THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA CASE NO. : ICTR-2001-73-T THE PROSECUTOR CHAMBER III OF THE TRIBUNAL v. PROTAIS ZIGIRANYIRAZO MONDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2005 1502H TRIAL Before the Judges: Inés Monica Weinberg de Roca, Presiding Lee Gacuiga Muthoga Khalida Rachid Khan For the Registry: Mr. Constant K. Hometowu Mr. Sheha Mussa For the Prosecution: Mr. Hassan Bubacar Jallow Mr. Wallace Kapaya Ms. Gina Butler Mr. Iskander Ismail For the Accused Protais Zigiranyirazo: Mr. John Philpot Mr. Peter Zaduk Court Reporters: Ms. Ann Burum Ms. Sherri Knox Ms. Jean Baigent Ms. Judith Baverstock ZIGIRANYIRAZO MONDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2005 I N D E X WITNESS For the Prosecution: ZUHDI JANBEK Examination-in-chief by Mr. Kapaya .......................................................................................................... 21 EXHIBITS Exhibit No. P. 1E and P. 1F ....................................................................................................................... 25 Exhibit No. P. 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 26 ANN BURUM - ICTR - TRIAL CHAMBER III - page i ZIGIRANYIRAZO MONDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2005 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 MADAM PRESIDENT: 3 Mr. Jallow. 4 MR. JALLOW: 5 Thank you very much. If it pleases the Court, My Lords, the Accused who is -- stands before us today, 6 Protais Zigiranyirazo, is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, with genocide or, in the 7 alternative, complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity by extermination and murder, by virtue of 8 his responsibility under Article 6(1) of the statute of the Tribunal. 9 10 Your Honours, genocide and conspiracy to commit it and complicity in it are never an act of a single 11 individual but one of several, even many, individuals. This particular article obliges us, the Prosecution, 12 to prove individual responsibility of the Accused, and this we expect to do through the witnesses whom 13 we will be presenting before the Court.
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