Arbiter, November 12 Students of Boise State University
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Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 11-12-1997 Arbiter, November 12 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. " ~ , ;J ,. ., r, . i: . .' .' .:., ' .. :".. ".'. 9P1,n1,On LotsoflilerateLetters . neWSBlIcket, ·Flag,Square~.Hangers "Q rts Mis'fits'arid some guy named Grant 12 sports ConfeNO@than@srjde,rHf jlJto suoset? -17:' '. ~~"., :_-~::'~-7_'l:: ... _'_" J:C. __ -' .~.. •.......:..._""'--+. Dear Politically Uninvolvoo.Readers: If any of the political issues that have arisen since the beginning of the school year mean anything to you, "get out and vote today. Think of it this way- why would our senators feel they're accountable to anyone if-next to no one votes? . Would you? Honestly? If they know that, say 20% i I of the students (rather than the current 10%) actually give a damn, maybe they'll act accord- ingly. If they know we aren't watching, or even .interested enough to bother, they'll do as they The SiD)1lll1r<ce please. for . If you didn't vote last time around, your com- NEWS plaining is hollow. Get out and make a state- at ment this time. Let them know you're watching. I BSU • ,I , J.C. • Top Ten reasons to be a Starship· Trooper by Asencion Romirez Opinion Editor 10. Four words: Cooed naked showers, baby! 9. Taeky plasti-stecl armor. 8. You can live you life between two emotional ranges: angry and angrier. 7. Machine guns with unlimited ammunition. 6. You get to kill bugs for a living, fulfilling your exterminator fantasy. 5. Pouty-lipped starshippilots. Mercy! 4. It's a chance to burn upyour unrequited testosterone. 3. Travel, see the universe. 2. The Village People haven't made a song out of it ... yet, 1. Did you really need any other? College money; baby! . L, "'," ..- - _.~. - --:: __ :- - .. - __ .. _._ - _._' __ ~_._'--: .' ~ _",_ ."~,'''; ..:.~._ eo._~ ~:._ ._ ..; _ _": __ .. ' J In '.• Over 75.accred.ited courses ····C • French Immersion Program 3: • Fine Arts Program • Advanced Photography and ORIENTAL 3: Web Design Programs . EXPRESS m • Cultural Excursions ;U ~. SZECW#J For more i,,/ol7lUJtio,;, ctdJ or write: • LoIIItJt'Prlcer 011III,~lIsed rexfHoksl ."0 ~ansfNE The American University of Paris • P.¥t top dollar for your Uled Moksl' ;U Summer Programs, Box 5-2000 . • JRff PIII.t11 ftl"ooIc order! .Dh)(? h) or Carry Out 102 rue St. Dominique o G ocd fcx:xi & IeaS::nable I?ri£:Es C) 75007 Paris, France Tel. (3311) 40 62 0614 121' S. BrOAdwAV • Boise <:p=n 7 days a' w:ek Fax (33/1)40 62 07 17 . (Aeron from' Albertson's) (:;a) 8) :315-8 868 ~ New York office: Tel. (212) 983·1414 'I'e1fPuE 424-0185 FCK (:;a) 8) 3i 5-8 848 \ \\'cll ,itc - hlll'://\\\\II ..IIII'Jr ~ 110 N:rth 11th 9:m:t . I -m.iil - SIIIIIIIIcd" .llIpJ,· ~ BJise, Idtl:> 83702 ..~ Committee for Open Debate lJOISElllY£1l on the Bolocaust(CODOH) offers ""R"AJ'VL $5.0,000 to die ODe individual iDltllObentai in arranging a 9O-miDute MONDAY: praeutatioa 011 National Network TderiJion, in prime time, of the "Video oftbe Cmtury," our documentary -on Autchwitz, Special Ram Smoked Pork Ribs $9.99 David Cole Interviews Dr. Francisz,ek Piper TUESDAY: soz, 'Sizzling Steak .: : $6.25 This.authentic documentary, DOl a Hollywood mOvie, written and .; Long Island Ice Teas $2.75 diIa:ted by the JeWish scholar ~d Coli; takes you in8ide the Karaoke : : : 9pm - 1am disputed AuschwUz"gas chamber." The showing of the documentary is to be introduced and followed with a presentation ~ .THURSDAY· SATURDAY: Ladies Night After9pm by Bradley R Smith, director of COOOH. 2 for 1 Drinks - This video bas gained intemational recognition: $5.00 Pitchers of Long Island Ice Teas $1.00 Kamikazi's "Mr. Cole has obviously invested a great deal mn:scan:hiug his subject and I admire his tenacious curiosity. Again, I.thank you for $1.00 Copper Camels sharing this dotmneDtarY. with myself and other MtmbCrs of Congress." Morey Kaptrlr (D), U.s. Congrenwomatl. Ohio . J >-. SATURDAY & SUNDAY t "Iwas imprl:ssed by the objective and logical way . f 11:am - 5pm - All Day Suriday .. i David Cole spoke about the Am:chwitz gas chamber. Coagramlations!" Buy 1, get the second for ~ $2.50 Zolt RJlbai, Foreign Policy A,dviJor to thePresident, t Blldapest (Hungary) any of our famous 1/2 lb. burgers or grille<fchicken sandwiches } served with fries or salad. ·of equal or lesser value (in house only). ( "[The] tirst-ever broadcast by a Holocaust [revisionist] from within the gates of AUSchwitz. n Boisp St a t e ll n.l v er s i t j ~ .' Robbi AbmJronr Cooper, AJsociate Director, Simon Wiuetlthal Center I -. Compdy CommittfP pr es e nt s , \ , .t n . b . "A powerful, dangerous video .... 1 Yehuda Bauer, professor of Holocaust Studies, j..... ··~a 0 · ) Hebrew University, Tel Aviv, Israel : f :t Every historical controversy can be discussed and , . debated on national television ... except one - . i I , FrancISCO· ': the Jewish holocaust story! ; I Tuesday Over the past decades there have.been tlJOIISaIlIU of hours of ~ IDe c e m b 'e r 2, unanswered Holocaust allegations broadcast to the Anlerican ~ 1 . • 7:00pm people. Is it not fair that those of tis who do not believe 0 the "gas cbambef" Stories should be allowed 90 minutes - i I Ballro 0 mJ rdan . only 90 niilUlteS!- to report the other Side of~ issue? .~ I W'dIItIrt!se /Ilds ;" miiuJ, CODOHIIIIIkD tIds Student Union. 550,000 Offer I $3 Students/Faculty/Staff Ifyou are interested inealning $5.0,000 by coriviMiDga national. television network to air $6General . Davi4.CoielJiterviewsDr. F1'a1ICis:t.ekF.p:r, Tickets available at Select,a-Seat you will find,the details on the World Wide Web at Veteran of Showtime ·· HBO A&E<5ughDeCember31; 1997· . NBC • Refledionsondrunkguyswho· want· to punch·e"ery~ody .... ,- _.' " ,- ; \ - by Damon Hunzeker HIm: "Objection, you scrawny little judge." want to punch everybody will be holdingeach other back. When noneof them 'are left; they explode- literal- Columni~t Judge: "Overruled;" Him: "Do you want me to kick your ass?" ly.They actually sweat so mu~h that they blow up. If your opponent actually gets close enough 10 punch If you're the type of pers!Jn who drinks Judl,'C: "Ofcoursc not. I'never want anyone to kick my ass." Him: "Let's take it outside." , you, stab him in the head. However, ifyou.don'thave a too much and then wants to purich peo- Judge: "Take what outside?" knife, I recommend running. Don't be ashamed. Just run ple, this column is dedicated to you. • Him: "The fight, punk." like hell. It's useful exercise and maybe you'll find some ypically, the kind of person to whom I'm . 'Judge; "Did you pass exam?" money on the ground. referring is a male. Women don't often Him: "Shuttup!" If the drunk guy is too drunk to punch accurately, you . pick fights, unless they're named Zap or Judge: "SeriOUSlY,are you really a lawyer?" have a choice: either tickle him, or, assuming nobody is . .. Viper and work 00 "American Gladiators," Him: "Shuttup!" looking, stab him in the head. so I'm going to limit my observations to Judge: "I know where I've seen you. Don't you work Well that about exhausts my tactical advice, so now men.TDon't get me wrong-I'm not trying to discrimi- at Chuck E. Cheese?" I'd lik~ to examine what makes the drJnk guy who wants nate against women by excluding them. I simply believe to punch everybody tick: Three characteristics define the guys are the less advanced animal, and would therefore nyway, I agreed to "take it outside." ?nce we type: I) he's drunk. 2) he wants to punch everybody. And like to magnify their faults. Also.J'rn one of them, so ,',' exited the bar, the lawyer began runrung 3) usually, he's American. So far I've never met an Asian I'm in a good position to judge. A oward me with his teeth showing. So I lured exchange student who wanted to kick my ass. But I'm talking about a specific type of man, Recently him into the street and a bus smashed him. It's too bad, But it's appropriate for the drunk fighter to be an , I've been conducting an extraordinary amount of because if he stayed alive he could've sued the driver or, American, because that's basically what this nation is research in bars, and sometimes- if you can believe it- better yet, kicked his ass. nowadays. Every time Saddam Hussein does something I irritate folks. For instance, a few nights ago I asked a Regardless, plenty of his kind still live and more will to bother us President Clintonsays, "D() you want me 10 fat guy behind the bar to hand me a pen. In a drunken be born. They're part of a gang: The Brotherhood of kick your ass? Hold me back, Canada! 'I'm gonna kick frenzy, he defensively announced, "I don't work here.