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Ellice Avenue Three Restaurants Shut Down in One Weekend News  Page 3 ISSUE /06 01 VOLUME 62 2008/M/DD 2012 / 09 ?? volume 67 Back To school advice from DASRACIST arts page 13 CLOSING TIME ON ELLICE AVENUE Three resTauranTs shuT down in one weekend news page 3 CAMPUS NEWS: CHRISTOPHER LEO RETIRES STATE OF THE LIBRARY page 4 page 5  02 The UniTer September 6, 2012 www.UniTer.ca Looking for LiStingS? Cover Image Shoal Lake reserve joins CAMPUS & COMMUNITY LISTINGS AND counterpart in lawsuit against Soccer at the U of W VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES page 6 DAS RACIST MUSIC page 14 Photo by Ryan Muir City of Winnipeg FILM & LIT page 18 See story on page 13 GALLERIES & MUSEUMS page 18 NEWS page4 campus page6 THEATRE, DANCE & COMEDY page 18 Federal Lake Winnipeg cash not going toward clean-up UNITER STAFF critics claim federal money is being misspent, more resources needed ManaGinG eDitor Aaron Epp » [email protected] alex Paterson BUSiness ManaGer Beat rePorter Geoffrey Brown » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame Ulrich [email protected] The federal government's announcement of » $17.7 million to clean up the polluted Lake cOPy anD styLe eDitor Winnipeg has come under fire from critics who Britt Embry » [email protected] claim the Harper Conservatives are misspend- Photo eDitor ing the money. Dylan Hewlett » [email protected] On Aug. 2, the federal government announced a continuation of funding - $17.7 million over newS assiGnMenT eDitor four years - for clean-up efforts on Lake Win- Ethan Cabel » [email protected] nipeg following the $17 million they previously newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor allocated through Environment Canada and the Matt Preprost » [email protected] department of Fisheries and Oceans. This continuation of the initiative will allo- arts eDitor Nicholas Friesen [email protected] cate $12.1 million to scientific research, $3.7 mil- » lion to community stewardship programs, and cULTURE eDitor $1.9 million to water governance. Dunja Kovacevic » [email protected] cOMMents eDitor “Once staff overhead is Katerina Tefft » [email protected] accounted for there is very Listings cO-OrDinator little money for research and Ken Prue » [email protected] projects.” DYLAN HEWLETT CAMPUS BEAT REPOrTER More dollars needed: The Lake winnipeg Foundation would like to see a five-year, $50-million investment in wetland Amy Groening » [email protected] - VicKi BUrnS, OUTreach cOOrDinator, LaKe winniPeG protection and restoration to match the scale of the problem facing the province's largest lake. FOUnDaTiOn BEAT REPOrTer Carson Hammond [email protected] is accounted for there is very little money for federal and provincial governments should col- » “For every dollar Ottawa spends, the province research and projects,” she said, adding that an laborate on a strategy to encourage farmers and BEAT REPOrTer and other partners in the cleanup pitch in $2,” investment of $50 million, over five years, dedi- landowners to maintain their wetlands. Alex Paterson » [email protected] said Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the time cated directly to wetland protection and restora- For this to happen, governments need to ARTS REPOrTer of the announcement. tion would match the scale of the problem. develop new policies and economic incentives, Kaeleigh Ayre » [email protected] The federal government reinvested the money “This ($50 million) is less than the public is including the idea of payments for ecological to protect fisheries and the lake for recreational paying for the new Bomber stadium and equal services or tax credits, he said. OnLine eDiTOr use as part of the second phase of a broader to what Manitobans invested into the new polar Burns and Grossman both agree that wet- Harrison Samphir » [email protected] clean-up initiative that began in 2006. Bear exhibit at the zoo.” lands reconstruction is essential to revitalizing Despite the large sums of money at play, Adam Sweet, a spokesperson for Environment the health of Lake Winnipeg. CONTRIBUTORS: environmental experts remain unconvinced the Canada, stated that the salary numbers were not Additionally, wetland investments could help money will dramatically improve the condi- yet available and he was unable to comment on with flood prevention, according to Burns. tion of Lake Winnipeg, which is marred by algal how the federal investment is being allocated. A provincial spokesperson from Manitoba blooms and other pollution-related ailments. Richard Grossman, an employee with the Conservation and Water Stewardship agreed. emily Bos, clara Buelow, Danelle Experts argue the money is largely going International Institute for Sustainable Devel- “Any water held or delayed in a wetland is cloutier, Kaitlyn emslie Farrell, toward paying the salaries of federal employees opment, argues that healthy wetlands are essen- water not entering the overall system, and any John Gaudes, Luke hildebrand, at Environment Canada and the department of tial for removing nutrients and that investing in effort to retain water on the landscape is bene- adam Johnston, erika Miller, Fisheries and Oceans rather than being invested wetlands would make a significant contribution ficial overall. Wetlands are an important tool to Jesse Oberman, elizabeth in tangible projects that reduce phosphorous to the overall health of Lake Winnipeg. help mitigate and reduce the impact of small- dumping in Lake Winnipeg. In particular, Grossman has been studying to medium-sized floods,” the department said in Shearer, nick Ternette, Shelby Vicki Burns, outreach coordinator for the the economic and environmental benefits of an email. wagemakers Lake Winnipeg Foundation, argues only a small harvested cattails - the tall, reedy marsh plants Representatives from Environment Canada portion of the federal money will be going to seen throughout Manitoba - through the Net- and the department of Fisheries and Oceans lake research. ley-Libau Nutrient Bio-Energy Project. were unavailable for further comment on the “Much like the last phase where only $3.5 “Harvested cattails remove 20-60 kilograms announcement of the federal investment or The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the million went to projects once staff overhead of phosphorus per hectare,” he said, adding the alternative proposals by press time. University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. BY Amy Groening uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a Q: What do you think about the Lo Pub'S member of the canadian University Press and campus cLoSure? What'S haPPening on eLLice avenue? Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ Meako Marlow, first-year kayla barylski, uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for student, computer Science fourth-year student, THE submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before “It’s really disappointing. All business publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, the businesses that we’re “I think it’s really six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The losing in the downtown area, unfortunate for the UNITER Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, with the big reform that’s city, especially with the misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the taking place on Portage, it’s Ellice Café and Theatre is back to its weekly publishing right to edit for length and/or style. really disappointing to see shutting down as well. schedule. the old buildings being taken I was there for a show CONtACt US » down. A lot of the charm of once and it was really Interested in getting involved at General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 Winnipeg, a lot of things that good.” the paper? Turn to page 11 for editors: 204.786.9497 bring the movie industry here, details. Fax: 204.783.7080 are being lost.” e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca WEBSITE: bernie Mcgoyre, retired rodney chrusch, www.uniter.ca LOCAtION » “I think it’s a terrible thing landscaper room ORM14 University of Winnipeg to happen. I’ve lived in this “I don’t think they FACEBOOK: 515 portage Avenue neighbourhood for nearly should shut these busi- www.tinyurl.com/TheUniter Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 11 years and in that time nesses down. They’re the street has changed. It’s just trying to make a TWITTER: changing slowly but surely. dollar, it’s pretty hard @TheUniter It didn’t turn into crap over- to come by a job and Mouseland Press Board of directors: night and it’s not going to that. It’s pretty hard to Ben wickstrom (interim chair), Peter ives, turn around overnight either, get. I think businesses robert Galston, Sara McGregor, Justin it’s turning around, but losing should stay open.” Leblanc, Lindsey wiebe, Melissa Martin, places like that is tragic.” emily Guttormson, chris hunter and Shannon Sampert. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca September 6, 2012 The UniTer News Closing time local news Briefs Lo Pub, hi hostel, Black Sheep Diner, ellice café & Theatre close over a single weekend compiled by Danelle cloutier havixbeck reSignS froM PoLice chief Search earlier this month, coun. Paula havixbeck (charleswood-Tuxedo) re- signed from the committee respon- sible for selecting winnipeg’s new police chief. havixbeck said she did not agree with the selection process, which would not be by consensus. however, her departure leaves the hiring committee with no formal council input. Sitting on the com- mittee is city chief administrative officer Phil Sheegl, Linda Burch, chief financial officer Mike ruta and chief operations officer Deepak Joshi. The prospects to replace Keith Mccaskill, who will step down in December, are rumoured to be two internal and well-respected officers, Dave Thorne and Devon clunis.
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