Scout Association

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Scout Association GB 2253 TC Scout Association This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA41172 The National Archives File Subject TC/l K* FOUNDER ­ PUBLICATIONS Scouting for Boys Wolf Cub Handbook Aids to Scoutmastership TC/2 M FOUNDER - PUBLICATIONS ROVERING TO SUCCESS Publication Advertising Printing Appreciations Comments Translations TC/3 M FOUNDER - PUBLICATIONS 1934 Adventures and Accidents 1924 Adventures of a Spy 1936 Adventuring to Manhood 1937 African Adventures 1899 Aids to Scouting 1921 An Old Wolfs Favourites 1935 Birds and Beasts in Africa Brownies Handbook 1896 Downfall of Prempeh 1918 Girl Guiding 1915 Indian Memories 1933 Lessons from the Varsity of Life TC/4 M FOUNDER - PUBLICATIONS 1927 Life's Snags 1927-1939 1940 More Sketches of Kenya 1939 Paddle Your Own Canoe 1939-1940 1889 Pigsticking 1921-1934 1914 Quick Training for War 1914-1922 1910 Scouting Games 1910-1923 1935 Scouting Round the World 1935-1937 1929 Scouting & Youth Movements 1929-1933 1907 Sketches in Mafeking and East Africa 1905-1908 1921 What Scouts Can Do 1921-1936 1909 Yarns for Boy Scouts 1909-1935 1916 Young Knights of Empire 1915-1919 Forewords to Books 1914-1938 TC/^ /M FOUNDER - PUBLICATIONS Suggestions to Founder 1918-1937 Founder - Translations Misc. 1947-1950 Founder - Royalties (General) 1931-1936 Warington B.-P. - "Sea Scouting..." 1921-1924 Roland Philipps Books - General 1917-1931 Gilcraft Books - Corres. with J. S. Wilson 1930-1933 Misc. Corres. - Dedications, Biographies Etc. 1936-1938 V. Barclay - Translation of "Games" 1922 Kipling - Corres. Re Jungle Book 1919-1928 I File Subject TC/6 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Books by Wade Piper of Pax 1924-1931 Story of Scouting 1928-1940 Boys Life of Chief Scout 1929-1933 Sayings of the Chief Scout 1939 (Suggested) Miscellaneous Correspondence re Books 1909-1935 TC/7 TOURS - VARIOUS 3rd Tyne Sea Scouts 1969-1973 J. F. Leech 1963-1970 P. B. Nevill 1954-1961 R. F. Thurman 1949-1965 J. F. Colquhoun 1950-1959 D. F. Morgan 1949-1959 TC/8 TOURS - VARIOUS 1923 Australia & New Zealand (A. Pickford) 1926 - U.S.A. & Canada (Pickford) 1928 Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka (Crum) 1931 Sri Lanka (C. D. Green) 1936 Canada (v/ilson) 1937 Australia (PY/S) 1939 Canada (P'.7S) 1952 West Indies (Nevill) 1952 1st Caribbean Jamboree Central Africa Jamboree (Shea) 1955/56 Pan-Pacific Jamboree (N.Z.) Kenya etc. Asanthe Rally (Bevan) 1958 Australia, New Zealand, Fi^i (Hurll) 1959 British Virgin Islands (Jones) 1961 West Indies (2nd Caribbean Jamboree (Hurll) 1962 Singapore, Sri Lanka, Cyprus (Green) 1965 Eastern Caribbean (Gailer) Bahamas & Bermuda (Green) 1973 Seychelles (Noble) Eastern Caribbean (Noble) TC/9 FOUNDER - TOURS 1910 Canada 1912 West Indies, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa (Summary) 1920/21 India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Palestine 1923 Canada 1926/27 . South Africa 1928 Hungary 1929 Mediterranean & West Africa 1930 West Indies 1931 New Zealand, Australia, South Africa TC/lO FOUNDER - TOURS See also TC/9 1934/35 Australia, New Zealand, Canada Etc. 1935/36 Afri ca * ' 1937 East Africa 1937 All India Jamboree 1938 South Africa & St. Helena IC13-7 /TALY File Subject TC/ll TOURS - TRAVELLING COMMISSIONER (0. F. WITCHELL) 1959/60Mediterranean Area 196o/6l Far East and Western Pacific 1961 East Africa 1962 West Africa 1962/65 Caribbean Area 1963/64 Far East and Western Pacific TC/ll TOURS - TRAVELLING COMMISSIONER (F/H. J. Dahl) 1949 Caribbean Area 1952/53 West Africa, Sudan and Mediterranean 1954 Mauritius and Central Africa 1955 Gibraltar, Seychelles and East Africa 1957/58 Caribbean Area TC/12 TOURS - TRAVELLING COMMISSIONER (G. F. V/itchell) I964 Aug. Bermuda, Bahamas and Jamaica (for Conferences) 1964/65 South and Central Africa 1965/66 Africa and Indian Ocean 1966/67 Southern Africa and Caribbean 1967/68 Seychelles, Far East and Western Pacific 1968/69 Mauritius and Africa 1969/70 Caribbean Ares 1970/71 Far East and Western Pacific 1971/72 Seychelles and Africa 1972/73 Caribbean Area 1973/74 Far East and Western Pacific TOURS - CHIEF SCOUT (LORD RTYALLAN) TC/l5 1948/49 Australia and Ne* Zealand Rv? - ­ 1950 SOUTH AND CENTRAL AFRICA 1950 EAST AFRICA 1952 CARIBBEAN AREA 1954-- FAR EAST (WITH HIS REPORTS). 1955/56 AUSTRALIA, PAPUA/NEW GUINEA, FIJI, TONGA (WITH HIS REPORTS) 1958 CANADA TC/14 TOURS - CHIEF SCOUT - (LORD MCLEAN) 1960/61 AUSTRALIA 1962 HONG KONG, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND, CENTRAL AFRICA 1963 EAST AFRICA & ADEN, SOUTHERN AFRICA & MAURITIUS 1963 CARIBBEAN AREA 1 1964 MEDITERRANEAN AREA 1964 FAR EAST 1965 WEST AFRICA, WESTERN PACIFIC 1967 HEW ZEALAND 1967 CANADA 1967/68 AUSTRALIA 1968 INDIA, SRI LANKA & PAPUA/NEW CUINEA 1970 SEYCHELLES, KENYA & UGANDA 1971 FIJI, BRUNEI, SABAH, SARAWAK & SINGAPORE File Subject TC/15 TOURS KING GEORGE VI TRAINING MEMORIAL FOUNDATION COMMONWEALTH BURSARIES REPORTS 1956 MALAYA (S. WINDSOR) 1957 UGANDA (D. C. PELL3Y) 1958 MALAWI (D. H. SMITH) 1959 SIERRA LEONE (P. COOKE) 1959 THE GAMBIA (P. COOKE) 1959 GIBRALTAR (T. E. W. BRO',7N) 1959 SABAH (L. SPIKESLEY) 1959 SARAWAK (L. SPIKESLEY) 1959 BRUNEI (L. SPIKESLEY) 1961 BERMUDA (D.HOUSE) 1961 BAHAMAS (D. HOUSE) 1961 BARBADOS (D. HOUSE) 1961 MAURITIUS (P. B. HALKET) 1963 ­ HONG KONG (P. A. *'.TLLIAMS) 1963 FIJI ID. JEFFERIES) 1963 SEYCHELLES (P. A. GREEN) 1965 GUYANA (R. C. MACDONALD) TC/l6 JAMBOREES - VQRLD 1920 OLYMPIA 1924 IMPERIAL JAMBOREEJ&B&8&%2& ^£MS^?. 1929 ARROWE PARK TC/17 JAMBOREES - WORLD 1937 VOGELENZANG, HOLLAND 1947 MOISSON, FRANCE 1951 BAD ISCHL, AUSTRIA 1955 NIAGARA, CANADA TC/18 JAMBOREES - WORLD 1957 J.I.M. I97I ASAGIRI HEIGHTS, JAPAN 1975 LILLEHAMKER, NORWAY TC/19 M MOOTS ­ ROVER ­ WORLD 1931 KANDERSTEG, SWITZERLAND 1935 INGARO, SWEDEN 1939 MONZIE, SCOTLAND 1949 SKJAK, NORWAY 1953 KANDERSTEG, SWITZERLAND t 1962 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA INDABAS 1952 rfjTLWELL PARK Fil e Subject TC/20 J^AMBORSSS ­ NATIONAL AND REGIONAL 1947 WEST AFRICAN JAMBTOBE 1952 CENTRAL AFRICAN JABB-TOSS ZAMBIA 1952 ­ FIRST CARIBBEAN JAMBORBS JAMAICA I952/53 PAN-PACIFIC JAMBOREE AUSTRALIA 1953 CANADIAN NATIONAL JAMBOREE 1958 PAN-PACIFIC JAMBOREE NE7 ZEALAND 1959 CENTRAL AFRICAN JAMBOREE RHODESIA TC/21 M 1909-1933 FOUNDER ­ ARTICLES, MESSAGES ETC. TC/22 r-j 1908-193 0 SCHEMES & SUGGESTIONS MADE TO FOUNDER 1910-1937 FOUNDERS OPINIONS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS 1918-1939 ARTICLES-COMMENTS &/OR CORRESPONDENCE 1931-1937 SCHEMES & SUGGESTIONS MADE TO FOUNDER -TC/23 H FOUNDER AND MATTERS OF MAJOR CONCERN TO SOCIETY ALCOHOL- EDUCATION SCOUTS IN INDUSTRY JUVENILE CRIME POLITICS TC/24 M FOUNDER AND MATTERS OF MAJOR CONCERN TO SOCIETY RELIGION SMOKING STRIKES WORLD PEACE EC/25 H ROYALTY ­ AUEEN ALEXANDRA DUKE OF CONNAUGHT KING EDWARD VI I KING ED'"ART VII I KING GEORGil V KING GEORGE VI DUKE OF KENT (1937) QUEEN MARY PRINCESS ROYAL PRINCE OF WALES (1916-1935) DUKE OF YORK'(1920-1933) POSSE op WELCOME TO PRINCE OF WALES ALEXANDRA PALACi Ctfyj-rm CALACG lief. 7TH OCTOBER 1922 RELIGIOUS POLICY TC/26 M AIR SCOUTS 1909-1937 GILWELL 1919-1938 HANDICAPPED SCOUTS 1915-1929 SCOUTING IN PRISONS 1921-1932 SCOUTING IN BANKS 1917-1936 ROSEMARY HOME 1927-1928 ROMAN CATHOLICA ' 1918-1937 TC/27 M SCOUTING IN SCHOOLS- 1910-1937 ' SCOUTING IN UNIVERSITIES 1919-1927 ROLAND HOUSE 1917-1929 SCOUT FRIENDLY SOCIETY 1916-1936 MIGRATION 1922-1935 OLD SCOUTS 1913-1933 LONE SCOUTS 1916-1927 File Subject TC/28 M FOUNDER'S FILES INVESTITURE CEREMONY 1918 OPEN CONFERENCE - LEEDS 1921 - YORKS 1928 - EDINBURGH 1933 P.L's Conferences 1916-1936 PRESS REPS. CONFERENCES 1934 SCHOOLMASTERS CONFERENCES SM's CONFERENCES 1924-1933 CONFERENCES BRIT. ASSOC. 1915- 1918 CONFERENCES CLERGY 1919 COMMISSIONERS & H.Q. CONFERENCES 1916- 1930 EDUCATION CONFERENCES 1917- 1936 CHURCH LADS BRIGADE 1916 & 1935 FR0TH3LOV/ERS ­ ANCIENT ORDER OF 1913-1931 BOYS CLUBS 1928 1930 & 1937 1 TC/29 M FOUNDER S FILES CADETS 1910-1923 COOPERATION CHURCHES 1920 COOPERATION, SCOUTS & GUIDES, HOME AND INTERNATIONAL 1918-1931 JUVENILE ORGANISING COMMITTEE 1916-1921 LABOUR PARTY 1918 LEAGUE OF NATIONS 1918- 1929 LIFE BRIGADE ­ BOYS 1922-1923 SCOUTING MD OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS 1927-1928 RED CROSS 1921 ROTARY CLUBS 1920-1929 SALVATION ARMY 1919- 1932 Y.M.C.A. 1916-1933 BRITISH LEGION 1927 COOPERATION WITH OTHER YOUTH ORGANISATIONS AND SOCIETIES 1912-1932 LEAGUE OF EMPIRE 1926 TC/30 M FOUNDERS FILES TREK CARTS 1922- 1932 TROPHIES 1909- 1930 FILMS 1917-1936 FLAGS 1916- 1934 GIFTS FOR SCOUTS 1919-1936 FARMING FOR SCOUTS 1923- 1933 PLAYS AND PAGEANTS 1925-1930 POEMS ABOUT SCOUTS 1917- 1936 PUBLICATIONS 1921- 1926 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SCOUTS SONGS 1929 TENTS 1910- 1937 1922- 1932 TOTEM POLES 1918- 1933 Fil e Subject TC/31 M FOUNDERS FILES BANDS 1922-1930 CAMP SITES 1919-1938 H.Q. FOR TROOPS ETC. 1917-1933 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 1919-1930 ARTICLES ON WAR SERVICE 1914-1919 CAR AND HUT FUND 1915-1920 SCOUT CLUB FOR SERVICEMEN 1916-1917 COASTWATCHlNG 1915-1920 DECORATIONS ETC. 1917-1919 FLAX CAMPS 1918-1919 RECREATION HUTS OVERSEAS 1915-1919 LETTERS OF INTEREST 1ST WORLD WAR 1914-1918 TC/32 FOUNDER'S FILES H.Q. ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION 1909-1923 COUNTY ORGANISATION 1909-1924 DISTRICT ORGANISATION 1916-1919 GROUP ORGANISATION 1924 LOCAL ASSOCIATION ORGANISATION 1927 ORGANISATION GENERAL 1916-1927 PROPAGANDA 1913-1937 H.Q. SCOUT CLUB 1918 H. Q. COMMRS.APPOINTMENT & RESIGNATION 1915-1936 CORONATION GEORGE VI 1936-1937 DEVELOPMENT: COMMITTEE AND GENERAL 1929-1936 PATROL, LEADERS, SYSTEM ETC. 1913-1928 RALLY WINDSOR 1911 KING AFGHANISTAN 1928 ?C/33 M FOUNDER'S FILES AWARDS POLICY 1919- 1933 BEGGING 1916-1924 CAMPING ­ CUBS 1923 FLAGS ­ DEDICATION ETC. 1921-1930 GRANTS, LOANS ETC. 1920- 1924 SALUTES .TRANSF3R 1916-1928 FORM WARRANTS 1917 RULES ­ VARIOUS 1930-1932 RELIGIOUS POLICY 1932 1923 & 1929 RANKS CHIEF SCOUT 1927-1930 CHIEF SCOUT COMMISSIONERS 1918-1932 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPOINTMENT 1927-1936 COMMISSIONERS RESIGNATION 1918-1936 COMMISSIONERS GENERAL 1918-1930 DEPUTY CAMP CHIEF 1919-1923 LADY SCOUTERS 1909-1923 "SCOUTER" V "OFFICER" 1921-1922 SCOUTMASTER ­ VARIOUS 1916-1931 TROOP LEADER 1918 TC/33 Cont.
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