West: If supporting children, teachers, women, and healthcare make me a radical, I’ll take it as a compliment See PAGE 7 2726 S. Beckley Ave • Dallas, Texas 75224 ISSN # 0746-7303 P.O. Box 570769 Dallas, Texas 75357 - 0769 50¢ Serving Dallas More Than 70 Years — Tel. 214 946-7678 - Fax 214 946-7636 — Web Site: www.dallasposttrib.com — E-mail:
[email protected] SERVING THE BLACK COMMUNITY WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR SINCE 1947 VOLUME 72 NUMBER 36 May 21 - 27, 2020 Federal judge says all Texas voters can apply to vote by mail during pandemic ing the preamble to the tional elections under the immediate review of the Declaration of circumstances brought on ruling by the U.S. 5th Independence, Biery said by the coronavirus pan- Circuit Court of Appeals. he had concerns for the demic would impose “The district court’s health and safety of voters unconstitutional and ille- opinion ignores the evi- and stated the right to vote gal burdens on voters dence and disregards well- "should not be elusively unless state law was clari- established law," Paxton based on the whims of fied to expand who can said. nature." qualify to vote by mail. In ruling against the "Two hundred forty- Under existing law, state, Biery cast aside years on, Americans now Texas voters qualify for arguments made by seek Life without fear of ballots they can fill out at Paxton's office that he pandemic, Liberty to home and mail only if they should wait until a case in choose their leaders in an are 65 years or older, have state district court is fully environment free of dis- a disability or illness, will adjudicated.