.. California State Library Sacramento 9, California JOHN T. WAHLQUIST ROY E. SIMPSON HERMAN J. HAUCK GOODWIN J. KNIGHT ERNEST 0. MELBY J. E. WALLACE STERLING ROBERT G. SPROUL . .. Leads Convocation ... Speaks for Ed. Offers Invocation . Speaks for People . Gives Main Speech 1 . Stanford Speaker ... U. of C. Speaker Convocation Opens Centennial Fete Colorful Parade Begins Pageant By MIKE BROWN PaZian San Jose State College's Cen- Harvard, St. John's College, Yale, tennial pageant will open tomor- Princeton, Columbia, Phi Beta row with President John T. Wahl- Kappa, Williams, University of quist's Convocation at 10 &mi. in Pittsburgh, Georgetown .Univers- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the Civic Auditorium. The cere- sity, University of North Carolina. monies, VOL. 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1957 which are open to the Union College, University of Louis- public, will be preceded by a color. ville, University of Maryland. f(u ,airaiocs adset proce : sciaonm paul so ntgo Sthane Miami University, nonillion Group Finds mict from College, Colby College, Michigan, Art, Des' n Students auditorium. Indiana Universit y, Amherst, 850 Classes officially still he ex- Washington University. Cast Votes George Two More cused from 9:10 a.m. to 12:30 Layfayette College, New York Hold Group Show p.m. for the opening day event Unisersity, tiettysiburg College, Restrictions In the 10 day celebration, ac- Mercer University, Oberlin Col- On First Day Fifty per cent of all social fra- Leon Berg, a senior art major, Jim Burfee, a junior art major, cording to Dean Stanley C. lege, Wake Forest College, Tu- ternities on the SJS campus have and George McLean, a graduate inferior design major, are being Benz lane University, Emory Univer- An "encouraging.' first day vote in the ASB, Court and Class featured in the first small group racial discrimination clauses in show being sponsored by the Art The procession vaill be the lar- sity, Be rallW, Knox College, offices election was registered yesterday when 850 students marked department. their local or national charters, gest of its kind ever held in San University at Missouri. ballots, according to Curtis Luft, prosecuting attorney. Voting con- The exhibit is in Room 210 of the Humanities according to questionnaires of the Library on the level. Jose and is expected to attract Fordham University, Ohio Wes- tinues today until 3:30 p.m. in the Inner Quad, near the Engineering The artists are showing Oils, Watercolors, Ink drawings, Racial Discrimination S t u dy Lithographs, many spectators. Heading the pro. leyan University, Bucknell Uni- Building and near the Women's Gym. and Mixed Media. All the paintings on Group. exhibit have been completed cession will be units from the Re- versity, University of Buffalo, Races for ASB recording secretary and ASB treasurer are ex- *during the past year. The committee serve Officers Training Corps. Grinnell College. City College of tremely close thus far, Luft said. Forty eight students are running for received this in- N. Eric Oback, instructor in Art. St formation Governor Goodwin J. Knight and New York. State University of the 26 offices at stake. yesterday when the last Social Group is the originator of the show. He two President Wahlquist will follow. Iowa, University of Wisconsin, Don Ryans, ASB vice-president, inquiries from social frater- felt that there was work being Holds nities were American Association for the Ad- Is running unoppord for the ASB Co-Rec received. So far, the done among the students in the Delegates from other college,' only groups Hears Housing vancement of Science, Linfield presidency and Al Walhburg and on this campus that department to warrant such an and unisersitles will march two have College, Pacific University, Dom- Cal Callaway are contending for ls.7Ludent Dance discrimination clauses in exhibit. The idea was received fav- ahre.i.t and ill be flanked on their charters are either side by membera of the inican College of San Rafael. the vice president position, Co-Roe sponsors the first All social frater- Report Tonight orably by Dr. John E. French, Other ASB candidates are Liz Student Folk Dance tonight In the nities. head of the Art Defortment end Centennial graduating class. The Northwestern University, U,11i- The Student Y Social Action Bell and Joan Ocser, recording Women's Gym at 7:30 o'clock as Representatives from IFC and the Art faculty. delegates %sill march in 'hr versity of Santa Clara, Ripon Col- Pledge-Petition Committee will secretary % Kathleen Collins, Mar- part of the weekly activities. As a Panhellenic attended yesterday's Students were nominated for logical order with Dr. John W. lege, University of Minnesota. hear a report tonight on the pro- jorie Jackson, So x Kawauchi, special added attraction they are meeting. These representatives the exhibit by the Art faculty. M. Whiting of Harvard Univer- College of Pacific, Tufts Univer- posed student petition for non- Jeanne McHenry, a n d Richard having Ed Gault, one of the lead- agreed to work with the study The three students selected for sity. which was founded in 1663, sity, Mills College, Western Col- discriminatory housing for SJS P u g h, corresponding secretary: ing San Jose area square dance group to learn the personal opin- the exhibition submitted 35 paint- leading. lege for Women. University of students, according to Mel Powell, Bruce Bush, Chuck Miller and callers, as caller for the evening. ions on the discrimination issue of ings which were judged by Dr. President Wahlguist will pre- San Francisco, Michigan State committee chairman. Grant Salzman treasurer; Mary campus organization members. French, Fred R. Spratt and Ken- side at the ceremonies in the University, Oregon College of Ed- Virginia Buss, Carol Crisler and Six subcommittees will report auditorium and will welcome the ucation. National Education As- The committee agreed to rewrite neth Anvil of the Art staff. Fif- Alice Kunz, female representative to the committee at the meeting guests. The invocation will be of- sociatio. Freeman Airs their recommendations to the teen of these 35 paintings were at large; Bill Sturgeon and Bob which will be held at the Student chosen to be fered by the Rev. Herman J. , organizations and uni. Student Council in light of infor- exhibited. liosfeldt, male representative at Y at 7:30 o'clock. A series of these small group Hauck, S.J.. president of the Uni- versities established after San large. mation received recently. Last Meeting Subcommittees reporting will he exhibits of two and three stu- versity of Santa Clara. Jose State which will be'represent- Court candidates are Bill Biorgo. ASH President Ray Freeman Their recommendations were dents will be held next year. In Congratulations will be ex- ed in the procession are Valparaiso junior male justice, Barbara C. s liar to those of will conduct his last Student roun- the con ro- living groups, person-to-person this way, said Dr. French, the stu- tended to the college by Ray University, Louisiana State Uni- Johnson, Christina Richards, Dor- versial California Assembly bill cil meeting today at 2:35 p.m. in contacts, Spartan Daily, and hand- dents who in a year or two will Freeman, president of the As- versity and Aericuiture and Me- othy A. Williams, female junior No. 758 which would resrict social the Student Union. Top business bills and bulletin boards, Powell be in the professional world can sociated Students, David A. chanical College, Wiieaton College, justice; Ron Ortland and Welvin organizations which have discrim- of the day will be the appointment said. get used to exhibiting their work. Meagerly. president of t he Chapman College, Kansas State Stroud, senior male justice. of the new ASH Prosecuting At- ination clauses in their charters. "Exhibiting is a part of the art- Alumni Assn.; Dr. J. E. Wal- College of Agriculture and Ap- They will present their findings Senior Class candidates include torney and Student Court Chief ist's life," continued Dr. French. lace Sterling, president of Stan- plied Science, University of Mass- and recommendations for publiciz- Caroll Perkins and Jerry Siebes, Justice. The students are all advanced ford University. representing the achusetts, Bates College. Swarth- ing and securing signatures fur president; Alicia Cardona, vice Other items before the Council Cool Wind Today Art students. Berg has studied at private college.; Dr. Robert Gor- more College, University of Den- president; Vivienne Andres, sec- the petition. are the appointment of a Recog- Heavy clouds and a cool ocean Penn State. Nebraska, and is now don Sproul, president of the Un- ver. retary; J ii n e Bibb, treasurer; nition Orimmittee and discussion breeze will be the order of the The committee last week unan- a Fine Arts-Architectural major iversity of California, represent- American AseociatIon of School Penny McCienahan and Betty of the Hungarian Students ex- day. The high for today will be imously approved a resolution for here. He is working toward a spec- ing the state universities; Dr. Administrator.. University of Roberts, representative. pense account. from 68-76. It will be partly cloudy a campus-wide petition for non- ial secondary credential in Art. Roy E. sinvpson, state superin- Kansas, Cornell University, Uni- Junior aspirants are Bill Doug- New ASB officers will take over throughout most of the day. The discriminatory housing at SJS McLean received his AB degree tendent of public. instruction: versity of Kentucky, University las, president; Gerry Reith, sec- the Council next Wednesday. Leav- low for tonight will be from 93-48 and delegated subcommittees for in Fine Arts from Stanford and and Giterniir Knight, represent - of Maine, Carlton College, 0.1. retary: Lavonne Comes, treasurer; ing the Council besides Freeman, with slight winds during the day. investigation. has studied at Mills and Los An.
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