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PART III Escambia County Land Development Code DISCLAIMER: This is for general information on the land use regulations within the unincorporated areas of Escambia County. Please note that Escambia County regularly amends its land use regulations and that recent amendments may not yet be shown on this website. Accordingly, when buying, selling, or developing land in Escambia County, please come in to our office & speak with a Front Counter Planner for assistance on the most current regulations affecting your property. 10/2015 Table of Contents LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (LDC) Chapter 1 Administration Article 1 General Provisions Sec. 1-1.1 Purpose of chapter. Sec. 1-1.2 Purpose of article. Sec. 1-1.3 Title of code. Sec. 1-1.4 Authority of Land Development Code (LDC). Sec. 1-1.5 Purpose of LDC. Sec. 1-1.6 Enforcement of LDC compliance. Sec. 1-1.7 Applicability of LDC provisions. Sec. 1-1.8 Effective date of LDC provisions. Sec. 1-1.9 Impartiality of LDC provisions. Sec. 1-1.10 Adjustments to LDC provisions. Sec. 1-1.11 Rules for understanding LDC provisions. Sec. 1-1.12 Appeal of LDC-based determinations. Sec. 1-1.13 Relation of LDC to other authorities. Sec. 1-1.14 Conflicting provisions with and within LDC. Sec. 1-1.15 Severability of LDC provisions. Article 2 Nonconformance Sec. 1-2.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 1-2.2 General conditions Sec. 1-2.3 Continuing nonconformance. Article 3 County Officials Sec. 1-3.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 1-3.2 County Administrator. Sec. 1-3.3 Planning Official. Sec. 1-3.4 Building Official. Sec. 1-3.5 County Engineer. Sec. 1-3.6 Community and Environment Director Article 4 County Boards Sec. 1-4.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 1-4.2 Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Sec. 1-4.3 Planning Board. Sec. 1-4.4 Santa Rosa Island Authority Sec. 1-4.5 Board of Adjustment (BOA). Chapter 2 Development and Compliance Review Article 1 General Provisions Sec. 2-1.1 Purpose of chapter. Sec. 2-1.2 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-1.3 General compliance review provisions. Sec. 2-1.4 General provisions of compliance review. Article 2 Verifications and Confirmations Sec. 2-2.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-2.2 Permitted land use. Sec. 2-2.3 Lot conformance. Sec. 2-2.4 Street names and addresses. Sec. 2-2.5 Alcoholic beverage zoning. Sec. 2-2.6 Land Development Code (LDC) interpretation. Sec. 2-2.7 Use compatibility. Article 3 Land Disturbance Activities Sec. 2-3.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-3.2 General land disturbance. Sec. 2-3.3 Pre-construction site work. Sec. 2-3.4 Construction in county right-of-way. Sec. 2-3.5 Residential driveways. Sec. 2-3.6 Removal of protected trees. Sec. 2-3.7 Sand and aggregate on barrier islands. Article 4 Site Development Sec. 2-4.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-4.2 Site development review. Sec. 2-4.3 Minor site development. Sec. 2-4.4 Major site development. Article 5 Subdivision Sec. 2-5.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-5.2 Subdivision review and platting. Sec. 2-5.3 Minor subdivisions. Sec. 2-5.4 Master plans. Sec. 2-5.5 Preliminary plats. Sec. 2-5.6 Construction plans. Sec. 2-5.7 Final plats. Sec. 2-5.8 Plat vacation. Article 6 Special Conditions and Circumstances Sec. 2-6.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-6.2 Review by quasi-judicial hearing. Sec. 2-6.3 Variance of LDC standards Sec. 2-6.4 Conditional uses. Sec. 2-6.5 Extensions of review, approval, and use periods. Sec. 2-6.6 Medical hardship temporary use of manufactured homes. Sec. 2-6.7 Vested rights. Sec. 2-6.8 Planned Unit Developments. Sec. 2-6.9 Statutory development agreements. Article 7 LDC and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Sec. 2-7.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-7.2 LDC zoning map and text amendments. Sec. 2-7.3 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and text amendments. Article 8 Manual and Procedures Sec. 2-8.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 2-8.2 General. Sec. 2-8.3 Criteria for inclusion. Sec. 2-8.4 Design Standards Manual (DSM). Sec. 2-8.5 Amendments or changes to the DSM. Chapter 3 Zoning Regulations Article 1 General Provisions Sec. 3-1.1 Purpose of chapter. Sec. 3-1.2 Purpose of article. Sec. 3-1.3 Zoning and future land use. Sec. 3-1.4 Allowed uses. Sec. 3-1.5 Site and building requirements. Sec. 3-1.6 Compatibility. Sec. 3-1.7 Density bonuses. Sec. 3-1.8 Density and uses savings clause Article 2 Mainland Districts Sec. 3-2.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 3-2.2 Agricultural (Agr). Sec. 3-2.3 Rural Residential (RR). Sec. 3-2.4 Rural Mixed-use (RMU). Sec. 3-2.5 Low Density Residential (LDR). Sec. 3-2.6 Low Density Mixed-use (LDMU). Sec. 3-2.7 Medium Density Residential (MDR). Sec. 3-2.8 High Density Residential (HDR). Sec. 3-2.9 High Density Mixed-use (HDMU). Sec. 3-2.10 Commercial (Com). Sec. 3-2.11 Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial (HC/LI). Sec. 3-2.12 Industrial (Ind). Sec. 3-2.13 Recreation (Rec). Sec. 3-2.14 Conservation (Con). Sec. 3-2.15 Public (Pub). Article 3 Overlay Districts Sec. 3-3.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 3-3.2 Community redevelopment. Sec. 3-3.3 Barrancas Overlay (Barr-OL). Sec. 3-3.4 Brownsville Overlay (Brn-OL). Sec. 3-3.5 Englewood Overlay (Eng-OL). Sec. 3-3.6 Palafox Overlay (Pfox-OL). Sec. 3-3.7 Scenic Highway Overlay (SH-OL). Sec. 3-3.8 Warrington Overlay (Warr-OL). Article 4 Perdido Key Districts Sec. 3-4.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 3-4.2 Low Density Residential (LDR-PK).[previously R1PK] Sec. 3-4.3 Medium Density Residential (MDR-PK). [previously R2PK] Sec. 3-4.4 High Density Residential (HDR-PK). [previously R3PK] Sec. 3-4.5 Commercial (Com-PK). [previously C1PK] Sec. 3-4.6 Commercial Core (CC-PK). Sec. 3-4.7 Commercial Gateway (CG-PK). Sec. 3-4.8 Planned Resort (PR-PK). Sec. 3-4.9 Recreation (Rec-PK). [previously S1PK] Article 5 Pensacola Beach Districts Sec. 3-5.1 Building Height Sec. 3-5.2 Low Density Residential (LDR-PB). Sec. 3-5.3 Medium Density Residential (MDR-PB). Sec. 3-5.4 Medium Density Residential and Commercial (MDR/C-PB). Sec. 3-5.5 High Density Residential (HDR-PB). Sec. 3-5.6 High Density Residential and Commercial (HDR/C-PB). Sec. 3-5.7 General Retail (GR-PB). Sec. 3-5.8 Recreation Retail (Rec/R-PB). Sec. 3-5.9 Commercial Hotel (CH-PB). Sec. 3-5.10 Preservation (PR-PB). Sec. 3-5.11 Conservation and Recreation (Con/Rec-PB) Sec. 3-5.12 Government and Civic (G/C-PB) Chapter 4 Location and Use Regulations Article 1 General Provisions Sec. 4-1.1 Purpose of chapter Sec. 4-1.2 Purpose of article. Sec. 4-1.3 General conditions. Article 2 Floodplain Management Sec. 4-2.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 4-2.2 General administration. Sec. 4-2.3 Floodplain Administrator. Sec. 4-2.4 Flood hazard reduction. Sec. 4-2.5 Variances. Article 3 Santa Rosa Island Authority Floodplain Management Sec. 4-3.1 Floodplain management on Pensacola Beach Sec. 4-3.2 General provisions Sec. 4-3.3 Applicability Sec. 4-3.4 Duties and powers of the floodplain administrator Sec. 4-3.5 Approvals and permits Sec. 4-3.6 Site plans and construction documents Sec. 4-3.7 Inspections Sec. 4-3.8 Variances and appeals Sec. 4-3.9 Conditions for issuance of variances Sec. 4-3.10 Violations Sec. 4-3.11 Definitions Sec. 4-3.12 Building and structures Sec. 4-3.13 Subdivisions Sec. 4-3.14 Site improvements, utilities and limitations Sec. 4-3.15 Manufactured homes Sec. 4-3.16 Recreational vehicles and park trailers Sec. 4-3.17 Tanks Sec. 4-3.18 Other Development Article 4 Airport and Airfield Environs Sec. 4-4.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 4-4.2 General provisions. Sec. 4-4.3 Hazards to air navigation. Sec. 4-4.4 Airport and airfield planning districts. Sec. 4-4.5 Variances. Article 5 Natural Resources Sec. 4-5.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 4-5.2 General provisions. Sec. 4-5.3 Wetlands. Sec. 4-5.4 Threatened and endangered species habitat. Sec. 4-5.5 Marine, estuarine, and riverine shorelines (MERS). Sec. 4-5.6 Coastal high-hazard areas. Sec. 4-5.7 Barrier island sand. Sec. 4-5.8 Barrier Island Lighting. Sec. 4-5.9 Wellhead protection Sec. 4.5.10 Docks, Piers, and Marinas Article 6 Historical and Archaeological Resources Sec. 4-6.1 Purpose of this article. Sec. 4-6.2 General provisions Article 7 Supplemental Use Regulations Sec. 4-7.1 Purpose of article. Sec. 4-7.2 General provisions. Sec. 4-7.3 Accessory uses and structures. Sec. 4-7.4 Adult entertainment. Sec. 4-7.5 Alcoholic beverage sales. Sec. 4-7.6 Borrow pits and reclamation. Sec. 4-7.7 Condo-hotels. Sec. 4-7.8 Manufactured (mobile) homes. Sec. 4-7.9 Outdoor storage and display. Sec. 4-7.10 Recreational vehicles. Sec 4-7.11 Recycling and waste diversion facilities Sec.4-7.12 Telecommunication towers. Sec.