Published by Collegians Rugby Football Club, , and printed by Nelson & Knox (N.I.) Ltd. BELFAST: 1989 it FOREWORD

One does not proceed very far into the research on Collegians Rugby Football Club without realising the depth and the degree to which Collegians owes its survival and existence to the generosity and benevolence of Charles Seaver Neill. Collegians is synomonous with Charlie Neill. Appropriately, the present pavilion at Deramore Park is a tangible memorial to him. It was my privilege to have known him and to have played rugby at Collegians when he was very much the dominating personality. When you met him you saw either the obvious gentleman with old world charm and courtesy or a man with commanding presence, he was over six feet tall and straight in stature, forbidding, even autocratic, but whichever mood he was in you may be sure that underneath his exterior was a most sympathetic and understanding nature. In conversation when he was invariably extolling the virtues of Collegians, he spoke with a distinct, pulsating and passionate voice. Charlie Neill was the great Collegian.

I wish to thank many people and sources from which I have had assistance in the compilation of this work. My first acknowledgement must be made to the Belfast Newsletter, the Belfast Telegraph, the 's Saturday Night, the Northern Whig, the Linenhall Library and the Central Library for permission to use their files for reports and results of matches. My thanks are also due to the Methodist College, Belfast for access to its archives, mainly for the records of the early years.

For comments on players, particularly in the eighteen years when I was abroad, my grateful thanks to Barry Bridges, Ewart Bell, Gordon Dudgeon, Ronnie Gilliland, Wes Kettyle, Billy Lavery, Victor McQuoid, David Pollock and Ken Reid for their enlightening remarks. My thanks also to George Ferrett, John Capper and Alan McMaster for their comments on some junior players, to Brian Brotherson for his list of referees and to Alec Gilmour for his information on William McFadzean, V.C.

For the supply of photographs my gratitude to the Methodist College for the use of certain photographs which appeared in the "Book of M.C.B" (1939); to the Collegians RFC for more recent photographs and to photographs personally provided by Gordon Dudgeon, George Ferrett, Dawson McConkey, Michael McLean, Alan McMaster, Cyril Sinclair and Angus Sloan.

Finally, my grateful and sincere thanks to Grahame Capper for his invaluable and willing assistance at all times, for his patience and perseverance, and for being the keystone between the Collegians Rugby Football Committee and myself.


W. S. H. Lavery (President, Collegians Club) declaring the extension of the Pavilion facilities open at the Festival of Sport to celebrate the extension, and the reopening of the Playing Fields at Deramore Park on 26th August, 1972. J. W. Walker, A. S. Worrall, F. C. Jones, H. G. Crawford, W. S. H. Lavery. COLLEGIANS RFC


On the evening of Monday 6 October 1890, a few ex-pupils of the Methodist College, Belfast and several members of the College staff met in a classroom of the College. As a result of this meeting the Collegians Rugby Football Club was formed. The club was to be named ’’Methodist Collegians” and would be composed of present masters and former pupils. Its colour would be a blue jersey, blue knickers and blue stockings with a small red star on the jersey. Without a ground of their own, it was agreed that home matches should be played on the College ground, Eglantine, which was presumably, at the rear of the College and near where Eglantine Avenue is today. The officials elected that evening were Henry S McIntosh, headmaster of the College, as President; Charles K Pooler, classics master, captain; Samuel I Graham, another classics master, honorary secretary; and John B McCutcheon, an old boy of the College and brother of that legendary mathematics teacher, Jane McCutcheon, as honorary treasurer. Henry S McIntosh was no mere figurehead as President. He was a real live wire, one dedicated to the progress of the club, a fanatic, and if one could be, more entranced with the game of rugby football than even Davy Wells could be.

Within a few weeks of this foundation meeting the first match was played against the North of Ireland at Ormeau. This match, which took place on 25 October, was a very tough assignment, a first match against the premier club in the province and already with twenty-one years experience behind it. At the end of quite a struggle in which much hacking, mauling and charging took place, the North of Ireland won by three tries to nothing. The Methodist Collegians were far from disgraced and quite surprised their more experienced opponents by holding them to a scoreless second half. The Methodist Collegian team on this memorable occasion was: Gibson (back), M Macdonald, R S Moffatt and G Wheeler (half-backs); J M Whitaker and Spiller (quarter-backs); C K Pooler (Captain), D P Mercier, L Mercier, J H Douglas, Stewart, J Workman, G F Graham, W Thompson and H Fisher (forwards). The change to eight forwards and seven backs did not take place until the 189^-95 season.

Before this first season finished, matches had also been played against Albion, Queen's College, Armagh, Windsor 2nd, , R.B.A. Institution, Queen’s College 2nd and Albion 2nd. The club's first victory was recorded on 6 December 1890 at Armagh when the home team was beaten by three tries to one, most of the second half being played in semi-darkness. Also, the team reached the final of the Junior Cup but lost to Albion 2nd by two tries to nothing.

During this first season what was happening in the world outside? Queen Victoria was still on the throne with just over ten years still to reign; Lord Salisbury was Conservative prime minister; Charles Stewart Parnell because of his liaison with Kitty O'Shea was disgraced; the British founded Salisbury in Mashonaland (now Zimbabwe); the Forth Bridge was completed; Conan Doyle wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story for the "Strand Magazine"; Toulouse-Lautrec began painting Les Filles de Jolie in the Moulin Rouge, but Shaw and Wilde had still to write their first play. Also, apart from such far off things like the radio and television, there was no motor car, no cinema, no x-ray and no Labour party. The club progressed with remarkable consistency in the first fifteen years. The side reached the final of the Junior Cup in the next four years, winning in 1892 when Windsor F.C. was beaten by a goal to nil, and in 189*+ when Derry was beaten by thirteen points. These initial Junior Cup successes were followed by three successive victories in 1901, 1902, and 1903t apart from being beaten finalists in 1900 and 190*1. In the 1901 final, Collegians 2nd beat Fortwilliam 2nd rather easily by two goals and three tries to nil; North of Ireland 2nd were beaten by a try to nil in 1902, and Queen's College 2nd’s by a similar score in 1903* la the 1902 final when the game seemed to be heading for a draw, Brooke Purdon "picking up, fairly threaded his way through the North back division, and scored far out, a very nice piece of individual play". The 1903 final was somewhat uninteresting, with both sides keeping it tight, until the last twenty minutes when Collegians realised that something more daring must be done if victory was to be achieved. After a fairly sustained attack the only try of the match came when Pinion darted for the line, transferred quickly to McCann, who gave to Macaw who forced himself over the line. These junior sides contained future internationals in Brooke Purdon, Stanley Pinion and Charlie Thompson. After the 1903 success it was to be another fifty-eight years before Collegians won the Junior Cup again.

Meanwhile, the 1st XV had also been playing with considerable credit. The final of the Senior Cup was reached in 189*1, 1895 and 1896 when the North of Ireland was successful on each occasion. The first Collegian success came with the winning of the Charity Cup in 1901 when Albion were beaten by 23 points to nil, followed by a second victory in the same competition in 1902 when Malone were beaten by six points to nil. The Senior League was won under the captaincy of the veteran Charlie Neill in 1903; and all this euphoria culminating when the Senior Cup was won for the first time in 1906.

In their first Senior Cup final played against the North of Ireland at Ormeau in 189*1, the Methodist Collegians, after an exceptionally courageous and tenacious effort, only lost by a goal and two tries to a goal and a penalty goal. North scored their three tries in the first half when the Collegians reply was a penalty goal kicked by Frank Neill. The second half was all Collegians, and North were kept in their own half for most of the time. Collegians played with dash and spirit, but despite all their efforts gained only one score when Willie Clements burst over for a try which Frank Neill converted. In this match Charlie Neill played in the centre of three half-backs.

In the 1895 Senior Cup final Collegians lost to the North of Ireland by a solitary try. The press reported on that match that "Collegians always play to a finish with such an amount of dash and go that it is never safe to look upon them as beaten until "no-side" has been called". In this match Collegians did not confine themselves to defensive play but made continuous attacks and in the last few minutes had a chance to draw the match but Frank Neill’s penalty kick was slightly wide.

The 1896 Cup final, played in a quagmire, ended in a victory for North of Ireland by one goal and two tries to a penalty goal. Towards the end of this match, which was suspended for some time because of a storm "Charlie Neill held a fair catch and his brother kicked a good goal". This was recorded at the time as a penalty goal, but such goals, if the catch and kick at goal was made by the same player, later became known as goals from a mark. In this 1895“96 season the club had its first visit from a side when a hard game with Lansdowne at Stranmillis on 1 February 1896, ended in a scoreless draw. The first match with Lansdowne in the previous December in Dublin also ended in a scoreless draw. This fixture with Lansdowne continued until 1974. After a lapse of two years Collegians again reached the Senior Cup final, again against North of Ireland, and again lost, this time rather decisively by sixteen points to three.

In the 1899-1900 season Dublin Wanderers were the opponents for the first time when on the Ravenhill Road ground the match ended in a draw of eleven points each. The Collegians tries were scored by Fulton, Bradshaw and McCausland. The Wanderers fixture still exists and including that first match Collegians and Wanderers have met on sixty-six occasions, Wanderers winning thirty-six, Collegians twenty-seven with three matches drawn. In the Senior Cup that season Collegians, leading Queen’s 7_6 with only minutes to go, allowed a Queen's score from the final throw-in and lost by eleven points to seven.

In 1901 Collegians gained their first senior trophy when after defeating North 8-5 in the semi-final of the Charity Cup, they beat Albion by 23 points to nil in the final. The Charity Cup, or to give it its full title, the Belfast Charities’ Football , was established for the purpose of diverting to charitable purposes some of the amounts obtainable as gate money at football matches in Belfast. In this final Collegians were soon on the attack with Bertie Clements getting his backs away and slick handling by Ernie Clements, Bradshaw and Rothwell brought play well into the Albion half. From a maul close to the Albion line Ainsie Barr sneaked through and scored, Ernie Clements converting. Collegians kept up the pressure and after clever inter-passing between Ernie Clements and Rothwell, Bradshaw completed the movement with a well-taken try. McCausland scored Collegians’ third try after a brilliant solo effort. The second half began in favour of Albion but it was not long before Collegians scored again, this time through the evergreen Charlie Neill, who also scored the fifth try after a movement initiated by Bertie Clements. Even play ensued for some time but before "no-side” Ernie Clements, who was literally here, there and everywhere, collected two tries.

The Charity Cup was again won in the next season, 1901-02, when Malone were defeated by a penalty goal and a try to nil. The scoring, which took place in the first half, was a penalty goal by Ernie Clements and a try by Dick Rothwell after crisp handling by Bertie Millar and Bertie Clements.

In 1902-03 the Senior League was won for the first time and the Junior Cup for the second year in succession. The strength of the senior side was undoubtedly in a strong, vigorous and lively pack led by Charlie Neill. This pack combined experience with youth, with Willie Clements playing in his eleventh season and Tommy Holmes in his first season, straight from school. The side also owed much to the reliable Billy Riddell at full-back; the knowledge and understanding between Bertie Clements and Ernie Ball, the half-backs’ and the unselfishness and the passing of the three-quarter line in which Ernie Clements was outstanding.

The 1903-04 season began with the opening of the Rosetta ground on 10 October, 1903 by Henry S McIntosh, the headmaster of the College. The admission to the ground was 6d, schoolboys 3d, stand and enclosure 3d extra, ladies were admitted free except to the stand and enclosure. A match then followed against the North of Ireland but was held up at the start when Dinsmore, kicking off for North, burst the ball with his kick. North won the game by a solitary penalty goal. Collegians had a rather indifferent season, losing to North in the first round of the Senior Cup, and to Malone in the semi-final of the Charity Cup. The 190^-05 season brought further disappointment especially in the Senior Cup, when Fortwilliam, in their first season as a senior club, defeated Collegians after two draws by four points to three.

The next season, 1905~06 however, saw Collegians win the Senior Cup for the first time. After defeating Dungannon 6-3 in the first round and Regt. 26-11 in the semi-final, the North of Ireland were at last beaten in the final, on this occasion by eight points to nil. This final began with a sharp movement by the North backs which brought play to the Collegians "25”. After some North pressure McCann intercepted and when a breakaway score looked possible Ball knocked on.

Collegians were in rampant mood and the forwards took part in several telling rushes which kept North constantly on the defensive. Suddenly, Riddell made a superb opening but the movement petered out when McCann flung a wild pass to Barney Crean. Shortly afterwards Riddell was again prominent and sent Quail away, and the wing passed inside at the crucial moment to Templeton who scored between the posts. Templeton also converted. Collegians maintained the pressure, Erskine just missed with a penalty, and at half-time Collegians led by five points to nil. On resuming McCoull and Holmes led a Collegian rush, and McAlery, the North full-back, was caught in possession. Gotto, however was on hand and cleared for North. Collegian forwards were now very much in control and Sayers, Holmes and Adams led another rush. A score seemed likely, but the ball was kicked too far forward and North touched down. Collegians, however, were not be denied, and after another rush Waddell scored. In this match the Collegian forwards "not only monopolised the game but simply demoralised the North backs".

THE PLAYERS 1890-1906

Of the players of this first period two were conspicious in resource and resilience over a long period. They were Charlie Neill and Willie Clements who both played for twelve full seasons. Charlie Neill, the very generous benefactor of the club to whom Collegians owe so much, was a commanding, inspiring and stimulating leader, who passionately loved the game, and played his rugby with a youthful relish throughout his long career, and when his playing days were over, gave his all for the club, being honorary secretary for over fifty years. Willie Clements, a Cambridge graduate, sometime on the College staff before entering the Church of , was a robust and knowledgeable forward and an expert in the art of the dribble. Other forwards who were generally a menace to the opposition included John Alexander, who played for eight seasons; the brothers John and Tommy Holmes, noted for their splendid footwork and to their lively attitude to the game; Henry Irvine, who played for Ireland and emigrated to South Africa to become a representative referee, was a remarkable goal-kicker; William H McKee, later editor of the Belfast Newsletter, was strong and stocky, good as a scrummager; David Mercier, after giving sterling service for two seasons, like Irvine, left for South Africa to become a headmaster at Bloemfontein; and Norman Wilson, a most versatile player and all-round sportsman, who represented Ireland at Lacrosse for four years, and in his later years was a constant spectator watching a football or cricket match at Ormeau and reminiscencing on the good old days of the eighteen-nineties. Of the backs, Ainsworth Barr, who played for Ireland at half-back, William Riddell, a polished performer, and Muir McMullan, a rugged defender, were noted for their soundness and reliability; David McCausland, Gerry Bradshaw and Ernie Clements for their individualism and flashes of genius; Barney Crean and Stanley Pinion for their determined running; R J (Dick) Rothwell, later to captain , for his expertise especially in knowing how to draw the opposition and when to pass the ball; and at half-back, the talents of Ernie Ball, the devilry and scheming of ”wee" Willie Fulton and the brashness and arrogance of Bertie Clements.

THE YEARS 1906 - l*f

Following the Senior Cup success of 1906 Collegians entered upon seven years of plenty, winning the Senior League on three occasions (1908, 1911, 1913) and the Senior Cup twice (1910, 1913)* This was no mean performance as there was very little to chose between the five leading teams (Collegians, Knock, Malone, North and Queen’s) and each match usually resulted in a hard, tense struggle. These were years of alarm, disappointment and tragedy culminating in the outbreak of the Great War. The Belfast-built Titanic hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and sank; Scott reached the South Pole but never returned; fanatical women were screaming for the vote, whilst in everything else was dwarfed by the Home Rule crisis even to the extent that rugby matches were cancelled midway during the 1913“1^ season in order that more time could be given to military training.

In 1906-07 Collegians met Dungannon in the first round of the Senior Cup. After a scoreless first half Collegians eventually managed to gain control and scored three tries, one by Waddell and two by Crean, and all three converted by Louis Erskine. The semi-final match against Queen's was a close affair, although the final score was 17-11 in favour of Collegians due to two late tries. In the final Collegians met Malone and for the third time that season lost to the Balmoral side. Midway during the first half Collegians were unfortunate to lose Tommy Holmes, who was carried off unconscious. Despite this setback Collegians made quite a fight of it and with less than fifteen minutes to go Malone led by only five points. However, a few minutes from time Malone scored again and won the match by thirteen points to three.

The Senior League was won in 1907-08 after a with North, both sides having completed their league programme with the same number of points. This decider played on the ground of the Knock club at Hawthornden Road was a traumatic affair. The first half was all North who scored three tries per Haslett, Gotto and Leitch, but none of the tries was converted. Still, North led at half-time by nine points and began the second half well entrenched in Collegian territory and on two occasions might have scored, the first being spoiled by a well-timed intercept by Charlie Thompson, and the second when following a break through, the final pass was knocked on. Then, with about twenty minutes to go Collegians got an unexpected score. Bertie Thompson, breaking on the blind side, whipped the ball out to Alan Wright who raced over for a try. This try, converted by Willie Smith, inspired Collegians and unsettled North, and with ten minutes to go, Charlie Thompson made one of his characteristic breaks, kicked high towards the right, and Simpson, following up, gathered the ball and scored a vital try amid ’’frantic cheering which was renewed when Smith added a goal” to put Collegians ahead by one point. In the remaining minutes North launched a sustained attack but to no avail and Collegians won by two goals to three tries.

After a comparatively lean season in 1908-09, when the side, however, reached the final of the Charity Cup only to lose to Queen’s, the Senior Cup was won for the second time in 1910. After an indifferent beginning to the season the last eight matches were won. In the first round of the Senior Cup Knock were defeated at Hawthornden Road by 19 points to 10, and this was followed by a semi-final victory over North by 15 points to 8. The Collegian score in the North game included each type of goal possible, a conversion of a try, a penalty goal, a dropped goal and a goal from a mark. The final was against Queen's, now Queen's University, when each side scored two tries but goal-kicking decided the issue in favour of Collegians. Collegians settled down quickly and after several attacks Bertie O'Callaghan dashed through and sent Trotter away for the first try, which Willie Smith converted. Keeping up the pressure Collegians missed a certain score when after a cross-kick by Trotter and a break by Charlie Thompson, Simpson held on too long, and was tackled with Thompson outside him. However, the same player made amends shortly afterwards when he neatly gathered a kick ahead by Hopkinson and raced on to score Collegians' second try, and again a valuable conversion was added by Willie Smith. Before half-time Queen's gained a spectacular try when Alec Foster, Irish international and later headmaster of , "brushed all opposition aside and scored behind the posts." Sproule’s kick was charged down and at half-time Collegians led by 10 points to 3- The second half was at first all Collegians and then all Queen’s. O'Callaghan and Thompson were prominent in several Collegian attacks but sound tackling kept them out. In the last fifteen minutes Queen's maintained sustained pressure and were rewarded with an unconverted try, but this was not enough, and the match finished in Queen’s territory and Collegians winners by ten points to six.

In 1910-11 the Senior League was again won, and again under the captaincy of Charlie Thompson. Then, after the somewhat disastrous season of 1911-12 when only three matches were won, the double of the Senior League and the Senior Cup was achieved for the first time in 1913* After defeating Malone by the handsome score of 23 points to nil in the semi-final, Collegians met Knock in the final. This was another hard game and the outcome in doubt right to the final whistle. It was played under wretched conditions and Collegians, with a strong wind behind them, led at half-time by two tries to nil. The first try came when Russell burst over from a scrum near the Knock line, and the second scored by the right-wing Boyd, after inter-passing by Thompson and J B O'Neill. Surprisingly, it was Collegians who attacked at the beginning of the second half, but eventually Knock, greatly aided by the elements, put on the pressure and "scrum after scrum" was fought near the Collegians line but with no effect". However, Knock did score when Murtagh, the Collegian full-back, had his kick charged down and Robb went over for an unconverted try. Three points now separated the teams and Knock came swarming back to the Collegians ”25" and "Collegians had a warm time of it in defending their line". This, they did by desperate tackling and in fact, against the run of play, scored again when Zebedee sliced the ball towards the touch-line in clearing, Frank Bennett picked up and with a clear field easily scored, leaving Collegians winners by nine points to three.

Collegians began the 1913*“!^ season defeating Malone, Armagh and North in their first three matches, next drawing with Knock, and in their fifth match defeating Cooke by 19 points to 3* The match with Cooke followed a suggestion by the Northern Branch of the IRFU that encouragement and help should be given to junior clubs. After defeats by Wanderers, Lansdowne and Queen's, there was another draw with Knock before Old Wesley were beaten for the first time. After a substantial win over Malone there came a sensational end to the seasons' rugby. Owing to the Home Rule crisis and possibly civil war in Ireland, on the 22nd December 1913. the members of the North of Ireland Football Club ’’decided to cancel their rugby matches from the end of the present year in order that members who are identified with the Ulster Volunteer Force may be more free to give up their entire time on Saturdays to drilling and military training". Other clubs followed the action of the NIFC. At a meeting of the Emergency Committee of the Northern Branch (IRFU) on 29th January 191^, it was officially notified that Collegians would play no more senior matches that season. At the same meeting it was decided to abandon the Senior League, the Senior Cup and the Charity Cup competitions. Collegians, however, did fulfill their Easter tour commitment in Wales when matches were played against Llanelly, Maesteg, Neath and Pontypool.


Of the players of this period two outstanding backs were undoubtedly Charlie Thompson and Frank Bennett, both of whom played for Ireland. Charlie Thompson, noted for his individual bursts, his long kicking to touch and well-timed dropped goals, was sturdily built and difficult to bring down. Frank Bennett, on the other hand, had a slim figure, quick in his reactions, was a beautiful slick runner and a most unselfish player. Bennett entered the Methodist ministry and was for many years a chaplain in the Royal Air Force. Bertie 0 ’Callaghan, president of the IRFU in 1953”5^» was a scrum-half, known as a "slippery customer", excelled in getting his three-quarters away, but at the same time was not slow to see an opening for an individual break. Three backs of this period lost their lives in the Great War. They were Theo Seale, a most reliable full-back for three seasons; Tom Boyd, elder brother of the legendary Jamie Boyd of the 1930’s, a wing three-quarter of the winning 1913 cup team; and Willie Shaw, a Queen's "blue" and Ulster player, who was a centre-threequarter of great potential. Other backs included the versatile Bertie Thompson, a sound tackier; Barney Crean, a clever little winger, very fast and renowned for his judicious cross-kicks; and Gerry Simpson and Alan Wright, both wing three-quarters and both adept in chasing and gathering the long kick ahead, or seizing upon the slightest mistake made by an opponent. Of the forwards, the brothers Paddy and Willie Smith, both internationals, were tireless and whole-hearted players who were prominent in dribbling the ball, now a lost art; David Hill, a minister-cum physician, captain of the 1910 cup winning team, was a regular player for eight seasons, a forward of guile and dash; Louis Erskine, a powerful goal-kicker, and Gerry Sayers, Robert Jackson and George Acheson, all solid scrummagers and worthy stalwarts for several seasons. THE TWENTIES

This decade, following the end of the Great War, was one of hope and expectation, of new discoveries and new adventures. The Atlantic had just been crossed by air for the first time; Einstein's theory of relativity was confirmed; Ireland was divided; Wembley opened; the "wireless” spread quickly throughout the country and people began fiddling and fumbling with cat-whiskers. Towards the end of the decade talking-pictures appeared, those fanatical women were given the vote on the same terms as men, and in sport Ireland beat England at Twickenham for the first time, whilst Americans dominated the British Open and those French "musketeers" the Wimbledon singles. It was a great decade to be an adolescent and grow up in. In this decade Collegians underwent quite a transformation, in one sense from old men to young boys. For the first four seasons after the war up to a dozen players who had played for the pre-war 1st XV were still playing. Then, towards the end of the decade came the decision in 1927 to close the club. Membership was available to former pupils of the Methodist College, to members of the College staff, and to non MCB personnel who were already members of the club in 1927* The team of 1927-28 included four players straight from school and three other players who left school the year before.

In the first season (1919-20) after the war Collegians, by arrangement with the Methodist College, had the use of the school ground at Deramore. The entry to the ground was then by Deramore Park South and there was an admission charge. The first match at Deramore was against Malone and ended in a victory for Collegians by one goal (5 points) to nil. For the record, shortly after half-time Whitsitt scored the only try which Hanley converted. The Collegians team was: George Keeling; J W Netherey, Cecil Smylie, A Livingstone and Joe Thompson; Harold McKee and J Whitsitt: H Dowzer, D T Fullerton, W Hanley, Walter Hill, W J Hutchinson, Gordon Mahony, G Pierce and E Whale. The press recorded that "Keeling got through a lot of good work and the three quarters were very sound when it came to breaking up the Malone rushes. Whitsitt and McKee were a capable pair of halves and of the forwards Mahony, Hill, Hanley and Fullerton were the most prominent". So much for the first match at Deramore. That season Collegians lost to Queen's in the semi-final of the Senior Cup by 3 goals (one dropped) and three tries to nil. Collegians fought hard but failed to last the course and Queen’s scored four tries in the last fifteen minutes. It is interesting to note that the Queen's team contained no fewer than five ex-Methody players, the three Wheeler brothers, Don, Arthur and Jim, Bertie^ Coulter and J B O'Neill, and also a most promising young centre George Stephenson, who was to play in over forty matches for Ireland.

The 1920-21 and 1921-22 seasons followed the same pattern, a good beginning then a long disastrous finish. In 1920-21 after winning four of their first six matches. Collegians only won one of the next thirteen, and in 1921-22 after winning four and drawing one of the first eight matches, there was only one victory in the next eleven matches. It was during the 1920-21 season that the first Collegians- match took place when on 27th November at Deramore Instonians won by one goal and one try (8 points) to nil. The match was played in a continual downpour and on a treacherous pitch. Handling was out of the question and a strenuous forward battle took place with many forward rushes and long soccer-like kicks ahead. It was after a long solo dribble that Arthur Douglas scored the second Instonian try, the first having been scored by R 0 McClenahan. Of the Collegian players "Maguire played a sound game at full-back, but the three quarters were poor with the exception of Smylie and Bewley-Bull. Wallace and Dawson were fair at half-back and in a grand pack Dowzer, Hanley and Harvey were the leaders". In 1922-23 there was a decided improvement as a younger element was visibly appearing in the team and nine matches were won. Good victories were recorded over Wanderers in Dublin, Malone (twice) and North but in the Senior Cup the side lost to Instonians by thirteen points to nil. The match against North at Deramore late in the season was a revelation of what a Collegian team at this time could actually achieve. On that March afternoon they scored seven tries to three by North. Since Christmas Collegians had been improving with every game, territorially to have usually the better of exchanges, but an inability to capitalise on good situations deprived them at times of victory. In the match against North they made no mistake about winning and completely disorganised their opponents. The Collegians were supreme and "gave an exhibition of forward play that has not been equalled in Belfast for many years. Not only did they get possession five times out of six but their great sweeping rushes carried all before them and the North backs showed commendable discretion in not lying on the ball”. With such a good supply of the ball the Collegian half-backs, Finlay and Gillespie, had a field day and the three-quarters played with a sudden confidence and renewed assurance. For the record the Collegian tries were scored by Thompson (2), Lloyd Mahony, Hillyard, McKee, Purdon and Long.

The improvement of 1922-23 was continued in 1923-24 when more matches were won than lost for the first time since the war. Of the last six matches, five were won, unfortunately the one lost was in the Senior Cup. After defeating Malone by 21 points to nil in the first round of the cup. Collegians and Queen's met in the semi-final at Ravenhill. Collegians led 6-3 at half-time and were playing confidently in the second half when the game was suddenly changed. Caruth of Queens broke away at midfield, evaded a couple of tackles and sent Wheeler in for a try all against the run of play. The game was won and lost at this stage, for had Queen's failed to score they would probably have cracked up as they were playing like a losing side. However, they scored and it was Collegians who wilted. Queen's gained two further scores to win by two goals and two tries to two tries. It was during this season that Collegians held their first annual dinner which took place at Thompsons, Donegall Place, Belfast on Saturday 12th April 1924. Charlie Neill, the president, traced the history of the club since its inception, his brother Frank proposed the toast of the Northern Branch of the IRFU which was responded to by A J Strain who spoke of the benefits of the new ground at Ravenhill. Major D Graham Shillington M.P., an old boy of the College, proposed the Club and this toast was responded to by Cochrane Mercer who said how much the club owed to Charlie Neill. Jack Gillespie, captain of the 1st XV, also replied to the toast of the club. "Our Guests” was given by J B O ’Neill and responded to by G.V. Stephenson and J B Hanna, J.P. and finally the chairman himself was proposed by W Muir McMullan, a player of the 1890s, and suitably acknowledged by Charlie Neill. A most successful function concluded with an enjoyable musical programme.

The 1924-25 season was rather disappointing when six matches were won and eleven lost. On a closer scrutiny, however, the record was not as bad as it seems, for the last four matches, all lost, could have gone either way. Two were lost by a single point and two by three points. The last game was against North in the Senior Cup. This was a game of much resolution and determination by both sides and the outcome was in doubt right up to "no-side". With twenty minutes to go there was still no score and then in a North attack McKeown scored an unconverted try. This spurred on Collegians to greater effort and North were penned in their own "25". After a scramble close to the line Charlie McVicker forced his way over for a try which Gillespie converted. End-to-end play ensued after this until McKeown in a solo effort handed off Galloway and rounded Kerr to score North's second try. Collegians came back on the attack and a promising movement by Elliott and Grant was just foiled by a desperate North defence. This was the last Collegian effort and North won a rousing and spirited game by two tries to one goal. In the next season, 1925-26 Collegians won the Senior Cup for the fourth time and from mid-November until early April won fourteen successive matches. During this winning spree five southern clubs were defeated. They were Lansdowne (10-3), Old Wesley (35“5)» Palmerston (31-0), UCD (11-6) and Dolphin (11-10). The match against Dolphin at Hawthornden Road, Belfast in late January was the first game between the clubs and inaugurated a fixture, which despite several breaks continues and flourishes today in most genial and friendly circumstances. In the Senior Cup Lurgan were defeated in the first round at Deramore by eight points to three. Then came the semi-final with Instonians at Ormeau. The first half was scoreless, but in an early Instonian movement in the second half Billy Hall got his backs moving and from an Arthur Douglas cross-kick, the ball crossed the Collegians line and McKenzie pounced on it for an unconverted try. Collegians replied almost immediately when after a good touch by Sweeney near the corner flag Jack Gillespie hurled himself over the line for a try which he converted. The rest of the game was vigorously contested with Douglas and McClenahan for Instonians and Galloway for Collegians the most dangerous attacking players. Defences held and Collegians won a rather even match by a goal (5 points) to a try (3 points). With internationals Tom Hewitt and Jack Gage in their back line. Queens' were favourites to win the final, but a commanding display by the Collegian forwards, inspiringly led by Jim McVicker, won the day for Collegians. Queen's attempted many passing movements but the tackling of the Collegian backs was deadly, whilst the forwards were quick in following up and harassing the Queen’s backs. The only score of the first half was an unconverted try by Jack Sweeney for Collegians. The second half opened with a Queen's attack, Hewitt cross-kicked and Gage dribbled to the Collegian line where Des Grant saved the situation. The students persevered and Forsythe scored to bring the game level. As the game progressed the Collegians forwards were beginning to have the better of the exchanges and following a glorious forward rush Gillespie and Grant were nearly over. Collegians kept up the pressure and after slick in-and-out passing between the McVickers and Joe Thompson, the latter went over for a try which Gillespie converted and Collegians led 8-3* Next, Queen's were nearly through when Jack Gage broke away at midfield and on approaching Kerr, the Collegian full-back, kicked ahead. The ball bounced near the Collegian line, but as he made to touch down, the ball evaded him and the Collegian line was miraculously saved. This was the last Queen’s effort and just on time Hugh McVicker scored an unconverted try, leaving Collegians winners by one goal and two tries (11 points) to one try (3 points).

The Senior Cup was won but at a price. Two players were brought in especially for the cup matches. They were Jack Gillespie, a past captain, and Hugh McVicker, who had never played for the club. Jack Gillespie eventually played in six matches, but Hugh McVicker only played in two, in the semi-final and final of the cup. The two players sacrificed were Eric Elliott and Ian Marshall who had been regular members of the 1st XV up to the cup matches. Many members of the club felt that Elliott and Marshall had been treated disgracefully. Elliott went abroad after a year and Marshall joined Queen's and later played for Ulster.

After the success of 1926 the 1926-27 season was an anti-climax when only three matches were won out of a total of nineteen. In the Senior Cup the side actually played one of its better games, losing to North by the narrow margin of two tries to one. At the end of this season Collegians became a closed club.

lo The 1927-28 side was a young and experimental side including four players straight from school, namely two wing-three quarters in Jack McGuffin and Arthur Maxwell, and two forwards, Cecil Mullan and Jack Siggins, (the latter was to play on the Ulster side that season), and also three forwards, Jack Thompson, Hughie McDowell and Graham McElwaine, who had just left school the year before. This 1927-28 side, against all predictions, did remarkably well, winning more matches than they lost, and gaining notable victories over Queen’s (13-3), Wanderers (11- 3 ) and Garryowen (9-8). Also in the Senior Cup, Collegians put up a courageous display against a much experienced Instonians team. After a scoreless first half in which Alaister Clark for Collegians, and Douglas and McClenahan for Instonians, made threatening but abortive runs, the second half was only five minutes old when McClenahan picked up in his own half, and after a dodging run scored a try converted by Hamie Hewitt. Even play then ensued for the next twenty minutes, Collegians giving nothing away to their more experienced opponents. On one occasion Arthur Douglas in full flight on the right wing - and this was always thrilling to watch whether you were an Instopian or not - was tackled a few yards from the corner flag. Victor Mullen and Clark were conspicuous in this desperate Collegian defence. At last, with only a few minutes left, McClenahan got a second try, and a victory for Instonians by eight points to nothing.

The 1928-29 season was much a repetition of the year before, fifty per cent of the matches were won and the Senior Cup match against Instonians was again lost, by the same result of a goal and try to nil. Three more players, straight from school, were thrown into senior football, Davy Mairs, scrum-half and captain of two winning Schools’ Cup teams, centre three-quarter Morris Carson and a second row forward ’’Jumbo McMullan. Like their predecessors of the season before, all played with considerable credit and kept their places on the 1st XV.


The full-backs of this period were Des Kerr and H G Crawford. Des Kerr, always immaculately togged out, hair well brushed and plastered down, appeared more suitable for the footlights than the football pitch. Yet Kerr was one of the most reliable full-backs ever to play for Collegians, cool, composed and competent. H G (Gerry) Crawford, brother of the illustrious international Ernie, was a more than useful full-back or centre three-quarter and his experience was invaluable with the rather young and raw sides of the late 1920s. Three players, who had played pre-war and were still playing well into the 20s were Norman Malcolmson, Cecil Smylie and J B O ’Neill. Their best rugby seasons would undoubtedly have been the years of the war, but though a certain slowness was creeping into their movements they were still capable of resourceful and whole-hearted performances. In fact, J B O ’Neill when playing for Queen’s before he returned to Collegians, actually played for Ireland against Scotland in 1921. Malcolmson and Smylie, both centre three-quarters, often playing against stronger opposition, were liable to make the occasional exciting breakaway. After retiring from playing Cecil Smylie was an industrious and genial Collegian administrator, continually giving advice and encouragement to the younger players, and later, succeeding Charlie Neill as the mentor of Collegians. Other centres of this period included Des Grant and Jack Galloway, both unorthodox players, capable of changing the course of the game by one impulsive move, usually disorganising the opposition but at times falling victims to their own devices. Jack Galloway, probably the best Collegian three-quarter of the decade, had a galloping stride and was extremely difficult to tackle.

n At wing three-quarter one mentions N C Dawson, W Long, E Elliott and J H Sweeney in the early years, and later J McGuffin and A C Maxwell. After two seasons as a thrustful player who advanced more by the jink and swerve than by speed, Noel Dawson emigrated to Canada; Walter Long scored many tries by anticipation and intelligent support, and being in the right place at the right time; the ebullient, carefree, debonair Eric Elliott, one eye on an opponent and one eye on the girls along the touch-line, was nevertheless a wing of dash and considerable courage; and ’’Pop" Sweeney, a small but sturdy player with a defiant and obstinate defence. Two wing three-quarters who would normally have been mentioned in the 1930s left the club before the end of this decade. They were Jack McGuffin and Arthur Maxwell, both straight from school, both somewhat raw, both very fast and fearless tacklers. They were probably the two fastest players in the province, having been in the two previous years first and second in the 100 yards event in the Ulster Schools' Athletic Championships. Unfortunately for Collegians, after playing for one season McGuffin retired from the game whilst Maxwell took up a colonial appointment in the Far East. Also, there was Alastair Clark, a most valuable addition in the late 1920s and early 1930s. A champion hurdler from Scotland and a member of the College science staff, he played at either wing or centre three-quarter. He was an exceptionally fast and strong runner, nonchalantly brushing aside opponents, he possessed a crushing and devastating tackle, but also had unbelievably poor hands. At half-back were A P Finlay, Jack Gillespie and Jack Calvert. Finlay was one of those nippy, cheeky and arrogant scrum-halfs who could also play a reasonable game at centre, whilst Jack Gillespie, ex-Trinity and ex-Dungannon was a born dictator at out-half; and, as captain, transformed a moderate Collegian side into quite a competent fifteen. Jack Calvert, though scrum half of the winning 1926 cup side, belongs more to the 1930s and will be mentioned then. Coming to the forwards three groups of brothers dominated this period. They were the Hills, the Mahonys and the McVickers. Walter and Fred Hill, both in training for the Methodist ministry, were whole-hearted forwards, genuine scrummagers and tireless in the loose. Lloyd and Gordon Mahony, both of gigantic size, terrified the opposition by their appearance and their robust and vigorous rushes, both being good dribblers of the ball. Gordon Mahony was a jovial and respected classics master at the College where he also assisted Arthur Douglas in coaching the three winning School’s Cup teams of 1927. 1928 and 1929» Jim and Charlie McVicker (the former played for Ireland), gave that solidity and experience to the forwards, which made them one of the most competent and feared packs in the province. Three forwards of this period were most versatile - Harold McKee, Claude Hillyard and Joe Thompson. They were basically skilled and wiry forwards but at times McKee would be at centre or out-half, Hillyard at centre and Thompson on the wing. Of the other forwards one mentions the liveliness of George Castles, the thoroughness of J S Fisher and the breakaways and covering of T Simpson.


To those brought up in this decade it was one of despair, dread and despondency, beginning with the rise of Nazism and concluding with the outbreak of the Second World War. In the years between, an English King gave up his throne to marry an American divorcee; a civil war broke out in Spain; many listened anxiously to each Hitler tirade but few heeded the warnings of Churchill. Luckily for Britain, radar was discovered, the jet engine invented and the Spitfire ready for action. In sport British prestige was restored by Fred Perry at Wimbledon and Henry Cotton at Carnoustie whilst in Australia, Jardine and Larwood, for the moment, curbed the prolific run-getting of Don Bradman. The decade began promisingly for Collegians when they reached the final of the Senior Cup in 1931 and 1932, but they faded somewhat and, although the final was again reached in 1937. of the ten seasons under review in six of them more matches were lost than won. The 1929-30 season was a mediocre enough one though the club finished strongly, winning four of its last six matches but losing to Instonians in the Senior Cup. Good wins were obtained over southern sides, Collegians defeating Wanderers by 6-3, Old Wesley by 26-5 and Garryowen 21-6. The match against Garryowen in Limerick was a memorable affair. It was played on St Patrick's Day before an attendance of several thousands, yes thousands, followed by a civic dinner, then a dance which went on to the early hours of the morning. In those days, apart from their rugby togs, players also took their dinner suits and on the morning after extremely generous Garryowen hospitality. Collegians players changed out of their evening attire as the train was leaving Limerick station. As regards the match, Collegians won an entertaining and open game by three goals and two tries (21 points) to two tries (6 points). The Collegian tries were scored by Morris Carson (two), Terry Hill, Jack Siggins and Paul Fry, (the last-named a guest player from Queen’s). In the Senior Cup against Instonians, Collegians flattered to deceive, holding their own well into the second half, then suddenly crumbling to lose by 31 points to 11. "For perhaps two-thirds of the game there was always a strong possibility of Collegians making up their arrears, but they were dogged by ill-luck, and time after time potential scoring chances went by the board. Towards the close, however, Instonians snapped up an "armful of tries".

The 1930-31 team under the captaincy of Davy Mairs had quite an impressive record. They won nine matches more than they lost and reached the final of the Senior Cup. The first match against North which they won by a goal and a try to a goal augured well for the new season. Collegians had not beaten North for six seasons. In this match at Ormeau they never lost their grip of the game. The Irish Field critic wrote "For'some years Collegians have had a good pack of forwards but the backs have not been up to the same standard. The promise of this game, if it is fulfilled as the season advances, goes to show that the outsiders will be better than for some years. P P Fry who was with Queen’s University last year, at out-half for Collegians played a prominent part in the victory of his side. He and D Mairs made a capital combination at half-back, and, while the three-quarters did not weld into a strong attacking force, they defended stoutly". After that victory over North, Collegians lost only one of its next nine matches, and included Bangor, Malone and Instonians (twice) among its victims. In the Senior Cup Collegians flattered to deceive. After a close first round match with Civil Service which they won 9_7, they coasted to an easy victory over Malone in the next round by 21 points to 3 at Balmoral. Next came a tense see-saw struggle with Queen’s in the semi-final. Collegians were unfortunate to lose Morris Carson in the first few minutes, though he returned later in the game. After initial Queen’s pressure the students were the first to score when R W Hewitt eluded V Mullen and Lyttle for Malcolmson to convert. Collegians were not long in replying. After Fry had spoiled a possible chance by holding on, Sayers sent Lyttle away, and after a characteristic elusive run the winger scored at the corner, Two points behind C Mullen then dropped a goal and Collegians were ahead for the first time. But this lead was short-lived when V Hewitt dropped a goal for Instonians. However, Collegians quickly responded when Fry cut through at mid-field, sent out a wild pass which Clark miraculously picked up to race away and score at the corner. The hectic pace did not slacken but there was no further scoring and Collegians had won by a single point. The final against Instonians was a fiasco as far as Collegians was concerned. If ever a game was thrown away this one was. Apart from dropped passes throughout the match, in the last ten minutes Collegians had two obvious chances of scoring but rejected them both. Calvert and Lyttle were the players concerned; with a score at the corner wide open, both elected to cut in and both were held up a few yards from the line.

13 Instonians won this distressful affair by a dropped goal and a try to a try. The press commented: "The injury to Carson in the semi-final meant a rearrangement of the line, Lyttle coming into the centre and Clark crossing over to left wing. It was not a success as both players on this flank had a bad match, their dropped passes being absolutely fatal, with the result that some promising openings engineered by Fry and Sayers went astray. Sayers was the best of the three-quarters and both Fry and Mairs did many useful things and were not to blame for the failure of the backs to clinch the advantages offered them. Of the forwards Cecil Mullen was in the thick of it from start to finish and Jack Siggins was a tower of strength in the more solid phases of forward play".

The 1931"32 side had reasonable success, having four good victories early in the season over Instonians (15"3)» Wanderers (13"0) Queen’s (13-8) and Lansdowne (5"3). then in the new year defeating Civil Service and Instonians in the Senior Cup, only to fall to Queen's in the final. The half-back combination of Mairs and Fry of the previous year was soon dissolved, Mairs being moved to centre and Jack Calvert, a member of the 1926 cup winning team, and in fact, to be a member of the 1937 final team, brought in at scrum-half. This was not a success. Mairs was an excellent scrum-half, but not really a centre. Calvert was nippy and made the odd break but he could also give a wild pass. Of the games early in the season the one against Wanderers won by thirteen points to nil was outstanding. After a scoreless first half, Wanderers began the second period with several attacks. Alastair Clark intercepted and after a long and swerving run scored near the posts for Jack Siggins to convert. Wanderers again took up the attack and Jack Sayers was prominent in a sterling Collegian defence. Then, somewhat against the run of play, Calvert broke away to score near the corner flag, and before the close Eric May made a half-break, passed to Clark who scored behind the posts. Siggins converted. That Wanderers side included four internationals in the legendary Jamie Clinch, E C Ridgeway, F W Williamson and C R Graves. In the match against Instonians in October Collegians scored five tries to a penalty goal. Against Queen’s Collegians came back from 8-3 down at half-time to win by 13 points to 8. Collegians lost Corken after twenty minutes, but the seven forwards, whipped up by Jack Siggins, had a rousing game and remained in control of the situation. As consistently happened Collegians lost players to Queen's each year, and this Queen's side included four former Methody boys in Ken Kennedy, Brian Moore, Ossie and R M Chambers. The match against Lansdowne in Dublin resulted in another valiant Collegians victory by a goal to try. The Lansdowne side, which included four international backs in Arigho, Crowe, Lightfoot and Eugene Davy, attacked for most of the first half, but the Collegian defence held and there was no score at half-time. In the second half Collegians did most of the pressing with Jamie Boyd and Siggins prominent in forward rushes, but Lansdowne scored first when Morgan Crowe sent Fox over for a fine try. Undaunted, Collegians returned to the attack, Clark scored under the posts for Siggins to convert, and Collegians had won by two points. In the Senior Cup, after a match in which no quarter was given, Collegians just managed to beat Civil Service by six points to 3. thanks to a penalty try and a try by Mairs. In the semi-final it took two matches to beat Instonians, the first on a rain-soaked Ravenhill ending in a scoreless draw. In the re-play after ten minutes Siggins opened the score with a grand penalty goal, kicked from the touch-line. Collegians should have gone further ahead midway in this half when "Fry spreadeagled the field with a nice cut. May was up in support and receiving the ball endeavoured to draw Douglas but his pass was too hasty and Clark was bundled into touch". In fact, it was Instonians who scored next with a try by Geoff Goldsborough. In the second half Sammy Walker was prominent in several Instonian rushes, and after this Instonian pressure had eased, Fry set his threes in motion, May and Mairs handled quickly and "Lyttle received the final pass and finished up a brilliant 40-yard run with a try at the corner, hurling himself past Parsons and Douglas”. The match ended with Instonians attacking but Collegians winners by six points to three. In the final Queen’s won by ten points to three but the match will be mainly remembered, certainly from a Collegian point of view, from a rather arrogant decision by the referee. It happened in the second half. "With Queen's defending Sayers threw the ball quickly in at a line-out before the packs had lined up, and Siggins dashed away to touch down behind the posts. The touch judge's flag remained up and the try was not allowed - for what reason it was not clear. It seemed definitely unfair to Collegians, to whom a score at that stage of the game might have made a world of difference". Mr S Donaldson (Malone) was the referee.

During the next four seasons Collegians' record steadily deteriorated. In 1932-33 the 1st XV more or less held its own, but in 1933_3^ and 193^”35 the record showed four matches lost more than won for each year, whilst 193^~35 was fairly disastrous with only five matches won from a total of nineteen played. Yet, in seasons like these there are always some matches where Collegians rose to the occasion and gave a display which is worthy of rememberance. It is the writer's duty to record such matches. A recent example would be the Collegian victory at Bangor in the final match of the 1986-87 season.

Four of the better games of the 1932-33 season were all drawn, the matches being against Queen's, Lansdowne, NIFC and University College Cork. In the match against Queen’s the sun greatly helped in the Collegian score when Entrican, the Queen’s full-back, blinded by a high ball, failed to gather and Eric Jackson picking up smartly gave to Lyttle who scored midway between the posts and the corner flag. Siggins failed to convert. The Queen's score was a goal from a mark by R W (Dicky) Hewitt. A feature of the game was the duel between the rival scrum-halfs, Jack Calvert and A F ("Fruit") Turner. The match with Lansdowne, despite a continuous gale, provided an exciting and interesting game with the forwards of both sides giving their utmost. The Collegian pack dominated the scrums whilst the Lansdowne forwards, reduced to seven in the second half, excelled in the loose. The Collegian score came ten minutes after half-time when following some persistent play by the forwards, Mairs and Lyttle raced after a kick ahead and Lyttle, fortunate to get a lucky bounce of the ball, strode past the Lansdowne full-back for a try. Lansdowne gained their try in the first half when after Fox had handed off Clark and was flung into touch by Sayers, from the ensuing line-out, O'Reilly got the ball, took advantage of a hesitancy in the Collegian defence and sent Bailey over for a try. Despite a heavy ground at Ormeau, the match against North was full of action with a considerable amount of fast and open play. The Collegian score came after ten minutes when Eric May paved the way for his brother Iky May to score. Maurice Adams converted the try. Bill Loughrey scored and converted North's try before half-time. In the last match of the season University College Cork and Collegians scored two tries each. The first Collegian score came after fifteen minutes when Calvert broke away from a scrum, and Jack Lewis, up in support, scored far out. The second score came before half-time when in a UCC passing movement at midfield, Fry intercepted, eventually gave to Corken who passed to Eric May, who was hauled down a few yards from the line. In the melee which followed Ossie Glasgow forced his way over for a try. Lane and O ’Connor scored unconverted tries for UCC in the second half.

15 In the Senior Cup after a comparatively easy victory over Knock by 17 points to nil, Collegians lost to Malone in the semi-final by eight points to 3* In the Malone match Collegians, without Calvert, played Winston Brownrigg at scrum-half. He was very active and went down fearlessly to stop the rushes. A consolation to this season was the winning of the Hospital Cup seven-a-side competition for the second year in succession. In the final against Civil Service, "Service were leading by 13 points to 10 close on time when Fry broke away and ran three-quarters of the length of the field to score a try which he converted". Midway through the season Collegians lost the services of Victor Lyttle who had gone to England to a new job. Lyttle played for Harlequins, then Bedford and made three appearances for Ireland prior to the war.

The 1933-3*4 season was a rather mundane affair. Only two matches were won after Christmas though five were drawn. In a twenty point win over Civil Service, despite the continual rain and soft state of the ground, the Collegians backs handled well with Taylor sending out a good service, Sayers making the odd cut and Eric May giving the superb dummy. Dropped goals decided the cup matches. In the first round against Queen's Sayers dropped a goal ten minutes from time, inflicting on Queens their first defeat by an Ulster club since January 1932. The press considered this match was "a personal triumph for Jack Siggins. I have never seen him play a better game, his wonderful anticipation especially enabled him to cover up his backs in defence. Also, great credit to Corken for his hooking". In the semi-final a dropped goal by G A Maginnis for Civil Service decided the issue. Although not able to dominate the game, the Collegian forwards nevertheless got a fair supply of the ball. The backs had, as usual, plenty of chances of winning the game, and, as usual, they threw them away. The nearest chance to a Collegian score was when Jack Siggins, following up a kick ahead, was beaten by the bounce near the line. It was during this season that the half-back partnership of Mairs and Fry was seen again, not for the 1st XV but for the 3rd XV. Fry had been dropped and Mairs resurrected from the shelf. Both played through the season for the 3rd XV, led by the genial Herbie Mcllrath, and helped the side to win the Minor League Championship (Harden Cup) for the first time. Next season, Mairs, apart from half-a-dozen more matches, again retired whilst Fry joined another club and enjoyed several seasons of senior rugby again.

The 193^-35 season was a topsy-turvy one with Collegians defeating sides like Trinity, Queen's, NIFC and Wanderers and yet losing to much less fancied teams. The match against Wanderers at in January which Collegians won by 24-5 was a particularly gratifying affair. It was a match of superb back play by Collegians. It was played in Dublin against a strong Wanderers side, and it inflicted on Wanderers their first defeat of the season. "Jimmy Taylor, at out-half, had a memorable game, and with Eric May, took part in some sizzling movements whilst by half time Jack Siggins and his fellow forwards had completely subdued the Wanderers pack". Collegian tries were scored by Harry Christie (2), Eric May (2) and Taylor, two being converted by Billy Allen. In a game played under unpleasant conditions which evolved into a forward struggle. Collegians beat Bangor in the Senior Cup by nine points to nil. The semi-final match against North, Collegians chose as one of their off days. It is reckoned that Collegians had three-quarters of the game, yet were beaten by the convincing margin of twenty points to six. The Collegians forwards were superior to the North eight in the scrummages and gained ample possession to win the game, but the backs simply could not get going.

16 Taylor was inconsistent and Eric May's usual flair had deserted him with the result that the three-quarters never had any real chances. North, on the other hand, seized upon any opportunities that came their way, helped in the last twenty minutes by a certain hesitancy in the Collegians defence and when "Jock” Brownlee went off injured.

There is little to say about the 1935~36 season. Of the first thirteen matches, twelve were lost. The 13th match was the cup match against Instonians, lost by eleven points, but of the remaining six matches, four were won; a decided improvement on the first half of the season. In the cup against Instonians, Collegians put up a rugged resistance until the last fifteen minutes of the game. In fact, "up to that point a little more thrustful work in the middle by the Collegian backs would have been enough to turn to good account the scrummaging advantage of their fine set of forwards". But it was the old story too often repeated at this time, the Collegian forwards getting plenty of ball, the Collegian backs making plenty of mistakes. In that last quarter-of-an-hour the Instonian tries were scored by R W Hewitt, Gorman and McCombe.

After the rather dismal record of the previous season, 1936-37 turned out to be a most stimulating and encouraging one. Early in the season narrow but good victories were gained over Instonians, Lansdowne and Wanderers whilst in the Cup, Knock were beaten in the first round, Instonians in the semi-final, and the final lost to Queen's after extra time. In the semi-final of the cup, Instonians were six points up within six minutes, Edgar Lockett scoring two tries. They were still six points in the lead at half-time, but in the second half, after the Collegians forwards had achieved their main objective, that of wearing down the Instonian pack, Collegians took command of the game, and opened their scoring with a drop goal by Crochley Johnston. Then came a try after much unnecessary effort. Eric May cut through, got somewhat lost, lobbed the ball out to Shortt, who missed the pass but managed to kick the ball forward. Shortt, now joined by Johnston, threw himself towards the ball and whipped it out to Eric May. May, with two men outside him unmarked, elected to cut in, bore his way through, and though tackled near the line, managed to get the ball over for a try. Billy Allen converted and with an unconverted try towards time Collegians won by twelve points to six. This Collegian victory was one of tactics, in which they took scrums for their line-outs, and in which a splendid pack gradually but relentlessly took control. The final was a tense struggle which in extra time became rather the survival of the fittest as one player after another was treated for cramp. Queen's were strong favourites and held the initiative for most of the game but were unable to penetrate an obstinate and stubborn Collegian defence. After 80 minutes there was no score and then came extra time which was prolonged after each stoppage for cramp. In this strange atmosphere when all the players were awaiting the final whistle, Queen’s started a movement at midfield, the ball came across to Field who evaded the Collegians left-wing suffering from cramp, and Field when faced by Sayers, kicked over the full-back's head and the ball bounced perfectly for Stafford Dobbin to score a try which Harry McKibbin converted. Jack Siggins played to a standstill in this his last match. He led the pack by example and apart from his rousing and inspiring play in the loose revealed yet again his fine anticipation in defence. It was a grand swan song and with his retirement it was certainly the end of an era. All the forwards played a hard game with Galbraith all over the place, possibly too soon at times, and Allen and Glasgow showing up well. Sayers at full-back gave a mixed display, but showed plenty of pluck in defence. Shortt was the best of the three-quarters, where Eric May frustrated in attack by the close marking of the Queen's centres, put in some useful touch-finding kicks. The half-backs, Calvert and Johnston, solid in defence, did not quite hit it off in attack. After losing the first five matches at the beginning of the 1937-3& season, including for a change the southern games with Wanderers, Trinity and Lansdowne, Collegians lost five only of their remaining eighteen matches. Good wins were recorded over Queen’s Instonians, Bangor and Malone, but only one match was required in the Senior Cup when Malone won a close struggle by one point. The Instonians match at Bladon Drive in early January witnessed Collegians at their best. In the adverse conditions whilst Instonians endeavoured to open it up most of the time, Collegians kept it tight and this policy paid off. Sayers, playing in the unusual position of scrum-half, was a success and his tactical kicking was of much value. In the second half when Instonians launched attack after attack smart covering by the lighter and agile forwards and resolute tackling by all the backs prevented any scoring. The only score of the match came after fifteen minutes when following some loose play in midfield May kicked ahead and when Morrow, the Instonian full-back was caught in possession, Christie dribbled over the line for a try far out. Allen converted with a splendid kick. In the cup match with Malone at Ormeau for once the Collegians pack had to give way to the more thrustful and purposeful methods of the Malone eight. An open game was prevented by the spoiling and bustling tactics of both packs. Led by Glasgow the Collegian forwards had the measure of Malone in the set scrums but this advantage was nullified by a poor understanding between the half-backs. Despite this the Collegians threes looked the more dangerous line but several crucial dropped passes meant the difference between victory and defeat. After ten minutes Collegians took the lead when Shortt started a movement and Pedlow cross-kicked for Allen to gather and score at the posts. Allen converted his own try. Malone then took the lead with a penalty goal by Kidd and a try by Kirk, and this lead was further extended when following a Dancklefsen fly-kick Halliday scored. Towards the end Eric May after an evasive run scored at the corner, Pedlow just failed to convert with a good attempt, and Malone had won by nine points to eight.

As far as statistics prove, the 1938-39 season was the second best season of the decade and four southern clubs, Wanderers, Lansdowne, U.C.D. and Trinity, were defeated. The Senior Cup proved a disappointment when after a draw, Malone, as in the previous year, defeated Collegians by a single point. This season saw young players like Norman Grimshaw, Gordon Dudgeon and Norman Puree establishing themselves as regular 1st XV players. One of the best matches of the season was undoubtedly that against the Welch Regiment at Girdwood Park which Collegians won by 2k points to 15 points. One press report had the cheek to record that ’’Collegians astonished everyone by crossing the Welch Regiment's line six times”. It was an exciting and thrilling game from start to finish with ten tries scored, not because of any weakness in defence, but rather because of crisp handling and straight running. For the record the Collegians tries were scored by H J Beckett (3), Frank Galbraith (2) and Grimshaw. The above press reporter must have been more astonished exactly a month later when Collegians ran in eight tries against Civil Service, winning the match by three goals and five tries (30 points) to nil. In this match George Cromey, who had come down from Queen’s and had been the Irish out-half for two seasons, had a pleasant game, setting his three-quarters in motion. Frank Galbraith (k) Bobby Johnson (3) and H J (Joe) Beckett scored the tries. After the light entertainment and frolic of the above two matches let us consider the Senior Cup. The first match with Malone ended in a draw of six points each. Each side in turn just escaped defeat. In the last few minutes of ordinary time Collegians escaped when Best's penalty kick was only inches wide, and Malone escaped when in the second period of extra time Bobby Johnson should have made sure of an in-pass before being collared by the Malone full-back. Collegians’ two tries were scored by the rampaging Galbraith whilst Best kicked a penalty goal and Raw scored a try for Malone. In the replay at Ormeau Collegians were the first to score when after a break by Grimshaw and strong running by May, the irrepressible Galbraith was up in support to cross for a try at the posts. James Smith failed to convert and this was a crucial miss in a close game. After efforts by Best and McAlister, Shepherd from a scrum close to the line scored for Malone just before half-time. Best converted the try from near the touch-line, and Malone led 5~3* In the second half Malone went further ahead with a drop goal by McAlister, and with fifteen minutes to go Crochley Johnston cut through to the Malone "25" and sent Bobby Johnson in for a try, reducing the Malone lead to one point. From this point to the end of the game no quarter was given, Collegians could not break the Malone defence again, and Malone won by nine points to eight. This result certainly stressed the importance of goal-kicking. Collegians missed one in front of the posts, Malone landed one successfully from the touch-line! This last season before the war finished with an exciting draw with Instonians of 16 points each and a tour to the north-west of England where Millom were beaten 22-6, but as so often happens in a second tour match, Collegians lost the game to Kendal.


The one player who dominated this period was without question Jack Siggins. He dominated it by his meticulous play and by his very presence. He was a perfectionist both on and off the field. A master tactician he was recognised for his qualities of leadership by being chosen captain of Ireland for three seasons. He was a diligent scrummager, an efficient dribbler of the ball and was quick to seize opportunities to lead a rush. Yet the most lasting memory of him as a player will probably be his astute anticipation in defence as he dropped back to tackle an opponent or send a curling defensive kick into touch. After retirement he became a prominent administrator with forthright views and was a member of the International Board. In turn he was president of the Ulster Branch and of the IRFU and in 1955 was manager of the Lions team to South Africa. After Siggins, the two most capable forwards of this decade were probably Cecil Mullen and Frank Galbraith. Both were players who were always in the thick of things, lusting for action at all times. Mullen will best be remembered for his defensive work and in attack for his remarkable control of the ball. Galbraith, who could tackle with venom when required, was essentially an attacking player, very fit and with an astounding turn of speed, qualities which were revealed when a breakaway took place and the one player usually there in support was Galbraith. Frank Galbraith played with such zest and such passion that he gave you the feeling that the only game in the world worth playing was rugby football. It is sad to reflect that such a life was cut short in the early years of the war when Frank, on service with the RAF, died of fever in West Africa. Of the other forwards Tommy Corken specialised in hooking, and was such a good hooker that he eventually hooked for Ireland; Ossie Glasgow, who took over the hooking when Corken retired, and the leadership of the pack when Siggins retired, performed both jobs admirably and with credit; Billy Todd was a most intelligent and knowledgeable forward, and ironically, one of his most memorable days was, when headmaster of Rainey Endowed School, his school beat "Methody" in the final of the Ulster Schools Cup; Billy ("Pochie") Allen, tall and slim, could dribble the ball with perfection; whilst Tom Donaldson, though on the small side was very wiry and resourceful. He and Glasgow were later to become authoritative and competent referees. In any team there are always those forwards who do not particularly shine at any one aspect of forward play but are always reliable and solid players, enthusiastic and eager, and ever willing to give of their best. In this category one mentions Jamie Boyd, Noel Chapman, Douglas Cooper, Jack Lewis, R C Montgomery, Hughie McDowell, Jimmy Smith and Eric White. In a general survey the backs of this period were rather a disappointment. In match report after match report, especially of the later years, one reads how the forwards repeatedly got possession and how the backs squandered their chances. The full-back position was at first held by Victor Mullen, then by Norman ("Jock") Brownlee and lastly by Jack Sayers. Mullen was courageous and shrewd with a sound tackle; Brownlee, though somewhat slow, had good positional sense and cleared well; whilst Sayers, who played regularly for nine seasons and sometimes at centre three-quarter, was very plucky, fearless in stopping rushes and going for the high ball, but had a nervous streak which, at times made one anxious as he tried to extricate himself from a dangerous situation. Of the wing three-quarters Victor Lyttle was quick to seize upon the slightest chance, had a deceptive speed and evaded his opponent by a most effective hand-off which meant striking for his intending tackier's chin; Harry Christie, a schoolboy "soccer” international, apart from beating his opponent by going round him, also used his feet to good effect; R J ("Bobby") Johnson, resolute in defence, had good hands, and was a very smooth and polished runner with the ball; whilst Jimmy Shortt, also a staunch defender, was stockily-built and fast, extremely difficult to tackle, and effectively used the cross-kick.

At centre three-quarter were two of the best backs of the decade, Morris Carson and Eric May. Morris Carson, who unfortunately owing to injury retired early, had a grand smothering tackle which frequently took both man and ball, whilst in attack, he had good hands and had the knack of passing the ball to his wing at the right moment. In a sense he made Lyttle into the good wing he became. Eric May, who was a regular player throughout the decade, was the most thrustful of all the backs. His break was not so much a clear cut-through but one which depended on guile and.a quick side-step, and at times when he got into difficulties, on a wriggle and pure bodily strength. Other centre-three-quarters included Ken Kennedy, father of the Irish hooker of the 1960s and 1970s, advanced by the short burst and hand-off, whilst H J ("Joe") Beckett, after a rather unspectacular school career, blossomed into a strong running and evasive three-quarter. It must be said that the half-backs were the main cause of the Collegian back trouble during the thirties and no wonder! Not one half-back partnership was given a second chance. Beginning with Mairs (scrum-half) and Calvert (out-half) in 1929-30, you had in the years following, Mairs- Fry, Calvert-Fry, Calvert-May, Calvert-Sayers, Taylor-May, Kelly-May, Calvert-Johnston, Grimshaw-Johnston, and finally in 1938”39t Puree-May. The selectors of these years have a lot to answer for. The fly in the ointment seems to have been Jack Calvert, who, for some unaccountable reason, filled the scrum-half berth when a better scrum-half at times was available. Davy Mairs, in the early years and Jimmy Taylor in the later years, were both very sound and capable scrum-halves who performed the first duty of a scrum-half by sending out a fast and accurate service. Incidentally, they were both capable of the solo try from a scrum near the line. Don't get me wrong, Calvert was a very nippy and alert scrum-half and just as thrustful in 1937 as he was in 1925. but at times he was guilty of an erratic pass. Of the other half-backs of this period Crochley Johnston was sound in defence, made the occasional lightning break, but did not quite fulfill his early potential; Norman Puree was a most promising scrum-half in the last season before war broke out again. George Cromey displayed the virtues of an unselfish out-half who seldom scored a try himself but paved the way for many of his colleagues; Eric May has been mentioned, whilst Norman Grimshaw, already revealing his talents, will be mentioned in 19^5_55 decade.

Rugby continued at Collegians during the six seasons of the war. No competitive rugby was played and the Collegians teams of these years, like the other clubs throughout the province, were depleted by the members who joined His Majesty's Forces, and were scarcely up to normal senior club standard. The results of these years are not included in the official records. THE DECADE 19^5~55

Despite the austerity of the early years after the Second World War and Churchill’s warning of an Iron Curtain across Europe, these were exhilarating days. There was peace and hope for the years ahead. Princess Elizabeth married; young Charles was born within a year; the prestigious Festival of Britain took place; and above all, Everest was at last conquered. Collegians consistently improved from rather moderate sides to some of the best sides that ever represented the club. In the first five seasons 55 matches were won, *47 lost and 6 drawn. In the second five seasons 78 matches were won, 30 lost and 1*4 drawn. In those mercurial early 1950s the Senior League was won once, shared twice, and the Senior Cup was won in 1952.

After losing eight of their first ten matches in the first season, 19*45”^6, after the war Collegians considerably improved as the season progressed and won seven of their last twelve matches. In the first round of the Senior Cup, Civil Service were defeated by eleven points to nil. Collegians took some time to settle down, the forwards were getting possession but the passing of the backs was too often at fault. However, after a near attempt by Dornan, held up on the line, and Mason all over a scorer but kicked over the dead-ball line, Collegians scored twice before half-time. Farquharson cut through for a splendid solo try and Mason scored from a scrum close to the line. The only score of the second half was a try by Shipp. The semi-final with Instonians produced a tense and even forward struggle but the Collegian backs, with plenty of opportunities, took the wrong options and chances were wasted.

Instonians won by seventeen points to seven, the Collegian scores were a try by Mason and a dropped goal by Farquharson. An injury to Gordon Dudgeon in the first five minutes was a serious blow to Collegians.

In the 19*46-*47 season Collegians reversed the pattern of the previous year. Collegians lost only one match before the new year, but then lost five of their last ten matches. In the early period creditable victories were recorded over Instonians (1*4-6), Lansdowne (13-6), Malone (6-3 ) and Wanderers (11-10). In the Senior Cup Collegians defeated North in the semi-final by 17 points to 6; the pack, which gained good possession, was much livelier than the North eight in the loose. The Collegian half-backs were in sparkling form. Norrie Beattie, getting a plentiful supply of the ball and not much annoyance from the North forwards, sent out a quick and accurate pass, whilst ’’Chuck” Evans was in complete command at out-half and time after time sent North back with his well-judged kicking. Evans opened the Collegian score with a penalty goal, followed it with a second, then Norrie Beattie broke away and sent Wells in for a try. Evans goaled and Collegians led 11-nil at half-time. In the second half Tom Cromey scored a try after in-and-out passing by the forwards and Evans kicked another penalty goal. North staged a rousing rally in the last ten minutes, scored two tries, but their effort came too late, and Collegians won by seventeen points to six. In the final against Queen’s, Collegians, despite being without Ken Maguire and Evans both injured, led by eight points (11-3) with twenty minutes to go. Queen’s suddenly began to get the upper hand, their enterprising backs got more and more of the ball, scores soon followed and Collegians lost the match by five points. The winning score by was a typical, individualistic supreme Kyle effort. In a rather average season in 1947-48 Collegians never won more than two matches in succession. They were not consistent enough to be a powerful side. Better games produced wins over Instonians and Wanderers, both at Ravenhill. Despite a soft and slippery ground, the Wanderers match turned out to be quite an open game. Playing against a strong wind in the first half Collegians opened the scoring when a quick back movement ended with a try by Maguire which he also converted. Despite constant Wanderers pressure, Collegians held on to their lead at half-time. Within five minutes of the second half Robertson scored an unconverted try for Wanderers. End-to-end play followed and after another crisp movement by the Collegian backs Gordon Dudgeon was up to take the final pass from McKillen and score between the posts. Evans converted and Collegians won by ten points to three. Collegians played the up and coming CIYMS in the Senior Cup, and in a match they were expected to win, they were soundly beaten by seventeen points to four. The Collegian score was a dropped goal by Evans in the first half and at half-time Collegians led 4-0. The second half was all Cl as they ran in three tries.

1948-49 was a good season with eleven matches won and eight lost, and four of the defeats in a drab autumn to Queen's (twice). Trinity and Wanderers. In this much improved season North and Malone were beaten twice and significant wins were recorded over Lansdowne, Old Wesley and Glasgow Academicals, but the side lost to Instonians three times, including the Senior Cup match. In the second league match of the season, against North at Ormeau, interest was sustained throughout mainly because North always looked like they might produce that winning score in the last quarter of the game. Poor finishing by their backs and a sterling Collegian defence eventually denied them victory. Cromey hooked well for Collegians and Grimshaw used the touch-line to effective use. Collegian scores were two penalty goals by Evans. In the Senior Cup against Instonians at Ravenhill, Evans put Collegians ahead with a penalty goal after ten minutes. This lead was short lived when Kelly burst through some poor Collegians tackling and Dalzell converted. However, Evans kicked another penalty goal to put Collegians ahead by a single point. Collegians held on to this lead until ten minutes from time when after a Maguire effort for Collegians had been foiled, McRoberts scored for Instonians, winners by ten points to six.

The 1949“50 season was one of ups and downs, with a good beginning, a miserable middle patch, and then a grand finish except for the all important cup tie with Queen's. In the opening matches good wins were recorded over North, Selkirk, Civil Service, City of Derry, Wanderers and Instonians, with defeats by Dungannon and Queen's. Two draws were next, followed by four defeats, losing in turn to Lansdowne, Queen's, Old Wesley and Trinity. During the grand finish substantial wins were recorded over Malone (21-0), CIYMS (17-3). North (18-8) and Manchester (16— 3)• In the first match with North at Ravenhill there was too much aimless kicking which was rather futile as both full-backs, Billy Lavery for Collegians and Jim Hamilton for North, displayed superb positional sense. Collegians went ahead in half-an-hour when Evans kicked a penalty goal and maintained this lead until five minutes from "no-side” when Greer intercepted for North and McKee scored near the posts. A Greer conversion and North were ahead by two points. But all was not over. Collegians stormed into the North half and in a hectic finish Bruce Millar broke through for a try which Evans converted with the last kick of the match, and Collegians had won by eight points to five. In the Senior Cup match against Queen's, Collegians found the Queen's backs, spearheaded by Kyle and Henderson in scintillating form, and though the Collegian forwards more than held their own,the backs, despite the chances, never looked like scoring. Queen's won by twenty points to eleven; the Collegian points were two penalty goals and a conversion by Evans and a try by Ronnie Gilliland. In 1950-51 after the most successful season for several years when Collegians, led by Ronnie Gilliland, shared the League Championship with Instonians and when fourteen matches were won to seven lost, they were unfortunate to lose to North in the Senior Cup after a re-replay. The season began with the re-opening of Deramore Park by Charlie Neill, the club benefactor and for over fifty years honorary secretary. The match which followed was played against North and Collegians won comfortably by nine points to nil. Despite near efforts by Kingsmore and Lowry there was no score at half-time. In the second half Evans opened the scoring with a penalty goal and later, tries were added by Joey Kingsmore and Arthur Hill.

An exciting and typical league game took place at Deramore with Instonians in November. Midway through the first half, which was evenly contested, Evans put Collegians ahead with a fine penalty goal from 35 yards out. After half-time Instonians began to take control and following a good passing bout Dalzell, making the extra man, scored far out. Five minutes later Kelly broke away, the ball went loose near the posts and McCourt was up for a try which McKibbin unbelievably failed to convert. Nevertheless, Instonians were ahead by three points, but not for long. Collegians came back and after a neat Evans kick ahead Alfie Jamison was up for the touch-down. Evans converted and Collegians now led by two points. There was more to come. After containing persistent Instonian pressure for some time, Collegians forwards brought play into the Instonian half, and Evans, ever in the picture, broke away on the blind side, and ignoring his left wing, cut inside to send the ever alert Gordon Dudgeon over for an unconverted try. This was all the scoring and Collegians had won by eleven points to six. After a lapse early in the new year when Collegians lost to Old Wesley, Queen's and .Trinity, the side regained its winning vein, went on a successful Scottish tour with a win over Kelso and a draw with Selkirk, and then met Instonians in the first round of the Senior Cup. At half-time in this cup match Collegians, with a strong wind behind them, only led by three points, and an Instonian win looked very probable. But the Collegian forwards again rose to the occasion, gradually mastered the Instonian pack and Collegians eventually won by eleven points to three. Collegians scores were tries by Dornan (2) and Kingsmore and a conversion by Ritchie. Before the semi-final with North, Collegians defeated Malone to give them a share of the League with Instonians. In this closely contested championship, only two points separated the first four teams, Collegians and Instonians finished on 16 points each, Queens on 15 and Civil Service on 14. In the first match with North in the cup semi-final, which ended in a draw of three points each, the Collegian forwards never gained complete control and Cromey, for once, was out-hooked by his opposite number. When the Collegians backs did move into attack, they met with a solid and stubborn North defence. The scores were a penalty goal by Ritchie for Collegians, and a Connolly try for North. Collegians lost the re-play by three points to nil, being unfortunate to lose the services of Evans in the first half. Collegians, certainly, went down fighting. According to a press report "a tremendous Collegian revival took place in the last 15 minutes, the forwards storming the North line with Dudgeon, Cromey, Calderwood and Bell to the fore, and more than one try was narrowly averted by a combination of desperate defence, luck and bad handling". Collegians should have drawn in the last minute but Ritchie missed an easy penalty. The season 1951“52 was one of great tidings. The ’’double" of the Senior League and the Senior Cup was achieved. Eighteen matches were won and three lost, the blots on the escutcheon being to those Instonians in the second fixture of the season to Old Wesley after the festivities of the New Year, and to a strong Birkenhead Park side in April. Ronnie Gilliland's team was a powerful side, expertly led, and a successful combination of experience and youth. Yet, this team with "all the talents" were given the fright of their lives by Armagh, then a junior club, in the second round of the Senior Cup. It will be debated for some time to come which of the Collegians teams within living memory was the greatest. Was it this team of Ronnie Gilliland’s or the 1961-62 side of Mervyn Piggott or the 1982-83 team of Wes Kettyle? Whatever team it was, and one hesitates to pronounce a judgment, there is no doubt that this 1951-52 side was one of the best-balanced and best-equipped sides that Collegians ever produced. One of the best matches played by Collegians that season was the final match in the League against Queen's when a nine-nil win gave them the championship.

It was "the most dazzling display of club rugby seen this season. Seldom in the game did Queen’s look like scoring, though they held the Collegians team throughout the second half. Behind a great pack, of whom Bell and Hunter were the best, Lapsley, star of the match, and Evans fed their three-quarters flawlessly from the loose scrums". And in that three-quarter line Hill and Hart, the Collegian centres, outshone their opposite numbers, an international pair. The Collegian tries were scored by Jamison, Hill and Lapsley. Hill's try was after Kingsmore had run half the length of the field and in the tackle managed to scoop the ball back to,the waiting centre.

In the cup competition Collegians defeated Portadown somewhat easily in the first round by five goals and five tries (40 points) to nil. Despite the rain at Deramore Collegians played an open game, passing the ball around at all times. The Collegian tries were scored by Kingsmore (4), Hill (4), Paterson and Hart. The five conversions were shared by Lowry (2), Jamison, Gilliland and Evans. In the second round tie at Bladon Drive, the junior club Armagh, playing a fourth match in eight days, held Collegians at bay until ten minutes from the end when after a Kingsmore run on the left, Evans picked up an inside pass to score an unconverted try, the only score of the match. Collegians got plenty of the ball but made little use of it. The Armagh pack, quite lively in the loose but beaten in the tight, played to a standstill, and though this match was one of lack of enterprise and bad finishing by the Collegians backs, one must give full marks to a rugged and solid Armagh defence. After this scare Collegians met Instonians in the semi-final at Ravenhill and after another tense, closely-contested typical old boys' match, Collegians won by a penalty goal, kicked by Evans, to nil. Collegians forwards, back to their normal and commanding form, gradually wore down the Instonians pack. The Collegians forwards were well nursed by Evans, who did a lot of intelligent and positive touch kicking. Both lines had narrow escapes, when Cameron and Jamison for Collegians, and McDowell, Browne and Martin for Instonians all went close. Martin looked all over a scorer when Ewart Bell, thundering across the field, crashed him into touch at the corner flag.

Unfortunately, for Collegians, Ewart Bell was injured in the saving tackle and missed the final against Queen's The final was another match in which Collegians left the will to win precariously late. With just seven minutes to go Queen's led by a penalty goal kicked by in the first half. Then quite suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly the game swung round in Collegians favour. Following a Collegians attack, in which the forwards were prominent Queen's were penalised and "Chuck" Evans kicked a penalty goal. With less than five minutes remaining Collegians, sensing victory, swarmed into the Queen's half, and from a set scrum, Lapsley passed immediately and Evans wriggled his way through for an historic try. Evans also converted and Collegians had won by eight points to three. This was no mean performance against a Queen's team which included such match winning players as Jackie Kyle, Noel Henderson and Cecil Pedlow. A tribute to this side stated: "The forwards have been the strongest pack in the province throughout the season and Evans has been outstanding at out-half, while Lavery has been sound at full-back and the three quarters have done much useful work".

The 1952-53 side was another competent combination but did not quite maintain the momentum of the previous season. Eighteen matches were won, and seven lost, but in the cup, after decisively defeating Instonians in the semi final, they unexpectedly lost to CIYMS in the final, albeit after extra time. Quite substantial wins were recorded over Civil Service (19~6), Queens (18—3)* Dungannon (1^-3) and in Dublin, Wanderers (I5-6) and Old Wesley (11-3) were both beaten. The match against Queen’s at Ravenhill saw Collegians give one of their best performances of the season. Collegians attacked from the start and after Bobby Hart had intercepted, he broke two tackles, Slader was up in support and crossed for a grand try which Murphy converted. After Queen's gained an unconverted try, Collegians renewed the pressure and from a line out close to the corner flag Bates scrambled over for a try. Murphy converted with an excellent kick. End-to-end play followed and in one powerful Queen’s attack, Freddie Hunter and Joey Kingsmore were prominent in defence with timely tackles. Turning round 10-3 ahead, Collegians went further ahead with quite a remarkable score. After Hart was just wide with a drop at goal, John Smith marked the drop out and unbelievably his kick at goal from forty yards out went over. Collegians maintained their grip on the game and Lapsley, breaking on the blind, gave to Eric Lowry who swerved past the Queen's wing and crossed at the corner. Murphy converted with another stupendous kick. In the Senior Cup in a tough battle with Malone Collegians won 6-3» then defeated a spirited but not skillful enough Donaghadee 20-0 in the second round. The semi-final was against Instonians and a typical tussle lasted until ten minutes from the finish when, uncharacteristically, Instonians literally collapsed and Collegians ran out decisive winners by seventeen points to six. Collegians went ahead in six minutes when a fumble in the Instonians centre allowed Graham to kick the ball over the line for Bell to drop on it for a try, but Evans missed an easy goal-kick. Instonians then settled down, were more dangerous than Collegians and with two Dalzell penalty goals led at half-time by six points to three. The second half witnessed a terrific contest between the forwards and relentless tackling by the backs. Eventually, Collegians drew level when following good tactical kicking by Evans, the same player then cross-kicked to the far right where Eric Lowry picked the ball up in one movement and dashed over for a try. The battle continued until the last ten minutes when Collegians heeled from the loose and Evans sent Lowry in for his second try and Collegians led Almost immediately Young scored Collegians' fourth try and before time Willoughby Wilson broke away and the opportunist Freddie Hunter was up to touch down for the final score. After this splendid victory came the fiasco of the final when Collegians, very strong favourites, lost to CIYMS by nine points to six. The scores were level at "no-side", Evans kicking a penalty goal and Hill scoring a try for Collegians. Two minutes from the end of extra time Kerr dropped a goal for Cl. The Collegian forwards secured good possession but it was the fire and liveliness of the Cl pack in the loose which was a deciding factor. They broke quickly, harassed the Collegian half-backs, with the result that the three-quarters had few chances. Also, when Cl got the ball, thanks to the quick heeling of Ernie Davis, the backs were well served by David McKee at scrum-half.

2.5 After losing two of their first three matches the 1953~5^ side played the next seventeen matches without being beaten, gaining good wins over Malone, Wanderers, CIYMS, NIFC and Trinity, but lapsed towards the end of the season, losing three of their last five matches, including the cup match with Queen’s. The side, however, shared the Senior League with Queen's.

For the Wanderers fixture at Ravenhill, Collegians were without Bell, Gilliland and Hart, but the team rose to the occasion. The forwards eventually gained superiority and the backs, where John Law and David Reid were prominent, played with purpose and thrust. The first Collegian try came after ten minutes when Lowry sent Law in for a score which Evans converted. Collegians increased their lead five minutes later when Evans broke clean away and Hill scored. Notley kicked a penalty goal for Wanderers. Collegians attacked for most of the second half but there was no further scoring and Collegians won by eight points to three. The match with CIYMS at Ravenhill ended in a Collegian victory by a penalty goal and three tries (12 points) to nil.

Collegians pressed early in the first half and after valiant attempts by Lowry and Jamison had been foiled, John Law cut clean through and sent David Reid in for a try near the corner. Ten minutes later Collegians went further ahead when David Reid this time made a cut inside and passed to Jamison, and after several other forwards had handled Slader rounded off a really good movement with a try midway between the posts and the corner flag. For the second time Evans missed the conversion but just before half-time he landed a penalty goal from thirty yards out. Collegians gained their third try in the second half when Hunter initiated a dribble, kicked over the line for Jamison to score. In the Senior Cup Collegians were defeated by Queen's by eight points to nil. The match was lost in the first half when Collegians, with a strong wind behind them, did not use it to advantage and failed to score. In the second half, with more open rugby played, Collegians still had their chances but the centres, instead of letting the ball out to their wings, indulged in the kick ahead with negative results. Ewart Bell, who played for Ireland this season, was responsible for two thrilling charges down the field, but lack of adequate support threw away two very possible scores.

In 195^-55 after a disastrous start in which five of the first seven matches were lost. Collegians gradually improved, gaining good wins over Ballymena (16-3) and Old Belvedere (16-9) in the process. In the cup after struggling against two junior sides, Collegians were again beaten by Queen's. The Ballymena match at Deramore in early January produced some quite spectacular rugby with both sides prepared to throw the ball about. The Collegian forwards dominated the scrum and line-out and the backs were not slow to make the most of their opportunities. After early Ballymena pressure, when a break through by Bonnar just failed to bring a score, Collegians took up the attack, and in a passing movement David Reid suddenly switched direction, gave to Evans, who sent Ruddell through for a score. Evans converted with a splendid kick from the touch-line. Next, Evans made an opening for Hart, who had a clear run for the line. Collegians continued relentlessly and scored a third try after Lavery had linked up with his three-quarters and paved the way for a score by David Reid at the corner. The game continued fast and open in the second half, with Ballymena having more of the play and their efforts were rewarded with a drop goal by Lynn. Collegians, however, finished on a high note when David Reid intercepted, and after in-and-out passing among the Collegian forwards, Slader rounded off with a superb try. Evans goaled and Collegians won an absorbing match by sixteen points to three.

6 Another hair-raising and exciting match took place at Deramore with the visit of Old Belvedere in March. The first half was all Belvedere with two penalty goals by Hackett and a try by Connell, with the guile and skill of Tony O ’Reilly and Kevin Quinn continually troubling the Collegian defence. In the second half the superiority of the Collegian forwards soon resulted in points. First, from a scrum near the Old Belvedere line Lapsley slipped across at the corner followed by a try by the left wing Ruddell. Hackett missed two penalties and Collegians, lucky to be only three points down, renewed the attack, and Jamison scored at the corner after a thrilling run by Eric Lowry. Evans converted from the touch-line and Collegians led by two points. Near the close from a "25" drop-out by Quinn, the ball was quickly fielded by Jim Donaldson, who made for the line and scored at the corner. Evans converted with another super kick to give Collegians victory by sixteen points to nine. The cup matches were a story of frustration. A senior side of the calibre of this Collegian one should normally beat a junior side by some fifteen or twenty points. But BRA (FP) and Strabane were not normal junior sides, at least not on the day they met Collegians. In the first round against BRA (FP) the juniors led by three points, a drop goal by Nash, with only fifteen minutes to go. Collegians managed to scrape home with two penalty goals by Evans. At Strabane in the second round, a lively home pack and a sturdy defence kept Collegians at bay for most of the match. Collegians eventually won by a solitary try scored by John Law. In the semi-final against Queen’s "Collegians gave one of their best displays and were on top for most of the game. The Collegian forwards were quick and lively and had more of the ball from the scrums, but Queen’s did better at the line-out and were faster behind the scrum”. A high standard of play was maintained throughout the first half, with Collegians the more enterprising side, and their centres, Hart and Law, a constant menace to the Queen’s defence. Despite much pressure, the only Collegian score was a penalty goal kicked by Evans. The second half opened with a missed drop by Glass and a missed penalty by Gregg, but before the end of normal time Gregg landed a penalty. Extra time was played and just as it was expiring Queen’s began a back movement in their own half; the ball reached McLean, the wing who raced down to the Collegians full-back, kicked past him and touched down for the winning score. Gregg converted and Queen's won by eight points to three. THE PLAYERS 19^5 - X95 5

The first decade after the Second World War produced an abundant supply of extremely talented and capable players. The full-back position was filled at various times by Grimshaw, Murphy and Lavery. Norman Grimshaw, whose best playing days would probably have been those years interrupted by the war, was a hard and ruthless player. He gave and expected no quarter; a forceful and determined runner, he fielded cleanly and was adept at making use of the touchline. He was most reliable when the contest was keen. Gerry Murphy, because of his clerical and Army commitments only played one regular season but his few appearances revealed distinct class which earned him a place on the Irish side. Billy Lavery, doyen of Collegian administrators and the obvious successor to the mantle of first Charlie Neill and then Cecil Smylie, was a reliable full-back, who gave total commitment, noted for his courage, his sure fielding, his intelligent positional sense and his long range kicking particularly with his left foot.

The wing three-quarters included Kingsmore, Lowry, Hill, Cromie and McKillen. Joey Kingsmore was very fast and a hard tackier, and if he was not getting much of the ball, which did happen with the Gilliland-Evans tactics, he looked for it himself even to the extent of mixing it with the forwards. Eric Lowry, an elusive well-balanced and deceptively fast runner, with an elegant smooth stride, had football sense and was a much under-rated player. Arthur Hill, an Old Wesley College boy, was a dour player with a quick change of direction and a robust and crashing tackle. The other wings who played for two full seasons were the unpredictable and colourful Gary Cromie and Eric ("Curly”) McKillen, who emigrated to Canada and became a representative referee. The centre three quarters were Hart, Maguire and Kenning with Lowry and Hill, normally wings, occasionally filling the position. Bobby Hart, a natural ball player who "never flinched a tackle", was a most aggressive and determined player both in attack and defence; he had a sound knowledge of the game, was quick to see an opening and revelled in bursting through weak tackles. Ken Maguire was an enigma. He was a much talented athlete and a superb ball player. In his day probably the best three quarter in the province, he could have gone much further but did not fulfill his obvious potential because he was difficult to motivate and lacked sustained dedication. Alec Kenning, another deceptively fast runner, was said to "ghost past opponents".

There was virtually only one out-half throughout this period, the incomparable "Chuck" Evans, "the smallest, the greatest". During the nine seasons from 19^6-47. to 195^“55 Collegians played 209 matches and Evans occupied the out-half position on no less than 19^ occasions. He was shrewd, skilful and intelligent, kicked judiciously and was proficient at nursing his forwards. He was also sharp on the inside cut, and at times, though not often, of slipping through on an individual burst. He was a general who controlled many a game. Evans also made sure of an effective understanding with his scrum-halves, who, in turn, were Beattie, Wilson and Lapsley. Norrie Beattie, fearless in defence, was an arch-schemer at his best when things were difficult and concentrated on sending out short but accurate passes; whilst Willoughby Wilson, also fearless in defence, depended more on the long pass, was selective in his break, used the touch-line effectively and was also a dependable place kicker. Joss Lapsley, a most knowledgeable player, was a hard competitor and an excellent serving scrum-half. He and Evans had an instinctive knowledge of each other's play and were the keypin of Collegian back play for five seasons.

9 «. & Coming to the forwards there were some powerful and strong men in those halcyon days, players who gave their utmost and none more so than Ronnie Gilliland, captain of the winning cup team of 1952. One of rugby’s creative thinkers, Ronnie was a dedicated student of the game, a master tactician, a stylist and an inspiring leader, always thinking how best to motivate his players. He later became an international referee. Gilliland was a second-row forward and with him at times were Cameron, Calderwood, Paterson and Bates, all of robust physical stature and all competent line-out jumpers. The names that occupied the front row were Dudgeon, Cromey, McConnell, Young, Smith, Slader and Bridges. Gordon Dudgeon, who also played before the war, was a shrewd, silent forward, a remarkably alert support player and renowned as the protector of young and innocent players coming into the pack. Tom Cromey, of impeccable behaviour, apart from being a fast striking hooker, often on the Irish substitutes bench but unfortunate to be contemporary with Carl Mullen, was an excellent dribbler of the ball, especially on muddy pitches. Bertie McConnell, who made the Irish side, was a first-rate scrummager, solid as a rock, and lively in the loose. R C Young affectionately known as ’’Arsie” was a dour, determined player, who took over from Cromey as hooker, and was surprisingly fast in open play. John Smith, a strong tough forward, who also played for Ireland before emigrating to Canada, was notoriously short-sighted and on one occasion is said to have tackled a touch-judge. The uncompromising Bert Slader was a fit and very active forward, with a panache of being up in support and finishing off a movement with a well taken try. The jovial and unperturable Barry Bridges, who played most of his rugby with Queen’s was a very solid scrummager. In the back row the most regular trio during these years were Bell,. Jamison and Hunter. Ewart Bell, the ultra-perfectionist, was an excellent all-round forward who played for Ireland, and is remembered for his breath-taking breakaways, for his ”ankle-low pincer-like tackles’’, for his complete dedication and assiduous training. Alfie Jamison, a hard-working, reliable and uncanny ball player, was an expert lock and often there in support, and after his playing days were over became an international referee. Freddie Hunter, the perpetual life and soul of any side, both on and off the field, was totally fearless, a grand coverer distinguished for his spectacular tackles. Somewhat accident prone Freddie seemed to recover with amazing quickness. Of the others, Matt Neely, another Irish player but a regular for only one season, was a hard and uncompromising player; Sam Dornan, an uncanny dribbler of the ball; and Bertie Todd, of acute football sense, revelled in the rough and tumble, and whose career was interrupted by the war. THE DECADE 1955-1965

This decade was full of drama and sensation beginning with the Suez crisis and ending with the arrival of American troops in Vietnam, and in between punctured by the Cuban crisis, man rocketed into space, Kennedy assassinated, the sound of the Beatles and British television viewers transfixed by BBC’s ’’That Was the Week That Was”. It was also the period of Macmillan's government with his confident assurance that "you never had it so good”. In a sense Collegians never had it so good. In this decade they won over JO percent of their matches, winning the Senior League (twice) the Senior Cup (twice), and in junior rugby the Junior Cup (twice), the McCrea Cup (twice) and the Junior League.

The 1955-56 season was quite remarkable from a statistical point of view. After winning eleven of their first twelve matches this Collegians side could only win one match after Christmas, though one must add there were four draws in this later period. Despite this debacle in the new year the Senior League championship was gained. Collegians began their league programme in grand style defeating in turn Queen's (13”3). Ballymena (9“3) and North (6-3)* la the Queen’s match the students won most of the scrums but the backs were unable to capitalise on their possession because of a solid Collegians defence. In attack, "Eric Lowry and Ken Maguire looked the most dangerous backs on the field whilst the full-backs, Jimmy McKelvey of Queen’s and Billy Lavery of Collegians, were consistently good”. In the first half Dion Glass kicked a penalty goal for Queen's and "Chuck" Evans converted a try by Ian Kennedy for Collegians. After half-time Lowry and John Law added further tries for Collegians. Against Ballymena at Ravenhill whilst Ballymena were better at the line-out and held their own in the scrums, Collegians were cleverer in the open and Lapsley and Evans thrived in a sparkling partnership and their knowledge of each others' play was often apparent. Evans and Maguire kicked a penalty goal each for Collegians, whilst Maguire made the opening which led to a try by Sailes on the wing. Before one of the largest attendances of the season at Ormeau, Collegians beat North by two tries to one. It was a match of tremendous pace with keen and hard tackling throughout. John Law, displaying enterprise, scored both tries for Collegians whilst Chambers scored for North. The match resolved into an exciting duel at half-back between Evans and Lapsley of Collegians and Orr and Eric Kyle of North. On the day "Evans and Lapsley had the greater understanding". In the Senior Cup Collegians narrowly lost to Instonians by a goal to a try. It was unfortunate that Collegians were without their regular centres, Maguire and Law. In the circumstances Collegians put up a tremendous fight and led by three points, an Evans penalty, at half-time. With less than fifteen minutes to go, Instonians put on the pressure, Gordon kicked high towards the goal posts where in a scramble Brown got the touch down, McKibbin converted and Instonians, holding on to their lead, won by two points.

The 1956-57 season, a moderate enough one, saw the arrival of Dion Glass from Queen's, the departure of "Chuck" Evans, the absence of Ken Maguire through injury, and the obvious potential of young players like Mervyn Piggot and "Dougie" Irwin, already beginning to establish themselves on the 1st XV. Four more matches were won than lost this season, and after two cup wins over Queen's and Malone, the side went down rather lamentably to Instonians in the semi-final. Before Christmas, Collegians had beaten Instonians at Ravenhill by five points to nothing. The Collegians score came about when Hart kicked the ball over the Instonian line, Stanley Hewitt attempted to kick the ball dead, missed and Harvey near at hand had no difficulty in touching down for a try which Morrison converted. "The key man in the Collegians back line was Hart at outside-half, his tactical kicking was excellent all through and he made one or two darting runs which nearly carried him clear". The first round cup match against Queen's was considered a surprise result.

30 It was a somewhat ferocious match with neither side giving anything away. Penalty goals decided the match, Glass kicking two for Collegians, and McKelvey one for Queen’s. Owing to a sound second half display Collegians beat Malone in the next round by six points to three. The Collegians score came shortly before half-time when a long cross-kick by Glass was gathered smartly by Hart who touched down for a try. Before this Bradley had kicked a penalty goal for Malone and when it seemed that the match might end in a draw, from a scrum in front of the posts, Lapsley sent a quick pass to Glass who neatly dropped a goal. In the semi-final Instonians won easily by twelve points to nil in a game in which John Hewitt was allowed too much scope and in which ’’the Collegians forwards paved the way for better things but the backs failed to respond”.

The 1957-58 side, captained by the irrepressible Freddie Hunter, won more matches than they lost and had a particularly good run after Christmas when Ballymena (23-10), Malone (13~3) Old Belvedere (24-3) Civil Service (8-5 ) and Trinity (8-6) were beaten in consecutive matches. After a draw in a second match with Ballymena, a defeat against Wanderers in Dublin, wins over Queen's and BRA (FP) and a successful Scottish tour, the season finished with another flop against Instonians in the Senior Cup. On the Scottish tour Earlston were beaten 10-6 and Selkirk by 16-5 . The Selkirk game was distinguished by a good performance from the Collegian half-backs, Robin Good and Mervyn Piggot. Piggot at out-half showed remarkable speed and made innumerable openings for his three-quarters. The Collegian forwards controlled the game from the line-outs where "the height of A Jamison, K Reid and J Donaldson had a telling effect and Selkirk’s chances were well cut off". The Collegian tries were scored by Slader, Jamison and Harvey (2), Morrison converting two. Five days later, after this splendid result and characteristic Selkirk hospitality, Collegians met Instonians in the Senior Cup and went down by nine points. To play a cup match a few days after a tour seems rather suicidal.

The 1958-59 season was unfortunately featured by a continued spate of injuries. However, the reserve strength responded very creditably and in the period from mid November to early February, eight successive matches were won, including a clear-cut win over Lansdowne at Ravenhill by sixteen points to eight. It was a strange match in which the Collegian forwards were beaten for possession yet three tries were scored, all by forwards. The match was won mainly because the Lansdowne backs were too individualistic and too selfish, and when their movements broke down the Collegians backs and forwards were quick to seize upon any opportunity which arose. The Collegian tries were scored by Ben Megarry, Good and Donaldson. Glass, who converted two tries, also dropped a goal. In the first round of the Senior Cup BRA (FP), a junior side, were beaten in the final minutes of the game by eight points to five. Then came the second round match with Instonians which Instonians won by 22 points to 5* Yet again, that will-of-the-wisp, John Hewitt, was the scourge of Collegians, this time to the tune of three dropped goals and a try. John Law, who had a difficult task as captain throughout the season, was unable to play in this match.

The 1959-60 side, captained by Jimmy Donaldson, had a really good season, and on paper, a much better record than the cup winning side of 1961. Only five matches were lost and three of these in an extraordinary lapse in mid-winter. Of the first nine matches, seven were won and two drawn, and of the last ten matches only one was lost - unfortunately, that was in the cup match against North.

31 Convincing wins were gained over Selkirk (24-9). Clontarf (27~11), Palmerston (19-3). Trinity (14-6) Dungannon (I6-5) and Old Wesley (25-11). Against Trinity at College Park, Collegians, after being behind twice, levelled the scores for the second time and were being pressurised by a sprightly Trinity back line when suddenly the whole course of the match was changed. In a Trinity attack, Eric Lowry, gambling on success, went for an intercept at halfway, made it and raced away to score behind the posts for an easy Glass conversion. Glass increased the Collegian lead with a penalty goal near the end. In the first round of the Senior Cup, after surviving a scoreless mudlark at the Mall against Armagh, Collegians scrambled through the replay to win by eight points to three. In this match at Deramore there was no score at half-time but not long after the break Piggot broke loose for a splendid try. Next, Gray kicked a penalty goal for Armagh to level the scores. Repeated Collegian attacks were rebuffed, but eventually the gallant Armagh defence was broken when Dawson McConkey, in a forward melee, burst over for a try, converted by Glass. The semi-final against North was a scrappy affair and Collegians never really settled down. North went into an early lead with a penalty goal by Noel Henderson and increased their lead with a converted try by Stewart. Collegians’ only score was a try in the second half by Piggot.

The 1960-61 side, captained by the modest, unflappable David Reid, failed to keep up a promising start in the Senior League, but in a whirlwind finish to the season, carried off the Senior Cup. In the five cup matches Collegians scored 67 points against six. In the first round tie with the City of Derry at Deramore, with, the wind behind them and playing with juvenated spirit, Derry held Collegians remarkably well and were only five points down at half-time. The second half, however, was another matter when the superior skill of the home side resulted in fives tries and a convincing win by 24 points to three. Lindsay Taylor (3), Jimmy Palmer, John Keepe, and David Reid scored the Collegian tries, Glass converting three of them. In the second round Collegians came through rather easily with a 22 points to nothing victory over Civil Service. Donaldson, Glass, Reid and Keepe scored the Collegians tries. Glass converted two and also kicked two penalty goals. Next, came the semi-final matches with Instonians. After a rather dull first match which ended in a scoreless draw, the replay began with persistent Instonian pressure, but midway in the opening half a sudden Collegians attack finished with a superb try by Cyril Sinclair, Glass converted and from that moment Collegians took control of the game. ’’They played fast, intelligent football and were unrecognisable from their previous efforts, particularly the forwards who were co-ordinated and sustained”. Just before half-time, after John Hewitt had sold two dummies, Lindsay Taylor intercepted outside the Instonians ”25" and raced on for a simple try which Dion Glass converted. Collegians’ third try came in the second half when Ben Megarry put Dougie Irwin over. Glass again converted and Collegians finished winners by three goals (15 points) to nil. At half-time in the final against Ballymena, Collegians were three points down, owing to the dominance of the Ballymena pack and in particular to the impressive line-out work of Willie John McBride and Ian Dick. The Ballymena try took place when Ken Scotland, the Scottish international, sent Maurice McCord in at the corner. Collegians were a transformed team in the second half, their pack playing with galvanised gusto, getting more of the ball, and frequently harassing the Ballymena half-backs, Scotland and Jonathan Moffett, into repeated mistakes. Robin Wilson’s cover of Ken Scotland was complete and uncompromising. The result was growing confidence in the handling by the backs and inevitably the scores came. Both the Collegians tries were scored by John Keepe. The first was due to strong and determined running when opponents were nonchalantly brushed aside, and his second try was after a break by Dion Glass and then a thrilling sprint of some forty yards. There was no further scoring and Collegians had won by two tries to one.

33. The 1961-62 side, captained by Mervyn Piggot, a born and most audacious leader, had a tremendous season and finished with the coveted "double” of the Senior League and the Senior Cup. Add to these, the unique and superb performance of the 2nd XV, captained by the shrewd and dedicated Norman Eccles, in winning the Junior Cup, the Junior League and the McCrea Cup. The 1st XV won twenty matches, lost three and drew four, finishing their League programme undefeated. The success of the team, apart from strong leadership, was an infectious team spirit and a positive approach. The forwards hunted together and the backs ran with confidence and power. Collegians entered the cup competition with a certain apprehension having lost to North the week before, but this defeat was quickly forgotten as they annihilated Civil Service at Stormont by three goals and five tries (30 points) to nil. Their confidence and ability had returned in no uncertain manner. The eight Collegian tries were scored by Reid (2) , Glass (2), Taylor, Sinclair, Morrison and Brown. In the semi-final against Ballymena the score was three points each at half time. Dougie Irwin scored an unconverted try for Collegians and Jonathan Moffett kicked a penalty goal for Ballymena. The game, which was tense, was evenly contested for most of the second half. Collegians had one good chance when Dougie Irwin about to cross the line lost possession when handing off an opponent. Ballymena held out until ten minutes from time when a kick ahead by Robin Good was quickly followed up, and after passing by Stanley Jackson, Mervyn Piggot and Bill Brown, the last-named cut inside for a try. Ballymena were far from finished and gave Collegians some anxious moments but the Collegian defence survived. In fact, in the last minute, Collegians were presented with a try when Dion Glass charged down a kick by Robin Gregg, the Ballymena full-back, and sprinted round to score behind the posts for a try which he also converted, leaving Collegians winners by eleven points to three. The press headline of the final against Queen's was "Collegians never in danger of defeat" and this was the case as the more experienced, skilful and competent Collegian side gradually took control of the game. The match will be remembered for the straight running of the three-quarters, admirably served by Piggot and Glass at half-back, and the well-drilled pack, in which the back row of Ben Megarry, Stanley Jackson and Robin Good was a joy to watch as they completely mesmerised their opponents. Both Collegian scores came in the second half. The first was due to the opportunism of Dougie Irwin who raced in at the front of the line-out, grasped the ball, flashed by the startled Queen’s players and sent Megarry over. The second score was the result of a fantastic dribble by Stanley Jackson, who after drawing the opposition, scooped the ball out to Robin Good who darted quickly across for a try, all the result of splendid support. In fact, support, whether in attack or in defence, was one of the principal attributes of this glorious side.

The 1962-63 side, skippered by Jimmy Donaldson, after an inauspicious start, in which they lost five of their opening eight matches, settled down into quite a formidable and competent side. In the run up to the cup matches good wins were recorded over Palmerston, Ballymena, Clontarf, Queen’s and CIYMS. Early in September the new pavilion to commemorate the memory of Charlie Neill was opened, and a plaque was unveiled by his son, Gordon Neill. After this ceremony Collegians played a side selected by Jack Siggins, and the strong selected side won by eight points to three. The Collegian score came after a movement by David Reid and Bill Brown resulted in a try by Lindsay Taylor. In the first round of the Senior Cup Collegians just managed to beat Civil Service and it was only a desperate and defiant defence which kept Service out in a tremendous rally in the last fifteen minutes. The Collegian scores came in the first half - a try by Dougie Irwin, and a conversion and a penalty goal by Derek Balnave. In the second round Collegians travelled to Enniskillen winning by eleven points to three, but only asserting their superiority in the second half. Sam Beattie (twice) and Bill Brown scored the Collegian tries. It took two matches to defeat Malone in the semi-final. The first game was a rather dull one, spoiled by a strong wind and frequent stoppages for injuries and only relieved by the performances of the two full-backs, Derek Morrison of Collegians and Patsy McGoldrick of Malone, both of whom gave a sterling and sound display. In the re-play Collegians were not impressive but struggled through to win by a solitary try by Lindsay Taylor in the final ten minutes. Collegians, playing in their third successive final and for the second time against Ballymena, were unfortunate to lose Robin Good with a broken leg early in the second half. Despite this setback, the depleted Collegians pack strove valiantly but inevitably in the end had to give way to a powerful and solid Ballymena eight. Ballymena eventually won by a goal and a try (8 points) to nil. It was another good day for full-backs, "Gregg and Morrison were eminently sound, fielding the wet ball with complete confidence".

The 1963-6^ side, captained by Dawson McConkey, had quite a successful season, winning eighteen matches and losing ten, and this despite the fact that Collegians were going through a transitional period, with only eight of the successful cup team of two years previous now available. A most satisfying League victory was the match against Instonians at Shane Park which Collegians won by eleven points to six. Collegians looked the better side from the start and at half-time led by eight points, a penalty goal by Balnave and a Robin Wilson try converted by Balnave. The second half opened with Instonians on the attack but after this pressure had been relieved, Instonians received a shock when Balnave kicked a penalty goal from some ^5 yards to give Collegians a lead of eleven points. Instonians came back but only managed to reduce the Collegian lead by six points. This Collegian side "possessed a hard, uncompromising pack, a scrum-half (Harold Dickson) who realises the strength of his side is forward and plays accordingly, and a very competent full-back (Derek Balnave) with the ability to kick penalty goals". In the second round of the Senior Cup Collegians met Malone, and with the pack giving probably their best display of the season, Malone were beaten by sixteen points to five. Irwin, Gillen and Brown scored the Collegian tries, two being converted by Balnave, who also kicked a penalty goal. In the semi-final in the mud at Deramore Collegians lost to CIYMS by a goal to a penalty goal. Despite the conditions and with little back play the game resolved itself into a thrilling forward tussle with Jackson and Donaldson prominent for Collegians. Brian Marshall, son of the Ian Marshall sacrificed by the Collegian selectors in 1926, converted a Callaghan try for CIYMS and Bobby Hart kicked a penalty goal for Collegians.

The transitional period for Collegians continued in 196^-65 with many new players appearing, with youthful rawness rather than seasoned experience making up most of the side. It was a mixed season with ten wins, ten losses and three draws. The League match with Instonians ended in a narrow victory for Collegians by six points to three. Instonians scored first through a long-range penalty goal kicked by David Hewitt. This reverse roused Collegians and after a period of constant attack they received their reward with a deserved try. "After Sherman had failed to gather a rolling ball, Michael Caves picked up and broke through, linked with Alan Chambers who opened up and sent Victor McQuoid over for a try". Shortly after this Balnave kicked a penalty goal and this was sufficient to give Collegians victory. It should be added that Instonians were without their prop McAleer, with a shoulder injury, for most of the game. In the first round of the Senior Cup after a dour six points-all draw with Queen's at Orangefield, the re-play took place at Deramore and turned out to be a first class and thrilling encounter. There was plenty of action throughout, with the Queen’s backs the more dangerous and "the Collegians pack, in which Robin Wilson and Jimmy Donaldson were most prominent, giving a tremendous display, especially in the second half".

With two minutes to go and Queen's leading by ten points to six, a Collegian movement began on the left. The ball was passed quickly by Denis Martin and David Pollock along the line to Sam Beattie. Beattie sent up a beautiful high cross-kick, Collegians gained the ball from a maul, and after more crisp handling, Dougie Irwin slipped over at the corner for a try. One point behind, Derek Balnave took the kick from the touch-line, and saw his tremendous effort strike the upright and rebound back, leaving Queen's winners by ten points to nine.


The full-back position was first filled by Morrison and then by Balnave. Derek Morrison was an extremely polished player, safe and steady under pressure, fielded a wet ball with confidence, and as a colleague remarked "one felt safe with Morrison behind you". Derek Balnave, like Morrison, had an unruffled temperament for the position, his fielding was first-rate, and his goal-kicking invaluable.

Of the wing three-quarters D Irwin and Taylor were the most regular players. Dougie Irwin was a quick-thinking wing who beat most opponents by a subtle side-step and was able to dodge about in little space, whilst Lindsay Taylor was a strong fast runner and in defence renowned for his flying tackles. At centre three quarter there were the cool and collected David Reid, who had the knack of quickly changing direction, was a strong and determined runner and a sound tackier; Bill Brown, who admirably fitted into the 1962 line straight from school, and when attacking depended on the inside cut; John Law, who also played at out-half, was a dogged, reliable and safe player rather than an exciting one; and John Keepe, of tremendous acceleration, was a clever and smooth runner with a deceptive swerve who frequently beat his opponent on the outside.

Dion Glass, who had a few games for Ireland, had a near perfect understanding with Piggot at half-back. He was a class out-half, possessed of a sudden acceleration and a slick side-step, he was quick off the mark and astute in the timing of his passes. Mervyn Piggot, who sent out a beautiful long pass at scrum-half, was a leader of quality. Captain of the successful Senior Cup team of 1962 he expected nothing but the best, and by example and shrewdness cajoled his players to exceptional displays. Harold Dickson, who played for nearly two seasons before emigrating, was a limited scrum-half, and confined himself to an accurate serve and to nursing his forwards. Rodney Robinson, who also played for nearly two seasons, was an elusive out-half, of craft and guile, and frequently used the short kick ahead. The forwards were an exciting bunch with such characters as Sinclair, Jackson, Good, Megarry and Wilson. In the front row the position of hooker was shared by three players, McFarland for five seasons, Eccles for three and Hagans for two. John McFarland capably fulfilled his specialist role and also revelled in tirelessly harassing opposing backs; Norman Eccles, probably more renowned as the superb captain of the invincible 2ndXVs of the early 1960s, was a capable hooker, a rousing support player and an insatiable student of the game; whilst Mervyn Hagans carried out his duties with a sure and quiet confidence. The prop forwards were drawn from Cyril Cowan, an enterprising all-round athlete with superb ball control; Alwyn Gillen a tough hard forward; Cyril Sinclair, broad-shouldered and powerful, and when in full stride most difficult to stop; Dawson McConkey, of sound technique, worked assiduously in the rucks and mauls, was a most knowledgeable player; all four were compact and solid scrummagers. In the second row, which sometimes included McConkey, one notes the Irwin brothers, Loftus and Sandy, both expert ball players, both dour and strong and both invaluable in the line-out; Leslie Stevenson, known as ’’the Monk", was ruthless and uncompromising; and Jimmy Palmer, a strong scrummager with a crushing tackle. The back row contained a galaxy of names. There were the internationals, Donaldson and Kennedy, and Jackson, who played for the Barbarians.

Jimmy Donaldson, who introduced weight-training when first captain of the club, liked to range the field, was a tremendous support player, direct and to the point, and always extremely fit; Iain Kennedy, a player of dash and speed, at times with reckless impetuosity, was absolutely fearless, and possessed a deadly and devastating tackle; and Stanley Jackson, of outstanding ability and unflagging stamina, enthusiastic, adventurous and never dull, was a really brilliant wing forward whose rugby was halted when the Ulster and Irish selectors attempted to make him into a prop forward. Of the other back row forwards one remembers the exhilarating and exciting Ben Megarry, of tremendous energy and undoubted ability, especially in the line-out and open play; the intelligent play and sheer hard work of Ken Reid, later an Irish selector and manager of the Irish team on the short tour to France in 1988; the destruction caused by Robin Wilson, who nonplussed opponents by his quickness off the mark; and finally that irrepressible character Robin Good, equally competent at scrum-half, was a pernicious molester round the scrum, happiest when harassing the opposition. THE YEARS 1965“1979

The opening years of this period heralded the beginning of the permissive society with the pill the symbol of the Sixties, the compulsive home viewing of BBC's long serial "The Forsyte Saga", the rapid spread of colour television and the advent of Twiggy, "the girl who proved that bosoms aren't all". Man also landed on the moon, De Gaulle died and Britain entered the Common Market; Nixon lied and the Watergate scandal shattered the White House; and before the period was over a British golfer had again won the "Open" and a woman had become British prime minister. As far as Collegians was concerned it was a most depressing period. In the eleven consecutive seasons from 1966-67 to 1976-77 Collegians played 296 matches, won 8l, lost 293 and drew 22, winning a bare 27 per cent of their matches. There were several reasons for this apart from disappointing performances. First, more and more school leavers were going to British universities and polytechnics; Second, the players from the College had not won the Schools' Cup for over twenty years and they were not of the calibre of previous years. Third, some players simply stopped playing after leaving school - a few, as some have said rather harshly, because of the Wellsian type of coaching. Yet, there were some excellent players at this time such as Roger Young, Stanley Jackson, and Michael and Colin Grimshaw. Unfortunately, three of the above players played most of their club rugby at Queen's. Also, if one accepts the premise that a strong and understanding half-back partnership is essential for the success of a team then it was unfortunate for Collegians that those capable interprovincial players, out-half Annesley Harrison and scrum-half Ashley Armstrong, joined another club for several seasons. Harrison went to Dungannon and Armstrong to Bangor. In reviewing this period credit must be given to those young and inexperienced players, who were literally thrown into senior rugby at the deep end, for putting in some remarkable, tenacious and resolute performances. By their efforts Collegians survived.

In the I965-66 season Collegians won twelve matches and lost twelve. The twelve wins included Instonians, Ballymena, Lansdowne and Trinity as victims. The Ballymena match, which Collegians won by eight points to three, revealed yet again the power and speed of Stanley Jackson. After a David Pollock break Jackson gathered the ball near the touch-line and sprinted away for the opening Collegian try. Jonathan Moffett then kicked a penalty goal for Ballymena. In the second half, following a Ballymena mix-up at halfway Bertie O'Neill smartly got the ball to Jackson, who immediately accelerated and raced away like a wing three-quarter to touch down behind the posts. In the first round of the Senior Cup Collegians, in a rather inept display, just managed to beat Civil Service by one goal (5 points) to nil. The score, however, is worth recalling. It began on the right where Dougie Irwin suddenly raced across the field, gave an inside pass to his brother Sandy, who kicked ahead. A maul took place just outside the Service "25”» Collegians gained immediate possession and the ball went swiftly across to John Carter, who burst through for a try, converted by David Pollock. In the next round Collegians lost to CIYMS by twelve points to nil. The slump in Collegians fortunes became very visible in 1966-67 when eight matches were won and fourteen lost, four of the victories coming in the last five matches, when Collegians had a surprisingly good cup run, defeating Portadown and Instonians before losing to CIYMS in the semi-final. In the cup match against Instonians at Deramore, Collegians faced a strong wind in the first half and their pack, with Jackson and Leslie Stevenson ever conspicuous, worked tirelessly and kept a lively Instonians side from taking command. In fact, the only Instonian success was a drop goal by Andy Sherman. Five minutes into the second half Collegians went into a two points lead when David Pollock goaled a penalty try for obstruction on second-row forward Robert Gordon. Collegians went further ahead with tries by Beattie and Ellison and won the match by eleven points to three. The semi-final tie with CIYMS, which Collegians lost by eight points to three, will be best remembered, not for the result or the prowess of a certain player but for an amazing three points contributed by Victor McQuoid. Collegians were awarded a penalty on the CIYMS ”25”. Lindsay Taylor sliced his kick, the ball rolled innocently towards his forwards where McQuoid calmly picked it up and to everybody’s surprise dropped a goal.

The 1967-68 season was a a complete disaster when twenty matches were lost and only three were won. The next four seasons were not much better, 1968-69 (7 won, 15 lost), 1969-70 (7 won, 16 lost), 1970-71 (6 won, 21 lost), and 1971-72 (7 won, 24 lost), and in the Senior Cup struggling against junior sides and beaten convincingly by senior sides.

In 1968-69 Coleraine were eventually beaten in the Senior Cup after two draws but in the next round North beat Collegians easily by 23 points to 6. 1969-70 may be remembered for a surprise win over Queen’s by six points at Deramore, due to a penalty goal by Roger Young and a drop goal by Alan Chambers, and then a heavy defeat in the next round by CIYMS, though the first Cl points did not come until fifteen minutes from time. In 1970-71 in the cup match against Instonians, Collegians, who lost Eddie Grindle early in the game, gave one of their better displays during this period. Collegians lost by eight points to three but it was only in the last five minutes that Instonians went ahead. The Collegians score came in the first half when swift service from Roger Young sent Colin McCadden on a fine individual burst. In 1971-72 after a satisfactory start when six of the first eight matches were won, Collegians lost twenty-two of the remaining twenty-three matches. In the cup match against CIYMS Collegians led at the interval by six points to three, Ken Collins kicking two penalty goals. Collegians kept their lead until the last quarter when CIYMS finished winners by fifteen points to six. This type of result was becoming too familiar a pattern, a good Collegians beginning but failing in the final quarter of the game.

In 1972-73 the Collegians record (11 wins, 16 losses) slightly improved, and the season finished with five wins from the last seven matches. Unfortunately one of these defeats was in the Cup against Bangor when Collegians were just beaten after a tense and interesting contest. Early in the game Billy McCombe kicked a penalty goal for Bangor, but soon afterwards Collegians took the lead with a try by Jimmy McCaughran. This lead was lost when McCombe kicked another penalty, followed by a Herron try and Bangor led 12-4. Penalties followed by Annesley Harrison and McCombe and Bangor then led 15-7* Undaunted, Collegians staged a magnificient rally and unconverted tries by Gordon McCadden and Harrison brought the scores level. Just on time McCombe kicked his fourth penalty to give Bangor victory by eighteen points to fifteen. Considering that Collegians scored three tries to one by Bangor this was a most unfortunate result. After the comparative satisfactory season of 1972-73 the improvement was not maintained and in the next four seasons the familiar story of this period was renewed. In these four seasons (1973“7** to 1976-77) 32 matches were won and 67 lost with eight drawn. Not a single cup match was won as Collegians lost in successive years to BRA (FP) in 197**. to Civil Service in 1975. to CIYMS in 1976, and to Ards in 1977*

Following these depressing years a sudden transformation took place in the 1977-78 season when under the captaincy of Arthur Campbell, Collegians won more matches (15) than they lost (10) for the first time in thirteen seasons. One main reason for this change was the fact that the club was beginning to benefit from the three successive Schools' Cup successes of the College in the mid-seventies. Another reason was the return of Armstrong and Harrison, though this effective partnership was sadly disrupted when Harrison had to enter hospital for a shoulder operation. At the time of Harrison's injury Collegians had won ten and drawn two of their first fourteen matches and had a clear lead in the Senior League. The first four League wins were gained over City of Derry (13~9). Bangor (12-9). Academy (7~*0 and Malone (10-7). Against City of Derry the teams were level at nine points each at half-time, Gordon Clarke scoring the Collegians try, converted by Harrison, who also kicked a penalty goal. Not long after the restart Harrison charged down a Derry kick, picked up smartly and raced over for a spectacular try. Against Bangor, it was Harrison again, scoring all his side’s twelve points, three penalty goals and a drop goal. Harrison also dominated the Academy match, though this time he missed several kickable penalties but clinched the match with a drop goal with two minutes of time remaining. In the match against Malone an astute well-placed kick ahead by Armstrong led to a try by Alan McKee, whilst Harrison kicked two penalty goals, the second with only five minutes to go to win the match. These were all close games but the important point was that Collegians were winning again. In the first round of the Senior Cup Collegians defeated Queen's by twelve points to nine after a draw of twelve points each. In the re-play Collegians had a superb first half and led at half-time by twelve points to nothing. Collegians scored after two minutes with a smartly taken drop goal by Ashley Armstrong, followed by a penalty goal by Clive Sloan. Next, Stevie Morris, selling a dazzling dummy, raced over for a try which Sloan converted. With only ten minutes to go Queen’s suddenly hit a purple patch. Mcllfatrick scored under the posts, Alan Irwin converted, and two minutes later Irwin had kicked a penalty goal. Collegians became suddenly alarmed but their sound defence held out and there was no further scoring. A disappointing display in the second round saw Collegians scramble through against the junior side Ballyclare by three penalty goals to two. Sloan (2) and Michael McCulloch kicked the Collegian goals. Next came the quarter-final against Instonians when ten minutes before half-time Ashley Armstrong put Collegians ahead with a superb drop goal. This was to be the only score of the match despite constant Instonian pressure in the second half. In the semi-final CIYMS deservedly won by three goals (18 points) to one goal and two penalty goals (12 points). Clive Sloan kicked two penalty goals and converted a try by Michael Wilson unaware that he had broken his arm.

The good work of 1977“78 was continued in the following season, 1978-79. when the side, captained by the dynamo Ashley Armstrong, won 18 matches and lost 13, the only blemish being in the Senior Cup when the side lost dramatically to Ballyclare in the quarter-final. In the earlier rounds of the Cup Collegians had beaten Banbridge (16-0) and Academy (6-0). In the match with Banbridge at Rifle Park in wind-swept conditions it took Collegians some time to settle down, and in rather scrappy play had a lead of seven points at half-time. Gordon Clarke capitalising on a misunderstanding by the Banbridge half-backs, scored an opportunist try whilst Harrison landed a penalty goal. The Collegian forwards took command in the second half, but due to a spirited Banbridge performance, Collegians only added another nine points. Harrison kicking a penalty goal and converting a try after Ashley Armstrong had slipped through on the blind side. In a rather drab second round match at Deramore Collegians beat Academy by six points to nil, the scores being a typical drop goal by Armstrong just before half-time, and in the second half a long-range penalty goal by Roy Palmer, such goals by Palmer were to become a feature of the next few seasons. The quarter-final revealed how vulnerable this Collegian side could be and how Ballyclare's quiet confidence and playing it cool won the match. Unfortunately Collegians were without Palmer and their regular hooker, Paul Mcllroy. At the end of normal time each side had scored six points, two penalty goals each, kicked by Dave Kane for Ballyclare, and by Sloan and Ian Kerr for Collegians. Five minutes from the end of the extra time a Collegians forward was caught offside in front of the posts and Nigel Simpson kicked an easy penalty. Before this nightmare match was over Weatherup scored an unconverted try leaving Ballyclare clear winners by thirteen points to six.

PLAYERS 1965 ” 1979

The full-backs of this period were G Jackson, M McLean and C Sloan. Graham Jackson, a sound defensive player, was an outstanding captain with the ability to motivate players to the unexpected and the exceptional; Michael ("Raker”) McLean, a beautiful kicker of the ball, loved to delve into the unknown and mix it with forwards and backs alike; whilst Clive Sloan, a player with flair and expertise, a useful goal-kicker, was most dangerous in the counter-attack. His premature and tragic death was a tremendous shock to the entire club. His memory is maintained by the Clive Sloan Shield which is given annually to the member who has given much of his time to the club throughout the year. Many players occupied the wing three-quarter positions but none for any length of time. They included Sam Beattie, of the effective jink; Brian Johnston, a strong determined runner with the will to score tries; Bertie O ’Neill, a fast, bright and skilful player, who often played at wing forward, the resourceful David Stewart, with speed off the mark and quick change of direction; Geoff Ingles, a straight runner, with a sound defence; Geoffrey Greenwood, a light but lively opportunist, and Laurence Gould and Gordon ("Nipper") McCadden, both quite agile wings, noted for the knack of doing the unexpected, regardless of the consequences. The centre three-quarters included two players of real class, M Grimshaw and J Carter. Michael Grimshaw, who played for Ulster and the Barbarians, had only one full season with Collegians, was a most penetrative player with an eye for the quick and sudden break, and the ability and ease to fit into any line no matter how high the standard; whilst John Carter, of fine physique and perfect body swerve, had all the attributes to be a brilliant centre but did not fulfill his very promising potential. Of the other centres, David Pollock was a strong runner, ever alert for the half-gap, an accurate place-kicker and solid in defence; Alan Gurd, prominent in attack, and Jack Waldron, a fierce tackier, both reliable players; the well-built and sturdy Colin McCadden, a straight runner of deceptive pace; and John McQuoid, quick to anger and the bete noire of referees, was a versatile and utility player.

The scrum-half position was occupied by several remarkable and accomplished players. Roger Young, who played for Ireland and the British Lions, was only with Collegians for a season and a half before emigrating to South Africa in the early 1970s. Roger was an excellent example of how to succeed by honest endeavour and sensible application to the job on hand. He concentrated in supplying his backs with an accurate and fast service and he accomplished this to perfection. He was also an intelligent kicker of the ball, and though he seldom attempted a break, when he did it was usually successful. In short an unselfish and sensible player. Colin Grimshaw, who played in one match for Ireland, had scarcely one full season with Collegians before settling in England and finishing his rugby with the midland club, Coventry. Colin was an exceptional, courageous and determined player with an impeccable service but prone to try too much on his own. Ashley Armstrong had a non-stop approach to the game, the perpetual dynamo, of supreme confidence, even arrogance, prepared to take on forwards and not slow to chivy his own pack into more and instant action. At times, he progressed by sheer brute force, at times by the short chip ahead, and was most dangerous when close to his opponent's line. Also, he had a penchant for dropping goals, and possessed a most obstinate and rugged defence. Michael Caves, noted for doggedness and resilence, gave a short but accurate pass, and when on the move, head down, foraged deeply and widely often into the unknown. Others who played at scrum-half were "Johnty" Mairs, a pertinacious and dogged player renowned for a distinguished dummy; Robert Connell, an industrious, whole-hearted no-nonense player, recalled to the side as a utility player in the late 1980s; Ray Coughlin, a cheeky and audacious player with an exceptional long pass. At out-half, Annesley Harrison was a most talented player, quick to size up situations, essentially an attacking player, ever on the lookout for an opening and also a kicker of ability. Alan Chambers, who also played at full-back and scrum-half, was a solid and sound player, with safe hands and strong left foot. Of the others Michael Wilson, also a wing three-quarter, was noted for his tactical kicking and his ability to take the most difficult of passes; whilst Ian Graham, in recent years coach of Ulster School's sides, will be remembered mainly for his tremendous long and accurate kicks to touch.

Out of twenty-five forwards of this period who played for at least one full season, only one played for Ulster. This is a sad reflection, or is it recognition, of Collegian forward play during these years, yet there were some quite able forwards at this time, but the unfortunate fact was there were very few who played at one and the same time. Of the prop forwards, Arthur Campbell who was the one Collegian forward to play for Ulster, blocked well at the line out, was a lively support player, sound scrummager, and difficult to stop when on a charge; the Compton brothers, John and David, Jack Connor and Eddie Grindle, were solid scrummagers and quick to the mauls and rucks; whilst Peter Jones, club president during the centenary year, Ken Collins, a reliable goal-kicker and David Mulholland, a docile looking forward but once roused as hard as the next, were all whole-hearted and lively players. The three hookers of these years performed their main task successfully, that of striking for and getting the ball. They were Paul Mcllroy, a regular for more than eight seasons; Victor McQuoid, always extremely fit and ready for the impossible; and Ashley Ferguson, fast and lively in the loose. The second row forwards who were all reasonable jumpers were the burly and jovial Robert Dunlop, Greer Henderson, who emigrated to Canada, Robert ("Flash") Gordon, later to captain Dublin Wanderers to a Leinster Cup win, John ("Jake") Moore, son of the legendary Sammy Moore, R H ("Zigsey") Gallagher, of powerful build, who needed constant motivation to produce his best, J L McFarland, fast round the field, and L R G Mcllroy, one of the most robust players of this period. The back row included a rare set of characters, all aggressive and extremely mobile players. They were Gordon Clarke, with uncanny positional sense, tireless in support, quick to seize an opportunity and a regular try scorer; Terry McCaw, often in the second row, of long reach, was a first-class jumper, a most knowledgeable and enlightened player, and one of the really better forwards of these years, Harry Minion, prominent for his sound cover defence; Jimmy McCaughran, a strong fearless and ferocious forager with a crashing tackle; Kenny Graham, an intelligent flanker, a persistent and nagging destroyer of the opposition; and Duncan Greenaway, of tremendous potential, always played with great spirit and readiness for adventure and was very quick to the breakdown, but after playing regularly for three seasons, emigrated to South Africa.


Thatcherism undoubtedly dominated the nineteen-eighties, a decade which will be remembered for place names such as the Falklands, Chernobyl, the Gulf, Heysel, King’s Cross, Piper Alpha, Enniskillen, Lockerbie and Hillsborough and who shall ever forget the rhythmical, bewitching dancing on ice of Torvill and Dean, and in Rugby football, Ireland’s two triple crowns. For Collegians the decade began with a period of rejuvenation when following a Senior Cup final in 1981, and a Senior League final in 1982, the Senior Cup was won in 1983* After these years of euphoria there was a general decline culminating in relegation to Division II of the Senior League in 1988.

The 1979-80 side, captained by Gary Sloan, had a reasonable year, marred by partial lapses in the autumn and early spring. Seven matches were lost out of eight in the autumn and four matches out of five early in the new year. Some of the better results in the League were wins over Portadown, Ards and Dungannon. In the match with Portadown, Collegians taking control in the forward exchanges, led at half-time by nine points to nil - a Roy Palmer penalty was followed by a well-taken try by Ronnie Harris. The move for this try began when Armstrong burst through weak tackling, gave to Gary Sloan and Harris was up in support to take the final pass and score near the posts, McCulloch converting. Shortly after the break one of the best tries ever scored by Collegians took place. It began in the Collegians ”22” when Armstrong broke away and sent Clive Sloan away on the left. After a run of thirty yards Clive gave inside to Palmer, who quickly accelerated and, drawing the opposition, sent Gary Sloan' in at the posts. In the match with Ards, Collegians found themselves in the unusual position of being eighteen points up at half-time. In reply to an unconverted try by Ards, Collegians scores were penalties by McCulloch (2) and Palmer and tries by David Meaklim and Clifford Doyle. The second half was more even, each side scoring a try; for Collegians Armstrong powered his way through on the blind side and after some inter-passing Harris scored. Against Dungannon, Palmer put Collegians ahead with a superb penalty goal, and near half-time Collegians went further ahead when Armstrong, having another splendid game, made a break of thirty yards and Alan McKee was up in support to score at the corner. In the second half prop forward Iain Johnston burst through from a line-out to score Collegians' second try. In the Senior Cup, Collegians, after crushing Belfast High School F P by seventy points to three, just managed to save the game against Lisburn in the second round with a penalty goal in the closing minutes and victory by twelve points to ten. As the Duke of Wellington would have said: ”It has been a damned nice thing - the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life”. In the semi-final Collegian met Queen's at Upper Malone and although eventually losing by 22 points to 12, midway in the second half Collegians had an excellent opportunity of taking the lead. Queen's were leading 10-6 and in possession when Ian Warke intercepted and raced to within five metres of the Queen's line only to see his pass go forward and the chance lost. On such slight happenings are games won and lost.

The 1980-81 side, captained by David Mulholland, won 18 matches and lost 15 . They could do nothing right in the League, losing seven of their first nine matches, but in a rousing finish to the season won six of their last seven matches and reached the final of the Senior Cup. In the first round of the Cup, Collegians belied their low position in the League and defeated Ards at Hamilton Park by nine points to three. After ten minutes second row forward Alan Leckey scored and Palmer converted with one of his characteristic kicks from the touch-line; and nearing half-time Armstrong dropped a goal from forty yards out. Enniskillen came to Deramore for the second round and although they gave Collegians some anxious moments, especially in the second half when they had the wind behind them, they eventually lost by ten points to nil. Collegians’ scores were two long-range penalty goals by Palmer and a try by Chris O'Connor. Collegians maintained their new found form in the quarter-final and defeated City of Derry at Londonderry by six points to nil. Next, was the semi-final with Bangor at Ravenhill, and Bangor, leaders in the League and looking for the "double” as very strong favourites. But the unexpected happened. Collegians, by all-round commitment and the will to win, succeeded by twelve points to nine. The foundation of success was due to the forwards, "Up front, Collegians' well-drilled workmanlike pack got the basics right, injecting the fire necessary to upset the seasiders and win an ample supply of the ball for Ashley Armstrong to break round the fringes. Their defence too was watertight with centre John Fox especially putting in some fine tackles". At half-time the score was nine points each, McCulloch for Collegians and McCombe for Bangor having kicked three penalties each. A typical Palmer penalty from sixty yards out settled the issue in the second half, though in this tense and see-saw game, McCombe, under much pressure, just missed a penalty from twenty-two metres out with the last kick of the match!

The press headlines for the final read "Queen's overcome brave Collegians in superb final". No truer words were ever written. It was an exciting final with plenty of open rugby and Collegians only losing after a terrific effort to one of the best Queen’s teams of all time, a Queen’s team which included Philip Rainey, , Alan and David Irwin, Rickey Stewart and . Queen’s attacked from the kick-off and went ahead when David Irwin cut through for a try converted by Stewart. .Queen’s then played some scintillating rugby, opening up on every possible occasion and constantly threatening the Collegian line. Collegians, not yet settled, somehow survived this Queen's avalanche, and then in a sudden excursion into Queen's territory and against the run of play secured three points when McCulloch kicked a penalty goal. Shortly after this. Collegians actually went ahead when Ashley Armstrong, from a scrum inside the Queen’s "22", quickly sent McCulloch away and the out-half served David McComish, who broke two tackles to force himself over the Queen's line. A point behind, Queen's maintained their policy of open rugby at all costs and were rewarded with two quick tries - the first when Ringland picked up a delicate kick ahead by David Irwin and outpaced the opposition, and the second when Moles completed a crisp back movement with a try. Stewart converted the second of these tries and Queen's led 16-9. Playing with such applomb at this stage Queen’s seemed on their way for a comfortable victory. But Collegians came back and after McComish has just been stopped by a despairing tackle by Phil Rainey, Palmer kicked another one of his stupendous goals and only four points separated the teams. The second half was mainly Collegians as their "forwards reigned supreme in the line-outs. Maurice Dawson and Terry McCaw at last found their form and Armstrong moved the ball quickly from the set scrums to keep his backs in motion". Queen's, however, survived this second half Collegian onslaught and won by sixteen points to twelve. In defeat, by their calibre and spirit, Collegians had played one of their best games for many years.

The 1981-82 side, the first of Wes Kettyle's three captaincies, won nine matches, lost thirteen and drew one, were dismissed in the first round of the Senior Cup by Queen's, but had a good League record and in the play-offs beat Queen's in the semi-final only to lose to Bangor in the final. An interesting change of personnel was at scrum-half where Ashley Armstrong, after four years really valiant service, returned to Bangor, whilst Ricky Stewart, fresh from his illustrious years at Queen's joined Collegians. In the League semi-final with Queen's the score was three points each at half-time, a penalty goal by Palmer for Collegians and a drop goal by Rainey for Queen's. In the first quarter of the second half Rainey kicked two penalty goals for Queen's, and with only fifteen minutes remaining Queen's led 9~3. and were well on the way to victory.

At this point the game was dramatically changed when in a Collegian attack, there was a muddle in the Queen’s defence and the alert David Gilliland pounced on a loose ball to score near the corner flag. When it was most required, Palmer produced another of his prodigious goals and from a narrow angle to bring the scores level. In an absorbing extra time Queen’s lost Nigel Carr with a fractured rib, whilst Palmer, with another monumental kick, this time from fifty yards, landed a penalty goal to give Collegians victory by twelve points to nine. The League final against Bangor was a match of lost chances, a match which could have gone either way, and which eventually ended in a win for Bangor by thirteen points to nine. Collegians put up a terrific display but gave Bangor two gift tries and lost two possible scores themselves when the ball was lost on two occasions on the Bangor line. "The seasiders have had few tougher encounters than last night’s duel. They endured frustration and disappointment before eventually coming out on top against a Collegian side who played well above themselves, particularly in the first half, and were never afraid to adopt an adventurous approach". The above games against Queen's and Bangor revealed a determined commitment and a fine healthy team spirit which augured well for the 1982-83 season. For the record Kenny Strutt and Terry McMaster scored tries and Ronnie Elliott kicked a penalty and a conversion for Bangor, whilst the Collegian scores were two penalty goals by Palmer and a drop goal by Stewart. The 1982-83 season was one to remember with the Senior Cup returning to Deramore after a lapse of twenty-one years, and all matches won in "A" Division of the Senior League. The side, captained by the shrewd and knowledgeable Wes Kettyle, won twenty-five matches, lost six and drew one. After losing to Bangor in the League final in January, the team won its remaining nine fixtures, and apart from the cup matches, defeated Old Belvedere (31”7). Portadown (21-3), Trinity (20-10) and Armagh (21-13) by convincing margins. The season began with a successful tour in the south of France with victories over Hendaye (25-18), Orthez (34-0) and Gan (36-O). In the Senior League Instonians (14-12), Academy (15“9). Queen’s (12-11), Ards (10-7), and N.I.F.C. (12-6) were beaten in succession. In a thrilling match with Instonians with both teams prepared to throw the ball about, Collegians survived a late Instonian rally to win by two points. Against Academy, despite missing several kickable penalties. Collegians eventually settled down, Steve Morris stormed through for two grand tries, and Collegians won by six points. The match against Queen's, played in a gale, featured a splendid come back by Collegians. Eleven points down with less than twenty minutes to go Collegians swung into action, and using the high kick ahead, edged ahead by one point with tries by Mark Langhammer and Steve Morris and both tries converted by Ricky Stewart. The matches against Ards and North were both gruelling encounters in which Collegians owed much to their disciplined pack and to Stewart's intelligent touch kicking. In the League semi-final against Ballymena the Collegian forwards were much in evidence as they "harried, tackled, supported and generally fought like men inspired, finally pounding Ballymena into submission in the closing stages". The only score of this closely-fought match was after half-an-hour when David McComish intercepted a Ronnie McBride pass and raced away to score under the posts for an easy conversion by Stewart. In the League final against Bangor, Collegians flattered to deceive, and were unable to reproduce their form of the semi-final. Bangor won by fifteen points to six.

The Senior Cup began with unimpressive and narrow victories over Dungannon (12-9) and Academy (12-7). The semi-final with Ballymena produced a thrilling contest and a dramatic finish. It began with Ballymena dominating the early play and taking the lead when Roger Anderson scored a try after fifteen minutes. Ballymena kept up the pressure and threatened to increase their lead but missed chances. Sound Collegians cover prevented such an outcome. Midway in the second half Clive Sloan kicked a penalty goal and Collegians' play now gained momentum as they "marshalled their forces up front and took the game to the opposition, revealing much more composure in the line-out and solidity in the scrum". This comeback, however, received a jolt when Ringland finished off a good Ballymena back movement with a try and put his side five points ahead. Collegians, however, "refused to panic and, as their forwards took a grip again" they swept down into the Ballymena ”22" and with three minutes remaining, Ricky Stewart slung out a long pass, and Clive Sloan coming into the line, thrust through a shattered Ballymena defence to score an historic try which Stewart converted to give Collegians victory by one point. When it is realised that Clive Sloan, who came into the side because of Palmer’s illness, was injured early in the game but refused to give up, this match will be remembered by many as "Clive Sloan's match". If ever a side kept its supporters on tenderhooks it was Collegians in the final against the City of Derry. Derry dominated the game to midway in the second half by which time they led by six points to nothing. Roy Palmer then kicked a penalty goal for Collegians, but with seven minutes only remaining Derry still led. Then came a touch of Palmer class when he came into the line and before the Derry defence realised what was happening he had made a break and on the Derry line sent Chris O'Connor over at the corner. There was more to come. In the closing minutes Stewart kicked a high garryowen towards the Derry line, Arthur Campbell was quick to set up a ruck, the Collegian forwards drove forward and Stewart was there to send McCulloch over for a simple try, and Collegians had won by eleven points to six. The Irish Times reported "It was a triumph for patience and experience over full-blooded commitment and zest. There was no denying the superior Collegian technique up front, their clinical, composed half-back play, and the flair provided by Roy Palmer who had a key role in his side’s success".

The 1983-84 side, captained by Arthur Campbell had a satisfactory enough season, winning two-thirds of their matches, including all their League matches in "A" division, but in the League semi-final were defeated by Ards by a single point. In the opening League matches Collegians had convincing wins over the City of Derry (18-3), Armagh (20-3) and Dungannon (20-4). The fourth match against Instonians at Deramore was an exhilarating affair. Three penalty goals by Palmer and a try by McKee to four penalty goals by Willie Oakes gave Collegians a one point lead at half-time. Shortly after the break Collegians went a further seven points ahead with another Palmer penalty and a try by Stewart, smartly following up behind a driving pack. Instonians came back when Oakes kicked his fifth penalty and their hopes began to rise but they were quickly dampened when Roy Palmer dropped two uncanny goals. Towards the end Instonians did score a try when a move by the Irwin brothers put Garth Graham over, but this rally was too late and Collegians won by twenty six points to nineteen. The last two League matches which resulted in victories over Ballymena (9“3) and Malone (12-10) were close affairs. In the Ballymena game Clifford Doyle broke through from, a line-out. His try was converted by Palmer who also kicked a penalty goal. Against Malone, that man again, Roy Palmer, scored all twelve points for Collegians, two penalty goals and two dropped goals. After losing to Ards by ten points to nine in the semi-final of the League, Collegians travelled to Branch Road in the first round of the Senior Cup. The first half was all Derry as Ken Mawhinney picked up a dropped Collegian pass, kicked ahead and scored an opportunist try and McCartan kicked a penalty goal to give Derry a lead of seven points at half-time. Collegians attacked on the re-start but luck was against them when two Stewart kicks hit the upright, and first Gary Sloan and then Chris O ’Connor were brought down near the line by despairing tackles. Next, Mark McFeely extended Derry’s lead with an unconverted try. Collegians stormed back and in an exciting finish Stewart broke away from a scrum to score a try which he also converted. Collegians came back again but the Derry defence held and Collegians were out of the Cup.

The 1984-85 season began with the calamitous news that the B international and match winning players, Roy Palmer and Ricky Stewart, had left for the mainland, and that huge Maurice Dawson had retired. Palmer had a few games with Bath before temporarily retiring and Stewart had several seasons with Newport before joining London Irish in 1988. Despite this treble blow. Collegians, captained by Wes Kettyle for the third time, had another good spell in the League when five of the divisional matches were won. In the opening fixtures Collegians defeated Portadown (16-10) then lost to Ards (0-11). Convincing victories followed over Academy (16-6), Queen’s (18-9) and North (12-6) before the crucial match with Dungannon, the result deciding on a place in the semi-final. With a gale force wind behind them Dungannon dominated the first half, though it was Collegians who scored first when a hesitation let the nippy David Emerson over for a try which Ian Kerr converted. After missed penalties by both sides Blair, the Dungannon scrum-half, scored an unconverted try. Midway in the second half Dungannon took the lead when Gilpin kicked a penalty goal against the gale, and when it looked as if Dungannon might hold out, close on time Ian Kerr landed a penalty goal for Collegians to give his side victory by two precious points and a place in the semi-final. Collegians, however, did not maintain their previous League form, and Instonians deservedly won the semi-final by twenty-one points to thirteen. Meanwhile in the Senior Cup, Collegians lost to Ballymena by fourteen points, in a match of lost opportunities and lost players. David Russell, usually very dependable, missed several kickable penalties, and Ballymena’s last eight points were scored when Collegians were reduced to thirteen players, with injuries to their wing three-quarters, Chris O'Connor and Brett Lockhart.

The 1985-86 side, captained by Michael McCulloch, had a fair season, winning sixteen games and losing fourteen, but the beginning of a decline was visible when only three League matches were won, followed by a quick exit in the Senior Cup after defeating a junior club in the first round. The winning League matches were against CIYMS (12-9), North (9-7) and City of Derry (10-4). The match against CIYMS produced a terrific forward battle and was noted for an opportunist try by Paul McAteer who jinked his way past several opponents. Gareth Harry converted this try and kicked two penalty goals. In the match with North at Deramore, North led by seven points with only ten minutes remaining, but that was sufficient time for David Russell to kick three penalty goals and give his side victory by two points. The match against City of Derry was played in atrocious conditions at Deramore, and after an O ’Connor penalty for Collegians, Derry took the lead before half-time with an unconverted try by Mark McFeely. In the second balf Collegians gradually took control and increased their score with another O'Connor penalty and a quick-thinking try by David Emerson. In the Senior Cup a tough game was expected with the juniors Coleraine, but Collegians, settling down quickly, were ten points up after twenty minutes, the result of two tries. The first was by David Emerson after a characteristic break and the second by Stevie Morris following a well-judged chip by McCulloch. Collegians extended their lead with a David Russell penalty and nearing "no-side” Neely scored an unconverted try for Coleraine, leaving Collegians winners by thirteen points to four. In the next round against Malone, Collegians were unfortunate to lose David Russell at the beginning of the second half. At that stage, however, Malone led by seven points, eventually winning by fifteen points to six. McCulloch dropped two goals for Collegians. The 1986-87 side, led by the jovial Alan Leckey, flattered to deceive. After winning eleven of their first seventeen matches, nine of the remaining games were lost. The season will be remembered for the three enjoyable tours when Dolphin (19-10), Bohemians (17“3) and Galway Corinthians (1*1-0) were defeated in turn and for the final League game at Bangor when an unexpected and rousing victory saved Collegians from relegation. The match against Dolphin was noted for total commitment, for two tries by hooker David Gilliland, for another jinking McAteer try and for two marvellous conversions from the touch-line by Chris O'Connor. Against Bohemians at Limerick Collegians were 6-3 ahead at half-time, the try being the result of a movement beginning at midfield and after several players had handled, Alan McKee, brushing aside two opponents, finished it off with a splendid try, converted by Chris O'Connor. In the second half Brian Irvine and O'Connor scored tries, McCulloch kicked a penalty goal, and Collegians won by seventeen points to three. On the third tour Collegians beat Galway Corinthians by fourteen points to nil, losing McCulloch with a broken leg just before half-time. Michael (Mucker) McCulloch will hardly forget this season, for it was in the Ballymena match at Eaton Park in October that he played his 268th match for Collegians 1st XV, thus passing the figures of Dougie Irwin which had stood for fifteen years. In the Senior League Collegians lost to Ballymena and Malone, then gained a vital point in a 13-13 draw with Ards, next lost decisively to North and Instonians and apprehensively approached their final match with Bangor at Uprichard Park. The match was a pleasant revelation. Collegians were a team inspired, with a commitment that never allowed Bangor to settle down much less get going, and a spirit which was evident from the kick-off. "Collegians completely outplayed Bangor in every facet of play and no one epitomised their effort more than their skipper, Alan Leckey. Despite receiving a serious hand injury in the opening minutes he rolled on some tape and just got on with the job of leading by example". It is invidious to pick out individuals for all played their part but the back row of Brian Irvine, Peter Hagan and Michael Lee were constantly in the limelight as they quickly smothered one Bangor effort after another. Brian Irvine's tackling was devastating, deadly and final. Playing against the wind in the first half. Collegians led at half-time by four points to three. After Ronnie Elliott had kicked a penalty for Bangor, Davy Emerson worked a blind side move with Chris O'Connor and was up to take a return pass and slither through for a try near the corner. In the second half, David Gilliland, a brilliant support player, was on hand to pick up and score after Paul McAteer was nearly over. Collegians went further ahead when full-back Stephen Reid came into the line and sent O'Connor over for the third try. Bangor had one chance towards the end when Don Whittle in full flight looked certain to score, but a crunching tackle by that wholehearted player Alan McKee prevented that, and that tackle was one of many glorious Collegian tackles that afternoon. Collegians won by eleven points to three and thus escaped relegation, for the moment.

The Collegian decline continued in 1987-88 when the side, captained by that fearless and enterprising scrum-half David Emerson, won eleven matches and lost twenty, and having lost all their League matches were relegated to the Second Division of the Senior League. What was even more disturbing was that in matches against teams from the Second Division Collegians lost five matches, won one and drew one, including immediate exists in the Boston and Senior Cups. Still, the side produced the odd good and satisfying performance as in the matches against Old Belvedere, Ards and North in t^e last few weeks of the season.

us In the Old Belvedere game at Deramore the visitors took the lead after twenty minutes with a penalty goal by Cedric Callaghan. Then, nearing half-time came a spectacular try. Play was in the Collegians ’’22" when the Collegians pack drove forward and in a resulting melee Stephen Reid picked up a loose ball and outpaced all opposition to score far out. Old Belvedere went ahead with another Callaghan penalty goal but in the second half, after a third attempt, Ian Gallagher kicked a penalty goal to give his side victory by seven points to six. In an enterprising friendly with Ards, which Collegians won by 25 points to 10, Collegians ’’played in a style to which they have hardly been accustomed. Even though slightly less positive in the second half Collegians continued to show plenty of initiative and much above some recent performances”. In the last match of the season against North at Deramore after being fifteen points down at half-time, Collegians staged a remarkable second half rally to draw the match at 21 points each.

The 1988-89 side lost their captain Alan Leckey with a broken arm in the second match of the season against Dolphin in Cork. Within a few weeks David Armstrong, Michael Pedlow and Peter Evans were also injured. This was an unfortunate beginning to the season and the side never really recovered from it. By the end of December thirteen matches had been lost out of twenty-one, including three Senior League games. In the new year the side definitely improved in no small measure due to the enthusiasm of the new coach, Michael Reid, winning nine of its last fourteen matches, including its last two Senior League matches and an unexpected run in the Senior Cup. After a really gruelling game in the first round of the Senior Cup, the City of Derry were beaten in the final minutes of extra-time, when a dropped goal by Marty Strutt decided the issue. Next came that miraculous result at Gibson Park, when Collegians after building up an early lead, withstood, by sheer grit and determination, a constant Malone onslaught in the second half, to win the match by thirteen points to nine. The semi-final against Ballymena was another matter when Collegians lost by 46 points to nine. Collegians did not play badly, but were unlucky to find a Ballymena side, superior in weight and in skill, in superb form on the day. During the season Alan McKee passed Michael McCullough’s 1st XV appearances record. It is hoped that the new found spirit will continue during the centenary year. PLAYERS 1979-1989

The outstanding players of this period were Roy Palmer, Ricky Stewart and Wes Kettyle; Palmer for his flair and class, Stewart for his tactical play; and Kettyle for his qualities of leadership. Roy Palmer, a most elusive attacking full-back, touched on genius with his capacity to do the unexpected, to glide serenely through the opposition - an exciting performer always alert to the slightest opening. Add to this his power kicking, with his long-range penalty goals from around the half-way line. Ricky Stewart, like Roger Young, performed the first duty of a scrum-half to perfection, a fast and accurate service to his out-half. He could also make the telling break whilst his judicious and tactical touch-kicking was a feature of his play. Palmer and Stewart, both Irish B internationals, eventually suffered by the decisions of selectors. Palmer, after outplaying his opposite number in a final Irish trial, never played in another representative game, whilst Stewart, summarily dropped from the Ulster side during a tour of Romania, completely lost favour with the Ulster selectors. After leaving Collegians, Stewart had four successful seasons with Newport, and you don't play in Welsh club rugby for any length of time without being a very skilful and competent player. Wes Kettyle, who led the 1983 winning Senior Cup team, was a hard, constructive and crafty player with a tenacious first-time tackle. He thrived on leadership, was dedicated, and had that ability to keep pressing his forwards for more and more effort especially during a critical period of play.

Apart from Palmer, the full-backs of this period included Russell and Gallagher, and for short spells, Ian Kerr and Simon Aldred. David Russell was developing into a most competent and sound full-back with the ability to kick long-range penalty goals, when after two seasons as a regular player he was forced to retire from the game because of a neck injury. Ian Gallagher, thrust into the side straight from school, began to reveal his obvious potential during the 1988-89 season. A penetrating and exciting runner, he relished coming into the line.

The two most regular wing three-quarters were O'Connor and McKee. Chris O'Connor had safe hands, a fair turn of speed, an occasional swerve, and the added bonus of kicking goals from the touch-line. The indestructible Alan McKee has played more games for the 1st XV than any other player, was always very fit - a strong determined runner in attack and fearless in defence, possessing a fully committed and crushing tackle. The other wing three-quarters included Brett Lockhart, slightly-built but not without determination and grit; David Meaklim, very fast and quick into his stride; and in recent years the improving Colin Gibson and Peter Riordan. Centre three-quarter has been quite a problem in that few players, apart from Steve Morris and Gary Sloan, and in recent years, Paul McAteer, have played for any considerable time. It is a strange fact that the three players just mentioned all advanced by the same method, by jinking and dodging. Steve Morris, who was extremely talented with an explosive acceleration and a deceptive dummy, never quite fulfilled his potential; Gary Sloan, a fitness fanatic and former captain of Queen's, was a joyous adventurer with a tintillating swerve, whilst Paul McAteer, another adventurer capable of the unexpected, has a confidence and an approach to the game beyond his tender years. Of the other centre three-quarters one remembers the long relieving kicks and occasional flashes of inspiration from the long striding David McComish; the coolness of Michael Rutledge, a centre of the 1983 Cup team; the tenacious tackling of John Fox; and in more recent years the aggressiveness of Andy Gordon; the quiet confidence of Colin Ferrett and the obvious potential of Michael Pedlow, who played for Bristol University and English Universities during the 1987-88 season. At out-half Michael ("Mucker") McCulloch was in possession for most of the period and at the end of the 1988-89 season had played 295 games for the 1st XV, second to McKee, (305)* A natural ball player "Mucker" had very good hands, especially picking the ball off his toes; he sold the odd dummy and was a dependable goal-kicker from close-in but whose kicking ahead could have been more accurate. Two others have recently occupied the out-half position. Stephen Reid, with the occasional break of genius, ex-Loughborough and a schoolboy international, has not yet fulfilled his potential, and Marty Strutt, formerly of Bangor, a strong and aggressive player. At scrum-half, apart from 1986-87 when the position was capably filled by the industrious Michael McAteer, David Emerson took over from Ricky Stewart. David Emerson, somewhat precocious, is a skilful and courageous performer, most dangerous with a sudden burst close to his opponent’s line.

The forwards have performed relatively well considering that they have lacked height and weight for most of this period. At the outset one mentions Maurice Dawson and Iain Johnston who both played for Ulster; David Gilliland, a Cambridge University "blue" who should have played for Ulster; Brian Irvine, who might yet play for Ulster and Alan Leckey, a lively and inspiring leader. Maurice Dawson, one of the few powerfully-built players of this time, unfortunately retired from the game when in his prime. Despite his size he had a remarkable turn of speed and was a most effective support player. Iain Johnston, despite carrying too much weight at times, often had the knack of being in the right place at the right time. A solid scrummager and a most experienced player, he was an excellent tidier of the ball. David Gilliland, always very fit, was a fast striker of the ball, a keen student of the game with an uncompromising attitude, he was uncanny in anticipation, especially in support play. Brian Irvine, one of the brighter prospects in recent years, is an excellent all-round player, especially in his speed in getting to the mauls and rucks. Alan Leckey, a useful partner to McCaw in his early days, has developed into a skilled line-out player, a hustler in the loose, and totally committed in whatever he does. Of the other forwards one mentions the direct hooking of David Armstrong, the honest hard toil and solid scrummaging of Ian McAvoy and Neil ("Spam") McGrath; the capable line-out work of second-row forwards such as Simon Harland, sometime with Queen’s, Graeme McCluggage, Biology master at "Methody"; Kyle McConnell, probably better known on the cricket pitch, the mobility of Colin Adair; and suddenly, from nowhere, the stampedes of Peter Jackson. In the back row one mentions the full commitment of Peter Evans, quick to the breakdown; the valuable work at the back of the line-out of Clifford Doyle; the hard, destructive Dick Leckey, who relishes in taking the opposition apart; and the promise of young players like Michael Lee, Peter Hagan and Steven Lowe. WILLIAM Me i'ADZ.F.AN V . C .

From: History of the 36th (Ulster) Division, by Cyril Falls


Private William Frederick McFadzean, l*)th Batt., Royal Irish Rifles

For most conspicuous bravery near Thiepval Wood, on 1st . While in a concentration trench and opening a box of bombs for distribution prior to an attack, the box slipped down into the trench, which was crowded with men, and two of the safety-pins fell out. McFadzean instantly realising the danger to his comrades, with heroic courage threw himself on the top of the bombs. The bombs exploded, blowing him to pieces, but only one other man was injured. He well knew his danger, being himself a bomber, but without a moment's hesitation he gave his life for his comrades.

William McFadzean was a playing member of the Collegians Rugby Football Club from 1911 to 191*) during which period he played in thirty matches for the 2nd and 3rd XVs. ROLL OF HONOUR



191^-18 WAR


1939-^5 WAR


For some unaccountable reason, apart from the obvious, the presidential chairs of the Irish Rugby Football Union and the Ulster Branch seem to be monopolised to a large extent by members of the Collegians Rugby Football Club. Six Collegians have been president of the Irish Rugby Football Union and fourteen have been president of the Ulster Branch. Also, members of Collegians have been honorary secretary and honorary treasurer of the Ulster Branch.


1905-06 F M Hamilton 1932-33 Charles S Neill 1962-63 Jack A E Siggins 1908-09 Ainsworth Barr 1953“5^ J B O ’Callaghan 1986-87 W Ewart Bell


1901-02 F M Hamilton 1935-36 J B O'Callaghan 197^-75 W Ewart Bell 190 5 - 0 6 Charles S Neill 1951-52 Jack A E Siggins 1980-81 Kenneth E Reid 1910-11 Ainsworth Barr 1955“56 Cecil V Smylie 1985-86 William S H Lavery 1 9 1 9 “20 Norman Wilson 1959“60 Oswald B Glasgow 1987-88 Willoughby Wilson 1928-29 J C Gillespie 1969-70 Walter Smyth


Kenneth E Reid


Cecil V Smylie Walter Smyth David Reid Dion C Glass


Collegians has maintained a regular supply of referees to the Ulster Branch (I.R.F.U.). Three members attained international status. They were Ossie Glasgow, Ronnie Gilliland and Alfie Jamison. The following members of Collegians have officiated as referees of the Ulsti Branch:-

David Armstrong George K Forshaw Edward J McKelvey Samuel Auld Ronald W Gilliland Alastair S McQuoid G H M Brian Baird Oswald B Glasgow Robert L K Mason John D Cole-Baker Kenneth A Graham Ian R Montgomery Eric G Bell Norman Grimshaw Bruce Mulligan Brian Brotherston Stanley Hall James B O'Neill T Norman Brownlee W Wilson Hanna Kenneth E Reid Jack Calvert E J Ferris Hodgett Michael J Reid David E McN Camlin G Alfred Jamison Earl K Robinson C W John Compton Robert J Johnson Rodney Robinson A Paul Davison H C Ivan Johnston Jack A E Siggins Thomas Donaldson Samuel Kennedy Stanley S Spence Herbert Emerson Joss C Lapsley Robert Stanage Ernest S Fisher Victor J Law Alan H Watson Joseph A Fisher T Dawson McConkey JUNIOR FINALS The winning of the Ulster Junior Cup five times in the twelve seasons from 1891-92 to 1902-03, the Junior League in 1901-02 and the Minor League (Harden Cup) in 1933-3^ have been mentioned in the main story.

The next success in junior circles was in 1951"52 when Collegians 4th XV, captained by the phlegmatic Angus Sloan, won the Fourth Division Championship, defeating North 4th in the final by a goal and two tries to nil. The Fourth Division Championship was retained in the following season when a colts side, led by the young Dawson McConkey, defeated C I Y M S 4th in the final by eight points to nil.

In 1955-56 the 2nd XV gained its first trophy for fifty-three years when the side, captained by that superb skipper Norman Eccles, won the Junior League. Then, in the early 1960s came one success after another which began in 1959”60 when Alan McMaster's 4th XV won the Fourth Division Championship. In the previous season the 4th XV, captained by George Ferrett, lost only one match, unfortunately this was in a semi-final play-off but the seeds had been sown for future success.

The remarkable 4th XV of I960, which included such stalwarts as 'lucky-bounce' Fitzsimmons, the imperturable George Clarke, Alan Garscadden, a 'bundle of fire', the energetic Eddie Finlay and the Army flyer Mark Elliott, had quite a remarkable final against Queen's' 4th. At half-time the students led by nine points to nil, three penalty goals kicked by Bob Mcllroy, a Collegian. Collegians, however, refused to give up and midway in the second half their efforts were rewarded by two tries, scored by the centres, Hill McRoberts and Alan McMaster, and two glorious conversions, one from the touch-line, by George Clarke. Then, disaster struck Collegians when their resourceful scrum-half, Graeme ('Tiger') Lyons sustained a broken collar bone. The final ten minutes, which included a missed penalty in front of the posts by Queen's, were strenuous and merciless, but that fighting Collegian spirit prevailed and victory was gained by a single point.

In the next season, 1960-61, Norman Eccles led the 2nd XV to victory in the Junior Cup and the McCrea Cup. In the Junior Cup final against Ballymena 2nd, Ballymena dominated the opening period and after constant pressure Ewart dropped a goal. Collegians eventually settled down and in the ten minutes before half-time Denis Martin kicked a penalty goal, whilst a 45 yards penalty kick by Cyril Sinclair hit the cross-bar. The second half was strenuously contested and both sides scored a try. The Collegians try came midway in the half when McMaster rounded off a good back movement by passing inside for George Lyness to score, followed by a Sinclair conversion. In a storming Ballymena finish Kirkpatrick scored but John Adrain's kick just fell short, leaving Collegians winners by eight points to six.

In 1961-62 Eccles improved on the 1961 success when his 2nd XV again won the Junior and the McCrea Cups and also added the Junior League, a wonderful record. In the Junior Cup final against North 2nd, North completely monopolised the first half, but missed their chances, including five penalty attempts, and at half-time there was no score. In the second half Collegians settled down, gradually took control and midway during the half, Norman Eccles broke to the left in the North '25', was held up but scrum-half Dickson managed to slip the ball to 'Buster' Brown who dived over for an unconverted try. Shortly afterwards Denis Martin dropped a goal from thirty yards out, and Collegians had won by six points to nil. This 2nd XV also met North 2nd in the final of the McCrea Cup and this time won by nine points to three, despite losing their hooker Tom Boyd with a broken elbow immediately after half-time. In the first half North took the lead with an early Henderson penalty but before half-time Collegians had gone ahead with a penalty goal by Balnave and a try by Eric Lowry after an interception by John McQuoid. McQuoid also took part in the second Collegians score when he sent Sam Beattie in for a try. The second half witnessed a spirited and committed display by the 'seven-man Collegians pack in which every man played his part but one deserving of special mention is young Graham, the wing forward, in his first season in the side'.

Nine years were to pass before another success by a junior side but in the 1970s no less than five trophies were obtained. The first of these was in 1970-71 when John Capper's 3rd A XV defeated King's Scholars 2nd A by thirteen points to seven in the final of the Forster Cup, despite having Stanley Jackson off the field for twenty minutes. When Jackson returned he immediately kicked a most opportune penalty goal. The other Collegian scores were drop goals by Graham Jackson and Raymond Coughlin and also a try by Coughlin.

The Fourth Division Championship was won for the fourth time when Trevor Pollock's 4 th XV defeated Armagh 4th XV in a dour final in 1974 by eighteen points to twelve. After an even first half in which Collegians scored a converted try and Armagh two penalty goals, Armagh took the lead early in the second half to lead 12-6 and it was not until the last quarter that Collegians first equalised and then obtained the winning score. The Collegians tries were scored by Larry Gould, John McQuoid and Richard Bell, the latter in the unaccustomed position of centre three-quarter. Abernethy and Clarke (2) converted the tries. Richard Bell's try originated from a break by Trevor Pollock who threw out a wild pass which George Clarke literally picked up from his ankles before giving to Bell. Another highlight of the match was a despairing and vital tackle by Mervyn Millar which saved a certain try late in the second half. This side of Trevor Pollock's won seventeen matches from eighteen played, and scored 446 points against 84.

In the following season, 1974-75. Collegians and Armagh met again, this time in the final of the Forster Cup when the Collegians 3rd A XV, captained by Michael ('Raker') McLean, won quite comfortably by thirteen points to four, considering that the Armagh score came in the closing minutes, a try by Kenny Gordon. For the first twenty-five minutes Armagh monopolised the game but two very kickable penalties were missed, and when Collegians at last managed to get into the Armagh '25' McLean kicked a penalty goal and Collegians led at half-time by three points to nil. The second half was mainly played in the Armagh half and tries for Collegians were scored by Gordon ('Nipper') McCadden and Maurie Laughlin, one being converted by McLean. Armagh were again the victims in 1978 when John Capper's 6th XV won the McCambley Cup after a close and pulsating final by nine points to six. This 6th XV, under a genial, encouraging and fabulous leader, had the impressive record of playing 28 matches, winning 22, losing four and drawing two, and scoring 5&9 points against 169. The captain's report on this successful side stated that 'support was the key word and that when play broke down the support and backing was always there'. He also stated that 'experience and youth are a good recipe for a winning side'. With his team, if one looks closely at the 'old rugged familiar faces,' such as Ken Collins, Grahame Capper, Stanley Jackson, Sandy Irwin, Gerry Collins and David Kennedy, it was probably 95% experience and only 3% youth.

In the very next season, 1978-79* the Harden Cup was again won, for the first time in forty-five years, when the 4th XV, led by Robert Dunlop, defeated Instonians 3rd XV in a rousing final by twelve points to six. During the first half Instonians had territorial advantage for most of the time, missed several kickable penalties, and against the run of play Collegians led at half-time by a penalty goal kicked by Stewart Smith. Midway during the second half Instonians went ahead with a converted try to lead by six points to three but shortly afterwards Stewart Smith levelled the scores with a second penalty goal. The final fifteen minutes were tense and terrific as each team strove to take the lead. Then, with five minutes to go Collegians kept up a sustained attack on the Instonians line and after 'Dinky' Dawson and Jimmy McCaughran had made desperate attempts to get through, Johnty Mairs quickly gathered a rolling ball, veered towards the right and sent out a beautiful long pass to Paul Hanna who sprinted over for the winning score. JUNIORS OFFICIALS AND ALICKADOOS

In a review of junior rugby, apart from the various triumphs in the different competitions, credit and gratitude must go first of all to those captains who week in and week out, despite innumerable and late cry-offs, managed to field a reasonable fifteen on the Saturday afternoon. The phone calls of some captains must at times have been astronomical.

This review will consider characters rather than outstanding players, and in any case outstanding players at junior level inevitably make the 1st XV and they are included in the 1st XV story.

Over the years Collegians had many characters in the junior sides and none more so them Brooke Purdon, captain of the 3rd XV in 1899 and later of Queen’s College and Ireland; the non-nonsense Walter ("Curly”) Smyth, noted for his rampaging rushes and later honorary treasurer for many years of the Ulster Branch; the indefatigable Walter Litster, who played in over two hundred matches for the junior sides; the irrepressible jovial Jack Capper, for some thirty years club representative of the Ulster Branch junior committee and fondly remembered for his distinct and dignified walk with the half-time lemons at the matches at Ravenhill; the conscientious and seemingly tireless Tom Craig, who managed junior sides, mainly the 3rd XV, for nearly fifty years; the shrewd Norman Eccles, a dedicated and dynamic captain of the very successful 2nd XV of the early sixties; John Capper, with that magnetic touch to allure decadent ex-lst XV players to enjoy their rugby again; the aggressive Michael ("Raker") McLean, a motivator and agitator; the subtle and genial George Clarke, the all-round sportsman, rugby player, cricketer, athlete and basketball player, the latter at which he was an international; the calm Alastair McQuoid, sometime captain of the 5th XV but more renowned for his witticisms as an after-dinner speaker; and the astute and competitive Alan McMaster, a rare entertainer both on and off the field.

One remembers the whole-hearted and enthusiastic displays of four forwards of the Harden Cup winning team of 1934, John Nixon, hard and uncompromising, William Smith, just hard, W C H Eakin, later Belfast Director of Education, and Herbie Mcllrath, the smiling inspiring leader. Forty-five years later Collegians again won the Harden Cup with a 4th XV which included Robert Dunlop (captain), Stewart Smith, son of the William Smith 1934, and "Johnty" Mairs at scrum-half, nephew of David Mairs, scrum-half of the 193^ side. One also remembers Frank Caldbeck, a roamer who was still playing well into his forties; the sprightly runs of Osie McMullen, later a trustee of the club; the seemingly nonchalant but quite effective Richard Bell; and Brian Anderson, a player of the 1950s and to-day’s most sonorous voice from the touch-line. In looking over the lists of junior captains one notes the highly emotional Johnny Crawford; the casual approach of J C D Thompson; the impulsiveness of Iky May; the shrewd and calculating Grahame Capper, an efficient hooker; Wilson Hanna, dedicated and thoroughly organised; Eric Hobson, also well organised; Colin Stanfield, a lively line-out jumper; the burly W F K (’’Tub”) Morrow; the conscientious and reliable George Ferrett, with his shout "Get a boot to it”; that most civil engineer George Musgrave; the impetuous Gerry Collins, a player of dash and guile when he was not nursing an injury and a proud father on St Patrick's Day 1989; Brian Hill, competent and composed, a hard tackier; the quiet persuasiveness of Angus Sloan, captain of the 4 th Division champions of 1952; the crafty and scheming Barry Ferguson; the ravaging Trevor Pollock; the debonair approach of Charlie Wilkinson; and that succession of dedicated and dependable captains of the 4th XV in the seventies, namely David Carson, Eric Bell, Gerry Beamish, Stanley Hall, Brian Young, Michael Megarry, Richard Coulter and Ernie McGrath; and in recent times, because of a decline in numbers, the difficulties and crises facing such energetic captains as Alastair Clarke, Mark Robinson, Ian Mairs, Hywel Bill, Willie Boyd, Leslie Robinson and Paul Hanna.

Junior players seem to graduate quite naturally from player to club official, and this is well exemplified by such members as the effervescent Charlie Bamford, honorary secretary for ten seasons, followed by John McQuoid and the more prosaic Blair Buchanan and Brian Sheridan; and as honorary treasurer the phlegmatic Eric Bell, the extremely patient Richard Coulter and the present John McComish; and in the position of honorary team secretary the philosophical Peter Jones followed by the ebullient Shaun Rankin. ALICKADOOS

Every club has its alickadoos and Collegians is no exception. Most alickadoos have been club officials or past players and yet, within living memory, one of the best known alickadoos was neither an official nor a player. He was the revered Fred Jones, a man of priceless words, forthright and to the point, generous and understanding, a workaholic for the club and a genius in getting things done. Of the present alickadoos, apart from those regular supporters who just manage to scale the bank near the touch-line on a Saturday afternoon at Deramore, such as Ewart Bell and Willoughby Wilson, Billy Lavery and Bobby Hart, Ken and David Reid, Derek Morrison, Alan McMaster and George Achescn, Brian Sheridan, Trevor Pollock and Morris Laughlin and Billy Smyth and Charlie Bamford and several others, there are also those more enterprising supporters who travel to such places as Cork, Limerick and Galway, invariably led in jollification by that travelling alickadoo extraordinaire Matt Gibson, ably abetted by Willie Finlay. There is also a group of "Golden Oldies" who meet every Monday evening at Deramore. This group occupies the far corner of the bar and is headed by the presence and sobering wisdom of the legendary Jack Siggins, and invariably includes Billy Lavery, near enough a legend, Roy MacDougall, the smooth organiser, Brian Brotherston, representing the referees, the aforesaid Matt Gibson, the incredible Freddie Hunter, the outsider the Instonian Scott McAlpin, and also Bobby Johnson, Gordon Dudgeon, John Lyons, Harry Smyth and myself. THE GROUNDS

The first ground used by Collegians in the I89O- 9I season was the ground of the Methodist College at Eglantine, situated to the back of the school. Further College pitches were used in 1891-92 at Tate’s Avenue and at Rosetta from 1892 to 1895- In 1895 the club rented a ground at Ridgeway Street, Stranmillis. Unable to stay at the Stranmillis ground the season l897-98 saw Collegians as a peripatetic club playing either at Ballynafeigh, the grounds of the Ulster Football Club or at the grounds at Balmoral of the North Eastern Agricultural Association. At last in 1898 Collegians secured a ground of their own on the Ravenhill Road and stayed here until 1903* The Ravenhill Road pitch, however, proved unsuitable, and the search for another home began again. After attempts fell through to get fixed up at Mount Pleasant and then Newforge, a ground was ultimately obtained at Rosetta. This ground was fenced in, a pavilion erected and opened in October 1903- The club stayed here until 191^ but with the coming of the war the ground was given up and Collegians was again homeless.

In 1919 Collegians was granted use of the Methodist College pitches at Deramore Park and of the changing rooms at the College. In the next decade the ground was railed in at Deramore and a stand built. In 1932 with the purchase of Pirrie Park by the College, less and less use was made by the College of the grounds at Deramore, which virtually became the monopoly of the Collegians Club. During the Second World War Charles Neill bought the ten acres of ground at Deramore Park which in 19^1 he generously handed over to the trustees for the use of the club.

When the war was over large-scale developments at Deramore included levelling, draining and re-seeding. This prevented a re-opening of the ground until 1950 during which period home fixtures were played either at Pirrie Park or Ravenhill. The ground at Deramore was re-opened on 30th September 1950. Three years later Charlie Neill died and a memorial fund was immediately instituted and as a result of this fund a pavilion was erected and opened in September 1962. There was only one name for it - THE CHARLES S. NEILL MEMORIAL PAVILION, in honour of the club’s most generous benefactor. The new pavilion was opened by Mrs Moya Woodside, daughter of Charlie Neill. Within ten years an extension was made to the pavilion in order to increase the indoor facilities and to accommodate a bar. The opening ceremony at the extension in 1972 was performed by Mr William S H Lavery, a past captain of the Rugby club. Today, the Rugby Club is part of the Collegians Club and shares Deramore’s grounds and its pavilion with the Cricket club, the Men's Hockey Club and the Women's Hockey club. In recent years a new cricket square has been laid, and additions have included an all-weather hockey pitch and a third rugby pitch. WK***-'- LTR RNH IF) PRESIDENTS (IRFU) BRANCH ULSTER . . O’Callaghan B. J. RM H CLEIN SCRAPBOOK COLLEGIANS THE FROM e Reid Ken INTERNATIONAL PLAYERS


H. A. S. Irvine Luke J. Holmes



George Cromey Tom Corken

Jack Siggins

Ewart Bell Gerry Murphy Victor Lyttle Jim Donaldson



A. R. Wheeler R. J. Roth well

Paul Fry

Tommy Holmes

W. Lindsay Shaw W. H. McKee David Hill



Dion Glass Mervyn Piggot A. McConnell, T. Cromey, G. Dudgeon Supporting J. W. Kyle.

Stanley Jackson Bobby Hart Maurice Dawson

Ricky Stewart y •••••• Annesley Harrison v Roy Palmer



- : ^7 ' &

Jack Capper Fred Jones Norman Brownlee

4 :

Grahame Capper Cyril Sinclair Charles Bamford

William T. Brown

Matt Gibson Peter Jones CLUB CAPTAINS


Ronnie Gilliland David Reid Gerry Crawford Jack Sayers

W. K. Evans Joss Lapsley

Fred Hunter Dawson McConkey

Wes Kettyle Alan Leckey

Ashley Armstrong Arthur Campbell 1st XV 1905-06

B: W. Riddell, L. McC. Rankin, W. S. Smyth D. Hill, T. Andrew, G. Sayers, A. L. Stevenson. 2: L. Erskine, T. S. S. Holmes, C. M. Waddell. 3: H. B. Adams, H. A. McCann, W. L. Shaw, J. A. E. Ball. F: C. Thompson, H. Quayle, T. C. Templeton, W. Paul. 1st XV 1907-08

B: G. V. Acheson, G. Sayers, W. S. Smyth, J. A. E. Ball. M: W. H. Lloyd, D. Hill, C. Thompson, B. Crean, H. A. McCann. 3: R. Jackson, A. Wright, J. Hamilton, F. G. Ball, J. Smyth, T. W. Seale. F: J. Darroch, G. Simpson, B. Thompson, E. J. Scott, H. Mackenzie. 1st XV 1909-10

B: T. O’Neill, H. Hopkinson, R. Jackson, J. Agnew, S. D. Barr. M: J. Smyth, W. S. Smyth, D. Hill, C. Thompson, T. S. S. Holmes. F: B. Thompson, E. J. Scott, M. Harper, F. B. Trotter, J. R. Whitsitt, J. B. O’Callaghan, W. H. Lloyd, G. Simpson.


B: E. B. Martin, S. D. Barr, H. Moore, V. Agnew, F. Trotter, W. V. Edwards. M: A. Wright, F. Russell, D. Hill, W. Smyth, C. S. Neill, P. Smyth, C. Adams, J. P. Quinn. F: J. A. Daniel, W. Tyrell, J. B. O’Callaghan, W. E. Crawford. Inset: R. J. Hutchinson. I ’ I : M : M F: 3: . . rne W S Syh C Topo, . ent, . ar, . Robinson, F. Barry, J. Bennett, F. Thompson, C. Smyth, S. W. Cronne, W. F. C. McVicker, J. Calvert, H. McVicker, J. C. Galloway, J. McVicker, T. Simpson, Simpson, T. McVicker, J. Galloway, C. J. McVicker, H. Calvert, J. McVicker, C. . . ’el, . . . usl, . . mle J B OClahn J E Rea, E. J. O’Callaghan, B. J. Smylie, V. C. Russell, A. J. W. O’Neill, B. J. . . le, . has T M By, . ri, . rgt G R Murtagh. R. G. Wright, A. Irwin, S. Boyd, M. T. Sheals, W. Allen, V. G. B: . . ilad H MKe J M Topo, . er D Grant. D. Kerr, D. Thompson, M. J. McKee, H. Hillyard, C. R. B: . alr H Jcsn W M Hw, . . McKenna. G. T. Howe, M. W. Jackson, H. Taylor, J. . . cllad J H Sweeney. H. J. McClelland, D. J. F: s X 1912-13 XV 1st . . ilsi, . Castles. G. Gillespie, C. J. s X 1925-26 XV 1st . . McClure. D. J. Acheson. V. G. 1st XV 1930-31

B: T. S. Cor ken, E. L. White, P. P. Fry. M: H. V. Mullen, A. F. Clark, J. A. E. Siggins, D. Mairs, J. G. Boyd, V. J. Lyttle, C. T. Mullen. F: J. Thompson, J. E. Sayers, H. T. McDowell, J. Green, J. Calvert, J. A. Lewis. 1st XV 1936-37

B: W. G. Litster (Hon. Team Sec.), C. C. Johnston, W. Allen, C. V. Smylie (Hon. Treas.), J. W. Henderson, Esq., M.A. (President), C. S. Neill (Hon. Secretary), J. Lillie, W. R. Todd, H. G. Crawford. M: T. E. May, O. B. Glasgow, T. S. Corken, J. E. Sayers (Captain), J. A. E. Siggins, J. Calvert, J. A. Lewis. F: R. J. Johnson, H. Christie, J. A. D. Shortt, H. Beckett, T. Donaldson, F. Galbraith. 1st XV 1946-47 FINALISTS ULSTER SENIOR CUP

B: W. Litster (Team Secretary), H. A. C. Todd, R. W. Gilliland, F. Hodgett, K. Maguire, A. Hill, B. Wells, G. Murphy, Mr. C. S. Neill (President). M: G. N. R. Moon, A. A. McConnell, M. R. Neely, N. Grimshaw (Captain), G. Dudgeon, N. D. Beattie, W. K. Evans. F: T. W. S. Furey, B. Gentleman. Inset: T. Cromey. 1st XV 1951-52 WINNERS: ULSTER SENIOR LEAGUE (Past Presidents’ Cup), ULSTER CHALLENGE CUP, ULSTER ‘SEVEN-A-SIDE’ COMPETITON

B: W. G. Litster, J. Kingsmore, G. A. Jamison, S. Paterson, W. E. Lowry, C. V. Smylie. M : C . Cameron, W. E. Bell, H. G. Dudgeon, R. W. Gilliland, W. K. Evans, J. H. Smith, R. C. Young. F: W. A. Hill, A. Graham, J. C. Lapsley, W. S. H. Lavery, F. H. Hunter, R. A. C. Hart. 1st XV 1960-61 WINNERS: ULSTER SENIOR CHALLENGE CUP

B: J. Keepe, D. Irwin, J. Palmer, B. Megarry, L. Stevenson, L, Taylor, S. Jackson, W. E. Lowry, W. S. H. Lavery (Hon. Team Secretary). M: R. McC. Wilson, J. A. Donaldson, D. Reid (Captain), Mr. T. S. S. Holmes, F.R.C.S. (President), T. D. McConkey (Vice-Captain), M. Piggot, D. Morrison. F: C. Sinclair, R. J. P. Good, J. McFarland, R. A. C. Hart. 1st XV 1961-62 WINNERS: ULSTER SENIOR CHALLENGE CUP AND

B: D. Irwin, W. Brown, N. Irwin, L. Stevenson, B. Megarry, L. Taylor, S. Jackson, W. S. H. Lavery (Hon. Team Secretary). M: D. C. Glass, D. Reid, M. Piggot (Captain), W. J. Dennison (President), J. A. Donaldson, T. D. McConkey, R. J. P. Good. F: C. Sinclair, D. Morrison. Inset: J. McFarland. 1st XV 1977-78 DERAMORE SHEILD FINALISTS 1977 m

G. Sloan, C. Sloan, C. Doyle, M. Dawson, P. Mcllroy, M. McCulloch, G. Clarke, V. McQuoid (Hon. Team Sec.), W. Balmforth (Touch Judge). W. Kettyle, A. Armstrong, F. Hunter (President), A. Campbell (Captain), T. McCaw, D. Mulholland, G. Henderson. F: S. Morris, D. Meaklim. Inset: A. McKee. 1st XV 1982-83 WINNERS: SENIOR CUP: RUNNERS-UP: SENIOR LEAGUE

I. J. McCulloch, C. L. Doyle, A. A. Leckey, S. M. Dawson, D. W. Mulholland, M. Rutledge, S. R. Morris. M: F. P. Jones (Team Sec.), C. G. H. O’Connor, M. C. Sloan, W. G. Sloan, M. F. Langhammer, W. D. Gilliland, I. W. Johnston, T. V. Scott, R. B. Bloomfield (Coach). F: R. J. P. Evans, A. T. Campbell, W. J. Kettyle, C. Sinclair (President), R. V. Palmer, A. R. McKee, R. H. Stewart.

1 * 2nd XV 1893-94

B W, P. H. Dinsmore, W. Meara, F. J. Pilkington, S. Howe. M: H. Stevenson, C. S. Neill, H. Mercer, — Black, — Ward, B. Barr, J. Gorman, L. W. Crooks. F: F. Neill, W. Fulton, H. T. Whitaker, F. Hamilton.

2nd XV 1901-02


B: H. G. Crawford, O. McMullen, J. A. Haire, A. Bennett, C, S. Neill (Hon. Secretary), W. C. H. Eakin, W. J. S. Nixon, R. Stewart, C. V. Smylie (Hon. Team Secretary). M: F. G. Caldbeck, W. Litster, F. H. Mills, H. Mcllrath (Captain), D. Mairs, P. P. Fry, J. C. B. Thompson. F: M. C. Sloane, J. M. Smyth, W. Smith, C. Brims. 4th XV 1951-52

B: J. A. Geddis, G. M. Downey, M. H. Douglas, C. V. Smylie, G. Wells, A. R. Johnston, J. Dennison. M: G. H. C. Murphy, S. R. Kirk, R. C. Ervine, W. A. Sloan, E. J. Young, W. F. K. Morrow, R. Ellis. F: G. Ferrett, G. A. R. Finlay, G. W. B. Jennings. R. C. W. Murphy.

75 Colts XV 1952-53 WINNERS: 4th DIVISION CUP

B: J. A. Geddis, R. Milford, K. V. Garrett, D. Stewart, H. G. Crawford (President), R. Paterson, T. L. Maitland, V. J. Law, R. McClelland. M: A. Rogers, D. Roycroft, J. L. Harvey, D. McConkey (Captain), R. A. W. Douglas, F. G. Bell, J. R. Meaklin. F: B. Anderson, L. E. Hughes, D. Tunnah, W. R. Gilliland. 4th XV 1959-60 WINNERS: 4th DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP CUP

B: D. D. Smyth, E. P. Finlay, G. Musgrave, B. Mehaffey, C. Jefferson, H. FiUsimons, R. M. Lipsett, N. H. Stewart. M: N. G. Clarke, D. N. Kenning, A. J. McMaster (Captain), F. C. Jones (President), G. Ferrett, C. C. Stanfield, A. H. McRoberts. F: W. B. Patterson, A. J. Duncan, A. Garscadden, R. G. Lyons.


B: V. McQuoid, P. Jones, J. Palmer, B. Aspinall, S. Jackson, L. Taylor, A. McMaster, R. Good. M : C . Sinclair, L. Irwin, N. Eccles (Captain), T. Holmes, Esq., F.R.C.S. (President), F. Hunter, R. Hart, E. Lowry. B. Hill, D. Martin, J. McQuoid, C. Lynas. 2nd XV 1961-62 WINNERS: ULSTER JUNIOR CHALLENGE CUP, PAST PLAYERS CUP, McCREA CUP.

B: D. Balnave, P. Jones, L. Stevenson, C. Stanfield, R. Gordon, H. Dickson, D. Martin, A. McMaster. M: V. McQuoid, L. Irwin, N. Eccles (Captain), W. J. Dennison (President), F. Hunter, R. Hart, J. Law. F: J. McQuoid, S. Beattie.

"7 -7 Ill ‘A’ XV 1970-71


B: H. Dyer, R. Dunlop, S. Jackson, S. Reynolds, R. Bell, R. Ellison, G. Jackson, T. Silcock. M: K. Woods, J. Targett, J. Capper (Captain), N. Grimshaw (President), G. Capper, S. Carson, E. Finlay. F: R. Coughlin, H. Sinclair.


B. W. A. Finlay, J. L. Kelly, P. G. U. Vickers, H. W. Coulter, P. C. Jackson, J. H. McComish, R. D. Bell, B. Sheridan, E. P. Finlay" R. J. McCourt, I. Abernethy, J. I. Murphy. M: N. G. Clarke, M. E. Laughlin, F. P. Jones, T. R. Pollock (Captain), W. S. H. Lavery (President), J. C. McQuoid, E. G. Bell, W. Balmforth, J. M. Millar. F: T. Finlay, L. Gould.

lb 3rd ‘A’ XV 1974-75


B: Mr. W. Brownrigg (President), G. McCadden, D. Martin, S. Wright, P. Jackson, W. Harland, J. Moore, D. Caulfield, C. McLean, N. Hatch, Mr. T. Craig (Selector). M: R. Dunlop, W. Brown, A. Chambers, M. McLean (Captain), J. Waldron, K. Graham, S. Beattie. F: N. Maclachlan, P. Donaldson. 6th XV 1977-78 WINNERS McCAMBLEY CUP AND JOINT WINNERS SECTION 16 ULSTER LEAGUE

B: K. Collins, G. Capper, D. Stewart, N. Hatch, R. Norris, W. Harland, J. Connor, P. Meaklim, D. Kennedy. M: M. Megarry, S. Beattie, S. Jackson, J. Capper (Captain), N. Irwin, M. Millar. F: P. Harland, B. Lockhart, R. Coughlin, G. Collins.

7 9 4th XV 1978-79

The victorious Collegians team which won the Harden Cup defeating Instonians in the final at Ravenhill in April 1979.

B: F. Hunter, D. Simpson, J. McCaughran, D. McClenaghan, J. Meaklin, S. Carson, R. Ellison, S. Hall, S. Scott, M. Barton, D. McComish, J. Mairs. F: M. Dawson, S. Rankin, S. Smith, J. Reid, R. Dunlop, P. Hanna, H. Bill. FRENCH TOUR 1982

B: B. Irvine, D. Mulholland, D. McComish, M. Dawson, A. Leckey, I. Graham, N. Bell, M. McLean. M: B. Lockhart, T. Scott, T. McCaw, H. Minion, P. Jackson, R. Leckey, C. Sloan, I. Johnston, T. Morrice. F: M. McCulloch, G. Sloan, P. Jones, C. Sinclair, W. Kettyle, R. Connell, R. Stewart.


P. Fry J. Siggins R w Harland J- Boyd, J. Lewis J. Calvert


Ricky Stewart, the Collegians scrum-half, about to release the ball in AIB Senior Cup semi-final at Ravenhill. COLLEGIANS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB 1890 - 1989


Senior Cup 1890-1912 H S McIntosh Honorary Secretary 1906 1912--1917 E L Lewis 1690-1891 S J Graham 1910 1917-19*13 J W Henderson 1897-1954 C S Neill 1913 1943-19*17 J Falconer 1954-1956 W G Litster 1926 19*17-19*18 C S Neill 1956-1957 W S H Lavery 1952 19*18-19119 N Wilson 1957-1958 H G Crawford 1961 19^9-1950 N Wilson 1958-1961 F G Bell 1962 1950-1951 C V Sinylie 1961-1971 C Bamford 1983 1951-1952 C V Smylie 1971-1975 J C McQuoid 1952-1953 H G Crawford 1975-1981 G Capper Senior League 1953-195*1 H G Crawford 1981-1986 W B Buchanan 1903 195*1-1955 J B O'Callaghan 1986- B Sheridan 1908 1955-1956 W G Litster 1911 1956-1957 0 McMullen Honorary Treasurer 1913 1957-1958 J Capper 1890-1891 J B McCutcheon 1951 1958-1959 J A Lewis 1919-1920 H G Stevenson 1952 1959-1960 F C Jones 1920-1924 G R Murtagh 1954 1960-1961 T S S Holmes 1924-1933 J B O'Callaghan 1956 1961-1962 W J Dennison 1933-1937 J G Boyd 1962 1962-1963 T Craig 1937-1950 C V Smylie 1963-196*1 J G Boyd 1950-1953 E J McKelvey Charity Cup 196*1-1965 T N Brownlee 1953-1956 W Smyth 1901 1965-1966 W Smyth 1956-1958 J G Boyd 1902 1966-1967 J A Smiley 1958-1961 W E Lowry 1967-1968 T Donaldson 1961-1965 R A C Hart Senior Sevens 1968-1969 T Donaldson 1965-1968 D C Glass 1931 1969-1970 N Grimshaw 1968-1971 J C McQuoid 1932 1970-1971 N Grimshaw 1971-1975 E G Bell 1975 1971-1972 W E Bell 1975-1981 D K Pollock 1972-1973 N D Beattie 1981-1986 R P Coulter Junior Cup 1973-197*1 W S H Lavery 1986- J McComish 1892 197*1-1975 J W Brownrigg 189^ 1975-1976 D Reid Honorary Team Secretary 1901 1976-1977 D C Glass 1920-1924 J McClure 1902 1977-1978 F H Hunter 1924-1925 J B 0 ‘Callaghan 1903 1978-1979 C Bamford 1925-1926 W A Craig 1961 1979-1980 W H de F Smyth 1926-1928 J C Galloway 1962 1980-1981 R A C Hart 1928-1931 R C Hillyard 1981-1982 D J McClenaghan 1931-1935 C V Smylie Junior League 1982-1983 C Sinclair 1935-1952 W G Litster 1902 1983-198*1 W V McQuoid 1952-1956 N Grimshaw 1956 198*1-1985 R Robinson 1956-1957 J Gillespie 1962 1985-1986 B Brotherston 1957-1970 W S H Lavery 1986-1987 M H Gibson 1970-1974 R Robinson HcCrea Cup 1987-1988 G Capper 1974-1977 C Sinclair 1961 1988-1989 W T Brown 1977-1979 W V McQuoid 1962 1979-1985 F P Jones 1985- D R S Rankin Forster Cup CLUB HO NOURS 1971 McCambley Cup Honorary Fixture Secretary 1975 1978 1970-1972 W S H Lavery 1972-1976 J A Donaldson Harden Cup Deramore Shield 1976-1981 R W N Greeves 193*1 1976 1981-1985 D R S Rankin 1979 1981 1985- K A Graham

Ravenhill Cup Under 20 Floodlit Cup 1952 1985 1953 I960 Under 19 Cup 1974 1981 REPRESENTATIVE HONOURS


Ainsworth Barr J Alexander Kenneth R Kennedy W Ewart Bell W E Ashley Armstrong Kenneth E Lappin Frank Bennett F G Ball Joss C Lapsley George L B Bradshaw J A Ernest Ball John R Law Thomas S Corken Ainsworth Barr W Eric Lowry George E Cromey Norrie D Beattie Victor J Lyttle James A Donaldson W Ewart Bell David McCausland Jack Fulton Frank Bennett Albert A M McConnell Dion C Glass George L B Bradshaw John McFarland Colin Grimshaw Jack Calvert Harold McKee L Jackson Holmes Arthur T Campbell William H McKee Henry A S Irvine Ernest E Clements Charles McVicker A Paul Kennedy Robert G Clements Hugh McVicker Iain G Kennedy William T Clements James McVicker Victor J Lyttle Thomas S Corken Kenneth G Maguire Albert A M McConnell Cyril C Cowan David Mairs Hugh McVicker Barney Crean Ian Marshall James McVicker George E Cromey T Eric May J Gerry M W Murphy Thomas A Cromey E Bennett Megarry Matthew R Neely S Maurice Brown Derek Morrison James B O'Neill Charles Dick Cecil T Mullen Godfrey Pinion James A Donaldson J Gerry M W Murphy W Brooke Purdon H Gordon Dudgeon Matthew Neely James S Ritchie W Kenneth Evans James B O'Neill Jack A E Siggins P Paul Fry Roy V Palmer John H Smith Frank W Galbraith Mervyn A Piggot Paddy J Smith Jack C Galloway Godfrey Pinion William S Smith Herbert B Gibson W Brooke Purdon James Taylor (191*0 Alwyn Gillen John E Rea Charles Thompson G F Gillespie James S Ritchie Roger M Young Ronald W Gilliland Richard J Rothwell Oswald B Glasgow William J A Russell B INTERNATIONALS Dion C Glass William L Shaw Colin Grimshaw Jack A E Siggins Roy V Palmer Norman Grimshaw Albert D Slader Richard H Stewart Michael N Grimshaw John H Smith Norman Grimshaw Paddy J Smith BRITISH LIONS Alan R Gurd William S Smith J Marvin Hagans Richard H Stewart Manager D Annesley Harrison James Taylor (191*+) Robert A C Hart James Taylor (193*+) Jack A E Siggins David Hill Lindsay C Taylor L Jackson Holmes Charles Thompson Players Thomas S S Holmes - Watters Henry A S Irvine Arthur R Wheeler George E Cromey S Douglas Irwin Robin McC Wilson James McVicker Stanley H Jackson B P Young Roger M Young Iain W Johnston Roger M Young John W Keepe A Paul Kennedy Iain G Kennedy TEAM CAPTAINS 1st XV

1890-1891 C K Pooler 1956-1957 J C Lapsley 1927-1928 G R Wilson 1891-1892 D P Mercier 1957-1958 F H Hunter 1928-1929 W G Litster 1892-1893 J Workman 1958-1959 J R Law 1929-1930 J C B Thompson 1893-1891* J Alexander 1959-1960 J A Donaldson 1930-1931 J A Stewart 1894-1895 J McA Holmes 1960-1961 D Reid 1931-1932 I A May 1895-1896 F S Neill 1961-1962 M A Piggot 1932-1933 M G Adams 1896-1897 A Barr 1962-1963 J A Donaldson 1933-1934 J Capper 1897-1898 W T Clements 1963-1964 T D McConkey 1934-1935 E L White 1998-1899 A Barr 1964-1965 S D Irwin 1935-1936 T Martin 1899-1900 A Barr 1965-1966 S H Jackson 1936-1937 T Martin 1900-1901 A Barr 1966-1967 N C Irwin 1937-1938 T Martin 1901-1902 W T Clements 1967-1968 S H Jackson 1938-1939 1902-1903 C S Neill 1968-1969 W V McQuoid 1939-1940 T Craig 1903-1904 C S Neill 1969-1970 J A O'Neill 1940-1941 T Craig 1904-1905 B Crean 1970-1971 A L Chambers 1941-1942 T Craig 1905-1906 T S S Holmes 1971-1972 J A O'Neill 1942-1943 T Craig 1906-1907 H B Adams 1972-1973 D A Harrison 1943-1944 T Craig 1907-1908 C Thompson 1973-1974 D A Harrison 1944-1945 T Craig 1908-1909 W S Smith 1974-1975 G A Jackson 1945-1946 T Craig 1909-1910 D Hill 1975-1976 D K Pollock 1946-1947 P B Dudgeon 1910-1911 C Thompson 1976-1977 T I McCaw 1947-1948 W J Bell 1911-1912 W S Smith 1977-1978 A T Campbell 1948-1949 R W Bailie 1912-1913 F Bennett 1978-1979 W E A Armstrong 1949-1950 N Grimshaw 1913-1914 F Bennett 1979-1980 W G Sloan 1950-1951 W J Bell 1919-1920 W S Smith 1980-1981 D W Mulholland 1951-1952 J B C Glass 1920-1921 c V Smylie 1981-1982 J W Kettyle 1952-1953 1921-1922 J B O'Neill 1982-1983 J W Kettyle 1953-1954 W F K Morrow 1922-1923 c V Smylie 1983-1984 A T Campbell 1954-1955 R S Crone 1923-1924 J B O'Neill 1984-1985 J W Kettyle 1955-1956 N C Eccles 1924-1925 J C Gillespie 1985-1986 M H J McCulloch 1956-1957 N C Eccles 1925-1926 J McVicker 1986-1987 A A Leckey 1957-1958 K E Reid 1926-1927 J McVicker 1987-1988 D H Emerson 1958-1959 K E Reid 1927-1928 H G Crawford 1988-1989 A A Leckey 1959-1960 C Sinclair 1928-1929 A F Clark 1960-1961 N C Eccles 1929-1930 H V Mullen 2nd XV 1961-1962 N C Eccles 1930-1931 D Mairs 1962-1963 N C Eccles 1931-1932 J A E Siggins 1897-1898 R Morrow 1963-1964 A J McMaster 1932-1933 J A E Siggins 1898-1899 H Mercier 1964-1965 F P Jones 1933-1934 J Calvert 1899-1900 W M Macaw 1965-1966 W E Lowry 1934-1935 J A E Siggins 1900-1901 W M Macaw 1966-1967 H N Dickson 1935-1936 J A E Siggins 1901-1902 W M Macaw 1967-1968 K F Collins 1936-1937 J E Sayers 1902-1903 H A McCann 1968-1969 J C McQuoid 1937-1938 J E Sayers 1903-1904 H A McCann 1969-1970 J McCaughran 1938-1939 T E May 1904-1905 R D Wright and 1970-1971 K F Collins 1939-1940 0 B Glasgow F Bradshaw 1971-1972 S M Beattie 1940-1941 0 B Glasgow 1905-1906 J H Wright 1972-1973 N Hatch 1941-1942 R J Johnson 1906-1907 F Bradshaw 1973-1974 K A Graham 1942-1943 R J Johnson 1907-1908 S Hamilton 1974-1975 T R Pollock 1943-1944 T Donaldson 1908-1909 H Hopkinson 1975-1976 H F Minion 1944-1945 H G Dudgeon 1909-1910 F Wilson 1976-1977 D Taylor 1945-1946 T A Cromey 1910-1911 F Crawford 1977-1978 M S R McLean 1946-1947 N Grimshaw 1911-1912 C -V Smylie 1978-1979 I H Graham 1947-1948 N Grimshaw 1912-1913 J Thompson 1979-1980 G M Henderson 1948-1949 H G Dudgeon 1913-1914 J D McClure 1980-1981 R J Harris 1949-1950 W E Bell 1919-1920 E H Marfurt 1981-1982 I H Graham 1950-1951 R W Gilliland 1920-1921 E H Marfurt 1982-1983 M S R McLean 1951-1952 R W Gilliland 1921-1922 R C Campbell 1983-1984 M S R McLean 1952-1953 W K Evans 1922-1923 C T Kerr 1984-1985 R J Connell 1953-1954 R C Young 1923-1924 J Crawford 1985-1986 I D Kerr 1954-1955 W S H Lavery 1924-1925 S McCaffrey 1986-1987 D R Meaklim 1955-1956 J C Lapsley 1925-1926 s McCaffrey 1987-1988 J A Wilson 1926-1927 D J Watters 1988-1989 D Simpson TEAM CAPTAINS 3rd XV 3rd 'A' XV 4th 'A' XV

1899-1900 W Brooke Purdon 1967-1968 w Blair 1950-1951 w A Sloan 1900-1901 F Burnside 1968-1969 J R Armstrong 1951-1952 w A Sloan 1901-1902 F Burnside 1969-1970 G A Montgomery 1952-1953 T D McConkey 1902-1903 R Ward 1970-1971 J Capper 1953-1954 R W Streigth 1903-1904 W E MacWilliam 1971’1970 H M Sinclair 1954-1955 B H Anderson 1904-1905 F G Walsh 1972-1973 T H Kernaghan 1955-1956 R Gilliland 1905-1906 A Crawford 1973-1974 S Reynolds 1956-1957 D N Kenning 1906-1907 S Hamilton 1974-1975 M S R McLean 1957-1958 G Ferrett 1907-1908 W B Templeton 1975-1976 A G Collins 1958-1959 G Ferrett 1908-1909 A E M Carleton 1976-1977 W R I Maconkey 1959-1960 A J McMaster 1909-1910 R Fawcett 1977-1978 S G Dowling 1960-1961 D Smyth 1910-1911 C V Smylie 1978-1979 R G McCadden 1961-1962 D N Kenning 1911-1912 J D McClure 1979-1980 R N Bradley 1962-1963 G M Campbell 1912-1913 D Smylie 1980-1981 D I Mairs 1963-1964 B Patterson 1913-1914 W W Oliver 1981-1982 J W Meaklim 1964-1965 c C Stanfield 1920-1921 W H Stafford 1982-1983 H C Bill 1921-1922 W G Litster 1983-1984 W H Boyd 3rd 'A' XV 1922-1923 D Kerr 1984-1985 M Robinson 1923-1924 T H Carroll 1985-1986 M S R McLean 1965-1966 G Capper 1924-1925 C Nesbitt 1986-1987 A J Clarke 1966-1967 M E Laughlin 1925-1926 C Nesbitt 1987-1988 M Robinson 1926-1927 H W West 1988-1989 M S R McLean 3rd 'B' XV 1927-1928 C F Anderson 1928-1929 C F Anderson 4 th XV 1967-1968 G Capper 1929-1930 J B Dennison 1968-1969 G Capper 1930-1931 T Martin 1935-1936 T M B White 1969-1970 D E J Carson 1931-1932 0 McMullen 1936-1937 T M B White 1970-1971 E G Bell 1932-1933 M C Sloane 1937-1938 T M B White 1971-1972 G E H Beamish 1933-1934 H Mcllrath 1938-1939 1972-1973 s Hall 1934-1935 H Mcllrath 1946-1947 R B May 1973-1974 R B C Young 1935-1936 W Smith 1947-1948 B Mulligan 1974-1975 M C Megarry 1936-1937 T Craig 1948-1949 B Mulligan 1975-1976 R P Coulter 1937-1938 A S Callaghan 1949-1950 B A Coulter 1976-1977 R E McGrath 1938-1939 1946-1947 T Craig 4 th XV 1947-1948 R Whit 1948-1949 R White 1977-1978 W B Ferguson 1949-1950 W R Jeffrey 1978-1979 R T Dunlop 1950-1951 E Hobson 1979-1980 W S Smith 1951-1952 E Hobson 1980-1981 R W Harland 1952-1953 W W Hanna 1981-1982 S G Dowling 1953-1951* W W Hanna 1982-1983 P S McConnell 1954-1955 W W Hanna 1983-1984 A Clarke 1956-1957 T J Russell 1984-1985 D I Mairs 1957-1958 T J Morrice 1985-1986 A Boyd 1958-1959 W Bell 1986-1987 R H Henning 1959-1960 W Bell 1987-1988 D I Mairs 1960-1961 J Beattie 1988-1989 T A Uprichard 1961-1962 K F Collins 1962-1963 B J Hill 1963-1964 B J Hill 1964-1965 R Little 1965-1966 J R Dorrity 1966-1967 A J McMaster TEAM CAPTAINS

5th XV 4th ~A~ XV 6th XV 4th ~B~ XV Coasters XV

1950-1951 N E C Bamford 1970-1971 w B Ferguson 1965-1966 I McK Brownlee 1951-1952 P W Stewart 1971-1972 D J McMillan 1972-1973 D R S Rankin kth 'B' XV Colts ]KV 1973-1974 C J Wilkinson 1974-1975 D R S Rankin 1972-1973 j M Millar 1952-1953 R McClelland 1975-1976 W R I Maconkey 1973-1974 T R Pollock 1953-195** R N MacDougall 1976-1977 J Capper 1974-1975 B Sheridan 1954-1955 R W Streight 1975-1976 R G N Edwards 1955-1956 W B Brown 5 th XV 1976-1977 c Reid 1956-1957 W A Hunter 1957-1958 G Baird 1977-1978 J Capper 6th XV 1958-1959 T Young 1978-1979 A M Brown 1959-1960 D H Boucher 1979-1980 C J Reid 1977-1978 J Capper 1961-1962 T Jordan 1980-1981 K D B Campbell 1978-1979 D F Kennedy 1961-1962 A S McQuoid 1981-1982 I H Abernethy 1979-1980 J Capper 1962-1963 A S McQuoid 1982-1983 1980-1981 1963-1964 D Parker 1983-1984 1981-1982 1964-1965 G Capper 1984-1985 1982-1983 1985-1986 L Robinson 1983-1984 P H Hanna 4 th XV 1986-1987 P Hanna/ 1984-1985 L Robinson N Trotter 1985-1986 J Capper 1965-1966 G Musgrave 1987-1988 P Hanna/ 1986-1987 J Capper 1966-1967 W D McConnell N Trotter 1967-1968 R B C Young 1988-1989 G A Jackson 1968-1969 W A Finlay 1969-1970 W D Balmforth RECORD OF COLLEGIANS 1ST XV 1890-1891 TO 1988-1989

Season Captain P w L D Season Captain P w L D

1890-1891 C K Pooler 9 4 4 1 1945-1946 T A Cromey 22 9 13 0 1891-1892 D P Mercier 6 2 3 1 1946-1947 N Grimshaw 20 13 6 1 1892-1893 J Workman 4 1 3 0 1947-1948 N Grimshaw 22 11 10 1 1893-1894 J Alexander 8 3 3 2 1948-1949 H G Dudgeon 21 11 8 2 1894-1895 J McA Holmes 8 2 5 1 1949-1950 W E Bell 23 12 9 2 1895-1896 F S Neill 12 4 5 3 +1950-1951 R W Gilliland 27 15 7 5 1896-1897 A Barr 9 4 3 2 +*1951-1952 R W Gilliland 24 21 3 0 1897-1898 W T Clements 12 6 5 1 1952-1953 W K Evans 26 18 7 1 1898-1899 A Barr 15 5 10 0 +1953-1954 R C Young 25 15 5 5 1899-1900 A Barr 14 7 4 3 1954-1955 W S H Lavery 20 9 8 3 ”1900-1901 A Barr 19 13 5 1 +1955-1956 J C Lapsley 22 12 6 4 ”1901-1902 W T Clements 13 8 3 2 1956-1957 J C Lapsley 27 15 11 1 +1902-1903 C S Neill 14 6 7 1 1957-1958 F H Hunter 25 16 7 2 1903-1904 C S Neill 16 7 7 2 1958-1959 J R Law 20 11 8 1 1904-1905 B Crean 25 11 10 4 1959-1960 J A Donaldson 27 18 5 4 *1905-1906 T S S Holmes 25 18 6 1 *1960-1961 D Reid 26 15 7 4 1906-1907 H B Adams 19 10 8 1 +*1961-1962 M A Piggot 27 20 3 4 +1907-1908 C Thompson 21 10 9 2 1962-1963 J A Donaldson 26 12 8 6 1908-1909 W S Smith 19 10 8 1 1963-1964 T D McConkey 29 18 10 1 *1909-1910 D Hill 17 13 4 0 1964-1965 S D Irwin 23 10 10 3 +1910-1911 C Thompson 20 8 10 2 1965-1966 S H Jackson 25 12 12 1 1911-1912 W S Smith 14 3 11 0 1966-1967 N C Irwin 25 8 14 3 +*1912-1913 F Bennett 14 8 6 0 1967-1968 S H Jackson 24 3 20 l 1913-1914 F Bennett 16 6 7 3 1968-1969 W V McQuoid 27 7 15 5 1919-1920 W S Smith 12 3 9 0 1969-1970 J A O'Neill 24 7 16 1 1920-1921 C V Smylie 19 5 i4 0 1970-1971 A L Chambers 30 6 21 3 1921-1922 J B O'Neill 19 5 12 2 1971-1972 J A O'Neill 31 7 24 0 1922-1923 C V Smylie 21 9 11 1 1972-1973 D A Harrison 28 11 16 1 1923-1924 J B O'Neill 21 13 6 2 1973-1974 D A Harrison 26 6 18 2 1924-1925 J C Gillespie 17 6 11 0 1974-1975 G A Jackson 24 7 13 4 *1925-1926 J McVicker 24 15 8 1 1975-1976 D K Pollock 32 11 20 1 1926-1927 J McVicker 18 3 13 2 1976-1977 T I McCaw 25 8 16 1 1927-1928 H G Crawford 15 7 6 2 1977-1978 A T Campbell 30 15 10 5 1928-1929 A F Clark 17 8 8 1 1978-1979 W E A Armstrong 31 18 13 0 1929-1930 H V Mullen 21 9 12 0 1979-1980 W G Sloan 31 13 16 2 1930-1931 D Mairs 23 14 5 4 1980-1981 D W Mulholland 33 18 15 0 1931-1932 J A E Siggins 25 11 10 4 1981-1982 J W Kettyle 23 9 13 1 1932-1933 J A E Siggins 21 8 9 4 *1982-1983 J W Kettyle 32 25 6 1 1933-1934 J Calvert 24 7 11 6 1983-1984 A T Campbell 3? 22 11 0 1934-1935 J A E Siggins 21 8 12 1 1984-1985 J W Kettyle 29 16 13 0 1935-1936 J A E Siggins 19 5 14 0 1985-1986 M J H McCulloch 3016 14 0 1936-1937 J E Sayers 20 10 9 1 1986-1987 A A Leckey 28 12 15 1 1937-1938 J E Sayers 23 10 11 2 1987-1988 D H Emerson 30 11 19 0 1938-1939 T E May 24 11 8 5 1988-1989 A A Leckey 35 17 18 0

* Senior Cup Winners + Senior League Winners " Charity Cup Winners RECORD OF COLLEGIANS 1ST XV AGAINST OTHER CLUBS 1890-1989

First Collegians First Collegians Fixture Opponents P w L D Fixture Opponents P w L D 1910-1911 Abertillery 2 0 2 0 1923-1924 Larne 6 6 0 0 1954-1955 Academy 45 30 14 1 1947-1948 Limerick Bohs 32 21 9 2 1890-1891 Albion 22 13 5 4 1979-1980 Lisburn 7 6 1 0 1973-1974 Ards 23 9 13 1 1898-1899 Llanelly 7 0 7 0 1890-1891 Armagh 22 18 3 1 1978-1979 Loughborough Tn 1 1 0 0 1966-1967 Army XV 1 l 0 0 1890-1891 Lurgan 14 12 0 2 1981-1982 Ayr 1 0 1 0 1913-1914 Maesteg 2 0 2 0 1987-1988 Ballina 2 2 0 0 1895-1896 Malone 187 90 77 20 1977-1978 Ballyclare 2 1 1 0 1949-1950 Manchester 1 1 0 0 1652-1953 Ballymena 60 21 35 4 1905-1906 Merthyr 1 1 0 0 1967-1968 Ballynahinch 5 5 0 0 1938-1939 Millom 1 1 0 0 1978-1979 Banbridge 1 l 0 0 1946-1947 Monkstown 7 4 3 0 1923-1924 Bangor 63 25 35 3 1905-1906 Mount, The 2 2 0 0 1979-1980 Belfast HS FP 1 l 0 0 1900-1901 Mountain Ash 4 1 3 0 1898-1899 Belmont 2 2 0 0 1902-1903 Neath 5 0 4 1 1983-1984 Berkely OB USA 1 1 0 0 1972-1973 New Univ Ulster 1 1 0 0 1951-1952 Birkenhead Park 1 0 1 0 1890-1891 N I F C 174 50 108 16 1978-1979 Blackheath 1 1 0 0 1960-1961 Nottingham 2 2 0 0 1901-1902 Blackrock Coll 1 1 0 0 1953-1954 Old Belvedere 28 11 15 2 1979-1980 Blaydon 1 1 0 0 1952-1953 Old Christians 1 1 0 0 1904-1905 Bridgend 1 1 0 0 1978-1979 Old Dunstonians 1 1 0 0 1903-1904 Bridgewater 1 1 0 0 1907-1908 Old Wesley 48 16 29 3 1904-1905 Cardiff 1 0 1 0 1983-1984 Omagh 1 1 0 0 1971-1972 Carrick 5 4 0 1 1982-1983 Orthez, France 1 1 0 0 1928-1929 Civil Service 90 61 22 7 1925-1926 Palmerston 28 12 15 1 1945-1946 C I Y M S 81 36 41 4 1906-1907 Penycraig 1 1 0 0 1954-1955 Clontarf 33 16 16 1 1913-1914 Pontypool 2 0 2 0 1963-1964 Coleraine 8 6 0 2 1951-1952 Portadown 29 16 12 1 1983-1984 Combined Services 1 1 0 0 1987-1988 Providence USA 1 1 0 0 1913-1914 Cooke 3 3 0 0 1890-1891 Queen's UB 169 66 88 15 1920-1921 Cross Keys 1 0 1 0 1945-1946 RAF Aldergrove 1 1 0 0 1898-1899 City of Derry 48 27 19 2 1971-1972 Rainey OB 3 3 0 0 1902-1903 Devonport Albion 3 0 3 0 1890-1891 RBA Institution 2 2 0 0 1925-1926 Dolphin 14 5 9 0 1945-1946 RNAS Sydenham 1 1 0 0 1952-1953 Donaghadee 1 1 0 0 1930-1931 Selkirk 17 8 6 3 1897-1898 Dungannon 62 34 21 7 1962-1963 J A E Siggins 'XV 1 0 1 0 1924-1925 Durham LI 1 1 0 0 1982-1983 Sligo 1 1 0 0 1935-1936 Earlston 2 2 0 0 1922-1923 Somerset L I 1 1 0 0 1962-1963 Enniskillen 6 5 0 1 1938-1939 South Wales Bdrs 1 0 0 1 1903-1904 Exeter 2 1 1 0 1983-1984 St Mary's 3 0 3 0 1945-1946 Fleet Air Arm 1 1 0 0 1954-1955 Strabane 1 1 0 0 1896-1897 Fortwilliam 20 13 4 3 1971-1972 Strathclyde U l 1 0 0 1969-1970 Gala 2 0 2 0 1931-1932 Sunday's Well 3 1 2 0 1959-1960 Galway Corinthns 15 9 6 0 1898-1899 Swansea 5 0 5 0 1959-1960 Galwegians 2 1 1 0 1921-1922 Tredegar 3 1 1 1 1982-1983 Gan, France 1 1 0 0 1931-1932 Trinity 46 18 25 3 1926-1927 Garryowen 4 2 2 0 1931-1932 U C Cork 2 0 1 1 1946-1947 Glasgow Acad 2 1 1 0 1924-1925 U C Dublin 14 5 7 2 1984-1985 Greystones 3 0 3 0 1894-1895 Ulster F C 5 2 2 1 1982-1983 Hendaye, France l 1 0 0 1966-1967 Vale of Lune 8 3 4 1 1899-1900 Holywood 2 2 0 0 1899-1900 Wanderers 66 27 36 3 1920-1921 Instonians 130 39 81 10 1987-1988 Welch Fusiliers 1 1 0 0 1933-1934 Jedforest 1 0 0 1 1935-1936 Welch Regiment 6 2 4 0 1963-1964 Jordanstown 1 1 0 0 1959-1960 Wellington's Dof 2 2 0 0 1978-1979 Kansas J-Hawks 1 1 0 0 1904-1905 West Hartlepool 1 0 1 0 1950-1951 Kelso 1 1 0 0 1962-1963 West of Scotland 3 0 2 1 1956-1957 King's Scholars 2 2 0 0 1905-1906 West Yorks Regmt 2 1 0 1 1906-1907 Knock 73 48 17 8 1890-1891 Windsor 3 2 0 1 1930-1931 Langholm 1 1 0 0 1968-1969 R M Young's XV 1 0 1 0 1895-1896 Lansdowne 63 19 3410 RESULTS 1890-1900 1 8 9 0 - 9 1 1 8 9 6 - 9 7 25/10/90 a L N I F C 0-9 29/10/96 a D Ulster F C 3-3 8/11/90 a L Albion 0-11 7/11/96 h W Malone 3-0 11/90 a L Queen's 0-6 21/11/96 a L N I F C 0-8 6/12/90 a W Armagh 9-3 28/11/96 h W Ulster F C 24-0 17/1/91 a W Windsor 2nd 9-0 9/1/97 a L Malone 0-5 24/1/91 c W Lurgan 13-3 16/1/97 h W Fortwilliam 8-5 28/1/91 a W R B A I 12-0 26/2/97 h L Lansdowne 0-16 31/1/91 a D Queen's 2nd 3-3 6/3/97 W/L Malone 8-3*pu 27/3/91 n L Albion 2nd 0-6jf 20/3/97 D Malone 0-0

1 8 9 1-92 1 8 97 - 9 8

29/10/91 a L N I F C 0-29 16/10/97 a w N I F C 6-0 c W R B A I 53-0 23/10/97 a w Dungannon 13-3 a L Albion 3-9 30/10/97 n L N I F C 0-7 19/12/91 h D Windsor 5-5 6/11/97 h D Albion 3-3 9/2/92 a L N I F C 2nd 0-5 20/11/97 h W Albion 8-6 17/3/92 n W Windsor 5-0 jf 27/11/97 a L Malone 0-9 9/12/97 h L Queen's 0-3 1 8 9 2 - 9 3 22/1/98 h W Albion 5-0 29/1/98 a W Malone 12-0 15/10/92 a W N I F C 6-3 12/2/98 h W Queen's 9-0 10/12/92 h L Queen's 2nd 0-3 26/2/98 n L N I F C 3-6 21/1/92 a L N I F C 0-5 22/3/98 a L Queen's 0-18 9/3/93 a L N I F C 0-16* 1 8 9 8 - 9 9 1 8 9 3 - 9 ** 15/10/98 a L N I F C 3-9 28/10/93 a L N I F C *1-8 22/10/98 h L Dungannon 3-9 2/12/93 h W Albion 4-0 29/10/98 a L Malone 3-19 3/2/99 h W Albion 5-0 12/II/98 h W Albion 3-0 3/3/99 a L N I F C 0-3 2 6 /1 1 /9 8 h L N I F C 0-33 17/3/99 n D Albion 0-0* 3 /1 2 /9 8 h L Queen's 0-3 31/3/99 n D Albion 0-0* 10 /12 /9 8 h W Malone 5-0 3/9/99 n W Albion 3-0* 1 7 /12 /9 8 a W Albion 3-0* 7/9/99 a L N I F C 6-11** 21/1/99 a L Albion 3-8 11/2/99 a W Belmont 9-0* 1 8 9 4 - 9 5 18/2/99 a L Queen's 0-17 25/2/99 n W Malone 5-0* 3/U/99 a D Albion 0-0 H/3/99 n L NIFC 3-16** 10/11/99 a L N I F C 0-23 18/3/99 h L Lansdowne 0-6 29/11/99 a L Ulster F C 3-5 8/9/99 n L Queen's 0-14++ 6/1/95 a L N I F C 0-8 9/3/95 h W Queen's 5-0* 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 0 16/3/95 h W Albion 6-0 23/3/95 a L N I F C 3-27 7/10/99 a L NIFC 0-3 6/9/95 a L N I F C 0-3** 19/10/99 a W Dungannon 14-5 21/10/99 a W Malone 6-5 18 9 5 - 9 6 28/10/99 h W Holywood 9-0 9/11/99 h W Malone 13-3 19/10/95 h L N I F C 0-9 11/11/99 a W Lansdowne 5-3 2/11/95 a W Ulster FC 27-0 18/11/99 a W Belmont 11-5 9/11/95 a W Queen's 5-3 25/11/99 h W Fortwilliam 14-0 23/11/95 a L N I F C 3-16 9/12/99 h L Queen's 3-14 30/11/95 a D Albion 0-0 27/1/00 a D Dungannon 0-0* 7/12/95 a D Lansdowne 0-0 5 /2 /0 0 h D Wanderers 11-11 19/12/95 h L Queen's 0-8 19/2/00 h D/W Dungannon 0-0*p 9/1/96 h W Malone 10-0 3/3/00 n L Malone 4-5++ 1 8 /1 /9 6 a L N I F C 3-13 7/3/00 a L Queen's 7-11* 1 /2 /9 6 h D Lansdowne 0-0 21/3/96 h W Albion 11-0* h = home a = away n = neutral 28/3/96 a L N I F C 3-11** c = college aground p * protest * = senior cup *“* senior cup final * - charity cup ♦♦ = charity cup final jf = junior cup final RESULTS 1900-1905

1 9 0 0-01 1 9 0 3 - 0 4

1 3 /10/00 h L Dungannon 0-7 10 /10/03 h L N I F C 0-3 20/10/00 h W N I F C 6-4 1 7 /10/03 h L Malone 10-11 27/10/00 h D Malone 3-3 24/10/03 h W Dungannon 11-0 3/11/00 a W Wanderers 7-5 31/10/03 a W City of Derry 1 3 - 7 10/11/00 a W Holywood 3-0 7/11/03 a W Dungannon 11-0 1 7 /11/0 0 h L Lansdowne 8-11 14/11/03 h W Wanderers 3-0 24/11/00 a W Albion 25-5 28/11/03 a D Lansdowne 0-0 8/12/00 a W Queen's 6-0 5/12/03 n L Malone 3 - 1 1 29/12/0 0 h W Albion 31-8 12/12/03 h W Queen's 8-0 5/1/01 h W Queen's 46-3 25/12/03 a W Bridgewater 17 -6 16/2/01 h W Malone 14-3* 26/12/03 a L Devonport A 0 -19 9/3/01 n L Dungannon 3-16* 28/12/03 a L Exeter 0-16 20/3/01 n W N I F C 8-5 + 18/1/04 a D N I F C 3-3 30/3/01 n W Albion 2 3 -O++ 6/2/04 h L N I F C 0-6* 5/4/01 a W Mountain Ash 9-3 9/3/04 h W Queen's 2*4-5 6/4/01 a L Llanelly 0-3 19/3/04 a L Malone 0-3+ 8/4/01 a L Swansea 4-25 1 9 0 4 - 0 5

1 9 0 1-02 1/10/04 a L Malone 0-6 8/10/04 h L N I F C 3-10 12/10/01 D Malone 5-5 22/10/04 h W Malone 19-3 26/10/01 - W Dungannon 13-3 29/10/04 a L W Hartlepool 3-1*4 2/11/01 - L N I F C 4-5 5/11/04 a D N I F C 0-0 9/11/01 h W Wanderers 14-8 12/11/04 a W Wanderers 6-3 2 3 /11 / 0 1 a W Lansdowne 11-8 19/11/04 h W Fortwilliam *45-8 30/1 1 / 0 1 - L Malone 0-5 26/11/04 h W Lansdowne 31-9 11/12/01 - W Blackrock 13 -0 3/12/04 h W City of Derry 7-0 11/1/02 a D N I F C 0-0 10/12/04 a L Fortwilliam 5-8 18/1/02 a W Albion 23-3 17/12/04 h W Dungannon 6-0 1 /3/02 a W Dungannon 13-0* 26/12/04 a L Devenport A 11-26 1 5 /3/02 a W N I F C 6-0+ 27/12/04 a W Exeter 11-6 22/3/02 h L Malone 3-5* 14/1/05 a W Queen's 12-0 12/4/02 a W Malone 6-0++ 4/2/05 a D Fortwilliam 0-0* 11/2/05 h D Fortwilliam 0-0* 1 9 0 2-03 18/2/05 h L Fortwilliam 3-*4* 4/3/05 a W City or Derry 8-0 11/10/02 n L Malone 6-11 11/3/05 a D Dungannon 0-0 2 5/10/02 h W Dungannon 10-0 15/3/05 h W Queen's 9-0 1/11/02 h W Queen's 9-0 18/3/05 a L Malone 3-5 1 5 /11/0 2 a L Wanderers 6-16 8/4/05 h L Queen's 0-19+ 22/11/02 h W Lansdowne 24-5 21/4/05 a W Bridgend 1 5 - 1 2 6/12/02 a L Queen's 6-9 22/4/05 a L Cardiff 3-12 20/12/02 h W City of Derry 24-0 24/4/05 a L Swansea 0-23 2 5 /12/0 2 a L Mountain Ash 0-3 26/12/02 a D Neath 6-6 2 7 /12/0 2 a L Devonport A 0-3 7/2/03 h W N I F C 6-0 21/2/03 n L Malone 0-3+ 7/3/03 n L Queen's 0-5* 21/3/03 h W Malone 8-0

90 RESULTS 1905-1909

1905-06 1907-08 7/1 0 /0 5 a W Dungannon 6-0 5/10/07 h L Fortwilliam 0-19 14/10/05 h W Fortwilliam 28-5 12/10/07 a D Malone 8-8 21/10/05 h w The Mount 12-5 19/10/07 a W Knock 13-3 28/10/05 h L Malone 0-11 26/10/07 h W Malone 32-6 4/1 1 /0 5 a W N I F C 6-5 2 /11 /07 a W Knock 3-0 11/11/05 a W Fortwilliam 8-3 9 /11 /07 a L Lansdowne 5-8 18/11/05 h W The Mount 14-3 16/11/07 h W Wanderers 12-8 2/1 2 /0 5 h W Queen's 35-0 23/11/07 h L N I F C 7-8 9 /12 /05 h W Wanderers 18-0 7/1 2 /0 7 a D Fortwilliam 0-0 16/12/05 a L Lansdowne 0-8 21/12/07 a W Malone 6-5 23/1 2/05 a L Malone 0-3 26/12/07 h L Old Wesley 15-29 27/12/05 a W City of Derry 11-0 18/1/08 h W Fortwilliam 25-O 13/1 /06 h W Malone 6-5 1 /2 /0 8 h L Fortwilliam 3-5 20 /1 /0 6 h W Dungannon 26-3 8 /2 /0 8 a W Queen's 9-8 31 /1 /0 6 h L Queen's 15-19 2 9 /2 /0 8 h L Knock 0-6 3 /2 /0 6 h W Dungannon 6-3* 7 /3 /0 8 h W N I F C 11-3 1 7 /2 /06 h W West Yorks R 26-11* 11/3/08 h L Queen's 0-5 3 /3 /0 6 h W City of Derry 23-5 2 1 /3 /0 8 h L N I F C 3-19* 1 7 /3 /06 n W N I F C 8-0** 2 5 /3 /0 8 h W Queen's 3-0 24 /3 /0 6 h W N I F C 16-0 1 5/4 /08 h L N I F C 0-9+ 3 1 /3 /06 n D Malone 6-6+ 2 /5 /0 8 n W N I F C 10-9 4 /4 /0 6 n L Malone 6-11+ 13/4 /06 a L Llanelly 3-14 1908-09 1 4 /4 /06 a W Merthyr 18-3 1 6 /4 /06 a L Swansea 8-35 10/10/08 h W Knock 11-0 17/10/08 h w Fortwilliam 16-0 1 9 0 6-07 24/10/08 h w Knock 3-0 31/1 0/08 a w Malone 15-3 6 /1 0 /0 6 h w City of Derry 13-0 7 /1 1 /0 8 h w Fortwilliam 5-3 20/1 0/06 a D Malone 0-0 14/11/08 a L Wanderers O-36 3/1 1 /0 6 a W N I F C 3-0 21/1 1/08 h W Lansdowne 3-0 17/11/06 h L Malone 4-8 12/12/08 h L N I F C 5-9 1/12/06 a W Fortwilliam 6-3 19/12/08 a W Fortwilliam 9-0 15/12/06 h W Knock 8-0 2 6/1 2/08 a L Old Wesley 8-11 22/1 2/06 h W Fortwilliam 11-3 9 /1 /0 9 a L Knock 8-10 26/1 2/06 n L Lansdowne 0-6 3 /2 /0 9 a L Queen's 0-3 5 /1 /0 7 h W Dungannon 3-0 6 /2 /0 9 h W Knock 12-3 12/1/07 a L City of Derry 0-3 20 /2 /0 9 h W Malone 12-6 2 /2 /0 7 h W Dungannon 15-0* 27 /2 /0 9 n W Knock 13-0+ 16/2/07 n W Queen's 17-11* 2 7 /3 /09 a L N I F C 6-10* 23 /2 /0 7 n L Queen's 0-17 3 1 /3 /09 h L Queen's 0-6 2 /3 /0 7 a W Knock 6-3 17/4/09 n L Queen's 10-19++ 23 /3 /0 7 n L Malone 0-6+ 2 1 /4 /09 a D N I F C 11-11 2 9/3 /07 a W Penycraig 8-0 3 0/3 /07 a L Mountain Ash 3-9 1 /4 /0 7 a L Swansea 5-24 13/4/07 a L Malone 3-13** RESULTS 1909-1920

1 9 0 9 - 1 0 1 9 12-13

9/10/09 a W Fortwilliam 5-3 19 /10 /12 h W Malone 9-5 16 /10/09 h L N I F C 0-8 26/10 /12 h W N I F C 3-0 2 3/10/09 a W Knock 6-3 2/1 1 / 1 2 h W Knock 10-3 6/11/0 9 a W Queen's 8-0 9/1 1 / 1 2 a L Wanderers 3-27 1 3 /11/0 9 h W Wanderers 20-5 16 /1 1 / 1 2 h W Queen's 9-8 20/11/0 9 h W Malone 27-5 2 3 /1 1 / 1 2 h W Lansdowne 8-0 27/11/0 9 h L Old Wesley 5-8 7 /12 / 1 2 h L Queen's 3-8 4/12/0 9 a L Lansdowne 0-6 28/12 / 1 2 a W Knock 8-6 1 1 /12/0 9 a L Malone 3-8 4/1 / 1 3 a L N I F C 3-12 18 /12/0 9 h W Knock 18-8 2 5 /1 / 1 3 h L N I F C 13-15 8/1/10 h W Queen's 11-5 1 5 /2 / 1 3 a L Malone 3-12 15/1/10 h W Knock 14-3 1 /3 / 13 n W Malone 2 3 -0* 5/2/10 h W Queen's 8-3 1 5 /3 / 1 3 n W Knock 9-3** 12/2/10 h W Malone 21-14 29/3 / 1 3 n L Queen's 8-11+ 5/3/10 a W Knock 19 -10* 19 /3 /10 a W N I F C 1 5 -8* 1 9 13-14 9/4/10 n W Queen's 10-6** 4/10 /13 A W Malone 8-3 1 9 10-11 n / 10 / 13 h W Armagh 20-5 18 /10 / 13 a W N I F C 8-6 8/10/10 h L N I F C 9-10 2 5 /10 / 13 h D Knock 3-3 1 5 /10 /10 a W Knock 8-7 i / u / 1 3 h W Cooke 19-3 22/10/10 a D Queen‘s 3-3 8 /1 1 / 1 3 h L Wanderers 0-14 29/10 /10 a W Knock 14-13 1 5 /1 1 / 1 3 a D Knock 0-0 12/11/10 a L Malone 6-12 2 2 /1 1 / 1 3 a L Lansdowne 0-5 19 /1 1 / 1 0 h W Queen's li-0 29/1 1 / 1 3 h L Queen's 0-3 26/11/10 h W Malone 17-5 6/1 2 / 1 3 h W Old Wesley 8-6 3/12/10 h D Knock 3-3 20/1 2 / 1 3 h W Malone 16-6 1 7 /12 / 10 a L Wanderers 0-12 2 7 /1 2 / 1 3 a D City of Derry 0-0 24/12/10 a L N I F C 8-15 10/4/14 a L Llanelly 8 -2 1 7/1/11 a W Queen's 17-6 11/4/14 a L Maesteg 3 -8 14/1/11 h L Malone 6-7 13/4/14 a L Neath 4 - 1 2 4/2/11 h W Malone 12-9* 15/4/14 a L Pontypool 3 -3 5 4/3/11 h L N I F C 3-19* H/3/11 h W Knock 6 -5 Fixtures in the province in 19 14 1/4/11 n W Knock 5-0+ cancelled because of the parades of 8/4/11 n L N I F C 3-16+ the . 14/4/11 a L Abertillery 0-10 15/4/11 a L Llanelly 0-14 1 9 1 9 - 2 0 17/4/11 a L Neath 3-19 18 /10 /19 a W Malone 11-0 1 9 11-12 8/1 1 / 1 9 a L Malone 0-11 2 2 /1 1 / 1 9 a L Queen's 0 -43 7/10/11 h L N I F C 0-21 29/1 1 / 1 9 a L Queen's 0-11 14/10/11 a L Knock 3-1*1 1 3 /12 /19 h W Malone 5-0 21/10/11 h W Malone 6-0 20/12 / 19 h L N I F C 3 - U 28/10/11 a L Lansdowne 3-17 29/12 / 19 h W Knock 8-3 4/11/11 h L Wanderers 6-13 3 /1/20 a L N I F C 5-12 11/11/11 h L Old Wesley 11-13 3 1 /1/20 a L Malone 0-3 25/11/11 a L Knock 0-3 28/2/20 a L Knock 5-24 9/12/11 a L Queen's 3-8 6/3/20 n L Queen‘s 0-23* 2 3 /1 2 / 1 1 a W N I F C 11-8 20/3/20 h L Queen's 0-33 30/1 2 / 1 1 a W Malone 15-11 13/1/12 h L Knock 5-8 20/1/12 h L Queen's 8-14 10/2/12 n L N I F C 3-11* RESULTS 1920-192*1

1 9 2 0 - 2 1 1 9 2 2-23

9/10 /20 a W Malone 6-0 30/9/22 h L Knock 3-8 16 /10 /20 a w Knock 6-5 7 /10 /22 a L Instonians 6-36 2 3 /10 /20 a w Malone 3-0 14/10/22 a W Malone 18 -6 6/11/ 2 0 a L Queen's 7-21 2 1 /10 /22 a L Queen's 6-31 1 3 /11/2 0 h L Lansdowne 3-29 28/10 /22 a W Knock 17 -6 20/11/ 2 0 a W Knock 1 1 - 1 0 2 5 /11 / 2 2 a L NIFC 6-19 27/11/ 2 0 h L Instonians 0-8 2 /12 /2 2 h W Somerset LI 32-11 4/12/20 a L N I F C 3-13 9/12 /2 2 a W Wanderers 13-9 1 1 /12/20 h L Malone 5-6 6/1/23 h D Knock 0-0 18 /12/20 h L Queen's 5-17 13/1/23 h W Armagh 7-5 8 /1 / 2 1 h W Knock 4-0 20/1/23 h W Instonians 16 -0 1 5 /1 / 2 1 a L Instonians 5-17 27/1/23 h L Lansdowne 6 -10 29/1 / 2 1 h L Armagh 0-5 3/2/23 h L Queen's 5-11 5/2/21 h L NIFC 3-5 10/2/23 h L Instonians 0-6 12/2/21 a L Armagh 3-9 17/2/23 h L Instonians 0-13* 19 /2 /2 1 h L Knock 0-6* 24/2/23 a L Old Wesley 3-6 25/3/21 a L Llanelly 5-48 3/3/23 h W Malone 22-10 26/3/21 a L Cross Keys 10-27 17/3/23 h W NIFC 33-15 28/3/21 a L Maesteg 0-28 30/3/23 a L Abertillery 8-22 31/3/23 a W Tredegar 13-8 1 9 2 1 - 2 2 2/4/23 a L Neath 6-21

8/10/21 h W Malone 10-5 1 9 2 3-24 1 5 /10 /2 1 a L Instonians 0-21 22/10/21 a W Armagh .3-0 29/9/23 h L Instonians 5-12 29/10 /2 1 h D Malone 3-3 6/10/23 h W Larne 17 -0 5/H/21 a W Knock 6-0 13/10/23 h L Queen's 3-8 12/11/21 h L Malone 0-3 20/10/23 a W Instonians 5-3 3/12/21 a L Lansdowne 3-13 27/10/23 h W Bangor 17 -0 10/12/21 h W Knock 9-0 3/U/23 a L Lansdowne 3-6 17/12/21 h L Wanderers 0-13 10/11/23 h W Old Wesley 27-0 21/1/22 h L Instonians 3-9 17/11/23 h W Dungannon 18-0 28/1/22 a L Queen's 0-11 1/12/23 h L Instonians 3-6 4/2/22 h L NIFC 5-25 8/12/23 h W Wanderers 16-3 18/2/22 h L NIFC 3-24* 15/12/23 a W Larne 7-6 2 5 /2/22 h L Queen's 3-9 22/12/23 h D NIFC 8-8 18/3/22 a L NIFC 10 -29 29/12/23 a W Malone 9-3 14/4/22 a L Llanelly 3-9 5/1/24 a D Knock 3-3 15/4/22 a L Mountain Ash 0-5 19/1/24 h L NIFC 0-3 17/4/22 a D Tredegar 3-3 2/2/24 h W Knock 8-0 16/2/24 h W Malone 21-0* 23/2/24 h W Malone 19-9 22/3/24 a W NIFC 26-6 29/3/24 h W Bangor 17-13 5/4/24 n L Queen's 6-16* RESULTS 1924-1928

1 9 2 4-25 1 9 2 6 - 2 7

4/10/24 h L N I F C 0 -18 2 /10 /26 a L N I F C 15-19 11/10/24 h W Knock 17-7 9/10 /26 a W Bangor 1 1 - 0 18/10/24 h L Queen's 3-15 2 3 /10 /26 h D Lurgan 3-3 25/10/24 h L Instonians 0 -19 30/10 /26 a L Instonians 3 -2 2 1/11/24 a L Bangor 0-9 1 3 /11/ 2 6 h L Knock 3-5 8/11/24 h W Malone 15-3 4/12/26 a L Queen's 0 -12 15/11/24 h W U C Dublin 11-9 18 /12 /2 6 h L Lansdowne 5 - 1 2 22/11/24 a L Wanderers 5-9 1/1/27 h L Malone 6-9 29/11/24 a L Knock 8 -1 2 8/1/27 a L Old Wesley 0-20 6/12/24 h W Lansdowne 11-3 15/1/27 h W U C Dublin 13-3 3/1/25 a W Malone 15 -0 22/1/27 a D Lurgan 0-0 10/1/25 a L Queen's 6 -18 5/2/27 a L N I F C 3-6* 17/1/25 a W N I F C 3-0 12/2/27 a L Malone 8 -16 24/1/25 a L Old Wesley 5-6 19/3/27 h L Instonians 5-25 7/2/25 a L Instonians 3-6 26/3/27 h L N I F C 3-19 21/2/25 a L Knock 5-8 2/4/27 a L Knock 0-7 7/3/25 a L N I F C 5-6* 9/4/27 h W Bangor 6-0 16/4/27 a L Garryowen 5-14 1 9 2 5 “ 26 1 9 2 7 - 2 8 3/10/25 a L- N I F C 9 -18 10/10/25 h D Wanderers ll-ll 8/10/27 h W Queen's 13-3 17/10/25 a W Bangor 14-0 15/10/27 h L Instonians 3-10 24/10/25 n L Instonians 9-27 22/10/27 h W Bangor 12 -0 31/10/25 a L Queen's 8 -16 5/H/27 h W Wanderers 11-3 7/11/25 h W Lurgan 15-5 1 2 /11 / 2 7 a W Lurgan 22-0 14/11/25 h W Malone 15 -0 19/11/27 h W Knock 13-3 2 1 /1 1 / 2 5 a W Lansdowne 10-3 26/11/27 a L Lansdowne 10 -2 1 28/11/25 h W Knock 6-0 3/12/27 h D Malone 3-3 5/12/25 h W Old Wesley 35-5 10/12/27 n W Garryowen 9-8 12/12/25 a W Lurgan 12 -8 7 /1/2 8 a L U C Dublin 12-33 19/12/25 h W Queen's 1 1 - 0 14/1/28 h D Old Wesley 6-6 2 /1/26 h W Palmerston 3 1-0 18 /2/28 h L Instonians 0-8* 16 /1/2 6 a W U C Dublin 1 1 - 6 2 5 /2/28 a W Knock 8-0 30/1/2 6 n W Dolphin 1 1 - 1 0 10 /3/28 a L Instonians 8-15 1 7 /2/26 h W Lurgan 8-3* 24/3/28 a L Malone 3-8 20/2/26 n W Instonians 5-3* 6/3/26 n W Queen's 11-3** 1 3 /3/26 a W Knock 26-0 20/3/26 a L N I F C 8-14 27/3/26 a L Instonians 0 -38 3/4/26 a L Tredegar 9 -10 5/4/26 a L Neath 10 -22 6/4/26 a L Pontypool 6-27 RESULTS 1928-1932

1 9 2 8 - 2 9 1 9 3 0 - 3 1

29/9/28 a L N I F C 6-15 2 7 /9/30 a W N I F C 8-5 6/10/28 h L Civil Service 3-5 n / 10 /30 a W Civil Service 27-5 13/10/28 h W Lurgan 12-3 18 /10 /30 h D Queen's 3-3 20/10/28 a D West Yorks R 8-8 2 5 /10 /30 h W Instonians 8-6 27/10/28 h W Malone 18-6 i / n /30 h W Bangor 8-5 3/11/28 a L Wanderers 3-19 8 /11 / 3 0 h W Malone 3-0 10/11/28 h L Bangor 3 - U 1 5 /11 / 3 0 a W Knock 23-3 17/11/28 a W Lurgan 3-0 2 2 /11 / 3 0 a L Wanderers 0-14 1/12/28 h W Knock 26-3 6/12 /3 0 n W Lansdowne 6-0 15/12/28 h W Lansdowne 10-5 1 3 /12/30 a W Instonians 13 -6 22/12/28 a L Instonians 3-6 20/12 /3 0 h L Civil Service 3-9 5/1/29 a L Old Wesley 6 -17 1 7 /1 / 3 1 a L Malone 6-8 1 2 /1/2 9 a W Civil Service 12-6 24/1 / 3 1 n W Queen's 15-3 19/1/29 a W Knock 19-3 3 1 /1 / 3 1 h D U C Dublin 6-6 9/2/29 a W Malone 13-3 7 /2 / 3 1 h D Instonians 8-8 2/3/29 h L Instonians 0-8* 1 4 /2 / 3 1 a D Bangor 0-0 23/3/29 h L Instonians 3-18 2 1 /2 / 3 1 n W Civil Service 9-7# 7 /3 / 3 1 a W Malone 21-3* 1 9 2 9-30 2 1 /3 / 3 1 n W Queen's 1 3 -12 * 28/3/31 n L Instonians 3-7** 29/9/29 h L N I F C 9-19 4/4/31 a W Langholm 11-8 5/10/29 a W Civil Service 5-3 6/4/31 a W Selkirk 12-8 1 2 /10 /29 h L Knock 3-8 11/4/31 a L Lansdowne 5-16 19/10/29 a L Bangor 10-19 27/9/29 a W N I F C 8-5 1 9 3 1 - 3 2 26/10/29 a W Lurgan 11-3 2/11/29 a L Malone 5-17 26/9/31 h L N I F C 3-6 9/U/29 h W Wanderers 6-3 3/10/31 a W Knock 18-3 23/11/29 h L Bangor 3-9 10/10/31 h W Bangor 11-3 30/11/29 a L Lansdowne 0-23 17/10/31 a D U C Dublin 3-3 7/12/29 a L Instonians 0-9 24/10/31 h W Instonians 15-3 21/12/29 a L Queen's 0-16 31/10/31 a L Trinity 10-34 1 1 /1/ 3 0 h W Civil Service 6-3 7/11/31 h W Wanderers 13-0 18/1/30 a L U C Dublin 13-23 14/11/31 a L Civil Service 0-3 1/2/30 h W Old Wesley 26-5 21/11/31 n W Queen's 13 -8 15/2/30 a L N I F C 5-11 5/12/31 a W Lansdowne 5-3 1/3/30 h L Instonians 11-31 19/12/31 h W Civil Service 6-3 8/3/30 h W Lurgan 11-6 26/1 2 / 3 1 a L N I F C 8 -17 15/3/30 h W Malone 14-5 2/1/32 h W Knock 17 -0 17/3/30 a W Garryowen 21-6 9/1/32 a D Malone 0-0 5/4/30 a W Knock 11-0 23/1/32 a L Instonians 6-11 12/4/30 h L Instonians 0-6 30/1/32 n L Queen's 5-12 6/2 /3 2 n W Civil Service 6-3 20/2 /32 a D Bangor 8-8 27/2/32 h W Bangor 18-4 5/3/32 n D Instonians 0-0* 12/3/32 a L Bangor 6-14 15/3/32 n W Instonians 6-3* 19/3/32 n L Queen's 3-10** 26/3/32 a L U C Cork 15 -2 2 28/3/32 a L Sunday's Well RESULTS 1932-1936

1 9 3 2-33 19 3 4-35 2 4/9 /32 a L N I F C 3 -H 29/9 /34 a L N I F C 5-22 1/10/32 n D Queen's 3-3 6/10 /34 a L Instonians 0-6 8/1 0 /3 2 h W Knock 31-5 13/10/34 n L Selkirk 0-9 15/10/32 h W U C Dublin 11-5 20/10/34 a W Trinity 8-6 22/1 0/32 a L Trinity 0-11 3 /U /3 4 a L Knock 0-6 5 /U /3 2 a L Wanderers 8-16 10/11/34 h D Civil Service 6-6 12/11/32 n W Civil Service 14-0 17/11/34 h W Queen's 8-6 26/1 1/32 n D Lansdowne 3-3 1/12/34 h L Malone 0-13 10/12/32 n L Instonians 3-11 15/12/34 h W Knock 3-0 27/1 2/32 h D N I F C 5-5 26/12/34 a W N I F C 5-3 31/12/32 n Abi Instonians 0-9 29/12/34 h W Bangor 13-3 7 /1 /3 3 a L Knock 6-8 5 /1 /3 5 n L Lansdowne 12-34 14/1/33 n W Malone 7-0 12/1/35 a W Wanderers 24-5 21 /1 /3 3 h W Bangor 5-0 19/1/35 h W Civil Service 23-10 28 /1 /3 3 n L Queen *s 0-6 2 6/1 /35 a L Queen's 5-12 4 /2 /3 3 a L Bangor 0-3 2 /2 /3 5 h L U C Dublin 0-3 11/2/33 a L Malone 0-14 9 /2 /3 5 a L Malone 0-3 4 /3 /3 3 n W Knock 13-0* 16/2/35 n W Bangor 9-0* 18/3/33 n L Malone 3-8* 2 /3 /3 5 n L N I F C 6-20' 2 5/3 /33 a W Lurgan 22-6 16/3/35 n L Instonians 11-13 8 /4 /3 3 a W •Instonians 10-6 30/3/35 a L Bangor 5-9 15/4/33 h D U C Cork 6-6 1 9 3 5-36

1 9 3 3 - 3 2 8/9 /35 a L N I F C 3-8 5 /10 /35 h L Knock 5-9 29 /3 /3 3 a L N I F C 6-11 12/10/35 a L Queen's 6-13 30/9/33 n L Instonians 6-19 19/10/35 n L Trinity 0-3 7/1 0 /3 3 a W Knock 38-6 26/10/35 a L U C Dublin 0-19 14/10/33 n W Trinity 6-5 2 /11 /35 a W Bangor 18-5 21/10/33 a L U C Dublin 9-3 9 /U /3 5 a L Civil Service 3-4 28/10/33 n W Civil Service 9-3 23/11/35 h L Instonians 0-29 4/1 1 /3 3 h L Wanderers 8-11 7/1 2 /3 5 a L Malone 0-8 n/ll/33 a W Malone 3-0 4 /1 /3 6 a L Lansdowne 0-18 18/11/33 a W Bangor 3-0 11/1/36 h L Wanderers 13-14 2 /12 /33 a L Instonians 3-6 1 /2 /3 6 a L Instonians 5-12 16/12/33 a D Queen's 3-3 15/2 /36 n L Instonians 0-11' 23/1 2/33 a L N I F C 0-10 22/2/36 h W Bangor 8-5 6 /1 /3 4 h W Civil Service 20-0 29 /2 /3 6 a W Knock 5-3 13/1/34 a L Lansdowne 3-14 7 /3 /3 6 h L Queen's 6-21 2 0/1 /34 h L Malone 3-9 14/3 /36 h W Malone 4-0 2 7/1 /34 h D Knock 0-0 11/4 /36 a W Earlson 14-6 3 /2 /3 4 h D Queen's 6-6 13/4 /36 a L Selkirk 3-4 17/2/34 n W Queen's 4-0* 2 4/2 /34 n L Bangor 3-10 3 /3 /3 4 n L Civil Service 0-4* 10/3/34 a D Knock 8-8 17/3/34 a L N I F C 0-11 31/3/34 a D Jedforest 0-0 2 /4 /3 4 a D Selkirk 3-3 RESULTS 1936-1939

1 9 3 6-37 l 9 3 8-39

19/9/36 a L N I F C 3-14 24/9/38 a L N I F C 3-17 26/9/36 a L Malone 6-13 8/10/38 n L Queen's 8-14 3/10/36 h L Queen's 0-13 15/10/38 h L Welch Regt 3-21 10/10/36 n L Selkirk 13-14 22/10/38 a D Malone 3-3 17/10/36 h L U C Dublin 0-14 29/10/38 a W Wanderers 5-3 24/10/36 a W Instonians 5-0 5/U/38 n W Knock 19-6 7/11/36 a W Knock 13-6 12/11/38 a W Welch Regt 24-15 14/11/36 n W Lansdowne 4-3 19/11/38 a D S Wales B 3-3 21/11/36 a W Wanderers 3-0 3/12/38 n W Instonians 10-8 5/12/36 h Ab Malone 3-0 10/12/38 n W Queen's 0-15 12/12/36 h W Bangor 11-0 17/12/38 n W Lansdowne 6-5 26/12/36 a L N I F C 6 -19 31/12/38 h W Civil Service 30-0 2/1/37 h W Knock 16-6 7/1/39 a D Knock 3-3 9/1/37 a L Trinity 4-14 14/1/39 a L N I F C 0-19 16/1/37 a W Civil Service 9-3 21/1/39 n W U C Dublin 24-14 23/1/37 a D Malone 0-0 28/1/39 h W Malone 10-5 6/2/37 h W Welch Regt 28-3 4/2/39 a W Civil Service 14-6 13/2/37 a L Queen's 0-9 11/2/39 n L Instonians 3-6 20/2/37 n W Knock 9-0* 18/2/39 a W Trinity 8-5 6/3/37 n W Instonians 12-6* 4/3/39 n D Malone 6-6* 10/4/37 n L Queen's 0-5** 15/3/39 n L Malone 8-9* 25/3/39 a D Instonians 16-16 1 9 3 7-38 8/4/39 a W Millom 22-6 10/4/39 a L Kendal 3-17 25/9/37 a L N I F C 11-13 2/10/37 a L Wanderers 6-10 9/10/37 n L Trinity 3-6 16/10/37 h L Welch Regt 5-9 30/10/37 a L Lansdowne 3-14 6/11/37 h W Knock 5-0 13/H/37 a W Civil Service 8-0 20/11/37 h D Malone 6-6 27/H/37 n W Queen's 3-0 4/12/37 n L Instonians 5-8 27/12/37 a L N I F C 6-13 1/1/38 a W Knock 11-8 8/1/38 a W Instonians 5-0 15/1/38 h W Bangor 19-3 22/1/38 a L U C Dublin 3-18 29/1/38 h W Civil Service 16-3 5/2/38 n L Queen's 0-11 19/2/38 n L Malone 8-9* 26/2/38 a D Malone 8-8 5/3/38 a W Civil Service 13-9 19/3/38 h W Bangor 29-3 26/3/38 a L Welch Regt 6-11 9/4/38 h W Malone 11-3 RESULTS 1945-1949

1 9 4 5-46 1 9 4 7 - 4 8

6/10 /45 a L N I F C 3-30 29/9/47 a W N I F C 12-6 1 3 /10 /4 5 h L Queen's 0-41 4/10 /47 a W Civil Service 41-3 20/10 /45 a L Malone 0-20 18 /10 /47 a L Queen's 9-10 2 7 /10 /45 a L Lansdowne 8-17 2 5/10 /47 a W C I Y M S 18-3 3 /11 / 4 5 a W Fleet Air Arm 22-11 8/11/ 4 7 a W Civil Service 14-5 10 /11 / 4 5 h W Civil Service 11-3 1 5 /11/ 4 7 a D Malone 3-3 1 7 /1 1 / 4 5 n L Instonians 7-21 22/11 / 4 7 a L Lansdowne 0-8 1 /12 /4 5 a L Queen's 0-3 1 3 /12 /4 7 a L Instonians 6-9 8/12 /4 5 h L Malone 3-23 20/12 /4 7 n W Civil Service 8-0 1 5 /12 /4 5 h L Old Wesley 10-20 3/1/48 n L Old Wesley 3-11 5/1/46 h W Instonians 17 -6 10/1/48 n L Queen's 6-13 12/1/46 a W Civil Service 6-3 17/1/48 n W Wanderers 10-3 26/1/46 h W RAF Aldergrove 27-3 24/1/48 n L C I Y M S 3-5 2/2/46 n L Wanderers 3-16 31/1/48 n W Malone 6-0 9/2/46 h W C I Y M S 3-0 7/2/48 a L Trinity 5-11 16/2/46 a L Trinity 3-10 14/2/48 a L N I F C 0-7 23/2/46 h L N I F C 6-8 21/2/48 n W Instonians 6-3 2/3/46 a W Civil Service 9-8 6/3/48 a W Malone 9-6 9/3/46 h W RNAS Sydenham 27-6 13/3/48 n L Monkstown 19 -20 23/3/46 n W Civil Service 11-0* 20/3/48 n L C I Y M S 4-17* 30/3/46 a L Malone 3-18 27/3/48 a W Limerick Bohs 8-0 6/4/46 n L Instonians 7-17* 29/3/48 a L Garryowen

1 9 4 6-47 1 9 4 8-49

5/10/46 n W C I Y M S 18 -0 2/10/48 a W N I F C 11-3 12/10/46 n W Civil Service 37-0 9/10/48 n W Lansdowne 5-3 26/10/46 n L N I F C 5-10 30/10/48 a W Civil Service 9-0 2/11/46 a W C I Y M S 31-10 6/11/48 n L Instonians 0-8 9/11/46 a W Civil Service 21-3 13/11/48 a W Malone 15 -0 16/11/46 n W Instonians 14-6 20/11/48 n L Trinity 3-18 23/11/46 n W Lansdowne 13 -6 27/11/48 a L Queen's 6-11 7/12/46 n W Malone 6-3 18/12/48 a L Wanderers 0-6 21/12/46 a W Wanderers 11-10 27/12/48 n L Queen's 0-5 4/1/47 n D Queen's 0-0 1/1/49 a D Civil Service 3-3 18/1/47 a W Old Wesley 8-4 8/1/49 a W Old Wesley 16-3 25/1/47 n L C I Y M S 0-3 22/1/49 a W City of Derry 14-3 1/2/47 a L Instonians 4-9 29/1/49 a D Civil Service 0-0 8/2/47 a W Monkstown 5/2/49 a W N I F C 6-3 15/2/47 n L N I F C 8-0 19/2/49 a W Malone 8-0 29/3/47 n L Glasgow Acad 0-3 26/2/49 a L Instonians 5-6 5/4/47 a L Queen's 0-3 12/3/49 n W Malone 10/4/47 a W Civil Service 13-3 19/3/49 n L Instonians 6-10* 14/4/47 n W N I F C 1 7 -6* 26/3/49 a W Glasgow Acad 19-5 19/4/47 n L Queen's 11-16* 9/4/49 n L C I Y M S 3-5 14/4/49 a W C I Y M S 9-8 RESULTS 1949-1953

1 9 4 9-50 1 9 5 1-52

24/9/49 n W N I F C 8-5 2 2 / 9 / 5 1 a W C I Y M S 6-3 1 /10/49 n w Selkirk 32-8 2 9 / 9 / 5 1 n L Instonians 3-6 8 /10/49 a w Civil Service 12-6 6 / 1 0 / 5 1 a W N I F C 6-0 1 5 /10/49 a L Dungannon 2 7 / 1 0 / 5 1 h W Wanderers 9-3 29/10/49 n W City of Derry i o / n / 5 1 n W Queen's 11-3 5 /11/4 9 n L Queen's 0-21 2 4 / 1 1 / 5 1 a W Civil Service 15-3 19 /11/4 9 n W Wanderers 8-3 8 / 1 2 / 5 1 a W Malone 9-3 26 /11/4 9 n W Instonians 8-3 1 5 / 1 2 / 5 1 a W Lansdowne 15-14 3 /12/4 9 n D C I Y M S 3-3 2 2 / 1 2 / 5 1 n W Malone 8-0 10 /12/4 9 h D Civil Service 0-0 2 9 / 1 2 / 5 1 h W Civil Service 6-0 1 7 /12/4 9 a L Lansdowne 8-21 5 / 1 / 5 2 n L Old Wesley 0-3 3 1 /12/4 9 n L Queen's 5-6 2 / 2 / 5 2 a W Trinity 12-3 7 /1/5 0 n L Old Wesley 0-3 1 6 / 2 / 5 2 n W N I F C 22-0 2 1 /1/50 a L Trinity 0-6 2 3 / 2 / 5 2 a W Monkstown 9-0 28/1/5 0 h W Malone 21-0 1 / 3 / 5 2 a W Malone 9-0 2 /2/50 a L Malone 0-9 8 / 3 / 5 2 n W C I Y M S 9-3 9/2/50 a W C I Y M S 6-3 1 5 / 3 / 5 2 n W Instonians 3-0 16 /2/50 n L Instonians 0-15 2 9 / 3 / 5 2 n W C I Y M S 5-0 2 3 /2/50 h W C I Y M S 17-3 2 / 4 / 5 2 a W Queen's 9-0 18 /3/50 n L Queen's ll-20# 5 / 4 / 5 2 h W Portadown 40-0* 2 5 /3/50 a W N I F C 18-8 1 4 / 4 / 5 2 h L Birkenhead Park 3-16 8/4/50 h W Manchester 16-3 1 9 / 4 / 5 2 n W Armagh 3-0* 1 5 /4/50 a W Lurgan 8-3 2 6 / 4 / 5 2 n W Instonians 3-0 3 / 5 / 5 2 n W Queen's 8-3** 1 9 5 0-51 1 9 5 2-53

30/9/50 h w N I F C 9-0 2 7 / 9 / 5 2 a w N I F C 14-9 7 /10 /50 a L Malone 0-6 4 / 1 0 / 5 2 n w Lansdowne 6-0 28/10 /50 n D Lansdowne 3-3 1 8 / 1 0 / 5 2 a L Ballymena 3-6 4/11/ 5 0 a W Queen's 6-0 2 5 / 1 0 / 5 2 n W Civil Service 1 9 - 6 1 1 /11 / 5 0 n D C I Y M S 11-11 i / u / 5 2 h W Dungannon 1 5 - 0 18 /11/ 5 0 h W Civil Service 3-0 8 / 1 1 / 5 2 n L Ballymena 6-11 2 5 /11 / 5 0 h W Instonians 11-6 1 5 / 1 1 / 5 2 n W Queen's 18-3 2 3 /12 /50 h W Civil Service 5-0 2 2 / 1 1 / 5 2 n L Instonians 3-9 6/1 / 5 1 a L Old Wesley 0-13 1 3 / 1 2 / 5 2 h W Dungannon 14-3 1 3 /1 / 5 1 a W Instonians 9-6 2 0 / 1 2 / 5 2 a W Wanderers 1 5 - 6 20/1 / 5 1 h L Queen's 3-14 1 0 / 1 / 5 3 n W C I Y M S 11-3 2 7 /1 / 5 1 a W C I Y M S 9-5 1 7 / 1 / 5 3 a W Old Wesley 11-3 3 /2 / 5 1 n L Trinity 1 7 - 2 1 24/1/53 h W Monkstown 10 /2 / 5 1 a W Monkstown 7/2/53 n W Trinity 10-3 1 7 /2 / 5 1 a D N I F C 3-3 14/2/53 a L Monkstown 24/2/51 a L Civil Service 6-16 21/2/53 n D Instonians 3-3 3 /3 / 5 1 a W C I Y M S 11-3 28/2/53 h W C I Y M S 11-0 10 /3 / 5 1 a L Instonians 5-11 7/3/53 a W Civil Service 14-8 24/3/51 a W Kelso 14-5 14/3/53 h L Queen's 3-12 26/3/51 a D Selkirk 3-3 21/3/53 a W Malone 9-3 31/3/51 n W Instonians 11-3* 28/3/53 a W Malone 6-3* 7/4/51 h w C I Y M S 11-0 4/4/53 a L Sunday'sWell 3-11 11/4/51 h w Civil Service 11-0 6/4/53 a W Old Christians 9-8 14/4/51 n w Malone 12-0* 11/4/53 n W Donaghadee 20-0* 18/4/51 h w Malone 9-0 18/4/53 N W Instonians 1 7 - 6 * 21/4/51 n D N I F C 3-3* 25/4/53 n L C I Y M S 6-9** 25/4/51 n L N I F C 0-3* RESULTS 1953-1957

1 9 5 3 - 5 ^ 1 9 5 5-56

19/9/53 n w C I Y M S 9-3 1 7 /9/55 n W C I Y M S 8-6 26/9/53 a L N I F C 3-5 24/9/55 h W Clontarf 9-5 3/10/53 a L Lansdowne 0-11 1/10/55 h W Queen's 13-3 10/10/53 n W An Army XV 8/10/55 n W Ballymena 9-3 17/10/53 h W Malone 1 2 -3 15/10/55 a W N I F C 6-3 31/10/53 a W Ballymena 5-3 5/H/55 h w Limerick Bohs 6-3 14/11/53 n W Queen's 8-6 19/11/55 h w Malone 11-3 21/11/53 n W Wanderers 8-3 26/11/55 a w Civil Service 9-0 28/11/53 n W C I Y M S 12-0 3/12/55 h w Wanderers 17 -6 5/12/53 a W Civil Service 3-0 10/12/55 a w Dungannon 10-5 12/12/53 n D Instonians 0-0 17/12/55 a L N I F C 9-15 19/12/53 h W Ballymena 10-5 24/12/55 n W C I Y M S 14-0 9/1/5^ h W C I Y M S 9-3 31/12/55 n L Malone 0-3 16/1/54 h D Old Wesley 3-3 7/1/56 n L Instonians 0-6 23/1/54 n W N I F C 22-0 21/1/56 h D Old Wesley 0-0 30/1/54 a D Instonians 0-0 28/1/56 h W Civil Service 11-0 6/2/54 a D Old Belvedere 0-0 4/2/56 n D Queen's 3-3 13/2/54 h W Ballymena 11-3 11/2/56 n L Instonians 3-9 20/2/54 a W Trinity 11-6 18/2/56 a D Trinity 3-3 6/3/54 h W Malone 22-3 3/3/56 a L Old Belvedere 5-9 13/3/54 a L Monkstown 3-13 21/3/56 a D Ballymena 0-0 20/3/54 n D Queen's 5-5 7/4/56 n L Instonians 3-5* 27/3/54 a L N I F C 0-3 3/4/54 n L Queen's 0-6* 17/4/54 h W Sunday's Well 16-9 1 9 5 6 - 5 7

15/9/56 a W Portadown 1 9 5 4-55 22/9/56 a W Limerick Bohs 12-9 29/9/56 h W Dungannon 14-3 18/9/54 n w C I Y M S 6-3 6/10/56 a W Malone 13-5 25/9/54 a L Clontarf 0-6 13/10/56 h W King's Schlrs 13-11 2/10/54 n L Selkirk 3-6 20/10/56 a D Clontarf 9-9 16/10/54 n L N I F C 0-9 27/10/56 a L Civil Service 3-5 23/10/54 a W Civil Service 3-0 3/11/56 n W Instonians 5-0 30/10/54 h L Queen's 0-5 10/11/56 a L Ballymena 3-8 6/11/54 n L Instonians 3-14 17/11/56 h W Civil Service 11-3 20/11/54 n W Malone 6-3 24/11/56 a L Queen's 8-13 27/11/54 h D Civil Service 3-3 1 /12 /56 h L Lansdowne 5-11 18/12/54 a L Wanderers 5-6 15/12/56 n W N I F C 11-3 1/1/55 n L Lansdowne 0-5 22/12/56 n L Instonians 3-6 8/1/55 h W Ballymena 16 -3 29/12/56 a W Old Wesley 11-6 29/1/55 h D Civil Service 6-6 5/1/57 n W Malone 11-0 5/2/55 n D Queen's 6-6 12/1/57 h L Ballymena 5-9 5/3/55 h W Old Belvedere 16 -9 19/1/57 h W Trinity 9-5 12/3/55 h W C I Y M S 3-0 2/2/57 h L C I Y M S 0-10 19/3/55 n W B R A (FP) 6-3* 16/2/57 a L Wanderers 0-11 26/3/55 a W Strabane 3-0* 23/2/57 a W Lurgan 20-0 2/4/55 n L Queen's 3-8* 2/3/57 h L Old Belvedere 3-12 9/4/56 a W Limerick Bohs 14-6 9/3/57 a L NIFC 0-8 16/3/57 h W Malone 18-8 23/3/57 h W Queen's 6-3* 30/3/57 n W Malone 6-3* 6/4/57 n L Instonians 0-12’ RESULTS 1957-1961

1 9 5 7-58 19 5 9-60

19/9/57 a W Portadown 16-0 16/9/59 a W D of Wellington 11-8 21/9/57 n W Clontarf 5-3 19/9/59 h W Ballymena 11-8 28/9/57 n L N I F C 6-11 26/9/59 n W Selkirk 24-9 5/10/57 a D Dungannon 3-3 3/10/59 h W Clontarf 27-11 12/10/57 h W N I F C 11-0 10/10/59 n W Malone 11-9 19/10/57 h w Limerick Bohs 14-6 17/10/59 a D Lansdowne 0-0 9/11/57 h w Ballymena 11-3 29/10/59 a W Ballymena 9-0 16/11/57 n L Instonians 3-11 31/10/59 a W Old Belvedere 5-3 23/11/57 h W Queen's 11-9 7/H/59 a D N I F C 11-11 30/11/57 h L B R A (FP) 11-14 21/11/59 h L Limerick Bohs 12-16 7/12/57 a L C I Y M S 0-6 28/11/59 n W Queen's 17-15 19/12/57 a W Civil Service 11-0 5/11/59 a D C I Y M S 17-15 21/12/57 a L Instonians 6-12 12/12/59 h L Dungannon 0-8 28/12/57 a W Ballymena 2 3 -10 19/12/59 a W Palmerston 19-3 9/1/58 h W Malone 13-3 26/12/59 h W B R A (FP) 17 -8 11/1/58 a W Old Belvedere 24-3 2/1/60 a L Instonians 3-9 1 /2/58 h W Civil Service 8-5 9/1/60 n L C I Y M S 3-14 15/2/58 a W Trinity 8-6 16/1/60 a W Civil Service 9-6 22/2/58 h D Ballymena 3-3 23/1/60 a W Trinity 14-6 1/3/58 a W Queen's 6-3 6/2/60 a W Dungannon 16-5 8/3/58 n L Wanderers 10-11 13/2/60 h W Malone 9-0 29/3/58 n W B R A (FP) 5-0* 5/3/60 h W Old Wesley 25-11 5/9/58 a W Earlston 10-6 19/3/60 a D Armagh 0-0* 7/9/58 a W Selkirk 16-5 22/3/60 h W Armagh 8-3* 12/9/58 n L Instonians 0-9* 26/3/60 n L N I F C 5-8* 16/9/60 a W Galwegians 8-3 1 9 5 8-59 18/9/60 a W Corinthians 8-3

20/9/58 a L Clontarf 0-5 27/9/58 n L N I F C 9-16 1 9 6 0-61 18/10/58 a L Limerick Bohs 8-9 25/10/58 a W Civil Service 8-6 19/9/60 a w Larne 22-3 1/11/58 n L Malone 8-13 21/9/60 h w Ballymena 5-0 8/11/58 n D Queen's 3-3 29/9/60 a w Civil Service 2 5 -16 15/11/58 h W Ballymena 8-6 1/10/60 a L Clontarf 0-3 22/11/58 n W Instonians 9-0 8/10/60 h W Armagh 9-0 29/11/58 h W B R A (FP) 16-8 15/10/60 a L Wanderers 8-11 6/12 /5 8 h W Palmerston 5-0 22/10/60 h W Malone 6-0 27/12/58 a W Ballymena 5-3 29/10/60 h W Civil Service 11-3 3/1/59 h W Civil Service 6-0 5/11/60 a D Palmerston 6-6 31/1/59 h W C I Y M S 3-0 19/11/60 a W Queen's 11-8 7/2/59 n W Lansdowne 16-8 26/11/60 h L Dungannon 6-9 21/2/59 a L Wanderers 6-13 3/12/60 h D Old Belvedere 11-11 28/2/59 a W N I F C 5-0 29/12/60 n L Malone 8-12 7/3/59 h L Trinity 11-12 31/12/60 n L C I Y M S 3-6 19/3/59 a L Instonians 0-8 19/1/61 a W B R A (FP) 18 -0 21/3/59 h W B R A (FP) 8-5* 30/1/61 h W Ballymena 11-0 9/9/59 n L Instonians 5-22* 18/2/61 h L N I F C 9-13 25/2/61 a W C I Y M S 6-3 9/3/61 a L Old Wesley 9-13 u / 3 / 6 1 h D Instonians 9-9 18/3/61 h W City of Derry 24-3* 25/3/61 n W Civil Service 22-0* 3/9/61 h W Nottingham 8-3 8/9/61 n D Instonians 0-0* 15/9/61 n W Instonians 1 5 -0* 22/9/61 n w Ballymena 6-3** RESULTS 1961-1965

19 6 1-62 1 9 6 3 - 6 4

20/9 /6 1 a W Larne 20-0 1 1 /9/63 a W Jordanstown 2 3 /9 /6 1 h W N I F C 9-3 14/9/63 a W Coleraine 15-3 30/9 /6 1 h W Limerick Bohs 19-3 18/9/63 h W Larne 7 /10 /6 1 n L Malone 6-8 21/9/63 h L Old Wesley 6-11 14/10/61 a D Dungannon 0-0 25/9/63 a D B R A (FP) 6-6 2 1 /10 /6 1 h W Armagh 3-0 28/9/63 h W Civil Service 11-3 28/10 /6 1 a W Civil Service 16-3 5/10/63 h W Selkirk 8-3 4/11/61 a W Palmerston 9-8 12/10/63 h L N I F C 3-9 1 1 /1 1 / 6 1 a W Ballymena 5-3 19/10/63 a L Dolphin 0-11 18 /11 / 6 1 a D Trinity 6-6 26/10/63 h L Ballymena 3-11 2 5 /1 1 / 6 1 n D Instonians 3-3 2/11/63 a W Palmerston 9-3 2 /12 /6 1 n W Wanderers 8-6 9/11/63 h W Dungannon 11-8 9/12 /6 1 h W C I Y M S 25-3 16/11/63 a W Trinity 11-3 2 3 /12 /6 1 n W Malone 1 1 - 0 23/11/63 n W N I F C 8-3 6/1/6 2 a W Lansdowne 11-3 30/11/63 h W Wanderers 8-6 1 3 /1/6 2 h W B R A (FP) 24-6 14/12/63 h W Malone 8-3 20/1/6 2 h W C I Y M S 15-3 28/12/63 a W Ballymena 15 -0 2 7 /1/6 2 h W Old Wesley 22-6 4/1/64 a L Lansdowne 0 -12 3 /2/62 a L Old Belvedere 8 -10 11/1/64 n L C I Y M S 0 - 1 1 10 /2/62 a D Civil Service 0-0 18/1/64 h L Clontarf 0-9 1 7 /2/62 h W Queen's 9-0 25/1/64 h W Limerick Bohs 13-3 24/2/62 a D Old Wesley 13-13 1/2/64 a L Old Belvedere 3 - U 3/3/62 h W Clontarf 8-0 8/2/64 h W Dungannon 9-3 10 /3/62 a L N I F C 0-6 15/2/64 h W City of Derry 8-0 24/3/62 a W Civil Service 30-9* 29/2/64 a W Instonians 1 1 - 6 3 1 /3/62 a W Ballymena 11-3* 21/3/64 a W Malone 16-5* 7/4/62 n W Queen's 8-0** 25/3/64 h L C I Y M S 3-5* 11/4/64 h L C I Y M S 27-9 18/4/64 h L Queen's 8 -16

1 9 6 2-63 1 9 6 4-65

8/9/62 a w Larne 31-0 9/9/64 a L Instonians 6-9 15/9/62 h L J A E Siggins XV 3-8 16/9/64 a W Bangor 8-6 22/9/62 a D N I F C 11-11 19/9/64 n W Malone 1 1 - 8 29/9/62 a W Limerick Bohs 6-0 26/9/64 a W Civil Service 21-5 6/10/62 a L Malone 5-6 3/10/64 a L Old Wesley 3-6 13/10/62 n L C I Y M S 3-6 17/10/64 h W Palmerston 22-6 20/10/62 a L Instonians 5-6 24/10/64 n L C I Y M S 5-9 27/10/62 a L Wanderers 9-11 31/10/64 a W Wanderers 8-3 3/11/62 h W Palmerston 11-6 7/11/64 h L Corinthians 3-8 10/11/62 h W Civil Service 6-3 14/11/64 h W Trinity 13-0 24/12/62 a W Ballymena 17-3 21/11/64 n W Instonians 6-3 1 /12 /6 2 h D Dungannon 6-6 5/12/64 h L Dungannon 3-11 8/12 /6 2 a W Clontarf 11-0 12/12/64 h D Malone 3-3 22/12 /6 2 n W Queen's 3-0 2/1/65 h D Lansdowne 9-9 16/2/63 a W C I Y M S 6 -5 9/1/65 a W Clontarf 10-3 2/3/63 n L Instonians 5-9 16 /1/6 5 a L Queen's 9-13 9/3/63 n D Malone 3-3 20/2/65 a L Limerick Bohs 17-11 16/3/63 h W Civil Service 8 -5 13/3/65 n L C I Y M S 0-6 20/3/63 h L Ballymena 6-11 20/3/65 h L Ballymena 0-6 23/3/63 a W B R A (FP) 23-0 27/3/65 n D Queen's 6-6* 30/3/63 a W Enniskillen 11-3* 31/3/65 h L Queen's 9-K1 6/4/63 n D Malone 3-3* 3/4/65 h L Wanderers 9-14 10/4/63 n W Malone 3-0* 19/4/65 h W Nottingham 24-3 15/4/63 a D West of Scotland 13-13 17/4/63 a D Selkirk 24/4/63 n L Ballymena 0-8** RESULTS 1965-1969

1 9 6 5-66 19 67-68

1/9/65 a L Bangor 0-3 6/9/67 a L Bangor 0-16 15/9/65 h W Ballymena 8-3 16 /9/67 a L Dolphin 0-9 25/9/65 a W Malone 6-3 2 3 /9/67 h L West of Scotld 9-20 2/10/65 n W Old Wesley 11-9 30/9/67 h L Clontarf 3-23 9/10/65 a L Dungannon 6-12 7 /10 /67 a L Dungannon 0-13 16/10/65 a L Palmerston 8-13 1 4 /10 /67 a W Instonians 10-6 23/10/65 h L N I F C 9-14 2 1 /10 /67 a L Palmerston 6-8 30/10/65 a W C I Y M S 3-0 28/10 /67 h L City of Derry 0-3 6/11/ 6 5 h W Instonians 9-5 4/11/ 6 7 a W B R A (FP) 3-0 13/11/65 h W Civil Service 11-0 u / 11/ 6 7 h L Limerick Bohs 0-6 20/11/65 a W Trinity 14-0 18 /11/ 6 7 n L Wanderers 5-6 4/12/65 a L Dolphin 3-11 2 5 /11/ 6 7 a L Lansdowne 0-17 11/12/65 h L Wanderers 8-16 2 /12 /6 7 a L Portadown 0-3 18/12/65 a W Old Belvedere 9-3 16 /12 /6 7 a L C I Y M S 0-9 1/1/66 a W Lansdowne 14-5 2 3/12 /6 7 n D Malone 6-6 8/1/66 h L Clontarf 3-9 30/12 /6 7 a L Old Belvedere 0-3 5/2/66 a D Ballymena 11-11 2 7 /1/6 8 h L Ballymena 6-14 5/3/66 n L Malone 6-12 10 /2/68 h L Civil Service 5-16 19 /3/66 n W Civil Service 5-0* 1 7 /2/68 a L Trinity 3-24 26/3/66 h W Queen's 8-3 2 /3/68 h W Ballynahinch 11-8* 2/4/66 a L C I Y M S 0-12* 9/3/68 a L Dungannon 0-3* 9/4/66 a L West of Scotland 6-14 30/3/68 h L City of Derry 3-6 11/4/66 a W Selkirk 6/4/68 h L B R A (FP) 0-3 14/4/66 a L N I F C 6-14 1 3 /4/68 a L Corinthians 3-5 16/4/66 a L Instonians .3-11

1 9 6 6-67 19 68-69

7/9/66 a L Bangor 5-9 1 1 /9/68 h D Bangor 6-6 14/9/66 a L City of Derry 3-6 14/9/68 a L Wanderers 8-35 17/9/66 h W Army XV 14-13 18/9/68 h L Civil Service 8-24 24/9/66 n L Malone 3 - U 21/9/68 h L R M Young's XV 12 -5 0 1/10/66 h W Selkirk 17-9 28/9/68 a L City of Derry 0-11 8/10/66 a L Clontarf 3-24 5/10/68 h L Malone 3-12 1 5 /10/66 h L Palmerston 6-14 12/10/68 h L Clontarf 5-12 22/10/66 a W B R A (FP) 3-0 19 /10/68 h W Corinthians 20-3 29/10 /66 a L Wanderers 12-33 9/11/68 a L Trinity 3-27 12/11/66 a L Civil Service 0-3 16/11/68 a W Limerick Bohs 11-10 19 /11/6 6 h L Trinity 5-16 2 3 /11/6 8 h W City of Derry 3-0 26/11/66 a W Old Wesley 13-3 30/12/68 n D Lansdowne 0-0 1 7 /12/6 6 n L Queen's 14-16 7/12/68 a L Civil Service 9-15 3 1 /12/6 6 h L Dungannon 5-11 14/12/68 a L N I F C 0-8 7/1/67 h D Ballymena 3-3 21/12/68 h W Portadown 9-6 14/1/67 h D Lansdowne 8-8 4/1/69 a L Queen's 6-16 21/1/67 h D Vale of Lune 6-6 11/1/69 h D City of Derry 3-3 28/1/67 n L Dolphin 0-3 25/1/69 a W Vale of Lune 6-3 4/2/67 n L C I Y M S 8-14 1/2/69 a L Ballymena 6-12 18/2/67 a L Limerick Bohs 0-3 1/3/69 a D Coleraine 3-3* 25/2/67 n W N I F C 11-3 8/3/69 n W B R A (FP) 8-0 11/3/67 h W Instonians 11-3* 12/3/69 h D Coleraine 0-0* 18/3/67 n W Portadown 8-5 * 15/3/69 a W Coleraine 1 8 -1 V 1/4/67 n L C I Y M S 3-8* 22/3/69 a L C I Y M S 0-15 8/4/67 a W Portadown 9-5 26/3/69 h L N I F C 6-2 3' 5/4/69 h L Dolphin 11-12 12/4/69 n L Malone 0-6 RESULTS 1969-1971

1 9 69-70 19 70-71

20/9/69 h L Ballymena 6-11 9/9/70 a L Malone 3 -5 24/9/69 a L Malone 0-24 1 2 /9/70 n L Portadown 6 -19 27/9/69 a L Dolphin 9-22 1 5 /9/70 a L Instonians 8-9 4/10/69 h W Selkirk 19 -6 19 /9/70 n L B R A (FP) 12 - 1 8 11/10/69 h W Clontarf 11-5 26/9/70 n L Dolphin 6-8 18/10/69 h L C I Y M S 9-21 3/10/70 a L Clontarf 6-9 25/10/69 a L N I F C 3-20 10/10/70 a D Queen's ll-ll 1/11/69 h L Malone 3-18 17/10/70 n L Dungannon 8-22 15/11/69 a W Corinthians 3-0 24/10/70 n L Trinity 3-15 22/11/69 a L Trinity 3-42 31/10/70 n L Old Belvedere 11-18 6/12/69 h W Bangor 20-13 7/11/70 a L Wanderers 8-19 13/12/69 a D Lansdowne 11-11 14/11/70 n W City of Derry 22-11 20/12/69 a W Portadown 12-3 21/11/70 a W Limerick Bohs 47-3 17/1/70 h L Wanderers 3-18 28/11/70 n L C I Y M S 0-29 24/1/70 h L Old Wesley 3 - H 5/12/70 n D Malone 8-8 31/1/70 a L Vale of Lune 0-16 12/12/70 n L Lansdowne 3-8 7/2/70 a L Palmerston 10-13 19/12/70 n L C I Y M S 3-ll 7/3/70 a W Portadown 11-5 26/12/70 h W The Exiles 29-17 21/3/70 h W Queen's 6-0* 2/1/71 a L Ballymena 6-19 28/3/70 a L Selkirk 12-17 9/1/71 a L Old Wesley 3-24 30/3/70 a L Gala 8-35 16/1/71 a L Bangor 3-8 4/4/70 n L C I Y M S 0-20* 23/1/71 n W Vale of Lune 17-3 11/4/70 h L Civil Service 3-11 6/2/71 n W Palmerston 9-8 18/4/70 a L City of Derry 20/2/71 a L Civil Service 9-16 27/2/71 a D City of Derry 3-3 6/3/71 a W B R A (FP) 3-0* 13/3/71 a L N I F C 0-10 20/3/71 n L Instonians 3-8* 27/3/71 n L Civil Service 6-10 3/4/71 h L Ballymena 0-19 RESULTS 1971-1973

1 9 7 1-72 19 72-73

8/9/71 a W Carrick 26/8/72 h L W E Bell's XV 7-70 11/9/71 n W N I F C 10-7 6/9/72 a Lurgan 15/9/71 W Rainey 0 B 19-15 9/9/72 a W Enniskillen 18-10 18/9/71 n L Ballymena 3-21 13/9/72 h Civil Service 21/9/71 n W Strathclyde U 28-12 17/9/72 a W B R A (FP) 11-4 25/9/71 a L Vale of Lune 11-12 20/9/72 a L Portadown 3-47 2/10/71 n W Clontarf 2 3 -10 23/9/72 a L Vale of Lune 10-31 9/10/71 a w B R A (FP) 20-7 30/9/72 a L Ballymena 9-66 16/10/71 a L City of Derry 8-16 7/10/72 a L Limerick Bohs 0-19 20/10/71 a L Bangor 6-17 14/10/72 h L City of Derry 1 5 - 2 1 23/10/71 a L Trinity 0 -32 2 1 /10 /72 h L C I Y M S 3-26 30/10/71 a L Instonians 12-27 28/10/72 a W Queen's 26-19 6/11/71 a L Old Belvedere 0-4 4/11/72 a L Clontarf 0-36 13/11/71 n L Wanderers 3-11 11/11/72 h L Instonians 4-6 20/11/71 n L Limerick Bohs 4-11 18/11/72 h W Trinity 10-7 27/11/71 n L Queen's 0-22 25/11/72 h W Corinthians 20-0 4/12/71 n L Malone 6-16 2/12/72 h L Old Belvedere 11-19 11/12/71 a L Lansdowne 7-28 9/12 /7 2 h L Lansdowne 10-15 18/12/71 n L City of Derry 0-12 16/12/72 a L Malone 3-8 1/1/72 n L Civil Service 9-17 23/12/72 h L Ballymena 6-31 8/1/72 n W Old Wesley 6-0 6/1/73 h W Dungannon 20-12 15/1/72 n L C I Y M S 3-10 13/1/73 a L Old Wesley 14-38 22/1/72 a L Dungannon 3 - U 27/1/73 a D N I F C 12-12 29/1/72 a L N I F C 0-25 3/2/73 h L Palmerston 6-13 1 2 /2/72 a L Ballymena 0-20 24/3/73 h W City of Derry 8-0 19/2/72 n L Bangor 0-9 3/3/73 h L Bangor 15-18* 26/2/72 a L Malone 9-28 10/3/73 a W Civil Service 10-9 4/3/72 a L C I Y M S 6-15* 17/3/73 h W Portadown 9-4 H/3/72 n L Dungannon 4-9 24/3/73 h W New Univ of U 24-15 25/3/72 a L Portadown 13-15 31/3/73 a L Bangor 9-21 8/4/72 n L Malone 0-32 7/4/73 h W B R A (FP) 22-3 RESULTS 1973-1976

1 9 7 3-7** 1 9 7 5-76

8/9/73 a W Corinthians 2 8 -10 13/9/75 h W B R A (FP) 22-3 15/9/73 h W N I F C 2 3 -6 16/9/75 n W Coleraine 13 -0 22/9/73 a W Vale of Lune 13 -6 20/9/75 h L Malone 7-9 29/9/73 h L C I Y M S 0-l4 27/9/75 a W Queen *s 14-10 6/10/73 a L Ards 7 -1 8 4/10/75 h L Bangor 11-17 13/10/73 a W Portadown 15 -1 0 11/10/75 h W Queen's 2 2 -12 20/10/73 h D Limerick Bohs 16 -16 18/10/75 a L N I F C 6-17 27/10/73 a L Instonians 6-23 25/10/75 a L Ards 13-16 3/U/73 h L C I Y M S 3-42 1/11/75 h W Clontarf 31-6 10/11/73 h L N I F C 4-20 4/11/75 n W N I F C 29-13 13/11/73 a L Bangor 7-12 8/11/75 h D Limerick Bohs 16 -16 24/11/73 h W Clontarf 18 -10 15/11/75 h W Enniskillen 31-3 1/12/73 a L Old Belvedere 13-24 22/11/75 h W Ards 25-9 8/12/73 h D Queen's 3-3 29/11/75 a L Old Belvedere 16 -2 2 15/12/73 a W Malone 7-3 6/12/75 h L Ballymena 12-19 29/12/73 h L Ballymena 0-6 9/12/75 n W Portadown 1 1 - 6 5/1/74 h L City of Derry 4-9 13/12/75 h L Wanderers 10-34 12/1/74 a L Lansdowne 1 1 - 1 2 20/12/75 a L Palmerston 19 -20 19/1/74 a L Old Wesley 3-23 23/12/75 a L Bangor 3-23 26/1/74 h L Civil Service 3-6 26/12/75 h W The Exiles 13-6 9/2/74 h L Wanderers 6 -18 27/12/75 h L C I Y M S 3 -16 16/2/74 h L Bangor 7 -1 8 3/1/76 a L B R A (FP) 7-20 23/2/74 h L Malone 1 3 - 1 8 10 /1/76 a L City of Derry 3-11 2/3/74 a L Civil Service 7 -1 6 17/1/76 h W Civil Service 17-14 9/3/74 h L B R A (FP) 3 -1 2 * 24/1/76 h L C I Y M S 3-25 16/3/74 a L Dungannon '6 -3 1 7/2/76 a L Dungannon 13-17 30/3/74 a L B R A (FP) 12-13 14/2/76 a L Trinity 4-34 28 /2/76 h L Old Wesley 6-13 1 9 7 4-75 6/3/76 a L Instonians 6 -23 13/3/76 h L C I Y M S 6-29^ 14/9/74 a L B R A (FP) 9 -2 1 27/3/76 h L Ballymena 15 -2 6 21/9/74 a L C I Y M S 7-12 3/4/76 h L N I F C 3-13 28/9/74 a L Vale of Lune 12-19 5/10/74 h L Ballymena 10 -26 12/10/74 h L Portadown 9 -12 15/10/74 a W Bangor 13-9 19/10/74 a W Limerick Bohs 10 -6 26/10/74 h L Instonians 3-12 2/11/74 a L Clontarf 6-30 9/11/74 a L Malone 7-23 12/11/74 a L Instonians 7/12/74 a D N I F C 1 2 - 1 2 14/12/74 h W B R A (FP) 20-4 21/12/74 h W Palmerston 26-7 28/12/74 h W City of Derry 27-6 4/1/75 a W Queen's 10 -6 11/1/75 a W Bangor 3-0 25/1/75 a L Civil Service 0-3 8/2/75 a L Ballymena 3-32 15/2/75 n D Trinity 9-9 22/2/75 a L Old Wesley 16 -2 2 8/3/75 h L Civil Service 9-1 2 * 15/3/75 a D N I F C 15-15 22/3/75 h D Dungannon 3-3 RESULTS 1976-1978

1 9 7 6 - 7 7 1 9 7 7-78

11/9/76 n w Malone 22-21 10 /9/77 h L Academy 12-16 18/9/76 h L B R A (FP) 6-8 14/9/77 n W Ards 7-3 2 /10 /76 a D C I Y M S 10-10 17/9/77 n W Carrick 9/10/76 h L Palmerston 6-10 24/9/77 a W City of Derry 13-9 16/10/76 h L Trinity 12 - 16 1/10/77 a W Trinity 9-6 23/10/76 h W Instonians 7-3 8/10/77 a W Palmerston 20-16 30/10/76 h W Portadown 18-15 15/10/77 h W Bangor 12-9 6/11 / 7 6 a L Clontarf 6-15 22/10/77 a W Academy 7-4 10/11/76 n L Queen's 9-17 29/10/77 a D Portadown 6-6 13/11/76 a W Limerick Bohs 16-12 5/H/77 h L Clontarf 9-15 20/11/76 h L City of Derry 15 -2 0 8/11/77 n W Armagh 18-7 27/11/76 h W Old Belvedere 11-7 12/11/77 h W Malone 10-7 18/12/76 a L Ballymena 4-39 19/11/77 h D N I F C 6-6 2 7 /12 /7 6 h W The Exiles 25/11/77 a W Old Belvedere 15-4 1/1/77 a L C I Y M S 15-42 3/12/77 h W Civil Service 15 -6 8/1/77 a L Bangor 12-21 7/12/77 n L Bangor 0-25 22/1/77 a L N I F C 13-16 31/12/77 h L Ballymena 10-16 5/2/77 n W Limerick Bohs 12-6 14/1/78 h W C I Y M S 7-3 19/2/77 a L City of Derry 6-21 28/1/78 a L Dungannon 7-8 5/3/77 h W Dungannon 9-6 11/2/78 a D Instonians 10-10 12/3/77 a L Ards 3-6* 25/2/78 a L Dungannnon 7-8 19/3/77 a L Civil Service 6-18 11/3/78 a D Queen's 12-12* 26/3/77 a L C I Y M S 6-16 18/3/78 h W Queen's 12-9* 2/4/77 a L Malone 3-17 25/3/78 h D Wanderers 6-6 9/4/77 a L Queen's 0-9 1/4/78 h W Ballyclare 9-6* 8/4/78 a W Instonians 3-0* 12/4/78 a L Gala 6-69 13/4/78 a L Selkirk 10-22 17/4/78 h L Queen's 3-19 22/4/78 n L C I Y M S 12-18* RESULTS 1978-1982 1 9 7 8-79 1 9 8 0 - 8 1 9/9/78 a L City of Derry 0-18 13/9/80 a W Academy 13-9 16/9/78 a L Malone 9-26 17/9/80 h W Instonians 18-6 23/9/78 h W Ards 11-6 20/9/80 a L City of Derry 9-21 30/9/78 h W Dungannon 12-7 27/9/80 a W Clontarf 14-10 m o m a W N I F C 23-17 4/10/80 h W Palmerston 15-6 10/10/78 n w King's Schlrs 18-3 11/10/80 a W Instonians 21-0 19/10/78 a L Bangor 6-13 18/10/80 a L Malone 10-18 21/10/78 a L Ballymena 6-42 21/10/80 n W Rainey 0 B 25-0 28/10/78 h L Palmerston 11-21 25/10/80 a L Ballymena 10-15 9/11/78 a L Trinity 19-20 1/11/80 a L Bangor 4-6 11/11/78 a L C I Y M S 9-24 8/11/80 a L Limerick Bohs 14-15 19/11/78 n W Enniskillen 13-0 15/11/80 h W Queen's 18-0 25/11/78 a W Armagh 22-13 22/11/80 h L Ards 12-13 9/12/78 a W Civil Service 11-0 25/11/80 n W C I Y M S 7-7* 16/12/78 a W Queen * s 9-6 29/11/80 h W Dungannon 13-3 19/12/78 n L Ards 6-14 6/12/80 a L Trinity 9-25 23/12/78 h W Academy 6-3 13/12/80 h W Old Belvedere 19-11 30/12/78 a L NIFC 3-12 16/12/80 n L Queen's 6-23 9/1/79 h W Kansas J-Hawks 42-9 27/12/80 h L City of Derry 16-17 3/2/79 n L NIFC 8-18 3/1/81 a L Portadown 4-20 10/2/79 a W Banbridge 16-0* 10/1/81 a L Queen's 12-27 29/2/79 h W Academy 6-0* 24/1/81 a W C I Y M S 16-3 3/3/79 a W Wanderers 15-10 31/1/81 a L NIFC 7-16 10/3/79 h L Ballyclare 6-13* 7/2/81 a L Old Wesley 21-23 17/3/79 a W Limerick Bohs 13-11 14/2/81 a W Ards 9-3* 29/3/79 h W Malone 10-6 21/2/81 a L Lisburn 4-13 29/3/79 a W Blackheath 9-6 28/2/81 h W Enniskillen 10-0* 30/3/79 a W Loughborough Tn 30-0 14/3/81 a W City of Derry 6-0* 1/9/79 a W Old Dunstonians 19-3 28/3/81 h W Academy 10-6 7/9/79 h L C I Y M S 14-23 4/4/81 n W Bangor 12-9* 11/9/79 h L Instonians 0-19 11/4/81 h W Malone 12-3 18/4/81 n L Queen *s 12-l6< 1 979-80 22/4/81 h W Instonians 26-0 8/9/79 a W Blaydon 16-7 15/9/79 h w City of Derry 25-12 ♦ Boston Cup tie, won on penalties 19/9/79 a w Rainey 0 B 14-3 22/9/79 h w Portadown 15-0 1 9 8 1-82 29/9/79 a D Civil Service 9-9 6/10/79 h W Clontarf 20-7 12/9/81 a L Ayr 6-18 9/10/79 n L Queen's 7-11 19/9/81 h W Ballynahinch 27-9 13/10/79 a D Enniskillen 9-9 26/9/81 h W Portadown 16-3 20/10/79 a W Ards 26-10 3/10/81 a L Palmerston 3-6 27/10/79 a L Palmerston 7-16 6/10/81 n W Queen's 10-9 3/H/79 h L C I Y M S 4-24 10/10/81 a W Academy 27-16 10/11/79 h L NIFC 15-18 17/10/81 h L Bangor 6-14 17/11/79 h W Limerick Bohs 19-6 29/10/81 h L Limerick Bohs 9-12 29/11/79 h L Ballymena 9-26 31/10/81 a L Dolphin 9-18 1/12/79 h L Malone 6-18 7/U/81 h D Malone 12-12 8/12/79 h L Queen * s 6-18 10/11/81 n L Portadown 6-9 15/12/79 a L Old Belvedere 7-17 28/11/81 h L Ards 6-9 26/12/79 h W The Exiles 12-7 5/12/81 a L Old Belvedere 10-24 29/12/79 a W Dungannon 11-0 2/1/82 a W NIFC 10-7 5/1/80 a W Dolphin 23-9 23/1/82 a L Old Wesley 7-9 12/1/80 h W D/Wellingtons 18-4 30/1/82 a W Dungannon 12-7 19/1/80 h L Civil Service 3-9 6/2/82 a W Ards 6-0 26/1/80 a L Instonians 0-28 13/2/82 a L Queen's 3-13( 2/2/80 a L C I Y M S 0-7 27/2/82 h W Academy 22-13 16/2/80 h L Bangor 12-22 6/3/82 h L Instonians 9-16 23/2/80 h W Belfast H S F P 70-3* 20/3/82 h L Corinthians 10-12 1/3/80 h L Trinity 9-14 27/3/82 n W Queen *s 12-9 8/3/80 a W Lisburn 12-10* 7/9/82 n L Bangor 9-13 22/3/80 a L Queen's 12-22* * 29/3/80 a L Malone 6-15 ♦ ♦ Senior League Final 12/9/80 a L Academy 4-6 RESULTS 1982-1984

1 9 8 2-83 l 983-84

8/82 a w Hendaye 25-18 7/9/83 a W Instonians 16-3 8/82 a w Orthez 34-0 10/9/83 h W Academy 12-4 8/82 a w Gan 36-0 14/9/83 a W Lisburn 12-10 15/9/82 h w Lisburn 39-6 17/9/83 a W Queen's 27-15 18/9/82 a L Bangor 6-12 20/9/83 n W N I F C 9-6 25/9/82 a W Wanderers 22-12 1/10/83 a L Palmerston 4-21 29/9/82 a W Instonians 14-12 8/10/83 h W Clontarf 24-6 2/10/82 h L Palmerston 16-20 15/10/83 h L Bangor 9-21 9/10/82 h W Academy 15-9 22/10/83 a L Malone 15-23 16/10/82 a W Queen's 12-11 29/10/83 h W City of Derry 18-3 19/10/82 n W City of Derry 16-6 5/H/83 a W Armagh 20-3 23/10/82 h D Carrick 3-3 8/11/83 n L C I Y M S 0-11 30/10/82 a W Ards 10-7 12/11/83 a L St Mary's 12-19 6/11/82 a W Ballynahinch 10-3 19/11/83 a W Dungannon 20-4 13/11/82 h L Old Wesley 0-26 26/11/83 h W Limerick Bohs 31-6 20/11/82 h W N I F C 12-6 27/11/83 a W Combd Services 28-0 23/11/82 a L Bangor 6-28 3/12/83 a W City of Derry 20-12 11/12/82 n W Ballymena 6-0 10/12/83 h W Instonians 26-19 18/12/82 a W Corinthians 6-0 17/12/83 h W Corinthians 29-3 27/12/82 h W The Exiles 24-7 31/12/83 a W Ballymena 9-3 1/1/83 h W Dungannon 20-3 2/1/84 h W Queen's 17-7 8/1/83 a L Clontarf 9-16 7/1/84 a L Old Belvedere 12-21 22/1/83 n L Bangor 6-15++ 14/1/84 h W Malone 12-10 29/1/83 h W Old Belvedere 31-7 4/2/84 a L Old Wesley 3-4 5/2/83 a W Sligo 10-4 11/2/84 a W N I F C 18-12 12/2/83 h W Portadown 21-3 25/2/84 n L Ards 9-10 19/2/83 a W Trinity 20-10 3/3/84 a L Trinity 19-25 26/2/83 h W Dungannon 12-9* 10/3/84 a L City of Derry 6-ll< 12/3/83 a W Armagh 21-13 13/3/84 h W Berkely 0B USA 12-4 26/2/83 a W Academy 12-7* 17/3/84 a W Academy 20-6 9/4/83 n W Ballymena 9-8* 31/3/84 h W Carrick 9-4 23/4/83 n W City of Derry 11-6** 5/4/84 n L Queen's 14-20 14/4/84 h W Omagh 25-0 RESULTS 198*1-1986

1 9 8 4-85 l 98 5-86

12/9/84 h w Lisburn 15-6 u / 9/85 h W Ballynahinch 21-18 15/9/84 h w City of Derry 28-6 14/9/85 a L Wanderers 0-14 22/9/84 a L Corinthians 14-23 18/9/85 a W Lisburn 6-3 29/9/84 h L Greystones 15-19 21/9/85 a W Trinity 22-9 6/10/84 h L Trinity 19-26 24/9/85 n L Instonians 9-10 13/10/84 a L Instonians 10-39 28/9/85 h W Clontarf 19-14 20/10/84 h W Portadown 16-10 5/10/85 h L Dolphin 22-27 23/10/84 n L Ards 4-22 12/10/85 a W C I Y M S 12-9 27/10/84 h W Old Wesley 16-12 19/10/85 a W Ards 9-3 3/11/84 h L Ards 0-11 26/10/85 a L Instonians 3-18 10/11/84 a L Clontarf 6-12 2/11/85 h W Dungannon 12-6 17/11/84 a W Academy 16-6 9/11/85 h W Limerick Bohs 30-3 24/11/84 h W Coleraine 18-8 16/11/85 h L Bangor 9-16 1/12/84 n W Palmerston 13-6 30/11/85 h W Corinthians 26-6 8/12/84 a L Limerick Bohs 6-14 7/12/85 h W Portadown 3-9 15/12/84 a L Malone 0-20 14/12/85 h W Queen's 22-4 22/12/84 a W Queen's 18-9 21/12/85 h L Ballymena 13-16 29/12/84 h W C I Y M S 9-6 26/12/85 h W The Exiles 10-0 12/1/85 h W Queen's 19-9 4/1/86 a L Armagh 10-12 2/2/85 h W Armagh 13-9 11/1/86 h W N I F C 9-7 23/2/85 a W- N I F C 12-6 18/1/86 h L Old Belvedere 12-16 2/3/85 a W Old Belvedere 12-6 1/2/86 a L Malone 6-12 23/2/85 a L Ballymena 0-14* 15/2/86 a L Old Wesley 6-24 15/3/85 a L Bangor 0-13 22/2/86 a W Coleraine 13-4* 21/3/85 n W Portadown 12-4 8/3/86 h W C I Y M S 13-21 2/4/85 n W Queen's I3-IO 13/3/86 n L Bangor 6-31 13/4/85 a W Dungannon 9-7 22/3/86 h L Malone 6-15‘ 16/4/85 n L Dungannon 11-13 5/4/86 h L Academy 10-19 23/4/85 n L Instonians 13-21 12/4/86 a W Carrick 25-13 19/4/86 h W City of Derry 10-4

UQ RESULTS 1986-89

1 9 8 6-87 l 98 7-88

13/9/86 h w Academy 12-6 5/9/87 h W Providence USA 31-4 20/9/86 a w Dolphin 19-10 12/9/87 a W Lisburn 31-7 23/9/86 n w Coleraine 19-6 19/9/87 h L Clontarf 6-19 27/9/86 h w Trinity 16-3 26/9/87 h W Dolphin 11-9 4/10/86 a w Clontarf 10-0 3/10/87 a w R Welch Fus 31-3 11/10/86 a L Ballymena 0-20 6/10/87 n L Academy 6-19 25/10/86 a W Limerick Bohs 17-3 10/10/87 h L Ballymena 4-22 1/11/86 h W Armagh 34-16 17/10/87 a L Ards 4-9 8/11/86 h L LaS/Palmerston 12-16 24/10/87 h W Limerick Bohs 12-9 11/11/86 n L Ballymena 6-38 31/10/87 h L City of Derry 6-27 22/11/86 h W Old Wesley 13-10 7/11/87 a L LaS/Palmerston 3-7 29/11/86 h L Portadown 12-15 14/11/87 a W Armagh 20-10 6/12/86 a W Corinthians 14-0 21/11/87 h L C I Y M S 6-26 13/12/86 h L Wanderers 9-21 28/11/87 h W Cooke 17-4 20/12/86 a L Ballymena 6-24 5/12/87 h L Instonians 6-12 26/12/86 h W The Exiles 16-6 12/12/87 h L Bangor 15-32 27/12/86 a W Queen's 36-3 19/12/87 a L Wanderers 13-49 3/1/87 a L Ards 9-19 26/12/87 h W The Exiles 41-16 10/1/87 h L Malone 9-15 2/1/88 h L Queen's 10-12 24/1/87 a L Greystones 4-6 9/1/88 a L Malone 12-29 6/2/87 a L Old Belvedere 10-19 16/1/88 a L Trinity 3-18 14/2/87 h D Ards 13-13 30/1/88 a W Ballina 26-0 21/2/87 a L City of Derry 0-22 6/2/88 a L St Mary's 3-33 28/2/87 h L Ards 15-20* 13/2/88 a L Instonians 0-23 14/3/87 a L N I F C 9-21 20/2/88 h L Corinthians 23-24 28/3/87 h L Instonians 9-15 27/2/88 h W Old Belvedere 7-6 4/4/87 a L Academy 7-12 5/3/88 a L Old Wesley 8-27 18/4/87 a W Bangor 12-3 12/3/88 h L Portadown 3-9* 26/3/88 h W Ards 25-10 2/4/88 a L Galwegians 9-25 9/4/88 a L Dungannon 8-10 16/4/88 h D N I F C 21-21

1 9 8 8 - 8 9

7/9/88 a w Ballynahinch 24-0 24/12/88 a L Instonians 3-37 10/9/88 a w Dolphin 14-4 26/12/88 h W The Exiles 44-0 17/9/88 h L Malone 7-19 31/12/88 a L Wanderers 0-39 24/9/88 a W Dungannon 12-7 2/1/89 h W Queen's 19-15 1/10/88 h L Ballymena 10-24 7/1/89 h L Old Wesley 6-15 8/10/88 a W Old Belvedere 20-15 14/1/89 a W Armagh 9-6 11/10/88 n W Armagh 21-13 21/1/89 n W Ballina 31-0 15/10/88 h L Dungannon 6-32 28/1/89 a L Queen's 6-7 22/10/88 h L D L S Palmerston 3-20 11/2/89 h W City of Derry 15-10 29/10/88 h L Ards 6-19 18/2/89 a W Clontarf 9-4 5/11/88 h L C I Y M S 6-33 25/2/89 a L Corinthians 7-24 12/11/88 h L Greystones 6-9 4/3/89 a L N I F C 12-18 19/11/88 a L Academy 12-28 11/3/89 a W City of Derry 7-4* 22/11/88 a L Bangor 12-15 18/3/89 h W Cooke 11-9 26/11/88 a W Limerick Bohs 15-11 25/3/89 a W Malone 13-9* 3/12/88 h L St Mary's 3-16 1/4/89 a W C I Y M S 24-6 10/12/88 h L Portadown 10-12 8/4/89 n L Ballymena 9-46' 17/12/88 h W Trinity 22-10

Ml TEAMS 1890-1899

1890-91 1891-92 1892-93

R S Moffatt * W Macdonald « Campbell W Macdonald * J Williamson J Fulton H Wheeler « M Macdonald * M Macdonald J Williamson « A Barr * W Macdonald J M Whitaker « J M Whitaker « J Williamson H Fisher • W Miskelly W H Milligan G F Graham • W T Clements # J M Whitaker W B Thompson • G F Graham * A Barr L Riddell • R Macdonald « I A Davidson D P Mercier * D P Mercier # T Elliott Thomas « Riddell « G F Graham Davidson » W B Thompson « W Miskelly J H Douglas * N Wilson » W B Thompson L Mercier « J Workman » N Wilson Stewart • T Elliott • J Workman C K Pooler • J Alexander * W T Clements

1893-94 1894-95 1895-96

J B Barr • J B Barr * A Tedford J Fulton « WH Milligan J B Barr W Miskelly • F M Hamilton » W McMullan C S Neill • WMcMullan « H Stevenson W J Purvis • L J Homles • F S Neill A Barr • A Barr « F M Hamilton F S Neill « F S Neill M Wright J M Whitaker « J Alexander • A Barr J Alexander * A Allen * G H Ward A Allen « A Black WFulton W T Clements • W T Clements * J Alexander A H Corley • T Elliott # WT Clements F M Hamilton • C S Neill « WGorman F Pilkington • WB Thompson * C S Neill W B Thompson • J Workman • S Alexander J Workman N Wilson * J Clements R MacDonald - Robertson • - Brown N Wilson • J Workman cMercier

1896-97 1897-98 1898-99

F S Neill • F S Neill « wRiddell - Dudgeon » T R Hewitt L Jackson - Cardwell • E E Clements * D McCausland W McMullan « R G Clements • E E Clements - Williams • R Corry * G L B Bradshaw J B Barr W McMullan « R Hewitt A Barr F M Hamilton • A Barr G H Ward W R Simpson * W T Clements J Alexander * A Barr G H Ward S Alexander • G H Ward » J Alexander A Black • J Alexander • H B Gibson J Clements « W Bryans * J Holmes W Meara • W T Clements « W H McKee C S Neill • G Keeling * C S Neill - Nugent • - Martin * - Ruddell J Workman « J Simpson « J Simpson N Wilson • - Totten * J H Wright - Murray * N Wilson * s Alexander C S Neill Cup Teams TEAMS 1899-1908

1899-1900 1900-01 1901-02

- Watters (15)* - Watters (15)* W Riddell (15)* D McCausland (1*4)* D McCausland (1*4)* S Pinion (2)* G L B Bradshaw (15)* E E Clements (18)* G L B Bradshaw (9) E E Clements (15)* T G Rothwell (6) E E Clements (1*4)* R D Wright (12)* G L B Bradshaw (17)* R J Rothwell (13)* A Barr (12)* - Haslett (3)* B Crean (12)* W Fulton (8)* A Barr (17)* R G Clements (1*4)* J Alexander (12) W Fulton (12)* H W Millar (13)* S Alexander (9) W T Clements (15)* H B Adams (12)* W T Clements (15)* J Holmes (15)* W T Clements (15)* H B Gibson (9)* A Irvine (12)* J Holmes (13)* J Holmes (15)* H A S Irvine (17) A Irvine (12)* C S Neill (15)* W H McKee (15)* W H McKee (12)* N Wilson (6)* C S Neill (18)* C S Neill (15)* J H Wright (15)* N Wilson (17)* N Wilson (10)* H A S Irvine (1)* J H Wright (17) J H Wright (10)* W H McKee (3)* H B Adams (6)* H M Watson (1)*

1902-03 1903-0*4 190*4-05

W Riddell (1*4)* W Riddell (13)* W Riddell (21)* S Pinion (1*4)* S Pinion (1*4) H A McCann (21)* E E Clements (15)* W M Macaw (1*4)* G W Simpson (16)* G L B Bradshaw (11)* B Crean (1*4) E E Clements (15) B Crean (1*0* G L B Bradshaw (17)* W L Shaw (1*4)* J A E Ball (11)* E E Clements (9)* B Crean (16)* R G Clements (13)* W C Huggard (2)* J A E Ball (22)* H B Adams (10) J A E Ball (1*4)* W Paul (1*4)* W T Clements (1*0* R G Clements (11)* W T Clements (25)* J Holmes (9)* H B Adams (1*4)* L Erskine (15)* T S S Holmes (15)* W T Clements (16)* D Hill (23)* H McCoull (12)* J Holmes (13)* T S S Holmes (19)* C S Neill (15)* T S S Holmes (1*4)* C S Neill (26)* R J Rothwell (11)* C S Neill (18)* R J Rothwell (19)* A L Stevenson (9)* L McC Rankin (11)* A L Stevenson (12) J McCreary (1)* R J Rothwell (16) H B Adams (10)* A L Stevenson (17)* C Ferguson (11)* D Hill (8)*

1905-06 1906-07 1907-08

C Thompson (21)* T W Seale (16)* T W Seale (16)* H 0 Quayle (18)* W Riddell (11)* G W Simpson (17)* H A McCann (23)* C Thompson (18)* C Thompson (16)* W L Shaw (21) J A E Ball (8) E J Scott (18) W Riddell (17)* B Crean (17)* B Crean (8)* B Crean (7)* E A Price (7)* A Wright (2)* J A E Ball (12)* T C Templeton (12) F G Ball (17)* T C Templeton (22)* R J Hutchinson (10)* J Darroch (13)* H B Adams (2*4)* B Thompson (*4)* G V Acheson (15) L Erskine (13)* H B Adams (17)* H B Adams (8)* D Hill (25)* L Erskine (20)* W J Good (9)* T S S Holmes (25)* J Hamilton (13)* J Hamilton (19)* W Paul (16) D Hill (17)* D Hill (19)* G Sayers (22)* T S S Holmes (12)* R Jackson (l8)* W S Smith (21)* G Sayers (15)* G Sayers (15) C M Waddell (2*4)* W S Smith (19)* W S Smith (21)* H S McCoull (10)* C M Waddell (13) R Greenhill (5)* W T Brownlee (1)* C'M Waddell (2)*

* Team in last Senior Cup match of the season Numbers in brackets indicates a player's appearances for the season TEAMS 1908-191^

1908-09 1909-10 1910 -11

B Thompson (13)# B Thompson (15)* B Thompson (18)* T W Seale (9) M Harper (1*4)* A Wright (19)* G Simpson (10)* C Thompson (lk)* C Thomspon (lk)* C Thompson (13)* E J Scott (11) W Swann (10)* E J Scott (lk) T O'Neill (9) W L Shaw (13)* B Crean (6)* H Hopkinson (*♦)* F A Trotter (17)* A Wright (+ hb)(l8)* G Simpson (5)* J B O'Callaghan (17 )* A E M Carleton (12)* J R Whitsitt (6) J Agnew (20) J R Whitsitt (3)* J B O'Callaghan (10)* S D Barr (13 ) G V Acheson (9) F A Trotter (5)* D Hill (22)* J Hamilton (17)* J Agnew (6)* H Hopkinson (16)* D Hill {lk)* S D Barr (15 )* R Jackson (13)* T S S Holmes (15)* J Hamilton (8) P J Smith (18)* R Jackson (17)* D Hill (16)* W S Smith (21)* G A Joughlin (15)* T S S Holmes (13)* W Stitt (13)* P J Smith (11)* R Jackson (16)* W Sheals (8)* W S Smith (17)* W H Lloyd (3)* B P Young (5)* S D Barr (7)* P J Smith (17)* W S Smith (16)*

1911-12 1912-13 1913-14

N McCourt (8)* C V Smylie (12) G R Murtagh (8) F Bennett (11)* G R Murtagh (9)* F Bennett (15) C Thomspon (7) T M Boyd (16)* A C Patterson (7) E B Martin (7)* C Thompson (18)* W L Shaw (9) A Wright (15)* F Bennett (16)* A Wright (11) E J Scott (6)* A Wright (17)* J B O'Callaghan (10) F A Trotter (11)* J E Rea (16)* J B O'Neill (10) J B O'Callaghan (7) J B O'Callaghan (9) J Barry (9) G R Murtagh (3)* J B O'Neill {k)* F W Cronne (6) G V Acheson (7)* G V Acheson (11)* H Jackson (9) D Hill (9) J Barry (18)* J McKay (lk) S Irwin (10)* W M Howe (9) T G McKenna (7) R M Moore (13)* S Irwin (17)* C W Salmond (10) W Sheals (10)* H Jackson (16)* W S Smith (13) P J Smith (11) W J A Russell (8)* J Taylor (1*4) W S Smith (13)* W S Smith (1*0* J Taylor (9) J Taylor (16)* No Cup matches E F Martin (3)* B P Young (7)* H McManus (6)* W W Oliver (3)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1919-1925

1919-20 1920-21 1921-22

G Keeling (9)* C Maguire (11)* C Maguire (9)* F Bennett (3)* N C Dawson (20)* N C Dawson (21)* A McMahon (10)* C V Smylie (19)* H McKee (+ f)(19)* C V Smylie (7)* J M Thompson (20)* N D Malcolmson (12) N Malcolmson (6)* N D Malcolmson (+ f) * J M Thompson (20)* A Livingston (5) W J Wilson (3)* G R Mathews (3)* H McKee (9)* T H Wallace (10) J L Davis (4)* R Whitsitt (11)* A P Finlay (11)* A P Finlay (8) H Dowzer (7) H McCartney (9)* J B O'Neill (15)* D T Fullerton (10)* H Dowzer (19)* M S McIntosh (3)* W Hanley (11)* T E Fuller (14)* J Crawford (13) W Hill (9)* W Hanley (18)* N S Dickson (18)* W J Hutchinson (6)* G Harvey (13)* T E Fuller (12) G Mahony (9)* F E Hill (21)* F E Hill (20)* G Pierce (10)* W Hill (19) W Hill (21)* W S Smith (7)* W J Hutchinson (1*0* W J Hutchinson (17)* J S Rangecroft (5)* H McKee (22)* L Mahony (19)* E H Marfurt (16) S Larmour (9)* A W Craig (1)*

1922-23 1923-24 1924-25

C V Smylie (+ ctq)(20)* D Kerr (17)* D Kerr (18)* I Marshall (3)* W H Long (21)* W H Long (18)* A R Wheeler (5)* D Grant (17)* J C Galloway (19)* W H Long (23)* H McKee (+ f)(20)* D Grant (15)* R C Hillyard (23)* R C Hillyard (15 ) J H G Majury (18) J H Sweeney (12) A P Finlay (6)* E Elliott (10)* J M Thompson (11) J H Sweeney (6)* J C Gillespie (14)* J C Gillespie (18)* J C Gillespie (20)* G S Barry (13)* A P Finlay (18)* J B O'Neill (16)* J G Boyd (11) J G Boyd (13)* G Castles (11)* G Castles (17)* J Crawford (12) J S Fisher (12)* H McKee (16)* T E Fuller (17)* W Hill (11) C McVicker (12)* H McKee (15) J McVicker (l4)* J McVicker (16)* G Mahony (11)* G Mahony (21)* G Mahony (14) L Mahony (17)* L Mahony (21)* L Mahony (13) D H Purdon (19)* D H Purdon (19)* J M Thompson (10) T Simpson (17)* T Simpson (15)* C C Allen (5)* G Castles (6)* V H Bradley (4)* A W Craig (10)* J Crawford (6)* R C Hillyard (8)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1925-1931

1925-26 1926-27 1927-28

D Kerr (22)* H G Crawford (17)* H G Crawford (18)* E Elliott (22) E Elliott (10) J McGuffin (17)* J C Galloway (25)* J C Galloway (14)* A F Clark (16)* I Marshall (17) H McKee (+ f)(13)* H V Mullen (12)* J H Sweeney (16)* W Vance (14)* A C Maxwell (17)* D Grant (+ wtq)(24)* F Lagdon (4)* G F Gillespie (7)* J Calvert (20)* J H Sweeney (7)* J Calvert (17)* J C Gillespie (6)* D Grant (8)* J F R Hamilton (16)* G Castles (24)* J Calvert (19)* R C Hillyard (15)* J S Fisher (17) G Castles (14)* H T McDowell (17)* W J Hutchinson (17) J S Fisher (17)* J G McElwaine (15)* J D McClelland (17)* J F R Hamilton (11)* C T Mullen (16)* H McKee ( + ctq)(24)* G S Latimer (11) J A E Siggins (16)* C McVicker (18)* J D McClelland (11) Jack Thompson (14)* J McVicker (15)* C McVicker (13)* Joe M Thompson (16)* T Simpson (17)* J McVicker (8)* R C Hillyard (14)* J M Thompson (20)* J M Thompson (10)* J G Boyd (9)* H McVicker (2)*

1928-29 1929-30 1930-31

H V Mullen (16)* H V Mullen (14)* H V Mullen (20)* R Martin (9) R C Hillyard (12) J Calvert (15)* A F Clark (17)* H T Hill (20)* A F Clark (19)* H G Crawford (13)* F M Carson (20)* J E Sayers (19)* F M Carson (17)* V J Lyttle (14)* V J Lyttle (22)* J C B Thompson (3)* J Calvert (+ oh)(20)* F M Carson (12) J Calvert (8) C T Mullen (+ f)(15)* P P Fry (22)* D Mairs (13)* D Mairs (18)* D Mairs (23)* H T Hill (6)* W Allen (20)* J G Boyd (20)* J Green (15)* T S Corken (19)* T S Corken (19)* R C Hillyard (10)* H T McDowell (11) J A Lewis (21)* H T McDowell (15)* J McMullan (19)* H T McDowell (16)* J McMullan (15)* W M May (14) C T Mullen (17)* C McVicker (11)* J A E Siggins (16 )* J A E Siggins (19)* J A E Siggins (12)* E L White (11)* J Thompson (20) J Thompson (15)* J Thompson (9)* E L White (15)* J G Boyd (6)* J G McElwaine (7)* C Dick (12)* C T Mullen (8) J A Lewis (7)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1931-1937

1931-32 1932-33 1933-34

J E Sayers (22)* T N Brownlee (9)* T N Brownlee (16)* A F Clark (11)* A F Clark (15)* I A May (19)* D Mairs (23)* J Lindsay (13)* T E May (23)* T E May (23)* T E May (+ oh)(19)* J Taylor (21)* V J Lyttle (19)* V J Lyttle (12) W Pedlow (14) P P Fry (20)* I A May (9) W B Houston (5)* J Calvert (20)* P P Fry (8)* J E Sayers (21)* J G Boyd (23)* J E Sayers (+ fb)(19)* J Calvert (22)* T S Corken (21)* J Calvert (17) W J D Cooper (24)* C Dick (16)* J W Brownrigg (4)* T S Corken (24)* J A Lewis (23)* T S Corken (21)* 0 B Glasgow (19)* H T McDowell (20) C A G Frew (17)* J B McCartney (10) C T Mullen (20)* J H Haire (12) H T McDowell (18) J A E Siggins (16)* I E Hughes (17)* R C Montgomery (19)* E L White (22)* J A Lewis (18)* J A E Siggins (16)* C A G Frew (8)* H T McDowell (19)* J A Smith (18)* J A E Siggins (13)* J H Haire (9)* E L White (18)* C T Mullen (6)* C T Mullen (5)*

193^-35 1935-36 1936-37

T N Brownlee (18)* J E Sayers (18)* J E Sayers (20)* J Calvert (19)* H J Christie (17)* H J Christie (12) J E Sayers (18)* H J Beckett (11)* H J Beckett (20)* K R Kennedy (13)* R J Johnson (9) T E May (14)* H J Christie (14)* H N Henry (10) R J Johnson (15)* T E May (19)* F M Carson (5)* J A Shortt (11)* J Taylor (21)* J Calvert (7)* C C Johnston (20)* W Allen (18)* T E May (14)* J Calvert (17)* R J P Clarke (10) F G Kelly (12)* W Allen (20)* W J D Cooper (21)* W Allen (14)* T S Corken (14) 0 B Glasgow (18)* T S Corken (12)* T Donaldson (17)* C T Mullen (11) T Donaldson (15) F W Galbraith (18)* J A E Siggins (12)* F W Galbraith (18)* 0 B Glasgow (17)* J A Smith (18)* 0 B Glasgow (10)* J A Lewis (14)* W R Todd (15)* J A Lewis (16)* J A E Siggins {16)* T Donaldson (9)* D H McAlister (13)* W R Todd (12)* C A G Frew (8)* J A E Siggins (9)* J Lillie (12)* W J D Cooper (9)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1937-19

1937-38 1938-39

J E Sayers (23)* W B Morrow (16) H J Christie (15) W C Wylie (6)* T E May (22)* H J Beckett (19) H J Beckett (18)* C C Johnston (12)* J A D Shortt (23)* N Grimshaw (24)* W Pedlow (4)* R J Johnson (20)* C C Johnston (18)* T E May (+ tq) (20)* N Grimshaw (11) G E Cromey (9)* T C Davis (6)* N J Pruce (20) W Allen (21)* N D Beattie (4)* T Donaldson (22)* M C Atkinson (17)* M Ferguson (19)* N T Chapman (21)* F W Galbraith (22)* H G Dudgeon (23)* 0 B Glasgow (15)* F W Galbraith (24)* J A Lewis (18)* 0 B Glasgow (24)* J A Smith (16)* T Martin (14) W R Todd (20) D C C Siggins (12)* H G Dudgeon (9)* W R Todd (13) J B McCartney (2)* J A Smith (8)*

1945-46 1946-47 1947-48

F S Black (7) J G M W Murphy (19)* N Grimshaw (21)* J G M W Murphy (6)* B B Gentleman (7)* E R McKillen (12)* R L K Mason (18)* K G Maguire (16) T J S Furey (10) I S R Farquharson (18)* N Grimshaw (21)* K G Maguire (9) J S Ritchie (11) W A Hill (21)* W A Hill (20)* B G Shipp (13)* L F Thompson (2)* J S Ritchie (7)* E R McKillen (10) W K Evans (20) R C W Murphy (7)* C C Johnston (9)* N D Beattie (21)* W K Evans (21)* J C Best (+ ctq)(ll)* T J S Furey (2)* N D Beattie (16) W Wilson (21)* H G Dudgeon (21)* J B Millar (5)* H G Dudgeon (13)* T A Cromey (21)* H G Dudgeon (20)* T A Cromey (21)* R W Gilliland (18)* T A Cromey (16)* G N R Moon (20)* A A M McConnell (21)* A A M McConnell (16)* D W McConnell (17) G R N Moon (16) F M Calderwood (18)* R C Young (17)* M R Neely (18)* R W Gilliland (22)* R W Gilliland (22)* H A C Todd (19)* S Dornan (16)* A R Beatty (18)* A L M Wells (12)* W J Bell (15) H A C Todd (21)* E J F Hodgett (5)* E J F Hodgett (21)* S Dornan (11)* N T Chapman (10)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1948-1954

19^8-49 1949-50 1950-51

N Grimshaw (+ ctq)(l8)* W S H Lavery (22)* W S H Lavery (27)* W S H Lavery (12) J Kingsmore (13)* J Kingsmore (27)* E R McKillen (13) G Cromie (22)* R A C Hart (26)* A Kenning (15) A Kenning (13)* E W Lowry (26)* K G Maguire (12)* W A Hill (17)* W A Hill (11) W A Hill (20)* W K Evans (20)* W R Jeffrey (9)* J S Ritchie (2)* J B Millar (15 ) W K Evans (26)* T J S Furey (3)* W Wilson (8)* W Wilson (19) W K Evans (15)* H G Dudgeon (19)* N D Beattie (6*) N D Beattie (20)* T A Cromey (20)* H G Dudgeon (24)* H G Dudgeon (19)* C J Cameron (19)* T A Cromey (24)* T A Cromey (16)* F M Calderwood (16) C J Cameron (21)* A A M McConnell (18)* R W Gilliland (22)* F M Calderwood (24)* F M Calderwood (20)* W E Bell (18)* R W Gilliland (25) R W Gilliland (19)* D Kyle (19) W E Bell (23)* W E Bell (17)* A Graham (14)* S Dornan (26)* G J Ginn (12) J B C Glass (2)* G A Jamison (23)* J R Nelson (15 )* J R Nelson (11)* J S Ritchie (9)* R H McLarnon (5)*

1951-52 1952-53 1953-54

W S H Lavery (24)* J G M W Murphy (17)* W S H Lavery (25)* J Kingsmore (24)* J Kingsmore (15) E W Lowry (19) R A C Hart (22)* R A C Hart (22)* D Reid (19)* W A Hill (22)* D Reid (12)* R A C Hart (20)* E W Lowry (22)* E W Lowry (26)* W A Hill (22)* W K Evans (24)* W A Hill (9)* G Cromie (4)* J C Lapsley (19)* W K Evans (25)* W K Evans (24)* H G Dudgeon (17)* J C Lapsley (14) J C Lapslay (25)* R C Young (22)* W Wilson (11)* R W Gilliland (22)* J H Smith (14)* R W Gilliland (24)* R C Young (25)* C J Cameron (24)* R C Young (25)* A D Slader (24)* R W Gilliland (16)* A D Slader (20)* R J Bates (23)* S Paterson (18)* R J Bates (23)* S Paterson (13)* G A Jamison (24)* S Paterson (19)* K E Reid (19)* F H Hunter (20)* A Graham (19)* W E Bell (17)* W E Bell (14) G A Jamison (17) F H Hunter (23)* F H Hunter (15)* W E Bell (11)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 195*1-1960

1954-55 1955-56 1956-57

W S H Lavery (21)* W S H Lavery (17) D Morrison (17)* E W Lowry (11)* D Morrison (6)* E W Lowry (25)* R A C Hart (17)* E W Lowry (21)* R A C Hart (24)* J R Law (17)* K G Maguire (17) D Reid (11)* D Reid (10) J R Law (20) W A Hill (11) T W Ruddell (8)* R A C Hart (19)* J R Law (11)* W K Evans (19)* K Freeborn (1)* D C Glass (23)* J C Lapsley (21)* M A Piggot (6)* J C Lapsley (17)* A D Slader (18)* W K Evans (21)* A D Slader (26)* R C Young (19)* J C Lapsley (18)* J M Hagans (24)* J B Bridges (13)* C C Cowan (21)* C C Cowan (17)* R W Gilliland (17)* J McFarland (21)* N C Eccles (13)* R J Bates (14) J B Bridges (16) G A Jamison (12)* K E Reid (13)* A D Slader (19)* L P Irwin (17)* G A Jamison (17) S Paterson (11)* J A Donaldson (20)* F H Hunter (21)* A G Kennedy (15) F H Hunter (25)* E G McAuley (4)* J A Donaldson (22)* J A Donaldson (9)* F H Hunter (22)* W N H Lockhart (1)* N C Eccles (3)*

1957-58 1958-59 1959-60

D Morrison (22)* D Morrison (21)* R A C Hart (18)* E W Lowry (25)* E W Lowry (17)* E W Lowry (26)* D C Glass (16) R A C Hart (15)* S D Irwin (21)* J R Law (17) S D Irwin (15) D C Glass (24)* D Reid (25)* D Reid (18)* D Reid (27)* K G Maguire (10)* D C Glass (6)* R Robinson (27)* R A C Hart (14)* J R Law (18)* M A Piggot (16)* R S Robinson (15) M A Piggot (18)* C C Cowan (21)* M A Piggot (17)* C C Cowan (19)* J McFarland (26)* R J P Good (11)* A D Slader (20) W J Palmer (20)* A D Slader (26)* W J Palmer (15)* E B Megarry (26)* J M Hagans (23)* E B Megarry (21)* T D McConkey (26)* T D McConkey (24)* T D McConkey (21)* R McC Wilson (25)* N C Eccles (26)* R J P Good (17)* J A Donaldson (23)* G A Jamison (21)* J A Donaldson (14)* K E Reid (19) L P Irwin (14)* F H Hunter (20)*' R J P Good (19)* J A Donaldson (19)* E Hobson (1)* F H Hunter (24)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1960-1966

1960-61 1961-62 1962-63

R A C Hart (18) D Morrison (25)* D Morrison (23)* D Morrison (11)* S D Irwin (25*) S D Irwin (27)* E W Lowry (17) W T Brown (15)* D Reid (27)* J W Keepe (23)* D Reid (27)* M N Grimshaw (14)* S D Irwin (26)* L C Taylor (27)* L C Taylor (21)* D Reid (26)* D C Glass (24)* W T Brown (21)* L C Taylor (12)* M A Piggot (21)* M A Piggot (21)* D C Glass (18)* C Sinclair (27)* A Gillen (20)* M A Piggot (20)* J McFarland (23)* W V McQuoid (21)* C Sinclair (17)* T D McConkey (24)* T D McConkey (21)* J McFarland (18)* L N Stevenson (22) L N Stevenson (23)* T D McConkey (26)* N C Irwin (25)* C C Stanfield (21)* L N Stevenson (22)* S H Jackson (16) * J A Donaldson (20)* E B Megarry (25)* E B Megarry (26)* S H Jackson (27)* R J P Good (16)* R J P Good (26)* R J P Good (26)* J A Donaldson (21)* J A Donaldson (14)* R McC Wilson (25)*

1963-64 1964-65 1965-66

D Balnave (24)* D Balnave (24)* A L Chambers (13) S D Irwin (29)* S M Beattie (17)* R A C Hart (11)* W T Brown (+ oh)(29) A R Curd (20)* S D Irwin (24)* D H Martin (18) L C Taylor (12) D K Pollock (25)* L C Taylor (27)* S D Irwin (23)* J A C Carter (16)* E W Lowry (9)* D K Pollock (2)* A R Gurd (11) J W Keepe (5)* A L Chambers (14) L C Taylor (9)* R A C Hart (20) M J Caves (10) D S Jennings (16)* H N Dickson (27)* D H Martin (8)* M J Caves (24)* A Gillen (24)* R J P Good (7)* N C Eccles (11) J McFarland (26)* A Gillen (17)* A L Ferguson (24)* T D McConkey (26)* W V McQuoid (15) T D McConkey (22) S H Jackson (24)* T D McConkey (18)* R N Gordon (24)* L N Stevenson (24)* S H Jackson (17) N C Irwin (19) J A Donaldson (26)* J A Donaldson (24)* J A Donaldson (16)* R N Gordon (20)* N C Irwin (24)* S H Jackson (22)* R McC Wilson (21)* L N Stevenson (23)* L N Stevenson (24)* R McC Wilson (23)* E L Grindle (9)* R N Gordon (17)* R H Gallagher (6)* A L Ferguson (3)* L R G Mcllroy (6)*

* Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1966-1972

1966-67 1967-68 1968-69

A L Chambers (18)* A L Chambers (21)* S G Dowling (1*4) S D Irwin (22)* S M Beattie (22)* H N Sinclair (9) D K Pollock (16) A R Gurd (1*4) W T Brown (l8)* J C McQuoid (1*4)* L C Taylor (25)* S M Beattie (18)* L C Taylor (22)* J A O'Neill (10) J A O'Neill (23)* S M Beattie (8)* J C McQuoid (+ oh)(10)* B A Johnston (5)* J A C Carter (+ ctq)(20)* D N Brownlee (*4)* A L Chambers (27)* M J Caves (1*4)* W T Brown (+ ctq)(20)* J B Johnston (10) S H Jackson (20)* M J Caves (19)* M J Caves (8)* A L Ferguson (1*4) K F Collins (18)* K F Collins (22)* T D McConkey (18)* W V McQuoid (19)* W V McQuoid (27)* R H Gallagher (l4)* T D M Eadie (1*4) F P Jones (2*4)* R N Gordon (22)* R H Gallagher (13)* R H Gallagher (16)* J A O'Neill (16)* E F McBriar (20)* I R G Mcllroy (27)* N C Irwin (2*4)* K A Graham (2*4)* E B Megarry (22)* L N Stevenson (20) S H Jackson (20)* T R Pollock (18) E L Grindle (12)* L N Stevenson (18) S H Jackson (♦ fb)(19)* W V McQuoid (8)* S G Sillery (5 )* K A Graham (15)* E P Finlay (3)* T I McCaw (9)*

1969-70 1970-71 1971-72

A L Chambers (+ oh)(17)* M P Wilson (20) M P Wilson (20) J A O'Neill (22)* G W Greenwoood (25)* A L Chambers (+ oh)(15)* B A Johnston (19)* C G McCadden (21)* J T R Targett (25) J V Waldron (19)* M N Grimshaw (25) C G McCadden (17) C P Belshaw (10) B A Johnston (30)* S D Irwin (22)* G W Greenwood (6)* D J Stewart (*4)* J V Waldron (2*4)* M P Wilson (+ fb)(20)* A L Chambers ( + fb)(31)* D J Stewart (2*4)* R M Young (13)* R M Young (15)* G W Greenwood (3)* L R G Mcllroy (17)* J V Waldron (1*4)* D A Harrison (25) W V McQuoid (19)* C W J Compton (20) R A Coughlin (20) T D M Eadie (20)* P D A Mcllroy (20)* W T Brown (5)* E L Grindle (22)* W V McQuoid (17)* M J Caves (3)* R H Gallagher (19)* R H Gallagher (28)* K F Collins (17)* S J S Martin (11) J C Moore (13)* B Thompson (15) J A Donaldson (9)* J A O'Neill (3D* C W J Compton (25)* K A Graham (8) B Thompson (18) R H Gallagher (17)* S H Jackson (6)* J McCaughran (25)* J C Moore (15) D F Kennedy (5)* E L Grindle (11)* J McCaughran (25)* K A Graham (12)* J D Caulfield (16)* K A Graham (15)* P D A Mcllroy (10)* H F Minion (1*4)*

* Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player' appearances TEAMS 1972-1978

1972-73 1973-7*4 1 9 7 4 - 7 5

G A Jackson (18)* G A Jackson (16) G A Jackson (23)* G B Ingles (13) G B Ingles (18)* J A O'Neill (11) D A Harrison (2*4)* M P Wilson (♦ fb) (1*4)* D K Pollock (2*4)* J A O'Neill (19) D K Pollock (10)* R W N Greeves (17)* D J Stewart (12) J A O'Neill (13)* G W Greenwood (9)* R P Coulter (11)* R G McCadden (8)* D B McComish (5 )* S D Irwin (7)* D A Harrison (18)* M H J McCulloch (12) R G McCadden (11)* A L Chambers (17)* G J Mairs (1*4)* I H Graham (12)* I H Graham (10) I H Graham (11) A L Chambers (23)* C W J Compton (18)* A T Campbell (12)* K F Collins (30)* P D A Mcllroy (21)* P D A Mcllroy (2*4)* P D A Mcllroy (25)* J A Connor (23)* D G Compton (20)* C W J Compton (30)* R T Dunlop (16)* J R L McFarland (18) T I McCaw (30)* N C Irwin (1*4)* D W Mulholland (17)* J C Moore (13)* J C Moore (1*4) S D Greenaway (12)* R G Clarke (22) S D Greenaway (25)* R G Clarke (1*4)* R T Dunlop (17) H F Minion (13)* H F Minion (15) J McCaughran (20)* J McCaughran (22)* J A Connor (11) S D Greenaway (11)* S M Dawson (*4)*

1975-76 1976-77 1977-78

M S R McLean (18)* G A Jackson (12)* M C Sloan (19)* J A O'Neill (30)* A R McKee (22)* A R McKee (30)* D K Pollock (18) D K Pollock (1*4) W G Sloan (27)* J A C Carter (26)* J A C Carter (17)* S R Morris (28)* M C Sloan (22) D R Meaklim (18)* M P Wilson (19)* I H Graham (5 )* S R Morris (7)* D A Harrison (1*4) G W Greenwood (12)* M C Sloan (16)* M J H McCulloch (16) M H J McCulloch (30)* R J Connell (17)* W E A Armstrong (28) G J Mairs (21) A T Campbell (18)* A T Campbell (27)* R J Connell (10)* P D A Mcllroy (19)* P D A Mcllroy (27)* D G Compton (23) J A Connor (17)* D W Mullholland (30) P D A Mcllroy (30)* D W Mullholland (11)* T I McCaw (28)* A T Campbell (28)* G M Henderson (15) S M Dawson (26)* J R L McFarland (2*4) R G Clarke (19)* R G Clarke (23)* D W Mulholland (30)* T I McCaw (23)* J W Kettyle (25)* R G Clarke (25) S M Dawson (23)* C L Doyle (13) T I McCaw (2*4)* H F Minion (6)* G M Henderson (13) S D Greenaway (23) S C Wright (11)* S M Dawson (18)* J C Moore (*4)* J W Kettyle (*4)* S C Wright (11)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1978-19 4

1978-79 1979-80 1980-81

R V Palmer (29) R V Palmer (19) R V Palmer (14)* I D Kerr (2)* A R McKee (31)* A R McKee (28)* A R McKee (31)* W G Sloan (31)* J S Fox (22)* W G Sloan (26)* P Ubee ( + fb){18)* M C Sloan (16) S R Morris (23)* M C Sloan (22)* C H G O'Connor (15 )* M C Sloan (21)* I C Warke (5)* D B McComish (11)* D A Harrison (21) M H J McCulloch (27)* M H J McCulloch (32) W E A Armstrong (27)* W E Armstrong (26)* W E A Armstrong (27) P Ubee (13)* A T Campbell (19)* D W Mulholland (33)* A T Campbell (23) J 0 Douglas (29)* W D Gilliland (22)* P D A Mcllroy (26)* I W Johnston (23)* I W Johnston (24)* I W Johnston (13)* J G McCluggage (16)* S J Harland (15) D W Mulholland (30)* D W Mulholland (26)* S M Dawson (29)* P C Jackson (30)* T I McCaw (21)* F Grills (18) T I McCaw (17)* P C Jackson (16) T I McCaw (29)* C L Doyle (20) J W Kettyle (20)* R N Bradley (19) J W Kettyle (23)* F Grills (12)* A A Leckey (15)* J A Connor (11)* P J R Evans (12)* H F Minion (5)* J W Kettyle (9)*

1981-82 1982-83 1983-84

R V Palmer (13) R V Palmer (1*1)* R V Palmer (11) M C Sloan (6)* A R McKee (27)* I D Kerr (11) A R McKee (15)* S R Morris (26)* P A McAteer (7)* W G Sloan (20)* W G Sloan (21) A R McKee (32)* J S Fox (9)* D R Meaklim (17) S R Morris (24)* D B McComish (9) M Rutledge (15)* W G Sloan (20)* R E B Lockhart (23)* C H J O'Connor (10)* C H J O'Connor (32)* M J H McCulloch (21)* M H J McCulloch (29)* M Rutledge (12) R H Stewart (18)* R H Stewart (29)* M H J McCulloch (31) D W Mulholland <16)* A T Campbell (21)* R H Stewart (29)* W D Gilliland (16)* W D Gilliland (21)* A T Campbell (20)* I W Johnston (17)* I W Johnston (26)* W D Gilliland (22)* A A Leckey (16)* A A Leckey (24)* I W Johnston (19) S J Harland (22)* S M Dawson (28)* A A Leckey (30)* S M Dawson (20)* M F Langhammer (17) S M Dawson (31)* P J R Evans (7) P J R Evans (20)* C L Doyle (21) J W Kettyle (19)* J W Kettyle (28)* P J R Evans (22) A T Campbell (8) B Irvine (15) J W Kettyle (24)* R N Bradley (7)* C L Doyle (6)* D W Mulholland (14) J M Lowther (9)* B Irvine (7)* K A McConnell (8)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances TEAMS 1984-1989

1984-85 1985-86 19 8 6 -8 7

D Russell (15)* D Russell (+ ctq)(l6)* S K Reid (22)* R E B Lockhart (17)* A R McKee (12)* P A McAteer (+ oh)(19) W P Douglas (25)* S K Reid (* fb)(28)* A S Gordon (21)* S R Morris (26)* S R Morris (24) D H Emerson (+ sh)(21) C H J O'Connor (23)* P A McAteer (30)* C H J O'Connor (18)* A R McKee (13) C H J O'Connor (10) A R McKee (16) M H J McCulloch (29)* W P Douglas (4)* M J H McCulloch (13) D H Emerson (27)* M H J McCulloch (29)* M H McAteer (17) I H McAvoy (28)* D H Emerson (23)* M Rutledge (3)* W D Gilliland (16)* I H McAvoy (29)* K S Harvey (12)* I W Johnston (18) W D Gilliland (16) I H McAvoy (25)* I D Nichol (23)* P N McGrath (23)* W D Gilliland (18) P C Jackson (19) A A Leckey (25)* I W Johnston (22) B Irvine (25)* C T Adair (27)* A A Leckey (24)* K A McConnell (19)* B Irvine (26)* P C Jackson (15) J W Kettyle (23)* K A McConnell (13)* R N Leckey (16) A A Leckey (13)* I W Johnston (12)* C T Adair (13)* P N McGrath (9)* J W Kettyle (17)* B Irvine (13)* D W Mulholland (12)* T V Scott (6)* P N McGrath (9)* C L Doyle (7)*

1987-88 1988-89

I Gallagher (16)* I Gallagher (21)* A R McKee (25)* R J Connell (18)* A S Gordon (20)* P A McAteer (30) D H Emerson (+ sh)(28) A R McKee (23) P A McAteer (28) S K Reid (17)* P J Riordan (9)* C J Gibson (17) R J Connell (11)* A S Gordon (11)* M H J McCulloch (15) S Monteith (10)* S K Reid (12)* W J S Mclvor (1)* W E A Armstrong (15)* M Strutt (17)* I H McAvoy (27)* D H Emerson (32)* D Armstrong (24)* P N McGrath (27)* P N McGrath (30)* W J S Scott (19)* A A Leckey (20)* I W Johnston (25)* C T Adair (16) R N Leckey (27)* R N Leckey (20)* D G Mark (24) M A Lee (15)* J W Kettyle (15) B Irvine (19)* B Irvine (26)* D W Mulholland (12) S J M Lowe (14)* A A Millar (12) J A Wilson (16)* I D R Tannahill (8)* M J Barton (9)*

Senior Cup Team - Number in brackets is a player's appearances CUP WINNING JUNIOR TEAMS

1891-92 1893- 9^ 1900-01 JUNIOR CUP JUNIOR CUP JUNIOR CUP

W Macdonald J Fulton W Riddell J Williamson F S Neill - Atkinson M Macdonald J B Barr T G Rothwell A Barr H T Whitaker W M Macaw J M Whitaker A G Ward H A McCann W Miskelly W Fulton H W Millar W T Clements C S Neill R G Clements T Elliott A Black H B Adams G F Graham J Gorman F Burnside R Macdonald L W Crooks J G Hamilton D P Mercier F Pilkington - Kearney W B Thompson H Mercier H Mercier N Wilson J Meara - Minn J Workman H Stevenson S Pink - Riddell L McC Rankin

1901-02 1902-03 1933-34 JUNIOR CUP JUNIOR CUP HARDEN CUP

C Thompson C Thompson M C Sloane T Morrow T Morrow 0 McMullen T G Rothwell W M McCaw F H Mills H A McCann T G Rothwell J C B Thompson S Pinion H A McCann C Brimms J A E Bell G Pinion P P Fry W B Purdon J Darroch D Mairs F A Elliott W Armstrong A Bennett J G Hamilton F A Elliott F G Caldbeck T S S Holmes J G Hamilton W C H Eakin H Mercier D Hill W G Litster J S McCombe J S McCombe H Mcllrath J McCreary J McCreary W J S Nixon L McC Rankin M Purcell W Smith C K Williams R Ward J M Smyth


G H C Murphy A J Rodgers H H Fitzsimmons G W B Jennings R A W Douglas N H Stewart R C W Murphy L E Hughes A H McRoberts G M Downey K V Garrett A J McMaster W A Sloan R I Milford D N Kenning A R Johnston F G Bell N G Clarke R C Ervine T L Maitland R G Lyons S R Kirk W R Gilliland G Ferrett W F K Morrow J R Meaklim A Garscadden M H Douglas B H Anderson G Musgrave R Ellis R Paterson C C Stanfield G Wells D Stewart B Mahaffey G Ferrett P D Roycroft D D Smyth G A R Finlay T D McConkey C W Jefferson J Young J L Harvey E P Finlay D H Tunnah V J Law CUP WINNING JUNIOR TEAMS

1960-61 1961-62 1970-71 JUNIOR CUP JUNIOR CUP FORSTER CUP

R A C Hart D Balnave G A Jackson J R Law W T Brown H McD Sinclair B Aspinall R A C Hart H R Dyer J C McQuoid D H Martin J Capper A J McMaster A J McMaster J T R Targett D H Martin J R Law K Woods G Lyness H N Dickson R A Coughlin S Glendinning F P Jones V J S Reynolds W V McQuoid W V McQuoid G Capper C Sinclair N C Eccles R T Dunlop N C Eccles C C Stanfield R R Ellison F P Jones S H Jackson R D Bell R J P Good F H Hunter D E J Carson N C Irwin N C Irwin S H Jackson F H Hunter K A Graham E P Finlay


I H Abernethy M S R McLean J Capper L Gould R G McCadden P Harland R D Bell R W Harland S M Beattie J C McQuoid J V Waldron D J Stewart J M Millar N D McLachlan A G Collins N G Clarke P T Donaldson R W Harland W D Balmforth A L Chambers R A Coughlin F P Jones R T Dunlop K F Collins T T Finlay C C McLean G Capper M E Laughlin N Hatch N Hatch E G Bell F C Jackson N C Irwin J McComish J D Caulfield M C Megarry B Sheridan D V Martin P J Meaklim P C Jackson S C Wright S H Jackson T R Pollock K A Graham D F Kennedy


W S Smith T E May T E May P H Hanna V J Lyttle I A May M J Barton P P Fry P P Fry R J Reid J Calvert J Calvert H C Bill J A E Siggins G A McCord D B McComish D Mairs J A Lewis G J Mains J A Lewis W B Houston S Hall W J S Scott 1974-75 R R Ellison SENIOR SEVENS CUP J Meaklim G J Mairs R T Dunlop M S R McLean R G Clarke J McCaughran R G McCadden P D A Mcllroy S M Dawson D K Pollock S D Greenaway D E J Carson S M Dawson fr F Minion


Ivan H Abernethy 1 FB 1971-1972 S D Barr 36 F 1908-1911 G V Acheson 46 F 1906-1913 George S Barry 19 SH 1924-1926 J Acheson 7 WTQ 1906-1907 J Barry 35 F 1909-1914 Colin T Adair 71 3RF 1983-1989 W Barry 1 WTQ 1912-1913 C Adams 4 F 1910-1911 G Bartlett 2 CTQ 1921-1922 Hugh B Adams 105 F 1898-1908 Michael J Barton 9 3RF 1988-1989 Maurice G Adams 8 F 1931-1933 George Bassett 5 F 1896-1898 John Agnew 3£ F 1909-1912 Reginald J G Bateman 1 WTQ 1904-1905 Simon D Aldred 14 FB 1987-1989 Norrie D Beattie 71 SH 1938-1953 G W Alexander il F 1897-1898 Samuel M Beattie 103 WTQ 1961-1975 J Alexander 75 F 1892-1900 T J Stewart Beattie 1 SH 1981-1982 S Alexander 25 F 1895-1900 W Beattie 2 F 1909-1911 W Alexander 11 FRF 1978-1982 Alexander R Beatty 21 3RF 1945-1948 A C Allen 16 F 1893-1996 Harold J Beckett 68 CTQ 1935-1939 Charles C Allen 28 F 1919-1927 N Beggs 1 F 1924-1925 George V Allen 5 F 1912-1914 Eric G Bell 6 2RF 1963-1966 J Allen 3 F 1894-1895 N Bell 3 2RF 1981-1983 S Ernest T Allen 10 F 1922-1932 Richard D Bell 19 2RF 1971-1980 William Allen 104 3RF 1928-1938 W Ewart Bell 100 3RF 1948-1954 H W Anderson 11 F 1920-1935 William J Bell 36 F 1937-1954 W C Anderson 1 F 1925-1926' Colin P Belshaw 10 WTQ 1969-1970 W Andrews 3 FB 1913-1914 Frank Bennett 45 CTQ 1911-1920 W Annesley 1 F 1909-1910 Fred J Beringer 1 FRF 1952-1953 - Armstrong 5 F 1891-1895 John C Best 11 OH 1945-1946 David Armstrong 49 H 1980-1989 Hywel C Bill 7 WTQ 1979-1985 James Armstrong 2 H 1982-1989 Jonathan P Bill 1 WTQ 1980-1981 W Armstrong 4 F 1902-1905 Paul H Bingham 1 3RF 1985-1986 W E Ashley Armstrong 131 SH 1973-1989 - Birch 1 CTQ 1898-1899 H Oswald Artt 3 F 1947-1948 A Black 23 F 1893-1897 Lynford Ashfield 8 FRF 1988-1989 Fred S Black 7 FB 1945-1946 Barry L Aspinall •5 CTQ 1958-1960 Herbert Black 1 F 1934-1935 - Aston 2 QB 1893-1894 C V Blackwood 1 OH 1926-1927 H R Aston 3 SH 1904-1905 William Blair 1 3RF 1968-1969 - Atkinson 5 WTQ 1900-1901 R Hamilton Boomer 1 F 1928-1929 George Atkinson 1 F 1908-1909 S A Martin Bowden 2 WTQ 1931-1932 Maldwyn C Atkinson 17 F 1938-1939 A Colin Boyd 13 RF 1987-1988 Alan Bailie 8 2RF 1988-1989 J Alan Boyd 2 F 1930-1931 Bert Bailie 6 F 1969-1973 James G Boyd 90 3RF 1922-1932 R William Bailie 17 F 1935-1947 Thomas M Boyd 21 WTQ 1912-1914 Alfred W Ball 3 F 1904-1905 Thomas M Boyd 4 H 1963-1967 Fred G Ball 21 OH 1905-1908 William H Boyd 3 FB 1982-1985 J A Ernest Ball 84 OH 1901-1908 David K Bradley 3 F 1933-1937 J V Balmer 1 F 1959-1960 R Nevin Bradley 32 3RF 1977-1982 William D Balmforth 4 SH 1970-1971 Victor H Bradley 10 F 1923-1925 Derick Balnave 54 FB 1961-1966 William Bradley 4 F 1937-1939 Charles Bamford 7 SH 1950-1953 Edward J Bradshaw 1 F 1901-1902 - Bannister 4 WTQ 1988-1900 Fred Bradshaw 5 OH 1904-1907 Ainsworth Barr 79 HB 1891-1903 George L B Bradshaw 74 CTQ 1898-1905 J Bruce Barr 30 CTQ 1893-1897 Benjamin Brady 3 FB 1911-1912

Positions: CTQ = Centre Three-Quarter; F = Forward; FB = Full-Back; FRF = Front Row Forward; H = Hooker; HB = Half-Back; OH * Out-Half; QB = Quarter-Back; SH = Scrum-Half; 2RF * Second Row Forward; 3RF s Third Row Forward; WTQ » Wing Three-Quarter

The dates given refer to the seasons when a player first and last played. For example, 1965-1972 would indicate a player played his first game sometime in the season, 1965-1966, and his last game sometime in the season 1971-1972. APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS 1890-1989

C Bray 3 WTQ 1922-1923 James A Cole 7 F 1899-1906 J T Brett 4 F 1913-1914 W A Lawrence Colhoun 4 F 1937-1939 J Barry Bridges 31 FRF 1946-1957 Joseph J B Collen 1 WTQ 1930-1931 - Brown 7 ’ F 1891-1897 Gerald A Collins 5 WTQ 1968-1969 Adrain M Brown 1 WTQ' 1977-1978 Kenneth F Collins 98 FRF 1960-1974 Alan J Brown 2 3RF 1977-1978 Raymond S Collins 1 FB 1979-1980 H Colin Brown 1 CTQ 1966-1967 Peter E Colohan 1 WTQ 1975-1976 W Brown 2 F 1909-1910 C W John Compton 96 FRF 1970-1977 William J C Brown 2 F 1949-1953 David G Compton 58 FRF 1973-1977 William T Brown 129 CTQ 1961-1973 Robert J Connell 90 SH 1974-1989 D Brownlee 5 OH 1967-1975 John A Connor 68 FRF 1972-1981 James V Brownlee 3 FB 1937-1939 Norman J Cooke 1 CTQ 1933-1934 T Norman Brownlee 46 FB 1932-1936 W J Douglas Cooper 58 F 1933-1937 William T Brownlee 1 F 1906-1907 Thomas S Corken 134 H 1928-1939 J Winston Brownrigg 7 SH 1931-1934 Anthony H Corley 10 F 1893-1897 W Bryans 10 F 1896-1898 R Corry 18 WTQ 1897-1901 H Brydon 5 OH 1906-1908 H Cottingham 2 F 1907-1908 C Bewley-Bull 2 CTQ 19 2 1-19 2 2 Raymond A Coughlin 42 SH 1968-1975 - Burnside 1 F 1899-1900 David E Coulter 1 3RF 1979-1980 Fred G Burrows 1 F 1945-1946 Richard P Coulter 16 WTQ 1972-1974 Jeremy R Cairns 1 H 1988-1989 Cyril C Cowan 79 FRF 1953-1960 Frank G Caldbeck 5 3RF 1930-1933 T V Craig 2 FB 1926-1927 Fred H Caldbeck 3 F 1925-1928 W A Craig 11 F 1921-1927 Fred M Calderwood 79 2RF 1947-1952 Fred H Crawford 9 F 1908-1913 Jack Calvert 206 SH 1924-1937 H Gerald Crawford 59 FB 1923-1935 C James Cameron 74 FRF 1947-1954 John Crawford 36 F 1920-1927 G Cameron 2 F 1935-1936 W Ernest Crawford 4 FB 1910-1913 - Cambpell 2 F 1892-1893 K Crawley 1 F 1955-1956 A Campbell 1 HB 1908-1909 Barney Crean 93 WTQ 1902-1909 Arthur T Campbell 176 FRF 1973-1984 Thomas Creighton 16 OH 1986-1988 Brian Campbell 1 3RF 1969-1970 George E Cromey 9 OH 1938-1939 John E Campbell 3 FB 1921-1922 Thomas A Cromey 120 H 1938-1952 R Cecil Campbell 8 WTQ 1920-19 26 E Gary Cromie 56 WTQ 1949-1960 Grahame Capper 7 H 1965-1976 Fred W Cronne 18 F 1911-1914 Jack Capper 12 F 19 2 5-19 26 Louis W Crooks 6 F 1894-1896 John Capper 15 WTQ 1965-1973 S M Cross 4 F 1913-1914 - Cardwell 1 CTQ 1896-1897 J W Crowley 4 F 1897-1902 Albert E M Carleton 12 HB 1908-1912 Alfred E Cunningham 1 F 1928-1929 N Carrothers 3 F 1912-1913 W Daire 4 F 19 2 1-19 2 2 F Morris Carson 56 CTQ 1928-1936 J Daniell 4 CTQ 19 1 0 - 19 1 1 J Carson 2 3RF 1963-1968 J Darroch 14 SH 1905-1908 John A C Carter 97 CTQ 1965-1978 - Davidson 1 F 1898-1899 George Caruth 1 F 1924-1925 Isaac A Davidson 10 F 1890-1893 George Castles 72 F 19 2 2-19 2 7 Hans C Davis 1 3RF 1985-1986 John W E Carthcart 5 WTQ 1932-1933 J L Davis 4 CTQ 19 2 1-19 2 2 J Derek Caulfield 16 2 R F 1971-1972 Thomas C Davis 6 SH 1937-1938 Michael J Caves 82 SH 1964-1972 Noel C Dawson 42 WTQ 1920-1926 Ralph B Chamberlain 4 F 1902-1907 S Maurice Dawson 181 2R F 1974-1984 Allen L Chambers 196 HB 1964-1974 T Louis De Courcy 3 F 1904-1905 Noel T Champman 45 F 1937-1949 J B Dennison 1 F 1928-1929 Harry J Christie 58 WTQ 1934-1938 S Dennison 1 F 1934-1935 Alastair F Clarker 79 TQ 1927-1934 William J Dennison 1 F 1925-1926 Basil M Clarke 5 F 1935-1938 Charles Dick 28 F 1930-1932 C Clarke 1 F 19 26 -19 27 Harold N Dickson 37 SH 1960-1964 N George Clarke 3 OH 1967-1968 Norman S Dickson 18 H 19 2 1-19 2 2 R Gordon Clarke 135 3RF 1971-1982 Frank Dinsmore 2 F 1894-1895 R J Percy Clarke 22 F 1933-1937 William Dinsmore 3 CTQ 1900-1901 Ernest E Clements 103 CTQ 1897-1906 Alfred E Donaghy l SH 1924-1925 John E Clements 18 HB 1894-1899 James A Donaldson 246 3RF 1954-1970 Robert G Clements 69 SH 1897-1909 Thomas Donaldson 64 FRF 1934-1946 William T Clements 161 F 1891^1906 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS I89O-I989

Stanley Do ma n 69 3RF 1945-1952 Kenneth Freeborn 6 WTQ 1953-1957 Michael R J Dorrity 6 H 1982-1985 Cecil A G Frew 41 F 1931-1935 Jeffrey 0 Douglas 29 H 1979-1980 Joseph Frey 3 3RF 1981-1983 John H Douglas 9 HB 1890-1891 J Frizelle 2 F 1926-1927 Robert A W Douglas 2 WTQ 1953-1956 Pierre Paul Fry 59 OH 1928-1946 W Paul Douglas 33 CTQ 198^-1988 Thomas E Fuller 56 F 1920-1926 W Dowie 3 F 1925-1927 D T Fullerton 14 F 1919-1921 S George Dowling 19 FB 1966-1969 Jack Fulton 7 FB 1892-1894 - Downes l CTQ 1898-1899 William Fulton 28 HB 1895-1901 George M Downey 2 CTQ 1945-1996 Thomas J S Furey 22 WTQ 1945-1949 A Downing 1 F 1923-1924 - Gabbey 1 F 1898-1899 H Dowzer 25 F 1919-1922 Frank W Galbraith 82 3RF 1935-1939 Clifford L Doyle 93 3RF 1976-1987 Ian Gallagher 37 FB 1987-1989 Fred T Doyle 3 F 1931-1933 Rhyal H Gallagher 133 2RF 1965-1974 F Drean 5 WTQ 1909-1910 Jack C Galloway 66 CTQ 1923-1927 - Dudgeon 5 WTQ 1896-1897 H Vernon Gay 2 FB 1938-1946 H Gordon Dudgeon 166 FRF 1936-1952 Brian B Gentleman 7 WTQ 1946-1947 Raymond Duncan 10 WTQ 1949-1953 John T W Getgood 1 WTQ 1950-1951 Robert T Dunlop 38 2RF 1970-1974 - Gibson 3 FB 1890-1891 Charles M Duthie 1 WTQ 1933-1934 Colin J Gibson 22 WTQ 1986-1989 Harry R Dyer 5 CTQ 1968-1969 George C Gibson 5 3RF 1968-1969 Thomas D M Eadie 3** FRF 1967-1970 Herbert B Gibson 19 F 1899-1904 Norman C Eccles 68 H 1953-1966 Alwyn Gillen 67 FRF 1962-1966 W Edwards 3 F 1910-1913 A W Gillespie 2 F 1908-1910 W Egan 1 F 1903-1904 G F Gillespie 7 OH 1927-1928 W Ralph Egan 3 F 1907-1908 Jack C Gillespie 64 OH 1921-1928 A Pearson Elliott 1 OH 1931-1932 J A Gilliland 1 F 1919-1920 Eric Elliott 52 WTQ 1921-1927 R Gilliland 3 WTQ 1912-1913 F A Elliott 3 F 1901-1913 Ronald W Gilliland 207 2RF 1945-1955 Herbert H Elliott 3 WTQ 1924-1925 W David Gilliland 132 H 1979-1987 Mark T E Elliott 2 3RF 1986-1987 Gerald J Ginn 14 3RF 1948-1950 Robert J Elliott 1 SH 1975-1976 Oswald B Glasgow 104 F 1931-1939 Thomas Elliott 11 F 1891-1897 Dion C Glass 118 OH 1951-1963 Frank J Ellis 1 F 1913-1914 J Basil C Glass 2 F 1949-1950 Raymond E Ellison 1 3RF 1967-1968 Mark W Glenfield 2 2RF 1984-1985 David H Emerson 135 SH 1982-1989 Edward T Goldblatt 7 WTQ 1928-1929 Herbert G Emerson 2 CTQ 1946-1948 Robin J P Good 128 SH/F 1955-1965 J W Emslie 2 CTQ 1921-1922 W J Good 10 F 1907-1909 L Erskine 51 F 1903-1908 Andrew S Gordon 52 CTQ 1986-1989 Peter J R Evans 77 3RF 1979-1989 J Gordon 2 WTQ 1897-1898 Wesley Evans 6 F 1907-1909 J Gordon 1 WTQ 1921-1922 W K ("Chuck”) Evans 215 OH 1946-1956 Robert N Gordon 85 3RF 1963-1967 Ian S R Farquharson 20 CTQ 1945-1951 William Gorman 18 F 1893-1898 H F W Fawcett 2 F 1907-1909 Lawrence Gould 9 WTQ 1974-1975 Ashley L Ferguson 61 H 1964-1972 R Gourke 2 WTQ 1910-1911 C Ferguson 51 F 1904-1906 Jonathan E Gowdy 1 3RF 1987-1988 Matthew Ferguson 25 F 1937-1939 - Graham 3 F 1899-1900 Colin G Ferrett 7 CTQ 1988-1989 Andrew Graham 45 3RF 1949-1954 A P Finlay 44 SH 1920-1925 George F Graham 21 F 1890-1894 Donald J M Finlay 2 FRF 1980-1982 Ian H Graham 47 OH 1972-1983 Edwin P Finlay 3 F 1967-1968 Kenneth A Graham 100 3RF 1962-1973 Hugh Fisher 9 QB 1890-1891 Robert V Graham 4 SH 1978-1982 John Fisher 1 F 1906-1907 Desmond Grant 72 CTQ 1923-1932 J S Fisher 57 F 1923-1928 Jack Green 29 F 1928-1932 Hugh Flack 2 WTQ 1921-1922 John H Green 6 CTQ 1974-1975 R E Forbes 1 F 1906-1907 John R Green 2 F 1927-1928 J Foster 1 F 1923-1924 S Duncan Greenaway 79 3RF 1971-1989 John L Foster 2 3RF 1972-1974 R Greenhill 5 F 1907-1908 John S Fox 53 CTQ 1976-1986 Geoffrey W Greenwood 78 WTQ 1968-1977 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS I89O-I989

R W Nigel Greeves 17 CTQ 1974-1975 John S Houston 5 3RF 1985-1986 Frank Grills 30 3RF 1979-1981 William B Houston 13 WTQ 1931-1935 Colin Grimshaw 15 SH 1966-1968 William M Howe 12 F 1912-1914 Michael N Grimshaw 39 CTQ 1962-1971 Walter C Huggard 6 WTQ 1903-1906 Norman Grimshaw 99 FB/OH 1935-1950 I E Hughes 23 F 1930-1933 Edward L Grindle 68 FRF 1963-1971 Freddie H Hunter 180 3RF 1949-1961 Alan R Gurd 46 CTQ 1964-1968 W Hunter 1 F 1920-1921 A Hadden 7 F 1913-1914 R J Wesley Hutchinson 14 SH 1906-1911 Peter L Hagan 18 3RF 1986-1989 William J Hutchinson 61 F 1919-1927 J Marvin Hagans 53 H 1956-1959 Robert Hutton 1 WTQ 1896-1897 J H Haire 27 F 1932-1935 Geoffrey B Ingles 36 WTQ 1970-1974 Stanley Hall 1 FRF 1958-1959 Arthur Irvine 24 F 1900-1902 William H Hall 1 OH 1921-1922 Brian Irvine 135 3RF 1981-1989 F M Hamilton 31 QB 1892-1899 Henry A S Irvine 18 F 1899-1901 J F Roy Hamilton 34 F 1926-1930 Loftus P Irwin 44 2Rd 1953-1964 J G Hamilton 61 F 1901-1910 Noel ("Sandy") Irwin 134 2RF 1961-1976 Samuel Hamilton 6 F 1908-1910 S Irwin 28 F 1910-1913 Samuel K Hamilton 2 F 1936-1939 S Douglas Irwin 267 WTQ 1956-1973 W Hanley 36 F 1913-1922 Eric S E Jackson 5 WTQ 1930-1933 J W Hanlon 4 F 1919-1920 Graham A Jackson 87 FB 1969-1979 W Wilson Hanna 6 F 1949-1955 Harold Jackson 27 F 1909-1914 H Harding 1 WTQ 1919-1920 L Jackson 13 FB 1893-1899 - Hardy 1 WTQ 1898-1899 Peter C Jackson 119 2RF 1974-1989 F Hare 1 CTQ 1923-1924 R Jackson 69 F 1906-1913 Peter Harland 4 CTQ 1967-1968 S H Jackson 1 CTQ 1913-1914 Simon J Harland 50 2RF 1980-1983 Stanley H Jackson 192 3RF 1960-1971 M Harper 22 CTQ 1907-1912 C Alfred Jamison 141 3RF 1950-1958 Robert E S Harpur 4 F 1945-1948 B Jeffers 1 F 1913-1914 Michael Harris 3 WTQ 1976-1977 William R Jeffrey 16 CTQ 1947-1952 Ronald J Harris 28 3RF 1976-1989 David S Jennings 26 OH 1965-1967 D A Harrison 109 OH 1971-1986 Chris A Johns 3 F 1890-1891 Garth 0 Harry 14 FB 1984-1986 - Johnson 5 CTQ 1894-1896 Robert A C Hart 251 CTQ 1950-1966 Robert J Johnson 55C/WTQ1934-1946 Robert H Harte 1 WTQ 1926-1927 Bryan A Johnston 55 WTQ 1967-1971 G Harvey 15 F 1919-1921 C Johnston 1 F 1924-1925 James L Harvey 31 F 1954-1959 Crotchley C Johnston 59 OH 1936-1946 Kealen S Harvey 25 WTQ 1985-1989 David Johnston 9 F 1952-1959 - Haslett 3 CTQ 1900-1901 Iain W Johnston 206 FRF 1977-1989 Norman Hatch 15 FRF 1970-1972 J Brett Johnston 12 SH 1967-1969 Greer M Henderson 35 2RF 1975-1980 Lewis C Johnston 5 F 1970-1971 Richard H Henning 1 WTQ 1980-1981 Robert J Johnston 4 F 1938-1939 - Henry 1 F 1899-1900 W J Johnston 13 CTQ 1904-1907 Herbert N Henry 10 WTQ 1935-1936 W Matthew Johnston 3 F 1928-1930 R Hewitt 10 HB 1895-1899 V E Johnstone 3 CTQ 1921-1923 Victor A Hewitt 1 OH 1934-1935 - Jones 5 HB 1891-1896 Brian J Hill 1 F 1960-1961 A Monk-Jones 5 F 1922-1923 David Hill 152 F 1903-1912 F Peter Jones 35 FRF 1961-1973 Fred E Hill 49 F 1920-1923 G I Jones 1 F 1921-1922 H Terry Hill 41 CTQ 1924-1930 - Jordan l CTQ 1905-1906 Walter Hill 60 F 1919-1924 G A Joughlin 17 F 1908-1909 W Arthur Hill 168 WTQ 1946-1958 W David C Kealey 4 3RF 1987-1989 R Claude Hillyard 102 CTQ/F 1922-1931 - Kearney 3 F 1900-1901 E Hobson 7 F 1956-1959 George Keeling 9 FB 1919-1920 E J Ferris Hodgett 26 3RF 1946-1948 George B Keeling 14 F 1892-1898 J Holmes 86 F 1898-1906 John W Keepe 32 CTQ 1960-1964 L Jackson Holmes 5 CTQ 1893-1895 Fred G Kelly 12 SH 1935-1936 Thomas S S Holmes 118 F 1901-1911 Adrian G Kennedy 23 3RF 1955-1958 W Holmes 1 F 1925-1926 A Paul Kennedy 2 RFR 1979-1980 Henry R Hopkinson 29 WTQ 1907-1912 David F Kennedy 10 3RF 1969-1973 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS I89O-I989

Kenneth R Kennedy 28 WTQ 1927-1936 Ian H McAvoy 129 FRF 1975-1989 Alexander Kenning 30 CTQ 1947-1951 William M Macaw 28 CTQ 1897-1907 John K Ker 12 3RF 1971-1974 Edwin F McBriar 24 2RF 1966-1969 R Ernest Ker 1 : F 1920-1921 Colin G McCadden 53 CTQ 1968-1979 Des Kerr 57 FB 1923-1926 R G (’’Nipper”) McCadden 36 wrQ 1971-1981 Ian D Kerr 33 FB 1978-1987 Samuel McCaffrey 13 F 1924-1930 J Wesley Kettyle 230 3RF 1972-1989 C McCaldin 3 F 1922-1923 Joseph Kingsmore 92 WTQ 1946-1953 J D McCallum 1 HB 1907-1908 John Kingston 1 F 1894-1895 Herbert A McCann 55 CTQ 1901-1908 Howard Kirk 3 WTQ 1938-1939 H McCartney 9 SH 1920-1921 Robert Kirk 3 CTQ 1952-1953 James B McCartney 21 F 1933-1939 - Kirkwood 1 F 1898-1899 H McCashin 1 F 1898-1899 W L Knott 2 FB 1920-1921 Jimmy McCaughran 117 3RF 1965-1979 H Knox 4 WTQ 1920-1921 David McCausland 32 WTQ 1898-1902 W Brian Knox 2 FB 1945-1946 Alexander McCaw 1 F 1933-1934 David Kyle 2 6 F 1946-1954 Kenneth E McCaw 3 3RF 1977-1989 S Langdon 4 CTQ 1926-1927 Terence I McCaw 190 2RF 1968-1986 Mark F Langhammer 19 3RF 1982-1984 Harold McClelland l F 1935-1936 W R Langtry 1 F 1911-1912 J D McClelland 28 F 1925-1927 Kenneth E Lappin 3 F 1960-1961 Robert McClelland 2 F 1948-1950 Joss C Lapsley 114 SH 1951-1957 Thomas T M McClelland 3 F 1969-1970 Samuel Larmour 20 F 1920-1923 David J McClenaghan 5 SH 1937-1938 G S Latimer 13 F 1925-1928 R 0 McClenahan 4 WTQ 1921-1923 William S H Lafrery 166 FB 1947-1957 J Graham McCluggage 37 2RF 1979-1989 John R Law 106 CTQ 1952-1959 - McClure 1 F 1893-1894 Alan A Lawther 2 3RF 1986-1987 J W McCombe 1 F 1927-1928 Alan A Leckey 179 2RF 1978-1989 John S McCombe 16 F 1902-1906 Richard Leckey 75 3RF 1984-1989 David B McComish 72 CTQ 1972-1984 Michael A Lee 26 3RF 1985-1989 T Dawson McConkey 225 FRF 1952-1967 Jack A Lewis 125 F 1927-1938 Albert A M McConnell 55 FRF 1946-1949 W J Lindsay Leyburn 5 F 1950-1953 Dermot W McConnell 19 F 1937-1946 H K Lilburn 7 OH 1908-1910 Henry 0 McConnell 1 FB 1920-1921 John Lillie 12 F 1936-1937 James N G McConnell 3 SH 1937-1938 David A Lindsay 1 F 1927-1928 John McConnell 1 WTQ 1987-1988 Jack Lindsay 23 WTQ 1931-1935 Kyle A McConnell 43 2RF 1982-1986 Raymond C Lindsay 1 SH 1947-1948 Victor McConnell 2 CTQ 1920-1921 - Lipsett 1 CTQ 1908-1909 George A McCord 6 CTQ 1932-1934 Walter, Litster 11 F 1919-1932 Harry McCord 3 FB 1921-1922 A Livingstone 11 FB 1919-1922 James D McCord 1 F 1932-1933 William H Lloyd 17 F 1907-1913 H S McCoull 24 F 1902-1906 R E Brett Lockhart 55 WTQ 1978-1986 N McCourt 10 FB 1910-1912 W Norman H Lockhart 5 F 1955-1957 David J McCrea 1 H 1988-1989 W H Long 67 WTQ 1922-1926 Charles W R McCreary 3 WTQ 1928-1933 E Louden 2 WTQ 1907-1908 J McCreary 1 F 1902-1903 Steven J M Lowe 16 3RF 1987-1989 Michael H J McCulloch 295 OH 1974-1989 W Eric Lowry 259 WTQ 1948-1965 M MacDonald 11 HB 1890-1895 James M Lowther 9 FRF 1983-1984 R MacDonald 5 F 1891-1894 Robert C Lynd 2 CTQ 1934-1935 W MacDonald 13 HB 1890-I895 George Lyness 14 SH 1959-1965 Hugh T McDowell 120 F 1926-1934 Victor J Lyttle 72 WTQ 1928-1937 Nathaniel J McDowell 2 F 1986-1988 Walter G Lyttle 1 SH 1935-1936 R Leslie McDowell 7 CTQ 1948-1950 Stephen J McAdam 2 2RF 1985-1988 T McDowell 1 F 1909-1910 A McAfee 3 HB 1891-1892 James G McElwaine 31 F 1926-1930 Daniel H McAlister 13 F 1935-1936 John McFarland 131 H 1954-1965 Ian McAreavey 1 F 1961-1962 John R L McFarland 47 2RF 1973-1977 Michael H McAteer 24 SH 1985-1987 Jack McGarry 9 CTQ 1956-1959 Paul A McAteer 118 CTQ 1983-1989 P Neil (Spam) McGrath 103 FRF 1983-1989 Brian McAuley l CTQ 1987-1988 R Ernest McGrath 2 3RF 1966-1977 Eric G McAuley 12 F 1954-1956 Harry McGuffin 1 WTQ 1925-1926 George McAuley 2 SH 1922-1924 Jack McGuffin 21 WTQ 1927-1936 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS I89O-I989

C G McGuigan 2 F 1922-1923 Ian A Marshall Herbert Mcllrath 1 F 1935-1936 - Martin John M Mcllroy 4 CTQ 1987-1989 David Martin L Mcllroy 8 ’ F 1906-1910 Denis H Martin Langford R G Mcllroy 52 2RF 1965-1971 E B Martin Paul D A Mcllroy 206 H 1970-1983 Eric F Martin Maxwell S McIntosh 3 OH 1921-1922 Robert Martin W J Stephen Mclvor 1 WTQ 1988-1989 Stanley J S Martin A McKay 5 F 1970-1971 Tony Martin J McKay 1^ F 1913-1914 W J Martin Alan R McKee 305 WTQ 1976-1989 Ronald L K Mason Harold McKee 138 F/C 1919-1927 Brian D Mathers M McKee 3 WTQ 1921-1922 G Richard Mathews William H McKee 34 F 1898-1902 J Matthews Edward J McKelvey 11 2RF 1945-1949 - Maxwell T G McKenna 9 F 1912-1913 Arthur C Maxwell H McKenzie 11 F 1907-1909 E May Kenneth W Mackenzie ll WTQ 1935-1939 Isaac A May Trevor D McKeown 3 OH 1986-1988 Ronald B May Eric R McKillen 48 WTQ 19^5-1950 T Eric May Robert H McLarnon 5 F 1948-1949 W Morris May J McLaughlin 2 F 1931-1932 David R Meaklim R McLaughlin 1 F 1913-1914 Peter J Meaklim Colin C McLean 8 H 1976-1978 William Meara Frank H McLean 3 F 1907-1909 E Bennett Megarry M (Raker) McLean 60 FB 1972-1988 J W Megaw John McLernon 1 F 1926-1927 Cosmo A M Meldrum Matthew McLernon 12 F 1925-1928 Claude Mercier A McMahon 15 WTQ 1919-1922 David P Mercier H McManus 7 WTQ 1910-1912 Hugo Mercier Allan J McMaster 5 CTQ 1967-1969 L Mercier W McMeekin 2 F 1935-1936 Ernest Middlemore J McMordie 3 F 1904-1909 Alan A Millar G McMullan 2 F 1901-1905 Herbert W Millar James McMullan 42 2RF 1928-1932 J Bruce Millar Thomas H McMullan 4 WTQ 1945-1946 J Mervyn Millar William M McMullan 37 CTQ 1894-1898 - Millard Oswald McMullen 8 WTQ 1928-1935 - Millburn William R I MaConkey 1 F 1978-1979 L Millen John C McQuoid 36 CTQ 1961-1968 William H Milligan W Victor McQuoid 165 H 1956-1971 Fred H Mills Charles McVicker 54 F 1924-1929 Harry F Minion Hugh McVicker 2 F 1925-1926 - Minnis James McVicker 53 F 1923-1927 William Miskelly - Madden 3 F 1896-1897 Robert S Moffatt Charles Maguire 20 FB 1920-1922 D Moffitt Kenneth G Maguire 64 CTQ 1946-1958 Stephen Monteith Lloyd Mahony 73 F 1920-1925 H G Montgomery W Gordon Mahony 59 F 1913-1925 Ian R Montgomery David Mairs 91 SH 1928-1938 R Cecil Montgomery D Ian Mairs 10 3RF 1976-1984 George N R Moon G Johnston Mairs 60 SH 1970-1980 Brian 0 Moore C W Majury 1 CTQ 1950-1951 John C Moore John H G Majury 18 WTQ 1924-1925 R M Moore Norman Malcolmson 4 SH 1983-1987 William Moore Norman D Malcolmson 34 CTQ 1919-1923 - Moorhead David Mantel 11 CTQ 1975-1977 Thomas J Morrice Emil H Marfurt 32 F 1920-1925 Stephen R Morris David G Mark 24 2RF 1988-1989 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS 1890-1989

Derek Morrison 125 FB 1955-1963 Michael L Pedlow 6 CTQ 1986-1989 Ian Morrison 3 FB 1999-1950 William Pedlow 29 OH 1931-1939 J Norman Morrison l F 1967-1968 J A Pender 1 F 1906-1907 R Alan Morrison 1 3RF 1969-1970 V Phillips 5 F 192*4-1925 B Desmond Morrow 2 F 1970-1972 John Pickering 1 F 19*47-19^8 W Brian Morrow 17 FB 1937-1939 G Pierce 10 F 1919-1920 William F K Morrow 5 F 1998-1953 Mervyn A Piggot 131 SH 195*4-1963 D Mortimer 1 F 1913-1919 F Pilkington 8 F 1893-1894 David Mulholland 2*13 FRF 1979-1988 Godfrey Pinion 12 HB 1902-1907 Cecil T Mullen 98 3RF 1927-1935 James E Pinion 7 WTQ 1911-1920 H Victor Mullen 62 FB 1927-1931 Stanley Pinion 30 WTQ 1900-190*4 William A Mullen 1 SH 1920-1921 Norman Plenderleith 1 F 1935-1936 N Munn 3 F 1921-1922 A M Plumer *4 CTQ 1919-1920 - Murphy l F 1899-1900 David K Pollock 117 CTQ 196*4-1979 George H Murphy 1 F 1997-1998 H Pollock *4 WTQ 1906-1909 J Murphy 1 F 1909-1910 Trevor R Pollock 30 3RF 1968-1973 J Gerry M W Murphy 42 FB 1995-1953 Charles K Pooler 6 F 1890-1891 Roy C W Murphy 15 CTQ 1997-1951 N C Powell 5 F 1928-1931 - Murray 4 F 1896-1897 C Prenter 3 F 1921-1922 G R Murtagh 3*4 SH/FB 1911-1922 W A T Prevost 3 OH 1921-1922 Brian W Musgrave 1 F 1965-1966 Edgar A P Price 7 SH 1906-1907 Matthew R Neely 18 3RF 1996-1997 Norman J Puree 20 SH 1938-1939 Charles S Neill 170 F 1893-1905 D H Purdon 39 F 1922-1925 Frank S Neill 50 FB 1893-1899 W Brooke Purdon 3 FB 1903-190*4 J K Neill 1 F 1904-1905 William J Purvis 8 HB 1892-1895 J M Neill *4 F 1922-1923 H 0 Quayle 21 WTQ 1905-1907 W Neill 2 F 1909-1909 J Quinn 3 WTQ 1910-1911 - Nelson 1 SH 1899-1900 J Rainey 1 F 1913-1914 James R Nelson 38 3RF 1948-1959 James S Rangecroft 5 F 1919-1920 Jack Nesbitt 8 OH 1926-1927 Leslie McC Rankin 31 F 1895-1905 T Nesbitt 1 F 1919-1920 E Douglas Rea 1 F 1937-1938 J W Netherey 5 WTQ 1919-1921 John E Rea 22 OH 1912-1924 Howard P Newman 2 WTQ 1939-1935 M A Rea 5 SH 1926-1928 Ian D Nicol 31 2RF 1979-1985 David Reid 206 CTQ 1951-1963 John W S Nixon 3 F 1932-1933 Kenneth E Reid 70 3RF 1953-1960 Robert S Nixon 2 F 1931-1932 Leonard H Reid 1 F 1932-1933 W Nixon 1 F 1911-1912 Michael J Reid 2 2RF 1982-1984 Alan Noble 1 H 1987-1988 Stephen K Reid 8*4FB/OH 1982-1989 Ernest M Nugent 1 F I896-I897 Wylie W Reid 8 SH 1926-1930 J B O'Callaghan 53 SH 1909-1919 Victor J S Reynolds 8 F 1968-1972 Chris G H O'Connor 122 WTQ 1980-1988 Alan Rice 1 WTQ 1972-1973 H Odbert 1 WTQ 1907-1908 - Riddell 13 F 1890-1895 W O'Flaherty 1 CTQ 1905-1906 William Riddell 82 FB 1898-1907 William J Oliver *4 F 1911-1920 Peter J Riordan 2*4 WTQ 1984-1989 Frank R O'Neill 8 CTQ 1926-1927 Cecil A Ritchie 1 F 1924-1925 J Albert O'Neill 198 W/F 1964-1977 James S Ritchie 32 CTQ/F1945-1951 James B O'Neill 53 SH 1912-1925 K E Robb 6 F 1908-1909 John M O'Neill 1 3RF 1987-1988 R C Robb 9 WTQ 1908-1910 T O'Neill 9 WTQ 1909-1910 William L Robertson 3 F 1894-1895 E J Orr 2 WTQ 1904-1905 Alan W Robinson 1 F 1928-1929 George A Owens 1 F 1928-1929 F Robinson *4 F 1912-1913 Roy V Palmer 101 FB 1978-1985 J Robinson 3 F 1891-1892 William J Palmer 49 FRF 1958-1968 Leslie Robinson 2 FRF 1985-1989 John Park 1 WTQ 1896-1897 Mark A Robinson 12 WTQ 1980-1989 Stanley Paterson 79 F 1951-1958 Rodney S Robinson *46 OH 1956-1969 J Patrick *4 F 1920-1921 S John Robinson 1 WTQ 1985-1986 A C Patterson 7 CTQ 1913-1914 Terry R Robinson 9 CTQ 1961-1962 D K Patterson 1 F 1913-1914 W G Roe l F 1925-1926 W F Patterson 2 F 1911-1912 R Rogers 1 FB 1908-1909 William H Patterson 2 CTQ 1920-1922 H Ross 1 WTQ 1907-1908 W P Paul 38 F 1903-1908 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS 1890-1989

William McC Ross 2 F 1930-1931 David Smylie 1 F 1912-1913 Richard J Rothwell 59 F 1901-1905 Hugo Smylie 1 F 1912-1913 Thomas G Rothwell 16 CTQ 1900-1907 D Smyth 5 WTQ 1908-1909 John Ruddell 11 F 1898-1899 Walter Smyth 11 F 1924-1933 Thomas W Ruddell 11 WTQ 1951-1955 A E Snow 3 F 1920-1921 W Ruddy 1 F 1913-1914 A K Souter 1 WTQ 1903-1904 David Russell 31 FB 1984-1986 D Spence 1 H 1987-1988 Frank Russell 8 F 1910-1911 William M H Spiller 3 QB 1890-1891 W J A Russell 9 F 1912-1914 Harold Stafford 1 F 1919-1920 Michael Rutledge 40 CTQ 1982-1988 Jack A Stafford 2 F 1922-1923 R Sailes 7 WTQ 1955-1956 Colin C Stanfield 23 2RF 1960-1963 C W Salmond 10 F 1913-1914 - Stevens 2 CTQ 1898-1899 D Sanderson 3 F 1922-1923 A Leslie Stevenson 59 F 1902-1907 B Sayers 2 F 1905-1907 Howard Stevenson 2 CTQ 1895-1896 Gerald B Sayers 52 F 1905-1908 Leslie N Stevenson 176 2RF 1960-1969 Jack E Sayers 157 FB/CTQ 1928-1938 - Stewart 9 F 1890-1891 - Scott 3 WTQ 1897-1899 David J Stewart 49 WTQ 1967-1974 E J Scott 52 CTQ 1907-1912 Ernest A Stewart 1 FB 1929-1930 Jack A Scott 4 SH 1934-1936 J A Stewart 2 CTQ 1909-1910 Timothy V Scott 37 H 1981-1989 J Alan Stewart 4 WTQ 1929-1930 W J Stephen Scott 24 H 1983-1989 Richard H Stewart 76 SH 1981-1984 Theo W Seale 41 FB 1906-1909 W Stewart 1 F 1908-1909 W Lindsay Shaw 63 CTQ 1903-1904 William Stitt 13 F 1910-1911 William Sheals 22 F 1910-1913 Robin Stoupe 1 F 1932-1933 Brian Sheridan 3 F 1965-1966 P6ter P Street 16 WTQ 1955-1959 Brian G Shipp 13 WTQ 1945-1946 W H Stronge 2 F 1911-1912 James A D Shortt 31 OTQ 1936-1939 Kenny Strutt 6 FB/W 1988-1989 Donald C C Siggins 12 F 1938-1939 Marty Strutt 17 OH 1988-1989 G C Hal Siggins 2 F 1931-1932 Thomas Sullivan 1 F 1936-1937 Jack A E Siggins 146 2RF 1926-1937 W Swann 10 CTQ 1910-1911 Terence G Silcock 8 OH 1973-1974 John H Sweeney 44 CTQ 1921-1928 Stephen G Sillery 18 FRF 1967-1971 B C Swinson 14 F 1925-1927 David Simpson 5 FRF 1978-1989 Ian D R Tannahill 16 2RF 1984-1988 G W Simpson 51 WTQ 1904-1911 John T R Targett 32 WTQ 1969-1972 Hugh H Simpson 9 WTQ 1947-1950 - Taylor 7 CTQ 1898-1899 John Simpson 30 F 1897-1901 David Taylor 8 H 1971-1988 T Simpson 49 F 1922-1926 G Taylor 2 F 1905-1906 W R Simpson 6 F 1897-1899 J Taylor 2 F 1919-1920 Cyril Sinclair 72 FRF 1957-1964 James Taylor 39 F 1911-1914 Hugh McD Sinclair 7 WTQ 1968-1969 James Taylor 48 SII/C 1931-1936 V Sinton 1 F 1902-1903 Lindsay C Taylor 161 WTQ 1957-1968 Albert D Slader 153 FRF 1952-1959 T Taylor 1 F 1904-1905 - Sloan 3 F 1896-1897 T W Taylor 1 F 1926-1927 Martyn H Sloan 10 WTQ 1977-1980 Alfred Tedford 1 F 1905-1906 M Clive Sloan 133 FB/C 1975-1984 Ernest C Templeton 2 OH 1909-1911 T Sloan l WTQ 1966-1967 Norman D Templeton 7 SH 1909-1913 W Gary Sloan 170 CTQ 1973-1989 Thomas C Templetpn *<7 HB 1904-1908 W J Sloan 1 F 1923-1924 W Loftus Templeton 1 F 1905-1906 M Clarence Sloane 1 FB 1935-1936 - Thomas 3 F 1890-1891 F N Smart 1 CTQ 1908-1909 Bertie Thompson 55 FB 1906-1911 Stephen G Smiley 3 FB 1969-1970 Brian Thompson 35 FRF 1970-1980 Henry Smith l F 1924-1925 Charles Thompson 131 CTQ 1903-1914 James A Smith 78 F 1932-1939 Frank C B Thompson 6 FB 1945-1946 John H Smith 23 F 1951-1953 Fred A Thompson 6 F 1921-1924 L Smith 1 F 1922-1923 G T Thompson 9 F 1921-1924 Paddy J Smith 60 F 1907-1912 J Thompson l F 1912-1913 R T Smith 48 F 1904-1907 Jack Thompson 65 F 1926-1932 William Smith 4 F 1932-1939 James C B Thompson 11 FB 1928-1931 William S Smith 164 F 1903-1920 Joseph M Thompson 119 F/WTQ1919-1928 Cecil Victor Smylie 7^ CTQ 1911-1924 Lancelot F Thompson 2 WTQ 1946-1947 William B Thompson 24 F 1890-1897 APPEARANCES OF PLAYERS I89O-I989

William J Thornton 4 CTQ 1923-1925 Henry S Wheeler 6 HB 1890-1891 Herbert A C Todd 64 F 1935-1947 John M Whitaker 24 HB 1890-1895 John H Todd 1 F 1921-1922 Eric L White 71 F 1928-1935 William R Todd 61 F 1934-1939 Robert D G White 2 OH 1934-1936 - Totten 1 F 1897-1898 John R Whitsitt 18 HB 1908-1914 Fred A Trotter 34 OH 1908-1912 R Whitsitt 11 SH 1919-1920 H Tuckett 1 F 1904-1905 W J Whitsitt 4 FB 1919-1924 Robin W Tweedie 2 F 1971-1974 David E J Whittaker 2 FRF 1977-1988 William Tyrell 4 F 1910-1911 William M Wilkin 8 F 1938-1949 Peter Ubee 31 OH 1978-1980 - Williams 15 HB 1896-1900 J Uprichard 1 F 1931-1932 C K Williams 2 F 1904-1905 Thomas A Uprichard 15 3RF 1983-1989 J Williamson 16 HB 1890-1893 William Vance 16 WTQ 1926-1928 E B Willis 5 F 1924-1925 - Vane 1 F 1905-1906 George R Wilson 11 WTQ 1923-1930 A J Waddell 2 F 1904-1906 John Adam Wilson 21CTQ/F 1986-1989 C M Waddell 39 F 1905-1908 Michael P Wilson io6fb/oh 1968-1979 James 2 F 1947-1949 Norman Wilson 72 F 1890-1903 John V Waldron 59 CTQ 1969-1973 P Wilson 5 FB 1907-1912 F D Wallace 1 F 1923-1924 Robin McC Wilson 94 3RF 1959-1965 Thomas H Wallace 10 OH 1920-1921 Stanley S Wilson 1 WTQ 1928-1929 Fred G Walsh 3 F 1903-1907 W Ernest Wilson 1 F 1937-1938 G H Ward 37 HB 1894-1900 Willoughby Wilson 63 SH 1945-1954 Henry M Ward 5 HB 1902-1903 W J Wilson 3 CTQ 1920-1921 Ian C Warke 19 CTQ 1979-1982 Kenny Woods 2 SH 1988-1989 Brian M Watson 11 H 1985-1988 J Workman 47 F 1890-1898 Hugh M Watson 9 F 1900-1909 - Wright 1 F 1924-1925 - Watters 30 FB 1899-1901 A Wright 84 WTQ 1907-1914 David S Watters l CTQ 1975-1976 John H Wright 63 F 1898-1907 Denis J Watters 11 F 1924-1928 Milford Wright 11 CTQ 1895-1898 G Watters 1 F 1923-1924 Robert D Wright 12 WTQ 1899-1900 J S Waugh 2 OH 1913-1914 Stanely C Wright 43 3RF 1971-1979 Albert L Wells 12 F 1946-1947 Robin G H Wylie 3 OH 1972-1974 David Wells 4 F 1966-1968 W Charles Wylie 6 FB 1938-1939 H West 2 F 1926-1928 B P Young 28 F 1909-191^ E Whale 6 F 1919-1921 Robert C Young 127 FRF 1945-1956 Arthur R Wheeler 6 CTQ 1920-1923 Roger M Young 31 SH 1969-1972 James R Wheeler 2 OH 1921-1922 W J Young 4 F 1913-191^ Kenneth Wheeler 2 WTQ 1908-1909 F W Zebedee 3 FB 1920-1921 CONTINUITY OF COLLEGIANS


1890-1891 92 93 9^ 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06

1890-1891 G F Graham '9 0 6 3 W Macdonald 6 3 6 Wm B Thompson 19 6 6 0 2 John M Whitaker 19 6 3 5 2 Norman Wilson 3 6 6 5 5 2 3 5 5 6 17 10 1 J Workman 3 6 6 6 5 11 1 11 1891-1892 Ainsworth Barr 3 3 5 6 11 9 3 9 12 17 0 2 William T Clements 6 6 8 3 12 2 12 13 15 15 15 14 16 25 1 William Miskelly 6 6 8 2 1892-1893 J Alexander 3 8 8 12 7 12 14 12 F M Hamilton 3 6 5 8 1 5 4 1893-1894 J Bruce Barr 6 8 9 7 Charles S Neill 8 8 12 9 11 15 15 18 15 15 18 26 Frank S Neill 8 8 12 9 12 William Fulton 5 0 8 0 0 0 8 12 1894-1895 W McMullan 5 12 9 11 1895-1896 S Alexander 4 9 1 9 9 H G Ward 4 9 9 12 1 0 0 5 1897-1898 Ernest E Clements 4 11 15 18 15 9 12 2 Robert G Clements 1 4 5 5 14 13 8 6 J Simpson 12 15 1898-1899 George L B Bradshaw 4 15 17 11 17 1 J Holmes 14 15 15 14 19 11 3 David McCausland 3 14 14 1 William H McKee 4 3 15 12 William Riddell 3 0 1 15 14 13 21 17 J Wright 14 15 17 10 1899-1900 Henry A S Irvine 1 17 - Watters 15 15 1900-1901 Hugh B Adams 6 14 10 13 10 24 Stanley Pinion 1 3 14 11 1901-1902 James A E Ball 1 11 14 22 22 8 Bernard Crean 14 14 14 16 7 17 Thomas S S Holmes 1 15 12 19 25 3 15 3 l Herbert A McCann 1 0 2 21 13 1 Leslie McC Rankin 3 5 11 11 Richard J Rothwell 15 11 16 19 CONTINUITY OF COLLEGIANS


1903-04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

1903-1904 L Erskine 1 15 13 20 2 David Hill 8 23 25 17 19 14 16 22 8 W Paul 1 14 16 4 1 William L Shaw 1 14 2 1 4 0 0 1 13 0 0 9 William S Smith 1 1 2 1 19 2 1 17 16 21 13 14 3 6 1904-1905 G S i mpson 16 0 0 17 10 6 2 Thomas C Templeton 9 22 12 4 Charles Thompson 1 21 18 16 13 14 14 7 18 7 1905-1906 Gerald B Sayers 22 15 15 C M Waddell 24 13 2 1906-1907 G V Acheson 4 15 9 0 0 7 1 1 J G Hamilton 13 19 17 8 R G Jackson 5 8 17 16 13 Theo W Seale 16 16 9 B Tho m p s o n 4 0 13 15 18 1907-1908 Henry R Hopkinson 1 1 14 16 6 E J Scott 18 14 11 3 6 Paddy J Smith 3 11 17 18 11 A Wright 9 18 3 19 15 17 1 1908-1909 S D Barr 7 16 13 Frederick A Trotter 1 5 17 11 J Reginald Whitsitt 5 6 2 1909- 1910 J Agnew 6 20 6 J Ba r r y 4 4 0 18 9 J Bertie O'Callaghan 11 17 6 9 10 1910- 1911 S Irwin 1 10 17 1911- 1912 Frank Bennett 1 1 16 15 3 G R Murtagh 3 9 8 4 8 2 Cecil V Smylie 3 12 4 7 19 6 20 3 J T a y l o r 9 16 14 1912- 1913 W Hanley 1 4 10 18 3 H J a ckson 16 9 J B O'Neill 3 15 2 16 1 1913- 1914 W Gordon Mahony 9 0 0 11 21 14 1919- 1920 Charles C Allen 1 1 0 0 4 5 12 5 Walter Hill 8 19 21 0 11 William J Hutchinson 6 14 17 6 0 0 17 1 Harold McKee 9 22 19 15 15 20 16 24 13 Norman D Malcomson 6 1 1 12 5 Joseph M Thompson 4 20 20 11 8 10 10 20 6 1920- 1921 John Crawford 1 13 12 0 0 4 2 Noel C Dawson 20 21 0 0 0 1 A P Finl a y 11 18 18 6 1 Thomas E Fuller 14 12 17 7 4 2 Frederick E Hill 21 20 8 Lloyd Mahony 3 19 17 21 13 Emil H Marfurt 3 16 6 3 4 1921- 1922 Eric Elliott 1 2 7 10 22 10 Jack C Gillespie 3 18 20 14 6 3 Ian Marshall 2 3 0 0 17 4 2 Jack H Sweeney 2 12 6 0 16 7 1 CONTINUITY OF COLLEGIANS


19 2 2-2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

19 2 2-19 2 3 George Castles 6 11 17 24 14 James G Boyd 13 0 11 1 9 1 6 6 20 23 H Terry Hill 2 0 1 1 6 6 6 20 R Claude Hillyard 23 15 8 14 4 15 10 12 1 W H Long 23 21 18 5 D H P u rdon 19 19 1 T Simp s o n 17 15 0 17 1923-1924 H Gerald Crawford 4 0 0 17 18 13 0 0 3 3 0 1 J S Fisher 12 8 17 17 3 Jack C Galloway 8 19 25 14 Desmond Grant 17 15 24 8 0 0 0 0 8 Desmond Kerr 17 18 22 Jim McVicker 14 6 15 8 19 24-19 25 Jack Calvert 5 20 19 17 8 20 15 20 17 19 18 7 17 Charles McVicker 12 18 13 0 11 John H G Majury 18 19 25-19 26 J D McClelland 17 11 1926- 1927 J F Roy Hamilton 11 16 16 1 Hugh T McDowell 4 17 15 11 16 20 17 15 James G McElwaine 3 15 6 7 Jack A E Siggins 1 16 12 16 19 16 13 13 11 8 16 Jack Thompson 2 14 15 9 20 5 1927- 1928 Alastair F Clark 16 15 2 19 11 15 1 Kenneth R Kennedy 5 - - - - 1 7 13 2 Jack A Lewis 2 3 7 21 23 7 1 15 14 18 Cecil T Mullen 16 8 15 17 20 5 6 11 H Victor Mullen 12 16 14 20 1928- 1929 William Allen 1 20 0 0 0 10 17 14 19 21 F Morris Carson 17 20 11 3 0 0 0 5 Thomas S Corken 1 19 19 21 20 21 0 12 14 1 3 P Paul Fry 1 1 22 20 8 2 0 0 0 3 0 Jac k Gre e n 15 6 7 1 Victor J Lyttle 2 14 22 19 12 1 1 0 1 James McMullan 15 19 7 1 David Mairs 13 18 23 23 6 0 0 0 4 2 Jack E Sayers 1 0 19 22 19 18 17 17 20 23 Eric L White 1 11 15 22 17 4 1 1929- 1930 Isaac A May 1 1 2 7 16 6 1 1930- 1931 Charlie Dick 12 16 T Eric May 1 23 18 20 18 13 4 22 20 1931- 1932 J Winston Brownrigg 2 4 1 Cecil A G Frew 8 17 9 7 Oswald B Glasgow 3 3 16 17 10 17 15 18 Billy Pedlow 2 3 13 1 0 4 4 1 Jimmy Taylor 2 0 18 19 4 1932- 1933 T Norman Brownlee 8 14 17 3 Robert C Montgomery 3 16 9 James A Smith 7 15 17 1 9 16 6 1933- 193^ W J Douglas Cooper 21 20 9 4 193^-1935 Harold J Christie 13 16 12 15 Tom Donaldson 8 14 17 22 0 Robert J Johnson 4 9 15 5 18 William R Todd 14 1 12 20 14



19 35 -36 37 38 39 A6 <17 <)8 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

1935- 1936H Joe Beckett 10 20 18 18 Frank W Galbraith 17 18 22 23 Norman Grimshaw 1 0 11 23 1 21 21 18 1 Herbert A C Todd 6 8 6 A 21 19 1936- 1937H Gordon Dudgeon 1 9 22 13 21 20 19 19 21 Crochley C Johnston 20 18 12 James A D Shortt 15 16 5 9 1937- 1938Noel T Chapman 1 20 1 11 10 1 Matthew Ferguson 19 16 1938- 1939Norrie D Beattie 3 2 21 16 20 1 6 0 1 George E Cromey 9 Thomas A Cromey 2 21 21 16 15 20 2k 1 1945-1946 Samuel Doraan 11 3 16 6 5 26 2 Ronald W Gilliland 22 18 22 19 22 25 16 2*4 22 17 Eric R McKillen 10 6 12 13 7 George N R Moon 20 16 J Gerry M W Murphy 6 19 0 0 0 0 0 17 James S Ritchie 11 3 7 2 0 9 Willoughby Wilson 21 0 0 0 8 19 3 11 1 Robert C Young 17 1 3 *4 *4 3 22 25 25 19 44 19 *46- 19*47 J Barry Bridges 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 16 W K (Chuck) Evans 20 21 15 20 26 244 25 244 19 21 W Arthur Hill 21 21 20 17 11 22 9 22 7 7 11 1 Joseph Kingsmore 6 0 7 13 27 244 Albert A M McConnell 21 16 18 Kenneth G Maguire 16 9 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 10 Matthew R Neely 18 19 *47- 19*48 Fred McC Calderwood 18 20 16 24 1 C James Cameron 10 0 19 21 244 1 0 2 Alexander Kenning 1 15 13 1 William S H Lavery 1 12 22 27 244 8 25 21 17 9 19 *48- 19*49 W Ewart Bell 17 18 23 144 11 17 Eric W Lowry 2 7 26 22 26 19 10 21 25 25 17 26 17 0 James R Nelson 15 11 0 1 8 3 19 *49-1950 E Garry Cromie 22 44 0 7 44 8 3 5 0 0 3 Andrew Graham 14 3 7 19 2 Frederick H Hunter 4 0 20 15 23 21 22 25 244 20 2 44 19 5 0 -19 5 1 Robert J Bates *4 *4 23 23 144 2 Robert A C Hart 26 22 22 20 17 10 244 1*4 15 18 18 44- G Alfred Jamison 23 2*4 15 20 16 7 11 21 19 5 1-19 5 2 Dion C Glass 1 0 0 0 0 23 16 6 2*4 18 244 Joss C Lapsley 19 144 25 21 18 17 Stanley Paterson 18 18 13 2 12 11 5 Dav i d Reid 2 12 19 11 1 11 25 18 27 26 271 19 52 -19 53 Joh n R Law 11 12 17 20 11 17 18 T Dawson McConkey 1 0 0 0 0 244 21 26 2 6 244. Albert D Slader 20 2*4 18 19 26 26 20 19 5 3 - 195*4 Cyril C Cowan 1 0 21 17 0 19 21 Norman C Eccles 5 8 3 13 26 1 1 0 0< Loftus P Irwin 2 2 0 17 1*4 5 Kenneth E Reid 19 13 5 11 0 3 19 195 *4-1955 James A Donaldson 9 22 20 19 1*4 23 21 1*4< John McFarland 44 21 0 0 0 26 18 2 3 - Mervyn A Piggot 44 6 9 17 18 16 20 21^



1955-56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6*4 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7 1* 75 76

19*48-19*49+Eric W Lowry 21 25 25 17 26 17 0 1 9 5 1950-1951^Robert A C Hart 10 2*4 1*4 15 18 18 *4 9 20 1 11 1951-1952*David Reid 1 11 25 18 27 26 27 27 1952-1953+T Dawson McConkey 0 0 2*4 21 26 26 2*4 21 26 18 20 18 1953-195*4+Norman C Eccles 3 13 26 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 195*4-1955+James A Donaldson 22 20 19 1*4 23 21 1*4 20 26 2*4 16 1 8 0 9 1 ♦John McFarland 21 0 0 0 26 18 23 8 26 5 ♦Mervyn A Piggot 6 9 17 18 16 20 21 21 1955-1956 Robin J P Good 2 3 11 17 19 15 26 26 0 7 Adrain G Kennedy 15 0 8 Derek Morrison 6 17 22 21 0 11 25 23 1956-1957 J Marvin Hagans 2*4 23 6 S Douglas Irwin 9 5 15 21 26 25 27 29 23 2*4 22 0 0 0 12 22 7 W Victor McQuoid 10 3 0 2 7 1 21 8 15 1 8 19 27 19 17 Rodney S Robinson > 1 5 0 27 () s) () C) 0 0 C) 0 C) *i4 1957-1958 Cyril Sinclair 5 10 17 27 8 5 Lindsay C Taylor 3 1 2 12 27 21 27 12 9 22 25 1958-1959 E Bennett Megarry 21 26 2*4 26 12 1 1 0 0 0 22 W James Palmer 15 20 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 *4 1959-1960 Robin McC Wilson 25 25 0 0 21 23 1960-1961 Kenneth F Collins 1 1 '0 0 0 0 8 18 22 0 0 17 30 1 Harold N Dickson 3 6 1 27 Stanley H Jackson 11 16 27 2*4 17 22 20 20 19 6 10 John W Keepe 23 *4 0 5 Dennis H Martin 5 2 0 18 8 Leslie N Stevenson 22 22 23 2*4 23 2*4 20 18 1961- 1962 Derick Balnave 2 1 2*4 2*4 3 Samuel N Beattie 1 6 5 17 8 8 22 27 7 1 William T Brown 15 21 19 0 8 0 20 18 7 0 5 *4 Noel C Irwin 25 6 6 2*4 19 2*4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1*4 8 6 F Peter Jones 3 0 0 0 0 0 *4 2*4 0 0 0 *4 John C McQuoid 1 0 5 0 6 1*4 10 1962- 1963 Alwyn Gillen 20 2*4 17 6 Kenneth A Graham 11 11 1 1 1 2*4 15 8 12 15 Michael N Grimshaw 1*4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 1963- 196*4 Robert N Gordon 20 17 2*4 22 Edward L Grindle 1 3 9 12 9 1 22 9 196*4-1965 Michael J Caves 10 2*4 1*4 19 8 0 3 3 Alan L Chambers 1*4 13 18 21 27 17 31 15 23 17 Ashley L Ferguson 3 2*4 1*4 10 0 5 0 5 Alan R Gurd 20 11 1 1*4 J A (Bertie) O'Neill 1 5 16 10 23 22 31 1*4 19 13 11 30- David K Pollock 3 25 16 0 1 5 0 0 0 10 2*4 18 1965- 1966 John A C Carter 16 20 1 *4 0 0 0 0 1 8 26- Rhyal H Gallagher 6 1*4 13 16 19 28 17 11 9 James McCaughran 1 0 3 3 1 25 25 20 22 9 0- L Robert G Mcllroy 6 1 0 27 17 1966- 1967 Colin Grimshaw 10 5 Bryan A Johnston 1 1 5 19 30 John C Moore 1 1 0 7 13 15 13 1*4 3 *4 1967- 1968 Thomas D M Eadie 1*4 0 20 David J Stewart *4 0 0 *4 2*4 12 5



1968-69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 CD O 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

196^-1965+J A O'Neill 3 ♦David K Pollock 14 0 1 1965-1966+John A C Carter 17 4 ♦James McCaughran 7 0 1 1968-1969 Raymond A Coughlin 8 5 1 20 7 Geoff W Greenwood 7 6 25 3 6 9 9 12 1 Colin G McCadden 5 0 21 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Terence I McCaw 9 0 0 0 30 5 0 24 23 28 17 21 29 Michael P Wilson 5 20 20 20 5 14 0 0 1 19 2 1969-1970 Graham A Jackson 1 0 3 18 16 23 4 12 5 5 Harry F Minion 6 0 14 2 13 15 0 6 1 5 1 3 3 John T R Target! 7 0 25 John V Waldron 15 14 24 6 Roger M Young 13 13 5 19 70 -19 7 1 C W John Compton 20 25 30 18 Robert T Dunlop 5 0 17 16 Geoffrey B Ingles 5 0 13 18 G Johnston Mairs 7 3 1 4 14 2 1 7 0 0 3 Paul D A Mcllroy 20 10 25 2 1 24 30 19 27 26 1 Brian Thompson 18 15 1 19 7 1-19 7 2 R Gordon Clarke 8 22 12 14' 25 19 23 5 1 0 6 S Duncan Greenaway 3 11 25 12 23 0 0 3 2 D Annesley Harrison 25 24 18 0 0 0 14 2 1 1 2 1 3 R Gordon McCadden 3 11 8 6 8 Stanley C Wright 14 1 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1972- 1973 John A Connor 4 23 1 1 0 17 0 1 1 1 1 Ian H Graham 12 10 1 1 5 5 J Wesley Kettyle 1 0 6 4 4 25 23 20 9 19 28 24 23 17 7 5 15 David B McComish 11 9 5 13 0 1 0 0 1 1 9 1 1 2 Michael S R McLean 7 5 0 2 1 8 1 0 0 7 5 5 l 2 1 1973- 197^ Arthur T Campbell 1 12 28 18 27 23 19 2 8 18 20 David G Compton 10 20 23 5 W Gary Sloan 5 0 0 0 27 26 31 1 1 20 2 1 20 1 2 6 W E Ashley Armstrong 4 0 0 0 28 27 26 27 15 l 1974- 1975 Robert J Connell 9 10 17 3 5 3 10 3 1 1 1 18 S Maurice Dawson 4 18 23 26 2 0 29 20 28 3 1 Michael H J McCulloch 12 30 5 16 1 27 32 2 1 29 31 29 29 13 15 5 David W Mulholland 17 30 1 1 30 30 26 33 16 1 1 14 1 12 12 1975- 1976 John R L McFarland 24 4 Ian H McAvoy 3 4 1 5 2 28 29 25 27 5 M Clive Sloan 22 16 19 2 1 22 16 6 1 10 Greer M Henderson 1 15 13 5 1976- 1977 Alan R McKee 22 30 31 31 28 15 27 32 13 12 16 25 23 John S Fox 1 0 4 15 22 9 1 1 David R Meaklim 18 12 1 1 12 1 17 2 1 1 1 Ronald J Harris 1 0 4 15 6 1 3 1 Stephen R Morris 7 28 23 26 24 26 24 Clifford L Doyle 3 13 20 14 0 3 6 2 1 5 1 7 1977- 1978 R Nevin Bradley 3 2 1 19 7 Iain W Johnston 2 13 23 24 17 26 18 19 12 22 5 25 1978- 1979 Richard D Bell 12 1 Peter C Jackson 1 1 1 0 30 16 0 4 5 9 19 7 15 1 10 Alan A Leckey 7 3 15 16 24 30 13 25 24 20 2 Ian D K e r r 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 7 Roy V Palmer 29 19 14 13 14 1 1 1 William Alexander 1 3 4 3 P e t e r Ube e *13 18 R E Brett Lockhart 3 0 ' 0 23 7 3 17 2 CONTINUITY OF COLLEGIANS


1979-80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

1979-1980 Jeffrey 0 Douglas 29 Peter J R Evans 2 12 7 20 22 1 9 4 W David Gilliland 1 22 16 21 22 16 16 18 Frank Grills 12 19 J Graham McCluggage 16 7 4 4 6 Martyn H Sloan 10 Ian C Warke 5 10 4 1980-1981 David Armstrong 1 7 6 5 24 6 Simon J Harland 15 22 13 Chris G H O'Connor 15 6 10 32 23 10 18 8 1981-1982 Brian Irvine 4 15 7 25 26 13 19 26 Richard H Stewart 18 29 29 David H Emerson 2 1 1 27 23 21 28 32 Timothy V Scott 10 8 2 6 7 1982-1983 Mark F Langhammer 7 2 Kyle A McConnell 3 8 19 13 Stephen K Reid 3 1 1 28 22 12 17 Michael Rutledge 15 12 7 3 3 1983-1984 Colin T Adair 1 12 27 13 16 1 Paul A McAteer 7 4 30 19 28 30 P Neil McGrath 4 9 23 9 30 17 W J Stephen Scott 5 19 1984-1985 W Paul Douglas 25 4 1 3 Peter Riordan 1 8 9 6 David Russell 15 16 Ian D R Tannahill 1 4 3 8 1985-1986 Richard Leckey 10 16 15 27 Michael A Lee 1 9 15 B Mark Watson 7 2 2 1986-1987 Thomas Creighton 8 8 Colin J Gibson 2 3 17 Peter L Hagan 2 9 2 Andrew S Gordon 21 20 11 Michael L Pedlow 1 l 4 J Adam Wilson 5 16 1987-1988 Ian Gallagher 16 21 Steven J M Lowe 2 14 1988-1989 Lynford Ashfield 8 Alan Bailie 8 Michael J Barton 9 Colin G Ferrett 7 David G Mark 24 Stephen Monteith 10 Kenny Strutt 6 Marty Strutt 17 FESTIVAL OF SPORT DERAMORE PARK — 26th AUGUST, 1972 COLLEGIANS v W. E. BELL'S XV

R: D. Camlin (Touch Judge), G. A. Jamieson (Referee), D. Stewart, J. Waldron, M. Grimshaw (Blackheath), H. Minion, S. McKinney (Dungannon & Ireland), M. Wilson, I. Kidd (Instonians), R. Coughlin, G. A, Brown (West & Scotland), D, Greenaway, F. Slattery (Blackrock & Ireland), T, McCaw, A. Higginson (London Irish & Ireland), K, Collins, K. Wilson (N.I.F.C.), G. Clarke, R. Clegg (Bangor & Ireland), A. McQuoid (Touch Judge). F: W. Oakes (Instonians), D. McComish, P. Villepreux (France), D. Compton, W. J. McBride (Ballymena & Ireland), J. Targett, N. D. Beattie (President Rugby Club), A. Harrison (Captain), C. M. H. Gibson (N.I.F.C. & Ireland), W, S. H. Lavery ( President, Collegians Club), S. Kirkwood (N.I.F.C.), R. Gallagher, E. Grant (C.I.Y.M.S. & Ireland), G. Capper, A. Duggan (Lansdowne & Ireland), D. Reid (Hon. Sec. Collegians Club).