The Grand Democrat Spring 2010 The Grand Democrat From the President: For the Grand Democrats, it's been a good year. The Surprise Club is alive and kicking. A new club has been begun in the Arrowhead area. We have almost all our Precinct President: Larry Levinson committeeman slots filled. Our campaigns to support veterans
[email protected] have been successful with over $3000 donated since we began. 623 594 0010 Our program to volunteer at Thompson Ranch School has worked well with over 10 members volunteering time and effort Vice-President: Jim and expertise there. Our Adopt-a-Street program has served Chrest our community well. We continue to offer great programs and
[email protected] great speakers. 623 556 4522 Nationally, itʼs been an interesting year. After a great deal of Treasurer: Harriet Kahn difficulty and many missteps, we finally got some health care
[email protected] reform passed. Perhaps, not everything we wanted, but good 623 433 8909 enough for this year. Let's hope that we start to see some improvements next year. Secretary: Jonita Bigelow
[email protected] On the other hand, we have the situation with the national 623 256 6093 republican party which refuses to work with the President. When they win an election it is as it is supposed to be. When Members-at-Large we do, they find all sorts of reasons not to work with the Administration or their fellow members of Congress. It is Barry Bridges incredibly dangerous to play the game of claiming the President
[email protected] is illegitimate just as they did to Bill Clinton.