTERY has caused others," he said. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Herald publicly as a housing site in June, after now would save time in the future, he said, were taking the woman home after she worsen. MHA members, town directors, and pointing out that the MHA has been trying became ill at a party held by friends. The chairman said he worried over the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING others toured two other sites being given to find a suitable site for nearly a year. WINNERS Mills has not been to his office all week amount of money — $80 billion so far — prime consideration. "We have to get moving on this,” although the Ways and Means Committee that oil importing countries have had to The joint field trip concluded with Mastrangelo said, mentioning that the Unitrd Prt-sH liiternulional which he chairs has been preparing tax pay oil exporting countries since oil prices opinions that the two prime sites had MHA has 171 eligible applicants on its This week’s winning lottery numbers: legislation. He said in his statement WEATHER quadrupled. serious faults and the Little farm is waiting list for housing. NY weekly - 813395 Thursday he would be back today but his This is “a problem that is simply un­ i probably the best location for elderly The MHA now operates three low-cost HI — blue 323 green 992722 gold 581390 staff passed the word that he was ill. manageable,” he said.- housing, because of its proximity to shop­ elderly housing projects with a combined Mass — 8737 yellow 865 blue 04 There was no indication when he would Sunny twlay and Saturday with mild 0OOO( ping and transportation. total of 276 apartment units. Oil Price Dcciiiilrol Maine — 945-553 doubling 1 be seen in public again or when he would afternoon temperatures. Highs both days The White Hou.se issued a statement Conn - 89725 bonus 27432 and 23416 return to Arkansas to campaign for re- 70 to 75. Clear tonight with lows in the 40s. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 - PAGE THREE PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 Story Hour Set Tuesday —• There are openings still I NATIONAL WEATHEt SERVICE FORECAST f 7JM EST lO -IA - 7 ^ The story hour will run for 5 MIN. FROM HTFD. available in the pre-school story four Tuesdays in the morning. 1-84 EXIT 58 TV T O N IG H T 1/ j29.77 I hour program at the Whiton MOVE Memorial Library which begins AVE., E. HIED • PARKING • 528-3333 •CATTLK Tuesday. THIS SHOW Parents may register their 3- AHEAD 1.S0 6:00 9:00 to 5-year olds at the library, or INVITATION TO BID SATURDAY News...... 3-8-22-30 Movie...... 3 by calling 643-6892. The Prisoner ...... 18 Billy Graham Crusade___18 L i Sealed bids will be received in 2.00 r a W C M A IL W 1 K T 0 1 PIm OODGnATlONS the Office of The Director of SAT^SM, m u Electric Company...... 24 Rockford Files...... 20-22-30 1 I “DEATH WISH” Bonanza ...... 40 Canada Week ...... 24 \ I General Services, 41 Center “o im c iim In Gay City just a little down Street, Manchester, Connec­ INK INK" Rj couM 3:30,530,7:30, 9:30 6:30 Jones Co. foundry and machine ABOUT ticut until October 23, 1974 at Zoom ...... 24 10:00 \ s . t stream from the old main 1:30-BOe shop. It operated on water 11:00 a.m. for the following: 7:00 Dawson McAllister ...... 18 W j street there is the remains of a power with a turbine wheel. TOWN F rl-S a t Midnight “ Death Wish“ 9 9 d low stone dam in the MEMBRANE ROOFING- News...... 3-20-22-40 Police W om an...... 20-22-30 y . The dam in back of the shop was GLOBE HOLLOW Truth or Consequences ... 8 Masterpiece Theatre...... 24 Blackledge River. It is not high quite high and made a large enough for a power and was Harry L. Hartman of BATHHOUSE ROOF Dick Van Dyke...... 18 10:30 ' Pewter-Pot Pond which was probably only to hold enough Wethersfield will speak on Special attention is called to Avition Weather...... 24 New Directions ...... 18 filled and obliterated when the water to carry over a dry spell. "Year Round Gardening.” Mon­ the requirements of the Davis- new highway was built. FRI.-SAT.-SUN. To Tell the Truth...... 30 11:00 ^ day at the Manchester Garden Bacon Act Labor Rate and That was the site of the O.C.’s job was to get there 3 ADVENTURE MTS! 7:30 News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 tannery which needs water in Club meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Employment Standards 30PO early in the morning before the Bid forms, plans and Campaign 7 4 ...... 3 Honeymooners ...... 20 its processes. When the big Robbins Room of Center LOWEST TIMPIRATURiS other employes and get all the specifications are available at The Tru* Story of tho Two Cop« Let's Make a Deal ...... 8-22 11:30 herds of bison (called buffalo) Congregational Church. overhead shaft bearings oiled the General Services Office, 41 I Robin Porter Wagoner...... 18 M ovie...... 3 were being slaughtered off on ■SiVi then go out to open up the head Center Street, Manchester, Human Dimension ...... 20 In Concert...... 8-40 the western prairies only the “ The Doughnuts,” a gate to let the water into the Connecticut. Black Perspective...... 24 Johnny Carson ___ 20-22-30 r - lE C E N O < hides were used from many. children’s film, will be shown wheel pit. The gate was lifted Town of Manchester, Cummings Committee, Raymond F. Dameto, Treasurer Hollywood Squares ...... 30 Carcasses were left for wolves, Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the 1:00 by a rack and pinion with holes Connecticut Nanny & Professor...... 40 vultures etc. or just to rot. Mary Cheney Library Junior Midnight Special ... 20-22-30 . . in its hub to receive a steel Robert B. Weiss, Hides were shipped east by Room. The half-hour program 1:30 I crowbar. Then when it was General Manager 6:00 carloads. Everyone who had a is open to the public. Planet of the Apes...... 3 Great Mysteries...... 3 | :WSMOWERS "N F i(^ time to start the power a large carriage had a buffalo robe. iron hand wheel up in the shop' Kodiak...... 8-40 UP1 WEATHER FO TO CASI ® The Gay City tannery was es­ Sharing Our Faith...... 18 FRIDAY NIGHT f turned a long vertical shaft that 8:30 (8-40) “ True G rit” ; tablished to tan them, we were opened the gates around the Sanford & Son ____ 20-22-30 told. PANAVISION* Washington Review ...... 24 (1969). John Wayne, Kim Dar­ turbine. Memocot-ofl mgmN by. For Period Ending 7 AM EST Saturday. Friday night will find showers and Farther down stream is One bitter cold morning O.C. 8:30 another pond only a short dis­ 9:00 (3) "Aloha Means Good- Audrey Landers portrays a thundershowers from northern Texas, Northeastward thru the mid Mississippi valley and took au' axe and got the ice Movie...... 8-40 tance from Rt. 94 in Glaston­ bye” (1974) Sally Struthers, n u r s e ’s a id e , H e a th e r into the western portions of the Lakes. Clear to partly cloudy skies elsewhere. Minimum chopped away from the head Chico & the Man ... 20-22-30 bury. There was the old up-and- Wall Street Week ...... 24 James Franciscu^ Lawrence, in NBC-TV’s readings include: (approx, maximum temperatures in parenthesis) Atlanta 56 ( 83), gate and opened it so water down saw mill that is now seen filled the wheel pit and the four riLlv weekday serial drama, Boston 51 (71), Chicago 56 (71), Cleveland 53 (70), Dallas64 (80), Denver 33 ( 57), Duluth35 at Sturbridge Village in (54), Houston 62 (86), Jacksonville 61 (90), Kansas City 53 (72), Little Rock 58 (82), Los foot diameter steel pipe that NXcrav ’ “Somerset,” seen Monday Massachusetts. They call it the sloped down to it. When it was Pennzoil ■ through Friday at 1 p.m. on Angeles 59 (69), Miami 77 (86), Minneapolis 42 (63), New Orleans 63 (86), New York 53 Cheney saw mill from Hebron. time to start up O.C. used the SHOP CALDOR & SAVE! MUnSt5.l4.M(aiTli)H>8333| TK WfCKEIR Channel 22, and at 4 p.m. on (71), Phoenix 60 (88), San Francisco 54 (73), Seattle 50 (65), St. Louis 55 ( 76). and Some Cheney’s bought the big wheel in the shop to open low 30 OVER TH IS SHOW t t « Channels 20 and 30. Washington 55 (79) degrees. pond property for a hideaway the wheel gates. Things started m m m for sport, years after the mill \ Motor Oil sp H t i i m j O.K. but suddenly came to a Flicker “BUSTER ‘ H4-335I had been in operating condition. chugging stop. 1‘ENNZOII Even the wheel pit had been AND JERkMiAH It was necessary to close Reg. washed out and the little tur­ down the head gate and let the B flJJT bine wheel lay disconnected in 69' Mo t o r oil RaM(R) JOHNSON P.O. water drain out of the wheel pit. CHILDREN'S SHOW 2 P.M. the mud. Since the mill was ob­ Since there were no boots there “CUTTY CHTTY IN N IN K " BOOK REVIEWS tained from some Cheneys it is O.C. went barefoot down ALL SEATS 99« Here’s Schedule called the Cheney mill, tho O.C. through the cold slippery dark For maximum does not believe any Cheney pipe with a kerosene barn engine protection. MIDNIGHT SHOW FRI.-SAT. FDR’s Last Year, by Jim through the rigors of the ever ran it. lantern. Someone had thrown a Rustic Baskets “SCREAM & SCREAM A G A T Bishop. Yalta conference in Russia. It Undersea Treasure, by for Bookmobile O.C. never saw the mill ac­ child’s folding steel go-cart in KIDS SHOW SAT.-SUN.-MON -1:30 P.M. ALL SEATS 9St D ia l S o a p (Morrow, $12.50) was an extraordinary demon­ Robert L. Breeden. (National tually running but visited it at and it was jammed fast ' “ C W m BANG BANG” STOOGES” 99^ For Franklin D. Roosevelt, Geographic. $4.75) The ages times when there was freshly Regular size, 3 plus‘3 stration of willpower by an between the wheel and housing. General Electric gold formula. BAR PACK 2 Gal. SAE 20W & old dream of discovering rich Here is next week’s schedule for The Thomas Hooker, a sawed lumber and logs waiting YOUR MID-NITE MOVIES FRI. AND SAT. BOTH CINES his final year must have been extraordinary man. It was not easy to get out with i9 9 EACH SOW Non Detergent a special kind of torture. treasures still can be realized Connecticut State Library bookmobile on loan to the to be sawed. Lighted Dial CINE 1 tin M N Staw ------' a n ' That is the story being told feet most frozen. Listerine Antiseptic CHOICE Our Reg. 2.99 or High Detergent Oil World War II that he had in the seas of the world. This Manchester Public Library system: When he told folks at Stur­ Snooz-Alarm "GIMME SHELTER” "BUSTER AND BILLIE” by Jim Bishop, who special­ After warming up O.C. went labored so mightily to win book follows the adventurers bridge Village that he knew that down again with a crowbar to 20 OZ ...... 1.75 Size YOUR izes in this type of intimate Our was about to end victoriously who use modern technology mill when it was in operating * Waste Baskets CHOICE reportage, with no detail too MONDAY, OCT. 14 pry the wheel backwards and Reg. for the Allies. His popularity to uncover treasure and who condition, they offered to hire Flicker Ladies’ * Fruit Baskets 2.77 i BROADWAY I trivial to mention, as in his Columbus Day; No stops scheduled. get the thing out. After another 5.58 3.47 Reg. 3.49 and 3.69 among Americans had ele­ occasionally make astonish­ him to fix it up again. That Pkg. of 5 blades The Day Lincoln Was Shot. warming up it was possible to S h a v e r * Flower Baskets In handy reclosable con­ THEATRE 1 vated him to almost godlike ing discoveries. Here is a would be more of a job than he ^'4 When darkness falls, the I Bishop handles his material start over at the beginning and dial lights. Alarm rings, tainer. Change your own :$HCWCASt CINtMAJ 1234. status. Yet the body he had skillfully, aiming for the marvelous rundown on the TUESDAY, OCT. 15 would want to tackle now. get the shop going a couple * Wine Cradles oil and save! 1-84 EXIT 58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. SEASON Evidently vandals have push a button, snooze Personna D.E. I i wrestled for decades to con­ maximum dramatic impact, underwater world of poten­ hours later. a while longer. #7373K. * Cornucopia 10:20 to 10:50 a.m. - Waddell School, W. Middle Tpke. 8 9 ' . EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8S10 0 Nell Sltnon’a d sabotaged it badly. Even the B la d e s Pkg ots 4 $ 1 ■ ACRES OF FREE LIGHTED PARKING • Ws Honor MASTER CHARGE • trol was failing him dread­ and mainly he succeeds tial riches with 175 sparkling With telephones we have Size FOR 11 to 11:30 a.m. — Hemlock St. and Lodge Dr. heavy saw blade was badly bent I * Cctagonal Tray C a ld o r 1 SUNSHINE BOYS | fully, and this time he could despite a tendency to lean too photographs. today there would be nothing to Boudoir F' nUMHIT nCTtKS PIIES{ItT \ $ / | 11:40 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. — Manchester High School. when we saw it there. D e te rg e n t «MAlBEIITS.RUDDm0DUCTI0K ' RICHARD HARRIS i Bernard Shaw's i do nothing. heavily on the mawkish. it. Just call up the power com­ 1 2:10 to 3 p.m. — Loomis St. and Griffin Rd. Memories of a turbine water Lamps STARRING Exhausted much of the Bishop's careful attention pany and smoke your pipe until GREAT ARTISTS FROM ABC RECORDS 20 Lb . Box OMAR SHARIF I DON JUAN IN HELL i 3:10 to 3:40 p.m. — Lockwood and Coventry Sts. wheel are not pleasant for O.C. time, he dragged himself to the smallest incident they got things percolating Our d Bette Davfs as H 3:50 to 4:40 p.m. — Parkade Apartments. Where Pewter Pot Brook Reg. O ur BURTREYNOIDS through a wearing presiden­ works beautifully most of again. Then you had to do for Reg. i MISS MOFFAH | 4:50 to 5:20 p.m. — Homestead Park Village. crossed Main St. in Hockanum 9.99 * J im C rO C G j "Photographs & Memories” tial election campaign, pro­ the time, giving us an in­ yourself. 5.88 4.99 “THE i Amusing Musical Review § (Glastonbury) was the O.H. SAVE 4.27 pelled partly by his great dis­ sight into Roosevelt’s emo­ BEST SELLERS A selection of styles to With borax and bleach n a OVER *R u fU S j "Rags to Rufus” LONGESTYARD” llmipil Arh'tK i OH COWARD! 1 like of his opponent, Thomas tional state. When his (UPI-Publishers’ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16 suit any decor! Brighten and brighteners. Phos­ »4 your bedroom for the new S Jane Powell Is i E. Dewey, and put himself longtime friend, Gen. “Pa” Weekly) phate-free biodegra­ 10:30 to 11 a.m. — W. Carter St. season — very special •Cashman & West, nfe song dable for hot or cold I IRENE I Watson, died on the ship Fiction 11:10 to 11:40 a.m. — Candlewood Dr. value! water. g Most Successful | ■ 3 returning the Presidential Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 11:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. — Hackmatack St. p Broadway Musical H HI^:\THEATRES EAST party from Russia, Roosevelt — John le Carre Barry Contributions CoihmanCrY^Mt * N e c ta r, “Remember the Future” THE MOST VL'Qlf 1PM MiNCHC.ti R SH ClUnAOl • • 1:40 to 2:10 p.m. — Erie St. IflbUNG OVIR *11 became despondent, as if he Centennial -James A. DARING I FIDDLER ON THE ROOF g ^ e h e of Um MbuMt 2:20 to 2:50 p.m. — Leland Dr. had lost a close relative. Michener ROBBERY I From the finest of 2 3 to 3:30 p.m. — Santina Dr. $1^955 for September EVER d Broadway's theatrical q “ JOURNEY TO o r Bishop does not hold back The Dogs of War —Fre­ IMAGINED. on the gossip and explores derick Forsyth 3:40 to 4:10 p.m. — Winthrop Rd. g events, choose a series ^ ROBIRT RtDFORD Q58 A^7 THE ODDS: FDR's relationship with Lucy Watership Down — Richard 4:20 to 5:20 p.m. — Squire Village Apartments. David Barry of Manchester, Glastonbury: Eleanor S eries M M Series In .nhnnl 0 to custom tit your n “JEREMAH JOHNSON” , iTmcintcrthofiAuK’ E 5 .9 8 o pocketbook. Order from | Rutherford, although Adams Democratic candidate in the Geiser, Lloyd Frauenglass. F 6.98 ■ Fourth Senatorial District, has Q 4 to 6 performances, i generally he more easily Jaws —Peter Benchley THURSDAY, OCT. 17 John Kelly, Constance Faber. CAU MB-5491 FOII disclosed financial con­ Charles Monaco, Thomas and II IIAKU O W llO l s|; 0 Phone 527-3123 or 246- Q TITU AND SH0WTIME8I could be faulted for being too The War Between the 'Tates 1 to 1:30 p.m. — McDivitt Dr. tributions totaling $1,955 for the Official g 6807 for details, g sympathetic to his subject —Alison Lurie 1:30 to 2 p.m. — Shepard Dr. Catherine Shea, Philip month of September. HALLOWEEN SPECIALS! Size d Schedule and per- dj rather than the other way The Seven-Per-Cent Solu­ 2:10 to 2:40 p.m. — Montclair Circle. Baribault, Harvey Katz, Daniel Toys From J Barry's voluntary report, McCoy, James and Lois IR-'r ATED FILMS^NO o n e a d m it t e d u n d e r 3, formers sub]ect to I SINGLES around. tion —John H. Watson, M.D. 2:50 to 3:20 p.m. — Flag and Richmond Drs. Full Face Mask Iyears o f a q e . p o s it iv e id r e q u ir e d . " which includes a mandated Noonan, W. Michael Low. Fisher Price o change. q Altogether, this is not an V The Rhinemann Exchange Swiss Watches Playback Rollaway SOCIALIZING 3:30 to 4 p.m. — Barry and Salters Rds. statement to the secretary of Laurence Connell Jr. - O ur OooooooQoooooooodod AND DANCING historian’s history, but it is an — Robert Ludlum 4:10 to 4:40 p.m. — Esquire Dr. For Children i Reg. •Play Family School absorbing treatment of a The Silver Bears —Paul E. the state, lists expenditures of Also, Edward Labenski, Table Table 4:50 to 5:20 p.m. — Northfield and Centerfield Sts. 36' AT ITS BEST! remarkable man. Erdm an $1,684.26 for the period ending William Hennessey, Charles Our •Play Family Farm Conn. Singles Sept. 27. A must for trick or treat' Joan Hanauer (UPI) The House of a Thousand Fisher, Estelle Flanagan, Reg. •Play Family House Our “The Three SSS Group” 'The largest contributor to Kenneth Smith, Michael Mello. 7.97 Make-Up Kit Reg. Invites Lanterns -Victoria Holt FRIDAY, OCT. 18 •Play Family Garage Nonfiction Barry's campaign effort in Hebron: Joan Rowley, Aaron 6.88 44.99 33.70 You To fPrite 1 to 1:30 p.m. — Horace St. :C Taubman Theaters and Q l^ United Artists Theatres All The President’s Men — September was the Democratic Reid, Richard Keefe, George Goldtone and silvertone cases, easily read Fully striped half inch playing surface; non­ For Our 1:40 to 2:10 p.m. — Chester Dr. numerals. One full year guarantee. YOUR CHOICE proudly annouri’ce the opening on Monday Carl Bernstein and Bob Town Committee, which and Marilyn Smith. ??■ 33® glare green. Fold and roll for storage. donated $750. Next largest was nontoxic, water removable October 14 (Columbus Day) of Woodward 2:30 to 3 p.m. — Drexel and Croft Drs. Coventry: Charles and up-COMWG THEATER an “in-kind” contribution of of­ n .J.. FREE The Memory Book —Harry 3:20 to 4:20 p.m. — Rachel Rd. Patricia White, Alvah Phillips, FALL SCHEDULE fice space, valued at $450 and Ruth Benoit, Jack Myles, F la s h lig h t SAVE SCHEDULE Lorayne and Jerry Lucas SSS not included in the cash con­ Richard Cromie. Our OVER The Woman He Loved - SAVE (Sophisticated Swinging tribution report, from David Towns outside Fourth Reg. EACH I h c m o u i c / Singles) Ralph G. Martin Vernon Cinema 1 — Woodbury of Vernon. District: William Ferris of $ 3 9 9 ' 77® Alive —Piers Paul Read Lights your way on Halloween! Please Complete Other contributors to the Elmwood, Joseph Fauliso of at westfarms and Mall to . “Jeremiah Johnson” 7:00-9:00; You Can Profit from a “Gimme Shelter” 12:00 Mid­ Barry campaign in September, Hartford, Henry Ramenda of Conn. Singles Monetary Crisis — Harry night listed by town of residence, West Hartford, James and P.O. Box 37 Browne FRESH SWEET APPLE CIDER 1 8 ” D isston Cinema 2 — “Buster & were: Dorothy Noonan of New Britain, Conn. 06050 More Joy -E d ite d by Alex No preservatives • Not pasteurized. A pure and L e a f R a k e s Billie” 7:20-9:20-12:00 Midnight : Manchester: Irene R. Wethersfield, John Bassinger of Nam e...... Comfort natural product. An excellent substitute for soft Manchester Drive-In — Hallisey, Norman and Mary Warehouse Point. ■,)t A Bridge Too Far —Cor­ drinks. Address...... ‘Westworld” 7:15; “Super Commollo, Dermot and Sarah Our LAWN PRODUCTS nelius Ryan Reg. City...... Cops” 8:50; “ Across 110th ORCHARD FRESH APPLES Candon, Edwin Adams, 3.59 The Gulag Archipelago — Nicholas and Phyllis Jackston, Rival Automatic State...... Z ip ...... Street” 10:30 MAC INTOSH and COURTLAND AM/FM Burnside Theatre — “Death Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn Edward Tomkiel, Dorothy Legal Notice Electric Can Opener Sturdy spring steel tines r e f . MANCHESTER HERALD The Lives of a Cell —Lewis OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brindamour, Clarence Foley, 24” Rake, R eg. 4 .2 9 .....3 .4 7 Digital Clock Radio 1 0 /1 2 /7 4 Wish” 7:309:30-12 Midnight 25% O F F SSS — Next Dance: Showplace — “Jeremiah Thomas Maurice and Mary Gaudet. Our Johnson” 7:15-9:15; “Scream & Cavett —Dick Cavett and FERRANDO ORCHARD ; Also, Elmer and Josephine Court of Probale, District of Coventry Reg. K o rd ite Year End Clearance! Our Saturday Christopher Porterfield BIRCH MOUNTAIN RUAD, GLASTONBURY Odell, Joel Dodge, Eugene NOTICE OF HEARING 8.99 Reg. Scream Again” 12:00 Midnight ESTATE OF JAMES O’MALLEY, late 7-Bushel Lawn S a v e 25®/o O ff O n 5.99 2 2 . 8 8 October IMh, UA East 1 — “Journey to OZ” ______(3 miles beyond Vito's Restaurant)______Davis, Barbara Robinson, John of Coventry, In said District, Deceased and Leaf Bags 18.44 Cutting unit comes out for easy cleaning; Wit m o v lt/ '1 '2 and '3 is a luxurious Shlvrao Room Sullivan, Ted and Lorraine Pursuant to an order of Hon. David C. Every Box or Bag of Precise rotary tuning dial, built-in FM an­ 7:40-9:20 Rappe, Judge, dated October 8, 1974 a super hard cutter. Cord storage space, fold- new three-theatre entertainment center Buckland Steak House UA East 2— “Jeremiah John­ Cummings, John Thompson, hearing will be held on an application away table rest. #753R O ur Pkg. tenna. Large digital readout. praying that there be a sale of real estate Reg- / of Scotts Seed or Fertilizer embodying the most advanced technical 2R4 Main Street, Rlaatonbury son” 7:30-9:30 Jerome Baskin. 99c f W 4 Come Join Us, Your Invited as in said application on file m ore fully facilities and offering the widest range of UA East 3 — “Call Theatre” ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ appears, at tne Court of Probate on Oc­ SAVE In Our Inventory outstanding motion picture attractions. 8SS«1 IN SINGLES FUN Showcase Cinema 1 — ELECT tober 24, 1974 at 6;30 p.m. a t Town Hbll, Heavy duty plastic, many uses. Probate Court, Route 31, Coventry. 1 7 It is located in the Westfarms Mall, at South "That’s Entertainment” 2:00- MANCHESTER Ann Kamplain, Ass’t. Clerk FILM RATING GUIDE 4:35-7:10-9:35 SAVE NOW ON YOUR PAINTING NEEDS SAVE Road and New Britain Avenue, in West Hartford. Showcase 2 — “Juggernaut” WALLY IRISH HOSPITAL Court of Probate OVER On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday For Parents and 2:00-4:00-5:55-7:40-10:00 STATE REPRESENTATIVE District of Coventry 900 DuPont Lucite' Wall Paint Showcase 3 — “Longest NOTES W A T T i October 15,16 and 17 from 10 A.M. to 5 PM., 12th ASSEMRLY DISTRICT NOTICE TO CREDITORS Their Children Yard” 2:15-4:40-7:15-9:40 Dries fast to rich, smooth the theatres will hold an open house JUSTICE OF THE PEACE u T u - f . \ finish modern shades: Showcase 4 — “ 11 Harrow LIFETIME RESIDENT ESTATE OF JOSEPH J. ZAGORSKI, Reg. for the public. We cordially invite you GENERAL AUDIENCES Discharged Wednesday: lute of Coventry, in said District, soap/water clean-up. 8.99 House" 2:00-4:00-6:00-8:00- 12lh ASSEMBLY DISTRICT LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO to drop in, tour the theatres and enjoy some All A0tt Admitted Helen Laing, 7 Deerfield Dr.; Deceased. 10:05 "STATE REPRESENTATIVE I’ursuant to an order of Hon. David C. refreshments as our guests. On these three days AHENDED Stephen Matava, East Hart­ Rappe, Judge, all claims must be Caldor Wall Paint DON GENOVESI Reg. regular performances will start at 7 P.M LOCAL SCHOOLS ford; Judith Fallon, 20 Bank presented to the fiduciary named below Remington Power Up to date shades, quick drying 4.97 on or before January 3. IW5 or be barred Magnavox RARiNTAL QMDANCa This printing test pattern is FORMER MEMBER 'St.; George Kornse, 53 Edmund by law. The fiduciary is: Lx , SUQOfSTID ACTIVE VOLUNTEER Premiere Ahractions Starting Monday (Columbus Day)i part of The Herald quality con­ St.; Maude Barber, 25 Rebecca Mae Zagorsk! Control Styler/Dryer Some MMtrwl Uwy Not B« FIREFIGHTER MANCHESTER CITIZENS 74 Bates Street Jterlor Enaine^ DuPont Lucite Interior 18” Diagonal Color TV SuHibN For f n TiKnipii trol program in order to give ADVISORY COMMIHEE Margaret Rd.; Janice Curran, Hartford, Conn. ______Lowest Hi Our E n a m e l Contains Teflon-E Reg. the movie/ ^ 1 Ihe movie/ ^2 Ihe movie/ 3 you one of the finest PARTICIPANT LOCAL )Seagraves Rd., Coventry; Reg. W CDAP for easier cleaning in traffic areas. 11.49 Reg. S ' M in our g^ggiaias newspapers in the nation. 26.99 RECREATION PROGRAMS Eileen Waterbury, 451 Main Court of Probate 319.70 a History MMCMTHRCHfUS FORMER OFFICER CONN. 19.97 St.; Margaret Plank, 25 Reser- District of Coventry Powerful 900 watts dry/style, adjusts with New Magna Power lor increased reliability RSSTRICTID CHARTER MEMBER AND ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Caldor Latex Semi-Gloss "GONE Undar 17r«qMir«8accomp«nvinf .voir Rd., Rockville. power control switch. 3 drying/styling at­ Reg. Recessed, concealed controls Walnut PAST PRESIDENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS tachments #PD-900 Fvtnt or Adult OuardNn MEMBER UNICO Also, Kathleen Bresciano, 25 V Goes on smooth, dries fast. 5.97 gram cabinet WITH EXCHANGE CLUB ESTATE OF JOHN E. SULLIVAN, Orchard St.; Lyman Fuller, 451 h THE OF MANCHESTER NATIONAL . late of Coventry, in said District. MANCHESTER CHAPTER Hilliard St.; Elise Urbanowski, Deceased. W I N i r THERMO 50 High t.; Arthur Viterito, 20 Pursuant to an order of Hon. David C. 3 WAYS TO CHARGE ROBERTSON SCHOOL WADDELL SCHOOL Rappe. Judge, ail claims must be SALE: FRI. and SAT. WilUMr Northfield St.; Robert Andrew, MANCHESTER ^ NO ONI UNDtR 17 AOWMTTSO presented to the fiduciary named btdow -I fcwThTrj 6>k«>Mi»icMn o fT o i AOVBimmES BUCKLEY SCHOOL MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL ^ on or before January 3,1975 or be burred Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. H iuunrtlD N iir (Aft Hmti mvvvarv Glastonbury; Edna Guptill, MtSiSvUDtr A c u lm r 0F*‘IM B8r’JAC0B^ by law. The lidunary is; ©i g s-® OOlOSByOtUJXE* ij.®. bi cariRin s tm # Colchester; Charles Caye, East 1‘Yaneis M Sullivan Saturday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Iln iltV XpIi i Ii E PLEASE VOTE NOVEMBER 5th ^ 1145 Tolland Turnpike s u b t i t l e s L*1J c Irish lor SIsIt ntprssenisllve Commlllso. Lsslls H. Bsichor, Trsssursr . . „ Hartford; Emerson Abies, 97B 29 Steep Hollow Mani'liesler, Conn. V ^1% - MPAA -K-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k Downey Dr. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Frl., Oct. 11, 1974 — PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVE^ilNG HERALD. Manphester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11. 1974 iKanrltratpr Eitpiuim Hrrali THE CANDIDATES * WHO will Bring The Whole Family to OPINION ANDREW ARE SAYING The Barry Picnic & Fair TULLY ^*Fill Your Next Compulsory Arbitration Buckley: Cotter Voting Record O F. Mac Buckley, Republican trade, which is currently hard voting record shows him to be nominee for Congress in the hit by inflation and tight everything but the enemy of in­ PRESCRIPTION ? First District, has charged his money,” Buckley said. flation that he professes to be,” Becoming Necessary WASHINGTON - In the lexicon of opponent-incumbent U.S. Rep. Buckley also contended that Buckley said. “ He has The desperate need for compulsory statesmanship, Fidel Castro is a virtual William Cotter—with under­ Cotter has voted for programs without considering any m atters other lunatic. That is to say, he is typical of the demonstrated little understand­ W U n y licensed, registered Pharmacist mining an already depressed which resulted in enormous ing of the economic situation and binding arbitration in labor dis­ than reform of its own controversial modem day tinpot dictators; mostly sound housing industry, federal deficits and he also in the banking and housing in­ ^ ^ c a n , and the choice is yours. and fury, signifying nothing except an putes involving public workers and pension provisions. ' ■ “Cotter voted for a federal voted against allowing savings dustries and has consistently obsession with keeping a tight grip on hia housing bill that will hurt inner banks to issue interest on voted for every higher spending the public welfare has been starkly il­ The paralyzing strike should be an slave state. May we recommend a Pharmacy that city residents as well as customer checking accounts. alternative,” Buckley sharged. lustrated in the strike of Los Angeles object lesson to every state in the un­ So from a practical, diplomatic view­ members of the local building “On the whole, Mr. Cotter’s stands on the merits of dedicated Rapdi T ransit D istrict bus drivers and point it is bootless for the United States ion. Public employes have been more government to take umbrage at Castro’s service...one that combines prompt, mechanics who have paralyzed the and more demanding and more mili­ insults. In considering resumption of Pallone: Solar Energy professional care with friendly, per­ sprawling city and adjacent areas tant in recent years. diplomatic relations with Cuba, the ques­ sonal attention - OURS? tion is not whether Fidel belongs in a , Thomas Pallone, candidate ing all state-owned and leased seminate this information to over the past seven weeks. The public has tended to be loony bin, but whether certain advantages /or governor on the George facilities to the use of solar the general public so that any Over 25 Years ot Continuous Service! Wallace Party jicket, said he Two unions, mechanics, with a somewhat complacent over strikes would accrue from dispatching an official energy for heat. homeowner can economically mission to that threadbam island. favors the use of solar energy As the state develops convert his home.” membership of 728, and drivers, with and threats of strikes by drivers, gar­ A ^ e a t deal has been said about the for state facilities. technology to convert to solar Solar energy use would bring a membership of 3,300, have idled the bage men, teachers, police, firemen benefits that would flow from trade with “Beginning this January,” energy, Pallone said, "I would about reduced taxes, Pallone Pallone said, 'T would begin a city’s fleet of 1,869 buses and left an Cuba, especially by companies selling then begin a program to dis­ said. and other public service branches. four-year program of convert­ stuff Cuba needs. In fact, the U.S. W e sPHARMACY t o w ■ n ^ estimated 685,000 passengers to find The people often tend to forget that economy could survive without Cuban other means of transportation. additional benefits to public workers trade. But realistically it is always good to Haslett: Vote for Center do diplomatic business with any govern­ 455 Hartford Rd. Manchester 643-5230 In addition to its local impact, the can only be paid out of public taxes. ment, simply because that is one way to Harriet B. Haslett, ple in the 14-21-year age bracket dustrial, home aids and food Irish-American Home, Grounas strike is undoubtedly causing usage of Thus everyone pays for them. find out what’s going on in a country and Republican candidate for state an opportunity to learn what to services. The cost to "YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICl STnoc perhaps devise subtle ways to exert in­ them would be a life-saving Manchester is minimal — the 132 Commerce Street, Glastonbury thousands of gallons of gasoline daily We are not antipublic service representative in the 13th fluence on a government’s general direc­ Assembly District says that the trade to become useful and benefits high,” she said. All You Can Eat — Fun and Games which would not be used if public employes. But we are very much pro tion. productive citizens. Regional Occupational Training “I personally plan to vote yes Adults $3.00 Children $1.50 (Under 5 FREE) transportation were available. public and for the uninterrupted As one U.S. intelligence official puts it:i Center being proposed to be “It will provide solid-basic on Question No. 5 on Nov. 5. I Read Herald “We are now without direct contact with built in Manchester will give training such as was offered in hope the majority of TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE GROUNDS The Southern California Transit maintenance of vital public services. ______Barry lor Senate Committee, Harry J. Beegan, Treasurer the Castro regime. It's all very well to talk many handicapped young peo­ the Trade Schools of yesteryear Manchester voters will join District is an autonomous agency of Teachers, particularly, worry us as grandiosely about spy networks, and es­ in areas such as automotive, in­ me,” she said. Advertisements the City of Los Angeles. The employes they become more and more un­ pionage of course does what it can within Covered Bridge at Cornwall, Conn. (Photo by Floyd Larson) are therefore public employes. its built-in limits. But it is much more im­ ionized, and more under the sway of portant to have diplomatic relations with a Mayor Tom Bradley of the city met militant unionist-educators. Strikes so-called enemy country than with a with the unions after a stalemate in and threats of strikes have been more friendly one. We don’t have to worry about what our friends are doing, but we need negotiations had been reached. Upon common in educational ranks during OPEN FORUM people in an official capacity who can con­ PRE-COLUMBUS advice of his labor consultants he the past five years. verse with and reason with the officials of asked the strikers to accept com­ an unfriendly regime.” We are not unmindful of the fact That, of course, is why we maintain pulsory and binding arbitration. He that public employes are people and diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union DAY SALE was hooted down by them. have the same financial respon­ and are working toward detente with Com-, Gives Labor^s Views On Home Industry munist China. It is why we recently es- ’ As in so many stikes against the sibilities as those in other oc­ tablished diplomatic relations with East public, they are unwilling to accept cupations. Germany, which is still a creature of Moscow. The State Department would what might be assumed to be a fiar They do, however, have a job Dear sir; FOR JUNIORS I propose a maximum mortgage interest Home Builders, labor costs accounted for never acknowledge it, but an accredited and just decision of an arbitration security unparalleled in private I have had called to my attention a copy diplomat in fact is a spy protected by the of an editorial, entitled "A Dangerous rate of 5 per cent. Under Jhe same cir­ 17 per cent of the selling price of the me­ board with members chosen from immunity of his trade. business. The salaries have in most Step,” which appeared in your issue of cumstances as above but with a 5 per cent dian priced home in 1969 and represents interest rate, the home purchaser would only 15 per cent of its selling price in 1974. Or, to quote a Central Intelligence Agen­ labor, the city and the general public. cases overcome the lag which existed August 28. cy man: “Give me an embassy with a Since it deals with a proposal I advanced pay the banker or the lending institution TTiis should clearly point out to you that ORIG. 9.00-15.00 Vests They want their demands and the for some years. They have fringe bright and tough political officer who has 6.00 TEEN TOPS $30,000 for the use of his $32,220. labor has steadily received less of the^ at our recent convention as a means of local connections and I’ll show you a first- public welfare be hanged. benefits, vacations and sick leave, coming to grips with the almost total liie cost of labor which actually built value they produced. Labor has not and sweaters in stripes and solids. S, M, L. the $35,800 house and created its value properly compensated for their constribu- rate intelligence operative.” Bradley belatedly took a step which usually far above the average in collapse of the housing industry, I cannot Accordingly, nobody should be surprised forego the opportunity to make a few com­ amounted to only $5,300. In light of this, I tion of the value they produced. If labor should have been done elesewhere private business. say that the $30,000 interest payment that was to maintain its equity in terms of its that the State Department and White ments since you view the proposal as House are taking in stride Castro’s years ago. He went to the California the house purchaser pays to the lending in­ contribution of value to the selling price For the welfare of the public, every devious and cynical. viciously hysterical attack on the United First of all, I would say to you that if it is stitution is really too much but in all ($35,800), we would demand that our wags ORIG. 12.00-13.00 legislature, meeting in special ses­ state should have legislation making respects it is surely an adequte payment be immediately doubled. If we were to States during the Havana visit of Sens, 7.90 TEEN PANTS devious and cynical to have a genuine Jack Javis, R-N.Y., and Claiborne Pell, D- sion, to ask for legislation making ar­ compulsory and binding arbitration a concern for the unemployment to him for the use of his $23,220. maintain equity with the total price paid Solid color corduroys and acrylics. Sizes 6-14. The bankers and the lending institutions, by the home purchaser ($105,000), labor R.l. Castro’s speech was typically self- ; bitration compulsory in a public final step in labor disputes that cannot experienced by the members of the serving. His pose is that of a strong man, organization I represent, I plead guilty. however, say no. It’s not enough. We will would demand that our wages be in­ strike. not lend you, Mr. Home Purchaser, our creased to be four times as much as they who’s not afraid to take on the giants of be settled through ordinary means. If it is devious and cynical to have a money unless you pay us back the $32,220 are today. the world, and he must maintain that pose The appeal to the legislature was in The primary responsibility of the genuine concern that only a few plus $70,000 interest. I raise my voice and I muster the sinews before his captive countrymen. Instead of vain, however, as it adjourned quickly Americans can afford to purchase a new o r ig state is to the people, not to public The federal government does not and of the organization I represent not to make freedom, Castro serves up national pride, 7.99 JUNIOR SWEATERS home, I plead guilty. plus a reminder to any dissidents that he’s employes. should not inject itself into the private sec­ such wage demands but to call to the c Likewise, I plead guilty to having a tor except in those instances where our attention of the federal government, to still a tough baby. 14.00-16.00 Ribbed and sculptured. Solid colors. Sizes S, M, L. genuine concern that home building con­ private instutions cannot or do not meet call attention to the American people what Moreover, Castro, like all dictators, tractors by the hundreds are going out of their responsibilities. is wrong and why it is wrong. To point out always needs a scapegoat to take his No Law Necessary business, that many firms in related supp­ On the basis of our need for housing, on to the federal government and the people’s minds off their own problems. ly industries are likewise going out of the basis of the chaotic situation which is American people where the real problem Thus his idiotic charge that international On a voluntary basis we have no ticular, it is common in in order to business and those remaining are ravaging the home building industry, on lies. inflation is the result of the American JUNIOR PANTS ORIG. 17.00- operating at a greatly reduced scale. policy of spending “hundreds of billions of 12.99 objection to grocery stores selling meet competition. the basis of the chaotic condition of our My proposition says that if a new home I am equally concerned about the un­ dollars” on its “war budget,” and his 19.00 Polyester gabardine and acrylic pants. Some belted, their products at the original shelf For the moment, a state law protect­ overall economy, I say that the federal buyer pays $30,000 to a mortgage lender T employment experienced by the workers government must inject itself into the for the use of his $32,220, that is enough. To denunciation of the CIA’s involvement in price instead of re-marking the price ing the consumer against an increase in these related supply industries. financing of new homes and must take have to pay the mortgage lender $70,000 Chile’s internal affairs. Blame the other some cuffed. Solids and patterns. Sizes 5-13. I am also very much aware of the im­ guy is the first commandment of a upward as prices of each new ship­ in the pricing of items on the shelf those steps necessary to make direct for the use of his $32,220 is too much and it pact the home building industry has on our is wrong. totalitarian regime. ment go upward. mortgage loans available at interest rates purchased at a lower cost seems at­ overall economy, not only by itself, but not in excess of 5 per cent. Only about 25-30 per cent of the housing The U.S. probably will get around even­ In fact, we think it is good business tractive, but should the price spiral with the employment opportunities and In your article you erroneously con­ built in the United States is built by union tually to lifting its trade embargo against , the production of goods and services it cluded that I am proposing that the federal labor. I point this out to you lest you con­ Cuba and normalizing relations. It would ■ JUNIOR PANTSUITS to do so, since nothing is more tempt­ stop, level off, and begin a downward generates in terms of new carpets, new 19.99 government go into the money market and clude my concern stems only from my in­ be consistent with an apparent switch to a I ing and yet more frustrating than trend, the law would freeze prices at a draperies, new appliances, new furniture, borrow money at the going rate of 9 to 10 terest in the members I represent. policy of de facto recognition — that is ; ORIG. 35.00-55.00 Many styles and colors. Sizes 5-13. new yard equipment, etc., as well as new recognizing a government when it controls i removing the top sticker and finding a higher level. per cent and that the federal government Yes, I have an interest in the well being streets, new shopping centers, new ot our membership, but I also have con­ a nation, not when it conforms to our • lower price underneath. And for what in turn loan these monies to new home We note one supermarket has churches, new schools and so on ad in­ buyers at 5 per cent and difference cern for the Home Building Industry as a ethical and moral standards. its worth, customers aren’t stupid and pledged not only that it won’t raise finitum. between what the federal government whole and for the American people as a In doing so, Washington would be mere- • Lest our current recession turn into a ly recognizing the dirty facts of inter- * soon know which stores are pays for thse monies (9-10 per cent) and whole. Vs OFF JUNIOR COORDIN­ shelf prices (except on sale items depression, our economy begs for expan­ the rate of interest that they loan these national life which proclaim the necessity • capitalizing on price increases in this after the sale is over) but will also sion, our social needs are crying for fulfill­ monies to new home purchasers (5 per of doing business even with governments ment. If it is devious and cynical to have a Over the years, the labor movement has we detest. This wouldn’t do America any ATES Corduroy and polyester gabardine jackets, pants manner. lower shelf prices if its wholesale cent) you imply would be subsidy to home genuine concern for all of these needs, I fought long and hard for the good of all harm and in the field of espionage it But we think a recent proposal by a purchasers at the expense of the and skirts. REG. 9.00-34.00, now 5.99-22.99 price drops. loudly and clearly say to you, I am guilty. taxpayers. Americans, not just for the good of their almost would do us some good. own. We have fought for public education Connecticut legislator to bar such This is being done voluntarily and To meet the housing needs of the Tliis is not my proposition. It is your for all children, for decent minimum American people requires that we build a conclusion. I would also disagree that such changes by law is rather silly. we think under competition the prac­ wages, for decent unemployment in­ TODAY’S little over three million housing units each a proposition is a subsidy to the home First, the matter of enforcement surance, adequate social security and a OFF tice will spread, making the suggested year during the 1970’s and 1980's. purchaser. It would be subsidy to the decent health care program. All are ______THOUGHT would be difficult and costly. In 1974 we will build only about one bankers and lending institutions. Such a law what it really is, just so much progressive improvements which labor million units. The reason that the other proposition would have the effect of Second, a reasonable amount of wants for all citizens, not union members The Breath of political campaign fodder which two million units will not be built is guaranteeing or supporting the exorbitant exclusively. The labor movement has price raising is legitimate in the long skirts the real issue before us of because mortgage interest rates are so interest rates of the mortgage lenders. Our Innermost Life high that only a small segment of always been the depository of progressive Prayer can blossom like a flower in the > term, since prices do go down as well The interest rates of the mortgage lenders reducing inflation which is the un­ Americans have sufficient income to meet throught and action and the keeper of the morning sun from the deepest recess of FRIDAY & SATURDAY do not need support. They need to be cut. as up. In the grocery business, in par­ the resulting monthly mortgage nation’s social conscience. Forbes sW^llace derlying reason for rising prices ’Therefore, 1 would be against such a your heart. It is the BREATH of our inner- , payments. proposal as your conclusion. This country, this world, is in chaotic most life, the gentle rising of our heart ; THE PLACE FOR JUNIORS everywhere. economic circumstances, circumstances In May of 1974 the median selling price From your article, I do conclude that toward the God who loves us, the restful that require drastic action, circumstances ALL CHILDREN'S of all new homes was $35,800. With a 10 per you would consider it a dangerous step, intake of His lifegiving Word. SHOP THE NEW FORBES, MANCHESTER PARKADE. USE that will require the use of the scalpel cent down payment and a thirty-year that you would consider it pure socialism Spontaneous prayer from the heart, . YOUR FORBES CHARGE, BANK AMERICARD OR rather than the use of cosmetics to cor­ iHanrhPBtrr mortgage at the current 10 per cent in­ for the federal government to subsidize whether articulated only in the mind or MASTER CHARGE. OPEN 10-10 MON.-SAT. Only the rect. terest rate, monthly principal and interest the home purchaser. If my proposal did with the lips as well, brings a new freedom OUTERWEAR REDUCED If my proposal that says an interest pay­ Eurnlng Hmlh payments amount to $282.75. Such pay­ amount to a subsidy to the home to one’s prayer life. God seems more real ment of $70,000 to a money lender who con­ Newspaper ments in turn require an income of about purchaser and it doesn’t, I would ask you and seems to enter more noticeably into F U N D E D OCT. 1, 1881 tributes no value to the product is too $20,000 a year to afford. Only a small seg­ what is wrong with subsidizing a home the happenings of daily living. Published by the Published e v e ry ment of Americans have an annual income much but that $30,000 should be sufficient, Menchestef evening except Sun­ purchaser? In all forms of “conversational” prayer ; Publishing Co.. Hersid days and holidays. of $20,000. Therefore, only a small seg­ is too drastic, is a dangerous step, is pure the main point to remember is that it be • Hurry in and save on every Item of outerwear in our Squere, Manchester. Entered at the socialism, is devious, is cynical, I say so ment of Americans can afford to purchase Is it a more dangerous step for the sincere. If it springs from the right inten- ' Conn. 06040. Manchester, Conn., be it. current stock. Coats, jackets, snorkels, snowsuits. For Telephone 643-2711 Post Office as Second new homes. federal government to subsidize the tion, it will ordinarily avoid the phoniness • (Area Code 203). I would ask you to ask yourself what the Class Mall Matter. I would point out to you that the American home purchaser than it is to the of being too flowery or sentimental. ‘ infants, toddlers, girls’ sizes 4-14 and boys’ sizes 3-20. BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER purchaser of a house with a selling price of subsidized Lockheed Aircraft or Penn home purchaser might do with this $40,000 (Adapted from Daniel Scully, O.S.B.) $35,800 with a thirty-year 10 per cent difference. What contribution would this Submitted by; Keep ’em covered for cold winter weather at great SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES Central railroad? Is it any more pure mortgage actually pays $105,371 for his socialism than subsidizing the airlines and money make in providing for all of his Sisters of PAYABLE IN ADVANCE $35,800 house. railroads which the federal government hospital, medical and health care St. Bartholomew Convent ! savings. Regularly priced from 8.00-50.00 Single Copy ...... 15c 3 Months ...... $9.75 Why must a purchaser pay $105,000 for has done since their very beginning? Is it expenses? What contribution would it W e e k ly ...... 75* 6 M o n th s ...... $19.50 something that costs $35,800? Why? make in providing for the higher education Children’s Place ONE Month $3.25 One Year...... $39.00 any more dangerous to subsidize the Because he has to pay $70,000 in interest of his children? What contribution would it Mail Rales Upon Request American home purchaser than it is HERALD payments to the banker or other lending American business of all kinds in the form make in providing him with the Subscribers who p.m should telephone necessities of life as well as the finer fail to receive their the circulation depart­ institution. I say $70,000 is just too much. of preferential tax credits? Is it any more YESTERDAYS things of life? Herald before 5 30 ment. 647-9946 In fact, I say it is exorbitant. This $70,000 pure socialism than subsidizing interest payment does not increase the agricultures as we have done for years; For the good of the American people, for Member Audit Bureau of Circulation the good of our economy, for the continua­ ______BRINGS NEWS FROM HOME value of the house one cent. subsidies the bulk of which in recent years 25 Years Ago It did not contribute one cent of value have gone not to the American farmer but tion of our American way of life, I feel The Manchester Display advertising — to be read when time and compelled to raise my voice and to muster Dillon Sales & Services announces plans closing hours Three toward the production of the house. It have gone to the huge agricultural cor­ Publishing Co. the sinews of the members of the United for a new building on Leonard Street. full days prior to studies permit. Only the news­ didn’t raise one drop of sweat or represent porations. Water supply for the town is reported assumes no linanciai publication one ounce of toil in the creation of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Forbes sWillace responsibility for paper performs this service so very low and is to become worse as Deadline for Herald Lest you think that labor is responsible America. typographical errors classified advertising house. It is solely a payment to the banker draught continues. appearing in adver­ 12 noon prior today of well. Plan a reading gift sub­ or a lending institution for the use of his for the increase in the selling price of new William Sidell SHOP THE NEW FORBES, MANCHESTER PARKADE tisements and other publication. 12 noon scription for those away . . . housing, I would advise that in 1949 labor general president reading matter in The Friday lor publication $32,220 ($35,800 selling price minus 10 per USE YOUR FORBES CHARGE, BANK AMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE costs amounted to 33 per cent of the selling United Brotherhood of 10 Years Ago Manchester Evening Saturday and Mon­ at school or in the service. cent down payment) during the period of OPEN 10-10 MON.-SAT. Herald. day. the mortgage. price of a median priced home. According Carpenters and Joiners This date was a Sunday: The Herald did to the study of the National Association of Washington, D.C. not publish. PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 — PAGE SEVEN ROCKVILLE Art Show Judge Selected Ogden, Kliebeck Win Tennis Singles HOSPITAL THE CANDIDATES and drawing at the Wadsworth exhibited at Northwestern NOTES SOUTH WINDSOR Further information may be Dottie Ogden won the the Emil St. Louis Award as the won 6-4, 6-2, over Klieback and Atheneum. Community College in 1970 and in the season saw Ann Vincent JUST OPENEDI Judy Kuehnel obtained by calling Diane Smith ARE SAYING women’s singles title and Ken top woman player in Vernon. Peter Jutrar She holds a bachelor of fine the Slater Memorial Museum in and John Gulden win the mixed Correspondent 289-4731 or the Town Hall Klieback, the men’s singles ti­ Klieback defeated Bob Dean, In the women’s doubles, Meg arts degree from Cornell 1972. She has been the recipient doubles with Heidi Coughlin and Admitted Thursday: Micahel Tel. 644-1364 Recreation Department, 644- tle as the tennis tournaments after three sets, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5. Blewett and Charlotte Driggs University and has studied with of 28 awards. 2511. Keith Hovland the winners in Mary’s Antiques Aude, Ranter Dr., Vernon; The Connecticut Artists’ came to an end in Vernon this Klieback was previously winner won over Judy Ball and Lesly the Art Students League in New Exhibits for the show will be the junior tournament for boys Tracy Bujaucius, Prospect St., Expo ’74 Committee has an­ past weekend. ’The tournaments of the indoor title at the Tennis White by default when Mrs. 216 Spruce St. 646-0724/646-2913 York City. She has a masters in set up separately for children’s and girls. Rockville; Nicole Daggett, nounced that Mrs. Estelle are sponsored by the Recrea­ Forum. White was unable to compete education. art, student entries and adult The schooner Hannah, In all, some 86 teams or in­ "STOP IN AND BROWSE" Pleasant St., Rockville; Eileen Laschever of West Hartford Giulietti: Neetf Ombudsman In the men’s doubles final Mrs. Laschever’s one-woman commissioned by George tion Department. due to an injury. dividuals competed in the 7 OPEN TUES. - SUN. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. Flaherty, Earl St., Rockville; entries. In addition to the spon­ John Guldan and Wayne Kuhnly will be the judge for the art. exhibits include showings at the Ms. Ogden defeated Judy Tournaments played earlier tournaments. (Closed Mondays) Rebecca Mecklenburg, Stafford sors awards, those who come to Washington during the show and sale to be held Sun­ Hartford National Bank and Kallet 6-3,7-5. She also received Springs; Darlene Poulin, view the show will have an op­ Revolutionary War, is said to day, Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 Trust in 1960, the Hartford Fine ' “The probate court should explaining the court and Village St., Rockville; Mona portunity to choose a work from be the first vessel to fly the p.m. at the South Windsor Town Arts Foundation in 1964, assume some of the functions of removing some of the Reilly, South St., Rockville; the adult and student sections Continental flag. Hall Green. Gallery I in Hingham, Mass, in the people’s advocate or om­ Jane Richards, Kibbe Rd., to receive a popular award. mysteries which he says shroud Mrs. Laschever conducts 1965, the Phoenix Mutual Ill the United States, 170,- budsman concept which probate. Ellington; Raymond Skinner, Food will be available on the studio art classes in East Hart­ Gallery in 1967 and the Canton 000 taxis annually serve 2.5 originated in Scandinavia and - “There is a real need for this Loveland Hill Rd., Vernon; grounds and at 2 p.m. a chicken ford. She has lectured at Tunix Gallery in 1969. billion passengers and gener­ has been adopted in several sort of information when we see Diane Smith, Pleasant Valley barbeque will be sponsored by Community College and con­ ate $2.2 billion in gross states,’’ John Giulietti, the popularity of Norman F. Rd., Manchester; Karen Smith, By special invitation she the American Field Service. ducted classes in watercolor revenues. Republican candidate for Judge Dacey’s book, ‘ How to Avoid Pleasant Valley Rd., of Probate for the Ellington- Probate,’ Giulietti said. Manchester; Shirley Sullivan, jWernon district told the Vernon “Instead, my opponent paints Norwich; Diane Usher, RFD 2, lljpiMwiwitiifiifiiriiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiaiBiiiar I Republican Town Committee, a rosy picture of the probate Tolland; Wayne Varraicchio, I Wednesday night/. court; this is something which 5 0 % " Cromwell; Richard Welesky, f Giulietti is running against in- the average citizen just doesn’t i c East Windsor. ? cumbent Thomas Rady of believe,” Giulietti said. Discharged Thursday: IRKfaUBANT GUIDEI .Ellington. He told the town He told the town committee “At The Parkada, Wa Save You Money” Marguerite Bower, High Manor ’Committee, “I’m a little disap- when he is elected he will open Trailer Pk., Rockville; Robert ' pointed in my opponent in that the court Wednesday evening of WE GUARANTEE Callahan, Enfield; Ruth Curry, ihe’s avoiding the real issues SALE Y : PRICE each week to answer questions Wilson Lane, Rockville; Linda • High Quality Drugs • Vitamins remain good • Laboratory tested for Albert Cordner, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Corner, Rt. 6, Coventry, enjoys his featuring the areals finest restaur ants land going off on a tangent by which people may have. Diaz, W. Main St., Rockville; electric car which was a birthday present built for him by his father. Cordner owns and Jcriticizing my campaign Referring to his suggestion • Low Prices 5 years health & safety Joseph Hayes, Union St., operates Cordner’s Equipment ^rv ice in Andover. (Herald photo by Holland) • signs.” about the ombudsman, Giulietti Rockville; Laura Phelps, Union “I would rather see him tell said this is an official who St., Rockville; Wilfred Racine, SAVE ON VITAMINS - STOCK UP FOR WINTER - COMPARE WITH OTHER RRANDS jus how he will inform the would hear people’s problems Stafford Springs; Mrs. •average citizen about the and refer them to the proper Kathleen Wurn and son. West (operation of the probate court agency, as well as institute ac­ Willington. A Car for His Birthday Jduring the coming years,” tion on behalf of the citizen. Full 100 T^Exan TP EX aH Births Thursday: A son to Donna Holland operates Cordner’s Equipment hand-wired electric • Giulietti said. Service in Andover. Giulietti told the committee TPEXa// Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cham­ Correspondent accelerator. I Giulietti said he spent more Cordner designed and built he is looking forward to a ONE-A-DAY pagne, Mountain St., Rockville; Tel. 646-0375 The two-seater electric car I than two years as an editor of ALUREX the car in his spare time during debate with his opponent at the Asnm BUFFERED a son to Mr. and Mrs. David How many six-year-old boys has a lop speed of 25 miles per 'an army newspaper and he TYPE VITAMINS Hesse, Stein Rd., Ellington; a a two-month period using scrap “Meet The Candidates’’ night Antacid do you know who are lucky hour on asphalt. would like to use this to be sponsored by the League Lika Maalox ASPIRIN daughter to Mr. and Mrs. enough to own an electric car materials. The car is enjoyed Its accessories include a experience for the benefit of the 2for % Magnesium-aluminum of Women Voters, Oct. 17 at the (6 month supply) hydroxide gel d q | , Walter Maloon, McLean St., built for them by their father— by the whole family. Cordner horn, lights and a rear mirror. average citizen by writing los 2 for also built a go-cart. Middle School. suspension. ,| ^ Rockville; a son to Mr. and or is it just possible the father When charged overnight it periodic newspaper articles Mrs. Peter Ramsdell, West built it for himself. The electric car is a cut down will nm from 3 to 4 hours. Willington. Albert Cordner received an Volkswagen front with a Albert sincerely enjoys his 2 i * i » » <1.69 electric car for his sixth Cushman rear axle assembly. It car and is most generous in Reg. 1.98 each 2 for ^ 1 . 6 9 Reg. 1.68 - Like Bufferin birthday. Mrs. Cordner men­ has a home-made frame. offering rides to friends on the I60« \It has a 2V5-horsepower tioned her husband could have family’s property. The car is LIKE TONI Tfexan been building it for himself. mqtor which runs on six 6-volt also used lor transportation Grasso to Conduct f? ex 3 // She H cm lii Albert is the son of Mr. affi ties. when the family goes through Tiexa// Fast HOME NO-ASPIRIN Mrs. David Cordner, Rt '"The forward and reverse con­ the back of their property to MOUTHWASH trols are alt electric as well as a ONE-A-DAY Coventry. Cordner owns and swim at Hop River Brook. •County Meeting PERMANENTS uk, TABLETS Tingling Mi-31 or TYPE VITAMINS spicy Klenzo 15 oz. 5 types ffag. 2,38 Tylenol (acetaminophen) WITH IRON KLENZOI 2 f o r VERNOIN o n e t a b l e t 100’s 2 for Holiday churches in the towns of Ver­ 2 for d a il y School Board Accepts non, Tolland, Ellington, Steve’s & Tom’s Pizzeria, Inc, ! Ella Grasso, Democratic can­ , WITH IRON Closings didate for Governor, will con­ Somers, and Somersville. $ < 1*1.39' Steve’s & Tom’s Pizzeria, Inc., at 4 West Rd., Rockville, These boxes will be used by served Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 9 p.m. Closed duct her sixth in a series of 2i*3'‘ Reg. 2.78 2 .7 9 children to “trick or treat’’ for 2.39 Like Lavorls and LIslarIne Contract for Teachers offers the finest in Italian cuisine. Conveniently located on Tuesday, the Pizzeria features fine wines and music by town meetings Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. Halloween. Reg. 3.14 each close to Ellington, Tolland and Vernon, Steve’s & Tom’s John Britney, organist, Friday and Saturday night from 9 at the Vernon Center Middle Full 100 ANDOVER Mrs. Harvey Nivison is serv­ Rexall Household Rexall SOUTH WINDSOR serves delectable pasta, homemade breads, grinders, and p.m.'to 1 a.m. Steve’s & Tom’s Pizzeria has served the School, Rt. 30, Vernon. -f^ExaU milk of Donna Holland tracts is the payment of 90 per recommended a 5.5 per cent ing as chairman in the Tolland other mputh-watering delicacies six days a week. Pasta is area for 12 years. Such town meetings are being RUBBER SACCHARIN cent of the premium on medical hike with the teacher’s group area, and Mrs. Ronald Lawton, MAGNESIA Correspondent Judy Kuehnel conducted in each of the eight sexall FLUORIDE '/• gr„ 1000’s Tel. 646-0375 insurance; a 10 per cent in­ requesting a 10 per cent raise in in the Ellington area. Students titvexailii 12 OZ. liquid Correspondent crease over that offered in the counties in the state. Other TOOTHPASTE 2 1 .4 9 salaries. in Grade 5 in the Vernon luiTRimn sPHiniE fo r $ Tel. 644-1364 1973-74 contracts; three- members of the Democratic Small, medium, The South Windsor Board of schools are also participating in For bright, white _ - large \ Vz gr., 1000's The Andover Elementary quarters of the premium on state ticket, as well as former 0 a poster contest with the VITAMIN E Education Thursday night un­ Last year’s salary schedule, Democratic governor, John 2 fo r $ 1 .8 9 School and all town offices will major medical, including a den­ theme, “UNICEF and The 1 ^ 2 for 2 f o r \ animously voted to accept in 13 steps, ranged from $8,100 Dempsey, are expected to at­ 1 gr„ 1000's be closed Monday due to the tal rider, for employes and Children of the World.” A much written about teacher contracts granting a 7.9 for first step teachers with a tend the meeting. holiday. dependents changing the value Mrs. James Ledbetter of vitamin in two popular ^ • 1 . 5 9 2 for $2.88 salary increase for the present bachelor’s degree to $13,986 for The Oct. 14 meeting is for all i i *1 .1 9 95« The Andover disposal area of the major medical to ?20,000. Tracy Dr. is chairman of the potencies! 20Q |,U. school year. a teacher with a m aster’s Tolland County persons in a will also be closed Monday. The contest and judges will be The board’s action came just Also included is the payment degree plus one year of study. program to bring both her cam­ Andover Library will be closed sfNGtfiE members of the Tolland County T^BXaH Rexall Alco-Rex* one month before negotiations of 50 per cent of insurance in an The new contracts have added a paign and later her adminstra- Monday. Art Association. One first prize Nasal Decongestant are scheduled to begin over amount equal to the nearest fourteenth step on the salary tion, closer to the people. l.u. scale which now range from $8,- of $5, two $3 second prizes and 100 RUBBING LAMP LYTER 1975-76 contracts, and followed thousand dollars of salary, 15 RESTAURANT ■ The meetings are designed to TIME CAPSULES one $2 third prize will be » 5 t t , 2 for 8.98 M enus months of bargaining, negotia­ days sick leave, accumulative 100 to $15,150. • give Mrs. Grasso an opportuni- ALCOHOL C tion, mediation and even awarded. Automatic timer for lights The following cafeteria to 150 days, 5 paid personal days Complete Luncheont Served 'ty to tell the people firsthand ’R S x ar t — For tingling skin rubs! fruitless arbitration. a and appliances. Reg 7 95 menus will be served to and credit union privileges. Lete Evening Dining where she stands on the issues. 1/4 n e xa FS\ A 16 oz. The 7.9 per cent salary in­ An additional $2,000 per year CLOSED TUESDAY • Opm 6 Days students in Andover Elemen­ COMPUTE CARRY OUT SERVICE CALCIUM I virnmin s p h ih {)) crease which was accepted last The combined benefits of the is granted those teachers SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED AT Wrestling Program tary School Oct. 15-18: m 2 for „ week by the South Windsor new contracts are expected to meeting qualifications, for CHINESE, POEYHESHN and WITH Tuesday: Spaghetti, salad, Square Dancers Parents of boys who are in­ ’^ 1 . 4 9 Education Association cost the town over a quarter of “master” or “career” teacher, Steve’s & Tom’s terested in participating in the 8 8 ' * 3 . 9 9 rolls, butter, fruit. a million dollars over last making possible a salary AMEHKMIFIXIO The Vernon Square Dance VITAMIN D □ (SWEA), is essentially the Club will conduct an wrestling program to be spon­ Wednesday: Hamburger on year’s combined benefits. maximum of $17,150. Additional Delightful Family Style Dinner, roll, french fries, corn, pud­ same package recommended PASTA ora “Oktoberfest,” Oct. 19 from 8 sored by the Indian Valley by a three-man arbitration pan­ salary is also awarded to those ding. According to board member, MON. - WED. & FRI. , EXOTIC MKltm BANQUET , to 11 p.m. at the Vernon YMCA, are invited to attend an T el and rejected by SWEA; the teachers serving as department POLYNESIAN IIJI u l 11:30 pm FACILITIES FOR I Thursday: Grinders, french David Cohan,. SWEA’s accep­ PASTA ITEMS SERVED UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Elementary School, Rt. 30 with orientation meeting, Oct. 16 at 7 Deluxe only changes being a redistribu­ heads, coaches, advisors, and COCKTAILS Fri. I Sal 250 SEATING p.m. at the Vernon Center Mid­ fries, green beans, fruit cup, tance of proposed settlement Du* to w**k*nd volum* w* *r* *0fTy P»»U I* not «v*ll*bl* Fri., 8*1.8 Sun. 11:31 ui lM UL Russ Peterson calling the Deluxe tion granting more increase to so forth, ranging from $150 to SaaOq IMI pm dle School, Rt. 30. chocolate chip cookies. was based on the “good faith in­ FEATURING JOHN BRITNEY; ORGANISt squares and Dick and Kay those with more teaching $1,250 per year. The meeting will be led by Rsfr 1.48 ea. CORN Friday: Fish sticks, rice, tention” of the Board of Educa­ FRI. & SAT. NIGHT 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. ! D Camino Plaza Rte. 30, Vernon .Yellen cueing the round dances, peas, bread, butter, fruit. experience and ?400 of in­ tion to make every attempt to COWER LEVEL j The Yellens will teach a new Dr. Ed Meyers, coach of \he TOOTHBRUSHES •A Mil* from Vtmon Circto. Rl#. 30 North DIGITAL Milk is served with all meals. creases to the assistant depart­ keep salaries of South Windsor {round dance at 7:30 p.m. team. The purpose of the POPPER According to Cohan, contract GRINDERS The ice cream of the week is ment heads in the middle teachers comparable to those of {Refreshments will be served. meeting is to describe and dis­ school. negotiations for the 1975-76 ^4 vexa/rti 6 styles; soft, medium, a Good-E-Bar. surrounding towns. Hot Oven on Request cuss the proposed 1974-75 CLOCK RADIO school year will begin “as soon ^ hard bristles. 6 .9 5 Value Other highlights of the con­ The board originally program which is open to boys VITAMINS B & C (fJviTnininsFEaflit as possible.” aged 6-14. S Reg. 35.95 School Lunches CAPSULES i The following lunches will be Anyone wishing further infor­ A (served in the Vernon Public mation should contact the “Y’’ [Schools next week, office at Vernon Circle. High potency Vitamin B L j Monday: Schools to be closed Complex with Vitamin C. i i 2 f o r 6 9 « ^ Council Seeks Advice On Goals jin obsrvance of Columbus Day. Reg. 68c E 244 CENTER ST. So V;TH WINDSOR downstream improvements on Tuesday: Veal cutlet with timate fate of an unwanted pet. AFS Reception sauce, mashed potato, buttered Appointed Director Judy Kuehnel Avery Brook including a Among those hoping for a new uexa// The South Windsor Chapter of MANCHESTER ’corn, whole wheat bread and Joseph A. Belanger of Ver­ Reg. 4.68 ea. Corre§pondent spillway, Podunk River home are two puppies. One, a easements. the American Field Service will Ibutter, vanilla pudding with non, has been appointed direc­ SAVE ON COSMETICS Tel. 644-1364 female, is about 3 months old host a welcoming reception to Phoira 646-1995 tor of research and policy ARTHRITIS PAIN Also renovation of high school MjS^RESTAURANT & LtlUNGE’lpJS W ^cherry. and a small collie mixed breed. honor Carlos Santiago Balbueno development and will be part of Mayor Robert Smith has tennis courts, senior citizens ^ RT. S3 ELLIMfiTON TEE. 872-7327 ^ ■ Wednesday: Submarine TPexa// The other, a male, is “almost” of Asuncion, Paraguay. OPEN 7 DAYS a seven-member senior staff TPexa// TjexaH asked that residents “make an mini-bus, a commission for the Untouched for Fine Food and Atmoephere 'sandwich, french fries, green tltvexaiiVi FORMULA effort to provide direction to a full-blooded Labradore Santiago, a student at the jseans, fruit cup. appointed by Lynn Alan Brooks, Aging, Pleasant Valley Road ® 1 viTnmin sramifi the Town Council for the Retriever. He’s about 2 months South Windsor High School is Choice of Over 20 Delicious Entrees - Thursday: American chop Connecticut energy ad­ 7V2 graWte of aspirin VITAMIN E drainage solution, comprehen­ old. Both are playful and would AMERICA’S STEAK EXPEFH * P '"- plus antacids in each Rag. ULTRA remaining year in their term of sive program for the resur­ studying here under the AFS Plus Elaborate Salad Bar 'paey, spinach, bread and butter, ministrator. VITAMIN C make wonderful pets. tablet. 100’s 2.18 S K IN C R EA M office,” by attending the Public facing of town roads, a review winter program. He is living OPEN TUES. fHRU SUNDAY peaches. Belanger will receive a A “vivatious, happy” shepard BUV2nnDsmK CARE Informational Hearing of the insurance structure, with Mr. and Mrs. Renzo Steak Prices SUNDAY COCKTAIL & DININQ 12 NOON TO 9 P M J Friday: Tuna salad roll, salary of $18,904. The ap­ 250 mg., 15,000 l.u. per cross who “wouldn’t even mind Falcinelli, 21 Breezy Hill Dr. pointees serve at the pleasure ounce. 1 oz. scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 15, cable TV policy for the Public ELEGANT BANQUET FACILITIES potato chips, cole slaw, fruit bottles being tied” also awaits a home. Also to be honored at the Got You Down? of the governor. ^ LOTIOiri 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Utilities Commission, a finance Up to 250 Paopio jello. oMOO’s |teg.l.4gei. Extra care lotion for dry Mayor Smith released a list He’s aboht a year old. reception are South Windsor « M 2 for ^2:19 comptroller, a consultant for Another little fellow who OURS START at skin. of goals under consideration by Public Utilities Commission students Richard Atkins and the council. Once the council claims “some wire terrier” in Melissa Murray who have ' Aiixiliury To Meet 0 2 2 for representation on a muiti-town his family tree is about 4 years Student Honored goals are decided on they will basis. recently returned from their ^ 2 a 75 p U.S.D.A.Choics. Dobosz- Ertel-Laboc-Hansen be assigned to individual coun- old. While he’s no puppy, he summers abroad. Unit 14, American Legion Yolanda Graham, a student Reg. 2.48 ei. Also a drug prevention promises to be good with at Rockville High School, was cilmen and reported on at each program, a liaison for Little Throughout the year Atkins For *2.99 We Also Feature Auxiliary, will meet Oct. 16 at 8 * 2 . 7 5 children and friendly to any named, among 16 other Connec­ BALSAM HAIR *2.09 regular council meeting until League, Youth Hockey and and Miss Murray will be • ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF, au jua p.m. at the Legion Home, West family who takes pity on him. ticut students, as a semi­ their completion. Midget football, Ayers Rd. available to local clubs and • BAKED BOSTON SCROD St., Rockville. CONDITIONER The only tail that doesn’t wag organizations to speak of their finalist in the National Achieve­ B COMPLEX Suggested goals are: Bicycle landscaping, a town-owned ___ • SAUTEED LIVER & ONIONS (or Bacon) The auxiliary recently with Protein trail designation, comprehen­ at the pound belongs to a little AFS experiences in Argentina elected Alice Mailloux as presi­ ment Scholarship Program for MINERALIZED Rexall Redi-Spray^ Rexall nursery, and the completion of black and tan dog with “some Outstanding Negro Students in sive drainage study, agreement Buckland Rd. and Lebanon. After Jan. 1, C H j i p R E W ^ dent. Other officers are Janet Dry A N T I- cocker spaniel in him.” He’s a nationwide competition. m POTENCY DUSTING with Connecticut Resource According to Mayor Smith Balbueno will be available for St. John and Norinne O’Brien, PERSPIRANT Recovery Authority which new to the pound and “very speaking engagements. first and second vice An easy way to Insure 2 for the list released is not all- Miss Graham plans to major DEODORANT POWDER would include a recycling scared” according to Assistant All residents are invited to at­ presidents; Shirley Novak, your Intake of this essen­ conclusive nor are any of the in chemistry when she enters tial vitamin! Helps fight odor center, open space land acquisi­ Dog Warden Janice Blowers. tend the reception and become Secretary; Patricia items for public discussion con­ He’s a medium size dog and college. 100 meg. and wetness! 5 oz. tion, agreement with the state clusive. familiar with the AFS program Cowperthwaite, treasurer; $ 4 6 9 to assume sponsorship of Avery would make a nice pet. on a local level. Julia Dolan, chaplain; Anna boHles for for It is hoped that residents will The only dog who did not find Students entered the competi- ollOO's - ' Adds body and 2 ^ 2 Brook Watershed Flood Control Holiday Closings Mae Pfunder, historian; 2 attend the meeting to voice a home last month is the gentle tion by ta k in g the 1973 Reg. 3.89 u. helps prevent split Project, Mott Foundation sur­ The South Windsor Public Celeste Milkie, sergeant at their opinions on what the coun­ Shepard-Collie cross Mrs. Preliminary Scholastic Ap­ ends! 16 oz. Reg. 1.48 vey, Pleasant Valley Road Library, 993 Sullivan Ave., will arms; Dorothy Allen, assistant *1.49 *2.39. cil’s goals should be. Blowers nicknamed “ Mom- titude Test/National Merit reconstruction, final sewer be closed Monday, Oct. 14 in sergeant at arms. Those on the Fortified mie.” “It wasn’t her fault Scholarship Qualifying Test. referendum. Pierce Road observance of Columbus Day. executive council are Jenny Dog Pound Full though,” said Mrs. Blowers, They identified themselves as T is m HERBAL reconstruction, flood plain Regular library hours will be Batz, Gladys Prelie, and Ger­ (UuiTnmin sPEunij Rexall Brite Set’ \ Last month the South Wind­ “we thought she would make a Cara Nome* zoning. resumed on Tuesday, Oct. 15. trude Edwards. black students who wished to be VITAMIN B CONDITIONING sor dog pound emptied it’s good seeing-eye dog, but she Other goals are consideration Library hours are: Monday, considered in the program. HAIR cages when residents didn’t make the grade.” While The semi-finalists are the CREAMY of leasing of library space. Tuesday, Wednesday, SHAMPOO responded to the plight of five “Mommie,” whose real name highest scoring black students COMPLEX SPRAY Main Street Community Hall, Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; high quality formula \ "l LIPSTICKS homeless dogs. is Pepper, may not be destined IJNILKF in six geographic regions, w. vltamln-fortilled desic- 1 t-r' m r>^ Smells clean and fresh! ^ _ Regular, Hard-to-Hold, planning of a Rye Street Park, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to The cages are filled again. for fame as a seeing-eye dog Mrs. Douglas Bell, Center allocated in proportion to each Gated liver. Unscenled. 13 oz, use of state funds for Veterans 5 p.m. 2 for iu A visitor to the pound, located she would make a wonderful St., Rockville, chairman for the region’s black population. The South Windsor Town Hall Memorial Park, bicycle and on Strong Rd., is immediately UNICEF program sponsored by To continue in the competi­ 2 for p et. S h e’s “ g re a t w ith will be closed Monday as will ..,„..$A49'- nature trails for the Nevers Rd. greeted by seven dogs, each children.” the Greater Rockville Council tion, semi-finalists must ad­ of 100's T property, a lighted softball poking a cold wet nose through the sanitary landfill are on 2 Mrs. Blowers may be reached of Church Women, Is in the vance to finalist standing by *2.19 field, easements along walkway Strong Rd. The landfill area, Reg. 4.48 ei. *1.19 the wire cages and hoping for beginning Monday night at 289- process of distributing ,5,000 meeting additional on Plum Gulley Brook, an opportunity to escape the ul­ 4482. however, will remain open coin boxes to schools and requirements Tuesday. PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11. 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 — PAGE NINE

New Hampshire adopted The first elephant in the VITAMIN Manchester Homemakers Mark 10th Year its own declaration of United States reached New Ted Lingard — District Fire Chief In October of 1964 the Manchester committee chairmen and 22 members- independence two weeks York City in 1796 and was ex­ ABOUT TOWN HEADQUARTERS Homemaker Service, Inc. opened its at-Iarge. The original planning com­ trained staff, carefully screened and munity, plus contacts with health and before the Continental Con­ hibited forkthe following 15 first office and hired Mrs. Hyalie mittee assumed leadership. trained in conjunction with the Connec­ welfare personnel and agencies, has gress in Philadelphia agreed years at an admission price oI a \lioul the Disirirl Liggett Parkade "I've never been part Hurwitz as director. Office space was rented in October, ticut State Department of Health. resulted in a steadily increasing on Jefferson’s Declaration. of twelve and one half cents stagnant organization.” Lingard discussed the dis­ The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft for 9 a.m., will be at Howard l ow Prices! Club Retiree’s Group will meet The service will celebrate its tenth 1964, and headed by Mrs. Hurwitz, who After completion of an initial request for services. per person. Granville "Ted” Lingard. 40, trict, the fire department and Johnson’s Restaurant in East its volunteer status, and the Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the anniversary Monday with a program to has been serving as director ever since training program, staff members have Membership in the Connecticut and has been a member of the Hartford. be conducted at the Community Baptist the agency opened. been provided with continuous in- National Associations Of Homemaker Eighth District Fire Depart­ future of both. He said; Clement Rd. Clubhouse in East “The district has got to Hartford. All P&WA retirees Church, E. Center St., at 8 p.m. From the start the basic philosophy service training. Services and the Greater Hartford ment for 25 years and is today, In the spring of 1962 the board of of the agency has been to preserve the During 1967, a grant from the Mental Community Council has enabled the rtiore than ever before, its progress. We can’t build a wall not presently members of the MUNICIPAL BUILDING around ourselves and hide in­ group are invited to attend with directors of the Manchester Public family unit during a time of crisis in as Health Division of the state Depart­ agency to increase the scope and chief. their spouses. After the Health Nurses Association investigated normal and healthy an atmosphere as ment of Health made possible a year­ breadth of its service. . His own story in the district side it. meeting, the Bristol Senior the need for a homemaker service in possible. long training program on “Working In 1972 a five-tow n expansion reflects both’ the district's '1 put 25 years into this department. (.After the direc­ Citizens Band will provide m n a . Manchester. With The Family in Crisis.” program was made possible through a CLOSED fragile nature and its vitality. Primarily, this philosophy has in­ tors 4-2 vote not to reappoint music for entertainment and MEMBER A committee of six was appointed to Since payment for service to a family grant from the Public Health Nursing ■ Lingard was nearly forced volved provision of trained help for a Lingard on July 15), my hands dancing. Where Quality Begins gather information and a year later has always been set according to abili­ Division of the Connecticut Depart­ out of office as well as the presented its report to the association. family that was temporarily without a ty to pay, supplemental financing has ment of Health. Service was extended department this summer, and feet were tied and I had a Jim Breitenfeld. coordinator This report revealed there was a mother. been necessary from the outset. to the towns of Vernon, Bolton, MONDAY during the district battles over gag in my mouth. But I had StMurMh of Crossroads (Manchester’s Route 44A Covantry r a definite need for such a service and However, with the advent of Prior to affiliation with Medicare Ellington, Tolland and Somers in addi­ 1‘ontrol of district politics and some friends working for me. b lw iM Z K riN counseling and drug informa­ Hit •( M m liti hi that this need could best be served by Medicare, a second broad area of ser­ and the United Way of Manchester tion to Manchester and South Windsor. the chief's job, outsiders and in­ “No one, not the officers or OCTOBER 14, 1974 tion center), will be the guest creating a community agency to es­ vice was opened up. Under contract to (formerly Community Chest), funds In the spring of 1974, with the in­ siders guessed the district was the men, would take the job (when the directors offered it to speaker at an Oct. 20 meeting of 742-7308 • 649-9933 S ito pool tablish the service. the Manchester, Rockville, and South were provided by the Legacy Fund of creasing demand for services, and the m its last days. INSTITUTE Emergency Telephone Numbers them in July). And I know some the Charter Oak Lodge of B’nai Next a planning committee was Windsor Public Health Nurses the Manchester Public Health Nurses growing expense of operation, it was ■Z The district serves about 15,- of the men wanted it. Having an B’rith. The meeting, scheduled formed made up of representatives Associations, the homemakers have Association, the local chapter of the necessary for the director to go to the (JX) people in the north-central from health and welfare agencies, the become home health aides in the area American (i)ancer Society, the Heart governing bodies of each town served Highway...... 649-5070 portion of Manchester. It inexperienced chief in a demoralized department might professions, the clergy and the schools. of work with elderly persons. Association, and by private con­ to ask for supplementary funds. Each Refuse...... 649-1886 spends less tfian half its budget In D^ember of 1963 an organization The service has always placed tributions. town agreed to pay its fair share to of a^out $140,000 yearly on have meant its end. 'T ve been counseled that I’ve was formed consisting of 5 officers, 9 emphasis on having a professionally Extensive publicity within the com­ offset what some families could not af­ Sanitary Sewer and Water ..649-9697 sewer service. The rest, over ford to pay for services rendered. $80,000. supports its volunteer spoken too much. But I said fire department. what I think. Too many Peace Corps, The district is run by a seven- politicians say one thing and man Board of Directors elected mean something else. VISTA Plan by district residents for two- 'T ve always spoken in what I year terms. Three terms in­ thought was the best interests 4-Day Drive cluding the president's end on of the department.” even years and four end on odd Lingard would not talk about The Peace Corps and VISTA (Volunteers in Service to years. the details of his near loss of his position as chief this summer. America) are conducting a Progress seems to be under four-day drive starting ’Tue^ay Horn in District way in relations with all con­ to find skilled tradesmen to Lingard was born in the cerned, he said, and the less serve with either community depression years in the district said now may be the better for action group. and grew up on Hudson St. the district. A team of Peace Corps and within sight of the station house He did note with pleasure the VISTA representatives will be of the department organized in letters in The Herald’s Open at the Shoreham III Motor 1888. Forum column from people Lodge, 765 Asylum St., Hart­ He began going to fires at age supporting Lingard. ford, Tuesday through Friday 15 in 1949. "1 most appreciated the from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to discuss At age 16. he was one of the letter from Tom Moore, ” he their various programs. A original members of the Civil said. special telephone number, 249- Defense group there. He Moore’s letter was printed 7674, will be available for those became a CD captain in 1951. Aug. 2. It was mainly an appeal wishing to call during the cam­ In 1954, Lingard became a for the “orderly and safe paign. member of the district's Co. stewardship of the Eighth Eighth District Fire Chief Granville "Ted” Lingard is district fire marshal here as he The representatives are No. 1. He became a lieutenant Utilities District.” On Lingard, studies a burned-out garage looking for signs of arson. (Herald photo by Barlow) seeking such skilled tradesmen values! in that company in 1956 at age it said: as mechanics, plumbers, elec­ “The failure to reappoint tricians, machinists or 22. The officers in Co. No. 1 are for every training session they feet of large, three-inch hose Fire Chief Granville Lingard is carpenters. In 1963 at age 29, he was ap­ Capt. Tom Tomkunas, First Lt. take part in and for time spent and has been using it since 1%9. not in the best interest of the According to a Peace Corps pointed an assistant chief. Bill Stanek and Second Lt. Don at the station. No one man has The men also have rescue saws people and property of the dis­ representative, over 12 per cent He became chief in 1968 at Davis. ever gotten more than $40 for a for accidents, portable trict. None of the dissenting of all Peace Corps volunteers age 34. The officers of Co. No. 2 are half-year's pay. generators, pumps and other directors could find fault with are older marrM tradesmen During these years he took Capt. Paul Gworek, First Lt. Income to the department pieces of equipment considered the direction Chief Lingard has who do not have a college many fire fighting training Wally Irish and Second Lt. Rich comes mainly from the district essential for a fire department given the fire department degree. All levels of tradesmen programs. The state offers Girard. board of directors, about $5,000 serving 15,000 people. during the past six years... have joined from the apprentice volunteers three courses of in­ Each adult company has in fees from the town for Lingard has taken some “I have been a district to the journeyman to the creasing depth. Lingard took all about 35 active members. handling fires outside the dis­ criticism for insisting on a volunteer fireman for several master. Since 1970, the Peace three within six years. Co. No. 3 was formed after trict (now restricted by agree­ piece of elevating equipment years, and on occasion, I have Corps has invited a limited In 1953, he attended the New the disbanding of the Civil ment to the Buckland area). capable of rescue work and not agreed or cohesively func­ number of families overseas. Haven Fire College, considered Defense groups in the mid to firefighting on the Farm er’s tioned with the fire chief. The annua) Peach Festival The corps provides all transpor­ one of the best anywhere. late 50s, Lingard said. The staged by the men and their Cooperative grain tower which However, if my house were tations costs to and from the One of the most recent group had been a fine place to families raises about $1,000. is over 120 feet high. It is on 10 burning, I would want Ted country, complete medical courses he took was offered in train young firemen and so it This goes into the uniform fund. Apel PI. and is the highest Lingard there.” coverage, housing, a reasonable the Manchester Adult Educa­ was continued. Today its cap­ Some of it is also used for structure in town. tion program at night at the Use of Talent living allowance, and saves $2,- tain is Ray Frederickson, 20, training costs and social ac­ Training of the volunteers is a 000 for the volunteer. If high school. The teacher was Volunteer departments have and first lieutenant, Dave tivities. continuous function of the married, everything doubles. Sedrick Straughan, former been growing and becoming Meyers, 17. Many of the active The men have frequent social department. There are three The corps is now working in assistant chief on the town’s more sophisticated for years in adult firemen served their ap­ functions. They are organized training sessions a month for 61 developing countries in Latin paid force and sometimes rural areas such as Bolton, prenticeship in the department. by company so that the district new and experienced men. America, Asia and Africa. called “Mr. Fire Fighter” in Tolland, Ellington, Vernon and In case of fire, about the only always has a company at home. There are 22 of the men going On the domestic side, a Manchester. South Windsor. All have fine work the younger men cannot They have parties, sometimes to the Fire Fighting Training smaller number of tradesmen Lingard's respect for volunteer departments with do is drive the trucks. They at the station, and trips. Center in New Hampshire for a are at work as VISTA volunteers Straughan began when Lingard high spirit and respect. have all the other rights and The Ladies Night is meant to two-day session soon. The men Two vol'jnteers are using their played hooky from school. But cities such as Hartford duties of regular firemen. honor the wives of the men who pay most of their own way, carpentry experience to assist Straughan was part-time truant have long had paid firefighters “We treat them something sacrifice their families due to Lingard noted. in the renovation of 66 houses in officer for the town when not and, according to Town HUGE SELECTION FROM NORTH EAST'S BIGGEST DEALER like plebes in a fraternity,” the long hours spent with the Cliiefs Family Redding, Calif., which are fighting fires. He caught the Manager Robert Weiss, the Lingard said. department. errant boy and put him back in Lingard married Joan Rogers MANCHESTER WETHERSFIELD mostly occupied by older trend nationally is for cities to The department's budget is "We are a tight-knit group,” school. of Warehouse Point in 1959. Americans and American In­ choose paid departments. $88,680. Rental of hydrants one of the men said in Volunteers often pay their They have four children. dians, a representative said. Lingard admitted this trend from the Manchester Water Co. describing the social side of the own way to schools and classes Veronica is 14, Kathleen, 13, and noted Manchester, as a accounts for $38,000. Other department. although the department offers Daniel, 12, and Theodore, 10. whole, is not merely, a large operating expenses such as gas, as much aid as the budget They liv? at 28 Woodbridge ‘town. But he denied the trend to heat, and lights take over $22,- l)c|iartnient'.s Future allows. St. It is a large old house paid departments is necessary. 000. Equipment takes over $10,- “The Eighth District has not M PUBLIC outlived its usefulness,” showing much of the chief’s Culiinet Maker "More volunteer 000. departments are killed by in­ Lingard said. carpentry skills. After Lingard graduated RECORDS ter-departmental squabbles Paiil V»liinl«'tT» "As long as the district can from Manchester High School than the lack of ability to fight Although the department provide good service at this in 1952, he began a three-year fires,” he said. compares itself with volunteer reasonable rate (less than two WARRANTY DEEDS apprenticeship as a jet engine “It is the responsibility of the units, there is a totai of $17,580 mills), the district can continue Joseph J. Lessard Sr. to fashion metalsmith with Pratt & leaders to keep the companies in salaries in this year’s budget. indefinitely. It should be con­ Marianne L. Lessard, two Whitney Aircraft in East Hart­ working smoothly together.” - The full-time dispatcher, sidered an asset to the whole CCUPATIONAL' RAINING V ENTER parcels on Vernon St., $6,000. trousers • • • ford. When he completed the I In his leadership of the 85- presently Joe Bernard, is paid town and run with this in BUILDING PERMITS program in 1955, he was put in $7,020. The chief gets $1,000, man district fire department, mind." Child & Family Services, 110 the pipe bending department so each assistant gets $900, the a price Lingard has tried to “make the He noted the average A Training Center for Mentally Retarded, Main St., roof, $500. he decided to do something captains get $300 and the response now to any fire is 25 else. most use of all the (leadership) Matthew Patton, 169 W. you've been talent here.” He noted he has lieutenants get $250. Lingard as men, more than enough in most Physically & Multi Handicapped He had worked part time Center St., aluminum siding, great confidence in the top fire marshal also gets $700. cases. In major fires, the dis­ doing cabinet work for the $4,500. men. A part-time dispatcher gets trict first calls on the town’s waiting for! Manchester Millwork firm run Ronald Osella, 410 There are two adult com­ $1,300, the mechanic gets $250, paid firemen. by Joseph Rivosa at the time. Hackmatack St., roof, $300. panies and a training company the fire alarm superintendent "We have the best equipment Joe is the younger brother of 1. M.4 cost to build Janet Daub, 54 Bigelow St., for young men between 16 and gets $250 and a vacation dis­ avaiiable,” Lingard said. 5. First of its kind in John Rivosa, present chief of roof, $670. 21. patcher gets $260. There are three first line the town's fire department. Lena Speed, 28 Wellman Rd., 99 The assistant chiefs are The rest of the firemen split pumpers and one reserve. Two the country Lingard and Chief Rivosa addition, $4,500. lucky you • • • Frank Mordavsky, John $2,200 among them on a point of them can pump 1,000 gallons 7 Alphonse Reale, new dwelling worked together at the shop at system. They get so many of water per minute. Christensen and Harold Topliff. at 204 Rawthorne St„ $28,000. that time. points for every fire they work. The department also has 4,000 2. 100% reimbursable 6. Training students reg. to $13 it's our once-a-year After leaving P&W in 1955, by State of Conn. Mrs. S.J. Glowacki, 140 Lingard opened the Lingard Aged 14-21 Tanner St., tool shed, $425. sale off vanity ffair Cabinet Co. on Williams St. His Ted Trudon, restaurant at the kind off pant coat shop was the site of an old Town will own after Tolland Tpke., Talcottville, blacksmith shop. EAST SIDE — WEST SIDE 5 years. $60,000. value you just don't quilted robes! He ran his own shop for six 7. To be built MCC F.N. Fairbank, 277 Grissom years until 1961 when he sold it campus. College Rd., tool shed, $250. see enough off these days to Jim McCarthy. Lingard kept ALL AROUND THE TOWN Joseph Castro, 86 Cooper St., working for the firm as it students use as alteration, $1,500. moved to 1 Main St., Vernon op­ ^^You Know Fran^^ ^ Lawrence ^kodeau, 189 Ver­ posite the Trudon VW building. 3. One time $60,000.00 lab. non St., tool shed, $200. only M 4 In 1968, he went to work with RE-ELECT ^ Alfred Santos, 162 N. School Everett Van Dyne. In May of cost Interest St., alterations, $500. *55 value reg. *26 1970, they set up Architectural 8. Automotive, P hillip Lautenbach, 256 Woodworking Inc., a millwork FRAN MAHONEY Charter Oak St., bedroom, $6,- Sensational girl-arouncJ town or coun­ Trousers every way you want 'em . . . shop on Mill St., Glastonbury. Industrial, Home 000. try pant coots with o flair for 74. cuffed, uncuffed . . . highwaist styles ... Lingard now manages the STATE REPRESENTATIVE 4. Estimated yearly Fred Annulli, 692 Hartford Your one chance to save on long luxur­ firm which employs nine full­ 1 making. Food Rd., coin laundry, $3,500. Great looking, great feeling soft wool different pocket treatments! Denims! time workmen. They have done 13th District 25,000.00 cost Fred Annulli, 244 Broad St., ies for yourself and giving! Lightweight, • 6 Years bxperience as State Legislator A Service and many roof, $1,500. blend melton in 3 warm-up styles . . . Polyesters! Cotton Corduroys! All easy- the woodwork in many area warm princess-shaped nylon tricot banks and offices, schools and • Voted for State Sales Tax Reduction more. Joseph Lee, 12 Flint Dr., including double breasted styles, wraps care, washable! Plenty of new fall colors churches, and in shopping • Voted for Repeal of Sales Tax on recreation room, $800. quilts! Elegant satin trim. Pink Cham­ center stores including those of Utility Bills John Malerba, 186 Wells St., and pea coats. All with attention paid . . . dusty plaids, dark checks, fashion the new West Farms Mall in ‘Your Vote Today — Makes Unselul & Productive Citizens Tomorrow’ aluminum siding, $5,000. pagne, Wedgwood, or Crystalene Aqua. • Called for Special Session In June 1974 to Geneva Pentland, 84 Adelaide to the finest detail, some with quilt solids! Hurry in today! Sizes 5-13. junior West Hartford. \ 8-18. Short Robe, reg. $18, NOW 13.95 Lingard is paid a total of $2,- prohibit Connecticut’s utility companies from Rd., addition, $3,000. linings for extra warmth. Wine, navy place, downtown and Parkade. 000 for being fire chief and fire passing on and charging customers a Fuel Cost MARRIAGE LICENSES lingerie, downtown and Parkade. marshal. Despite the hours he Adjustment. Charles Williams of Vernon or hunter. 6-18. coats, downtown and puts into the department, this and Donna Lee Pierson, 127H Parkade. means it is merely a part-time VOTE YES ON NBR 5 - NOV. Sth Main St. job financially. VOTE DEMOCRATIC Donald Mullen Jr. of 179 Therefore, it is as cabinet Oakland St. and Marilyn maker that Lingard supports Manseau of 37 Edmund St. his family, NOVEMBER Sth Paid for by Robert McBride of 199L "Use your convenient Worth’s Charge Card ... it deserves o lot o/.Credit!” Store Hours: Parkade— 10:00-9;06 Mon.-Fri. “I'm not locked into the job,” Regional Occupational Training Center Advisory Committee Tudor Lane and Shirley Ann Sat. 10:00-6:00 Lingard said. “ But we’re pretty Mahoney Committee — Harry Maidment, Treas. Herb Stevenson, Treas. _____ Cox of 27 View St., Dec. 11 at Downtown— 9:30-5:30 Mon.-Sat. successful.” k Center Congregational Church. Thura. till 9:00 P.M. PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974— PAGE ELEVEN

Women’s Club a * * * . A rummage sale will be con­ linings as well as used clothing. ducted by the Sisterhood of VITAMNS Plans Fall ABOUT Temple ^ t h Sholom Tuesday Lutz Junior Museum’s Compare and Save Fashion Show from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.'and Colonial Crafts Day will be Oct. ARTHUR DRUG TOWN Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon 19 from 2 to 5 p.m. and not this The Manchester Junior at the Masonic Temple. The Saturday as previously an­ Women’s Club will present sale will include fabrics and nounced. “Fall Into Fashion” on Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. at Willie’s Steak House. Fashions will be provided by Carriage House Boutique and Younger Generation of Vernon Circle. Door prizes will be donated by area merchants. Coffee and dessert will be Columbus served after the show by club On Oct. 24 members. Mrs. Elmer Frechette and Mrs. John Papa are co- s a l e O Q u s chairmen of the event. They will be assisted by Mrs. Robert Herald Travel Show Barker, Mrs. Anthony Mientek, Mrs. Robert Monaco, Mrs. John Mott, Mrs. William Ryan and Features Hawaii Mrs. Frank Taylor. Proceeds from the fashion The second in a series of because it lies at a meeting show, which is the groups first Travel Shows sponsored by the point of several ocean shipping fund raising event of the year, Now thru Monday, Oct. 14th Herald and participating travel routes. From Honolulu, it is 2,- will go to the club’s general agents will presented Oct. 24 400 miles to San Francisco, 3,- fund for distribution to many at 8 p.m. at Manchester High 900 miles to Tokyo, 5,400 miles area charities. Shop 9 p,m, tonight & Monday night School auditorium. to Manila and 5,400 miles to the The fashion show is open to United Airlines will present a Panama Canl. Kauai is situated all interested women. Donation film entitled “This Is Hawaii” 90 miles northwest of Honolulu. is $2.50. Those wishing tickets depicting the beautiful islands, It is the fourth largest in size, may contact Mrs. Elmer its people, and its many tourist 555 square miles. It is the Frechette, 99 Bryan Dr., or attractions. A few surprises are oldest, geologically, of the Mrs. John Papa, M Tanner St. Save on in store, followed by drawings Hawaiian Islands and is well for prizes provided by area known for its picture-book type merchants. of verdant scenery. ' i t . : Tickets are now available at Kauai was the first island on kids great the following participating which Europeans are definitely agencies: LaBonne Travel known to have set foot. In 1778 w . , I World Inc., 67 E. Center St.; Capt. James Cook, in search of Mrs. Pitts " I , ■ outerwear Mercury Travel, 627 Main St.; a “northern passage” through Globe Travel Service, 555 Main the North American continent, To Head St.; Goodchild-Bartlett Travel, sighted Kauai. It was also on Fund Drive 113 Main St.; Hastings Travel, Kauai, at Koioa, where specials! Coventry; University Travel, Europeans built the first sugar Mrs. John Pitts of 50 Jensen Storrs; O’Keefe Travel, 750 mill. Russians, who desired a St., a member of the S ila s D ea n e Highway, hold in the Pacific, built a fort Manchester Jr. Women’s Club, W ethersfield; and at 'The on the island. has been named Manchester Herald office. The island’s scenic spectacles area chairman of the 1974 BOYS SNORKELS are many and varied. Spouting Trick-or-Treat Candy Cam­ Ages ago, when molten rock Horn, a salt water geyser, con­ paign to benefit the Kidney broke through a crack in the trasts vividly with beautiful Foundation of Connecticut. The Pacific Ocean’s floor, it began Kalalau Lookout. Waimea Ca­ campaign will continue for the 21.97 a many million-year process nyon, a small likeness of the month of October. regular $28 which eventually formed a Grand Canyon, is a riot of Mrs. Pitts will coordinate the chain of islands in the Pacific. changing colors and shifting work of volunteers who wilt dis­ Layer upon layer of liquid shadows, while Hanalei Valley tribute and sell banks of The snorkel coat is what every boy rock pour^ out of the earth’s remains a serene scene, a chocolate tootsie rolls at $1 for wantsi This heavy duty nylon shell center, cooled and built up, to patchwork quilt of fields each bank. The funds raised go has warm furry hood and 6.6 oz. The mountains meet the sea in beautiful Hawaii and beach or skimming through the blue water in a become the Hawaiian Islands. divided for cultivation. towards the Kidney Foun­ fiberfill quilt lining to keep out the vacationers enjoy the solace of sunning on a sand-filled catamarran. (Photo courtesy United Air Lines) The island chain stretches Visitors to the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands, dation's programs of research, coldest chills. Completely washable 1,800 miles, from the Big Island The nearby island of Niihau is patient and community service, tool Navy, green, burgundy, sizes 8- of Hawaii — northeast toward privately owned. It is part of arrive at this lovely Fern Grotto after a short boat trip up and professional and public 18. Japan — to the oldest for­ Kauai County and has a popula­ the Wailua River. Here, tour drivers sing Hawaiian songs, And Baby Makes Five education. The Kidney Founda­ mations which include Midway tion of about 260, almost all of including the haunting “Ke Kai Nei Au. “ The music echoes tion of Connecticut is an af­ Island. whom are native Hawaiians off the fern-hung cave. (Photo courtesy Hawaii Visitors filiate of the National Kidney A total of 23 islands are Apparently unmindful that he is a fifth-generation member of the Hagenow family, little engaged in ranching. Bureau) Foundation which is the only GIRLS HOOD JACKETS Cruise Line To Visit New England Islands recognized in the Hawaiian Kirk, six months old, rests comfortably in the arms of his great-great-grandmother Mrs. Oahu, the capital island, is organization devoted solely to group. Fifteen are small coral where the legislature meets, Louise Hagenow, 90, of Manchester. Looking on, from left, is his grandfather Alfred cruises to the New England bination of total comfort as well the prevention, treatment and Charles A. Robertson, owner and its itinerary for the ul­ reefs visited only by hunters where industries are centered, Hagenow of Manchester; his father Mark Hagenow of Woodbridge, Va.; and his great­ Islands and coastal towns as a congenial and informal at­ cure of kidney disease. The of the American Cruise Lines timate in traveling ease and fishermen. Of the eight and is a hub of transportation. grandfather William Hagenow of East Hartford. area office is at 964 Asylum 15.97 Inc., an associate corporation between Connecticut and mosphere, offering an ideal eliminating the need of hotel large islands, known as the Honolulu, in which is concen­ Maine, leaving from the type of vacation.” Ave. regular $20 of the New England Steamboat reservations, airports, packing Windward or High Isands, the trated 570,000 of the state's pop­ Connecticut River at Haddam. The routes along which the CRUISES There are 400 to 800 Connec­ Lines Inc., of Haddam, an­ and unpacking. seven which are inhabited are Nylon quilt jacket has elasticized ulation, is the one American ticut citizens who become nounced today that 1975 reser­ Cruises for five days through new ship will travel were Vacations on this new ship Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, T h e 1975 waist, fur framed attached hood and City which cannot be found with afflicted with some form of vations are now being accepted the Chesapeake Bay region em- charted to guarantee a motion- have been planned to offer the Molokai, Lanai and Niihau. a road map. It is 2,091 nautical Schedules are now Rec Department Lists kidney disease each year. For complete orlon pile lining. Choose for the largest inland cruise barking from Annapolis, free operation while taking ad- cruises during the 1975 holiday Kahoolaw was evacuated miles from San Francisco. Story Hour those suffering from end stage from assorted solid colors and ship on the East coast presently Maryland, and 14-day cruises vantage of beautiful season as well. during World War II and is used available >- Leave A Few Class Openings renal disease, there are dialysis prints, sizes 7-14. under construction. between Connecticut and everchanging scenery which For reservations or further as a military bombing target from New York, treatmenl centers in the area of The spring, summer and fall Florida, with North and South cannot be seen from an ocean­ information call collect 203-345- today. Together, these eight The Whiton Memorial Hartford and St. Francis schedule offers 5, 7, and 10 day ports of embarkation, will com­ going vessel. 4500 or write American Cruise islands which are commonly No two people who have Port Everglades, or plete the schedule. Winter The Manchester Recreation of those who would like to take Library will have “Stories For Hospitals. The transplantation The New England itinerary Lines Inc., Haddam, Conn., understood to constitute the visited this “Fair Haven” as its — S an Juan for cruises up to 10 days in southern D e p a rtm e n t w o m en ’s a beginner’s sewing class on Pre-Schoolers” for the next six center for the Hartford area is includes visits to such out-of- 06438. 50th state of Hawaii have a name is translated, find exactly intercoastal waters will fS Fly/Cruise programs conducted at 110 Tuesdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. weeks. All children between the at Hartford Hospital. the way places as Block Island; combined area of 6,345 square the same things. To some it is operate from St. Augustine and Cedar St. has a few openings in for six weeks at a cost of $1 per ages of 3 to 5 are invited. The Those interested in more in­ Cape Cod, Nantucket and miles — a bit larger than too much of a hustling, bustling Charleston, South Carolina. CALL packages. the intermediate tennis class week. This class will begin as sessions will be held every formation on the candy cam­ M a r th a ’s V in e y a rd , Connecticut. More than three- metroiwlis. To others it is a This 62 passenger inland and which will be held Wednesday soon as 10 or more women Tuesday morning from 10 to paign may contact Mrs. Pitts at Massachusetts; Camden, quarters of a million citizens charming and exciting city. GOODCHILD-BARTLEH TRAVEL 10:30 in the Childrens Room of 649-2400. GLODE coastal cruise ship has been Boothbay Harbor, Monhegan reside here. from 1 to 2 p.m. Anyone wishing register. Some are appalled at the con­ designed to provide a level of 113 Main St. • Manchester to join this class may call 643- Registration is also being the Whiton Memorial Library, Travel Service Island and Vinalhaven, all of Hawaii is often called the glomerate population; others service and comfort to its 646-2098 67M or go to the Rec in person. taken for “Christmas Crafts” 85 N. Main St. Members of the Maine. In addition, the summer Crossroads of the Pacific delight in it. 555 MAIN STREET I passengers heretofore unseen An additional beginner’s which will begin on Nov. 7 and Manchester Junior Women’s schedule includes passage on inland cruise ships. Accord­ class will be added from noon to end Dec. 12. Club will read stories during 643-2165 through New York City and ing to American Cruise Line 1 p.m. if 10 women sign up. “Christmas Crafts’’ will the six weeks programs. northward along the Hudson, By MURRAY J . BROWN Opened in ’32 officials, “We believe that no Classes in which there are feature an egg carton Christ­ The first of the series will be The original theater of the Authunzed agent m Manchester passing the George Washington UPI Travel Editor other inland travel experience still openings are “ How to Dry mas tree and pine cone Christ­ held Oct. 15. Stories will be Royal Opera House, Covent GIRLS AND BOYS SLACKS ' for all Airlines. Railroads and Bridge, Sleepy Hollow, West It costs more this year, Steamship Lines will be able to match our com- Flowers,” and ceramics for mas wreaths. The class is free read by Mrs. David Feist and Garden in London, opened in Point, Bannerman’s Castle, and what with higher gasoline teginner’s. The ceramics class to Rec members. A list of Mrs. Robert LeDoux. 1732 and presented plays, on into the Erie Canal and and other prices, but the is conducted Wednesday morn­ materials needed is available at pantomimes and opera. beautiful New York State. family car is still the most Remember When? ing from 9:30 to 11:30. FREE BOOKLET George Frederic Hai.del 3.97 pr The cruise schedule is the West Side Rec office. popular means of travel for A list is now being compiled NEW YORK (L'Pl) - If you served as its music director reg. $7 to $9 arranged so that the ship will be from 1734-1737. The area en­ Americans, whether on vaca­ want to know “What to look in port to coincide with local tion, weekend holidays or i p t i i compassing the opera house The girls slacks are fashioned with wide leg and events such as the Long Island for when buying binoculars" was originally a convent Airline Tickets daily recreational trips. write for the free booklet cuffed. Assorted solid color corduroys and acrylic Oyster Festival, the Rockland, hi! I garden owned by the Abbey plaids, 7-14. The boys slacks are polyester-and- Lower speed limits im­ M)ffered bv Carl Zeiss. Inc.. 444 of Westminster. at Maine Lobster Festival, and posed to combat fuel shor­ cotton and some corduroys, solids, fancies, wide “ Windjammer Days’’ in Fifth Ave.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10018. Airline Prices! tages have been credited ned*' and cuff models, 8-18 reg., 8-12 reg. and slim. Boothbay Harbor. with cutting down highway American Cruise Line of­ ALL AIRLINES ...... ALL DESTINATIONS deaths. But with millions of ficials have designed the ship IN THE SERVICE Tickets Issued On Premises vehicles on the roads, acci­ .■■.I. dents are bound to happen. JUDGE OF PROBATE MERCURY TRAVEL OF MANCHESTER, INC. >1

Wallace F. Bouffard Joseph V. Motola Sr. Gerry O’Ctonnell of Ellington ANGLE ROCKVILLE - Wallace F. Joseph V. Motola Sr., 51, of CIRCUIT COURT 12 hearing of probable cause on was unopposed at a three-town Bouffard of 22 South St. died West Hartford, founder and Manchester Session the charges of first-degree kid­ meeting 'Thursday night, in his By Eofl Yost Sports Editor Thursday night at a Rockville president of the Satellite Mfg. Francis Butcher, 35, of Hart­ bid for the nomination for In First All - California Series napping and first-degree rape. convalescent home. Co. of New B ritain, died ford was given a year’s His case was bound over to the Republican representative Mr. Bouffard was born in Thursday in New Britain. He suspended jail sentence on each next criminal term of the Hart­ from the 57th District. Meriden and had lived in was the brother of Emanuel of four charges Thursday which O’Connell will fill the vacan­ LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The Los Angeles Dodgers won Rockville most of his life. Motola of Manchester. ford County Superior Court. they’ve sure got it. Hell, they were even talking about the ours. Besides Cincinnati, we had to beat teams like Atlanta are third-degree burglary (two Hack was arrested Aug. 17 on cy on the ticket created by the Failed to Hit in Stretch 102 games and finished four in front of Cincinnati in the Before his retirement, he was World Series while they were still playing the Pirates. and Houston. I’ll match those teams against any in counts) and second-degree the complaint of two women in resignation of Atherton B. Ryan One heed look no farther than the statistical sheet to find National League West. They had the best record in employed as a superintendent He is also survived by his Well, we’ll see. Most of us think that Baltimore is just as Oakland’s division any day.” larceny (two counts). Manchester. Police have not of Ellington, who received the out why Baltimore and not Boston represented the baseball. at the former M.T. Stevens Co. wife, a son, two daughters, and good as any team in the National League.” Sal Bando, the A’s’ third baseman and captain, helped Butcher was ordered com­ given out the details of the original nomination; American League’s Eastern Division in te playoffs. -« — - The two-time World Champion Oakland A’s scored 90 He was a member of the Textile his parents. “We’ll just wait and see,” said Davey Lopes, who stole Oakland beat Cincinnati in seven games in the 1972 World mitted to the Connecticut charges. Hack was released on O’Connell is a graduate of the The two biggest busts down the homestretch when the victories and were five ahead of Texas at the conclusion of Union and a life member of 59 bases for the Dodgers during the regular season and Series and stop the New York Mets in seven in ‘73. The funeral is Saturday at Valley Hospital in Middletown $10,000 surety bond. University of Massachusetts : bats suddenly went silent were Rico Petrdcelli and C!arl the American League West. Rockville Lxige of Elks. 10:15 a.m. from the D’Esopa for drug dependency treatment with a bachelor of business ad­ then had three more thefts against the Pirates. ‘‘They’re a “For two years,” he said, “all we heard was how good Yastrzemski. The two high-salaried infielders slumped The Dodgers handled the Pittsburgh Pirates while the There are no immediate sur­ Funeral Chapel, 235 for not less than 90 days nor ministration degree. He was great ball club but it’s not my job to pop off the way they the Reds were in particular and how much stronger the vivors. Four members of the horribly during the final six weeks when the team lost its A’s beat the Baltimore Orioles —each in four games—in Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, more than 24 months. Magowan family all had their commissioned as an ensign in do. Besides, it’s poor professionalism to knock another The funeral is Saturday at seven-game lead and wound up third, behind the Orioles National League was in general. Well, I think we burst a with a Mass at the Church of St. Butcher, another man and a charges nolled Thursday. They the U.S. Navy where he served the playoffs which were wrapped up Wednesday. team’s record. Which is what they’ve done.” 8; 15 a.m. from the Burke- and New York. few bubbles on that observation and now everyone is Bridgid, West Hartford, at 11. woman were all charged with were arrested July 3 after a as weapons officer on a So which club is the best? Jackson, who hit .289 while belting 29 home runs and Fortin Funeral home, 76 During this span, Petrocelli hit just .157 before being telling us again how good the Dodgers are and how bad Burial will be in St. Mary’s X breaking into the Bolton Phar­ fight at a Spruce St. tavern. destroyer, commanding officer The challenger and the champion will get down to Prospect St., with a Mass at St. collecting 93 RBIs this season, thinks Charles 0. Finley’s we’re going to be beat by them. I don’t buy that at ail.” Cemetery, New Britain. macy Aug. 18 and another Agnes M. Magowan, 49, of 164 of an oceanographic research beaned and calling it a season. Yaz, the highest paid settling that question Saturday when the first all- Bernard’s Church at 9. Burial A’s have the momentum building for something bigger Andy Messersmith, a 20-game winner for Los Angeles Bolton business earlier. Oak St. was charged with ship, and officer-in-charge of a member on owner Tom Yawkey’s payroll contribute a California World Series in history unfolds at Dodger will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the than just three straight world titles. who beat Pittsburgh Sunday will go for Manager Walter resisting arrest, breach of Riverine Warfare Training .203 average during this stretch. Stadium. There are no calling hours. funeral home tonight from 7 to “This is a young team although we’ve been through a lot Terry Lee Curtis, 23, of Unit. Over the six weeks, the Red Sox compiled a.203 team Alston in the Series opener. Messersmith is a former 9. peace and assaulting a police Gerry O'Connell But there was plenty of conjecture—from each side— already,” the big slugger noted. “But we have a helluva Village St., Rockville was given officer. After his honorable discharge batting average and collected just 10 homers. California Angel and the Angels are in Oakland’s division. Thursday as the Dodgers and the A’s got ready to hold shot at four and five world championships in a row. a 90-day jail sentence for third- Benjamin H. Magowan Jr., he was associated with the Little wonder the club was an also-ran. drills here today. “The A’s have a helluva club,” he said. “I know them. degree larceny. Execution was Burroughs Corp. in Hartford He is also active in local civic “First, though, we have to get the third and that’s all I’ve pitched against all of them except that new guy, 51, of the same address was “I don’t think we’re consistently given credit day after suspended and he was placed on charged with breach of peace and is presently a partner in the affairs and sports activities. He we’re thinking about now. We’ll worry about No. 4 next (Claudell) Washington. It was a big thing to beat the Friend of News Media day for being the best team in baseball,” said Oakland’s East Game Postponed probation for one year. and interfering with a police of­ Towne Crier Associates, and his wife, Carol, have three year and No. 5 the year after.” Pirates but now it’s the World Series and that’s what it’s children. Tobacco-chewing Danny Murtaugh, Pittsburgh Reggie Jackson, the American League’s MVP a year ago. Due to a breakdown in the vehicle carrying the portable Judge Phillip Dwyer allowed ficer. ______■------Realtors in Ellington. The Dodgers took exception to remarks attributed to the all about. I’m glad I get to start it.” Curtis six months to make manager, is a friend of most newsmen. He’s a great put-on Maybe this year, if we beat the Dodgers, people will finally night lighting unit, tonight’s scheduled high school football Benjamin Magowan III, 31, of A’s that they built their 102-60 divisional record because of Conversely, Oakland’s opening game pitcher is an ex- restitution to the victim in­ artist but once you know the guy you have to like him. give us our due. Three World Championships in a row is game in Montville between St. Bernard High and East the same address and John E. the presence of the lowly San Diego Padres and the San National Leaguer. Southpaw Ken Holtzman won 19 games volved or the probation would Some baseball managers have blasted the news media for about as good as a team can do.” Catholic High has been postponed until Saturday morning. Magowan, 27, of 23 Laurel St., Dr. Elman Appointed Francisco Giants. for the A’s this year. He formerly pitched for the Chicago be revoked. were both charged with breach their failures but not Danny boy. “Writers have to write a Dick Green, the A’s’ 11-year veteran second baseman, The kickoff will be at 11 o’clock. Dodger outfielder-catcher Joe Ferguson asked, “They Cubs. The charge of third-degree of peace and interfering with a story whether we win or lose,” he said during the hectic sounded almost bellicose. Cliff Demers, East athletic director, made the an­ School Superintendent shouldn’t badmouth our division—what about theirs?” “Everyone says we’re a better team than Oakland,” burlary was nolled (not police officer. The older National League race. “I’ve never seen a writer cost a “They’ve (the Dodgers) been popping off all year,” he nouncement. prosecuted). “Really I’d like to know who they’ve beaten to get to the said Dodgers’ outfielder Bill Buckner. “When Holtzman brother was also charged with board accepted the recommen­ team a bail game. They just have a job to do.” ...Casey said. “I don’t know if it’s cockiness or confidence but threatening. COVENTRY dation. playoffs. There’s no way their division can compare to was pitching for the Cubs, we usually did well against Diane Ainsworth, 18, of Main A new superintendent for Stengel, never at at loss for words, at his 84th birthday par­ him.” Dr. Elman received his ty said, “Right now I remind myself of some of the players St., Coventry had the charges of Other dispositions included: Coventry schools has been b a c h e lo r’s and m a s te r ’s third-degree burglary and • Robert D. Green, 18, of engaged at an annual salary of degrees from Albany (N.Y.) I used to manage. I am either out too late or up too early.” Mr, Nice Guy in Baseball New Bus Routes second-degree larceny against Mark Dr., Coventry, sale of $23,500. The Board of Education State Teachers College, his Won Last 11 Games her dismissed. marijuana, nolled. The charge Thursday night unanimously sixth year certificate from Band Day at (JConn She is also charged with of possession was continued to voted to hire Dr. Arnold E. Queen College of the City Band Day will be celebrated Saturday afternoon at Start Oct. 21 cultivation of controlled drugs April 17, 1975. Elman who is now assistant University of New York, and UConn when 19 high school bands will join the UConn MS Drive Under Way and possession. Those cases • Joseph McGrath, 20, of superintendent at East Green- his doctorate from the State Wbrehing Band for a halftime musical program. Channel 3 Garvey Standards COVEMRY were continued to Oct. 31 while East Hartford, possession of bush, N.Y. University of New York at Sutton Enjoying The new routes provide for she is considered for youth Dr. Elman will assume his will telecast th^UConn-Delaware game starting at 1:30... New school bus routes for marijuana, nolled. Albany. seven double runs in the morn­ offender status. With such duties in Coventry in about a Of the first 5 exhibition games played between ABA and Coventry will be instituted Oct. ing and seven in the afternoon. Dave Dumais, chairman of Manchester’s Youth Commis­ • Nancy Muffet, 42, of Hart­ He served in New York and High With Press status, her case will be treated month. He will replace Dr. NBA squads this season the ABA captured a dozen. The Claims by Foes 21 after all school children are In a double run the bus makes sion, which is conducting a Multiple Sclerosis Fund Drive ford, fourth-degree larceny, $50 Connecticut school systems as as though she were under age 16 Donald Hardy who is leaving ABA’S eighth campaign opens Friday night, notified of them. two distinct trips. for the next two weeks, receives a donation from Mary and 90 days in jail, execution an English teacher, department and she will not have a record Oct. 24. An acting superinten­ Oct. 18...Springfield Kings will launch their American LOS ANGELES (UPI) — One thing is certain about the The rerouting, by the bus con­ There are few double runs in Farrell of Porter St. Representatives of the commission suspended. She was placed on chairman, administrative aide, LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Steve Garvey has set certain even if convicted of the probatin for one year. The dent will be appointed for the and middle school principal Hockey League season Friday night at home against 1974 World Series. The Oakland A’s will demand the um­ tractor-and a committee from the present schedule. will be seeking donations at Manchester Parkade, K-Mart standards for himself. charges. chargfe involved shoplifting. interim period. before his appointment to the Syracuse with Nova Scotia moving into the Qvic (^nter pires check Don Sutton’s baseballs. the Boad of Education, was In another action related to Plaza, and Burr’s Corners Shopping Center as well as on Not just on the field, either, worked out in an effort to solve • William Stearns, 17, of 79 The town received more than current assistant Saturday night. Both games start at 7:30...Last Saturday’s Sutton, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ ace right-hander, has school busing, the board voted Main St. (Herald photo by Dunn) Kenneth W. Hack, 21, of 34 130 applications for the post. A Garvey believes that a human being should be nice to some of the bus problems which Vernon Rd., Bolton, second- superintendency. designation of the opening Manchester High football game been checked, double-checked and re-checked by National to send a letter to the Town Woodbridge St. waived a committee of teachers and other human beings. He’s truly the Mr. Nice Guy of have developed since the start degree criminal trespass, 30 The school board last night as Homeconing Day was one of the best kept secrets...Ten­ League clubs this season. Council asking that positive principals screened the of school — late buses, inconsis- days with execution suspended expressed appreciation to the professional baseball. traffic controls be instituted at applications and narrowed the nis sales increased 30 per cent over a year ago. During the Some claim he doctors up his baseballs with sandpaper. tant pickup times, and long and probation for one year. teachers and principals who has “I’ve always felt as a ball player and as an athlete that I a number of locations and that field. past 12 months, an estimated $366 million dollars was Pittsburgh Manager Danny Murtaugh had him checked periods aboard the bus for • Mark Sanelli, 20, of Upton devoted hours to screening and have a responsibility to the public,” the Los Angeles Free Agent Status in view of the expense of such Dr. Elman was spent on equipment of which $225 million went for balls Wednesday—in a 12-1 Dodger romp to clinch the team’s students. Dr., Coventry, possession of interviewing. Dodgers’ star first baseman said. controls, there be active police and raquets...Yale’s running back, Rudy Green, is the first NL pennant in eight seasons— on the suspicion he was The routes differ from the Boston School Scene marijuana, nolled. recommended by a committee “People take their time and come out and support us patrols at bus pickup times at from the school board and the fourth leading ground gainer in Eli football history. He putting pine tar on the ball. present ones in that the buses those locations. • Michael Smith, 19, of 185 (the Dodgers). I feel I should wait around and give them Sought by Hunter passed two pretty fair runners last weekend to move up Through it all, Sutton has remained calm. leave their depot and go to the The spots are Daly and Oak Main St., disorderly conduct, FIRE autographs and answer questions if they want to see me.” Relatively Peaceful nolled. from sixth place, Fred Nadherny and Calvin Hill. Another “I consider it a compliment when they come out and outlying areas empty and pick Grove St.; Daly and Bellevue; Correction-^— Garvey, 25, was the MVP of the All-Star game at up students on their runs Rt. 31 and Springdale; North • James W. Clewes, 34, of CALLS 100-plus yard day against Brown Saturday and the team CHICAGO (UPI) — Oakland pitching ace Jim “Catfish” frisk me,” the $114,000 a year Alabama native said. Then In the article on Watkins Pittsburgh in July and hes a top candidate for the National toward the centers of town, ac­ River Rd. and Riley Mt. Rd. BOSTON (UPI) — Black attendance in­ The attendance increased markedly Northampton, Mass, and Owen captain will be in third place past Denny McGill...Plain- Hunter plans to terminate his contract with the team and he broke into a smile and added, “they’ve never found Bros., Inc. Centennial which League MVP Award, too. cording to a report to the board Felice said he had discussed creased noticeably and all was peaceful in followed the bringing in of State Police P. Clewes, 38, of 286 Lakeview ville Stadium will run a 200-lap open competition race become a free agent after the World Series because A’s anything yet either. appeared in Thursday’s Herald During the regular season, he batted .312, collected 200 Thursday night. the matter with the council the schools and streets of previously and Metropolitan District Police rein­ Dr., Coventry, both charged MANCHESTER Saturday night with the winner guaranteed $1,250...Jim owner Charles 0. Finley has failed to pay him $50,000 owed it was stated “In 1890 they built “It doesn’t bother me but I’ve been accused more and Board member Anthony Monday but no action was troubled South Boston under the guard of forcements to protect the children and en­ with disorderly conduct and Thursday, 9:02 a.m. — Otto and George Blanda each took part is his 200th con­ hits, smashed 21 home runs and drove in 111 runs. During the building which the Blau to him on his salary for the current year, according to a convicted less than anyone I know.” Felice told the board Thursday taken. 450 tough, riot-trained State and force the court order. Regular Boston being found intoxicated, nolled. Unnecessary alarm from Town the Dodgers’ 3-1NL playoff series victory over Pittsburgh, Furniture Co. occupies today, secutive National Football League game last Sunday. Otto, Chicago newspaper. Sutton is convinced his reputation for doctoring balls ac­ he does not expect the new The board also decided to Metropolitan Police today, the 22nd day of Police, including the Tactical Force, were Box 1931 (East Catholic High he hit .389 with two homers and five RBIs. and that was the start of the veteran Oakland center, has sta r ts all 200 games, a truly Baseball rules say that a player owed salary can ter­ tually helps him. routes will resolve all the write to Mrs. Charles White in­ a court-ordered plan to integrate Boston’s pulled out of South Boston Thursday, School). Because of his success on the field and his manners, he’s Savings Bank of Manchester.” remarkable feat. Blanda, the kicking specialist, with the minate his contract by written notice. “It just gives the hitters something more to think problems immediately and may forming her of the action with public schools. leaving all integration enforcement to the Mrs. Niarchos Today, 8:29 a.m. — Leaves on the darling of the Los Angeles news media. The building built in 1890 was Raiders started out as a quarterback, first with Houston. Chicago Sun-Times sports writer Jerome Holtzman about,” he said. have to undergo revision. He respect to the North River- Eight buses of black children arrived fresh replacements. fire on Columbus St. (Eighth used to house Watkins Bros, He has been in Oakland since 1967 and for the last two But it wasn’t always so. Garvey started the 1970 and 1971 said he expected some buses Riley Mt. Rds. location. Mrs. without incident, but with the usual motor­ Boston Police had come under fire by Found Dead District). reported in today’s editions that he has learned that Sutton has been almost flawless since July 25. That was furniture company and the years has been called upon to kick principally. seasons as the Dodgers’ third baseman but an erractic arm might still arrive late at their White has indicated she may cycle police escort, at South Boston High some Bostonians for allegedly overreact­ BOLTON Hunter will become a free agent, eligible to sell his ser­ eight days after 13-game winner Tommy John was lost PARIS (UPI) — Mrs. Stavros Savings Bank of Manchester did cost him his job. schools. petition for a formal hearing on School. It marked the largest number of ing. Thursday, 3:22 p.m. — Brush vices to the highest bidder after the series. because of an elbow injury. Niarchos, 45, wife of the Greek not occupy part of the building Although the media wasn’t kind in describing his fielding The routes have undergone a the bus stop there if some blacks bused into the predominantly In other developments, the Justice fire on Bolton Center Rd. Oakland in Six Games “Hunter could have declared himself a free agent 10 He’s won 15 of 16 since that date, including his last 11 in a shipbuilder and former wife of until it was founded in 1905. shortcomings, the 5-10, 190-pound former Michigan State dry run test, he said, with means is not found to avoid white, Irish-Catholic area since last week. Department said five attorneys were Baseball’s two best teams wilt compete for the juicy days after the first missed payment,” the story said. row. He accounted for two of the Dodgers’ wins against Greek millionaire Aristotle defensive back says he’s always thought of reporters as his drivers alloting simulated time picking up children at what she Only two buses arrived Thursday. enroute to Boston to help insure enforce­ “That he didn’t do so was because he didn’t want to Onassis, was found dead in her World Series melon starting tomorrow in Los Angeles in friends. Pittsburgh, giving up just one run and seven hits in 17 in­ for pickups. regards as a dangerous bus There were no demonstrators and only a ment of federal laws. And the FBI has the all-California set. diminish Oakland’s chances of winning a pennant and nings. Paris apartment today, a friend Kathy says: "Columbus discovered America — “I’ve always felt that I should make myself available to stop. handful of spectators on hand. been alerted to investigate any reported of the family announced. Have you discovered Pero’s yet? They’ve got a The pick here is Oakland in what could be a real wing- World Series, and at the same time he w ant^ to protect He’s the same Dodger righthander who went 14 starts violations within its jurisdiction. Mrs. Maggi Nolan said the members of the media,” he said. “They’ve helped me get his share of playoff and Series money”. whole new world of produce tor you!" ding series with both teams boasting plenty of talent at all where I am. and nine weeks without winning a game. He’s also one of family informed her of the ORCHARD FRESH: M(c», Rad Dallclout, Cortlandt, McCowan positions plus excellent pitching staffs. The story said Hunter has informed the Major League three Dodgers (the others are Willie Crawford and Jim “ When I was in Pittsburgh this year (for the All-Star Road Abandoned death of Tina Niarchos but gave Appin, plui Birtlatl Purs, Gruningt, Pumpkins, Indian Com, The crystal ball says Oakland in six games. Players Association and has received its complete sup­ Brewer) who were members of the 1966 Los Angeles Gourds, and Sw ut Cldtr game), everybody seemed to be commenting on my no details. port. National League championship club. That team was blown 'Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Bolton Tina’s sister, Eugenia, also NATIVE: Csullllowsr, G run Bssns, Acorn A Buttsrnut Squash, Salad cooperation. BOLTON Bowl, Graon Squash, Rad S Hot Pappara, Shalola, Pass, Spinach, “Hunter has been paid only half his salary. He received out in four straight by Baltimore. town Hall to discuss the was married to Niarchos. “Well, I just feel it’s something that I should do. But I Donna Holland B u ts, Corn, Turnips, Lu ka, Belgium Endiva, Charry Tomaloaa, Broc­ $50,000 in regular bi-weekly installments, but Finley has “We have the guys who are capable of breaking the sanitary disposal area. Eugenia was found dead from coli, Whita S w u t Potatus, Rad Onions, B u t Gruna. also enjoy talking with people. And I try to make the Correspondent refused payment of the remaining $50,000, which according game open at any time,” Sutton said. “That’s the Kissinger an overdose of sleeping pills in FRESH: Strawbsrriaa, Plums, Psachaa, Rad S Whita Grapaa, writers’ jobs a lot easier.” Tel. 646-0375 The Bolton Extension Group 1970 on the Niarchos yacht in Tangarinaa, Promargranatn, Paars, Nactarinaa, PInaapplu, Callt. to Hunter’s contract, was to be given him in so-called difference from our ’66 team when we had to rely on speed No one from the public will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Quincu. deferred payments,” the paper said. and pitching. Greece. BUY YOUR PUMPKIN EARLY Orioles’ Owner attended a town meeting in Herrick Memorial Park. It will (roiiliniK'il from Pufic One) Tina Niarchos married WHILE OUR SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST1 The story said the deferred payments were to begin in Bolton Thursday to approve meeting aimed at arranging a new round be a work session. Members Onassis, then 40, when she was T H R IF n WEEK ENO BUYS midseason and were to be applied to an annuity. abandonment of Old Bolton Rd. are urged to attend. It will be leaders in Cairo and believes his visit will of Arab-Israeli peace talks. Ski Sale Day BERNARD A. LOZIER, 16 in 19M. She divorced Onassis APPLES (B G rade)...... 16 ql. basket S2.78 “Hunter began petitioning Finley for the money more as a town road. the group’s last meeting before help bring peace to the war-torn region. “I do believe this trip will contribute FANCY. NATIVE CAULIFLOWER ...... head SOc Willing to Sell INC. in New York in 1960 on grounds. CALIF. RED O RAPES...... ib. 4SC than two months ago and has since had his attorney send Richard Morra and Dave the Christmas workshop which The embassy security official said the to progress toward peace in the Middle Slated Oct. 19 22 REGENT ST. on mental cruelty, complaining ACORN A BUTTERNUT SQUASH ...... 3 lbs. 29c Dreselly, first selectman and plane’s takeoff was delayed until it was East and I am encouraged by my talks Weaver Rehired Finley three letters, all of which have gone unanswered,” will be held Oct. 17 and 18 at the "The man I married was an COMICE PEARS, Trull of the year" ...... 5 lor BSc BALTIMORE (UPI) — As long as the price is As one of the fall activities selectman, respectively; determined the wounded man was fit to with President Sadat," Kissinger said it said. Celling Repairs Tolland County Agricultural ambitious man. He fought the ROYAL ICE C R E A M ...... 20c OFF on '.y Gallon the Manchester Ski Club will Catherine Leiner, town clerk; Center. travel. No other details of the mishap after the meeing. reasonable, says Jerry Hoffberger, he’ll sell the Baltimore S Replacements American government, the Holtzman said the most recent letter was sent by hold a used ski sale and swap on Douglas Cheney, chairman of were available. StII Tht Htnid, Sundif Papers, plus L o tfrj Tlcktltl Orioles-even if the buyers move the American League At Modest Raise Peruvian government; we were registered mail a month ago advising Finley that Hunter Saturday, Oct. 19 from 3 to 5 Quality Carpentry Worh, the Public Building Commis­ Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Returned Visit Planned team. always at war.” would become a free agent on Oct. 21, p.m. at 23 Campfield Rd. Patios • Additions sion under whose jurisdiction Menus Fahmi saw Kissinger and his party off American officials had said earlier that M g KING Hoffberger, board chairman of the Baltimore Orioles BALTIMORE (UPI) — The Baltimore Orioles, despite A year after divorcing Ken Tedford, president, & Ramodotiny construction of the new Bentley The following cafeteria from Cairo International Airport at the Kissinger planned to return to Cairo Sun­ Baseball Club, Inc., said Thursday the team has been up Onassis, she married the reports to the contrary, today rehired Manager Earl reports equipment may be Memorial Library falls; and menus will be served to end of a 39-hour visit, during which day. Before he returns he will meet with Free Estimates British Marquess of Bandford, I for sale for some time, but there have been no takers. Weaver at a moderate increase in salary. delivered to this address after Catherine Peterson, town students in Bolton Elementary Kissinger had two lengthy meetings with leaders in Syria, Jordan, Israel and Saudi a rich English nobleman with “I have said before if I make up my mind that it is in ffie After the Orioles were noon on Oct. 19. No fee will be Phone 646-4464 treasurer who usually acts as and Bolton Center School Oct. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Arabia. 27S OAKLAND tf„ MANCHESTER - U43-63S4 Vanderbilt and Churchill blood best interests of the stockholders—there are about 1,006-1 eliminated by Oakland for minds, about his return with charged for selling any equip­ moderator at town meetings, 15-18: Cairo was the first stage on Kissinger’s Kissinger embraced Sadat ’Thursday Mickey Lolich in his veins. would recommend selling the Orioles,” Hoffberger said. the second straight season ment. were the only persons in atten­ seven-day, seven-nation tour of Middle night as he left the Egyptian leader’s Giza us,” said Baltimore General Tuesday: Hot dog on roll, “I’ve been saying that for a year, but nobody has made an Wednesday, there had been Manager Frank Cashen. dance. french fries, tossed salad, East capitals in an attempt to work out the residence, kissing the president on both offer. reports that Weaver might “After all, he’s won five They unanimousiy approved gingerbread with topping. next stage of negotiations toward a Middle cheeks. Put on Block the abandonment of ap­ East peace settlement. "We reviewed modalities of procedures Asked if he would make a sale condition keeping the be out as manager with, of divisional titles out of six proximately 395 feet of the road Wednesday: Submarine and of substance, various points of view, team in Baltimore, Hoffberger replied, “I don’t see how all teams, even those same tries and you can’t do much LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The Los Angeles Dodgers had The world’^ sandwich, green beans, fruit Good Talks in Cairo which is nearly the complete various aspects, in what I consider a very any sale to a guy in Pascagoula or wherever could contain A’s being rumored as a like­ better than that.” the best pitching in the National League this year, and if cup, chocolate chip cookies. As he boarded the plane at Cairo, that condition.” finest Bourbon road. Kissinger told newsmen: "We have had constructive and positive manner in the ly landing place for the Weaver’s Orioles were they’re looking to beef it up even more next year, they Dreselly read a letter from usual riendly atmosphere,” Kissinger The Orioles have drawn ooorlv for some time. This year doughty skipper. Thursday: Pizza with meat good talks and we plan to continue them on beaten by Oakland in this have the perfect opportunity. Detroit will let them have since 1795. the Planning Commission dated said, summing up the talks. and cheese, jello with topping. Monday when I come through here. It is the team drew 962,000 fans, 2,000 more than last year, but “There was never any year’s A.L. playoffs, three Mickey Lolich or Joe Coleman, whichever one they like, Oct. 10, 1973 which endorsed Both Kissinger and Sadat declined to always a pleasure to see my friends in the total was due to the Birds’ torrid September drive to question, at least in our games to one. the only condition being the Tigers want either Joe abandonment of the road Friday: Fish, french fries, reveal the procedures discussed, saying Egypt.’’ the yynerican League East championship when home Ferguson or Steve Yeager in return to catch for them. Dreselly said he confirmed the cole slaw, chocolate pudding Kissinger conferred with Sadat until the trip has just begun and publication of attendance averaged 17,000 a game. letter with commissior with topping. almost midnight Thursday in a marathon such details would be premature. Baltimore’s beaten Orioles already have begun their members Wednesday. Hoffberger, whose family-owned National Brewing Co. search for the left-handed power hitter they feel they need The road will be used as a owns a controlling interest in the Orioles, said “It hurts Rosewall and Stockton next year. They might wind up getting Rusty Staub, and if parking area and a one-way the company (National Brewing) when the Orioles con­ they do land him, the Mets probably would want a multi­ street for the library. tinue to sustain losses or only make modest profits.” A Enter Net Semifinals player package, including center fielder Paul Blair and \• - special purchasel 7 C someone who could handle third base. Holiday Closings TIMELESS In the semifinals of the Steve Swisher, the Chicago Cubs’ rookie catcher, is All Bolton schools and all Andrews Starts Action TOKYO (UPI) - Australian f(# /T, .y .. Y glass bottom star Ken Rosewall and Dick women’s singles competition, drawing a lot of fine comment for the way he behaved town offices will be closed Mon­ TRIBUTE Maria Bueno of Brazil won over after being charged with the passed ball that enabled day due to the holiday. Stockton of the United States misters 4 In Suit Against Finley today entered the semifinals of Japan’s Kazuko Sawamatsu 6-3, Pittsburgh to come from behind and beat the Cubs in the The Andover disposal area just wonderful for spraying plants, x 6-4. Her opponent in the finals will also be closed Monday. the men’s singles in the $100,000 ball game that clinched the pennant for the Pirates. In the ,^or spraying anything else. •]i OAKLAND (UPI) - Former scorn, contempt, ridicule and Tennis Tourna­ scheduled for Sunday will be Cubs’ clubhouse after the game, Swisher didn’t duck Bulletin Board Oakland utility infielder Mike disgrace’’ because of Finley’s ment. Katja Ebbinghause of West reporters, try to alibi or stick his head between his knees. The Republican Town Com­ Andrews has launched a court­ statement. The suit also said Rosewall, semifinalist at Germany, who beat Isabel Fer­ talrway’8 ^ nandez of Colombia 6-1, 6-2. He stood patiently and answered every last question clear­ mittee will meet Tuesday at the A personalized monument, carved of Select Barre room vendetta against A’s Andrews was unable to get a both Wimbledon and Forest Town Hall. price ^ owner Charles 0. Finley for his In the men’s doubles quarter­ ly and honestly. He was so stand-up and forthright, all the Granite, can say more than many words. It will be an / BARRE baseball job after his uncon­ Hills, won his quarterfinal newsmen shook his hand. The selectmen from both treatment of Andrews during ditional release by Oakland match over countryman Ross finals Case and Sydney Ball of everlasting tribute to a loved one. See our display of l ( ^ l j |L D Dave McNally, the Orioles’ lefty, called his business rep, Bolton and Andover will meet qo^ last year’s World Series. because of a “negligent and Case, 61, 2-6, 6-4, w hile Australia beat Tanner and "we have every little thingl” Barre Guild Monuments, backed by the industry's * Andrews, who was tem­ false” statement saying he had Australian John Newcombe Ismail El Shafei of the United Ed Keating, the othe** day in Cleveland. Keating also strongest monument guarantee. “Where a Monument: porarily dropped from the team a shoulder problem. beat Onny Parun of New Arab Republic, 6-4, 6-2; handles Frank Robinson, among others, and Cleveland’s Curd of Thanks roster after two errors at se­ The statement, Andrews said, Zealand 7-5, 6-3 and Kim Rosewall and new manager happened to be in the office when NcNally We wish to thank all of our neighbors, dollar’s cond base, filed a $2.5 million was ‘‘animated solely by Warwick, another Australian, of Australia beat Dick Dell and called. Keating told McNally Robinson was there and friends and relatives lor the many acts worth Savings Bank libel and slander lawsuit malice.” trounced of the Sherwood Stewart of the U.S. 6- McNally said he’d like to speak with him. When Robinson of kindness and sympathy shown us in SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. 4,6-3 and West Germans Jurgen our recent bereavement. We especially d the miracle of mdk itre^ | a dollar!” against Finley Thursday. Dr. Harry R. Walker, whom U.S. 6-2, 6-3. picked up the phone, the very first words he said, were, thank all those who sent the beautiful dowrftown manchester^ In the Superior Court action, Fassbender and Hans Jurgen Finley ordered to examine An­ Stockton entered he “I’m sorry, I can’t use you.” McNally laughed, and floral tributes. . , 470 Center SI., Manchester 643-7732 Andrews, 31, alleges that he Pohmann beat Cliff Drysdale of Mrs. Peter lIzupeS and family of Manchester drews, is also a defendant in the semifinals by beating American “has been held up to public Great Britain and Ju replied, “Frank, your first decision as a manager is a good K PItOOf KENTUCKY SIRAIOHT BOURBON WHISKEY 0ISI1IIE0 AND BOTIIEO BY suit. Cliff Richey, 7-5, 2-6, 6-4. THE JAMES B BEAM OISTIllINC CO.. CLERMONT. BEAM. KENTUCKY # Member F D I C Kamiwazumi of Japan 7-6, 6-3. one! PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Mancfaeatg. Coon., Fri.. Oct. 11.1974 M M CHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974- PAGE SEVENTEEN Sullivan Sets Record Hartford Runners As Rooters Blank Foe BOWLING: Top East by Point MERCHANTS - Walt Stanley Sensational goalie Ray banked a shot to the left of 137-361, Steve Laoretti 139-373; One point was the margin of victory Sullivan of Manchester High the goal post for the decided. achieved in 14:45 with Duggin in at Bemie Caiey 136-137-381, Din^ yesterday afternoon at Wickham Park entered the school record Balch 356, Dennis Lauppinen 14:56 and Dane an even 16 minutes. as Hartford Public High’s cross coun­ book yesterday when he Manchester sports an 8-1 370, Harv Johnson 359. Only four seconds separated the last recorded his eighth shutout try team nipped East Catholic High, four places in the scoring and Hart­ won-lost record the only 17-29. of the season all in succes­ blotch on the standard com­ BUSINESSMEN - Tom ford’s Mike Duggan just nipped East’s ’Turner 14^383, Gabe Szabo 150. Jody Weatherwax and Tom Duggan Luke O’Connor at the tape in the bat­ sion • as be led the hooters to ing in the opener. a 1-0 win over Wethersfield 368, Hal Davey 140-382, Bob gave the winners a one-two placement tle for ninth place. This decided the High at Wethersfield. Bukowski 139-389, John Brown with Ed Dana the first East runner to highly exciting match. Danielson noted that the 140- 359, Ron Joiner 157-368, Ai finish in third place. Results: 1. Weatherwax (H), 2, T. latest success was the Bonini 149-369, Ernie Oakinan The loss was the third in a dozen Duggan (H), 3. Dana (E), (E), 4. Sullivan’s skein of e i^ t poorest overall effort of his 141- 358, Dan Toce 136, Mick starts for Coach Dave Kelley’s squad. Skehan (E), 5. Burinskas (E), 6. Holmes 139-353, Sam Little 138- broke the record compiled club this season. However, Hartford gained the first, second, Stamp (E), 7. Blesso (H), 8. Cherry he did laud the play of Mike 383, Larry Aceto 145-393, Paul seventh, eighth and ninth spots. by the 1959 team which was Gilberto 144-382, Stan Mirucki (H), 9. M. Duggan (H), 10. O’Connor captained by Giuck Saimond Lombardo, Sullivan and 136-148400, John Mack 146-139- Wetherwax’ winning effort was (E). and Bob Goehring. Coach MacLean. 409, Jim Sirianni 372, Dorn Dick Danielson’s ’59 squad DeDominicis 356, Tom Fahey • The iosers has eight goal 352. collected a season-reconl 11 MIKE LOMBARDO RAY SULUVAN tries to 13 for Manchester. shutouts which were turned ’Two of Sullivan’s saves were in by Mike Winters and Mike ’The long marker yester- latter took a nifty pass from EARLY BIRDS - Sophie' from point-blank range, both Welply 125, Barb Callahan 3^,.- Geciauskas who alternated day was tallied in the second Tayo Stimac, out- in the third period. Eagles Hit Road, (Herald plMo by D m ) period by Bill MacLean. The manuevered two backs and in the nets. RESTAURANT - Paul Correntl 374, Larry Bates 141- Manchester's Bill MacLean Jumps over Goalie 403, Bert C lau g h ^ 140-366, Rollie Irish 148-140-418, Jim Tribe at Home Indian Accounted for Only Score Against Wethersfield Moore 136-376, Ken Mailutein 142- 376, Jim Lambert 139-366, Not Sure Bass Fish Laurels Joe Dworak 136-361, Emil By Len Auster out of a Power-I offense, the same one Palmieri 136-145414, Lee Ur- Holding onto the football will be the Xavier High utilizes. It almost seems banetti 141-354, Bob Willhide main concern for East Catholic as it natural. Coach Dave Pesapane an DETROIT (UPI) - Gor­ 149-397, Jim Evans 377, Ed Jets Ready to Break into Win Column Tonight battles Hartford County Conference assistant previously at the die Howe can’t say for cer­ Doucette Jr. 353, Tom Greer Hale^ McConville foe St. Bernard tonight at 7:30 in Un- Middletown-based school. The Saints Taken by Zanlungo 360, Joe Cataldi Jr. 366, Frank Losers in their first two games, the Jets hope to rebound tonight Bugnacki, York Whitaker, John Dubois, John Lenti, Jim Garner, tain the Team Canada casville. Manchester High waits until are a big play team so LaFontana members’ rooms were McNamara 356, Ray Johnson against the Chargers in the second game of the Midget Football Bill Zepen, Dan White. Third row, Joe Clifford, Gary Marinaue, Jon Saturday afternoon at 1:30 before commented that 1(X) per cent concen­ bugged in the Soviet Union— Fishing team member 379, Ken Lynch 152406, Chris League doubleheader at Mt. iNebo. The Patriots and Eagles start play Hawthorne, Ed Moon, Tim Mainville, Bob Berdat, Shawn Speass, resuming gridiron warfare, hosting tration from his people will be needed he just knows the hockey Chyck Zanlungo of Lynch 135-351, Frank Blank ISO- at 6:30. Jets’ squad, front row, left to right, Sal Cantone, Jeff Dolin, Tony Maselli. Fourth row, Gary Doyon, Dave Nurmi, Cliff Bickford, 379, Ernie Oakman 138, Jim CCIL rival Conard High of West Hart­ to upend the downstate gridders. players didn’t do much Manchester is New Tom Frazier, Andy Bruso, Glenn Stavens, Keith Dolin, Bob Tim Sullivan. Rear, Ray Phelps, John Phelps, George Sylvester, Jon Stanizzi 136-137-400, Keith ford at Memorial Field. Manchester High is coming off a big Goals Pace MCC talking in them. England’s top bass angler 'McMahon, Dean Guetafson. Second row, Mike Doyon, .Mike Hawthorne, Jim Sweeney, Jon Schneider. Dashno 154-136414, Bob H y^ Fumbles have put a wrench in the 28-15 win over Wethersfield but its “We did all our talking in the for the 1974 season after 357, George May 146-380, Dave works for the 1-2-1 Eagles. They’ve task isn’t an easy one against the West halls, or in the lobby,’’ Howe placing first in last week’s Viara 374. First-half goals by Bill Hale and ville. The latter added the clincher at cracked Thursday w ^ asked Massachusetts Invitational shown the ability to move the pigskin Hartford-based Chieftains. Conard is Tim McConville 1^ the way as the 42:35 mark in the half. It was about the hockey series, which Bass Tournament at Lake Tech Bows but 22 turnovers haven’t helped 2-1 overall, 1-1 in the league along Manchester Community College McConville’s fifth tally of the season. the Russians took 4-1-3. Cochituate, Mass. matters. This worries Coach John with four other outfits. The Silk downed the Central Connecticut State Former Coventry High standout and H ow e, who s c o re d a The event was sponsored In Shutout LaFontana but there isn’t much he or Towners are off to a 2-0 start, 1-0 in WFL Postpones the circuit. College Jayvee soccer squad yester­ an all-New Engla^ schoolboy selec­ powerplay goal and a short- by the All-American Bass Second Trophy C i f i his staff can do to alleviate the situa­ day at Cougar Field, 2-0. tion, Dave Treschuk recorded 18 handed score when the Houston (Masters. Unable to contain Aldo tion. Opening at quarterback for the In­ Aeros beat the Michigan Stags saves in the goal in gaining his third Zanlungo collected the top Fish for Boy Signoreilo, Cheney Tech’s When the Eagles do move the ball, dians will be senior tri-captain Jack The verdict was the sixth against no 5-4 in a World Hockey Associa­ soccer team absorbed a 3-0 blanking. weight of the competition, Joel Desimone and Cephus Nolen Maloney with Pete McCluskey, John losses for Coach Jim Dyer and his tion exhibition, said “You have Catching fish is the goal of all BOWLING defeat administered by Prince The locals played without Jim his four catches weighing Draft of Players carry it overland. Desimone is the Kunz and Jason Dodge, the latter pair team. The Collegians were also in­ to have a sense of humor over fishermen and trophy catches Tech in Hartford yesterday. each scoring twice against Tymon, injured in the Wesleyan there. nine pounds, six ounces. often come only once in a leading rusher and scorer with 294 volved in two deadlocks. Y I.EAGUE- Don Simmons Signorello tallied all three Wethersfield, in the backfield. game. Ray Boyd moved into Tymon’s “They phone you in the mid­ The local angler is a lifetime. goals for the 5-1-1 winners, get­ yards rushing and four TDs and a two- 161-143-428, Don Carpenter 143- Manchester had success passing last Hale’s tally came at 23:20 on the vacated spot and turned in a fine dle of the afternoon, when you member of Ray Gorsky’s Lee Gondarowski, 9, of En­ 141-404, Ken Seaton 160-385, Al ting one in each the first, third point conversion to his credit. Nolen week, hitting seven of eight, but first half on an assist from McCon­ showing. were trying to sleep before the Tackle Shop team. Goriy field who summers at Andover NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (UPI)- “We believe it would be best to keep Pirkey 167-383, Mike Balesano and fourth periods. has scooted 228 yards, averaging eight game,” said Howe, now in his operates a tackle shop at 307 Lake wfth his grandparents, The World Football League has post­ these teams together whether they 137-136-394, Fred McCurry 138- Tech, now 2-5, has 11 shots on yards every time he touches the ball. Coach Larry Olsen indicated his 11 second season of starring with E Center St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of 10 poned indefinitely the draft of the would be relocated or remain in their 390, Bob Boroch 137-374, Bert goal. Last week’s 61-12 shellacking at the will stay groundside as long as chunks his sons for the Aeros. His favorite lures are light Knox St., Manchester, is an players from the financially stricken present cities for the 1975 season.” Davis 145-372, Art Johnson 138- Goalie Bruce Beebe was a hands of Northwest Catholic could of yardage are eaten up. Proving to be "My roommate suggested exception. Detroit and Jacksonville franchises in The revised WFL schedule for next 368, Russ DeVeau 372, Hank busy man in the Tech nets with have been a morale-killer but this a fine receiver last week was colored spinner baits, d^k The young angler caught a six taking the phone off the hook, hopes the teams will be able to play week has Shreveport at Philadelphia, Martyn 352, Al Bujaucius 142- 25 saves, several of a spec­ isn’t the case LaFontana stated. sophomore tight end John Madden, but that didn’t work. The maids colored plastic worms and a and one-quarter largemouth 380, Carl Bolin 359, Tony tacular nature. perch-colored “Big 0 .” next year. Chicago at Charlotte, Birmingham at Drills have been most spirited with who latched onto three tosses for 45 would just walk in the rooms bass early last summer and Marinelli 147. yards. Zanlungo has earned $875 recently added a five pound, 14 The remaining playing schedules of Southern California, Florida at the club getting set for their next and put it back on,” be said. The Chieftains will have southpaw “You can’t lock your room over in cash to date for his efforts ounce white catfish to his the teams, which have been taken Memphis and Hawaii at Portland. POWDER PUFF- Roberta challenge. Chet Farbotko at quarterback with there; they don't have any in bass competition. Last collection. Both catches were over by the league, will be cancelled Davidson also announced the first Shore 184-454, Sandy Edwards Hot Rods Meet St. Bernard is 2-1 having upset St. speedster Bruce McAllister keying locks. May he won the AABC made at Andover Lake. for the rest of 1974, though. round of the league playoffs will begin 457, Gay Dudzic 465. ONTARIO, Calif. (UPI) - Paul last week. They have an “At 3 a.m. two big guys would Candlewood Lake In­ “ We have decided to cancel Nov. 20. The field will be made up of The premier drivers of the excellent passer in junior quarterback the running game. Conard does not come in your room, turn the vitational. remaining games of these two teams the three division winners and three PARKADE DU.STY- Jeff National Hot Rod Association Mike Lindsey with his favorite target rely on trick plays, it uses a Power-I lights on, and search everthing To date, Zanlungo has but several potential investors have wild card teams (teams with the best Baker 232-582, Leo Nelson 209, begin qualifying today for their split end Arnie Pinkston. When they offense and challenges you to stop it. in the room. You would wake up caught over 375 legal bass, indicated they wish to keep the teams won-loss records among the non­ Joe LaVae 213-574, Terry Shep­ year-end finale, the $200,000 do run, senior Co-Captain Bob Walsh If successful, chances for victory are and watch them but that didn’t pard 208-205-599, Dick Murphy 17 over five pounds, and all intact for a fresh start next year,” division champions). Supernationals at the Ontario normally gets the call. The Saints run good. If not... bother them at all. 204, Ted Bidwell 213. Motor Speedway. were released except four. said WFL Commissioner Gary David­ The semifinals will be played Nov. “They just kept on searching One Opening son Thursday. until they were done. Then A Manchester native, 27 and Nov. 29 at the homes of the they'd turn out the lights and Zanlungo is employed in the In Hoop Loop “We are negotiating with several Western and Central Division cham­ w a^ out,” Howe said. He also Manchester Public Works groups, some of which have indicated pions, with the World Bowl scheduled One opening remains for a — College Football Roundup— Sun ClincheB Tie confirmed stories of roaches all a willingness to take over players’ Dec. 5 at the homefield of one of the Department. He is married team in the Recreation over the place. contractual obligations immediately participating teams. and has two children. Department's Senior Basket­ "I kind of feel sorry for and begin preparations for playing Other members of Ray’s ball League. them,” he said. “They don’t next year. team are Larry Spencer, Any local team interested Several Top Clubs WFL s West SPORTS know (conditions) any better. (Herald photo by Pinto) Ron Pinto and Bob may contact Carl Silver at the We spent $26,000 on a banquet ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPI) — The Southern California Sun SLATE Chuck Zanlungo / Rec Office. An eight-team cir­ for them in Vancouver (at the Blanchard, all local has clinched a tie for the World Football League’s Western cuit is planned. end of the C;anadian half of the residents. ------Face Major Tests Division title but Coach Tom Fears says, critically, they FRIDAY series); When we were done NFL Weekend Roundup didn’t play like it. (over there) all we got was SOCCER NEW YORK (UPI) — It may not show in the weekly listings by “We were off all over,” flags. Russian flags. Fedorchak Wins Fears said Thursday night "We had a party the night the oddmakers, but several of the top 10 college football teams games in front of the Korky Hill at Bollun after the Sun’s 25-23 victory before we left and Frank will have to tread most carefully this weekend. Hawaiians in the WFL West Kliuni at Karon .Aradrmy Mahovlich, you know how quiet Schoolboy Race Obstacle in Cowboys’ Path At least five of the top 10 over the Shreveport with five games left. I’orllund at Govrntry he is, got up on a box and said, clubs are expected to have Steamer for Southern Shreveport, 4-10-1, is third. Rork\illr ul (Hastonbury been more than a two- ‘You know I ’m n o t a more than their share of hard California’s sixth win in a The Sun’s other TD came Soiilli Windsor ut Newington pnee again talented Wes Fedorchak set the pace for NEW YORK (UPI) - This is there will be determined Sunday offense in the two victories. But touchdown difference between (Herald photo by Dunn) speechmaker but you can’t take knocks Saturday, beginning row. “The passing wasn’t Ellington at Tolland the time of year the Dallas when they take on the unbeaten this edition ofthe Cardinals the two teams since 1967. on a one-yard run from Alon­ all those rubles with you. Let’s Illing High as the Rams defeated Bennet Junior High on with No. 1 ranked Ohio State, CROSS COUNTRY Cowboys usually begin making St. Louis Cardinals. hasn’t been as easy to push Florida, with four straight our best. The receiving zo Emery and ex-Stanford all dig way down deep and come the cross country course yesterday, 18-36, and also posted which meets No. 11 Wisconsin Ellington ut Tolland MCCs Captain Greg DelSies (right) on Move their move, but there’s a big St. Louis, expected to be at around and Don Coryell's big victories, might have the wasn’t our best. Rose Bowl hero Rod Garcia a 24-31 decision over Silas Deane Junior High. at Columbus, Ohio, in its Big South Windsor at Nortliwest up with something,” Howe hurdle in the way Sunday. the bottom of the National play offense has been clicking, roughest time of all among the ‘‘There is consolation kicked a 30-yard field goal. Unidentified Central Booter Has Slight Advantage related the tale. (basing Fedorchak across Ten Conference opener. Cutholir the Cowboys usually start Conference East, is instead with Jim Hart throwing to Mel favorites. The Gators are listed clinching a tie for the divi­ Shreveport scored on a The Team Canada members the final line over the 1.8 The Buckeyes have been in­ Co\rntry at Vinal Tech slowly and then pick up momen­ first, sparked by a defense that Gray and Terry Metcalf as a seven-point choice but sion championship, but we were going to give some money mile course was Matt stalled a 22-polnt favorite, six-yard run by Paul Gipson Saturday tum that carries them to a has allowed only 29 points, least providing the breakaway run­ Vanderbilt has a reputation of don’t want to go for ties.” to a Soviet woman who worked Marianella of Deane and which seems way out of line and John Mallory’s 34-yard FOOTBALL playoff berth. Dallas has made in the league. Dallas, expected ning threat. being extremely tough at home. there and was in a bad way Five Share considering that Wisconsin has Tony Adams threw a 47- recovery of a Nelson fumble Illing teammates Ed the playoffs the last eight to be near the top, is tied with Of the Cardinals’ 11 The Commodores earlier this Cunurd at Manrhestrr financially. won three of its four games in­ yard pass to Ralph Nelson in the first half. Jim Nance Lemieux and Mike Scholsky. seasons. the New York Giants for last. touchdowns this season, seven year gave No. 2 Alabama a tus­ Glustunhury ut Kurkville TORO LRWN “After we’d all come up with cluding impressive wins over for one Sun touchdown and ran nine yards for a TD in (May Also Be Used Fedorchak was clocked in Japan Lead The slow start is there this The Cowboys had little trou­ have been on plays of 56 yards sle before losing, and they have South Windsor ut Bloomfield something,” Howe said, fourth-ranked Nebraska and ran in from the seven for 9:13. He clipped six seconds year-the Cowboys have lost ble with St. Louis last season, or longer. had a week off to rest their the fourth quarter. SOCCER As A Leaf Btoim} “Frank got back up on the box Missouri. another score. VRCUUM off the course record in three straight after an opening outscoring the Cardinals 75-13 Metcalf, the speedster from wounded. “We had a chance for M(3' ul South Central CG again and said, “Now you know INZAIMACHI, Japan (UPI) Woody Hayes, coach of the game rout of Atlanta—but in 45-10 and 30-3 triumphs and Long Beach State, is averaging Auburn is an 11-point pick Southern California’s 11th about seven interceptions CROSS COUNTRY I’m not much on speechmaking Wethersfield. — Japan's Koaku Shimada and Buckeyes, certainly doesn’t whether the mid-season spurt is gaining over 1,000 yards in total 5.7 yards per carry for 38 over Kentucky, which has been win in 15 games left it five and only came up with one,” Munrhesler at Greater Hart­ but I don’t think some of you Silas Deane captured all American pros Don Bies, consider his club a three- FREE Ho b * attempts and 6.2 per reception disappointiqg in its early Fears said. ford Invitational guys dug deep enough.’ We top five placements in Hubert Green, Jim Simons and touchdown favorite. He has on nine catches. games. Auburn has not allowed came up with more than a hun­ trouncing Bennet, 15-40. Bob Menne shared a one-stroke worked his boys hard all week Httachvd Fo p St. Louis’ defense has a touchdown from scrimmage dred dollars worth of rubles.” Results: 1. Fedorchak (I), lead with a two-under-par 140 in an effort to get them ready dropped opposing quarterbacks so far this season, but the Wild­ MCC Golfers Howe typically did not claim Friday in the second round of National Hockey League for the Badgers, who are gun­ 2. Marianella (D), 3. 13 times while Hart h^s gone cats have a back by the name of H Limitod Tim* the Granadians got “jobbed” by the $300,000 Taiheiyo Club ning for their first Big Ten title Top Tunxis Lemieux (I), 4. Scholsky (I), down only twice. Sonny Collins who could make RALEIGH BIKE the foreign officials but he did Masters golf tournament. in 12 years. THE NEW TORO LRWN 5. Basque (D), 6. Flosdorf life (iifficult for the Tigers. allow as how he’d “like to play Bies collected a special prize The Badgers, led by quarter­ Paced by medalist Dennis (I), 7. Mayo (D), 8. Marrs Texas Tech has been installed VRCUUM C P V S t l S B a powerful the first four over there next of $2,000 for the day's best score Kings Stun Champs, back Gregg Bohling, tailback Turning’s 75, Manchester Com­ LAYAWAY TIME (D), 9. Buchalski (D), 10. a three-point underdog against suction to vacuum clean lawns, drive time. I think they might be a lit­ — a four-under-par 32-35 — 67 on Bill Marek and fullback Ken munity College’s golf team Church (D). Texas A&M, which was fourth w ways, garages, parking lots - almost tle easier on us, knowing they the 7,187-yard par 35-36 — 71 Flyers Outmuscled Starch, have averaged 32 points defeated Tunxis Community per game. ranked a week ago but lost to 3 SPEED anywhere that leaves and yard debris had to come back.” Sobu (Country Gub course. College yesterday at the Simons had a 68, Menne a 69 AND Ohio State, though, is prac­ Kansas and dropped from the Tallwood Country Club. RALEIGH collect. came from Mike Corrigan and and Greene a 71. Shimada, who United Press International tically unbeatable at home, top 10. Both the Aggies and the Results: R Turning (M) def. The Philadelphia Flyers Mike Murphy in the first period shot a 68 Thursday and trailed which might account for the Red Raiders have high hopes of Sturgeon (T) 3 and 2; Everett EKTENSION HOSE KIT found out fast about the value of and Danny Maloney in the se­ Bows With Kings first-round leader Shigeru high point-spread. The upsetting Texas this season for (M) def. Starr (T) 2 and 1; Cone s99*» permits the operater to clean around past performances Thursday cond. For the Flyers' fans it the Southwest Conference BOLAND SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Uchida by one stroke, had a Buckeyes have lost only three (T) def. Arcari (M) 3 and 2; - bushes and shrubs - all the hard-to-get night. was not a total loss: Dave SATURDAY crown and this game is crucial (UPI) — Former Boston Bruin one-over-par 72. games at Columbus since 1967 Gaudette (T) def. Reeves (M) Raleigh Record places. 4 and 1/2" diameter x II' long The Flyers, opening the Schultz spent 27 minutes in the 12:4.5 (8) College Fouthall for both. wing Ron Stewart will debut as Fifty pros and amateur and all three came during the 1-up; Hadyka (M) won by OIL CO. defense of the Stanley Cup on penalty box. 1:00 (3) llConi) vn. with a 24" nozzle with handle. coach of the AHL Springfield Tsutomu Irie made the cut of a 1971 season. default. their home ice, were dealt a Gil Perreault, out much of Delaware

« M T W T r • I t 3 « S t 7 g 9 10 ITRnfSTOSHOPTHEFfliASTWnr Membership Dates II 17 13 14 IS IS 17 > IS 1970 71 ZZ 73 74 Hesketh Blamed in Lessard Fatality OLBUrPMCt UNIT PRICE OUR PRICE 7S 7(77 78 79 30 ALMANAC /“N 30.9' ' I I ' 1 ■ ' 1 II 1 02 Changed for Legion Look for our /POUND l ” > mechanical defect in the car 143 \i The Hartford County coroner The accident occurred on a Heading east on the other 1 I I 1 1 1 "^1 Today is Friday, Oct. 11, the 284th day of On this day in history: may have caused him to lose OUROtOPtlU today reported his finding that Friday, May 17, at about 8:40 side of Spencer St. was the car Harold S. Pohl, senior vice 1974 with 81 to follow. In 1811, the first steam-powered ferry in Robert lUssard, 17, late of 169 p.m. about 800 feet east of the driven by Miss Susan Cooper, control of the vehicle. But /POUND t? 14 ar 09-30 ; Eligibility dates for The moon is between its last quarter and NEW PRICE membership in the American commander; or Henry R. the world started its run between New Lyness St. died May 17 after an intersection of Hillstown Rd. on 23, of 829 Main St. Her car’s Aronson said the testimony 3 L U.S. SLICED BEETS Wierzbicki. new phase. York City and Hoboken, N.J. auto collision on Spencer St. Spencer St. front end struck the Hesketh "could not establish that the Legion were changed during the The morning stars are Venus and Informatioii recent national convention of In 1868, Thomas Alva Edison filed "as a result of the criminal ac­ Hesketh and Lessard had car in the right side by the defect occurred immediately The unit prices (This article which appeared Saturn. Take advantage of the service organization. papers for his first invention, an electrical tions of James P. Hesketh.” been to a baseball game and passenger’s seat, the inquiry prior to the collision.” shown in Orange in Thursday’s Herald The evening stars are Mercury, Mars vote recorder to tabulate floor votes in many of the youths their age at said. Hesketh was charged with Label... this old, lower price wiii enabie According to John Mayne, erroneously referred to the and Jupiter. Congress in a matter of minutes. Congress the game decided to go to a par­ An expert witness testified on negligent homicide June 7. His while supplies last! commander of the Manchester VFW in the headline instead of Those born on this date are under the rejected it. Hesketh, 18, of 141 W. Center ty, the report said. It was to be behalf of Hesketh that a case is now in Circuit Court 12. it is our tool to you to make sign of Libra. ^Tftis (M)iJion Will b(i ft'inovffl its soon .iSy Post, the eligibility date for the American Legion.) In 1962, Pope John XXIII opened the Se­ possible iilti’i l.tsl licmsold vaiue comparison. St., was the driver of the car in at a Manchester home but the help you save money! those serving in World War II Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President cond Vatican Ecumenical Council in St. which Lessard was a two youths did not know the has been extended from Sept. 2, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was born Oct. 11, Peter’s Basilica in Rome. passenger. way. Hesketh was to follow Million Galaxies OUR PRICING POLICY 1945 to Dec. 31, 1946; and the 1884. another vehicle which had left Fmast will tx) longer increase llio price ol (ood Korean Conflict closing date .the ballfield ahead of him. In Big Dipper Bowl once piacetl on our shelves' Nursery School Wlten wo are lorced to irKre.ise .i ptico items has been changed from July 27, Coroner Irving L. Aronson Witnesses at the inquiry ABOUT Galaxies Very Numerous on stu'tves marked at the lower price will be sold 1953 to Jan. 31, 1955. The Viet­ Has Vacancies Voter-Making Session Tlie Best Harvest Buys said in his record of inquiry into testified that the vehicle driven out at tiktt lower price W tiivi wc reduce a |)nce. nam closing date is Aug. 15, Faith Cooperative Nursery Lessard’s death that Hesketh by Hesketh was traveling west Los Angeles — Galaxies — siTClf sICK'ks will be rcprict'd and sold .it Die new Tomorrow is the deadline for voter registration of eligi­ are WANT ADS TOWN vast, slowly rotating congrega­ tower price 1973, which was set during the School at 1120 Silver Lane, East “failed to keep his motor vehi­ on Spencer St. at a rather high tions of stars — are very com­ You always pay ttic lowest price marketl on recent convention. Hartford, has some vacancies ble citizens wishing to vote in the Nov. 5 election. cle under proper control; failed rate of speed and passed mon. They number possibly a any can or package in the morning program for Throughout the state, registration officials will be con­ Mrs. Etiennette Duplessie of 'W eekly specials a ixl sale items <)rc priced lower The national legislative com­ to keep a proper lookout for several of the witnesses’ cars hundred billion. The 200-inch ducting all-day voter-making sessions. Manchester’s ses­ 28 West St. recently became a Hun regular prices Any 'tom temairimg alter the mission will immediately ask four-year-olds.Classes meet 9 to other vehicles on the road; and changing lanes several times Hale telescope in California can sale event will be rcpnccLf upward _____ 11:15 Tuesday, Wednesday and naturalized U.S. citizen, in congress to “reflect the new sion is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow in the was probably operating at an and fishtailing just before the see as many as a million gal­ Thursday. ceremonies at U.S. District eligibility dates, but the town clerk’s office at the town’s Municipal Building, 41 excessive rate of speed.” collision. axies inside the bowl of the If enough Interest is Court in Hartford. Quality Meats from the Best Meat Men In the Business! American Legion charter Center St. Big Dipper alone. generated, the school plans change is considered only a Tuesday and Thursday after­ technical requirement at this iHEntCOMKl noon classes, noon to 2:15, for For persons whose voting eligibility rights mature after point,” Mayne said. Boneless Bottom three-year-olds. Contact Mrs. tomorrow, there will be a special voter-making session Barbara Gozdeck, 569-1098; or Monday, Nov. 4, from 9 a.m. to noon in the town clerk’s of­ Veterans wishing to join the fice. Round Roast 4I. : I local post may contact Mayne, the school, 569-1895. The Perfect Pot Roast V,, arK^smari^^ Juicy. Tender. Lean and Lucious How lo upgrade the First Cut Bone In Semi Boneless Hams Chuck Steaks Lean Tasty ^$ . Insulation in your home. Hams ■ Center Cut - Bone In Water Added Mrs. Eileen Tapper, left, demonstrates some new educational toys to Mrs. Kamille Mickewicz, another toy demonstrator, and Mrs. Patricia Hughes, coordinator of the Chuck Roast lb (The qidckesl, easiest way.) Pork Chops Learning-Play Activities Program sponsored by the Manchester school system. Isadore Ouartor LO'M Wolf, head coordinator, and also principal of Manchester Green School, watches the f iM.li Ah'*,,.!'! r.| NOW IN MANCHESTER Hot or Sweet • M H i. S t I - demonstration. (Herald photo by Pinto) Italian Sausage lb Pork Loins Full Cut Borv'USS Children Learn While They Play Roast 1 3 9 Sirloin Steak ■ ib Bologna ...... 1.05 Sirloin steak ...... 1.39 Shoulder R oast. . . . 1.29 Variety Pack ...... 1.35 “Can you find me a shape age, from 2 years 8 months to 3 demonstrator’s next visit the Porterhouse Steak . . 1.79 Blade Steak'.... 1.59 In Store Bake Shop! that’s round like this?” asks the years 8 months. following week when she will Ground Beef...... 89‘ Top Chuck Steak ,. 1.19 demonstrator as she holds up a The fundamental truth that determine whether the child is Cake Donuts .... 59‘ circular disc. Ground Chuck...... 99‘ Beef Short Ribs .. 1.09 Turnovers ...... 4 78' children learn while they play is ready for a "new” game. Italian B re a d ...... 2 49' The young child reaches into the underlying concept of this The first game taught might Fresh Tasty Chicken a soft red “Feely Bag” and feels program. be to match circular discs the you among the several various The toys and concepts are all same size, or match squares TRUCKLOAD SALE Tender International Seafood! shaped blocks until he thinks he related to help the child sort out the same color. M ealy has found a like object, and and understand the world There are seven different sets Turbot Fillet ...... 89' produces it. Tender Bay Scallops ...... 1.49 around him. He learns to dis­ of toys which range from easy This game is part of a new to advanced and will be in­ Breast M ealy Halibut Steaks...... 1.59 tinguish between colors, to S program being introduced in recognize basic shapes, troduced to the child and parent the Manchester school system numbers, textures, size according to the child’s in­ can dial this year to young pre-school relationships, selected smells dividual progress. Macaroni & Cheese 12 02 children and their parents. Par­ and souths. During the demonstrators’ Spaghetti & Meatballs 11 o2_ ticular emphasis is placed on He also learns to recognize two-week training program, FOR WALLS fiberglass foil Macaroni & Beef 11 02 parent involvement. MortonDinners Chicken & Noodle 10 02 letters and numbers. they were given sensitivity Vapor-Barrier Faced Insulation Keeps Mois­ Called a Toy Lending klbtary The demonstrator spends one training in role playing. They insulation R-11 Program, it is a panj^f the played mother and child roles ture Inside Home, to: Salisbury Steak hour a week with child and Foil-laced lo help con­ Connecticut Toy l^source parent demonstrating the in order to better understand all of your • Retain comfortable humidity level trol humidity, make house Meatloaf. Turkey 2 lb Program. • Make house easier to heat...Save you up to easier to heal, or cool! Veal Parmaglan pkg “game” to be played that week. people types and their c FreezerQueen The purpose of the program is 30°P, year after year! 4"x 15" roll covers 50 It may be one of the simpler problems. The demonstrators • Protect outside walls from condensation sq. It. twofold: It te a se s no fewer games using vari-shaped continue their training on a under paint...prevents blistering and peel- Birds 16 oz than 31 basicxroncepts, and it plastic discs in three sizes. monthly basis. involves the parent in the can The toy will be left until the The demonstrators already Orange Juice Eye child’s edudation at an early have background in child special toll calls with , O N L Y ^ association. Mrs. Eileen SIMPLE TO INSTALL Sparetime Tupper is presently working for Beef, Chicken 6 oz her degree in psychology. She T Just staple between studs. Staple every 6". Pot Pies Turkey pkgs has worked as a case aide with and avoid gaps at ends or around pipes, etc. the state Welfare Department. Put up with vapor-barrier to warm-in-winter Mrs. Kamille Mickewicz side. served an internship at the Farm Fresh! POLICE REPORT Keeney St. School as a social worker aide. Royal Scott Mrs. Patricia Hughes, the Finast Large VERNON ELLINGTON program coordinator, was a FOR UNINSULATED During a radar check on Allan J. Therrien, 28, of En­ former social worker with the BVz” thick attic Manchester school system. M argarine Thrall, Regan, and Center Rds., field, was taken to Rockville ATTICS Fresh Eggs Thursday, Vernon Police made General Hospital Thursday for Isadore Wolf, principal of Heat Rises...But it Need Not Escape, to insulation R-19 eight arrests and issued 34 observation after he was in­ Manchester Green School, is Foil laced fiberglass in­ GRADE A coordinator of Title I which is Make Your Fuel Bills Rise, too! sulation in 15” wide warnings. volved in a one-car accident on 6Vz”-thick Insulation, with vapor-barrier balls. Just lay in place Timothy Sullivan, 19, of 134 Rt. 286, Ellington. the number of the law under 1. Prevents moisture-vapor from penetrating between attic joists 1 Lb. White Diane Dr., Manchester, was Police said Therrien ap­ which the federal program is ceilings, from condensing there, and from Cover 120 sq.lt. one charged Thursday with passing parently suffered some kind of funded, and is appointed by the coming back down to stain ceiling. Pkg. in a no passing zone. He is an attack and his car went off Board of Education. 2. Keeps in naturally rising heat...and thus dozen scheduled to appear in Circuit the right side of the road, About 30 families will benefit keeps down ever-rising fuel costs! , ONLY . Quarters Court 12, Rockville, Nov. 5. striking a highway sign and a frbm this program this year. 3. Adds comfort as you add up savings! Michael S. Rudy, 54, of East tree. Referrals come from older Hartford, was treated at Wayne A. Varraicchio, 15, of brothers or sisters, social Install in all ceilings with cold-space Rockville General Hospital ear­ Cromwell, was taken to workers, or parents who are in­ Johns' terested in the program. Zero Express Dialing above...including dormers. Chicken Roll " S ’* . .... lb 1.39 ly this morning for injuries suf­ Rockville General Hospital Bounty White Further information is W)120 sq.ft. or Assorted I fered in a car-truck accident on Thursday for treatment of a Luncheon Sausage Carando Ib Just lay 6Vz”-thick insulation between joists. 1.69 Rt. 15, State Police said. head laceration suffered in an available by calling 646-5854, Here’s how ZED works. Simply dial “0" first on all special toll calls — Credit Card, Person- Be sure to butt ends to avoid gaps. Mr Deli Bologna...... 1.19 Driver of the tractor trailer accident on Hoffman Rd., ext. 335. To-Person, Collect and Charge-To-Third-Number calls. Immediately continue with the truck was Sanford J. Yoder, 34, Ellington. 2 ’“ Dandy Loaf C a ra n d o 's ...... lb 95* of Kidron, Ohio. Police said Police said Varraicchio was rest of the number. Zero Express Dialing gives you faster connections, clearer conversa­ Available in Stores with Service Deli Dept 89^ both vehicles were traveling riding his bike out of a driveway tions and more accurate billing. Just d ia r‘0” and go. east and the car ran into the and rode into the path of a car RENT OUR Tomatoes Montini To make Station-To-Station calls, the fastest and least expensive kind, dial “1 ” followed UPGRADE PRESENT INSULATION re-lnsul attic rear of the truck and became driven by Thomas Kerr Jr., 33, Italian lodged in its flatbed. Rudy was of Cindy Rd. Ellington. Kerr RINSlifAC by the number from all phones (including coin). insulation R-14 Style Save27'NSave 10' issued a warning for following was issued a warning for IN POORLY INSULATED ATTICS! 5"-lhick fiberglass in­ 35 oz can too closely. operating with unsafe tires. sulation designed to Get carpets « With This Coupon With This Coupon Here's how to use ZED About Half of Today's Homes Need More improve your present 53 Chel-Boy-Ar-Dee One ib can One 2*i oz can attic insulation. 15" wide professionally Effective Insulation. If your attic insulation is Spaghetti w d U w V Dinty Moore less than 6”-thick, measure up, with New roll cover 40 sq. It. Chase & Sanborn For Credit Card, Person-To-Person, Collect and Charge-To-Third-Number calls: Johns-Uanville Coffee j Beef Stew clean. Re-lnsul Insulation improver. M eat $ . H5L3 H574 Congress Enacts Within Connecticut: Dial Zero immediately followed by the number. Mushroom |^K i6 oz New RINSE N VAC or Plain cans operaies on the stum Valid thru Oct. 12 j i ^ g , m Outside Connecticut: Dial Zero immediately followed by the Area Code and number. Easiest Insulation of all to install. Just lay Valid thru Oct 12 principle (o Qel your Several Bills carpeti profeseionalty When the operator asks “May I help you?” ... simply tell her: between joists & tamp down. Make sure ends clean. Portable and of rolls butt snugly. Enjoy the added easy to operate- ^ Noodies WASHINGTON (U PI) - limit to $40,000. The legislation we'll ihowyou how. On Credit Card: "My credit card number is ______" comfort, and extra savings on fuel bills, year Save t5^ RINSE N VAC is the after year! Congress acted on a small also would ban credit dis­ powerhouse that On Person-To-Person: The name of the person you’re calling. W ide or 12 oz cleans, rinses end With This Coupon i With This Coupon mountain of legislation crimination against women and Medium vacuums out dirt pkg and a Purchase ol One | one 36 02 pkg On Coliect: Your name and that you’re calling collect. Jar Beechnut Strained | Thursday as it neared the start give consumers greater protec­ and residues. 38« Baby Food i Top of a month-long recess. Major tion against mistakes in credit RINSE N VAC One 8 02 pkg I cleans carpets On Charge-To-Third-Number: Your name and the number to be charged. M ix n Choice items included a $7.7 billion card billing. cleaner. . . Drink Beechnut Cereal I measure to provide emergency A bill that would consolidate keeps them There’s no waiting with ZED — the last word in modern telephoning. CASH AND CARRY Dry Milk Reg. ■ Oatrrxial R575 I Dog Food H576 cleaner longer. FREE USE all federal energy research, in­ PRICES . . . or Rice [^ , home mortgage relief for mid­ Non 0 dle and upper income housing cluding the Atomic Energy plus CHARGE IT AUTO HAUL TRAILER '^ Fat • I I . 0 5 9 Valid th ru O ct. 12 1 * ' * * * ■ • * va lid 2hru O ct. 12 pak passed by the Senate and sent to Commission, into a new CONVENIENCE OR CARTOP RACKS=. the House. President Ford has Federal Research and Develop­ Mr. Deli Featurei Save 12^11 Save 7^ indicated he will veto the bill ment Administration was given because it would lower the in­ final passage by the Senate and *For those customers In Manchester and Glastonbury whose telephone Baked Ham With This Coupon With This Coupon I terest ceiling to 8 1/2 per cent, sent to the President. PINE & CENTER STREETS One 5 02 can numbers begin with 633, 643, 644, 646, 647 and 649. Freshly Sliced fiO One 16 02 pkg | requiring federal subsidies. And the Senate approved 72-2 Rent (or MANCHESTER lo Order ^R Right Guard Keebler | a measure to require the only CALL 649-0136 or 649-4602 ■ Ib Deodorant Zesta Saltines j The Senate gave final con­ government to pay for the ac­ $12.00 GROssm Rns gressional approval to a bill tual cost of transporting mail MANCHESTER MON. TO FBI., 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. G-2ea H626 H578 I adiy I Southern New England Telephone Ameri.Cheese M that would double the size of by air. The bill could be worth PAINT CO. fl Division OP evnns products compnnY SAT. 8 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. [Ml I savings deposits insured by the about $35 million to financially West Middle Freshly Sliced Valid thru Oct 12 * Valid th ru Oct 12 J Tpke. lo Order 29 Federal Deposit Insurance ailing Pan American World 1 lb Prices Effective thru Sal. Oct. 12 Corp. from the present $20,000 Airways. ^Manchester, Conn^

r PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Fri., Oct. 11. 1974- PAGE TWENTY-ONE

'IfK' I ' m: , . . . . Ambulance Fraud Probe Expanded

HARTFORD (UPI) - State’s Four Hartford-area am­ payments” to certain am­ And the Federal Com- that unnecessary deaths Attorney John D. LaBelle has bulance operators were PM"- bulance firms while other firms .munications Commission is resulted because of slow ser­ been asked to investigate charged last spring in Hartford had to wait for renumeration looking for violations that may vice and that incompetents Circuit Court with falsely whether Welfare Department and whether welfare officials have occurred through the am­ were routinely hired to drive billing the department for an employes were criminally in­ verified the accuracy of am­ bulance firms’ use of federally and serve on ambulances. VOL. XXXIX No. 3 volved with Hartford-area am­ estimated $70,000 for providing Friday, Oct. 11,1974 bulance billings. regulated airways for radio bulance operators m an alleged emergency ambulance service She said her subcommittee transmissions, Mrs. Wilber The Wolld’s Bast $70,000 false billing scheme. to welfare recipients. 'The cases had also asked Gov. Thomas J. said. Indications of complicity are pending. Meskill to begin an “ad­ Perfumes-Colognes Witnesses testified under "Free Gift Wrapping" m arose during the legislature’s During Mrs. Wilber’s ministrative reyiew” of the oath during the hearings that Eagles Plucked spring hearings into alleged legislative hearings, the direc­ department, headed by Kagan made payoffs to police ARTHUR DRUG widespread ambulance service tor of Welfare’s medical ser­ Nicholas Norton, a Meskill ap­ and private health care officials Upping their record to 2-0, the scored the first of his two abuses. Rep. Elinor F. Wilber, vices division, James Morrison pointee. for the benefit of his company. Manchester High football team touchdowns in just four plays on R-Fairfield, told UPI Thursday. of West Hartford, admitted he Mrs. Wilber also said the defeated the Wethersfield all 11 yard run. The state paid $705,670 last year had accepted prime Nebraska Internal Revenue Service was Eagles Saturday in front of a A first for Manchester is the for ambulance rides for welfare steaks from one of the arrested reviewing Kagan’s testimony at vvright 'anch preserver shoes homecoming crowd of 1,100 use of a bare-footed place recipients, she said. • ambulance operators, Harvey the hearings to see whether a spirited fans. kicker, Neal McKenney, who Kagan, owner of Professional tax fraud case can be built. The Saturday, Sept. 28, in non- went 1 for 2 in the first game, Ambulance Service. Department of Health, Educa­ CCIL action, despite and 2 for 3 in Saturday’s game Mrs. Wilber declined to spell tion and Welfare has been asked threatening skies for the better in the Pat’s department. Berlin Man out exactly what her subcom­ to see whether the ambulance part of the game, the Indians Scoring the second touchdown Wins Lottery mittee had asked LaBelle to in­ operators violated federal law AGED made a sparkling comeback to of the first half was senior John vestigate, but said the request in billing for medicaid defeat the South Windsor Bob­ Kunz, who had a total of 51 SOUTHINGTON (UPI) - A centered on the “priority of payments for some welfare BOURBON cats, 19-17. Senior tri-captain yards on 12 carries. With 8:57 Berlin man who says he has recipients, she said. Jack Maloney played an out­ left in the third quarter, Junz won a number of small prizes in Inamdlowmood standing game scoring two of scored another touchdown from the Connecticut State Lottery is the three MHS touchdowns, the the Eagles’ six. Maloney kept $100,000 richer today after win­ A Taut-Topper slip-on third being scored by senior tri­ things going in this stanza ning the lottery’s top prize. 5 FREE ORGAN LESSONS* oxford in a rich ruddy captain Pete McKluskey after gaining 15 yards at the 11, then 2 -r-- Henry Archacki, 49, said he Learn to Play the Spectacular brown calfskin. Also in plays later Dodge found a hole 'I picking off a South Windsor was stunned when he won the KIMBALL ORGAN gleaming black. Elastic pass and going 57 yards. to score from 7 yards. money Thursday and didn’t •Limited to adult and children beginners without organ. collar for snug on-the-foot , Maloney had a total of 106 W ethersfield'S senior know what he would do with it. Homecoming Football Game Accordion - Guitar-Plano Lessons feeling. ’ 1 ^ ' yards, 89 of them being on his quarterback John Papa, has a Archacki is single and an first touchdown. really good season going for Manchester linesmen clash against Wethersfield in Saturday’s Homecoming football employe of the Fafnir Bearing The Bobcats went into the himself, having already gained game. Manchester now 2-0, won the game by a score of 28-15. (Spano photo) ' Co., in New Britain. DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER 7St locker rooms at halftime with a 490 yards in the first 2 games of The weekly number drawn Miln 6 4 9 - 6 2 0 $ ’ StrMi Homecoming Queen 17-6 lead over the Indians, who the season. Most of his 38 was 89725 and the bonus 186 West Middle Tpke. Open Daily 3-8:30, SaL 9-5 MEN’S SHOP Menchetler came back with 13 points in the passes were right on target, Sail Away With FBLA numbers wre 27432 and 23416. Homecoming Queen and Court watch Manchester Indians execute winning strategy in last final half to post the victory. On which proved for quite an im­ Saturday’s game. Queen Cathy Cuneo (center) is accompanied by her court Nancy defense, tri-captain John pressive performance. The Future Business Leaders Eastern Regional Conference activities include: Samiotis and senior linebacker Manchester’s defense had some Yacaniello (left) and Barbara Crowley (right). (Photo by Spano) of America held their first will be Friday, Oct. 18, at the 1) Visiting a sailitiaking Bob Digan turned in fine perfor­ trouble with Papa in the first organization meeting Oct. 8 in Howard Johnson’s Conference business (sails used by the 12 mances as did running backs half but then were more effec­ Room 113. Center in Windsor. Find out meter boats in the Amercia’s McKluskey, Jason Dodge, John tive in the second half. The club is planning a week of more about the conference at Cup Race). Calendar- Kunz, and Eddy Budanaro. During halftime, the 1974 sailing at the close of school in our first meeting. 2) Mystic Seaport. Guidance Notes Several sophomores also played Homecoming Queen and her June. A possibility would be Calendar for Friday, Oct. 11, Wed., Oct. 16: Somanhis FBLA members also have the 3) Sailing Training Cruise in College representatives well attributing to the win. court were presented roses. aboard the "Bill of Rights,” a to Friday, Oct. 18: meeting, at 2:15 p.m. in Room opportunity to compete in le. visiting the MHS Guidance Saturday, Oct. 5 under ideal The queen, Cathy Cuneo, and replica of an 1856 gaff-rigged Sat., Oct. 12: Conard vs. 235. various business skills events he cruise is limited to 30 Department for the week of Oc­ football conditions, the team her court Nancy Yaconiello and top-sail schooner which sails with students from other MHS, varsity football, home at Thurs., Oct. 17: Field Hockey pe*le, so hurry, the first in­ tober 15 through 18 are as registered their first win Barbara Crowley were chosen out of Newport, R.I. The "Bill Connecticut scB 1:30 p.m. game, away at Fermi, 3 p.m. terested 30 take it. Find out all follows: Wednesday, Oct. 16, against no losses in COIL ac­ Friday night at the Pep Rally. of Rights” is a 125-foot vessel AFS weekend retreat through Home Volleyball match at Some of this year’s planHed the details. Harvard University, Cam­ tion. After only 2:08 minutes of Tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at and sails with a crew of six. See Monday, Oct. 14. 3:15 p.m. against E.O. Smith. bridge, Mass., period 1; Boston play in the game, sophomore Memorial Field, the Indians our display in the glass case Mon., Oct. 14: Columbus J.V. Soccer at Conard, 3:15 College, Boston, Mass., period tackle Bob Noonan fell on an take on CCIL foe Conard High Day: No school. p.m. next to the school store. World^s Tallest Woman 3 Providence C olw ve, opening onside kick on his own of West Hartford, who is one of The School Store: J.V. Football against Conard, Fri., Oct. 18: Varsity Soccer FBLA is also a national Providence, R.I., period 5; 45 yards way, Jason Dodge the tougher CCIL teams. 3:15 p.m. at home. game against Fermi, home at organization and its first Sandra Allen, 19, who at 7-5 claims to be the world’s tallest woman, talks with 1 co-worker, F rid ay Oct. 18, E a ste rn Tues., Oct. 15: Away 3:15 p.m. IFs Hiding Off Room 118 Louise Reed, in her office at the Indiana State Board of Animal Health in Indianapolis. Connecticut St. College, period volleyball match at Windham, Student Assembly Movies at Beginning Monday, the school 3; St. Joseph College, financial status of the store. Miss Allen weighs 421 pounds and is still growing. She says, “I’m hoping now to have some 3:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m.: Features are the store will be open daily from Windham, Mass., period 4. The merchandise carried in fun and make some money from being tall Instead of have to spend extra money because of J.V. and Varsity soccer Marx Brothers in “Duck Soup” ■Rock Review 7:30 until 10:30 a.m. The store, the store is designed to meet it.” She says her parents and grandparents and other family members are all under six games at William Hall, 3:15 and the Three Stooges. which is located between Room the needs of MHS students. A feet tall. (UPI photo) p.m. “Brain Salad Surgery” Rundgren and wondered who is After that he went on his own 118 and the quadrangle en­ complete list of school supplies Emerson, Lake and Palmer that guy? Or even better, if you and put out an album called trance, is being managed this from 4-H pencils to denim When you think of the best listen to FM and have heard Something/Anything? That’s year by John Samiotis. notebooks and art supplies is The Weaker Sex; Is It? keyboard men in the world, “Sweeter Memories” or “It the one I’m writing about. The students in the now in stock. There are also three names immediately come Distributive Education classes Steele Offers Changes Girls’ Sports are here to stay. Wouldn’t Have Made Any This album is perfect por­ many novelty items suitable for to mind — Keith Emerson, Rick trayal of Rundgren’s talents. are responsible for its opera­ Through interscholastic com­ once. In a 1-1 tie with Enfield, Difference” and wondered the gifts. team with plenty of depth Wakeman and Liberace, He writes every song and is tion. First year students take petition, such as field hockey Miss Donovan scored early in same thing, this is the article to One whole section of the store should be established. possibly in that order. (Take turns opening it in the morning, In Judge-Picking System and volleyball, and a variety of the first half. The J.V. scoring read. lead vocalist on each, also. On is devoted to jewelry in many Tourney hopes are still alive that Wakeman fans.) keeping the inventory and has been led by Rachel Rosen Todd Rundgren has been the first 3 sides he plays every popular forms. intramural activities, the as the squad enters its final half Keith Emerson combines his handling the cash. women athletes of MHS now (77) with 5 goals, Colleen Shane around for a quite a while. You instrument and sings all Anyone wishing to sell of the ’74 season. They are masterful keyboardry with the Students in the second year l niled Press Internalional and one citizen from each con­ fishing by foreign fleets, which have the opportunity to par­ (77) with 2 goals, and Becky probably remember him best background.. On the fourth side merchandise to the student capable of winning their skills of Greg Lake and Chris Distributive Education class gressional district. has had a devastating impact ticipate in a range of sports. Timbrell and Sue Worjanowski from his hit singles “we Gotta he is given a breather and gets body, on a consignment bakis, is Rep. Robert H. Steele, R- remaining games. Palmer to produce another buy all the merchandise, do all When appointing judges, the not only on American The three women gym in­ (76) with one apiece. Get You A Woman” and “I Saw some help from some good welcome to stop in and make Conn., today said it is time to This year’s volleyball season classically oriented master­ the advertising and display, and governor then could make fishermen but on consumers as structors, Miss Faignant, Miss Defensively, a veteran line­ The Light.” In his earlier days musicians, including Rick arrangements. end the judicial selection is just underway under the piece, “Brain Salad Surgery” . Derringer. are responsible for the overall system that rests primarily on nominations from names ap­ well.” Mally and Miss Hamm, and up has been established. Cindy guidance of Miss Mally. Turn­ he led a group called Runt. This album is not new, but E.L. political considerations, “and proved by the commission, he Steele said the 200-mile limit other teachers help advise and Hanson (77) is the only first- outs for the team were & P .’ music takes a while said. “The Bar Association would be in effect until a new set-up the intramural and in­ year, and plays a halfback posi­ where the most important con­ hampered by the move from the longer to digest than that of clearly should be an implicit international agreement terscholastic programs. tion. An average of IVz gaols sideration is closeness to the winter to the fall season. most other groups. In the final Italy: The AFS Perspective governor.” part of the procedure, but it covering international waters One fall sport that has been per game over a seven game MHS split their first match. analysis, it has to be judged at should not dominate it.” can be ironed out. gaining popularity in recent span is all the defense has The Republican guber­ They were defeated in a close least as good as “Trilogy” and By George Sweetnam number of Etruscan funeral Steele also said the com­ In the congressional races. years is the Girls’ Field Hockey allowed. This spark has been Experiences of my persuaded me to apply natorial candidate apparently match against Coventry, but superior to most of their other With all the world to choose urns, which had been used to in­ mission’s recommendations Rep. William R. Cotter, D- team. There are now enough provided by Dory Wilk (76). The parts of my experiences for the program. I let myself be was criticizing lame duck Gov. rebounded in an easy victory recordings (and their other from, the AFS central office in ter cremation ashes. Later on, would be made without Conn., Thursday urged bankers players to form both Varsity Goalie Sue Linsenbigler (76) that have affected me the most persuaded since I found Thomas J. Meskill, a fellow over Rockville. recordings are far from weak.) New York notified me on June we cleaned up a 12th-century classification as to which court to take advantage of federal and J.V. squads. However, was injured for a period of 5 are the least specific and Manchester boring during the Republican who recently ap­ Captain Debbie Ganley (76) is The entire album is in superb 19 that I would be spending the fountain which had fallen into a candidate is qualified to serve loans to make more mortgage there are no set teams, and games. During this time, Wen­ hardest to write down, because ' summers anyway, since I was pointed former GOP state the only major injury with a style with a fusing of classical, summer in an archaelogical disuse and disrepair, and did in. “There are no degrees of money available to customers. starting line-ups for the games dy Comp (75) has filled in, and they were feelings drawn from looking for a break from my Chairman J. Brian Gaffney to shoulder problem. Fellow cap­ jazz, and rock. Prominent cuts camp about 30 miles north of the same for a medieval road justice,” Steele said. Cotter said when the govern­ are alternated depending on a earned two shutouts. the composite of the people I routine of living, since the .the state Superior Court. tain is Cindy Sheldon (75). include “Still...You Turn Me Rome, Italy. So, on June 24 I which traversed the cliff in Mrs. Grasso and Steele com­ ment made available $3 billion girl’s performance in a practice Injuries have hampered this met and the environments I was whole purpose of AFS was one I : The appointment was made Simone Lessa, this year’s AFS On” and “Jerusalem,” but the left everthing familiar behind, which the city ended on one mended President Ford for in special mortgage loans in session or previous game. All year’s squad. Karen Carpenter placed in. These were nights liked very much, since it would over the objections of the student, is also in the starting highlight of the album has to be heading for a country where side. halting the sale of large quan­ August, Connecticut lending in­ girls have a chance to play in is lost for the season with a spent brooding darkly over a look good on a college applica­ Connecticut Bar Association line-up. “Karn Evil 9,” three im­ about all I would be able to say Pottery Puzzles tities of wheat and corn to the stitutions received only $13.6 one of the two games. Coaches knee problem, Terry Donovan glass of German beer, and tion, and so on. Then, it was which, in its traditional review Because it is early in the pressions of humanity from to the people would be “non As well as digging, we took Soviets last week, but added million, about one-third of what for this season are Miss Faig­ is out for a week with a finger nights like the night all of us totally unsure, and it was just of judicial candidates, rated season, it is hard to judge the different perspectives. In capisco,” that is, “I don’t un­ the pottery fregments that we such emergency measures are they should have received in nant and her assistant. Miss injury, and Sue Linsenbigler is Americans and Italians, at the as likely that I would spend this Gaffney as being qualified only potential for this year’s team. “Karn Evil 9’’ Emerson derstand.” would find in the course of the inadequate in future planning. terms of the state’s population. Hamm. just returning to the goalie posi­ camp at Tarquinia went to hear last summer washing dishes in for lower court duty. Only six players are returning exploded with a Moog perfor­ The first three days and morning’s digging and cleaned “What we need is a national ' • 2nd District: Democrat The offensive front line, the nuns chant at two o’clock some greasy spoon in town. Meanwhile, Steele and his tion after & sprained ankle. It from last year’s team. It is like­ mance that Wakeman would be nights were a tremendous rush. them off during the afternoon. commodities policy that will Christopher J. Dodd today said which has been hampered by in­ is hoped that this bad luck is Sunday morning, and then went Now a year later, I have been Democratic opponent. Rep. ly that inexperience may be the hard-pressed to match. The first night was in the Hotel Then we tried to fit the pieces clearly and unequivocally he is disappointed President juries, is having some trouble now behind them. to the ruins of the 2,000-year-old through many trials, and been Ella T. Grasso, D-Conn., today team’s biggest problem. The album itself has to be Commodore in big, bad New together into a vase, or a part of define where we stand with Ford’s battle plan against infla­ getting on track. Due to players Seniors who are playing in Temple of the Queen to sleep exposed to many new things. separately called for the es­ However, barring further in­ judged a triumph. In the York City, with some orienta­ a vase, like an archaic jigsaw regard to the import, export tion does not include a tax cut constantly being switched their last season are: Captain under the stars. The feelings of My way of thinking has been tablishment of a national com­ jury, the prospect for a keyboard rivalry of Wakeman tion sessions to prepare the puzzle.. In Tarquinia, another and reserve supplies of grains for low-income families. Dodd around to compensate, no set Jeanie Halloran, Sue Bleiler, loneliness and friendship, altered, as have been some of modities policy to remove the successful season is possible. and Emerson the verdist is a hundreds of AAs (Americans way we spent our afternoons and other essential food and line-up has been established. In Wendy Comp, Beverly Fuss, strangeness and ease, and my plans for the future, and I’m threat of a second Russian also said the $15,000 limit on the For all of the girls’ games, no toss-up. Aborad) due to leave for was making a survey on the speaking difficulties and un­ wheat deal. farm items,” Mrs. Grasso said. proposed 5 per cent tax sur­ MHS’s only win, a 3-0 victory Diane Hellstrom, Cherrie admission is charged. Home Europe the following night. We even wearing an attempted “Hello It’s Me” status and use of the buildings derstanding are things which In a letter to CBA President Mrs. Grasso also said that charge was too low, and called over Windham, center forward Hyde, Ann Leslie, Sue games starts at 3:15, and all all took a midnight plane from moustache. One friend of mine while she voted Thursday for an Todd Rundgren in the medieval section of town. are very difficult to convey by James Greenfield, Steele for the closing of tax loopholes. Terry Donovan (76) led the Marteney, Judy Matthews, sepctators are welcome. All the JFK airport to Paris, meeting calls this last a symbol of my increase in educational benefits If you are one of those people Most of these buildings dated the printed word. proposed a procedure he said scoring with two goals, and Kathy Roberts, and Cindy Tim­ teams gladly accept your sup­ the sun coming up over the “confused maturity.” for veterans, the increases who listens to AM radio and has from 1000 to 1200 AD, and were At the start of the summer, would insure judges will be ap­ Becky Timbrell (76) tallied brell. For the coming years, a port. — Cheryl Hyde Important Two Months should have been larger and heard “Hello It’s Me” by Todd ocean. still being used as homes. my feelings were those of con­ pointed on the basis of merit. Well, before I become too more widespread. Two Camps As well as all the fusion and loneliness, admitted­ He said judges should not be put archaelogical opportunities abstact, let it suffice to say that The bill, she said, raised the I spent the bulk of the ly mixed with a good deal of I have been profoundly affected on the bench until the Our layaway plan offered to us by GAI, we AAs monthly educational allotment summer in two different excitement. By the end of the by my AFS summer and that it legislature has approved them, would have had our hands full for single vets from $220 to $270, in now in effect archaelogical camps. For three summer, I had met three peo­ was the most important two even if it has to be recalled for a just trying to learn about our and from $261 to $321 for hk about It! weeks I, six other AAs, and our ple who I’m going to try to see months of my life to date and seclal session. Gaffney’s new cultural and physical en­ again (although they live in judgeship will not be confirmed married vets. It also increased translator and chaperone, then let me ask you to come to the number of months benefts vironment, as well as each Rome, Geneva, and Dallas), by the legislature until at least A m stayed in the GAI one of my talks, where I think I other. We had to learn Italian and I was even depressed to January. would be available from 36 to (Archaeological Group of Italy) will be able to give a more com­ 45. language, customs, their leave it all. Stedle said he would propose BICYCLES school camp at Ceri about 30 plete idea of what my AFS Steele also today called for LARGEST SELECTION OF modei'ately different social So now I’ve got enough the establishment of a judicial miles north of Rome. After summer meant. These start in the establishment of a 200-mile NEW BIC YC LES IN THE codes, and a whole host of other memories and slides so that I merit commission to review that, we moved further north to the spring. “Interim Fish Conservation VERNON AREA things. There were oppor­ could go on talking until my judicial candidates, made up of Protessionally Assem bled Tarquinia, the famous site of Those who might be in­ Zone” for the protection of the Before. After. tunities for learning and audience falls soundly asleep, the chief state Supreme Court many painted Etruscan tombs. terested in having George U.S. fishing industry. “Such ac­ growing even among us seven and I’ve acquired enough sense Justice, two Superior Court At each of these places, we Sweetnam, last year’s AFS AAs. not do so. I learned about judges and one CBA member tion is essential in light of over­ were working with Italian representative from young people who had come In us was represented a real Italian life and readjusted to diversity. Geographically, we American life, especially the Manchester, or this year’s because of an interest in representative from Brazil, archaeology. The major came from such diverse places rushed time factor. On my first Energy Bill Includes as Manchester and Dallas. day back to school, Imissed two Simone Lessa, speak at workload was always digging, gatherings should contact M>ss which we did six mornings a Religiously, we ranged from a periods. But of course the ad­ Do something great for yourself this week. devout African Methodist ministration can make no Catherine Putnam at 643-4460. Ribicoff Provisions week. The type of speech can be At Cerr, we were working on Episcopal Zion to a devout allowances fc confused atheist. Financially, there was adjusted according to special WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Buy a Lottery ticket. You could win $100,000. a necropolis, the site of a American-Italians. with the 21st Century,” Ribicoff the son of carpet salesman, and needs and interests. They will Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., N ST ROM n o m o i PU21 cluster of tomb mounds, made Started a Year Ago stated. the son of the No. 3 man in a become available for most any says several of his provisions UllR STREH, ROan 30 around the sixth century B.C. My AFS experience started The bill establishes the major U.S. accounting firm. time after the first of the year., IMROR, CORHEOTICUT 072-1100 by an Etruscan culture. These about a year ago, when a friend were included in a bill approved Energy Research and Develop­ — George Sweetnam ^ by Congress that established a were pre-Roman people who ment Administration which will $20 billion, 10-year program of MON-SAT 9:30-6:30 traded with the Greeks. Several explore all possible energy national energy self sufficien­ THURS I FRI ’TIL 9 tombs had already been dug sources, and a Nuclear cy. out, and we unearthed two Regulatory Commission, which Stay fit and trim this wintar Connecticut's $100,000 Lottery . Ribicoff said the bill passed more, along with a stone road will take the place of the with a COLUMBIA EXERCISER carved through the center of ASSEMBLY Thursday is most important Atomic Energy Commission to More ways to win. More fun than ever. the necropolis. The tombs were MUSIC because it will lead to the end of license and regulate nuclear SLEDS & SNOW SHOVELS U.S. dependence on foreign oil carved out of the native rock, power plants. BIRDFEEDERS&SEED with stones and dirt mounded and will protect the nation from ERDA will take over the Next week’s drawing will be held at the Hartford Library OCT. 16 “the inherent and irreversible up around the entrances. ALL DAY former Atomic Energy Com­ WE SHARPEN: dangers of nuclear power.” Entrance, Main Street Hartford, Ct. 10:30 A.M. GirVs Field Hockey Dig Lp mission’s $10 billion complex of ICE SKATES, AXES, “Withwt it, we would have national laboratories and con­ Funeral Urns k n i v e s , s c i s s o r s , e t c . been headed for an uncertain, vert them to work on all energy October 17, 1974 Manchester Girls Field Hockey Team plays in a scoreless popular sport this fall, drawing an enthusiastic turnout for lOi PER PERSON K E Y S M A D E In Tarquinia, we dug at the indeed menacing rendezvous technologies, Ribicoff said. game against E.O. Smith. Girls Field Hockey has been a all games. (Photo by Amy Stone) site of the burial of a large

4 PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11, 1974- PAGE TWENTY-THREE Homee For Sale Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homes lor Sale 23 Homes lor Sate 23 MECHANIC - $3. per hour plus BOOKKEEPER-Accountant - Offered By— REMODELED DUPLEX - 3 overUme available. For Manchester area, tem­ OPEN HOUSE bedrooms each side, spacious Experienced, must have own porary, part-time position, to J. WATSON BEACH Real Estate Co. living room and kitchen, cen­ We find the house, tools. Start immediately. assist busy public accountant in Proteaalonal Real Estate Service Plan NOW tral location, $52,000. Shown by «K i you make the home. Jobseekers, 568-1070. accounting and tax areas. Call REAL r 24 Strong St. appointment, 10-7. Call 643-4743 REALTOR 649-2206. For More Than 45 Years... $48,500 - Manchester. Custom built deluxe Ranch. Superior quality, t 'A Between Woodlend St. and Strickland St. or 649-2464. danlel f. reals PAINTER - Part-time, two ESTATE MLS days per week for interior work baths, 2 llreplaces, 2 car garage. Choice area. W x t H e r a l d Business Opportunity 14 $73,500 - Manchester. U&R built Colonial, one year old. 8 spacious rooms, ANDOVER - Charming three at Meadows Convalescent 2'A baths. An outstanding home. CORNER SUNDAY 1:30 - 5 bedroom Ranch on a private FOREVER Center, 333 Bidwell Street, $75,000 • Ellington. New listing. Chalet on approximately 4 acres. 4 bed­ acre offers a modern country you II be glad you called on this lovely seven-room Manchester. Come in and apply rooms. 2'A baths. Quick occupancy. MV kitchen, brick fireplace, new ranch that our office has Just listed. Three bedrooms, or call 647-9194, 9-3 p.m. Semi- $79,500-East Hartford. 7-room older home on over \'A acres. Location 100 amp electric service, new one and one-half baths, fireplace In the living room, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -f could have potential. retired person will be con­ By RALPH PASEK re a lty con^truetton water pump, aluminum siding, sidered. MOBIL $59,000 - Glastonbury. 9-room Colonial Cape on 6 acres. A beautiful cus­ I 3 ^ S hardwood floors, attached garage and economical tom built reproduction. Built In 1971. small barn, closets galore and gas heat. Give us a calll SERVICE STATION $99,500 - Bishop Brook Farm. A perlectly restored 9-room Colonial, circa Ever since the early ^ SELECT'WOODED'LOTS much more. For those in­ GENERAL maintenance help, 1740, plus a 2-room guest suite In ell. Situated on 4 picturesque terested in fine country living. full-time, paid holidays, fringe Lease Opportunity American settlers bought acres with brook and brookside studio. land for two cents an acre, CUSTOM'HOMES For sale by owner. No agents, NEW LISTING — We are very excited In being able to offer thie Immaculate benefits. Apply in person only. $125,000 - 9-room Colonial on an enchanting 15 acres with swimming and $29,500. 742-9895. seven room colonial which has been Impeccably maintained. This home has Manchester Housing Authority, MANCHESTER fishing ponds. Also frontage on state stocked river. Privacy and real estate has provided the three bedrooms, one and one-hall baths, lirst-lloor den, appllancad kitchen, P H O N E largest single means to the carpeting. Ilreplace, garage, and gas heat. To show this home Is ■ pletsursi 24 Bluefield Drive. An equal op­ Days: 528-9894 serenity abound. ■ ||||li^e^e:6^9-8505^ 643-2711 $130,000 ■ Excellent Income potential. 36 scenic acres with 9-room rambling portunity employer. accumulation of Individual ...... Evenings: 875-6340 Cape plus a separate 5-room house. Also 6 stall barn with pad- CONVENIENCE and ECONOMY are the assets In owning this 5-5 duplex. fortunes in this coun­ 'I ' Owner's side has been completely renovated with carpeting, panelling and FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD COUNTER CLERK - No docks. Extraordinary Id every way. I An equal opportunity amployeij $ PLUS - Many other line homes In South Windsor, Glastonbury and try...Nobody has ever given modern bath. Tenant pays own utilities. This Is a very worth-while Invaetmant. experience necessary, will sounder or more profitable $35,900. Help Wanted 13 train person, part-time, for Portland. HAVE WE GOT A INDEX For appointment to Inspect please call advice than John Jacob KEITH’S BRAND NEW RANCH — anxious builder otters this attractive ranch In a cleaners in Hartford area. Suzanne or Arthur Shorts. 646-3233 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING Jobseekers, 568-1070. Aster when he said; “Buy on neighborly location In town. Cell now and beat tall cleaning. Select colors to NOTICES the fringe and waltr’...lt takes HOME FOR YOU! suit your tastel Offered In Forties. 1 — Loit and Found Situation Wanted IS J. WATSON BEACH CO. KORNER 2 — Paraonala DEADLINE MOMS money to make money, and HOME FOR THE QROWINQ FAMILY — This la a super house lor a growing, 3 — Announcamtnti RATES MAINTENANCE Technician - Raaltors-MLS $27,900 — Four-room home in mint condition with fenced Front View 12 00 noon the day before WE NEED YOU jPull-time person, experienced WOMAN would like to babysit the more money you invest in active lamlly. Four bedrooms, one and one-hall baths, carpeted recreation 4 — Enierlainmeni 1 day ...... 9 t word per day publication D3l Manchastar Offica 647-9139 anything profitable the more in rear yard. Tastefully decorated from the wall- room, eat-ln kitchen, and enclosed front porch lor added living space. Within 5 — Auctions 3 days ...... S« word per day in all phases of maintenance, and do housework five days per m S j : Equal Housing Upportunlly WAIOBK to-wall carpet to the beamed ceiling to the walking distance to three schools. Call our otfice and 1st us tell you more. 6 days ...... 7t word per day Deadline lor Saturday and electrical, carpentry,, painting week, Vernon area. Call 875- you can make...Therefore, it FINANCIAL Monday is 12 00 Noon Friday. AUGIE & RAYS spiral staircase. ’’ i 26 days ...... 6t word per day H > 6381 anytime. makes a lot of sense to Invest 8 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 708 SILVER LANE desired to work at Meadows REALTOR.' 9 — Personal Loans 15 WORD MINIMUM your small down payment $29,900 — Older seven-room Colonial located on west Convalescent Center, 333 TWO-FAMILY with brick front. 10 — Insurance Happy Ads ...... $1.75 Inch EAST HARTFORD Bidwell Street, Manchester. WILL BABYSIT in my home on ATTRACTIVE Colonial - Three By Bea Keith LIST YOUR HOUSE IN ... PLEASE READ Spacious kitchens with dis­ along with the large amounts side. Three or four bedrooms, large kitchen, EMPLOYMENT as hostess, days. Hours can be Come in and apply or call 647- Foster Street, South Windsor. bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, of mortgage money provided dining room. Needs work. carpeting, nice lot, plus many hwashers, stoves, Sure-mortgage interest 13 Help Wanted YDUR AD arranged around small school 9194 between 9-3 p.m. Ages 2-5. Please Call 644-1228. by senior and junior REALE’S CORNER 14 — Business Opportunities Classified ads are taken over children. Apply in person, extras. Upper 30’s. Financing refrigerators, disposals. $31,900 — Six-six Duplex with separate gas furnaces rates are higher than they 15 — Situation Wanted Separate furnaces. Walk to mortgage lenders...This the phone as a convenience days. WILL BABYSIT - Any age, days available. R. Zimmer, J. D. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, were, but so are the market 175 MAIN STREET PHONE B4B-4525 The Herald is responsible for shopping and bus line. Only enables you to quadruple EDUCATION in my home. East Center Street Real Estate Associates, 646- kitchen. CHFA mortgage available. values of homes and land. 18 — Private Instructions only one incorrect insertion and $49,900. Pasek, Realtors, 289- your investment right at the AVON area. Call 649-8033. 1980, 647-1139. Please believe us when we 19 — Schools-Classes then only to the size of the 7475, 742-8243. start...You are now In a posi­ $35,900 — New listing. Lovely five-room Cape with alumi­ 20 — Instructions Wanted original insertion Errors which LIVEN UP YOUR LIFE THIS num siding and two-car garage, fireplaced living say that even at today’s in­ do not lessen the value of the MUNSON’S Candy Kitchen is WANTED baby sitting in my MANCHESTER - Reduced for tion to reap profits four times REAL ESTATE FALL AND EARN SOME WILLINGTON - Seven-room room, charming kitchen with dishwasher and flated prices and interest advertisement will not be cor­ accepting applications for a North Manchester home. Up to quick sale, 5 1/2 room Cape, 1 as great as it you were 23 — Homes lor Sale MONEY, TOO. Get out, meet Raised Ranch on heavily treed rates, real estate is a better 24 — Lots-Land tor Sale rected by an additional inser­ part-time salesgirl. Hours are 5 years old. 646-5478. 1/2 baths, garage, eat-in limited to your own small stove, ceramic tile bath, two bedrooms and tion people, enjoy life...Represent natural landscaped acre. buy than anything else you 25 ~ Investment Property 4-8 weekdays plus weekends, kitchen, Parkade area. LaPen- funds... dining room. V e rn o n City Sewere 26 “ Business Property the world's largest cosmetics ta Agency, Realtor, 646-2440. Private half bath off master can go after with borrowed 27 — Resort Property averaging 20-24 hours per week. WILL BABYSIT in my home, $36,500 — Vernon. Immaculate 5'/z room Ranch with two Call for appointment, 649-4332. company. Show fine gifts and days, west side. Mature, bedroom, color-coordinated WHAT IS YOUR dollars. Financing for other 28 — Real Estate Wanted kitchen appliances, sliders to full baths, three bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen Help Wanted 13 quality jewelry, too. Earn responsible. Call 646-5531. NEW SEVEN - room Raised PROPERTY WORTH? WE purchases often costs twice Preview: MISC. SERVICES deck, fireplace, finished family with built-ins, fireplaced living room, enclosed Personals SALES PERSONNEL, money one day, join your Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, WILL INSPECT YOUR as much — and these things 31 — Services Otfered room, air-conditioning, many porch, one-car garage. Rear View 32 — Painting-Papering SECURITY GUARDS - part experience preferred, apply in friends for lunch the next day. COULD your bookkeeper use sundeck, 26’ family room, PROPERTY AND SUGGEST depreciate while a house 33 — Building-Contracting RIDE from Florence Street, aluminum siding, 2-car garage, extras. Fight inflation, buy time positions available. person, The Treasure Shoppe, Interested? Call 289-4922. some help? Mature woman with AN ASKING PRICE. (NO $47,900 — New Listing. One-year-old eight-room Ranch usually grows in value. 34 — Rooling-Siding Manchester to 999 Asylum Manchester Parkade. bookkeeping experience would wooded lot. Merritt Agency, direct from owner-agent. $42,- Beautiful parklike 178’ deep level lot with many trees and 35 — Heatmg-Plumbing Various days and hours from OBLIGATION) with 4'/2 acres in Tolland. Two full baths, four Avenue, Hartford for 8:30-5 job which to cnoose. Good hourly like to help. 643-5093. Realtors, 646-1180. 900. 684-4729 evenings and shrubs. Very quiet tree lined street, no traffic. Convenient 36 — Flooring bedrooms, family room, garage and much more. 37 — Moving-Trucking-Storage dai ly. 649-3708. wages. Car, telephone and weekends. to shopping, school, church and bus. 1. Corner lot “A” zone. All 38 Services Wanted Ask us about our clean police record required. DELI-CLERK DRIVER-SALESMAN - $49,900 — Four-bedroom Ranch with two full baths, family city utilities. Central. MISC. FOR SALE FOOTBALL - Pros only. Best Call or come in The Wackenhut Male or Female Established route, salary, paid NEW LISTING MANCHESTER - Contem­ guarantoa sales plan room, eat-in kitchen, wall-to-wall carpet • B room Colonial • Kitchen with pantry $8500. Some financing 41 — Articles tor Sale selections. Last week 11-13. Corp. 1247 Main Street, East Full or Part-Time holidays and vacation. Steady porary 8-room tri-level, four jg TODAY.... throughout, electric garage door opener, etc., • 1 1/2 baths • Lots of new wall-to possible. 42 ~ Building Supplies Full details. Clifford, 59 Hartford. 289-5451. An equal op­ □ ED U C A TIO N MANCHESTER 43 — Pets -Birds- Dogs Apply in person work. Call 649-0305. Excellent 6-room Cape - City large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, etc. Seeing is believing. • 4 bedrooms wall carpet 2. RANCH with land to 44 — Livestock Spencer Avenue, Owego, N.Y. portunity employer. magnificent view of Hartford REAITOB* 13827. utilities, Amesite drive, com- roam. Full basement. 45 — Boats & Accessories PASTE-UP artist with flexible skyline, sunken patio off family $57,900 — New eight-room Colonial with four bedrooms, • Natural Oak • Walk-up attic 46 “ Sporting Goods PART-TIME Cleaning - Main­ MEATDWN Private Instructions 18. binations, oil heat, quiet PASEK REAL ESTATE Aluminum siding. Three 47 — Garden Products 1215Vi SILVER LANE hours. Start now if experienced room facing private woods. family room, eat-in kitchen, two-car garage and woodwork • New furnace and roof 48 — Antiques tain small building, choose own neighborhood, quick occupan­ Asking $66,900. Warren E. CONSULTANTS bedrooms. Reasonable EAST HARTFORD with newspaper work. PIANO Instruction - Learn the much, much more. • Fireplace living room* Garage with workshop 49 — Wanted to Buy Announcements 3 hours. Reply to Box “ F F ” Jobseekers, 568-1070. cy. Priced at only $31,900 Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. taxes. Low 30’s. Manchester Herald. enjoyable way from an 608 BURNSIDE AVE. • Den • Low neating and taxes A beautiful nevY wooded RENTALS CHARLES LESPERANCE 3. Liquor store. Low rent. MRS. EDNA KAEMPFER is experienced teacher. Beginners E. HARTFORD For Complete Real Estate Services 52 — Rooms tor Rent KEYBOARD operator - 8-4:30 • Large formal Bently School area Good volume. Central. 53 “ Apartments tor Rent again offering $100 scholarship a specialty, all ages. 649-1256. 649 -7 62 0 289-7475 CaJI the... PART TIME- women over 18 WAITRESS - part time, $2. per p.m. in firm located near South Offered by the area created and designed 54 — Homes for Rent in piano instruction/general’ ■ who want Christmas money, diningiri room 4. Industrial Building. Brick 55 -r Business lor Rent hour plus tips. Will train, good Windsor/Manchester town line. musicianship. Auditions Oc­ bonuses, maybe trips. Flexible NEEDLEPOINT for beginners. CARL A. ZINSSER AGENCY Central 10,000 sq. ft. 12 ft. especially for your new 56 — Resort Property for Rent steady work. Apply now. Experience with photo type set­ Learn basic and fancy stitches. • immediate occupancy 57 — Wanted to Rent tober 14-15. For appointment hours. 623-9128. Jobseekers, 568-1070. COLUMBIA - Lovely old MANCHESTER - Charming, ceiling, IV4 acres. $85,000. 58 — Misc. tor Rent telephone 646-4269. ting equipment necessary. For Complete projects before PHILBRICK information please phone Mrs. Federal Colonial, three well maintained aluminum _ ^ ^ ^ ^ thnithis m tm smsia ASKING $35,-900 5. $35,000 - for a home in home. Lots for sole or TOOLMAKERS - First class Christmas. Small classes, in­ bedrooms, two baths, two AUTOMOTIVE AIDES - All shifts, full-time, Mohney or Mrs. Wilkas at 644- dividual attention. Call 643-6811 sided, six room Cape with gar­ Glastonbury. 61 — Autos for Sale machinists, Jig Bore operator. part-time, 7-3 p.m., 3-11 p.m. fireplaces, moved onto new 6 4 6 -1 5 1 1 ^m tS 62 Trucks for Sale 2431. now to register. AGENCY age, on lovely large private We can show you houses in Monroe Moses will custom Top rates plus benefits. and 11-7 a.m. Experienced peo­ foundation. Picturesque set­ 63 “ Heavy Equipment for Sale treed lot. $31,900. Principals on­ all price ranges that will lift 64 — Moiorcycles-Bicycles □ FINANCIAL Manchester Tool and Design, ple preferred but inexperienced ting, priced in low 50s. More FARM — 50 acres, mostly ly. 647-%14. F.J. SPILECKI build your home. 65 — Campers-Trailers-Mobile 649-5263, 130 Hartford Road. will be considered. Competitive land available. Owner will your spirits. Why no visit us cleared and level land, 8 room ' teKnnj MMte M m o Homes hourly rate with excellent finance. For details call Lange at... 66 — Automotive Service house, barn, two large poultry Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 8 benefit program. Come in and BURGER KING □ REAL ESTATE Agency, 228-9349, 228-32%. m 6 4 3 -2 1 2 1 67 — Autos for Rent-Lease MEAT CUHER houses. 2-car garage. m s i Part-Time speak with our Director of needs people who would like Monr«« M o m i, Custom Builder Developer. MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ to work on the night shift. THREE-FAMILY - in excellent Good opportunity for a retired Nurses, Meadows Convalescent Homes For Sale 23 MANCHESTER cond, third. All kinds. Realty Part-time or Full-time condition. Only $37,900. Pasek OPEN HOUSE TODAY 875-2260 man. Friday and Saturday Center, 333 Bidwell Street, Ranch—large living room, for­ K e i t k statewide, credit rating un­ Manchester. Male and Female Realtors, MLS, 289-7475, 742- work. MANCHESTER - Striking 4 mal dining room, modern □ NO TICES necessary. Reasonable, nliden- Hours Available; 8243. tial, quick arrangements. Alvm Apply in person bedroom colonial, 125’x300' kitchen, three bedrooms, first Models Open Dally DIRECTIONS: EXIT 97 OFF I 86 ONTO TUNNEL ROAD; FULL and part-time help 5-8, 5-11, 5-1 ( l e d Sstets CONTINUE THROUGH TUNNEL AND TAKE LEFT ONTO Lundy Agency. 527-7971. 100 wooded lot, 2 1/2 baths, first TWO-FAMILY - Large treed floor laundry, aluminum wanted, days and nights for Apply In person alter 2 p.m. floor family room. Prime loca­ ECHO ROAD. Lost and Found 1 Constitution Plaza, Hartford. MEATDWN fast-food restaurant. Apply in lot. Stoves and refrigerators. siding, handy location, 172 Kasl Center Street Evenings, 233-6879. 1215'A SILVER LANE tion, Mid 60s. Warren E. Only $34,900, Pasek Realtors, HATHEWAY ESTATES 646-4126 649-1922 person: Arby’s, 257 Broad BURGER KING Howland Realtors, 643-1108. reduced to $29,900. / LOST - Student’s glasses, dark EAST HARTFORD Street. 467 CENTER STREET MLS, 289-7475, 742-8243. , frame. Vicinity St. Bridget’s MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd MANCHESTER School and Woodland Street, mortgages —■ interim financing ,*,V.SV.SV.SV.S*.: MANCHESTER - Six-room FOUR FAMILY - Four 4- ELLINGTON Manchester. Reward. 649-8866. — expeditious and confidential MANCHESTER custom built Ranch, fireplace, room apartments. Good in­ service, J.D. Real Estate carpeting, garage, west side come. Handy location. Owner East Hartford LOST - Siamese sealMint male Assoc. 646-1980. DISHWASHER - over 18 for HOME-OFFICE location, near scnool, enclosed will assist in financing. CHOICE BUY cat, blue eyes, friendly, stocky. HEY KIDS! Beautiful 7 room aluminum ^36,900 evening work. Contact Mr. St. porch, excellent condition. 30's. Excellent value at $59,600. iwHE7Yc7TliiNK^E?ATEl Three bedroom split, spacious Elm Street-Prospect Street OVERDUE BILLS? Money Want to make good money working only a few hours Germain, Steak-Out Restaurant sided Colonial, 3 bedrooms, Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. living room with cathedral area, Rockville. REWARD - available to property owners. a week. No llnqlt to how much you can earn. Three of Vernon, Tolland Turnpike, kitchen, living room and ceilings, warm family room, Please phone 875-5591. State-wide, quick, confidential. nights per week. We train. Talcottville. dining room plus attached 22' GLASTONBURY - Colonial For a 7-Room Garrison Colonial I TllINK I __t______Pay only $12 monthly per thou­ 8‘/i> rooms on large treed lot, 2 1'2 baths, treed lot, pool, $36(X) room for office and 3-car gar­ MANCHESTER Featuring: I down and $291 per month to LOST - Savings Passbook No. sand. Credit check un­ FULL-TIME, )art-tim e, full baths, 16x28 family room, AlaacVxard & ^osseUo ■ age. DELUXE RANCH qualified buyer. Call for more 037-0-03283-1, Hartford National necessary. Burke Mortgage experienced BridgeportIridgeport den, sewing room, 4-car gar­ I $11,000 — Business zone 1.6 acre corner lot in Andover ■ Bank and 'Trust Co., Middle Company, 649-0378 anytime. Call 647-9946 Craftsmanship is evident throughout details. operators and tool makers.ake this Gambolati built home. Large age. pool, cement patio. $47,- — on Route 6. Excellent edge on inflation. ^ Turnpike Office. Application Apply at E & S Gage Co., living room and kitchen, custom 500. • Four Bedrooms • Oven-Range-Dishwasher WARREN E. HDWLAND made for payment. Manchester Evening Herald Mitchell Drive, Manchester. 646-1180 cabinets. V i baths. 2 fireplaces. 2*car • Custom Fireplaces • Choice Decorating $29,500 — Exceptional 6-room Colonial, appliances, gar­ Realtors garage, expandable lower level. Love­ age, treed lot with city utilities In East Hartford. LOST-Wallett, crude brown ly quiet area bordering nature RAISED RANCH. 3 • Full Concrete Basements • Fuiiy insuiated 643-1IDS □ EMPLOYMENT FRIENDLY GIRL peeded, bedrooms, modern kitchen, $30,900 — Real clean 5-room Ranch style Condominium, leather, contains identification. part-time for lunch hours, to MERRITT AGENCYI preserve. Immaculate move-in condi­ • Stained Woodwork • Grading-Seeding-Shrubbery 28 PRINCETON STREET I tion. Call Suzanne or Arthur Shorts. baths, 2 bedrooms, rec room. Call Janet, 649-8055 after 5 serve delicious Full Of Baloney living room with fireplace, 2- 1'/2 p.m. Help Wanted 646-3233. car garage, pool, wooded lot, • Aluminum Siding • % Acre Lot 13 sub sandwiches to the public. REALTOR I $32,900 — Oversized 8-room Cape, 4-5 bedrooms, fami­ I J. WATSON REACH CO. 170x325, $39,500. Four-bedroom Colonial that the present owners CAPE, six rooms, completely Apply in person at 415 Main REALTORS • MLS ly room, fireplace, garage. Immediate occupancy. Street. have outgrown. An Ideal family home. Big rear redecorated throughout, on ap­ Manchstler OHIc* 647-9139 GARRISON COLONIAL - 24’ TOLLAND - A warm home porch, finished room in basement, IV2 baths — $33,900 — Large 6-room Condominium, 2 '/i baths, 3 proximately 1 1/2 acres. INVITATION Equal housing opportunity front to back living room with S. LEGER STARR — Ruilder I I RN SUPERVISOR FOOD MART RESTAURANT help - male and trimmed in sunshine. Six-room and — you can walk to three schools. bedrooms, central a/c, special carpeting, appliances. Kitchen, dining room, living FOUR EVDBHCS, 3-11 P.M. female needed full or part-time Country Cape, acre lot. Low fireplace, formal dining room, Directions: From Manchester, north on Rte. 83 into Ellington. Turn left at Rte. room on first floor, three TO BID 30’s. 8’f2-6323. 3 bedrooms, I'z baths, large $35,500 — 3-bedroom Ranch, first-floor family room, bedrooms, bath, up. Two car . The Manchester Board of RNS-LPNS nights. Must be over 18. Plea­ BEST BUY of the year in real 140 intersections. Proceed two miles to Hatheway Rd. and Truly, this home must be seen to be appreciated. I sant working conditions. Meal screened porch. $45,900. I garage, $31,(KX). Phitbrick Agen­ estate - Income over $7,000. fireplace, carport, treed lot. Immediate occupancy. Education seeks bids for 3 -1 1 PART-TWE OR FULL-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITIES allowance, good earnings. App­ EXCLUSIVE - By owner, no Hatheway Estates. cy, Realtors, 646-4200. Cultivated Sod for the Bentley Competitive wage scale and brokers. Beautiful Colonial, Nine-room house, commercial $35,900 — Newly listed 6-room Cape, fireplace, central ly to Manager, Farm Shop, 2892 zone, lot 92x201’. Priced at $45,- CIRCA 1723 - Exquisite 12- For further information or appointment cail Eilington 872-7209 T.J. CROCKHT School Playground. Sealed benefit program. Come speak Main Street, (jlastonbury. corner home, living room, for­ I a/c, treed lot. Immediate occupancy. Real clean. I TWO FAMILY - duplex, 5-5,’ 000. 272 Main Street. room antique Colonial com­ proposals will be received until with our Director of Nursing IN mal dining, den, four bedrooms, or Enfield 749- 2741. REALTORS 643-1577 three years old. 1 1/2 baths, REAL ESTATE - Expanding of­ two baths, modern kitchen, full p letely resto re d and in $39,500 — 4-bedroom Colonial, fireplace, appliances, aluminum siding, good invest-, 3:30 p.m., October 22, 1974 at Services, at SEVEN-ROOM Contemporary - which time they will be publicly fice looking for a qualified, basement, fireplace, hot water excellent condition. 4 1'/2 baths, carpeting, Immaculate. ment at $53,900. Philbrick MEADOWS CONVALESCENT heat, 2-car garage. Many 24x22’ glassed-in porch, 3 fireplaces, 2>/z baths, income- I I opened. The right is reserved to NEW licensed full-time sales person. Agency Realtors, 646-4200. extras. Beautifully landscaped. fireplaces, 2-car garage, barn, $39,900 — New 6-room, V/s baths, aluminum sided reject any and all bids. HOME Call for confidential interview. producing 3-room studio VERNON - Five-room Ranch Sacrifice, $65,000. Manchester in-ground pool, 2 beautifully Colonial. ASSUMABLE 8y4% mortgage. VERNON - Financing available ” Specifications and bid forms 333 Bldwell St., F. J. Spilecki, Realtor, 643-2121. landscaped acres with stone apartment and 2-room antique with 2 full baths, fireplaced I MANCHESTER STORE area. For appointment, call 646- shop. ^SENTRY I on this completely remodeled; living room, large eat-in may be secured at the Business Manchester 1634. walls. Many extras. Asking $39,900 — 5-5, 2-famlly, 2 bedrooms, dining room, big Call 647-9191 between 9 - 3 CUSTODIANS - Manchester, Real Estate kitchen, one-car attached gar­ contemporary Raised Ranch. Office, 45 N. School Street, $69,000. By appointment, 228- kitchen, living room, double garage. Good Income. Two full baths, two-car garage, p.m. Openings for full and part-time hours. East Hartford. Part-time 3126. age. Situated on lovely Manchester, Connecticut. evenings, experienced. Call 643- BEST BUY in town. New 7- TWO-FAMILY - 5-5 flats. acre lot in prime residential Central heat, one block to bus landscaped lot. Price reduced I $42,500 — Clean 3-bedroom Raised Ranch, 1'/4 baths, I Raymond E. Demers, 5691, 2-6 p.m. room Ranch in Forest Hills, 3 area. New digital self-cleaning bedrooms, 2 baths, 22’ family MANCHESTER - Handyman’s line. $37,500. to $36,500. Owner wants fast fireplace, carpeting, garage, treed lot. H Business Manager sale. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. . stove, dishwasher, disposal, room, 2-car garage, beautiful Special. Reduced for quick sale. formica leather counters, AIR FORCE Reserve - Be a • MEAT COUNTER MEN 7-6 duplex, 3-car garage. ■ wooded lot. Good financing RAISED RANCH - 7 rooms, $44,500 — Newly listed 7-room Dutch Colonial, fireplace, cabinets, heavenly plush, paid volunteer. Part-time. No FROZEN FOOD Excellent location. Good in­ MANCHESTER - New listing. TOWN OF MANCHESTER experience necessary. Call available. Merritt Agency, 646- formal dining room, family Charming 4-room Cape-style garage, IV2 batha. Located off Porter Street. carpets throughout, paneling, • PRODUCE CLERKS 1180. come. LaPenta Agency, 646- curtains, draperies and much Collect, (413 ) 593-5237/5238. CLERK 2440. room, modern kitchen, wall- home in mint condition. Wall- I • GROCERY CLERKS Full-time opening. Excellent to-wall carpeting, aluminum to-wall carpet abounds I more. Transferred owner must LEGAL MANCHESTER - Super 6-room TOOL MAKERS - All-around siding, 2-car garage. Large throughout. Beamed living $45,500 — Redwood Farms, clean 7-room Raised Ranch, sacrifice at $52,900. Red Carpet starting rate with one of the custom 3-level Split, only 11 of South Windsor, 528-9731. machinists and Bridgeport • SERVICE CLERKS lot, 160x250. $47,500. room ceiling and spiral stair­ 1'/z baths, double garage. Owners anxious. NOTICE operators. Top wages, fringe best wage schedules in the in­ years old, 1 1/2 baths, sliding COVENTRY (NORTH) I The Zoning Board of Appeals dustry. Experience preferred. case add to the true value. benefits and overtime. glass doors from dining area to TASTEFULLY DECORATED Priced at $27,900. Zinsser Agen­ $53,900 — Immaculate 3-bedroom Raised Ranch, will hold public hearings on • CASHIERS Complete program of fringe patio, gara^, professionally Lots-Land for Sale 24 Experience preferred, but will Lush wall to wall carpets, CONDOMINIUM - 6 rooms, 3 cy, 646-1511. | fireplace, family room, Richard Martin School district Monday, October 21,1974, star­ train right man. Apply at benefits. Apply landscaped. Excellent location. • MEAT WRAPPERS cathedral ceilings, murai bedrooms, 2'2 baths, wall-to- s o v . 0 I ANDOVER — Three wooded, Upper 30’s. Arruda Realty, 644- $54,900 — Brand new 5-5 Duplex, 1’/i baths, an ting at 7:00 P.M., in the Paragon Tool Company, 121 wall carpeting, modern ANDOVER LAKE - Beautiful Adams Street. 1539. walls, vanity baths, color aluminum. ASSUMABLE 9V4%, 30-YEAR MORTGAGE. surveyed and approved lots, up ' Hearing Room of the Municipal • DELICATESSEN CLERKS MDTT'S sweeping view of entire lake, 4- ■ to 9 acres. Priced from $13,500. coordinated kitchen. Spacious kitchen with built-ins. $33,900. Building to hear and consider room older home, modern bath, SHOP-RITE MANCHESTER - 8-room rooms, restful lot, convenient $58,900 — 7-room executive Ranch, all large rooms, Call Warren E. Howland, the following petition: STATE COLONIAL — Nine rooms. ■ . half-acre treed lot, garage, $17,- double garage. Professionally landscaped lot. Realtor, 643-1108. SUPERMARKET Colonial, 4 bedrooms, location. Immediate occupan­ 900. Hayes Corporation, 646- I HEARING ALSO. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Bowers School, 4 bedrooms, 587 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. fireplaced living room, large cy. Budget pleaser at $46,900. Item 1 Richard T. Barracliffe Better than average starting wages. Excellent den, fully equipped kitchen, MANCHESTER NEW LISTING 0131. MANCHESTER - Glastonbury MANCHESTER formal dining room, 11/2 baths, Mr. Lewis, 649-5306. $69,900 — Large 5-famlly. Excellent income. Real clean. — Request Special Exception Full-time opening available formal dining room, rec NEW LISTING Line. Seven acre wooded working conditions, many fringe benefits, and good An Equal Opportunity Employer den, kitchen with pantry, p r - Please hurry on this newly ' sd home In excellent loca­ NEW CUSTOM built homes Convenient location. for location approval for in our Hemotology Depart­ age, treed lot, Bentley Scnool room, walk-out basement, Immaculate, freshly painted 6-room Ranch In excellent tion. Fireplaced living r'-.'yP.dt-ln kitchen with bullt-lns, homesite. Excellent rural loca­ ment. opportunities for advancement in the fastest EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY location. Three bedrooms, living room, eat-ln kitchen, for­ within walking distance of Main ★ ★★★★★★★★ A -lr*** A ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * * * tion. Surveyed. Call Arthur General Repairer’s License at area. Immediate occupancy. walk-up attic, 2-car garage, three bedrooms, heaU v room, oversized 2-car garage Street. A "super” Cape - two Experience In hemotology growing company In Connecticut. $35,900. F. J. Spilecki, Realtor, mal dining room. Situated on lovely large lot. Priced In mid Shorts, 646-3233. J. Watson existing service station with ap­ SCHOOL BUS Drivers - Part- I'/z baths, assumable with loft storage. Immaculate throughout. Call for Inspec­ raised Ranches and a four NEW HOMES Beach Co., Manchester Office, proved Limited Repairer’s necessary. 643-2121. BARROWS & WALLACE mortgage at 5Vz%, $40,500. 30’s. Call 872-7311. Large 3 or 4 bedroom homes In Manchester's newest Interviewing at store time work, Manchester area. ManclMilar Naw Havan Hartford tion, 289-4331. bedroom Colonial. Act now and 647-9139. License — 288 Middle Turnpike For more Information, please We will train. Call 643-2414. 64S-S306 397-1915 728-6619 choose your own colors, etc. T. executive area — CANTERBURY ESTATES — on West — Business Zone III. call the Personnel Depart­ See Mr. Foley, 9 a.m. -12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m., Mon­ WE NEED LISTINGS NOW! J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. ^ exciting development located on the rolling hills off I Bolton j Thinking of Selling Your NEW RAISED RANCH ELLINGTON Information pertaining to ment, 646-1222, ext. 481. day, October 14 - Saturday, October 19 EXPERIENCED Waitresses - Ready for Immediate occupancy Is how this new Raised : Keeney Street. Stop out any afternoon and see the Property? Call TODAY! MANCHESTER - Two above may be obtained in the Cocktail waitresses. Apply j TREES j Ranch can be described. Three bedrooms, unfinished models or call for private appointment. We Invite your ACREAGE Planning Office. between 4 and 6 daily, ask for I Surround this immaculate 8| REDUCED - Vernon, im­ Colonials, both vacant, one Almost 24 acres of wooded MANCHESTER family room, V/s baths. Dniy $41,900. Builder will consider SENTRY seven-room with first-floor I comparison. Mr. St. Germain. The Steak jroom aluminum sidedj maculate five room Ranch, two land with almost 700 ft. of All persons interested may rent with option. Call 872-7311. ■k-k*-kir-kir-k-kifk-k-k-k**-k-k-k*-kit**i( MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Out, 646-6166. jColonial in prime] bedrooms, large living room family room. One eight-room road frontage, located close to attend these hearings. FOOD MART PHILBRICK Real Estate Services with 4 big bedrooms. Both $39,- 71 Haynat Straat I neighborhood. Four large] and dining room, wooded three Our office Is In constant need of new listings. It you're one of Connecticut’s finest Zoning Board HAIRDRESSER - Experienced 900. Red Carpet of South Wind­ Manchester Next to Treasure City ] bedrooms, first floor family] acre lot. Merritt Agency, 646- LOVELY Q thinking of selling, please call lor contidentlel Inspection lakes. Priced in the mid 40’s of Appeals An Equal Opportunity Employtr preferred. Full or part-time, 1180. 351 Marllna Rd. 29 Connocticut Blvd. sor. 528-9731. and evaluation. We welcome end appreciate your Bernard R. Johnson, MANCHESTER PARKADE LuJon Salon of Beauty, 61 East jroom , walk-out basement.! Ranch style borne on beautiful lake, s y oeach and Vernon — 872-7311 I with financing available. Call East HaHtord - 289-4331 businessi REMEMBER. YOU DESERVE ONLY THE Chairman Center, 643-1939. j Exceptional landscaping. A1 AGENCY recreation, 3 berii’/'-;- s, fireplaced IK r j room, formal I NEW DUPLEX - Ready for oc­ Tony Wasilefsky at 649-5306, West Middle Turnpike PORTER STREET area - BEST Paul J. Rossetto, I lovely home. $51,900. I beautiful six room (Colonial, dining room, S O L ^ garage, park-llke yard. Please call cupancy. Se'’X ' for $55,555 eves. 872-0003. WANTED - Full-time and part- An equal opportunity employer REALTOR - MLS EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Secretary time cooks. Apply in person. PBX TELEPHONE Operator three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, REALTORS 289-4331. with an Q\^iable $40,000 I REALTORS-ML8 Vernon Board of Realtors, Manchester Board of Realtors, | Dated this k h day of October, Taccoral, 246 Broad Street, and Receptionist - Full-time. WARREN E. HOWLAND! carpeted living and dining mortgage S u with 1 1/2 baths ' 189 West Ctnter Street BARROWS & WALLACE Apply in person, Gaer Brothers, I Hartford Board of Realtors in each unit. T. J. Crockett, ■ A\auc\vacdMinchsttar Niw Hivwi& ^osseUo HartlorS 1974. Manchester. ] Realtors 643-1108 room, nicely treed lot. Merritt isAS-SaOS 3S7-1515 72MMS 140 Rye Street, South Windsor. l______« .J Agency, 646-1180. 646-4200 Realtor, 643-1577. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Oct. 11, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri., Oct. 11^ 1974 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Articles for Sale 41 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent S3 Apartments For Rent 53 Apertmente For Rent 53 S»rvle»$ Offend 31 Services Offered 31 Building-Contracting 33 Articles lor Sale 41 Articles for Sale 41 Articles for Sale Antiques 48 41 Articlilea for Sale 41 Articles for Sale 41 Business forwent 55 Autos For Sale 61 VERNON - One-bedroom TWO BEDROOM luxury EAST HARTFORD LEON Cieszynski builder - new SCREENED loam, gravel, COMBINATION aluminum WANTED Antique furniture, processed gravel, sand, stone, apartments immediately APARTMENT townhouse - located in Highland 122 EAST CENTER Street - NEED CAR? Credit bad? NURSINQ CARE homes custom built, storm doors - Size 35 3/4”x64” , s 'h glass, pewter, oil paintings, or RURNSIDE AVENUE remodeled, additions, rec and fill. George H. Griffing, CUARANCE ON available at Town House RENTAL OFFICE Park section of Manchester. Single office for rent. $90 Bankrupt? Repossessed? Full range of aorvice - •killed poraonnel 29 5/8”x64” . Also assorted sizes other antique items. R. Gardens. This suburban apart­ Wooded and private. For infor­ Two and one-half fully fur­ rooms, garages, kitchens Inc., 742-7886. wooden frame storm windows >»s USED SEWING MACHINES Harrison, 643-8709. We have ^ large variety of monthly includes everything - Honest Douglas accepts lowest BARGAIN BOX ment community of unusual mation call 646-1616 or 649-5295. nished rooms, on bus line, parking. 646-1180. down, smallest payments.' U -L P M 4 ■ 24 Hr. Coverate remodeled, bath tile, cement and screens. 649-9425. deluxe one and two-bedroom work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ LOAM FOR Sale - $5.50 per Clip Out - Fill In - Mall Today Save up to 50% ***••••••••••••••••••••••••• architectural design and only ten minutes from down­ Douglas Motors, 345 Main. Nartt HMt Day or M flit beautiful Itindscaping features apartments and townhouses FIVE ROOM duplex, 1 1/2 tial or commercial. Call 649- yard delivered. Phone 646-3109. Portablaa atartlng at. $8.88. Wanted to Buy 49 town Hartford. Easy access to OFFICES - One 800 square feet Hm w Health Nde Home, H ^ Corn. Hone TAG SALE - Two families, m I priate entrance, private patio throughout Manchester. Ren­ baths, three bedrooms, stove 4291. cleaning attic and cellar. China Zig-zaga from $22.88 and up nearby shopping. Wall-to-wall in Manchester State Bank TOYOTA - See us for reliable CeiipiniM — Ihte in SAVE OVER 50% with sliding glass door, wail-to- tal office open daily from 9-5, and refrigerator, walk-out Building. Another completely Registered Huse Sogiervisor ELE(?TRONIC Calculators for closet, old bookcase, marble Very Good Selection. WANTED - Wicker furniture, carpeting, panelling, garbage used Toyotas with our 6(Way; ChUcare Hationwide service sale at reduced prices. Phone wall carpeting, range, other times by appointment. basement. No pets. Maximum disposal. $170 per month. Heat furnlshra, 400 square feet, at 100% warranty. We also buy Homemakers* TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY table, lamps, dishes, 2-wheel any kind. Phone 872-0930. three children accepted. Two- Carpentry and general contrac­ 649-4986. THE SINGER COMPANY refrigerator, garbage disposal, 244 Main Street. T. J. Crockett, used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, coffee grinder, miscellaneous. master TV antenna, storage car parking. No utilities. $265 and hot water Included. Realtor, 643-1577. Subsid. of Upjohn Pharm. Co. — a nama you can truat ting. Residential and commer- Rain or shine. Saturday Oc­ 12 Words - 3 Days ■ 1 Dollar 856 Main Street DAMATO ENTERPMSES, MG. 345 Center Street, Manchester, and laundry facilities in base­ per month. Owner lives on Security and lease required. 646-4321. jcial. Whether it be a small SEASONED hardwood - for tober 12, 11-4, 50 Franklin Classification 41, MIscellanaous For Sals Only Mancheator 643-4305 240-A Km State Rd,, M inclietter Please call HOMEMAKERS - UPJOHN i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ment. Total electric. No pets. premises. Call 647-1085 between repair iob, a custom built home fireplace. $35 per pick-up load. Street, Rockville. (Take Route i 646-1021 4-9 p.m. ’ or anything in between, call 646- Call 875-4350. For appointment please call 528*1396 altar 6 p.m. OFFICE SPACE 1967 BUICK Electra sport 246-6805 83 into Rockville, at light past Ads must be mailed only No phone orders 872-0528 Monday through ; 1379. Hartman’s Supermarket, take I FOR RENT coupe, Midas exhaust system, Payment must accompany ad □ RENTALS Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. NEW and used railroad ties, left-Windermere, then first left- PLEASANT 4-room newer new battery, mounted snows. One Item only, Include price and phone 4-H TAG SALE -172 South Main VERNON - Willow Brook Duplex. Large rooms and PLEASANT five-room second- 250 square feet, center of STEPS sidewalks, stone walls, authentic hardwood, excellent Franklin Street). •••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Apartments, one and two floor - Stove, refrigerator, gar­ Manchester, air-conditioning $550 firm. 647-9778 evenings, fireplaces, flagstone terraces, condition. Call 872-6754 No refunds for early cancellation For non-commercial users only Street, 4 p.m. Friday to Sunday Rooms lor Rent 52 closets. Tile bath and kitchen weekends. Lota-Land lor Sale 24 SNOWPLOWING p.m. EAST HARTFORD - 6 room, bedrooms. From $180. Includes cabinets. Parking. Centrally age. Married couple. No pets. and parking. Call: 643-9551. concrete repairs, inside and TAG SALE - Neighborhood. Ad may be edited to conform to rules second floor, $235., with heat heat, hot water, appliances, Security. Call 643-7795. Residential or located. Working couple 1973 FORD Gran Torino - With TOLLAND-VERNON line - Commercial outside. Reasonably priced. GET YOUR Firewood stocked Baby equipment, vacuum, Ad will appear In the next three Issues of the Herald after It Is received THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ and hot water, security and carpet, air-conditioning, pool, 643-0851. up for winter. Seasoned stereo, twin beds, toys, TAG SALE - 42 Norwood Street, nished rooms, centrally preferred. No pets or children. air, power steering, power Beautifully treed one acre Cali No delay In publication will be permitted. I 1 Saturday and Sunday, references. After 4 weekdays, tennis court, picnic area. No Security. 643-1459. NEWLY DECORATED three building lot. Convenient loca­ hardwood, $40 per cord household items. October 12 located. Kitchen privileges. 528-7311. pets. Security required. large rooms - Refrigerator, Wanted to Rent 57 brakes, 4-door, vinyl roof. BROWN’S TIRE SHOP ANY TYPE Carpentry and delivered. 875-8782, 643-0250. and 13, Saturday, Sunday, 10-5. Children’s clothes, toys, fur­ Parking. Reasonable rates. $2400. 649-2287. tion, must be seen. 649-6827. niture, lawn mower, Superintendant, 872-4400. THREE ROOM apartm ent, stove, utilities. $185 monthly. _ ^ 6 4 g j 3 4 4 4 masonry work, additions and Rain or shine. 15 Coburn Road I m Phone 649-2358. SIX-ROOM Duplex - Three Furnished slightly higher. 647- GENTLEMAN looking for snowblower, 36” , snowblower stove, heat, one car parking, no 1964 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass - ONE-ACRE building lot, remodeling. Free estimates. A. (off East Center Street). I large bedrooms, modern THREE ROOMS - First floor, 1145, 649-68%. large light housekeeping room, Squillacote, 649-0811 SEASONED Cordwood, cord attachment for Toro tractor, WANTED - Single woman to pets, adults only. Call 643-M41. stove, refrigerator, bath, Parts. Rebuilt transmission, Manchester Country Club area. BULL WORK - Any kind. Odd and half cord load. E. kitchen, stove, new with heat and appliances, no bicycles, much more. help share expenses, own parking, private entrance, entire block except pistons. Call Phone 649-2707 after 5 p.m. jobs, light trucking, cellars and Yeomans, 742-8907. refrigerator, aluminum siding pets, one months security NORTH END - Five rooms, 34 GROVE STREET, Rockville MASONRY REPAIRS - Brick, 1971 BUICK LeSabre - Custom bedroom, kitchen privileges. ground floor. Call 649-3933. Tom after 5, 649-7704, attics cleaned, trees removed. TAG SALE - Saturday and Sun­ and garage. $260. Security required. Available November third floor, $80 per month. 368 - Four rooms, second floor, heat block, stone and concrete. two-door, air-conditioned, Call after 6 p.m., 643-4378. 1st. Can be seen 6-7 p.m. Satur­ 647-9767 , 646-3545. EARN free jewelry for Christ­ day, October 12 and 13, 26 required. 649-3050. Oakland Street, 643-6225, 4-9 and garage. Adults. Security 1969 MUSTANG - Six cylinders, ■ Reasonable prices. Call 643- excellent condition. $1,850. days 6-8, 28 Church Street. and references. 872-9247. FEMALE to share apartment, 9508. mas gifts, maybe win a trip to Owner, 643-6939. Linden Street, Manchester, 9-6. p.m. yours or mine. Call 646-1403, standard. Good condition. C all. JUNK CARS bought, $5-$25. Puerto Rico by having a Sarah LARGE, furnished room with 3 1/2 ROOMS - Immaculate DO YOU WANT LAND? complete light housekeeping ask for Michelle. 649-4317 between 5 and 6 p.m. ■ Towing included. Call 644-2912 Coventry Show. 623-9128. restored Colonial home, heat, MANCHESTER - Four room MANCHESTER - Three room MANCHESTER - Oakland Well, here are 2 choice lots, FUEL OIL - 36.9 cents, 200 privileges. Private entrance Duplex, two bedrooms, 1 1/2 Street, 5 rooms, second floor, or 872-2503 anytime. BARREH HOME ^ I hot water, parking, central. No furnished apartment on second 1965 BUICK Gran Sport, one at 4 Vi acres and the other gallon minimum. Winter is Entire Store and parking. 649-0358, 643-6266. children, pets. Middle-aged baths, yard, garage, near gas/gas. Call 568-8569 after 5 MIsc. tor Rent 58 IMPROVEMENT CO. FISCHER aluminum skis, 200 coming. Call now, Boland Oil floor. Available immediately. excellent condition mechanical­ 3 Vi acres. Well priced at $12,- LIGHT Trucking - Odd jobs, cm., never used, $95. Lange ski NAME Being Relamped couple preferred. 643-2171 schools and shopping, $200 No pets. Call 649-1287. p.m. Company, 646-6320. ROOM with kitchen privileges, monthly, no utilities. Security. STORAGE ONLY - two rooms, ly. New paint. $450 or best $00 each, financing available. cellars and attics cleaned, Bams • Shads • Patio Covors boots, size 10 1/2, worn twice. ADDRESS Uaad fluoraacant llghta before 6 p.m. offer. Call 646-8214. Can be S h c H e ra tb w centrally located, 14 Arch Call 643-0108 after 5 p.m. FOUR large room apartment, second floor for rent. Call 646- Both are wooded lots with lawns mowed, small tree work. AddlUons • Rec Rooms $40. Call 649-8653. avallabla in 48” and 96" 6072. seen, 78 School Street. Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. QUILTED BEDSPREAD, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CITY Street. centrally located, neat and much to offer. Call Tony Kitchens • Roofing drapes, full sized mattress, langtha. For Information call MANCHESTER - Family-style Wasilefsky at 649-5306, eves. MANCHESTER - Four rooms, appliances included, adults on­ Aluminum Siding large picture boxed frame, STATE HONEST Non-smoker - share 2-bedroom Townhouse, full 872-0003 CUSTOM MADE Draperies, MANURE for sale, $7 and $14. P.O. Box 591 KMART wall-to-wall carpeting, PRESIDENTIAL ly, no pets, $190. security Working with old Bern Boards and loads delivered. Call after 7, three braided rugs, ZIP private home. Full privileges. basement. Includes heat, appliances, utilities, $185 required, call 649-8407 after 6. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY very reasonable work brown/beige, fireplace screen, Manchester, Conn. 06040 646-6410 appliances, carpeting. $240 guaranteed, call anytime. 649- Hand Hewn Beams A Specially 649-8731. PHONE 643-1960 until 6, 289-1909 after 7. monthly. November 1st oc­ VILLAGE APTS. W OF HARTFORD, INC. „ BARROWS & WALLACE linen wall hanging, mis­ Monday through Saturday monthly. Paul W. Dougan, cupancy. 528-%81, 633-30%. MANCHESTER - two bedroom Maadwtlar How Havon H artford 4266. Roger Barrett 649-0822 Realtor, 643-4535 or 646-1021. MANCHESTER i4a-S306 397-1919 728-6619 NEW SHELVING - Formica cellaneous items. 528-5789, East LIGHT Housekeeping room for duplex, walk-out basement with Home of 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles... Hartford. 12 Words • 3 Days • M Dollar.___ ROGER’S Car Wash-Wax, particle board, warp-free, rent, stove refrigerator and FOUR-ROOM Apartment - Im­ One and two bedroonns. finished rec room, appliances orange, blue or yellow. Sizes: *^**^*Haneous For Sale (fn^ ROLL-TOP desk, full size, oak, linens provided. 801 Main MANCHESTER - Modern two- maculate, all conveniences. included. Call 649-2003 after 6. Jim ’s Auto Repair, 770 Main MASON CONTRACTOR - TAG SALE - October 12-13,10-5, bedroom apartments, Near schools, churches Street. Also rake leaves, 647- 5”x%” , $2 each. 5”x24” , 60 very old, excellent condition. Street, 649-%79. Rent very reasonable. Quiet, 2 4 9 - 7 6 7 6 1^* •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Plastering, custom built stone 423 East Middle Turnpike. Avon Asking $375. Phone 646-6629. carpeting, no pets. Available middle-aged working woman and shopping center, on 1529. or brick fireplaces, chimney cents each. Free delivery ten Homes lor Rent 54 Heal Estate Wanted 28 pieces or more. 649-2159. bottles and miscellaneous. MANCHESTER - U rge, clean, immediately. Security referred. Write Box “ G” bus line. Call anytime. V • repair, block and cement work. required. $195. Eastern, 64^ P'' ' ' TWO BRAND new 14 inch furnished rooms. Maid service. M,anchester Herald. FURNISHED home from SAUSvPAinStSElWICE < SELLING your home or TWO HANDYMEN want varie­ New and repairs. E. Richard­ TAG SALE - Neighborhood get­ LOAM RENT new RINSE-N-VAC BEAGLE - Female, AKC 8250, 646-5858. 646-2623 ty of iobs for fall. Yards raked, wheel rims. $15. Call 649-6757 Call 649-2813. November to May for middle- acreage? For prompt friendly son, 643-0889, 649-0608. 1971 ARTIC CAT - 399cc, new ting rid of junx. Route 85, SIx-yird load, $30 plut lax, lightweight steam carpet registered. Very gentle, good ICornar of Sheldon A Taylor Streets limed and fertilized. Attics, dalivarad after 5. EAST HARTFORD - four aged couple. Call 649-4160. Taylor I ^ rv ice , call Louis Dimock track and engine. Excellent across the street from Tallwood cleaner - made for heavyweight breeder, papers. $36. Phone 872- FIVE-ROOM Duplex - Good c e lla rs , cleaned. L ight jobs. Manchester Wallpaper & 0419. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, rooms, stove and refrigerator, HARTFORD, CONN. Realty, 649-9823. TOP QUALITY Work - Septic, condition. $400 or best offer. Golf Course. 10-5 p.m., Satur­ I BULLDOZER-RACKHOE GENERAL Electric Boiler - Oil $22. per week. Centrally location, near bus line. Adults trucking. Reasonable. 643-5305. FOR. HIHE CALL Paint Company, 185 Middle for retired or newlyweds, $145 gi Autos For Sale 61 ------sewer connections, bulldozing, 646-5586 anytime. day and Sunday. heat, 5-6 rooms. $100. Telephone located. 146 Center Street. only, no pets. Security deposit for first floor, $130 for second Autos For Sale ALL CASH for your property excavating. Loam, fill, gravel. I J. A. M cCa r t h y , in c . Turnpike West, 646-0143. CAVROCK Fireplace - Bar top required. Available October 15. ANSWERING SERVICE - all mantle, electric heater, logs. 643-7812. Please call 649-0013. floor. No parking, security and within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, Latulippe Brothers, Inc., 646- WOULD YOU like to receive TAG SALE - Sponsored by 846-4370 foreatimalea Call 647-1037. references, 649-9^. instant service. Hayes Agency, day and evenings to 9 p.m. Call 5114. Junior Girl Scout Troop 6%. 218 Originally $399.75. $175. 872- 643-6609. beautiful clothing free? Have a TAG SALE - Two-family. Satur­ TWIN BED Box Spring and PLEASANT furnished room for 6464)131. Fashion Wagon clothing party. Wetherell Street, Saturday Oc­ 0419. TRUCKLOAD Antiques - Sun­ day and Sunday. 34 Marble mattress. $25. Telephone 643- working gentleman. Call 643- STAFFORD SPRINGS - Newly FIRST-FLOOR - Two-bedroom R.E. GOWER Remodeling - Ad­ Call 649-4317 after 5. tober 12,9:30-5, Sunday October Street. Air-conditioner, baby 7812. 9353 or inquire at 4 Pearl Street. apartment in central location, ditions, garages, porches, day, Trader World Flea GARAGE SALE - Saturday, redecorated, one and two- WE WILL buy your house. Call 13, 12:30-5. items, miscellaneous. local for older couple or couple anytime, Hutchins Agency, kitchens and formica work, SEASONED firewood, $25 per Market, Tolland Tpke. Blanket Sunday October 12 and 13,11-4, bedroom apartments, heat and EXTERIOR HOME chests, bowfront china cabinet, corner Rosemary Place and TAG SALE - By the Organiza­ ROOMMATE wanted to share hot water included, children un­ with one child. $155. 646-8352. Realtors, 649-5324. repairs. 646-2087 after 4 p.m. pickup truck load, delivered. WHEELS-GM, 13”, 14”. Ford, tion of the HandicaMed in front furnished apartm ent. Own BEAUTIFICATION 872-7583, 646-0178. 14” , 15” . With or without new Hoosier cabinet, chairs, oval TAG SALE - Saturday, Sunday, Valley Street. der 3 accepted. No pets. walnut dining table, etc. of Regal's Men’s Store, Mon­ room, nice and clean. Student Available immediately. Securi- SELLING your house? Call us Aluminum Siding RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 snow caps. 643-2880. October 12-13, 10-5. day, October 14, 9-5. welcome. Call 646-4745, Mr. ECONOMY Super Steel Siding Weather permitting. LUDWIG DRUMS - complete W req u ired . F rom $140. ifrst and we’ll make you a cash OLD SPORTS CAR magazines, Miscellaneous items. 88 Hwang. Ellington offer. One day service. T. J. Combination Storm BIDWELL Home Improvement heavy duty hitch Chrysler Hublard Drive, Vernon. 649- set, excellent condition, $400. Eastern, 646-8250 or Superinten­ 1973 ARIENS 7 hp riding mower Phone 875-0172 after 5 p.m. MAN’S brown plaid double dent after 5 p.m., 684-2954. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Windows & Doors Co. Expert installation of product wagons,, 6( volt batteries -WHOLESALE- 4643. breasted suit, 39 Long. Custom FEMALE to share apartment, FIREPLACE UNIT aluminum siding, gutters and Volkswagen. 643-0555. 643- prices on - Like new condition. Call 649- Meadowbrook Apartments, Gutters and Awnings 2094. SOFA, console table, coffee made, worn twice, $20. Light yours or mine, call 646-1403. VILLAGER APARTMENTS - and PERFORMANCE im m e d ia t e cash for your trims. Roofing installation and green sports jacket, 39L, $9. Ask for Michelle. just off of Route 83. New 3'/4- Free Estimates repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. RICH. DARK TOPSOIL GARAGE SALE - Antique table, upholstered chair, Five-room townhouse, 1 1/2 ptoperty. Let us explain our Any amount. Pick up your 649-1837. room, one-story, house-type iMr proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, Fully Insured SEASONED hard wood, sawed, TAG SALE - October 12,13, and dressers, chests, tables, baby kitchen set, electrical tiled baths, wall-to-wall split and delivered. C. Hutchin­ own - save more, or will 14. Tools, snow tires, small appliances, folding cot and mat- FEMALE roommate wanted carpeting, 2 air-conditioners, corner units in new brick and 6^7-1413. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, items, clothing, toys, much for two bedroom singles apart­ _1______STOMBERG & TRUEMAN CO. roofing, storm windows, aw­ son, 643-5373. deliver. appliances, VW hitch and miscellaneous. Saturday and tress, sewing machine. RUMMAGE SALE heat, hot water, patio, full base­ stone garden apartment bumper, clothes and mis­ Miscellaneous. 11-5:30, Satur­ ment, Manchester. Call 528-3389 ment. No pets. u49-7620. building. Total electric. , SfeLL YOUR HOUSE through 633-8583 649-8450 nings. Quality workmanship, ------Call B4B.2204 Sunday, 9-4, 61 New Street, off Sponsored by after 6. \ j ; Watson Beach Real Estate free estimates. Fully insured. GRAND RAPIDS walnut dining cellaneous items. 291 Kennedy West (ienter Street, by Mr. day and all week. 29 Barry Features floor-to-ceiling 872-9187, 649-3417. table and five chairs, opens to Road. Steak. Road, Manchester, 649-2637. Sisterhood of Tetnpio at Sensible Prices Co. Professional real estate FIVE INCH AC Oscillascope - living room fireplace, range, YOUNG PERSON wanted to MANCHESTER - Five-room service for more than 45 years. %” , $25. Phone 644-0224. Never used. $150. Kenmore Both Sholom refrigerator, disposal, air- Why buy last year’s car when you can have a brand new 1975 modal with all the new GUTTERS cleaned, repaired rent room in private home. No apartment, second floor, no Manchester office, 647-9139. and installed, $20 and up. ROOFING - Specializing Washing Machine, needs work, TAG SALE - Saturday and Sun­ TAG SALE - 76 Hubbard Drive, USED TAN metal typewriter Fabrics, linings and used conditioning, wall-to-wall MAKE beaten down carpet nap day, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 50 Pioneer Glastonbury. Saturday and Sun- *^®sk - Good condition. $20. Call hassels. House privileges. $18 appliances, close to school. features such as steel belted radial tires, electronic ignition, and catalytic converter at Driveways sealed. Free es­ repairing roofs, new roofs, $10. Call 646-8355 after 6. clothing. weekly. Call 646-1365 after 4:30 carpeting. Adults only, no at doorways bright and fluffy Circle and 54 Waddell Road. day, October 12 and 13. 646-2223. Available immediately. Securi­ timates. R&R Reconstruction, gutter wr.k, chimneys, cleaned p.m. a price that fits your budget. Listed beiow are a few sample buys — we have more in and repaired. 30 years again with Blue Lustre. E.A. To be held at the ty required. $170. Eastern, 646- pets. $1% monthly, $1% lease 875-4541, 649-3882 anytime. ANTIQUE Victorian armchair - security. Reserve now for Oc stock. experience. Free estimates. Johnson Paint Company. Blue needlepoint upholstery TAG SALE - Sponsored by MASONIC TEMPLE 8250. Twins Mothers Club of Greater Apartments For Rent S3 tober 1-November occupancy TYPING - Done in my home. Howley, 643-5361. with upholstered turtlebacx Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 East Canter Street BOY’S 5-speed bicycle, good footstool. $250. 649-0524. Hartford. Christ the King Tuesday, October 15 MANCHESTER - Two-bedroom Call James J. Gessay, 875 649-4258 after 5. condition. Ideal Christmas pre­ Lutheran Church, 465 Park WE HAVE customers waiting duplex, private basement, ROOFING - Installation and 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. and for the rental of your apartment 0134. 1975 NOVA 1975 MAU5U Bzzzzzzzz in and tea our repairs, gutters, storm win­ sent. Asking $35. 649-3650. WANTED!!! Duncan Phyfe Ave., Windsor, off 1-91, Park appliances, yard. Available im- Painting-Papering 32 Wednesday, October 16 or home. J.D. Real Estate mraiately. Security required. 4 Door equipped with economical buay Baa. We’re ready, dows, doors. Experienced mahogany dropleaf table. Good Ave. Bloomfield exit. October 6-cyllnder engine, automatic 389 CUBIC INCH engine, good 12th, 10-4, rain date, October 9 to noon Associates, Inc. 646-1980. $160. Eastern, 646-8250. 4-Door Sedan with V-8 engine, willing and able to aaalal COLLEGE Graduate students quality workmanship. Fully in­ condition, reasonable. 643-6526. transmission, power brakes, power steering and brakes, ra­ sured. Free estimates. condition. Asking $125. For 19 th. MANCHESTER - Centrally radio, power steering, whitewall dio, white walls, wheel covers, you In the aale or available for exterior and in­ further details, 649-3650. LOOKING for anything in real MANCHESTER - One-bedroom located 3-room apartment on terior painting. Six years Reasonable prices. Rick tires, wheel covers, exterior de­ vinyl Interior, body side mould­ purchaae of YOUR LARGE GARAGE SALE - Four TAG SALE - Saturday^, Sunday, estate rental — apartments, apartment. Available im­ second floor, security deposit. cor group, undercoat, Carter ings, exterior decor group, experience. Fully insured. Free Burnett, 646-3005. Did you know property. STIHL chain saw, professional families. 26 Earl Street, October 12-13, 10-4. Furniture, Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 homes, multiple dwellings, no mediately. Security required. References. 643-1577. Cars. Stock No. 3158 undercoat. Carter Care. Stock No. 3121 estimates. Call our com­ 20 inch bar, like new, $285. firm. Manchester. Saturday 9:30-3. clothes, dishes, much more. 63 fees. Call J.D. Real Estate $150, heat included. Eastern, petitors, than call us, 649-7034. Heatlng-Plumblng 35 649-4688. Bar stools, clothes, bric-a-brac. Goodwin Street. that Dillon DOG-CAT boarding reser­ Associates, Inc. 646-1980. 646-8250. THREE ROOM apartm ent, vations. Combined inside/out- SEWERLINES, sink lines, Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 81 centrally located, second floor, SALE PRICE «3 8 5 9 SM.E PRICE *3999 Keith INSIDE - Outside painting, ADMIRAL 9” portable televi­ side runs, partitioned privacy, stove and refrigerator, utilities cleaned with electric cutters, Ford has some germicidal lighting. Canine MANCHESTER - Five room MANCHESTER - Available im­ fe c ia l rates for people over 65. by professionals. McKinney sion. Looks and plays good. $25. mediately, modern 3-room not included. $125. 646-0418. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, duplex, three bedrooms, coun­ Fully insured. Estimates given. Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ 646-6517 after 5:30 p.m. • apartment, carpeting, Manchester, 646-5971. try kitchen, carpeting, 1975 IMPALA 1975 CAMARO COUPE Real Estate Call 649-7863. pany, 643-5308. 1974 Fords appliances, no pets. $250. appliances, parking, storage. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished 4-Door Hardtop that Is loaded Security required. 646-1559 lease and security required, apartment with sunporch. Call with goodies like V-8 engine, CEILINGS, inside painting, NAVY BLUE Tartan lined, SIAMESE kittens, reasonable. power steering and brakes, lloor With 350 V-8 engine, power • 172 E. Center St. NO JOB too small, toilet after 6 p.m. dogs. Call after 6, 649-7289. 875-4828 after 3 p.m. papering, floor sanding- repairs, plugged drains, kitchen hooded winter coat. Size 12. left in stock? Parents on premises. Call 643- mats, deluxe seat belts, tinted steering and brakes, bucket 649-1922 646-4126 refinishing (specializing in Excellent condition. 649-2735. 2866 after 4:30. ’ glass, remote control mirror, ra­ seats, and center console, tinted faucets replaced, repaired, rec 6t older floors). John Verfaille, $ 10. Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale dio with rear seat speaker, deluxe glass, radio, style trim group, rooms, bathroom remodeling, body side mouldings, door edge whitewall tires, wheel covers, un­ 646-5750, 872-2222. heat modernization, etc. Free LONG-HAIRED Kittens - Free to good homes. One black, one guards, whitewall tires, wheel opening mouldings, wheel covers, 4 season dercoat. Carter Care package. estimates gladly given. M & M OUTBOARD Motor - 1963 In Fact, they have Pintos, air conditioning, undercoat. Carter Care, Stock No. 3124 Beautiful red with black Interior. Stock No. 3116 □ MISC. SERVICES J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. Chrysler, 20 hp with remote honey-colored, two gray. 649- decorating. Interior painting. tank. Good conaition. $100. 646- 0743. Paper hanging. New Ceilings. TOWNE Plumbing Service, 50%. Mavericks, Mustangs, Sta­ SALE PRICE *49 8 7 SALE PRICE *4295 Services Offered 31 Remodeling. Exterior painting. repairs, alterations, vanity NINE lovable puppies, $5. each. Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. cabinets a specialty. Call to RCA WHIRLPOOL washer - Mother Labrador retriever. SHARPENING Service - Fully insured. For estimate call 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- Working condition. $50. Call Ames, 828 Hartford Road, 643- , Saws, knives, axes, shears, 649-9658. 4056. 643-0808 after 6 p.m. tion Wagons, and Trucks, all 4520. skates, rotary blades. Quick CARTER’S USED CARS service. Capitol Equipment PAINTING - Save 30 - 607o. BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - FIREWOOD - $30, pick-up FREE - Two kittens to good We’ve spent an average of $300 on each uaed car sold this year just to Insure that a Carter home. Litter box trained. Call Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. Five years experience. Prompt, courteous service. Call truck, delivered. $7 trunk, self- at low, low prices! Used Car lives up to your expectation. Drop In and a^A^hy a Carter Used Car Is the next best Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday Excellent references. Pete, 742- 643-1496. service. 26 Jarvis Rd., 643-1947. 646-7588. 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. thing to a 1975 Chevrolet.. 7958. FREE KITTENS - Call 646- FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing MAN’S BLACK leather motor­ 7D CHEVRDLET *2D75 73 PDNTIAC *4495 PAPER HANGING and ceiling - Repairs and remodeling. 0666. Grand Prix Coupe. V-S engine, automatic I painting, reasonable rates. cycle jacket, size 40, excellent Impale Custom Coups. V-8 engine, automatic REWEAVING burns, holes Prompt service on emergency. Example Buy In Stock: transmission, air conditioning, vinyl root, power transmission, air conditioning, full power options. | Leonard Spiegelberg. 643-9112. condition, $20. 643-6927 SIAMESE kittens, $10. Call 643- radio, vinyl root. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Phone 643-7024. evenings. steering, radio. Window shades, Venetian “MONEY SAVERS” 9264. DO you have wallpapering 71 CHEVRDLET *2545 73 VEGA *2595 blinds. Keys. TV for rent PLUMBING SHOP on Wheels - 1968 COACHMAN pick-up Hatchback Coupe. 4-cyllnder engine, automatic | Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. you’d like done? For depen­ Stocks 2,000 repair parts on our POODLE - AKC, black female Impale Custom Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic dable service call M. Francis. camper, sleeps six. Good condi­ puppy. Also stud service, black, transmission, air conditioning, vinyl roof, power transmission, radio. truck to save you money. 30 tion, $800. 742-6817 after 5. MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. 872-6245. years’ experience. 646-2115. apricot and brown poodles. Call steering, radio. 7DMDNTECARLD *2295 Removal, pruning, lot clearing, 875-6360. REGISTERED English setter 71 TDYDTA *1895 Sport Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, spraying.Fully insured. PETER BELLIVEAU - Pain­ Only a few 1974 Cars left in Stock! vinyl root, power steering, radio. puppies, seven weeks old, KINKAJOU (Honey Bear) - Station Wagon. 4-cyllnder angina, 4-speed Licensed. Free estimates. ting, wallpapering, spray/brush Flooring 36 173 CDRYEHE *6795 transmission, radio. Phone 633-5345. painting. Fair prices, fully in­ champion stock. Call 649-2558. Female, seven months old, BRAND NEW 1974 79 CHEVRDLET *2945 tame, has had canine-feline V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, power Impale Custom Coupe. V-8 engine, aulomatic | sured, experienced and depen­ FLOOR Sanding-Refinishing, steering, power brakes, tinted glass, radial tires. 71 DDDGE *2595 TREE SERVICE (Soucier) dable. 643-1671. WOODEN STORM windows, shots. $125. 646-4005. Charger Sport Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, power steering, vinyl roof. (specializing in older floors). 32x63, $1.50; 40x63, $2. Screens, Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Ceilings and inside painting. Skyhawk Motchbock Coupo DODGE DART transmission, air conditioning, power steering, 79 MAVERICK *1945 50 cents. 9 Hemlock St. Brand New 1974 P into AKC toy poodle, male, two 72 CHEVRDLET *2995 vinyl root, stumps removed, fully insured. HOUSE NEED Painting? - We John Verfaille, 646-5’?50, 872- Caprice Sport Sedan. V-8 engine, automatic Sport Coupe. 6‘ Cyllnder engine, automatic | Got a tree problem? Well worth brush, spray or roll. yearsears old, reasonable. Call 646- 2222. 2 Door Sedan, 2000 engine, 4-speed transmis­ transmission, air conditioning, vinyl root, power 71 MUSTANG *2775 transmiaslon, radio. a phone call. 742-8252. Professional painting service, ELECTRO-AIR electronic air 2488. steering, power brakes, radio. cleaner with accessories, hard­ sion, radio, carpet, body side mouldings, vinyl 4 Door Sedan Mach I Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic transmis­ 12 years experience, free es­ sion. air conditioning, power steering, radio. 69 VOLKSWAGEN *1695 ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ timates. Reasonable prices. ly used. New $400, now $150. Interior, manual disc brakes, dealer prepara­ 225 old 6 cylinder engine, automatic 172 MAVERICK *2595 Squareback. 4>cyilnder engine, 4*apeed tranamis* eling, rec room , offices, 875-8782, 643d0250. □ MISC. FOR SALE 649-7441. tion Included. List price $2765. Boats-Accessorles 45 2-Ooor. e-cylInder engine, automatic transmission, 71 HDRNET *2259 alon. radio. transmission, electronic Ignition, Inside radio. household repairs. Phone 649- hood release, power steering, AM radio, station Wagon. 6-cyllndsr engine, automatic 72 OPEL *2395 4594. Building-Contracting 33 BICYCLE - Lady’s, 5-speed, transmission, radio. Articles lor Sale 41 32’ FLY BRPGE Wheeler - In vinyl interior, vinyl side mouldings, deluxe [72 CANARD *3225 Station Wagon. 4-cyllnder engine, automatic | excellent condition, one year good condition, with 283 V-8 185 old. Asking $55 . 649-2378. wheel covers. Stock No. 4400. Sport Coupe. V-8 engine, automatic tranamisalon, 73 DATSUN *2695 transmission, radio, luggage carrier. CASH Registers and adding MASONRY - All types, NOW ONLY ^2499 np engine. Just overhauled, *3434 vinyl root, power steering, radio. machines. - Sales, service, DARK, RICH loam, 5 yards, Pickup truck. 4-cyllnder engine, 4-spsed transmis­ fieldstone, brick, concrete. never used. Many extras. Must NOW ONLY.... sion. 71 BUICK *2795 supplies. 15 years experience, Free estimates, after 5 p.m., $27.50 plus tax. Also sand, COLONIAL high back winged 171 DATSUN *3895 Estate Wagon. V-8 engine, automatic tranamis-1 stone, gravel, pool and patio leSabra Hordlop Coupe sell, for $2,995. Entering Ser­ formerly with NCR. Free 643-1870 or 644-2975. love seat. Excellent condition. vice. Call anytime, 647-9360 or 240 Z Coupe. S-cylInder engine, 4-spesd transmis­ 71 NDVA *2395 Sion, air conditioning, power steering, power | sand. 643-9504. MANY OTHER DARTS TO CHOOSE FROM! sion. Estimates. C.R.S. Company, $125. Telephone 643-7913. Also In stock, rea^ for Immedlato 875-5693. Coupe. 6-cyllnder engine, automatic transmission, brakes, radio, 9 passenger. Coventry, 742-6381. NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - delivery, are six 19/4 Fords used as power steering, radio. 73 PLYMOUTH *3350 Remodeling, repairing, ad­ ALUMINUM sheets used as TAG SALE - 34 Griffin Road, A NEW CONCEPT in 1971 (LARGER 500 1971 PLYMOUTH 1973 VOLKSWAGEN 171 VDLKSWAGEN *1895 printing plates, .007 thick, off Hilliard Street. Dishes and 2 DO O R H A R D T O P , 2-Door. 4-cyllnder engine, automatic transmission, 73 CHEVRDLET *3759 Sebring Coupe. V-6 engine, automatic tranamla* I TRUCKING - odd jobs, moving ditions, rec rooms, porches and Demonstrators. Take advantage of a SATELLITE radio. alon. air conditioning, vinyl roof, power ateering, 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Garden Products 47 automatic transmiaslon, Impale Sport Sedan. V-8 engine, automatic large appliances, cleaning roofing. No job too small. Call collectible items. 10-5 Saturday. power steering, air con- |4 DOOR SEDAN with air con- I SPEED transmission, radio] power brakea. radio. Phone 643-2711. ■ No early sales. good situation today: dlllonlng, bucket seats, vinyl Iditloning, auto., power extra sharp. 12,000 miles. transmission, air conditioning, power steering, cellars and attics, also will 649-3144. E C O N O M Y LOMBARDO’S - Pick your own vinyl root, radio. deliver small loads sand, stone, top, clean, low miles. |aleerlng & brakes. Radio. NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 TAG SALE- 33 Brookfield - quality pole tomatoes - *2 8 9 5 and gravel. 644-1775 or 644-1309. CARPENTRY - Repairs, peppers - fryers, staffers, and *2 5 9 5 *1 8 9 5 remodeling, additions, roofing. cents each. Inquire side door. Road, Bolton, Saturday October New Cars at Low Prices! Manchester Evening Herald. 12th, 11-3. DRIVING! hots - eggplant. Silver Lane BOB’S A-1 SERVICE - Snow Call David Patria, South Wind­ near K-Mart. Bring own plowing, raking, cellars, attics, sor, 644-17%. ★ DRIVE ONE TODAY ir baskets. cleaning, appliances moved, WE BUY and sell used fur­ TAG SALE - Saturday, Sunday, Your Sm all Car CHEVROLET niture. Cash on the line. One ajl day, three families. Clothes, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MOST MODELS FORD lawn care. 289-7019. WES ROBBINS carpentry Headquarters FRESH sweet apple cider and J remodeling specialist. Ad­ piece or an entire housefull. toys, miscellaneous. 56 Benton 646-6432. Furniture Barn, 345 Street, Manchester. apples. (Macouns, Machin- ditions, rec rooms, dormers, tosn). Botti’s Fruit Farm, 260 CHORCHES Main Street Rear, behind built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, Bush Hill Road, Manchester. Aluminum Siding Douglas Motor Sales. TAG SALE - Saturday, October S & S BUICK CHRYSLER 649-3446. DODGE OF MANCHESTER CARTER 12th, 10-5. 313 Hilliard Street, Kitchen Re-modeling **New England*i Fattsit GrowingBuick-OpslDealer** HARDY Chrysanthemums - 1229 Main Street, Manchester Phone 646-6464 CLEAN USED refrigerators, Manchester. DILLON FORD 80 OAKLAND STREET, MAMCHESTER New Additlona 81 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER (Open Eves.) 649-4571 Loaded with buds and 643-2791 BUILDING - Remodeling, ranges, automatic washers, Exit 93 Off 1*86 A Route IS, Next to Agway, One Block from Caldor'i) Open Evenings 'til 9 — Thursdays 'til 6 Saturdays 'til 5 R.E. MILLER, Builder roofing, concrete steps, blossoms, in all colors. $1. Pon- with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s TAG SALE - October 13th, 10-3, JuBt 8 Minutei from Downtown Hertford! Call 649-1421 fireplaces. For estimates call Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- 38 Hudson Street. Manchester. 319 Main Street, Manchester 643-2145 ticelli’s Greenhouse, 433 North 649-1142. 2171 Settling of estate. Main Street. PAGE TWENTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Oct. 11, 1974 MANCHESTER E\~ENING HERALD. Maodiester. Co bb.. Fri.. Oct 11. If74— P.AGE TWENTY-SEVEN


TWE MENIAO. 1/ASKS I 1 KNOW YA M e o AHEAD, ASK. DO MX» THINK TV4E JuSr vxJk.TTlLj.I aCTM V h a j C D S T i TVUV>CT*«.^S JAKE iKJfT/YVER OWYOlSLy. UAKE SVAPLY T t C \H»0.L W Tt<£ PERFORM ARE IN VIVID CAN'T AFFORD ME SOtvCTHW’.^ FUXmjATION OF - v-IVE7OtPH!M-CS«crrD0C«S'/ACE-^ARvi.t..'- BORRTWETAFEW it e m * CONTRAST TD YOUR. mV KATES, BUT NTHs«j~-TveBE:>axvxk ) l set- es? o-eoc. c o * T ! b u t f 1MRDR.TANT YORK... 1 like YA, SO MVEKSEIV PROKJKTXINAL WS WS •m k e s o m e t h r i s a w is T E R f 3E*C«E WEHaVE TC ¥ ( R*kB3T5 ANjI? LOCK THE CN MY I'LL OtVE YA TO TVt INCKEMEKOM- c-*se cc- T>e xcxs-'Soes' O U T O F i t : THAT^ KKjHT. SOME VAUJEOFTHEAN o-ocEvsocy.v POOR IT bureau SYLVESTER T)-E3E.- BE icrrH IT' ¥ FINANCIAL COMMON STOCK WHERE .‘w By "tyc’ I ©OTA LOT ADVICE r \ W A TC H V*A>. HAS AJi^ONE , O’ w e DEALS FEK , U S E D s e e n m y o ^ - J ©OtN' FREE.' TTBE _NK5? ENDS TOMORROW XQUARArnee ON'

6 days for the price of 3 days! j . C iiM n e n e a MICKEY FINN BY BLANli LEONARD During Newspaper Week, all classified ads ordered for 6 days will only be charged for 3 days. Ads I'M AFRAID YOU MAYBE A UTTLE CAN I DRIVE THANK YOU BUT 1 HAVE ^ f in e ! m/h a t WOULD STARVE YOU'VE BEEN A VERY A TIME DO I ‘ AUSTERITY 6 YOU H O M E ? A CAR. HOWEVBL TV must bo placed this week only. Non-Commorcial advertisers only... ON A VOLUNTEERS WHAT X NEED/ REALLY APPRECIATE IT CAPABLE ASSKTANT, A4R. HAVE TO PAY/ XNESL IT LOOKS LIKE / PUNCH THE F YOU WOULD DRIVE M/ WORK K FINISHED VCLOCK IN THE ELABJE TO A BUS STOR W elcome FOR TDNKSHTI ^ MORNING? ■tothe Open daily 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CUIB, PHONE 643-2711 vEsreiKafc'.s o-«3S*L. HAjORm. Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD S h e H e r a l i f to il CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAW RENCE NO NEED TO WORRY. MISS TlPTOWi M e a n w h i l e , t h e v i l l a g e p o l ic e s t a t i o n BUT I CAN .ASSURE EASY AWP TUBBS ARE JU ST WHAF S E T S A CALL FRO.W YULE C A ST L E rY O U -H IS l o r d s h i p i s THEY SAY— TWO YANK TOURISTS Fa tFFC TV f M K m U F S : EMPLOYED BY McKEE INDUSTRIES'. ’ OF COURSE, V SIR- I OOITE m 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 UNDERSTAND C l YOUR aaN 6 BENJY BY JIM BERRY Autos For Safe ei Autos For Sale A t r i f l e j 61 Autos For Sale 61 Trucks lor Sale 62 U P S E T .. / PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Y bu A .A PO L JT T H f SHOP AND SAVE 1947 CHEVROLET - one-half OH, BOY' ’ STUFFED POLISH SAUS/WSE,’ WEMT OVER YOUf^ H rrU E T Y ^E , I 06EP TO TUE I M E T U P YJ\TW ton rack body truck. Four-speed transmission, built-up springs, SMOKED OLIVES MY FAVORITE’ B u d g e t a & a i n l o m e -Y o u h k f p (M P A ^ ) .SS ■— I, 1 SEE! YOU ^[TTIM P OTOPIE^. good tires. Runs good. Power­ OYSTERS, ful. 643-2880. \ FORD Beat the 1975 ¥ 7 \ / 1964 CHEVROLET pickup truck - New tires, good brakes. Very good running condition. Prices! $550. Call 646-4745, Mr. Hwang. STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CAMFF 1961 CHEVY carryall. New motor, new frontend, new ------V------>C7------Leftover 1974's exhaust. Call 649-6208 between 8 Ttie FUCt Cf fXtCvTON ) 0,S'CS CA MPV9 737/, a.m.-9 p.m. . I? AYAlLAFLt/ C SV,.- NEW 1974 MAVERICK SEDAN imrh' ■tv7 Fee Tr*t J NCV A?£ V c^ c »« n m ^ 1— \ Th£ riVtN —Y Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale $1 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Blue, 2 door, standard transmission, 200 cu. In. 6 cylinder engine, BY ART S.ANSOM / / vinyl seat trim, C76x14 tires, deluxe bumper group, heavy duty Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 THE BORN LOSER Ye A C .'/ , U COMPLETE junk cars WE PAY $10 for complete junk 1968 CAPRICE - Vinyl hardtop, suspension. Stock No. 323. removed free in Manchester, cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto power steering, power brakes, HARLEY-Davidson - Motor- V.IHOPE'CU<€T South Windsor, Vernon and Body, 528-1990. mechanically good. 649-6208 ' 'i l l l l l l WANTED I ^cles, parts and accessories. SDURWSH! Tolland. Call Bill’s Auto Parts, anytime before 9 p.m. Clean, Late Model Expert service. Harley- Route 74, Tolland, Conn., 649- VOLKSWAGEN - We buy, sell, NOW *2 8 5 0 Davidson Sales, 49 Park Street, 4578, 875-6231. repair, rebuild engines, 1966 FORD Galaxy 500, bucket Hartford. 247-9774. transmissions. Some used seats, automatic console, USED GARS I Top Prices Paid AUTO INSURANCE - Compare parts, window glass installed. power steering, power brakes, NEW 1974 PINTO WAGON NEW 1974 PINTO Runabout EXPERT bicycle repairs, all our low rates. Young drivers Specials on mufflers, tires and rebuilt transmission, new For All Makes Green, automatic transmission, 2300 4 cylinder Red, automatic transmission, 2300 4 cylinder engine, engine, white side wall tires, luggage rack, front and makes, models and speeds. welcome. For quotation call brakes. Tim Moriarty, 270 brakes. Asking $495. Phone 633- radial tires, luggage rack, front and roar bumper Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, Hartford Road, Manchester, CARTER CHEVROLET 1 rear bumper guards, radio, accent group, mirror guards, accent group, tinted glass, light group. Stock Rod Dolin, 646-6050. 7345. group. Stock No. 350. No. 206 Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- 643-6217. CO., IHt 2098. 1%4 MERCURY - Four-door 1229 Main Sheet 1%7 CHEVROLET - Four-door, 1973 BUICK La S:;bre - 4-door, sedan, good transportation, Phone 649-6464 NOW *3355 NOW *3150 OFF SEASON Buy • 1973 Honda THE FUNTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA automatic transmission, V-8, vinyl hardtop, power, air, low radio, breezeway window, CL350. Low mileage. $550. Savings Bank of Manchester mileage, showroom condition. power steering. Call 649-9770. Telephone 646-1071 after 5 p.m. repossession. $300. 646-1700. 646-0131. • jW A IM te. TJL **. U. hx ML NEW LTD DEMO 1974 THUNDERBIRD ...HE WAS 1974 Red, 2 door, hardtop, leather trim, vinyl roof, tree lock 1970 TRIUMPH Bonneville, MATADOR 1971 White station 1967 TRIUMPH GT6 - Needs Brown, 4 door sedan, automatic transmission, V-8 chopped, runs good. Must be ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN LBTTISJG IT wagon, power steering, 6 work, best offer. 1964 Chevrolet engine, power steering, power brakes, radial white differential, dual exhaust, convanlence group, front All hang 0 corner lights, speed control, power seat, power anten­ seen. Best offer. 649-2971. cylinder, standard shift, good van, good condition, paneling, side wall tires, rear bumper guards, electric rear WHAT WAS YlklEAN NO, ALLEY...THE ADAM R, ...AND WAS NEVER our LONG defroster, radio, tinted glass, wheel covers, air con­ nae, wheel covers, AM/FM with tape, light group, condition. Call 644-1300. best offer. 649-2971. heavy duty suspension, automatic air conditioning, THE NAME YOU SMITH I HAVE IN MIND WAS SEEN, OR HEARD B E F O R E I T ditioner. Stock No. 355. HONDA 1972 CBIOO, excellent OF VOUR KNOW A BRILLIANT STUDENT WHO FROM,, ------plus a whole lot more. condition, low mileage, $250. BECAME POPU-. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN FORMER HIM, , DISAPPEARED IN FULL VIEW AGAIN.' fSADFRY! LAR! 1973 VEGA GT Wagon, 18,000 647-1010 after 6 p.m. RULER? ORVILLE? OF A DOZEN W IT N B $ ^ IN Squareback wagon - Can be miles, 4-speed, posi-traction, NOW *4650 SAVE THE SUMMER OF / seen at Hagedorn's Getty Sta­ AM radio, immaculate condi­ RUPP Hustler, 4 h.p. mini­ tion, 230 West Middle Tpke. No tion. 643-7008, after 5 , 643-9860. bike, Clinton engine, good con­ phone calls, please. dition. $85. Call 643-0698. 1936 DODGE COUPE, 283 1 " 1 , RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Corvette engine, Chevy, run­ IDEAL FOR Christmas - New c girl's 24" bicycle, banana seat, ning gear, body in excellent George Bourque ON SALE NOW Richard invites you condition. Best offer over $1100. Walt Lockwood high-rise handlebars. $40. 649- Call 646-0794. SAVE HUNDREDS! 7343 evenings. to come and see I We are happy to announce thei •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOYOTA 1972, Corolla deluxe Campers-Trallers these economical station wagon, automatic |association of George and Walt with; Mobile Homes 65 transmission, 28,000 miles, iour sales department. Stop in and say; used cars... excellent condition. Must be ( R n f l i FITZGERALD FORD, INC. LIVING CAN be easy. 12’ wide, MR.ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY W IN AT BRIDGE V f C H R D J i M «44 ihello. 3-bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, very seen to be appreciated. 649- "TOLLAND COUNTY'S OLDEST FORD DEALER" |j The bidding has been II T 5635. clean. Ready to live in. Just $3,- WINDSOR AVE. ROCKVILLE OPEN E V E l 995.14’ wide on display. Trades THE FEATHERS) West North East South 1963 LINCOLN Continental, all welcome. Parts, supplies and CHOMR// AVENGER STRHiES Underruff stymies squeeze 1 ♦ Pass 14 power, new brake job, new L, Y N C HI Phone 643-2485 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-842-2276 accessories. Plaza Homes AGAIN P ass 1 N.T. Pass 3 4 front end parts, new battery, “Quality homes sensibly Pass 34 Pass 3? Pass 44 Pass ’’ new tires, blown engine. Best SERVICE THAT SAVES priced.’’ 1348 Wilbur Cross We are indebted to Dr. discard a low trump. South offer. Call between 9-9, 643- Highway, Berlin Turnpike, NORTH (D) 11 Bertrand Romanet of Paris can still pick up the trumps You, South, hold; 5098. Berlin, Connecticut, 828-0369. A AJIOS and run off the last two. but tr T < OIY FA for today's hand. It illustrates 4A K 8 4 3 YA 2 4Q 4 4 K Q 8 7 01 1957 CHEVROLET - For street NEED A CAR? Short on cash? 1969 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner - f AK9 a most unusual defense East is discarding in back of What do you do now'’ RICHARD 1959 CORVETTE - original, n r1" ^ Good condition, needs tires. or strip. Completely rebuilt. Call Ed Weaver, hnance ♦ 7 against a squeeze. dummy and there is no A—3ust bid six clubs. Remember rebuilt 283, convertible, snow "Hartford Arra't Largeit Toyota Dealer" $900 . 643-1655 after 3 p.m. Black metallic, tilt nose, BM expert, at 643-1181. ♦ a K874 squeeze against him. your partner could only rebid 1973 LeSABRE tires, good condition. 649-3946 turbo, 4.88 rear, Crager SS HAULER REAL ESTATE 349 Cantar SL, Manchaatar 646-4321 WEST EAST West opens the ace of dia­ one notrump. Custom, black with vinyl top, after 3 p.m. $1995. 1968 PONTIAC Tempest - One- mags. $5,000 invested, 907o 1971 TOYOTA Corolla, 4-speed, MOBILE HOME - good ♦ - AQ743 This particular hand was automatic transmission, power monds and continues with the ■niDAY'S tJl'ESTION owner car, 4-door, power completed. Must be seen. $2,- air-conditioning, FM stereo 8- condition, 10x50. Asking $1,- ? 8643 fQJlO probably made up bv the steering, power brakes, power win queen. South is careful to ruff Instead of rebidding one steering, radio Asking $750. Call 000. 644-9809 after 6. track tape system, good tires, 500. 4 AQ10986S32 4 K good doctor, but the play of dows, air conditioning, AM/FM with dummy's ace of spades notrump your partner has radio, and lots more. 643-9895. 44,000 miles, $1,200. Call after 6, ♦ - ♦ J 10965 underruffing to avoid a 649-2536. LOT — 80x150, Sherwood BY DICK CAVALLI and at this point East is jumped to two notrump over your Forest, Mass. Good location. SOUTH squeeze comes up on occasion $3295 1972 PLYMOUTH gold Duster, 1971 DATSUN 240Z - New nearly squeezed. Suppose he one spade. What do you do now'’ We still have some 1974’s Asking $1,350. 4 K9862 chucks a club. and is well worm knowing. 3-speed, 6-cylinder, radio, $1,- Michelin radials and radial 1969 BUICK, 4-door hardtop, THE TROJBLES OF THE WHERE DIDYtXl A «. MURPHY SAID 60. ? 752 .Answer Tomorrow 1971 MUSTANG iNfW SPAI'EH E.NTEHI’RI.SE AS.SN I 800 or best offer. Call between snows used one season. 872- brown and tan, should be seen, 643-6624 VnORLD BE3AM ©ETA6ILL:^r 4 J4 2-Door Hardtop. V-8 engine, 8633, or 875-7157. $900. Call 649-2340 after 6 p.m. South leads dummy's jack HURRY! left; including Matador Coupes! 2-6 p.m., 649-9273. WHEN AVAN LEARNED I D E A U K E T H A T ? 4^Q32 automatic transmission, bucket of spades and eventually Answer to Previous Puzzle seats, radio, chrome wheels, racing HOW TO WRITE. North-South vulnerable picks up all East’s trumps stripes, racing mirrors, whitewall 1966 THUNDERBIRD, fully THEIR LOSS can be your gain. NOW while discarding the nine of Finances L 1 N C O m tires, dark green paint. Very sharp ' equipped, good condition, in­ Repossession, bank says sell. West North Blast South A R e: car. hearts from dummy. Then he cludes studded snow tires, Just 8 months old, beautifui 14> P ass 14 N £ £ c ' a L k. at 1974 reasonable. 643-6977 after 7 mobile home, save over $2,000. is able to ruff out a club with t D >r . J l i r 54 6 4 P ass Pass ACROSS DOWN A $2395 p.m. Can be seen by. appointment. his last trump and make his E Pass 1 Typesof 1 — morgana O €> 6 L Shop, then contract. £ A S 1 1974 VEGA Call 828-0360, Broker. income 2 BlackipoeU W 2-Door Hatchback, gas saving 4 Opening lead—A4 S Payable 3 French E tz ) N k e 5 £ N cylinder engine, automatic Trucks lor Sale 62 TRUCK CAMPER 10 1/2’, gas Suppose East chucks a 8 Amounts of pronoun 4 Psalm word D c transmission, bucket seats, vinyl t heart. Once more South picks money C c . S&S BUICK refrigerator, stove, oven, toilet, 1 0 - I I A S 12 Talented 5 — MK side mouldings, whitewall tires, YES, WE STILL HAVE 1966 INTERNATIONAL, 20’ jacks, good condition, $950. 649- By Oswald & James Jacoby up East’s trumps but now he 1 N N e R S O 1 f R 15 Timetable Hammerskjold T X 5 radio, 12,400 miles. Yellow paint. van, roll up doors. No longer 3409. ptOc. has three heart tricks. s T A R E R needed. $1500. Kage, 91 ^ m **VALU abbreviation 6 Monitor lizard T C P 1 D r A A N T $2695 ACOODMUaiOMOf C W« X ■*. MC. TM UJ. X M. 14 Dash 7 Blunder Street. TRAVEL TRAILER 1967 Then why is East almost 5 Bell sound 8 Bishopric 30 Alcoholic 47 Corpulent 16 Flower 9 Arm bone beverage 49 Lofty structure 1971 GALAXIE 500 Pathfinder, self-contained, SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL squeezed? Because East can 50 T el^ram 4-Door Sedan. Power steering, NEW 1974 1970 FORD Super Van-radio, 18 Close (poeLl 10 Defensive 32 — Deal stove, heater, toilet, 33 South 51 Spectacular power brakes, air conditioning, y-6 new tires, 6 cylinder, standard. refrigerator. Call after 6, 646- 20 Negative armor correlative 11 Break abrupUy American act (coll.) engine, radio, bronze paint, vinyl Call 623-6642 anytime. 5830. 52 Sicilian top. 21 High mountain 17 Dull Indian NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED! OPELS S T A R G A X E R ' * 0 22 Farm animal 19 Lion's forte 34 Adolescent volcano $1995 By CLAY R. POLLAN- 24 Ethiopian 23 Fluent year 54 Catch sight of UIRA 25 One’s own 36 Exchange 56 Wash (poet) INCLUDING; Automotive Service 66 Automotive Service 66 Me Your Dot// Guidt prince y y MX*. II sifT. 2J 26 Bustle penerson premium 57 Gets older 1971 COMET According fo iho Sfort. 58 Cozy place Gas saving 6-cyllnder engine It Ocf. 29 Church 26 VipVipers 37 Cut ★ 4-DOOR SEDANS ★ SPORT COUPES ★ OPERA COUPES H i ' H I I S To develop message for Saturday, 60 Diminutive automatic transmission, power l S l 9 S I ' r>v 4-n-i2-2o vestment 27 Arrowlike 41 Australian reod words correspoixJing to numbers 2. 8-21-26^ suffixes steering, radio, metallic sllver/gold OPEN UP A NEW ^)29-43.a0.81 53^7-^9 ^ 31 Be right for missile' birds of your Zodiac birth sign. 43 Do small jobs 61 To(Scot) paint. Good condition. 643-5135 24 HOUR TOWING m k/n s j f TAUItUS SCORPIO 35 Fixed 28 Medley Sample Buy: BRAND NEW 1974 MATADOR BROUGHAM 1 BMt 31 Hove 61 Well remunerations 304 cu. In. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering. ^ XM.I0 ocr. TT $1795 SAVINGS ACCOUNT. 2 For 32 Womirvg' 62 Details 38 Narrow road 1 T 5“ T V T" ) 7 " if) power front disc brakes, individual reclining seats. F78x14 white i I CK Mxr M 3 Ptople 33 A 63 Up Nor 39 Conceited 4 It 34 IrKreosed 64 oy u 1972 AMC GREMLIN wall tires, tinted windshield, radio with rear speaker, body side 4-t4-2S.» 34.36-38-40/< person li mouldings, white vinyl roof, visibility group, courtesy light i lyZS-ST^M 5 For 35 Or 65 Differences Economical 6-cyllnder engine, 6 Officials 36 £r>ergy 66 Don't 46-49*50 ^ 40 &x;lesiastical 1$ i r If group, gold and tan color, Stock No. 2230. List $4317.70 Low. low price ' GIMINI 37 E ve rtin g 67 The living bucket seats. MIchelln radial BY ROY CRANE 7 Sooing SAGITTARIUS whitewall tires, radio, green paint 3695 BUZZ SAWYER 8 Progress 38Souod 68 Hesitote 42 Follower of It II O P E L 1974 9 Better 39 All 69 Know Zeno BACKED BY THE AMC BUYER PROTECTION PLAN^^! •'cVjUNt JO 40 Juxigment 70 Putter 21 $1895 ■ M M CONMT, SaiM M M p r ,m r « KELLY. IT'S im p e r a t iv e 'SHEPUaSTHE 10 Doctors DfC. 44 Margin JT 2DI .WIRE ACROSS, 41-48-51-55 )) Could 41 Inactive 71 And 59-63^-45^ 45 Operated "let Us Skew Yea Haw Wa CaaMtlP rOUTa 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER,CONN.* Phone 643-S13S WB LSI FOOFY KNOW OUR 41-ro-w 12 B ^ k 42 Cor'ventionol 72 Arourvd 71-73-77 7T5T S' H r M 1970 SKYLARK RESCUE PLAN AND THE DRAW A COMIC ? ANCHORS IT.. D )3Get 43 Through 73 Moke 46 Exclamation o Convertible, V-8 engine, automatic Oaa Of Tha Tap feenamy Car Bays la lha Caantryl" ! PAGE SHOWING HER , CANCI* 14 Isr^'t 44 Rules 74 Of CAPRICORN surprise M transmission, power steering, FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALITY PART SHB'STO PLAY. ^\JUNl II 15 Dentist 45 Quibble 75 A.h OfC 22 ^ 48 Place i IMPRISON, YOUR BUCK K..k\6> BUCK 16 Thirigs 46 Should 76 Increase bucket seats, maroon paint, very, ^ J U L t U JAN. It 50 Word of sorrow ' CARRIES HER 17 Moving 47 Small 77 Amends very nice car. STOP AT S&S&SAVE $$$ CONTROLLED AUTO BODY REPAIRS i PAMQERFIELD THROWS S3 Masculine i HER A ROPB ATTACHED, flO SAFFTYON iYl3-t6-17-23 18 You 46 Doy 78 Of 9-22-39 424P riickname u 4$ 1/27.46^ 19 Seem 49 Be 79 Under 44-78-84 8 9 ^ j r $1895 De Cormier VTHE HIGH WIRE 80 Strorvge SSGannet TO A HIGH W IR E - 20 Your 50 Yours Drive A CAS-SAVING OPEL Todov At on all makes . . . AQUARIUS 59 Lender’s profit 4T DATSUN LiO 21 Contoct 51 Moy 81 Woys Motors JULY I) 22 Observe 52 Well 82 Serious JAN. 20 ^ 62 Payment for u 57 U 23 Swiftly 53 In 83 Your n t II M v work done w ST YT HU LOAN and RENTAL CARS ^AU6. 12 54 Kr>owledge 84 Foir BOLAND’S 24 To 18-19-24-31/-T 63 Overhead item 1- 5- 7 -10 85 Proportions Available by Appointment. . . 25 Wise 55 As 137-5279-8^- 64 Health resort ST i S&SBUICK 15-35-87-90 26 Those 56 Dispute 86 Control 65 Nights before AUTO DISCOUNT 27 And 57 Over 87 Other u u Motor Sales, Inc. VIRGO PISCIS S" 88 Popularity 66 Epochs 28 With 58 Could HI. It )K. STAN OZiMEK, Manager ? / 41/G. 2) 29 Efforts 59 Patch 09 Ploy 67 Target center ST 6? u 6 4 ^ 3 2 0 t / y sirr. 22 30 To 60 Assum e 90 ProfessK'nals UAR 2 0 "-f‘ 68 Remainder 11 |285 Broad St., Manchester 643-41651 10/12 3-28-54-74'; 369 Center Street 301-315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER y 5 32-33-47.S6 jGooJ (^Adverse ^ ; Neutral (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) y 58-60-82 85 75-76-83 881^ PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Fri., Oct. 11, 1974 Aid Offered To Students Senior students at lianrlirHtrr lEurntng llrralh Manchester High School and CIDER COOKIES COFFEE CAKE East Catholic High School plan­ ning a college career may be MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1974 - VOL. XCIV, No. 11 Manchester—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES — TWO MINIS PRICE* FIFTEEN CENTS eligible to receive financial assistance through two programs funded by the State of Connecticut. The two programs are the Connecticut State Scholarship Future Mideast Peace program and the Connecticut Higher Education Grant program, both of which are ad­ ministered under policies es­ tablished by the Connecticut Discussed at Aqaba State Scholarship Commission. At present, 46,000 brochures AQABA, Jordan (UPI) — Secretary of negotiations were not likely to begin for at cussed by Kissinger and the king, concerning the two programs State Henry Kissinger flew into this Gulf least another two weeks. If then. diplomatic sources said. are being distributed to of Aqaba resort within sight of Israel The secretary of state arrived at Aqaba Hussein Looks to U.S. superintendents, principals, by helicopter at 1:10 p.m. (7; 10 a.m. EDT) today to discuss the future of Arab-Israeli King Hussein looks to the United States headmasters and guidance peace negotiations with King Hussein of from a tourist visit to ancient Petra, “the counselors in all public and rose-red city half as old as time,” where as his main hope of recovering the West Jordan. Bank of the Jordan River, which Israel oc­ private secondary schools in Kissinger is on a one-week mission to for two hours he toured temples and tombs Connecticut. sculpted in red sandstone 2,000 years ago. cupied in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. the Middle East. U.S. officials said peace Hussein is being challenged by the A student who is eligible may Kifai Former Studenl apply for a state scholarship, a Palestinian Liberation Organization, Accompanied by Jordanian Premier- which seeks the territory as the nucleus of higher education grant, or both. Vote-Making Session Foreign Minister Zeid Rifai, a former stu­ The deadlines for filing a Palestinian state. dent of his at Harvard, he had flown to applications are Dec. 15 for a Ihidef Way Today Egypt and Syria have supported the Petra early today from Amman, where he PLO claim and have recogniz^ the PLO state scholarship, and Feb. 15, spent the night at King Hussein’s Basman It’s still not too late to register to vote in as the sole representative of the 1975, for a higher education palace. the Nov. 5 election. Palestinians last month. grant. The first formal talks were scheduled at Today is the deadline for registration for Further information is King Hussein’s residence in Aqaba, a low this year’s election, and Manchester’s available at the high school of­ white-washed villa set in a large garden. registrars of voters are conducting an all­ fices. The villa is the closest building in Aqaba to day voter-making session in the town Jaworski Quits the Israeli border, only about two miles clerk’s office at the Municipal Building, 41 from the Israeli port of Eilat. 35 !Sew Voters Center St. The possibility of a Jordanian-Israeli WASHINGTON (UPI) - Leon Jaworski The session is to run until 8 tonight. Are Registered agreement under which part of the West submitted his resignation as Watergate For citizens whose voter eligibility Bank of the River Jordan would be special prosecutor today, rejecting A Wednesday night voter­ rights mature after today, there’ll be a 2 returned to Jordanian civil administration suggestions that he should seek to indict special voter-making session Nov. 4, from making session conducted by was one of the topics expected to be dis- Richard M. Nixon to test the legality of 9 a.m. to noon, in the town clerk’s office. M anchester’s registrars of Fire Prevention Week Activities the full pardon granted the former presi­ voters resulted in the signup of dent. 35 new voters — 19 Democrats, In two letters to Attorney General 5 Republicans, and 11 unaf­ Fire Prevention Week ends today. the Manchester, Town Fire Depart­ hauls Robert Barker out of the foam William B. Saxbe, Jaworski asked that his filiated — the registrars Manchester firemen have opened ment and James Sarles for the where he had been jailed for not being Business Tax Breaks resignation be accepted effective Oct. 25 reported. District. Above right, the district’s a good fireman. (The bear photo by and suggested that his deputy, Henry The registrars also reminded their stations to the public and firemen have given dozens of talks fire prevention bear shakes hands The Herald’s Reginald Pinto and the Ruth, named to succeed him. eligible townspeople that foam photo by Fireman Graham Jaworski’s resignation came less than tomorrow is the regsitration and demonstrations to school children with Bentley School kids. Above left, throughout town. James LaPine was Peter Sarles in the proximity suit MacDonald) Defended bv Simon 24 hours after a jury was chosen and deadline for persons wishing to w in iN S sequestered in the Watergate cover-up in charge of the demonstrations for vote in the Nov. 5 election. A WASHINGTON (UPI) - Treasury period as provided by the Taft-Hartley trial — the major prosecution brought un­ registration session is Secretary William E. Simon defended Act. ■* der Jaworski’s jurisdiction. scheduled from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. President Ford’s proposed tax breaks for • In New York, the nation’s second “The bulk of the work entrusted to the tomorrow in the town clerk’s NEWS business Friday as the best way for people largest bank. First National City, joined care of this office having been discharged, office at the Municipal to “get goods at the lowest possible , others >n lowering its prime lending rate I am confident that such of our respon­ Building. CAPSULES Court Suits Planned price.” to 11 per cent from 11 % per cent. sibilities as remain unfulfilled can well be Persons whose eligibility But Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., Tax Called Mistake completed under the leadership of another rights mature after tomorrow Gift List Disclosed called the proposals a return to the special prosecutor,” Jaworski wrote will be able to register in a on non Binmui nunr WASHINGTON (UPI) - Vice presiden­ • Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La., chairman On Utility Rate Increase policies of Herbert Hoover, president at Saxbe in his letter of resignation. special session due Nov. 4, from tial nominee Nelson Rockefeller has dis­ of the Senate Finance Committee, told the start of the Great Depression. In a separate letter detailing the status 9 a.m. to noon in the town For the ONE HUNDRETH time, Watkins is celebrating a birthday. For all Democratic gubernatorial contender vestigation by the Senate Select Com­ closed personal loans and gifts totaling television interviewers Ford had made a Defends Program of pending investigations, Jaworski dis­ clerk’s office. Ella T. Grasso threatened twice this week mittee on Standards and Conduct. more than $2.1 million to friends, political mistake proposing a tax increase before that time and through 4 generations we have been blessed with thousands of cussed the case against Nixon “to dispel Wednesday night’s signup of to take the state Public Utilities Commis­ ’The committee had turned down a associates, a journalist and 18 former U.S. Simon told Congress’ Joint Economic an election. “A lot of these fellows who any thought that there may be some rela­ 35 new voters brought happy customers and hundreds of wonderful employees. sion to court over the issue of rate hikes to and New York State officials. Rockefeller Committee that he thought Ford’s are having close races on their hands will request from Brannen to investigate tion between my resignation and that Manchester’s voter enrollment Jom us today for some good old fashioned fun! Bring your friends and the state’s major utilities. Ribicoff’s connection with a large says he’s innocent of moral or legal proposal to boost the business investment be committing themselves against that issue.” to an unofficial total of 28,264— Mrs. Grasso Friday said she will sue the Washington, D.C., area real estate firm wrongdoing. tax credit from 7 to 10 per cent would act surtax, especially for the part between neighbors. We’re sure you’ll enjoy our 100th Birthday party. as an anti-inflationary incentive for in­ 11,187 Democrats, 8,889 PUC if it gives a rate increase to United for possible conflict of interest. “Now that Jury Selected $15,000 and $25,000,” Long said. He said it would be "intellectually dis­ Republicans, and 8,188 unaf­ Illuminating Co. Earlier this week she we know the committee can't do the creased production. He said Ford’s • Eleven congressmen from dairy honest” for him to challenge the full par­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - With the ques­ filiated. said she was suing the commission for the necessary legwork, we’ve decided to program would induce corporations to in­ states told President Ford dairymen are don President Ford granted his tion of whether former President Richard $47.7 m illion ra te hike it granted proceed with it ourselves,” Brannen said. crease output, curb inflation and ultimate­ facing bankruptcy because of present predecessor for any and all crimes com­ Nixon will forced to testify not yet ly benefit the consumer. government policies. They asked for mitted during his presidency. Jaworski Northeast Utilities because of alleged fuel Demands Resignulions MMH Auxiliary cost adjustment overcharges. answered, a jury of nine women and three Raising the business tax credit was one promises that the dairy import quotas said he firmly believes Ford acted proper­ Meets Oct. 21 In the Congressional races, William R. men has been selected to try the of the major requests in Ford’s economic would not be increased for at least a year. ly under the Constitution. To Oppose UI Increase Ratchford, Democratic candidate in the Watergate cover-up case. message before Congress Tuesday. The Auxiliary of Manchester “I intend to join in the court appeal Fifth District, called for the resignation of Proxmire Disagrees Memorial Hospital will hold its against any United Illuminating in­ holdover economic advisers from the Ranchera To Kill Cows Committee chairman Proxmire dis­ C fall meeting and luncheon Oct. creases,” she told the Stamford Area Nixon administration. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Tex. (UPI) - 21 at noon at Willie’s Steak agreed strongly with Simon. Commerce and Industry Association. “No “Before you ask the American people to Ranchers say the only thing that can stop Industry Experts Believe House. He called Ford’s tax proposals “the old THE SWEET ADELINE SINGERS rate hikes can be permitted until the PUC make sacrifices in the fight for a stable a slaughter of several thousand cattle Dr. Kenneth M. Godlash will Herbert Hoover trickle down theory” of investigates the fuel adjustment economy, the ‘Nixon team’ which drafted across Texas scheduled for Wednesday is speak on “Paramedical Per­ economics and said they would actually overcharges and orders whatever refunds a game plan of inflation must be dis­ a written guarantee from agriculture of­ Inflation Has Peaked sonnel and Primary Care.” His cost individual taxpayers $2.6 billion over are found to be correct.” missed,” Ratchford said in a telegram to ficials that the price of feed will be topic will cover the types of five years while saving businessmen $12 Mrs. Grasso commissioned a study the White House Friday. stabilized. paramedics training and which concluded that electric consumers Ratchford said Agriculture Secretary billion. “Our consultants are projecting a capabilities of paramedics, the in the state have been overcharged a total Earl Butz, chief economic adviser Alan Betty Ford Home “That was the old Herbert Hoover HOT SPRINGS, Va. (UPI) - Industry T economists say inflation may have relatively flat economic performance positions tb c ' hold and the of $19 million because the PUC allowed the Greenspan, budget director Roy Ash and trickle down theory — help the rich ^ y WASHINGTON (UPI) - First Lady Bet­ through the first half of 1975,” said government’, position on THE CONNECTICUT GUILD OF CRAFTSMEN AT WORK power companies to use outdated efficien­ Treasury Secretary William Simon should and eventually the poor guy will benefit,” already peaked at present double-digit I Richard G. Gerstenberg, former chair­ paramedical care. A question cy ratings. step down. ty Ford is back home in the White House Proxmire said. levels and should decline to around 8 Vz per man of the board of General Motors. and answer period will follow. Mac Buckley, Republican candidate in after making an “excellent” recovery cent next year, according to the Business Preparing Charges “Assuming no interruptions in available A graduate of Georgetown the First District, wrote a letter to his op­ from surgery for removal of a cancerous Other News Council. Elsewhere in politics. Republican oil and gas, they (the economists) foresee Medical School in Washington, ponent, Rep. William R. Cotter, D-Conn., right breast two weeks ago. • United Mine Worker President Arnold The council, which serves as a kind of senatorial nominee James H. Brannen liaison between goverment and industry, no serious recession,” he said. “On the D.C. in 1961, Dr. Godlash did his asking him in the spirit of. the “new The First Lady appeared tired, but Miller said miners will strike the nation’s said Friday he is preparing specific contrary, they do see indications that the residency in internal medicine politics” to resign as treasurer of the smiled as she left the Bethesda Naval coal mines Nov. 12 unless the industry said Friday that its members were op­ charges against his opponent. Sen. timistic progress would be made in cur­ rate of inflation has passed its peak.” at Hartford Hospital from 1%2- Democratic State Central Committee. Hospital for a brief helicopter ride back to agrees to union demands for greater safe­ Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., for in­ bing inflation and lowering high interest However, Gerstenberg warned that the 1%7. He was in private practice the White House with her husband, who ty and health measures. He hinted the optimistic predictions could be wrecked if in Bloomfield until 1972. flew to the suburban Maryland hospital UMW would ignore an 80-day cooling off rates in 1975. From 1972-1974, he served as Friday afternoon. coal miners strike this year or if any new medical coordinator for the shortages of oil or gasoline develop. nurse practitioner training Turkish Issue Delays A coal strike, he said, could “devastate program. He is presently the our nation’s productive capacity in a director of the primary care matter of only a few weeks.” unit at Hartford Hospital. Recess of Congress United Mine Workers President Arnold Anyone interested in attend­ Miller warned that his union will strike ing may contact Mrs. Charles Nov. 12 unless industry representatives Baxter, 34 Olcott Dr. by WASHINGTON (UPI) - Members of The complicated legislative tangle agree to bargain the union’s demands for Wednesday. Congress had expected to begin a month’s started when Congress passed a resolution greater safety and health provisions in vacation and start full time campaigning providing that all federal agencies which good faith. for the Nov. 5 elections today, but their have not received their 1975 ap­ The economic experts have a “solid con­ Class Planned plans were delayed by Congress’ biggest propriations would continue to be funded sensus that the nation will begin to see A dozen highly skilled hand craftsmen from the central Connecticut area will be fight so far with the Ford administration. until Congress gives final approval to their tangible progress” solving the nation’s In First Aid Both houses will be back Tuesday to try money bills. economic woes in 1975 despite predictions demonstrating their techniques and selling their products. Some of the craftsmen to settle the dispute. Congress, annoyed that U.S. aid of higher unemployment and lower The Manchester Red Cross is exhibiting will be; woodworkers, jewelers, silversmiths, candlemakers, weavers, The issue was whether to halt U.S. weapons were used in the Turkish invasion profits, he said. offering a training program in coppersmiths, and several other artists. military assistance to Turkey. But the of Cyprus though they are supposed to be President Ford’s chief economist, Alan r standard first aid and personal fight has drawn in some innocent only for defensive purposes, included in Greenspan, predicted Thursday that the safety. This newly developed bystanders —a group of federal the funding resolution a provision that present 12 per cent inflation would drop 2 course includes essential infor­ departments including Labor, Agriculture military aid to Turkey must stop im­ or 3 per cent by spring. mation for development of first and Health, Education and Welfare mediately until Ford can report “substan­ Gerstenberg’s report predicted inflation aid knowledge, skill ability and —which conceivably might lose their tial process” toward withdrawal of the would fall to between 6 and 7 per cent by personal judgment. operating funds. Turkish troops. late 1975 averaging about 8.5 per cent for Upon completion, par­ Loses First Round the year. The report predicted the Gross ticipants should be prepared to DOOR PRIZES National Product (GNP) would fall 1 per meet the needs of most Ford lost the first round in the show­ Handcuffs Peace Efforts cent in terms of 1973 dollars adjusted for situations where emergency down Friday when the House rejected on a 187-171 vote his request to suspend for 60 Ford said the cutoff handcuffed inflation for the full year, that gross cor­ 2 care is needed and medical LA-Z-BOY days an earlier congressional mandate to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s ef­ porate profits would fall 4 per cent, and assistance is not overly 1st RECLINER that unemployment would average around delayed. They will also have m FREE cut off military aid to Turkey. forts to negotiate a settlement of the 6.25’per cent. learned safety and accident Ford is expected to win the second Cyprus conflict. He asked for a 60-day prevention by becoming round, however, when his scheduled veto extension of the aid, making clear he acquainted with causes of ac­ of a funding resolution, carrying the aid would veto the whole funding resolution cidents. The fifth in series of original pen cutoff mandate, comes to an override test for federal agencies if the extension were The course will be held in the in the House. House Democratic leader denied, as it was on Friday. W IN cfM lf and ink drawings of Conn, The present stop-gap funding resolution Manchester Red Cross office, Thomas P. O’Neill conceded that the two- 243 E. Center St., for six con­ ANNIVERSARY historical scenes as they appeared thirds vote to override probably could not expired Sept. 30. Agencies usually can con­ INSIDE secutive Thursday evenings ARM CHAIR 100 years ago. E xecu ted by i be achieved. tinue to meet payrolls and other expen­ beginning Oct. 17 from 7 to 9 ditures for two weeks without specific TODAY p.m. ANNIVERSARY Connecticut artist, Ken Hogle, this spending authority. Then things become Some of the situations limited edition will be given'away critical with the possibility of payless SIDE CHAIR paydays. The critical time arrives next covered in this program are today on a first come, first served week. (Herald photo by Dunn) shock, poisoning, burns, Churches ...... Pages 8, 9 WEATHER Ford is expected to announce his veto of respiratory emergencies and basis. (The Charles W. Morgan Manchester Has It ...... Page 7 the funding measure on Tuesday. If Heptihlican Candidates Enjoy a Light Moment artificial respiration, choking, Under Sail - 9x12) Congress were on vacation then, a big Television ...... Page 18 heat stroke, frost bite, ban­ Increasing cloudiness this afternoon chunk of the federal government might daging and emergency rescue. with chance of a few showers tonight. Area Profile ...... Page 9 come to a halt and Ford would have power As class space is limited, High around 70 and low 45 to SO. Fair and These Republican candidates were Steele and his wife put in an Harriet Haslett, 13th Assembly Newspaper W eek ...... Page 11 to summon Congress back into session. So cooler Sunday with high in low 60s. Partly among those attending the appearance later in the evening. D istrict; Jam es Brannen III, U.S. anyone interested in par­ Cdngress’s leaders decided on their own to Midget football...... Page 13 ticipating is reminded to cloudy,and cool Monday. Chance of From left are: G. Warren Westbrook, Senate; Wallace Irish Jr., 12th be in session that day —to override Ford’s Manchester Republican Dinner- Masonic sports speaker ...... Pagel3 register as soon as possible by showers Tuesday and fair and cooler Dance last night at Garden Grove. 14th Assembly District; David Assembly District; and llillery Wednesday. veto they can, or otherwise to reach a Herald Angle ...... Page 12 contacting the Red Cross office, 935 MAIN ST., DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER ■ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING compromise. Gubernatorial candidate Robert H. Odegard, Fourth Senate District; Gallagher, judge of probate. 643-5111. t ...... i......