Incident Results in Arrest Warrants for Alumnus, Student Charge
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • The teddy bear turns 100, Thbby heads the 2002 Hall Bl of Fame class, Cl • ·on-Profit Or!!. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 l·.. Po-..ta!!e P;iJ Tuesday & Friday • \~\\ark~ DE Penmt ·o. 26 FREE Volume 129, Issuf20_ · - . '! Thesday, November 19, 2002 Incident results in arrest warrants for alumnus, student charge .... told The Revtew that three an undtsclosed number of members have house. she satd. tnd1vidu<J!s 111 the room playtng video tndividuals were involved in the tncident, been su'>pended. \\cis said 'he then began to ,·otmt and games. One of them. who wtshes to remain but '\ewark Police were unable to confirm Michael Phillips. spoke-,man fm the passed out 111 one of the common rooms of anonymous. was a friend who had mvtted K.1pr S1:-m. •·uh:rmt\ and Pnc· unl\ .:rs!l~ a thtrd warrant being issued. fraternity· s nat tonal organizatton. satd the hnusc. Wets <Jnd Lamantta to the hou'>e. He claims and K.1pp.1 ~tgm, , It mru:-. had '' arrants The universit) ts unable to release DeCola's status as an alumnus ol Kappa Lamantta satd mo'lt of the people in he had \erbally tnstructed the individuab 1 .ued for their Jrre't f,H unLl\\ ful sc\ual tnformation regan.ltng charges pressed Stgma has been revoked in Connectmn with thc housc were 1n the h<J\ement at the time. to stop. and was abnut to take action when , on tact h~ th.: crt) o' t:\\ ,1rk 1n t:•Hlnection through the university's judicial system the mcident.
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