railing |tnkm | ^onnraJ OF ALL. KINDS, ta ruBuaiBD nnr fiimt aouui.

Office- liooprr'i llnck Illwrk. up Mlain. Pamphlet*, Town He porta, School BtporM, Poetera Oon- TKWMHi and Handbill* for Theatrae, Car Vlaitln* Oaa Doiui i» oarta. Me., Wadding da. Two Doium P» Aiui-ur 3 MoaUu fruiu Um oi Carda, Uualnc** Car da, Duebilla, Fifty Cbbtb, if paM wttkto Blank »Bbacrtt>La< alalia aoptaa.«BaBU. Haceipta, Hank Check*, and Labela of aver? description, In- Riin. lie Union ikiffriMai journal, ■uranoa Pollolaa, Forwarding Card** laaartloaa) .... Dili* of in CoU Oaa anwar* «* laaa. (3 fi.nn over or leading, &c., Ac., printed laaartJoa. 25 to the Mini of Man."—Jefferson. KmIi ^WLKSSSattSaaaSSti "Eternal Hostility every form of Oppression Body { fiffnniT>^'i"VA"* •ra or with Bronae,—axaeuUd atthlaOffia* A -juare Li It line* Nonpareil trp*. ■■■» WITH NBAT1EJW JUD PpMUl Motleaa weak—ale llnaa or leas so DISPATCH, hiUi aaaaadtac ali line*, 1 tfnu a Um. And on the moat Reasonable Terma. »J'«rtl*n will >« charge.) (pauer yearly tMML AKD PROPRIETOR.—OPI'IGK IK HOOPER'S BRICK BLOCK, LIBERTY STREET. — « la*lB«te.barvl liimtfNl to ararwge on,. (.(Vh|) LOUIS 0. COTTAR, EDITOR *« ha "T p.*! for ta proportion. rea Paiim** are retpecUfcllr **- >o aoMaa25%} Ukaa ot aaoayuoua eumnjaaioalJuaa. ^Ouiu helled, a* ererr attention will be paid to attl the FRIDAY APRIL 1881. NO. XVII. want* and wUhe* of Cu»l»tn*r». janbb r. cliav««,....rai*Tr*. VOL. XVII. BIDDEFORD, MAINE, MORNING, 19,

themselves to to thin conferral I re ConlMeracy 4 and that ers" that wo ace them under their true' for I of coutw, I it waa the Do read the Tribune?' order of community when you were unhappinnm exist* in this country may ngnvmenta, prmme, they and the axwinded Northern States, quietly. thought probable rnay- you good matter ultimately • and wheru understood the liut I muat or had beoti aome idle rv- No, bccause I cannot get it here, 1 sojourning, you were obtaining the causes have boon the and abuse colors—an*l oh there is hut one step between; difllrrnlly, having learned a lewon of wiwiom aod humili- upon by neglect that to that what I had to should read it if I could it." which you found eipnwa my profound regret any utinp- ty, will knock at our doors for r»-aduiisstob |«>rts, and after ln-uring get employment profitable. of our free Institutions. and or a military despotism oc- " for slarrry monarchy of thia character nhoula havo the mansiou." ho dismiss tno with nn You need not answer all It won* inconsistent you to go thither if prchenaion family My, would apology my question*; we wlicn the ma- the no were The crils that Samuel . . Mono A Co., may realize tho fact, that curred. In making agreement, gen- for the occasion of thi>« unwelcome in- may commit such your feelings. If to cherish hato being you yourself' a tletnan wus oaked to aacritioe con* TaoMrr to QcALirr.—In Portland, on 8af. B&INOINO WATEH KKOM TUB WELL • am wil- oven in the inmost is not at tho are that of tho dci-ido to make trusion. I made No fear of that, sir; I thoughts accord- head of the referred to, jority people slarrry principle, a m«n immediately myself ready, perfectly society or even because the unlay, vonng to the AMermen to tho strict rule of how hein- a will viction, feeling, pirn- applied and went with th« mun to the (iuard-houae. ling to answer all your quentioiM, there is ing morality, there are in the United State* at this timo National Institution that samo majority to ha«e hi* name added to the voting I. Theiela on a awntmer'a mom, mount to the Constitution " " Karl ous must bo tho crime of words being obey was I won ushered into tho common court-room. to conceal.' uttering of duty question aak»l, How old are you T White Um Urk wa» *ln£iag nwl, nothing clan* of men who advocato tho doctrine bo to new model tho it wa* on all •• become fatal to the prepared pivernment of the United State*, adjudged Carae l») oa"ar Mm to for tho fore these, to those around him. evil your errors, A Gamaliel E. Smith. legislator: Kinahlna, *ha IW 000 of eotloa a • tlirm a of wako the statutes conform the Conatitu* They |xiunouudj atarob, Ob liar haay hear mo in hia own room rather than before my oflBccr is waiting to tako you to jail.* de|>art you IN RKCARt) TO TIIK LEGISLATIVE ACTION ON Till Learra aixl >i*o*a blnla went by har, have will release there are four millions human beings of ot te the that them aud 1 483 bushels Hour. a crowd, for I had done and had I walked tho street* the side violated they you. of PERSONAL LIUERTV UILL. disloyalty party placed Like a <1im. haltwaktag Uream, aothing, through by on cluima wok No otlmr can aid in tho dii»- decent that are of this floor, fortho jwrty An her «oal waa oalv enaaaloaa nothing to fear. I was led through two or of the constable to tho jail which at power you African incapablo taking Hepohlicnn An Orlontal Ablution. aammar to be, and of ia, a Coin- Of life'a glati'leat gleam. threo rooms, and an some distance; this time two men tress you liavo brought und were made »> In the IIoum of on Friday. March right Union-loving, largo through infirmary, during upon yourself, care of themselves—that they Representative* of must tlio of those 15th. on uinilon or Mr. Dyer, ofl'alal*, the IIuum Constitution-observing l^xly At the old tana'* »ha«ty turning. where there waraaareialaick in U are 7 mi I I to the trunks and bundles, unrolled you have broken, In to the Per- dialoyalty you going open my every Willi the pending quaitlon regard un- tho bithi of W« Minting ooA II* hallelujah* • and masters are a act ot men ordained to the State of Maine, for it her March d■•eorllm men. mid ho to find or but and the of the have by iuin»l Lll>ertv Law, referred to ths tawe. Mr. exp«j&es Turkey. T«> tka traei.m* in<*ning light ; Tlys way, ma'aui," trying paper* letters; generosity people you opening parcel, In the Chair. to the of her aister Statu, the ol tho ten* Fern leate*, hr<«*t and rrr*B, >>ent o'er it, a door that led a of to a fouud Fernando noon, God to tako care of thorn four Dyer juatly rrproach citract following deacriptioo by flght atop* long, they nothing they wanted, though injured. Mayor,' proper aa Wt»»r« it* *llver fell, with whom ahe would fain be, the a wajs droplet* dark on* either side ot the curried off one or two ol my letters. astonishment of human and them aatione oi a bather : Aict the f»irie» dwelt N«»ide it, passage, they My only equalled my indig- millions beings compel Mr. of of ha* been, at Such a ia one1 to the was faint ex- Blaine, Augusta, (tho Speaker poaco. position la the »jk>u»1 Dii-|ioTi bell, w«re the cell*. 1 looked When I got jail I and nation on reading this absurd letter. If tho B.NTCI1MU TUB BATH. underground to work to jtay for being cared for. Thoy as of to the Fedrral Constitution, around me. Two or three hausted. It was six o'clock on the second state seul had not been on tho tho then addressed tho Committee dialoyalty rough-looking impressed {Mi- Ifouse) of our civil and On the the tlr»t Rtok *ke Wnl th« *hadlac hrt-lwrM, will also set forth in their lectures that any which is the very palladium entering Kith, apartment Ik* la Ik* tide— follow* stood to do the I had not had a morsel of food lor I should have a I follows: I>I|>im»I pilaher ready jailer'a biddiiig day. lder pronounced ^t forgery. and to maintain which, ia oon*ist«of a s|ocious hull, or rotunda, the lW»w u with Uw ilrip|na< waters while ho one of those dismal hours. ( sent to the not have a ono who has tho to declare that |H>n*>nul dirty, nearly forty-eight could believed mayor of New audacity liberty, which ia uu'D, Flowing u>r Wa i{U**d *ide. opened Mr. in the the paramount duty of every central auuiuiit of admitting cell*. house which I hud left, and before the York could to insult a woman did not tho slavo owners Ciiaimux;—My object taking all-engrossing, Hot before ker arm e.mld place It just stoop helpless God authorixo so an true and devout lover hut free circulation ol air, and ia in • • pious floor at this timo tluit in fur my liin- American heart, every ageutlu (la her hair, Come down,' said he, and go in there.' was to be shut (or the tho la- und such villiunous acts. in, *klny, war/ jail up night, uphold send out to steal o( nr- free institution*. form not unliko the of St. Dr bar *i«la a «u { to Alrica and cargoes itcd influence shall extend, 1 aid in of freedom and cupila Stephen'a, youth (Landing t asked in what docs thin mean ?' dy of tho house at tho door. She The weather wia now and may Lora tu see the surprise,' appeared getting eolder, this round the wall ia rvjwiced pair. * and make n mult in our action Mr. Chairman, whilst avowing Wulbruok. llunning by It means that are to bo in had not been allowed to soo mo moro and more tho natives and them here noting Legislative Dut, you put hero; More, tlio grew bring daia or covered with a car- Tuaaa of tremal'XM emotion prison dreary. which will ho us tin it will he inde- willingness to without in any way a raised plitf'rm. it in the orders.' she had tried If she There was to lie an execution in tho them labor under tho IomIi for the good of unseemly adjourn Trailed a»«a tha laornlni: hreeia, mayor's though re|s«tedly. juil- in the out* the law of it* conceded unconstitu- and divided into one of was thrust in and locked had not come I not have fcnsihlo. And I desire, therefore, clearing pot, couipirtuicnta, flfnlU word* or heart devotion I up. Shortly just then, should vard, aud a gallows wus built and a negro their souls is a an an visitor. In tho demagogue, inlidul, set of the I ahnll to cull the these the wliich ia to each WkUpered 'neaih tha aneleat troca. the same man the door and had until the next when the remark* make, tionality, gentlemen express hope appropriate! after, o|**ned anything day before my window. Tho ia a which Pat tka holy l>U*«a«l MKrrtt, liung just sights and is against tho decrees attention o( the Committee to the exact that the Senate may recede from its centre of the building founUm, wished me to my name in full. I told rations were served. The told and sounds around tho 1 cannot des- agrarian fighting po- position It tmeome* ui« nut tu tall give prison jailer place so that we and to an amendment instead of a re-' into a marble basin, raised answer of God as sot lorth in tho sition of the before us, agree plays refreehingly Lift had mat another meanlnr— hiiu I should not his I iuo I must take leave of friend and go to cribe. scriptures. question on questions; my in tho TO tea we this he so, but if the Sen- on a of masonry. On a conch, water from tha wall! set* act jm'uI. Well, may Patching wished to the mayor immediately, lie my quarters with the rest, us ho was to lock 1 asked counscl and tho SherifT what In answer to them, some visionary-reformer may undcrstundingly pod<-atal undrea* my record. Several (lavs sinco tho Senile ate acts us as do the gentle* Ilia aliovo nirntionod. jou lV>wn tka rsral Uaa Ikar ranntered, said I must wait until I was called lor, and tho for the Tho asked were mo there shall unreasonably platform up jail night. lady they pretended keeping as Mr. S. F. B. Morso k Co. would call him, ia tied in a lia tka iHirttMMil l-ora they a hill the 53d section of the men of the House who assumo this |H»ition, und your clothing up napkin, pitcher then locked the door. I saw no one nguin if I should be comfortable. Ho said yes, 1 for. Their foolish were of no con- pissed repealing Blie, with dewy eye* down looking, "charges with tho of Statute* and s<>nt thera is little of such a conclusion. aud are attired in threo scarfs oi towel* no propriety quoto languago rOth of tho Revised prospect you Draw mora haautaou* than before ! that Night came—nine o'clock. I should fare like the rest; he could malce s could ho con- might chap, uud day. quenco whatever; nothing House concurrent action. Tho Hut without to dwell on the fabric, warm rough, When seared lha illaat hoiat Uiad, sick and faint with the foul orders. So was Christ to thoSadduceos when he said," Yo it to the for tarrying proba* ing.'ofa (teculiur the/ grew brvuthing distinction without then I strued into crime except with bordered with bluo or ha raised tha pitcher light, tampering House took the hill refused to bilities for or against such a rvsult„ I will hut yet aoft und guilv L'|i I had recovered from recent to bo a and not but slaves was name nor tho yesterday up, • Llka a erown ha it air; scarcely prisoner again, alone, ; there anyone could do err, not tho or Itting place«l they knowing scripture concur hut submitted a hill hazard the that the amendment, red raw ailk ; one of these, the aubligar' u from as are in- in tho opinion Ua kar head of wareli bright. sickneNt. The {>oor wretches dragged with such wretches tho usuul who had ever seen or heard iuo with repeul, * |Ms>r talking of God." section in When this w hich three is one wmcii, iilum' of the Itomana, ginla tho were two power the gentlemen pn»|K>*', sublimit, Mem of the hardens the stietts, screaming and groaning, habitants of such drunken, ab- slaves? could not had amending dispute, Km eoinlng places; No, they say they are to the was communicated to if it makes the law constitutional, will at loins; another ia thrown over tho ahoulder, m me. Tho in relation action of tho House That for love ot hlai »he'd l.ear. thrown cells arouud me, from which I andoned women were to share room with heard of any that would hold themselves Scriptures plain a aarno and such and the last ia twiatcd Into turban for harden l>l«««el. • so the that refused to secede from the time make it legi*. up Calling every was a thin No This is a said the us such a statement, Before ordinance of and are Senuto, body silly, se|«irnted only by partition. jail, madam,' jailer, God, they equally a bosiie'ss head. ttiia o If hi* love hnt lighten there! respontible |for its vote tho section, but decided to lation is, in my judgment, pour the Throughout juration, every Then. *1111 could be more he the door of tho miserable cell, I received a letter that I had tho and tho repealing wavlnr neaedk-thms, place puinfully disugrecablo opened long saying per- in describing character men to I care is taken to decorum ; aud with • despotic adhere thereto. The House in for engage in. prcaervo Farther—ftirUter off he drew, to a in than that. cannot much here.' I mission to leavo in tho next steamer l>ound thereu|>on grown-up repent, night you expect thought the as a and ahui.it un- While tka nhadow «eetiicd a glory jus* of kings and masters, and tho session of tho day, refusal to tlmt ii tho law in amended in pro- delicacy I knocked on the door to attract the at- he was indeed not an article of fur- that I was to dispositions morning ecnipukMIMrae That wrv«< Ike right ; for New York, and if willing hut wo to to Two pathway grew. of And our revolution- recedo and concur with tho Senate, but re- it may Im made constitutional, known, regret add, Kurnpcaiia. tention of the as he was he a blanket on tho a me sufferings posed, turnkey ]«iwting; niture, nothing but leave would lie sent tor und my subjects. ami IH«»>ut the hon*chold dntiaa dirty carriage solved to intitt on its voto and up- at tho wiiio time Im* made Hilly, you the do«ir and asked what I tloor to on. Locked in here with such course wus fathers that us a previous t;..- »■ opened wanted; sleep Of I not ary gave government, wisely Mil ail) —Mm {■ussuge puid. sorry conferees. The voto a con- year those engaged in tho matter you liavo undressed, and adjuated an ever r»ll«al kalu I told him I wanted to out of that with the nmr of tho bloodhoumls to leave A close was propsiing expiree, properly Ait'I get place, company, Charleston. carriage us a if adminis- point l>o to look their work in the face. the attire. You tfien are lurniah* < ■ gave government, properly ference was transmitted to tho Senato, and will ashamed bathing Witt, her life WW blent. and askml if would mo in a de- were to tally him ho that loosed lor tho night guard the sent to tho and a to and tho un- Little knew the ancient matron, put jail, vigilant policeman tered that would tho human raise that u refused to When a law can Iw maecn allowed; that S. F. B. Morso k Co. upon privations place Now I supposo to re^ontidcr tho roto The*- who think that amendment* ou tfiis, each holds you by tho arm. friends or as I needed some re- had tho orders of the been strict- hud no for their return diner, (Mr. l'erkins,) gentlemen jnit acquaintances magistrates they provisions he to tho feel- " voy- would cull Moses a and tho House tiiis refused to of thin character will grateful lief; he said : This idaco is as good as tho ly carried out. tho Minute Men, with terrible oaths visionary reformer whereby morning ncuix.xi.xa or mi oath. age; concur in tho action of the Sen of tho mora An- Aaron a would recede and ing* thoroughly • other cells, utui you have got to here. Tho sheriff visited tho after two or were to cut their throats if demagogue, Thoy place pronounced do jra acccaa to a nar- stay jail threatening thoy II the House refuses to all ti Slavery men of the are The twinging give reason to lest worn) H" wu« n man and ate. re-consider, llepuhlican Agricultural. You have four something quite different dared their foot on shorn. Vharoah in tho samn class of their bright |«rty, row whero the ImmI •trikit thtwdij*. put at at an und in mistaken. Men p.iMtge, upon sen- action is end, tho goes my judgment very than death may to Your anxious to to do ull ho could for attendant me uhourd tho of in tho subject gravely tin) announce* that happen you. upi July last to and lock the us I would friend* were to send mo such sto to leavo. At a saw that I They speak pleufH<eriuittcd Eve glunce 1 disagrocnicnt#between issut* which audden turn at a angle, and tho heat mortal of self-euro and in- branches. and conviction*, and tho riglit was % statement from u Teis nub* not hear another word from him. He left articbw of furniture aw I needed, from tlio was booked for a deck |>us*ugo, with tlio six- beings inca|inblo deep then the it published Tho who re-considera- lovo are those which involve tho grand incn|>lied wants, and HMD. Here, sir,'1 cried,4 tuko my ticket tha chaiulM-r, tlio of tha badly, my southern friends." have tho frankness to tell us that they would matter* in before tho nation. To tepid .tepidariuin' ncratclied over thrifty, and an the cell, but nothing elm. At two o clock made mo as comfortable ax I could be in (tuck, /am not on tho deck.' He said controversy anrienta. Smietimea tho above al* ly apjwan*l going rather huvo tho without talk of inch men an issue on *uch a ]- Now lot um what thorn Legislature adjourn dc*iring asked the by that They I should leave ship. enquire providcnce luded to, ia with, and tho u|>«Biun We to the admitted un- a* ii in these amendment*, di*|Ktwed tepid- work wore not better for that section. me the mayor waa to soo mo. There to effect my release, procured mo counsel to go, as the tnuyor ordered. / culled was in theso millions immor- doing anything remedy point proposed itaelf forma tho between tha ready liged placing four of of the titan for tho i* to them an once that arium junction hare to serve also came " section, suppose strip|tcdof that the might were many stationed along the jkis- and did all could mo; they to the who round and civilly constitutionality two tho i*aa* ia in replied though plow pmple they captain, tal into tho humid of tho of now to and succumb to the that conviction and that balla. In latter it oblong should not a as walk- with a for brings jriends House recede logic, been in too at one time, jet mpw, hut my word I vent ono of their friends, jwtition heard what / had to say. lie said he would tough deep and li.ia a on each put deep theydid S. II. Moreo k Go's. Thear tal- Senate. I wish tho Committee to olwerve invincible which made them a moral form, niarblo platform to Stato a and some F. army of a occur, the benefit ol' thorough my rvleuso tho Judge send messenger arrange- purpose u foot and halt ahoro tha drought Attorney, propoie that these have based their in the land laifora were even or- aide, rained nhout he seen and to but ho would not listen to A the 7 said should nev- mini Iccturcrs will not havo tho to gentlemen argu- fiowcr. they would ; requested it. ment with mayor. / audacity oa a ia of working Wayno, ment* on tile low of n of n/iirk as a element in ourelcction*. central part, thia, m-rving poamge, hear the of the corn crib in the mid the charge ho had written down. (ierman offered to bail, er reach New York alive; / could not en- camo here or plane question ganiied potential teatimony mayor gentleman procure dcclaro that they voluntarily two ol the nut courmon the Kimo level with tho two chant* a from ono more and tvunk between the branches Hut, Mr. Chairman, I nliall fulL We ha to received letter No witmtH was called; no and warmly in my behalf than dure the cold and exposure; and he pmlong which but whether M a just appeared c|»»ke hoped were thrown u|»on our shor.* of no more interest remark*. Wo stand hew with liera it connect*; that he is a me. was us to hoar. to mo. asked mo what by any provi- question my to-day the name stating The examination fol- it suited three hon. gentleman No would refuse take lie legislature—a u gentleman, against no more our ura* hall in itaelf, it ia all *>- dential occurrence. They would not to the Suite at large, und of weight the law unconstitutional by jHiwuig*', pared convert to A lows : amount of bail need now bo offered, they / to do. '/will go lack to jail n- nay pronounced and cuahlon thorough deep plowing. proposed of tho than u Court—a Court not with marble. I'l'ho tnattnua and • aro should in and come for me.' camo hero an tho of tho in the history day, Supreme Judicial pre- Tere drouth came on, shriveling destroy- Mrs. Bottsford, you accused of said; I sUy stand my und wait until friends that they parent* political are are laid jail guin my between »chool I a row lietwccii one would *av, to reach which carried before you uj-tn hut corn and that of hi* neighbors, on treason and sedition ?' triul. IJcfore night four warrants were out Soon tho man returned, consulted a moment went into to starvation. quarrel toysur disposed, readily the ing Hebrew* Egypt nynid And at- a conelu*ion. When *o *o the daia und ugtinat the wall; parapher* while • his must two yet gentlemen mieh con*i*tent, land which had shallow culture, I understand you baTe boon for bis arrest ; ho bad to leavo oven with the and said to me,* You pugilists. oT other only tampering cuptuin, liut if to in to influence the House and the a utiliu gueat* lieing aiiuilarlj diapuaed Held atood tho or too as not they attempted palliato any imperil unilorni.and*>»straightforward llepuhlican that on the up with the slaves?' clothing, and steal out of bo go ure ordered, tho inuyor will tempt nil around. Coffee and are now deeply plowed city, you which theso und churacter of the a* Daniel Goodenow, and ao radical a Free- pif»« came to and a fine is I have had noth- would have to in tho cabin.' / tho circomntanee* hnrmony luw-ohsurving maturity, gave It false, sir, gone jail. pay your indig- way placed on In tliia bravely, utterly passage " up tho idea Soilcr a* Seth tell you that a law brought. apartment, dimly lighted It ia well here to I the caution, to to the slaves.' As for I sent no wanted / have not asked hiin to •• four million* of immortal in servi- Kepubliean purty by holding May, field. «|wrt ing nay myself, petition, nantly unswered,' being jn tho norm-time* eicludnd, a flick* • that it would bo *a surrender of this i* unconstitutional, argu- being quite the noil should be You ura an abolitionist ?' no favors. Hut and I de- or else. / want no dignity subject day that generally deepened justice my liberty l>ay my passage anything tudo to tho idavo owner* to tho South, must have reveal* tha natura • they the of tho Hoiiso to to the Senato. inent* und reasons to that cff-ct cring light uncertainly un inch or so at each manded. Tho llov Dr. of St. Phil- favors from liiui. / shall on pirt yield grailvuHf, aay plowing, T«.' Howe, go shore, my thorn who tho lliblo and to their of tho and ita occn|«nt*. Tha per* • would find regard with which tho violation been cotielusivo and irrcMstihlo place where the subsoil is unlit lor You have Abolition sentiments ?' Church, visited mo with friends will come for ino, / was my pulpahln at art* from ita particularly oxppwsod ip's Judgo Pringle, making compared tho United States und should be conclusive gently myriad ducta, • a with more than S. F. of the Constitution of ininds ,—they ipirntion ; it time it will be ameliora- I have on a few occasions when asked ; 011 hearing I was memltcr of bis church. off tho strainer, when the iU teaching* sincerity equally the aoluuin air tha (growing plants way captain stop- of lie an alternative to bo and irresistible our act Ton*. Under wliilat tranquilitea and to sec a accom- Maine would pre- upon murky ted the atm<*phere. I can name all 1 ever convened with, said they were sorry tuo pris- uie and offered mo comfortanle 11. Mono «i Co. do, would moot them with and mm to ricfuda with a lull* of by They • ped For I tho effect of that division the Senate, com* here. Whv uro and what was to fttltd anil readi.y my part •pirit, what 1 mid to them I will my I lived oner, asking, you here, modations in tho cabin if I willing evidence that camo hero accepted. ciliuii«t« of the fretful world. /t tho they through can uasent to no nucli of ; and of ha* thought* a to mr told them pluck |«>sed entirely p.i*s<>d h«re nearly year, closely havo you done ?' f my story, and leave Charleston, which offer / very display llepuhlican*, here that a at from town or attending gladly the worst of tho human heart. 1 with and Ixukfrnne and this act with |t*» than nno third ia ranger village own business ; I have not or offenu- that f was thero on a of treason and It is of the steamer passions My away your spunk repealing with the injured charge accepted. toCapt. Ilerry when aland in of and vet, with these tir»t mingle* inhabitant*,and glidoa as ar- wcro either stolen or a* atuhuornnoM thoy oppo- that ed any one, and have been well treated until sedition, which was most ridiculous, well Columbus that / am indebted for my safe They bcught pris- your body objocting, and divrated of the adrenti* n When I facta l#foru ot this lloi.se are cannot see I was on their own aition to constitutional duty! us, gentlemen imperceptibly, now;*! why should be subject- as falso ; tho treuson part, rival in New York last November. oner! of war among tho trilnw of tioua ai| October and N ovemher laat, which itude.' are; I claim their You ar# ac- uicuub them. great proportion Mulattoe* paper fill*-*] with stained month* protection. forgotten unduo or laiet loop-hole* glasa. Early * connection. 1 without ego- the Constitution thr of ConyrtSS, due to many friend* who have kind- I would advise to home.' countable to them ; uro not out of tho his sensation a new may my, in the tin* is clear, ana I feel ia you go you CAT1IARINK havo seeing as wise words morning quiui * BOrrSFORD, quickened by tism. that I as much time and labor I to remember the place on my behalf, and I shall do so as soon as I can union spent implore you tlio u but its tho ly intereatrd theiuaelvua oertaiuly yet.' No. 157 Hudson-street, N. Y. ruco between tho Saxou and his law statesman atmosphere ury, washing • up man in tho State in that of tliut of Now Eng- of more inlor- settle business. I have no desire to we havo and we mean to springing any vindicating hereditary t.ikt« horo, it lietftuiea at a later hour, who arq d«*iroua aatialactory my stay Well, slaves, either the son and placo African chattel. as it stood, from tho of being land, Charles Francis Adams, > luation caae. a moment longer.' theiu; I own them mvself. Wo are charge filled with vafxiur; this his led many t sup* concerning my keep Fur the Union and Journal. '• " or and when of I'rceidents as as on then mid he had not hoard must know we W the lecturers should mischievous unconstitutional; grandson pure Washing- th*' kith like the* I lolt York lor I'hurleaton the 'Die ; army talented " that Turkish in, Ku»- New mayor irres|*>usiblo des|>ots, you of no mcuitier cautions us not loo loir j»i»> are M*. Cowan : I a few this Ilouso assembled, ton, wherein lio a firat of December, 1859; when I arrived against my character. 'You havo laws hero that strictly forbid {any hapj>en«l dap ago visit tho land where and school house* perhaps sian, ussciitially vapor lutli; which is not day anything • pulpit was to the the substance in a rain and as and us more repeal foolish struggle oiae. lath in in the latter 1 waa not aware of ill- of said ho, quiet respect- such you have made.' to take the Journal of Commerce of New ineradicably opposed the Tho Turkish in principle city, any spoken oxpre««ious up are considered could wus us a shadow." these names I summon con- • to am no indespensable, they jus- of the law than I Well, a t* the Northern able. Hut I bail tor your good Sucli laws are mo. I myself. for lly and in fact, hot-air Kith; tho being lorling prejudice agitinat require nothing York, and read an articlc headed American " that there and the*- va|wr can tit bo bail for to bo have tho acts that those mil- timeworoon.it bccamo evident toyourdutv, by mi 11cm the towels aro hut I aoon lrwrned of cruel outntgea duct. If you find anyone slave, if you claim despots. I tify brought four you, Hepuhlicnns, l almost accident. all )M>|*le, for National I was a diflorence of in the ranks Constitutional principles, violent threat* at from you to the amount of three hundred dollars, and mean to havo them Society Promoting Unity. lions mortal of quite opinion liberty-loving, removed, that which encircles the «ud ag-aiuM ranger* my rights, respect- of brings incapable sclf-cart" in to lli<> that we shall except could not bo satisfied with ont) On of tlio regard know conquer. ia then the and theae called lorth the ex- 1 can dismiss you.' el.' reading. into tho hands ot tho Southern friends of Republican J«rty loin* Ablution performed. to which North, and that Jifference itself could not I told him f had not lU the course which It believes Virginia will »|k» tr.il manner, then clowly persuadtsl |>ositivcly edgo brought an In tho was an for some Northern as had suffered and t»i>n most timent* an talenttd lecturers" were for unconditional repeal. nriai« a o( the buaineaa, no that 1 any I by "army no in it a deal of matter f..r re- hauda, which ia tb« my aeeking acquaintance*. emissary |>ctition, of find parallel in and barbarism was and in the pur cut. There good chipping or I saw no more ol hiiu. I would not consvnt brutality S-nato the result certain, luthuinn'a I bad thither with tne moat society publisher. shamefully wronged. ; and too, that : It : method of signalling. Tho pro* »;iw pmcwuhle thirty yearn ago I, regret they tho of the world? House it was Relieving flection in thia alleged programme m>■ and intcntiona, no pur- He sent the turnkey in; I was ordered to the to be smuggled off in disgrace. 1 would be history generally presumed. ceaa of which ia hero friendly harboring did uot. If bucIi doctrine as U aet forth in would arise from " ot shampooing undergone the soon as It is one and that trouble We have conversed Ireeljr with meml»ers of with IikwI inatitution*. cell again and locked up, Smio of glad to go as I could leavo hon- certainly of tho moat ridiculous foreseeing ia must |j«eculiar, and ia that part of tb« poaa meddling very the of this could have haatT action of this kind, a number of the Convention, and we are |*rsuaded that the Dcntimcnta were no mean* fa- friends from the house I left felt alarmed, 1 turned to l*rioglo and ask- programme society that I have ever seen forth quite Imth which of all others will bo found moat though my by orably. Judge assumptions put interested in tho of the body will be eminently win* aod about ino cur- in either branch, aotion to I waa very carelul to and had been several times to ed if bo would give a writ ol habeas been under tho sanction of the gentlemen will difficult of into thia U vorable «lav«xj. enquire published that a class of men who to act under of the conservative, and as our distant readers adoption country. no answer, hoar what tho other pretend and welfare Republican par- an art of no mean hold no couveraation with of tho colored me, but could get satisfactory Ho would party neither Pioroe nor Bu- harmony desiie to know what that action will is in itwlf attainment, any pus. Democracy, Polk, on of to refer naturally tho unction of the and Bible teach- tr, tho 13th February to etate knew of roe, and I waa and were rudely driven away. had to say. Gospel agreed we vmture, for their satisfaction, and pru*«* aa has be*m well remarked, that people, the} nothing could have reached the White Ilouse to theSunremo Court under that be, an door me norao fa- chanan, should out steal what tho on theeubject. tha an utter them and ahould In an hour or eo officer opened the The minuter showed trifling ings, go to Africa and question our ini|>reaaiona animal magnetism haa boon in atranger to. all, our State Constitution which au- and thor- practised as the mo some in tho of Chief of the •• " clause of We l»elieve that, after full debate ao have remain*] ao had net the I I aod Mid I must go with hiiu mayor vor* in the wny or aiFirding ca|iacity Magistrate call immortal or them of East for ct-uluriea, and rendered practl* persecution bodily they brings buy thoring tho Senate or House to call for the investigation, the Convention will indi- MiffenxJ ■«' 1 neter lorral had u>«' orer to the State Attorney. comforts, which 1 declined. They both United States. All those men reached the ough aa to bo designated gi»en ■Otorivtj. giren a set of barbarous them here, the Court cate resolutions the Conatitutional amend, cally managahlo fairly to the office of much and to do these pirates, bring of "u/k>» important tptn- by of health. upon anybody, hut whrn aakwl We crowd the Citadel l*ark *vmod jsriiloxed. gen- Presidential Chair tho opinion and which, in the the handmaiden my of«niotie by deceiving people, ruiso a mixed a rare who ant tiont lair ami solemn occasions."— menta guaranties judgment of »later* I told them or 1 nelieve they wore up breed hy of upon for of deeerinlion of the what I Mii^iatrate thirty tlemon heartily one of are ne«esaaiy the security Mr. perfor- thought alway* Kanopaux. Twenty justice, set of for tho North •• " I believe the law to be Virginia, L'njuhart'a whole transaction' Mr. by having principles them entirely are hie work The th<" truth in a diaclaiming all cititcu* were there, :ind among ashamed of the incapable of and Personally her and inMitutions. When these mance, iw it ia gircn in pil- fri«*o«Ujr «|»irit, gathered self-care compel as it stood on tho Statute rights • and another for tho South—and 1 constitutional a intention of with thorn. 1 admit- them one whom I with. I offered hit* MTMO iui uiy counsel. although to work that on, aha will |iivite conference of the lars of llcrrulce,' ia m follows : Under the interfering wugac^uaintcd Northorp without wages and but other to whom agreed wait the what I mid wu pretend I loo Its ; gentlemen, judg- States, at Frankfort or Nashville, an eiUwaive of mar- ted that their education and habit* made it to him, and aak«*l him if he Ho seemed convinced tlmt am in humble life, I am to sco tho mask " non-acceded dome there ia k|«>ke glad aro theia for the of beliered the re- to com- platform wen- rev- they fitting joys ment 1 well defer, just to consider her and make on the clothe in natural (or thorn hi differ from u» on the lie raid he waa. I indig- true ; hut talking of thrown off and the real slave might propositions I.I,, alaba; thia you gut up; cuuipalaiiiant. entirely they party coming heaven." and the was how shall wo rue- mon cause with her. wa» not aahamed of be of verse, question head Mid shoulders, one ia ol and, on their aide anked him if he olution, und would an taken from question *la*ery; they nantly legul proceedings forward and the in its true difference? wo to Sha will not offer her propositions as «/- your do so wu that meeting question Since I rend the onciloffii* Well, agrood for to lie on, the other ia rolled to bar* no of me. The hiataelf; if it were he could any- little or no aceount, I convinced article referred to I hate as her contribution to the you appeared auapicioo pomible do it on tho old-fashionod, tested, well- timatHm, but merely sprrud eo Without not hut tu remain in character. lung the lor head; lie down on summer jwmed thua iiuietly away, and I had contemptible. waiting 1 need expect anything some attention to the and find of general stock of suggestions upon subject. jour you your back, thing paid subject constitutional modo referring citiiens if the no morr («ar than if in Northern for h» the mag intra te answered for I did not know how long. that if "a tmall army of tat- approved Nime of her wisest and most |»atriotie the tellak, (two operation la properly liting my reply, jail, They pretend that the ia to to o inven- 1 I man to organisation likulj spread—and the theSupretne Court—agreeing th« conlerrnce by tlis kneela at and km. him; Thin ha* done I 1 then wrote Mayor Wood, of New /rrtwrrrj" could haro followed in the question will be sent to your aide, folding perfectly right; rntcd it ueoU with faror mutually and to abide their will there be con- performed) It waa on the 27th o( m I thou Id have done ao if he had much influenco with the tdUrs that bang fairly judgment. and her over, and preaane jour cheat, anna and September that juat tnyeelf; why, you York, knowiug bj tiou, propositions in some res gripe wake of Abolitionists tho If tho G>urt declared the law constitutional, it may be, modified from to wan alone in my m.>», recov- had been a man. you would have been hung the Charleston I related the facU thirty jean ago, about the odious and saloons, sidered, and, legs, paming part part like a bird hating hardly ]Mople; public smoking who were for were to ceaso their not in any easentiai particulars. a artere a as have done eTents as call of the tboM repeal though ita 01 a be hie ered froui illn«M, Urge and coarse I up on one of the tnwa of the part; you would substantially ,1 here, praying deplorable they them, who will follow in tho wako of the peels, and concurrence shall have •hifting place perch; bring* prohublj efforts; and if the Court should When harmony on reunited hiaMell before me m-rer here alive.' I asked take measuri* for or to pronounce States, the whole with a foUowa wan j without hare got' tcry him to my release, low months would not have taken " been secured among ths Border weight you Jerk, past plnoo; army of talriUtd Ircturtrt" who will adro- the law unconstitutional, tbuso who had been will be sub- of muacle or announcement lie vWinAnJ,*] if anv one wanted life. No, the make case known to the governor. 1 as on by them, the lirm with anatomical thuoib, pormsmon calmly, my ioj what aro these events? Lincoln •• " agreed deplontblo cate to I was among the num- propositions, to the Northern Slates. the inT name; I told him, and aaked what he a* I waa a woman life his answer, directed to the care of sitahng immortal bring* and fitting oppoaed repeal (and mitted as an ultimatum draws oputi hand otit the ear- Magistrate mid, my received is will em- atmngly that he wu one is elected President It should at once waive their we feel assure-l, wished. lie atated of the would be llut the had bevn Macbeth ; the following ia an exact constitutionally. them for the ol beaten whilo are la- ber) objections. Thia ultimatum, which face, particularly round the shoulders, turn- *parvd, mayor Mayor "jojra they wus the features—nothing ordered me to with too wiah that ahould no* send That, Mr. Chairman, agreement, brae* no unreasonable half in to atande whb hit Police, and go lenient; he had raised bail to my thia society to ol S. with the ing ymi up doing; Vigilant my copy: boring uphold the southern friends as I under- is not in strict conformity principles to Court, that official hat- in default of muni to I told •• " distinct, unreserved, unqualified, aod Imt on and on cheat, and him tbe Marui'■ which 1 go jail. Oct. 23. ita of talented lecturers and advo- aa understood your thigha, your not 'Matok's Omn, New York, army F. B. Monte k Co. in a life of stand and made tliat I of the Constitution, ajrtmlit aeot for me. I »iJ I would go. and him it made no difference about the amount brutality, it, having agreement, of the Republic. It down rib, then threa ing cate such doctrine aa is forth in aa the fklhers ali|« your up again to insult and ol : I have received just put am here to fulfil of it, in letter upoo by the Union arma one aaktO him what he had the bail; 1 «u no and I needed Mn. Rottsford.—Madam dissipation and rice. my part be by the North, tinea, and, doubling your right criminal, the the should acoepted laatly, written au- no hail. letter of the 15th Imt., that their Wo ahould meet well as in 1 understood gentle- and harmoor restored. If, after on with molest me; whether he had any your stating programme. If all tbeso were to toko with spirit. will be the other the cheat, puabea on the things place and the preserved li b. rejected, then the W^*'n<*. lie «ud M are now in in Charleston in ita true faith is man from (Mr. McCrillls) on the other hand. both hands at the to demand mr J"* aholitioniet ?' you prison question character. My a class of llangor, in » from down, beginning alhows, thority* v" noted we them will withdraw body • *ow oi and wditioua piratts might pass from (Mr. Milliken) Border Platen an arm under tha no. Then followed this conversation—1 charge*! with treason and eedi- charge uttering dangerous that no evil will arise from the gentleman Cherryfield, with such Statea, both and then, putting hack, in * propagation ase rils to be to this in terms. th« Union, and unite it Uo°- with sentiments; that are held to bail bj regretted and corrected when to consent agreement specific an b« ami bia cheat to your croaaed el- tarn,wnnK .laree.' you error and non-alaveholding, may beginning hysaking: • of when truth is left froo to eombat it, was said about the law so slaveholdlng applying What does the want of me ?' All thene charg* are utterly I hare considerable amount for your good behavior, within tbe reach of correction ; but to be Nothing amending them. In the event of rejaa- howa, roil* on you acroae till you crack. Mayor falne; " " it or willing to adopt • to unable to find ansistanc*. wheni the and tchool hmtu are aa to to mako constitutional any* on 1 understand an» an abolitionist.' mid nothing the elan*. do not know and that arc pulpil forth to try we beltore that New.York, New Jersey, You are now turned yoor face, and, ia you Umj you put the world under tbe nnction of The was tlon, • fotlorn and de*»>- of that kirn}. agreement Indiana and Illinois will above Yea; and what of that?' me.' 1 with your whero and intelligence thing Penaylvania, Ohio, addition to the operation deacrihad, ha • sympathise upheld, morality is too intolerable for tbe the law was it should States. The reault be to 1 coine me or I will take Do hold a widow, in and friend- rtliyion except that if constitutional, the Border may works hie elbow round tha of You muat with you corrwpondeooe North, and late condition, prison join ex- edgea your f (j f rc if unconstitu- the States and the receive and lettrm ?' but cannot the haw prerail. ^ be maintained; pronounced throw off New-England shoulder-blades, and with tha heel tha you by force,' aaid he angrily. paper* lea, palliate otfenseyou not Statea. The Gu'.f Ststea pliaa • I This for National But I t Co. tional, the law should bo 1 do treme North-western 1 oonaidered for a moment, and decided trom ocarwat friend# a few let- I committed. aociety promoting Unity still that S. F. B. Morse repealed. to reunite of your neck; ha ooncludca haul* Only my hope of tbeir will soon lad It to their internet angle l»y the and commence their that will send out tbeir11 taltnitd Utiur- accuse these gentlemen violating ou the whole it waa beat to go with him ten, do paper*.' | You haw offended against peace { programme by alleging army of down in QT Pmaaoi for the coning month «ll aa it the Union, to the number of seventy-five thou- Marshal vru knocked aproclamation heaveus were obscured by rein clouds, and Rynders usual on hand. Thla la on* of the men. laid •and, in order to suppress Mid combinations, Sheriff early beat, oat that starving garrison of eighty SURRENDER wu udwkutrrliiii. The guns were heard New York on by nii *rm and to cause the laws to be executed. The Monday, by Deputy m wall m ona ol (ba prompteet of each another act of the wind blowing iu shore. Some- duly to Lady'a in* the bod? half up "by oa Ihe the tort in ruin*, thus adding distinctly, com- lie (truck who felled him one foot burst In mid air details of their object will be Immediately Iteilly. Iteilly, OOVEBITOB. It no in while he stands with which they before time* a shell would directly Magaiinea. sparea pftlna farniahlag mij, raised for t violence and war to thoee all the inunieated to the State authorities through the waa (occa- You m* then for FORT SUMTER. over Fort Sumter, Nearly night long the ground. Rynders faroring lU pattrons with tha lateat Iba baat is as idle asit la Use OF War atjlaa, opposite thigh. and a contor- have It were with people full of excite- Department. the Uwe of the United States a perpetrated. streets crowded sion. The facts that contribution* and moat illustrations. moment to sitting posture, aa been now the I appeal to all loyal citiien* to ffcvor, facilitate elegant the bock with tnen to talk of the war having ment and enthusiasm, the house-tops, and now are and their ex- to the small of and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the have been, opposed, tion is*iven tho two the Admin- wharves, the and, in thousand and four hoary the States of South Caro- Tbe May number la a fine ona. to the neck or that the attempt of battery, the shipping, Twenty troop* ecution obstructed in and a bjr commenced, were taken integrity and the exigence of our National the knee. jerk THE PRESIDENT'S fact available place, ponece- are to bo in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, tho tern istration to Fort Sumter inaugurates every of Union, and the of eovern- batteries expected Washington lina. Georgia. bondb holJing pice provision the multitude*. The discharges perpetuity popular a combination too pow Oodbt rot Mat.—Tba number of the ■ion of by and to Louisiana and Texas, present must apiinit sup- war. It waa when the seiiure as the sun rose. ment, redress the wrongs already lone Tho Massachusetts n»g- by courts The reader guard civil inaugurated cannon became less frequent by Saturday night. erful to be by the ordinary that " of the DECLARATION. the so enough endured. suppressed always popular monthly Qodey's Lady'a that nil this cracking joint* ForU Moultrie and l'incknry waa made It All the clouds which rendered night left on and Thurs- or the |»ower vested the of to 1 deem It to that the first service imenta Wednesday night of jadieial proceedings, by ona position this of as day began proper say a Book," la of nncoramon excellence. I* members, kneading rebela aent that »hot into the dark and dismal, disappeared in the Marshall the iawr, that requisition »od supple existed when the most beautiful and assigned to the forces called forth, will forenoon. by with discomfort and while the air became hereby day me the President ot the contain* a double extension four llesh, is attended pain. break, be to the aud haa beenmadeupon by fashion*plata, Star of the Wert when on her errand of mercy, were filled with probably re-|>ossrss forts, places of thia " tho MB> FORT The streets persons, United States for a of the Militia a ateel Butter- When it is skillfully performed, balmy. black and property which have been seiied from the (Jnlon, portion figure*, charming engraving, is and the last act of the rebels In taking and female, old and young, Mr. Blaino on tho Porsonal Liberty to suo h combination, indeed this fig- cruwning male care State, aid in suppressing and tion is etcn pleasurable; to the some to the and in every event the utmost will be ob- cup* Daisiee," together with a Urge num- wbic/i Fort Sumter is but another instance of. the stu- white. Some went battery, BUI. and in causing the laws to be duly executed,and nified the Arabic word cws,' to the of the served, consistently with the object aforenaid, ber of other by wharves, and some steeples that I find myeelt without sufficient authority Illustrations. The literary part to • villainy of the inaugurators of a civil shots were fired from to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or the means handle delicately.' pendous churchc*. A few random We in our psper remarks to enable me to thereto aa the of tba U a or disturb- publish to-day of law reepond magatine always of high stamp, now their destruc- to which Fort Sum- interference with any war which must only end in the confederate batteries, property of in our House of the <5*se requires, present In my Till ■i nniNC. Soon it became ance of peaceful citizens in any part of the made by Mr. Olsine, Augusta exigency and the May number ia no exception to tha been battered to ter occasionally. one of those extraordinary occasions or rather tho tion. Fort Sumter haa piecea oi.ly replied 1NU1 on the re- judgment 4 the rubbing, was on fire, and all eyes country. ot Representatives, March 13, for conven- rule. Nest com.* after evident that Suratet in the Constitution general <»/ camel's or with rebel canuoii, and M^jor Anderaon, THE PRESIDENT'S it. The dense smoke that I command the the Dill. Mr. Dlaino contemplated use of the made goat's were turned towanls hereby persons composing peal of the Personal Liberty inv the Legislature. In consideration whereof, glove which surrendered lo the a conflict of hours, has rose it was seen gradually rise |al»ove combinations aforesaid to and retire as could Governor of the Stats Cokcctt.—Past Kteximo.—The concert on bair. After rvmoistenin* body, eighteen from disperse presents, as clearly they well I, Israel Washburn, Jr., that this was a to abodes within perhaps me with a you his little command of men, exhausted the Some supposed |>eacenbly their respective in virtue of the power vested in laat evening at tba Hall waa Tou do for cup given eighty ramparts. in the considerations which induced him and of Maine, Thursday City yourself, for Major Anderson to draw twenty days from this date. be, convene the Legislature of in a and worn out with the to a force of sev- REPLY TO VIRGINIA. aignal merely by the Constitution, attended, and gave much aatla- tor that you, sitting position fight, aid him. At this time the licet that the condition of after the of the had been the Senators ami quit* largely purpose, who the fleet and to Deeming present publio others, opinion judges this State ; hereby requiring tho attendant, bending eral and the stare and have at aud an I do facticn. Mr*. Is one of tbe finest. If not bend toward thousands, atri|>ee was in the oiling riding anchor, affairs presents extraordinary occasion, a of the and to in their respective Long the commences quietly obtained, to support rc]>cal law, llepresentativcs awieuible over rubs down buck, to the rebels. CONCENTRATION OP be Four vessels in virtue of the in me by in on Mon- Mr finest of our New and you, been lowered the flag of could clearly distinguished. hereby, power vested^ is made ourselves as an act ('handlers at the Capitol, Augusta, England singer*, The loowned scarf skin over the convene of Con- the publication by " the neck. were in line directly bar, ap- the Constitution, both houses of April, instant, Her of the from" The dispatches given in our paj>er to-day will ranged the ■lay, the twenty-aecond day pleased all. singing Star-*paii- off in little rolls, and if col- blockading the |»ort. Their long gress. Senators and are, there- of justice to those members of legislature then and there to consider elongated of the Representatives nt 12 o'clock, noon, awakrnrd a enthus- as a Inform our readers fully in the details FORCES AT WASHINGTON parently stacks them to tie Fed- summoned to assemble at their to aa the condL gled Banner," general ted will form a ball as big hyacinth black hulls aud proved fore, respective who were compelled by convictions of duty and determine on such measures C»ls of this dead affair. will that the rebels, in Every one anxiously waited chambers, at 1U o'clock M Thursday, tho 4th the of the and wh to tbe echo. The It was for the removal They |>erceive eral steamship*, vote as did Mr. Illaine for tho of the tion of the country and obligations iasm, applauded foot. would do. The was of and there to consider and de- repeal sent out to see what they siis|»cnse day July next, seem to demand. Band as usaal to the suit-, that the was ancientlv used; advance of the arrival of the force by was aak- State may Saco Cornet played cuticle strigil On all sides could l»e heard, termine such measures as in their wisdom the law. We think the mistake made in into disuse would be a very exciting. / hart hereunto let my and the whole went off how it has fallen the United States Government to provision the * iu and the bat- seem to demand. In testimony irhrrrnf, ing of all. programme and W ill the vessels come engage public safety aud interest may the opinion of the judges at all. It certainly State to We inler hand and routed the teal of the sec- curiosu of research. may fort, with a full that it was the de- PROCLAMATION If do not they are cowardly pol- In witness whercunto I have hereunto set ray well. We are glad to be able U> note this subject knowledge teries ? they would hare been safe to have allow- at Mil tix~ of that that it on the and caused the seal of the United States procedure be affiled. Done Augutta, from an Martial's succor it Kvery |>er*on battery fully hand, our nnder the direction of Mr. Hor- spi^ram sire of the Oovernmeot to peaceably, Or PREMO'T LINCOLN. troops ed the law to its constitutionality to teenth of in the year of ond concert, an Kastern for bo that the engagement would beoome to be affixed. remain, day April, was implement, not be used unless resist ex|>ected l.ord one Ihoutand hundred and a success. originally and that force woald the aid of it was thought 1.1th be tested in the usual way. We early express- eight ton, of it from I'eigamus. Au- general. liy glasses Done at the City of Washington, this and of the speaks coming ance was commenced the and was made to this end ot lixtwne, qfthe independence couch made, attack, that a movement being of in the year of our Lord 1W51. ed our convictions of any ten. borrowed his wooden reclining was day April, inex)>edicncy United State*, the N. HAMrauiRK.—The Unendence of United on and dureta' from and &ueU»uiua surrendering they to from action whatever the subject, to inatcad called Spain, that sand would soon begin Uy States the legislstive der two regiment* tb* government word m isfied with short of the humiliation of tqe eighty-fifth. says the Many nothing Morris Island batteries. we never any action our State might tbe expressly Spanish. the Abraham Liscolv. supposed somo to of tbe one called by President. 'strieil' is also /bertan; Fort Sumter has been sur- attention wsa (Signed) as The started explain think that the word the national flag. At 10 o'clock in the morning take on the question would l>e regarded very py theory by to or aa Fort Suuiter, which was the President: that the naval but to rendered to a force. Humiliating rivited upon By about a solu- tho fall ol Fort Sumter is, WnTrtx Statu.—The reqniaition of 'stringero' gnuo lightly, pull superior VOLUNTEERS! again were important In bringing peaceful Tut 75,000 without doubt, on fire. The flames Wm. II. of State. denotes its true derivation. it occa- now, Skwabd, 8ec'y them with off, is all this to the the pang that of the houses tion of our national troubles. After the vessels Bent South wen) the inoet of tbe Pre-blent for troopa will be answered peel pstriot, seen to burst through the roofs opin- that the Bute. An TUI SO.WMNO. sions is assuaged by the knowledge within its walls. l>ense clouds of smoke shot ions of the was obtained a necessity destined (or Fort Pickens. Fort Sumter, it great promptness by ever/ weetern to be Convened! time Ander- Various IIrma, judges rebels is one of their own Congress At this Miyor to aorae- of men are their aer- tho comes the war evoked by the quickly upwards. was forced the legislature do was as of immense number offering Following upon glovo a shot. The guns of the upon is said, regarded comparatively son had scarcely fired Nkw York, April 14. A bowl of water is aeekinz.and that now, the Administration, hav it was a of which vicea to tbe government. soaping proofs. brought It will b« impossible to give even a moiety of ofSumter had no utterance in them, The half million appropriation bill, for the thing, and simple question small importance with that of Pickens. In which is some- ceased to be a vir- ramparts ov- frothed with Cretan soap, lng waited until forbearanoe shells and gr*|>e scattered like hail of the the Leg- was the better course, to repeal the law alto- the exciting intelligence from the South which llusted equipment militia, finally passed their view General Soott Fort Sum- Honk Maoakixk for bring* the fibrous IifT<- of a aud drove tho soldiers un- thought Aimirn'a May times and soft tue, will it on with an earnestness ami er the doomed fort islature yesterday. or to it so as to its pro- perfumed, carry u* since last. On Satur- gvther, modify bring with. With this has reached Saturday Baltimore the secession waa raiaeil on tor of but regarded the for tbe home circle a large amount of pleasant tree tu rub the body that will down on the heads of the der cover. In flag Constitution. We are trilling importanco, palm power bring contaiued a at Cummings Point forced v If ions in thelineof the is at tho head; day the morning papers large From the iron battery boanl a southern vessel, but the crowd and Fort Pickens as the ol the and profitable reading. Tbii taagaiine la Jaatly the washed, beginning due to rebels and trai- can- course keys body South the retribution we up. Iu riflled a to it down It was subse- satisfied with the adopted. In publishing capital is twice. Then amount of telegraphic news by which a continuous fire|was kept boy haul again. with valued it* fur tbe high moral this repeated that of a both of which were menaced highly by patroca operation tors. non sad havoc with portion re-hoisted, and protected by police these remarks ot Mr. Dlaine, we have thought ]on them, they taking was 11th inst. Ander- Anderson. being and Treasurer—T. Scamman. Sumter is on its tho North, Rhode Ialand, Repub- • Sumter made the Miy. direction Clerk Fort way the sennution, It feels as || ens of the Citadel Cadets. Under his Ta. aa scribing says, ure* to meet every emergency ; that with them tho lican aome two weeka ago, will son's as telegraphed to L. P. Walker, was tired found a destination in Ohio has issued or- E. Cutter. Charleston harbor is undor blockade, competitor, one was and to live for the reply, each shell that Tho Adjutant General of Superintendent—II. just born, begun and shall be is aeen in oar baa tendered to the I'niou "must preserved" of is as follows: and during the entire bombard- to into effect the laws just cent, was declared. from be deepatchea, irst time. A sense ol existence rebel Secretary War, Fort Sumter, ders curry military A dividend of six per confederate fore** havo been kept away spread* and it us to one missile of this character tor 6000 militia, and Preaident Lincoln one com|>any, and lively the watch-word, gives pleasure per- ment scarcely pa***!, providing regular com- artillery over the whole ; one to the [so. viit.l to Wo understand that tho alTairs of tho and that mado secure, and body yields over the 11. wilted its mark. a reserve of not less than 35,000. subject Washington city andoflera to lea>l tbem in ( nnd the mind ceive tint all the free North partisan Ciiaulisto*, April 1000 militia, perion most On other side of the harbor directly op- transfer to the forces. tho in a plcomnt imaginations, with here L. P. Walker, Secretary of War : .Mnj. An- the immediate regular are in a condition, prof- now And themselves caught trap in<«t rev- is giving place to the patriot, that, is one of the sides will issue a pany prosperous they ia entertained with the delightful have the honor to acknowl- Fort Sumter strongest Gov. Yates, of Illinois, proclama- divi- derson replies—"I posite on on sufficient to tho master of all and an t there au the will, with Moultrie. During the lust three an eitra session of the its hand being pay tho old strategy. eries. The fan 'J ransacks nature, exception, people the receipt of your communication de- of Fort tion for Legislature by SPECIAL NOTICES. edge il has been by every u|>- tho '23d. tho liine and tho finds in it but the means an 1 men, amply, fully aud cheerfully the evacuation of this fort, and say in months strengthened Tuesday dend and leavo $3000 surplus. It is said that Harriet nothing gavest pictures, manding art could suggest. Its that Gov. is but a a re it is a demand with which I that military Advice* from Albany say Morgan and of it life su»Uiu the Government in down thereto that pliance were were tho vessels destined to images pure delight. putting reply and embrasures to-morrow issue a call for 23,000 men for Pawneo only JK. O-AJRD. to that my sense of honor and my uiarlons, moats, glacis, will Wo havo never read a more enthusias- succession of ideas,* he runs on. philosophy bullion which has not a single justification for regret say The weak walls of the the Federal jy was to to Government my com- all protected. tho assistance of government. Charleston, and tho Harriot Lane Samuel Thomas and family take this as Wiisthe manner of his obligations my prevent perfectly in tho Boston opportanlty after Locke, which was were made secure for the gunner* letter from Governor Curtin states ts account than that ising its commencement, aud originated with." lie also adds: "Probably I fort perfectly A private given tho their thanki to tbe Kagtae Co. liie is but a ply ing this men in rnako tho to land to expresa Trlamph in that day—* if which the I shot, and if do not bat- while at work. From |>oint throughout that Pennsylvania can havo 100,000 arrival of tho from attempt provisions, countrymen to secure results of wickedness judg- will await the flrst you -of shot and Journal of tho troops and to thecitliena la grneral, for tke kliwt smIM- succession of the with which out a the vast quantities in 48 hours, it required. with orders if fired on to off. Fort ideas, rapidity on- ter us to we will be starved in few engagement Washington keep ment of the civilised world will pronounce I pieces, discharged. Behind this and Massachusetts called for tho President.— anee which they hare rendered tbeai daring the the then traces them, tho with Answer. heavy balls4werc Washington, April 14. by memory vigor days." the was Pickens, it is said, has been reinforcod.which and alckneu of their aoa, lately in the history of the past. Beauregard. near Sullivan's Island, floating battery Efforts are still to concentrate a for- enthusiasm was exhibited. Tho protracted palntal which tho then travem* every link, paralleled (Signed) two making The greatest spirit stationed, with two sixty-four and forty, in and around color to tho decea*ed. Faithful la life In watching and pro- in two midable military force Washing- was gives theory. would lead one to that the [so. t*.] its sides of iron and Palmetto first that arrived from Mar!>lo- been suppose Northern Traitors. 11. two to be for all company tecting the edmmon of all. they have which follow the Montoomert, April pounders, shot from it ton prepared emergencies. property hour* of unbnikon calm wire ii Every to from that furnished tho first com- the aorrowa To General Beauregard, Charleston: I)o not logs penetrable. Information continues be received pri- head, tho tuk understand that no lea* fUltliful In death la a^thlng bath one effect, on Fort 8umter, placo Loan to Static.—Wo many yean haveelapsed.' Every We hare taken occasion in several instances desire to bombard Fort Sumter. If told with formidable vate sources of secret in various localities from the of their brother eompaif needlessly of it were so secure in plots in tho war of 1812. Ono anosition, seizure of the public property and a town 37 mill* Boston, a loan of perfection, some men in our midst who by him, live cent on tendered §100,000 will be no more itekneea and no more death. ofthe course of use soldiers while others played of the Wednesday, ness to tho same effect Tho whole man that in the uieautiuie ho will not his guns pastimes, |>ersona of the highest oflicers govern 2 and his the and blutf. orders at P. M., although compa- aid in tho militia of Iwl7 were, their of syirpathy in ours should be ante, euchre, ment. to tho Stato to putting Blddeford, April t«, IMI. and tho whole man is in a state by expression against us, unless employed was wakes, yet mortar at Mount Pleasant be- was over five ho had them and are authorized thus to The battery these accounts are not generally scattered towns, on a war Gen. Veaxio of The is a sense of recondite ener- pur|>o*es ofthe Southern relets, by pal* against Sumter, you was Though ny tho Stato footing. of or 300 from the floating buttery and and ENOINE I repose. rob- the effusion of blood. It this its yar-Is are credited in official quarters, on hand in season to tuko tho TRIUMPH HALL, with the silent of »!»»>■ their crimes of treason ami public prevent with two within excellent lieved, they all notified and has offered and a bank in Ai'HiL l.'lrri, IMI. i coupled serenity lulling l>e refused, reduce the fort as your mounted (mortars hence tho movements. At all Bangor $li Kngine Company tiiuo that is in- Sec. War. mortars were thrown with great precision. turn events take the find for the first breathing enemies of their country. The forbearance L P. Walker, knowing what may during next Tho citizens of Marhlehead on Die 13th Intl., the Ail* (Signed) now all the of the works tho day. aro made to Gov. Washburn I, of Hlddeford, Hatnrday This soon to x.] You have positions excitement. every day. feeling gives the administration has exercised towards [no. on prevalent to tho and refutation* were unanimously spiration. place which 12. bearing directly Fort8umter. avenues to raised a fund of $3000 aid in support lowing preamble an for exercise and labor; a Charleston, April The roads and leading Washing- of Portland havo eager robbers of the morning tho greatest C2tTIio Riflo Guards i— appetite these wholesale public pro|»erty To L P. Walker, Secretary of War: He would All through Friday ton are closely watched. families of thoso who had to uluptoil most succewion.' w is of tho "gone tho Bwnlxri of thl* Co. hare natural and the which it has I writ* activityat all point* displayed. have Ixen made to offered to make ono of tho companies of Wiikria*. The agaIn down South, dis|»»sition not consent. to-day. barracks were Arrangements promptly of lAwrenco Beaureoaru. Three times Major Anderson's the forces on any threat- tho ware." Tho City Council received intelligence thai death ha* entered our about a of concentrate military to bo furnished this State. shown to bring peaceful a<|justinent (Signed) on and twice ho succeeded in putting regiment by srt tire ened to raise a liko sum for tho siiino pur- rank*, ua. with deep grief, to reourd the has for and to do this it was nccessnry point. voted compelling the unhappy difficulties gone nothing Ciiaruoiton, 13. out the flames, Kenator called upon the President was held in faithful April water. Douglas fyA great Union meeting death of our catlmable friend and member, blinded the rancor is to all tils force |>aae|ng along an conversa- Tho railroad generally with these men. lather by The ball has opened. War Inaugurated. employ to-night. They had interests pose. companies therefore, water it was necessary for soiiio of. his on Samuel C. Hahi'KI. Thou**. brook a The batterim on Sullivan's Maud, Morris la), To get tion the condition of the country. The Uio soldiers over their roads free. Bangor Tuesdny evening. ofa party sp'rit, which cannot politi- the walls and hand the buck- upon carried ImM.That In tha death of oar youthful enm. on Fort Sumter men to go outside was on the of Mr. that a for with some, ami and other substance part Douglas, Blako, Democratic candidate Congress thl* hM auaUined a great loe*,— cal defeat, or, what is proSable points, o|>cncd rts in the during which time to the Ad- t'ompany at four o'clock this morning. Fort Sumter has through portholes, while he was undoubtedly opposed at hi* aaaoeiatea hare been deprivednf a valua- a res- to a roost terrific tire from last and tho officers of tho Enion, in the actual treason of others the and a brisk cannonading has they were exposed in all its issues, he waa A Frcshot. fall, prcBided, bie and of OM of 1U eholoe meiu 1801. finding returned tire, was not ro- ministration political frieod, *oedient to sustain the President in all his Con- wero of Democrats and ban. ponse kept up. until the fort wiis on fire for the prepared meeting composed ceived from the seaboard as yet. The military sorted to stitutional functions to preserve the Union and it',..',' i. That we deeplr *ympathl*a wltli tha cannot, in this hour oi successful treason, flames hod to au for in Tho Ban- are they and tho whole is in third time and the increased the and defend the Pode- Tho violent rain* wo havo had several Hepublicans equal proportions. and tha only remaining brother arxt (later ry Advertisers particularly request- are under arms, population were maintain government parent* a* »» the the Anderson's guns thai wa tender to llwin hand In their ae to ernt Capitol. very grat- with tho of gor Union', goes in thi«deeply Urcatemeal whleli I ii uonibi^ Ir onltr lo •ccuns ihvlr allowed his men to ei|x>seJ days pout, together inciting our fym|n»lliy an and u with anxious silent, lie ified with the interview. profound W«lmwtl»»iw«B. crty, with infamy audacity unpnrelled harbor filled spectators. a mo- with all bar taken tr< in HMlMIM eon and kind brother. Uou tl»«* uiu»t be nwliW b» the fire u|M>n them but for few snow at tho head of tho river, havo given ua ed merited contempt by {tarties. the of tfie count- Second galling shut tho Hrto/ir.l, That, In accordance wiUi the reoueat in history, and trampled flag Ditpalch. inents and then ordered them in and Me an flow of water. Tho inter- Thero aro but two classes of men of our late lamented brother, we will attend 12. was too thick to work From \Vn«hin||ton* extraordinary £2T (says in tho dust, conceal their satisfaction. A Ciihiloton, April batteries as the smoke funeral In anilortn, wearing «n badge of Chil War. ry and Demo- apprvprUU The Progress hail with The haa continued all day uninterrupt- them. At noon the flames burst from every 15. val below tho railroad is covered, the Hartford Courant) now-o-days, of mourning. temporary success of rebellion they firing Waiiiikoton, April bridge Two of Fort Sumter's guns have lieen of Fort Sumter aud the destruction of on the a of be for- the Stars and edly. quarter The following in the form of the call Poor Island A Iioum Americans and «»••/ie< That copy tha reeolutlona an 1 the of that a breach has completely submerged. crats, Republicans, Whigs, the deeeaaed thai Sumter la Possession of th« Robeli. delight, s|>ectacle silence*), and it is reported it was State Governments fur troops, issued warded to the |>are«iU of alto, Tort complete. res|>ccti*e Iwen carried In the I'nloa and Stripes trailing before a robber crew, they been made in the southeast wall. Of 19 baU 13. the War meat: on the island, it is said, has off, havo all merged into two grand divisions, IIk'M resolution* bepanllaeed WAiiitxarox, Ajiril, through Depart Journal ami Ka*lern Herald, of BWdeford, alio ti.u as did their teries 7 had ou Fort Sumter; the President Lin- of for and Traitors. over with as much joy pro- only opened The is tho reply of Sik Under the Aot Congrea* calling and worth of furniture with it. Wo Patriots Firemen'* Morton. little inure than three month* *co, discon gloat reserve for the following $2000 Advocate, A remainder are held In expected from out the militia to execute the laws of the Union the tories and cowboys of the revolu- coln to tho Commissioners Virginia. to tell at the samo Choose sido ; middlemen aro not want- Thm ucii Kkiikk Co No. I, Blddelord. aues, fleet. Two thousand men reached the city this insurrection and invaaion, think this story will do your tented Mtttrt. Stuart, and Ran' to suppress repel over tho defeats and disasters of.the pat- and embarked for Morris Island and To . Prttlon, the hon- fenco is broken down. Ry !. P. Ot'HMrr, Clerk Mates, who had been beaten in a Presidential j tion, morning, kc., approved Feb. 2Nth, 1703,1 hare time that tho Lewiston story is told about tho ed ; tho news of Ander- duli>h: Iwi; I'tr or.ltr Cnmmitlir. of riots of that day. When the neighborhood. or to request your excellency to cause to be im- af unable to brook the mortification a of the which sent a stono an Irish has been made election, the (iKNTi.KMrx As Committee Virgin- detached from the militia of your blast through A very good suggestion ! son's surrender was received here, while Third Dispatch. mo meiliatcly and to render up power, long ia now in session, you present serve as defeat, unwilling 12. Convention, State, the quota designed to infantry in that destroying that tho Council should, at tho expenso of the of all ]>artiet felt Charleston, April and resolutions as follows : shanty flourishing village, City much and which at the prop- great body people a preamble or riflemen for the of three mon ha, un- held and abused, j bombardment of Fort Sumter continue*. " period Hohson mill our to of our a few The Wiimikas, in the of this Con- will worth of Tho of tho tho of country of the at the humiliation flag, are opinion less sooner discharged. Your excellency $200 crockery, city,causo flag er time was t.» liana by the requirements ohagrined The battery and Stevens' battery which now veinsof whom floating vention the uncertainty prevails to communicate to me the time at about on Island has been in of be- Iw on the or on a a of these Benedict Arnold's iu the aud Fort Sumter is please danger City Building, flag- Constitution into other hands, commencrd operating freely, returning in the miblic in niiud as to the |>olicy which the at its ren- Spring's placed war vessels which your quota will be be expccted must still flow the blood of a tory ancestry, the fire. It is NMftod that three Federal Kxecutive intends to pursue towards but it holds on yet. staff near Dr. Ilurlelgh Smart°a Cough Med lei oe wa* dlacor- war, and a rebellion against their govern- dexvous. It will be met as soon as practicable ing swept away, by. civil their satis- are outside the harbor. is to ere by of human slavery, they cherished, " 14. tends to up excitement both havo refused wished CltAMLrftTU*, April keep samo time tne oath of fidelity will be adminis- Samuel Carolina, secessionists, a bottle. found base enoutrh to say that they to the of tho of diseaso of tho heart, Mr. Moore, In and that the power which ceased for the to be re- favorable adjustment pending officer and man. The of danger, political sink The firing ha* night, tered to every mustering tho President's for tho quota to Uod that tho South Carolinians wouft unleas an dfliculties of the public peace, therefore, man un- Mr. Mooro was a requisition had them was to b« abridged, before a sumed at daylight in the morning, officers will be instructed to receive no ngod 07 years. thoroughly It Kiven that a committee of three dele- from their States. A dele- British. Oloon the whole United States fleet." ia made to reinforce Fort Sumter, to j llesolved, der the rank of Commissioned officer over 43 liclovod a I circlo troops respectivo act hanenU made. present ical strength and vigor. of friends, respected by rnrlhtned with Otto of Koac*. we are to is small. The great body amble and ask him to communi- incuts to tho President to mako for this do a at t to them, and during the glad say Nkw York, April 12. respectfully The for each State is as follows : A and n up aingle injure the which the quota wholo community. citizen, Theoillrom which thl* elegant la of the of all are imbued with is a to the cate to this Convention policy New Vermont, Rhode good^ is said that volunteer pr«|>aration continuance of an administration placed in |>eople parties The following sjiccial dispatch to Maine, is refusal, and it regi- made la obtained from a which grow* in Six Federal Kxecutive intends pursue iu regard Hampshire, Io. lover of all works, his decease plum only of and will around Herald from Charleston: o'clock, evening. *' Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, good where it I* for their vote*, raised the standard ju»t feelings patriotism, rally Confederate States Island, ments will bo tendered from Missouri, Ten- Peraia, In Ada, MMeiteaalvely power by they from the floating battery atate that to the and one each; Mas- Thcro were few men the hair, kr the ladle*. Thw and sustain it in measures to Dispatches to that at the wa, Michigan Wisconsin, a loss. among ■ireuliig eapedally and made themselves the government wounded. In answer, 1 have say having two Ohio, three; public North and other South- I'eralan* hare tlie moat beautiful hair of anr of rebellion, voluntarily two men have been sachuretta and Tennessee, each; tho re- nessee, Carolina, any pe<>. the union as made of official term in- us who moro of were nheerved the and to preserve its integrity and by Three are visible in the offing, and it ia beginning my expressed my New and Missouri, four each; enjoyed public pie In the world. Theee fact* by traitor* by acts of violence up|tosilioo ships as was Jersey, Kentucky ern Stato that rofuso to to tho I 'r who to tended policy as I able, it is wu nono moro may respond celebrated oriental traveller, Htepben*«n. our latheis. will, In doing this, mark believed that attempts will be made to-night plainly Indiana and Illinois, six each; Pennsylvania, and thcro worthy.— the \W. and government into Fort Sumter bouts. with deep regret seventeen; Arkansas, one; President's demand. brought the of the tories throw reinforcements by sixteen; New York, to a In London It* value at mm seiird forts, stole the men, who acting in epirit is ami in the Hi* funeral from tho Freewill Church •old II chemlat ban<*s of plunderer*, they | Ciiarlkston, 13, 10 1.2 A. M. there great injurious uncertainty Ohio, thirteen, instead of Ilapti*t demand It wa* lu> tor themselves and April North Carolina, two; t««ame apparent and Uie for rifled of the revolution.are making was mind as to what that |>olicyiis, an bottle* of j course I intend to Not as Silhday In one It and their a record of damning infamy, on Fort Sumter all night. M^jor Anderson pursue. having yet ments. to tliu Guards of that an It hare been aeld in thai city alone day. treasuries, and persistently posterity up ce of tho Univcrsalist Church. Hiflu citj yesterday aysteiuatically the He situ occasion to change, it is my purp* to of Rev. Mr Fletcher, give* the hair a rich.dark, gloecy ap|>earanre, and which on all occasions hereafter, will confront ceased firing at 0 o'clock in evening. It is ordered that each regiment onnsist robbed and iletied the government which hail course marked out in the United Statin 34 stara. It molat ami for a great length of time. was engaged all night in repairing damages, pursue the inaugural 780 officers and men. The total thus called out Mr. M. had be«n for 3 believer elegant flag, (tearing keep* lively and make them the just of re- a careful of many years It U free from all the **•/-!« rrmniu which all them ami to sustain which them, objects his Itarbettc guns. He com* address. I commend consideration is to be of offer- afforded promotion, and protecting is 73.301 The remainder composed and an activo The Kill- (iuardu in tho lint company other oil* hare, and doe* not leave the hair braah, from their follow-citisens. 7 morn- whole document as the l*st I cau of tho Universalist faith, sup- were the solemn obli- roach and suspicion menced to return the fire at o'clock this the expression trooi>a of the District of Columbia, thus com- and full of dandruff. Il ean be oouiMertly many of them boupd by as tho Governor. dry seems At 0 to purposes, 1 then and therein but hii zoal for it* service* to hair In men for cause choose to affiliate with ing. and the fort much disabled. give my of that ing atated that II I* the moat perfect dreaaing of oaths taken. If any pleting 73,000. porter persuasion, to gations voluntarily o'clock a dense smoke out. said, I now repeat: to-day, the world. The Otto ol lG>*ea. c>»tinr from M or defend- poured " Tho War Department, by telegraph was not bounded Governor of North El- treason, «ud become the apologists to me will be used to by soct, ty Tho Carolina, an ounce. I* now uaed in which, when e<>mhln> of self-consti- IP The Federal flag was flying at half mast, sig- The |K»wer confided Gov. offer of the Rhode Isl- religious principles $i It, th» instrumentalities are striv. accepted ed with the natural of the oil glrea It • Through ere of robbers and rebels who occupy and |m>sscss property and places Sprague'a to send them to was of that kind which could em- a haa wi/.«l the United Statoa fragrance and public nifying distress. hold, and lie la requested but larger lis, secessionist, and mo*t beautiful For tale bjr tuted conventions, and by fraud, violence to the ami to collect regiment, peculiar perfume. the of the best Charleston, belonging government, com- Unable mm I ing to pull down pillars govern- April 13, Morning. Washington without delay. brace in tho of a christian forts within tho borders of that State. all apotheMTle*. I'ficeonly U cvuU. awed tueii who deaired to be in- accouut that tho batteries at the duties and but beyond wh.tt is the District fellowship ltd terror,they loyal a from Another says im|H>rts. The firat and aecond regiments of US Mat*. tueut the world ever saw, government there will be no Not content 1 Sullivan's Coombs' I'oiut, and Ste- necessary for these objects, in- tendered their acrvi- munion all who mado tho word of God tho at 4th. to submission to their purposes. but bless- Island, of Columbia militia, have Fiik Auked.—On Thursday, April I which they have received nothing were shot and ahcll vasion ; no using of force agaiust or among with theee acta of violeoce, they threatened to phen's Battery, pouring cei to the Governor. rulo of life and conduct. at 3 o'clook in the morning, the large two let them do it, and if have the hardi- into Fort Suiuter. the people anywhere.' of the President, announc- ings, they Tho Proclamation Court-house MARRIAGES. seise upon the capital of the nation, pusseea The breuoh made in Fort Sumter is on the By the words and place* belonging and Mory building nearly opposite the to brave an honest sentiment and property an extra sesaion of Congresa, calling on ; hood public to I allude to the mil- ing /n ran co rem* to bo a* themselves ot the pablio archives, and in thia side opposite Cuinmings Point. Two of its the government, chicfly volunteera, ia received here with great 12T tempo sadly formerly occupied by Porter Lambert a pov to of were for 73,000 arv dead every consideration patriotism, were knockrd into one, and the wall itary posts and property, which in the number 7t was a few In thia 10th Inat, Mr Luther O lluaaay continue themselves in power. They port-hole* favor, in view of the large tlio increaso in our only more aa a store-house, waa city, way 1 work is theirs and the of the when it came in- es|>ecia!ly city. tery,and recently both of llidddford. they must do so, the from the top is crumbling. |M>ssemion government, men demanded. to Miae lUttie Munaon, to the inauguration of the but as now to true of iince that wo saw a woman so fire with all ita contents. The Mr threatened prevent in the Anderson does not return the fire.— to my hands, if, ap|>ears be want all the available mili- days beastly destroyed by In thia city, 0th inat, bv l(ev J Mfevena, they will receive contempt M^jor The Government of chosen I'reskient, ana u mu punishment Fort Sumter. in of a pur|>oae to drive the United armies of tu to bo unable to Mr. Richard Yeaton waa on (ire Edward E Hmith to Mra M A Kimball, both constitutionally will merit. There have just beenexploaionaat pursuit tia to defend the Capitol against the intoxicated in ourstrect* residence of of all just and true men they richly States authorities from these an foar of ft force 2 o'clock. Miyor Anderaon'p magazines have places, unpro- which are to march upon and efficient DhmM. only through the large military and the South, expected and forced to make her several times, but by the prompt Rer J Mr If they choose to make themselves Arnold* Yoked assault has been made upon Fort Sum- force will be needed, aa stand upright way In thia city, Tlh inat, by 8t*v«j«f the of th« Constitution were exploded. it, but a much greater whom great both of that requirements them on. All occasional shots are fired at him from ter, I shall hold myself at liberty to rejuis^ess here. on her hands and knewt— efforts of the engine company—to David lloojwr to Miaa Lovina Plumb, obtaiu a tories reputation, let go Only the secessionists have many friends along by crawling camej into foree, an* The S-cretary Want of obliges us to omit a long list reported, town. A sitting wagon, on In thia 11th Mra wita of space States mails to be withdrawn from all State* is to lw eold at auction Thumlaj, city, inat, Hannah, bat. Washburn for details of the tele- un- public and 4 mor have raiaad armies, besieged forta, planted untie a un Governor of items giving the fight, Latost Nowb. the tail of his bono, la*ac Chapman, act 43 yra requisition which have sectdeJ. ergetically grasping lino location of thia houae, Var- to on on The account 9th. Tho In 13, Timothy and contiaued oarry a of fur immediate service frutn Charleston April 13. that the commencement of actual was tho May Krnnrbank, Mr, April teriM, persistently regiment troo|* graphed Believing der tho delusion that ho holding ae« 5. II. morning papihs or tiiiksdat. ad van which it for na*, act] 68, formerly of Dover, war. If blood haa not been actu- iust. Got* \V.v>hburn's answer was in another sent by the associate! war against the Government justifies and pos- nr tho tag>* poasesaea ft rebellious lit* 15th given place, and tho animal to pro- In thia city, llth inat, Hatnual Tbomaa, a^d * demands it, I scarcely need to say that reins, urging poor make it an excellent ia because their aggressions Maine «iU to your call. ia the moat reliable. sibly fishing, Ac., 31 II Mr Tbomaa waa a member of ally abed U •imply respond promptly press, perhaps 1 consider the military posts and property sit- tho Rebel since the bono was lathing, yr> daya. of Jeff. Davis, tho Prwident of ceed, but vainly urging, toinveat in and waa a young man been resisted. The administration The of this state of all parties will rally Ciurlestum, April 14, Morning. within the States which claim to have chancii for any ono wishing prop- the Triumph Engine have not people uated was a Tbe manifaated were lMt and has made under dato fast to a lie surrounded by of much company and forbearing to a with for the maintenance of the Negotiation* completed night, secede as yet belonging to the government of Stat**, proclamation post. nature. |tromiae. the patient alacrity gov- J, of tliia their attending hia funeral. government. t with his command, will evac- Slates as much as did at intervals rattled tho erty rwapect by to the and the defence of the The M-vj Anderson, the United they before all thorn who crowd of who we aball to autject the country ernment flag.' gov. on of 17, "muting maj boys, We have an obituary which publiah fault, unwilling uate Fort Sutnter thin morning, and embark the secession. Whatever else I may April John of Water- of ft ernor state# the of the supposed scrvico in armed ves- and thus the farco by making Paounc.—Mr. Saywanl, nest week. horrora of civil war, and deairous jieaceft- correctly feeling people board the war vessels of the bar. do for that I shall uot attempt to coU desire by armed prirato wagon, helped purpose, * calvee at and was in on tho road.' haa a cow, which bad threo ble settlement of dilBcaltiea, wait*! patiently of Maiue. In loyalty determination to When Port Sumter flames, an<|^Iajor lect the duties and import* by au arnml inva- on the sens to aid this Government the man believe himself really Iwro, inter- sels high I old and in effort* for iu de- Anderson could only tire guns at long sion of any part of the country, not meaning birth tho other Thia inteiesting la the that reason wbul bring stand by the Hag, ao wanton and wicked an ag- one day. Pool notinc at Auction. hop* returning vals, the men at our batteries cheered every fire however, that 1 may nut land a force in resisting but of Maine will not be exceeded by this, have been dis- event on the 14th with it renewed Hoping thia, letion the people which the gallant M made in his last strug- to relieve a fort the Tho Stars and happened Thia well known ami convenient Publio allegiance. deemed necessary upon grow inn, to make for commissions (7* Stripe* agricultural the conflict of any sister State. The but look*l defiance at the vessels of war, application are Houae with the butd on which it aitoat- ita hands tor by the inhabitant* gle, ooast of the country. From the fact that 1 be our office several Sinoo of Tho cow and her progeny doing atanda, Jet strengthening men or at- for letter* of and to issued from days. April. a session of the who** stood without firing a gun, of the it marquo reprisal played •J Pool" in the City of IliddefonJ. Mr should oaa become neoeasary, time has called special have quoted apart inaugural address, our office has inevitably governor tempting to divert the fire fruin a battery. be that I States. havo floated in the brcczo well. with Ita lea hoaaee, and other on next single must not inleried repudiate any oth- under tho seal of these Conlederate they houae, bathing haa worn oa. to meet Monday r »?• of An oft the of the to 11 o'clock, in the Isabel, New York been for «ome time past, ami are, the eoaat. Tbe houae good tempt, part Administration, on opposed, to the Government. their customers the privilege of oaing one hall Were raised in Baltimore Tuesday night is still outside. It was a anil Ibe execution thereof obstructed in the fered $1,000,000 and Paitlv IVnuc.— a cellar. a large ciatern, ami starving command of Major An. The fleet thrilling Paotlt PnuoJuL pair, haa good the to the Presi- and his men it bas the and If not to van and haa a provision scrvicee have been othred scene when Major Anderson took States of South Carolina. Ueorgia, Alabama, The Now York Express says reliable the Union paper, perfectly satisfactory, other eon ieocim. rnjoyed good notice of which was Their that tho editor of furniture la eufteieat for daaon is Tort Sumter, gi,. formal leave of Fort Sumter. Florida, Louisiana ami Texas, by The return the balance and get the amount paid run of cuatom. The dent. Mississippi, information that 49 were killed and supposition a ap aaother seen* Ciukldtox, M. a combination too to bo persona been Postmaster houae, haa not barn in uae gnat length aft to the rebels, haa opaaed April, powerful suppressed by and Journal has appointed for the whole. It la the beat in the world. It tbe Press did nut the or wounded the of Anderson and will ba aold with the houar Teraa Before the attempt to rhe reporter ot the Associated ordinary eourae of judicial pro cwdlncs, 130 by guns Major the ma- of time, thia war of rebellioa. «v* that is correct. In to a to use with la CT A fn>m Augusta by the powers tested in Marshals the law : of this city reply is great deal better than eoda of eale favorable, and will ba made kaowa at the first dispatch UTie* In this city till vesterday (Saturday) by in Fort Moultrie. the furt was made, rebels, .Vote, Abraham would assume the time and of aalr peovUoa Gov. WMhbura is receiving letters morning ; consequently he lost the opportu- therefore. 1, Lincoln, Presi- as to when ho cream tartar. Try lL Moot of groeer* the place da. hourlj dent of the United In virtue of bas not the ordinance ny enquiries ISAAC BICKFOKD. off the of flraeh provisions, to m* a display on Frit I ay State*. the pow- Virginia yet passed that he and sold wholesale moat of tfce 3wl7 aattiag auppliea from and individuals nity pyrotechnic er me of the office be would say keep it, it by l>rt and the hu- cuiupaniea tendering to witnesses in vested by the Constitution and the still in ss- the duties ■anded the turrender of the night, which was, according eye of secession. The convention is of Uiddaford, April 17,1(01. their Krvicre to the State. The terrific reached an laws, hare thought At to eall forth, ami hereby to dosu about tbe lint of May. Wholesale grocers Portland. national Thia beiag da> Judge Cutting magnificent. firing expects lUlftttoa of the flag. « do call forth, the militia of the several States of crst session. Li* lecn rvuoiuinated. awful climax at 10 clock M night. The aiad they have, with caaaoa and ire, driven it % Court of Pro Nile bald at Alfred. within and A on lm Tueadar of TOICE FROM THE WEST!! AYER'S for the county of York, tba STATE OF MAINE. CLOAKS! April. In tha year of oar Lord alghtaaa baMfM SPRING GOODS. Grand Exhibition! cortxo reoM the Cleveland riaiNDULZB. PERUVIAN SYRUP, and •lity-»n«lL) I lie Hun. I: B. Hoarae. Judga of OR PROTECTED aald t'oart To the Uonor.hU Court 80LUTI0II OF PROTOXIIOF IRON COMBINED. tha petition of HANNAH JONES. Admlnia- AID UNIVERSAL, UNIVERSAL, Sarsaparilla ONIralrli of tha aatala «.f sTWIir.y JOBU. lata of TOa well kamlUM4;kukMiw4«n«i FOR PTJRIFYIHG THE BLOOD. Labaaon. In aald erunty, de>-e»ae«l. rej>reeentlaic «S!£S£- It THB DBMAKD FOR that the la sot Greatest Novelty of the Season. •I rely and wit* grml Meeew tor paraoaal eatale ofaald deccaaed And far tUa aprady rara of tba falkmlnc cntaplalata nOemtiu ba owad at of the town* of Dn. 8. O. IUCII ABDSON'8 Mjr thejuat dal I« which lahabltaaU kr«fnU(«d knftiUai Afftflloin,«Mfh UiaUuMof bladealb tba >uui f al* baadrad ■*la l>> •• Hurti, to i.«i to aall and ao*>. A llliur Ju /IrtT"1"'1" of the town TuMin, Ulrcra, Krnpllona, dollara.andprairtHKP.ra I aeoatlauaae. w,, DYSPEPSIA, I'lmplai, fiiilnlti, llUlfliti, Holla, T,y »hola af the real aatala ofaald draaaaad At known by U»a natae of Nor SHERRY WINE Or Impairedud Inprriwl DIimUmi wl tL 'Jwn »f K'llery. CLOAK MATERIALS!! BITTERS, Ulalui, and all hklit UIhuii. P«aUa aactlaa or pit*at. aale, » laept the «rtdaw*l for ma thi roxngnjrr of doaar In ° The celebrated New England Remedy I lid., Mb J tin#. I (Mi right aald raat catate, twrauaa by a par* : lahabltaaU of aald Iowa*. by the l.«a- LEVY cfc OO., OtIU*», aala tba mldar ..i .h# J. C. Am A Co. Gaata I I W II to M- Ual »..«ld be jre.ll/ Injarad IWm a eomuieaclag in rtunt and njr duly u( hlxhway point Ifnhitual Jaundice, Ftttr OF ImmWit what ilvM I * iw. Tnat dwelling hou*e la SPRING GOODS. NEW STYLES NOW READY AT Coattipalion, DETERIORATION jmr Paraapaitlla b» OrJrrrd. tlia patlitOMr (Ire notice tbaraoT M. Nertoal KltUry, Of Manuel MANAGERS. all Diwattt luliarllad it it ao Jgue, Ventral Debility, and Iltiltf IkruhlMH I belt-*, I Inn •uRmoI t<> tba belra «f aald dKrUel aa<1 ■uf th« end of tha Norton n*l, called, thence T11E BLOOD a Stomach [ fhon It la lartou* aiji fat mn, m It |. tba I'awa KaaJn lunwd Inaard aad ilMlntd MiIIIm tlowfk. Tan y are omr»iu* of a.«n CLOTUlf akin la Klttary, lagan Mat audar tbaarab. abkb altera for the tin Aral Ta«»da) la upe EASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES, county of York.ou We (til* week a of a few of the katiilWction. 1 them ablla ufl. la aotr pre»»nt description «ay*i—"They (ire great fill My akin rlrar, ami I knua by my In the yiar of our Lord ildiliw a assortment of it ALLCOMPLAINTS ACCOMPAN. April, MAINE. Aim, Ur^o lateat I'uru In Ladle*' ouUide (Jar- taken become and faalllifa thai lb* illaaaaa baa «mm fnmi my ayalrat. Y»u hundred and (ho U. E. K llourne. STATE OF rery btyle* mytelf, having cold, pmttrate IEDBY GENERAL DEBILITY, eiityune.by can aril Italiara lltal I fa»l altal I am mjlitg a ban I tall of Mid Court uirnli, which wear* now To whir It lout my It relieved me, and I can recom- Judge YORK, m.- manufacturing. appetite. AMD REQUIRINO yon, that 1 ladd J"tt lu ba una uf IIm of tba a£a, ipiatlft 11 ANN AH JON TX. widow of STCMCX JO.rr.S, we *b»ll > • novelties u fast a* mend It with great auuranoe of iti merit*." and lautaiu a»ar gratefully. Y»ara, Cimmiummtri, her, tad that eotn* HATS. CAPS, AND FURNISHING COODS, and the nuroer- Tallar and Kail It lit-uni, Ktaltl llaatl, | and ptptim, a bad state of the blood, mi«.n n< r» may be appointed lor that purpose pur* tt la eon»ldered tha He hai recommended them with great lucce**, Kara ca, tha H»retf»lag petition, by out hat arlten from the want of lllii(worui, K> Dropay, •Uaiit to lit. at the diMatet earned thereby, Comaii«aiooara tint tha petitioners are reepou- Which will be Mid YOUR GOODS AT LEVY k CO'S. with tbein made eeveral cure* of of the Dr. Ilobarl M. I*rabl« wrllra froat VaVai. M. Y.. 1'ilb Alea no her fl>r an allowance out Ihl ON BUT palpitation tueh a of Iron at ahall enter the ttomach In petition of alble aad that they ought to ha heard tha preparation tmm ul of de*raae a .a» caw*Jai( * e< j.j of tbta aad interested. that the Com. HIM1 DOI'N DEI) satisfaction. under data of d.aaa rf tba >>• In tlic lain corporation* I'oaaty with V'N ry Co., Ind, write* n* a long letter, and It doet to la the form In which It It ilMtgnant i>yn/wlj| by Ur«a -tmaj aajt onlrr to e»J ;nml, will meet at the bouae of haw. only pottlblo pul'lUbrd taiMiooer* dwellla? been ba etiraa Iba common />«fft«ai by II conaMntly. prlutod al IVddeford, In Mid e«uul>, (Or thraa M. In In Mid of May 4, IWO. He wa* much reduced, having for Iron to enter the circulation. For thlt reatoo the u«l Norton, Klttary, county York, Goltra or Swallad !»«W. week* *uco nlrely, that ther '*»> at a 1'ro- nervou* deblll. rvmat d it tat at la Urourhorrla, appear on tha tacaly-eeeoa I day of May,A. D. afflicted for three year* with great MI11UMAS BYRl'P often • I ate Court lu bobleu at In Mid wuu- Wedaeaday radically Zabnloa t*loan oi Taiaa, antra t Tbraa b.4- BkMaWfa, at alna o'clock lathe r« renoon of (aid day. wlien ENGLISH SACK. (ever* Pitapat!. ia»l, raoet and oflmn and other medieinee — onthe flnt in )lat nail, at Ua of ty, palpitation of the heart of the which other preparation! lira M rniad ma from a n a bid- Iv, Tueaday will to vie* the route Ml forth In the HARRIS A a yn«r faraaparllla proceed SPRINGER, Thl« I* a »t) le of Tahna It I* cut with a the eliwk In lli» forenoon and >hew eiaw, If aajr they WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3d, 1801, Hprlng character, "aflor utlng a Ibw bottle* I hare been found to be of no rail. anit awrlllac on Ilia Hack, alii.b 1 bad aulbiad fu-m aixl Immediately alter tuch view, at nxaa prottratlng tlia nm« «b<i.r and their witue««es. M aallaa to J until further notice, will be •et which take* on the arm, the Certificate of A. A. HAYES, M. D., of Doatoa. I.attrnrrlicr* •rWhllri.Omrlan Tnmnr, attaaMleorga Kim«iton, to the parties, \*. 1 IIrIrk lll«rk, An every day preeent between, up giving K< ami thi* order llwwprr'a Lifcrrlr *»., | health." effecte of Protni. Priimlr Dlimrt. A trueeopyjuteat. Ucor^a II. KiviwIUmi, filter. be by eaaslag eoplea of said of a ileere, with a una II half diamond It it well known that the medicinal I'trrliia t'lrrratlon, petition •d the and Interesting appearance he wa* afflicted " of notice thereon to be *erveJ upon tha Towa Clerk* deeply affecting highly GEORGE nr. HOFFMAN *ay* ide of I rnn are lot! eren a rery brief eipueure to air, I>f. J. B. 8. of Raw Votk t'lly, «Hlx ( I front* faced match by Gbannlng, a t'ourt of Probate bald at Alfrrljr villi lit* r«|W«l your ar-nt In or HOW TU MAKK MONEY, at of hi* letter he haund your iUi«a|*iilU ■ m «t »«r»ll»ni poetmr when mv> Iii In far of oar Lord eighteen hundred In each of said town*, end the wcllj Uie Hitter* effrctlngtliecure, detlrable niniwnim lor wbi-b wa April, the) place* i>u>>li*hla( •ntlre of Scenery and It I* a neat aflalr. year* In the PERUVIAN BYRl'P thlt point U altaratlra In IIm mmfdalab ■ change appoint- and button*. Indeed him could do him no aiid -,m> by the UonorabU fc. K.|M| aaiae three week* *uoeeaairely la the Caloa ami rral pliVficlan* a*tendlng attain..I by COMBINATION IN A WAT BKroaa (JNaNOWN ; tmplny II 11 a rarwadr I'll •aiwoUlljr In IVm.lt /»■ *».«»»» la lUddeford. la *ald Aprilia. 1MI.—1«U m«nU. The are the lead- F. A. No. 4 Union lllddefbrd. lie "for Hiicumatirai, liver latrtrt- Judge ol Mid Court Joarnal. a n*w«i«a|ier printed following DAY, lllock, good. mvi, dytpepila, and thit tolutlnn may replace all the proto earbonatea, ct Ilia MmfnlAM dlalbaala. I bar* rninl many or it 1* a * of Vork.thelrtt ofaald publleationa^od each kidney affection dropiy, pe- citrate and tartratr* of Uie Materia kUdita. •la nun f 1/amnlMn II, ami k«h * lirir lb* nan- n.\MK. Khutorrr tha win tr mi.. county Incident* In the complaint, If of the othe- notice* to be at lea*t day* before dlnd playi el flo certain in, «h carnal mlarmlum of Ilia MIn «>. I li |kM• JM K. Dixoy, lata of Kllot. lu Mid count/, thirty remedy." A. A. HAYES. Auaytr to tho State of Vlata. 11 by Timothy1.1 th> time of Mid nwttiaf. that all person* may then J. W. //I/.V7* write* from Delpho*, Allen Co., 0., altoa llarlf carrj. Notbiu« «III,hi my know I deceased, having hi* Brit n<*« ant of a lie 18 DojUton Btrrct, lloeton. '' presented aad there be preeaal IM lhaw cauaa. If any they lilock, IMnnd, (a *ectlon where ftver and ague prevail*,) that rijuala II fur lliaaa lirinalr ilrralifmniU mlnlitratlon of the eitateof Mid deceaaed for al- SPRIISro Scene, Peering Factory al(« " hare, why thv of mid should not ino*t cheerfully recommend* them of decided merit Maard S. Marrow, of Nawlmiy, Ala„ antra, I d«n lowance. AI*o hi* accouut for allowance prayer petition Snco. Cerllflenje of Jaa. R. Chilton. M. D., of N. York. prlrate be In all caw* of fever aud ague, dytpeixia and gene- front arariaa turner on naa of tlx fratalr* In my family, granted. It It well known that It hat been found tery Ordered. That tha Mid ace»untaut give Uot<(« ral abb b bad ilrllad all llir rrmnllra could iu|i .», |,aa AttMt C. B. LORD, Clerk. debility. difficult In In a r ALATABLB for adctlraUe to all lntere>t*d, by cauflng a copy <>l IhU I). K. UAU.EHr.RS, M. n., write* from Van prrtrrti form, at IriiKlli baan rnml Htliarl of !"ai- |i«raona kimls of Alack Silks of the Pro to lid t of Iron.— romplrUly \ectfully to accom- aa|iaillla. plijaliIan uAtbliif ailirpa- at Uld lllddeford, Bounty, protad alTtctnal. Art. lakla* your ai^bt T■ lb* Jmlir mf iIm> XayrrMf JwdlrUI It It made very with a bouble box In the tlif lift Turwlay In May next, at tin of the clock and deep plait Much N'tw* wrnrr rrcelvlwg dally. 83 Prlnca Stmt, New York, Aug. 8,1U9 DO •} of IIm dlaaaaa rrmaliia." I ■■> u it br hi lil UI'kI.im Hi. BoagM, figured plain, inplnm If ourl. «| back, which extend* about half down the lack, In the forenoon, and ihrwcaute. any they bare, ui way «Mu anuia of Ilia ttnla copy, HOOPER. BiJilefonl, bottom. The ileeve* which are In effect, of llie PEHUVIAN SYRUP, ynwr rapnrt drapery form, Tiwr Coast/ of York, wifo of IVl«r Hooper, lata of Hrochc Shawls, STATE OF MAINE. recommend it to the atteutlon of tlx public. I hat* rralltrd wilb nar>a|aullla. MAR1A run to the neck of the between the front villi In moat of Ilia com- At a Conit of Probate, bald at Alfred.within and niddeford afbraaald, Nat »i» oat of tha llmlta and Stella up garment Teter I Kara rnml It. my pra'tica, Shawls, Rct. John Plerpont, llarrry, and bat* (mini lla for the of York, on the rirat Turwlay of mM and and ha* a doable box to match plaints fur wbirli It la tarrrnimcmir-l. county hrlallellvn of thl* Mat*, la place to ;»«r pa- back, plait the Tlioinat A. I»e*ter, Jainet C. Dunn, of our l«ord bun- Trover* Shawls, 88- iffrfU Irulr wondarfid In Ilia raiia nf IVanail *<*( IUr April, in the year eighteen titloner unknown, repreaent* that she YORK, 8. II. Html all, M. Bamuel Mar. respectfully back, commencing at the neck and extending down D, mrml /litMV, Una if liad Py|dii|llir iilr*,* dled and alitr-ore, by the lion. K. E. llouiaa, wvsduly married to the aald Peter Hooper at tireat Capes, all styles, Tltowat C. ller. Tho*. Whlttemora. my pilwiila half the of the ileeve. To the of our CounUf, or I Ainory, In lila abirb aara niMualiie lila ami llw Judge of Mid Court. Fait*. In lk« Htata of New llaiup*lilre. mi the Brst length } Skrri/Tt rttptclir* 1 lluuat, |«lal« Waterproof Cap**, Ihtir UHKLTMU. of lila imnlli. Yiaar atradllr lakt-n. of Oetoher A. 1> IM7, and tfttrwtnU she and T: L. MERRILL The at back and »lceve« are lotilktro/ Mr/wlm K.York. tup Nii»»|>aiill%, tha of PIIII.ANOKR ROBERTS, Ad. day plait* the bordered Certificate from well kuowa Cltlreaiof w< petition Bask ins and sacks, * In lira wraka. Aludbrr w*a allai knl the «aM Peter ohahlud and were domiciled la tha E command to attach the good* or rotate eurvd lilm by ONinlnMrator of tha e.utcof M.HILM hu.il.krs, with a Iwautlful cable cord and button* to match yon New No*. 17th, IBM. In lib law*. ami Ilia iilit-ial am li.nl (State uf Main*, that alnoe tha time of her marriage Goods of all I / of Julius 8. «4 chaste aa4|«iilU?llic evrenants, bat that ifltreanli the aald Peter Invito* attention to hU stock of A Kcliwahaelier to the value of three hundred| an< vl rum a* a u bout |>etitlon. ol hi* and F. A- DAY, No Union Block, dollars. and summon the Mid (ierson A Heh- tati.Aea u> tliat it It a medicinal agent again, of «n* hundred and Hooper. regardleaa obligations duties, All Wool De Inline*, fifty woman alio I,ml That an advantageous offer and the attention of in*alidt. anm* illaAgiiraliuii In Ida bra. A bran aatl without mi eauae. to wit i—lu the year of waWher inay M found In your preclnet) power dc»erting • ha* lien mada Jotham All»n. of Jut Do (if they tiaalrd lur Ilia aama dlaotdar mriiury wa» aiidri|ii( lit) dollar* by red and -tour Luiuon, our of our Ju- by the In* oar L»nl oae thousand el*ht hand Aft) Spring to apiwar Iwfore Justloes 8upretno JOU.NUWll.UAMB.r-eo, _ », ►. n Alfted. In aw Id county wliledi offer It la fbr of 11.* Dank. frnm llila |>4atMi la liar iainaa. lln bad U.vma deserted our Llbellant ami tier children, and fn m Valencia*, dlclal Court, next to he hidden at Alfred, within I*r,aitl.ul Metropolitan to | aad ) lo Iba Wratlirr tli4t i-ti a alia aulkiml a» terett of all concerned immediately aeeept the fourthTues- Iter. AD aitlta damp day that llae e»er ilaae haa utterly neglected to ami fur our said County of York,on BTEVEMi, aaa that license may be granted hiui to tall pro- Valour Empress, Uiloc 1 himian Adroeate k Journal rrurlallaif |aiin In liar jidnli and MM Mia, |io, praying vide Sir her or her ahildrea, or la nay (wajr aid la of A. D. IMO, then annl t:a«a ■■•••. Ilial •tatute lu prorided. — haa been aa aad ahiflleas uian Walter T. Hatch all of the oo. •< time Inteiaperate French Ginghams, W. Ronniiwl elty, I lila from mual notice Ree. P. til L'llC 11, _ _ .. l'it|«ialion ymir l«l»'ial«) Or.irrni, That the *!*« tharao* And jroar Li'-ellant aay* It la reaaoaa'de and prop- and Ntatc of New York, Merchant* and co-partners Chronicle. laaull* petitioner Scotch and American Editor New York raunly! roun^lialilly, Ibraa (inly lauiaikabl* to all lnter«*tee dlroraed In the year of our Lord one thousand I'mim Va„ nli I«W. pray* The *leeve* aro a too new, and are a mark- Keptemher of the Fenitiaa iwl tlx Imb* laMrumui i, July. eouutr. on the Iru Tueaday In May ueit. at f>oiu tha bonds of matrimony aforesaid ami for for Drwwo*, entirely and nine their note In writ- On t)i« cfflcujr Bjrrup a Gnj goods eight hundred fllty hy P*. J. C, AlUI Plr, 1 liam barn afflklal allli pain- In the roreno«n. and ibow cau*a. If ed In their con*truction. are out full received tU um I leu of the clock •ueh oil.er relief a* to law and Juatlee appertain. this which embrace all the novelty They lug hy them signed ol that dale for value cflU tlirjr have derived from ful (Inutile It'-umnltim Im a ImiR lima,aliMi lailllnl Ilia Opened tMk, Figured LuduiilU, Strij>ed Silas, an) they have, why the prayer of Mid petUloa l»ated at lUddeford, la aaid County of York, tha at the hand a cuff thi to them or their order M.m **» of and alurk to ma In id all III' irapery.and plaited up with promised pulntllT*. pay J>». JODir PtrHPONT. Mrdford, -IU aklll |diyablaut, rplla ahould not be fifth of In tha of our Lord one thou- Plain at the a Ranking l'ittatta. until I tiM Har -a|«i Ilia On* granted. day April, year Kept*. which extend* from theihoulderover the of the Haverhill Hank, corporation, lUwum aula ull.tr Cuiomuim ratnadiaa I mild Hud, ymir and top Haverhill In the Commonwealth ttHrvr la lua warka. and rr*l»iai| 18 Atteat, II. Knowlton, Reciter. sand eight hundred *llly-«aa Gaitio fig. Cloths, doing business at R... WARREN IIURTON, Ik«t»n. Mw-lto bullla mad In Ian my iii-naral Oeors* N»rr- aaa ileeve arouud the hand. The walit and hack are of Massachusetts. two hundred andflfty-*lx dollar* I<"t»f Apptiiu, i>i>pfrwi»r, N«ural. J. fllKAII. in ono piece with flvo box plait*, three at the back ami sixty-six cent*,In four date, Affttlnwt, altackad. I Iblnk It and I'lalntlfT'* g) OMH. At a Court of I'rol-ate held at Alfred. wltMn and time ha* long since elap*ed. |the la lltad- Jiilaa Y. Oalrliall, of Kl. I m«. wrnrai "I liara lam Of MA-IISTE. kud one on each hip, allowing the tklrt to hang In at the lu». AltTIH'R n. fX'I.LEH-tla K«'~7 Nerroa* on tlx flnl Tu»a. STATE .\OVKI.TIKN Or THE SKAOOX It aver that were then and there ready fwe AkolwM Willi an Ms a lit* li fur t>i«* county of YorlL they •• Iim. t.il.tiwUon, NfivKumtH, *ubtlllult anililrd fur yaaia aftdxmx/ l.irtr, the imple fold*, with a very tinall circular collar faced *tild time and of to receive the Value to of In the year of our Lord, elicht- **.- After whleh will b« brought out charming Hi. place payment hj*riu, nail (Jrneval OtMUI/i 1U Ckrgjmta. ibalruyail my liaallli. 1 Irlail atary lliln*. and atrty lliiiiR day April, YORK, for ri ii and tli* Hon. E. E. alth the cloth, and the whole garment trimmed Mmr. IUr. AI'at'KTim H. Mll'L, BmbottUW, hllad tu Irlirta ma; and I liaia larn a limkruibiau man hundred *l»ty-one, l»y of Defendant* hare J of Court Clibk's Orrict, Nt paRai JrntrtAL Cor nr, I tie Comedy Yet the uld though requested, ImUi iwl litntnl IWUIiljr. fiiramua fn m im i.llirr ranaa lliau t/r«vajri»»i I Ilotiritf, udgr laid t with galloon and French button* to match—It 1* In- hut *o to do.—To the yaara Alfred, April IA i"*>l. > not paid the Mine, neglect IUr. OUKDUM KOIUIINS. Hartford. Coan—Ih EflU»»r IA( l.inr. >ly la-lutrd Mmlkl lla». Mr. Kapt. aili l»el TACOII UOflDWIW, AdmlnlnMrator of the ettata Plaintiffs the IJ'ir »uU- in. leed a graceful garment. damage of the Mid (a* they *ay) In (Untial IkImMj, (<«ui4atiil, bjtyyU, ma I- lia aald lir kraa of late of la mI4 AUohwlM KUmulatiU. lulry your Paraapatllla, J Af/77/(VOOUW/A, Lebanon, ■uin of twelve hundred and dollar*, which •Ulutolur am lln- Idraa tha fornpiing Libel it ia orlered by A. 4 Union flfty and lliln* ymi mwla waa lb trying. Ily dree**»-d hi* flrd a<". F. DAY, No. Dlock, Blddeford. l>c with other IM^ Mix.-lb Vm tad ffl- any county, having prevented a Justice of aaid Court, VARIETIES ! ■dial) tt:en and there made toappear, IUt. «VI.VAM'H CODII, of liial It liaarunal ma, aud baa ao my ld Daniel Uuodeaow, after It trp lug |Hiilllaid n««ijli." Hooper appear Cut to the strength Company, 8. at Alfred ViIh Pinl;aiillrwH>i Ordtrrd. That the aald acsountant give notice to ha held at A If with- Hita«**, JOIIN TKNNKY, Inquire, II.lHiiir, rmt/aUoa, aud AUtp- bata n-aullrd fi-m Court tube held at lllddefurd.ln Mid county, on tha In of I'iIHk•<» |l/M>*|Mia. niraa of tliaaa tiilukUMa rnmpialnta la lllddeford, aald County York, Merino MAINE. lo W'MUni Oiiaaia Oitrataa. a admit flrd In May next, at teu of tha clock per printed Indies' Vests, TIIE ISABELLE. STATE OF Uli*i cau»e If have publication day* Hr> tiiomah il ro.v*.- eomcjt Dtbuii/, llirm. Botna of lliani lw fmind In our Amaiintii In the forenoon, ami IM any they ladies' S-arfs, The I* cut with three team* In the hack ntni may lea>t lierure the of aald Court, that he M*y l>ody 1-iImu»u>>ii ul Nreme Judicial Court, hegnn and held IVn..u«»r of il* "ll ha» pn»» Embroidered Sleeves, with lappel* to match the body. Spanish on the 1 Wftbttda" A true (ieorge II. Knowltoa Heglilar. be granted. at 8aot, within and fl>r the County of York, Tonic lift Djrapapala, Heart Illaraaa, Flla, Kpllrp- copr.attc«t, Kmhroideivd which I* cut to a behind a* a* the A. D. |M|. M. r. WrnsTER, IVtftna, Mu*.—Il< Vtlua In r>r.p.p- < CUrk. Fluuncings, Millar point deep first Tuesday of January. IUt ay, Mrlanrliol)-, NruralKla JIIrM C. D. LORD, t'lirofilc iJiATtlioia, <>( Uvtr awl KUhim^K Ala Court of Probata held at Alfred, within and the In In the ahore action, It that 8lmon •It, l>«raiif«mral ramarkalda rlirra nf IlK-a ali«i li- lia bata laau Embroidered Handkerchiefs, walat and extend* to the bottom of garment ap|»earlng Matt—IK In Our. Many for the of on the flrd Tueadar la A urn* copy of tha Libel and order of Court 8ehwat>aelier one of the Defendant's Is out of the Hrr.JOn II. Cl.tNCII. fWxloa, Efflcac/ of Ibia madnlna. It aluini- county York, inada by Ilia allrratlra |«>arr our nun* Infant's Waist's, and I* bound In with the front. Trimmed no lhara and (j|>«ad serve l*iit*. I>}»|*|>»K baan Ilia na- Judge of Mid Court White Cambrics Blddeford. to notice. J Xut.-lk MMB raarb, fm b a raoiady baa lonx rri|ulrad *,y Plain F. A. DAY, No. 4 Union Bljck, the Plaintiff cause the R-r. J. ITAHMty. a.. Naa bur, port, Ibia will the will of The Court Order, That >* rraallira of Iba and aa ala rvuOdaiil ll.al II. A DAMN, Truitec under % la aud 1 ulitj. lianpb, OP REAL NOVELTIES. Plain White Swiss, Mid defendant to he notified of the ol 0/«|x|»a can do. OII.PJTHICK. late of A PAIR pendency AltTIH'R R. R CR AWI.EV, IUrtht.lt, Hannah, C. L ilo fur llirm all Ibat madkiua GKoniiBJOHy KIHO lilddafbrtf. him In hand with an attested 1U» hla Nd. AMD una WITMol'T A MATE. Figured ami dotted Swiss, this suit hy serving Climauc l>«l»lil/. Nwtllln« «l th< LitrrnnlU*. In eaid county, deceased, having preeented the writ and this order of Court thereon of administration of the eitata of Mid Checked Cambrics, copy of IW. K. VITAI.IS HCIir.HH. IMfm. M«tt.-llt Rmnt*. ond account lit.—"THE PAPER NKCK TIE." la all Color* and (Juallti**, with Trimmings to fourteen( or hy) iiutdidilng tlie Mine three weeks Iirt r»t»t »li»r Irnr. IiUwim of Iht Ntrmai h,» deveaaed for allowauoa Cambrics, ail Journal % tt an I H*miii.«uilaiiua lu -ftcbwUjt, fra«l>> watch. Stri|>'d SurceMlvelv III tlief/aion newspaper in, lljtprptiai Iyer's Cherry Pectoral, Tliat the Mid aaeountant give nolle* Cailon.* O'dtrtd, APrU*t> ML) in in Mid of York, the »r», CUff, m»n and run tub KAriti e at leant K" III.NIIY l-ril tM. R~«mi ElBeat/ la D)». Thla li mara|»eries, last publication thlrt)) days C'olila, Inflnriirn, lloararnria, (>• lie lu the l/aien tr J4*rnai, Whit® Linens, he held at prpaia aa4 Allnboul of IIm Lirtr. Coiiffha, order print- •trie*. an-1 In Imitation of alIk «B<1 i>ther before the next term of said Court to IlraNrtillla, lni Con> published threa weak* »u«v prrfwl Bi». H. II Rinnru IU«t«n, Mm- IktilM Inruxef Croup, l|ilriil ed In lliddrloid. In Mid couMty, t« »• low that • way ]l In Nlafta flr»t In next, at ten af the eli-ck Silk lant Cloth, and I* designed to take place In said should la Olai» Tuesday May worn J to 7 If neceeatry to aaoaouiita. Handkerchiefs, any he have, why Judgment, action, am •• a VrdM <1 Aftal tad LO>«; Drtyrptla, of tha Dlaraar. and *hew cause If na< *, GUUIIYTS HADE TO OKDER I* Issue In the foreman, any they Veils •Old Water Proof Circular" The Utility cut not In- rendered hiin and execution lii.natnd I'ltuilty an known In anr Chautilla against Raranf Tbla la a ramady tuilraiaallir ant|iaaa tli* Mine tliould not be allowad. IUt. J \V OI.MtTCAT), Dcdon. Mm-Ornml It why with half accordingly. tt a fir Iba ruia nf tlnoat and luli( tiitupUIMa. llial 2d.—TilE RELIEF TIE. French do., with a hoJf of the French Hack, dr«|>ery mrndflon. and CnrMfaft la lla Ornuintima MMt Implies *h( weather I* a largo cape or collar, the n)Hir<> nnmiMl Oriillcmrn ami olhrre, glv kuoan tliiiMifbiHit for the of on the flrd Tucaday la iu Kid (5lor«*, plain Jllril D. Cltrk. n or aarn famllira, amonr lliia county York, feet -Relief" fr<>ui all further Iri.uMe tu^bvwi. C. LORD, ran Im hail Ira are ilia mmunillaa, red but I* cut double with a In the full Infnrmailon «f lb« fkjrup, rf»r.t« — In the our Lord eighteen hand Lisle Thread (Uotos, ihoulder* ) girdle Ins wbo bata not aomr |«-i» nal aiprilama nf lla Aprtl, yearof lu tb0 or lo i'»ar and tha lloa. E. E. Bourne, Judge of with which It can be or drawn up mi uppllrulluu AyniU, aoma in llialr midat of lla ilftmj Iba ilily-one, by 3d.—THE LACE KDQE TIE. Silk (iIotom, edge, gathered lir|n( iMpby aald Courts STATE OF MAINE. aubtla and dlaoribra nf tb« lluuat and luiift. article—It Iiaj to Into a hood, over the bonnet or head, and ifanieaiiHia and As eiqaUltalv Neaatlful only lllaek Mitts, tegular Aa all knnw Ilia drawHul blallly of Ibraa diaotdt ra, V ATM AN I). APPLKTOX, Trmtaa under tha will ta Man to ba aiiailraal. chin in a rain or when deilred. •».- Jciccll J* • f wa bM > ii a late of la Hosiery, all kinds, tied under the YORK John P. Carter, aa tbay knnw, luo. Iba allrrta Ibia ramady, of AtWd Kennebunk, Mid anna tban toaaama tbaCi Ibat II liaa imw all Ilia tit- hi* (trot account T. Xj. MERRILL, F. A No. 4 Union Block. Biddefbrd. L. ■to count).defeated, having preseuUd SMITH K HROCWKR, lllaek Velvet Ribbons, D»y, our or rnira alibb bata | p0 li)r sKrrtft of trtpteliv* Counlitt, 8TOIIB 30 BDMUER 8TIIEET, tura thai II did hava alirn mailt*f Iba of administration ol the eitata of aald dictaud t»r | of mankltal. Hole Manufacturer*, Worsted I In ids, iitkir of Iktir lirpuhf, (JllKlTIHOt aim an opnn tha mnlidrara allowance door to tlia Poit ORIee,) alronrly Mo. M Warren St N. T. and command t» attach the or estate (Next Mam. accountaut X*. 1 I'alM ttlwk, llUMrferd, Malar. Needles, Pins Fans, XVK you good* Prepared by Dr. J. C- AT£& U CO., Lov«U, Ordtrrd. That tha Mid giva il of Juliua H. (iet*on and Simon a N. IV We tall to WHoLKSALK JOBBKIW ON Linen richwubacher, BOSTON. m>tlc« to all |>er*ou* interested, by earning eupy Cotton, Threads, in Mid of trailer* LV, Country Merchant* ean onler kvoUi of ANV S|«»ol both of lliddeford, County York, of thl* order loliepuhlUbed tlini weekMueoeaalve- Jet Bracelets and IIlack Pins, and doing buaine** under the Arm Sold all f.'aiea aad J»*rnml. at Itiddeford, WIIOLKXILK llOlSK with whoiu they are f I'robale held it Kennebunk within *(1(1 ly In tha printed 17 3th, IMI. 13 we are nmne or Ucr*on & Hcnwabacher, to the value of lo Mid count), that tliev may at a Probata la* April The above are a few of the leading style* for the county of on th* flnt Tueeday lu appear four hundred dollar*, and summon the «ald defend- York, Court to l« held at IllJdeford, in Mid >». oa .March, III the year or our Lord el(htc»u liun- now manufkcturlng. A few general remark! will be found In to In Mav next, at ten of tha ant*, (If they may your preelnct) ap- drcd and «lxty-one, by the Hon. K. K. Itourue, the first Tuesday before our Justice* of our Judicial 3STEW ROOMS. clock In the forenoon, and ahew cauaa. If any NOTICE. to all Die New Spring Style*. pear Supreme JudipofMld Court: the/ an IntermlMion of one hour will apply Court, next to lie holden at Alfred, within and for have, Uie Mine ahuuld not be allowed. Afler the above, All ouUlde are much longer than /. Win. why »ub*erlher would r**i»eetrtillir Inform the la- lit— garment* our *ald County of on the fourth Tue*day of I KNMK V. WldOIX wWowtSAMUCL i>urclia»e» of oar York, Mitt I ar. Id attest, (ieorga II. Knowlton. Register. haMtaaU of Naoo and liiU'lc/orj. that h* Ua« t>e hut to allow tho*e making erer before, or to the botloin of the dre»* A. I). I8*<), then and there In our Mid Court •I illy, late ot Hmo, In county, ilMrwnl, TIIK nearly May, out of the A true Uaorga Jl. Knowllou, Register. r*uor*d tiom tk* t<> an*wer unto Frederic W. of the NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Ins presented her petition for allowance copy,atte*t. tint* lor (tinner | Imme- which from 41 to 6 yards doable width Ilotchki**, oltjr. >cw Spring (loodi, require* county and Ktateof New merchant. In a idea personal »■»!«te of Mid deceased: Mara Honar York, at within Oki Dye Fancy Silks! sloth. cane aald who never wit before. Al a Court of Probate held Alfred, and after which and to conclude, w of the for that the said telendant* at C'ty "Let tho*e now *lt Or,i»rrrf. That the Mid |>ctllloner give nolle* to *11 he U (<• do la the diately now *lt the more." for the of York, on the (lr*t Tuesday ol to I.rmtn, «h«N prepared Ihrlaf itd—The moet colon of cloth are Dark of New York, to wit Alfred aforevald, on the twen- Anne, by the lion. E. E. Bourne, Judge Hr»l flttr.l Up l*y* hjr thou*and eight hundred and fllty-hlne, hy their I0H K Journal. printed at lllddrford In Mid eount), with tlx M la Mauaohu- ^ach ol id Coml long eip*rirnr,> l>jrtn all other* I* a new article called note In writing of that date hv them algncd for val- E. II. IflcKENIVEY that may at a 1'rohat* Court to he earrt*d on the huakneaa several n tlie> ap|>car the of 8AMUEL W. Ll'QCKS, Ouard* S«tU. and having .lultoin In Parro, Or, Little of Everything. ue received |>romi«ed one L Kdgerton II-■ _'< and held at lllddrford, In Mid county, on the flrtl |ictition In Macn. where b* haa hevn patron- Plain Black and Black and Ian Of CIHUCHILL t ir. .HUMS, minor an4 years liberally Figur'd Hatch to them or their order two hundred Would respectfully announce to the eltiieni of Tuesday In May ncit, at ten of the clock In ON be (till ho to be al hts new llii lloue* "Spangled Sacking." paV child of Mllliaui 11. Adam*, late of lllddelbnt, in lied, pea hut ••mall of nay III dollar* and *l*ty rents at the Htverhlll lliddcfuril. Nseo. and SUte of Malu» generally, the forenoon, and shew caun If any they hare, received and delivered al Mr* Collies' Tho following belnt proportion to match, Mid dccrawd piajing for licenM to tell Order* eihlhitloo 3d—The Trimming Cable Cord In *hade Ilank, In Are month* from the date of *ald note, that he lift* Uken the room* the mhi should not h« allowed. county, Ulsnd. All order* en SILKS, the article* that will he on why al aueilon or *ale, all Millinery Mbopon factory Hllk which time baa and the *ald L. Kdgerton, andcontei public private la lb* but man- about i Inch wide. Plain French Rultnn«, elapsed, 16 attest. (Jeorze Knowlton, Rejlster. and intciest of hi* Mid ward In aa4 I ratted to bl* ear* will he executed Ho»er« and Hatch thereaftrrward* on the day of Nw. 1 WASHINGTON III.OCK, the right, title, Uia lowest Plain tialloon which 1* u*ed mi A true oopy, attest, tleorge II. Knowlton. Ilcflst.r to eertalu real eitata situated In k»niie'uukpnrt lier aad at priee* Unbleached Mew 8tyle Dlndlng, the date of *aid note bv their endonement In wrl> them aad returned la oae week. Thl* *Nk rooolTod, at groatl/ rodueod prloM. Sheeting*, Illddeford, fttiil at great expenie hm fitted np In Mid the there >i to put u> H. D. All (uedi dyed all new tine on the back of *ald note for value received At a Court '4 I'robal*. hrld at Alfred, within and c«wnty,aihl |»roee*da llloached Mouslins, ttyle garment*. »» that he ha* the uiutt convenient ftml attractive to 'aid rMl taut* lor other IIUIUCK III'KMC. ordered the content* of Mid note to be to the the of on the llrst Tuesday In lnt< r<-»l,or eichauge paid for county York, Utor* n real eslate. raid real e*Ute being fully 4e< At MERRILL'S. Calicoes, or hi* order to the tenor there- In the year ol our Lord, elghtee hun- IS plaintiff according April, III Mid of, of all which the Mid defendant* tbenand there PICTURE GALLERY dred and Ute lion. K. K. Itourne. icrU-d |ielltioa Tickings, slity-one, by That the give notice therof had notice and became liable, and then J ml re of Mid Court. U'drnd, jwtltloner and checked thereby he found from "Kltterv Point to loall Inlereeldl In Mid eftate, by Ilorsc Cart and Harness Striped Shirting, and there In consideration thereof the to Pa»*ama<|Uoddy I'KltKINH. Administratrix of the |H-r*"ii* eaadng promised 111-nl lie ha* at gnat oo*l an eitra fXI'KIUKNCK ol thl* order lo l>e pub|l»hed In the I'kIm Srr* Clinton Flannels, to pay hlin or hi* order the content* of procured I estate of JOTIIJM I'lHMM, late of Kanfbrd, acopy plaintiff or double ground claim, whlcli dlf. * Jnumti. in flkldeford, 'n aald rO\ SALE. Mid note according to the tenor thereof. And the large rkyllglit In Mid county. decraeed. havinx presented herOrit prlnUd oounty, FOR Linen*. Iu-r« the I of light *o evcnlv that there will he tlm-e we.-k»»uc«e«*i»ely, that they way appeal at OPENING! (Jrvjr EVERY ARTICLE aver* that he wai then and there ready at ray account of administration u( the estate of Mid d*- Kn- Wool plaintiff "i •• •* *•'!■/ Till, la the a Court to l>e held at Itnldefurd. In Mid an-l llarne** to Match. Cotton and Flannels, no only light ■ Proliete A (Dial liar** Cart, the time and of of Mid note to re- « an 'I for allowance! place payment ami II li rrear at a I'roliate Court It atte«t, (ieorga H. Knowltoa, Regiater (irvy Open can lie Uken at one fitting, and be will give you before that time had and reoelvcd by the *ald de- to l>e held at lllddrford. In Mid County.on the Brit A trueoopy, Att«*t. tieorge II. knowltoa, KegUtar NOTICE. Cambrics, the clock In Colored fendant* to the use. then and there In Tor a Dollar t Tuesday In May next, at ten of of tk* Third Claas of the Tork Pa Stork of plaintiff*' Twenty-fire of them Mem her* •Ve»r Sarsinct do. rontideratlon thereof the to pay the forenoon, and (hew eau«e. If any they bar*, Fire lasurane* Coaiaiiy are k*r*hy promised plaintiff TIIEMutual him that aum on demand. They are emphatically the ekeapnt of ff»«4 ple- why lb* Mine should not b« allow*d. that (ha iHreetor* of aald bate Corset*. Jean, Bottled t'ninj«*n» Yet the Mid Uerxin A Schwabacher, though re- turen, and the ftril of tkrap picture* II »tt. II. Knowltnn, Register. oa the mem»>erevf *aWl Third it, Oaorf* Portland, Kaco & Portsmouth ordered an *«*r*«eient Kumia Diaper, quested. have not the Miue sums or either of kind of a taken at the ihorteit no- II kafWr* tk* jab «f May A. paid Any picture A trueeopy,attest, George Knowlton, Register, Claaa, pay aid* oa or day Marseilles Quilts, them or any part thereof, but neglect to to do—to tice, from the •malli'ft Locket to the mammoth —-RAILROAD.'—> WILLIAM lllLL, Treaa. aat- a Court orrr«>l>*te Im>I( tha Drop be had at our Slot* twenty-Brit day year varletle* of Picture* Uken a* cheap a* at any lu Mid de- TR.UNH LBAvFaJJ FOLLOWS• York: May Lord one thuuund hundred and All I.WS,1 ■ill' of Houth lierwlek, county. Dauiask, tho eight *l*tjr. at all hour* of the day, ami In foal of Mid by yard, other room*, cea«ed, repre»antlnfthat the |01 the Jirst NO. 3 CALEF Napkins in the KlltAbvih. 4w do U1 bera, member* of Congregational BLOCK, SACO, having had inore ami longer eiperler.ee which lie owed at the tine of h!» dralh (he lam C'Ape Respectfully feel* by hfArtion/. Otk IlllLdo do •■»*> W ia Krnnebunk, in «aid County, that lluckubug Towclings. STATE OF MAI2STE. huflm-M than any other artUt In thi* vicinity, dollar*, and for • lleeiuc I'anah he of fl»e hundred praying do do •10 S-M aa »».— ."onfldvntthat with Uie almre named IacIIIUos tha whole if Die real e«Ute of (MtrlMN1, mm of the proceedings thereof, eihibitsd YORK, to pell and ernrty ew York Cheap More. Any percoa ha* not proved Ortltrt*. That tha el re nolle* thereof do M lfl» *»» it* aa heretofore a*t forth in of the will In the ahore action. It that Nlmon lUmeinlier that rkalfrafk* nulktr petitioner .North D*rwl«k. aad confirm doings To tha examination ol which all or* partic- satisfied with any |«art performance, at Short notlea. appearing Mekimnif't to tha heir* of Mid deceased and to all pemm* In- Juration. B. A M IL do 10 A* 4 *0 17" all of And Bcbwabachrr. one of the defendant*. I» out or the M. Ilrrwlck lu aaitl records. have their money refunded. Ladies, yo«, fmdt tier imI, terested In aald e*tate. hjr sauilng a eopy «.f thl* do I0.O «M lavlud. #1 and ha* nerer ha* no ten- It no mora time, JuneC III* FaIIa Branch. ularly that want the ami Hllka, or any Htata, been notified and Hemember. alto, that eo'l*you order to l« In tha Um„n * J*»■ -• do I0M »|0 Kennebuok, 9th, IW1. llaskln*.Shawl* a seer print- do April find them at ant. agent or In thl* Htata whom to or labor to aj—4 than to get puhllobed KIM. I. I.I A Saco, «, IMI. Itnll other kind of Dry Uoods, will Lsvy attorney upon ca*h ft prtur* ee the Is and oewlrely, lhay appaar JOS. DANK, We therefore a vtalt from all of yoa that to notified of In eight week*' lint*, only "money *p«nt ba bald In aald on Uia flr»t LOO eipeel thl* pendency tn at niddaford. eounly. Hoiloo lor rwtJAOd, AtJ 7JO r. Thompson, are la of choicest. I art* it awl of cult hy *er*lnc him In hand with an atte*t- thrown away. la the persuit chra|w»t, week a full Una of Uwaa Tueaday In May neit. at Un of the «lo«k do 4* 1040 »» ever Al»«, opening thla ed copy or the writ ami thl* order or Court there- PortMBMlk. OEM. W. WALLINOFORD, FOR SALE, mo»« deelraide *toek of dry tfood« brought f'ireniion, and thaw eau*a. If anr tha* bar*, wbr *• <• 10 M on, (thirteen (or the came three week* Kltlorjr, 2j§ HENRY KINUSUl'RY. tato the town of Maeo. by nuh'.Uhlng tha of mid (bould not be (ranted. do do ion In the H. prayar petition Rliot. ^it *ue«e**Waly UalaaMd Journal anewtpaper E. MoKENNEY, (Irt KaII* Brmfl^ii. do lOJi Ml HOTEL, U BlITOX! In In (aid county of the 16 Attaet, «i*onr* II. Knowlton. R*(t«ter Juwt-. BERRY'S BK HAD AT THE DOOR. printed Btdden>rd, York, No I IUock, Liberty 8t, Mddlford. Juuetloo. B.A M.K.ali. At a Court W.IK do do 1140 *J* are dirwtod u, the Children half Alfred, within and lor *ald of York, oa the of on tba flr»l Tue»lay oi hereby notily Thara *r» .* »crr« t lr«l cl»«4 Wl QT priee. County Pir tha eounly York, KMMOfcUk, do do II Ji AAA ISllS In r<>urth Tuetday o( A. I*. (ML that be may our Lord ban- member* of aaid Pariah to meet at ita'.Meat- (tola of nlUritkia, to break, rraek, or ehanc* l»»tre May April, In tba year «T eighteen likldrford, do 4* r,l> IrOU n!3SJ&;iuJ«ri hl(h Waranlednot then and there In *ald Court and *how cau«e, tha ilon. K. K. Uourna, II4S in sai1 ou** Tueeday, twenty, uTTwrnwr** *« parlor A liberal redaction to tamlltss Front Mats re- wearing which l.lperoent ir any he in »ald action, *fo>uld ■A.T AUCTION. • ttvm hare, why Judinnent j || 11 ||| Wool do da uuu TM of April inet., at threw o'eloek ii uruMflr ll ui«ta*l aU.ul uoa-haif than former price*. not be rendered l**ue ftcwrWn', eeoond day X. agalut him and execution tha of JKRKHIAll IIILL. Intermted Mil TM n of the viiu*. u» served for the Ladle*. petition of BcArboro-.OAklim.do do the afternoon, by caus.ng copy foregu »££•£££* iZwu accordingly. In U* aetata of JKMCMIJH HILL, late Ly- R.R.aaJUoaaoflba?T» FARM FOR SALE. ON tbat ad- with thie orler thereon, to be pub RivarMalioa jfthaY.AC. SHALL In dimmed. ing petition, In tk» !#»••• Altc.t: c. n. LORD,CI*t€. man. Mid county, prnying ba a new* >ltnation* aee af tba eetate of (aid daaea*ed May TRAIOT. liahed in the Union and Journal, puMie oa lha QT Doors open at 7 o'clock,—perforate to True of the order of Court ailniitration ■AQO AND BIDUErORD Tww mm/. Apply toMra. Barry copy original writ and (he *oae at bar •nltabla P*r»on, in said • farm on the Road, adjoining to hla or to ia BMdedird. County Int. Chart** II. oilf.it R- *• ®* *° thereon. The Perry granted tbe widow and BMdoftrd At 1M paper printed Uarrjr, Commence at 7 | o'clock. aa the Chandler Tbat lha *11* Loata Portland tor Baao Md at before said day of • 8* rurtlattil. 4wl« Isaac Manhall known potlUoMr ■even daye least meeting ry!i. Millar, at M tVunuarelal Atteet C.B LORD. Cltrk. place, to taka admlalrtratian. and ia said farm contains about 18 acrrs, nine nail of kin pj* !*, Alt JO A. M. to net on the matter set forth petition. place. Raid thereof to tba balr* of *ntd laMMd aa A. M. Dated at Kfeaebuak, April Oth. F. .f. tillage and the remainder ton* Interacted in Mid-late, byMB.lag Portland aIJ n. DAY, and a small tens, la tba l k J^rmmU EDWARD K. li<>< RNE, 10I5E. of pobtmm LEVY & NOTICE. a rood well on the premises, thi* ordar to ba aablUbed Wall Imw« f..r hi* mmmAI tMUMnl of Cm- CO., on In Mid county. Una waak* Justice of the Peace. rnnK Stockholder* of the Haeo and Blddefbrd Oa* ment. Will be sold at auction 8ATURDAT, printed In IMddefcfd. gag.?jasr. I'atmrk. ao Saco. Block, meeting for the choice of Officer* and for sale. t!onrt county, of the with tk lion.with a »taw to tha hi* Deering Block, Factory Island, of al private of May naxt, at ten af tba tloak trelae will toko leere pMAw«An a wiy A true eopy original petition arcmamtatlua of the Iran (action of*ueh other builne** a* may ly disposed lb* «n< Tuaaday Time ntarvu* tiro U an.1 olh*r. proi» further inquire at the Union nnd *w If bar a. order thereon- pa daalruar to ooaaait him arly come before the meeting, will ba held at the For particulars, In tba ftir— »■. cauaa. any may la !•», llhWafcri. acxl tha will the lUd office. tba of Mid should not ba AUeat: 0E0. W. WALLING FORD. oarriMiaillng lovna, N. D. Slcn Flag. M. Manufacturer*' Bank In on and Journal why prayar patittea JOB* RCdfU, ilk, at tha tla*» lloaaa. Naou. tha «'•< Sola Agent tor I. Singer A Co'i Sewing MaehJ »a Haoo, Monday. April ba )>iL u aacli Ills 1Mb, 1MI, at 4| o'clock T. M. 8aoo, April 10,1881, 3w—10 graated. kmmoMn hara*ftar until hirtbar uutlea. month l« Atteet, II. Knowltea. Regliter If rtorwv ua Dr. M. wlU ba at &C AMMAN, Clerk. Oaorge LIMI I MM Weodl advertiser ftMay. tiaeo tha T, A Um alUat, 11. Knowlton. rortUad. April All .boald read fret U at this Ofioe. Labils at this offce. copy, Uaorga Regular ^gr Mil • JKWKLRY Carta. Jfirc |itsurancc. DR. DARIl'H HAM'S Ul'HI> KSS In til U branches, ami there em DE. lATTISOTS INDIA!! ElETIiGOGUE (Jfur j&ait. §ttsmcss be found a floe aworUuen of Invigorating Thli celebrated female HI MOM U DENNETT, RUFUB H3IALL, Aromatic, Medlelna. estate at auction. tfnlb a'hnins, |MMMwinKTlrtM««nkMwa of anr REAL AND CORONER Auctioneer and $totcbts, (Clocks, thing el»« of the kind, and proving Auction, In flouth Ber. DEPUTY SHERIFF Appraiser, SPIRIT. effect u*l after all other* have be 10M il PuMIe or BREAST PINS, 1111708.Ao. felled, ua Monday the I .Uh roB TUB COUBTT TOBK, Lite and Flrr Imwrnnce *ut>rn uird tkr • ftari, la fh.m an \VILL»' »l lh> IW-./Boe. Airnt, T»<* Verffcta kf fukhtfor prepared Indian plant wick. lo the forenoon. native* nest, »« It* uMlock E H, H, S ME trill) II ii rtcammtndtd laeuri trill »>e umler the of uaetl by Ilia fbr tba ian< pur day of etute W DEPOT, iii(r«»-|af/««r. Th« repairing raperrUlon April tract* of real Office in Buildinz,.. Jloinr. Arrt«NtNM«, Htvt-Burn, C»IU KAM'L C. UAhKKLL. ftom tine Immemorial,and now Lb* following described Ciljr Biddfford, Uytffftia. Mr. poM bBilnM* entruated U> hi* care will be prompt- in Iht Slttreek, or I'amt in for U)« lln-l time offered to Uia pultf All I Entrance on Adami HtreeL rai»t,irin4 itUo4«t t ii o»lnee* anlenan capital ex. Mer- Reiidbxcb —Sooth Berwick, ii' ca*e* of Kid and ten*. an<>ok the Dy*pe|wla, and of all kind*. Pianos rental or the will be refunded. 1000 entrusted to hi* care will be and faltli- company AS of the hiring, price rill and other*. promptly orer MO member* or Uie Drat men In Blddefbrd, ■try Complaint*, and all other derangement* Piano* and Melodeon* tuned and repair- bottle* hare Imn (ofi In eighteen month* »iikaal coaUlnlu fUlly attended to.* In a manner. ehanged. Mu*l« to be found Alto the Middle t mature, ao called 8ao<>, ami vicinity. Htomach »nd iloweU, (peedy ed. Largstt a*H»rtment of Sheet a ilnylt failuri when taken a* directed, aixl witliuut II. UerrliA HurmMaoy L. 1L JIokium uiI A. 1>. Harlow. In bottlea of three illfftrrnt itrength*. with full contain forty to up Alao another lot of i«jture laad, lag pany hat a of tl.MVM) ita caali ilUburee* ■Ickly health, (trength and rigor. lyrtS direction* fl.r u»lng, an«l *v»| by e»prr>«,<•/».»/« Headache.UUtu and capital u»e of HAIR «he of it. UerrUh wai from the Inludiclnui REGENERATOR. By the use of these pills periodic acre*, adjoining land* IteiO- nurus SMALL, ment* to IU 1.1 Te Member* In IBM # 1 I'eriHin* who, liquor*, •ra/rrf.to all part* ofthe country I'Alrtei— Full to Witch trot a* for the flr hare become detcctrd. arof their nerrou* «y*tem* may b* prevent- the r<«d operate Agent following rcompanle* Mtrength. Ill); Half Strength. a.tt Quarter (UrenjtUi, it of .Vcrrout or Sitk Ea»t of the constitution* broken and THE ! I* de- The op la two »bea, and Al*n a lot of tillage land, (Itnated LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, HiiMtforJ Mutual, Cktltta Muftia/. ofChelM-a. >U*».. shattered, down, (abject 11 |*t buttle. Remember Thl* medicine Regenerator pit commrncenHnt of an curie to the Dkliiiium ed ami if Uicn at the orchard and Um house of fed ward Warren, Office In City Building, Biddefbtd, Me. and the following eompanlc*-. (H-e advertisement*) to that horrible humanity, clined for 0*»ti*atb('a»*». In which all retail* for SO eentt for and II for ; <>ppo«ta almott f»el the espre«*ly pint bottles, from and sickness containing thirty acre*. Entrant t on J dam* Strut.) Thankful for |>a*t favor*, 1 a*k for a oontlnuancc Tiikmk**, will, linuiedlatefy, happy Old Ilarness other reinedle* of the kIrwl have been tried in rain. attack imuxtiial* relief pain land, con- **e and of Dr. Ham** Manufactory, warranted bottle*. The bottle* ara macb the Alio another lot of orchard and tillage of the «aiue Call and ine, and bring your Inrlguratlng eflicacy Invigorating ry I lew* re of Imitation* ! Nona quart quart taining thirtv-Sveacree, situated on the Witchtrot Office with R. II. lleye*, E*q., who will attend to friend*. All builneu entruited to me will be blUt- Spirit i;r BiDntroRU. unlcx dirrtlly of Dr. ,V or at hi* olBee. will be obtained. WHAT IT %V1LL DO. purchased lleiu- cheapest. lload, and adjoining the piece hut deerribed. U my l>u*lneaa In uiy abaenoe. tf fUlly and performed. Prepared and (old m/| at Dr. Mattlton'i an. I Ilam- promptly EZER SIMPSON continue* to keep M« ihnp I'd ion *M<'Oi fail in removing ?JVun- Dressing. Cwtiwmi. dred and any apple Iree* af choice fruit, Mai* Btkekt, Coa;»*a or PirriaiLL bytiu*. One dose will stop the dldreulng palna of Djra- Harnrufi, mrart* of eountrr. Aim accom- pear quince ■A CO. of article! •crvatlon, to all the rwa** rrad a fcw crrtlSeatea from Um r«tla> StwUnh, Delicate Fe- now me. pep*!a. look Stock i also, various klndi A»r a foltovtof For Liltrary Men, same being the preinlsae occupied by FIRE & MARINE One do(e will remore the dl*tre«*lng and dl*a- modation* for nationt* from abroad, wlihlng bl* tad well known twos)*. Eaitman. ZJtf Edward Eastman. re- Kabitt, and Philip effect* of Wind or Flatulence, and aa toon n UnrneM •ecure and Ketreat, and good car*, until malrs, ami all persons of mitntary they jy Hale without reserve, po**e**lon given grin-able Faaad In tyh.p. quiet Hmu lliaar P. Wiuoa ft Co—My *>'* t§ m* a* the (toraach recelye( the InrlxoratingHnlrlt, the stored to health. the Immediately. INSURANCE CO.. Brfrnrratnr lur Um hair, aad prrnimm M are valuable aa a Laxative, improving E. load and all feeling* will be re- Harnesses made at short notice. Repairing dona ■•Inf yaur or note*. hThAYES, MAINE. dl'trrulng painful far to *h* arrr ami (m tlx hair || la the Term*, ca*h good approved OP moved PARTICULAR CAUTION. laptrW aaylblaf tone and vigor to digestive with neatncM and dlipatcli. dor* au< Mil la U* Iwa ill mpptht*, giving for examination until the day & Couasellor at Law, One doae will remore the moct •atUyapplkd. MiHwfrtt. dlrireulng pain* when men ■ r« • and Attorney STOCK DKPAUTMKXT. In theae day* of medical Imposition, >I>U •! -r, I lb* fruwlh of hair, pnmli It fWII* and restoring the natural elasticity of colic, either In the (tomaeh or liowel*. for past fSror* of til* euatomers of organs, ^13pPrcml*Mopeu DIDDEPORD, ME. Feeling grateful auume to lie without any knowledge Inf and uflrn nrn Um hmdarbo. I larward 7X Authorlieft Capital, $.W),pnOOr A few doee* will remore all olxtructlon* io the be (ollelt* a continuanee of their and phydoian* oS, of the whole system. So Urn wick ,I subscribed and *ecured, patronage, racdlcine wliatevtr, cahnot be Urn careful IhU t*rtlArala ua*oil3,41371 llladder. or Organ*. all who are In want of article* In hl« line of hu»|. |ier»on* March I'i, "•!. { [5wl3] ICII VHOI» OOODWIJT. of the at oonUnet. Kidney, Urinary to whom lielore at leaet making some that vtll do what your llalr B*g*a*rater »ill, aboald ba The business Comi»any present who are afflicted with Kid- ne*a. they applr, are the result of Hrmicrr. l'rr*on* (erloudy any thvee who «n. for lb* hair The CXPHALIC PILLS long Oh Cumtt Iyrt3 Fire and Inland risk* and In relation to w1I*iy k I tblab II U Um ktil artirlo to Marlgallon are awured *i>eedy relief by a do*e Reference to Meter* W. P. k S. (iowen, N. O. Ken i»fairy. e>|NM.-lally baring comnleted It* organisation complaint*, inake IMflfMfMf arrtrnsiami. Advertising phyil- to* la UM. Htnttl/ul/p, !r*.. and carefully conducted experi- Eatatc Tlili company or two, and a radical cure by the u*e of one or two Jere. Plummer. Arnoi Whittlcr. U. W. Marker, Ma Investigation Kenl to U*ue on Inland Marl- dall, in nine oa*c* out of ten. are impaitari, and Bit. JACOB STBVBNI, Brokaryport, J. A. JOHNSON, li now |>re|Hirvd pollcle* bottle*. A. I* elan*, in u*e and Carpenter. Stable-keeper*. are of their ad- M ments, having been many yeais, during Ike fTattr Potrtr C».' risk*. alto, against Iom and damage by Arc a* the newnp*|M>n NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. EI1KNKZER SIMPSON ten to one a Inland Insurance on Uood* to all parti of tht 4iJef vertieenienU, without making tnaatry. and." Bar. Uao. W. WooMia, Uartfard, CU time have and relieved conrtantl v on hand too oioeh over which they prevented fewer Ce. Manufacture* ami keep* Kir* Insurance on Furniture Per»on* who. from dlMlpatlng vou will l»e upon. Dr 11. will *end frit. Til 5ace Wattr country. Dwelling*. lin|»o»ed •'/ II a* Iin/mUi mrli- of and from Head- 51111a. Manufkcto night, and feel the evil eflbcU of liquor*, one nUnip an abore, a I'auiphlet on umkHitmttntlf r"*NM« east amount pain suffering Warehouses, I'ubllc llulldlngs, polionou* t>y enclosing oa ami !(*/ from one to on* Sash and violent ulekneM at Momaeh. weak- on and Ckraa. lit fttm ikt tJTttl aiy Offtn for aale at reduccd price*, Door#, Blind*, rle*. Store*. Merchandl*#, Khlps In |K>rt or while In headache*, lust: ASKS or iro Vl'.V. and /Yiiw/r If. in the asrrous on* will reinova itj- HOME •.A B*r. Il*ary Mill, Miadiwlif,W ache. whether originating sya-' hundred acr*s of tanning land. of which on a« fkrorable tertn» new, glddlne**, Ac., will flud du*e »r Mniodm al*o'c>rrulart ftall In- llitt,»lf«of good |>art or all kln niTtrnl with wood, Kratne* a* the nature of the risk will aduilt. reeling*. formation, trllh deranged block. and Trimmed, rear llanglnc Window of weak and *lcklr constitution* ihould *1- IT. T. three-r»urtha of a mile fTom the new city Vive Policies luued on dwelling* from I t« l«artantly 11 per cent, for 6 year*. co*tlng only I fill itm/Utnl tk II rpirdx df, of the mill*. Teruia eaav. Moulding* will make them itrong, healthy and happy, remove Insurance It'llJTKI'LH. Halt." at with vicinity executed, l'atrou- cent* per year on fill) ln*ureer on hand. All onlara inen- sition, and may thus. in Br, ■*»**» promptly on a*- all ot>«truetion« and from the l>r. Mattleon I* the only rdmralid In 4m vii In money, and no itKMinenln made the Trregularitie* YORK. phyilelan Bar. a M. R, H. age solicited—I7tf |>ald vtrual organ*, and rettnre the bloom of health and OF NEW If not In New who advertise*, KaUM, KwiM, feet without making any change of vliet. sured, Lo>fcs with proiuptne**. TbrCoiupa Provldeuce, Kngland. " safety J paid to the care-worn or Private Diieaae*: and h M awl rtetmmmS U It *11 ftritnt IrutU an honorable and adjustment beauty face. making a tpeclaltv I (irrr/W/fy taite rtndert1 ny by prompt It will lie an Invaluable OMrr, >'•». IIS and 114 Orealwif. ami Bar. C. LUlUi»n, N. II. and th* abunct ofany ditagreeaWe lecure a continuance of Uie During fbund furnUho* the very be*t reference* testimonial*, Bimill, Lumber Tor Sale! B. F. HAMII.TON, or It* Iom«i to public pregnancy at Moiiakif I, children. medicine to remove di*agreeatile *cn*atlun* Die both of lila Ikamrtif and hi* •!•//. If there ARK any U to admin liter them to conlldence. Xnm. Hoar P. Wiiaoa ft C« I Ian on taiy i'lrmr PIm itoinach. other*. LKT Til KM 1)0 TIIK BAMK. bnltiMy «Ma«lre, and Counsellor at Law, FA I MIAN K8 Preildent. Induce MILLION DOLLARS. Mr*. Wil*oa*i Hair Attorney DAVID All the a*k* l*a trial, and to CASH CAPITAL, ONB Order* by mall promptly attended te. Write lo Mylar, la aiy aplaUa, Btfitrn. OP ! i'lr«r 1*1 -r IImH*. Sllll'LKY W. KICK Kit, Secretary. proprietor In to M AT- tor aod llalr Dfrttlnf at* Um knl hair pr*paraUoaa au« BEWARE COUNTERFEITS OfBcr.—MO.MKM I1LOCK, thin, he ha* put up the Invigorating Syrup pint your addre** plainly, and direct Dr. 11, N. llralarh 11m>ril>. WM. HILL, Trea»urer. M In um. 1 *h«ll rontinu* lo a« IK»» with (•■■(•lawrJ bottle*, at cenU, iiuart* II. Asset*, lat July, 1800, $1,481,910.37. rinoii. a* above. Iyr30 M- The hate five signatures of Iltnry C DIDDEPORD, ME. W. General Water N. V. Bar. U. U. llAHTWKLL, Ur genuine Also, nulUlin^ Lumber lieuerully. Dii»«ctor»—linn. John !¥. (loodwln, Shipley Depot,4H Street, •• " Refer* 'to I. T. I>rcw i Hon. IW.'P. Pe»»en- Abucr (lake*. John A. Wholesale M. 8. Burr A Co.. Liabilities, 54,008.07. on each boi. J. II01W0N. |Hon. Tllcker, I>avld Fairbanks, A^'enUIkxton, N« Spalding drn Hon. I>aniel Hon. Nathan l»ane. lllll. A Putter. tioodenow, l'alne. lion. Win. Week* CITY aod l"*0i I7U lion. J. N. tloodwln, *ale In lllddefbrd W. W. Pelreon MAItKCT, llnaaa. Ifaaar P. Wii*na ft Co. I bar* ynar and all other Dealer* in Hprlii1! Uligit, Dlilil*M,Aprll» Hon. M. II. Dunnel, Joeepli Illddeford and Saco Agency,—office City Ilulld- For by Oeorge The llnma Insurance eontlnur. to In. 8TS. Suld by Druggist* An. U. Steven*. and Company CO UN KII LII1KRTY AND FRANKLIN llalr lUfrnrraU* and llalr Drraolnf, aad bar* rrorinl llobeon. Km E. II- C. Hooper, Eaq., Leonard lliddelord. Win. C. Dyer, A. Sawyer, and K. by *ure loss or damage by (Ire, and the dan- lr.<, again*! brn«6l (Mi 11.'in. I d*rai tb* artirti* wort by of Medicine*. drewi, Kaq. 4JtI tf 16 RUF08 SMALL. Agent. all country dealer* generally. lyrltf of Inland navigation an rr*|nr* b*lr lo II* nrtftoal c4ut, nt A Box will be eent by mall on receipt of the real of the insured and of the Compa- niLL, ali fray Warohouso. security »r- u ut i. I m a w Now Coffin lo any *ho vlth dandraff, dlia*rmt4o The *u>>»crlber i»he* to m!1 hit bona* Fire Insurance. will warrant * ny DBALBRI IX of til* brad, or btutor*, or lo Ibooo vim** ball la PRICK 33 CICXT8. on the Pool Itoail mile* from tbe been Agent CURE FOR Lo**e* and liehInf undersigned, baring ap|>olntcd equitably adjusted promptly paid. frvta lb* brad. C'urtml llrl43. for insuranco property Lard, Witana ft Co. I d**m Mr* Wit. acrea |ir<>|M>Mli Beef, Pork, Sausages, Manaa. n»«ar P. * iNtrti Z! x ZL. all in good repair t al»o, three 2 at the usual rate*. Kitld compa- PIN WORMS llalr lb* aUixUnl c. OO FFINB! every de*crlptlon, INCORPORATED 1810 ! ON HAND, •on'* Uair B*f*n*ra|i>r ami Diiulf nm iriim, of land In good condition. ha< now at rlik In *ald State, |5,ikin,u>i of poop AND POULTRY.-CONSTANTLY 1 la In. arnr l'e« M., Hlddrlord. ny artkir* of all balr prrparalloot. bar*, aaay will be «old on fevorable term* Huron, nolo* to the re- Wireel, New Y*rk. Tins property erty, on which are New Discovery. Pin Worm* entirely knoan thrai lo mtrt tbo hair whrra It b»l 4* CfAir to farnl*hrd to order, at low iirlcee. deposited premium BTA Mrnt of nil klntl«» Hinm, and a title given. Apply Rohen and I'latei aiuouut of with which to meet Insac*. Los* friun the human *v*t*m the u*e or Dr. •»* rrtlora lb* hair In k* Hole Wholesale good fluum muted by fallrn off, rrm dandruff, orlflnal Of lo WEEKS A PiiTTKR, K .ton. • Furniture Haw Filtngand Job WorVdone and The A cure afford* Al«>. Iligtip»t Cuh Price* la 11K.NAIAII CLARK, rr|>aircd. e* are liberally adjusted promptly |wld. 15. G. Gould*. Pin Worm Syrup. Aj the Market I r, cur* rnUrrly th» mual painful MtNfcMa4mi fur Mew KugUixl. 23 are divided a* follow*, In 21 fur Wool hkliu. Agents at tbort notioe. risks taken by said ce«t <>n four lots, and one lot Diddeford. MADE OIL Situated Spring's Island, No. 10 Union Blook, fertlllter In the market. |1 will manure an acre oi COCOA-NUT on Euicrt's Lane, adlolulni; the hou*e by TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT occupied Teeth ClettMd, Extracted, Inserted ami Killed corn, will IncreaM the crop, from one-third to one- 1'harle* Meed*. \\ 111 be void at roasouablo rate* SKLLIN(i OFFC1IKAP $ 036,709.00. In lip-tup shape, at priucs »ithin the weans of every hair, and will ri|>en the crop two week* earller,and ISSUED AND RENEWED| LOSSES HAIR DRESSING. on application to iNtf AT TltB the *eed m>r land. A POLICIES one. unllku guano, neither injure 1 and paid tmmrdxtttly upon J. W. K.HERY 0AVI1> Tl'XDl'RV. evidence and lull equitably adjuited MR. with Mti'fkctory par- In Mr* tmrk f hy the un Saco, July 13, ISCO.—»tf pamphlet, be *ent to one *endlng ad- satisfactory proof*. CEPHALIC PILLS! J. N ANTHOIN, ticular*. will grati* any derilgned, the uuLr autiioiiizki> aut nr. "lirOUliD Inform the eltlutn* ot 8* Mr*. Wllann'a Ilatr Drrntnf to put up In Itrr* brill**, drew to LODI MANUFACTURING CO., it I ho Commercial eo,Hlddeftintami vicinity,that inl rrtaUi lor ST tU. frr bn«U, and lur d/r«ln« Nursery. 1U Cotnmurolal St., Jloiton, Mail. Iyr3» K. II. 1IANKS, Agent. ha taken thu ituro ring b ik4 M> For Sale. BLACKSMITH, hair of to; ptntn, yoanffor old, ther* rqaalin Will evnrlnee all wbo mfftr from AMD HKAI.KH III A* the land I now cultivate most be cleared off tltli No. 3 PATTEN'S 11LOCK. U* world. It will uk< lb* hair nifjlklnf yam II The f.irin now Joel within a few Fruit and Ornamental Tree*. I occupied by year*. OYSTERS that k Mclntlre. In the town of Dayton, IRO.X AID WAII0.1 SPRI.\fiS, AXLES, Shrub*. Ilosei, Honeysuckles. Hedge I'lant*. Her- DR. WILLIAMS' VEGETABLE BITTERS. to bo, id4 DiiiMor, UUi I'lfiw tmBmUtly STEEL, .S/uart, near tioouw about acres baceous Flowering Plant*, lirape Vine*, li oust ber- to of U* lublMtMt lUMti, tutor (• r*i|i« IT* Mill*, containing *lxty crow-bars. pickaxes, washers. Tkr Remedy ! AT 80 CENTS PER GALLON, Mprrtor an/ of laud, with ou the tain*. ries, Currant*. lUipherriei, llhubarb, 40. I'rtplr't HUl •" good building* Hp U nr<»|>arc«l to attend to Cu'lnm or AB'rlan, »hUh aloao tUfltkl rutltlo DOOR MAL. * not to Kv nil that I* Freeman's nnd a 4tf of WM. I'KUKINS, Saco, Me. CARRIAGE I10LT8, ROLLERS, FRl'ITM It, ami If ltdoe* prove At Oyster Fating Saloon, op- Tailoring In nil IU lirauclic*. Con- ULk. That Inquire It. Tnla medicine rttrj Udj'i Mkt Ac. TIIVclaimed ffor It, then condemn Haco House, Main St., Saco. stantly on hand a good Mwrtimot LABIA IR<»N, Ac., Plum and Cherry Tree*. from the stem posite Apple, Pear, I* warranted to cure and eradicate ay orders at the loweat of CAMIMKRK*. VKST- iW FARM FOR HALE! IW0' 9tf ill*, Families and supplied OLOTII8, Iho Wfon rrllrtny at night, Alfred Street. Rlddefbrd. Keb. 21. Liver that main wheel of many which ri« win uuuiuuciuru iuom«r,sua I'm R«frnentor nntl Snrr Cnrr Complaint, l.MiM, Ac., » ItroMtnc. and Spcnlv on the Port- CUAPKVIXKSI In It* worst market prices. (Prpprrtll In lb* morning llttk of th* )ni small Farm for dtuated warrant«<ul stomach. ktlt win »w nn awn hnaly. land load, le«* corner warkiiol'sk. Diana. Clinton, Delaware, Isabella. Hart- form*, all llllloui Diseasesanil I»>»- Not. 1HC0.—49tf shall not )>• *c ■llr*ctbxii> and •• »niiiil )wu J^TIS list I ux of Til and Pasturing. 11. .!■ '»< li. I »i /i nPile*. Heartburn, In llm Mr. K. f»eW in thro* lac* T. T». S. /mlii;cMlon. the flrnt clat* IIuumi country, hood of hair. lNtrtwular* of tbe *ub*crlber DFARINO, Fever and all kindred DR. C. II. • guod boaltbjr A* H'« TfUmanm/t were rtIaa4 Wilson"* the new varieties Introduced I Spinal Complaints, from DlifcUfonl br A. Mi Albany,ofall rolon* and all kinds of sore* Throat Distemper. eases of Women, es|*rk which will fing, A U now the leading variety. Iler- single may worth more. assortment County, exclusively by apply mis- or In a and fUrnlshvd to or- rTea large to very large.eonloal, high plalnU. 1'repared and in confidence, for relief from the many OABDINER'8 Part oT these are for the ncli(ht>or*, to whom 1 Y L ; l>e flulshed superior style der at low flavored, productive and hardy. II. M«u. fortunes to the sex. care a few out ol the Ar*t b«x I tot from you. Gonld price*. Dr. KELMKV, Lcwell. peculiar represent* Zeviah II. Chalk's Patest Metallic Bi-rial Cas- WANTED ! AND XEIRALC1A COSPOWD. SeuU the fills by mall, ami obllg* "pENPECTPCLLV was married Alio, LUNAll MIXTURE. RHEUMATIC It of Saco ,in said County, that 'ho IA« t«il arltflt of the I in J ti rr int rnttd. ROM KM ! ROSES t C. I). LOVKJOY,Travelling Agent. Foraaleat Your oh't Mrfant, a ket, tone Ium W. Mould by Elder Jaiues lluitell, Plate*. Ac.. WW bed to order. 6tf, Timothy !larker'a, foot of Alfred btrset. lyrll I have a medicine for the purpose A txrt mrt far Rkmmilfm a*4 JlnriffM in III J AM » KKNNKPY. In llobe*. Oh! the roie, the flnt of flower*, prepared prcnc^l hereby certify thai this State on the £lrd day of September A. D. |HM, The richert budi in flora'* bower*. Butts,] Hi- v luri ii" I "IliriliHr'i Rlitimillt and N- n 11avkKroHU. I'a., Feb. C. 1461. Arst I'BOP. WOOD'S have used for the last ten years with the most that she lived with the said Isaac until the Sc T>. will work feet In length, 7 hy 9 Incite* r.n * < mi- Mini." Sir the •■nr.- of llhruinatlaia Ma. SrALDi1.1 lit <■ <*■ (V constant and true petual Hone*, ation is sufficient: 6» by H ii "I..»!• ! relief. We hart fall I wish to scrxl me one more box of your of COMMISSION MERCHANTS, finest collection and t>e*t crown you | ring* obligations, that the said Isaa: unmindful ties—the Open ground ELM, do., ol tamo ilte«. fldence in iU healing ami woald reo.na- Isri a jfisl J»aJ if ken %fU IS *ale In Maine. All ol "Its uniform success, even in extreme cases, « " qualltle*. pballe Pills,/ bis marriage duties aud obligations on the^thday A.10 DEALER! over offered (or WALNUT, -do., mcnd It to all wlm ar<< affllrtrd with theee harraaa- Unit. as as it is frvm of A. l>. 1*13 at Mid Saoo did commit the which will l>e (old cheap forcash by is astonishing satisfactory."—Jour- aa >>u« of lit* mlaataud Uat tutUleliM.* Yours, June nr-Ml,,c wrll teamned. of two year* itand InK dlaeaaci, respectfully, crime of adulterv with one Martha J. Llbby, and nal Am. Mtd. Scitnct. ii't i-i the MART7 AMMtJTOANN STOIKUOC5K. FLOUR. OATS, SIIORTS DANIKL MA HO XV. qf Ing. at Machine hhop of •rer to public. other and time* during said year of Apply andiron days I have hundreds of assurances of the 8. Hancock, Jr.,'J'ft>uth Market «i, lUtfimj IT. Ivu.atxta of the year I ■a.Vi.wa* also guilty of AND FEED, Nursery near the Saco Cemetery private liOO WATBR FOWBR Co., Brain Cataa.in*. llriTHOTne Co., Pa, |K>rtion BLOOD RENOVATOR. same hut for obvious rea- II. Allan, llatlan llenry A. Fuller, IN M<>utii Mar- Ilewrwfro* the same crime with said Martha. That afterward* II happy results, MAINE. l\ IMI. strrrt, llr.nl of Portland Plrr 8acn, March 8,1861. LII»l>EroRD, ket it Hatiom Samuel Walee, Jr., City llutal, fiot. January | during the year l\'rf>, he was guilty of the crime Commercial sons I cannot place them before the public. C. BrAti.Mu. It what IU name Indicate*, for Wm. lam/ Urn. II. IMummer, I Maverick Nqaare, Lstl Hat' M of with one Sarah Ma*on. at rarlou* tiiue* ME. precisely It is tho best known for the pur n. THOMl'SON, Buperlntendent. w,"! adultery PORTLAND, while pleasant to the taate, It la revivify- very thing Ian Henry I» tiardluer, Wilxdr *1. 1'mI Haalam \ and now unknown to your libelant. That case of obstruction, after all other June IS, i-"i. -' if v places K. J. MILLER. JR. lyr.'l D. W. MILLER. exhilarating, and atrengthenlng to pose, and in Aliraia Week*, Webater il, fleer**; I apt. C'kii. U In of this conduct of the said laaac. WHITE'S COAL BJSPOT. ing, ouasoqwoaoo the vital It al*o revlvlfle*, rein- means have failed, will produce the desired .ef- lMllver, r. Ut lluilim. with tho said and acts of Illicit power*. Martha, previous of In 8aco or and renew* the blood In nil IU in or the Tki beat medicine fur the illacaa* I tter »aw.— Aaaftepu-jgB!«-iKeep^tn,lly In Purchaser* Coal, either Mddeftird, state* orlgl- fect. A cure is guaranteed all catn, YORK COUNTY y.ursf Intercourse with other wouien place* beyond and render* I Halt I Hat I an. J>°- "■ WMojcr AGENTS. are Informed that the subscriber ha* made arrange- nal and thua reatore* will be refunded. aud CHAl J. SMITH, OM limn. I this Mate, aud of abuse and neglect »f your libel- TO TOWN LIQl'OR those purity, of price 1'urtly vegetable, P. a.—i w« uiej ... '**' Kto, mW Jt*4 ments which he will lie able to *upply the invulnerable to the attack* Hare been afflicted with i;».. anmtiern In lu worat *1 ant. she wa« on tho aaid flrst datr of December A by lyatdin safe at all times. Institution wish with the l>est varletieaofCoal in market, disease. It I* the only ever perfectly Five fents Savings J fnrui, and wa» entirely cure them uetu,m. to tho said and ha* Commissioner for the sale of who preparation o 1> 1*53, obliged leave l«aac, underslcned, u*e. lie has on hand a In a form ao CAUTION.—Never any medicine tie.—if. W. Malliiut' ammrr. Is no* allowed law screened and prepared for offered to tho world purchase OUGANIZKD MARCH 37, lbOO. IIRYLR, HulUinf, not flnoo resided with hiui. or reooivod any aid lliiuort Id MaMMhutettx, by popular ■» Jan. [HE a* to lie within the reach of all. Ho rlieml- this nature of any one, if left about the coun tint ttm /.' >•' Dsllk Vkrjhi.i, Ohio, 13,1^1. U to of Cities ami Towns Id good of from him. since which time your libelant Inform- to »ell authorised Agents supply a* to lie the Rheumatic ami Nearalrla llriHr I'. 8r iLKiiii, K*t State*. call> and skilfully combined try for sale. Such l'lixs and Diors aredescrv Preddent, Jon* M. tioonwi*. tiardlnrr'* C'oaporal ed he continue* to live adlasolnte life. all the New England *o ma ot actual Plvaaa Bii-I cnoloaad t»rnly-Are rent*. Mr which and uiott tonlo. and yet perfectly no Vieo Axiihkw*. haa entirely relieved fr r< -In- a that adi« »rce from tbe bond* 1 hare on hand a assortment of Egg Stove, powerful of confidence whatever. I'rrildent, Lronahd pra.% large Furnace, aa la art in ncrordanrt uitk w Ing C. IIOIHJkl/IM.fla. I QUktata (cml iu« another >n>i of your t'«|»h»lio Pill*. Tktj adapted ptrftrt nurses rooms for and Huadhacu A. Boothit yeara* atan.llng.—Jr. j of matrimony now existing between her and the and will deliver It below the Portland price*. Per- lontkr Iti H Exiwrienced and pleasant Secretary Treasurer, trt trmlf Ik* t«l I'til* I km* wr lri*4. and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Ikt lawi of nature, and krner Hat Ian. said may he dlaaolvod • decree of thi* IMPORTED •on* In want of Coal at reasonable price* will Qnd those who wish to remain under care. William II. Dirwt A HTOVKR.P. M., Isaac, by u ttUeil ttamark. and tone up the digestive sm. my TnoMraos, After mi (Tit nc with lUieumatlatn frr 30 year*, with such other decree* as Juitlce may ac- I Hi to accommodate theui at III* wharf on Italia amlot Co., 0. Court, Which are all analyied by a "State Assaytr," b ready and allay all nervoua amf other W 137 Court Jonathan Titk, waa entirely cured by the aa* of two bottle* of liar. Varoon, Wy • Covered organs, Address Dr. C. II. SIIOLES, St., require. llldduford aide—below the ■ cording to law, and the llrldge. Irritation. It I* alao exhilarating Tiiomar II. Col*, I iin Itheaniatla and Niarilflt C«*ed entirely of vegeUbles tho** Jki.lksov, takan by hundreda people I'll!* mora *>aft>rw of obtain- Curt Call, lloarttntu, tonic and DR. C. William IIkkiit, mora with benefit, It uay ba to cbll> bring your C*j>h»llo particularly STATE OF MAINE. leal t>ur|K»et. Agent* may he assured Corny*, ln/lu- thoroughly combining powerful H.MIIOLKft, great given hara of the kind. at rn*i, Irritntionor Sortnttt can )Iah»hall I'icrcb, dren with my «u«l»««i*. If you anything Li<|uors (of fit'ARASTi»:i> HfKit*)at low cash najr of toothing propertle*,and consequently pvrlect aafety ing Ik« Throat, lltlint Ikt a ha* lone MACY A JIi.NKI.N8, ii plMM *«U<1 tO 111*. a* can be had elsewhere. Harking never Injure. Huch remedy ECLECTIC INFIRMARY C Joii!f *1. (JonnwiK, At wholeaale, by Llbanj lo »ev« or nit «u*toin*r«. who U *u» j«ct A certificate of a* Agent Diuit be Congk in CaaiMm^fioa, (Irs*. been felt to lie a deilderatum In the 1X7 COURT STRKKT, Inreitlnj: Com,n, vLronari>s Lkonarii Anhhrwi, Htreet, New York. lw« w cur. Judicial md ktli at ap|M>lutuieut Atlhnta anil Ca-larrk. akllled HT Kllbv Rick llvaitachr. (u»ually laMIn* *rrrmr Caurl, btgMn forward ed. ttllil, pal world, both by the thoroughly ^ Miimn. (William Ukhhy. Principal Depot— Hi* Daataa, an attnck k»nr fUU, which I rilitm «U ftf M«i t'eewfjf •/ fer*. •» (A* Char ami la and alao all who W Uonton, None anlaea *4 •( (*MI kf fur gilt tlrrnglk In medical aelence, by received erery darlnr I getialoe aliened by in (4* our J>nl EDWARD P. PORTER, Commissioner. (At miff for It need* attention for the HP" I>e|M>«IU day ranking #VLt bff. •/,y.iamtry year*/ of have auffered from debility | Q Having given my undividoil at the dank lloooia fit —l«tf CIIAHLKM F. 0ARD1NKR. kumdrtj mnd Boston. even aee Hours, City Lll>erty lUnp^truIly yo«n, ikmurmmd tf/kl rislf-mntl •A* Custom llouse St., pcnuc npkakkrh and I no medioal skill or knowledge to 2T lrtft fifteen years, to the treatment of the For aale In Wddeford by I)r. J. (lawyer, Wm. C. W.B. WILKES. attacka of fMi* T'IMN the (bresnlnj Libel, Ordered, that the Lib March IMI. U Ma|rr«. that debility followa all disease, LmmJ and hail a large prac- aud l»r. K. II. Maieni. In Kaeo by H. H. Do*ton, Mlk, to the « /o-urinyer, I cUnt notifv to the mI<1 luaae W Oould to and lav* the unguarded ayalein open the Itent Mitchell and 8. P. Uta dealer* tbrou.'b lira Few are aware of the lm|>ortance of checkIng a to tice in this siwciality, I claim |H>s*ilile tUiaw.aiwl HiitoinuiKn. KaA*KLin Co .Orno.» ln-lore the JuUlce* of <>ar Mid Huprvroe attacka of mauy of the uioat dangerous rf) 1801. 1801. tba IjrJJ appear or "Common Cold" In It* Drat that for treatment the world has yet dis- couutry. January 9, IMI. > h« at within and Couifh ttage humanity la constantly liable. advantages Judicial Court. to held Allred, would rem- which poor which In the beglnulng yield to a mild a* the con- covered. UuitC. Air Mi>t county of York, on the fourth Tueaday of Much, for example, following If soon attack* the Lung*. "/Iroun't our medical men No. 4S t>lar hi., N. Y. nail, by aervinx hira In hand with an attr(ted edy. neglected, Ilronchltls, Indigestion, l>y*|iep- M I I have l*en advised by liest u< May lironrki-il Trofkii," containing demulcent Ingredl- sumption. Nervoua lit Sin of Mid libel and thl« order thrrron fourteen, sla, Loss of Appetite, Palntncss, *Wpq to advertise my remey li Night a. I rally, my •and boa of Iv In tha lulon i Journal, a newspaper printed In "That trouble In Throat, Heart, .Melancholy, vpocomliia, Kraukliu BROWN'S. my (fori and all tliat C W ticn dart not atk a /ritnd where to direct iUr.Wa.C. Pillar, Kay uoliUbufi, Co., in -i I ( ounl) f \ ork. the la it which the 'Trarktt' arc a hav- Sweats, languor, Uiddlness, No. 2 IlidtlcforU IIoum Ulock. ■MMbftl publi- specific) fatal if unat- them. MARBLE WORKS. Ohio. cation thereof to ha Ihlrt)) day*, at leatt, befbre often made me a inere class of cases, mi learfully (J) war* tU* a «W DEntLITATKD. r—r rut* the slttlux of Mid t'ourt, that he inay then and N. P. WILLIS. tended to time, FOR 8ALE. ADAMS Sc ■wil Milwtir. there In our «aid Court HIM eau«e, If any he have, "I their u*e to ru»Ue f and Irrrgulmitiri. Alao. Liver Jtorange- y CO., recommend Coin- □ Mpermntorrlura, or Seininiil Weakness, Trab" your*, Mid Libel (hould not t«e BROWN'S menta or and Liver » why the |>rayer of granted ItKV. K. II. C1IAPIN. Torpidity, : Urnwn'f Hrnnehl Peruvian Rvnip. announce to the eltlien* WM. C. FILLRIl. Sftrnktri." Disease* of the Kidney*, Hcaldlng ^ I divide into three stages Attrtt C. D. "Ureat service In subduing llaarit- plaint*, «* Kyrup or llypopho«phlt«> l'uU»h In Lump. lllddeford and vletnltr that they hare opened LORD, CM> of the Urine, or any gene- 1st. Nightly Emissions. which Eclectic ** " RRiPIUTFl'LLY nttt." RKV. DANIEL WWB. or Incontinence my I'.alnam. Cana. a ahuii on Cheatnut Htreet, a few door* weet uf Uia Mk Jan. IMI. A line of the Libel and order of Court TROCHES of the \'«C. Pulmonary Trtiuiti, u., 14, oopy Almost Instant relief In the dis- ral derangement Urinary Organ*, Life Drops will cure in a very short time, with- Kal Hoda ami lle.ln. Office. Air the luauufoctare of ar.d between the V»ic. <*«»ujeli Nyrup. Poet Ma. SraLMMO. thereou. tressing labor of breathing peculiar l'ain In tho Hack,Hide, out failure Vac. hlrauzth'nK II It tart. W per pent. Aleohol. Nil BROWN'S to flight Colds, ? Attrtt; C. B. LORD, Cirri. to Jtlkma." Shoulders, predl*|M»ltlon ttl. Dailt HisctiAiiors. There are more Wood'a, lira. VVIUon'f.and oilier Hair llaatoratlraa. Grave Tablet Not tinea I *ant lo you ft»r a box of C*|>hal ami continued Cough, Kinacia- Stone*, |M REV. A.C. FOOLESTON. llncklng ^ 1 cases of this than the world is aware of. Home an*r»ou» llca.!achu an l of llreathlng,and indeed Al»». Drug*. l>yo Btuflfc, tha. TROCHES "Contain no Opium oi an\ thing In- Hon. Difficulty 4^ tent Medlcluef. MOIST an4 raeal*a«l tha aaiuk*4 — enumerate many more (till, but of the symptoms are high-colored and scanty UIwIElSrTB, Coatlvana**. PORTLAND AND BOSTON LINE. Jurlou*. DR. A. A. HAt'KS. we might m mm im4»**4 »a **n4 fur m f*. to say. It will not only CP evacuations faun the with a smarting mW t/fcl Ikal I Cktmitl. Ilotlon. we have (pace only bladder, J. SAWYER. TABLE AND COUNTER IC. *au»l raturo mall t» DROWN'8 tho following Chili* and Fe- sometime* with a TOPS, IC., Flair by ll'MMKK ARRAXOKMBIfTi: "A simple and pleasant combination cure debility sensation attending it, turbid 3tf DRUUUI8T It " all attacks arising from Funnel A. WIIKKLER. for Are ver*, but prevent and at others a milk-like AUo. Knap Btone Boiler Tope, Utonea, Mich. Cougkt, and cure thediseasee I sediment, aiipoarance. Ypallaall, The now *ea-(«tng Steam- TROCHES 1)11. O. F. MUKLOW, Mlasiuatio Influence*, of till* Hove Lining*. Ae. iplendtd And as it r 1 I have analyied many s|>ecimens nature, and war er* ( and at once. If already attacked. Work done with aeatneae ami dUpatali T><*■ Ik* rm»»r. XurMk, ya. Kernl In, Hailon. tho I and in all cases have found traces of Semen tho for which will no. In llranrkillt." acts directly and persistently U|»on ranted to Kite aatUfaction. Urder* eollcltad. Caphallc fill* aecouiolifh ol<)r In the hand* Preventative* at low ter a fair trial Aleo, all kind, of If you ara, or hart N*n Iroublvtl wlUi Iha baud BROWN'S XI. Unit. Organ*. It IJest French price*. and raiulliee. and traveller* arv reminded that BOOKS, STATIONERY, gestlve at _ Mht. *«a4 *>r a baa, (Couhalla Pill*) to that you I by In ol all of sedentary habits, udents, Hee my advertisement in the Boston Herald, A Mnfiilljr NlNt*d rti.rk of Llqaora, nlUMi t»r thia line, much of time and "Effectual removing Hoarseness peraona all h*»a Umiu iq c«m of an attack. taking MVlng ex|>en»e and literary mea. Ami £23 a more o n•vicinal, awkanlcal awl manufacturing a»a«, aa May of arri- TROCHES and Irritation of the Throat, w> com- ministers, and you can learn full description COOKM.XG STOVES, will lie made. and that the tnoonvenlcnoe accustomed to much out-door M ■ urr a* can !>• obtained, and »> low af Ilka FJYISTCY goods, mon with Xpntkrrt and Mnytri." ladles not such case*. any Ik* ving In lloeton at lale hour* of tha night will be sure It. If they will folil cl*««hcr* uiitlcr tin furtwarauca of Iba r>a«a Mwrluif, rrwWfMt. K. I. Prof. M. 8TACY cxerclse should alway ^ M. 127 Court lusllljr a* MM ARTIST'S MATERIALS, BROWN'S JOHNSON, an pleasant, ami a Address C. II. 8II0LES, I)., PAHLOE AND OFFICE STOVES, Tha Ca|>hali« 1111* ar» mI<| to ba a remarkably UUranat, On. they will And agreeable, •Vi The boat* arrive In *ea*>n fbr pajaenger* to take tho ilia which rob Boston. of fttrnl«hcl with reliable rffecttre r«mceauty cannot 1800. Iciuur* oo muiiuMt tarrai. vtry hart tor thai vary frequent complaint which to Female College. them Boston, May 23, lyrM Tlie Company are not rc«pon«lble lor bacoc* health, and health cannot HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS STOKE I a »t-er«on- Pictures ■ 11 >j»»ln Jewelry, S a* exlat while the above irregularltlescon- that canmt b« found lew aleewhera iruaciiaa and Wed India flo<«[a—low f»rea«b. ot URUn N and alter preaching, they prevent at price* al, unlvee notice U Kiieu and |ald fbr at the rate SALE the oordlal la a perfect eall>,CW«f>, III. FOR Hoarseness. From their pa*t effect. I tlnue. Then, again GREENWOOD II!jtlint price paid «ju;» quality one pxerpjcer for every $jUt additional value., Taken a month or two | batter. and un- think will be of ad- Mother's KellelT II. r. RICE. af family w«k«*rtllv *ial«r«a Mr. NpaMia^. hla Br Kr«<(ht taken a* usual TROCHES they permanent she will U>e AND to me." l*fbre the Una I trial |ias* through ! L*nca*t«r Ma. 3fttf HIkd of CITY LIMl'OR AIJEJICT, appodU ic nil*. L. BILLINGS. AnnU WHOLESALE RETAIL, vantage ease and CEMETERY Under Ilall, Portland, rivalled Capital w RKV. K. the dreadful period with lately. Daw engine Iiowm, Liberty Mrcal. Portland. ISM. tltf ROWL3T, A. M, it Stay IS, with is ne sus(4i •»•«< if, Ik is Cordis/ At corrrtjioailing BROWN'S Prealdent of Athens Tenn. Tkrrt of rlre no. P. M UAINBS. prto«« College, II. Molhrn, It | And mllK m»n»jc*Tf Ureenwood C*metery bv all at all ft tlaim for try a I*A Mt tJJTSold Druggist* TWEN- or I tie* that they bar* arreted *ultal>Te fenc« BMdeford, Aaf. 3. bottl* ol SPALDING** PRKPARKD to we to detect Ilia Illness SAVE YOUR FARE TO BOSTON ! I fy AatngU TROCHES S TV-11VK CENTS A BOX. M you appeal around their burial ground* on the Alfred r««d, n>« Ua tlm*« It* curt Annually. PORTLAND AND NEW YORK PRICES not of vour daughter* before ULl B wtn YORK STEAMERS BOSTOX AAO JEW decline only out th* (am* with walk* and but also sons and hua- lunlild avenue*, It tie too late, your mII to —B Y Itom a felao and are to lot* p*r*on* who may arjuu.fws rntrjMKD ou r REMMVKCKLY LINK. TO ANY banda. for while tha former, prepared SENT FREE ADDRESS! 11 deal re them, it fkrorahl* rate*. often go down to a prematura TICKETS FOR SALE delicacy, The of thl* location a* a burial add. own M. F. A It, of dla- rather than let their Condition b« PW beauty »pot. triLDiyo's mxrjKLD n. ir. stjfjles* co., Charle* Iloftaann, D„ IWeeeor grave to the effort* In »«> eon*truet *alk* Ayer's Sarsaparilla. SPRIN O ARRAN OEM'NT In tb* tha Utter are ofUn ao mix- erf pn>rr*« and Nir> ot the genital organ* Trciuout Medical known lu time, the and to —to all roirr* ME. excltemcnt of buainess that arenuea through wte, adorn them with aPALuiya's ritxrjKLu olv*/ FACTORV ULANIX 8ACO, Institute. ha* at a large expend to the institute ed up with the TU and But t<*i would travel dower* and *hrabb*rjr, cannot tail to render thl* » tplawlkl H(r»m«hl,x a work on the treatment of all print* If it were not for you they Mtmit Cm<> Particular attention tctren to until too UU oeHitter/ attractive. Um PlMM? flMvirntli^CAn. Iimmi of th* male i»d Itntli genital organ*, al- In the same downward iiath. Q anci nonin laiOH HONSHU V- T_ IT «LL a if I I'aloMr*. Capt. K. K. JublUhed fktal fell. Hut Uie mother t. r. a. wwi nni, TltADE. io a trtfttn on tb* rrmlt of OoanUm. Muturha- to arro*t their Jr ntKM.iaA KCOMOMT' DISPATCH! will until rurtUtr kiUm run OOUNTRT ami to we conBdent- O HEX mE&£££IAYaiu, Hon, 8*iual Debility, Involuntary .Nocturnal Imi*- I* alway* vigllent. you J. MOSIIER. OH TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. we are sure never Hoard -A SUteh U Tl«. mrm KUmf M follow* ■ioo*. A*., eaiulng ^ and 1 fbr your charu:s hardy. of uid ErU lUllrMd, AH onlen uttended to. Spermatorrhea, ImpoUney iy appeal v VU Sit York Lrim Browaf Wharf. Portlaa.t. jrri'N)' promptly and Phy.loal falling affrctlon will unerrlngl point you ^ TIIOMAS H. COLE, Manager* of Maw Turk. Mental Debility. Cordial and City h1IMU.tr aixl SATVHUjr. »t • ocloek P. M. Saco, March 1861. Ladle* being troubled with painful or entirely to Prof. Wood'* Restorative A3 8. J. ROOTHHY, 0r 4, a* the which •ixl Im» PUr U North Rlror. >»» York, It lJir m*n*truatlon. would learn *om* thing IIUhxI lUnovator remedy SAM'1. LOHLU., PRICES!! JINGLE ROOMS PIPTV CENTS PER DAT. •uppreMed on hand in time of need. AT BOSTON sSSszfSsu^-r^fiss awl aJTCKIKU, at 3 o'clock P. U. vending for a book. Koclu*e two red to should be alwava June ISM. 27tf ITKUXCSDjr by itarnp* «M, llrorlwav, ^ Dlddrford, it, Th* rwnli ar« fltt«t ap with Una accomui<«ta- pay the ixictage. tt. J. W'fKJD, Proprietor. W City Hill Square, oor. JTrankfort It, and I It MarketRtreeLHt-Loula, Uooj for waking Uilf tho moat *p*odjr, Direct to Dt HO* MANN,Tramont Medical Initl- New York, |n»iien. alt Price NOTICK City Hall)- •ah and (uaAtrUlilt ruuU fur traitlin Ulvna tut*. lUxton. Ma»*. lyria Mo., and sold by good Druggists. (Oppoalta Ayer's Cathartic Pills. bottla. eoplyrtJ • w Dollar i>er the Hcrol-Annu*l la "LSKFl'L IN EVKRY >« York an«l Main*. One !l hereby glren, that Meeting FARE TO BOSTON. Maali a< U»er aiay l»a orderad the fpa«loa« 1IOV8K.- Malt ami State Room SATING Pawagr, Including FOR HALB. of th* Tru»tee* of the York County Fir* Cent* I2T "niere l« a Itarbert Bbop aad llaUi I*—A Bruh MwnpMlw Mtk IWuU.*■ rrk)*Prtea 1IM ».> awl from Woo- Refe<-t«.ry. N. forward*! l»j thU MM attached t« tba llotal. Aa.lr.«s or LAND SITUATED ON TUB imtltutlon, will b* holden at th* Nanking XmhU. Irral, Uurt««, Itan^ur. Ilaih, Anp>U, Ka«tp»rt JOB ASD CARD PRINTZBO ACRES Baring* Md T«J«p*ph Offlo*, 8400. f(. »_lt«ware of ItaniMr* and llaakmaa who my IIK.MIT C »PAM>I!U) at York with ofthe IWn>->n Held on At F.ipr»«« H> FKKaM. II. ami M. Juha. The) al*u connect >»w TWO(Jutney Road* part fcalled, Room* of th* Cltjr Bank, Tu**lay th* 9th dajr vi An I)tJ Proprietor. N* to C«Ur OUMt, Mm awl OF1 ALL KINDS, acres nf land In Also Y'uk. Mraiu«r»!or llaltiuiv rw, ba»aanah Waahlnj- and eight Kennebankport. Pectoral to eordi of bard and Cherry of April INI,at 9o'clock P. M., agreeable Arti- too. KXXCTTtD AT TDK CMOS AND JUCR.NAL OfTlOt two hundred and tiny pine wood, Ayer's O. A. CA.HTEB, Actat. and torn* of Mid Institution. cjlrrio.r. arc r«*jur»t*e. tollaad. u\Tbli.uTop7teet ail klo4#.e«ecni#d at thli ofln, la a Rat. I VMM «•■!<«• *U Dr. O. II. XlMie*, ErlffUr Pferalrlaa, -A.T IwI-ST will b* holden al the cam* on Wedne*day POSTERS. PROGRAMMES AND TICKET8 □TOf ot my PRKPAKKO ULl K. p*r< and to MEAT place, man aar. *«m UaIUm raMac* appljr ■trw attention to dlwamof the ftniu- MARKKT, a >bat mini at Til nioi omca U>* LUfceturj t**'^»%ht4 p*rtl«mUr On Alfred wher* b* found PBixriD ti Mb of 1801 at 3 o'clock P. M. for *>*• I'rvwa1* wbart. Portland. mhI melal ill»u»io(woa«a. Mm Stmt, may th* day May, rOH TDKATRU, ItlU AID COICBIT* lUrer N.Y .riMri orgmnv liOiorth *lr«rtl*euient in another ovIiiuim. Ijfrtl Also, Circular*. Bank Cheek*, IteoelpU, eboio* of Officer*. May IHh.ltMU. 4tttf BEEP, POBK, PrlilH Willi XmIim mm4 DbvaMh •« All *oald raad Prat Waad*. rtwllirnm SPALDLNa* PREPARED ULCS. SAUSAGE, ftrtrdtr, 8. A. BOOTIIBY. fy A J. ham. BILL HEADS, WKDDINU AND VUITUtO A iMUl4( folyuk March IMI. *"IJ rui* ornc*. liwtt* MWi mumrn I »U »U*n iwlwlllac CAJUW, Ac. Blddalbrd, 37, QT Lamls at thia jy Carda printed at thia Officc. Bldd*ford, March 13, IM1. UU Ac-, l/rtr i print*! offioe. Wedding