astro-ph/9503047 10 Mar 95 tesy of the National Academy Press Washington DC A Research Brieng Progress y x yy xx z Why discipline over the last astrophysics has developed from theoretical calculations to an exp erimental solar of Department of Physics University of Pennsylvania Philadelphi a Institute for Advanced Department of Physics Brown University Providence RI Department of Physics Carnegie Mellon Department of Physics Astronomy University of Hawaii Honolulu HI Physics Division Los Alamos National Lab oratory Los Alamos NM and Accepted Department of Physics Seattle WA John neutrinos neutrino N Bahcall neutrino relative astronomical systems may form the basis trino decits and to allow the detectionAdditional of exp eriments more are distant needed sources to test explanations of the solar neu for was The publication and have to neutrino and RG Hamish Rob ertson detected x the Kenneth Lande astrophysics b een solar Study Princeton NJ Prosp ects three decades theoretical decits in physics from observed Copyright by the National Academy of Sciences Nature a observed predictions sup ernova Neutrino y in Rob ert As Adapted University Pittsburgh PA four in we shall in Lincoln Wolfenstein four emission Neutrino underground in have E Lanou with for a new the solar see in later led p ermission Large from neutrino to Jr eld fresh distant exp eriments z Magellanic John Astrophysics PA sections of of astronomy exp eriments insights from yy energetic G Learned Neutrino into Cloud and this a pap er Astro Cour xx burst The 

observed uxes all agree with the theoretical exp ectations to within

factors of two or three successfully concluding a halfcentury struggle to understand

how the sun shines Nevertheless p ersistent decits of electrontype neutrinos exist

in all four solar neutrino exp eriments which has led to suggestions that neutrinos

may have small masses and may oscillate b etween dierent types New neutrino

exp eriments are required to resolve the longstanding solar neutrino problem We

shall also describ e eorts that are underway to develop exp eriments that can detect

astronomical neutrinos at high energies from sources that are well b eyond the Galaxy

First however we shall sketch briey the development and overall state of the eld

of neutrino astrophysics

In the s and s scientists developed the theoretical basis for understand

ing how the sun shines They prop osed that the nuclear fusion reactions among

light elements o ccur near the the center of the sun and provide the energy emitted

by the sun for four and a half billion years While most of this energy ends up as

electromagnetic radiation from the surface approximately three p ercent is b elieved

to b e emitted directly from the center of the sun in the form of neutrinos In a

pioneering exp eriment that has b een going on for years Raymond Davis Jr and

his collab orators rst detected solar neutrinos using radio chemical techniques and a

cleaning uid p erchloroethylene as a target

Over the last several years there has b een striking conrmation of the astronomical

predictions of solar neutrinos The Kamiokande water Cerenkov detector lo cated in

the Japanese alps has identied solar neutrinos by their directionality measured by

observing the direction of recoil electrons from neutrino interactions Recently two

radio chemical exp eriments using gallium the GALLEX exp eriment in Italy and

the SAGE exp eriment in Russia have detected the copious low energy b elow

keV neutrinos that are the primary comp onent of the solar neutrino ux

A sup ernova represents one of the most awesome events in astronomy Type II

sup ernovae are b elieved to result from the sudden gravitational collapse of a star

that has completed cycles of nuclear burning The energy calculated to b e pro duced

from this collapse is almost one thousand times larger than that observed as light

Theory indicates that more than p ercent of the energy is emitted in the form of

neutrinos In February neutrinos from SNa were detected as a series of

pulses in two water Cerenkov detectors Kamiokande in Japan and IMB in the

United States the neutrinos arriving as exp ected a few hours b efore the light from

the explosion

The denitive detection of solar neutrinos and the detection of neutrinos from

SNa are two of the most remarkable scientic discoveries of the last decade They

provide dramatic conrmation of fundamental theories concerning stellar interiors

The detection of solar neutrinos demonstrates that fusion energy is the basic source

of energy received from the sun The observations of solar and sup ernova neutrinos

op en up a new area of science neutrino astrophysics

The observation of astrophysical neutrinos makes it p ossible to prob e the inner

most regions of stars dense regions from which light cannot escap e Because of their

very small interaction probabilities neutrinos can escap e from these inner regions

for the same reason of course it is dicult to detect these elusive particles

The motivation for prop osing the rst practical solar neutrino exp eriment was

astrophysical to test directly the hypothesis that stars shine and evolve b ecause of

nuclear fusion reactions in their interiors However it has b ecome apparent in recent

years that solar neutrinos provide a b eam of elementary particles that can b e used to

investigate fundamental physics in particular to study intrinsic neutrino prop erties

Of particular imp ortance is the question of whether neutrinos have mass and

whether neutrinos transform oscillate from one type to another There are

b elieved to b e three types of neutrinos electrontype muontype tautype


Only are created in the sun but all types are b elieved to b e emitted from


sup ernovae The question of neutrino mass is of fundamental imp ortance for particle

physics and for cosmology In the case of particle physics neutrino mass may provide

a clue to the problem of the origin of the masses of all particles An interesting

class of theories called grand unied theories suggests that all interactions strong

electromagnetic and weak are unied at a large energy scale and that the neutrino

masses are inversely prop ortional to this scale Two related ways to prob e this very

high energy scale are the search for proton decay and the search for very small neutrino


Our basic ideas ab out cosmology that explain the microwave background radiation

predict a similar background of relic neutrinos If the heaviest of these neutrinos

usually taken to b e has a mass ab ove a few electron volts these relic neutrinos

could b e an imp ortant comp onent of dark matter In this case with a much smaller

mass could play a decisive role for solar neutrinos

The only available way to study very small neutrino masses is through the p ossi

bility of oscillations that transform one type of neutrino into another For neutrino

masses greater than eV such oscillations have b een lo oked for in exp eriments

not discussed in this pap er using neutrinos pro duced in the earths atmosphere by

cosmic rays or neutrinos pro duced in the lab oratory by reactors or accelerators For

smaller neutrino masses or with mass in the range to the only

available p ossibility is to use solar neutrinos with oscillations depleting the ux

of by converting some of them into or Of particular interest is the p ossibility


that the oscillations may b e enhanced by the coherent interaction of the neutrinos

with the solar material This coherent interaction is called the MSW eect

The observations made with the four exp eriments p erformed so far indicate uxes

of electronneutrinos that are consistently b elow the results of astrophysical calcula

tions In fact comparisons b etween the rates of dierent exp eriments suggest inde

p endent of astrophysical uncertainties that some previously unaccounted for physical

pro cess p erhaps involving nonzero neutrino mass may b e o ccurring The exp eri

ments carried out so far are the rst pioneering exp eriments and nal conclusions

require additional exp eriments that are currently b eing developed

In this rep ort we also consider exp eriments designed to observe neutrinos of much

higher energies six to nine orders of magnitude larger than those of solar neutrinos

The p otential sources of higher energy neutrinos the techniques for their detection

and the scientic justications for the research are all much dierent from the solar

case Unlike the sun p ossible astrophysical sources of highenergy neutrinos are

remote and not well understo o d estimates of their neutrino uxes are necessarily

sp eculative Detectors of highenergy neutrinos are complementary to detectors of

solar neutrinos b eing optimized for large areas rather than for low thresholds

Candidates for sources of highenergy neutrinos include such exotic but relatively

nearby ob jects as neutron stars and black holes in the Galaxy as well as the nuclei

of distant but highly luminous galaxies Since we observe cosmic rays to o energetic

to b e conned within the Galaxy we know that there exist enormously energetic

pro cesses that might well b e sources of high energy neutrinos Will any of these

sources pro duce detectable numbers of high energy neutrinos We will never know

until we lo ok

Ongoing solarneutrino exp eriments

There is no single b est type of detector that can b e used to observe solar neutrinos

The energies of the neutrinos vary over a range of oneandhalf orders of magnitude

and the uxes from the most imp ortant neutrino sources vary by four orders of mag

nitude According to standard solar mo del calculations the numerous neutrinos from

the initiating protonproton reaction with energies less than MeV have a ux of

ab out  cm s the rare higherenergy neutrinos from B decay with energies

up to MeV have a ux of ab out  cm s Eleven recentlypublished solar

mo dels each constructed using a dierent computer co de and dierent input physics

give uxes for those neutrinos less energetic than MeV which are the same to b etter


FIG Solar Neutrino Sp ectrum This gure shows the energy sp ectrum of neutrinos

predicted by the standard solar mo del The neutrino uxes from continuum sources like

pp and B are given in the units of number p er cm p er second p er MeV at one astronomical

unit The line uxes p ep and Be are given in number p er cm p er second The sp ectra

from the pp chain are drawn with solid lines the CNO sp ectra are drawn with dotted lines

The arrows at the top of the gure indicate the energy thresholds for the ongoing neutrino

exp eriments

Figure shows the theoretically calculated solar neutrino sp ectrum from dierent

neutrino sources Because of the wide range in energies and in uxes a set of detectors

with sucient complementarity and some redundancy is required to untangle the

dierent asp ects of neutrino physics and of solar physics

The chlorine exp eriment In this remarkable exp eriment neutrinos are detected

using a large tank containing tons of p erchloroethylene C Cl which is a com

mercially available cleaning uid The target isotop e Cl can capture a neutrino

pro ducing a radioactive isotop e Ar by the following pro cess

Cl ! Ar e


This reaction can o ccur for electron neutrinos with energy greater than MeV

The neutrino reactions are registered by counting the radioactive nuclei Ar In

order to avoid extraneous background interactions caused by cosmic rays incident

on the surface of the earth the exp eriment is conducted meters underground in

the Homestake Gold Mine in Lead South Dakota After ab out two months in the

solarneutrino sunshine the buildup of Ar atoms from neutrino capture by Cl

is approximately balanced by the loss due to decay At this p oint the standard solar

mo del predicts that only ab out Ar atoms are present in the tons of C Cl

Over the past two decades more than extractions of Ar have b een p erformed

After correction for detection eciency the average number of Ar atoms in the

detector at extraction is observed to b e only corresp onding to a solar neutrino

induced pro duction rate of atoms p er day far fewer than the atoms p er day

exp ected on the basis of the standard mo del In terms of the solar neutrino unit SNU

pronounced snew SNU interactions p er target atom p er second the

observations yield  SNU ab out one third of the prediction of the standard

mo del For two decades this discrepancy b etween the measured chlorine event rate

and the event rate predicted by the standard mo del constituted the wellknown Solar

Neutrino Problem

The Kamiokande exp eriment Like a sup ersonic aircraft creating a sonic b o om a

charged particle moving through matter faster than the sp eed of light in the matter

gives o a conical sho ck wave of light called Cerenkov radiation Sensitive photomul

tiplier tub es can record the ashes of light that b etray the presence and direction

of these highsp eed particles With the aid of sp ecial large photomultiplier tub es

exp erimenters working in a mine in the Japanese alps and using a ton detector

of ultrapure water ton ducial volume called Kamiokande were able to detect

electrons that had b een struck by neutrinos from the sun The reaction that was

observed is

e ! e

At the energies of interest for solar neutrino detection reaction is ab out six

times more likely for than for or Despite a signicant background from


radioactivity of the ro cks in the mine from radioactivity in the water and from

cosmicray induced events the neutrinos were unambiguously detected b ecause the

electrons struck by neutrinos recoiled preferentially in the direction from the sun

to the earth Kamiokande the rst active electronic rather than radio chemical

solarneutrino exp eriment showed two very imp ortant things rst the detected

neutrinos do indeed come from the sun and second the observed ux ab ove an

electrondetection threshold of ab out MeV is ab out half as large as predicted by

the standard solar mo del The discrepancy b etween prediction and observation is

less severe at energies ab ove MeV the Kamiokande exp eriment than it is for all

energies ab ove MeVthe chlorine exp eriment

The predicted counting rate for any particular solar neutrino exp eriment dep ends

up on calculations that are usually based up on a standard solar mo del Solar mo dels

are constrained by measurements of the solar luminosity age chemical comp osition

and thousands of seismological frequencies Nevertheless the predicted neutrino emis

sion rates cannot b e tested indep endent of solar neutrino exp eriments Changes in

the input data for the standard solar mo del could in principle b e made just so as to

t any one of the existing exp eriments However it app ears essentially imp ossible

to explain simultaneously the results of the chlorine and the Kamiokande exp eri

ments by adjusting input solar data Just the B neutrinos that are observed in

the Kamiokande exp eriment corresp ond to an exp ected counting rate in the chlorine

exp eriment of  SNU compared with the observed rate of 

SNU However in the chlorine exp eriment the solar mo del predicts an additional

SNU from the much more reliably calculated lowerenergy neutrinos Be and pep

neutrinos see Figure This suggests that the lowerenergy neutrinos might b e

preferentially depleted by some new weak interaction pro cess which could b e the

MSW eect discussed b elow

The gallium exp eriments The neutrinos pro duced by the most basic fusion re

action in the sun the fusion of two protons the socalled p p reaction are to o

low in energy to b e detected by either the chlorine or the Kamiokande exp eriment

Since the p p neutrinos are predicted to b e the most numerous neutrinos emitted

by the sun and since their ux is more reliably predicted than any other neutrino

ux the measurement of the terrestrial ux of p p neutrinos has long b een seen

as an essential goal of solar neutrino astronomy The p ossibility of using gallium as

a detector for these neutrinos was suggested almost thirty years ago and a design

for the exp eriment was developed Only in the last six years has it proved p ossible

to carry out this imp ortant exp eriment

The detector reaction is

Ga ! Ge e


which has an energy threshold of MeV The gallium exp eriments op erate similarly

to the chlorine exp eriment extracting and counting radioactive atoms of Ge The

standard mo del prediction is that after a month of op eration ab out atoms of Ge

will b e present in tons of gallium

One of the gallium exp eriments GALLEX is a Europ eanAmericanIsraeli col

lab oration op erating in the Gran Sasso tunnel near Rome Italy GALLEX uses

tons of gallium in a GaCl HCl solution The other exp eriment SAGE the

SovietAmerican Gallium Exp eriment is op erating in a subterranean lab oratory un

der Mount Andyrchi of the Caucasus Mountains in the southern region of Russia

SAGE currently uses tons of molten gallium metal

The fact that the detectors use gallium in two very dierent chemical environ

ments the GaCl HCl solution GALLEX and the metallic form SAGE provides

a consistency check on the results The current Gallex results are  SNU and

the current SAGE results are  SNU These results also are signicantly b elow

the standard mo del prediction which is  SNU for gallium detectors The

GALLEX detector resp onse to neutrinos has b een exp erimentally checked using a

source Cr of Megacurie that emits neutrinos of keV and keV from

electron capture A similar check is planned for the SAGE detector

Summary Thus as time has passed and more exp eriments have b een p erformed the

solar neutrino problem has not gone away Indeed it app ears that indep endent of

detailed solar mo del calculations there is no combination of the exp ected neutrino

uxes that ts all the available data

On the other hand the results of all four of the exp eriments chlorine

Kamiokande GALLEX and SAGE can b e explained if either or has a

mass of ab out eV and has a small amount of mixing with a lighter In this


case the pro duced at the center of the sun are transformed with a transformation


probability that dep ends up on the energy of into or as they pass through


the material medium of the sun the MSW eect Only future exp eriments can

determine if this is indeed the correct explanation

Solarneutrino exp eriments under construction

Solar neutrino detectors fall into two classes active like Kamiokande and ra

dio chemical like chlorine and gallium Active detectors provide information ab out

the arrival time direction and energy of individual neutrinos and in some cases the

neutrino type eg electron type or muon type but are complex and often faced

with p ersistent backgrounds Radio chemical detectors are sensitive only to electron

type neutrinos i e they sp ecify uniquely the neutrino type and provide a single

number for the rate of detection of all neutrinos ab ove an energy threshold a number

that is averaged over a p erio d of time comparable to the mean life typically weeks

or months of the radioisotop e that is pro duced

In this section we describ e the three active and one radio chemical solar neutrino

detectors that are under construction All of these detectors will have much higher

event rates for the active detectors several thousand events p er year The exp ected

high event rates will make it p ossible to search for time dep endence in the neutrino

ux in particular the exp ected seasonal variation due to the orbital eccentricity of

the earth  eect p eaktop eak

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory SNO Deuterium heavy hydrogen H

with a neutron and a proton in its nucleus is an excellent target for neutrinos Two

neutrino interactions can o ccur

H ! p p e a


H ! p n b

x x

Reaction a can only b e induced by electrontype neutrinos whereas the cross

section for reaction b is the same neutrinos of all three types If more neutrinos

are detected via reaction b than by reaction a that would b e direct evidence

that some electrontype neutrinos have oscillated into neutrinos of some other type

The SNO exp eriment is lo cated near Sudbury Ontario in one of the deep est mines

in the Western hemisphere a nickel mine b elonging to the INCO company A large

cavern has b een excavated m underground to hold a detector consisting of

tonnes of heavy water When SNO b egins op eration in solar neutrinos are

exp ected to b e detected at the rate of more than counts p er day via reactions a

and b In addition to the unique reactions of neutrinos on deuterium SNO will

observe the same neutrinoelectron scattering pro cess that is detected by Kamiokande

If electrontype neutrinos oscillate into one of the other known neutrino types as

they travel from the interior of the sun to the terrestrial detector this will b e revealed

by the comparison of the rates in the two deuterium reactions and if the oscillation

parameters are favorable also by its distinctive eect on the shap e of the observed

electron energy sp ectrum in reaction a These p otential signatures of new physics

are indep endent of solar mo dels and solar physics

Sup erkamiokande The Sup erkamiokande exp eriment a much improved version

of the current Kamiokande exp eriment utilizes tonnes of ultrapure ordinary

water This immense detector will b eginning in provide a thirtyfold increase

in the observed rate of neutrinoelectron scattering events The change in the shap e

of the neutrino energy sp ectrum predicted by the MSW eect may b e observable in

this exp eriment via the sp ectrum of recoil energies of the scattered electrons

Both Sup erkamiokande and SNO detect only neutrinos ab ove MeV

BOREXINO BOREXINO will b e the rst active detector with the goal of ob

serving the intense ux of lowenergy neutrinos pro duced by electron capture on

b eryllium nuclei see the MeV Be neutrino line in Figure The BOREXINO

detector is to b e constructed with standard liquid scintillator materials except that

the requirement for radiopurity uranium and thorium less than  gg is un

precedently stringent If the MSW interpretation is correct then the observed ux of

Be neutrinos will b e greatly reduced relative to the predictions of the standard solar

mo del

IODINE An io dine radio chemical detector all I will b e somewhat similar to the

existing chlorine detector but p er target atom is exp ected to have a higher counting

rate A mo dular ton io dine detector is now under construction in the Homestake

Mine near the present chlorine detector and will b egin op erating in mid

Calibration exp eriments will b e p erformed to measure the probability for neutrino

induced conversion of I to Xe These exp eriments are necessary to determine

the relative sensitivity of the detector to Be and B neutrinos and to interpret the

total rate Expansion of the present io dine detector may b e prop osed after op erating

exp erience is obtained with the current detector and after the neutrino cross sections

are measured

Developing new solar neutrino detectors Additional solar neutrino detectors

are required to obtain more complete information on the dierent p ortions of the

solar neutrino sp ectrum

The ton ICARUS detector will b e installed in the Gran Sasso lab oratory

and is planned to b e op erational in Like the chlorine detector ICARUS is

based on an inverse b eta pro cess Ar ! e K but op erates in real time


and is sensitive only to B neutrinos The detector uses liquid argon with the goal

of measuring the recoil electrons and the decay gamma rays from the K excited

state that are pro duced by neutrino capture

A ma jor future goal is to measure the energy and arrival time of the lowest en

ergy neutrinos the pp neutrinos which are detected by the radio chemical metho d in

the gallium exp eriments The prop osed HERON detector is based on the ballistic

propagation of rotons sound excitations in liquid helium in the sup eruid state with

detection of the heat pulses by an array of b olometers The goal is to achieve a thresh

old of the order of keV suitable for measuring the recoil electron sp ectrum and

rate of neutrinoelectron scattering from b oth pp and B e neutrinos The prop osed

HELLAZ detector also would detect neutrinoelectron scattering in helium but in

highpressure lowtemperature gas

Highenergy neutrinos

Higherenergy neutrinos that are most accessible exp erimentally have energies ab ove

a T eV eV MeV Astrophysical neutrinos with these energies can b e

pro duced by highenergy collisions among nuclei or b etween protons and photons that

pro duce secondary particles pions and muons which have neutrinos among their

decay pro ducts Such collisions are b elieved to take place when matter falls into a

neutron star from a companion star in a double star system Also such collisions

are exp ected on a large scale at the centers of active galactic nuclei AGN However

the ux of high energy neutrinos from such sources cannot b e calculated with

accuracy It is only by searching for these neutrinos that we can prob e the pro cesses

taking place deep in the interior of these and other astrophysical systems

Highenergy neutrinos can b e detected via the reaction of a muon neutrino with

a nuclear particle leading to the neutrino b eing transformed into a charged muon

A multiT eV charged muon will travel many kilometers in earth or in water The

neutrino target volume is thus the area of the muon detector times the range of the

muon Target volumes of billions of tons may b e achieved this way The fastmoving

muons can b e detected by observing the blue ash of Cerenkov light see discussion

of Kamiokande exp eriment they pro duce when traversing a transparent medium

sp ecically water or ice Detectors with eective areas of a few hundred square

meters have b een built in mines four new instruments are b eing built with areas in

the m range and plans are b eing discussed for one or more instruments in

the km class

The Kamiokande and the IMB detectors have observed neutrinos of to eV

pro duced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere but no neutrinos from sources outside the

solar system have b een observed with the exception of the observations of SNA

Estimates of the p otential uxes of high energy neutrinos from sources such as

active galactic nuclei suggest that a surface area greater than km is necessary for

meaningful observations Furthermore since the exp ected signaltonoise improves

greatly with the increasing threshold up to TeV energies detectors of great thickness

are desirable It is exp ected generally agreed these requirements can only b e met by

the use of large b o dies of water such as lakes the o cean or p olar ice

The rst instruments designed sp ecically for high energy neutrino detection are

now under construction in Sib eria in Lake Baikal o Hawaii in the deep o cean

DUMAND at the South Pole in the deep p olar ice AMANDA and in the

Mediterranean near Pylos Greece NESTOR All four of the instruments b eing

built aim at detection areas of the order of m and an angular resolution of


order for TeV muons

It is exp ected that highenergy neutrino astronomy will require a telescop e with an

eective muon detecting area of at least km by km Two of the principal science

goals for a kilometerscale neutrino telescop e are the search for neutrinos from the

annihilation in the sun of weakly interacting dark matter particles with masses in the

GeVTeV range and the observation of individual active galactic nuclei with go o d

statistics Studies of neutrino oscillations may also b e p ossible The four instruments

presently under construction represent an increase of ab out a factor of in area from

previous minebased detectors another increase of is needed to reach the desired


What next

Solarneutrino exp eriments carried out over the past thirty years have closed an im

p ortant chapter in the history of science that b egan in the early part of this century

We now have conclusive direct evidence for nuclearfusion reactions that o ccur among

light elements in the center of the sun At the same time the sun provides a unique

source of neutrinos for studying the p ossibility of very small neutrino masses

Solarneutrino exp eriments therefore tell us b oth ab out elementaryparticle

physics and ab out the details of nuclear fusion within the innermost region of the

nearest star

Exp eriments that are currently underway have the p otential to establish

indep endent of theoretical calculations carried out with solar mo delswhether new

physics is required to explain the solar neutrino observations If the number of neu

trinos that are observed by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory SNO in reaction b

which can b e induced by any of the known types of neutrinos exceeds the number

observed in reaction a which can only b e initiated by electrontype neutrinos this

will b e direct evidence for neutrino oscillations The measurements of a neutrino en

ergy sp ectrum by the SNO and the Sup erkamiokande exp eriments will test whether

the sp ectrum of the higher energy B solar neutrinos that arrive at earth from the

sun is the same as the energy sp ectrum of neutrinos from the same radioactive isotop e

observed in the lab oratory or has b een distorted by neutrino oscillations However

it is p ossible that even if oscillations take place their eect on the B neutrinos

the only ones detected by SNO and Sup erkamiokande may b e to o small to b e de

tected Fortunately theoretical calculations of the MSW eect imply that the decit

of electrontype neutrinos is much larger for the lowerenergy Be neutrinos if this is

correct the ux detected in BOREXINO will b e much smaller than predicted by the

standard mo del

Solar neutrino exp eriments are fundamental b oth for physics and for astronomy

It is essential that we not rely on just a few exp eriments since the history of science

has shown that systematic uncertainties can sometimes lead to mistaken conclusions

unless results are checked by p erforming measurements in dierent ways This is

particularly imp ortant when the measurements are as intrinsically dicult as they

app ear to b e for solar neutrino exp eriments

The timing of SNa was extremely fortunate since the water Cerenkov detec

tors had only b een op erating for a few years An imp ortant lesson of that sup ernova

neutrino detection is that neutrinos could reveal sup ernovae in our galaxy even if the

light is obscured by the galaxy itself It would b e very desirable that a number of

detectors are prepared to detect neutrinos from the next sup ernova in our galaxy

The last fty years have seen the extension of astronomy from the optical sp ectrum

to the whole range of the electromagnetic sp ectrum from radio waves to gamma rays

In that pro cess many new asp ects of the astronomical world have b een uncovered

Neutrino astronomy can provide a unique window by means of which one can see into

the deep est interiors of stars and galaxies So far the only sources detected are the

sun and sup ernova a Neutrino astronomy is an exciting frontier for exploration

in the twentyrst century


H A Bethe Phys Rev

G Gamow Phys Rev

J N Bahcall Neutrino Astrophysics Cambridge University Press Cambridge England

R Davis Jr Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics ed by Y Suzuki and K Nakamura

Universal Academy Press Inc Tokyo Japan pp

K S Hirata et al Phys Rev D

P Anselmann et al Phys Lett B

P Anselmann Phys Lett B

A I Abazov et al Phys Rev Lett b

J N Ab durashitov et al Phys Lett B

H A Bethe and G Brown Sci Am

K S Hirata et al Phys Rev Lett

R M Bionta et al Phys Rev Lett

J N Bahcall Phys Rev Lett

R Davis Jr Phys Rev Lett

V Grib ov and B Pontecorvo Phys Lett B

S M Bilenky and B Pontecorvo Phys Rep

L Wolfenstein Phys Rev D

S P Mikheyev and A Yu Smirnov Nuovo Cimento C

P Ramond Ann Rev Nuc Part Sci

P Sokolsky Tokyo Workshop on Techniques for the Study of Extremely High Energy

Cosmic Rays Tokyo Japan September ed M Nagano Tokyo pp

J N Bahcall Phys Lett B

J N Bahcall and M H Pinsonneault Rev Mo d Phys

S TurckChieze et al Phys Rep orts

G Berthomieu J Provost P Morel and Y Lebreton Astr Astrophys

J N Bahcall and H A Bethe Phys Rev D

S A Bludman N Hata D Kennedy and P Langacker Phys Rev D

V Castellani S DeglInno centi G Fiorentini M Lissia B Ricci Phys Lett B

V A Kuzmin Sov Phys JETP

J N Bahcall B T Cleveland R Davis Jr et al Phys Rev Lett

P Anselmann et al Phys Lett to b e published

N Hata and P Langacker Phys Rev D

PI Krastev and A Y Smirnov Phys Lett B

G Aardsma et al Phys Lett B

M Takita in Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics ed by Y Suzuki and K Nakamura

Universal Academy Press Inc Tokyo Japan pp

G Ranucci for the Borexino Collab oration Nucl Phys B Pro c Suppl

W C Haxton Phys Rev Lett

J P Revol Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics ed by Y Suzuki and K Nakamura

Universal Academy Press Inc Tokyo Japan pp

R E Lanou H J Maris and G M Seidel Phys Rev Lett

J Seguinot T Ypsilantis and A Zichichi A High Rate Solar Neutrino Detector with

Energy Determination LPC College de France

S Barwick et al J Phys G Nucl Part Phys

S Barwick et al Optical Prop erties of the South Pole Ice at Depths Between and

km Science in press

J G Learned Phil Trans R So c Lond A

G V Domogatzky for the BAIKAL Collab oration Progress Rep ort on the Baikal

Pro ject Results from the Detector NT Pro ceedings of the Sixth International Work

shop on Neutrino Telescopes February Venice Italy ed M Baldo Ceolin

Padua pp

P K F Grieder et al DUMAND Stage II Progress Rep ort Pro ceedings of the

NESTOR Workshop in Pylos Greece ed L K Resvanis U Athens pp

L K Resvanis Pro ceedings of the NESTOR Workshop at Pylos Greece Octob er

ed L K Resvanis UAthens pp


We are grateful to many of our colleagues who have acted as informal referees of

individual sections of this rep ort and who have worked hard to help us make the

material as accurate as we could We are esp ecially grateful to Dr R Riemer

Asso ciate Director Board on Physics and Astronomy National Research Council

and to Dr D Schramm Chair Board on Physics and Astronomy NRC for wise

counsel and for their leadership in guiding this review