Melville in Love In
Index to Melville in Love Aeneid (Virgil), 64 Ainsworth, William Harrison, 116 Angel Standing in the Sun, The (Turner), 118-21 Arrowhead (Melville home), 112-14, 134-35, 138-39, 172-74, 193-94, 202, 211, 221 debts for, 4, 84-90, 131-32 Holmes and, 67-69 Hawthorne and, 126-27, 131-32 improvements to,131-32 Morewood visit to, 177 Pierre and,172, 194 sale of, 4, 84-90, 224 writing of Moby-Dick and, 3-4, 93-95, 99-100, 113-14 Athenaeum (London), 115 Balance Rock (Berkshires), 153-55 Bartlett, William F., 214-15 Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (Melville), 215-16, 224 Beale, Thomas, 116 Bellows, Dr. Henry, 226 Bentley, Richard, 169 Berkshire Athenaeum, 9, 103, 115, 219 Berkshire County Eagle, 206-07 Bicknell, Elhanan, 116 Billy Budd (Melville), 210, 241-45 Black Quake (Sarah Morewood’s colt), 59, 111-12, 173 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 49 Boston Daily Times, 186 Boston Post, 165, 186-87 Brewster, Dr. John, 86 Broadhall (Morewood home), 9, 20, 88, 93, 110, 131-32, 155, 177, 193-94, 199, 202-03, 224, 235-36 Black Quake at, 111-12 as boarding house, 29 in Civil War years, 213, 215 description of,1, 13 Elsie Venner and, 62 festivities at, 5-6, 42-45, 51, 55-56, 58, 133-35, 153, 161, 174-75 Hawthorne and, 73, 75, 81-82 laurel wreath ceremony and, 5-6, 85-86, 175 as the Melvill Farm, 13 Sarah Morewood’s death at, 218 naming of, 86-87 Pierre and, 47-48, 155 purchase of, 22, 41-43, 81-82, 85-87 J.E.A.
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