Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications
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^monthly ■MHLOG DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLICATIONS In ordering publications listed in this catalog, it should be noted that only those marked with an asterisk (*) are obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents. Publications marked with a farad (4>) are sold by the Clearinghouse for Fed- eral Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151. Where a single dagger (f) is the distribution symbol, application should be made directly to the department or bureau issuing the document. For sale by Supe ri nt en de nt of Doc ume nt s For sale by Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151 t Distribution made by Issuing Office. Not definitely available if unaccompanied by a price t Printed for Official Use (not available for distribution) • Sent to Depository Libraries SIZES OF PUBLICATIONS Symbols used to designate sizes of publications listed in this catalog are as follows: 4°__________ 6-12 inches high and width more than % of height large 4°______ over 12 inches high and width more than % of height small 4°_____ under 6 inches high and width more than % of height 8°__________ 8-10 inches in height (size not given in entry except where publication is narrow or oblong) large 8°______ 10-12 inches in height 12°_________ 7-8 inches in height 16°_________ 6-7 inches in height 24°_________ 5-6 inches in height 32°_________ 4-5 inches in height 48°__________ up to 4 inches high f°___________ above 12 inches in height narrow______ width less than % of height oblong_______ width more than height MONTHLY CATALOG OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS JANUARY 1967 Number 864 Entries 1-1670 Issued by the SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 : 1967 L.C. Card 4-18088 FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402. PRICE 50 CENTS PER COPY EXCEPT DECEMBER (INDEX) ISSUE, WHICH VARIES IN PRICE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.50 PER YEAR (INCLUDING INDEX) $1.50 ADDITIONAL FOR FOREIGN MAILING PREVIEWS The following publications are in the process of being printed. Advance sales orders may be placed for these publications. Orders will be scheduled and copies mailed as soon as stocks are received. It is not possible to estimate the lapse of time before the publications will actually appear. All information in regard to title, series, classification, distribution, and price given in these list- ings is preliminary and subject to change when the publications actually come from the press. Those so marked will be sent to depository libraries, providing, that at the time of going to press, the libraries were on list to receive the items under which these publications will be distributed. American science manpower, 1964. (National Science Foundation.) $1.25. © NS 1.14/2: 964 Annual report, Department of Defense, fiscal year 1964. (Defense Department.) $1.50. • D 1.1: 964 Annual report of Government patent policy, June 1966. (Federal Council for Science and Technology.) 25c. • Y 3.F 31/16:11/966 Cancer cause and prevention. [Revised 1966.] (Public Health Service, Publica- tion 959.) 20c. • FS 2.2: C 16/6/966 Cancer questions and answers about rates and risks. (Public Health Service, Publication 1514.) 20c. • FS 2.22: C 16/28 Cerebrovascular disorders (strokes). [Revised 1966.] (Public Health Service, Publication 1110, Research profile 2.) 15c. • FS 2.22/43: 2/3 Dialogue on adolescents. (Children’s Bureau, Publication 442.) 30c. © FS 14.111: 442 Digest of educational statistics. [1966 edition.] (Education Office, OE-10024- 66.) $1.00 • FS 5.210:10024-66 Directory of Federal statistics for local areas, 1966. (Census Bureau.) $1.00. • C 3.6/2: St 2/2 Documents on disarmament, 1965. (Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.) $2.00 • AC 1.11/2: 965 Effect of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, on the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project, Anchorage, Alaska. (Geological Survey, Professional paper 545-A.) 35c. • 119.16: 545-A Effect of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, in Copper River Basin Area, Alaska. (Geological Survey, Professional paper 543-E.) 35c. • I19.16:543-E Eye research. (Public Health Service, Publication 1502.) 35c. O FS2.22:Ey3 Fair labor standards act of 1938, as amended. [Revised 1966.] (Wage & Hour & Public Contracts Divisions.) 20c. 0 L 22.5 : F 15/966 Geology of the Arabian Peninsula, Aden Protectorate. (Geological Survey, Pro- fessional paper 560-C.) $1.25. • 119.16: 560-C Grass, the rancher’s crop. (Agriculture Department, Leaflet 346, revised.) 10c. • A 1.35 : 346/2 Growing raspberries. (Agriculture Department, Farmers’ bulletin 2165, revised.) 10c. • A 1.9 : 2165/3 Guide for preliminary design of arch dams. (Reclamation Bureau, Engineering monograph 36.) 25c. • 127.34: 36 How to determine nursing expenditures in small health agencies. [Revised 1966.] (Public Health Service, Publication 902.) 40c. • FS 2.6/2: N 93/2/966 Labor law and practice in Lebanon. (Labor Statistics Bureau, Report 304.) 50c. • L 2.71: 304 Laws relating to forestry, game conservation, flood control and related subjects. [Revised 1966.] (House of Representatives.) $2.00. • Y 1.2 : F 76/4/966 UJ Gov er nme nt Pub li ca ti ons Literary recordings, a checklist of the archive of recorded poetry and literature in the Library of Congress. (Library of Congress.) 70c. • i i. r , LC 2.2: P 75/5/906 Mental health benefits of the Social security amendment of 1965. (Public Health Service, Publication 1505.) 15c. • FS 2.22: So 1/5 Partial hospitalization. (Public Health Service, Publication 1449.) 15c. © n j x i , . FS 2.22 :H 79/2 Prevention and control of narcotic addiction. [Revised 1966.] (Narcotics Bureau.) 20c. • T56.2: N 16/4/966 Reemployment rights of Federal employees who perform duty in Armed Forces. [Revised Nov. 1966.] (Civil Service Commission, Pamphlet 51.) 5c. • CS 148•51/6 Russell Cave National Monument, Alabama. [Revised 1966.] (National Park Service.) 10c. • 129.21: R 91/966 Selected electronic circuitry. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-5046.) 70c. • NAS 1.21: 5046 Structure and metamorphism in the Mono Craters quadrangle, Sierra Nevada, California. (Geological Survey, Bulletin 1221-E.) 50c. • 119.3:1221-E Symposium on the nucleolus. (Public Health Service, National Can cor Institute monograph 23.) $5.00. • FS 2.22/18 *23 The occurrence, chemical quality, and use of ground water in the Tabulbah area", Tunisia. (Geological Survey, Water-supply paper 1757-E.) $1.25. ® 119.13:1757—E This new ocean, a history of Project Mercury. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-4201.) $5.50. • NAS 1.21: 4201 United States Department of Commerce publications, catalog and index, 1965 supplement. (Commerce Department.) 25c. • C 1.2: P 96/supp. 965 White Sands National Monument, New Mexico. [Revised 1966.] (National Park Service.) 10c. • 129.21: W 58/3/966 Your drinking water is safe, let’s keep it that way. (Public Health Service Publication 1511.) $2.50 per 100, single copy 5c. • FS 2.2: W 29/55 Contents Previews ______________________ in Abbreviations, Explanation------------ VI General Information_____________ Vil How To Order Publications________ Vin New Classification Numbers----------- ix Corrections for Previous Monthly Catalogs______________________ ix Classified List of Government Authors- xi Monthly Catalog_________________ 1 Index_________________________ 91 Abbreviations add________________ addition, addendum, n. d________________ no date. addenda, n. p________________ no place. amdt., amdts_______ amendment, amend- no., nos____________ number, numbers. ments. p__________________ page, pages, app________________ appendix, appendixes, p. of pl_____________ pages of plates. bk., bks_____ _______ book, books, par., pars__________ paragraph, para- chap_______________ chapter, chapters. graphs, Cong_______________ Congress. pl__________________ plate, plates, Dept_______________ Department, por________________ portrait, portraits, doc________________ document, pt., pts_____________ part, parts, facslm_____________ facsimile, facsimiles, rp_________________ report. fy_________________ fiscal year. S__________________ Senate, Senate bill. G.H.A_____________ Greenwich hour angle, S. Con. Res_________ Senate concurrent reso- jfl__________________ House. lution. H. Con. Res________ House concurrent reso- S. doe______________ Senate document. lution. S. ex. doc___________Senate executive docu- H. doc_____________ House document. ment. H. ex. doc__________ House executive docu- S. ex. rp____________Senate executive re- ment. port H. J. Res__________ House joint resolution. S. J. Res___________ Senate joint resolution. H.R_______________ House of Representa- S. Res______________ Senate resolution. tives, House bill. S. rp_______________ Senate report, H. Res-------------------- House resolution. sec-------------------------- section, sections, H. rp______________ House report. sess------------------------ session, sessions. 11--------------------------- illustration, illustra- Stat. L_____________ Statutes at large. tions, supp-----------------------supplement. in_________________ inch, Inches, tab------------------------- table, tables. lat------------------------- latitude, Treas______________ Treasury, long_______________ longitude, v__________________ volume, volumes. m__________________ mile. vs., v---------------------- versus. Common abbreviations for the names of S ?s, months, etc., are also used, An explanation of the symbols used to dgnate sizes of publications is given on the Inside of the front cover.