Quarterly Magazine for the Section Of The North Coast Circuit of the Methodist Church

Autumn 2015

Welcome to The Wayfarer, serving the six churches of the Whitby Section of the Coast Circuit of The Methodist Church.

Page Article 1 Through The Manse Window – Rev John Pugh 2 Super Thoughts – Rev Graham Morgan 3 Thoughts From Across The Street - Joyce Harland 4 From the Deacon’s Desk – Deacon Helen Webster 5-6 Methodist Women in Britain – Kathleen Rushworth 7-8 The Good Book – Pete White 9 Poets Corner 10 Quarterly Review 11 What, Where, When 12 Messy Church and Off the Net (a letter from the past) 13 Let us Pray 14 Grandpa’s Wisdom – Rev John Pugh

In our journey of faith we look forward in this new Methodist year. Among other things in this issue Graham Morgan writes a pen portrait of himself as our new superintendent, John Pugh explains the role of a Methodist Superintendent and Pete White gives an overview of The Bible.

Ministers Superintendent: Rev Graham Morgan Presbyter: Rev John Pugh Deacon: Helen Webster

Thank You A big ‘thank you’ to the contributors and distributers of this issue, all you do is much appreciated. Not forgetting everyone who helps print and fold our magazine.

Deadline for the next issue is October 16th 2015 You know the address: [email protected]

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 Love in Christ, Ellinor

Dear friends In the North Yorkshire Coast Circuit we are undergoing change – a new superintendent has arrived, raising the question – What is a Superintendent? Methodists often hear about and speak of this person as the ‘Super’, who is the Senior Presbyter chosen by the Methodist Conference to be responsible for the leadership of the Circuit, aided and supported by the Circuit Stewards. Our new Super is Reverend Graham Morgan replacing Rev Mark Haynes. As well as having Pastoral responsibility in his own right for some of the Circuit Churches his duties include pastoral care of the Circuit Staff and responsibilities of leadership over Circuit meetings, Preachers and Worship Leaders meetings, Staff meetings, plus certain responsibilities to the District. Long standing practises allow him to delegate some of his leadership role to other Presbyters; this is usually seen in the leadership of Church Councils. He is encouraged to preach in as many of the Circuit Churches as possible each year; however in Super Circuits like ours this becomes a rather difficult process so some churches may not see Graham too often. As Super, Graham is also responsible for maintaining discipline within the Circuit and in each Church. The role is a demanding one so let us pray for Graham who joins us with his wife Emma – who is also a presbyter. Our next article is a pen portrait of the man himself. ‘Welcome Graham and Emma’ John


The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

Dear friends, In July Emma and I were surrounded by packing boxes in Shildon, County Durham. We were undergoing a seemingly endless round of final meetings, services and saying goodbye to some lovely people. We would soon be surrounded by the same packing boxes in Scarborough and preparing for an endless round of first meetings, services and saying hello to more lovely people! We were very much looking forward to our move and, like it or not, we have a lot of changes ahead of us and challenges before us. Emma and I have been sharing a Team Ministry in the Shildon Circuit - in the North Yorkshire Coast Circuit we shall be part of a much bigger team, this we look forward to. We have two children: Sam(uel) who, in September, will be working for ‘Rock UK’ a Christian Charity based in Carlisle and (Re)bekah who hopes to be living and working in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It will be strange adjusting to the ‘empty nest’ syndrome. We were both born in the North East of and reasonably familiar with the North Yorkshire Coast and looking forward to becoming more familiar. As superintendent I will be travelling around the circuit, visiting all the churches and getting to know as many of you as possible in the coming weeks and months. Please be patient with me, presume I know nothing and forgive me if I take a while to put the right names to the right people. Love is at the heart of my ministry; a love for God and I hope to love you all with the love of the Lord, all I ask is that in return, you love me too. Together, let us grow together in Love and seek to share that Love with others as we seek to grow God’s Kingdom in our hearts and churches. Laughter is also an important part of my ministry and my motto, if I had one, would be ‘Laugh often and laugh loud!’ I look forward to meeting you, to working together with you and to sharing much laughter. Hopefully you are looking forward to meeting me and to working together with me. With love in Jesus, Laugh often and laugh loud!

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 Graham (Rev Graham Morgan) 2

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

“Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.” Is 40: 4 On the left hand side of the road, going towards Sandsend, the earth on the bank side is being levelled from the top and the rough areas smoothed creating a balanced and even cliff face. On the other side of the road large mechanical earth movers appear to be making a way down to the sea-wall so further support work can be carried out. As a work in progress it is fascinating to watch. As a teenager, whilst walking my dog along the same piece of road I watched in horror as huge amounts of earth fell down on to the road from the nearby bank side and blocked much of it off. Over the intervening years I must admit to taking quite an interest in seeing how this on- going problem has been tackled. Thinking of this recently these words from Isaiah came to mind, “Comfort my people,” says our God, “Comfort them. Clear the way in the desert for our God, fill every valley, level every mountain, the hills will become a plain and the rough country will be made smooth.” (Isaiah 40: 1-5 – GNB ) So much in nature is echoed in life events! There are times for all of us when life becomes overwhelming and seems to come crashing down around us. Domestic problems, health issues, relationship difficulties, bereavement can all create the landslide which blocks our way and at worse threatens to cut us off from our Lord and even our faith. In daily living we address problems created by the forces of nature by turning to the experts in this field, those trained in the management of such events, so surely when crises occur in our lives it is essential that we to turn to the One who will not only support us but guide us through our difficulties, smooth our way and by His grace restore us to the straight highway which leads to Him – Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. We are His work in progress, which He Himself will complete and which He will never abandon. All He asks is our faith and trust in Him! This is the comfort He brings, the comfort which sustains and makes the rough places plain. Amen. Joyce Harland

3 The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

Last year I was taught how to make loom band bracelets, which knowledge I was able to pass on at Messy Church. We were making loom band friendship bracelets as an activity to think about David as a friend to Jonathan Everyone enjoyed making the bracelets. Passing on things we have learnt is important. When we were gardening with the Children’s Centre in Pannett Park this year it was lovely to see one of the older children, who was almost 5, helping one of the younger children and sharing some of the things he had remembered from gardening before. We all have knowledge and skills which we can pass on to others. Sometimes though we are led to believe that our skills aren’t as important as those of others so we hide our talents away and don’t use the gifts we’ve been given. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about the church being like a body and emphasises that all parts of the body have value. Even the parts which we think are insignificant have important roles to play. God has gifted us all in different ways and wants us to use and share those gifts – building relationships as we do so. One person can only do so much – much more can be done when we work together. Working together to share, not just practical skills but also the love of Jesus as we get to know people along the way. So what gifts do you have that could be shared and passed on? As you know, my work involves getting alongside people in the communities around us and working with them in many different ways. Messy Church, in Fylingdales, and from September in Whitby, is not just about crafts, but preparing and serving food and for some people just sitting, chatting and welcoming our guests Street Angels is not just about going on the streets late at night but many other people helping by praying, helping with admin or promotion At the Eastside Community Centre I help with a women’s group and a homework club, do you have skills you could share with either or both of these groups. If you think you could help with any of these things please get in touch with me. The work of the Families in Community Project isn’t the only place where you can use your gifts though. You may feel God’s calling you to use your gifts and abilities in other ways in other places. Why not pray about it and see where God may lead you. Ask God to help you identify the things you have to share with others and show you how to go about sharing them.

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 4 Helen Webster

Thanks to everyone who supported the Strawberry Quiz Night. We raised a total of £102.

The Coffee Morning at LIttlebeck on August 11th went well despite ‘road closed’ signs at every road end. Though perhaps not as busy as in previous years, several people did manage to make their way down. The road works men were very generous in buying coffee from us, and also cakes - and people from the village also came. The amount raised was £165, an excellent result. Thank you to everyone who helped support this event.

AGM at Hawsker

on Wed 23rd Sept at 2-30pm.

Please support this event –

we are in crisis as an area MWiB

and need to assess our future –

not just arranging events we hold

but also commit to sharing the responsibility

of running the MWiB in Whitby.

We need volunteers to take on some of the roles

without which we cannot continue.

For information about MWiB – Methodist Women in Britain

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 go to - http://www.mwib.org.uk 5

Beyond Whitby other MWiB events to which you are invited:

District Day on Tues 15th Sept for the Induction of Rev Janet Whelan as District President at Tower Hill Methodist Church, Hessle. Coffee from 10am and service starts at 10-30am. During the afternoon Lesley Brazendale will share the work she did in India. Drinks provided, Packed Lunch required.

Tuesday 22nd October is President’s Partnership Day at Thornton-le-Dale Methodist Church. Coffee from 10am and the day starts at 10-30am. Drinks provided, Packed Lunch required. This is an opportunity to learn about the new District Partnerships.

Friday 13th November, the District Meeting at Haxby Methodist Church, York. Learn about MWiB Connexionally and in the District, and offer ideas for the future. Gemma Turner will share her experience of training for Church of England ordination. Coffee from 10am and meeting starts at 10-30am. Drinks provided, Packed Lunch required.

Booking forms are also available for the District Conference at Cober Hill, Cloughton. Friday Feb 26th – Sunday Feb 28th 2016 Guest speaker: Ann Browse, Connexional MWiB President. Forms can be obtained from Kathleen Rushworth and are to be returned during the month of October to Elaine Turner, details on the forms. For information about York and Hull District MWiB go to - http://www.yorkhullmethodist.org.uk/index.php/news-and-events/39-

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 6 methodist-women-in-britain

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

I have heard it said that when the Lord Jesus came into the world, everything became new, and the Old Testament became redundant. ‘POPPYCOCK’! The Scriptures which John the Baptist, Peter, John, Paul and the others (and Jesus Himself) used was the Old Testament. The New Testament had not been written down at that time. Reading the Old Testament grants us a precious insight into God’s love for His people on Earth – including you and me. By the time you have read just the first chapter of Genesis, you will have encountered both God the creator, His Son (to be named Jesus in the fullness of time) and God’s Holy Spirit, who was at work in the wonderful creation process. By the third chapter of Genesis, our ancient ancestors disobeyed their loving Creator by thinking that they knew better. They sinned, not by eating an apple, but by wilfully abandoning God’s loving instructions. Their (and our) sin permanently spoiled the perfect relationship that our God longed for at creation. Although the perfect Creator loved humankind totally, the un-crossable gulf of our sin meant that His planned perfect relationship was doomed to fail. And that’s just the first three chapters of the first book! The Old Testament is full of real people, some totally self-centred, others downright wicked, and many folk who were just doing their best to live a decent life. Somehow, that all seems familiar in the twenty-first century! Although God loathes the sin that destroyed our relationship with Him, He still loves you and me, yet there is absolutely nothing that we can do to make things better. Sin and death are a reality now as they were in the days of Genesis. In the Old Testament, we read of inspired leaders, of prophets who brought God’s message of repentance to a lost people, and of those who were prepared to stand against evil, even if it cost them their lives. There were also multitudes that just couldn’t care less. God did all that He could to get his people to return to Him, to be honest with themselves, and to turn to Him in repentance.

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 7 The problem was that the very sin that was the cause of the separation with God was also the sin that blinded them to the truth. The Old Testament points clearly to Jesus, with promises that God would not allow us to be eternally kept apart from Him by our sin. The Old Testament message is that God would come in flesh to dwell among us, a promise fulfilled when, because of His love for you and me, God sent His son, Jesus to become the only way back to God. Jesus understands what life is like for you and me, because He has experienced it for Himself. On the cross, He bore the punishment for my sin and for yours, because He loves you so much that He wants you to be with Him through eternity. There is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Tell Jesus that you want to turn away from your sins (there is nothing too awful - he already understands). Ask Him to forgive your sins – for he is the only one in all creation that can do this for you. You can’t be put right with God on the basis of somebody else’s faith, and you can’t be put right with God by being a ‘really good person’. Ask Jesus to send his Holy Spirit into your life, to be your comforter, sustainer, and the one who will show you God’s plans for your life. I did that forty-seven years ago, and I love Him more every day. Pete White The Good Book The word bible comes from a Greek word, biblia which is plural and means "little books" or "booklets." Our Holy Bible is made up of 66 books 39 in The Old Testament and 27 in The New Testament. The bible is like a library including a wide range of subjects, from law to poetry, history to prophecy, biographies and life stories, A must read for anyone who wants to know more of what we believe. 8 The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

Belief A grey conference of clouds congregates high over the steeple, Thunder booms and within few breaths lightening follows, haloing the church. Gravestones stand stalwart in sodden earth. I sit in this hard wooden pew aware of our Preacher’s voice echoing Footpaths to Heaven around walls, soaring to high rafters. He stands, arms spread, humble, ready, Strewn across the clear to dispel those superstitions of the past. blue sky The vapour trails float up In days of old there would have been on high, weeping and wailing, great fear at this portent of death for all our sins; Left by the planes as on Elders declaring the Gods are angry, they speed predicting ill fates, our no-futures. To far away places of which we read. But our one God is not malevolent, does not torment us with omens. At evening when the sun When we are lost he guides us, is low We are as his sheep, he tends, loves us. The vapour trails have a We’ve come far since those ancient days. golden glow © Barbara E. Robinson It gives me the power to understand That God and man work hand in hand. © Mary Gullen


The Wayfarer Autumn 2015

In June MWiB organised a Strawberry Quiz Night at and Sleights. Congratulations are due to Rev Virginia Ramsay who organised the quiz and the team Strawberry Sundae who were surprised to win the top prize. The evening raised £102

The Littlebeck Coffee Morning with Bring and Buy Stall raised £165 for MWiB

Congratulations to one of our preachers, Robert Ventriss who turned 60 in July.

Congratulationms are also due to Thomas and Nicola on their marriage – Thomas is Margaret Bull’s grandson.

Messy Church – there have a few Messy church events in the area celebrating faith through craft and fun

Madonna House celebrated 30 years of mission and witness in Fylingdales, at St Stevens with Bishop Terry

In July the North Coast Circuit held a circuit service to say goodbye to Rev Clare Stainsby and Rev Mark Haynes. It was a most enjoyable event despite the sadness of saying goodbye. Mark will be working for the North Yorkshire County Council and Clare has taken up a circuit appointment in Manchester.

In Sleights Cinema at Briggswath and Sleights Chapel Have shown “Mrs Miniver” and “The Hundred Foot Journey”

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 (If you have news of what your church is doing or anything you would like to share let Ellinor know.) 10

Special Services, Events and Dates to remember Day Date time venue Event Sun 6th Sept 6pm Flower of May Holiday Circuit Service of Welcome Park, Lebberston Sat 12th Sept 9.30am Thirsk Synod Thurs 17th Sept 2pm Briggswath & Sleights Film - Some Enchanted Evening Sat 19th Sept 3-5pm Fylingthorpe Messy Church - Harvest Weds 23rd Sept 2.30pm Hawsker Circuit MWIB AGM Sat 26th Sept 2-4pm St Hilda's, West Cliff Messy Church Whitby Thurs 16thOctober Deadline for articles, items etc for the Winter 2015 Issue of The Wayfarer to [email protected] Thurs 22nd Oct 10.30am Thornton-le-Dale MWIB District Meeting Tues 27th Oct 3-5pm Fylingdale Village Hall Messy Church - Jesus, light of the world Thurs 29th Oct 3-5pm Briggswath & Sleights Messy Church - David and Goliath Fri 13th Nov 10.30am Haxby MWIB District Meeting Sat 12th Dec 11am-3pm Eskdale School, Whitby Kidsfest Every 4th Saturday 2-4pm St. Hilda’s, West Cliff Messy Church Whitby Every Monday 7 – 8.30pm Fylingthorpe Drop in for teens Every 3rd Wednesday Fylingthorpe Luncheon Club Every Friday 10am Fylingthorpe Coffee Morning 1st and 3rd Saturday 9.45am Briggswath & Sleights Fit-4-You 2nd Saturday 10am Briggswath & Sleights Coffee Morning 2nd Sunday 6 pm Briggswath &Sleights Second Sunday at Six Every Thursday 9.15am Robin Hood’s Bay Holy Communion followed by Coffee Morning

Regular Sunday Services in our Churches Harvest Festivals . Briggswath and Sleights - 10.30 am listed on last page. nd and every 2 Sunday - Sunday @6 6.00pm th . Fylingthorpe - 10.15 am (and 6.15 pm - 4 Sunday each month) . Hawsker - 2.30 pm

. Littlebeck - 2.30 pm . Robin Hood’s Bay - 10.30 am . Whitby - 10 am at Whitby Fisherman’s Mission

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 11

Messy Church Whitby – starting on Saturday 26th September, 2-4pm at St. Hilda’s, West Cliff and then every fourth Saturday

Fylingdales Messy Church:

Saturday 19 September,3-5pm

at Fylingthorpe Methodist Church theme Harvest

Tuesday 27 October from 3-5pm at Fylingdales Village Hall

theme Jesus, light of the world

Sleights Messy Church Thursday 29th October, 3-5pm at Briggswath & Sleights Methodist Church theme David and Goliath Christmas Kidzfest 2015 Saturday 12th December, 11am-3pm – at Eskdale School, Whitby A letter from the past…Posted by Action for Children An amazing piece of our history was uncovered recently at Briggswath & Sleights Methodist Church in Yorkshire, a letter written by our founder, Revd Thomas Bowman Stephenson had been hanging in their vestry for years! Bernard Kerr, Chapel Secretary told us that Stephenson’s letter, dated 14 January 1899, was found in an old filing cabinet in the manse 13 years ago. He invited our fundraisers for the region Gill and Vicky to the church so they could see this amazing piece of our history with their own eyes. Vicky added, “It’s amazing to think this letter by Revd Thomas Bowman Stephenson has survived for 116 years, which makes it one of the oldest letters we know of. It’s also interesting to read that we still seem to face some of the same problems as back then – the need was greater than the resources available and Stephenson was even questioning whether it was viable to carry on.”

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 12

As we travel together in our journey of faith please pray for:

Deacon Pippa Kirby- Girdlestone who was to join our ministerial staff - she needs our love and prayers after a The Circuit Churches Ayton, terminal diagnosis for cancer. Briggswath and Sleights, Please pray for her and her family. Burniston, Burton Fleming, All who come into our Cayton, Crossgates, Hunmanby church buildings for worship, fellowship, Emmanuel St John Filey, Fylingthorpe fun, exercise, peace

Hawsker, Littlebeck, and rest. Northstead, Queen Street, Robin Hood’s Bay Scalby, Seamer, Sherburn, Snainton, South Cliff, Staintondale

& Ravenscar, In your time, Creator God Westborough, Whitby, this world was put in place Wolds Valley, and in your time

Wreyfield Drive. became beautiful All who have married through the craftsmanship of your love. Remind us always Especially: Thomas and Nicola Wardell as we look at sunrise at Briggswath and Sleights landscape or tiny child to look beyond the artist brush or created thing to the Artist and Creator 13 The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 Amen http://www.faithandworship.com _prayers.htm

Dear friends I’m no gardener (and to tell you the truth neither is John!) – neither of us knows how to tell the difference between flowers and weeds. I will always maintain what someone said to John years ago that weeds are just flowers growing in the wrong place and at the wrong time! Seriously it won’t be too long before the Harvest will be gathered in and I reckon many farmers will be relieved when that has happened. Having said that, the cycle of harrowing, ploughing, sowing, nurturing and harvesting will start again in a very short time. Harvest is an important time in any rural location and certainly in the life of the Church. A time of thanksgiving to God for the bounty of His goodness, His blessings on the crops whatever they may be. God has set before us the largest possible harvest in history, to garner all those who have yet to be won for the Kingdom. You are probably wondering how on earth you can do that – after all people wouldn’t take too kindly to being sprinkled with fertiliser! The spiritual equivalent acts in the same vein – add copious amounts of the Good News on a daily basis where possible. Drench the individuals liberally in prayer, again on a daily basis. Encourage the growth by allowing the light of Jesus to shine May you continue to grow in the light of the Lord God bless Grandpa

Date (Sunday) Time Venue Preacher 13th Sept 10.30am Briggswarth & Sleights Terry Mawr 20th Sept 10.30am Robin Hoods Bay Robert Ventress 8pm John Pugh - Songs of Praise 27th Sept 2.30pm Littlebeck Helen Webster 4th Oct 10am Whitby John Pugh 4th Oct 2.30pm Hawsker Michael Earnshaw 11th Oct 10.15am Fylingthorpe Graham Morgan

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015 14 6.15pm Graham Morgan

The Wayfarer Autumn 2015