
California State Library Sacramento 9,

JOHN T. WAHLQUIST ROY E. SIMPSON HERMAN J. HAUCK GOODWIN J. KNIGHT ERNEST 0. MELBY J. E. WALLACE STERLING ROBERT G. SPROUL . .. Leads Convocation ... Speaks for Ed. . . . Offers Invocation . . . Speaks for People . Gives Main Speech 1 . . . Stanford Speaker ... U. of C. Speaker Convocation Opens Centennial Fete Colorful Parade Begins Pageant By MIKE BROWN PaZian San Jose State College's Cen- Harvard, St. John's College, Yale, tennial pageant will open tomor- Princeton, Columbia, Phi Beta row with President John T. Wahl- Kappa, Williams, University of quist's Convocation at 10 &mi. in Pittsburgh, Georgetown .Univers- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the Civic Auditorium. The cere- sity, University of . monies, VOL. 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1957 which are open to the Union College, University of Louis- public, will be preceded by a color. ville, University of Maryland. . f(u ,airaiocs adset proce : sciaonm paul so ntgo Sthane Miami University, nonillion Group Finds mict from College, Colby College, Michigan, Art, Des' n Students auditorium. Indiana Universit y, Amherst, 850 Classes officially still he ex- Washington University. Cast Votes Two More George cused from 9:10 a.m. to 12:30 Layfayette College, New York Hold Group Show p.m. for the opening day event Unisersity, tiettysiburg College, Restrictions In the 10 day celebration, ac- Mercer University, Oberlin Col- On First Day Fifty per cent of all social fra- Leon Berg, a senior art major, Jim Burfee, a junior art major, cording to Dean Stanley C. lege, Wake Forest College, Tu- ternities on the SJS campus have and George McLean, a graduate inferior design major, are being Benz lane University, Emory Univer- An "encouraging.' first day vote in the ASB, Court and Class featured in the first small group racial discrimination clauses in show being sponsored by the Art The procession vaill be the lar- sity, Be rallW, Knox College, offices election was registered yesterday when 850 students marked department. their local or national charters, gest of its kind ever held in San University at Missouri. ballots, according to Curtis Luft, prosecuting attorney. Voting con- The exhibit is in Room 210 of the Humanities according to questionnaires of the Library on the level. Jose and is expected to attract Fordham University, Ohio Wes- tinues today until 3:30 p.m. in the Inner Quad, near the Engineering The artists are showing Oils, Watercolors, Ink drawings, Racial Discrimination S t u dy Lithographs, many spectators. Heading the pro. leyan University, Bucknell Uni- Building and near the Women's Gym. and Mixed Media. All the paintings on Group. exhibit have been completed cession will be units from the Re- versity, University of Buffalo, Races for ASB recording secretary and ASB treasurer are ex- *during the past year. The committee serve Officers Training Corps. Grinnell College. City College of tremely close thus far, Luft said. Forty eight students are running for received this in- N. Eric Oback, instructor in Art. St formation Governor Goodwin J. Knight and New York. State University of the 26 offices at stake. yesterday when the last Social Group is the originator of the show. He two President Wahlquist will follow. Iowa, University of Wisconsin, Don Ryans, ASB vice-president, inquiries from social frater- felt that there was work being Holds nities were American Association for the Ad- Is running unoppord for the ASB Co-Rec received. So far, the done among the students in the Delegates from other college,' only groups Hears Housing vancement of Science, Linfield presidency and Al Walhburg and on this campus that department to warrant such an and unisersitles will march two have College, Pacific University, Dom- Cal Callaway are contending for ls.7Ludent Dance discrimination clauses in exhibit. The idea was received fav- ahre.i.t and ill be flanked on their charters are either side by membera of the inican College of San Rafael. the vice president position, Co-Roe sponsors the first All social frater- Report Tonight orably by Dr. John E. French, Other ASB candidates are Liz Student Folk Dance tonight In the nities. head of the Art Defortment end Centennial graduating class. The Northwestern University, U,11i- The Student Y Social Action Bell and Joan Ocser, recording Women's Gym at 7:30 o'clock as Representatives from IFC and the Art faculty. delegates %sill march in 'hr versity of Santa Clara, Ripon Col- Pledge-Petition Committee will secretary % Kathleen Collins, Mar- part of the weekly activities. As a Panhellenic attended yesterday's Students were nominated for logical order with Dr. John W. lege, University of Minnesota. hear a report tonight on the pro- jorie Jackson, So x Kawauchi, special added attraction they are meeting. These representatives the exhibit by the Art faculty. M. Whiting of Harvard Univer- College of Pacific, Tufts Univer- posed student petition for non- Jeanne McHenry, a n d Richard having Ed Gault, one of the lead- agreed to work with the study The three students selected for sity. which was founded in 1663, sity, Mills College, Col- discriminatory housing for SJS P u g h, corresponding secretary: ing San Jose area square dance group to learn the personal opin- the exhibition submitted 35 paint- leading. lege for Women. University of students, according to Mel Powell, Bruce Bush, Chuck Miller and callers, as caller for the evening. ions on the discrimination issue of ings which were judged by Dr. President Wahlguist will pre- San Francisco, Michigan State committee chairman. Grant Salzman treasurer; Mary campus organization members. French, Fred R. Spratt and Ken- side at the ceremonies in the University, Oregon College of Ed- Virginia Buss, Carol Crisler and Six subcommittees will report auditorium and will welcome the ucation. National Education As- The committee agreed to rewrite neth Anvil of the Art staff. Fif- Alice Kunz, female representative to the committee at the meeting guests. The invocation will be of- sociatio. Freeman Airs their recommendations to the teen of these 35 paintings were at large; Bill Sturgeon and Bob which will be held at the Student chosen to be fered by the Rev. Herman J. , organizations and uni. Student Council in light of infor- exhibited. liosfeldt, male representative at Y at 7:30 o'clock. A series of these small group Hauck, S.J.. president of the Uni- versities established after San large. mation received recently. Last Meeting Subcommittees reporting will he exhibits of two and three stu- versity of Santa Clara. Jose State which will be'represent- Court candidates are Bill Biorgo. ASH President Ray Freeman Their recommendations were dents will be held next year. In Congratulations will be ex- ed in the procession are Valparaiso junior male justice, Barbara C. s liar to those of will conduct his last Student roun- the con ro- living groups, person-to-person this way, said Dr. French, the stu- tended to the college by Ray University, Louisiana State Uni- Johnson, Christina Richards, Dor- versial California Assembly bill cil meeting today at 2:35 p.m. in contacts, Spartan Daily, and hand- dents who in a year or two will Freeman, president of the As- versity and Aericuiture and Me- othy A. Williams, female junior No. 758 which would resrict social the Student Union. Top business bills and bulletin boards, Powell be in the professional world can sociated Students, David A. chanical College, Wiieaton College, justice; Ron Ortland and Welvin organizations which have discrim- of the day will be the appointment said. get used to exhibiting their work. Meagerly. president of t he Chapman College, Kansas State Stroud, senior male justice. of the new ASH Prosecuting At- ination clauses in their charters. "Exhibiting is a part of the art- Alumni Assn.; Dr. J. E. Wal- College of Agriculture and Ap- They will present their findings Senior Class candidates include torney and Student Court Chief ist's life," continued Dr. French. lace Sterling, president of Stan- plied Science, University of Mass- and recommendations for publiciz- Caroll Perkins and Jerry Siebes, Justice. The students are all advanced ford University. representing the achusetts, Bates College. Swarth- ing and securing signatures fur president; Alicia Cardona, vice Other items before the Council Cool Wind Today Art students. Berg has studied at private college.; Dr. Robert Gor- more College, University of Den- president; Vivienne Andres, sec- the petition. are the appointment of a Recog- Heavy clouds and a cool ocean Penn State. Nebraska, and is now don Sproul, president of the Un- ver. retary; J ii n e Bibb, treasurer; nition Orimmittee and discussion breeze will be the order of the The committee last week unan- a Fine Arts-Architectural major iversity of California, represent- American AseociatIon of School Penny McCienahan and Betty of the Hungarian Students ex- day. The high for today will be imously approved a resolution for here. He is working toward a spec- ing the state universities; Dr. Administrator.. University of Roberts, representative. pense account. from 68-76. It will be partly cloudy a campus-wide petition for non- ial secondary credential in Art. Roy E. sinvpson, state superin- Kansas, Cornell University, Uni- Junior aspirants are Bill Doug- New ASB officers will take over throughout most of the day. The discriminatory housing at SJS McLean received his AB degree tendent of public. instruction: versity of Kentucky, University las, president; Gerry Reith, sec- the Council next Wednesday. Leav- low for tonight will be from 93-48 and delegated subcommittees for in Fine Arts from Stanford and and Giterniir Knight, represent - of Maine, Carlton College, 0.1. retary: Lavonne Comes, treasurer; ing the Council besides Freeman, with slight winds during the day. investigation. has studied at Mills and Los An. log the people of California. lege of Wooster, Pacific School I3ev Crawford, Marshall Gibson, are Al Stones, Bob Young, Joan _ steles Art Center. He is now work- The Centennial address, "Higher of Religion, Lessis and Clark and Lee Sorg, class representative. Healy, Pat Parish, and Dick Aring- ing in Interior Design. Education for a Dynamic Amer- College, U.S. Office of Education, Sophomore hopefuls are Jerry Four other members ton. are runn- Song Candidates Burtee is an Art major and is ice." will be delivered by Dr. Er- University of 11111nols, Northeast Snyder, president; Ronald Robin- ing for ASB offices and may re- Investment Talk also working toward a 'Pm." m'c- nest 0. afelby, dean emeritus of Missouri State Teachers College. son, vice president; Donna Dean. turn to the The Social Science Division will Council. ondary credential. lie has attend- the School of Education of New University of California, College secretary; Nina Jo Carson, Sandra Attend Meeting present a symposium on securities ed San Jose State for three years. York University. Dr Melby will of Notre Dame, Boston University, Creech, and Donna Lenz, treasur- Song girl candidates and investment tonight at 7:45 should at- lie recently had a one-man show speak on the challenges and prob- University of Nebraska, Purdue er; andEarline Graff, Robert Deadline for Fees tend today's o'clock in the Education Lecture meeting of the Rally at the San Jose Paint and Wall- lems of higher education. University, University of Akron. McClenahan, Patrick Maloney and Today is the deadline for pay- Hall, Room 55. Committee at 3:30 p.m. in the paper Shop. During the Convocation honor- Ohio State University, Colorado Mary Lti Odegard, representative. ment of graduation fees. The Student Union. according to Garry The symposium is being pre- The students for these exhibits ary master of music degrees will State University, Syracuse 11ni- Voting for all offices is done by: $15.50 levy includes an $8.75 ac- Waller, committee chairman. Pres- sented in cooperatinn with the !, are chosen so that their work will be confered upon Miss Yvonne evrsity, Wellentiley College, Smith the preferential method, according tivities charge, $5 alumni fee, and ent song girls will be on, hand to San Jose committee on "Invest in ; present a well-balanced show. The Patricia Dalis and Stanley Walker College, Central Missouri State to Student Court Chief Justice $1.75 diploma charge. Payment answer questions and give instruc- America Week." The public is in- exhibit will be in the Library un- Hollingsworth. A master of let- College. American Public Health Gary Clarke. may be made in Room 16. tions. sited. til May 13. ters degree will be presented to Association. Uniersity of Ore- Clyde Arbuckle, local historian. gon, Colorado College, University Miss Dabs, a 1946 graduate from of Nevada, Brigham Young Uni- SJS. will he featured Friday in evrsity, George Peabody College Centennial Concert Offers Outstanding Talent a Centennial Concert at the Civic for Teachers, Park College, VVest. Auditorium. Hollingsworth's "Sta. minister Friday night's Centennial Con- by William Erlendson; Thomas era College, Columbia University, with arousing ilollintzsworth's in- School of Music in a fellowship bat Mater" will he presented in a Americanmicalrco Ctaliegel Sec i e t y, cert will offer students and local Ryan, pianist, and two former stu- where she was awarded her M.A. terest in music. where he studied under Carl world premiere at the %AMC con- American I..ibrary Association, residents a chance te hear some dents, singer Irene Delis and com- degree in 1947. After a period of He studied under the noted com- Frierlburg, a pupil of Clara Schu- cert. Johns Hopkins University, Univer- outstanding musical talent as poser Stanley Hollingsworth, private study with Edyth Walker poser, Darius Milived, during a mann. Added highlight to the aeademic sity of Colorado, University of part of the college Centennial Cel- Miss Delis a 1946 SJS graduate, and Paul Althouse, she will be the presen- Southern California, coe college, received a slimmer str4sion at Mills College W. Gibson Walter, director of proceedings ebration. is a leading mezzo-soprano of the Fulbright scholarship in 1951 and and for one year on a Mills tation of a Spartan Shield, a gift University of , American later the San Jose State College Sym- The concert, which will be held Stadtische Opera in Wed Berlin. went to Milan, Italy, where she After Milhaud's re- from the City of Sparta, Greece, Association of University Wo- scholarship. phony Orchestra, is an associate at the San Jose Civic Auditorium She was recently invited to sing at studied for two years at the Giu- turn Hollingsworth was by Harris J. Booras, president of men, Hastings College, Pacific to France. professor of music at SJS who has at 8:30 p.m. on Friday. May 3, will the Metropolitan Opera House in seppe Verdi Conservatory of Mu- awarded scholarship to the the Amercian Foundation for Union C'ollege, Oregon College of a Cur- extensive training and experience. be open to the public without ad- New York where she received a sic. tis MUSIC at Philadel- Green.. Dr. E. P. Panagorstulos, Eduesti,in, University of North Institute of Ile founded the Women's Synt- mission charge on a first standing ox stain at her debut role there for assistant professor of history will Dakota, Modern Language As- come The second former student to phia. He studied five phony, Texas State College for first served basis. as Princess Eboli In "Don Carlo." years Gian-Carlo acceptance speech in sociation of America. National be lumored will be composer Stan- with Menotti Women, end has won numerous make the She has taken a week's vacation and later herame R faculty mem- Greek. Historical Association, American KNBC will broadcast the con- ley Hollingsworth whose "Stabat musical awards and scholarships- from her operatic engagements Institute. Convocation program will Association for Health. P. E. and cert Monday evening, May 5. at Mater" i; receiving its world pre ber of the The and flown tic-re from Germany in I 955 Itidlingsworth was William FrIendson, director of levied. selections hs the A Cap- Recreat 8 o'clock in place of the regularly niiere at the concert On Feb. 10 In order to sing in Friday's Centen- awarded the rers et...ft Prix de Flome the A Capella Choir. is acting ella ('holy, directed hy William Golicher College Springfield schedttled Boat on Symphony broad- of this year. his opera "IA Grarifie nial Concert. head of the music department and manful,. prorefaor Colliege. Stanford University, Un- cut. Breteche" had its world premiere where his scholarship has been a. rairadson, A native of San Jose where her an associate professor of music at Ssmphoale iversity of A rizon a. American on NBC-TV. extended to enable him to work ef musk. and by the The concert will be entirely an parents still reside, Miss Dabs at the American Academy. SJS. Ile has toured the United Band, directed by Robert Y. National Red Cross, Winthrop Col- SJS affair which will feature _the studied voice here with Miss Mau- Hollingsworth. a native of Pianist Thomas Ryan, associate States as a member of the St Mate. lege, American Association of San Jose State College Symphony tine Thompson and piano with Berkeley, attended SJS for two professor of music at SJS, is an Olat's Choir and has studied com- Special representatives to, the Land-Grant Colleges and State Orchestra directed by Gibson Wal- William J. Erlendson. years where he also studied piano accomplished pianist and compos- position under the noted Canadian ronvoratinn. In the order of the Universities, Chico State, Nebras. ters, the A Capella Choir directed Dalis then attindvd Teach- t with LrleraLtia, who ia credited er, lie studied at the Juilliard choral connxr-cr, Maley Willem year ot nistitulional iuundini;s arc (Ceatisee4 ea page 4) rh. 'CAHPER Serves P.E. Dept. Majors ' By DONNA BLAZ1N I Fund was started in her memory. aJq' Record Firms Women physical e d u cation from 1937 to 1953 this scholar- JOSE STATE COLLEGE majors formed a Major Club inland SAN to Flood Market 1922 for the following purposes: ship was pressill'A a senior physical education major who had 1) To promote and maintain unity Page 2 Wednesday, May I, 1957 By RAND'''. t.. POE oetstaieling selsearsliip aiming faculty and women stu- *displayed Record l'll11111.11lie. may be creat- citizenship during ber vollege dents majoring in physical educa- and ing n monster which will eat them career. In 1954 the seolarship was EDITORIAL tion: 2) To further the profession- alive unless policy changes are certificate, the thit.. al interests of women in the field changed to a soon made. Achievement Award. of physical education; 3) To pro- standing Most firma have been flooding vide departmental social activities; Centennial Success Hinges on Students the mimic:al markets with records, 4) To maintain and stock the a few of them excellent but most President's Convocation and Procession with more than 1000 par- Major Club Library. of them mediocre. In short, too +icipants and delegates from 200 colleges and universities opens the In 1947 the organization's name many discs are out. 10 -day Centennial celebration tomorrow with the accent on student was changed to the Women's arid faculty participation. 'Just when a new tune begins to SHANK'S Physical Education-Recreation break well, a host of companies CLEANERS Major Club and remained as such DRIVE-IN The reel success L.( our Centennial celebration rests with student pull up their record trucks and until 1954. At that time it affili- IN BY 9:00 OUT AT 5:00 and faculty participation in the varied Centennial activities. It is dump a new crate of plat ten; on ated with the San Jose State Col- 2nd 1 Son Carlos easy enough to say that Centennial events are for alumni, public of- the doorsteps of the ilia- joekeys lege Student Unit of the Califor- ficials and the college administration but the fact remains that Sun The result is that many potentially. nia Assn. for Health, Physical Ed- Jose State College is our school, an institution rendeririq an educa- commercial offerings, %%oh %%en- iication and Recreation. It is now tional service to us wth a Centennial celebration aimed at student trained talent, dying pre- know as CAHPER. interest and participation. PLAT'. iloNoits - Nan,. Burke (left) of Eta Epsilon, h mature deaths. Major Vamp Is one of the out- economics secial 4.11111. P.st IrCarroll of Phi Epsilon Omicron, Many of the rhythm and blues President's Convocation, Speech and Drama productions, con- home economies h society, present Dr. standing activities of the year John T. Wahliiiiiet companies are yelping that they cert, department open houses and exhibits ,-rd Pushcart Relays, are (right) with a Centennial plate dc-signs-ti to conunemorete the tooth fur CARPER and is designed are not getting widespread Irs- a few of the Centennial events that involve student and faculty par- birthday of San Jose state College. Joe It. West, dean of educational to sense its an informal orien- Nervier% and the summer sessients. and poxure. Vet the fault. in many ticipation and supervision. These events culminate months of faculty- Centennial chairman, is ob- tation period for faculty and stu- serving the presentation. The home economics societies sided to Mies. rests with the it-sind-R student cooperative planning. to promote the plates. dents of the department. The work together distributors themselves. camp is held each fall Just be- We are not being subjected to 10 days of mandatory attend- They make it almost impossible fore school starts. ance at events fostered by the college administration for college ad- for a new artist to capture the Libyan Tells Transmission Of American Graduates have an opportunity ministration enjoyment. The administration, realizing the true suc- public's attention. Only the super- to visit each spring when the Alum- cess of the Centennial celebration rests with student participation, big names are drawing nationwide ni Breakfast is co-sponsored by carefully outlined a variety of activities which they felt would be in- Culture To His Country Through Films Interest, Second-rate disc. are Tau Gamma. A library also is teresting and informative to students. It is up to us to paste the label By BEVERLY REYNOLDS too prevalent. sponsored by CAIIPER as a see. of success on San Jose State College's Centennial. American culture and life, in live to them, particularly in towns 'The companies will obviously in- vice to physical education students the form of motion pictures, is where there are no movies. "They jure themselves with these ugly and faculty. being !transported across deserts like to do what the people' do in offerings of Especially of- Miss Alice Bassler, founder of and over mountains to audiences t he films," Shagruni explains, fensive to music are the artificial the Women's Physical Education IN OUT Sigma Delta Chi is Biggest and Oldest all over the world by the United "particularly they copy the way calypso horrors which many major Department, created a three DRY CLEANERS States Information StI'Vice. the AfTWEiC/111 people work to- companies are unveiling. Some of .,ir program in 1925 and also Journalism Mobile units and even animals gether." . them ("Calypso Mambo," "Ugh a SHIRT LAUNDRY Group; 23,000 Members est:41)11.11.st a perlal credential are used to carry USIS films to Primarily the films explain Burl sound like stock car crack- Directly Behind Newberry's By JIM DRENNAN to be given for iihysical educa- cities and remote villages, accord- methods of irrigation, agriculture ups. Obviously they were made Newspapermen are known as a gregarious lot, and this need for tion at R.N. "SIN" GREEN STAMPS ing to Abdalla Lasued Shagruni, ,and industry. American sports and during a coffee break. professional companionship is filled at SJS by Sigma Delta Chi, The Alice Ressler Scholarship . men's USIS motion picture technician news films are favorites with the Unfortunately, the record buy- professional journalistic fraternity. from Tripoli. Libya. Shagruni was people. also. "Our Times." a mon- ers and juke-box patronizers must The local chapter of SDX is one of 60 undergraduate chapters the guest last week of the Audio thly, 20-minute review of events of sample the sour milk en-route to of the oldest, largest ..id most select professional organization in Visual Aids Department while territorial significance, is a par- the cream. %it}, journalism. The only professional journalism fraternity, SDX has a touring the campus. He is one of ticular favorite. Max ghuIman worldwide membership of, 23,000 men in every field of journalism. 17 U.S. Infcsrmation Service mem- RADIO ARM OF USES - -s T1 gh the national organize- (Author of "Borrfoot Pry With Clerk," ate.) bers now touring the United The Libyan explains that "The Co-Rec Activities tion is 48 years old, having been States studying American life. Voice of America carries out the founded at entlienies Shagruni is responsible for the functions as the radio arm of the Designed for Fun; ai Ems ersity in 1909. the local Spa2tan educational film program in Libya. USIS. The Service uses all methods DELIGHT chapter is a rriatke VIDEOT'S He arranges showings for the of communication in the free world Leadership 'Lab' hissing reseised its charter lei Entered as second class matter country and maintains equipment. to inform all people throughout Ity DONN.% SLAVIN San Jots, Calif, 1954. The academic world has made its first tentative steps April 24, 1934, at There are 210 overseas film the world of policies and objet- Co-Rec, a committee of the Stu- under the act of March 3, 1879. into television. A few lectures, a few seminars, but may Sigma Delta Chi has a threefold libraries that help carry out the fives of United States govern- dent Council ,has been Member California Newspaper Pub- the designed I respectfully suggest that the academic world has not U.S. Information Service's bus- lishers' Association. purpose: to enable journalists to ment and to' counter the distor- to meet the co-recreational needs yet learned the full potential of television? Published daily by the Associated associate on an organized basis, iness. More than 6000 sound pro- tions of hostile proaganda." of students when they are not met Collage, Students of San Jose State to assist the members in acquiring jectors are maintained by the Ser- The USES records VOA broad- by other campus activities and Why don't the colleges use television's vast capacity except Saturday and Sunday, during unshackle the imagination? "the noblest principles of journal- vice. casts to be transcribed later on organizations. to dramatize, to amuse, to Pb. college year with one issue due "The mission, defined by the Like, for example, this: ing each final examination period. ism," and to advance journalism local stations in Libya. This is Recreation majors and minors, Subscriptions accepted only on standards by fostering a higher President, directs USIS to tell all due to the difference In time who make up the ('n -lieu' com- ANNOUNCER: Howdy, folks. Well, it'i time again for In remainder-of-school year beaus. ethical code, thus increasing the peoples throughout the world the between the U.S. and Libya. mittee, welcome all students to that lovable, laughable pair, Emmett 'Twonkey Magruder, Fall semester, $3; in Spring semester, profession's values as an "uplifting truth about the official aims and People in Libya turned partic- come to the weekly activities Ph.D., and Felicia May Crimscott, M.A., in that rollick- 11.50. social agency." acts of the United States," Shag- ularly to the VQA for information to gain new friends, meet other ing, roistering fun show, American History 101.... And here they are, the team that took the "hiss" out of Telephone: CYprese 4-6414-Edi- runi relates. during the Suez crisis, Shagruni students with similar interests, Main Advertising Dept. event on the local chap- "history"Emmett Twonkey Magruder and Felicia May torial, Ext. 210; This worldwide information job relates. and find relavution in co -rec- Crimscott! Est. 211. ter's calendar each year is the is carried on through all means "Since President Eieenhower reational gamest, 'sports a n d Pf.S1 of the Glob* Printing Co., "Deadline Dinner," begun in 1954. of commilnicat ion - films, radio, first outlined his proposal on special social activities. 1445 South First St. San Joie. Celif. These dinners feature an outstand- libraries, exhibits and personal peaceful uses of atomic energy In ing speaker, present skits lam- 1946 the Student Council contact, according to the technic- In BM, hundreds or millions of budgeted $25 for Co-Rec and since E? d? itor pooning campus personalities and ian. [wont.. hate seen l'SIS atoms that time the budget has grown BOB PENTZER events, and, for the past two Two film libraries are main- for peace films," Shagruni states. to $550. A recreation faculty mem- B esiness Managr years, present the "Faculty Man tained in Libya, one in Tripoli Nineteen of these films have ber became the adviser in HENRY HUSTEGT of the Year" award. The honor 1949 and one in Bengasi. Each library been ehown in 79 countries, and and since that time Co-Rec has Day Editor was conferred by the chapter last contains 600 different types of have carried sound tracks in 32 been under the Recreation De- ART COOK year upon Robert I. Guy, associate films. Members of the staff are languages. partment's wing. Neon Ealltor Walt Taylor professor of speech and this year sent out with mobile units to dis- San Jose is the fourth stop on Feature Editor Miritfit Pours upon Dr. Dwight Bente]. head of The weekly activities_da_more Becker tant villages where the films are Sports Editor Dos the Department of Journalism and Shagruni's itinerary. lie "hopes to than provide students with fun. Society Editor Pati Baratini shown to large audiences. Shagruni learn something from American They serve Os a leadership "lab" Fine Arts Editor Mary Ann Billeci Advertising. accompanies these units, giving life to be adapted to my people." 'A (wry ifiFtied to ti Wire Editor Jim Kallenbisch for the recreation majors and 114/ ceciatete. Another important SDX SOW - talks on the films and American Photo Ed;tor Jim Coll.,' This aim will be carried out by minors who organize and co- Berthold ity is the publication each year Eschews Editor - Rosalind life. lectures on America to the people ordinate Co-Bee. DR. MAGRUDER: Howdy, folks. A funny thing hap- illaa41 Liberian Donna of a "mail -home edition of the BAD ROADS of his country. pened to me on the way to my doctorate. A mendicant REPORTERS SPARTAN DAILY, designed to Road conditions are often very Shagruni was "very surprised" approached me and said, "Excuse me, sir, will you give Donna Crain, Mike Brown, Tow Brof. inform parents of life at SJS. had, making travel difficult, Shag. me 25 cents for a sandwich?" I replied, "Perhaps I will, fy, Arthur Cook, Bob Craft, Jim Cy - to see di ise-in restaurants and HEnnEovmactints my good man. Let me see the sandwich." Mel Gaunt'. C- runi relates. Desert sands often pher, Jim Dr , The members meet regularly to movies in America as there are 96i san [9.2.750 Doug Hill, Bill Ho- fer celie Hansen, cover roads, and in some countries, none in Libya. His first impression Miss CR1MSC0TT: Oh, how droll, Dr. Magruder! worth. Tern Latimer", Lyndon Man- discuss various phases of the press RENT A TYPEWRITER How such as India, animals are used of America w a s "People a r piquant! How je ne min Jinni! ... But enough of badi- ley, Ranciiis Poe. Larry Reese, Bea- and to hear instructive talks by SPECIAL STUDENT to transport the equipment. hurrying, racing, and working all ci 2 nage. Let us get on with our rollicking, roistering fun erly Reynolds, Jerry Sheehan, Gene RATE. 3 MONTHS Tessandori Jr., Bill Watkins, practicing journalists. Several USES films are part icularly the time." show, American History 101. ADVERTISING STAFF limes a year. members of the SJS useful in Libyan !schools, lir- DR. MAGRUDER: Today we will Office Manager Katherine Rendone cording to Shagruni. where they dramatize the taut and chapter are the guests of the pro- tingling story of John Smith and Pocahontas. I will play John McCallion, Dawn Tognoli, Larry are III41*(1 11 allItio iollai aids. fessional chapter in San Francis- Captain Smith and Miss Crimseott will play Pocahontas. Kaufman, William Boggic Frances Both primans and high schools Stuart, Jerry Humpel, Robert Nichols, newspaper- CO, at which time top use the films Projectors a r e ANNOUNCER: But first a message from our sponsor. Ed Regaledo, Robert Sheldon, Robert ... Folks, Reinhart, Diana Wikoff, Shirley Bug- men speak. loaned to e try schools. The haveyou tried a Philip Morris lately? Have you treated good natural go, Nick Boll VifiC TIRE yourself to that tobacco - zestful films are primarily in the Arabic Looking toward the future. John 1r yet mild, hearty yet gentle, rich yet William Guimont, dulcet? Robert Glreere language, I % ever, *some Italian Hmmm? Marcia Haggard, Roger La.,. 1.0011 Keplinger, SDX president, said he Have you? ...If not, light a Philip Morris soon. Light Kopsolis, Ken Corntt, George Mc- an English language films are either end.... And now hopes that the local chapter even- to our grim and gripping story. Kane.. also shown. Picture, if you will, a still summer night. An Indian tually can offer a scholarship each maid stands by The motion pictures also are SALE a moonlit brook. Sudden'y she hears a year to a deserving journalism shown to the pubic', according to footstep behind her. She turns.. student. Shagruni. Libyans are very rerep- Miss Citimscorr: Oh! John Smith! titi-um startle- 1111. .1.011 um me-um! mnmmla. &&&&& DR. MAGRUDER: Hello, Pocahontas. What are you doing down by the brook? MISS CRIMSrOTT: Just washing out a few scalps. But Lght Lunches GOODYEAR what-urn you-um want-tam? Fourt'ain Service DR. MAGRUDER: I came to see the Chief. MISS CR1MSCOTT: You-um can't -urn. Chief is leaving 3-11 Tire Sale for Chicago. DR. MAGRUDER: On what track? ON 100 LEVEL CUSTOM _ ANNOUNCER t And speaking of tracks, stay on the right track with Philip Morris the track that heads SUPER CUSHIONS straight for smoking pleasure, for fun, for frolic, for sweet content.... And now back to those two cool cats, brides' stationery Emmett Twonkey Magruder and Felicia May Crimnott, guest registers DR. MAGRUDER; Well, folks, that's all for today. See Check these prices! you next week, samesttiamye,tusnaemde so William corn imprinted napkins and matches MissMISS CRINRCOTT: Bryant: Girl Intern." tablecloths, cups, plates ANNouNcER: And remember, folks, each end of Philip Open 6 Days a Week 'Ask for our FREE booklet Morris is ignitable. It's just good, rich, natural tobacco, Across The Street "SO YOU'Illt GOING TO RE MARRIED" STATE SHELL SERVICE any way you light it! From Student Union OMes 3hulm.n. 1057 Across from the Student Union you DUTCH MILL Any stay light is. spent. Any terry yore like it -long she errata? - we're 165 Sa.firil St FOURTH and SAN FERNANDO or got iv. Natural Philip Made LUNCHEONETTE )101101.1er Young by Oh people nho bring ,tru this column. 11E3 EAST SAN FERNANDO eeneemeesie,

17, Gridders Continue Drills; Lack Size, Small in Numbers By DON BECKER lar. and natural ability, they seem to junior 'college talent can be re- give the Spartans a rugged pair, 104 ith are the 1111111bern Riles (.115-Mike Jones What insist be one of dor the small- want to play, and as any coach cruited over the summer, and few of guards, but there is not much of I he respeets% e teams l'yello 1.11 -Roger tool wit grid ageregatitins had in San Jose will tell you, that is half the believe that it can, the road to proven ability after that. Bob 111.114: TEAM i it John Colombo 1(11-13111 Montento A Ir.. I I .1 annals ran hip Biome!) light shills battle., winning football games next fall Plaehn, a transfer from Iowa Uni- V-1Con Earl (200) COLD %%1 Ill-Joe Barring...a yesterday in tile Blond, smiling Titchenal Is oh- I'. going to be rocky. versity where he won is freshman US-Statt Keith 11351 Nechohs pressure free 055 at- .viousiy not of the school which While the Spartans are doubt- letter. could give the locals added li(i-ticorge 'torrent (210) .ismlieri mosphe:e c r e si- ha,- contends you beat and yell desire lessly weak, the team does hive strength here. At present, he is LT-Nick Sanger (220) s BLATT'S MARKET ted by easy go- Into a team. He moves quietly a few strong points. The halfback suffering from a back injury, has KT-Prentis Porter (20:S) L?T -Manuel Elias Corner 8th & Williams ing new coach and speaks softly. He shows his positions, for instance, are well not donned pads. LI:-Dan Colchico (212) RT-Rob Rose nem Bob Titchenal. players respect. Result is that the stacked. Benny Guzman, Jim ;slick Sanger. at 226 lbs. the RE-Jim Moore 11901 LE--Jim Johnson Meats, Groceries, Not only are respect is returned and the play- Riley. Harval Pollard, Tom Uyetia, biggest of the Spartans. has been QB--Dick 't'ernteil (1'7)) RE-T Michell Magazines, Drugs the Spartans. ers like him. Gary Webb, Ken Matsuda and Impressive in early drills and fig- LH-Hanel Pollard (170) QR-Ron Woherton and Sundries comp arartively A major facet of team desire is Clarence Nunes are all .speedy, uses to give a top flight pets RD -Benny Roman (175) LH-CM retire Nunes speaking, dimin- a will on the part of each player rugged ball toters. Unfortunately forma nce at tackle. FR-Al Chapman (lI5) 1111-Itars Webb A Ken 3latsuda ..4030"40,7.4r:e utive in size, to play coach. On this all are small. Elsewhere, the Spartans RED TEAM 110-1101. Keller TITCHENAL for the need I AIM Auto Repair they also are count, Bob has taken a big stride Another halfback, Greenville help. If not help, at least im- Marcie! itREEN 11:7151 General Auto Repair small in numbers. Active partici- forward. Clevland, has run the 100 yard provement. A little of both will 1.(1-11ob Moore C-Don DrTata Hydieret,s ally pants yesterday numbered only But desire is only half the dash in 9.9 and needs only to probably conic by September. Ito)er 1.4.-Its,y Harrah r' Student Rts 54241 enough to comprise four . teams, story. The ability factor must also loosen up before making a serious Yesterday's workout saw Titch-1 1.T-8111 Sickles I . -Herb 1'u:otos:ski CT 456 E. Sea Salvador one less than operated during be considered. Most observers feel bid for a starting berth. Joe Val- (mat break his club down into ItT--tturek Ennis -.101th Iteawesi Sea Jose Monday's drills. there is an alarming paucity of dez is another halfback who four teams. The Blue team con- ' LE-Tom iiii i i ant I. [-Ray Bartels While local gridders are lacking real talent on the San Jose prac- gives the Spartans depth. stituted the first string; Red the RE-Dick Templeton I S. -Manuel Ortiz in size, numbers in most cases, tice field. Unless a trainload of Stan Keith and George Barrera second: Gold, third, and Green1 QB-Marv 511cKnitt 1:".--let Black For the Dance ... Novice Mermen Spartan 54/2PP Li Sports Slate A lovely MAY Corsage 1 Baseball at Pepperdine Wednesday, May I , I 957 In Meet Today SPARTAN DAILY Page 3 Baseball Frost) vs. San Jose IC from 3 p.m. BAKMAS 1 Tennis at Stanford, 1:30 The Intramural Swimming Meet , 100-yard medley relay :mil an- 2 HOUSE OF FLOWERS will take place this afternoon at other team For the 200-yard free- Baseball at San Diego NTC More Than 350 Spikers 3 Baseball at San, Diego NTC 10th & Santa Clara CY 2-0462 3 o'clock in the Spartan Pool of style event. 3 Baseball Froah at Santa Clara the Men's Gymnasium. In the individual medley race, High (Washington Park), 7:30 fraternity the swimmer has a choice of eith- -GOLDEN WEST -- Both and independent Compete In p.m. breaststroke on All-Comers participants will conniete in the er the butterfly or 3 Golf vs. Fresno. 1 p.m. DRY CLEANERS right events. the first lap and then must do the More than by Norton earlier day, Fort Ord's Ed Broome, 350 entries have half-stride 4 Baseball at San Diego backstroke for the second lap qnd and Each fraternity may place two been received for Saturday's All- this season, however, might be the lostt bet Marines the freestyle for the remaining 25 Corners BACHELOR SERVICE men in each of the six individual Meet at Spartan Field, A darkhorse possibility is Len to upset Lewis. Broome has just 4 Judo Invitational yards. which events: will be the Spartans' final Noles of the SCYC, who uncorked missed the 23 -foot mark and 4 Track SJS All-Comers LAUNDRY home track appearance sea- a The 50-yard freestyle, 50-yard In the 100-yard medley relay, of the 9.7 and 20.9 clocking% last week, looks as if he is capable of a 7 Tennis Froth at Stanford son - San Francisco State's Mel Bell much better Jump. awe backstroke, 50-yard breaststroke, the first lap will be backstroke, Flash, 2:30 FAST SERVICE Fort Ord, the Santa Clara has been booked at 10-flat and Following the Spartans' lopsided 100-yard freestyle, the diving and the second will be breast stroke, 7 Baseball Frosh at Menlo IC.. In at 9 - Out at 5 the 75-yard individual medley. the third butterfly, and the final youth Center, the San Francis- 21.9. loss to UCLA and Fresno State 3 p.m. Each fraternity house may sub- a freestyle movement. co Olympic Club, the Presidio, The highjump could be the last week, the locals began im- 7 Tennis vs. St. Mary's (Tenta- Moffett Field, San Francisco meet's most exciting event, mediate workouts: Three Spartans 25 S. 3rd mit one team (four men) for the Partial diving rules are as fol- tive) 2:30 State, College of the Pacific, SCYC's Olympic duo, Vern Wil- -Ron Gross. Wes Bond. and Ken Open 7:30-6. Sat 7:30-1 lows: the first dive will be a corn- R Tennis Ys Stanford, 2:00 and San Jose State have entered son (6-91 and Herm Wyatt 16-6). Napier - apparently took the loss (jack or swan), 8 Tennis vs Mt. View High pulsory front dive teams in the collegiate division. meet the SFOC's Ernie Shelton seriously. All broke school records will be option- School, 2:30 and the other four Some of the outstanding prep (6-7%), Jack Razetto (6-5) and in 1320 tests this week. SLAIGIATOGA als, except that the compulsory 9 Golf vs. San Francisco State, Ask to see UNION ¶-307e talent in the area also will com- Bernie Allard (6-5). All are among Wes Bond will attempt to dou- may not he attempted 1 p.m. First dive pete. Tracksters will battle men in the best teepees in the nation, ble in the mile and two mile for Glen Marlon again. 10 Baseball vs. USF, 3:00 fcird Branilo their own classes, with each man's The SFOC will employ former the first time this season. He'll re- 10 Golf at COP; 1 p.m. Aterte ji hest In National Collegiate Athletic As- three previous efforts being Yale ace Tod Lewis (24-3) in the ceive his stiffest competition from 11 Track West Coast Relays at "TEAHOUSE OF THE sn. rules and scoring will he fol- used as the criterion. broadjump. The Spartans' Wilton ex-Indiana ace Lowell Zellers (4: Fresno BACK BACK ROOM AUGUST MOON" lowed. Clint Redus, who stepped on a (Fingers) Jones and Payne 11.0 and 9:18), who now runs for Pius 11 Baseball Vs USF, 1:30 hurdle and sprained his ankle at Greene, both of whom have the Presidio, ('OP's Jack Meriden "BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG" Alpha tau Omega was last 14 Golf at Santa Clara Fresno, will' be ready to go in the stretched out 23 feet this year, (4:171, Presidio two year's winner in the splash com- -miler Fred 14-17 Tennis State Tournament (34 100 and 220. Redus is a 9.7 cen- are about ready to snap their Hickbey (9:14) and the SCYC petition and will attempt to make ace, at Berkeley tury galloper. slump. it two in a row this afternoon. Gar Williams (4:27 and 9:441. 17 Golf at Stanford. 1 p.m. &IS' 'Rapid Ray Norton won't OWN) 1E Moffett Field's best is Jim Sa- Napier, who recorded his all- 18 Track State College champ- V. - 30 43 0 have things easy Saturday. He'll vercovl, who .has leaped 21-6. time best (4:19) four-lap record ionships at Spartan Field face Fort Ord's Ron Smith (9.7 while the Presidio ()mints on John against Cal, will also be a threat. 18 Judo Judo Banquet g**** Glirde I and 22.0) and Sammy McWin- Arcaro (21-6). Arearo has nailed Mike Yeager, who has dis.ap- 24 Track Coliseum Relays STARS! ter (9.9 and 22.0). and SFOC's FOUR e down 9.9 and 21.6 readings in the pointed both himself and Coach 25 Track California Relays at ...Doily News Keith Brownsberger (9.6 and sprints this year. Bud Winter in the mile thus far, ST. Modesto nerisicoma 3415 SO. FIRST 21.3), who was whipped by a COrs Leo Goodwin h a will shift over to the two-mile 26 Judo Mann College Invita- "EDINIOROUGH FESTIVAL" broadjumped 21-8 and will be Saturday. He has looked good in Both in Color SHOCKERS! tional NOW! 2 practice sessions. Spartan set for his biggest effort Sear- recent 31 Track Compton Invitational "KRONOS" Golfers JUNE STUDIO Jeff Morrow- Barbara Lawman" - plus - Trounce U. of C., Track Pacific Association Bruins Lambast Spartan AAU at Stockton Randolph Richard "SHE DEVIL" Mari Blanchard 11-15 Track NCAA, Austin, Scott Boone George Scores 71 Texas SUNDAY: "Ilaelielor Party" Baseballers in South, 9-3 Maureen O'Sullivan Coach Walt McPherson's San 21-22 Track National AAU, Day- Jose State golf varsity blasted By DON BE('KER ton, Ohio. THE TALL T" rival University-a( California by Coaeh-Eddie-Seisetak's Spartan baseballers were socked for the MAYFAIR You'l) be Out belle of the Cen a one-sided 23'i to 3'i score Double Technicolor Show yes- second straight time on their southland safari yesterday as they tenniI Ball in lovely gown Alan Ladd terday afternoon at the Orinda succombed to UCLA, 9-3. from Audrey's. Designed in the "THE BIG LAND" Country Club. Southern Cal lambasted the locals 19-3 on Monday to open the War Film Tonight "HOT SUMMER NIGHT" plus newest styles and fabrics. Se Standout Ernie Gorge again San Jose tour in the land of the smog and sardine tight highways. "All Quiet on the West ern them at Leslie Nielsen - Colleen Miller "KELLY AND ME" showed his tallents by Front," famed World War Van Johnson - Piper Laurie pacing the The Spartans will make another bid for a win today when they I mov- dual match with a one under par tangle with Pepperdine. Fortunately today's foe is not of the same ie, will be presented tonight in 71 for the Spartans and teammate - - *stripe as either of the two CIBA Morris Dailey Auditorium by the Andrei, 95 EL RANCHO SPARTAN DRIVE-IN Eddie Duino Jr. son of the San Iclubs, though neither are they Sabre Air Command and the Ar- Rock Dan Jose Country Club pro toured the pushovers. nold Air Society. 76 W. SAN ANTONIO Hudson Duryea D eborah Robert etters Meet lit Mitchum course in an even par 72. The cinema classic begins at between and Market "BATTLE HYMN" Kerr Against UCLA, the occasionally KNOWS. MR. ALLISON' California's Dick Derry was the 7:30 o'clock, Admission le 25 rents CY 4-4168 Plus ['HEAVEN mighty San Jose bats clicked for Bear's top finisher with a two Indians Today Cask-Lay-Away-Charga "GUNS OF FORT PETTICOAT" "KELLY AND ME" 12 hits while the Bruins could Pe, -Piper Lauri, over par 74, good enough for Aud4 Murphy__ Kathy Grant 'Van Johnson fifth Spartan tennsimen met their only muster eight. But SJS com- place. fifth season defeat yesterday as mitted four errors and a combin- Spartans Ross Carley and Dave the San Francsico State Gators ation of timely swats and a few THE NICEST PEOPLE Cranston each had a one over par pulled an upset win 5-4 in the walks were enough to give UCLA 73 for a third place tie and local- - Look to the Skies Bay City. The San Jose State its wide bulge on the scoreboard. OPEN are our customers: 3 lies Jack Cummings and Jim Clark the farm today netters will visit MON. came in with scores of 75. to battle the Stanford Indians Hal Kolstad started on th. enjoy the peak of taste, 4:95111Cle- For an Exciting Career!! Yesterday's triumph over the seeking their tenth win. mound for the locals and rlshion in every season 7 Bears added a few hours until the fourth when the Br THURS. more of The Gators capitalized on their 4 glory to the already-triumphant pushed across four runs. Bill r, victories in the upper singles and 'TIL by renting complete Dislike Routine? Then you should consider a career in Spartans, who won the Northern took over the hill work and I., jr/ 2 doubles matches as the Spartans 8 P.M.formal 11w ,..ky as a United Air Lines Stewardess. California Intercollegiate If only long enough to take a .:. outfits. I go took the lower three singles and 0 tournament last weekend on the breath. Larry Peterson replaced one doubles contest. In the day's serves all of the West, Pasta Tiempo course. Kline in The fifth and went tie. Want to Travel? United Air Lines feature match SFS's Joe Dawkins 35 So. 4th St. The Tuxedo Shop You will he able to Friday the Spartans will play rest of the way for San Jose. Kol - \vv., England and Hawaii. smashed Marty Halfhilt the num- sisit such cities as Boston, New York, Washington. for the West Coast Athletic Con- start was charged with the los, her one Spartan. 6-0, 6-3. D.C., Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Salt Lake City, ference championship on the La his second against six wins. Anger. Sam Waggoner and Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Honolulu. as Rinconada greens in Los Gatos. Don Rod Barrette turned In San Jose The USC tilt was strictly ludic- well as more than 70 other cities served Icy the 62ee .11111( CIBA league leadurs State's singles wins and Hal Smith rous. The Nation's No.1 Airline.. and Waggoner teamed up to take obliterated all S.IS hopes in the the third doubles match for the fifth inning as they gayly scamp- Floral Artists meet all kinds - dowagers and Min- Like People? You'll A locals' wins. ered around the bases for 11 tal- imum senators, and, singers. actors and athletes. three pitchers 98 E. Santa Clara St, In the first doubles event. Spar_ lies. San Jose used And you will he part of a ssell-traincd. carefully Trojan, tans Halfhill and Barrette took in A effort to curb the CY 5-4934 or CY 5-4935 chosen team of 20,000 United employees devoted SJS startcr, was re - the first set but gave away the Tuck Halsey. to serving the tiaseling public in the Mainliner who was next to Dawldns and Jim lieved by Al Melntryre FREE DELIVERY WITHIN CITY manner. two Richardson of SFS 4-6, 6-3,6-2. relieved by Dale (k-ken, who final- "THE SPIRIT "Flowers could never Offend" The results: ly got the side oust. Do You Meet These Qualifications? Single. 101/2 to 26 OF Oar)ns SF d 144116,11 SJ 6.1 4.3 years of age. between 5'2" and 5'8" in height with Arsll SF d Clone SJ 6.2. 14, The Trojans whacked 16 sa:,_ Sp..krirrnen SF d Srn,H. U 44, 6.6 Vision corrective to 20 '30 ST. LOUIS" d Same) SF 6.I five by San Jose ...... 1.w...... ,...... ,........ ,... proportionate weight. Anger Si ties compared to Waggoner Si d 111.rearee44 56 6.6 44 w in each eye. An attractive appearance and person- James Stewart Barrett* Si d All., Sf 6-4, 6.1 John Rostomily led what might be Oawkineltichardten SF d :4 ality and with either college or public contact ex- in by his role of roles its leelfIsillearretie SJ 44. 5 1. 6-2 loosely termed the SJSattack uri Zile ... 0 perience. Cherie' A. Lindberg Ardell.Splekerntan SF nnil a Anger.Clenie Si 42. 6-2 collectingle.ting 7 pair of cineles Cinemascope - Warner Color SrnithWeggoner Si d , Sornef-Allen SF 43 6.4 Please contact United Air MAUER'S CAFETERIA Lines Employment Office lo- cated at Maintenance Base Open at 1 P.M. Under New Management See end Buy What You Like $ north of San Francisco In- Pizza With A Personlity" HAVENLY FOODS ternational Terminal. Mon- ,UNITED Out Of Me World Restaarant Bungalow Fountain Complete Dinners OPEN We Spec;alits to day through Friday, 8:30 HOUSE of PIZZA 11slfasi Lunch D.nnr Open 7 Days a Week Just 7 DAYS A WEEK In Homemade %;, 1 p.m. or call Juno 8-2424. DELICIOUS GOODIES BANQUETS A SPECIALTY Breakfast Loath- Dinner 1.00 to 1.50 1100 a.m. to 8 00 p.m. Desserfs ku ext. 2563 if the time is not 395 Almaden Ace, CY 7-9908 PRIVATE PARTY ROOMS 6 30 A 6.4 .6 11 PM, convenient. 175 SOUTH FIRST -- ACROSS FROM KRESS 0 New IS. Civic Alditorium CY 3-1412 O. lasthont N. of JoI;an Corner 9t5 1 Wil(i/me it IIIIWIW."0.0,ii."Wei...".Wreo 'V* i’.0’,’,4"..."0’10 'VA 'on:: ".-^-.*"g".PiP--,r-v

Pop 4 SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, May 1.1957 Spring Pinnings, Pushcart Relays Set for Weddings Told and HOWELLGRIGGS business major from Aptos education Phyllis Griggs passed the tra- Marilyn is a freshman pre- major also from Aptos. Wednesday ditional and Fairgrounds box of candy sented her roommates with spring tiRAVELLEBAKENHUS The Puocart-Parade The parade, which precedes the relay races, annual Lambda Chi Alpha nosegays to announce her en- A September wedding is being Relays will under way next Wednesday. May will fallow the theme of "Second Centennial," de- and get gagement to Fritz Howell. Phyllis planned by Ellene Bakenhus 3 p.m at the County Fairgrounds. picting college life 100 years from now. A special 8, at Santa Clara is a junior education major from Noel Orevelle. A. Lambda Chi Al- The annual event reigned over by Mary Centennial trophy will be awarded the winner of will be Downey and Fritz is a sophomore pha, Noel is a senior engineering Eliskovich of Sigma Kappa, this year's Pushcart the parade. psychology major at Fullerton major and Ellene, a February Queen. She was crowned at the Crescent Girl Twenty-six organizations have entered the Junior College. graduate, is a member of Delta Formal held Friday night at Saba in Capitol*. pushcart competition which will consist of 18 races the MVP:IMMO-BOTHA Zeta. She is from Riverside. aSfor first, second and third prize trophies. Also awarded is the per- Jerry Rothe, senior home ec- BROCKTHOMA onomics major, and Angelo Di - Chi Alpha, petual trophy, presently in the John Brock, Lambda engineering to Doris hands of Alpha Tau Omega fra- Vecchio, a former announced his pinning major S. Army, eve- ternity, which won the grand now with the U. Thome at a party Friday were 13 in Daly social sci- prize race over Kappa Alpha so INi. 1:11Pat Do icr v, s r yen of last y pales a nit ng married April ning. John is a junior Kappa Alpha pushcart in the emairity tel.'s, receives the City. A member of Kappa Alpha, Walnut Creek Theta in last year's competition. Theta ence major from winner's George trophy fr Starbird. vitro aas then may or of San Angelo is now stationed in Ger- and Doris is a freshman KP major GROUP "A" Jose. Last was emend ('hi Omega year Alpha Phi and third. many where Jerry plans to join Participants in the men's divi- from San Francisco. him after her graduation. sion, group -A". includes Alpha DONALDSONTAYLOR J ERNIOANCAPELA Tau Omega, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Gamma's Donna Taylor Don Jernigan, Kappa Tau, was pinning last Monday Plan Frats Exchanges, her Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha. revealed married to the former Helen Cap- Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa. Pi night to Bud Donaldson, a Sigma ela at a ceremony held April 14 Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Donna is a senior Parents Days, Dances in the college chapel. Helen is a (coin Alameda Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta education major senior eaucation major and a Chi, Theta Xi, Alpha Phi Omega, ALPHA TAU OMEGA PHI SIGMA KAPPA and Bud is a senior real estate member of Delta Zeta. Don is a and Newman Club. Friday night the ATOs and the The local chapter of Phi Sigma and insurance major (ruin Oak- senior Industrial relations *major. In the "B" division the 12 SJS Sigma ('his joined for a Beach- Kappa was awarded the trophy land. HEALYBUELL sororities will compete. They are combers Ball held at the Los Ran- for 'the outstanding contribution FEttitiS--BEEMAN Beverly Ann Buell announced Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Omicron chos Alemitos. to the recent regional conclave The Delta Gammas were sur- her engagement to Michael Dunne Pi, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Saturday the brothers and the held in Arizona. prised Monday night when Anne Healy recently at the Sigma Kap- Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Delta Gammas held a beach ex- Friday night the brothers will Beeman announced her pinning to pa Spring Dance. Bev is a senior Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa change at Doug Steele's ranch in hold their annual 49er dance at Joe Ferris, Delta Upsilon. Anne education major from Fullerton Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Davenport. the chapter house at Cal. Satur- Is a sophomore art education and Mike Is a sophomore pys- Sigma Kappa, and Phi Mu. New officers for the coming day they will journey to Davis major from' San Francisco and chology major from Chicago. Be The pushcarts are being held at year are Larry Cassou, worthy where the annual "Tahiti Tussle" Joe is a former SJS student from Is a member of Chi PI Sigma, the Fairgrounds in order to ac- master; Don Ryan, chaplain; Nev Is to be held. ALHeall,mAdsbuN Nrg..... professional fraternity. Wedding omodate a larger crowd. es- Griffin, keeper of exchequer; Don LAMBDA CHI ALPHA plans are being made for Septem- K U SS EMOTIONSThe Alpha Tau Omega% have mixed emotions 'wow Nash, keeper of annuals; Bill MIXED Al Stones is representing the ber. Al Altmann, a junier account- Seeepstakes at last year's Pushcart as they capture the Grand Moore, scribe; Dean Lichtenhan. house in the Delta Gamma Anchor ing major and member of Theta Relay& Driver Ruse Bonze and Pusher Jerry Price are shown BOWERHOLMES 'usher; Jack Morgan, sentinel; and Man Contest, his pinning crossing the finish line for the victory. Beverly Holmes announced her Xi, recently announced Doug Steele, house manager. The Mothers Club is sponsoring engagement to Larry Bower at a to Ruth Kuss of Redding. Regis Farley is running in the a rummage sale to be held May recent party. Larry will continue GIFFORDNEWKON Delta Gammas Anchor Man Con- 3. Members and pledges will help his studies at SJS while Beverly Bob Gifford, Delta Sigma Phi. test. during the sale. Proceeds will go his pinning to Barbara Outline announced Sororities completes her dietetic internship DELTA SIGMA PHI towards improvements for the in Valhalla, New York. Newkon at the house dance Fri- Dick Dickson was elected chap- house. Warren Gutzwiller is chair- MARKSHOFELLNG day night. She is a student at Programs ter president of Delta Sigma Phi man for the event. Spring Francisco Lorretta Hofeling announced Burke's School in San Monday night after Don O'Neil ALPHA CHI OMEGA Chi house. Baseball and volleyball PI KAPPA ALPHA her engagement at the Alpha Chi and he is a freshman journalism announced his resignation. The Alpha ('his ac busy will be followed by dinner. The PiKAs will join with the Omega pledge dance to Alan major. A pre -sailors Ball dance was making plans for their annual DELTA GAMMA Sigma Kappas in a social work Marks. A sophomore business held Friday night at Chauteau fashion show which will be held The annual Parents Day barbe- project. They will entertain the major, Loretta is from Redwood Boussy. Guests were the candi- May 19 and 20 at the chapter que will be held at the DG house aged at a home in Milpitas on City. Alan is a junior engineering CSTA Has Party dates for the title of King Nep- house. Saturday for families of Delta May 24. William Reese and Al major at UC and is also from tune's Bride. An all-day outing The SJS chapter of the Cali- The following girls were chosen Gamma pledges and actives. Anne Corral are chairmen. Redwood City. A September wed- will be held honoring the candi- fornia Student Teachers Assn. as Carnation girls for outstanding Beeman is chairman of the event. The pushers for the PIKA en- ding is planned. dates at Adobe Creek Lodge on will hold its 20th birthday party accomplishments to the sorority: DELTA ZETA trant in the Pushcart Relays are May 11. BAULF.KE--BASSETT today at 3:30 p in. in Room 153, Barbara Harrison, Pat Camp, A benefit luncheon and fashion Bob Gadsby, Bill MeCluskey, The queen will be crowned at The eggs in the Easter basket according to Jim Rauen, CSTA Claudette Marque. Dottie Mc- show will be held by the Delta John Colombero, Leo Gonibello, the annual Sailors Ball on May revealed the engagement of Peggy president. Caron. Sandy Cameron, and Pat Zetas Saturday. The proceeds will MARY ELISKOVICH and Charles Bowen. Art Pasquin- 25. Bassett, Sigma Kappa, and Bill Swanson. go into the house fund. The fash- ... Crescent Girl elli will drive. KAPPA TAU Bauleke, Sigma, Alpha Epsilon ALPHA OMICRON PI ion show, to be held at the chap- DELTA UPSILON STATE COLLEGE pecially the many alumni that The annual Spring Formal was Peg is a junior education major An exchange with the Kappa ter house, is under the direction A barbeque exchange with the MARKET are expected to attend. held recently at the Ben Lomand from Butte. Montana and Bill is Taus was held recently by the of Joan Tibbetts and Pat O'Car- Kappa Alpha Thetas is being Fi-e Meets and Gocres I. allowing the relays a bar- Town and Country Lodge. Alumni a senior burliness administration AOPis at the home of Bonnie roll. Models will be Jacky Gump, planned by the DUs for May 1. Reasonable P'., es becued beef dinner will be of Sigma Phi Epsilon were recent major from Glendale. The couple Muir. Swimming and a barbeque Sylvia Guenza. Sonya Bracher, The affair will be held at the DU Open Nights 'III 10 P.M. %erste' in the Exposition Hall at dinner guests of the Kappa Taus. plan a July 6 wedding. highlighted the evening. Gaye Wiggins, Corrine Van Au- house. Corner of 8th & Son Carlos the Fairgrounds at 3:30 p.m. SIGMA (III MORGANROGER Chairmen for Pushcarts are ken, and Vera Bergtholdt. Claire Saturday the brothers held their llekets for the affair are 81 Plans are now being readied for Bob Morgan announced his en- Kitty Crain and Pat Norris. Hightower will be commentator. first Free Load Party at the home and may be purchased In the Sigma Chi's fourth entry in the gagement to Marilyn Roger at a ALPHA PHI Guests will include the Mothers of Bob Spicer in Menlo Park. Outer quad and Student Af- annual Frog Jump at Angels party in his home preceding the Forty visiting Alpha Phis from Club and the San Jose and Palo THETA XI fairs Office. Camp, Calaveras County, on May Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl Utah, Santa Barbara and Cal at- Alto Alumnae groups. The annual Founders Day din- Lambda Chi Alpha, which an- Formal Friday night. Bob is senior CHAPPIE 117-19.

tended the collegiate leadership ner was held Sunday at the Red GAMMA PHI BETA nually sponsors the Crescent Girl I The local chapter, past holders workshop held at the local chap- Barn. William Reiff, an instruc- PARODY ISSUE At the scholarship banquet held contest, chose Dianne Dober and of the International Intercol- ter house last weekend. tor at SJS, was initiated as ad- Monday night Maggie McIver was Marjorie Jackson as attendants to legiate Frog Jump Championship, GM OMEGA viser to the group. presented wjth a bracelet for the the queen. are headed by Joe Filice for this "HODILAY" The Mothers Club will hold a Dick Christiana was recently MEET highest scholarship and Gloria event. dinner May 5 for pledges, ac- pledged to Theta Xi at a formal On Sale Faure received the perpetual SIGMA NU tives. and their families. ceremony. He is from New York. Associated Women Students will bracelet for the greatest improve- A bicycle exchange with the Chi * Spartan Shop An exchange with Sigma Chi Colleges Are Plans are under way for an meet this evening at 4:30 o'clock ment in grades. Pledges of PiKA Omegas was held Friday night. 4411 be held tonight at the Sigma Hawaiian Dance to be held soon in Room 24 for movies on Spain. provided entertainment during the A dinner followed at the Sigma * Cal Book Store at the chapter house. English Majors will not meet banquet. SJS Guests Nu house. SIGMA CHI tonight at the Student Union. The At the spring pledge dance the (continued from page 1) Bill White was announced as This afternoon the Sigma little sisters were presented brace- Chi's meeting will be held at a later ka %Wesleyan University, last semester's outstanding pledge. Occiden- are having an exchange with the date in May. lets by their big sisters. The dance THETA CHI tal College Pomona College. Chi Omega Sorority. After MARY'S Classified a soft- Independent Dousing Council was held Saturday at the River- New officers of Theta Chi are American Mathematical Society. ball game at the 16th and William -FOR 111DIT side Hotel? in Santa Cruz. Janice will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. in College of Pudget Sound, Rich Hill, scholarship chairman; Salon of Style Utah Park, a barbeque dinner will be Room 21 to talk about the picnic. Famished apt. for men. 301 S. Fowler was chairman. Jerry Boggle, State Agricultural College. Humps! and Bill held at the Sigma 5th. CY 7-1758. KAPPA ALPHA THETA Chi house. International Students Organi- University of N e w Merrier), rush chairmen; and Bob Silva, This Sunday is Parents Day at zation will meet today at 3:30 Rms. for boys. 1/S blk. from col- The Theta pledges last night 'Willi chairman. Colorado State College of Edu- Sigma Chi. Parents of the broth- priv., linen $23 per mo. presented their big sisters stuffed p.m. in the Green Room of the lege. Kitch. cation. Deminican College of Theta Chi is one of the three ers will be on hand for a dinner Speech and Drama Building for 47 S. 5th. pillows with the aoronty crest em- SJS sponsoring a San Rafael, University lit Okla- fraternities at the house along broidered on them. The pledges with a pro- a cabinet meeting. Furn. 3-room apt. across from home, stale College rif el'ash- Hungarian student during the re- gram. This is the annual parents Panhellenic Club a ill meet this 2-4508. received bracelets from their big mainder semester. campu, 162 S. 9th St. CY Mgt on, American l's ,e hobs; ieal of the day which is held every year !sisters. and evening at 7 o'clock. Grad student or Facuity man to Aesocia t on, California Instil lite gives the parents a chance 1KAPPA DELTA to get Presbyterian Student Fellow- share new house with Grad stu- of TIT i1114)i 014-y, l'nive rain y of American Colleges, American As- acquainted with their the house and its ship will meet this evening at 6 Friday night the Kris held Calif. at Santa Bastiara. Uni- sociation of Universities Profes- dent owner. CY 3-5857 in P.M. function. o'clock at 99S. 11th St. !spring dance at the Almaden Golf versity of Chicago, College of sors, Mathematical Association of Pall Rental to 4 girls: Tivo large The Brothers of Sigma Chi have Student V meeting tonight at Club. The big sisters were pre- Idaho. La 'erne College, Seat- America, Menlo College, National bedrooms, private kitchen, bath, laid plans for attending the Frog 7 o'clock to open elections for sented with recognition pins by Pacific College, Deans and study, phone. Everything furn- tle Seattle tu- Association of Women Jump at Angel's Camp Introduces the latest in shod the pledges, who received their May 18 new officers. All members please ts ersIty, iVhittier College As- Counselors, American College Pub- hair cuts for summer ished, utilities paid. Reasonable. and 19. Every year the house be on hand. casualness levellers. Shirley DeHaven was sociation of Chit il hood lic Relations Association, Univer- . lot Japanese welcome. 347 So. 12th St Edu- travels to Calaveras County Mary, Joan, Si. or Viola chairman. for Student V pledge -petition com- cational International. sity of Alaska. the event made advise you on S cool, carefree style Varnished rooms 810-15 per mon. Carol famous by Mark mittee will meet tonight at 7:30 Lynne Donato and Sim- University of Rhode Island. Pi Lambda Theta, American lo su;f Kitchen, male students. No drink- Twain. Two years ago the chap- o'clock at the Y. sarian were recent guests of the for Engineering Council Education, liartnell American Society on ter brought home a ing. smoking. CY 3-3308. UCLA chapter. trophy for Tau Delta Phi will meet this Education, Montana State College, College, San .lose Junior College, 252 S. being the world's champion inter- evening at 7:30 o'clock in the 2nd St. WANTED SIGMA KAPPA Montana State University, Uni- College of San Mateo, Golden Gate collegiate frog jumping Sigma Kappa held their spring champ- Tower. A disetiesion on ushering CV) - Open "8714-NG College typing done. versity of Tulsa, National As- College, Coll,ge of Sequoias. Col- ion.. Last year the Slgs took for the President's convocation 3051 house dance Friday night. The of Manufacturers, lege of Southern Oregon Thurs, Wes 2:Se Per pg. Call after 5 p m. CY 1- sociation Uni- Mario, third place. spring pledge dance is planned wit tw held. 0763. versity of Witchite, San Diego Colleen, Scripps College, American for May la at the San Francisco American As Typing of all kinds.- Mrs. M. -Ver- State College, Phi Kappa l'hi, San Scions' of Ilealth, Yacht Club. The annual Junior- German. non. 487 N. 2nd CY 2-0772. Francisco State College, American sociation of Teachers of Senior breakfast will be held the Philosophical Association, Califor- California Maritime Academy. City 'College Typing. Fast sen ice. Rea- next morning. Judy Hanson is nia State Polytechnic College, Uni- College of San Francisco, Stockton sonable rates. l'Y 3-2928. chairman of the dance and Gayle Educational Try College, Portland. American Spring versity of Our her. 6-wk. as. 6/2-0-8/3 Rea*. i-br. (Witham is planning the break- California Congress of Parents Theatre Association. George Pep- for visiting faculty member or fast. and Teachers, Pasadena College. Prrdine College, National Associ- exch. for 3-br. hse. in Pasadena. Tomorrow night the Sigma American Sociological Society, Un- ation of Industrial Teachers Edu- Ed Shulman, Wandosi Ave.. 9510 Kennels will entertain the Gamma iversity of California at Davis, Phi cators, SPECIALS Temple City. Phi Betas at a dessert. Vallejo - - - Delta Kappa, Sweet Bi tar College, San JOS!, Bible College, Root Beer FOR SALM PHI MU California College of Arts and Junior College, iRoosevelt Univer- Chili Beans The pledges of Cises7. Call CY 4-70112aft.6:30. Phi Mu held a Crafts. American Home Econom- sity, California Association of very /411eCNVIII sneak Saturday AfirrefliSfus tors Cid. cowl Reasonable. ies Association, College of Medical Seremda ry Senors! Orangeade Ice Cream _ _ when they took the captured ac- Evangelists. National ?Mei fester. National Criturnittee on Teacher MISf*ELLANISOUSI tives to Capitrda. nIty Conference. University of Education and Professional Stan- Steak BURGERS II Santa Cruz dorm a000nuno.: The pledges will hold an ex- Redlands. Reed College. Fresno dards, California Historical Foun- French illatises $1 a ride at "Beachwood" change with the pledges of Phi State College, Kappa Delta Pi. dation, Los Angeles State College Sandwich SBA op Club conven. to beach. Sigma Kappa from Stanford this Loyola University of Los Ange- Sacramento State College, Amer- ezr:e Burger 111eals served Parties, art classes Saturday. The two groups will les, National Council of Teachers ican Association of Colleges for 1V. etc. Info. CY 3-8987, GA 6- spend the day at the beach and of English. Alliance College, Hum- Teacher Education and Long OPEN 'TIL MIDNIGHT 2357. have a beach dinner. boldt State College Association Of Mach Slate College.