Steve Mann EyeTap Devicesfor Augmented,
[email protected] Deliberately Diminished,or James Fung Otherwise AlteredVisual
[email protected] University ofToronto Perceptionof Rigid Planar 10King’ s College Road Patches ofReal-World Scenes Toronto,Canada Abstract Diminished reality is as important as augmented reality, and bothare possible with adevice called the RealityMediator. Over thepast twodecades, we have designed, built, worn,and tested many different embodiments ofthis device in thecontext of wearable computing. Incorporated intothe Reality Mediator is an “EyeTap”system, which is adevice thatquanti es and resynthesizes light thatwould otherwise pass through one or bothlenses ofthe eye(s) ofa wearer. Thefunctional principles of EyeTap devices are discussed, in detail. TheEyeTap diverts intoa spatial measure- ment system at least aportionof light thatwould otherwise pass through thecen- ter ofprojection ofat least one lens ofan eye ofa wearer. TheReality Mediator has at least one mode ofoperation in which itreconstructs these rays oflight, un- der thecontrol of a wearable computer system. Thecomputer system thenuses new results in algebraic projective geometry and comparametric equations toper- form head tracking, as well as totrack motionof rigid planar patches present in the scene. We describe howour tracking algorithm allows an EyeTap toalter thelight from aparticular portionof the scene togive rise toa computer-controlled, selec- tively mediated reality. Animportant difference between mediated reality and aug- mented reality includes theability tonot just augment butalso deliberately diminish or otherwise alter thevisual perception ofreality. For example, diminished reality allows additional information tobe inserted withoutcausing theuser toexperience information overload. Our tracking algorithm also takes intoaccount the effects of automatic gain control,by performing motionestimation in bothspatial as well as tonal motioncoordinates.