Travels G, the Cockney

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Travels G, the Cockney For Matt A. Marcou & His Family-to-Be, My Parents, Family & Friends, & Subjects, Sponsors, Readers, Writers, Photographers, Editors, Archivists, Publishers, & Sellers Who Cherish the Rich History, Dramatic Stories, & Great Images of the Best Photojournalism & Truest Documentary Writing & Photos. Spirit of America Vol. 87 “That’s why we tell stories – to draw threads from the past into the present.” --Mike Perry. travels g, “To the technical restraints on news coverage must also be added the economic.” --John H. Whale in Journalism and Government–A British View. The Cockney Eye “Street Photographers are a breed apart from other photographers. They have almost no time to make a decision and they must be prepared to snap the picture as soon Bert Hardy (1913-1995) as the subject comes into focus and the brain signals ‘NOW’. A fine instinct for the perfect moment is never enough. The eye and the hand and the brain must coordinate A NEO-DICKENSIAN ‘PICTURE POST’ HERO perfectly and without hesitation. The rest is good street photography.--From a AND SHREWD FRIEND OF THE UNITED STATES bio about Vivian Cherry, which applies to Bert Hardy too, who began his street photography before Ms. Cherry, when famed Dorothea Lange came into her own. SA87 is DvJM’s 172nd book, & w/countless other shorter works by him too, David Joseph Marcou is Wisconsin’s most prolific author. SA87 Athr DvJM, McCain Rally, LaX, 2-15-08 (Photo by Steve Kiedrowski) Cover Photo Credits: 1st US Marines Land on seawall at Inchon, Korea, 9-15-50 (Photo by Bert Hardy4Getty Images); Bert Hardy w/his dogs Lizzie & Kim, Surrey, UK, ca. 11-25-81 (Photo by DvJM4BritNatPrtrtGallery, NPGx126230); Mrs. Bert (Sheila) Hardy & BH Darkroom Mgr. Charles Keeble, London, ca. 2007 (Photo by Martin Reed); John H. Whale, DvJM’s London Sunday Times Editor, ca. 1995 (Ctsy Church Times); Blackpool Showgirls on Railings, 1951 (PhotoByBert Hardy4GettyImages); Bert Hardy & James Cameron-R, Picture Post, Skorea, 1950 (Ctsy Getty Images). SA87 Book Copyright © David Joseph Marcou SA87 Designed, Printed, Bound, & Published by DigiCopy of La Crosse (LaX), WI, April 2019 Retail Price: $24.95.
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