UPDATED March 26,2021 2021 Camp Leaders’ Guide Ockanickon Scout Reservation Washington Crossing Council 5787 State Park Road Pipersville, PA 18947 Phone: (215) 297-5290 Fax: (215) 297-8702 Email:
[email protected] Welcome to Ockanickon Scout Reservation Hello! We are very excited to be back in camp for 2021! After not being able to have everyone in camp with us last season due to COVID-19 we are ready to start the adventure again. Our leadership team has been hard at work over the last year finding ways to pro- vide a safe, meaningful and fun camping experience for everyone this summer. This guide is key to having a stress free pre-camp season and stay at OSR. Please note that any change due to COVID-19 will be listed in red in this guide. Lastly we would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to a pre-camp leaders meeting taking place virtually on May 1st, starting at 9am. Points of contact listed on the deposit form will receive a notification about registration for the meeting. For all camping and program related questions email our Program Director Charley Kinsky at:
[email protected] For all payment and reservation questions email our Business Manager Michelle Cathers at:
[email protected] Please note that the camp office does not open until June 14th. If you are reaching out by phone prior to that date; Please call the Washington Crossing Council Ser- vice Center at 215-348-7205. We look forward to meeting you at the May 1st leaders meeting and can’t wait to have you in camp with us this summer! Yours in Scouting, Todd Warner Charley Kinsky Council Camping Director Program Director 1 Table of Contents Section 1: Pre Camp Information Fees & Payments……...……………………………………………….……3 Camping Opportunities………………………………………………..…..5 Camp Scholarships………………………………………………..………..6 Refund Policy……….………………………………………………………..7 Camp Staff…………………………………………….………………………8 Preparing For Camp………………………………………...……………..9 Background Checks……………………………………………………….10 Pre-Camp To Do List……………………………………………………..12 Health & Medical Policies…………………….………......………….