NOTING THE TRADITION An Oral History Project from the National Piping Centre Interviewee Professor Roddy Cannon Interviewer James Beaton Date of Interview 30 th November 2012 This interview is copyright of the National Piping Centre Please refer to the Noting the Tradition Project Manager at the National Piping Centre, prior to any broadcast of or publication from this document. Project Manager Noting The Tradition The National Piping Centre 30-34 McPhater Street Glasgow G4 0HW
[email protected] Copyright, The National Piping Centre 2012 This is James Beaton for ‘Noting the Tradition.’ I’m here in the National Piping Centre with Professor Roddy Cannon, piper, piping historian and researcher, and also professionally a scientist. It’s St Andrew’s Day 2012 and we’re going to be speaking really about Roddy’s life and times in piping. Roddy, good morning and welcome. Good morning. Good morning. It’s always good to be back. Well, it’s nice to see you here and it’s nice to have you back. I come here on averageabout once a year these days. I give a number of classes and I talk to your students and I talk to the staff and I talk to you and it’s wonderful. Well, it’s nice to have you here. The thing that strikes me very much about your classes is that they’re so different from one year to the next. Some sit quietly and listen, some of them join the debate vigorously, and very occasionally I get confuted by counter arguments and that’s what I like best.