Extensions of Remarks
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June 16, 1987 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16295 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NORTH DAKOTA'S "VOICE OF tions, but we are challenged to do our part inspectors and qualified air traffic control DEMOCRACY" WINNER to promote justice and insure that justice is lers, has not met the challenge of skyrocket done to others. In some instances, one way ing growth in the volume of air traffic fol we can do our part is by reporting crimes lowing deregulation of the industry. HON. BYRON L. DORGAN and identifying criminals, if we are in any A primary reason for that failing has been OF NORTH DAKOTA way involved. the Reagan administration's effort to get IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As Americans, we do have many advan the job done on the cheap. It has chosen to tages. Our nation offers us numerous liber go slow with the development of a new gen Tuesday, June 16, 1987 ties and opportunities. It secures justice for eration of air-traffic control and safety-en Mr. DORGAN of North Dakota. Mr. Speaker, every individual. We must strive to broaden hancing equipment. It has held back on I'd like to share with my colleagues the the benefits of these virtues, and challenge spending for airport expansions and con thoughts of Susan Ann Roehrich of Bismarck, ourselves to take action. Our American Citi struction, and it has dragged its feet in zenship includes a lifelong challenge to building up the air-traffic controller ranks, NO. Susan is this year's State winner of the uphold the deep rooted convictions of our decimated when President Reagan fired annual "Voice of Democracy" contest. The nation to the best of our abilities. This is, in striking controllers in 1981. contest is sponsored by the Veterans of For fact, the Challenge of American Citizenship. The administration has been stingy at a eign Wars of the United States and its ladies time when billions of dollars were ear auxiliary. marked for upgrading the air-safety system She makes important points on the chal BALANCING THE NEED TO CURB and were just waiting to be spent. The Air lenge of American citizenship. FLIGHT DELAYS WHILE KEEP port and Airways Trust Fund, supported by ING THE SKIES SAFE taxes on airline passengers, currently has a THE CHALLENGE OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP $6 billion surplus. That surplus is expected <By Susan Ann Roehrich) to grow to more than $12 billion by 1991. Have you ever thought about what your HON. NEWT GINGRICH Why? Because the administration wants to life would be like if you had not been born OF GEORGIA keep as much of the money on hand as pos an American citizen? What if you had been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sible in order to make its deficits look small born a black in South Africa, a nation where Tuesday, June 16, 1987 er-on paper. people are unfairly oppressed, or a peasant The only way to end that scam is for Con in Russia, where people are puppets of the Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, a recent edito gress to pass legislation removing the avia government? Yet you and I are Americans rial in the Atlanta Constitution points out accu tion trust fund from "unified" federal by a power other than our own. rately the frustrating position that airline com budget. That would prevent an administra We possess a precious gift in our American panies are in. They have a responsibility to tion from spending the trust fund's money Citizenship. This gift is the pillar that meet the ever increasing flight demands of a for other projects and simply placing an makes our nation strong. It embodies many IOU in the fund's accoupt. The Reagan ad virtue'S, including freedom, opportunity, and growing group of consumers while maintaining ministration is not the first to use the prac justice. These virtues are the building the high level of safety that Americans have a tice, but it has shown little reluctance to use blocks of that pillar of American citizen right to expect. Part of the solution of this di it excessively. ship. lemma is to spend the funds necessary to up Sixth District Congressman Newt Ging Freedom, opportunity, and justice play a grade and expand our air transportation facili rich and other critics on Capitol Hill are major role in our lives. However, many of us ties. We have adequate resources available, right: The temptation for an administration take these advantages of our citizenship for but because the airways trust fund counts to cook the books is just to great. The law granted. As Americans, we must broaden against our Nation's high debt, the administra should be changed to force the Reagan our outlook and challenge ourselves to White House to spend the money for its in employ our advantages in a more positive tion is reluctant to spend from that fund. Logi tended purpose: to make the nation's air and productive manner, thus benefiting our cally, the trust fund should be taken out of the ways safe. selves and our nation. unified budget, to stand independent of other As American citizens, we are challenged: Government assets and deficits. In this challenged to our freedom unselfishly, with manner, we can protect those funds, generat TEAR DOWN THE WALL, MR. respect for others; challenged to make the ed solely from air transportation related taxes, GORBACHEV! most of the wide range of opportunities we for air transportation expenditures. I urge my are offered; challenged to act and speak out colleagues to read the following editorial and for justice. HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD Our freedom as Americans is often the take its ideas to heart: OF MICHIGAN focal point of our citizenship. When we FLIGHT DELAYS ARE ONLY HALF OF IT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES think of our freedom, those liberties exhib The Reagan administration has been dis ited in everyday life, the ones that involve ingenuous in the way it has tried to frame Tuesday, June 16, 198 7 our individual needs, immediately come to the issue of air-travel delays and air-traffic Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, today, the mind. These freedoms are easily employed, safety. It has ignored the question of safety President delivered one of the most impres but the challenge of freedom is to look and focused almost entirely on the growing sive speeches of his administration. He chal beyond those individual needs-to employ a problem of flight delays, blaming the air lenged the Soviet leader to tear down the greater freedom that considers the needs of lines for creating the congestion by over others a priority, such as preventing nuclear scheduling flights. Berlin Wall, the symbol of the closed police wastes from ruining the earth, in preserva There is little doubt the airlines have states that seal in their own people to keep tion for others. It is this unselfishness that some culpability in the matter, but while them from seeking freedom in the West. creates unity and ultimately makes freedom flight delays are inconvenient, they are During this age of glasnost, the President a reality. merely a symptom of a larger, more urgent gave Mr. Gorbachev the opportunity to prove In America, there is a range of opportuni concern: the deterioration of the air-traffic to the world that the new Soviet openness is ties unequaled anywhere. We as Americans control network. That deterioration has led more than words. Our Chief Executive dared must explore and expand upon these oppor to an erosion of safety in the skies. the Soviet Secretary General to make open tunities, making the most of our technology. The blame for that lies with the federal By developing and challenging ourselves, we government, which, through the Federal ness a reality by opening the gates of the Iron are brightening our world's future. Aviation Administration, oversees the coun Curtain. The President's eloquent speech As American citizens, we have the privi try's airports, airlines and airways. The speaks for itself. I commend it to my col lege of being involved in the fight for jus FAA, plagued by internal problems, anti leagues in the Congress, and to students of tice. We are not only responsible for our ac- quated equipment and a shortage of safety American government everywhere. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 16296 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 16, 1987 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE BRANDEN· country or doctrine, but against hunger, change and openness. For we believe free BURG GATE, WEST BERLIN, JUNE 12, 1987 poverty, desperation, and chaos." <Ap dom and security go together-(applause) The PRESIDENT. Thank you very much. plause.) that the advance of human liberty can only Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diep In the Reichstag, a few moments ago, I strengthen the cause of world peace. There gen, ladies and gentlemen, twenty-four saw a display commemorating this 40th an is one sign the Soviets can make that would years ago President John F. Kennedy vis niversary of the Marshall Plan. I was struck be unmistakable, that would advance dra ited Berlin, speaking to the people of this by the sign on a burnt-out, gutter structure matically the cause of freedom and peace. city and the world at the City Hall. Well, that was being rebuilt. I understand that General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek since then two other presidents have come, Berliners of my own generation can remem peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet each in his turn, to Berlin.