First Contribution to the Faunistic Research of True Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Cerová Vrchovina Upland

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First Contribution to the Faunistic Research of True Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Cerová Vrchovina Upland 6–71RYHPEHU 2019, Brno, Czech Republic First contribution to the faunistic research of true bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in the Cerová vrchovina Upland Vladimir Hemala1, Attila Balazs2 1Department of Botany and Zoology Masaryk University Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno 2Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apiculture Mendel University in Brno Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno CZECH REPUBLIC [email protected] Abstract: True bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) were intensively studied in the Cerová vrchovina Upland during the last two years (2018 and 2019). The species richness of the area is weakly known with only 116 published species. In our study, the records of 80 species are presented and 40 species of them are firstly reported from the area. The most interesting species of them are discussed. Key Words: Heteroptera, Cerová vrchovina PLA, Carpathians, faunistics INTRODUCTION The Cerová vrchovina Upland is situated at the southern part of the Central Slovakia near the Hungarian state border in the Nógrád (= Novohrad) and Gömör (= Gemer) historical regions from times of the former Greater Hungary and one third of the upland’s area lies in the Cerová vrchovina Protected Landscape Area (abbreviation “PLA” in the following text) (Horváth and Gaálová 2010). The Heteropteran fauna of this upland is relatively poorly known. The oldest known records from the wide surroundings of the area came only as records for Gömör region (five species) (Bartholomaeides 1805–1808) and for Losonc (= Lučenec) surroundings (41 species) (Malesevics 1892) without any exact locality. The first reliable records were record of Eurygaster maura (L., 1758) (Scutelleridae) from Fülek (= Fiľakovo) on 15.vii.1910 and record of Odontoscelis (O.) fuliginosa (L., 1761) (Scutelleridae) from Serke (= Širkovce) on 26.vii.1917 (Halászfy 1955). They were followed by number of records from the near surroundings of 12 urban units (Belina, Chrámec, Fiľakovo, Gemerské Dechtáre, Gemerský Jablonec, Hajnáčka, Hostice, Petrovce, Šávoľ, Šíd, Šurice, Trebeľovce) in the following years (number of records in parentheses behind the year): before 1937 (1), in 1954 (3), 1966 (14), 1971 (1), 1987 (1), 1990–1991 (365), 1995 (1), 2000 (1), 2007 (1) and 2011 (1) (Balthasar 1937; Stehlík 1970; Stehlík 2002; Stehlík and Vavřínová 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995a,b, 1996, 1998a,b, 1999; Stehlík and Heiss 2001; Hoberlandt 1977; Franc 1997; Roháčová 1999; Kment et al. 2003, 2013). The most interesting species until now known from the area are Phyllomorpha laciniata (Villers, 1789) (Coreidae) (Franc 1997), Agramma (Agramma) atricapillum (Spinola, 1837) (Tingidae) (Kment et al. 2003, 2013), Aradus (Aradus) bimaculatus Reuter, 1872 (Aradidae) (Kment et al. 2013), Megalotomus junceus (Scopoli, 1763) (Alydidae) (Roháčová 1999; this paper) and Saldula xanthochila (Fieber, 1859) (Saldidae) (Hoberlandt 1977). Alltogether, 116 species of Heteroptera was published from the Cerová vrchovina Upland until now. MATERIAL AND METHODS Material The material was collected using several methods: sweep net, clap net, two-handed sifter, night light and manual collecting. After killing, part of the material was mounted by gluing onto a card 253 6–71RYHPEHU 2019, Brno, Czech Republic and deposited in the private collection of the first author, and part of the material was stored in vials with 40% ethanol. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used through the following text: br – brachypterous specimen; ma – macropterous specimen; L – larva; spec. – unsexed adult; lgt. (legit) – collected; observ. (observavit) – observed; E – eastern; SW – southwestern; W – western. The species firstly recorded from the Cerová vrchovina Upland are marked by asterisk (*). List of localities 1) Belina (Béna), hill above the village, 48°14′43.23″N 19°51′18.08″E, 230–248 m a.s.l., meadow on the xerothermic slopes above the cemetery; 2) Bottovo (Gernyő), Bottovo reservoir, 48°18′29.337″N 20°9′37.670″E, 177 m a.s.l., alongside the drainage channel; 3) Čamovce (Csomatelke), family house and garden in intravilan, 48°14′58.08″N 19°53′7.68″E, 210 m a.s.l.; 4) Čamovce (Csomatelke), Vidosza, 48°14′2.44″N 19°53′40.28″E, 240–268 m a.s.l., sweeping of trees and shrubs in the forest alongside the road; 5) Chrámec (Harmac), valley SW from the village, 48°15′56.90″N 20°8′52.13″E, 215–240 m a.s.l., meadows with juniper trees (Juniperus sp.) on xerothermic slopes; 6) Dubno (Dobfenek), Vadókás, 48°12′7.86″N 19°59′44.19″E, 248–260 m a.s.l., sand exposures and walls with sparse vegetation and nests of European bee-eater (Merops apiaster); 7) Fiľakovo (Fülek), town park, 48°16′14.23″N 19°49′37.03″E, 194 m a.s.l., on the grass; 8) Gemerské Dechtáre (Détér), Nagymal Bérc, 48°14′35.24″N 20°1′30.73″E, 215–327 m a.s.l., sand exposures and meadows with shrubs on xerothermic slopes; 9) Gemerské Dechtáre (Détér), Szénás, 48°14′2.87″N 20°1′42.52″E, 212–230 m a.s.l., sand exposures and meadow on slopes; 10) Hajnáčka (Ajnácskő), castle + intravilan, 48°13′3.99″N 19°57′19.86″E, 225–305 m a.s.l.; 11) Hajnáčka (Ajnácskő), Sás Bikk, 48°13′31.13″N 19°58′20.77″E, 307–380 m a.s.l., meadows with shrubs on xerothermic slopes; 12) Hajnáčka (Ajnácskő), meadows and forests towards Tillic Mt., 48°12′41.81″N 19°56′43.76″E, 235–340 m a.s.l.; 13) Jestice (Jeszte), under Holý vrch Mt., valley E from the village, 48°12′57.66″N 20°4′15.79″E, 220–270 m a.s.l., meadows with shrubs on slopes and terraces; 14) Jestice (Jeszte), valley W from the village, 48°12′44.94″N 20°2′44.56″E, 230–283 m a.s.l.; 15) Petrovce (Gömörpéterfalva), Fenek, 48°11′21.47″N 20°2′33.91″E, 216–240 m a.s.l., wet meadows, vegetation alongside the forest road and swamp in the forest; 16) Petrovce (Gömörpéterfalva), Kökényes, 48°11′2.178″N 20°3′54.448″E, 284 m a.s.l.; 17) Šiatorská Bukovinka (Sátorosbánya), park place and meadow under the Šomoška Castle, 48°10′44.41″N 19°51′17.08″E, 375–380 m a.s.l.; 18) Šomoška Castle (Somoskői vár), on the stone, 48°10′17.22″N 19°51′26.22″E, 476 m a.s.l.; 19) Šurice (Sőreg), meadow near Bagoly-vár Castle, 48°13′34.54″N 19°54′49.50″E, 270 m a.s.l.; 20) Šurice (Sőreg), near the swamp, 48°14′8.06″N 19°55′24.39″E, 216–240 m a.s.l.; 21) Tachty (Tajti), xerothermic sand slopes SW from village, 48°9′1.74″N 19°55′46.45″E, 294 m a.s.l. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TINGIDAE: Catoplatus carthusianus (Goeze, 1778): 5 (1 ♀, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 8 (1 ♂, 19.v.2018, sweeping of the grass under the hill, V. Hemala & A. Balázs lgt.), 12 (4 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ 1 L, 20.v.2018, V. Hemala, A. Balázs & V. Franc lgt.); Oncochila scapularis (Fieber, 1844): 8 (1 ♀, 19.v.2018, V. Hemala & A. Balázs lgt.), 12 (1 ♀, 20.v.2018, V. Hemala, A. Balázs & V. Franc lgt.). MIRIDAE: Deraeocorinae: *Deraeocoris ruber (Linnaeus, 1758): 2 (1 spec.,, A. Balázs observ. et photo); Mirinae: *Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze, 1778): 1 (1 ♂ 1 ♀, 7.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 5 (10 ♂♂, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 14 (2 ♂♂, 7.vii.2019, night light, V. Hemala lgt.); *Adelphocoris seticornis (Fabricius, 1775): 1 (1 ♂, 7.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 5 (5 ♂♂, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt. / 1 ♂, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 14 (5 ♂♂, 7.vii.2019, night light, V. Hemala lgt.); *Adelphocoris vandalicus (Rossi, 1790): 1 (3 ♂♂ 1 ♀, 7.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 5 (2 ♂ 1 ♀, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt. / 1 ♂, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 14 (3 ♂♂, 7.vii.2019, night light, V. Hemala lgt.); *Brachycoleus decolor Reuter, 1887: 5 (1 ♀, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.); *Liocoris tripustulatus 254 6–71RYHPEHU 2019, Brno, Czech Republic (Fabricius, 1781): 11 (2 ♀♀, 26.v.2019, A. Balázs lgt.); *Mermitelocerus schmidtii (Fieber, 1836): 11 (1 ♀, 26.v.2019, A. Balázs lgt.); *Rhabdomiris striatellus striatellus (Fabricius, 1794): 8 (1 ♀, 30.iv.2018, A. Balázs lgt. / 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 2.v.2019, V. Hemala lgt.); *Stenotus binotatus (Fabricius, 1794): 5 (1 ♀, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.); Orthotylinae: *Halticus apterus apterus (Linnaeus, 1758): 5 (1 ♀, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt. / 1 ♂, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.); Phylinae: *Harpocera thoracica (Fallén, 1807): 8 (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀, 2.v.2019, A. Balázs & V. Hemala lgt.), 10 (1 ♀, 30.iv.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 11 (5 ♂♂, 30.iv.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 15 (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀, 30.iv.2019, A. Balázs lgt.). NABIDAE: *Himacerus (Himacerus) apterus (Fabricius, 1798): 15 (1 ♂, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.); *Himacerus (Aptus) mirmicoides (O. Costa, 1834): 1 (1 L, 7.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 5 (1 ♂ 1 ♀, 9.iii.2019, V. Hemala lgt. / 2 L, 5.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 11 (1 ♂, 30.iv.2019, J. Bezděk lgt.), 13 (1 ♀, 1.– 2.v.2019, night light, J. Bezděk lgt.), 14 (1 ♀, 3.v.2019, V. Hemala lgt.), 15 (1 L, 6.vii.2019, V. Hemala lgt.). REDUVIIDAE: *Peirates hybridus (Scopoli, 1763): 8 (1 ♂, 3.v.2019, night light, V. Hemala & J. Bezděk lgt.); Coranus (Coranus) subapterus (De Geer, 1773): 8 (1 ♂, 19.v.2018, V. Hemala lgt.); *Rhynocoris annulatus (Linnaeus, 1758): 11 (1 ♀, 2.v.2018, V. Hemala & A. Balázs lgt.), 17 (1 spec.,, V. Hemala observ.); Phymata crassipes (Fabricius, 1775): 20 (1 ♂,, V.
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