THE KAYENTA Page 08 Page 03 KTC Beautication Project THE NEWSPAPER OF THE KAYENTA TOWNSHIP AND COMMUNITY Kayenta Fire Department TODAYA Free Publication from the Kayenta Township February 14, 2019 WWW.KAYENTATOWNSHIP-NSN.GOV REHABILITATION PROJECT Improving Community Routes KAYENTA, ARIZ. The BIA The road project was initially Route 6485 Road Project is constructed by B.I.A. back in a Road Rehabilitation Proj- the late ‘70s, and since then ect. The project begins at the there has been on-going re- intersection of U.S. Highway pairs and perpetual mainte- #163 and BIA #6485 across nance, and the roads has pro- the Kayenta Chapter House gressively worsten. (near the old Benally Trading Last year 2018, Kayenta Post/Old Kayenta Post Office) Township Community De- The road under construction velopment solicited for bids runs west toward the Weth- to seek a contractor using the erill Heights Subdivision and fiscal year 2018 budget. the L.D.S Chapel (Mormon) New feature to route includes on the hill; it serves as an ac- the design and construction of cess road to these locations sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and Kayenta, Ariz. MVHS JROTC Cadets provide Color Guard provide Community Service at Kayenta Township Town Hall for a Retirement Event. and residential homesites drainage structure to the (Photo: Shonie De La Rosa) along the route. (SEE ROADS PAGE 05) Monument Valley High School Air Force-Jr. Reserve Officer’s Training Corps. Kayenta, Ariz. Air Force Ju- The criteria placed the he enlisted is that the AF Re- nior Reserve Officer’s Train- school in an unlikely position cruiter was at the school that ing Corps (AF-JROTC) is a to be selected, and Anderson day. Now he is retired and is curriculum, much like math, says he was cautiously opti- currently the Air Force AF- science, and other courses mistic and did not have high JROTC instructor at Monu- that you take in High School. hopes. ment MVHS, aslo a graduate At Monument Valley High “But the school was selected from the same school, and he School, it is a core curricu- because of a significant step teaches Aerospace Science. lum, since the inception of the in the right direction because Sombrero says “a typical new program, this will be the there was no AF-JROTC on week is spending two days on first year for the AF-JROTC the Navajo Nation, and the Aerospace Science, Leader- Program. challenge was staffing the ship education and one-day program,” says Anderson. But on physical fitness. Currently, Kayenta, Ariz. B.I.A. Road Rehabilitation Project. B.I.A. #6485 with brand new gutter and sidewalks. The Since he arrived in Kay- road leads in Witherill Heights. (Photo: Shonie De La Rosa) enta, Superintendent of Kay- that changed. we are going through Aviation enta Unified School District “We are so fortunate to have History, and year two we can (KUSD), Dr Bryce Ander- Master Sgt. Sombrero is lead- will go into Global Aware- son applied to the Air Force ing the Air Force JROTC pro- ness and year three we’ll go JROTC program for Monu- gram. There are two instruc- into the Science of Flight then ment Valley High School tors, and one came on board year four we can go into As- (MVHS) because the Govern- with phenomenal support, tronomy.” ing Board had an interest in Lawson Benally, Jr. USMC When asked about his ex- bringing the AF JROTC pro- brings a lot of experience to pectation of the cadets he says gram. The AF came out did a the program and a great addi- “We are hoping the program site visit and assessed the high tion.” takes off without us and the school and the conclusion of Master Sargeant Jon Som- cadets will be fully engaged that tour he learned that AZ brero, Retired Air Force. and we can step back, and let had already met the AF JR- Graduated from MVHS in them operate the daily rou Kayenta, Ariz. Construction on new B.I.A. #6485 near the intersection of U.S. Hwy 163. West of the Kayenta Chapter. (Photo: Shonie De La Rosa) TOC program’s quota. 1992. He says the reason why (SEE JROTC PAGE 03) GABRIEL YAZZIE, TOWN MANAGER First of all I would like to total fees collected in 2017 say congratulations to the were $272,725.72, which two newly appointed Kay- meant the Kayenta Transfer enta Township Commis- Station ran a deficit amount sioners, Jodonna Ward and of $45,251.40. Years prior to Chris Kescoli. I’m definitely 2017 the Kayenta Transfer looking forward to working Station had been running with these two leaders who into deficit amounts of close have years of experience in to $150,000.00 on an annual business, public safety, and basis. governmental agencies in Now that up the Kayenta and around the community of Transfer Station has been set Kayenta. up as a small business (8)a I also would like to express program, we will now start to my appreciation and gratitude see increased revenue from to the 23rd Navajo Nation the Kayenta Transfer Sta- Council and the following tion. This in turn will enable chapters who supported and the Kayenta Township to helped enact legislation CO- build out its capital assets, 71-18: Baca Chapter, Bahaali create much needed jobs, an Chapter, Beclabito Chapter, increase of services, and will Fort Defiance, Ariz. Commissioner Chris Kescoli taking the Navajo Nation Oath at the Navajo Nation Inaugural Ceremonies on Feb. 11, 2019. Cameron Chapter, Chichiltah provide positive economic Judge Eleanor Shirley pictured conducting ceremony. Chapter, Chinle Chapter, benefits to this region of the Crownpoint Chapter, Denne- Navajo Nation. KAYENTA TOWNSHIP COMMISSION hotso Chapter, Fort Defiance Public safety has always been a NAVAJO NATION INAUGURATION Chapter, Ganado Chapter, priority for the Kayenta Town- Kayenta, Ariz. Entering the supporting comments from pacting the community “We Lukachukai Chapter, Mexi- ship, we have been working on framework of the political the community at the tent that have to play catch-up, espe- can Water Chapter, Nahata building stronger relationships world was something Chris he set up. cially with the boot-legging Dzil, Nenahnezad Chapter, with our public safety com- ponent of Kayenta and a key Kescoli always had on his During the swearing in and problem, it has become an ep- Pinon Chapter, Rock Spring’s area of our focus is community mind, this past month his repeating the Oath in front of idemic because now they are Chapter, Shonto Chapter, policing. We are currently in “thoughts and words became Judge Eleanor Shirley was mobile, it’s unfortunate, and Shiprock Chapter, Tohatchii the process of working with the action” he says. probably intimidating and it’s getting harder to combat.” Chapter, Torreon Chapter, Navajo Nation so we can have He was an intern with KTC being alone on stage, he was He believes the laws need to Tuba City Chapter, Upper community policing here in during High School, took an coined by the Mistress of Cer- be changed and up to par. We fruit land Chapter and Dis- Kayenta. interest in how the commis- emony “The Lone Commis- want to show an impact on trict 6 Chapters. We are also working on seeking sion operated and getting fa- sioner.” the community such as “im- The enactment of legislation $10,000,000.00 to build a much miliar with that world. I had “After taking the Oath and I plementing rural addressing, CO-71-18 enables the Kayenta needed new judicial facility here to focus on my career, a job in thought of what happened and getting the streets named, this Township to form entities for in Kayenta. the health care field that I en- I re-read the Oath, and there has been proposed, and a rec- participation in the U.S. small The Kayenta Township is joy. His interest grew in how it made more sense. It was ommendation and he would business administration 8(a) also in the process of working the tribal government operates hard to explain because I nev- like to see that executed. The business development program. with Navajo Nation Special This delegation has enabled the daily. He was also involved in er thought I would be in that reason being, from a Public Diabetes on the construction Kayenta Township to set up the of a new wellness center here the High School student gov- position but at the same time, Safety stance, there is a criti- Kayenta Transfer Station as a ernment and learned how the this is what I planned for, and cal emergency need because in Kayenta, which we are small business (8)a program pushing to have done by the process works. it brings me to my thoughts there is a lack of street ad- which will now allow the Kay- end of this calendar year. “When I decided to run, I became action.” dressing in place would be enta Transfer Station to compete consulted with my family, “The first meeting at KTC, ideal,” he says. for federal, and state waste We at the Kayenta Township and it was firm, and I got my I compare it to going to a new “I would like to keep the management contracts. have been working very hard support and mostly donations school and don’t know any- community informed. The Since the inception of the and do so in the best inter- and support from the commu- body, who’s this guy? Had the community relies on the com- Kayenta Transfer Station, it est of our community that so nity.
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